What does cinnamon root help with? Contraindications and harm. Orange drink with cinnamon

India and Sri Lanka are considered to be the birthplace of cinnamon. Everyone is accustomed to using ground sprigs of the plant to decorate baked goods and other culinary dishes. In addition, cinnamon is widely used in cosmetology; it is also used by traditional medicine healers. In order not to be unfounded, let's consider the benefits and harms of cinnamon.

Composition of cinnamon

The plant is based on elements that have a beneficial effect on the health of all internal organs and systems of the body.

So, the spice is rich in vitamins. Of these, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, vitamin PP, vitamin K and others are no less valuable.

In addition, cinnamon contains potassium, sodium, manganese, and iron. This unique spice is not deprived of selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and magnesium. Cinnamon contains tannins, esters, phytoncides, dietary fiber.

Medicinal uses of cinnamon

  1. Asian peoples are accustomed to drinking cinnamon tea for colds and other misfortunes. The drink warms you up, gives you strength, strengthens your immune system and helps you recover after serious illness. To prepare the potion, take an enamel pan, place in it 3 branches of cinnamon, 8 buds of cloves, half a glass of crushed ginger root. Fill with 2.2 liters of water and wait until it boils. Then add the juice of half a lemon (you can add grated citrus zest) and simmer over low heat for 35 minutes. Strain and take as regular tea, adding honey.
  2. People who constantly suffer from high blood pressure have a hard time. To bring down the indicators and normalize the condition, mix cinnamon with kefir or sour milk. Proportions: 1 spoon of cinnamon, 280 ml. drink This drug is taken once a day.
  3. Oddly enough, cinnamon has an equally positive effect on blood pressure, decreasing or increasing it. For hypotension, erection difficulties, unstable heart rate mix cinnamon ether with a glass of water (2-3 drops of ether per 250 ml). Divide this amount into 4 doses, take evenly throughout the day. You can add honey to taste.
  4. Cinnamon, in particular its oil, has a positive effect on nervous system. Very often the product is used in aromatherapy to restore the psycho-emotional environment. Inhaling aromas will relieve fatigue and apathy.
  5. You can rub the spice on your forehead and temples to get rid of severe headaches and frequent migraines. Traditional healers are accustomed to using cinnamon to prevent heart pathologies such as ischemia, heart attack or stroke. In such cases, it is necessary to mix the spice with honey, then spread it on bread and eat it in the form of a sandwich. Similarly, you can dilute the composition with water and consume three times a day.
  6. Cinnamon has also been used in the treatment of joint pain. If the patient has arthritis, it is recommended to mix 200 ml. water with a pinch of cinnamon and a spoon of honey. This volume is divided throughout the day and consumed 4 times.
  7. Cinnamon is also recognized in the hair care industry. It helps cope with alopecia in men and women. If you are experiencing severe hair loss, mix 30 g. burdock oil with 20 gr. honey, 5 pinches of cinnamon. Rub into the roots, wrap your head and leave for half an hour. Rinse off and repeat every other day.
  8. Honey and cinnamon are an effective duet that is used almost everywhere. This ointment can be rubbed onto damaged areas of the skin, scratches, fungal growths, and eczema. Cinnamon is also effective in treating acne. Mix 50 gr. honey with 3-5 pinches of cinnamon, apply to the skin and wash after 10 minutes.
  9. Cinnamon can cure mosquito and other insect bites. To relieve pain, mix 30 ml. water with 30 gr. honey, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Rub into the affected areas until absorbed, you will feel the itching go away.
  10. The spice is widely used to combat premature skin aging. To do this, you need to mix cinnamon with aloe vera juice and honey. This composition is applied as a mask to the face and left for 20 minutes. To prolong youth, carry out procedures once every 2 days.
  11. Patients with diabetes will benefit from knowing that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels. To do this, you need to consume a mixture of 150 ml in the morning. water and half a teaspoon of spice.
  12. Women's doctors advise new mothers to consume healing composition, which will help you recover faster after childbirth. To prepare the product, combine 1 cinnamon stick with 0.5 l. water, boil, let stand for a third of an hour. Add honey and drink 3 times a day in small sips.

Most often, cinnamon is used in cooking to add piquancy and flavor to dishes. pleasant aroma spices.

  1. Almost all countries of the world prepare a pie with fresh apples and cinnamon powder; the dessert turns out to be tender and dietary.
  2. Cinnamon is used to decorate buns, and the spice is added to rolls, no-bake desserts, and cookies.
  3. Many experienced chefs add the powdered composition to main courses. Cinnamon goes well with meat, red fish, mushrooms, and seafood cocktails.
  4. We couldn’t do without adding cinnamon to winter drinks, such as tea, coffee, cocoa, mulled wine, and apple sbiten. The spice is also mixed into summer cocktails: jelly, cider, smoothies, fruit drinks.
  5. Cinnamon is considered a unique spice that goes well with almost any food. Many people love the spice in cooking. Raw materials are often mixed into desserts, cottage cheese, creams, drinks, soups and meat dishes.

Benefits of cinnamon

  1. Due to the fact that spice improves the production gastric juice, it is used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular consumption of the spice, the absorption of food is enhanced and its fermentation in the esophagus stops. Cinnamon normalizes stool and fights constipation, relieves bloating and excessive gas formation.
  2. The spice has a pleasant ability to remove excess water from the body. Against this background, swelling of the limbs decreases and kidney activity improves. Cinnamon also promotes the flow of bile, thereby reducing the load on the liver.
  3. The plant contains a compound that is most valuable for diabetics - polyphenol. This substance lowers blood sugar levels and prevents spikes. The body absorbs insulin, which makes the course of the disease easier.
  4. Cinnamon decoctions are useful for women during menstrual cycle. Firstly, the spice relieves painful spasms and normalizes the abundance of discharge. Secondly, cinnamon controls hemoglobin levels and increases iron content.
  5. The plant is not only beneficial for women, it is also valuable for men. If you have problems with potency, make it a habit to consume a spoonful of honey with a pinch of cinnamon every day.
  6. The value of spices for people has been revealed old age. Cinnamon has a positive effect on the heart, controls blood pressure, and reduces the likelihood of developing senile dementia.
  7. Cinnamon lubricates joints, prevents the accumulation of salts, strengthens bone tissue. The spice is useful for athletes because it promotes accelerated weight gain and maintains the elasticity of muscle fibers.

  1. The composition has a positive effect on the body, especially during the menstrual cycle. The product suppresses painful sensations, improves mood and stabilizes hormonal levels.
  2. Cinnamon is in demand in cosmetology. Raw materials allow you to get rid of pimples and blackheads skin. To do this, you need to systematically make various masks. Combine 80 g in a cup. honey and 12 gr. ground cinnamon. The product is applied locally before bedtime. In the morning, wash your face with non-hot water.

The benefits and harms of cinnamon for children

  1. Cinnamon is not recommended for infants. The product will bring the greatest benefit to children school age. After 7 years, the daily intake of raw materials should be 2 times less than for adults.
  2. It is worth noting that if the child has previously had an allergy to anything, cinnamon should be given with extreme caution. Otherwise, the child will have skin rash, diathesis and itching. Otherwise, a small intake of cinnamon significantly increases brain activity.
  3. If the child has no contraindications, the product should be given daily in small quantities. Raw materials have a positive effect on general development child. Improves cardiovascular activity and psycho-emotional background. Cinnamon will protect children's body against seasonal viruses and colds.

Cinnamon for weight loss

  1. The composition allows you to decorate the taste of various dishes and provide positive impact on the body. The powder helps in the treatment of many ailments and also fights obesity.
  2. To say goodbye to unwanted pounds, just add cinnamon to your various dishes. For each meal you need to add 0.5-1 grams. spices. Cinnamon has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the near future there will be a feeling of comfort and natural processes will improve. Internal organs begin to work harmoniously. For obesity, it is recommended to replace cinnamon with granulated sugar.
  4. Wraps with added spice are no less effective. It is also recommended to make low-calorie cinnamon smoothies. Similar drinks should be taken instead of snacks. It is important to comply daily norm spices.
  5. Don't rejoice ahead of time, cinnamon won't bring you great benefit when losing weight, if you add the powder to baked goods. To say goodbye to overweight, it is important to balance your diet and avoid unhealthy foods.
  6. The spice has excellent antioxidant properties. Thanks to cinnamon it happens complete cleansing the body from slagging and toxic compounds. The powder slightly dulls the feeling of hunger.

  1. As for the harm of such a combination of products, we can only consider an allergic reaction to the components. Otherwise, the product has a tremendous positive effect on the entire body.
  2. By using medicinal composition You can improve your health during vitamin deficiency and colds. The mixture inhibits the activity cancer cells and free radicals. Honey with cinnamon significantly increases brain activity, relieves pain and ailments associated with joints.
  3. Often such a composition is used in for cosmetic purposes. To improve your hair health and give it greater thickness, you need to combine 30 grams. cinnamon and 150 ml. honey. Apply the product to your hair, warm yourself, wait 2 hours. Remove the mask as usual.

Harm of cinnamon

  1. Don't assume that large number powder will help you achieve the desired result faster. Like any raw material, cinnamon should be included in the diet in reasonable quantities. Stick to the recommended daily intake.
  2. Cinnamon may cause damage when diagnosing stomach ulcers and gastritis. Raw materials have a negative effect on the damaged mucous membrane of internal organs.
  3. It is worth knowing that the product puts additional stress on the kidneys and liver. So if you have problems with these internal organs, cinnamon should be excluded from the diet.
  4. It is not recommended to consume the product during pregnancy. Cinnamon can trigger the development allergic reaction at the baby's. Raw materials are allowed to be included in minimal quantities during the lactation period. Cinnamon increases the quantity and quality of milk.

Without any doubt, cinnamon is considered one of the most healthy spices. No special contraindications the product does not. Keep track of how much you consume per day. Otherwise, you can harm your health. The product is recommended for cosmetic, medical and culinary purposes.

Video: beneficial properties and harm of cinnamon

This spice is found in almost every kitchen. However, in many cases it is used much more modestly than could be the case. We usually add it to baked goods and sweet dishes. In fact, the use of cinnamon is much wider. IN different countries around the world it is used in the cooking process, for example:

  • sweets and
  • meat dishes
  • marinades

This spice is the dried bark of an evergreen tree belonging to the laurel family and native to South India and Sri Lanka. When it is collected, it rolls itself into tubes. It is then dried and cut.

Connoisseurs say that it is best to buy this spice grown in Sri Lanka: not only does it have a delicious aroma, but it also contains more useful substances. It is also necessary to keep in mind that cinnamon contains dangerous substance coumarin. So, in the one that comes from Sri Lanka, as well as in other high-quality varieties, there is very little of it. But in a low-quality one there can be quite a lot of it.

Cinnamon is not only aromatic, but also healthy, as it contains tannins and minerals(potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, C and PP, B1, B2).

Cinnamon is sold in sticks (tubes) and powder. It is better to choose sticks. They retain their scent much longer than powder. The spice should be kept in a tightly closed container (for example, a glass jar), in a dark and cool place. Then it will carefully preserve its properties.

High-quality cinnamon sticks do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and 7 millimeters in width. If they are easy to break, it means the spice has been sitting for a long time. Fresh cinnamon is rich in essential oils, which give it elasticity. High-quality sticks should have smooth edges and no stains on the surface.

On the market you can also find counterfeit cinnamon - cassia. It is not recommended to use it. It is quite simple to distinguish cassia from cinnamon with the help of commonplace iodine. Drop some iodine into the powder. Cassia will be colored in blue, but cinnamon does not.

The use of cinnamon sticks is a rather complicated issue for many Russian housewives. If everything is clear with the powder, then what to do with the tubes? In fact, there are enough use cases. First, the sticks can be ground into a fresh, much more flavorful powder than you'd buy in the store. Secondly, they can be used whole, adding them to drinks, soups or marinades when cooking. It is necessary to place a cinnamon stick in a liquid dish approximately seven to ten minutes before the end of cooking. It can also be added to a second course: dishes made from meat or meat in combination with cereals, vegetables (pilaf, stew, etc.). Then first it’s better to slightly fry the cinnamon tube in oil so that it gives off its enchanting smell. And then fry the remaining ingredients in this oil. When the dish is ready, it is better to remove the cinnamon stick.

Use of cinnamon in folk medicine

Useful properties This spice allows it to be used far beyond cooking. For example, in China, the use of cinnamon in medicine is quite widespread. However, in our country this spice is not deprived of attention. IN folk medicine she is highly respected. The use of cinnamon in this area is very wide. So, this spice is used for

  • prevention of E. coli infection

Add a little cinnamon to perishable foods. This spice is a natural antibiotic that can suppress not only E. coli, but also fungi.

  • normalization of digestion
  • toothache relief

Make a paste from a teaspoon of cinnamon and water. Apply this mixture to your gums. You will feel relief after 5-10 minutes.

  • speed up metabolism
  • normalization menstrual cycle
  • treatment of type 2 diabetes

Cinnamon is taken in the morning, one gram per day - dissolved in a drink or added to food. It lowers blood glucose levels. If you decide to use this remedy to treat your diabetes, be sure to consult your doctor first!

  • relieving itching and redness from insect bites, and also as an antiseptic for cuts
  • enhancing sexuality in both women and men
  • seasickness
  • memory improvement
  • cold treatment

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon. Eat on an empty stomach.

The use of cinnamon in folk medicine does not end there. It is actively used for weight loss. Recipes for use can be different, one of the most common is this: pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Add a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. Stir thoroughly. In the evening, drink half of the infusion. Refrigerate the rest, drink in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Repeat the next evening.

Cinnamon is also good for depression, stress, anxiety states. In addition, it removes bad smell from the mouth.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are also contraindications. Thus, cinnamon and its essential oil should not be consumed if:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypertension
  • internal bleeding
  • increased nervous excitability
  • epilepsy
  • high blood pressure

Yes and healthy people You should not consume more than half a teaspoon of this spice per day. In old age, the spice should be used carefully, a little at a time.

Uses of cinnamon oil

Along with powder and sticks, cinnamon essential oil is also popular. First of all, it can be used in an aroma lamp: for example, to combat stress. The use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology is also common. For example, it is used for, as well as to prevent its occurrence.

You can make an anti-cellulite wrap: take a bar of dark chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or a teaspoon of ground spice. Apply to cleansed skin of problem areas. Wrap them in cling film and cover with a blanket. Rinse off after 20-30 minutes. Hot wraps have contraindications (for example, varicose veins, gynecological diseases), so before using them, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. Wraps should be repeated no earlier than after 3 days.

Also, using the oil helps get rid of stains left behind by acne, blackheads, and redness on the face. To do this, it is best to make a mask: mix a teaspoon of honey with a drop of cinnamon oil. Apply to the entire face or problem areas, leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse. Use as a course - for a month, every other day. This mask is contraindicated for rosacea!

And finally, cinnamon essential oil helps make them stronger. Add 2 drops of cinnamon oil to 2 tablespoons olive oil. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly. Leave for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

Whatever procedures you use cinnamon oil for, remember that it can be applied to the skin only in diluted form (mixed with base oil, honey, clay, etc.) Undiluted can cause skin burns.

Such a popular spice as cinnamon has already for a long time used in cooking. However, the presence in it of many important elements made it possible to use it in folk medicine, in cosmetology and in the fight against excess weight. But, despite all its benefits, cinnamon has contraindications that must be studied before you start using this spice.

Cinnamon treatment - contraindications and benefits

This product is widely used in home medicine to combat many ailments:

  1. The presence of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in cinnamon has made it possible to use it as a aid to combat various types of infections. Regularly adding spices to dishes helps slow down the growth of bacteria.
  2. Eating cinnamon with food improves the digestion process, helps combat flatulence and promotes the removal of gases from the body. Adding this spice eliminates excessive stomach acidity and diarrhea. Cinnamon is also effective against poisoning, vomiting and intestinal disorders.
  3. In combination with herbal decoctions, cinnamon is used as a means of combating depression, memory loss, decreased performance, and age-related changes in the nervous system.
  4. Due to the ability of cinnamon to reduce inflammation and normalize blood sugar, it is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus in the absence of serious contraindications.
  5. Cinnamon is good remedy prevention of migraine attacks and headaches. The seasoning improves blood flow, which is necessary to nourish cells and saturate tissues with oxygen.

Except useful qualities, cinnamon has contraindications for use. It is not recommended to carry out treatment with it in the following cases:

  1. People who have a tendency to internal bleeding should not add cinnamon to their food.
  2. Pregnant women should avoid using the spice, as cinnamon causes the uterus to contract, which can lead to miscarriage.
  3. The spice is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to cinnamon.
  4. Since cinnamon has a tonic property, it is not recommended to use it if you are hyperexcitable.

Cinnamon - benefits and contraindications for weight loss

The seasoning is actively used as a means of weight loss. The ability of cinnamon to lower blood sugar allows you to reduce fat deposits and normalize the metabolic process. Its benefits for weight loss include quickly saturating the body and removing toxins.

Kefir with cinnamon - contraindications

  1. Leave a glass of kefir with half a spoon of cinnamon diluted in it for about fifteen minutes.
  2. Drink before every meal.

The combination of kefir and cinnamon has its contraindications. It should be avoided if:

  • excessive stomach acidity;
  • availability ;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • with intolerance to cinnamon and dairy products.

Cinnamon with honey - contraindications

This mixture truly has healing properties. It cleanses the body of harmful substances, gets rid of bacteria that harm the stomach. Cinnamon tea is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour half a small spoon of cinnamon into a cup of boiling water.
  2. After half an hour, add a spoonful of honey and drink half a glass of tea in the evening.
  3. The rest is placed in the refrigerator and drunk in the morning.

Recent scientific research have shown that using cinnamon will help prevent diabetes. American scientists have proven the benefits of cinnamon for diabetes: it increases the body’s ability to adequately respond to insulin and normalize blood sugar levels. It helps improve blood circulation. In addition, there is an opinion that the aroma of cinnamon has a stimulating effect on brain function.

Back in 1536, Portuguese sailors discovered wild forests cinnamon trees on the coast of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Without thinking twice, the sailors captured the island and began trading cinnamon in Europe, making more than a fortune from it. The Dutch also wanted to get a share of the profitable trade, so a hundred years later they conquered the cinnamon island. Then the British came in 1776. However, by this time cinnamon trees have already been planted in many other hot countries, so that the Ceylon monopoly has come to nothing.

Today, cinnamon is used in cooking in all countries, both in sweet and savory recipes. Mexicans, for example, add it to coffee. In Spain, cinnamon sticks sometimes decorate cocktails, and a pinch of ground cinnamon is always added to rice porridge. In the Middle East, the spice is even used instead of black pepper, and the French add it to traditional Christmas cookies.


Cinnamon is the product of a small evergreen tree that grows in the Asian tropics. Cinnamon sticks are made from tree bark, which is cut during the rainy season. Nowadays, two main varieties of cinnamon have become famous: Ceylon and Chinese. They differ in that the first has a more subtle, specific aroma than the Chinese type.

Cinnamon may lower blood pressure. To do this, just eat one teaspoon of powder a day. You can divide this portion into four equal parts and take a quarter teaspoon four times.

The health benefits of cinnamon are truly enormous. It helps improve digestion and awakens appetite. Used as a stimulant and tonic. Found in cinnamon and antiseptic properties . This good diaphoretic and expectorant drug is useful in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. She is able to relieve toothache and headache. Cinnamon stems in India are used as an antipyretic and analgesic medicine for renal and hepatic colic. In addition, they increase the secretion of gastric juice and have antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.

Chinese cinnamon bark extract effectively inhibits the growth of 15 species pathogenic bacteria, even the causative agent of tuberculosis. Chinese cinnamon eliminates the toxic effects of some plants (henbane), and when the juice is instilled into the eyes, it improves vision, often helps get rid of cataracts, and removes kidney stones.

In combinations with other herbs and spices, cinnamon is used against depression, reactive neuroses, significant memory loss, to increase mental performance, with senile mental changes, multiple sclerosis, for recovery after a stroke, in case of circulatory failure, and also as a means of enhancing therapeutic effect other plants.


The healing properties of cinnamon extend to cinnamon oil. The aroma and taste of the spice is due to aromatic oil, which is contained in the bark in an amount of 0.5–1%. Essential oil obtained after grinding tree bark, soaking in water, followed by distillation of the infusion. The oil will be yellow-gold in color, has a characteristic cinnamon smell and a burning taste. This taste and rich warm smell is caused by the presence of the main component of the oil - cinnamaldehyde (cinnamal). As the oil oxidizes over time, it becomes very dark and acquires a resinous consistency.

It is noteworthy that it is the bark of the tree, and not the leaves or greens, like other plants, that is rich in oil essence. Essential oil makes up about 4% of the total mass of the bark. The composition of the components included in cinnamon oil has not been fully deciphered to this day. Scientists have isolated a specific polyphenol from cinnamon oil that helps lower blood sugar.


A new side of the fragrant bark has recently been discovered - its use can help with weight loss. The natural origin of the seasoning is extremely important in our time. The mechanism of action is simple: cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and thus eliminates the accumulation of fat deposits.

Another property of cinnamon for normalizing weight is lower cholesterol levels. The spice controls the growth of fat cells in the body and helps to quickly use them for energy production. These properties are key for cinnamon. They are what determines the achievement of the effect on human health. The substances contained in cinnamon perfectly regulate insulin and glucose balance in the blood. When glucose decreases, insulin production stabilizes. However, doctors learned by chance how the spicy bark affects the glucose-insulin balance in the blood.

Scientists have studied the influence various products on glucose levels, as a result of this experiment it was revealed wonderful property cinnamon. During the experiment, volunteers ate a regular apple pie, which, according to a long-standing tradition, is always flavored with cinnamon. Doctors expected that a piece of the pie would lead to sharp growth blood sugar level, but this did not happen, and even on the contrary, the glucose level decreased. The researchers were at first surprised by this result, but then they studied the recipe and ingredients of the pie in detail, and then they suggested that the insidious sugar was influenced by aromatic cinnamon. They decided to continue the experiment by inviting into the group of volunteers 60 diabetics suffering from type 2 diabetes, that is, already dependent on regular insulin injections. Experimental daredevils ate 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder every day, and this had a very beneficial effect on their well-being. After just one week, it was noticed that regular consumption of cinnamon reduced glucose levels, and at the same time, the production of its own insulin substance increased. This was also reflected in the weight of spicy bark eaters, and their weight began to decrease. That’s when housewives all over the world realized that it was not in vain that they kept the seasoning on their kitchen shelves.


In the store you can find it in the form of sticks and powder. In both forms, cinnamon is tasty and healthy. For more comfortable use, cinnamon is even produced in capsules. And if you like to drink tea, you will always find a drink with cinnamon. Cinnamon stick can be added to any herbal tea. Seasoning will enrich its aroma and create a pleasant, albeit unusual, taste. If you are interested in confectionery cooking, add it to sweets ground cinnamon. This way you will not only improve the taste, but also make the dish healthier. Not everyone, unfortunately, likes the taste of cinnamon, but most still love it.

To improve metabolism, get rid of excess weight nutritionists recommend drinking a special cinnamon drink. It's easy to prepare. Stir one teaspoon of cinnamon powder into 1 glass of juice. Add half a tablespoon of ground and a little hot pepper to this. The “fiery” drink should be drunk immediately and not stored. Frequency of administration: one glass every 2 days.

Cinnamon can be a great help in fighting disease.

At colds, as well as for prevention them, useful medicinal baths with cinnamon. You should also take 1 tablespoon of warm honey with one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day. This composition will help cure almost any cough, clear the nasal passages, and ultimately get rid of colds.

Cinnamon has antipyretic action, but with too much high temperatures may worsen headaches.

Has cinnamon and diuretics properties, so it is useful to take it for kidney and liver diseases.

For inflammation bladder you need to take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass warm water. This is a killer mixture for microbes that have settled in the bladder.

Cinnamon can be used as a medicine for many gastrointestinal diseases . Taken before meals, sprinkled with honey, cinnamon helps the body digest even the most heavy food. Honey and cinnamon also relieve pain and heal ulcers.

Reduce the risk of heart attack A daily breakfast with tea and a piece of bread, with honey spread on it and mixed with cinnamon, will help.

A mixture of cinnamon and honey is truly healing agent, which is effective as an addition to the main treatment cardiovascular diseases. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the heart muscle and helps to tolerate age-related changes much easier in the body.

To normalize weight, you need to regularly drink tea based on a mixture of honey and cinnamon, which will actually reduce volume and reduce weight. This tea should be prepared in the evening. Hot boiled water add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, leave to brew for half an hour. Then add one teaspoon of honey and drink half a glass of infusion. The remaining half is placed in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink the infusion. In the evening we make a new batch.

Don’t be lazy, because regular consumption of this drink helps even the most desperate fat person lose weight - cinnamon with honey does not allow fat to accumulate.

For arthritis, the above-described tea with cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio is also useful. Regular consumption of this drink can even cure chronic arthritis.

And for older people, cinnamon with honey is simply necessary, as a means of improving mobility and concentration, increasing vital functions body. And tea itself with cinnamon and honey delays the onset of old age if taken regularly. In old age, you can drink it 3-4 times a day, a quarter cup.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, cinnamon also has contraindications. The seasoning should not be used in large doses people who have internal bleeding of various origins. Cinnamon during pregnancy can promote increased contraction of the uterus, so it is also better to limit its use here. Also, if a person has ever had increased sensitivity to seasoning, it is better not to experiment with health.


First of all, let us remind you that it goes on sale in the form of sticks and powder. It is worth considering that it is easier to fake the powder; add foreign impurities to it to increase the volume. Therefore, it is much safer to buy cinnamon sticks. Plus, the sticks will retain the aroma and beneficial properties of cinnamon much longer.

Cinnamon happens different varieties and they all have their own taste characteristics.

The most famous:

Ceylon- the most expensive and famous. She is considered the best in her own way taste qualities, sweet and a little hot. It contains much less harmful coumarin than others, which is why this variety is preferred. It is found under the following names: true cinnamon, noble cinnamon, cinnamon.

Chinese– not as fragrant as Ceylon. At the same time, it has a more pungent, pungent taste. Other names: Indian, aromatic cinnamon, cassia, simple cinnamon.

Malabar cinnamon has a sharp, slightly bitter taste.

Cinnamon It has a strong spicy aroma and pungent taste.

The freshness of cinnamon can be determined by its aroma: the stronger and sweeter it is, the fresher the product.
