Rating of contraceptive pills. Groups of birth control pills, names and their effects. Microdosed and low dosed

Most people, due to a lack of knowledge in the field of medicine, consider hormonal drugs to be something terrible that bring a huge amount (from weight gain to significant hair growth). Such fears are unfounded. An example is hormonal pills for women. These drugs are widespread and effective in their use. What hormones are, why they are taken, and which of them are the best is discussed in the article.

Included hormonal drugs includes synthetic hormones or hormonoids (substances that have similar properties). Hormones are produced by glands endocrine system. Entering the blood, they spread throughout the body and reach target cells, on which they have a direct effect. Specific reactions occur there that control the vital functions of the body.

All hormonal medications can be divided into the following types:

  • pituitary gland preparations - representatives are and, which is known to every woman;
  • – used in the treatment of insufficient or excessive synthesis of hormonally active substances;
  • pancreatic agents (based on);
  • parathyroid preparations;
  • hormones of the adrenal cortex - glucocorticosteroids, which are used in most areas of medicine to relieve insufficiency, inflammatory and allergic processes;
  • preparations of sex hormones (progestins, androgens);
  • anabolic steroids

What are hormonal drugs used for?

Hormonal drugs are used to treat and prevent a number of pathological conditions, namely:

  • as contraception;
  • For replacement treatment during menopause and menopause, this also includes men with androgen deficiency;
  • treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;
  • replacement therapy for deficiency of certain hormones;
  • as a link complex treatment tumor processes.

Female hormonal drugs are used for the following purposes:

  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • period after ectopic pregnancy;
  • postpartum contraception (3 weeks after the end of lactation);
  • therapy of gynecological pathologies;
  • condition after abortion.

Features of oral contraception

The history of contraception goes back to ancient times. What was not used until the structure of steroid hormonally active substances was studied and the discovery of the suppressive effect high doses sex hormones for ovulation. This included interrupted sexual intercourse, various cases soaked in infusions and decoctions of herbs, fish bladders, and prolonged breastfeeding.

The use of hormones began in 1921, when the Austrian professor Haberlandt confirmed the possibility of inhibiting the ovulation process by introducing an extract from the ovaries themselves. It was first synthesized in the USA in 1942, and used in 1954. The negative point was that the hormones in the tablets contained at that time a significant dose of the active substance (tens of times higher than what a woman now takes), and therefore caused weight loss. side effects.

Modern agents that are well tolerated were synthesized in the 90s of the 20th century. How much effective drug, evaluates the Pearl index. This indicator clarifies the possibility of pregnancy within 12 months of regular use of the drug. The index of modern hormonal drugs ranges from 0.3% to 3%.

Hormone-based contraceptives:

  • combined;
  • mini-pills (non-combined);
  • drugs for urgent contraception.

Combined hormonal agents

COCs are a group of the most popular modern contraceptives. They contain estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and gestagen (norgestrel, levonorgestrel, desogestrel) - hormonoids similar in their action to female sex hormones.

Depending on the dosage, as well as the ratio of gestagens and estrogens, several groups of hormonal tablets are distinguished:

  1. Monophasic - have the same dosage of active substances in each tablet of the package.
  2. Biphasic - the amount of estrogen is constant, and the dose of gestagen varies depending on the phase of the cycle.
  3. Three-phase - variable content of hormones in the composition.

The last group is considered the most physiological. It contains three types of tablets. The amount of hormones in each type depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The first 5 tablets correspond to the follicular phase, the next 6 tablets imitate the periovulatory phase, the remaining 10 - the luteal phase. The amount of estrogen in each of the tablets is maximum, and the level of progestogen gradually increases, reaching the highest indicators to the third phase of the cycle.

Mechanism of action

All hormone-based contraceptives are aimed at preventing the production and release of active substances, the action of which is associated with ovulation and implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. The gonads decrease in size, as if “falling asleep.”

The drugs have the property of making cervical mucus thicker, which prevents a significant number of sperm from penetrating into the uterus. In addition, there is a change in the functional state of the endometrium, it becomes thinner, and its ability to attach the fertilized egg to itself decreases, if conception does occur.

Reviews from women who use products from this group confirm the effectiveness of use under the age of 35. The package contains 21 tablets of the same color. There may be a strict usage pattern, but it is of little value since all tablets have the same composition. The following is a list of the most popular and effective remedies.

The drug contains 30 mcg and 2 mg of dienogest. Regular intake has the following features:

  • Pearl index does not exceed 1%;
  • has androgenic activity - taken by women with increased performance male hormones;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels.

A good product made in Germany. Gestagen is represented by gestodene (75 mcg). Available in the form of dragees. It is not advisable to use with other medications, as the risk of uterine bleeding increases.

The product is the most popular representative of the group. Drospirenone acts as a gestagen. Properties are similar to the drug Janine. In addition to lowering cholesterol and anti-adrogenic effects, Yarina has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This explains why dermatologists prescribe tablets in the treatment of acne and acne.

It is an analogue of Logest. Significant differences are the country of manufacture, the color of the tablet shell and the slightly higher estrogen content in the composition.

The name of this representative is also constantly heard. Contains ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate. The product is the drug of choice for those women who have an increased level of hair growth, since the gestagen included in the composition has a powerful antiandrogenic effect.

One of the well-tolerated drugs, eliminating the formation of edema, weight gain, and increased appetite. Drospirenone, which is part of the composition, has the following features:

  • softens the effect of estrogen;
  • stops manifestations premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Monophasic drugs do not end with this list. There are also a significant number of representatives:

  • Miniziston;
  • Mercilon;
  • Silest;
  • Regividon;
  • Dimia;
  • Midiana.

Two-phase and three-phase agents

Experts prefer monophasic drugs to representatives of these groups due to fewer side effects. Biphasic ones are rarely used, which is why among them there are tablets whose names are not familiar even to pharmacists: Femoston, Anteovin, Binovum, Neo-Eunomin, Nuvelle.

Three-phase drugs, due to their physiological composition, are more popular, however, side effects and complications when taking them are no less pronounced. The group representative will be called as follows: the name begins with the prefix “three”. For example, Tri-regol, Tri-mercy, Trister, Triziston.

The tablets are colored different colors depending on the phase of reception. Such drugs must be taken strictly according to the regimen that comes with the package.

Advantages and Disadvantages

U modern contraceptives there is a mass positive qualities, which makes them widely used:

  • fast effect and high reliability;
  • the ability of the woman herself to control the state of her fertility;
  • knowledge of the means;
  • low incidence of side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of influence on the partner;
  • reducing the possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy;
  • positive effect in the presence of benign tumor processes of the mammary gland;
  • prevention of tumor processes in women reproductive system;
  • relief of manifestations of dysmenorrhea;
  • positive effect on the condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and musculoskeletal system.

The negative aspects of COCs include the need for regular use according to a specific regimen, as well as the possibility of delaying subsequent ovulation cycles after discontinuation of the drug.


Absolute contraindications for prescribing COCs include pregnancy, malignant tumors of the reproductive system and mammary glands, pathologies of the liver, heart and blood vessels, acute thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, as well as uterine bleeding of unknown etiology.

TO pathological conditions that create problems during the use of drugs include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • epileptic condition;
  • migraine;
  • depression, psychosis;
  • diabetes mellitus any type;
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • porphyrin disease is a pathology of pigment metabolism, accompanied by high level porphyrins in the blood and their massive excretion in urine and feces;
  • benign tumors of the uterus;
  • upcoming immobilization or surgery.

There are a number of factors that reduce the effectiveness of the products used. These include dyspeptic symptoms in the form of vomiting and diarrhea, taking laxatives, antibiotics, and anticonvulsants. If vomiting and diarrhea occur within 3 hours of administration last pill, you need to drink extra.

What are progestin oral contraceptives?

This alternative drugs(mini-pills), which contain exclusively gestagens. Hormones from this group are needed in the following cases:

  • older women;
  • during lactation;
  • those who smoke;
  • those for whom COCs are contraindicated;
  • patients with hypertension.

Progestin contraceptives have a higher Pearl index. It can reach 4%, which is a negative point for the contraceptive process. Representatives - Levonorgestrel, Charozetta, Ovret, Micronor.

Reception scheme

The tablets must be taken once a day at the same time. If a woman misses a dose, then she should take hormones as soon as she remembers, even if she has to take two tablets at the same time.

If a woman remembers the pill no later than 12 hours from the moment she needs to take it, the contraceptive effect remains; after 12 hours, she should use it additional methods protection.

Urgent remedies

Emergency contraception is represented by drugs used in times of emergency. These drugs contain significant doses of hormones that prevent the ovulation process or change the functional state of the endometrium of the uterus. The most famous are Postinor, Escapelle, Ginepriston. Cases when there is a need to take such drugs should be as rare as possible, since they cause a huge hormonal surge in the body.

How to choose an oral contraceptive

The specialist evaluates hormonal balance the patient’s body and determines what minimum dose of the drug will be able to show the desired effect. The dose of estrogen should not be higher than 35 mg, and the dose of gestagen (in terms of levonorgestrel) - 150 mcg. The doctor also pays attention to the woman’s constitutional type. There are three main types:

  • with a predominance of estrogen;
  • balance;
  • with a predominance of gestagens.

Representatives of the first type are suitable for those products that have an increased dose of gestagens, the third - with an increased level of the estrogen component. If a woman has signs increased amount male sex hormones, ideal option will be the use of drugs with enhanced antiandrogenic effect.

The gynecologist evaluates the condition reproductive organs patients. Heavy menstruation with long period, increased size of the uterus - factors higher level estrogen in the body. Scanty menstruation in combination with uterine hypoplasia indicates high rates gestagen.

Currently, the most used are combined mono- and triphasic oral contraceptives, which have a low dose of hormonally active substances included in the composition. These funds have same efficiency and safety if you follow the rules for their use. The choice between specific representatives is made on the basis of each individual clinical case. Confirmation that the contraceptive is chosen correctly is the absence of uterine bleeding or bloody discharge between menstruation.


  1. Obstetrics: course of lectures. UMO stamp for medical education. Strizhakov A.N., Davydov A.I., Budanov P.V., Baev O.R. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Obstetrics. National leadership. UMO stamp for medical education. Ailamazyan E.K., Radzinsky V.E., Kulakov V.I., Savelyeva G.M. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Preeclampsia: theory and practice. Ailamazyan E.K., Mozgovaya E.V. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  4. Intrauterine infection: Management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. UMO stamp for medical education. Sidorova I.S., Makarov I.O., Matvienko N.A. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress.
  5. Clinical recommendations. Obstetrics and gynecology. Savelyeva G.M., Serov V.N., Sukhikh G.T. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.

Exists large number contraceptives, but the leading position among the whole variety is occupied by birth control pills, which are characterized by a high degree of prevention unwanted pregnancy. Let's look at each of the groups of drugs in order to know which birth control pills are best to choose, find out the names and read reviews about them.

Microdosed hormonal drugs

The drugs in this group of tablets are characterized by minimal side effects.

Suitable for both girls over 18 years old and women over 35 years old who are constantly sexually active.


A drug that contains nomegestrol acetate and estradiol hemihydrate. These compounds are similar in structure to natural female hormones. The drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. It also acts on cervical mucus, changing its secretion.


Highly effective combined oral contraceptive. Reduces the risk of cancer in women, minimally affects the liver. Its composition is close to the natural hormonal background of women, where the main active ingredient is estradiol valerate. Indicated for any age. The tablets should not be taken during breastfeeding or during early stages pregnancy.

A monophasic drug that is aimed at suppressing ovulation and changes in cervical secretions, which leads to a decrease in permeability to sperm. Improves the regularity of menstruation, reduces pain. When using contraception, the risk of cancer is reduced. The main active ingredient is ethinyl estradiol, the auxiliary ingredient is drospirenone. You can use the tablets after 40 years.

A new drug that, in addition to contraception, contains vitamins. Unlike Jess tablets, it contains calcium levomefolate. The drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation and minimizing sperm permeability. When taking it, there is a reduction effect painful sensations during menstruation.


Microdosed oral contraceptive is combined agent, which contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The action is based on inhibition of ovulation and changes in cervical secretions.

A drug aimed at contraception as a result of inhibition of ovulation and changes in the properties of uterine mucus. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. Positively affects the regularity of menstruation, suppresses painful sensations. Thanks to its composition, it reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.


Monophasic tablets, which are aimed at inhibiting the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Prevents the development of a viable egg, has positive impact on the regularity of the menstrual cycle, reduces the risk of tumors in women.

Contraceptive drug, release form - pills. It interferes with the ovulation process and increases the viscosity of the uterine mucus. Before starting to use the drug, you should undergo a thorough gynecological examination. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene.


A drug based on a combination of estrogen and progestogen that suppresses ovulation and slows down the movement of sperm. The active ingredients of the tablets are synthetic estrogen, the progestogen desogestrel. When taken, blood loss during menstruation is noticeably reduced, so it is indicated for women with heavy discharge.


The main active ingredients in the drug are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Duration of treatment – ​​21 days, then a break – 7 days and resumption of treatment.

Low-dose drugs

Drugs that belong to this group are suitable not only for women who have given birth, but also for girls over 18 years of age.

They are prescribed by gynecologists if microdosed hormonal pills are not suitable.


New generation tablets containing ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. It is a multiphase drug. Besides contraceptive action, has a cosmetic effect, reducing acne.


Birth control pills, which are characterized by low content hormones. The active ingredients of the drug are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. It is also prescribed for cosmetic purposes in the fight against acne.

A contraceptive drug with a small hormone content. The main active ingredients are desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Reduces pain during menstruation, improves skin condition with acne. It is advisable to take one tablet at the same time for 21 days with a break of 7 days. Especially suitable for girls over 18 years old and women over 40 years old.


Monophasic contraceptive, which is characterized by suppression of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, while preventing unwanted pregnancy. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Release form: film-coated tablets are quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.


A drug used regularly to prevent unwanted pregnancy, as well as to normalize the menstrual cycle and regulate the intensity of discharge during menstruation. Refers to medicines low in hormones. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Indicated for scheduled use.


A combined drug whose action is aimed at regulating the gonads in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main active ingredients are norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. Used for 21 days with a break of 7 days. Apply orally.


Low-dose monophasic contraceptive. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. It affects the body through three mechanisms: suppression of ovulation, increased mucus impermeability, and changes in the endometrium. As a result of use, there is an improvement in the regularity of menstruation. Prescribed to women for regular use to prevent unwanted pregnancy.


The main active ingredients of the drug are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. Release form: pills. The drug is quickly absorbed in the intestines. Doctors prescribe it to treat acne, normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent unwanted pregnancy. The drug is intended for regular use.

Combined drug for contraception in women. Prevents sperm from entering the egg. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Prescribed by a gynecologist to normalize the menstrual cycle and PMS as well. Characterized by regular use.


The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Characterized by oral use daily for 21 days with a break. Contains a small amount of hormones. Aimed at suppressing ovulation and controlling the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

High dose tablets

Drugs that belong to the group of high-dose hormonal tablets can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.

Prescribed for treatment purposes hormonal diseases and for contraception during their treatment.

Three-phase medicinal drug, which is aimed at contraception, is characterized high content hormone. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. The drug blocks the maturation of a viable egg. It is prescribed by a doctor, and examinations are required every 6 months.


Combined contraceptive, which is characterized by high dosage. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. It is used in three phases for 21 days with a break. Women applying this remedy, observe stabilization of the menstrual cycle and high contraceptive results.

A highly effective drug containing progestin and estrogen. Indications for use: prevention of unwanted pregnancy. It is characterized by good tolerability.

A contraceptive containing estrogen and gestagen. These components have a high degree of activity compared to natural hormones and under their influence ovulation stops. The effect of application is 100%.


The hormonal drug is available in the form of green dragees, in a package of 21 tablets. Characterized by a high level of hormone content. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and norethisterone. Indicated for use to prevent pregnancy, regulate cycle duration, and treat psychological infertility.


Mini-pills refer to medicines that prevent pregnancy. Distinctive feature– this is a gentle effect on the woman’s body.

With regular use, the effect of the mini-pill is 99%.

They are an oral contraceptive.

A contraceptive based on the active ingredient desogestrel. Affects the condition of the uterine mucus, making it thicker and less permeable to sperm. Approved for use by nursing women.


A drug that prevents unwanted pregnancy by reducing the possibility of ovulation and increasing the viscosity of uterine mucus. Does not affect lipid processes in the human body. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women. The main active ingredient is desogestrel.


It is a contraceptive that can be used after childbirth. The main active ingredient is desogestrel. It is prescribed orally. The drug is for daily systematic use. In case of irregular use, the result is not guaranteed.


A contraceptive that contains gestagen, which makes it well tolerated by women. The main active ingredient is levonorgetrel. Can be used during breastfeeding. Its use in conjunction with non-hormonal contraceptives is also recommended.

Non-hormonal tablets

A distinctive feature of non-hormonal pills is that they are inserted into the vagina rather than taken orally.

They act due to the active substance in the composition, which affects sperm, destroying them.

The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. The drug does not affect the natural microflora of the vagina. It is prescribed if it is not possible to use stronger (hormonal) contraceptives.


Vaginal tablets that have a contraceptive and antiseptic effect. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Inserted into the vagina 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Do not affect the natural microflora of the vagina.


A product that prevents unwanted pregnancy and has the property of getting rid of unwanted microbes and fungi in the vagina. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A contraceptive containing active substance– benzalkonium chloride. It destroys the structure of the sperm and thereby prevents unwanted pregnancy. It must be inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. Also serves as an antiseptic.


Non-hormonal pills that are aimed at destroying the sperm membrane during sexual intercourse. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. They are inserted into the vagina and tend to thicken the uterine mucus. Can be used while breastfeeding.


Contraceptive pills, which, in addition to their main properties, have antifungal properties. The main active ingredient is nonoxynol. Prescribed by a doctor, including during lactation and pregnancy.


A vaginal product that is necessary for contraception. Introduction is recommended into the vagina 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The main active ingredient is potassium hydrogen tartrate. A non-hormonal drug that can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

All contraceptive medications must be prescribed by doctors with preliminary diagnosis on an individual basis.

And it should be remembered that the contraceptives in question have a much better effect on a woman’s body than birth control pills after sexual intercourse.

The problem of preventing unwanted pregnancy has long been troubling humanity. And today, family planning remains one of the most pressing topics. Contraception is protection against unwanted pregnancy, and therefore against negative consequences that may arise as a result of its interruption. Any method of preventing pregnancy is safer for a woman’s health than terminating it! According to the Russian medical academy, only 25% of married women use contraception, in recent years the use of the most effective methods contraception, such as hormonal and intrauterine devices!

Over the long century of its existence, hormonal contraception has acquired myths and legends, which force women to be wary of using it. Let's try to figure it out, is this true?

How long has hormonal contraception been around?

The idea of ​​its creation arose at the beginning of the twentieth century thanks to the experiments of the Austrian doctor Haberland. The first artificially synthesized female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - were obtained in 1929 and 1934, and in 1960, the American scientist Pincus created the Enovid pill, which laid the foundation for the whole genus hormonal contraception.

What are hormonal contraceptives?

They consist of estrogen and progestogen components, artificially created twin brothers of estrogen and progesterone (natural sex hormones in women). Such drugs are called combination drugs. Sometimes drugs containing only gestagens are used.

What types of hormonal contraception are there?

Hormonal contraception is divided into oral (OK) - the drug enters the woman’s body through the mouth in the form of tablets and parenteral - hormones enter through other routes, bypassing the intestines. Another type of parenteral hormonal contraception is special ring, placed into the vagina by the woman herself once a month. There is also special kind intrauterine device, which has a contraceptive effect due to the release of hormones.

What is COC?

COCs are combined oral contraceptives (analogues of estrogen and progesterone in tablets).

Distinguish monophasic COCs (in each tablet of the drug the content and ratio of estrogen and progesterone are the same), two-phase (the estrogen content is the same in all tablets, but the dose of progesterone in the second phase of administration is higher), three-phase (different ratio of hormones in the three phases of administration).

Besides, COCs, depending on the dose of estrogen, are divided into high-dose, low-dose and micro-dose. From the first days of the invention of these drugs to improve COCs, scientists have been following the path of reducing hormone dosages: it is believed that than less dosage in a COC tablet, the fewer side effects.

Are three-phase COCs more physiological and closer to the normal menstrual cycle?

Triphasic COCs do not necessarily mimic the hormonal fluctuations of the normal menstrual cycle and are not more physiological than monophasic COCs. The advantage of the former is a lower percentage side effects than the rest. But only a few women tolerate triphasic COCs themselves well.

How do COCs work?

The hormones included in COCs affect the process of formation and release of the egg from the follicle in the ovary in such a way that ovulation simply does not occur. That is, the egg is not “born”, therefore, its meeting with the sperm is obviously impossible. It is also impossible because COCs create a kind of trap for male reproductive cells. These drugs make the cervical mucus more viscous, which is a barrier to the path of sperm into the uterus.

In addition, even if fertilization of the egg does occur, for further development it is necessary that it enter the uterine cavity in certain moment- not earlier and not later than the due date. Work slows down under the influence of COCs fallopian tubes, “moving” the fertilized egg towards the uterus, thereby preventing the progression of pregnancy.

Let’s say that the fertilized egg managed to right moment get into the uterus. But for further development of the embryo it is necessary special condition and the structure of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium), which provides nutrition and other conditions necessary for pregnancy. When taking COCs, changes occur in the structure of the endometrium that prevent the further development of the fertilized egg.

What are the rules for taking COCs?

The drug should be taken on one of the first days of menstruation or within three days after an abortion. The sooner the better. If the use of COCs did not start on the first day of the cycle, it is better to use additional methods of contraception during the first two weeks. Reception is continued for 21 days, after which a break of no more than 7 days is taken. Usually a woman is recommended to take COCs at the same time of day, and so that she does not forget about this, it is better if she associates taking the drug with daily ritual, for example, will put the tablets next to the toothbrush.

If a woman still forgets to take another pill (most common mistake when taking COCs), it is recommended to take it as soon as possible and continue taking subsequent doses as usual. But in this case, additional contraception for 2 weeks is desirable.

How many months (years) in a row can you use COCs?

There is no clear opinion on this matter. Some gynecologists believe that if the drug is selected correctly, the duration of its use does not increase the risk of complications. Therefore use this method Contraception can be used as long as necessary, until the onset of menopause. Taking breaks from taking medications is not only unnecessary, but also risky, since during this period the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy increases.

Other scientists take a different point of view, insisting on small but mandatory breaks of 3-6 months. So, some recommend simulating a natural pregnancy, that is, taking COCs for 9 months, and then stopping the drug for 3 months, using other methods of contraception. The body is given a kind of rest from the “rhythm and doses of hormones imposed on it.” There is evidence that with continuous use of COCs for a number of years, the ovaries seem to become exhausted, in other words, they “forget” how to work independently.

How effective are COCs?

This method of contraception is highly reliable in preventing unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, within twelve months of their use, 1000 women experience 60-80 pregnancies, but only one is the result of insufficient contraceptive effect of the drug, and the rest are due to errors in the use of COCs. For comparison: with interrupted sexual intercourse during the year, there are 190 cases of unplanned pregnancy per 1000 women, of which 40 are due to the unreliability of the method itself.

How long after stopping taking COCs can a woman become pregnant?

At correct use With COCs, the ability to conceive is restored immediately after COCs are discontinued. After 3-6 months it reaches 85%: the same as in women who did not use hormonal contraception.

How does OK affect libido?

There is no definite answer, everything is individual. But most women note an increase in sexual desire, since there is no fear of an unwanted pregnancy when taking OCs. If there is a decrease in sexual desire when using COCs, then this problem can sometimes be solved by changing the contraceptive used to another one with less progesterone.

Do OCs actually make you fat?

The fear of gaining weight from hormonal pills has existed for a long time. Weight gain (usually plus 2-3 kg) occurs in the first three months of taking the drug, mainly due to fluid retention in the body. OCs can increase appetite, which also contributes to weight gain. However, in other women, taking OCs, on the contrary, causes loss extra pounds or does not affect weight at all.

Can young nulliparous girls take OK?

In some cases, even teenage girls are prescribed OCs by gynecologists, since these drugs, in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, have a number of medicinal properties.

When are OCs prescribed as treatment?

At various violations menstrual cycle, with some uterine bleeding, for polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as for the treatment of severe forms of premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, etc. There is also evidence that COCs have positive influence on the course of stomach ulcers and rheumatoid arthritis.

Are COCs really prescribed for the treatment of infertility?

Hormonal contraceptives: truth and myths

In some forms of endocrine infertility, “intermittent use” of OCs is used. For example, taking some similar drugs for 3 months followed by a break of 2 months in certain cases restores ovulation.

Who are these drugs prescribed to?

In the absence of contraindications to taking hormones, COCs are recommended for women of any age who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

Planned children born into a family based on a thoughtful and balanced decision are the key to harmony in the home, so this issue should be taken seriously. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, as well as to treat a number of gynecological problems, there are many medications. Before deciding which birth control pills are best to choose, you should understand the huge range of oral contraceptives that today offers pharmaceutical market. All products created to prevent conception are divided into two groups:

  1. COOK. Combined oral contraceptives with different composition.
  2. Mini-drinks. The most gentle for the body with one analogue of the hormone progesterone.

    Depending on what hormones are used in the drug, COCs are divided into:

    • monophasic;
    • two-phase;
    • three-phase.
    Also, based on the quantity active ingredients in the composition, the following classification is adopted:
    • microdosed;
    • low-dose;
    • high-dose
    It should be remembered that at different ages, certain medications may or may not be suitable for a woman. Therefore, to find out which are the best birth control pills after 30, 40 or 45 years, in your case, you must definitely visit a gynecologist, he will be able to give the most accurate recommendation.

    Let's take a closer look at the most popular anti-conception medications today.

    Regulon birth control pills

    Monophasic, combined contraceptive containing estrogen and gestagen.
    1. Action. The drug is effective due to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. With its help, the susceptibility of the endometrium to the blastocyst is reduced and the mucous viscosity in the cervix increases, which makes it more difficult for sperm to move.
    2. Application. Prescribed 1 piece per day from the first day of the full menstrual cycle. You need to drink it for 21 days, preferably at the same time. After this, the course is interrupted for a week and a new package is started. If from the beginning menstrual bleeding If more than five days have passed, you should postpone the start of treatment to the next cycle.
    3. Contraindications. Prohibited for patients with severe arterial hypertension, thromboembolism, ischemia, atherosclerosis, serious problems with liver, heart defects, diabetic angiopathy, otosclerosis, genital herpes, hypersensitivity to components, lupus erythematosus, estrogen-dependent tumors, genital bleeding.
    4. Side effects. Stroke, thrombosis, hypertension, heart attack, cholestatic jaundice, Sydenham chorea, and cholelithiasis were extremely rarely reported.
    The price of Regulon in Russia is about 460 rubles, and in Ukraine 130–160 UAH.

    Jess - anti-conception pills

    Low-dose contraceptive with antiandrogenic, antimineralocorticoid effect, good cycle control. Contains drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Prescribed when acne vulgaris and for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome in a complex form.
    1. Action. It prevents you from getting pregnant by suppressing ovulation, changing the properties of cervical secretion, which is why it becomes almost impenetrable to sperm.
    2. Application. Drink one tablet per day for 28 days without breaks, drinking a large number water. As soon as the blister is finished, move on to the next one.
    3. Contraindications. It should not be used by patients with diabetes mellitus, tumors in the liver, mammary glands, kidney or adrenal insufficiency. Prohibited for thrombosis, after heart attacks, ischemic attacks, vaginal bleeding, angina pectoris, pancreatitis, neurological migraine.
    4. Side effects. Mood swings, anxiety, nervousness, headache, candidiasis, inflammation of the mammary glands, irregular menstruation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, fluid retention, weight gain or loss.
    The price of Jess in Russia is 1100–1200 rubles, and in Ukraine 200–250 hryvnia. We have already done a more detailed one earlier.

    Contraceptive Tri-Regol

    A three-phase product containing estrogen and gestagen. Used for contraception, treatment of bleeding disorders, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea.
    • Action. The release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone is prevented, which inhibits ovulation, and the viscosity in the cervix changes and sperm cannot get further into the cavity.
    • Application. One piece is consumed daily within three weeks, then take a break for 7 days. First, drink six pink ones, then five white and ten dark yellow tablets.
    • Contraindications. Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to components, Gilbert, Rotor, Dubin-Johnson syndromes, serious illnesses liver and kidneys, cholecystitis, colitis, problems with the heart and blood vessels, thromboembolism, diabetes, tumors, sickle cell anemia, migraine, otosclerosis, herpes, severe skin itching, lipid metabolism disorders.
    • Side effects. Possible nausea and vomiting, tension in the mammary glands, weight changes, discomfort when wearing lenses, headache, intermenstrual bleeding, depression.
    The price of Tri-Regola in Russia is 300 rubles, and in Ukraine 220–300 UAH.

    Birth control pills Novinet

    Single-phase medicine, with ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. A reliable method of contraception that reduces the amount of bleeding and the duration of menstruation, relieves pain, minimizes the possibility of infections in the pelvis, anemia, ectopic pregnancy, and the development of diseases in the uterus and ovaries.
    • Action. Inhibits the maturation of the egg due to the influence of luteal and follicular synthetic hormones.
    • Application. For a three-week period, take 1 tablet, then stop for 7 days and start a new package. If it is necessary to delay menstruation, there is no break.
    • Contraindications. Cannot be used when malignant tumors in the uterus and mammary glands, with thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, severe diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, liver and kidney diseases, jaundice, hearing impairment during a previous pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, skin rashes.
    • Side effects. Vomiting, nausea, allergic rash, intermenstrual bleeding, pain in the head and mammary glands, weight changes, cervical and gland cancer, liver problems, thromboembolism, jaundice, sudden pain in the stomach.
    The price of Novinet in Russia is 500 rubles, and in Ukraine 135–170 hryvnia.

    Contraceptive Yarina

    Monophasic drug, with a combination of two main active components of estrogen ethinyl estradiol and the gestagen drospirenone. It is very useful for patients suffering from hormone-dependent fluid retention, seborrhea, and acne.
    • Action. The medicine changes the viscosity of the cervical mucus, inhibits ovulation, and prevents the development of the egg. Also, with its help, the concentration of HDL increases and improves lipid profile, the drug has antiandrogenic activity.
    • Application. Every day for 21 days certain time drink one pill at a time, then stop for seven days and then continue according to the same scheme.
    • Contraindications. You cannot be treated with this medication if the patient has thrombosis, ischemic attacks, severe renal and hepatic pathologies, angina pectoris, tumors, diseases of the mammary glands, genital organs, bleeding, diabetes mellitus, heart attack or stroke.
    • Side effects. Breast pain, discharge, intolerance contact lenses, nausea, pain in the head and stomach, skin rashes, chloasma, migraine, fluid retention, changes in vaginal secretion.
    The price of Yarina in Russia is 1100 rubles, and in Ukraine 200–250 UAH.

    There are many proven remedies that reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but at the same time they can cause a number of unpleasant side effects. That's why pharmaceutical companies Every year they try to release new medications, the use of which will not pose a risk to health. Today there are already a number of non- hormonal products or with an extremely low percentage of them. TOP 5 best reviewed by us birth control pills consists of drugs that will not only prevent conception, but will also affect the woman’s health as carefully as possible.

    If you decide to use oral contraception, you should definitely consult with a specialist, he will help you choose suitable medicine based on condition, age and individual characteristics the patient's body.

    How to choose birth control pills, see the following video:

Low-dose hormonal contraceptives are a type of monophasic combined oral medications contraception, which includes progesterone and ethinyl estradiol. The dosage of the latter in such preparations is 30-35 mcg.

Low-dose oral contraceptives have a high contraceptive effectiveness, and, in addition, affect the stability of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and also have a certain therapeutic effect. Such means of protection can be recommended for both young mothers and ladies of Balzac age. As for young girls who have not yet gone through childbirth, it would be better for them to be offered another category of COCs - microdosed tablets.

Impact of low-dose contraception

Since its inception combined contraceptives On the market, scientists are steadily moving towards reducing the dosage of hormones in them. According to generally accepted opinion, the smallest doses of progesterone and estrogen ensure a reduction in side effects when taking contraceptives against unwanted pregnancy.

Low-dose contraceptives have the following mechanism of action on a woman’s body, which contributes to the contraceptive effect:

  1. suppression of ovulation, i.e. creation of such hormonal levels, in which the development of the follicle and egg does not occur, and, as a result, ovulation of the ovaries;
  2. preventing implantation of the embryo into the uterus;
  3. slowing down the movement of the villi of the fallopian tubes involved in the movement of the egg into the uterine cavity, as well as thickening the mucus that accumulates in the cervical canal and prevents sperm from penetrating through it.

Low-dose contraceptives, in addition to their proven high efficiency protection against pregnancy and safety, also have a number of other positive aspects. In practice, very often young women start taking such drugs in order to achieve a certain cosmetic effect. Like all other COCs, low-hormone contraceptives reduce the production of male sex hormones in the ovaries, and, as a result, contribute to the disappearance of acne, oily skin, and a decrease in excess growth hair. Among the non-contraceptive properties of low-dose contraceptive drugs Others are also widely known:

  1. stabilization of a woman’s menstrual cycle, regulation of its duration, intensity of bleeding and pain;
  2. reduction or complete withdrawal PMS symptoms;
  3. reducing the risk of developing female diseases genitourinary system;
  4. prevention of ovarian and endometrial cancer, etc.

Many people wonder which contraceptives contain fewer hormones, focusing when choosing COCs only on the doses of progesterone and estrogen they contain. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since when prescribing a particular drug, a large number of factors must be taken into account. This includes the woman’s age, the regularity of her menstrual cycle, and the characteristics of its course, drug tolerance, as well as the need to achieve certain therapeutic effects when receiving them.

There is a fairly large list of low-dose contraceptives, each of which has a different hormonal load. In this case, the tactics of prescribing COCs by doctors is determined by the following sequence - first they use contraceptives with a low content of the hormones estrogen and gestagen, the so-called microdose contraceptive pills. But sometimes contraceptives with a low estrogen content do not provide sufficient tolerance, causing spotting in a woman, irregular cycles, or not providing the necessary therapeutic, non-contraceptive effect. Then it makes sense to switch to low-dose birth control pills, in which the dose of estrogen varies from 30 to 35 mg.

Logest and Lindinet are considered the lowest-dose hormonal contraceptives today. Low-dose contraceptive pills (list of COCs available on the market today with low ethinyl estradiol content):

  1. Yarina;
  2. Midiana;
  3. Femoden;
  4. Tri-Mercy;
  5. Silest;
  6. Jeannine;
  7. Lindinet-30;
  8. Miniziston;
  9. Marvelon;
  10. Regulon;
  11. Silhouette;
  12. Rigevidon;
  13. Belara;
  14. Chloe;
  15. Diana-35;
  16. Microgynon.

It should be noted that these contraceptive pills should not be used by women over 35 years of age. This limitation is due to the fact that as women age, the production of estrogen begins to fade, and menopause is completely characterized by a complete stop in their secretion. To maintain the required level of estrogen, ladies of Balzac age should, on the contrary, take a closer look at which contraceptives contain more estrogen hormones and make a choice in their favor (naturally, after consultation with a personal gynecologist).