Daily calorie intake for patients with diabetes. Nutrition and diet for diabetes: tips, menus, basic questions. Foods high in carbohydrates

With type 1 diabetes, it is important to know what dose of insulin to take after meals. The patient has to constantly monitor the diet, check whether a certain product is suitable for nutrition during severe defeat pancreas. You need to be especially careful when calculating the norm of “ultra-short” and “short” insulin for injections before meals.

Bread units for diabetics are a system that makes it easy to calculate how many carbohydrates come with food. Special tables contain the name of the product and the volume or quantity corresponding to 1 XE.

General information

One unit of bread corresponds to 10 to 12 g of carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the body. In the USA, 1 XE is 15 g of carbohydrates. The name “bread” unit is not accidental: the standard - carbohydrate content in 25 g of bread - is a piece about 1 cm thick, divided into two parts.

Tables grain units used all over the world. Diabetics from different countries can easily calculate the amount of carbohydrates for single dose food

Application international system XE eliminates the tedious procedure of weighing products before eating: each item has an amount of XE for a certain weight. For example, 1 XE is a glass of milk, 90 g walnuts, 10 g sugar, 1 medium persimmon.

How more carbohydrates (in terms of bread units) a diabetic is going to receive during the next meal, the higher the insulin rate to “suppress” the postprandial level. The more carefully a patient takes into account XE for a particular product, the lower the risk of glucose surges.

To stabilize indicators and prevent a hyperglycemic crisis, you also need to know the GI or. The indicator is needed to understand how quickly blood sugar can rise when eating the selected type of food. Items with “fast” carbohydrates that are of little health benefit have a high GI, while those with “slow” carbohydrates have low and average glycemic index values.

IN different countries 1 XE has some differences in the designation: “carbohydrate” or “starch” unit, but this fact does not affect the amount of carbohydrates for the standard value.

Why is the XE table needed?

At insulin-dependent diabetes Type 1 patient faces many difficulties in drawing up optimal menu. For many, eating turns into torture: you need to know what foods affect the level, how much of this or that item you can eat. You need to be especially careful with the amount of carbohydrates.

Determining bread units for each type of food allows you to eat correctly in order to prevent sharp increase blood sugar values. Just look at the table to quickly calculate how many carbohydrates your body will receive at lunch or breakfast. Special system XE allows you to select best option power supply without exceeding daily value carbohydrates.

Note! When determining bread units, you need to take into account the type of heat treatment and method of cooking. Steamed fish does not contain carbohydrates, conversion to XE is not necessary, but a piece of pollock, rolled in flour and lightly fried vegetable oil, must be taken into account when calculating the amount of carbohydrates. The situation is the same with cutlets: the combination of beef with pork, flour, and a small amount of bread requires taking into account carbohydrates according to the XE table, even with the steam cooking method.

How many units of bread should you receive per day?

There is no standard XE norm. When selecting the optimal amount of carbohydrates and total food volume, it is important to consider:

  • age (older people have a slower metabolism);
  • lifestyle (sedentary work or physical activity);
  • sugar level (severity);
  • presence or absence extra pounds(with obesity, the XE rate decreases).

Limit norm for normal weight:

Limit values ​​for obesity:

  • with a lack of movement, sedentary work - from 10 to 13 XE;
  • engaging in heavy physical labor - up to 25 HE;
  • moderate physical activity- up to 17 HE.

Many doctors recommend following a balanced but low-carbohydrate diet. The main nuance is that the number of bread units with this approach to nutrition is reduced to 2.5-3 XE. With this system, the patient receives from 0.7 to 1 bread unit at one time. With a small amount of carbohydrates, the patient eats more vegetables, lean meat, lean fish, fruits, and leafy greens. Combination of proteins with vitamins and vegetable fats meets the body's energy needs and nutrients Oh. Many diabetics who use a low-carbohydrate diet notice a decrease in sugar concentration after a week when tested using a glucometer and in the laboratory of a medical institution. It is important to have a glucometer at home to constantly monitor your glucose levels.

Go to the address and see the table of foods rich in iodine for the thyroid gland.

XE table for products of different categories

For each patient, the endocrinologist indicates the optimal carbohydrate intake, taking into account the factors listed in the previous section. The more calories a diabetic spends during the day, the higher daily norm HEH, but no more limit values for a specific category.

Tables of bread units should always be on hand. It is necessary to observe the ratio of the weight of the product and XE: if “medium apple” is indicated, then a large fruit has a larger number of bread units. The same situation is with any product: an increase in the quantity or volume of a particular type of food increases the XE.

Name Amount of food type per 1 bread unit
Milk and dairy products
Yogurt, curdled milk, kefir, milk, cream 250 ml or 1 glass
Sweet curd mass without raisins 100 g
Curd mass with raisins and sugar 40 g
Syrniki One medium
Condensed milk 110 ml
Lazy dumplings From 2 to 4 pieces
Porridge, pasta, potatoes, bread
Boiled pasta(all types) 60 g
Muesli 4 tbsp. l.
Baked Potato 1 medium sized tuber
Mashed potatoes with milk and butter or water 2 tablespoons
Potatoes boiled in their jackets
Boiled porridge (all types) 2 tbsp. l.
French fries 12 pieces
Potato chips 25 g
Bakery products
Breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. l.
Rye and white bread 1 piece
Diabetic bread 2 pieces
Vanilla crackers 2 pieces
Dry cookies and crackers 15 g
Gingerbread 40 g
Regular and diabetic honey 1 tbsp. l.
Sorbitol, fructose 12 g
Sunflower halva 30 g
Refined sugar Three pieces
Diabetic confiture with sweeteners 25 g
Diabetic chocolate Third part of the tile
black currant 180 g
Gooseberry 150 g
Blueberry 90 g
Strawberries, raspberries and red currants 200 g
Grapes (different varieties) 70 g
Fruits, melons, citrus
Orange without peel 130 g
Pears 90 g
Watermelon with rind 250 g
Peaches 140 g Medium fruit
Pitted red plums 110 g
Melon with rind 130 g
Banana peeled 60 g
Sweet cherries and pitted cherries 100 and 110 g
Persimmon Medium sized fruit
Tangerines Two or three pieces
Apples (all varieties) Medium fruit
Meat products, sausages
Dumplings Medium size Medium size, 4 pieces
Baked meat pies ½ pie
½ pie 1 piece (medium size)
Boiled sausage, wieners and frankfurters
Pumpkin, zucchini and carrots 200 g
Beetroot, cauliflower 150 g
White cabbage 250 g
Nuts and dried fruits
Almonds, pistachios and pine 60 g
Forest and walnut 90 g
Cashew 40 g
Unshelled peanuts 85 g
Prunes, figs, raisins, dates, dried apricots - all types of dried fruits 20 g

The table shows foods containing carbohydrates. Many diabetics wonder why there is no fish or meat here. These types of food practically do not contain carbohydrates, but they must be included in the diet for insulin-dependent diabetes as a source of proteins, vitamins, useful acids, minerals and trace elements.

With type 1 diabetes, many patients are afraid to eat carbohydrates in order to prevent sharp increase sugar level. This approach to nutrition deprives the body of many valuable substances. The XE table for diabetics will help you get the optimal amount of carbohydrates without harm to your health. There is no need to weigh foods: just find the desired name in the table and add up the amount of carbohydrates from all types of food for the daily menu. Be sure to take into account maximum rate XE for people who are sedentary and active image life.

Diabetes mellitus is very serious endocrine disease, which is manifested by a violation of all metabolic functions in the patient’s body. Diabetes affects all organs and systems, but the cardiovascular and urinary systems are most affected, which leads to fatal complications. Diabetes – chronic disease, so it is very important to maintain a special diet with it.

A properly composed menu for diabetics for a week allows long time maintain the disease in a compensated state, which, in turn, reduces the progression of diabetes and complications associated with it.

You are the creator of your health and body

General principles of nutrition for diabetics

The vast majority of food products for people suffering from diabetes have low level glycemic index. The diet should contain large number fresh food, in particular vegetables and fruits with dietary fiber and fiber, which contributes to better absorption nutrients and nutrients, and also helps remove toxins and metabolites from the patient’s body. Eating milk porridge as the first and second thing in the morning provides the diabetic's body with a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, which do not cause a sharp rise in glucose in the blood plasma. Low-fat dairy products help improve the functioning of the hepatobiliary system gastrointestinal tract person.

The diet for diabetics also includes sweet dishes, so diabetes is not a death sentence for those with a sweet tooth. For lovers of sweets, the menu for every day can be varied with the following dishes:

  • jelly and jelly cake;
  • fruit casseroles;
  • Instead of sweet tea or compote, you can use oatmeal-based jelly or fruit punch.

So a low-carb diet can be not only healthy, but also tasty and even varied.

Therapeutic diet

Endocrinologist specialists have developed a special diabetic menu for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Diet number 9 provides the following principles:

  • The content of proteins or proteins exceeds the physiological norm and prevails over fats and carbohydrate foods.
  • Complete exclusion of simple or easily digestible carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.
  • This diet must contain lipotropic or fat-burning substances; they often have a negative calorie content.
  • The diet is dominated by fresh vegetables and, to a lesser extent, fruits.

Diet for diabetes mellitus provides for a specific mode of use food products. Table 9 involves frequent consumption of food in fractional portions at least 6-7 times a day.

Sample diet plan for a week

Approximate weekly menu for a diabetic, it is intended to show that food should be varied in order to replenish everything necessary elements nutrients in the body. The menu for a diabetic patient should be based on the number of bread units, especially for patients with type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes. To compile diet menu for a week you need to use a specialized table, which can be found on the Internet or taken from any medical institution.

It is very important to understand that the energy value or calorie content of each meal during the day should be approximately the same and be based on the calculation of bread units using a special table. The daily amount of calories consumed and, accordingly, bread units is calculated individually for each individual patient by an endocrinologist.

To calculate calorie content, many parameters are used, the main ones are:

  • height, weight and body mass index of the patient with calculation of body area;
  • glucose level on an empty stomach and after a glucose loading test;
  • assessment of glycosylated hemoglobin, which shows the level of glycemia over the past 3 months.

The age of the patient also plays an important role. Concomitant chronic infectious and non-communicable diseases, as well as lifestyle.


Breakfast: any porridge, except rice and semolina, in a volume of no more than 200 g, cheese with a fat content of less than 20% and weighing no more than 40 g, rye bread 1-2 slices, tea without sugar with added sweetener.

Lunch: vitamin salad 100 g, borscht 250 g, steam cutlet turkey meat, stewed cabbage, 1 piece of rye bread.

Afternoon snack: low-fat grain cottage cheese, fruit tea (1 glass), fruit jelly with added sweetener or sweetener.

Second dinner: any fermented milk drink with a low percentage of fat content in a volume of no more than a glass.

This diet option contains 1500 kcal on the first day.


First meal: omelette without yolk with the addition of fresh herbs, steamed piece of lean veal meat, fresh tomato, whole grain bread (1 piece), tea without sugar 250 ml.

Second meal: yogurt with bifidobacteria, crispbread.

Third meal: vitamin salad – 150 g, mushroom soup– 300 ml, steamed chicken breast, baked pumpkin, rye bread – 1 piece.

Fourth meal: grapefruit, light yogurt.

Fifth meal: vegetable stew together with steamed fish – 300 g, freshly squeezed apple juice from sour apple varieties – 200 ml.

Sixth meal: tea with milk – 250 ml, baked apple.

The total calorie content of dishes for Tuesday is 1380 kcal.


First portion: stuffed cabbage rolls beef meat, low-fat sour cream, 1 slice of bread and tea - 250 ml.

Second serving: bread without added sugar - 3 pieces, fruit compote with low content Sahara.

Third serving: salad with chicken breast– 150 g, vegetable puree soup in a volume of 200 ml, water puree with lean fish, dried fruit compote.

Fourth serving: medium-sized orange, fruit tea – 250 ml.

Fifth portion: cottage cheese casserole with berries, a drink made from rosehip infusion.

Sixth serving: reduced-fat kefir.


Breakfast: any porridge, except rice and semolina, in a volume of no more than 200 g, cheese with a fat content of less than 20% and weighing no more than 40 g, dried bread - 1-2 pieces, tea without sugar with added sweetener.

Snack: yogurt with bifidobacteria, crispbread.

Lunch: salad fresh vegetables– 100 g, mushroom soup – 300 ml, steamed chicken breast, baked pumpkin, rye bread – 1 piece.

Afternoon snack: granular cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, rosehip drink - 250 ml, fruit jelly with the addition of a sweetener or sweetener.

Dinner: salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, boiled meat.

Second dinner: any fermented milk drink with a fat content of less than 3% in a volume of no more than a glass.

The calorie content of the diet on Thursday is 1450 kcal.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge – 100 g, squash caviar, 1 piece of bread and tea – 250 ml.

Second breakfast: dry biscuits - 2-3 pieces, low-sugar fruit compote.

Dinner: sauerkraut–100 g, vegetable soup– 250 ml, water puree with lean fish, dried fruit compote.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.

The total calorie content for a given day is 1400 kcal.


Breakfast: lightly salted salmon, 1-2 boiled eggs, 1 piece of bread and half fresh cucumber, tea with sweetener.

Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese, wild berries.

Lunch: Cabbage soup – 200 ml, lazy cabbage rolls, 1-2 pieces of wholemeal bread.

Afternoon snack: crackers, tea with milk – 250 ml.

Dinner: pea porridge with boiled beef cutlet, tea without sugar – 200 ml, steamed eggplants – 150 g.

Evening snack: sour apple.

The total calorie content for a given day is 1450 kcal.

Another small example of a rationally designed weekly menu


Breakfast: cabbage rolls stuffed with beef, low-fat sour cream, 1 slice of bread and tea - 250 ml.

Second breakfast: dry cookies – 2-3 pcs., fresh berry juice.

Lunch: salad of boiled meat and lettuce leaves – 100 g, vegetable soup – 250 ml, boiled jacket potatoes – 1-2 pcs.

Afternoon snack: medium-sized orange, fruit tea – 250 ml.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with berries, a drink made from rosehip infusion.

Second dinner: tea with milk – 250 ml, baked apple.

The total calorie content of dishes on Tuesday is 1380 kcal.

To sum it up

A properly composed menu for patients with diabetes allows not only to diversify the diet and carry out its correction, but also to maintain the patient’s health at the proper level. It is not necessary to use the recipes described in the article; you can create your own culinary masterpieces. Proper nutrition in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet allows for a long time leave the disease in a compensated state, which reduces the risk rapid development complications associated with chronic hyperglycemia.

Latest update: April 30, 2019

Bread unit (BU) is an integral concept in the lives of people with diabetes. XE is a measure used to estimate the amount of carbohydrates in foods. For example, “a hundred gram chocolate bar has 5 XE”, where 1 XE: 20 g of chocolate. Another example: 65 g of ice cream in bread units is 1 XE.

One bread unit is 25 g of bread or 12 g of sugar. In some countries, it is customary to count only 15 g of carbohydrates per unit of bread. That is why you need to carefully study the XE tables in products; the information in them may vary. Currently, when creating tables, only carbohydrates digestible by humans are taken into account, while dietary fiber, i.e. fiber – excluded.

Counting bread units

A large amount of carbohydrates in terms of bread units will cause the need for more insulin, which must be injected in order to suppress postprandial blood sugar and all this must be counted. A person with type 1 diabetes must carefully examine their diet to determine the number of grain units in foods. The total dose of insulin per day and the dosage of “ultra-short” and “short” insulin before lunch directly depend on this.

The bread unit should be counted in those products that a person will consume, checking the tables for diabetics. When the figure is known, you should calculate the dose of “ultra-short” or “short” insulin, which is injected before eating.

To count bread units as accurately as possible, it is best to constantly weigh your food before eating. But over time, diabetic patients evaluate products “by eye.” This assessment is quite sufficient to calculate the insulin dose. However, purchasing a small kitchen scale can be very helpful.

Glycemic Index of Foods

In diabetes mellitus, not only the amount of carbohydrates in food matters, but also the speed of their digestion and absorption into the blood. How slower body digests carbohydrates, the less they increase sugar levels. Thus, maximum value There will be less sugar in the blood after eating, which means the impact on cells and blood vessels will not be as strong.

(GI) – is an indicator of the effect of food on the level of glucose in a person’s blood. In diabetes mellitus, this indicator is as important as the volume of bread units. Dietitians advise consuming more foods that have low glycemic index.

There are known foods that have a high glycemic index. The main ones:

  • Sugar;
  • Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks;
  • Jam;
  • Glucose tablets.

All of these sweets contain virtually no fat. In diabetes, they can be consumed only if there is a risk of hypoglycemia. IN everyday life listed products Diabetics are not recommended to use.

Consumption of bread units

Many representatives modern medicine It is recommended to consume carbohydrates that are equivalent to 2 or 2.5 bread units per day. Many “balanced” diets consider it normal to take 10-20 XE of carbohydrates per day, but this is harmful for diabetes.

If a person wants to lower their glucose levels, they reduce their carbohydrate intake. It turns out that this method is effective not only for type 2 diabetes, but also for type 1 diabetes. It is absolutely not necessary to believe all the advice that is written in articles about diets. It is enough to purchase an accurate glucometer that will show whether certain foods are suitable for consumption.

Nowadays, an increasing number of diabetics are trying to limit the amount of bread units in their diet. Products with high content proteins and natural healthy fats. In addition, vitamin-rich vegetables are becoming popular.

If you stick to a low-carb diet, within a few days it will become clear how much you have improved. general health, and blood glucose levels decreased. This diet frees you from the need to constantly look at the tables of bread units. If you consume only 6-12 g of carbohydrates for each meal, then the number of bread units will be no more than 1 XE.

With a traditional “balanced” diet, a diabetic suffers from instability of blood sugar, and is often also used. A person needs to calculate how much insulin is required for 1 unit of bread to be absorbed. Instead, it is better to check how much insulin is required to absorb 1 g of carbohydrates, rather than a whole unit of bread.

Thus, the fewer carbohydrates consumed, the less insulin required. After starting a low-carbohydrate diet, the need for insulin decreases by 2-5 times. A patient who has reduced their pill or insulin intake is less at risk of hypoglycemia.

Table of bread units

Flour products, cereals and grains

All cereals, including whole grain products (barley, oats, wheat) contain a fairly large amount of carbohydrates in their composition. But at the same time, their presence in the diet of people with diabetes is simply necessary!

To prevent cereals from affecting the patient’s condition, it is necessary to control the level of glucose in the blood in a timely manner, both before and after meals. It is unacceptable to exceed the norm of consumption of such products while eating. A table will help you calculate bread units.

Product Quantity of product per 1 XE
white, gray bread (except butter bread) 1 piece 1 cm thick 20 g
black bread 1 piece 1 cm thick 25 g
bran bread 1 piece 1.3 cm thick 30 g
Borodino bread 1 piece 0.6 cm thick 15 g
crackers handful 15 g
crackers (dry cookies) - 15 g
breadcrumbs - 15 g
bun - 20 g
damn (big) 1 piece 30 g
frozen dumplings with cottage cheese 4 pcs. 50 g
frozen dumplings 4 pcs. 50 g
cheesecake - 50 g
waffles (small) 1.5 pcs. 17 g
flour 1 tbsp. heaped spoon 15 g
gingerbread 0.5 pcs. 40 g
pancakes (medium) 1 piece 30 g
pasta (raw) 1–2 tbsp. spoons (depending on shape) 15 g
pasta (boiled) 2–4 tbsp. spoons (depending on shape) 50 g
cereal (any, raw) 1 tbsp. spoon 15 g
porridge (any) 2 tbsp. heaped spoons 50 g
corn (medium) 0.5 ears 100 g
corn (canned) 3 tbsp. spoons 60 g
cornflakes 4 tbsp. spoons 15 g
popcorn 10 tbsp. spoons 15 g
oatmeal 2 tbsp. spoons 20 g
wheat bran 12 tbsp. spoons 50 g

Milk and dairy products

Dairy products and milk are a source of animal protein and calcium, which is difficult to overestimate and should be considered a necessity. These products contain almost all vitamins in small volumes. However, dairy products contain the most vitamins A and B2.

IN dietary nutrition Low-fat dairy products should be preferred. It is better to avoid whole milk completely. 200 ml of whole milk contains almost a third of the daily value of saturated fat, so it is better not to consume this product. Best to drink skim milk, or prepare a cocktail based on it, to which you can add pieces of fruit or berries, this is exactly what a nutrition program should be.

Nuts, vegetables, legumes

Nuts, legumes and vegetables should always be included in the diet of diabetics. Foods help control blood sugar, reducing the risk of complications. In the vast majority of cases, the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders is reduced. Vegetables, grains and grains provide the body with such important microelements, like protein, fiber and potassium.

Ideally consumed as a snack raw vegetables and it will help to practically not count it. It is harmful for diabetics to overindulge in starchy vegetables, as they are high in calories and contain a large amount of carbohydrates. The number of such vegetables in the diet must be limited; the calculation of bread units is shown in the table.

Fruits and berries (with pit and peel)

For diabetes mellitus, it is allowed to consume most of the existing fruits. But there are exceptions, these are grapes, watermelon, bananas, melon, mango and pineapple. Such fruits increase the level of glucose in a person’s blood, which means their consumption should be limited and not eaten every day.

But berries are traditionally an excellent replacement sweet desserts. For diabetics, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries and black currants are best - the undisputed leader among berries in the amount of vitamin C for every day.

Product Quantity of product per 1 XE
apricots 2–3 pcs. 110 g
quince (large) 1 piece 140 g
pineapple (cross section) 1 piece 140 g
watermelon 1 piece 270 g
orange (medium) 1 piece 150 g
Banana (medium) 0.5 pcs. 70 g
cowberry 7 tbsp. spoons 140 g
grapes (small berries) 12 pcs. 70 g
cherry 15 pcs. 90 g
pomegranate (medium) 1 piece 170 g
grapefruit (large) 0.5 pcs. 170 g
pear (small) 1 piece 90 g
melon 1 piece 100 g
blackberry 8 tbsp. spoons 140 g
figs 1 piece 80 g
kiwi (large) 1 piece 110 g
strawberry (strawberry)
(medium sized berries)
10 pcs. 160 g
gooseberry 6 tbsp. spoons 120 g
lemon 3 pcs. 270 g
raspberry 8 tbsp. spoons 160 g
mango (small) 1 piece 110 g
tangerines (medium) 2–3 pcs. 150 g
nectarine (medium) 1 piece
peach (medium) 1 piece 120 g
plums (small) 3–4 pcs. 90 g
currant 7 tbsp. spoons 120 g
persimmon (medium) 0.5 pcs. 70 g
cherries 10 pcs. 100 g
blueberry 7 tbsp. spoons 90 g
apple (small) 1 piece 90 g
Dried fruits
bananas 1 piece 15 g
raisin 10 pcs. 15 g
figs 1 piece 15 g
dried apricots 3 pcs. 15 g
dates 2 pcs. 15 g
prunes 3 pcs. 20 g
apples 2 tbsp. spoons 20 g


When choosing drinks, like any other product, you need to examine the amount of carbohydrates in the composition. Sugary drinks are contraindicated for people with diabetes, and diabetics do not need to count them; no calculator is needed here.

A person with diabetes must maintain their satisfactory condition by drinking enough clean drinking water.

All drinks should be consumed by a person with diabetes, taking into account their glycemic index. Drinks that a patient can drink:

  1. Clean drinking water;
  2. Fruit juices;
  3. Vegetable juices;
  4. Milk;
  5. Green tea.

The benefits of green tea are truly enormous. This drink has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, having a gentle effect on the body. Moreover, green tea significantly reduces cholesterol and fat levels in the body.

Product Quantity of product per 1 XE
cabbage 2.5 cups 500 g
carrot 2/3 cup 125 g
cucumber 2.5 cups 500 g
beetroot 2/3 cup 125 g
tomato 1.5 cups 300 g
orange 0.5 cups 110 g
grape 0.3 cups 70 g
cherry 0.4 cups 90 g
pear 0.5 cups 100 g
grapefruit 1.4 cups 140 g
redcurrant 0.4 cups 80 g
gooseberry 0.5 cups 100 g
strawberry 0.7 cups 160 g
crimson 0.75 cups 170 g
plum 0.35 cups 80 g
apple 0.5 cups 100 g
kvass 1 glass 250 ml
sparkling water (sweet) 0.5 cups 100 ml


Typically, sweet foods contain sucrose. This means that diabetics should not consume sweet foods. Nowadays, product manufacturers offer a wide selection of various sweets based on sugar substitutes.

About calories in diabetes

Such an indicator as the calorie content of foods is very important for maintaining ideal human health. This helps not only for weight loss purposes, but also in the process of fighting diabetes. About how to compile a list of useful and already ready meals, and also why diabetics should not go to McDonald’s later in the text.

What is calorie content

In order to better understand this issue, it is necessary to answer the question of what constitutes calorie content. This is an indicator that makes it possible to evaluate products and dishes in terms of their nutritional value and ability to saturate the body. So, for some diseases, including diabetes, eating foods with a low calorie content is much more desirable than with a high calorie content, as well as for weight loss.

In other words, this is nothing more than the total energy value of each food product. It was specially developed by nutritionists, but is used not only for weight loss purposes, but also for many diseases that are directly related to:

There are zero-calorie foods that do not burden the body in any way. It is advisable to use them for diabetics and everyone else who is concerned about the calculation energy value each of the dishes, including dairy or.

In type 2 diabetes, the cells remain overloaded with fat, and therefore insulin and its full component simply cannot help the sugar when it enters the cell.

In this regard, there is a need to reduce body weight. In this case, the cells will be free of a significant amount of fat and will be able to restore sensitivity to a component such as insulin. Its full saturation will be beneficial to the body and will not provoke crises. To do this, you just need to eat right and use certain tips, for example, contact Bormental online and use his reference book.

What are calories?

For those who are faced with the first type of diabetes, it means constant control over exactly how carbohydrates (CA) are supplied. For the second type of the presented illness, not only XE are important, but also the degree of caloric content of food. Thus, zero-calorie foods will be useful in any case.

Any of all components of food and any, including ready-made dishes, of a person in the process of combustion is capable of releasing a very different ratio of energy. A person’s task in order to lose weight and maintain health is to understand which foods and ready-made or not meals need to be consumed less, because they contain more calories, and which ones have more. After all, they contain very few calories. In order to calculate this, today you do not need to be an expert in this matter.

But the most important thing is not to eat junk food that is served in establishments such as, say, McDonald's.

How to count

In order to correctly calculate the degree of calorie content of ready-made and raw foods, a special food calorie table is ideal. You can also calculate this indicator using an online special reference book or calculator. It is recommended to do this in order to quickly, efficiently and maximize healthy weight loss, as well as to combat diseases such as diabetes.

It is important to remember that based on physiological data it has been proven that daily ration male representatives should include from 2500 to 3500 kcal per day. This indicator fluctuates because it is directly dependent on:

  1. his age;
  2. physique;
  3. energy costs. It is based on them that it is possible to correctly calculate the energy value.

The full calorie content of foods and dishes consumed by female representatives most often equals 2000-2500 kcal within 24 hours.

This is useful not only for losing weight, but also for maintaining health. This is how the food calorie table helps in many problematic health-related situations. In addition, you should not forget about the calorie content calculator.

About the rules for counting calories in diabetes

For those patients who are malnourished, the energy value of prepared foods and dishes is increased by at least 20%. This indicator should be compared with calorie content at optimal body weight, and in case of obesity, on the contrary, it is reduced. This is quite natural, because eating at establishments such as McDonald's does not contribute to maintaining health. This theory corresponds not only to the data of specialists, but also to Bormenthal.

You should know that calculating the calorie content of food using tables is largely approximate. The full picture will only be revealed when individual approach to calculating energy saturation taking into account the costs of everyone who has diabetes. However, what are negative potency foods and how beneficial are they really, and is the term negative potency foods still relevant?

About negative calorie foods

For the purpose of splitting and then assimilation useful substances, which are found in foods and most dishes, a person must produce a certain amount of enzymes. This process, of course, requires energy. In other words, a person spends more calories on the entire process of digesting these foods than they actually contain. The same applies to those dishes that you can try at McDonald's restaurant.

It is problematic to digest such foods, as well as 99% of dishes that are rich in fiber, have a low amount of calories, and are also used raw. Thus, the term “negative calorie foods” can be misleading for many.

It would be much more correct to call them products that are characterized by “zero calorie content.”

In addition, foods with so-called negative calories will not help get rid of the calories that a person acquired by eating hamburgers bought at McDonald's.

All this is harmful to health and negative for weight loss.

What can be said about calories and Bormental?

The criteria that make it possible to classify something into the category of “products with negative calorie content” are:

  • low calorie content, which should be no more than 30 kcal per 100 grams;
  • significant ratio of fiber, which is indigestible dietary fiber, that is, more than one gram per 100 grams. This must be taken into account for weight loss.

Such food products include greens and certain vegetables, for example, lettuce or cabbage. To identify such products as accurately as possible, a food calorie analyzer is used. But what is the Bormenthal diet and is it suitable for diabetes?

About the Bormenthal diet

We should briefly talk about the Bormenthal diet. In addition to the psychological attitude that is necessary in this case, you should remember about certain nutritional standards for this method of losing weight. It is with their help that everyone is activated metabolic processes, improvement in well-being in diabetes and loss of excess weight is expected.

The most important thing in the Bormenthal diet is to reduce the daily ratio of active calories, which is necessary not only for weight loss, but also for improving diabetes.

The most appropriate norm for someone who is faced with sedentary life, should be considered from 1000 to 1200 kcal. If someone who is losing weight or has diabetes experiences significant physical activity, then this norm can be increased by 200 kcal. Thus, with the Bormenthal diet, losing weight and restoring the body is more than simple.

About calories and deficiencies

The bottom line is that the calories used are within the limits indicated by the given nutrition. Thus, general degree The calorie content of consumed dishes should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. And, at the same time, the use junk food, for example, when going to McDonald's, remains prohibited.

Are there any disadvantages?

Thus, counting the caloric content of foods is very important in diabetes. It makes it possible to maintain the body in optimal condition, allowing it to process and absorb insulin.

But in cases where a person is very weakened due to diabetes or other diseases, energy value should not be taken into account.

In all other situations, this theory has no drawbacks. This should be taken into account not only in diabetes, but also healthy people. Counting calories is the key to maintaining 100% health.

Food calorie table

Eggplant0,6 0,1 5,5 24
Swede1,2 0,1 8,1 37
Green peas5,0 0,2 13,3 72
Zucchini0,6 0,3 5,7 27
White cabbage1,8 - 5,4 28
Red cabbage1,8 - 6,1 31
Cauliflower2,5 - 4,9 29
Potato2 0,1 19,7 83
Green onion (feather)1,3 - 4,3 22
Leek3 - 7,3 40
Onion1,7 - 9,5 43
Red carrots1,3 0,1 7,0 33
Ground cucumbers0,8 - 3 15
Greenhouse cucumbers0,7 - 1,8 10
Sweet green pepper1,3 - 4,7 23
Sweet red pepper1,3 - 5,7 27
Parsley (greens)3,7 - 8,1 45
Parsley (root)1,5 - 11 47
Rhubarb (petiole)0,7 - 2,9 16
Radish1,2 - 4,1 20
Radish1,9 - 7 34
Turnip1,5 - 5,9 28
Salad1,5 - 2,2 14
Beet1,7 - 10,8 48
Tomatoes (ground)0,6 - 4,2 19
Tomatoes (greenhouse)0,6 - 2,9 14
Green beans (pod)4,0 - 4,3 32
Horseradish2,5 - 16,3 71
Cheremsha2,4 - 6,5 34
Garlic6,5 - 21,2 106
Spinach2,9 - 2,3 21
Sorrel1,5 - 5,3 28
Dried apricots5 - 67,5 278
Dried apricots5,2 - 65,9 272
Raisins with pit1,8 - 70,9 276
Raisins sultanas2,3 - 71,2 279
Cherry1,5 - 73 292
Pear2,3 - 62,1 246
Peaches3 - 68,5 275
Prunes2,3 - 65,6 264
Apples3,2 - 68 273
Apricots0,9 - 10,5 46
Quince0,6 - 8,9 38
Cherry plum0,2 - 7,4 34
Pineapple0,4 - 11,8 48
Bananas1,5 - 22,4 91
Cherry0,8 - 11,3 49
Pomegranate0,9 - 11,8 52
Pear0,4 - 10,7 42
Figs0,7 - 13,9 56
Dogwood1 - 9,7 45
Peaches0,9 - 10,4 44
Rowan garden1,4 - 12,5 58
Rowan chokeberry1,5 - 12 54
Garden plum0,8 - 9,9 43
Dates2,5 - 72,1 281
Persimmon0,5 - 15,9 62
Cherries1,1 - 12,3 52
Mulberry0,7 - 12,7 53
Apples0,4 - 11,3 46
Orange0,9 - 8,4 38
Grapefruit0,9 - 7,3 35
Lemon0,9 - 3,6 31
Mandarin0,8 - 8,6 38
Cowberry0,7 - 8,6 40
Grape0,4 - 17,5 69
Blueberry1 - 7,7 37
Blackberry2 - 5,3 33
Strawberry0,8 - 6,3 36
Strawberries1,8 - 8,1 41
Cranberry0,5 - 4,8 28
Gooseberry0,7 - 9,9 44
Raspberry0,8 - 9 41
Cloudberry0,8 - 6,8 31
Sea ​​buckthorn0,9 - 5,5 30
White currant0,3 - 8,7 39
Red currant0,6 - 8 38
Black currant1 - 8 40
Blueberry1,1 - 8,6 40
Fresh rosehip1,6 - 24 101
Dried rose hips4 - 60 253
Watermelon0,7 - 8,8 38
Rye bread4,7 0,7 49,8 214
Wheat bread from grade I flour7,7 2,4 53,4 254
Butter pastries7,6 4,5 60 297
Baranki10,4 1,3 68,7 312
Drying11 1,3 73 330
Wheat crackers11,2 1,4 72,4 331
Cream crackers8,5 10,6 71,3 397
Premium wheat flour10,3 0,9 74,2 327
Wheat flour, grade I10,6 1,3 73,2 329
Wheat flour, grade II11,7 1,8 70,8 328
Rye flour6,9 1,1 76,9 326
Waffles with fruit fillings3,2 2,8 80,1 342
Waffles with fat-containing fillings3,4 30,2 64,7 530
Puff pastry with cream5,4 38,6 46,4 544
Puff pastry with apple5,7 25,6 52,7 454
Sponge cake with fruit filling4,7 9,3 84,4 344
Gingerbread4,8 2,8 77,7 336
Sponge cake with fruit filling4,7 20 49,8 386
Almond cake6,6 35,8 46,8 524
Dark chocolate5,4 35,3 52,6 540
Milk chocolate6,9 35,7 52,4 547
Honey0,8 0 80,3 308
Fruit dragee3,7 10,2 73,1 384
Marshmallow0,8 0 78,3 299
Iris3,3 7,5 81,8 387
Marmalade0 0,1 77,7 296
Caramel (average)0 0,1 77,7 296
Chocolate coated candies2,9 10,7 76,6 396
Paste0,5 0 80,4 305
Sugar0,3 0 99,5 374
Tahini halva12,7 29,9 50,6 510
Sunflower halva11,6 29,7 54 516
White fresh3,2 0,7 1,6 25
White dried27,6 6,8 10 209
Fresh boletus2,3 0,9 3,7 31
Fresh boletuses3,3 0,5 3,4 31
Fresh russulas1,7 0,3 1,4 17
Buckwheat core12,6 2,6 68 329
Buckwheat done9,5 1,9 72,2 326
Manna11,3 0,7 73,3 326
Oatmeal11,9 5,8 65,4 345
Pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 324
Millet12 2,9 69,3 334
Rice7 0,6 73,7 323
Wheat "Poltavskaya"12,7 1,1 70,6 325
Oatmeal12,2 5,8 68,3 357
Barley10,4 1,3 71,7 322
Hercules13,1 6,2 65,7 355
Corn8,3 1,2 75 325
Beans6,0 0,1 8,3 5,8
Peas23 1,6 57,7 323
Whole peas23 1,2 53,3 303
Soybeans34,9 17,3 26,5 395
Beans22,3 1,7 54,5 309
Lentils24,8 1,1 53,7 310
Beef stew16,8 18,3 0 232
Tourist breakfast (beef)20,5 10,4 0 176
Tourist breakfast (pork)16,9 15,4 0 206
Sausage mince15,2 15,7 2,8 213
Pork stew14,9 32,2 0 349
Raw smoked brisket7,6 66,8 0 632
Raw smoked loin10,5 47,2 0 467
Ham22,6 20,9 0 279
Chicken egg12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Egg powder45 37,3 7,1 542
Protein powder73,3 1,8 7 336
Dry yolk34,2 52,2 4,4 623
Quail egg11,9 13,1 0,6 168
Chum salmon granular31,6 13,8 0 251
Bream punch24,7 4,8 0 142
Pollock punch28,4 1,9 0 131
Sturgeon granular28,9 9,7 0 203
Sturgeon punch36 10,2 0 123
Hazelnut16,1 66,9 9,9 704
Almond18,6 57,7 13,6 645
Walnut13,8 61,3 10,2 648
Peanut26,3 45,2 9,7 548
sunflower seed20,7 52,9 5 578
Rendered lamb or beef fat0 99,7 0 897
Pork bacon (without skin)1,4 92,8 0 816
Milk margarine0,3 82,3 1 746
Sandwich margarine0,5 82 1,2 744
Mayonnaise3,1 67 2,6 627
Vegetable oil0 99,9 0 899
Butter0,6 82,5 0,9 748
Ghee butter0,3 98 0,6 887
Gobies12,8 8,1 5,2 145
Pink salmon21 7 0 147
Flounder16,1 2,6 0 88
crucian carp17,7 1,8 0 87
Carp16 3,6 0 96
Chum salmon22 5,6 0 138
Smelt15,5 3,2 0 91
Icy15,5 1,4 0 75
Bream17,1 4,1 0 105
Salmon20,8 15,1 0 219
Macrurus13,2 0,8 0 60
Lamprey14,7 11,9 0 166
Pollock15,9 0,7 0 70
capelin13,4 11,5 0 157
Navaga16,1 1 0 73
Burbot18,8 0,6 0 81
Marbled notothenia14,8 10,7 0 156
Sea bass17,6 5,2 0 117
River perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Sturgeon16,4 10,9 0 164
Halibut18,9 3 0 103
Blue whiting16,1 0,9 0 72
Saberfish20,3 3,2 0 110
Caspian fisherman19,2 2,4 0 98
Carp18,4 5,3 0 121
Large saury18,6 20,8 0 262
Small saury20,4 0,8 0 143
Salaka17,3 5,6 0 121
Herring17,7 19,5 0 242
Whitefish19 7,5 0 144
Mackerel18 9 0 153
Som16,8 8,5 0 144
Horse mackerel18,5 5 0 119
Sterlet17 6,1 0 32
Zander19 0,8 0 83
Cod17,5 0,6 0 75
Tuna22,7 0,7 0 96
coal fish13,2 11,6 0 158
Sea eel19,1 1,9 0 94
Acne14,5 30,5 0 333
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
Pike18,8 0,7 0 82
Ide18,2 0,3 0 117
Far Eastern shrimp28,7 1,2 0 134
Cod liver4,2 65,7 0 613
Squid18 0,3 0 75
Crab16 0,5 0 69
Shrimp18 0,8 0 83
Sea kale0,9 0,2 3 5
Pasta "Ocean"18,9 6,8 0 137
Trepang7,3 0,6 0 35
Boiled sausage Diabetic12,1 22,8 0 254
Boiled sausage Dietary12,1 13,5 0 170
Boiled sausage Doctorskaya13,7 22,8 0 260
Boiled sausage Lyubitelskaya12,2 28 0 301
Boiled sausage Milk11,7 22,8 0 252
Boiled sausage Separate10,1 20,1 1,8 228
Boiled veal sausage12,5 29,6 0 316
Pork sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
Dairy sausages12,3 25,3 0 277
Russian sausages12,0 19,1 0 220
Pork sausages11,8 30,8 0 324
Boiled-smoked Amateur17,3 39 0 420
Boiled-smoked Cervelat28,2 27,5 0 360
Semi-smoked Krakow16,2 44,6 0 466
Semi-smoked Minsk23 17,4 2,7 25
Semi-smoked Poltavskaya16,4 39 0 417
Semi-smoked Ukrainian16,5 34,4 0 376
Raw smoked Amateur20,9 47,8 0 514
Raw smoked Moscow24,8 41,5 0 473
Cow's milk cheese17,9 20,1 0 260
Natural yoghurt 1.5% fat5 1,5 3,5 51
Low-fat kefir3 0,1 3,8 30
Full fat kefir2,8 3,2 4,1 59
Milk2,8 3,2 4,7 58
Acidophilus milk2,8 3,2 10,8 83
Whole milk powder25,6 25,0 39,4 475
Condensed milk7 7,9 9,5 135
Condensed milk with sugar7,2 8,5 56 315
Curdled milk2,8 3,2 4,1 58
Ryazhenka3 6 4,1 85
Cream 10%3 10 4 118
Cream 20%2,8 20 3,6 205
Sour cream 10% 10 2,9 116
Sour cream 20%2,8 20 3,2 206
Special cheeses and curd mass7,1 23,0 27,5 340
Russian cheese23,4 30 0 371
Dutch cheese26,8 27,3 0 361
Swiss cheese24,9 31,8 0 396
Poshekhonsky cheese26 26,5 0 334
Processed cheese24 13,5 0 226
Fat cottage cheese14 18 1,3 226
Cottage cheese semi-fat16,7 9 1,3 156
Low-fat cottage cheese18 0,6 1,5 86
Mutton16,3 15,3 0 203
Beef18,9 12,4 0 187
Horse meat20,2 7 0 143
Rabbit20,7 12,9 0 199
Pork lean16,4 27,8 0 316
Pork is fatty11,4 49,3 0 489
Veal19,7 1,2 0 90
Lamb Kidneys13,6 2,5 0 77
Lamb Liver18,7 2,9 0 101
Lamb Heart13,5 2,5 0 82
Beef Brains9,5 9,5 0 124
Beef Liver17,4 3,1 0 98
Beef Kidneys12,5 1,8 0 66
Beef Udder12,3 13,7 0 173
Beef Heart15 3 0 87
Beef Tongue13,6 12,1 0 163
Pork kidneys13 3,1 0 80
Pork liver18,8 3,6 0 108
Pig heart15,1 3,2 0 89
Pork tongue14,2 16,8 0 208
Geese16,1 33,3 0 364
Turkey21,6 12 0,8 197
Chickens20,8 8,8 0,6 165
Chickens18,7 7,8 0,4 156
Ducks16,5 61,2 0 346

body weight (kg)

    Define required quantity energy (kcal/kg/day) in accordance with the phenotype according to the table (see below).

Table Dependence of energy requirement on phenotype

EEB = energy requirement (kcal/kg/day) * body weight (kg).

Table The required amount of energy depending on the work performed

7. Principles of insulin therapy.

7.1. Administration of short-acting insulin 6-8 times a day:

    used to select an individual dose for newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis, and pregnancy.

    Short-acting insulin is administered in a ratio of 3:2:1 before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, respectively.

    Additionally, it is advisable to administer insulin in a dose of no more than 2-4 units with an additional meal (second breakfast, afternoon snack, second dinner) or as prescribed by a doctor

      Principles for calculating the average daily dose insulin.

The average daily dose of insulin is individually determined daily requirement in insulin, which is calculated depending on the actual body weight of the patient and the duration of the disease. To maintain homeostasis, a person needs an average of 20 to 40 units of insulin per day. However, it is impossible to determine the magnitude of insulin deficiency and calculate the need of a patient with type 1 diabetes for exogenous insulin. The dose of insulin is selected empirically: based on the actual body weight of the patient, taking into account the duration of the disease. Approximately corresponds to:

    0.3 IU/kg/- starting dose at the onset of type 1 diabetes

    0.3-0.5 IU/kg/day for less than 10 years of T1DM.

    0.7-0.9 IU/kg/day for patients with T1DM for more than 10 years.

    0.9-1M E/kg/day for ketoacidosis, precoma, coma, regardless of the type of diabetes

    The dose of the administered drug is selected and adjusted taking into account the level of glycemia.

    At the onset of type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy is indicated in case of primary resistance to oral hypoglycemic drugs or the presence of contraindications to their use: 0.5 IU/kg/day.

    1. Calculation of an individual dose for a basal-bolus insulin therapy regimen.

    Intermediate-acting/ultra-long-acting insulin (basis) is used in an amount of one third of the total daily dose of insulin. Administer 1 time at 11 pm (ultra-long-acting) and 2 times a day (medium-acting) before breakfast (morning) and at 11 pm (before bedtime).

    short-acting/ultra-short-acting insulin for additional injections before meals (bolus) in the amount: two-thirds of the total daily dose of insulin is distributed in a ratio of 3:2:1, respectively, before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    The bolus dose of short-acting/ultra-short-acting insulin is calculated taking into account the following conditions:

    the amount of carbohydrates planned to be taken with food. So-called “tables of bread units” have been developed (1 XE = 10-12 g of carbohydrates), which allow one to calculate the amount of carbohydrates contained in a certain product or finished dish;

    1 XE requires the administration of 2-4 IU of short-acting and rapid-acting insulin;

    time of day (the need for insulin for the absorption of 1 XE is 1.5-2 IU before breakfast, 0.8-1.2 IU before lunch, 1-1.5 IU before dinner);

    baseline glycemic level;

    planned physical activity after meals (the need for insulin during physical activity decreases, which requires a dose reduction).

Example: daily insulin requirement 42 IU:

Of these, 14 IU are intermediate-acting insulin and 28 IU are short-acting insulin. Short-acting insulin: 21 IU before breakfast, 14 IU before lunch, 7 IU before dinner. Fluctuations in glycemia during the day are desirable in the range from 4.0 to 9.5 mmol/l.