Pelvic dystopia of the right kidney in a child. Classification and features of treatment of kidney dystopia. Treatment of kidney dystopia

Kidney dystopia (RD) is an abnormality in the location of the kidney. Among all renal anomalies, this makes up 2.8%. The disease is included in the ICD-10 list. More about the types of dystopia paired organ, about the symptoms and how to diagnose the pathology, how to treat the anomaly.

The causes of DP are incorrect embryonic migration and rotation of the organ from the pelvic region to the lumbar region. The lower the kidney is located, the more problems with rotation. The kidney may rotate incorrectly even when the organ is in place. Depending on the level at which kidney migration has stopped, medicine distinguishes:

  1. Lumbar kidney dystopia.
  2. Pelvic.
  3. Ileal dystopia of the kidney.

There is also thoracic DP, when migration occurs in the sternum area, but it is rare. Thoracic DP of the left kidney is diagnosed more often than of the organ located with right side. Dystopia can also be classified by location; it can be unilateral or bilateral. Homolateral DP is a pathology without displacement to the opposite side; pelvic dystopia of the kidney is similar to it, so they are often confused.

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms depend on the type of DP. The most pronounced symptoms of pelvic dystopia are the kidneys, since the organ puts pressure on the organs adjacent to it, for example, the rectum, uterus, and bladder. Pressure provokes the development of pain.

Unfortunately, there have been cases in medicine when kidney dystopia was mistaken for a tumor and removed. Lumbar dystopia right kidney or left kidney is practically asymptomatic. With thoracic kidney dystopia, erroneous diagnoses are often made, the pathology is confused with a tumor, abscess, or encysted pleurisy. The main symptom of this pathology is pain in the lumbar region. The disease is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • isotope renography;
  • excretory urography;
  • retrograde urography.

All these studies make it possible to recognize kidney dystopia. And thanks to traditional angiography, the doctor makes a conclusion about the location of the organ.

In addition to the above studies, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests urine and blood sediment.

At the first sign of problems, you should consult a nephrologist. Treatment of kidney dystopia is not required. Therapy is prescribed only for organ damage.

In severe cases, the doctor performs surgical treatment. Surgical therapy may include:

  • cyst puncture;
  • renal artery angioplasty;
  • stenting of the renal artery;
  • plastic surgery of the ureteropelvic segment;
  • removal of an abnormal part of an organ.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor; any self-medication can lead to serious complications.


To prevent complications of abnormal development, it is necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition. It is recommended to include cereals, vegetables and fruits in the diet, not fatty foods. Salt intake should be limited to 2 g per day.

In case of abnormal development and problems, it is necessary to limit protein intake and caloric intake. It is recommended to arrange fasting days. A strict diet is prescribed only to patients suffering from chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. To the rest dietary food shown, but in a more gentle way.

It is recommended to exclude from the diet foods rich in phosphorus and potassium, for example, dried fruits, cottage cheese products, offal, nuts, bananas. In addition to cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, you are allowed to eat pasta, fermented milk products, compotes. You can use rosehip decoction, creamy and vegetable oil, low-fat soups. Chocolate products, garlic, radishes, mushrooms, and onions are prohibited.

Can be used as seasonings bay leaf, cinnamon, lightly fried onion. It is very useful to arrange fasting days. These can be fruit and berry fasting days, vegetable, watermelon, juice fasting. Nutritionists recommend including oatmeal in your diet. By following all the doctor's recommendations, eating right and healthy image life, you can achieve success in treating pathology. You should also monitor your blood pressure and take antibiotics to stop the growth of bacteria. Patients with dystopia should be observed by a urologist.

Developmental anomalies and forecasts

Developmental defects are one or more deviations from the norm. Anomalies are formed in the womb and are a congenital pathology. In medicine, anomalies are distinguished:

  • structures of a paired organ;
  • vessels of a paired organ;
  • number of organs;
  • size;
  • location (dystopia);
  • relationships between organs.

If there is an anomaly in the location of the organ while still in the womb, it moves from the pelvis to the lower back, and if this process is disrupted, dystopia is observed. The prognosis is determined by the presence of complications such as:

  1. Tumor.
  2. Hydronephrosis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.
  4. Vasorenal hypertension.

With pelvic dystopia, the fetus may die during pregnancy, but this is not a contraindication for conceiving a child. To avoid fetal death, it is necessary to monitor the entire pregnancy by an obstetrician-gynecologist and urologist. It is important to understand that you can live a quality life with any health problem, the main thing is not to self-medicate, follow the recommendations of your doctor, and undergo a scheduled annual examination.

Kidney dystopia is an abnormal structure of a paired organ. This condition is congenital; the kidney can move several different sides, depending on this, the patient complains of a number of unpleasant symptoms. Often the paired organ is located in the pelvic region, chest, and lower back.

The pathological process starts in the womb, so routine ultrasounds should not be skipped during pregnancy. The earlier dystopia is detected, the easier it is to cope with the problem. It is impossible to completely cure the disease; the patient must adhere to special rules throughout his life and take care of his health.

General information

Dystopia is any abnormal structure of an organ; the term refers to a paired organ. Initially, the kidneys are formed in the pelvic region; as other structures in the fetal body develop, they “rise” to their usual place (the process is completed by the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy).

Dystopia is the result of a congenital malfunction in development; deviations occur after the complete formation of the kidney and its bed. Against the background of the facts described above, we can conclude that the anomaly is formed against the background of parental genome deviations or serious pathological process during intrauterine development.

Reasons for the development of the anomaly

The appearance of renal anomalies is influenced by many negative factors:


Doctors know cases of unilateral and bilateral abnormal structure of a paired organ. If one organ is located on the opposite side, doctors diagnose cross dystopia. When the kidney is located in its half of the body, but incorrectly, the patient has a homolateral type of pathology.

Depending on the location of the paired organ, several forms of anomaly are distinguished:

  • lumbar The paired organ is located lower than it should be. With such dystopia, the renal pelvis faces forward. During palpation, the organ is felt in the hypochondrium;
  • pelvic. The paired organ is located between the bladder and rectum (in the stronger sex)/uterus (in women). This dystopia is characterized by shortening of the ureter; during examination, it looks like ectopic pregnancy or a cyst in the ovaries;
  • ileum. The kidney is located in the iliac fossa and is often mistaken for cystic formation in the ovary;
  • subdiaphragmatic. The paired organ will mix upward, up to chest. All vessels and the ureter are elongated. Most anomalies are mistaken for a tumor or cyst on the lung, an abscess, or encysted pleurisy.

Depending on the type of dystopia, the symptoms may differ; some anomalies are asymptomatic, others can cause serious problems with health.

Interesting to know! According to statistics, right-sided dystopia in the lumbar region is often found. The anomaly is characterized by prolapse of the right kidney several centimeters below its intended location. Such a pathology with initial examination often confused with tumor formations. Dystopia of the right kidney is observed in 58% of all cases, of the left - 33%, of both - 9%.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Clinical picture pathological condition depends on the degree and nature of dystopia of the paired organ:

  • lumbar (is the most favorable type of disease). The anomaly is often asymptomatic or causes discomfort in the lumbar region of an unexpressed nature;
  • ileal dystopia is characterized painful sensations in the abdominal region, the fair sex feels a worsening situation during menstruation. Discomfort is formed against the background of compression of neighboring organs, squeezing of nerve endings. The anomaly causes the bladder to become misaligned, leading to problems with urination. Negative Impact on the intestines contributes to the appearance of constipation, bloating, stomach cramps, it can even lead to attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • pelvic dystopia negatively affects the intestines and the functioning of the female genital organs. The anomaly is accompanied by constipation, frequent urges to the toilet, discomfort that accompanies the act of urination. Pelvic anomaly of the kidney structure negatively affects pregnancy and contributes to prolonged toxicosis. Such a patient should be constantly under medical supervision before and after pregnancy;
  • pathology of the right kidney in the chest area is accompanied by unpleasant sensations while eating;
  • cross dystopia often leads to dysfunction of the paired organ; in the case of compression of blood vessels, the patient is constantly accompanied by increased blood pressure (even at a young age).


Pathology can be detected in several ways:

  • examination of the patient. For men, a rectal examination can be used, for women, a vaginal examination. Thus, a sedentary formation is detected, which is located between the intestines and the bladder/uterus;
  • X-ray of the pelvis and chest may indicate an abnormal structure of the kidneys;
  • use of ultrasound. During this examination, a flattened, round or oblong shape of the kidney may be detected. The pelvis may be absent altogether or have the same vertical and horizontal dimensions. Also, during ultrasound, abnormalities of the ureter and blood vessels are clearly visible;
  • . This analysis makes it possible to clarify the specific location of the diseased kidney and its interaction with other organs;
  • laboratory tests allow you to assess the functioning and condition of excretory system, kidney.

Diagnostic manipulations make it possible to differentiate the abnormal location of the kidney from other pathologies (prolapse of a paired organ, formation of different nature), identify existing concomitant diseases.

Effective treatments

Therapy directly depends on the functioning of the displaced kidney, negative influence on neighboring organs, the location and extent of the lesion are not so important when choosing treatment.

Conservative therapy includes several aspects:

  • When inflammatory processes occur, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. The choice of medication is based on the specific type pathogenic microorganisms, which caused the pathology;
  • alleviate the patient's condition, relieve pain syndrome Painkillers (Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Spazgan) will help.

The combination of these drugs has an anti-inflammatory effect not only on the diseased kidney, but also on nearby organs and systems. Conservative therapy includes preventive measures, is aimed at preventing the occurrence of other diseases of the kidneys and excretory system.

Kidney dystopia in a child

Often, an anomaly in the location of a paired organ is not noticed until an ultrasound or x-ray is performed for another reason. In some cases, pathology is noticed during fetal development. Only the physician decides what to do next after diagnosing dystopia. In most cases, the anomaly does not interfere with the child’s normal development, therapeutic measures no need to carry out. In case of life threat little patient the doctor prescribes a course of therapy, sometimes a surgical solution to the problem.

Go here to read about how to do Kegel exercises for female urinary incontinence.

Dystopia is considered congenital pathology, therefore, prevention should be carried out even before the baby is born. Before planning a pregnancy, undergo genetic counseling to exclude the possibility of an anomaly in future offspring.

During the period of bearing a child, follow several useful recommendations:

  • stop drinking alcohol, nicotine, and drugs;
  • Beware of radioactive and chemical exposure;
  • do gymnastic exercises, stick to proper nutrition.

Dystopia is an abnormal location of the kidney; the pathology may not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient, but constant monitoring of the patient’s condition is recommended. If complications occur, immediately consult a doctor and get treatment.

Video. A specialist from the Moscow Doctor clinic talks about pathologies of the development of paired organs, including kidney dystopia:

Pregnancy – important stage in the life of a woman and her unborn child. Disruptions during pregnancy often lead to developmental abnormalities in newborns. One of these anomalies is ileal dystopia of the kidney.

This anomaly develops when, during intrauterine development, the correct movement of the primary kidney into the lumbar region from the pelvic region is disrupted.

Types of kidney dystopia

Dystopia can be either unilateral (only one of the kidneys is incorrectly located) or bilateral (both kidneys are incorrectly located). Unilateral dystopia is much more common than bilateral dystopia.

Depending on the location of the kidney, dystopia can be:

  • Subdiaphragmatic.
  • Ileum.
  • Pelvic.
  • Lumbar.

If the kidney has moved to the opposite side, then dystopia is called cross (heterolateral). If the kidney has moved on its side - homolateral.

Depending on which kidney has moved, dystopia is distinguished:

  • Right-sided - the most common type.
  • Left-handed.
  • Double-sided - the rarest type.

Ileal dystopia of the right kidney is one of the types of dystopia in which the location of the right kidney is disturbed; it is displaced into the iliac fossa. With this arrangement, the kidney has many arteries branching from the common large iliac artery.

Symptoms of ileal dystopia of the kidney

A dystopic kidney often puts pressure on organs and (or) nerve plexuses located nearby. This causes the most common symptoms of ileal dystopia of the kidney:

  • Violation of urodynamics (improper outflow of urine).
  • Abdominal pain. In women, pain increases during menstruation.
  • Intestinal dysfunction and, as a consequence, vomiting, nausea, intestinal colic, flatulence, gastralgia, constipation.

All the described symptoms manifest themselves to the maximum in the presence of any disease of the dystopic kidney, for example, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis.

When palpating the abdomen, an incorrectly located kidney is clearly identified and is often regarded as an ovarian cyst or tumor. In medicine, there are cases of erroneous removal of a dystopic kidney, mistaken for a tumor.


Ileal dystopia of the right kidney, like all other kidney anomalies, is diagnosed by the following methods:


Treatment of ileal dystopia of the kidney is carried out only if there is inflammatory process, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis. In this case, conservative treatment is carried out, which is aimed at reducing inflammation, reducing and removing stones.

If the kidney is dead, then they resort to surgery to remove it. Operations to change the position of a dystopic kidney are not performed due to large quantity renal vessels and their small size.

Kidney dystopia is abnormal development or a defect characterized by a deviation from the natural structure, structure and placement of an organ. The pathology is considered congenital, as it develops in the womb.

Kidney dystopia can be observed on one or both sides. The first is diagnosed much more often than the second, and is characterized by the absence of one of the organs. In addition, there may be no ureter. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by abnormalities of the genital organs. Dystopia mainly affects the right kidney, the left one suffers much less frequently.

The pathology is considered a genetic anomaly, the occurrence of which is facilitated by hereditary predisposition, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, poisoning toxic substances, stresses suffered by a pregnant woman. Taking into account the place of localization, they distinguish the following types dystopia:

Pelvic dystopia causes shortening of the ureter. As the disease develops, the patient may complain of pain in the intestines; women note discomfort in the ovaries, especially during menstruation. With subphrenic pathology, the renal pedicle is greatly elongated. This form is diagnosed much less frequently than others. It is quite difficult to identify it due to the unusual placement of the organ. It is mistakenly mistaken for a tumor, and symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath and difficulty eating are observed.

Most often in medical practice lumbar dystopia of the right kidney is diagnosed

Most often in medical practice, lumbar dystopia of the right kidney is diagnosed. It is not typical for her severe symptoms, perhaps only a single manifestation is vague pain in the lumbar region. If you palpate the affected area, you will notice a dense neoplasm. Dystopia can interfere with the functioning of nearby organs. The reason is their compression and squeezing. For example, the ileal or pelvic form is often accompanied by problems with bowel movements and nausea. Bladder may suffer due to compression of the ureters, as a result of which the process of urination is complicated. Pelvic dystopia can significantly complicate pregnancy. The kidneys themselves are also susceptible all kinds of pathologies due to narrowing of blood vessels or bending of the legs.

Causes of pathology

Dystopia is a congenital anomaly in the structure of the kidneys. Incorrect placement of an organ occurs when it moves from the pelvis to lumbar region at the moment when everything is formed internal systems fetus Initially, the kidneys are laid in the pelvic region, and as they develop, they move upward, where they should remain normal. Under the influence various factors this process may be disrupted, causing the child to be born with an anomaly. The method of birth of the baby or the qualifications of obstetricians do not influence the formation of the disease. There are a number of factors that provoke the occurrence of pathology:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent stress;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • smoking;
  • emotional turmoil during pregnancy;
  • unhealthy diet.

Lumbar dystopia among all possible violations in the placement of the kidneys is diagnosed in seventy percent. With this pathology, the artery arises below the aorta, and the pelvis faces the hypochondrium. During palpation, such a deviation is often perceived as a tumor. To put correct diagnosis, the doctor must take into account the accompanying manifestations:

  • pain in the abdomen and lumbar region;
  • signs characteristic of digestive disorders - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
  • pathology genitourinary system– hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis.

Change in position of the kidney (dystopia)

The pain is moderate in nature, can be dull or aching, felt in the lower back or iliac region. Bloating and problems with urine output are also possible.

Dystopia does not always have obvious manifestations.

Having such an anomaly, a person can live peacefully and not even suspect any violations. Often the pathology is combined with abnormalities in the development of other organs.

Usually the pathology is detected at the next preventive examination or when the patient complains of deterioration in health, pain in the lumbar region. After palpation and questioning, an ultrasound, MRI or radiography is performed. With the help of these studies, the presence of neoplasms can be confirmed or refuted. Comprehensive examination also includes:

  1. General blood and urine tests - with dystopia, there will definitely be deviations from normal values.
  2. Ultrasound examination - determines the location of the kidneys and their condition. It also eliminates nephroptosis.
  3. If necessary, excretory urography is performed - it helps to identify abnormal placement of the organ or disturbances in its functioning.

General blood and urine tests, which, in case of dysfunction of a dystopic kidney, will show deviations from the norm

When dystopia is accompanied by infection or inflammation, conservative treatment is indicated. If we're talking about o, the patient is prescribed antibiotics wide range actions. If dystopia causes pain, the patient may be prescribed analgesics or non-steroidal drugs.

In case of urolithiasis, stone removal is required. Many patients are recommended drugs whose action is aimed at improving blood circulation in the kidneys. For complications such as hydronephrosis, increased pressure on nearby organs and kidney injury, surgery. Removal is possible only if the organ dies completely, if the presence of a second kidney is confirmed by examination results.

Unconventional methods of therapy

Dystopia cannot be cured conservative methods. Patients are prescribed symptomatic therapy, which is designed to eliminate concomitant ailments - urolithiasis, infectious processes. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cleansing agents are used. Regular prevention of possible kidney diseases and cleansing the body.

Remedies are ideal for treating the disease alternative medicine. Typically this is medicinal herbs And natural products, which do not have a toxic effect on human body. There are several popular recipes:

  • Yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile - brew the plants and leave for fifteen minutes, then filter. Drink up to three times a day. The treatment is carried out for a week for each herb. The course is repeated twice a year.
  • Plantain and nettle leaves, rose hips, red currant fruits - excellent prophylactic urolithiasis. Herbs can be consumed individually or made into infusions.
  • Strawberries and wheatgrass are used to cleanse the body. Pour boiling water over ten leaves with stems of berries or crushed wheatgrass roots, leave for fifteen minutes, strain and drink.

Alternative medicine is ideal for treating the disease.

An integral component of therapy is lifestyle. The patient must exclude everything bad habits, reconsider your usual lifestyle, avoid hypothermia. It is important to prevent penetration bacterial infections and treat them on time. Chronic infectious process with pyelonephritis it becomes a potential culprit of infection.

For the prevention and treatment of kidney dystopia, it is recommended to review usual diet nutrition. It must be correct and consist of dishes homemade. It is extremely important to reduce the amount of animal protein. Priority vegetarian food, an abundance of vegetables and fruits. To cleanse the kidneys, it is advisable to include watermelon, celery, parsley, and asparagus in the menu. It is recommended to cook the dishes and eat them in crushed form. Best mode meals - five times a day.

Possible complications

Negative consequences for kidney dystopia mainly occur when used incorrectly. unconventional methods treatment. Organ displacement is not always detected even with the latest ultrasound machines, and traditional healers and do not have such equipment at all and do not always have a sufficient level of knowledge. Therefore, patients begin to treat not inflammation of an incorrectly located organ, but a completely different disease. As a result, the patient’s well-being worsens.

One of the complications of the pathology is the mechanical effect of a displaced kidney on nearby organs. For example, with pelvic dystopia high blood pressure the uterus is exposed. May also be harmed venous vessels, ganglia, major arteries. These cases are considered the most severe. They are accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity in certain areas of the body, deterioration of the skin, hair loss and other symptoms.


If a person is diagnosed with dystopia, it is important to prevent the development of pathologies that can complicate abnormal development. To do this you need to follow a diet. It is recommended to include in the menu:

  • vegetables;
  • cereal dishes;
  • low-fat food;
  • fruits;
  • small amount of salt.

To downgrade blood pressure can be taken antihypertensive drugs. Helps stop bacterial growth antibacterial drugs. Pregnant women with congenital dystopia kidneys should be avoided unfavorable factors and follow all recommendations of the attending physician. Patients are required to visit regularly - it will help prevent possible complications.

Some genitourinary diseases appear in humans from birth. One of them is kidney dystopia, about the causes, symptoms, treatment of which we'll talk in the article.

Kidney dystopia

According to ICD-10, kidney dystopia belongs to the section “ Congenital anomalies development urinary system", occupying code Q 63.2 " Ectopic kidney" Kidney dystopia (ectopia) is understood as a congenital defect in the structure of an organ, manifested by its incorrect location in the body (the kidney is not located in the renal bed). The statistics are as follows: in 0.1-2.8% of babies born, this pathology occurs, manifesting itself with to varying degrees gravity. More often, the pathology affects the right kidney.

The disease in nephrology is considered complex, requiring medical response and adequate treatment. Kidneys with dystopia can be in complete different places– in the pelvic area, lower back, chest cavity, iliac zone. If both organs of a fetus or newborn are affected, the disease causes even more severe consequences.

With dystopia in the fetus, as it develops, the movement of the kidney from the pelvis to the lumbar region is disrupted, so the organ becomes fixed in an abnormal position due to the abnormal structure of the vessels or a short ureter.

The result is incomplete kidney rotation, which makes dystopia fundamentally different from nephroptosis (secondary displacement of the kidney).

Causes of pathology

Since the pathology is congenital, its exact causes are associated with disruptions in embryogenesis and are absolutely not caused by wrong actions obstetricians during childbirth. In the fetus, the kidneys are initially located in the pelvic area and only then move higher, rising to a normal position - at the level of the last thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae opposite each other relative to the spine. If the fetus was influenced by any pathogenic factors during intrauterine development, the movement and fixation of a kidney (or two kidneys) is disrupted. The kidney is fixed in an abnormal position - dystopia occurs.

Risk factors that could potentially affect the process of migration and rotation of the kidneys in a child are as follows:

  • poisoning by toxic agents;
  • stress, shock;
  • taking drugs with teratogenic effects.

In some cases, there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of kidney dystopia.


The disease is more often unilateral, much less often – bilateral. Ectopia may involve the right or left kidney, and in 57% of cases the problem concerns the right kidney, in 10% - both organs. When the organ is shifted to the opposite side, dystopia is called homolateral. If the kidneys are in opposite parts of the peritoneum, then a diagnosis of heterolateral (crossed) dystopia is made, in which organ fusion may even occur.

Classification of the disease according to the anatomical position of the abnormal kidney is very important. It includes the following types (refer to the left and right kidneys):

    • Lumbar. The kidney vessels are present in the region of the 2-3 lumbar vertebrae, and the pelvis is turned towards abdominal cavity. Pathology can be detected when palpating the abdomen, when the kidney is felt in the hypochondrium area. The anomaly occurs in 65% of cases and is initially mistakenly perceived as nephroptosis, a neoplasm.
    • Pelvic. In female children, the kidney is found between the rectum and uterus, in male children - between the rectum and bladder. The ureter is shorter than usual. Frequency of pathology – 22% of total number dystopia. In women childbearing age sometimes such dystopia resembles an ectopic pregnancy.

In the video, pelvic dystopia with complete fusion of the kidneys:

  • Ileum. It is diagnosed that a large number of extra vessels are diverted from the iliac artery, and the kidney itself is located in the iliac fossa. Frequency – 11% of cases, the disease is often perceived as a cyst or other neoplasm.
  • Thoracic (subdiaphragmatic). In this case, the kidney vessels depart at the 12th thoracic vertebra, and the kidney is strongly raised upward towards the diaphragm (2% of pathologies). This disease is often initially mistaken for lung cancer, pleurisy, or a mediastinal cyst.

Cross (rotational) dystopia is an arrangement of organs “crosswise”, or their location on one side with fusion and functioning as a single organ.

Forms of kidney dystopia

A - pelvic; b- ileum; c - lumbar; c- lumbar; d - one-sided cross; d - bilateral cross; d — incompleteness of rotation in embryogenesis.


The clinical picture of the pathology completely depends on the specific location of the kidney and the magnitude of its displacement. Thus, lumbar dystopia may not interfere with a person at all throughout his life, or it begins to manifest itself during pregnancy.

Sometimes this type of disease produces regular aching, mild pain in the back area, which can be perceived as pain from osteochondrosis.

Ileal dystopia of the kidney usually gives more severe symptoms.

The kidney interferes with other organs, nerve trunks, blood vessels, so its signs are as follows:

  • Discomfort in the abdomen, epigastrium.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Intestinal dysfunction, constipation.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms.

Intensification of symptoms in women occurs during menstruation.

For pelvic ectopia of the kidney, the clinic may include:

  • Pain during bowel movements.
  • Severe discomfort during sexual intercourse, menstruation.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Reduced intestinal motility.
  • Sometimes - imitation of a clinic acute pathology peritoneum.
  • Severe toxicosis in case of pregnancy.
  • Complicated childbirth.

Subphrenic dystopia leads to pain after eating, and sometimes during eating. It can cause the development of a hernia hiatus diaphragm. As can be seen from the description, the symptoms of dystopia are never specific, so its diagnosis is often carried out after the development of various complications.


The doctor can assume the presence of a problem already by palpating the peritoneum and lower back. Pelvic dystopia is sometimes detected during a visit to a gynecologist (in women) or a urologist (in men). The doctor identifies a dense formation in an abnormal location, referring the patient for further examination.

IN mandatory the presence of a tumor or cyst of the abdominal and pelvic organs should be excluded, and dystopia should be differentiated from nephroptosis and inflammatory diseases.

For these purposes, the following types of diagnostics are performed:

  • X-ray examination of the chest cavity;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Urography;
  • MRI (CT);
  • Scintigraphy;
  • Angiography of renal vessels.

Treatment and prognosis

A patient with a similar pathology is observed by a nephrologist or urologist. Mandatory treatment disease will be required if there are complications or the risk of their development. Unfortunately, patients with dystopia are very prone to the appearance of various concomitant diseases, which determine prognosis and treatment.

Most often occurs inflammatory complication– pyelonephritis. It is treated conservatively - taking antibiotics and drugs that improve blood flow and urine outflow. Occurs frequently urolithiasis which should be treated special diet, drugs for dissolving and removing stones, sometimes - ultrasonic methods or surgery.

  • Do special special exercises.
  • Follow a dietary diet.
  • Avoid hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infections, and sore throats.
  • Limit water intake.

Kidney dystopia can cause even more serious consequences - hydronephrosis, kidney tuberculosis and even necrosis of part of the organ or its complete death. If in the case of tuberculosis therapy is carried out in specialized institutions, then other situations require removal of the affected organ in order to avoid the development of peritonitis.

If indicated, do surgical repair kidney anatomy. The operation to return the kidney to its normal location is technically very difficult, since the organ is easily damaged, and the vessels feeding it are numerous and small in size. In case of accidental damage to the kidney tissue, its vessel, or pelvis, suturing should be performed; if this is impossible, the organ is removed.

The situation is especially difficult for patients with cross-dystopia - without surgery, they may experience arterial hypertension And renal failure. The prognosis depends on the presence of complications. With timely and successful intervention or conservative treatment associated problems, it is favorable.