How to take testosterone for weight loss in men. Testosterone preparations - a list of the most effective medications and dietary supplements. Ginger root decoction

Not every man knows that testosterone levels directly affect the intensity of fat deposits formation. So when losing weight, not only diet and calorie counting are important, but also control of the sex hormone in the body.

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in the male body primarily by the testes (testes). Responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, as well as puberty. How can testosterone be used for weight loss in men? How does it affect body weight and, in particular, fat storage?

Why is testosterone needed?

Testosterone is directly involved in many physiological processes. Chief among them:

  • formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • support of normal bone density;
  • muscle growth and fat burning followed by the release of clean energy.

The nominal level of testosterone in the blood of a sexually mature man ranges from 250 to 1100 ng/dL. See also -. Too low or high its concentration negatively affects many physiological processes, including building muscle mass and burning fat. What can cause its deficiency? This happens if, for example, the metabolism is disturbed or the man has diseases of the reproductive system (for example, varicocele with a significant deterioration in blood flow).

Interesting fact – female body testosterone is also produced (synthesis occurs in the ovaries). But its level is several times lower than that of a man.

The role of testosterone in weight loss

Several decades ago, a group of scientists led by Fareed Saad, a renowned professor, conducted a study on the effect of testosterone levels on body weight in men aged 18 to 83 years. Of all the subjects, those who simultaneously had excess fat mass and low levels of the sex hormone were selected. Next, they were given quarterly injections of synthetic testosterone (it does not differ from organic testosterone in its biochemical formula). The results were not long in coming - over the next 5 years, each of the men who received the injections lost weight dramatically. On average - 16 kilograms (depending on initial body weight). At the same time, they did not change their lifestyle and diet in any way. None of them played sports or tried to lose weight on the advice of nutritionists. And after the tests, it was also discovered that these subjects had sharply increased levels of triglycerides and simple cholesterol in the blood - fatty compounds that, when broken down, release clean energy.

What can be concluded? Testosterone levels directly affect the breakdown of fat deposits. The higher it is, the faster man loses excess fat mass. And if you also optimize nutrition by using a carbohydrate-protein diet, then as a result a man will quickly lose weight, losing fat, but at the same time gaining useful muscle mass. By the way, if you take 1 kilogram of muscle and fat, the latter will be almost 3-4 times larger in volume. That’s why a pumped-up man weighs relatively a lot, but he doesn’t have obesity or folds on his stomach and sides.

How to quickly increase testosterone levels

The simplest and effective method raising testosterone is the inclusion in the diet of foods that represent natural aphrodisiacs. The most famous among them is, for example, ginseng root, an extract from which is included in many drugs to enhance erectile function (such as Zolotoi Konok or similar in composition). These products may also include:

  • carrot;
  • lemons (and other fruits with high content vitamin C);
  • lean meat (chicken breasts);
  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • avocado;
  • black olives;
  • sour cream.

Additionally, every calorie should count. Their daily norm for an adult man from 18 to 30 years old is 3000 kcal, for those aged from 30 to 60 – 2800 kcal. The specified norm should not be exceeded. Scientists also recommend following these rules to increase testosterone:

  1. Use dietary supplements and various kinds food additives, which contain zinc.
  2. Reduce estrogen levels (cauliflower and sauerkraut will help).
  3. Do not use colognes, disposable tableware and synthetic fabrics, as they contain high concentrations of xenoestrogens.
  4. Sleep at least 6-8 hours every day.
  5. Avoid stress and depression, and if necessary, seek help from a psychologist as soon as possible.
  6. Play sports. Ideal option– periodic strength training.
  7. Don’t forget about your libido – have sex as often as possible.
  8. Avoid alcohol. You should also not eat soy (including protein concentrate from it, which is often used to gain muscle mass) and grapefruit.
  9. Walk as often as possible outdoors(preferably outside the city).

All these simple tips will help you literally within 1-2 months intermediate level increase testosterone in the blood by 2-3 times. You just need to take a test first, and then do it monthly to monitor the level of sex hormones.

It is also worth mentioning that the concentration of testosterone may be disrupted under certain conditions. chronic diseases(varicocele, prostatitis, tumors in the reproductive system). As a result, the man quickly gains weight, although no dramatic changes was not in his lifestyle or diet. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist in this regard, in order to exclude the factor of physiological disruption of the synthesis of sex hormones by the testes and adrenal cortex.

Testosterone injections

Another option quick recovery testosterone levels - these are hormonal injections. There are 3 types.

  1. Short type. They are done intramuscularly every 2-3 days. The effect is immediate, weight loss begins on days 5-7. But the injections themselves are very painful and there is a risk that the body will begin to produce less of the hormone on its own.
  2. Medium type. Performed monthly intramuscularly. The effect is the same as from short-acting injections, but the cost of the drugs is much higher.
  3. Long-term type of action. They are given quarterly intravenously. The main advantage is that the natural production of testosterone is not suppressed. The only negative is the very high cost.

Should you agree to testosterone injections? On the one hand, fat will really be burned quickly, and along with it, body weight will decrease. Doctors say that this method is allowed only in cases where a man is diagnosed with obesity, but many athletes also abuse it. On the other hand, you need to understand that any hormone therapy is a direct intervention in physiological processes the body and the reaction to them will be purely individual. However, losing excess weight has a positive effect on work cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases. Accordingly, you should agree to injections only in cases where it is impossible to get rid of fats by other methods.

By the way, synthetic testosterone international classification is a steroid, so it is prohibited for use by competition participants. But it has gained enormous popularity among bodybuilders, for whom every new gram of muscle mass is of great importance.

Before agreeing to this type of injection, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for them:

  • carcinoma or suspected prostate cancer;
  • nephrosis or nephrotic stage jade;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • impaired renal and liver function (for example, pyelonephritis);
  • muscle paralysis;
  • neurological diseases.

Before starting therapy, blood must be taken for analysis to determine the initial level of sex hormones.

Combining the use of testosterone and physical activity

Allowed sports load with a sharp artificial increase in testosterone levels (with aphrodisiacs or injections). In fact, in this ratio you can not only burn excess fat, but also increase muscle mass at the same time. See also -. This is allowed, but only if you follow a carbohydrate-protein diet. No muscle will begin to grow on its own due to a decrease in body fat. This requires protein, that is, protein. And so that the body does not become depleted, it needs carbohydrates, which are converted into glucose during the day, which releases energy during breakdown.

The easiest option to quickly replenish your protein reserves is a low-carb egg shake. It is better to take quail eggs; the percentage of pure protein in them is significantly higher. For one serving of the cocktail you will need about 5 of these eggs, as well as a banana and a mixture of a glass of milk and whey. It should be consumed during the so-called carbohydrate window, which occurs immediately after the end strength training and lasts 30-50 minutes. The composition includes " fast carbohydrate", which turns into energy after 2-3 hours, as well as protein, which the body absorbs at an accelerated pace.

Of course, you will also need a special sports diet. Its essence is simple - avoid fatty, fried foods, as well as various kinds of sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise), and, in addition, you need to eat in small portions up to 7-9 times a day. The optimal diet will consist of vegetables, fruits, chicken breasts, low-fat milk, cottage cheese, eggs (fresh and boiled), various kinds of cereals and cereals. ABOUT fatty foods You shouldn’t forget either, but its percentage of the total daily diet should be gradually reduced. Best option– consult a nutritionist about this in advance.

And the most important thing is to control testosterone levels, because its excess also negatively affects health. In this case, the male body will process an excessive amount of vitamins, which will provoke vitamin deficiency, and with it a deterioration in the condition of the skin.

How to prevent low testosterone levels

It is important not only to raise the level of testosterone in the blood, but also to maintain it optimal level. How to do this? Doctors recommend just sticking healthy image life, give up bad habits, optimize your work/rest schedule and don’t forget about women. In addition, you will need to be examined at least once a year by a proctologist, as well as an endocrinologist. And the harbinger sharp fall Testosterone levels result in a rapid increase in fat mass, as well as a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair.

In summary, testosterone plays a significant role in the process of losing weight and gaining muscle mass. But you should think twice before agreeing to injections with a synthetic hormone, because there are dozens of methods to increase its level naturally. At the time of using such therapy, you should be constantly monitored by an endocrinologist and nutritionist, and also do not forget about all their other recommendations.


Olga Zhirova

Comments: 17 .

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Recently I firmly decided to lose weight... I went on the Internet, and there is so much here, my eyes are wide open!! Now I don’t know what to do, where to start.. That’s why I’m turning to you! How did you lose weight? WHAT REALLY HELPED?? I'd really like to deal with this on my own. overweight, without nutritionists and doctors..

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    Well, I don’t know, for me most diets are bullshit, they just torture yourself. No matter how much I tried, nothing helped. The only thing that helped me lose about 7 kg was X-Slim. I found out about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who also lost weight.

    P.S. Only I’m from the city and couldn’t find it on sale here, so I ordered it online.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, it’s also indicated in the article) I’ll duplicate it just in case - X-Slim official website

    Rita 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Rita, it’s like you fell from the moon. Pharmacies are grabbers and even want to make money from it! And what kind of scam can there be if payment is made after receipt and one package can be received for free? For example, I ordered this X-Slim once - the courier brought it to me, I checked everything, looked at it and only then paid. At the post office it’s the same, there is also payment upon receipt. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes and shoes to equipment and furniture.

    Rita 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

The hormonal background of any person has a certain influence on his figure. A significant role in weight correction is played by the work of hormones - for example, testosterone is of great importance for weight loss. To lose weight, both men and women need to maintain its content in the blood according to the characteristics of their gender. Control over how intensively the accumulation of fat occurs in the body is carried out precisely due to the content of testosterone.

To reduce weight to the desired level, you need to carefully monitor how many calories are entering the body and create a diet taking into account the composition of the products. Proper nutrition is the key to the effectiveness of any diet. The greatest results when losing weight can be achieved if the effect on the body is carried out comprehensively. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to consider physical activity at a level that is optimal for the body. Exercises should be dosed so that they do not cause problems, do not cause serious fatigue and help to gradually get rid of excess weight.

People who are seriously involved in sports carefully monitor the concentration of hormones in the body. Their quantity influences the formation of fat deposits. An increased level of hormones is observed in the blood during training and two to three hours after its completion.

Testosterone and general information about it

The hormone testosterone is produced by the testes of men and the ovaries of women. The hormone is also produced by the adrenal cortex in both male and female representatives. Testosterone is no less important for the female body than for the male body. Its norm is in the range of 11-33 nmol/l in men; in women, the level is considered normal at 0.31-3.78 nmol/l.

For the male part of humanity, it is considered preferable when testosterone in the blood is slightly elevated. This is great when trying to get rid of excess weight.

On the contrary, in women, with an increase in testosterone levels in the blood, the likelihood of developing obesity increases significantly. Overweight can develop if you actively consume high-calorie foods in significant quantities, with little physical activity, long-term emotional tension that does not allow the body to recover.

Testosterone for women for weight loss should be kept under control. When its concentration decreases, the effect on the state of the body is also negative. With a decrease in testosterone, rapid loss of muscle mass occurs. Despite the fact that the weight is somewhat reduced, not everyone likes this prospect. A woman’s appearance in this condition also undergoes changes, but not at all for the better.

Because speed metabolic processes decreases noticeably muscle tissue gradually changes to fat layer. This fact has a significant impact on emotional state. With constant despondency and irritation with one’s appearance It is unlikely that changes for the better in health will be achieved. Therefore, it is worth taking measures to help keep testosterone normal.

The main influence on the female body is exerted by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. To bring hormonal levels back to normal, drugs containing them are used. Prescription of medications is carried out by the doctor after the patient undergoes the necessary tests and their results are received.

How testosterone can affect your health

The hormone called testosterone is considered male, since it is responsible for the processes taking place in the male body. Due to this hormone, differences between the different sexes are felt. Testosterone has quite wide functions. In particular, they include:

  • Ability to control sexual desire;
  • Efficient storage correct ratio muscle and fat tissues in the body;
  • Ensuring control over proper work reproductive system;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Breakdown of fats and prevention of their deposition inside the body;
  • Control over the functionality of the sebaceous glands;
  • The process of protein synthesis in the body is accelerated;
  • The blood glucose level is brought to the desired level;
  • Prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • A person notices a surge of vigor, due to which his activity noticeably increases;
  • The state of overfatigue is prevented;
  • Active functioning as an antidepressant;
  • Reducing the level of lipids and cholesterol in the body;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system are prevented;09/25/2018.

If the body is regularly exposed to feasible physical activity, thanks to the activity of the hormone testosterone, the destruction of protein structures that may be involved as additional source energy. This helps maintain good muscles when playing sports, eliminating the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

The functions of the hormone are quite diverse. If we take into account that testosterone burns fat, it becomes clear that if its content in tissues and blood decreases, obesity can begin. When men suffer from a lack of a hormone in the body, it is easy to determine by quite noticeable signs:

  • In middle-aged men, the skin dries out and many wrinkles appear.
  • Marked pathological diseases cardiovascular system. They may be accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, there is often a significant increase in sweating.
  • Mental disorders, suffering emotional sphere. The sick person may complain about sudden change mood without apparent reason, often noted depressive disorders, fatigue sets in very quickly even with minor loads. After a long rest, recovery of strength is insignificant. It may be difficult to fall asleep, which affects concentration, memory deteriorates due to lack of sleep, physical effort is difficult, and stress becomes quite difficult to bear.
  • Pathological conditions endocrine system, which are not related to the work of the genital organs. The onset of obesity is noted, and gynecomastia begins, in which mammary gland tissue noticeably grows. The amount of hair on the body and face is reduced.
  • There are problems with work excretory system, more often than usual there is a desire to get rid of the contents of the bladder.
  • Disorders of the reproductive system begin. When examined by a doctor, testicular atrophy may be detected, the patient may complain of premature ejaculation or a significant decrease in sexual desire.
  • There are excruciating pains in the muscles and bones, the muscles weaken. Often there is a decrease in the percentage of muscle mass in relation to adipose tissue, bones become fragile.

If any of the symptoms listed above are detected, you can consider it as a reason to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe hormone tests. The amount of testosterone will also be checked.

How to bring testosterone levels back to normal

The amount of testosterone for weight loss in men – important indicator. If deviations from the desired level are detected, correction must be made. If you do not meet the norm, it will be difficult to lose weight.

It has been noted that the concentration of testosterone becomes much lower with age, and this is especially acute in men aged 40-50 years. Patients may complain about problems with erectile function, talk about severe fatigue at low loads. They feel a constant loss of strength, which adversely affects their performance. People who are overweight experience insufficient content testosterone hormone.

To bring testosterone levels to normal, medications containing hormones are used. A specialized diet may also be prescribed, which includes in the list of foods those that can stimulate testosterone production in a natural way in quantities corresponding to the norm. To improve results, it is necessary to develop and follow a daily routine and add small physical activities to it.

To provide content male hormone normal, it is recommended to consume foods from the following list:

  • Vegetables - any kind.
  • From fruits greatest benefit they will bring oranges and pears. Melons and pineapples, persimmons and grapes are useful.
  • Adding cereals rich in fiber to the menu helps improve blood circulation and stimulate testosterone synthesis.
  • Seafood brings great benefits; crabs or shrimp are good. They have a lot fatty acids and zinc. In the male hormone molecule, zinc is the main component.
  • Nuts represent good source fats, due to plant origin the absorption of all the necessary components occurs quite easily. Fats take an active part in improving testosterone production, so you should definitely include nuts in your menu.
  • Nutritional supplements including D-aspartic acid. The reception is carried out in a course.

When compiling a diet, you should not only make regular use of the products on the list, but also remove flour, sweets, and foods with increased content fat It is recommended to avoid overwork if possible. To get the desired effect, you should adjust your sleep schedule and try to increase physical activity. By turning to specialists for help, you can get recommendations that will help increase the content in the body. the right hormone without using medications.

It is not always possible to establish independent production of the hormone. In such cases, an andrologist or endocrinologist may prescribe an additional appointment medical supplies, which contain testosterone in finished form. They are used in the form of solutions for injections made subcutaneously or intramuscularly. There are medications for oral administration, in the form of pills or capsules, or applied to a patch that is glued to the surface of the skin in certain areas.

There is no need to be afraid of taking such drugs. The doctor prescribes them only after tests have clearly shown the need for such a step. The use of such products is harmless, if the instructions are followed, it is of great benefit and helps eliminate testosterone deficiency.

For all its effectiveness replacement therapy rendering useful action will be short-lived. In order to improve the condition of the body if there is a lack of a hormone, it is necessary to find the reason why it is missing. To do this, you need to increase your physical activity, try to improve your diet, ensure your sleep schedule is established, and try to get proper rest. Then the treatment will pass more effectively, and the results can be preserved for a long time.

Drugs in tablet form

Testosterone preparations available in tablet form are considered more convenient to use than injections. When carrying out therapy in this way healing effect develops much better, and sexual function improves. But drugs of this kind also have disadvantages - the body is not able to retain active substance. The most popular drugs in this category: Halotestin, Andriol, Proviron, Metadren.


Stimulants help in activating processes that improve the body's natural production of the hormone. Everyone's reserves are individual, and for some cases drugs with a stimulating effect are more suitable. You can list such tools as Evo-Test, Vitrix, Animal Test.

It is necessary to take stimulants only after a conversation with a doctor. For the prescribed therapy to be effective, the dosage must be carefully observed. Self-medication can bring undesirable consequences.

Supplements that increase testosterone

Dietary supplements will not help with serious problems with hormonal levels - they are recommended for those who want to build muscle mass, athletes, bodybuilders, or are recommended for those who want to enhance male sexual function. Supplements also help improve vascular tone. Drugs for these purposes can be recommended such as Paritet, Tribulus, Testogenone, Prostatinol.

Testosterone performs important role for the proper functioning of the body, deviations from the norm bring enough unpleasant consequences. For correction hormonal levels and weight loss can be helped by drugs for the production of testosterone.

Civilized countries are overwhelmed by the epidemicobesity . But if earlier this problem worried women more, now doctors are talking with alarm about the increase in excess weight andobesity among men. Moreover, they are much more difficult to treat well by known means. And this threatens not only many diseases - cardiovascular and oncological, diabetes, etc., but also threatens sudden death at a young age. Therefore modern evidence-based medicine looking for special treatment optionsobesity in men.

Why does a man need a waist?

When a man comes to the doctor complaining of rapid weight gain, the first thing he should do is measure the patient’s waist. Many patients are surprised by this: what does my figure have to do with it?

Figure 1. Increasing prevalence of obesity in the United States (data from the Center for Disease Control Unfortunately, the same trend is observed throughout the world.

However, today the main criterion for the diagnosis of “obesity” is waist circumference. And if you want to stay healthy and remain a man until the very old age, then you should watch your own waist just as jealously as women. Every man should know: if his waist circumference is more than 94 cm, this is evidence of obesity. And if it exceeds 102 cm, then in addition to obesity, he most likely has a deficiency of testosterone - the hormone that makes a man a man in every sense of the word.

This fact is confirmed by serious medical research. So, in Norway, in the city of Tromso, doctors examined 1,548 men. The examination was simple - they simply measured waist circumference and testosterone levels. However, the results were stunning: all men whose waist circumference was greater than 102 cm had significantly reduced testosterone levels (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Results of the Tromsø study

Identify and treat testosterone deficiency special drugs Only a doctor can. Self-medication is dangerous!

The need to treat hypogonadism, that is, testosterone deficiency, today does not cause andrologists (specialists in men's health) no doubt. Such recommendations are made by respected organizations in the medical community: the International Society of Andrology (ISA), the International Society for the Study of the Health of Older Men (ISSAM), the European Association of Urology (EAU), the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).

It has been unequivocally proven that testosterone deficiency is a factor maintaining male obesity, and main reason ineffectiveness of diets and physical activity recommended for weight loss. But still, some experts continue to argue that with a decrease in body weight, testosterone levels will increase “by itself,” since adipose tissue will be eliminated, that is, the factor that caused the decrease in testosterone. Theoretically, this would seem to be true. But numerous studies in practice confirm that achieving good results weight loss without correcting testosterone deficiency is impossible.

Disagreements arise because appropriate unified recommendations for doctors have not yet been created. To create such international medical recommendations this or that concept must be confirmed by large evidence-based medical studies.

What did the Russian study show?

The purpose of the study was to determine whether normalizing testosterone levels helps weight loss in obese men. It involved 170 patients diagnosed with obesity and testosterone deficiency. All patients were given the same recommendations for proper nutrition and increased physical activity. At the same time, 105 patients received intramuscular medication (testosterone undecanoate), and 65 patients received a dummy drug, i.e. they did it too intramuscular injections, however, they did not contain testosterone.

After 30 weeks, patients who received testosterone in addition to the diet had a significant decrease in waist circumference (by an average of 6 cm - Fig. 3), and also decreased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and atherogenic lipids - substances that increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Their sexual function also improved, general condition, depression disappeared. In addition, these patients had decreased concentrations of inflammatory markers - biologically active substances, which are produced by adipose tissue and lead to the development cardiovascular diseases and their complications (heart attack and stroke).

In patients who received a placebo drug, waist circumference also decreased (by an average of 2 cm), but testosterone levels not only did not normalize, but the symptoms of its deficiency did not disappear - sexual dysfunction and depression. Their lipid levels (cholesterol and triglyceride levels) did not change either.

Everyone knows what aphrodisiacs are - products that increase libido and enhance sexual desire for the opposite sex. But not everyone knows why they act this way. And the secret is simple - they increase testosterone levels in the body. It is a male sex hormone responsible for reproductive system and potency. Women also produce it, but in much smaller quantities.

And certainly few people know how important testosterone is for weight loss. If its level in the body does not reach normal levels, it will be difficult to cope with the problem of excess weight. There is only one way out - to speed up and increase its synthesis by any means.

About the hormone

Testosterone is an androgen, a sex hormone. The source is cholesterol, produced by Leydig cells located in the adrenal cortex, as well as in men - in the testes, in women - in the ovaries. Responsible for virilization in boys and androgenization in girls.

IN pure form practically useless. Only after exposure to the enzyme 5α-reductase is it formed active form- dihydrotestosterone. It is he who is able to influence the androgen receptors of target organ cells.

Functions performed by testosterone in the male body:

  • participation in the formation and development of genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics (providing a low and rough voice, masculine traits face, body hair);
  • stimulation of sperm production;
  • regulation of sexual behavior, increased libido;
  • activation of nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism;
  • increase in muscle mass, highlighting the relief of the body;
  • acceleration of protein synthesis;
  • fat burning;
  • increased erythropoiesis (production of red blood cells), decreased cholesterol;
  • android distribution of subcutaneous fat;
  • increasing strength and endurance;
  • prevention of heart disease.

In the body of women:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • regression of the follicle in the ovaries;
  • regulation of the balance of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

Normal testosterone levels are:

  • in men - 11-33 nmol/l (300-1,000 ng/dl);
  • in women - 0.24-3.8 nmol/l (7-78 ng/dl), but during pregnancy it increases 3 times.

Hormone deficiency is called hypogonadism (if the low level is caused by congenital pathologies, most often of the testicles) or hypotestosteronemia (if lifestyle or past diseases are to blame for the deficiency).

Interesting fact. Men like to say that they are more honest and straightforward than women. In 2012, a study was conducted that not only confirmed this fact, but also scientifically explained. It turns out that the higher the level of testosterone in the body, the more sincere the person.

Excess weight and testosterone

In the course of research, it was found that it increases in proportion to the decrease in testosterone levels. However, in this matter, scientists are faced with a “chicken and egg” effect. It is still unclear: this overweight reduces testosterone or first androgen production decreases, and against this background it appears overweight bodies. One way or another, they are definitely connected.

One of the main functions of the hormone is to build muscle mass, which replaces adipose tissue. Therefore, it helps men not so much to lose weight as to gain body definition. To do this, they take synthetic testosterone steroids. But similar drugs- a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they really beautifully outline the abs and muscles on the body. On the other hand, with an overdose, the risk of obesity increases, since in large quantities androgen begins to be converted into estradiol, the female sex hormone.

You can find out how testosterone and fat are related to each other from the results of a week-long study. The table shows how its amount affects lean muscle mass and fat deposits in a man’s body under conditions of intense strength training:

So, the lower your testosterone level, the more excess weight and body fat you have.

This is interesting. The higher the level of testosterone in a man’s body, the stronger his love for hot seasonings and spices containing capsaicin. And it is known to be one of the best fat burners and promotes weight loss.

Deficiency Symptoms

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency

To lose weight, you first need to take hormone tests to make sure that it is this androgen that is to blame for excess weight. You can suspect him of this by the presence of certain symptoms:

  • for men - erectile dysfunction, lack of hair growth;
  • fatigue, irritability, mood swings;
  • muscle atrophy, weak bones;
  • increase in fat deposits in the abdominal area;
  • development diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • decreased sexual desire, libido;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders.

If the problem of excess weight is accompanied by similar symptoms, perhaps the problem is hypotestosteronemia, and for effective weight loss you'll have to get rid of it.

Research data. If a man's testosterone level is reduced by 10%, he is effeminate, soft and sensitive. If, on the contrary, it is higher than the norm by the same 10%, notes of aggression, even cruelty, appear in the character, and the instinct of self-preservation is muffled.


The reasons for decreased testosterone levels can be different - from congenital pathologies to poor nutrition. The most common of them:

  • chronic diseases (varicocele, prostatitis, oncology of the reproductive system);
  • alcoholism;
  • pathologies of the pituitary gland (for example, hyperprolactinemia);
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • hypogonadism;
  • abuse of sweets and other simple carbohydrates, overeating;

Purely male reasons- prostatitis, lack of strength training, obesity. For women, long-term low-fat diets.

Hypotestosteronemia can be caused by taking a number of drugs:

  • synthetic hormones: danazol, buserin, nafarelin, nandrolone decanoate, octreotide, stanozolol, cyproterone, goserelin, leuprolide, levonorgestrel, metyrapone, methandrostenolone;
  • synthetic glucocorticosteroids: dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, prednisone;
  • diuretics: spironolactone;
  • anticonvulsants: carbamazepine;
  • gastric: cimetidine, magnesium sulfate;
  • antitumor: cyclophosphamide;
  • antifungal: ketoconazole;
  • hypolipidemic: pravastatin;
  • antipsychotics: thioridazine;
  • antibiotics: tetracycline.

Reception birth control pills may also contribute to the development of hypotestosteronemia in women. Herbs that lower androgen levels include mint, licorice and stevia.

If the reason low level hormones began to take the above-mentioned drugs and herbs, to lose weight you will have to give them up and select appropriate analogues.

Note to women. Are you glad that your man has increased testosterone levels? Don't rush: according to statistics, in 35% of cases this leads to adultery and inconstancy on his part.

How to increase it

To increase the level of the hormone, you need to contact an andrologist or endocrinologist. They are the ones who refer you for tests and prescribe appropriate medications. These could be:

  • testosterone esters: cypionate, enanthate, propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate - injection solutions;
  • composite preparations (steroid mixes): Sustanon, Omnadren, Androbol, Andropen, Triolandren​, Deposterone​, Test 400, Equitest​, Nandrobol 250 - injection mixtures of testosterone esters;
  • tablets: Andriol, Undecanoate, Methyltestosterone;
  • gels: Androgel, Testim - for external use;
  • suspensions: Aquatest, Testosus, Anabolic-TS, Univet, Aquaviron, Agovirin - injection solutions.

August 16, 2014 in the Russian Federation due to too large quantities side effects and potency of action, some injectable testosterone drugs are banned:

  • Testosterone propionate;
  • Nebido;
  • Sustanon-250;
  • Omnadren-250.

The same list included Andriol TK capsules. In this regard, athletes and bodybuilders currently give testosterone injections, mainly suspensions. Often added to the syringe:

  • other anabolic drugs(fat or water), nandrolone, equipoise - for gaining muscle mass;
  • vitamin B12, novocaine or lidocaine to reduce pain.

To avoid side effects, injections are made in different places. The course is no more than 5 weeks.

Tablets are not as effective as injections. They cannot be taken on an empty stomach and during treatment (about 3 weeks) it is necessary to significantly reduce fat intake.

The ban on many testosterone drugs is associated with their dangerous and unpleasant side effects, among which:

  • gynecomastia, swelling, ;
  • inhibition of the body's own testosterone production;
  • testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy;
  • alopecia, acne;
  • temperature rise, false symptoms influenza throughout the entire course of taking the drug;
  • increase in bad cholesterol;
  • toxic effect on the liver (in case of overdose).

It is strictly forbidden to take testosterone for weight loss without a doctor's permission. Uncontrolled hormone replacement therapy is dangerous to health. The dosage and course of treatment are usually selected individually, based on test results.

About drugs. Today, more than 30 anabolic steroids are known that replicate the structure of testosterone and perform its functions. However, they are all just synthetic compounds.

It is possible to increase the level of testosterone in the body for the purpose of losing weight without taking synthetic drugs.


Firstly, this can be done through nutrition. What you need:

  • reduce fat intake;
  • focus on complex rather than simple carbohydrates;
  • stick to daily calorie content, especially for slimming your body.

Include foods that increase testosterone levels in your diet every day:

  • carrot;
  • lemons, tangerines, oranges;
  • chicken breast;
  • avocados, nuts (be careful with them, as they are quite fatty);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • black olives;
  • sour cream;
  • colored and sauerkraut(reduce estrogen levels, which suppresses testosterone production);
  • foods rich in zinc: oysters, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, some cheeses (Cheshire, Lancaster), pumpkin seeds.

Drink decoctions of aphrodisiac herbs:

  • Tribulus terrestris;
  • muir puama;
  • polygonum multiflora;
  • Peruvian maca root;
  • Smilaxa forget-me-not;
  • ginseng;
  • Rhodiola rosea.

Eliminate androgen-lowering foods from your diet (or minimize their consumption):

  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • grapefruits;
  • salt, sugar;
  • caffeine;
  • imported meat (it is believed that it can be stuffed with female hormones that are fed to pigs), fatty meat, lard;
  • fast food;
  • milk;
  • yeast bread;
  • vegetable oils (with the exception of olive and nut oils);
  • smoking

Against the backdrop of intense sports, with such a diet, the level of androgen hormone can be increased by 2 times in just 2-3 months.


To increase testosterone levels, you need to exercise. The training should be:

  • high intensity;
  • explosive;
  • maximally overloading the muscles;
  • short (5-30 min.);
  • intervals, but the rest time between sets should be minimal (up to 30 seconds).

To lose weight after such workouts, you must definitely consume high-quality whey protein. He's different high concentration branched amino acids (for example, leucine), which help increase androgen levels.

  1. Use dietary supplements with zinc (Thompson Zinc, Zincite, Doppel Herz Aktiv “From A to Zinc”, Now Foods, Oligo Zinc, Vita Zinc, Zink Chelate, Zincosan, Zinc spirulina).
  2. Sunbathe.
  3. Do not use low-grade, cheap colognes and deodorants, synthetics, disposable tableware, household cleaning products, and do not drink tap water: they contain high concentrations of xenoestrogens that block the synthesis of androgen hormones.
  4. Organize good sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  5. Avoid worries, stress and depression.
  6. Spend more time outdoors.
  7. Give up bad habits.
  8. Optimize your work and rest schedule.
  9. Be examined by an endocrinologist annually.

Testosterone levels are important for weight loss, primarily for men, but women should not exclude the fact that this hormone may be to blame for the problem of excess weight. Since it's not good to joke with him, don't try to treat him. on our own- this is fraught with complications and side effects. Only strict adherence to all medical recommendations can contribute to the normalization of its production, and therefore to the creation of a beautiful, athletic figure without a hint of fat deposits.

What will a woman have muscle mass– sluggish and flabby or elastic and strong – depends on the work testosterone. If there is a lack of testosterone in a woman’s body, then her muscle mass will decrease. Metabolism will slow down, and the woman will begin to gain weight.

And vice versa - normal level testosterone ensures that your exercise and healthy eating will pay off handsomely: you will have elastic, beautiful muscles.

When, during menopause, testosterone in a woman’s body becomes less and less, fat deposits form, primarily in the area mammary glands and belly. Testosterone tends to influence the formation of new muscles. It also helps keep them in good shape.

The older you are, the more significant testosterone loss you can expect. To maintain normal metabolism and muscles, you need a reasonable balance of testosterone and estradiol.

Testosterone is important for building bones

Bone tissue - its condition - also depends on the level of testosterone in the body. If there is enough testosterone, this is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

The effect of testosterone on bone health is even more powerful than that of female hormone estrogen is a recognized “positive” hormone that tends to protect tissue and bones from damage.

When a woman begins menopause, she begins to rapidly lose the hormones estradiol and testosterone, which are extremely important for strong bones and muscles.

This process takes place much faster than in men - their period of weakening body tissue lasts for years, since they lose testosterone much more slowly and in small quantities.

This must be taken into account and be sure to check your hormonal levels in time.

Testosterone against chronic fatigue syndrome

This hormone, like no other, helps a woman feel more alert and toned. Research shows that adequate levels of testosterone help fight chronic fatigue, fatigue.

There are situations when a woman who takes vitamins and has healthy sleep, as well as the menu, still feels fatigue, weakness, weakness.

Such women definitely need to undergo testing for testosterone levels in the blood. Otherwise, she may never identify the reasons for her negative state.

How does testosterone affect a woman's brain?

Testosterone has the property of activating the functioning of sex receptors through commands from the brain. That is, having a sufficient level of testosterone in the body, a person (men and women) has everything in order with sexual desire.

But that's not all. Testosterone affects areas of the brain in such a way as to improve a woman's mood, reduce depression and promote a feeling of satisfaction.

Thanks to testosterone, a person can better remember, concentrate, and perceive new knowledge.

Therefore, if you have mood swings, absent-mindedness and even depression, you should simply check your testosterone levels. If you have a shortage of this hormone, you should replenish its reserves, and the problem with depressive state can be easily removed.

What are the dangers of elevated testosterone levels?

Reason increased level Testosterone may be produced excessively by the genitals or taken in the form of chemicals.

The result of an increase in the level of this hormone is insomnia, nightmares during sleep, and sexual aggression.

At the behavioral level, a person can make a mess. He can shout at others for no reason, react angrily to every little thing, and get irritated for no apparent reason.

If excess testosterone is observed in women who play sports, they also experience increased appetite. And besides, such athletes begin to intensively build up muscles and fats.

When there is an excess of testosterone in women, their figure changes. Fat deposits appear in the waist and abdomen area, resembling waves. You can no longer fit into your favorite skirt or jeans.

The same effect is observed when high level not only testosterone, but also other androgens, in particular androstenedione and even DHEA.

What to do with weight?

You're struggling to reset extra pounds, and they all accumulate? Is your appetite increasing? It's all to blame for testosterone, which increases the brain's production of the hormone norepinephrine.

Therefore, if you want to take antidepressants, first consult an endocrinologist to check your testosterone levels. Because in conjunction with antidepressants, increased doses of testosterone and estradiol contribute to speed dial weight.

Scientific research shows that testosterone works best when it has an optimal ratio with estradiol.

Estradiol ensures that testosterone affects the body more strongly, giving all its beneficial properties. If there is no estradiol in the body or there are small amounts of it, testosterone receptors will not be able to work properly in our brain.

How does testosterone affect healthy sleep?

If you don't sleep well, you have poor weight control. This is proven by numerous scientific research. If you feel stressed, even in your sleep hormonal imbalance won't let you sleep well.

The hormones cortisol and insulin, the secretion of which sharply increases, further increase a woman’s anxiety even in her sleep.

And increased doses of testosterone with a decrease in the amount of estradiol further aggravate this condition. You sleep even worse, gain extra weight, and your overall health worsens.

If you take the hormone testosterone before bed, you will experience constant sleep disturbances and nightmares in your dreams. A person in this state will feel overwhelmed and weak.

This is explained by the fact that testosterone has the greatest effect on a person in the 4th phase of sleep. It is during this phase that our muscle and bone tissues are restored, nerve cells recover, we rest best. At this time, adolescents (and even people under 21) produce growth hormone.

If in the 4th phase of sleep you sleep poorly and restlessly, all these processes will be destroyed. Therefore, it is best to take testosterone in the morning to stimulate the body, rather than in the evening.

What to do if you have excess testosterone?

We already know that with excess testosterone, fat accumulates around the waist and breast area, and weight is difficult to control. Other signs of excess testosterone:

  • Increased hair growth, especially on the legs, arms, and above upper lip and armpits
  • Sudden scalp hair loss
  • Acne that is very difficult to remove - it comes back again
  • Excessive aggressiveness, which alternates with weakness and weakness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Pain in the ovarian area
  • Pain in the lumbar region

If you have all of these signs, you should check your hormone levels:

  • Testosterone
  • Dehydrotestosterone
  • DHEA-S

If there are more of these hormones in your body than normal, you may develop the following diseases:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Ovarian tumor
  • Tumor in the adrenal gland

Additional examination methods: ultrasound, magnetic resonance diagnostics, computed tomography. These examinations will help you get rid of diseases in their initial stages.