Is it possible to drink Asd fraction 2. Asd - tissue therapy

The lack of the desired effect from drug treatment forces people to look for unconventional methods. One of them, increasingly gaining popularity in lately, - treatment veterinary drug ASD-2.

Before resorting to such specific therapy, you should learn everything about the properties of this liquid (ASD-2 is also available in suppositories; fraction 3 is used for external use), its benefits and contraindications.

ASD-2: what kind of drug is this?

photo of the drug

ASD-2 is an aqueous solution of substances obtained by high-temperature sublimation of animal waste and meat and bone meal. In other words, the liquid is the result of organic decomposition to low molecular weight components: carboxylic acids, hydrocarbons, amides and substances containing an active sulfhydryl group. Some decomposition products of raw materials containing proteins are strong poisons. However, together they exhibit antiseptic properties.

The abbreviation ASD stands for antiseptic Dorogov stimulant. This name reveals the main effect on living organisms: the liquid is an antiseptic (does not have antibacterial effect!) and activates protective forces. Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Rapid penetration into tissues and full compatibility with the human body;
  • Pronounced antiseptic effect - effectiveness against fungal and viral infections;
  • Removing toxins from the body and cleansing blood vessels;
  • Improving metabolic processes and correcting hormonal levels;
  • Activation immune defense and strengthening nervous system;
  • Lack of accumulation effect, which causes a decrease in effectiveness with long-term use;
  • No significant contraindications or negative effects.

Thanks to ASD, the body restores its optimal functioning mode. In other words, under the influence of ASD vital energy increases, and the person heals himself. At the same time, the liquid is not aimed at destroying certain type pathogenic microorganisms, but to correct all parts of the immune system, which itself destroys pathogens.

The only disadvantage of the yellowish liquid (a brown tint and sediment is possible) is the sharp, nauseating smell of rotten meat. However, many people who use ASD claim that compliance with the rules for its cultivation and use significantly reduces discomfort. In addition, after a few steps the aversion to the “aroma” goes away.

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The reason for this is unclear, but the conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

History of the creation of ASD-2

Even under Stalin, the USSR government gave an order for the development of a universal drug capable of protecting a living organism from radiation and stimulating its defenses. In 1947, Alexey Dorogov, a veterinarian by training, presented his own development - an ASD made from frogs. Large-scale testing of the drug on animals has yielded stunning results. A lot of diseases could be cured, but no negative effects were noted. side effects. In addition, the process of making the healing liquid was very cheap.

Dorogov subsequently made ASD from bone meal. The replacement of organic raw materials did not affect the properties of the resulting drug: high temperature completely erases information about the type of animal raw material at the molecular level.

Next, Dorogov began to apply and improve treatment regimens for various diseases on volunteers. There are reports documenting the effectiveness treatment of ASD patients (often hopeless, including cancer), carried out under the supervision of doctors. There is evidence that injection of ASD directly into the myocardium of a person who had just died from cardiac arrest brought the person back to life.

Another patient with gangrene on his leg managed to avoid amputation thanks to Dorogov’s elixir. ASD could be called a miracle drug, but the luminaries of medical science did not accept the veterinarian’s development, most likely due to hurt professional feelings. ASD remains a drug for animals.

The doctor was awarded the State Prize, and then he was fired and his laboratory was closed. Even members of the government were unofficially treated with the drug, classified for about 15 years.

Now the daughter of a veterinarian, Olga Dorogova, an immunologist and practicing homeopathy, is popularizing ASD-2 and its inclusion in the list of drugs used for humans. However, it is unlikely that the pharmaceutical market will allow the release and widespread use of a cheap drug that helps with many diseases.

How to take ASD-2 orally? Treatment regimens and dosages

Follow the dosage and instructions for use!

Those who decide to be treated with ASD should know: only fraction 2 is used orally (drink)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants. Dorogov has developed a standard treatment regimen suitable for most diseases, ranging from fungal infection and gastritis, ending with hypertension and arthritis. Recommended standard mode— make a mixture and take ASD-2 as follows:

  • We take 50-100 ml of boiled and cooled water, it is permissible to use strong tea;
  • add, following the rules for preparing the solution, 15-30 drops. ASD-2, if you measure the liquid with a syringe - 1 ml contains 20 drops;
  • take on an empty stomach (about 30 minutes before breakfast) twice a day;
  • course - 5 days of treatment, 3 days of rest;
  • The drug is taken until recovery.

Dorogov developed the most effective methods for using ASD 2 and 3 fractions for various diseases. Schemes for using ASD-2:

  • Throat diseases, infections respiratory tract(presence of cough, runny nose) - for prevention and treatment, a standard regimen is used (dilution in half a glass of water), additionally - inhalation (1 tablespoon of medicinal liquid per 1 liter of water).
  • Liver and heart diseases - standard regimen, start with 10 drops. (drink for 5 days as standard). Then increasing by 5 drops. Every course. Increase the dosage to 25 drops. Don't forget about 3-day breaks.
  • Toothache - a cotton wool soaked in diluted ASD-2 is applied to the tooth. Undiluted product can cause burns to the mucous membranes!
  • Otitis - 20 drops. For dilution, you can supplement treatment with compresses on sore ear or washing.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - with ulcerative lesion stomach, the standard regimen is used without changes. And to cure colitis and gastritis, a single dose in the morning is enough.
  • Urinary incontinence - ASD is used according to the standard regimen, diluted 5 drops.
  • Hypertension is a standard regimen, but on the first day it is diluted with 5 drops, increasing by 1 drop daily, bringing the single dose to 20 drops.
  • Impotence - standard regimen, dilute 3-5 drops per appointment.
  • Urinary incontinence is a standard regimen; 5 drops are required per dilution.
  • Inflammation of the eyes - drink orally according to the standard regimen, diluting 3-5 drops. to the reception.
  • Baldness, excessive hair loss - rub a 5% solution (2.5 ml per 50 ml of water) into the hair roots three times a week.
  • Overweight - for weight loss should be taken as follows: 30-40 drops. to receive for 5 days with a further 5-day rest, then 10 drops. for reception 4 days (rest 4 days), the next 5 days 20 drops. for an appointment with a further break of 3-4 days.
  • Dermatology (psoriasis, trophic ulcers, different types eczema and other hard-to-treat skin diseases) - standard regimen (for severe forms the dose is increased to 2 ml). Lubricate ASD-3 once a day: 1 ml of dark liquid per 20 ml of sunflower or olive oil (5% solution). To restore blood circulation, make lotions with 20% aqueous solution ASD fraction 2.
  • Acne - compresses 5% ASD-2. Noticeable improvement occurs after 2 weeks. For laboratory-confirmed demodicosis, prepare an ointment with ASD-3 and petroleum jelly (1 part of the drug to 2 parts of a fatty base). The skin is lubricated in the morning and at noon, and Flucinar is applied at night. Duration - 1 week.
  • Fungus on the skin - lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • Gout, arthritis (including rheumatism) and enlarged lymph nodes inflammatory in nature- 3-5 drops. for an appointment according to the standard regimen, compresses.
  • Tuberculosis - standard regimen, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
  • Pyelonephritis, stones in gallbladder- the standard scheme recommended by Dorogov without changes.
  • Pathology of the heart, liver, neurological diseases- start taking 10 drops, increase to 25 drops, adding 5 drops each 5-day course.
  • At gynecological diseases- fibroids, cysts and even malignant neoplasms- usually a standard regimen of oral administration and vaginal irrigation with a 1% solution of the second fraction is used until recovery is stated. For thrush, as well as to eliminate vaginal dryness, it is sufficient to irrigate the vagina using a syringe with a 1% solution: up to 4 procedures daily, the duration of specific therapy is up to 10 days. For trichomoniasis, a 2% solution is used, local application ASD-2 in women lasts 7-10 days.

Important! For the treatment of almost all of the above diseases, the following dosage is suitable: 0.1 ml for every 2 kg of the patient’s body weight. This dose is distributed into 4 doses! The single dose of the drug is increased gradually by 5 drops. every 5-day course.

In online pharmacies you can find Dorogov suppositories with ASD-2. This tool equal to dietary supplements, used for diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures), gynecological pathology and prostate pathologies in men.

ASD-2 and oncology (cancer)

For the treatment of pre cancer diseases and already developed oncology, Dorogov developed 2 schemes for using the drug. For external tumors, compresses with the 3rd fraction of ASD and ASD-2 are recommended for oral administration.

"Shock" method:

  • reception at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00;
  • initial dose 5 drops, increasing each 5-day dose by 5 drops;
  • a single dosage is increased to 50 drops, in this mode the drug is taken until recovery.

Gentle method:

  • one course of admission is 1 week;
  • start with 3 drops, increasing every day by 2 drops;
  • one day rest;
  • in the second year they start taking it with 5 drops, the third/fourth - accordingly increase the single dose by 2 drops.

Treatment of cancer with ASD-2 reduces pain and inhibits the spread of tumor cells, and this, at a minimum, best quality life and increasing its duration. The result of complete death of oncological cells (liver cancer) was recorded when interacting with ASD-2 in laboratory conditions. Also, many people note a decrease in negative consequences after chemotherapy and radiation (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.) when taking ASD in combination.

Important! To avoid confusion when using complex treatment regimens with increasing dosages, it is better to keep a diary.

You can also find a more aggressive cancer treatment regimen on the Internet. For each dose, dilute 4 ml of ASD-2 and take it twice a day without breaks. However, you need to be extremely careful with such a scheme!

Rules for preparing the solution

The effectiveness of using ASD fraction 2 for humans and the intensity of discomfort depends on compliance with the rules for its dilution.

  • Only the aluminum center on the cap is removed from the bottle. Do not completely open the bottle or open the rubber stopper. ASD loses its properties upon contact with air.
  • The rubber stopper is pierced with the needle of a disposable syringe. The needle always remains in the plug.
  • The bottle should be shaken before taking the drug.
  • Turning the bottle upside down, the required amount of the drug is taken.
  • Then, leaving the needle in the stopper, lower the tip of the syringe into a prepared glass of water and release the liquid. This will help prevent the spread unpleasant odor around the room.
  • You should only use water that has been boiled and cooled to 36-37ºС.
  • Gently stir the solution in a glass and drink. To reduce discomfort, it is better to exhale before taking it and then inhale through the nose.
  • The solution is prepared for each dose.

ASD fraction 2: benefits and harm to humans

The benefits or harms of ASD-2 for humans can only be judged by reviews of people using the drug. Although most reviews are positive, sometimes there is information about the negative impact of ASD (deterioration of well-being) or the absolute absence of changes in condition. To extract maximum benefit and to avoid negative influences, you should know 15 nuances of using ASD-2 for people:

  1. It is recommended to start taking the drug with small doses. Rapidly increasing the dose may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. The course - 5 days of admission and a 3-day rest - can be repeated 4 times. Then you should take a 10-day break.
  3. During treatment, it is recommended to drink 3 liters of water. This is easy to explain: toxins are excreted in the urine. This is why you should be especially careful if you have severe kidney disease.
  4. Dorogov categorically prohibited alcohol while taking ASD. Although there are reviews about taking ASD before a feast, which ensures the absence of a hangover. Remember: you shouldn’t trust all reviews unconditionally!
  5. No dietary changes are required.
  6. Some techniques include additional dose hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Liv-52, Heptral, etc.) to protect the liver from toxic effects.
  7. The drug ASD does not like the sun. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle.
  8. The unpleasant, oily aftertaste can be eliminated with candy.
  9. ASD-2 is compatible with all medications. Dorogov argued: one cannot refuse traditional therapy, best result is achieved with simultaneous treatment prescribed by a doctor and taking ASD.
  10. With long-term use, ASD may increase blood clotting. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to take Aspirin 1/4 tablet. or another drug containing acetylsalicylic acid.
  11. ASD has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. This is fraught with overstimulation. Take with special caution to children, hypertensive patients, patients with cardiac pathology and neurological diseases.
  12. Like any other drug, ASD fraction 2 does not exclude the occurrence of individual intolerance.
  13. Some people experience improvement after 2-3 courses, while others have to take the drug long time. It all depends on individual characteristics body.
  14. Although there is no information about negative effects on the fetus, it is not recommended to use ASD for pregnant women.
  15. During treatment for ASD, you should listen to your own body. If your health worsens, you should stop using it, and after a while you can start treatment with minimal doses.

One way or another, due to the lack of documented confirmation of its effectiveness in full-scale studies, ASD-2 is a controversial drug for use in humans. Whether to accept it or not is a personal choice for each individual.

Use ASD fraction 2 if there is no other choice - there is no effect from traditional treatment- follows the recommendations strictly, based on your own feelings and best case scenario undergoing a diagnostic examination!

Buy from veterinary pharmacies in your city.
It’s better to take Armavirsky.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, fraction 2

1. Drug ASD fraction 2- antiseptic Dorogov stimulant.
2. Drug ASD fraction 2 contains compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, aliphatic amine derivatives, carboxylic acids, aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons, amide derivatives and water.
3. Drug ASD fraction 2 is a yellow to dark red liquid with a specific odor. Mixes well with water. The presence of fine black sediment is acceptable.
4. Drug ASD fraction 2 packaged in 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 cm³ in glass bottles with a capacity of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 cm³, sealed with rubber stoppers, rolled in aluminum caps, packaged (small volume in individual cardboard packs with instructions for use of the drug included ; large volume in a group container with at least 3 copies of instructions for use of the drug).
Each bottle must have a label indicating the manufacturer, its trademark, the name of the drug, its quantity in cm³, batch and control numbers, date of manufacture (month, year), expiration date, storage conditions, designation of current specifications.
The drug is transported by all types of transport in accordance with OST 08064-19-07.
The drug is suitable for use in original packaging for 4 years from the date of manufacture, provided it is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 10 to 30°C.
Biological properties
The drug ASD fraction 2 is a product of dry distillation of raw materials of animal origin. Drug ASD fraction 2 at oral administration has an activating effect on the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, stimulates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, secretion digestive glands, increases the activity of digestive and tissue enzymes, improves the penetration of Na+ and K+ through cell membranes, contributes to the normalization of digestion processes, assimilation nutrients and increasing the body's natural resistance.
When used externally, the drug stimulates the activity of the reticuloendothelial system, normalizes trophism and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, fraction 3

General information
Trade name of the medicinal product: ASD fraction 3(ASD Frakcia 3). International generic name: product of dry distillation of animal tissues.
Dosage form: solution for external and intrauterine use. ASD fraction 3 contains carboxylic acids, aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons, alkylbenzenes, substituted phenols, aliphatic amines and amides, as well as compounds with an active sulfhydryl group and water. By appearance The drug is a thick liquid of dark brown color.
The drug is released packaged in 100, 200 ml glass bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps.
Store the drug in the manufacturer's sealed packaging separately from food products and feed, in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 10°C to 30°C.
The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions in a closed bottle from the manufacturer, is 4 years from the date of manufacture. After opening the bottle for the first time, the drug is suitable for use for 14 days. It is prohibited to use medicinal product after the expiration date.
Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.
Pharmacological properties
ASD fraction 3 refers to tissue preparations. Obtained by dry distillation of animal tissues. The drug increases the body's immunity, has a pronounced antiseptic effect, stimulates the activity of the reticuloendothelial and endocrine systems, normalizes trophism, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and does not have a cumulative effect. ASD fraction 3 in terms of the degree of impact on the body is classified as moderate hazardous substances(hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007)

The instructions for use of the ASD-2 fraction contain the following application regimen: for tuberculosis, kidney, heart, gastrointestinal and nervous diseases, drink 5 drops on an empty stomach in half a glass of water for 5 days, take a 3-day break; 5 days 10 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 15 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 20 drops, 3 days break; 3 days of 25 drops and then with breaks of 25 until positive results are obtained.

For cancer, take 5 ml (1 tsp) ASD-2 fraction per 0.5 tbsp. water 2 times a day. Quickly relieves pain and stops the progression of the disease.

During treatment with this drug of the ASD-2 fraction, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and using substances is strictly contraindicated. skin irritants(kerosene, turpentine, gasoline, etc.).

"I took the ASD-2 fraction as follows. I poured the drug bottle into a 700 ml bottle and filled it to the top with distilled water. Then I shook it and capped it tightly. I drank the solution from the ASD-2 fraction once a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before 1 tsp of food for 5 days in a row. Then a 3-day break. And so on until recovery."

Application for animals:


for animals: dogs and farm animals

release form: liquid


For prevention and treatment of:

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

respiratory diseases

diseases of the genitourinary system

skin diseases

metabolic disorders

increasing the body's natural resistance

stimulation of the central and autonomic nervous system


Asd fraction 2 for animals is applied externally by washing or applying swabs soaked in liquid. And also inside with water or food.


Dogs inside- 2 ml. drug diluted in 40 ml. water.

The drug is used once a day until recovery.


Do not use on puppies under 6 months


not identified

Application procedure

Drug ASD fraction 2 prescribed to farm animals (including poultry) and dogs, with medicinal and preventive purpose for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, genitourinary system, skin lesions, metabolic disorders, to stimulate the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system, increase natural resistance in animals that are weakened and have recovered from infectious and invasive diseases, as well as to stimulate the growth and development of piglets, chickens and increase the egg production of chickens.

Inside the drug ASD fraction 2 is prescribed to animals with drinking water before feeding or mixed with feed in the morning feeding in the doses indicated in the table:

Animal species, age

Amount of drug, (cm³)

Amount of water, (cm³)

from 3 years and older
from 1 year to 3 years
up to 1 year


from 3 years and older
from 1 year to 3 years
up to 1 year
from 1 year and older
from 1/2 year to 1 year
up to 1/2 year
from 1/2 year to 1 year


from 1 year and older
from 1/2 year to 1 year
2-3 months

Adult dogs

from 6 months 2 40

Externally the drug ASD fraction 2 used in the form 2-20% solutions prepared in sterile saline solution or boiled water. When cooking medicinal solution required concentration, initial sterile solution A SD fraction 2 mistaken for 100% .

The drug cannot be used in bottles without a label, with foreign impurities, with an expired expiration date and must be discarded, as well as the remains of an unused drug, within 14 days after opening the bottle. For dyspepsia, gastroenterocolitis, gastroenteritis, as well as dystrophic conditions caused by digestive disorders and metabolic disorders, the drug is prescribed orally once a day, in single doses, in courses of five days, treated at intervals of 2-3 days until recovery.

With tympany of the large cattle the drug, for intestinal flatulence in horses, the drug is given to the animal or injected into the rumen through a tube once or twice a day in a single dose.

At catarrhal pneumonia For piglets, along with etiotropic treatment, the drug is prescribed once a day with drinking water 30-40 minutes before feeding or in the morning feeding with mixed feed in courses of 5 days with an interval of 3 days until recovery.

For vaginitis and retained placenta in cows (after its removal), use a 3-5% solution of the drug, heated to 37-40°C, which is used to wash the vagina once a day for 4-5 days, spending 2 dm² of solution for each processing. If the cervix is ​​open, then 200-300 cm³ of solution is injected into the uterus.

For acute and chronic endometritis, myometritis and pyometra in cows, if the cervix is ​​open, a 15% solution of the drug, heated to 37-40°C in an amount of 200-300 cm³, is injected into the uterine cavity and immediately removed, using a catheter with reverse flow of liquid for this purpose, once per day until recovery.

Along with etiotropic treatment for trichomoniasis, cows are injected into the vagina with a 20% solution of the drug, using 200-300 cm³ of solution for each procedure using a Janet syringe.

When treating bulls, sick acute form trichomoniasis, the preputial sac is washed with a 2-3% solution of the drug, using an Esmarch mug and spending up to 1 dm3 of the drug for each procedure. After this, the external opening of the preputial sac is clamped for 3-5 minutes with the hand and a light massage is performed. Treatment is carried out once a day for 5-7 days.

For the purpose stimulation of the central and autonomic nervous system, increasing resistance in animals who have recovered from infectious and invasive diseases, accelerating the healing processes of the skin, with necrobacteriosis, eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers The drug is used with drinking water or mixed with food once a day, in courses of 5 days with an interval of 3 days until recovery.

For the purpose stimulation of growth and development calves, piglets and chickens, the drug is used by group feeding at the rate of 0.1 cm³ ASD fraction 2 per 1 kg of body weight every other day for 1-2 months.

Infected, sluggishly healing wounds are washed with a 15-20% solution of the drug and then bandages moistened with this solution are applied. In the presence of fistulas, opened cavities of abscesses, phlegmons, gauze drainage from this solution is introduced into their cavity. Treatment is carried out once a day until a granulation shaft is formed.

When washing horses and the presence of abscesses in the submandibular space and other parts of the body after preliminary toileting, the abscess cavities are washed with a 15-20% solution of the drug and, if necessary, tampons soaked in the drug are introduced once a day until the wound is cleared of pus and granulation appears.

When using the drug ASD fraction 2 in accordance with the instructions for use side effects and there are no complications.

During the period of use of the drug ASD fraction 2 is not canceled etiotropic treatment of animals.

There are no contraindications to the use of the drug ASD fraction 2.

Products slaughter, milk of dairy animals and poultry eggs after using the drug used without restrictions.

Personal prevention measures

  • When using the drug ASD fraction 2, it is necessary to use the following: personal protection, observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, rinse the skin with plenty of water.
  • Medicine should be stored out of the reach of children.

Few people know that today there is a drug that can quickly increase the level of immunity, as well as help in the treatment of many dangerous diseases of people and animals. This remedy is called ASD. Unlike many well-known and popular drugs, ASD is quite cheap, is available without a prescription and has three varieties: fraction 1, 2 and 3. The most popular and effective of all types is ASD fraction 2.

History of ASD

In the 50s of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists were tasked with producing a drug that could resist radiation and serious infections to protect people and animals. The task was to develop a product that had strong immunoprotective properties and did not require too much expense. Many scientists and doctors of that time considered it almost impossible, but Candidate of Medical Sciences Dorogov managed to complete the government’s task in just four years.

The material for development was frog tissue, which was subjected to thermocalytic sublimation. Both the technology and the details of development and production were classified for a long time. This drug was called Dorogov's antiseptics.

Subsequently, for the production of the stimulant, they began to use meat components from cattle instead of frog tissue, since they had the same biological activity.

Description and composition of the drug

The drug ASD 2 is liquid substance yellow-brown or brown in color, with a specific odor. The product mixes quite easily with water and allows the presence of a small dark sediment.

IN composition of ASD fraction 2 includes the following components:

  • Water;
  • Carboxylic acids;
  • Hydrocarbons;
  • Amide bonds;
  • Compounds of elements with a sulfhydryl group.

What is ASD fraction 2 made of? The method of preparing the composition is quite specific. For this, the technique of dry sublimation at elevated temperatures is used and meat waste and components, meat and bone meal are used as the main raw materials for production. In production organic matter are broken down to low molecular weight.

Thus, the main active element of the drug becomes an adaptogen, which is released by the cell before death. When entering the human or animal body, adaptogens transmit signals to damaged cells about the need to enhance protection and recovery. Due to this, the body's main defenses are mobilized.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is today sold only through veterinary pharmacy chains and pet stores. It has no analogues of its kind. Many patients are interested in which manufacturer is better for ASD 2? Today in Russia it is produced by Armavir and Moscow factories. It is believed that the second manufacturer produces a product that is purer and more suitable for human consumption. The average price for ASD 2 fraction is 200-250 rubles.

Important: The shelf life of unopened packaging is 4 years, if opened – no more than two weeks. It is strictly prohibited to take any composition that has expired.

Pharmacological action

When taken orally, ASD fraction 2 stimulates the activity of the nervous systems and digestive glands, and also improves the penetration of potassium ions into cell membranes. The product has an antimicrobial effect, and also has an adaptogenic property, stimulating an increase in the protective abilities of the immune system.

Immunostimulation is due to easy and rapid integration into metabolic processes body and improving cell functioning. Thus, ASD 2 significantly improves the functioning of all major vital systems.

Why is SDA not recognized and what are the opinions on this matter?

For a long time, the drug was classified and could not appear on the shelves of regular pharmacies along with other vitally important drugs. important drugs. During this time, it was only officially used in veterinary medicine and dermatology.

You can purchase ASD fraction 2 only in veterinary pharmacies

The fact is that after the death of the scientist Dorogov, all research in this area was stopped and consigned to oblivion, never fully completed. Meanwhile, Dorogov’s daughter Olga Alekseevna is trying to fight so that the drug can be officially used for treatment along with other medications.

There is an opinion that Dorogov used the principles of alchemists in his research, due to which the drug cannot be used to treat people. However, such arguments have not been confirmed and developments and research in the field of studying the active properties of the product have great potential. Currently, all fractions of ASD are used in folk medicine.

Indications for use and dosage

In a narrow circle SDA people fraction 2 is considered a panacea for all diseases. In a sense, this opinion has practical and scientific confirmation. Thus, the drug can be effective in the following pathological processes in the body:

  1. Inflammation of the eyes. Half a glass chilled boiled water add 4-5 drops of the drug and take once or twice a day. The course of treatment can be quite long depending on the situation. It is usually determined according to the scheme: 5 days of therapy and 3 days of rest.
  2. Gynecological pathologies and deviations. Dissolve 15-20 drops of the product in a third of a glass of water and drink twice a day. Douching with a one percent solution may also be required.
  3. Diseases and disorders of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system. At the beginning of the course, you need to dissolve 10 drops in half a glass of water, then increase the dosage by 5 drops daily and bring it to 25. The length of the course of treatment depends on the initial situation and the speed of improvement.
  4. Dental diseases, pain syndrome. Moisten a cotton swab with the solution and apply to the painful area.
  5. Increased blood pressure. Dissolve 5 to 20 drops in half a glass of water and take twice a day until the general condition of the body improves.
  6. Tuberculosis. Use 5 drops of the drug in half a glass of chilled boiled water and take half an hour before breakfast. The course of treatment can be up to three months with increasing dosage. Every 5 days you need to take a three-day rest.
  7. Rheumatism. You can make compresses from ASD 2 on diseased areas of the skin, and also take it orally in half a glass of water, 5 drops each.
  8. Fungal infections. Treatment is carried out externally with a one percent solution.
  9. Gallstone disease. Take half a glass of solution (15-20 drops) twice a day.
  10. Frequent colds associated with decreased body resistance. The drug can be taken orally (including for prophylaxis), as well as by inhalation. To do this, you need to dissolve 15 milliliters of the medicine in a liter of water.
  11. Inflammation of the middle ear, otitis. Rinsing and compresses are done with the drug solution. Inside, you need to dissolve 20 drops in half a glass of water every day.
  12. Spasms of capillaries and limbs. For therapy, gauze compresses moistened with a twenty percent solution are effective. The course of treatment is about three to four months.
  13. Trichomonosis. For therapy, douching is carried out with a solution of 100 milliliters of water and 60 drops of the drug.
  14. Excess weight. A solution of 35 drops of ASD is used for each glass of water, with the dosage reduced every eight days to 20 drops.
  15. Colitis, gastritis. Take 15-20 drops in half a glass of water once daily.
  16. Slow hair growth and hair loss. Prepare a five percent solution and rub into the scalp.
  17. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Take 15-20 drops twice a day with half a cup of water.
  18. Radiculitis. Apply 5 milliliters of product per glass of water.

The most optimal form of taking the medication includes a three-day break between five-day courses of taking the drug.

Moreover, it can be used both externally and internally, depending on the situation. The dosage cannot be increased. During ASD therapy, fraction 2 and alcohol are incompatible.

The stimulant can be effective in the genitourinary system, many skin diseases, including chronic ones, as well as in the treatment of cholecystitis and pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctor Dorogova is currently seeing patients and prescribing the dosage of the medicine herself. However, getting to her for treatment is quite difficult due to long queues.

While taking the medicine, it is important to follow basic hygiene rules and prevent germs from getting inside the bottle.

Many patients note the presence of a sharp, difficult-to-remove unpleasant odor of Dorogov’s stimulant. In order to reduce discomfort during the administration procedure, you can take the medicine you drink with a slice of lemon or orange. It can be quite difficult to remove odor from the surface of the skin. Often, several waters with various detergents and cosmetics are used for this.

How to dilute the drug correctly?

Even having accurately determined the required dosage, it is important to be able to correctly remove the medicine from the bottle, since the cap and metal rim should never be removed. To obtain the drug, you need to prepare a syringe with a needle. It is also important to know how to drink ASD 2. The whole process is carried out step by step:

  1. Remove part of the metal cap to gain access to the rubber cap;
  2. Insert a needle from a disposable syringe into the stopper;
  3. Turn the bottle with the drug over;
  4. Use a syringe to draw up the required amount of the drug according to the method;
  5. Remove the syringe, leaving its needle in the rubber stopper;
  6. Slowly add ASD to the prepared water and stir.

The prepared solution should not be stored, so ASD must be re-diluted for each dose. Removing the rubber stopper can cause the drug to oxidize quickly and lose its therapeutic properties.

Dorogov believed that ASD fraction 2 must be effective in combating pathological cells in precancerous conditions. In this case, the administration can be both internally and externally. Today, the drug can have a positive effect in the fight against cancer. Thus, it significantly reduces painful sensations, increases the body's resistance and speeds up the healing process, even while undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

You cannot take ASD on your own without medical supervision.

You should not use drug therapy as an alternative or primary method of treatment.

An unambiguous answer to the question of whether ASD fraction 2 helps with oncological diseases, No. However numerous reviews patients say that the medicine can significantly improve tone and general condition the body even against the background of a rapidly progressing disease.

When treating potency

Does ASD 2 help with potency? The antiseptic can restore erectile function and relieve prostatitis. To do this, you need to take it as follows: prepare a glass of chilled boiled water and add 20-30 drops of ASD 2 Dorogov to it. It is enough to take this solution once a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

The ASD 2 regimen for prostatitis should be drawn up on an individual basis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination.

Contraindications and possible complications

An immunostimulant can be effective in treating almost any health problem. However, the ASD 2 fraction for humans also has contraindications and limitations:

No studies have been conducted on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, the use of antiseptics is not recommended for these categories of patients due to the potential danger to the child.

To prevent such phenomena from happening, it is recommended to drink more liquid, especially sour juices. You can also take half an aspirin tablet daily.

Treatment with an antiseptic does not involve. However, during the period of taking it, you must abstain from any alcoholic beverages.

ASD 2 fraction has side effects of a vaguely expressed nature. During treatment, the antiseptic may cause some discomfort in the pancreas and stomach, as well as flatulence and temporary stool upset. Overdoses of drugs should not be allowed, as they can be very dangerous.

Latest research results

First studies, tests and clinical trials ASDs were performed only on animals. The results of the experiments showed that the drug is able to fight even the most severe pathologies of various natures, and in addition, it strengthens and restores almost all vital systems and functions in the body. Still using ASD in great demand due to its rejuvenating effect and ability to fight even the most dangerous diseases. However, most of the data and the miraculousness of the medicine have not been scientifically confirmed.

Almost immediately after the start of the first application practices, Dorogov’s immunostimulant immediately gained great popularity among the country’s population and even party leaders.

There have been cases where the antiseptic was effective in treating problems that traditional medications, procedures and surgery could not solve

A few facts about Dorogov’s antiseptic

Disputes about the effectiveness of the immunostimulant continue to this day. They are associated with conflicting attitudes towards Dr. Dorogov and his activities, as well as with disagreements resulting from studies of the effectiveness of ASD. The following facts about the drug are currently known:

  1. One of the first objectives of product development was to provide assistance and support in agricultural development.
  2. Beneficial effect on the condition skin in humans and animals was initially considered as side effects.
  3. There is only one scientifically documented fact of cure for liver cancer with the help of ASD, but no data has been preserved about this either. Therefore, its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer has not been proven and has not yet been established.
  4. The drug is highly not recommended for children who have problems with cardiovascular system, since it has a strong stimulating effect and can cause overstimulation.
  5. The antiseptic contains components that are formed during protein breakdown and are dangerous poison for a person. However, when combined with other components of the drug, they exhibit bactericidal properties.
  6. There are three factions of SDA. For the treatment of people, only fractions 2 and 3 are allowed to be used. In this case, the second can be used both locally and orally, the third is poisonous substance and can only be used topically. It is effective primarily in the fight against psoriasis, varicose veins, arthritis and fungi of the skin and nails.

Thus, at the moment, the effectiveness of Dorogov’s remedy has been proven only for the treatment of animals, so it is sold through veterinary pharmacy chains and pet stores. Many people know about it only thanks to reviews from friends and available sources of information and use it as a means traditional medicine. In the case of incurable diseases, ASD fraction 2 is often used as the only remedy that can give any positive results.

you can in the online store of the Biocenter clinic.

General provisions

  1. In all cases, water for consumption is boiled and cooled. ASD has a strong unpleasant odor, and if it is impossible to take it with water (for example, children) it should be consumed grape juice. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the ASD-2 fraction with mineral or carbonated water.
  2. For compresses, parchment paper is placed over gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug. Then it is superimposed thick layer cotton wool and bandaged. Applying ointment dressings can cause overheating of the skin and general reaction in the form of an increase in temperature. When treating skin diseases, contact with irritants - gasoline, kerosene, turpentine - is contraindicated, and it is also undesirable to wet the skin with water. You can practice the following order of compresses for 1 hour: a cotton stocking soaked in a 20% ASD solution, cling film, a disposable diaper. Everything except the stocking is for one-time use. Legs, arms and stockings are washed with detergent (LOK).
  3. ASD-2 should be taken orally, diluted in 1/2 cup of cold boiled water, 2 times a day - morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. While taking the drug you need to eat a lot of protein foods. While taking the drug and 2-3 hours after taking ASD, do not take other medications, alcoholic beverages and tobacco are excluded! In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it.
  4. 4.1 cm 3 ASD, if dripped from the cannula of a syringe - 35 drops. After 6 days of taking it, take a break for a day. After a month of taking it, take a break for a week. After 3 months of use - a break of 15 days. Primary course admission - 6 months or up to full recovery. Then the course can be repeated, depending on the degree of the disease (cancer can be treated for up to one and a half years). Take the medicine from the bottle with a syringe through an elastic band, without opening the bottle itself, drip from the syringe, but without a needle (to reduce the unpleasant odor, ASD can be administered through a needle, immersing it in water), do not leave the needle in the bottle.

Universal schedule for taking ASD-2 (for all diseases)

Day 1: 5 drops in the morning, 10 drops in the evening.

Day 2: 15 drops in the morning, 20 drops in the evening.

Day 3: 20 drops in the morning, 25 drops in the evening.

Day 4: 25 drops in the morning, 30 drops in the evening.

Day 5: 30 drops in the morning, 35 drops in the evening.

Day 6: 35 drops in the morning, 35 drops in the evening.

Day 7: break.

Then take 35 drops in the morning and evening constantly. The drug ASD-2 has wide range therapeutic and preventive action. Used in the treatment of cancer various kinds(stops the development of cancer, quickly relieves pain), heart, liver, nervous diseases, tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and other organs (cured without a trace).

Combining ASD with medications

If you are taking other medications, then you should take ASD-2 2-3 hours after taking the medicine, but not earlier, since ASD-2 neutralizes all medications, which is why it can be used for any poisoning.

Methods of use for various diseases

1. When narrowing the vessels of the extremities, use a stocking made of 4 layers of gauze moistened with a 20% solution of ASD-2. After 5-6 months, blood circulation is restored.

2. For gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers - ASD-2 20 drops in 1/2 glass of water 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals, for 5 days with 3-day breaks until complete recovery. Or drink for 10 days with a break of 2 days. For children over the age of one year, a dose of up to 2 drops is recommended.

The best remedy for ulcers is black sediment ASD-2, taken orally for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.

Or try drinking 5 drops diluted in 20-30 ml of boiled water for 1 week, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. In the second week - 10 drops, in the third week - 15 drops, in the fourth week - 20 drops. A break of 1 month, then repeat the course and carry out 2 times a year. Side symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, increased feeling of hunger.

Or try drinking from 1 drop to 30-40, if you are able to withstand more - 40, if not - be sure to increase the dose to 30 drops. Then back - up to 1 drop. Drink like this: dissolve the drops in 50-60 ml of water and drink 1/2 glass of milk.

3. For colitis, take a teaspoon of ASD-2 (up to a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, 3 days off (or 10-20 drops for 10 days with a 3-day break).

4. For tuberculosis of all forms. Start (for adults) with 5 drops of ASD-2 in 1/2 glass of water once a day in the morning on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals, for 5 days in a row. Then take a break for 3-4 days and then take 10 drops per 1/2 glass of water once a day, for 5 days in a row. Take a break again for 3-4 days. Next, 20 drops, according to the above scheme until you get positive result(but not less than 2-3 months).

For fibrous-cavernous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis with cheesy disintegration, eat 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, then drink 50-70 ml of milk, into which ASD-2 is instilled. Then eat 1 tbsp again. a spoonful of oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Take ASD according to this scheme: start with 1 drop, add one more every day, eventually reaching 20 drops. Drink 20 drops for a week, and then reduce the dose, adding 1 drop daily. So take ASD for 2 months.

5. For brucellosis, ASD-2 is used orally according to the treatment regimen in paragraph 4.

6. For heart, liver, nervous diseases and various forms tuberculosis use ASD-2 according to the following scheme: drink 5 days, 10 drops diluted in 1/2 glass of water, 3 days break. Then drink 15 drops for 5 days, 3 days off. Drink 20 drops for 5 days, 3 days off. Drink 25 drops for 5 days, 3 days off.

Drink intermittently until a positive result is obtained. In case of exacerbation of the disease, stop taking it until the symptoms subside, and then resume.

Regimen for taking ASD for diseases of the genital organs

For gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, ASD-2 is used orally from 1 to 5 cm 3 (1 cm 3 contains 35 drops) or from 35 to 180 drops according to the scheme given in paragraph 6.

For uterine fibroids, mastopathy, etc., in addition to administration and irrigation, it is necessary to apply ASD-2 to the mammary gland in places of hardening, especially to the affected lymph nodes nearby.

For application to the sore area, it is convenient to use gynecological pads, which are generously irrigated with the fraction and attached with an adhesive plaster to the sore spot overnight. There is no need to be afraid of the burns that may occur; they quickly disappear. As a last resort, you can dilute the fraction with milk.

For ovarian cystoma, rub ASD-2 into the lower abdomen, and also give it 5 drops to drink. In addition, douching warm water with 10 drops of ASD-2. Treat like this for 1.5-2 months.

For trichomoniasis, douching with a 2-3% warm solution of ASD-2 (70 drops) 2 times a day. Liquid volume 1/2 l.

For thrush - douching with a 1% solution of ASD-2 (35 drops).

Also when inflammatory diseases genital area: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, herpes, candidiasis, etc. take ASD-2 in a dose of up to 10-20 drops 3 times a day. Carry out enema irrigation of the vagina with a 0.5-1% solution of ASD-2 at night until recovery (in advanced cases irrigate with a 3% solution of ASD-2 or 3).

If sexual intercourse is questionable, add 0.5-1 ml of ASD-2 to 25 ml of water, drink 2-3 times a day (can be washed down with water). In addition, irrigate the head and prepuce with a 3% solution of ASD-2, with a gentle massage. You can insert the head of the penis into a container with this solution, hold it for 2-3 minutes, then massage the head and hold it again for 2-3 minutes, and so on for 10-15 minutes. Women need to douche the vagina with a 2-3% warm solution of ASD-2, preferably 2 times a day.

For impotence (especially senile), take ASD-2 orally 30-40 minutes before meals, 3-5 drops. Drink for 5 days, 3 days off. Healed successfully.

Irrigation of the glans penis with a 1-2% solution of ASD-2 in combination with its light massage. It is possible to use a container with ASD-2 solution into which the head is lowered. If a slight tingling or tingling occurs, massage the head, and so on several times. Soon an erection occurs. After this, you need to wash the head of the penis with warm water. Strictly monitor the temperature, it must correspond to body temperature - 37 ° C. The concentration can be adjusted; the optimal dose is 10-15 drops per 1/2 glass of water. Do not abuse this method; an overdose can cause burns and severe pain; in this case, you must wash the head thoroughly.

Schemes for using ASD in other diseases

For baldness, for hair growth, rub a 5% solution of ASD-2 into the scalp.

At eye diseases inflammatory in nature are treated by taking ASD-2 3-5 drops orally for 5 days, 3 days off, and then rinsing with a solution (20 drops per glass of water).

At ear diseases inflammatory in nature are treated by taking ASD-2 orally and locally: compresses, rinsing (35 drops per 1/2 glass of water) and oral administration in a dose of 20 to 120 drops.

For a runny nose and sinusitis, take 15-20 ml of water, add 1 drop of ASD-2 and use a syringe to inject it into the nostril so that the medicine passes through the entire nasopharynx. At one time we use 5 ml in each nostril, and so on 3-4 times a day. If the runny nose is not severe, then sometimes a day is enough to get rid of it.

As for sinusitis, treatment here will not go so quickly. We do the same thing, only we change the ratio: 1 drop of ASD-2 per 30 ml of water. If it burns, increase the amount of water and do the same rinsing of the nasopharynx 3 times a day until complete recovery.

For follicular sore throat. In the evening, rub the throat with ASD-2 and wrap it up. The next day in the morning, take 5 drops of ASD in milk. You can lubricate your tonsils with pure ASD-2, but you must be careful - a burning pain will begin, then it will go away.

For heart diseases, treatment lasts from 3 months to a year. ASD-2 is used orally in small doses (from 5 to 20 drops) in courses of 5 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 time per day with 3-day breaks. Then the course is repeated.

For hypertension - 5 drops of ASD-2 per 1/2 glass, 2 times a day for 5 days with a break of 3 days, for a long time.

For hyperthyroidism (goiter) - 20-30-40 drops of ASD-2 in 1/2 glass of water orally, locally for 3 days compresses, break 3 days, etc.

For urinary incontinence - 5 drops per 150 ml of boiled water, 3 days break.

For urinary incontinence in children - 8-10 drops per 1/2 water, 5 days 30-40 minutes before meals, with 3-day breaks. Course 1 month.

For gout, rheumatism, inflammation lymph nodes are treated as for eczema with compresses from ASD-3 on sore joints, and ASD-2 is taken orally according to general principle from 20 drops to 5 cm.

For inflammatory nervous diseases, such as asthma, 20-40 drops of ASD-2 are prescribed on an empty stomach once a day.

For radiculitis, during an exacerbation, mix 2 teaspoons of ASD-2 with 1/2 water and drink. If radiculitis is advanced - 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water 2 times a day. Apply topically in the form of a 10-15% water compress. For a long time chronic course ASD-2 is used orally for 5 days 30-40 minutes before meals with a 3-day break. If necessary, the course is repeated.

At skin diseases(various types of eczema, trophic ulcers, urticaria, etc.) ASD-2 is used depending on the state of the nervous system, 1-5 times a day orally. You can use ASD-3 (ointment) and ASD-3 compresses (20% solution). Parchment paper is placed on top of the lubricated areas of the skin to prevent evaporation of the drug, then a thick layer of cotton wool 1.5-2 cm is applied and bandaged. Black sediment ASD-2 can be applied to ulcers in the form of compresses of a 5% solution for 5 days.

For eczema, use ASD-2 orally, from 2 to 5 ml 3 in 1/2 cup of water for 5 days, 30-40 minutes before meals with a 2- or 3-day break.

For all stages of eczema, except weeping, it is worth using 10% alcohol solution ASD-2 with 70% ethyl alcohol mixed with 50 ml of castor oil. Gauze wipes, soaked in this emulsion, apply to the eczematous area and bandage. Change dressings 2 times a day. Under the influence of the application, a sharp exacerbation in the eczema zone is initially observed, and then the inflammatory phenomena subside and the epidermis is restored. For chronic eczema castor oil replaced with fortified fish oil, which softens the crusts and promotes the rejection of multilayered keratinized epithelium.

For psoriazeze, take it, adding a drop every day. As you add drops, you need to watch the skin. At first, psoriasis worsens, and then at some point everything improves - which means this is your individual dose. Apply ASD-3 to the skin at night under the film for 3 nights in a row, then take a break for 2-3 days and repeat. After the first time there is an immediate noticeable improvement.

For liver diseases and diseases of the bile ducts, use a 3% alcohol solution on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon.

For toothache, apply ASD-2 or ASD-3 topically on a cotton swab.

When treating recurrent herpetic stomatitis, prepare a 10% solution of ASD-2 for rinsing the mouth by adding 10 ml of a 100% solution of ASD-2 to 100 ml of boiled water. Rinse 3 times a day for 10 days.

For obesity, drink 35-40 drops of ASD-2 for 5 days, 5 days break, 4 days 30 drops, 4 days break, 5 days 20 drops, 3-4 days break.

For neuroses, use a 5% alcohol solution of ASD-2, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, 40 minutes before meals. At night, insert cotton balls into your nose with a drop of ASD-2 inside. The next morning, rinse your nose with a soda-saline solution, and then rinse with cold water.

We have been using the drug ASD for more than 20 years. Currently, we recommend purchasing ASD fraction 2 produced by Areal Medical LLC, called Moscow ASD. Practice shows that ASD fraction 2 is successfully used for a wide range of diseases, but its use is especially effective after a course of cleansing and restoration of the body, during regeneration medical programs. ASD fraction 2 is suitable for long-term use after treatment of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Use of the drug ASD in medicine

ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant) is a product of high breakdown of animal tissues and a catalyst for stimulating life processes in the body of animals and humans.

ASD stimulates the functions of the nervous system, improves metabolism and normalizes physiological functions in a living organism.

The ASD drug is a liquid prepared using a special technology from the tissues of long-lived animals.

ASD fraction-2 is a cognac-colored liquid with a specific odor, used both internally and externally in doses of 50 to 100 drops per 50-100 ml of cold boiled water or iced tea (high strength) 1-2 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals.

ASD fraction-3 “A” and “B” is an oily liquid (black distillation residue of a dark petroleum color) with a different specific odor, used only as an external agent.

The use of the drug ASD was approved by the Pharmacological Institute of the USSR Ministry of Health on March 17, 1951.


Main medicinal properties of ASD-2

It has a very beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Secretion increases 2-3 times. For constipation, colitis, gastritis and other diseases it gives good effect. The lungs increase the absorption of oxygen, the same thing happens in other cells of the living organism. The mucous membranes are perfectly restored, stomach ulcers are cured within 2 months.

Removes inflammatory processes in the lungs (even of a tuberculous nature). It is excreted from the body only through the lungs, regardless of how it was introduced into the body. Increases sputum production, which is very important for tuberculosis. Even cavities dissolve under the influence of ASD-2.

It has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. Even in case of complete cardiac arrest from exposure to the strongest poisons, the use of a 50% solution of ASD-2 restores heart function.

It accelerates blood circulation, and metabolism in all elements of the body is restored and normalized.

Under the influence of ASD-2, increased kidney function and increased diuresis are noted, which is very important during congestion.

Filatov points out that in isolated tissue cells that are in unfavorable conditions, as a result of the struggle, liquids are released biogenic stimulants, in other words, the tissue at a certain stage of death secretes these biogenic stimulants.

The drug ASD-2 acts in the blood for 2-3 hours, does not have cumulative properties, leaching in the body lasts 3 hours.

ASD is a tissue preparation that is not comparable to chemical ones, since tissue preparations do not suppress the nervous system or inhibit cell functions.

Tissue preparations are related to cells; they are their “building blocks”. What ASD has in common with other tissue preparations is that it itself consists of tissue and always enhances metabolism. The effect of biostimulants can be different, especially if they are taken in combination. The higher the tissue breakdown, the more non-specific the effect of the tissue preparation, but, nevertheless, the tissue retains its substances - the active principles of ASD.

ASD has a strong effect on pathogenic microbes, changes their metabolism, neutralizes them, changes the culture of microbes, and this makes it possible to obtain new vaccines.

ASD is a powerful remedy that gives a tremendous effect on skin diseases, especially eczema and other fungal and non-fungal diseases.

ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant) is a drug of animal origin. Belongs to the group of biologically active substances.

ASD-2 has a neurotropic cholinomimetic effect on the central and autonomic nervous systems, stimulates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the secretion of digestive glands and activity digestive enzymes, improves the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients, increases the activity of tissue enzymes, which are actively involved in the transport of ions and nutrients through cell membranes, in the processes of phosphorylation, as well as the synthesis of protein substances. As a result, tissue trophism improves and metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

ASD-3 stimulates the activity of the reticuloendothelial system, normalizes trophism and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Both fractions of the drug have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Practically non-toxic, do not have a cumulative effect.


  • dystrophic processes arising from digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, after severe intoxication, infectious and invasive diseases;
  • atony of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infected wounds;
  • necrobacteriosis;
  • skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers);
  • metabolic disorder.

Schemes for using ASD

Buy ASD you can in the online store of the Biocenter clinic.

General provisions

  1. In all cases, water for consumption is boiled and cooled. ASD has a strong, unpleasant odor, and if it is impossible to take it with water (for example, children), grape juice should be consumed. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the ASD-2 fraction with mineral or carbonated water.
  2. For compresses, parchment paper is placed over gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool is applied and bandaged. Applying ointment dressings can cause overheating of the skin and a general reaction in the form of an increase in temperature. When treating skin diseases, contact with irritants - gasoline, kerosene, turpentine - is contraindicated, and it is also undesirable to wet the skin with water. You can practice the following order of compresses for 1 hour: a cotton stocking soaked in a 20% ASD solution, cling film, a disposable diaper. Everything except the stocking is for one-time use. Legs, arms and stockings are washed with detergent (LOK).
  3. ASD-2 should be taken orally, diluted in 1/2 cup of cold boiled water, 2 times a day - morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. While taking the drug you need to eat a lot of protein foods. While taking the drug and 2-3 hours after taking ASD, do not take other medications, alcoholic beverages and tobacco are excluded! In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it.
  4. 4.1 cm 3 ASD, if dripped from the cannula of a syringe - 35 drops. After 6 days of taking it, take a break for a day. After a month of taking it, take a break for a week. After 3 months of use - a break of 15 days. The initial course of treatment is 6 months or until complete recovery. Then the course can be repeated, depending on the degree of the disease (cancer can be treated for up to one and a half years). Take the medicine from the bottle with a syringe through an elastic band, without opening the bottle itself, drip from the syringe, but without a needle (to reduce the unpleasant odor, ASD can be administered through a needle, immersing it in water), do not leave the needle in the bottle.

Universal schedule for taking ASD-2 (for all diseases)

Day 1: 5 drops in the morning, 10 drops in the evening.

Day 2: 15 drops in the morning, 20 drops in the evening.

Day 3: 20 drops in the morning, 25 drops in the evening.

Day 4: 25 drops in the morning, 30 drops in the evening.

Day 5: 30 drops in the morning, 35 drops in the evening.

Day 6: 35 drops in the morning, 35 drops in the evening.

Day 7: break.

Then take 35 drops in the morning and evening constantly. The drug ASD-2 has a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects. It is used in the treatment of various types of cancer (stops the development of cancer, quickly relieves pain), heart, liver, nervous diseases, tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and other organs (they are cured without a trace).

Combining ASD with medications

If you are taking other medications, then you should take ASD-2 2-3 hours after taking the medicine, but not earlier, since ASD-2 neutralizes all medications, which is why it can be used for any poisoning.

Methods of use for various diseases

1. When narrowing the vessels of the extremities, use a stocking made of 4 layers of gauze moistened with a 20% solution of ASD-2. After 5-6 months, blood circulation is restored.

2. For gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers - ASD-2 20 drops in 1/2 glass of water 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals, for 5 days with 3-day breaks until complete recovery. Or drink for 10 days with a break of 2 days. For children over the age of one year, a dose of up to 2 drops is recommended.

The best remedy for ulcers is black sediment ASD-2, taken orally for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.

Or try drinking 5 drops diluted in 20-30 ml of boiled water for 1 week, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. In the second week - 10 drops, in the third week - 15 drops, in the fourth week - 20 drops. A break of 1 month, then repeat the course and carry out 2 times a year. Side symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, increased hunger.

Or try drinking from 1 drop to 30-40, if you are able to withstand more - 40, if not - be sure to increase the dose to 30 drops. Then back - up to 1 drop. Drink like this: dissolve the drops in 50-60 ml of water and drink 1/2 glass of milk.

3. For colitis, take a teaspoon of ASD-2 (up to a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, 3 days off (or 10-20 drops for 10 days with a 3-day break).

4. For tuberculosis of all forms. Start (for adults) with 5 drops of ASD-2 in 1/2 glass of water once a day in the morning on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals, for 5 days in a row. Then take a break for 3-4 days and then take 10 drops per 1/2 glass of water once a day, for 5 days in a row. Take a break again for 3-4 days. Next, 20 drops, according to the above scheme until a positive result is obtained (but not less than 2-3 months).

For fibrous-cavernous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis with cheesy disintegration, eat 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, then drink 50-70 ml of milk, into which ASD-2 is instilled. Then eat 1 tbsp again. a spoonful of oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Take ASD according to this scheme: start with 1 drop, add one more every day, eventually reaching 20 drops. Drink 20 drops for a week, and then reduce the dose, adding 1 drop daily. So take ASD for 2 months.

5. For brucellosis, ASD-2 is used orally according to the treatment regimen in paragraph 4.

6. For heart, liver, nervous diseases and various forms of tuberculosis, use ASD-2 according to the following scheme: drink 10 drops diluted in 1/2 glass of water for 5 days, break for 3 days. Then drink 15 drops for 5 days, 3 days off. Drink 20 drops for 5 days, 3 days off. Drink 25 drops for 5 days, 3 days off.

Drink intermittently until a positive result is obtained. In case of exacerbation of the disease, stop taking it until the symptoms subside, and then resume.

Regimen for taking ASD for diseases of the genital organs

For gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, ASD-2 is used orally from 1 to 5 cm 3 (1 cm 3 contains 35 drops) or from 35 to 180 drops according to the scheme given in paragraph 6.

For uterine fibroids, mastopathy, etc., in addition to administration and irrigation, it is necessary to apply ASD-2 to the mammary gland in places of hardening, especially to the affected lymph nodes nearby.

For application to the sore area, it is convenient to use gynecological pads, which are generously irrigated with the fraction and attached with an adhesive plaster to the sore spot overnight. There is no need to be afraid of the burns that may occur; they quickly disappear. As a last resort, you can dilute the fraction with milk.

For ovarian cystoma, rub ASD-2 into the lower abdomen, and also give it 5 drops to drink. In addition, douche with warm water and 10 drops of ASD-2. Treat like this for 1.5-2 months.

For trichomoniasis, douching with a 2-3% warm solution of ASD-2 (70 drops) 2 times a day. Liquid volume 1/2 l.

For thrush - douching with a 1% solution of ASD-2 (35 drops).

Also, for inflammatory diseases of the genital area: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, herpes, candidiasis, etc., take ASD-2 in a dose of up to 10-20 drops 3 times a day. Carry out enema irrigation of the vagina with a 0.5-1% solution of ASD-2 at night until recovery (in advanced cases, irrigate with a 3% solution of ASD-2 or 3).

If sexual intercourse is questionable, add 0.5-1 ml of ASD-2 to 25 ml of water, drink 2-3 times a day (can be washed down with water). In addition, irrigate the head and prepuce with a 3% solution of ASD-2, with a gentle massage. You can insert the head of the penis into a container with this solution, hold it for 2-3 minutes, then massage the head and hold it again for 2-3 minutes, and so on for 10-15 minutes. Women need to douche the vagina with a 2-3% warm solution of ASD-2, preferably 2 times a day.

For impotence (especially senile), take ASD-2 orally 30-40 minutes before meals, 3-5 drops. Drink for 5 days, 3 days off. Healed successfully.

Irrigation of the glans penis with a 1-2% solution of ASD-2 in combination with a light massage will help restore an erection after sexual intercourse. It is possible to use a container with ASD-2 solution into which the head is lowered. If a slight tingling or tingling occurs, massage the head, and so on several times. Soon an erection occurs. After this, you need to wash the head of the penis with warm water. Strictly monitor the temperature, it must correspond to body temperature - 37 ° C. The concentration can be adjusted; the optimal dose is 10-15 drops per 1/2 glass of water. Do not abuse this method; an overdose can cause burns and severe pain; in this case, you must wash the head thoroughly.

Schemes for using ASD in other diseases

For baldness, for hair growth, rub a 5% solution of ASD-2 into the scalp.

For eye diseases of an inflammatory nature, they are treated by taking ASD-2 3-5 drops orally for 5 days, a 3-day break, and then rinsing with a solution (20 drops per glass of water).

For ear diseases of an inflammatory nature, they are treated by taking ASD-2 orally and topically: compresses, rinsing (35 drops per 1/2 glass of water) and oral administration in a dose of 20 to 120 drops.

For a runny nose and sinusitis, take 15-20 ml of water, add 1 drop of ASD-2 and use a syringe to inject it into the nostril so that the medicine passes through the entire nasopharynx. At one time we use 5 ml in each nostril, and so on 3-4 times a day. If the runny nose is not severe, then sometimes a day is enough to get rid of it.

As for sinusitis, treatment here will not go so quickly. We do the same thing, only we change the ratio: 1 drop of ASD-2 per 30 ml of water. If it burns, increase the amount of water and do the same rinsing of the nasopharynx 3 times a day until complete recovery.

For follicular sore throat. In the evening, rub the throat with ASD-2 and wrap it up. The next day in the morning, take 5 drops of ASD in milk. You can lubricate your tonsils with pure ASD-2, but you must be careful - a burning pain will begin, then it will go away.

For heart diseases, treatment lasts from 3 months to a year. ASD-2 is used orally in small doses (from 5 to 20 drops) in courses of 5 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 time per day with 3-day breaks. Then the course is repeated.

For hypertension - 5 drops of ASD-2 per 1/2 glass, 2 times a day for 5 days with a break of 3 days, for a long time.

For hyperthyroidism (goiter) - 20-30-40 drops of ASD-2 in 1/2 glass of water orally, locally for 3 days compresses, break 3 days, etc.

For urinary incontinence - 5 drops per 150 ml of boiled water, 3 days break.

For urinary incontinence in children - 8-10 drops per 1/2 water, 5 days 30-40 minutes before meals, with 3-day breaks. Course 1 month.

For gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the lymph nodes, they are treated as for eczema with compresses from ASD-3 on sore joints, and ASD-2 is taken orally according to the general principle of 20 drops to 5 cm.

For inflammatory nervous diseases, such as asthma, 20-40 drops of ASD-2 are prescribed on an empty stomach once a day.

For radiculitis, during an exacerbation, mix 2 teaspoons of ASD-2 with 1/2 water and drink. If radiculitis is advanced - 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water 2 times a day. Apply topically in the form of a 10-15% water compress. In case of long-term chronic course, ASD-2 is used orally for 5 days, 30-40 minutes before meals with a 3-day break. If necessary, the course is repeated.

For skin diseases (various types of eczema, trophic ulcers, urticaria, etc.), ASD-2 is used depending on the state of the nervous system, 1-5 times a day orally. You can use ASD-3 (ointment) and ASD-3 compresses (20% solution). Parchment paper is placed on top of the lubricated areas of the skin to prevent evaporation of the drug, then a thick layer of cotton wool 1.5-2 cm is applied and bandaged. Black sediment ASD-2 can be applied to ulcers in the form of compresses of a 5% solution for 5 days.

For eczema, use ASD-2 orally, from 2 to 5 ml 3 in 1/2 cup of water for 5 days, 30-40 minutes before meals with a 2- or 3-day break.

For all stages of eczema, except weeping, it is worth using a 10% alcohol solution of ASD-2 in 70% ethyl alcohol mixed with 50 ml of castor oil. Gauze napkins soaked in this emulsion are applied to the eczematous area and bandaged. Change dressings 2 times a day. Under the influence of the application, a sharp exacerbation in the eczema zone is initially observed, and then the inflammatory phenomena subside and the epidermis is restored. For chronic eczema, castor oil is replaced with fortified fish oil, which softens the crusts and promotes the rejection of multilayered keratinized epithelium.

For psoriazeze, take it, adding a drop every day. As you add drops, you need to watch the skin. At first, psoriasis worsens, and then at some point everything improves - which means this is your individual dose. Apply ASD-3 to the skin at night under the film for 3 nights in a row, then take a break for 2-3 days and repeat. After the first time there is an immediate noticeable improvement.

For liver diseases and diseases of the bile ducts, use a 3% alcohol solution on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon.

For toothache, apply ASD-2 or ASD-3 topically on a cotton swab.

When treating recurrent herpetic stomatitis, prepare a 10% solution of ASD-2 for rinsing the mouth by adding 10 ml of a 100% solution of ASD-2 to 100 ml of boiled water. Rinse 3 times a day for 10 days.

For obesity, drink 35-40 drops of ASD-2 for 5 days, 5 days break, 4 days 30 drops, 4 days break, 5 days 20 drops, 3-4 days break.

For neuroses, use a 5% alcohol solution of ASD-2, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, 40 minutes before meals. At night, insert cotton balls into your nose with a drop of ASD-2 inside. The next morning, rinse your nose with a soda-saline solution, and then rinse with cold water.