The most powerful sleeping pill. What sleeping pills and antidepressants are sold without a prescription?

Insomnia is treated with non-drug methods and medications. The latter include over-the-counter sedatives and strong sleeping pills (hypnotics), which can only be purchased on the recommendation of a doctor.

Sleeping pills are currently represented by drugs of different chemical groups

There are 3 generations of drugs used to eliminate the symptoms of insomnia:

  1. Barbiturates, antihistamines, chloral hydrate.
  2. Benzodiazepine-type sleeping pills.
  3. Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics: cyclopyrrolones (zopiclone), imidazopyridines (zolpidem), pyrazolopyrimidines (zaleplon).

Standing apart is Melaxen, a strong over-the-counter sleeping pill. This is a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone, melatonin. The mechanism of its action on the human body is as physiological as possible, which makes it possible to prescribe the drug in situations where taking other hypnotics is unsafe.

Principles for prescribing sleeping pills

The powerful sedative effect of strong hypnotics allows you to quickly restore the required length of night's rest. However, there is also reverse side medals: change in the ratio and duration of sleep phases; disturbance of daytime activity; formation of addiction and dependence; withdrawal syndrome. Which sleeping pills should you choose to avoid the listed unpleasant consequences and restore sleep?

You can only take medications on your own that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription: sedatives of herbal origin, melaxen. Uncontrolled reception Strong sleeping pills are not allowed. This may be harmful to your health.

All sedatives enhance the effect of sleeping pills and tranquilizers

What principles does a doctor follow when prescribing hypnotics?

  • For episodic insomnia (for example, caused by a traumatic situation), sleeping pills are taken for a short time, no more than 1-2 nights. The main ways to correct sleep in such patients are non-drug methods treatment.
  • Potent hypnotics of short and medium duration of action (1-5 and 5-8 hours, respectively) are preferable.
  • Duration drug therapy should not exceed 3 weeks.
  • For people receiving hypnotics for a long time, “medicine holidays” are taken or one drug is replaced by another.
  • Elderly patients are very sensitive to the toxic effects of strong sleeping pills, therefore, prescribing medications at half the dose is justified for them.
  • Sleep-disordered breathing is a contraindication for the use of most hypnotics.
  • If the patient complains of a lack of night rest, but sleeps 6 or more hours, there is no need to prescribe a strong sleeping pill.

Drug therapy for insomnia should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. You can only take safe over-the-counter sedatives or the sleep hormone analogue Melaxen on your own.

The target for this group of drugs is the GABAergic complex (GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid, a substance that suppresses the conduction of nerve impulses). This structure regulates excitation processes in neurons. Barbiturates interact with the receptors of this complex, increasing the entry of chlorine ions into the cell. As a result, the excitability of neurons decreases, signal transmission processes in the central nervous system (CNS) are inhibited, and inhibition processes are enhanced.

Barbiturates, unlike subsequent generations of hypnotics, do not have a selective effect on receptors. For this reason, their hypnotic effect is very pronounced. The sleep that occurs after taking these medications is close to narcotic sleep.

Barbiturates (lat. barbiturate) - a group of drugs, derivatives of barbituric acid, which have a depressing effect on the central nervous system

A striking example of first-generation sleeping pills is phenobarbital. This substance is odorless, with a slightly bitter taste. Refers to hypnotics long acting, since the hypnotic effect after taking it lasts more than 8 hours. In addition to sedative, it also has anticonvulsant, amnestic, and anti-anxiety effects.

Phenobarbital significantly disrupts the physiological structure of sleep: it reduces the duration of the fast phase, as well as stages 3 and 4 of the slow phase. The effect of the drug lasts 6-8 hours, that is, throughout the night. However, such a long-term effect has a bad effect on daytime activity, causing lethargy, drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue, and decreased attention. Long-term use medication is accompanied by the development of addiction and dependence.

Taking barbiturates leads to a variety of side effects. Phenobarbital can cause dizziness, headache, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, etc. An overdose is deadly. High doses Barbiturates inhibit the activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

Second generation hypnotics include nitrazepam, midazolam, triazolam, brotizolam, flunitrazepam, phenazepam and others. Like barbiturates, benzodiazepines bind to the GABAergic complex. However, they act more selectively, influencing benzodiazepine receptors of the specified structure.

Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive substances with hypnotic and sedative effects.

The effect of second-generation sleeping pills depends on the dose taken. In low concentrations, benzodiazepines help reduce anxiety. To achieve a hypnotic effect, it is necessary to take the drug in slightly larger dosages.

All second-generation sleeping pills change the structure of sleep, affecting stages 2, 3 and 4 of the slow phase. This explains why benzodiazepines, like barbiturates, can cause withdrawal symptoms—worsening insomnia when the drug is stopped. Adverse effects are similar to those of the first generation hypnotics, although somewhat less pronounced.

The second generation of hypnotics, just like the first, adversely affects respiratory center. Therefore, if symptoms of obstructive apnea are detected in a patient, they are not used. For the same reason, benzodiazepines are contraindicated in diseases accompanied by respiratory failure.

Benzodiazepines are uniquely effective as tranquilizers

Overdose with second generation drugs is possible. In severe cases, poisoning is accompanied by depression of the respiratory and vasomotor centers and death. However, unlike barbiturates, deaths In cases of benzodiazepine overdose, they occur infrequently.

This group includes third-generation hypnotics zolpidem, zopiclone, zaleplon. These drugs are gradually replacing barbiturates and benzodiazepines. They are able to act effectively, but at the same time gently. The list of contraindications for these drugs is limited individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, breathing problems, childhood.

The therapeutic effect is based on interaction with the GABAergic complex and a decrease in excitability in the central nervous system. Unlike the hypnotics described above, third-generation hypnotics are characterized by the greatest selectivity. Thus, zopiclone interacts only with central benzodiazepine receptors. Zolpidem acts on a specific subtype of these structures - w1 receptors.

Z-drugs are considered a new generation of sleeping pills, or hypnotics.

The use of Z-drugs is accompanied by a slight effect on sleep structure. Zolpidem, for example, increases the duration of REM and delta sleep. However, gross violations, as with the use of first and second generation drugs, are not observed. Sleep while taking Z-hypnotics is close to physiological.

Third-generation sleeping pills are fast-acting drugs. Their half-life from the body is short and ranges from 1 hour for zaleplon to 6 hours for zopiclone. That is why these drugs have the most effective effect on sleep disorders. The short half-life results in an almost complete absence of daytime symptoms.

The occurrence of dependence while taking these sleeping pills is unlikely, but possible. For this reason, the principle of limiting the duration of treatment to 3 weeks, which applies to all strong sleeping pills, is also relevant for Z-drugs. Toxic effect the described drugs are weakly expressed, which makes them the safest among the hypnotics considered.

Different generations of sleeping pills have different strengths and weaknesses. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines cannot be considered well-tolerated drugs due to frequent development side effects, dependence and withdrawal symptoms. First-generation sleeping pills are, moreover, the most dangerous of hypnotics.

Risk of fatal poisoning due to excess permissible dosage, very high. The third generation is devoid of most of the disadvantages of old drugs. However, their uncontrolled use can still lead to unpleasant health consequences.

Antihistamine sleeping pills

Drugs that block H1-histamine receptors are intended primarily to relieve allergy symptoms. Sedation is a side effect that occurs when using them. The latter, however, can be used to combat sleep disorders.

Donormil is a potent sleeping pill among antihistamines. Along with H1 receptors, the drug also acts on M-cholinergic receptors. This explains the occurrence of such side effects as dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, dilated pupils and resulting visual impairment.

Sleeping pill Donormyl contains an active substance that is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors of the ethanolamine class

The sleeping pill is effective for 6-8 hours, providing complete sleep throughout the night. Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, patients with impaired urinary outflow, closed-angle glaucoma, some congenital pathologies(galactosemia, lactase deficiency). Elderly people are prescribed with caution. The drug can aggravate breathing disorders during sleep and is therefore not recommended for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Can be used during pregnancy.

If we compare Donormil with the above hypnotics, it, despite a fundamentally different mechanism of action, is comparable to them in effectiveness. And it’s even superior in terms of safety. Of course, an overdose of donormil can lead to serious consequences: convulsions, coma, renal failure. However, deaths from poisoning with this drug are rare.

A potent hypnotic, dispensed without a doctor's prescription

Melaxen is the most powerful over-the-counter sleeping pill. This drug is similar in structure to the human sleep hormone melatonin and has a similar effect - it helps regulate circadian rhythms. It acts gently, without disturbing the duration and ratio of sleep phases. Melatonin has a hypnotic effect, stimulating the process of falling asleep.

This hypnotic is usually well tolerated by patients. The list of its side effects is small: allergic reactions, digestive disorders, headache, drowsiness in the morning. Overdose is unlikely and not life-threatening. Poisoning is accompanied by the already listed adverse effects, which manifest themselves in a more severe form.

The drug Melaxen is intended for the treatment of sleep disorders and insomnia.

Melaxen is rightfully called the most powerful over-the-counter sleeping pill. The sedative effect of its use is superior to that of mild sedatives sold without a doctor’s prescription. It is approved for a wide range of patients, including safe for obstructive syndrome sleep apnea, since it does not have a depressing effect on the respiratory center. A significant advantage is the lack of addiction and dependence.


Over-the-counter sleeping pills are primarily sedative herbal preparations. Their advantages are safety, a small number of contraindications and side effects. However, in severe sleep disorders their effect is often insufficient.

Strong hypnotics can solve the problem chronic insomnia. Unfortunately, this group of drugs has a number of disadvantages, especially first and second generation drugs. The most unpleasant ones include the development of addiction, dependence, withdrawal syndrome; Possibility of life-threatening poisoning. That is why it is impossible to purchase strong sleeping pills without a prescription.

If a doctor has prescribed hypnotics, you must strictly follow the recommendations: do not increase the dosage on your own, do not take the drug longer than you should. It must be borne in mind that the combined use of sleeping pills with substances and drugs that depress the central nervous system provokes the occurrence of unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. Thus, flunitrazepam in combination with alcohol or opiates causes memory loss for recent events, which is why it has earned a bad reputation. The old-style drug, produced before 1999, was tasteless, which made it possible to quietly add the tablet to alcoholic drink unsuspecting victim for the purpose of committing illegal acts.

Adequate sleep is the key to health, high productivity, good health and mood. For a sound sleep, you can purchase a whole list of sleeping pills in pharmacies, sold without prescriptions.

Most modern synthetic sleeping pills, the purchase of which does not require a doctor's prescription, include an artificial analogue of the sleep hormone (melatonin) or histamine H1 receptor blockers (ethanolamines).

Melatonin-based preparations are recognized as the safest, because... they are non-addictive, have virtually no side effects, and do an excellent job of treating insomnia.

Ethanolamines require more careful handling, because they have a large list of contraindications, and their use is often accompanied by side effects. There are also other groups of synthetic sleeping pills with a stronger mechanism of action on the body.

When choosing over-the-counter sleeping pills for sound sleep, you need to keep in mind that the list of such drugs includes several dozen drugs. Before purchasing this or that product, you must carefully study the composition and features of the effect on the body.


The active ingredient of the drug "Melaxen" is a synthetic analogue of melatonin, i.e., the hormone responsible for sleep. Available in the form of tablets, the average price for a package of 12 pieces is 500 rubles.

Doctors prescribe it to patients over 55 years of age who suffer from insomnia, and to young people in order to normalize biorhythms when changing time zones or during stressful periods. Melaxen dosage regimen: 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. Patients note the high effectiveness of the drug from the first day of use, as well as the absence of any negative side effects during therapy.


"Donormil" has a relaxing and hypnotic effect: it helps you fall asleep short time, guarantees long lasting restful sleep. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, the average price per package is 300 rubles. The drug is prescribed for various violations sleep, dosage - 1 tablet 60 minutes before bedtime.

Active substance this tool(doxylamine) is absorbed into the stomach within an hour and blocks histamine receptors, resulting in relaxation and falling asleep quickly.

According to reviews from doctors and patients, Donormil has a mild effect on the body, retains its effect after discontinuation of use, and also has virtually no side effects.


The active ingredient of Sondoxa is doxylamine succinate, the drug is an analogue of Donormil, has absolutely identical properties and mechanism of action. The price of the medicine ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. per package.

The dosage is selected individually, depending on the nature of insomnia and the characteristics of the body. Doctors recommend starting with half a tablet an hour before bedtime, as much as possible. permissible dose– 2 tablets. The duration of sleep after taking Sondox is 7 hours. You can hear both positive and negative reviews about the drug.

Negative experiences are most often due to side effects:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • nausea;
  • tachycardia.


“Glycine” is an over-the-counter drug whose active ingredient is aminoacetic acid.

The drug is one of the dietary supplements, it:

  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • improves brain activity;
  • normalizes sleep.

Has low cost– from 30 rub. per package. For insomnia, it is recommended to dissolve 1 Glycine tablet half an hour before bedtime.

It is worth considering that the product has a cumulative effect and will not help with serious sleep disorders.


The active substance of Andante is zaleplon, it is prescribed as sleeping pills for occasional insomnia and problems falling asleep. It is produced in the form of capsules in dosages of 5 mg and 10 mg. The average price for a package of 7 capsules of 5 mg is 200 rubles.

The Andante dosage is selected by the doctor individually. The standard regimen for taking the drug is 5 mg per day, with at least 2 hours passing after the last meal.

The drug is quickly absorbed, reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, and also prevents night and early awakenings.“Andante” is not recommended to be taken for more than two weeks to avoid addiction.


“Ivadal” (zolpidem tartrate) is a sleeping pill, produced in the form of tablets in packages of 7, 10, 20 pieces. The price of the drug is from 2000 rubles. This sleeping pill is prescribed in case of problems falling asleep, as well as early and frequent awakenings at night. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day, immediately before bedtime.

Patients note the effectiveness of the product even with a single use. If the instructions are strictly followed, it is not addictive.


“Imovan” is a sleeping pill from the group of cyclopyrrolones, its active substance is zopiclone. Has sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing and muscle relaxant effects. Average cost packaging of the drug – 300 rubles.

“Imovan” is absorbed into the blood in a short time, shortens the period of falling asleep, and provides long sleep without waking up. The duration of the course is selected individually, depending on the type of insomnia and the age of the patient. Recommended dosage regimen: 1 tablet before bedtime.

Many patients who have taken Imovan note in their reviews that the drug really helps to cope with insomnia, but such symptoms often occur. side symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, bad taste in the mouth.

"Chloral hydrate"

"Chloral hydrate" - sedative, hypnotic, analgesic and anticonvulsant. Under the influence of this drug, a person easily falls asleep and sleeps in a long, deep sleep.

"Chloral hydrate" is recommended to be taken orally along with enveloping agents, since it has a strong irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. It has quite a lot of contraindications and quickly becomes addictive.


Rohypnol is a powerful sleeping pill, sold in the form of tablets and injections. Its main active substance is flunitrazepam. For insomnia, doctors prescribe 1 tablet of Rohypnol before bed. The drug begins to act half an hour after administration.

The maximum duration of therapy is 3 weeks, with longer use it becomes addictive.

Herbal preparations

Sedative and hypnotic over-the-counter drugs for sound sleep, made from plant extracts, are considered harmless to the human body, the list of such drugs is quite large. They have a mild sedative effect, have a minimal number of contraindications, are not addictive, and their use is not accompanied by the development of side effects.


"Novo-Passit" is a sedative consisting of extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • valerian;
  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hawthorn;
  • elder;
  • hop.

Sold in solution and tablet form. The average cost for a package of 10 tablets is 170 rubles, for the same amount you can purchase 100 ml of syrup.

At mild form for insomnia, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet, or 5 ml of solution.


"Persen-Forte" - sedative and antispasmodic drug, sold in the form of tablets and capsules.

It contains extracts of medicinal plants:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm.

One of the main indications for taking Persena-Forte is insomnia. Due to the significant content of valerian rhizome extract, taking the drug allows you to reduce the time of falling asleep, improve the quality of sleep, and ensure good rest. The average cost of a package of the drug of 10 capsules is 190 rubles, 40 tablets – 300 rubles.


"Phytosedan" - sedative collection from medicinal herbs, including:

  • motherwort;
  • oregano;
  • valerian;
  • sweet clover;
  • thyme.

It is produced in the form of convenient filter bags, which are recommended to be brewed with boiling water, like tea, and drunk before bed. It has a gentle calming effect on the entire body, helps to relax, relieve tension and fall asleep.

Pros of herbal tea:

  • no artificial additives;
  • does not cause addiction;
  • low price (about 50 rubles per package).

"Sonylux" and "DreamZzz"

“Sonylux” is a sleeping pill that includes more than 30 components of exclusively plant origin; it is allowed to be used to treat children from 2 years of age.

The unique composition of the drug allows:

  • effectively cope with insomnia;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • get rid of nervous tension.

It is not addictive, so it is ideal for daily and long-term use.

"Sonylux" is available in the form of a solution; the kit includes a double-sided measuring spoon, which makes it easy to adjust the dosage based on the patient's age.

The regimen for taking the drug is selected individually by the doctor. Standard dosage – three times a day measuring spoon. The recommended course duration is 1 month.

The only disadvantage of the drug is the rather high price, the cost of one bottle is about 1000 rubles. Sold on the manufacturer's website.

"DreamZzz" in composition, release form, dosage regimen and price is absolutely the same as the drug "Sonylux".

Patients who took “DreamZzz” and “Sonylux” note in their reviews soft action drug, lack of drowsiness during the day, improvement in general well-being. The maximum effect is observed after a full course of the drug.


“Restox” is a drug based on plant extracts (agave, aralia, eleutherococcus, marshmallow), the combination of which provides not only a restful, sound sleep without awakenings, but also eliminates the causes of snoring. The product is available in liquid form, dosage regimen: 15 drops/3 times a day before meals. The cost of the drug is 1000 rubles. Sold only on the manufacturer's website.

Patients in reviews note the cumulative effect of the drug, the first improvements usually begin to be observed 7 days after starting treatment.

Combination drugs

Combined sleeping pills for sound sleep consist of a complex of herbal and synthetic components; the list of such drugs includes Corvalol and Valocordin, available without a prescription.

"Corvalol" ("Valocordin")

"Corvalol" - medicine, the main components of which are oil peppermint and phenobarbital. Valocordin has an identical composition. The drugs have a pronounced sedative effect, so they help relax the body and fall asleep faster.


"Barboval" is a complex product that includes a number of components (ethyl alcohol a-bromoisovaleric acid, validol, phenobarbital, ethanol). It is produced in the form of drops and tablets, the cost of the drug is quite low - from 50 rubles.

"Barboval" is prescribed as a sedative and antispasmodic , it is effective in the treatment of neuroses, nervous disorders and insomnia. In the latter case, it is recommended to take the medicine 10-15 drops three times a day before meals.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic remedies for insomnia have a gentle effect on the body; taking them is not accompanied by the development of unpleasant side effects.

Homeopaths believe that each remedy should be selected on an individual basis, depending on the nature of the disorders and their root cause, the characteristics of the nervous system and general condition patient's health.

List of over-the-counter homeopathic sleeping pills for sound sleep. has several dozen items, the most popular of them:

  • “Coffee” – used for overexcitation;
  • “Ignation” – helps with sleep problems that arise against the background of strong emotions;
  • "Argentum nitricum" is indicated for improving sleep before exciting events;
  • “Sulfur” is recommended for people suffering from frequent awakenings due to light sleep;
  • Lycopodium is designed for people suffering from early awakenings.

Sleeping pills for children

In case of serious disorders of the nervous system in a child, the doctor may prescribe medications that have hypnotic effect.

The list of sleeping pills sold without prescriptions for sound sleep includes drugs for adults, for children and for pregnant women.

IN childhood It is possible to take only herbal sedatives, these include:

  • valerian infusion;
  • “Persen” (from 3 years old);
  • "Dormiplant" (from 6 years old);
  • Alora syrup (from 3 years);
  • "Novo-Passit" (from 12 years old).

How to take it so you don't get used to it

Despite the fact that many sleeping pills are freely available in modern pharmacies, their use should be treated with the utmost caution.

In order to avoid addiction to such means, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • carefully study the proposed instructions;
  • strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions;
  • do not exceed the maximum permissible duration of taking the drug.

Who should not take sleeping pills

Almost all sleeping pills (especially synthetic and combined ones) have contraindications for use.

These drugs should not be taken:

The list of non-prescription sleeping pills for sound sleep is quite long, so despite everything possible contraindications, in each particular case it is possible to choose an effective remedy.

It's important to know that insomnia may be a symptom serious illnesses (hyperthyroidism, sleep apnea, Parkinson's disease, chronic depression, etc.). If taking mild sleeping pills does not help, you should seek help from a doctor.

Video about effective sleeping pills

List of sleeping pills for sound sleep that can be purchased without prescriptions:

Effective sleeping pills that can be prepared at home:

When a person experiences disruption to normal sleep, the quality of life decreases. The coefficient is deteriorating physical health, intellectual activity. Along with this, there is a feeling of overwork and burden, which does not allow normal concentration. To clarify the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

However, not everyone turns to doctors for help and tries to buy good sleeping pills without a prescription. Choosing a drug on your own is complicated, because It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body, on the basis of which the dosage is calculated.

How do sleeping pills affect the body?

The mechanism of action of sleeping pills is aimed at reducing the severity of the development of excitation (anxiety, tension) in the nervous system, increasing lethargy, and relaxing the muscles of the body.

Commercially available sleeping pills have weak and strong effects. Group 2 drugs affect the emotional and psychological mood. You can get used to them from taking them constantly.

Thus, barbiturates will help cope with severe sleep disorders. Against the background of taking it, the structure of the dream, the consistency and duration of the phases change. As a result, sleep, after using such a sleeping pill, is manifested by vivid visions, incl. nightmares.

Benzodiazepines have less side effects. But constant use leads to rapid addiction, i.e. drug addiction. The use of aldehydes is also characterized by the development of dependence.

Z medications encourage increased deceleration. They have less effect on irritative processes. Medicines of this class (Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Zaleplon) reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, increasing the duration of night rest and improving its quality. At the same time, they do not affect the stages of sleep, there are no side effects after them, and the habit of using them forms slowly. Therefore, these sleeping pills are the most harmless and are prescribed to most patients.

Drinking alcohol with strong drugs or exceeding the dose can cause death.

How to choose the right sleeping pills?

Often, when problems with sleep arise, questions arise, what is the most the best remedy for insomnia and how to choose it? It is better to use a sleeping pill if the causes of sleepless nights are not clear, and when the factors for changing dreams cannot be completely eliminated.

In this case, the funds will need to be used in a single dose or in short courses. In other situations, it is necessary to eliminate the cause and treat the underlying ailment that causes sleep disturbance. When choosing a sleeping pill, it is worth considering the type and severity of the nighttime disorder.

  1. Presomnia disorders are treated with medications that have a short effect.
  2. Intrasomnic changes will help adjust medications with an average duration.
  3. For post-momentary problems, it is advisable to take long-acting sleeping pills.

In addition, when choosing a medicine, you need to take into account other equally important points.

  1. To achieve rapid action, chloral hydrates are chosen. They are taken in a short course, as the body gets used to them.
  2. For long-term treatment, it is better to use drugs that do not lead to addiction (Doxylamine).
  3. Patients who are entitled high concentration And fast response at work, take sleeping pills with moderate and long-term exposure unacceptable. They often lead to sluggishness and drowsiness during the daytime.
  4. In rare situations, if other classes of medications have not produced an effect, it is possible to use drugs such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines. After taking a short course, you will need to replace them with other medications that have a milder effect and do not cause habit or other side effects.

According to the effect on the body

The correspondence between depression and the increase in inhibition varies among medications. This is due to the difference in the length and direction of the action.

Short duration

High-quality short-acting hypnotics most often suppress agitation. As a result, braking naturally begins to dominate, sleep ensues. This exposure process is considered acceptable for eliminating problems with going to bed. Afterwards, when a person falls asleep, he falls into a deep sleep, without constant awakenings.

The superiority of such sleeping pills is that they do not change the natural constitution of rest and do not lead to disturbances in the duration and connection of sleep stages. After use good drug with a short-term effect in the morning a person gets up rested and cheerful.

Effect time 1-5 hours – Melatonin, Thiopental, Zopiclone, Zolpiday, Niaprazine.

Average duration

Good sleeping pills, which have an average long-term effect, reduce agitation and increase inhibition. Therefore, their effect is long-lasting, which allows them to influence both the procedure for going to bed and the quality of dreams. These remedies help eliminate difficulties with shallow sleep and constant awakenings, which makes it possible to get enough sleep and not feel groggy in the morning.

Exposure time 5-8 hours - Barbamil, Temazepam, Paraldehyde, Oxazepam, Diphenhydramine.

Long term exposure

Such sleeping pills are concentrated on suppressing excitation and sharply increasing inhibition. Therefore, they have a long-lasting effect. These remedies are effective for various changes in sleep.

  1. Prolonged falling asleep.
  2. Superficial immersion in sleep.
  3. Constant awakenings at night and early in the morning.

Good sleeping pills of each specific class have their own mechanism of influence, which differs from other drugs.

Effective for more than 8 hours - Phenobarbital, Reposal, Flurazepam, Nitrazepam, Bromizoval, Triclofos.


TO strong means for insomnia include medications with limited availability. To purchase them, you need a prescription. They have many limitations, have a strong impact on the nervous system, and can cause irreversible processes in the functioning of the brain. The patient can use these drugs after he agrees with the acceptable threats that may arise as a result of treatment.

The only strong high-quality sleeping pills sold in pharmacies without recommendations from a doctor include drugs of the melatonin agonist class - Melaxen, Melarena, Circadin.

These products are allowed without presenting the recommended sheet, because safe, difficult to overdose and non-addictive.


This class of sleeping pills is available over-the-counter. Medicines can be easily purchased, since they have a very low psychoactive inhibitory effect on the nervous system, and increasing the dosage does not lead to serious problems. Often, medications help you fall asleep if the disorder sleep easy forms.

Natural remedies

A safe, herbal sleeping pill that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription and is not habit-forming. Such medications have few side effects, are inexpensive and easy to use. However, they must be taken with caution, because plant components can cause an allergic reaction.


The release form of valerian is pills, drops. It is aimed at calming the nervous system, eliminating its strong excitement and helping to fall asleep quickly. This sleeping pill has a cumulative effect. If you take the medicine regularly, valerian will give you good results.

Motherwort infusion

good cheap medicine against insomnia leads to relaxation and calming of the nervous system, allows you to quickly fall asleep, improving the quality of rest at night. The sleeping pill has a pronounced effect when taken continuously. The results of the treatment are noticeable after 14 days. The infusion is infused with ethyl alcohol, so it is not harmless to use for children, women carrying a child and during lactation, as well as for alcohol abusers and diabetics.

Alcohol tincture of peony

It is used to reduce the excitement of the nervous system, relieve tension and anxiety. Sleeping pills will help you fall asleep quickly if you have insomnia and increase the length of your night's rest. The treatment process lasts no more than 10 days. The natural infusion is drunk 30 drops, 3 times a day. The doctor prescribes the infusion with extreme caution due to the alcohol content.


This is a harmless sleeping pill for sound sleep, quickly calms you down. They sell lemon balm in herbal bags. Melissa is steamed with boiling water and drunk before bed.

Sleeping pills with the least harm to the body

The best sleeping pill, according to somnologists, is a medicine that does not cause harm. Also, the medicine should act quickly, without side effects.

Since these medications are more often used by elderly patients, it is worth considering the effect on the kidneys and liver. After all, these individuals are vulnerable to chronic damage to these organs.

Melatonin in human body helps regulate the rest-wake phases, also being a night rest hormone. The goal is to generate sleepy state, which will increase the likelihood of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a restrained calming effect.

It is impossible to overdose on sleeping pills, because Melaxen quickly disintegrates. Good dreams continue after the medicine leaves the body, so rest is physiological in nature.

The safety of the drug Melaxen does not change the movement of the healthy phase and degree of sleep. After taking it there are no nightmares, the person sleeps soundly. There is also no feeling of drowsiness, it is allowed to drive a vehicle.

This medication is used 3 mg daily after evening reception food, 2 hours before going to bed. The dosage portion is increased only by the doctor if the desired result is not noticed. Therapy takes about 3 weeks.

Sleeping pills are taken for insomnia, which has a mild to moderate form, and is generally cured functional disorders, which are accompanied by sleep changes to adapt to changing time zones.


This medicine will help with sleepless nights and changes in rest. Donormil is a high-quality drug to stop attacks in young patients who do not need to drive the next day. Effervescent tablet It acts quickly on the body, reduces the time it takes to go to bed, and extends the hours of rest.

When using Donormil the following occurs:

  • dry mouth;
  • difficult awakening;
  • sleepy state during the day.

The minimum dose is half a pill, dissolved in water. The drug is taken before bedtime. The treatment process lasts up to 14 days. If the patient has problems with kidney function in the outflow of urine, or respiratory activity changes during sleep, then the use of the sleeping pill Donormil is not permissible.

Combined medicine with sedative, antispasmodic and hypotensive effects. Active components are validol, phenobarbital. They drink Barboval if they are worried about insomnia, if the patient is irritated or nervous. According to the instructions, you need to drink sleeping pills 15 drops, up to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Therapeutic course is 14 days.

If you take Barboval regularly:

  • sleepy state;
  • dizziness;
  • a habit arises.

Pregnant, breastfeeding and children should not take sleeping pills.


This is a systemic antihistamine. The product is drunk by adults and children under 15 years of age with disturbed night rest and insomnia. The active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. It is recommended to take 1 pill 30 minutes before rest. Sondox lasts up to 8 hours.

The advantages of the drug Sondox include:

  • causes drowsiness after consumption within an hour;
  • time to fall asleep decreases;
  • the duration of rest increases;
  • the natural dream cycle is not disrupted;
  • anxiety decreases.

The drug is harmful for those patients who have closed glaucoma and prostate dysfunction. Dizziness may occur in the morning.


The product includes natural ingredients - mint, valerian, lemon balm. The medicine will help you calm down and relieve nervous excitement. Sleeping pills will help out when you have a bad mood and annoying thoughts that don’t give you peace.

Persen is good for insomnia. Taking it, irritation and anxiety go away. The medicine should not be used if there are problems with the biliary tract, or for children under 12 years of age. For a good night's rest and mood, use the drug for 2-3 days.

If you receive a negative result after taking this or that drug for 2-4 days, you should not look for strong sleeping pills; you need the help of a physician.

The foreign and domestic pharmaceutical market is saturated with many effective drugs for the treatment of insomnia. Their choice is made by a doctor based on the characteristics of the sleep disorder, the patient’s age, the presence concomitant diseases, risk of side effects.

Sleeping pills are represented by drugs of different chemical groups

When treating sleep disorders, specialists are guided by the principle of prescribing medications from weaker to stronger. Moreover, the most powerful sleeping pill for each patient may be different, since the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the type of sleep disorder, the chronicity of the process, as well as the individual characteristics of the person.

General principles of sleep disorder therapy

To eliminate insomnia, two therapeutic directions are used. The first is the exclusion of factors that provoke insomnia. For this, the following measures are recommended: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, sleep hygiene, treatment somatic diseases, solving psychological problems.

The second direction is pharmacological treatment itself. For this purpose, various groups of drugs, hypnotics or sedatives are used; their selection is carried out by a somnologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, or, in their absence, a therapist.

Medicines for the treatment of insomnia

Medicines used for sleep disorders

To treat insomnia, medications belonging to various groups are used pharmaceuticals: sedatives of plant origin, Melatonin, antidepressants, tranquilizers, ethanolamines that improve sleep and support long sleep. The effectiveness of the drug often depends on how the sleeping pill works, on its mechanism of action.

Considered the most powerful in modern medicine pharmacological agent, the mechanism of action of which is the ability to influence the postsynaptic GABA receptor complex. This is a potent sleeping pill that quickly induces sleep and maintains sleep well. The following main groups of such drugs are distinguished:

  1. Barbiturates.
  2. Benzodiazepines.
  3. Cyclopyrrolones.
  4. Imidazopyridines.

Most sleep-improving medications can be purchased at pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription; they are included in the list of potent drugs. This is quite justified, since they are used only for strict indications, and some may become addictive.

Main characteristics of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills help you fall asleep quickly

In order to determine whether a strong sleeping pill is or not, it must meet a number of

  1. quickly induce sleep;
  2. it is good to maintain the duration of night sleep, without frequent awakenings;
  3. there are no post-somnia disorders after taking it (no lethargy, drowsiness or weakness in the morning);
  4. does not have significant side effects;
  5. not addictive.

Most sleep medications meet these requirements to one degree or another.

When prescribing sleeping pills, their half-life is also taken into account; depending on this, the following are distinguished:

  1. having a half-life of up to 5 hours;
  2. staying in the body for 5-10 hours;
  3. having long period half-life up to 15 hours.

Most experts prefer short-lived drugs that are quickly eliminated from the body.


Currently, they are very rarely used to treat insomnia. This is due to the high frequency of side effects and the rapid onset of addiction. Also, barbiturates often cause post-somnia disorders in the form of drowsiness, deterioration of attention, long-term use provoke depression.

They are included in the list of potent drugs and require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. The pharmacy chain offers the following medications from this group: Barbamil, Etaminal-sodium.


They are considered the most powerful sleeping pills, since they not only promote sleep, but also have an anti-anxiety and calming effect, promote muscle relaxation, and eliminate cramps. The great advantage of this group of drugs is their low toxicity. The second advantage is the presence in the list of drugs of benzodiazepines, both with a short half-life (Triazolam) and with a longer action (Nitrazepam, Oxazepam). This provides a wide range of therapeutic applications.

Nitrazepam is a strong hypnotic, it is used in the treatment of presomnic and intrasomnic disorders. Take one tablet (2.5 mg) before bedtime. It can be purchased at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

The disadvantage of this group of drugs is frequent occurrence drowsiness, decreased attention and reaction speed after waking up, which creates inconvenience for some groups of professions.

With long-term use, more than 10-14 days, addiction develops to benzodiazepines, and withdrawal syndrome is possible. Such side effects are especially severe in older people who initially have intellectual and mental decline.

Cyclopyrrolones and imidazopyridines

They are considered the most modern drugs for the treatment of insomnia (3rd generation). With a doctor's prescription you can buy in pharmacies: Zopiclone, Zaleplon, Zolpidem.


Hypnotics from the group of cyclopyrrolone derivatives

The advantage of this medicine is its mechanism of action on central benzodiazepine receptors. Thanks to this, Zopiclone is a fairly strong sleeping pill and, at the same time, does not cause drowsiness or decreased attention during the subsequent working day.

Prescribe the medicine 7.5 mg before bedtime, falling asleep occurs after 25-30 minutes. Zopiclone, for the most part, has no effect on sleep structure, but prolongation of the delta phase is sometimes noted. An important advantage of the drug is that it does not increase apnea in people with OSA.

It is found in pharmacies under the trade name Imovan; it can be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. The duration of taking the medication should be no more than a month. Zopiclone is suitable for the treatment of episodic insomnia.


The main advantage of the drug is that it does not interact with benzodiazepine receptors; it affects another part of the GABA complex. This is due to the fact that there is no addiction to this drug. At the same time, it is a relatively strong sleeping pill that helps you fall asleep quickly, improves sleep quality, and does not cause lethargy or drowsiness in the morning. Zolpidem does not interfere with daily activity, it is safe and non-toxic. The drug is quickly inactivated in the body, it can be taken even at night without fear of post-somnia disorders.

Zolpidem belongs to the group of imidazopyridines

Zolpidem is prescribed 1 tablet (5 mg, 10 mg) half an hour before bedtime. For older patients, a dose of 5 mg is recommended; other people can take it at 10 mg. As a rule, the medicine does not have side effects; unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system or allergic reactions rarely appear.

Trade names of Zolpidem: Ivadal, Hypnogen, Sanval. The pharmacist may require a doctor's prescription before purchasing it.


This medicine has the most selective effect, that is, it has a strong hypnotic effect, while not having anti-anxiety or anticonvulsant activity. Thanks to this, Zaleplon does not provoke addiction in most patients, promotes rapid falling asleep and does not affect sleep architecture.

The second important advantage is the short half-life - only 1 hour, the shortest of all sleeping pills on the modern market. pharmaceutical market. As a result, the drug does not affect daytime activity and does not cause fatigue or drowsiness. Zaleplon is used to treat both presomnic and intrasomnic disorders.

A sleeping pill whose active ingredient is zaleplon.

Trade analogue - Andante. Prescribe medication 10 mg before bedtime. For elderly people, as well as those with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, half the standard dosage is recommended - 5 mg.

The doctor determines which sleeping pill will be most effective for a particular patient. Typically, herbal and over-the-counter medications are initially prescribed to improve sleep. They are combined with non-drug psychotherapeutic techniques. Only if there is no effect do they move on to stronger prescription drugs.

Thank you

Sleeping pills are a short name for a fairly extensive and very diverse group of medications that promote the onset and maintenance of sleep of sufficient duration and depth. The full name of this group of drugs is sleeping pills.

Currently available wide range drugs that have a hypnotic effect, but in most cases this is an additional or side effect, but not the main effect. The group of sleeping pills includes only those drugs for which this effect is the main one.

Sleeping pills are classified as drugs acting on the central nervous system, since their effect is realized by activating or suppressing the production of biologically active substances (neurotransmitters), as well as changing the functioning of certain neuron receptors.

The concept of sleep phases and its possible disorders

To understand what the effect of sleeping pills is aimed at, you need to know the structure of sleep and the types of its possible disturbances.

Violations can be provoked for various reasons, such as:

  • Disruption of the sleep-wake rhythm, for example, during night shifts;
  • Psychological stress, especially in the evening;
  • Mental illness (eg depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, etc.);
  • Taking medications that activate the central nervous system (caffeine, theophylline, etc.);
  • Somatic diseases (hypertension, pain, cough, etc.);
  • Various syndromes that disrupt sleep (for example, apnea, restless leg syndrome).
In addition, sleep disorders can be caused by unknown causes, in which case they are called idiopathic. Long courses of using sleeping pills are indicated specifically for idiopathic sleep disorders. If sleep is disturbed due to any of the above reasons, then the underlying disease should be treated first, and sleeping pills should be used occasionally, only if necessary.

Sleep disorders are classified into the following types depending on which component of the sleep structure is affected:

  • Presomnia disorders – only the process of falling asleep is disrupted;
  • Intrasomnia disorders - the depth of sleep is disturbed, the person sleeps superficially and often wakes up;
  • Post-somnia disorder - a person wakes up early and can no longer fall asleep, and is bothered by drowsiness throughout the day.
Sleeping pills can treat all types of sleep disorders by promoting normal sleep and ensuring sufficient depth and duration of sleep. However, not all drugs can have an effect on all types of sleep disorders. A fairly large part of sleeping pills normalizes only one or two types of sleep disorders. Therefore, before choosing and using a sleeping pill, you should identify the type of sleep disorder and select a medicine whose action is aimed at relieving this particular disorder.

Classification of sleeping pills

Currently in clinical practice Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical (ATC) classification of drugs is used, which simultaneously takes into account the structure active substance, and the anatomical structures affected by the drug, and the spectrum of its therapeutic activity. Thanks to taking into account three parameters at once, namely ATC classification is the most complete and convenient for practical use, since it allows the doctor to navigate the different properties of the drug.

So, currently, according to the ATC classification, all sleeping pills are divided into the following types:
1. Barbiturates:

  • Amobarbital;
  • Aprobarbital;
  • Butobarbital;
  • Vinbarbital;
  • Vinylbital;
  • Hexobarbital;
  • Heptabarbital;
  • Methohexital;
  • Proxybarbal;
  • Repozal;
  • Secobarbital;
  • Talbutal;
  • Sodium thiopental;
  • Phenobarbital;
  • Cyclobarbital;
  • Ethallobarbital.
2. Barbiturates in combination with other drugs:
  • Bellataminal (phenobarbital + ergotamine + belladonna alkaloids);
  • Reladorm (diazepam + cyclobarbital).
3. Benzodiazepine derivatives:
  • Brotizolam;
  • Doxefazepam;
  • Quazepam;
  • Loprazolam;
  • Lormetazepam;
  • Midazolam;
  • Nitrazepam;
  • Oxazepam;
  • Temazepam;
  • Triazolam;
  • Flunitrazepam;
  • Flurazepam;
  • Cinolazepam;
  • Estazolam.
4. Drugs that have effects similar to benzadizepines and are GABA receptor agonists (Z-drugs):
  • Zopiclone;
  • Zolpidem;
  • Zaleplon.
5. Aldehydes and their derivatives:
  • Chloral hydrate;
  • Chloralodol;
  • Acetylglycinamide chloral hydrate;
  • Dichloralphenazone;
  • Paraldehyde.
6. Piperidinedione derivatives:
  • Glutethimide;
  • Methiprilone;
  • Pyrithildione;
  • Thalidomide.
7. Melatonin receptor agonists:
  • Ramelteon;
  • Taximelteon;
  • Melatonin.
8. Histamine receptor blockers:
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Doxylamine.
9. Orexin receptor agonist:
  • Suvorexant.
10. Other sleeping pills:
  • Bromized;
  • Valnoctamide;
  • Hexapropimate;
  • Clomethiazole;
  • Methaqualone;
  • Methylpeptinol;
  • Niaprazine;
  • Propiomazine;
  • Triclofos;
  • Ethchlorovinol.
In this classification, for ease of searching, only international names (INN) of drugs are given, which are usually indicated in the instructions for use as active substances. The same active substance may be contained in several synonymous drugs that have exactly the same effect.

Most barbiturates and benzodiazepines listed in the classification are currently used only in rare cases in specific hospital practice, that is, in hospitals. For outpatient use, only a few barbiturate and benzodiazepine hypnotics are actually used. The most commonly used barbiturates are phenobarbital, and the most commonly used benzodiazepines are flunitrazepam, nitrazepam and some others. In addition, the above classification lists all hypnotics used in different countries, therefore their list is much wider than what is available in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, etc.

In addition to the ATC classification, all hypnotic drugs are divided into two large groups - with a narcotic and a non-narcotic type of action. Drugs with a narcotic type of action include all barbiturates and aldehydes. All other sleeping pills have a non-narcotic type of action. The division of sleeping pills into categories with narcotic and non-narcotic types of action has a very great value, since the former are the most addictive.

Practitioners also widely use the classification of sleeping pills according to the duration of their action, according to which short-, medium- and long-acting drugs are distinguished. Sleeping pills of varying duration of action are given in the table.

Sleeping pills short acting(1 – 5 hours) Intermediate-acting sleeping pills (5 – 8 hours) Long-acting sleeping pills (more than 8 hours)
LormetazepamDoxefazepam ReladormRepozal
ZopicloneChloral hydrateEthallobarbital
ZaleplonAcetylglycinamide chloral hydrateFlunitrazepam

The classification of sleeping pills by duration of action is of great practical importance, since it allows you to select a drug for each individual person that will provide the effects he or she needs. For example, if a person’s only process of falling asleep is disturbed, then it is recommended to use short-acting sleeping pills, since they will ensure a quick immersion in sleep and will not cause morning fatigue and weakness. For shallow sleep with frequent awakenings, it is recommended to use intermediate-acting sleeping pills, as they will provide good, high-quality, deep sleep, which in the morning will give the person the feeling of being well rested. If a person wakes up early in the morning and can no longer fall asleep, then it is necessary to use long-acting sleeping pills, which will ensure a sufficient duration of sleep, eliminating early awakening.

Hypnotic effect of drugs (hypnotic effect)

IN general view The mechanism of action of all hypnotic drugs is reduced to a decrease in the severity of excitation processes in the central nervous system and increased inhibition. The ratio of suppression of excitation and enhancement of inhibition is different for different drugs, which causes differences in the duration and nature of their action.

Thus, short-acting hypnotics primarily suppress excitation processes, resulting in inhibition naturally begins to prevail, and the person falls asleep. This mechanism of action is optimal for eliminating difficulties in falling asleep, when a person has difficulty falling asleep, but when he succeeds, he sleeps normally - deeply and without frequent awakenings. The undoubted advantage of drugs of this type of action is that they do not disrupt the normal structure of sleep, without causing changes in the duration and ratio of its phases. As a result, after taking a short-acting sleeping pill in the morning, a person wakes up well-rested and well-rested.

Medium-acting hypnotics have the ability not only to reduce arousal, but also to slightly increase inhibition, as a result of which their effect lasts longer and allows them to influence not only the process of falling asleep, but also the quality of sleep. These medications effectively eliminate the problem of shallow sleep and frequent awakenings at night, which allows a person to also get a good night's sleep and not feel groggy in the morning.

Long-acting hypnotics simultaneously inhibit excitation and sharply increase inhibition, which explains their long-lasting effect. These drugs are effective for any sleep disorder - with prolonged falling asleep, with shallow immersion in sleep, and with frequent night or early morning awakenings.

Otherwise, sleeping pills of each specific group have their own mechanism of action, different from others.

Thus, barbiturates induce sleep even in severe insomnia, but they change the normal structure of sleep, as a result of which a person can have very vivid dreams, nightmares, etc. Therefore, such a dream is not complete. The effect of barbiturates is realized through their interaction with GABA receptors who become more sensitive to their neurotransmitter - GABA ( gamma-aminobutyric acid). Due to the longer action of GABA on the structure of the brain, excitation is inhibited and inhibition is activated.

Benzodiazepines also act on GABA receptors, but are safer than barbiturates because they do not cause severe side effects and are much more addictive.

Benzodiazepine-like Z-drugs (Zopiclone, Zolpidem, Zaleplon) also exert their effects through their effects on GABA receptors. However, unlike benzodiazepines and barbiturates, Z-drugs selectively bind to central receptors, causing increased inhibition, which leads to rapid fall asleep and quality sleep. These drugs do not change the structure of sleep, do not cause drowsiness during the day, they are not characterized by severe side effects and addiction develops very slowly, and therefore Z-drugs are currently the most widely used means for eliminating insomnia.

Histamine blockers are also very effective drugs, the action of which is carried out by accelerating the functioning of the GABA receptor. It is histamine blockers that are the safest sleeping pills at present, so they are allowed to be used even for children. In addition, histamine blockers are the only drugs that can be used for apnea syndrome. However, all of the above applies only to drugs containing doxylamine as an active substance. Other histamine blockers used as hypnotics (for example, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, doxylamine, promethazine) inhibit the paradoxical phase of sleep and cause severe drowsiness in the morning and headaches. The undoubted advantage of sleeping pills from the histamine blocker group is the complete absence of dependence, even with long-term use.

Aldehydes and Clomethiazole have a very fast action and practically do not change the normal structure of sleep. However, Clomethiazole quickly causes drug dependence.

Sleeping pills - rules for choosing and using drugs

Currently, the prescription of sleeping pills is considered justified in the following situations:
1. The causes of insomnia have not been identified.
2. The causes of insomnia cannot be completely eliminated.

When choosing a sleeping pill, the type and severity of sleep disorders should be taken into account. So, if you have difficulty falling asleep and sleeping normally for the entire remaining period of time, you should choose short- or medium-acting sleeping pills. Moreover, if the severity of the violations is not too high, then it is optimal to use any means with the exception of benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Currently, if you have difficulty falling asleep, doctors recommend using the following drugs– Zopiclone, Zolpidem, Zaleplon, Melatonin, Clomethiazole, Niaprazine or Propimiosin.

These drugs can be used for difficulties falling asleep that occur at any time. For example, if a person cannot fall asleep in the evening, then before going to bed you can take any of the indicated medications. This medicine can also be taken if a person wakes up at night and cannot fall back to sleep.

If a person is bothered by frequent awakenings at night and light sleep, then he should choose a drug among those with a medium or short duration of action. If sleep disturbances are not severe, then you should also choose new drugs, abandoning benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Doctors recommend choosing a drug from the following:

  • Chloral hydrate;
  • Doxylamine;
  • Methaqualone;
  • Melatonin.
Moreover, if needed quick effect, then drugs with chloral hydrate are optimal, but they cannot be taken for a long time, as they quickly become addictive. If you need a drug that can be used for a long time, then Doxylamine is optimal. All other drugs can be used for a limited period of time, but long enough for a new sleep reflex to form and the person to give up sleeping pills.

For early morning awakenings, after which it is impossible to fall asleep, it is recommended to use long-acting or intermediate-acting medications. People whose permanent work is necessary high speed reactions and concentration, you should not use long-acting sleeping pills, since their common side effect is lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness during the day. Since most of the sleeping pills in this group are benzodiazepines and barbiturates, they should be used with extreme caution. In order not to resort to strong and fast addictive benzodiazepines and barbiturates, it is recommended to choose one of the following drugs:

  • Bromevazole;
  • Doxylamine;
  • Zolpidem;
  • Zopiclone.
In principle, when choosing a sleeping pill, you should always be guided by the rule that benzodiazepines and barbiturates should only be used when absolutely necessary for severe insomnia, when other means are ineffective. However, after achieving a positive effect when using barbiturates and benzodiazepines, you should switch to taking other sleeping pills that do not have such a pronounced and strong ability to form dependence.

The general modern trend is that the hypnotic drugs of choice are Zopiclone, Zolpidem, Zaleplon and Doxylamine, which ensure rapid fall asleep, practically do not disrupt the normal structure of sleep, and do not cause numerous severe side effects, such as addiction, daytime drowsiness, headaches, etc.

Any sleeping pill should be taken 15 to 30 minutes before going to bed.

Sleeping pills (list)

We present a list of sleeping pills in alphabetical order, regardless of which group a particular drug belongs to. In the list we will first indicate the international name active substance, and then in brackets the commercial names under which the drug can be sold in pharmacies.

Sleeping pills of all forms

So, the following sleeping pills are currently available on the pharmaceutical markets of the CIS countries:
  • Bellataminal (phenobarbital + ergotamine + belladonna alkaloids);
  • Bromisal (Bromizal, Bromural);
  • Brotizolam;
  • Hexobarbital (Hexenal);
  • Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine, Grandim, Diphenhydramine);
  • Doxylamine (Valocordin-Doxylamine, Donormil, Reslip);
  • Zaleplon (Andante, Zaleplon);
  • Clomethiazole (Gemineurin);
  • Melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melaxen Balance, Melarena, Melatonin);
  • Methohexital (Brietal);
  • Methaqualone;
  • Oxazepam (Nozepam, Tazepam);
  • Temazepam (Signopam);
  • Sodium thiopental (Thiopental, Thiopental-KMP);
  • Triazolam;
  • Phenobarbital (Luminal);
  • Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol);
  • Flurazepam (Apo-Flurazepam);
  • Cyclobarbital (Reladorm);
  • Estazolam (estazolam);
  • Chloral hydrate.
The drugs listed in the list are available in various forms - solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections, tablets and drops for oral administration.

Sleeping pills in tablets

Sleeping pills in tablets are as follows:
  • Andante (capsules);
  • Apo-Flurazepam (capsules);
  • Bellataminal;
  • Berlidorm 5;
  • Bromized;
  • Geminevrin (capsules);
  • Hypnogen;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Donormil;
  • Ivadal;
  • Zolpidem;
  • Zolsana;
  • Zonadin;
  • Zopiclone 7.5-SL;
  • Melaxen;
  • Melaxen Balance;
  • Mälarena;
  • Nitrazadone;
  • Nitrazepam tablets;
  • Nitram;
  • Nitrest;
  • Nitrosam;
  • Nozepam;
  • Piclodorm;
  • Radedorm 5;
  • Reladorm;
  • Relaxon;
  • Reslip;
  • Rohypnol;
  • Sanwal;
  • Signopam;
  • Slipwell;
  • Snovitel;
  • Somnol;
  • Tazepam;
  • Thorson;
  • Phenobarbital;
  • Flormidal;
  • Chloral hydrate;
  • Circadin;
  • Estazolam;
  • Eunoctine.

Sleeping pills in drops

Sleeping pills available in drops are as follows:
  • Valocordin-Doxylamine – drops for oral administration;
  • Grandim – solution for oral administration;
  • Oniria – drops for oral administration;
  • Phenobarbital is a solution for oral administration.

Sleeping pills without prescriptions (list)

Since almost all sleeping pills act on the central nervous system and can cause severe side effects, such as respiratory depression, decreased performance, drowsiness and others, as well as provoke addiction, most of them are available with a doctor’s prescription. All benzodiazepine hypnotics and barbiturates are sold strictly according to special prescriptions. Sleeping pills from other groups are also available on prescription in most cases.

Currently, the following sleeping pills can be purchased without a prescription:

  • Andante;
  • Valocordin-Doxylamine;
  • Melaxen;
  • Melaxen Balance;
  • Mälarena;
  • Reslip;
  • Circadin.
Also available without a doctor's prescription homeopathic medicines, helping to normalize sleep, such as Nervoheel and Calm. In addition, on the domestic pharmaceutical market there are herbal sleeping pills, which are also sold without a doctor’s prescription, but in many situations they turn out to be quite effective. Most effective herbal preparations with a hypnotic and sedative effect are the following:
  • Dormiplant tablets;
  • Persen tablets;
  • Novo-Passit solution;
  • Corvalol solution.
If there is a need for a strong sleeping pill, but a doctor cannot write a prescription, then you can buy Valocordin drops, which contain phenobarbital. Then you should drink the maximum permissible single dosage of drops, after which sleep is almost guaranteed to occur.

Quick sleeping pill

Various sleeping pills cause sleep to occur within 5 to 30 minutes. Drugs that can “put a person to sleep 5 to 15 minutes after use” are considered rapid sleeping pills. However, their speed is relative, because the onset of sleep within 15 - 30 minutes after administration is also sufficient good indicator, since during this time a person has time to lie comfortably in bed, relax, think about something pleasant, and against this background, gently and imperceptibly fall asleep. Therefore, strictly speaking, all modern sleeping pills can be called relatively fast-acting.

But the fastest-acting sleeping pills, which induce sleep literally within 5 to 15 minutes after administration, are the following drugs:

  • Donormil;
  • Reladorm;
  • Reslip;
  • Chloral hydrate.

Strong sleeping pill

Strong sleeping pills include drugs from the following groups:
1. Barbiturates:
  • Bellataminal;
  • Hexobarbital (Hexenal);
  • Methohexital (Brietal);
  • Phenobarbital (Luminal);
  • Cyclobarbital (Reladorm).
2. Benzodiazepines:
  • Midazolam (Midazolam-Hameln, Dormikum, Flormidal, Fulsed);
  • Nitrazepam (Berlidorm 5, Nitrazadone, Nitram, Nitrosam, Radedorm 5, Eunoctin);
  • Oxazepam (Nozepam, Tazepam);
  • Temazepam (Signopam);
  • Triazolam;
  • Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol);
  • Flurazepam (Apo-Flurazepam).
3. Z-drugs:
  • Zopiclone (Zopiclone, Zopiclone 7.5 – SL, Imovan, Piclodorm, Relaxon, Somnol, Slipwell, Thorson);
  • Zolpidem (Hypnogen, Zolpidem, Zolsana, Zonadin, Ivadal, Nitrest, Oniria, Sanval, Snovitel);
  • Zaleplon (Andante, Zaleplon).
4. Heterocyclic compounds:
  • Chloral hydrate.
5. Melatonin receptor agonists:
  • Melaxen;
  • Melaxen Balance;
  • Mälarena;
  • Circadin.
The above drugs are the most powerful sleeping pills, but most of them are sold from pharmacies only with a prescription.

Strong sleeping pills without prescription

The only strong sleeping pills that can always be bought without a prescription are drugs from the melatonin agonist group, such as Melaxen, Melaxen Balance, Melarena and Circadin. These drugs are allowed to be sold over-the-counter because they are safe, it is very difficult to overdose on them, and they are not addictive.

In addition, in some pharmacies you can buy the strong sleeping pill Andante without a prescription, which is theoretically included in the list of prescription drugs, but is not a means of subject registration, like narcotic substances, benzodiazepines and barbiturates, and therefore is sometimes dispensed freely.

If a person needs a strong sleeping pill for periodic use from time to time, then you can use Valocordin drops, since they contain phenobarbital. When using Valocordin as a potent sleeping pill, you should take the maximum permissible single dosage of the drug 20–30 minutes before going to bed. Valocordin cannot be used constantly, as it will cause addiction and numerous side effects, but from time to time this option can be used.

Non-addictive sleeping pill

Unfortunately, all sleeping pills are addictive to one degree or another, which is expressed in the formation of physical and psychological dependence. However, with some drugs addiction develops quickly, while with others it develops very slowly. That is, the severity of addiction and the duration of its formation are different for different drugs. Such a slow formation of dependence can be equated to the absence of addiction.

Thus, dependence on barbiturates and benzodiazepines develops most quickly (within about 3–4 months), and it is most severe on drugs from these same groups. Slower (over approximately 5–6 months) dependence on Z-drugs (Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Zaleplon), Chloral hydrates and others develops. However, the severity of the resulting dependence on these drugs is not inferior to that of benzodiazepines and barbiturates.

There is practically no dependence on the drugs melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melaxen Balance, Melarena, Melatonin), doxylamine (Valocordin-Doxylamine, Donormil, Reslip) and diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine, Grandim, Diphenhydramine).

Sleeping pills for children

Children almost never have sleep disorders that would require treatment with serious sleeping pills. As a rule, insomnia in children is caused by overexcitement, excessive activity, or any other unpleasant sensations, for example, pain, runny nose, etc. Therefore, in order to help a child fall asleep, it is necessary, firstly, to try to eliminate the cause, and secondly, to give him safe sedatives. Such sedatives can be considered analogues of sleeping pills for children.

Currently, the following can be considered conditional children's sleeping pills (sedatives):

  • Nervoheel (homeopathic remedy);
  • Dormikind (homeopathic remedy);
  • Notta (homeopathic remedy);
  • Bayu-Bai;
  • Central;
  • Collection "Children's sedative";
  • Collection "Mom's Tale";
  • Collection "Evening Tale".
It is not recommended to give a child self-prepared decoctions and herbal infusions as a sleeping pill, since it is impossible to control the concentration of active substances in them.

If the problem of insomnia in a child is serious, then Diphenhydramine or Phenobarbital can be used to eliminate it. However, these drugs should only be used under the supervision of a physician.

Good sleeping pill

Currently, good sleeping pills are considered to be drugs that provide quick fall asleep and high-quality, deep, complete sleep without waking up during the night, and also do not cause rapid addiction. In addition, good sleeping pills should not cause drowsiness and absent-mindedness during the daytime and at the same time provide a feeling of vigor, freshness and energy in the morning. These requirements are fully met by Z-group drugs (Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Zaleplon), melatonin agonists (Melaxen, Circadin, Melaxen Balance, Melarena) and products containing doxylamine (Valocordin-Doxylamine, Donormil, Reslip).

Side effects of sleeping pills; how to cope with insomnia without sleeping pills - recommendations from a cardiologist-somnologist - video

Phototherapy (light therapy): sleeping glasses - video


The cost of various sleeping pills varies widely. Thus, the cheapest drugs, for example, Diphenhydramine, can be purchased in the range of 20 - 80 rubles, and expensive drugs, such as Melaxen, will cost from 450 to 550 rubles. Before use, you should consult a specialist.