Sand in the kidneys of a cat, treatment. How to treat urolithiasis in cats. Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

Urolithiasis, urolithiasis or urological syndrome are names for the same common and insidious disease of domestic cats. This disease is typical for humans and animals, but it is very difficult, almost impossible, to see the first symptoms of stone deposits or sand in the kidneys and ureters of a cat. At the first sign of urolithiasis in a cat, he should be immediately taken to a veterinarian.

The disease is associated with metabolic disorders in the cat's body and is a serious pathology. If you do not pay due attention to the problem, then you can lose your beloved pet. Most often, neutered male kittens get sick, but animals without this operation also get sick.



When a cat gets sick, it appears chronic pathology, leading to the formation of salt deposits in the form of fine sand and stones in the kidneys, bladder and excretory canals. For some time, no symptoms of the disease are observed, but later the stone increases in size and begins to put pressure on the walls of the organ. It happens that under the influence of the weight of the stone leaves its usual place and moves with urine.

Stones small size, moving, cause pain in the cat, large formations clog the urinary canals and cause stagnation of fluid, which leads to poisoning of the body and the animal simply cannot go to the toilet or releases a small amount of urine. A fatal outcome will not be long in coming if the owner is inattentive to the pet and does not take emergency measures. medical care.

In cats, genitourinary diseases and, in particular, stone formations are less common than in male pets, which is due to the different lumens of the urethra, which in boys are naturally three times smaller.

The main causes leading to the disease

It should immediately be noted that many factors lead to the occurrence of urolithiasis, which cause abnormalities in the functioning of organs genitourinary area:

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

The formation of stones lasts more than one month, sometimes this goes unnoticed until the animal begins to experience discomfort. The first signs of the disease are:

Making a diagnosis from a doctor

Specialist in mandatory interviews the cat's owner and compares clinical signs illnesses. To determine urolithiasis in cats, a number of research procedures are used:

  • examination of the cat by a veterinarian;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • X-ray transillumination;
  • urine and blood tests.

Urine sediment testing is used to determine the type of stones in an animal's ureters. Knowing the composition of the deposit, it is much easier to determine the purpose of treatment, correctly determine therapeutic procedures and preventive care for the owners of their cat. To fully reveal the chemical composition of a stone, microscopic examination requires little, so it is determined only approximately mineral composition. To answer this question more completely, carry out modern research using polarized microscopy, x-ray diffraction and other qualitative analytical methods.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Timely assistance to the animal plays a huge role. In the first hours after the symptoms of the disease are identified, before medical help comes, you need to warm the bottom part Apply a warm heating pad to the cat's abdomen and perineum. It is not recommended to massage or palpate the area bladder so as not to damage it. The worst thing in this situation is the increasing intoxication of the body and possible rupture of the bladder. To avoid this, take the cat to the veterinarian in a timely manner, otherwise the animal may die. On emergency appeal see a doctor only 1-2 days left.

The veterinarian will conduct an examination, prescribe an x-ray and ultrasound to determine the size of the stones, put a catheter for the animal to drain fluid, and give an anesthetic injection.

Conservative treatment method

Treatment procedures of this plan are used when initial stage diseases and their moderate severity. Actions are aimed at removing inflammatory process and decrease pain in cats. In addition, treatment with medications aims to prevent relapses and subsequent complications of the disease. In the ureters fluid stagnation is eliminated, muscle spasms are relieved, inflammation in the pelvic organs due to intoxication is reduced.

Treatment in a conservative way based on the use of sedative and antispasmodic medications (baralgin, atropine, etc.), antibiotics are prescribed and homeopathic medicines. For severe pain, inject a lumbar anesthetic blockade and apply dry heat on the cat's bladder area. Usually, antibiotics and disinfectants are prescribed to relieve inflammation, for example, urosulfan, metronidazole, furadonin.

To promote the destruction and removal of formations, cystone and uradon are prescribed; to relieve spasms of smooth muscles, injections of no-shpa and analgin are given. To displace grains of sand and stones, they are prescribed to inject a novocaine solution into the urethra and artificially try to displace the stone. To make it easier, wash the bladder with sodium chloride solution in combination with antibiotics.

Surgical method

Most often this method is used in advanced condition of moderate severity and with almost complete blockage of the lumen of the ureter. Impaired urine outflow leads to renal transformation and painful attacks of pyelonephritis with acute and subacute course. In this case, it is difficult to talk about cure without surgery.

There are two methods of intervention - urethrotomy and cystotomy. The first method is to install a catheter to create an additional lumen to the exit of the formations. The end of the canal is set to the depth before the beginning of the obstruction area. The animal must be treated under anesthesia. After the release of sand and stones, the lumen of the urethra is treated with antiseptics.

Second method of cystostomy assumes surgical removal stones, This complex operation in the abdominal cavity. It becomes the only salvation for the animal if the size of the stones exceeds the diameter of the cat’s urethral outlet. After the operation, the cat’s fluid outflow is restored, but treatment is required antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Further prevention against relapse of the disease

Lifetime preventive measures must always be present in the everyday life of a cat. Unfortunately, urolithiasis cannot be completely cured, even by a carefully performed operation or conservative method treatment does not exclude the occurrence of relapses. The subsequent life of the pet proceeds in combination with the following activities:

  • the correct diet includes medicinal dry mixtures developed for categories of cats with urolithiasis, or the owner chooses natural products for his pet that are approved for use by specialists at a veterinary clinic;
  • the cat’s weight is regulated with the help of herbal therapy, diuretics, the animal ideally does not exceed 4–4.5 kg;
  • To relieve thirst, the cat receives only settled or filtered fresh drinking water;
  • the cat leads active image life, cats, especially castrated ones, receive a portion of games and movements to remove congestion in the pelvic area;
  • animal after medical complex or surgical intervention it is mandatory to undergo control examinations, ultrasound, x-ray and urine test once a year;
  • if signs of relapse of the disease appear, the cat must immediately undergo medical examination;
  • After suffering and treating an illness, a cat undergoes regular consultations and examinations with a veterinarian.

Diet of cats after treatment

The diet is prescribed a little earlier, even when the doctor begins to treat the cat. But after returning home the animal should eat right. When examining stones, the doctor identifies their chemical composition and, depending on this, determines foods for the cat’s diet. The animal's nutrition is aimed at recovery water-salt metabolism substances in the body and maintaining homeostasis:

  • if there is an oxalate disorder in the body, then the diet helps maintain acidity in the urine at a level of 6.8–7.2 R.-N;
  • if the disorder is of struvite type, then nutrition is aimed at restoring the volume, density and level of pH in the urine; the cat’s food does not contain a large amount of minerals.

Natural products included in a cat's diet are carefully developed by experts in the field of animal nutrition. It is mandatory to take vitamins A and B. Oxalate urolithiasis requires inclusion in the formulation boiled eggs, white beets, carrots. Struvite disorders will not occur if your pet eats boiled meat, cheese, rice and cottage cheese. It is better to prepare all dishes for cats before serving.

For any type of disorder in the cat’s body exclude fish, sausages, pork, canned food, chicken, caviar from the diet. It is not recommended to give to your pet large number protein, prepare food from low-fat, non-acidic, unsweetened and non-spicy foods.

Only those mixtures that have a recommendation for use in cats with urolithiasis. These are special feeds that contain a balance of minerals and vitamins in quantities acceptable for this category of animals. It is forbidden to use cheap mixtures of the economical series. To increase the intake of fluid into the body of a cat that drinks little, dry food is recommended. soak or eat wet canned food.

Together with the pet, the owner tries to defeat the insidious and dangerous disease. You should carefully monitor the cat’s behavior so that at the slightest suspicion of urolithiasis, immediately provide the animal with qualified veterinary care.

Urolithiasis(ICD) – terrible diagnosis, frightening owners to the core. Three ominous letters from the veterinarian’s mouth sound like a sentence. And indeed, the ICD is not a gift at all. This is a formidable enemy, deadly to pet. However, with the right approach, it can be defeated.

Urolithiasis or urolithiasis is a chronic condition characterized by the formation of salt deposits in the kidneys, bladder and urinary ducts. The movement of stones with urine flow leads to obstruction - blockage of the urinary ducts. The accumulation of fluid in the bladder leads to general intoxication. If emergency assistance is not provided to the animal, death is almost inevitable.

Uroliths (“stones” and “sand”) differ in chemical composition. In cats, phosphate/ammonium/magnesium is formed in 80% of cases. Other uroliths: ammonium urate, calcium oxalate, cystines. For treatment to be effective, the doctor must determine the type of deposits.

Reasons for the appearance of ICD

It is believed that cats are less susceptible to ICD than cats. Unsterilized cats develop urolithiasis at the same rate as sterilized animals. Urolithiasis is no more common in castrated cats than in non-sterile animals. However, castration in early age(up to 6 months) can lead to underdevelopment of the urethra. If such a cat gets urolithiasis, the disease will be more severe, since the narrow lumen of the urethra becomes clogged with deposits more quickly.

There are a number of factors that serve as a catalyst for the occurrence of the disease:

  • Not proper nutrition, in particular an excess of minerals in the diet. Frequent feeding of fish fatty foods, cheap food (no matter dry or canned) is a direct path to ICD. Dry food, balanced in composition, is absolutely safe;
  • mixed food (“natural” plus industrial food). Alternating morning-evening or afternoon-afternoon, mixing natural products And industrial feed in one feeding leads to metabolic disorders. And urolithiasis occurs precisely “thanks to” metabolic disorders;
  • insufficient fluid intake or drinking poor-quality water (from the tap);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • inactivity, obesity;
  • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • infectious diseases, staphylococci;
  • digestive tract dysfunction.

Read also: Vasculitis in cats: causes, types and methods of treatment


The first signs of the disease are subtle to the owner: the pet becomes less active, discomfort appears during urination, and appetite worsens. At this stage, KSD can only be detected by examining urine.

As the disease progresses, the pet's condition worsens, there are more and more stones, they move along the urinary ducts, eventually closing the lumen completely or partially. During this period, symptoms become obvious:

  • tight, painful stomach;
  • obsession (the cat persistently fawns over the owner, constantly meows, trying to attract attention);
  • sharp pain when urinating (the pet meows while sitting on the tray);
  • frequent urges (the cat runs to the toilet ten times a day, but keeps asking and asking, scratches the door, protests when the owner closes the door to the toilet);
  • urination in in the wrong place, sometimes demonstrative (a perfectly behaved pet can climb onto the table and write right in front of the stunned owner’s face - another way to attract attention);
  • blood in the urine (the urine becomes pinkish rather than yellowish as usual).

Urolithiasis – urolithiasis – is the most common and dangerous disease in cats. The high mortality rate of animals confirms this. It is characterized by the presence of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system - kidneys, bladder.

Which cats are at risk?

According to statistics, cats most often suffer from urolithiasis at the age of 5.

The risk group includes:

  • males;
  • age category 2 – 6 years;
  • obese animals;
  • long-haired breeds;
  • males after sterilization;


The disease has genetic roots and is chronic, with acute relapses.

The latent course can last up to 2 years, after which an exacerbation occurs and it is difficult to do without surgery.

Factors in the occurrence of urolithiasis

This ultrasound shows urolithiasis in a cat. Although cats are much less likely to suffer from this disease than cats.

The fact that sand and stones appear in the pelvic organs depends on several components. These components, in turn, are divided into external and internal.

External factors

Water quality plays a direct role in the development of urolithiasis in cats.

To the list external factors include:

  • climatic conditions – depending on how hot it is in the house, urine becomes highly concentrated and it becomes impossible to filter it through the kidneys;
  • quality of liquid consumed – the presence of salts in water leads to the accumulation of salts in the urine and, as a result, the formation of stones;
  • nutrition– excess or lack of proteins in food leads to accelerated concentration of urine;
  • hypovitaminosis, – lack of vitamins provokes a lack of nutrition of the epithelium, accelerating its destruction.

Internal factors

Predisposition to urolithiasis can be transmitted genetically.

Factors acting from within the body are called internal or endogenous. These include:

Causes of urolithiasis in cats

The resulting stones are of two types: struvite and oxalate.

Struvites were removed after surgery to treat urolithiasis.

The most common cause of urolithiasis is metabolic disorders.

Minerals entering the cat's body react with toxins. Dying bladder cells become foci for the appearance of crystals. Passing through the urinary canals, the crystals injure their mucous membrane. An excessive amount of such crystals is the cause of blockage of the lumen, preventing the release of urine. The kidneys continue to produce urine, but it accumulates in the lumen, which causes it, leading to severe intoxication.

The peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring. The presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract plays a significant role in the occurrence of pathology. The consequence of these processes may be the formation of crystals. Individual predisposition is also a significant factor in the development of the disease.

Features of the anatomy - the lumen of the urethra is too narrow, which makes it difficult to remove fluid, forming a “congestion”.

Video about the five main causes of the disease

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of urolithiasis.

Diagnose the presence of stones or sand in laboratory conditions, but at home you can make a preliminary diagnosis based on some signs.

  1. The cat urinates frequently, sometimes uncontrollably, sometimes with difficulty and in small portions.
  2. During .
  3. The urine becomes darker, has a reddish tint, or contains blood.
  4. The animal tries to move less and refuses food and water.
  5. Due to the small waste of urine, the stomach becomes larger.
  6. Intoxication of the body occurs.
  7. The temperature rises to 39–40 degrees. It is aggravated by convulsions and trembling of the whole body.

Such symptoms indicate long illness, at least 1–2 years. It is important not to allow severe form, constantly undergo veterinary examination, otherwise death is 80%. With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Full clinical picture compiled by a veterinarian based on a visual examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment and diet for cats

Therapy for urolithiasis is carried out comprehensively, using radical methods in the form of surgical removal of stones and cleansing of sand from the genitourinary tract.

Inserting a catheter through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia.

The treatment period is complex and lengthy and requires considerable effort on the part of the attending physician and the cat’s owner. The first emergency aid is to allow urine to pass freely. A catheter is inserted through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia. Difficulty in inserting a catheter is an indication for immediate surgery, during which a catheter is inserted and left in place for 1–2 weeks.

Intensive treatment involves the use of symptomatic therapy: painkillers, antispasmodics. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, immunostimulants, diet. Along with the use of narrowly targeted drugs, medications that support the work cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Through .


PHYTOAELITA® HEALTHY KIDNEYS (PHYTOAELITA® SANUS RENES). Consultation with a doctor is required.

Drugs often used in the treatment of urolithiasis with the possibility of urine patency: nitroxoline tablets, phytoelite " Healthy kidneys", phytolysin solution, neurovital tablets, baralgin injections.

In more difficult cases, With surgical treatment, therapy is indicated: injections of amoxicin, baralgin. Inside – phytoelite “Healthy Kidneys”, phytolysin. Catheterization is carried out using an anesthetic duo in the form of xylazine and ketamine.

To clean and prevent infection, a solution of metragil is injected into the catheter with saline solution. During rehabilitation period general restorative therapy is required. Use Cotervin, Nephrocat, Renal powder, suspension or tablets "", tablets "Urinari tract support".

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis at home

The prescription of a diet for urolithiasis depends on the type of stones in the genitourinary system animal.

The presence of oxalates prevents the entry of oxalic acid into the body. It is found in liver, kidneys, and tea. Foods containing calcium are subject to restriction: dairy, fermented milk products.

Veterinary hospitals sell special food for cats that suffer from urolithiasis.

Recommended saturate the body with alkali , which is found in beets, legumes, and cauliflower. Products shown rich in magnesium : peas, boiled meat, fish, rice, other types of cereals. Avoid completely dry food and use canned meat and fish.

Struvite damage

Struvite damage implies the exclusion of foods rich in calcium and its compounds. This group includes: dairy and fermented milk products, egg yolk.

Special food for cats and kittens with urolithiasis.

It is allowed to dilute: oatmeal, liver, cabbage. Use canned meat and fish food. Dry food - only medicinal, with the presence useful supplements for the cat. Diet dietary nutrition should be agreed with the doctor and strictly adhere to the feeding regimen and norms.

Throughout the rehabilitation, periodically carry out laboratory test urine , exercise strict control over the animal’s well-being. Combining ready-made dry or canned food in one container with homemade food is strictly prohibited.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

A set of preventive measures for urolithiasis in cats is available to everyone. It is necessary to control the quality of your pet’s food and its quantity. Overeating can lead to increased alkalinity in the urine. Insufficient intake of calcium into the body contributes to the formation of phosphate formations, so moderate consumption of foods rich in calcium compounds is important.

Monitor your cat's drinking. The water must be purchased, soft or boiled and settled. Do not use - only as complementary food; if possible, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

Complementary feeding with dry food should be provided with sufficient water. Feed the animal not only solid food. Add soups and liquid cereals to your diet. Keeping the pet in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions to prevent the occurrence of other infections.

To avoid the occurrence of urolithiasis or its recurrence, mandatory medical examination is indicated. While in safe conditions, the animal has a minimum risk of developing pathologies of the genitourinary system.

First days after surgery

We specially selected this picture. Quarantine after surgery must be strictly observed!

The first few weeks after surgery require strict quarantine of the animal. Balanced diet food, prohibition of leaving the house, contact with other animals. Do not allow “accidental” food or eating outside the regime. Do not skip mandatory medications indicated for rehabilitation.

One of the most insidious and common ailments associated with disturbances in metabolic processes is urolithiasis or urolithiasis in cats (abbreviated as ICD). The pathology is quite serious and, if not corrected in a timely manner, can be life-threatening furry pet. Are there prospects for a cure and methods for preventing its occurrence? By learning everything about this disease, you have a chance to defeat it.


Urolithiasis in cats is a chronic pathology in which fluffy pet salt deposits occur in the form of stones or sand in one or both kidneys, urinary ducts or bladder.

For some time, salt formations may not manifest themselves in any way, but over time they increase in size. There comes a moment when the stone moves away from the wall of the organ and begins to move with the flow of urine. A small pebble can cause mechanical damage when passing, causing pain in four-legged friend. A large salt formation can clog the urinary duct, which leads to stagnation of fluid, severe pain and intoxication of the animal. In this case, the absence emergency assistance most often leads to death.


Unable to detect main source the appearance of pathology. Experts have identified many factors that result in urolithiasis in cats. The causes of this pathology are mainly related to poor nutrition, way of life, care, heredity.

Most often the disease is caused by:


It is quite difficult to diagnose the disease when a pet just begins to have urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats at the primary stage are hardly noticeable to the owner. The animal simply becomes lethargic, shows less activity, eats worse and feels discomfort when urinating - these signs cannot always be compared with ICD. During this period, only a urine test will help recognize the disease.

The number and size of formations are increasing. They eventually begin to move, so they can partially or completely block the urinary duct. At this stage, the pet can easily be diagnosed with urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats or cats are obvious:

  • due to acute pain during urination (dysuria), the animal meows on the tray;
  • often runs to the toilet because he feels constant urge(pollakiuria);
  • the litter in the tray has reddish-pinkish tints instead of yellowish due to the presence of blood particles in the urine (hematuria);
  • a complete cessation of urination is possible - the animal strains to no avail, and sometimes cases of rectal prolapse occur;
  • upon palpation, you can feel that the abdomen has become tight and painful;
  • urination in an inappropriate place, uncharacteristic for a well-mannered pet;
  • signs of urolithiasis in cats also appear in behavior: the furry friend behaves persistently and fussily, trying to attract the attention of the owner, or, conversely, hides in a corner and cannot jump to a height;
  • loss of appetite, rapid breathing.


The specialist compares clinical signs with the pet owner’s responses and prescribes a number of research procedures. Urolithiasis in cats is diagnosed using x-rays, ultrasound, and examination of urine sediment in the laboratory to determine the type of salt formation.

Knowing the composition of the crystal helps determine preventive and therapeutic procedures. Microscopic examination allows only an approximate determination of mineral constituents because their formation, growth and dissolution are influenced by many conditions. More accurate identification of the composition of a salt formation is possible using qualitative analysis methods, which include polarized light microscopy, x-ray diffraction or other modern techniques.

Types of treatment

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist prescribes a course of procedures aimed at alleviating acute condition, which causes urolithiasis in cats. He selects treatment individually, taking into account the degree of damage, advanced stage of the disease, age, gender and general condition sick. Today there are a number of special comprehensive measures that effectively relieve this disease and its consequences. There are two lines of solving the problem: conservative and operational.

Depending on the course of the disease and the severity, the specialist may prescribe stone removal using a catheter (catheterization) or surgical removal under general anesthesia. Catheterization is performed under anesthesia. First, sand or stone is removed from the urethra using a catheter, then the urethral lumen is treated with antiseptics.

Conservative treatment

Therapeutic procedures are prescribed to restore urinary outflow and relieve the inflammatory process that causes urolithiasis in cats. Treatment should not only eliminate pain, but also be aimed at prevention, eliminating relapses and complications.

Obstruction most often occurs due to muscle spasm, which is caused by irritation and mechanical damage mucous membrane of the urinary ducts. The animal is prescribed a course of medication that eliminates stagnation of urine and restores the patency of the ureters. For this purpose, sedative medications and antispasmodics (baralgin, spasmolitin, atropine and others), as well as antibiotics and homeopathy (magnesia, cantharis, apis and others) are used. This stops an attack of urolithiasis in a cat and improves the patient’s condition. In combination with medicines Lumbar novocaine blockade and heat are used.


Surgical removal of stones is the leading method of treatment. Outflow disorders urinary fluid and kidney functionality, leading to hydronephrotic transformation and attacks of pyelonephritis in acute stage, hematuria and severe pain- such complications are caused by urolithiasis in cats. In most of these cases, surgery is simply necessary.

Depending on the type of formation, the veterinarian chooses urethrostomy or cystotomy. In the first case, an outlet channel is artificially created that reaches the area of ​​obstruction. Cystotomy is considered more complex abdominal surgery. It is used when the size of large urolithic formations exceeds the diameter of the urethra.

After surgery, the outflow of urine is restored, but the animal requires an additional course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.


After the pet’s well-being has stabilized, he needs lifelong preventive measures. KSD is not completely curable and cats are at risk of relapse. It's better to take some time to care for your furry friend than to treat the consequences of this serious problem. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats includes the following measures:

Sticking to these simple rules Your furry pet will have the opportunity to live many more years of a fulfilling life.


In combination with treatment, the specialist prescribes a special diet for the animal. It is selected depending on the type of violation in salt metabolism, which causes urolithiasis. Diet in cats helps restore proper metabolic process, and also maintains homeostasis. The choice of dietary nutrition depends on the type of disorder in salt metabolism:

  • oxalt - the diet is aimed at maintaining the pH in the urine from 6.8 to 7.2 and dissolving uroliths;
  • struvite - the selected diet prevents the formation of struvite, restores the normal density, volume and pH level of urine, for this purpose it reduces the consumption of minerals, in particular magnesium (no more than 20 mg per 100 kcal).

Natural nutrition

An incorrectly selected diet is one of the common reasons appearance or relapse of urolithiasis. Ideal option- develop nutrition for cats with urolithiasis with a specialist in this field.

When eating natural foods, vitamins A and B are additionally prescribed. With oxalate urolithiasis, pets are recommended carrots, boiled eggs, white beets, and with struvite urolithiasis - cheese, cottage cheese, boiled meat and rice. Food must be freshly prepared.

You should exclude pork, chicken, fish, sausages, canned food and caviar from your furry friend’s diet. Dishes should be dietary, that is, non-acidic, low-fat, non-spicy and unsweetened. They should not contain excessive amounts of protein.

Feeding with feed

When using industrial products, it is better to feed your furry friend with special food. They have a special content of minerals, for example, phosphorus (not higher than 0.8%), magnesium (less than 0.1%). These minerals in large quantities provoke the appearance of tripelphosphate stones, which are most often found in ICD. Cheap economy class food is prohibited. If the animal drinks little, then it is better to soak dry snacks or abandon them in favor of special canned food for cats with urolithiasis.


There is a fairly widespread point of view - urolithiasis occurs more often in castrated cats than in their counterparts with all sexual functions. Reliable scientific facts there is no research on this topic today; the opinions of scientists on this matter are contradictory. But it is possible to trace the connection between ICD and a castrated animal.

By removing the testes from your pet, the owner already puts him at risk. The fact is that after such an operation the furry friend's hormonal background. He becomes calm, lazy, does not scream, does not mark, and is not interested in cats. As you know, inactivity is one of the causes of this pathology.

In addition, the animal replaces interest in individuals of the opposite sex with an addiction to food. Increased appetite combined with passivity is a direct path to obesity. According to various sources, about 50-85% of pets with overweight bodies, get sick with ICD.

The only and main way out is not to overfeed your furry friend. You can reduce the portion or switch to low-calorie food.

According to some scientists, neutered pets urinate less often, which causes problems in the organs urinary system. At early castration some cats urethra remains narrow and stops developing. In any case, castrated animals are more susceptible to problems with the urinary organs.


Urolithiasis is a rather insidious and dangerous disease for a pet. It causes him to suffer from pain, damages his health and in some cases even causes death. Any suspicion of signs of urolithiasis in cats is a reason for immediate consultation with a veterinarian. Timely treatment, care, attention, proper nutrition and compliance preventive rules enable your furry friend to continue living a healthy life.

The lower urinary tract includes the bladder and urethra. Under the expression “diseases of the lower urinary tract"usually refers to a wide range of diseases of the urinary system.

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) was formerly called feline urological syndrome (FUT). This is a general term that describes various problems related to the lower urinary tract, including cystitis and blockages (stones or urethral mucus conglomerates).

LULC, unfortunately, is a common disease in cats, regardless of age and gender, and it is important to quickly and promptly recognize the signs of urolithiasis.

In this article we will look at such important issues How:


  • increase or decrease in the volume of urine excreted,
  • urinating outside the cat litter box,
  • frequent visits to the litter box,
  • screaming or spasms during urination,
  • inability to urinate
  • change in the color and odor of urine,
  • incontinence,
  • frequent licking of the genitals,
  • pain in the abdomen, bloating,
  • loss of appetite and weight loss,
  • depressed state
  • anxiety and nervousness,
  • smell of ammonia from the mouth,
  • vomit,
  • Constant meowing or screaming.

REASONS FOR FORMATION OF STONES (uroliths and struvites)

One of the causes of blockages that accompany disease of the lower urinary tract of cats may be the formation of uroliths (crystals that harden to a stone-like state). Previously cats suffered mainly from struvite formation. Struvite are crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate. The formation of these crystals is believed to be influenced by the acid-base balance of the urine.

Pet food manufacturers have responded to this information by releasing foods that help increase urine acidity and contain reduced quantity magnesium salts. Unfortunately, the offset acid-base balance to the acidic side, leading to a reduced risk of struvite formation, increases the likelihood of other problems. For example, a diet that increases the acidity of urine is contraindicated in cats with a tendency to form calcium oxalate crystals (and such cats in lately getting bigger and bigger). Therefore, in each individual case it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. Completely different diseases can be behind the same symptoms.

Males more often than females suffer from the formation of urethral mucous conglomerates. Urethral mucous conglomerates are a soft, sand-like mass consisting of crystal fragments and mucus. Such conglomerates accumulate in the urethra, which, in the absence of veterinary care, leads to blockage of the urethral opening. The cat is thus unable to urinate and the urine accumulates in the bladder. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS; if measures are not taken, the cat may die. Don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian. Death due to urethral blockage can occur within hours. You should not mistakenly assume that your cat is constipated and try to help with laxatives.


At the clinic, your veterinarian will first empty your cat's bladder. Most often, a needle is inserted through the skin into the bladder and the urine is sucked out with a syringe. In some cases, a cat's urethra can be cleared of mucus conglomerate under moderate anesthesia. A catheter is then inserted into the urethra to prevent new blockages. In case of multiple relapses, an operation called perineal urethrostomy is sometimes resorted to. During such an operation, the narrow part urethra and creates a wider urethral opening. The operation is associated with serious risk, and is usually resorted to as a last resort.

In the long term, treatment for FNTD involves feeding the cat foods that the veterinarian recommends, based on individual characteristics your pet.

Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to prevent or treat associated bladder inflammation (cystitis). The cat remains in the hospital until full recovery normal, independent urination.

After hospitalization, the cat is prescribed therapeutic diet on average for 6-9 months.

Hill's Felini c/d medicinal dietary food is more often recommended, which helps dissolve stones (struvite) in the bladder. As practice shows, following all the veterinarian's recommendations, the cat becomes much better in the first 5-7 days. But it is important to remember that feed the cat constantly medicinal food it is forbidden, because it contains a large amount table salt which is harmful to the animal.


If the cat is healthy for 6-9 months, you can switch to dietary food, for example, Hill's Science Diet Felini with a moderate content of magnesium salts or combined nutrition dietary foods that acidify urine. You also need to do a urine test every six months.

Besides this, to prevent infection, you should follow the following instructions :

  1. Feed your cat high-quality, premium food. If your veterinarian has recommended a specific diet for your cat, do not deviate from his recommendations and do not feed your cat table scraps.
  2. Place a sufficient number of cat litter boxes in the house in places where the cat can easily get into.
  3. Keep the trays clean.
  4. Make sure your cat always has clean, fresh water. Every day, before filling the bowl with water, wash it. If your cat eats only dry food, make sure she drinks enough water.
  5. Provide your cat physical exercise, play with your pet daily, watch your weight.
  6. Try to keep your cat out of stressful situations.
  7. Inspect your cat's litter box every day to know what is normal for your cat to produce.
  8. At the first sign possible illness urinary tract, take your cat to the veterinarian.

If, even after treatment, the cat experiences a relapse (resumption) of the disease, it is necessary to carry out a complete clinical examination animal to exclude bladder stones or other disorders in urinary tract, such as pyelonephritis.

Below you can watch a video in which veterinarian Odessa clinic "Aibolit" talks about the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis in cats and dogs.