Help a protracted binge at home. How to quit binge drinking at home on your own

Alcoholism - terrible disease, which affects not only the person suffering from the disease, but also his entire environment, not only those close to him. Fighting a disease without seeking qualified medical help is practically useless. For independent exit from the binge is necessary enormous strength will and good health, it is better to entrust this process to professionals. Nevertheless, many try to get rid of withdrawal symptoms on their own, becausehow to get out of binge drinkingwill not become redundant.

First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that all people dependent on alcohol tend to overestimate their capabilities, so there is no need to go too far even at the first sign of serious problems with the body, call for medical help.

We are asking for qualified assistance V mandatory, If:

  • there is a burning and tingling sensation in the area chest, giving off pain in left hand and under the shoulder blade ( similar phenomenon may be accompanied by panic fear);
  • interruptions in the functioning of the heart of any nature;
  • abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting and change in skin color, the latter acquiring a yellow tint;
  • numbness in areas of the body, tingling and pins and needles, weakness, blurred vision and flashes or “floaters” before the eyes, difficulty swallowing and excessive salivation;
  • bad stool (sharp bad smell, structure coffee grounds) blood in urine.

Each of the symptoms described can be caused by consequences long-term use alcohol (heart attack, angina, arrhythmia, acute pancreatitis, etc.) and require emergency medical care, otherwise death is possible.

In addition, it is worth noting that a person who consumed alcohol-containing drinks continuously for two weeks drank more than 1 liter strong alcohol per day will not be able to tie it on its own. Especially if there were previously epileptic seizures, psychoses and heart problems, then you cannot do without supervision from a qualified physician.

One more a terrible consequence, which can overtake a person when it seems he has already overcome the most terrible threshold, is acute alcoholic psychosis. People call it " Delirium tremens", symptoms appear towards the end of the second day of quitting alcohol. This complication claims the lives of 15% of patients affected by this disease. A successfully tolerated complication often affects a person’s memory, dementia may set in, and the ability to function normally in society is lost.

How to get out of binge drinking: analysis of the situation from different points of view

Withdrawal syndrome inherent in the human condition after long drinking bout, corresponds to the withdrawal of a drug addict without another dose the required substance. Therefore, it should not be confused with a regular hangover, although it is impossible to draw a clear line between when an acute hangover is still felt and when it is already abstinence. Next we will consider two approaches to the question of whetherhow to get out of binge drinkingindependently, one of them, with medical point view, the other is based on real experience many alcohol dependent people.

The first thing that has great importance and applies to both ways of exiting unpleasant condition- a person himself must want to stop drinking. Otherwise, even doctors will not help. Secondly, no less important, the binge must be at the completion stage; it is unrealistic to catch a person and force him to undergo treatment in the midst of the process.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the examples of drugs given are not indications for use and before applying all the recommendations described, you must consult a doctor.

  • Relatives.During the period of recovery from binge drinking and rehabilitation of an alcoholic, all debriefings and showdowns are excluded. Now a person needs support, help and sympathy, leave all education for later. An alcoholic is not able to adequately respond to the lectures of others in the current period of his life, and such behavior will only provoke further binge drinking.
  • Abrupt interruption or dose reduction? Some people think that you need to quit abruptly and immediately. Today, doctors still recommend a more gentle approach and a gradual reduction in the dose with complete withdrawal after at least 3 days. This will soften the hangover and reduce the likelihood of complications. In addition, you should not change drinks by lowering the degree if the patient drank vodka - it is better to continue than to go on a new binge, this time with.
  • Self-detoxification.Translated into human language, we drink a lot of water and remove alcohol from the body in the most natural way possible. You can drink mineral water without gas, tea with honey and lemon, fruit drinks, milk and others healthy drinks. If vomiting does not allow anything to linger in the stomach, you can try taking an antiemetic tablet with a small amount of liquid or swallowing it. If successful, you need to take the next tablet after 15 minutes.
  • Activated carbon.It will help bind and remove toxins from the intestines, but only if the person goes to the toilet two hours after taking it. Otherwise, toxins will begin to be released again. Medicines take 2 hours after charcoal, otherwise it will adsorb them and there will be no effect. It is acceptable to take other similar medications.
  • Headache and aches. These signs of a severe hangover can push anyone to a breakdown. In order to smooth out their manifestations, you should take two tablets of no-shpa and two tablets of analgin. Ideally, they need to be chewed, but they are very bitter. Take medications no more than 3 times a day. Aspirin will also help solve the problem, but is not recommended during this period, as it greatly irritates the stomach.
  • Physical activity and contrast shower. It is better to postpone such approaches until the body has stabilized. At the moment of leaving the binge, they are fraught with a heart attack or stroke.
  • Insomnia.The main problem for everyone who quits drinking. A sleeping pill will help, but in doses that comply with the instructions. An overdose will give reverse effect, but you shouldn’t expect instant action.
  • Glycerol. It can create the illusion that a person is hungover due to the fact that it itself is a polyhydric alcohol. A bottle of glycerin should be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 2 with saline and taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Take all psychoactive drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, do not burden the body physical activity, and also reduce smoking to a minimum and then success awaits you. In case positive result worth restoring nervous system taking a course of multivitamins.

A look from the inside

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand those who are addicted to alcohol, and therefore it is also impossible to assess the full complexity of the situation. Alcoholics themselves claim that the desire to quit sooner or later comes on its own, when a person no longer has the strength or desire to binge.

Real practice confirms most of the recommendations described above, especially those related to supporting loved ones. The emerging mood can be knocked down by one rude phrase.

But the main message that comes from practitioners on the question of how to get out of binge drinking is dosage. You need to find out how much a person drank during the active binge phase and reduce the dose exactly in half. Then take a glass with a volume of no more than 35 grams, this has a very great value, since it contains psychological deception - a person drinks a dose that is a full glass, and not a few grams at the bottom of the glass.

This amount of alcohol is enough to alleviate symptoms. If the question concerns a woman, then single dose should not be more than 20 grams. You need to drink alcohol slowly to create the impression that you actually drank more than you drank. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass, after 10 minutes another one, and then at intervals of one hour, one dose.

After about three hours, the body feels much better. Required condition- Let's have a snack. No need to eat fatty and heavy food. Fruit, low-fat broth, or a very small sandwich work well. There is no need to overeat or even overeat. It's better to eat little by little. Every day the interval between glasses increases, after three days you need to give up alcohol completely. A laxative will help

It is believed that quitting binge drinking should only be done under the strict supervision of a narcologist. But if you want to do this yourself, then you need to be mentally prepared and comply with all the requirements. And sedatives, drink a lot and slowly reduce the dose of alcohol, over time the need for a hangover should disappear.

Today you will learn how to get out of a long-term binge and what you need for this. The advice of experienced narcologists will certainly help you do this at home, without the need to see a doctor.

Differences between hangover and withdrawal symptoms

Before you plan b independent exit from binge drinking, you need to be able to distinguish a regular hangover from withdrawal symptoms. Thus, a serious condition and headaches after a stormy evening are a common condition that passes over time. But this is a condition in which a person, if he does not have a hangover in the morning, will no longer be able to feel normal; this may indicate the onset of a disease such as alcoholism.

Very often a transitional form between alcohol poisoning and alcoholism is the appearance of withdrawal symptoms from just one drink of alcohol. The need to have a hangover in the morning eventually becomes vital, and this is called binge drinking.

It is possible to get out of a long-term binge without the help of a narcologist, but it will require a lot of willpower. However, success largely depends on the following factors:

  • how long the binge is (note that coming out of a long-term binge will be longer and more difficult than coming out of a short-term one);
  • the amount of alcohol consumed per day;
  • presence in a person additional diseases. Death does not occur due to the hangover itself, but due to the fact that already diseased organs are damaged due to alcohol;
  • suffered head injuries, especially concussions accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • quality of alcohol.


Sometimes quitting binge drinking at home is a necessity when things can only get worse in the future, and also under different life circumstances.

As part of this at-home event, it is not recommended to drink alcohol for at least a day from a physiological point of view. But from a psychological point of view, this requires at least two days. Visible results are usually noticeable about three days after stopping drinking alcohol. On the second day of abstinence, relief usually appears.

The desire to get out of binge drinking and stop drinking should, first of all, come from the person himself. But the forceful method can be dangerous when the alcoholic is psychologically pressured by his family. And if a person himself acts as an interested party, then quitting the binge and finally saying goodbye to the bottle without leaving home can be more successful than after treatment with narcologists. But for this he and his family must be patient..

To make breaking out of binge drinking as easy as possible, narcologists suggest using the following tips:

  • follow a diet that allows the body to recover faster;
  • treat folk remedies and drugs for depressive syndrome;
  • effectively eliminate side symptoms.

What you need to keep on hand

Some people often wonder whether it is possible to get out of binge drinking without involving a specialist. And this information is quite relevant in cases where it is not possible to organize competent treatment patient in the clinic.

So, to make it easier general condition the patient should Keep the following folk remedies on hand in the house:

In addition, you will need to stock up on the following medications:

  • For gastrointestinal tract– activated carbon or its analogues, pancreatin;
  • for the liver - Gepabene, Essentiale and other analogues;
  • for the heart - valocordin, atenolol, validol;
  • sleeping pills (diphenhydramine, donormil), but they must be used very carefully;
  • vitamins – thiamine and ascorbic acid.

To make the process easy, take into account the following tips:

Naturally, during the period of abstinence from alcohol, a person may become depressed and obsessive thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to occupy him during this time. For example, offer to watch light films and comedies, listen to audio books. It is not recommended to leave him alone for a long time.

Rules of conduct by day

As part of breaking out of binge drinking, the regime for three days should be as follows:

If on the third day a person does not feel better, then it is better to consult a narcologist. Otherwise, complications may occur.

These three days will be quite painful, especially the first 12 hours, if a person has been on a drinking binge for at least 4 days.

What is dangerous and what not to do

All efforts may be in vain if a person “breaks down.” You should limit communication with drinking buddies, avoid overeating and do not focus on your problems.

Strong drugs are very dangerous at this time:

  • sleeping pills;
  • phenazepam;
  • barbiturates.

The main thing is to try to tune in to the positive, load yourself with some interesting activity, walk and play sports.

In what cases will you need the help of a narcologist?

Quitting binge drinking at home is not always possible. This event is very difficult for many people to endure, including those with psychological point vision. Some alcoholics often overestimated their strength and, after drinking alcohol again, declared that they would never touch it again. However, the very next morning they were hungover, and everything started all over again.

It is extremely difficult to cope with binge drinking on your own if a person has been drinking for at least 2 weeks every day, and his daily norm was a liter or more. This condition is quite serious, and it is difficult to cope without the help of a doctor if the following conditions occur:

  • epileptic seizure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • stroke;
  • psychosis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • liver dysfunction and much more.

Attention, TODAY only!

Not only alcoholics suffer from binge drinking, but also their families, friends and loved ones. Binge drinking is when a person drinks alcoholic beverages more than three days contract. If a person wants to have a hangover on the second day and gets drunk again, it means that he has overcome his drunken state. The second stage of alcoholism begins to appear, during which you want to drink more and more. Let's take a closer look at how to get out of binge drinking yourself or help a loved one do it.

Conditions for exit

Anyone can quit drinking on their own! For this, a person’s desire to get out of a drunken state is important. It is necessary to set aside a whole day to get out of the binge, and not do anything else during this period. It is also important that there is no uncontrollable vomiting, stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, psychosis and delirium tremens. If there are such symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital to receive medical care from specialists.

Only if the alcoholic himself wants to change will it be possible to return him to normal life . His family and friends should tell him how to get out of the binge, and also help him do it.

Exit Methods

How to get out of binge drinking on your own is of interest to all people who want to change and live on without drinking. You can stop drinking yourself at home.

It is important that the alcoholic understands his problem and decides for himself that it is time for him to quit drinking. Drinking man must have strong force will and desire to give up alcohol. In order not to further harm your health by abruptly quitting alcohol, you need to stop drinking gradually, reducing the dose of alcoholic beverages.

How to stop binge drinking without putting your body into shock? Long-term binge drinking should be stopped by giving up strong alcohol. Drink beer instead. IN within three days, any food should be washed down with beer (one glass). After three days you need to completely give up all alcoholic drinks. Instead of drinking, experts recommend eating a lot. After 21 days, return to the normal portions of food you ate before.

To prevent stomach upset, you can drink a glass of water with five drops before eating. ammonia. You need to drink this remedy for two to three days. It is recommended to quench your thirst when coming out of a binge with sweet tea, kvass, mineral or lemon-acidified water, and brine. You can also drink water with mint tincture(add 20 drops).

Exit from binge drinking is also carried out medications- activated carbon, Essentiale and vitamins.

It is important to distract yourself from thoughts of drinking. Keep yourself busy, visit interesting events to get vivid emotions.

Most often, breaking out of binge drinking on your own at home is successful and better than in the hospital. The main thing is that household members support the person and stock up on hope and patience. You can consult your doctor about how to quickly get out of binge drinking.

Medication method

How to quickly quit binge drinking on your own with the help of medications? It’s very simple, just follow these 7 rules:

To cope with depression, watch your favorite movie or do something you love. If not, start a new hobby.

Restoring the nervous system

How to get out of binge drinking is clear, but how to independently restore the nervous system after suffering binge drinking processes? For these purposes, take a course of multivitamins with microelements. The doctor may recommend taking Complivit. It will be enough to drink vitamins B1, B6 and C.

When coming out of a long-term binge, it will be useful sports vitamins. Such preparations contain all the necessary enzymes and trace elements in double doses, as well as ginseng.

When to see a doctor

Of course, you can quit binge drinking on your own, but if you experience the symptoms described below, it is important to urgently seek medical help from specialists:

  • if a person feels pressure, tingling and burning pain behind the sternum, which gives under left shoulder blade or you need to run to the doctor for advice;
  • if there is a fear of death;
  • if the heart begins to work intermittently, you need to urgently call an ambulance;
  • if your stomach begins to hurt and there is nausea, vomiting, unstable stools, bitterness in the mouth, and the skin and sclera become jaundiced;
  • if your arms and legs begin to go numb, tingle and suddenly become weak;
  • if swallowing is difficult, drooling is very strong, dizziness, weakness, headache are observed, vision decreases;
  • if there is blood in the urine and stool.

If a person exhibits the listed symptoms, he should be hospitalized immediately. Otherwise, everything could end very sadly.

We help you sober up

You know how to get out of binge drinking on your own, but it is also important to remember that all actions must be performed when the person sobers up a little. What needs to be done for this? To speed up the process of breaking out of a drunken state, it is recommended to perform the following steps.

If the alcoholic does not have heart problems, put 5 drops of ammonia into his water and give me a drink. If you have heart disease, immediately proceed to the second point.

Let the drunk a man takes a shower. If he is unable to do this, place him in the bathtub, turn on the water and hose him with cool water for fifteen minutes. It is important to be with the person in the bathroom so that he does not choke on water.

After a shower you need perform a detoxification procedure. It is important to properly remove alcohol toxic substances from the body. You can do a cleansing enema and give absorbents to drink.

It is necessary to cleanse the body comprehensively. To rinse the stomach, dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and soda in a liter of water. Give the resulting drink to the patient to induce a gag reflex.

For performing an enema You can dissolve a spoonful of honey in two liters of water. Or brew chamomile flowers in a thermos. After 15 minutes, strain chamomile infusion and add as much water as you did at the beginning. Make an enema from the resulting solution. It will cleanse the body of harmful toxins by removing feces.

What is prohibited to do

You know how to stop binge drinking on your own, but you also need to know what not to do in such situations. When coming out of a binge, it is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse for the first 24 hours after drinking alcohol, as overheating can cause an increase in blood pressure. Also, you should not relieve tension or be distracted from unpleasant symptoms sudden movements and heavy physical exertion. Otherwise, heart failure may occur. You cannot put moral pressure on an alcoholic. Since it usually occurs after a period of heavy drinking depressive state. If relatives begin to put pressure and reproach, a person may begin to suffer mental disorders. It is also not recommended to suddenly stop drinking after long periods binge drinking If you abruptly stop the supply of alcoholic beverages to the body, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and other organs may occur.

Now you know how to get out of a drunken state on your own at home. And also what needs to be done to figure out how to quickly get out of binge drinking without harming your health even more.

Alcoholic drinks help you relax and forget about everyday problems. They're on short time saves you from depressive thoughts and bad mood, but they are addictive. A person becomes dependent on alcohol. He drinks more and more and cannot stop. This condition is called binge drinking. Quitting alcohol on your own is not easy, but if you really want to, it is possible.

Psychological aspect

Quitting binge drinking starts with motivation. Only a compelling reason will make the patient say “No!” strong drinks and cleanse the body of toxins. A man or woman who does not have a persistent dependence on alcohol will be convinced by simple arithmetic calculations:

  • how many liters of alcohol were drunk;
  • price of each bottle;
  • total cost of the binge.

Other patients are impressed not by the amount spent on strong drinks, but by possible consequences binge drinking Among the most harmless are headache, lack of appetite, unattractive appearance, heartburn and sluggish mental activity. With regular alcohol abuse, stomach problems appear, heart disease and renal failure, gastritis, tachycardia, lack of coordination. The liver and pancreas, as well as the nervous system, are affected. Regular binges lead to tremors upper limbs, memory impairment and cirrhosis, which in most cases ends in the death of the patient.

A person who decides to give up alcohol will need a blank notebook sheet and a pen. Divide the paper into two columns. The first is the consequences of alcoholism and possible diseases, and in the second - the advantages of giving up strong drinks. A patient who has recovered from binge drinking will be able to:

  • improve relationships with family members;
  • find new job or return to your old position;
  • climb the career ladder;
  • improve your life and health;
  • spend money on self-development and professional growth;
  • spend more time with friends and parents.

Each person finds their own advantages in getting rid of alcohol addiction. The main thing is to convince yourself that the time has come to change your mind and give up the habit that is destroying your body and mind. People without motivation quickly give up and go on a binge again, sometimes longer than the previous one.

The patient needs to protect himself from contact with parents, friends, drinking buddies and family members for 3-4 days. No one should reproach, blame or seduce dependent person. Any psychological pressure reduces determination and leads to breakdown.

Gradual exit

Alcohol is one of the types of drugs. Alcoholic drinks affect the brain centers responsible for feelings of joy and euphoria. The longer a patient drinks, the more difficult it is to stop. You need to get out of a binge that lasts a week or more gradually. With a sharp refusal of strong drinks, “withdrawal” begins. The body and brain require a new portion of a substance that immerses it in a state of peace and relaxation.

A man or woman reduces in 1–2 days daily dose alcohol, and on the third day he completely refuses. You can dilute vodka or wine with water. The additive does not change the taste of strong drinks, and it seems to the brain that it drinks the same amount as yesterday. But thanks to water, the concentration of alcohol in the blood gradually decreases.

The second option is suitable for people with iron willpower:

  1. Buy a bottle of quality alcohol. Place a 30 ml glass or glass next to it. Glasses, cups and other large containers are not suitable.
  2. Boil thick chicken or beef broth, cut sausage with lard or ham, spread sandwiches with butter. The more fat the better. It coats the walls of the stomach and prevents the absorption of alcohol.
  3. Turn on an interesting movie or TV show. Not just the evening news or Animal World, but a program that is difficult to tear yourself away from.
  4. Drink a glass of alcohol once every 1.5–2 hours. Eat a sandwich or broth. If you have no appetite, forcefully pour the soup into yourself.
  5. You can take a ten-minute break between the first two glasses. But the rest should be taken strictly according to schedule.
  6. Drink no more than 500 ml of any strong drink per day.

The patient gives the body alcohol, but in small doses. The next day he wakes up without a terrible headache and an irresistible desire to go get more. From this moment the second phase begins - cleansing.

For the first stage to be successful, you need to remove all alcohol from the house, leaving only the permitted 500 ml. Before going to bed, put a glass of water, kvass or kefir on the bedside table. Take the prepared drink immediately after waking up.

The main rule is that you cannot mix alcohol. different varieties. Wine and champagne made from grapes, with vodka from wheat and beer made from malt and hops.

The refrigerator is being filled mineral water, juices, fermented milk products, kvass or even sweet soda. Any non-alcoholic drinks that quench thirst and restore water balance.

In the first 2-3 weeks after giving up alcohol, it is advised to abstain from coffee and black tea. The caffeine contained in products excites the nervous system, and a person has a desire to drink at least a glass of cognac or a glass of beer. Energy drinks are also prohibited. They affect not only the nervous system, but also the heart. And this organ, weakened by alcohol, must be protected.

Preparations for cleansing and restoration

A patient recovering from heavy drinking will need a package of Enterosgel or several tablets activated carbon, “Mezim” and a lot of liquid. In the first hours after waking up, a person drinks 300–500 ml of alkaline mineral water or brine. Drinks increase fluid levels in the body and prime the liver.

After a glass apple juice, kefir or brine, you need to take 5-7 tablets of activated carbon or a portion of Enterosgel. More modern sorbents, such as Polyphepan or Polysorb, are also suitable. The drugs facilitate the work of the liver and draw out the remaining ethyl alcohol from the body, relieving headaches and tremors.

Sorbents cancel the effect of taking other drugs. Activated carbon is seized with fatty broth made from lamb, pork or beef. For patients with stomach problems, chicken or turkey is recommended. The light soup contains a piece of meat, water, an onion and a carrot. You can add some potatoes or cereal. You should not add fried vegetables to the broth. They irritate the gastric mucosa and liver, slow down metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body.

Chicken or beef soup is supplemented with breadcrumbs. For lunch you can prepare slimy porridge, omelette or vegetable salad, and also green tea with a slice of lemon.

1.5–2 hours after taking activated carbon, it is recommended to take a Mezima or Essentiale tablet. The first drug supports the stomach and normalizes metabolism, while the second protects and restores the liver. After 4 hours, take a new portion of sorbents.

Aches, tremors in the arms and legs, as well as severe headache remove with “No-shpa” or “Analgin”. Medicines are taken no more than twice a day. Heart medications are prohibited. A portion of Valocordin or Corvalol can cause tachycardia or a heart attack. If you experience discomfort in the chest area, you should go to the hospital.

First day

Having refreshed himself and taken the first 6 tablets of activated carbon, the patient goes to bed or turns on the TV. People who are recovering from heavy drinking are contraindicated in exercise and long walks. fresh air. On the first day, the body is in energy-saving mode. The body needs rest, sleep, plenty of fluids and proper food.

TV or interesting book will distract you from thoughts about alcohol and help suppress the desire to get hungover. Computer games not recommended. They are as addictive as strong drinks.

Smoking is prohibited before 6–8 pm. Nervousness, anxiety and depressive thoughts are removed herbal decoctions from valerian root or motherwort. Alcohol tinctures contraindicated. Even 5 ml of alcohol is enough for the body to break down.

Herbal baths have calming properties:

  • horsetail;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • valerian roots;
  • peppermint.

Add 2-3 drops of pine or cedar to a warm decoction for bathing. essential oil. After water procedures you should drink a cup herbal tea or infusion of rose hips with honey and lemon. A glass of apple or orange juice will do.

Thanks to the bath and decoctions, the nervous system calms down, the desire to drink becomes less intrusive, and drowsiness appears. If a person feels tired and overwhelmed, he is recommended to rest and lie down more. You cannot take a contrast shower. Some experts argue that such water procedures invigorate and fill with energy. In reality, they only create additional stress on the heart and blood vessels, causing arrhythmia and blood pressure problems.

A person coming out of binge drinking should not give up lunches and dinners. Food speeds up metabolism and helps eliminate toxins.

Healthy foods and dishes

In the patient's refrigerator with alcohol addiction There should be foods rich in vitamin C:

  • oranges and lemons;
  • apples;
  • sweet pepper;
  • sauerkraut;
  • tomatoes;
  • cranberry;
  • grape.

A banana smoothie is useful when recovering from binge drinking. The yellow fruit contains ascorbic acid, which cleanses the body and improves immunity, as well as potassium. The mineral supports the heart, removes swelling and normalizes blood pressure. The medicinal cocktail is simple: mix 1 banana with 100 ml of goat or cow's milk and seasoned with honey.

Neutralizes toxins fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt. Hangover syndrome is eliminated by sour juices and cabbage soup, lemonade and dishes that contain a lot of vitamins B6 and B12. The components have a positive effect on the nervous system. You can get B vitamins from seaweed, beef or pork liver, potatoes, shrimp, spinach and brown rice.

Whipped will help you get out of binge drinking chicken egg with a pinch of salt. This snack contains vitamins B and C. The dish reduces nausea, improves mood and cleanses the body of toxins.

Hangover syndrome is eliminated warm milk with honey. Glycerin will help get rid of cravings for alcohol. At the pharmacy you buy an ampoule of the drug and a bottle of saline solution. Distilled water is also used as a base. For one part of glycerin, take 2 parts of the second component. They drink 50 ml of the medicine three times a day to deceive the brain, which dreams of alcohol.

You can get out of binge drinking without the help of a narcologist. The patient will have to give up alcohol on his own, and then cleanse the body of toxins with herbal decoctions, the right food and sorbents. Everything will work out if a person drinks water and natural juices, takes soothing baths and gets plenty of rest.

Video: how to get out of binge drinking at home yourself


This is what an experienced narcologist, candidate of medical sciences, responded to a letter from Anna Petrovna Volobueva, Voronezh.

"Hello. Three years ago, grief entered our family - my husband began to drink heavily. Nothing helps - neither persuasion, nor tears, nor threats. I tried to treat him. . . "


There are many various methods treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Hangovers are treated both in the hospital and at home. This usually takes at least 3 days. But there are emergency situations when a person needs to be taken out of binge drinking literally in one day. In this case, there are several effective ways.

Of course, you won’t be able to remove all the symptoms of a hangover in one day, but you can significantly improve the drinker’s well-being. However, before starting self-treatment hangover, the person’s condition should be assessed. If the binge has been prolonged and as a result the patient has developed complications, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. If the binge lasted several days and the person does not have any problems with work internal organs, then you can start treatment at home.

Getting rid of the "green snake"

The most effective ways to get out of binge drinking

There are two most effective ways hangover treatment: call a narcologist to your home or get treatment traditional methods. The first method is the fastest. The specialist will put an IV on the patient and within one day the person’s well-being will significantly improve. This method is quite effective, however, this procedure costs a lot of money. Therefore, many choose the second method and are treated with traditional methods.

In order to get out of binge drinking on your own, you need to make a lot of effort. But the decision to stop binge drinking is considered the first and most important step in treating alcoholism. Of course, one decision is not enough, you will have to take your will into a fist, refuse the next portion of strong drinks and endure all the torment hangover syndrome. Fortunately, there are remedies that can help you survive. withdrawal syndrome bring the patient out of binge drinking, significantly reducing unpleasant symptoms.

How to get out of binge drinking

To get a person out of binge drinking, his consent is necessary. If a person decides that it is time to bring himself to his senses, the task becomes easier. In this case, it is important not only to know how to quickly get out of binge drinking, but also how to do it without harm to human health. Fast way Interrupting a binge involves abruptly quitting alcohol. Therefore, you should make sure that the addict is not in in serious condition. The patient should not have any problems in the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body. If the addict is in serious condition, you should refuse to abruptly interrupt the binge and choose another method.

Hundreds of articles have been written about the treatment of Alcoholism, and a lot of advice has been given. My personal experience about getting rid of addiction MARIA K. shared with us. personal experience treating my husband for alcoholism.

Success quick recovery organism, determines healthy sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to get a good night's sleep. If a person has trouble falling asleep, you can give him a natural sleeping pill. However, sleeping pills should be treated with caution; it is advisable to opt for herbal-based drugs. You can also drink warm water to speed up the process of falling asleep. chamomile tea with honey.

Morning next day you need to start with a glass of mineral water and a contrast shower. However, experts do not recommend taking hot baths during alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Because this can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. Contrast shower should be taken 2-3 times a day. But you need to make sure that the water temperature is not too cold or too cold.

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. But it is better to give up caffeine-containing drinks such as black tea and coffee in favor of still mineral water and natural fruit juices. It is also recommended to consume fermented milk products, fruit juice or compote. If you need to quickly replenish your energy supply, it is recommended to drink warm, weak green tea with lemon and honey. This drink will also help remove toxins from the body. In one day you need to drink at least two liters of liquid.

To combat dehydration, it is recommended to eat something salty, such as some herring or a few pickles. After this, the feeling of thirst will subside. You can also drink a little cucumber or cabbage pickle for this purpose.

Also on this day you need to take at least two meals. It is necessary to restore strength, because after binge drinking the body is exhausted. But it is important that the food is easily digestible. You shouldn't eat fatty foods. Portions should be small. Be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is advisable to avoid large quantity fast carbohydrates. The amount of sugar should be limited; it is better to replace it with honey. Best source Protein in such cases is considered scrambled eggs or fish.

What medications should I use?

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is often accompanied by various unpleasant sensations such as headache, nausea, tachycardia. Therefore, it is important to have certain medications on hand.

20 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin will help with an attack of tachycardia. This will also help remove anxiety and irritability. This method is also effective in inducing natural sleep. However, these drops contain phenobarbital, which is toxic to the body, so doctors do not recommend abusing them.

Drugs such as citramon and analgin will help relieve headaches. You can also take medications containing paracetamol. In some cases, an ice compress or a contrast shower can help relieve headaches.
In order to relieve heaviness in the stomach and eliminate the feeling of nausea, you should take Rennie. Mezim Forte is also suitable for these purposes.

Also, for quick recovery you cannot do without vitamins. You can take any vitamin complexes. If fresh fruits are available, you should eat them in large quantities.

A diuretic, for example, veroshpiron, will help cope with swelling.
Regarding pharmaceutical drugs from a hangover, everything is individual. They help some, but not others. Therefore, whether to use them or not is up to you.

How not to break down?

The first day after binge drinking is the most difficult. At this time it is easiest to break down. Especially if you are surrounded by friends or drinking buddies. Therefore, it is advisable to spend the first time with your family or, in extreme cases, alone.

At this time, it is not advisable to perform any physical activity, you must not enter into disputes or conflicts. It is best to be in a calm environment. It is important to do something interesting, for example, you can watch a movie, listen to calm music or read a book. Can be done light work around the house. While a person is on the move, toxins are removed from the blood faster, so experts recommend hiking in the fresh air.

How should family members behave?

If close person is suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome and you want to help, then you should remember a few simple rules:

  • You should not argue with the patient. This will only make the situation worse and increase the chances that the person will relapse.
  • It is strictly not recommended to raise your voice at the patient and reproach him for something. The fact is that most people experience a terrible feeling of guilt during a hangover, but do not always show it with their behavior. Therefore, strong emotional shocks should not be allowed, since the patient’s guilt may intensify and cause another breakdown.
  • You should not drink alcohol near a patient, or watch movies in which people often drink; it is also not advisable to talk about alcohol.
  • During this time, try not to do anything that may irritate the patient.

The support of loved ones in such cases often plays a role decisive role. Often breakdowns occur after disputes with relatives, reproaches and scandals. That's why it's so important to support your loved one. best help in order to get him out of his drinking bout.

Independent refusal of alcoholic beverages

By following this method, you can significantly ease the course of withdrawal symptoms and almost painlessly bring an alcoholic out of binge drinking. But the final result always depends only on the patient himself and on his desire to live soberly. The support of loved ones is also very important. In the treatment of alcoholism, this factor often plays a decisive role.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Do your family or friends experience these symptoms? And you understand firsthand what it is:

  • The attraction to alcohol becomes a priority desire, and it is almost impossible to fight it.
  • It appears heavy brightly pronounced syndrome hangover.
  • Determined maximum dose alcohol that a patient can drink: contrary to data on fatal human body In doses of alcohol (a little more than a liter), an experienced alcoholic can drink up to one and a half liters of vodka and still survive.
  • Personality deformation progresses, the patient suffers from a whole complex various disorders, among which:
  1. increased irritability to the point of aggressiveness;
  2. imbalance, rapid mood swings; general weakness that occurs even with minor exertion;
  3. deformation of strong-willed character traits;
  4. decreased ability of the patient to concentrate during periods of sobriety;
  5. a significant change in priorities in life: monotonous desires are formed, associated exclusively with drinking alcohol.
  • Memory deteriorates significantly and mental abilities drinking person.
  • The patient begins to suffer from severe episodic mental disorders, such as:
  1. delirium tremens;
  2. hallucinations;
  3. alcoholic
  4. epilepsy;
  5. paranoia.

Now answer the question: would you like to save your neighbor? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Yuri Nikolaev, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

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