Preparations for strengthening bones and joints. Strengthening bone tissue: choosing effective remedies Folk remedies for strengthening bones

To strengthen joints and bones, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. First of all, nutrition should be normalized, since cartilage and bone tissue need to be replenished with microelements and vitamins. If weakness of the knees, elbows and other joints is caused by inflammatory and rheumatic diseases, then use medications. To improve their function, special exercises are recommended. There are also at least effective ways in folk medicine.


If a person has problems with the musculoskeletal system, then he needs to adhere to a certain diet, the purpose of which is to normalize weight. This is important because lower body weight will have less impact on bones and joints.

The diet is made taking into account individual characteristics body. It should contain sufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and all nutrients. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the caloric content of food consumed and increasing physical activity. It is impossible to use diuretics and laxatives to obtain the desired result, since they help remove fluid from the body, including cartilage tissue. A ban is also placed on fasting, as this will cause exhaustion of the body.

The best option diets - eat small portions, but often. Snacks with vegetables, fruits and bread are allowed. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters clean water. This volume should not be replaced by tea, juices, compotes and other liquids. This is due to the fact that the water in pure form promotes the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.

To strengthen bones and joints, a child should never neglect breakfast, but it is worth refusing late dinner. The last meal should be no later than 6 pm or 3-4 hours before bedtime. After each meal you should take long hiking. This will burn unnecessary calories and strengthen muscles and cartilage tissue.

Harmful and healthy foods

All products that contain chemical additives are harmful to joints. To prevent their condition, you should exclude from the diet:

  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • shelf-stable cheeses;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meats;
  • dried fish;
  • roast;
  • phosphate-containing products (condensed milk, crab sticks, dough with baking powder, ice cream, processed cheese, white bread), which promote the excretion of calcium from bone tissue;
  • purine-containing products (tea, coffee, lentils, liver, chocolate);
  • sorrel, radish - increase the content of oxalic acid in the body;
  • sweets.

Beneficial for joints and bones:

  1. 1. Calcium. Its main source is fermented milk products(milk, cottage cheese, cheese). It is advisable to consume foods with low fat content.
  2. 2. Mucopolysaccharides ( seaweed, shrimp, mussels).
  3. 3. Collagen. It is found in jelly-like products and is needed as a lubricant for articular surfaces. Large quantity Collagen is found in jellied meat, rich soups and broths, and apple peels.
  4. 4. Selenium and sulfur. Necessary for the restoration of cartilage tissue and production joint fluid. Sulfur is found in fish, beef, chicken, gooseberries, apples, radishes, plums, cabbage, eggs, and onions. Sources of selenium: garlic, seaweed, mussels, shrimp, black bread, cod.
  5. 5. Iron. To replenish it, you need to eat greens, beef and apples.
  6. 6. Magnesium. This trace element is large quantities found in prunes oatmeal, green vegetables, soybeans, apricots, buckwheat, raisins, dark chocolate, bran.
  7. 7. Protein. This nutrient is necessary element in the structure and restoration of cartilage tissue. It is replenished with milk, meat, peas, fish and dates.

To maintain bones and joints in in good condition It is necessary to promptly restore the vitamin balance of the body. B vitamins are extremely important.


To maintain healthy joints and bones, there are various drugs. They are produced in tablet and capsule form, as solutions for injection.

Funds for intravenous administration used for inflammatory processes in joints. Hormonal drugs which are effective against edema and pain syndrome:

  1. 1. Kenalog. Designed for treatment rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue diseases.
  2. 2. Flosteron. Used for rheumatoid diseases.
  3. 3. Diprospan. Used for osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

To compensate for joint lubrication, you can use non-hormonal agents. Solutions with hyaluronic acid are effective, but quite expensive.

  1. 1. Glucosamine sulfate. The medicine is available in capsule form. Designed to relieve pain and inflammation during treatment inflammatory diseases tendons, joints and joint capsules. Effective in degenerative processes occurring in intervertebral disc. This drug also promotes the formation of bones, ligaments, nails, skin and strengthens the heart valves.
  2. 2. L-Proline. This drug is an amino acid necessary for the formation of collagen, accelerating the regeneration of damaged ligaments and cartilage.
  3. 3. Turmeric extract. The basis of the product is curcuminoids. For yellow These substances are responsible for antioxidants, which help the body get rid of the negative effects of free radicals.
  4. 4. Extract grape seeds. It has a similar effect to the previous drug.
  5. 5. Niacin (vitamin B3). Necessary for energy metabolism of cells and restoration of their DNA structure.
  6. 6. Manganese. This mineral plays important role in many physiological processes in the body. It promotes normal development cartilage tissue, bones and accelerates regenerative processes. It is added to products aimed at relieving joint pain.

To strengthen bones and joints, relieve inflammatory processes, accelerating the healing of cartilage tissue, the following groups of agents can be used to: local application(gels and ointments):

  • anti-inflammatory (Ketoprofen, Nimulid, Diclofenac);
  • warming agents (Capsicam, Viprosal, Gevkamen);
  • homeopathic (Traumel, Gepatrombin, Badyaga forte, Tsel T);
  • chondroprotectors (Chondroitin-Acos, Arthrocin, Chondroxide);
  • medicines based salicylic acid(Nizhvisal V, Salvisar).


To strengthen joints, static movements are recommended when the muscles long time are in a tense state without movement, and dynamic with muscle tension with a large amplitude of movement. When executing therapeutic exercises technique must be followed.

In a day you can practice next complex exercises aimed at normalizing the condition of various joints:

  1. 1. Shoulders. You need to pick up dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg or a plastic container with water, stretch them in front of you and lift them. Remain in this position until a slight burning sensation occurs in the shoulders.
  2. 2. Elbows. For development elbow joint It is recommended to use an expander. You can perform a simple exercise: move your arms to the sides, pulling the expander and fixing it in this position. Continue until slight fatigue appears in your elbow.
  3. 3. Knee. The best option is to do shallow, slow squats on 2 legs with a gradual change in load between the legs. During the exercise, the feet should not leave the floor.
  4. 4. Wrists. You need to take a small load, secure it to a rope, and tie its other end to a stick. Perform spinning of the stick. For another exercise, use a light dumbbell. It is taken in the hand, which is placed on the knee outside so that the hand does not touch the leg, after which the dumbbell is raised and lowered. The exercise is repeated until a slight feeling of fatigue and burning in the joints appears.
  5. 5. Ankle. Feet alternately place toes and perform circular movements in the ankle, pointing the feet outward, and then inward.
  6. 6. Fingers. You need to pick up an expander or a small rubber ball that compresses. They are squeezed for 10 minutes every day.

Exercises to strengthen the hip joints

In the first days of doing the exercises, you may feel soreness in your joints. This shouldn't be scary. As the cartilage and articular surfaces strengthen, the discomfort will subside.

Folk remedies

To strengthen joints and bones at home, you can use folk remedies:

  1. 1. Eggshell-based product. It contains a large amount of calcium, which is absorbed more easily and quickly than that obtained from foods. You need to take the shell of one egg, wash it and chop it. It is mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey or lemon juice. The resulting product is taken orally, 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. 2. A decoction of dill and parsley. These plants are useful in the treatment of osteoporosis, for skeletal system. You need to take 100 g of ingredients, season them with 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Cooled and strained drink, take 100 ml 3 times a day.
  3. 3. Pumpkin seeds. This product is enough to eat at fresh a handful daily.
  4. 4. A decoction of honey and St. John's wort. You need to take 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort and brew it like tea. The drink is diluted with a teaspoon of honey and drunk 3 times a day.
  5. 5. Ginger infusion. For cooking healing agent They use the roots of the plant, which have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of phenol and gingerol. You need to take the raw material and grind it. An infusion is prepared from 1-2 teaspoons of the resulting ingredient. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to brew until it cools. The product is drunk strained 3 times a day, 100 ml. It can be used as a lotion to be applied directly to painful areas. Ginger root is not recommended for use during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. It is contraindicated for people with blood clotting problems.
  6. 6. Infusion of white willow bark. This remedy has an analgesic effect due to salicin. In addition, white willow bark contains flavonoids, tannins and phenols, which helps relieve inflammatory processes in the joints. For cooking healing infusion you need to take 2-3 g of dried, crushed raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for several minutes. The resulting product is drunk in strained form, 50 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. However, white willow bark infusion is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women in the third trimester, or breastfeeding mothers.

Before using any folk remedies, you should consult your doctor. This is especially necessary when combined with drug therapy.

A man needs to think about strengthening his joints and bones at a young age, when there is no arthritis, no osteoporosis, no physical activity do not detract from the quality of life. Therefore, health-conscious representatives strong half Humanity should know that strengthening the osteoarticular system means proper nutrition plus physical activity.

Briefly about the bones and joints of the body

Our body consists of 206 bones and 230 joints. Bone mass begins to form in the womb, and this process ends at 25-30 years of age. It is during these years that men should move on to active measures to strengthen joints and bones. After all, with age, bone tissue density decreases, which is manifested by osteoporosis - a disease of recent decades, which is characterized by loss of calcium and increased fragility bones.

Joints are part of our bone apparatus and are movable joints that are covered with an articular capsule. With the help of joints, flexion and extension, rotation and movement occur. Around the joints there are ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels that ensure their active performance.

By the way, according to scientists, the joints of the fingers bend 25 million times during a lifetime.


With age, even the most healthy men Calcium is washed out of the body, and the mobility of both joints and bones decreases. To avoid this and maintain their health, the following products must be present in the diet:

  1. Tongue, eggs, red lean meat. All three products are rich in iron and help remove excess phosphorus from the body.
  2. Apricots and raisins, dates and prunes, green vegetables and buckwheat honey. In these products large doses Magnesium is present, which supports the nerve fibers that serve the joints.
  3. Seafood, sea fish. They contain phosphorus, which is necessary for the elasticity of joint tissue.
  4. Dairy products. It is a rich source of calcium - the basis for strong bone strength.
  5. Seaweed, gelatin products. They are rich in mucopolysaccharides, which ensure the mobility of the osteoarticular apparatus.
  6. Butter and fish liver. The products contain a lot of vitamin D, which preserves calcium in the bones.
  7. Herring and olive oil. Both products are rich in vitamin F, which prevents joint inflammation.
  8. Currants, rose hips and citrus fruits. The products are rich sources of vitamin C, which is responsible for nourishing joints.

Along with healthy products, there are also a number of harmful ones for bones and joints. They need to be excluded from the menu. So, these are carbonated drinks and white bread, crab sticks and processed cheeses, which contain a lot of harmful additives, leaching calcium from the body and clogging it.

Smoked and pickled foods contain a lot of salt, which can irritate joint capsule causing inflammation.

Tea and coffee, chocolate and fatty pork contain a lot of purines, which cause pathological changes in the joints. One of them is gout.

Sorrel, radishes and spinach contain a lot of oxalic acid, which irritates the periarticular nerves.

Physical activity

A healthy and balanced diet is the basis for maintaining health. But without physical activity, even with constant diet monitoring, it is impossible to avoid age-related changes in the osteoarticular apparatus. After all, this is the part of the body that is the basis of movement. Today, in the age of physical inactivity and computer technology, a man’s musculoskeletal system is degrading, because bones and muscles become stronger with physical activity, and in their absence they simply atrophy.

Physical exercise promotes the accumulation of phosphorus and calcium salts in the bones. And there's no need to invent special exercises to strengthen bones. You just need regular exercise in the form of morning exercises, which begins with a light warm-up and includes exercises for bending legs and arms, and squats. This could be a 20-minute morning jog, which involves the bones and joints of the arms and legs.

Tennis and cycling, volleyball and the fitness room, swimming and football - there are a lot of options for physical activity for men nowadays. You just need the load to be regular and increasing.

You can start with the basics: forget about the car and get to work on foot.

Do you want your bones and joints to be strong? The following tips will help you cope with this task.

Fast run

If you don't have much time for a full workout, it doesn't matter. Choosing to run with alternating segments of high and low intensity can also achieve tangible results. HIIT helps you get rid of excess weight, and also stimulate bone cell growth, which ultimately improves bone density.

Lifting weights

If you want to strengthen your bones and joints, devote 2-3 workouts a week to lifting weights. For men and young women, the load may be increased. Weight machines, dumbbells, barbells and resistance training challenge your body, which is good for each individual skeletal element.


Just like jogging or walking, dancing is good for increasing bone density. This activity improves your mood and improves coordination.

Take Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important conditions, which affects bone density because this substance helps your body absorb calcium. If you rarely go outside in sunny weather, consider taking food additives, which will eliminate the lack of vitamin D in the body.

Give up soda

Strong bones are the real reason why you should give up soda completely. Each serving of a sugary drink with fizzy bubbles increases the risk of cracks in the pelvic bones for women. Active substances Coca-Cola drinks (caffeine, phosphorus and sugar) interfere with calcium absorption.

Eat more fish

Along with taking vitamin D, include in your diet more seafood, in particular, oily fish. Salmon, sardines, and tuna will enrich your body with bone-healthy substances. Fish diet will become part of the strategy to prevent the development of osteoporosis.


In one scientific experiment, women performed 20 jumps twice a day for four months in a row. As a result, hip bone density in this group increased compared to those who did not jump during the reporting period.

Ball games

It's easy to get caught up in the routine of regular exercise or jogging in the park in the morning. But if you diversify your motor activity, it will do you good. Play badminton, tennis or ping pong, and the weight of your body while maintaining coordination will help strengthen your skeleton.

Balanced diet

The benefits of a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, berries, whole grains, nuts, fish and dairy products are obvious. Balanced diet Provides your body with the vitamins and valuable minerals needed to improve bone density. Add to list important substances includes phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin K, vitamins B6 and B12.

Avoid food restrictions

If you're a regular at the gym, spending more than 5 hours a week working out, you could be damaging your bones from overexertion. Do you want to lose weight faster and limit your intake of carbohydrates, vegetables and healthy fats? By doing so, you prevent your body from recovering properly and increase the chances of microtrauma occurring.

Fewer burgers

On the other side, active people often do not deprive themselves of food, believing that any hamburger and any cake can be “worked off” with a 20-minute ride on an exercise bike. However, be careful with your love of fast food. A large amount of animal protein negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and leads to calcium leaching.

Add spices to your dishes

Oregano, dried paprika, garlic powder and other spices add a little kick to ordinary dishes. Pepper, ginger or turmeric will make you cut back on the salt, which is good for your bones. Sodium chloride negatively affects your body's ability to retain calcium.

Introduce tofu into your diet

Adding tofu to your diet is another smart move. Soy will help you strengthen your bones as it is filled with phytoestrogens and is part of a healthy diet.

Drink coffee in moderation

Coffee has many benefits for your health. But if you drink more than three cups a day, it can affect your body's absorption of calcium.

Check the medications in your medicine cabinet

There are many drugs that have wide range side effects. For example, antidepressants, steroids, inhibitors proton pump and antacids containing aluminum can reduce bone density.

Eat more olives

These small green or black fruits (as well as olive oil) are a great addition to vegetable salads. The product contains antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which damage bones.

Learn about preventing osteoporosis

If your bone density is low, ask your doctor if you need antiresorptive medications to slow bone breakdown and reabsorption.

Wear the right shoes

Even if you are no longer a child, there is always a risk of injury if you fall on the street. Do your best to avoid an accident that could cause you to trip, fall, and break your hip. Avoid wearing rubber flip-flops, platform shoes and high heels.

Add greens to your food

In addition to milk, green vegetables are an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. Greens provide your body with fiber, vitamins and are low in calories.

New hobby

If you find it difficult to stay active during the day, figure out what activities bring you the most satisfaction. Perhaps it's time to give up knitting and join a rock climbing, yoga or boxing club.

Make sure you know how to prevent osteoporosis

Peak bone mass occurs at age 30. Subsequently, each person needs to carry out preventive measures, preventing the development of osteoporosis. Increase your awareness. Monitor your calcium intake (1300 mg per day) and vitamin D intake (600 IU).

Keep your house clean

If you want to avoid a household injury, clear out clutter from your home and take precautions by covering slippery floors with carpets.

Stop smoking

Smoking significantly reduces bone density. Do you need more more reasons to give up cigarettes once and for all?

More nuts in your diet

Almonds, cashews and peanuts are excellent sources of magnesium, a mineral that improves bone structure. In addition, this element is excellent friends with calcium.

Cobra pose

If you don't have enough time to do 40 minutes of yoga, focus on just a few poses. Just 12 minutes of daily exercise will help increase bone mineral density in the spine and hips.

Calcium supplements

Take calcium supplements only if you eat little vegetables and dairy products. And remember that an overdose of a macronutrient can lead to heart disease.


Vitamin D is rarely found in food, so whenever possible, head outside in sunny weather. But don't forget about precautions.

Monitor your alcohol consumption

Women should consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and men - no more than two. Anything that is drunk in excess can cause the fragility of your bones.


To further increase your physical activity, don't limit yourself to going to gym. Install an app that counts your steps and total mileage for the day, then go for a walk.

Take care of your overall health

Any healthy habits will also be good for strengthening your bones. A healthy lifestyle as a whole is more important than the content of a specific vitamin or nutrient in the body.

Bone diseases usually develop unnoticed. But then they suddenly manifest themselves, bringing pain and the inability to do what they love: sports, dancing, gardening, and just living a normal life. Osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis - these diseases have become a real disaster for people in the 21st century.

They affect not only pensioners, but also fairly young people. How to strengthen bones, prevent them from thinning and avoid serious illnesses This article will tell you.

Products for strengthening bones and joints

The skeletal apparatus is the basis of our body. A strong musculoskeletal frame allows a person to live full life: walk, run, perform physical exercise and so on. Sick, fragile bones often break, a person loses mobility and the ability to lead a full life for a long time.

To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of the health of tissues and joints from a young age, correct image life.

And above all, provide your body with enough vitamins and minerals. And also provide the bones and joints with sufficient, but not excessive, physical activity to help train and strengthen them.

It is necessary to take care of the health of skeletal tissues from childhood. This is sports active image life, proper diet nutrition.

Calcium. Calcium is often called building material bones. And that's true. Processes take place in the body during which this element in tissues must be constantly renewed. If this does not happen, the bones will become brittle and brittle. Foods rich in this mineral should be eaten regularly from a young age. Then, by adulthood, you will provide the body with sufficient content of this element.

The largest amounts of this mineral are found in the following foods:

  • milk. However, in order for the body to receive a daily supply of calcium, a person needs to drink a liter of milk per day. Not everyone can do this. Therefore, you need to supplement the daily requirement of the element with the help of other products;
  • fermented milk products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt. They are especially useful in old age, as they not only strengthen bones, but also normalize digestion;
  • cheeses and cottage cheese. Record holders for calcium content. 50 grams of hard cheese can provide your body with half daily norm mineral.
  • green. You should eat as much greens as possible at any age. Parsley, celery, dill, spinach, herbs, as well as leafy vegetables: salads, arugula, young beet leaves are very rich in calcium. In addition, they have this combination useful components, in which the element is easily absorbed. Greens and leafy vegetables are rich in potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, iron and sodium, and vitamins B and E. To keep your bones strong, you need to eat fresh greens and leafy vegetables every day;
  • fish. Fish from the salmon family, as well as sardines and tuna, contain a lot useful substances including calcium. It is enough to eat 400 grams of fish per week. Doctors recommend the mandatory use of fish to prevent fragility of skeletal tissues during osteoporosis and after a fracture.

To ensure that the calcium contained in food is well absorbed, foods should be eaten with the addition of vegetable oil. Natural unrefined sunflower or olive oil is best.

Vitamin D. Without this vitamin you cannot build a healthy musculoskeletal system. Its main task is to help the body absorb calcium. Therefore, it is extremely important to get enough of this vitamin from food. Its deficiency in women, especially in old age, leads to the development of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Vitamin D is contained in:

  • in sardines and salmon fish;
  • beef, chicken and fish liver;
  • mushrooms;
  • butter.

This vitamin is synthesized in the body only under the influence sun rays. Therefore, it is necessary to be in the sun more often, especially in the early morning. At this time, the sun does not carry harmful ultraviolet radiation.

This is especially important for young children. Having a sufficient amount of vitamin D in a child’s body will protect him from diseases such as rickets.

Phosphorus. Without it, calcium absorption is also impossible. Fish contains a large amount of phosphorus. Saury and sardines, tuna, capelin, pollock, mackerel, as well as various seafood are rich in it.

Strengthening and healthy condition bones and joints are impossible without vitamin C. It promotes the healing of microcracks in bones, rapid fusion and strengthening bones after fractures, increases the elasticity of ligaments and joints.

This one is extremely essential vitamin found in the following products:

  • rose hips. A decoction of fresh or dried fruits of this plant is excellent prophylactic to strengthen bones and joints in old age. It is also useful for young, developing organisms.
  • bell pepper A very healthy product, which is facilitated by the high content of vitamins, including vitamin C. Note that red fruits contain more of it than green ones.
  • berries. Among garden and wild berries the greatest content Vitamin C is found in sea buckthorn and black currant.
  • green. Especially parsley and wild wild garlic.

Also rich in this vitamin various types cabbage, sorrel, spinach, strawberries, citrus fruits.

Folk remedies for strengthening bones and joints

All folk remedies for strengthening and maintaining healthy bones and joints did not arise by chance. They are based on many years of experience and observations of people. And in the end they are confirmed by representatives of official medicine.

Among the most popular and effective ways the following:

  1. eggshell. Used to strengthen bone tissue after fractures. And gives good result. The fact is that the shell is simply a natural source of pure calcium. It is absorbed from it much faster than from food.

Apply eggshells as follows: peeled, washed and ground into powder, it is mixed with lemon juice or honey and take half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Take this folk remedy for a month, then take a break.

  1. decoction of parsley and dill. Parsley and dill have traditionally been used to strengthen bones in osteoporosis. A decoction of them is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for their prevention. To prepare the decoction, take an equal amount of greens (about 200 grams) and add water at a temperature of 90 degrees, leave for several hours and drink half a glass three times a day.
  1. pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds ancient remedy to strengthen bones and joints. It is recommended to simply chew on a handful of seeds every day.
  1. St. John's wort decoction with honey. When treating osteoporosis with medications or recovery period after fractures traditional medicine recommends using a decoction of St. John's wort with honey. This remedy is drunk instead of tea. It strengthens the body and minimizes negative impact medications.

Strengthening bones needs to start from childhood. With food, the child should receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins to build a healthy musculoskeletal system. The missing norm necessary substances get with the help vitamin complexes for children.

Find out how to strengthen your bones at any age, prepare your body and rid yourself of many diseases.

It is no secret that bone tissue loses its strength over the years; bones after 40 are not at all the same as at 30 years old. Moreover, in the body by the age of 18-20, about 90% of the bone tissue is already fully formed and this age is already extreme point from which you need to start eating right and exercising if you haven’t done this before.

So, there are 3 main ways to strengthen your bones:

1.Vitamin D is the basis for calcium accumulation

It is not for nothing that the emphasis is placed on the phrase the basis of calcium accumulation, in other words, this vitamin, like a magnet, attracts calcium to the bones, but not all food products have sufficient D content and this is a significant problem.

But there is good news, ordinary sunlight has high content vitamin D, under the influence of sunlight a cascade occurs in our body chemical reactions, as a result of which the element dehydrocholesterol is converted into calcitriol, which promotes the binding of calcium to protein, and it is absorbed by bone tissue.

It would seem that all you have to do is spend a lot of time in the sun and the whole job is done, but long-term exposure UV light is harmful to the skin, especially during peak solstice hours, so take in moderation sunbathing and be sure to take vitamin D3, it contains cholecalciferol, which doubles the absorption of calcium, the recommended dose is 800-100 IU.

2. Calcium is the main reinforced concrete of bones

Many people think that bone tissue is a non-living element of the body, a lifeless element of the body that only supports muscles and tendons, everything is much more complicated, bone tissue is constantly renewed, the old top layer is destroyed and a new one grows, and this lasts active up to 30 years.

After 30, the process of resolving bones begins to outpace the process of creating new ones, but proper nutrition and active physical activity make it possible to bridge the gap between the process of destruction and creation.

Include dairy products in your diet; egg shells can be crushed and taken in small portions; don’t forget about cheese, soy, beans, meat, and nuts. If you have a minimum of these products in your daily intake, look towards supplements, daily norm 1200 mg.

When choosing calcium, look for citrate and carbonate, which enhance calcium absorption.

3. Strength training – powerful bone protection

Thanks to strength training, the bones get stressed, they are forced to work under load, which destroys their top layer and they are forced to renew themselves, and the more often the renewal, the stronger the bone tissue becomes. Of course it all depends on how old you are younger the younger it is stronger, and the older it gets, the faster the rate of bone destruction simply slows down.