What is the best way to absorb calcium? The absorption of calcium by the body has its own characteristics.

Good teeth, strong bones And shiny hair– Calcium is needed for all this. Getting it from food is half the battle; the main thing is to help it be absorbed and make it work.


Not absorbed alone in the best possible way. A balance with magnesium and phosphorus is necessary. If these minerals are deficient (and almost all city dwellers are deficient), the calcium you eat will be useless. Moreover, with magnesium deficiency, calcium is not only not absorbed, but is intensively excreted.

YOUR ACTIONS. Eat cottage cheese as often as possible: it contains calcium and phosphorus in optimal proportions, as well as enough magnesium. An alternative to cottage cheese is eggs, fresh herbs and some types of fish (for example, horse mackerel).

Another option is legumes. Pea soup, salads with beans, and tofu contain calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in excellent proportions. Cocoa and whole grain bread are also rich in magnesium.


In milk and its derivatives, calcium is found in the form of lactate, which is easily digestible and almost all of it goes to its intended destination. Citrate and similar calcium compounds from broccoli, kale, leafy greens (except spinach), almonds, turnips, and fish are absorbed slightly worse (70-80%). There is a lot of calcium in easily digestible form in sesame: per 100 g - daily norm this useful element for adults.

YOUR ACTIONS. Doesn't have to be sesame seeds handfuls. It is enough to drink 1 tbsp every morning. l. sesame oil on an empty stomach. An excellent “calcium lunch” is a salad of leafy greens and broccoli, dressed with cottage cheese or sour cream and sprinkled with sesame seeds. And for dessert - calcium-rich almonds and figs.


Avoid foods that increase calcium loss. First of all, it is caffeine and fat. Excess phosphates, phytic and oxalic acids prevent calcium from being absorbed - these compounds are found in sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, beets and many others plant products. You shouldn't give them up completely, but it's better to eat them little by little.

YOUR ACTIONS . 2-3 cups of coffee a day won't hurt, but if you drink more, drink at least half a glass of milk for each additional cup. Eat dried apricots: they are rich in potassium, which stops calcium loss. Avoid margarine, creamy spreads, and canned sauces: the hydrogenated fats in them interfere with calcium absorption.


Supplement your diet with substances that “conduct” calcium inside. First of all this. It increases calcium absorption by 30-40% and normalizes its balance with phosphorus. In fact, it is not just a vitamin, but a prohormone: from it the parathyroid glands produce substances responsible for calcium metabolism.

YOUR ACTIONS. Vitamin D is especially rich in liver, eggs, as well as many seafood - shrimp, lobsters, crabs, herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel. In addition, it is synthesized in the body under the influence ultraviolet rays. Therefore, as soon as the weather permits, try to spend 15-20 minutes a day in the sun.


The smaller we are, the worse calcium is absorbed: it’s as if the body decides that with a passive lifestyle, strong bones are an unnecessary luxury. Running, walking, and exercises with barbells and dumbbells are especially useful for bone growth. The main thing is without fanaticism.

YOUR ACTIONS. It is quite enough to spend 400-450 kcal per workout - this is a standard strength set in gym plus half an hour on the treadmill. Remember that calcium is lost through sweat, so during active training and frequent visits sauna losses need to be compensated. A glass of low-fat kefir and a handful of almonds are a great post-gym snack.


The easiest way to maintain proper calcium levels is with pharmaceutical drugs. According to the latest recommendations, people over 25 years old need 800 mg of calcium per day, and pregnant, breastfeeding and women over 50 years old need 1200-1500 mg. Plus, American doctors advise taking 100 mg of vitamin B6 every day, as well as 400 mg of magnesium oxide. This will improve your mood and help remove excess fluid.

YOUR ACTIONS. It is better to choose calcium in chelated form: in it, the mineral is protected from interaction with other elements in the stomach and is therefore better absorbed. Take them during or immediately after meals.

When the body begins to intensively produce the hormone cortisol. One of his side effects- deterioration of calcium absorption in the intestines and increased excretion by the kidneys. The more stressed we are, the more calcium we lose and the more fragile we become—in a very real sense.

YOUR ACTIONS. Learn to relax. Until you learn how, during nervous periods, pay special attention good nutrition to compensate for the loss of minerals. In moments of excitement, eat dark chocolate. It contains many antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E, as well as selenium, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium.

They say that taking calcium in the form of ready-made pharmacological drugs practically useless - the body still does not derive any benefit from it. At the same time, a deficiency of this macronutrient poses a serious threat to health - if the supply of calcium from the outside is limited, then consumables will become bones, teeth, nails and hair. You can adjust your diet in the right direction, but first it’s better to find out how calcium is absorbed and “what it’s eaten with.”

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body traditionally include insomnia, increased blood pressure, and muscle pain. Frequent rashes may appear on the skin, accompanied by itching, and bruises may appear from the slightest touch. The overall picture is complemented by brittleness and splitting of nails, as well as the depressing appearance of hair, which becomes dry, dull and prone to loss. But bones are the most defenseless against calcium deficiency - their increased fragility results in almost chronic fractures.

In order to get what you need, it has always been recommended to eat as much milk and fermented milk products, as well as vegetables, fruits and herbs. But in lately and this approach began to be perceived as quite controversial. At least milk and cottage cheese are valuable sources easily digestible calcium are already being questioned.

How is calcium absorbed in the body's cells?

Calcium absorption in the body occurs at the level of the small and large intestines. This process will occur without any problems if nothing prevents the intestinal epithelial cells from doing their “work.” And aspirin and oxalic acid can prevent them. The latter, when combined with calcium ions, forms compounds that are insoluble in water and accumulate in the form.

The whole “secret” of calcium is that our body absorbs it better in ionic form, and most foods contain molecular calcium. Therefore, even intensive consumption of milk, cottage cheese and cheeses does not help cope with its deficiency. One of the interesting alternatives to traditional calcium complexes is, and judging by the reviews, it is simple folk remedy shows good results. Lemons contain vitamin C, in the presence of which calcium is absorbed more fully.

But the combination of calcium and vitamin C alone is not enough: their union will be incomplete without vitamin D and acidic environment, facilitating the integration of the “bone-dental” macroelement into the body. The most acute need for vitamin D usually occurs in young children - this can even result in the development of rickets. In adults required stock This vitamin must be contained in cells. But those who live in places with unfavorable environmental conditions drink a lot of coffee and rarely walk under the sun rays, can become deficient in vitamin D at any age.

It is believed that an adult may well receive daily dose calcium with a glass of fresh kefir, and beforehand you can eat an apple, orange or kiwi. If you adhere to the basic commandments proper nutrition, then calcium will be absorbed easily and correctly. After all, the body is a smart system, and it is able to distribute and redistribute its resources itself. Just don't bother her.

Calcium takes up a lot of energy in the body’s vital system. important role. However, there are no unimportant microelements in the body at all. But it is calcium that is responsible for the passage of nerve impulses in the heart and skeletal muscles, affects blood clotting, is responsible for the strength of bones, teeth, normal activity nervous system.

With a lack of Ca (calcium), an imbalance begins in the body. For some time he is compensated by work parathyroid glands, which immediately go into action and begin to wash it out of the bones. But this cannot go on for long. Children, pregnant women, and people over 55 years of age are more likely to be in a dangerous situation. Food cannot always fully satisfy the body's needs, then they use medicines. But how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

What medications are there?

There are three types of calcium-based preparations:

  • calcium salts,
  • combination products with vitamin D,
  • complex, which in addition to Ca and vitamin D contains a number of other vitamins and minerals.

It is important to know the elemental calcium content of salts. For example, most of the microelement is found in combination with carbonate and citrate (400 mg/g and 210 mg/g, respectively). But the well-known calcium gluconate contains a minimal amount of microelement (90 mg/g), so its use, although safe, often does not give the desired clinical result. Among the drugs on pharmaceutical market Calcium gluconate, Calcium gluconate fruit are presented. Sometimes doctors prescribe a quotation mixture, which, if prepared, is made in pharmacies with a prescription.

Pharmacists, when asked how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed, responded by creating preparations combined with vitamin D. Since in some cases it is its deficiency that leads to the fact that a sufficient supply of the microelement with food cannot be absorbed in the intestines. Among combined agents Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, Calcium-D3-MIC, Calcium-D3-MIC Forte are known.

Complex products for the treatment of calcium deficiency are represented by the drugs Kalcemin, Kalcemin Advance, Kalcemin Silver, Pharmaton Kiddy, Osteogenon, Vitrum Osteomag

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

To do this, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions, do not violate the regimen and frequency of administration, and also do not change the dosage yourself.

Usually in therapeutic practice it is prescribed combination drugs, since cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) directly affects the metabolism of the mineral.

If necessary long-term treatment They also give preference to combined rather than complex drugs.

It should be remembered that even dietary supplements are medicine, which cannot be used without indications and consultation with a doctor. Since not only a deficiency of an element is dangerous, but also its excess.

Calcium carbonate-based preparations are prescribed to be taken during or after meals. This is due to the fact that it is better absorbed when increased acidity stomach, and also produces fewer side effects.

At the same time you start taking medications, enrich your diet with foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D. However, to increase bioavailability, beware of taking them with dairy products.

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed without changing your diet? Calcium is bound and removed from the body by oxalates and phytin, so foods such as sorrel, spinach and various cereals should not be consumed at the same time as the medicine.

Wash it down a large number water, this will ensure better dissolution and absorption, and will also reduce the frequency of possible side effects such as constipation.

Concomitant use of certain medications may lead to the formation of inactive or toxic salts. These drugs include: cardiac glycosides, tetracycline, iron, barbiturates, laxatives, thiazide diuretics.

To increase the bioavailability of calcium, its daily dose is divided into several doses.

Traditional methods

Use self-made bone meal mixtures, eggshells, shellfish shells, should be handled with caution. It is generally not recommended for use in children and pregnant women. First, the elemental Ca content and its salt form are unknown. And for children, dosages are important! Secondly, these mixtures may contain toxic impurities, infection (shells), irritate the stomach ( lemon juice) or be an allergen.

In the body, calcium is absorbed in the small and large intestines, provided normal functioning cells Vitamins D, C, magnesium, lactose, and iron help the macronutrient to be absorbed. The body best absorbs calcium from dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt, feta cheese, fermented baked milk. This macronutrient is also found in large quantities in fish, seafood, nuts, cabbage, seeds, legumes. A lot of calcium is present in egg yolks, figs, apples, honey, apricots, raspberries, black currants, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, garlic, .

Calcium absorption gastrointestinal tract reduces stress, low acidity gastric juice. Carbonated drinks, excess phosphates and fats in food, and some medications reduce the absorption of macronutrients. Regular consumption of coffee increases the excretion of calcium by the kidneys. Aspirin and oxalic acid interfere with the absorption of the macroelement. In addition, when calcium ions interact with oxalic acid, water-insoluble compounds are formed, which accumulate in the form of stones.

Calcium is poorly absorbed by the body if you abuse alcohol.

Consequences of calcium deficiency in the body

For the reason poor absorption calcium in the body may develop a deficiency of this macroelement. In this case, a person experiences disturbances in various body functions: seizures calf muscles, constant muscle spasms, pain in, drowsiness, constipation, tooth decay, brittle nails, hair loss, heart rhythm disturbances, development of osteoporosis, appearance of nervousness. The peculiarity of calcium is that for effective absorption it must enter the body in ionic form. However, in many products this macronutrient is in molecular form. Therefore, even if you use it regularly necessary products, the human body will not be able to compensate for its deficiency. In this case, you need to take medications containing calcium.

Take calcium tablets before meals or after a light snack.

Medicines (for example,) should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, since an excess of this macronutrient in the body can be harmful. Foods containing a lot of calcium and

The effectiveness of treatment with medications can be significantly enhanced quite simple methods. One of the most accessible is to understand what time is best to take the medicine and try to adhere to this particular regimen. For example, to restore bones great value has when to take calcium in the morning or evening. And about this - right now.

This element plays a vital role not only for the health of bones.

Along with this main task, it performs the following functions:

  1. Provides the process of muscle contraction and thus participates in the heartbeat (myocardium is the main muscle of the heart that pumps blood through the vessels).
  2. Provides blood clotting processes, as it enhances the effect of vitamin K, which is involved in these reactions.
  3. Provides a mechanism for the selective permeability of substances through cell membranes (barriers): some substances pass through it, others do not.
  4. This element takes part in the process of formation and transmission of impulses through the cells of the nervous system (neurons).
  5. Participates in metabolic and hormonal processes by activating some vital chemical reactions in the body.

First of all, medications containing this element should be used by those people who are at risk:

  • suffering from osteochondrosis, arthritis or having prerequisites for their development (for example, hereditary);
  • have suffered various fractures and other bone injuries;
  • predisposed to colon cancer;
  • by gender - women are more susceptible to a lack of this element due to hormonal characteristics body;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle in terms of unbalanced nutrition: excess carbonated drinks, sweets, flour products, coffee, alcohol and fatty foods, as well as products with excess salt (chips, pickles for the winter, etc.);
  • based on age - people over 60 need special care for their bones due to the gradual weakening of bone tissue and salt deposits.

On the other hand, even if a person does not fall into any of these categories, he may, on the advice of a doctor, decide to take appropriate medications, especially if he exhibits some of the following symptoms:

  1. Unexplained anxiety, irritability, insomnia.
  2. Frequent numbness in the arms and legs, frequent cramps, involuntary muscle contractions.
  3. Pain in joints, bones, painful sensation in the gums.
  4. Brittle nails.
  5. Women have unusually heavy menstrual flow.
  6. Children experience severe growth retardation and often have a desire to eat chalk.


None of the listed signs is an absolutely accurate signal to start taking medication. Before deciding on therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

The list of foods rich in calcium (in descending order) is as follows:

  1. Group of dairy products - cheeses (the record holder for content is Parmesan), cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

PLEASE NOTE – Contrary to popular belief, milk is not the most best source calcium. The fact is that, along with this element, it contains lactose, which belongs to simple carbohydrates, in excess is harmful to bones. Much more suitable product is a cheese that contains no lactose at all.

  1. Greens and some vegetables: all types of cabbage, parsley, spinach, dill.
  2. Almost all nuts, especially almonds and Brazil nuts.
  3. Sesame and poppy seeds.
  4. Whole grain flour (in flour premium no calcium).
  5. Soy and products based on it.
  6. Molasses – great option for those with a sweet tooth. If you replace sugar with molasses, the benefit for the body is double: it will be saturated with calcium, and on the other hand, it will avoid harmful effects excess sugar.


You should not focus on just one product - your diet should be varied. In addition, the constant consumption of monotonous food has a bad effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, in the medical community there is no unambiguous and clear answer to the question of when it is better to take calcium-containing drugs (for example, calcium d3 nycomed). Therefore, you should not expect clear recommendations on this matter.

However, there are several simple rules, compliance with which is guaranteed to increase the effect of therapy due to more complete absorption of the components:

  1. Since in equally There are opinions that you can take calcium during the day and you can drink it in the evening, then the same correct option– split the dose into at least 2 parts and take it like most other drugs: morning and evening. Or break it into three parts and take it morning, lunch and evening. At the same time, it has been proven that frequent use in small portions is much more effective than a single large portion - it will not be absorbed in full.
  2. Fundamentally important point, where many people make a mistake, as a result of which taking calcium-containing medications turns out to be virtually pointless: they use these medications only in conjunction with those substances that promote its absorption bone tissue. This is vitamin D, food and preparations containing phosphorus and magnesium - these elements themselves are beneficial and enhance the effect of calcium.

PLEASE NOTE – Vitamin D is found in beef liver, sour cream, egg yolk, fish oil, herring, and there is especially a lot of it in the liver of any kind sea ​​fish. All nuts, sunflower seeds, beans, green apples, green bell pepper. Phosphorus is found in dairy products, meat and poultry, eggs, fish, walnuts, oatmeal.

  1. Along with the fact that it is important to know when it is best to drink calcium, its combination with food plays an equally significant role. It is important to take medications only after a light, low-fat meal. And do not take them in combination with certain organic acids (oxalic and phytic) - accordingly, do not eat sorrel, spinach, or beets at the same time.
  2. It is important dosage form drug. If you can purchase the medicine in liquid or powder form, this is better than tablets.
  3. However, among tablets there are also different options– from traditional to chewy and fizzy. The last type is the best, it is absorbed most fully and quickly.
  4. In the instructions for the drug, it is necessary to specify in what form calcium is contained, i.e. which active substance is the basis of this medicine. Calcium carbonate is well absorbed during or immediately after meals. And calcium gluconate, lactate and citrate ( organic forms) are absorbed regardless of food and time of day.
  5. Finally, like most other medications, medications with calcium are always taken with an excess amount of liquid - 1-2 glasses.

Thus, the effectiveness of taking calcium-containing medications primarily depends not on what time of day is best to take them, but on the following factors:

  • combination with certain foods;
  • combination with drugs that promote the perception of calcium and its most complete absorption by bone tissue;
  • chemical (medicinal form of the drug).

Therefore, the question at what time of day calcium is best absorbed can be largely replaced by the question: in combination with what drugs and food this element brings more benefits.


Before taking calcium, you should definitely consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects associated with the characteristics of a particular organism. In any case, long-term calcium intake over 6-12 months (or several years) can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Thus, calcium is one of the vital important elements, without which the body cannot do. And it is important to take medications containing it only on the basis of the above rules. Otherwise, the effect of therapy will be virtually zero.