Question to fall asleep: why don’t I get enough sleep or How to get enough sleep in a short time? Why am I constantly not getting enough sleep and what should I do?

Why does it happen that I sleep a lot and cannot get enough sleep? This question is often addressed to a somnologist by those who do not seem to suffer from insomnia, but also do not feel rested after a long night's rest. In fact, this phenomenon is not at all uncommon, especially nowadays. Despite the busyness of life with a variety of events, difficulties with falling asleep or quality of sleep are increasingly occupying a leading position. There are many reasons for this - from an uncomfortable pillow to serious problems with health. But first things first.

Everyone knows how important quality sleep is in a person’s life. Full-fledged night rest is collateral wellness, increased productivity and vigor throughout the day.

Today, scientists say that the norm for the average adult is 7 or 8 hours of continuous sleep. At correct mode A day of this time may be quite enough to wake up and feel cheerful and rested.

However, not everyone can boast that they strictly and impeccably adhere to these recommendations. More often it happens that a person either does not get enough sleep, or sleeps more than he should. What is noteworthy is that in both cases, sleep does not bring visible relief and well-being. On the contrary, those people who sleep for a long time also complain of fatigue and lack of energy.

Similar questions about how to get enough sleep are not uncommon at appointments with somnologists, therapists and on various thematic forums.

The problem of sleep quality is relevant and in demand. So what prevents a person from sleeping for a long time and still getting enough sleep?

When it comes to why a person sleeps a lot but does not get enough sleep, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the reasons for this phenomenon. Often they negative impact on the body is combined into the concept of “tiring sleep syndrome” - the person who wakes up feels overwhelmed and tired, even if he sleeps the whole night without awakening. Experts have come to the conclusion that both problems not directly related to health and the presence of serious illnesses in a person who sleeps for a very long time.

The reasons of the first group include:

Typically, these points can be corrected quite easily, after which a noticeable improvement in the effect of sleep occurs. If, if the above conditions are met, a long rest still does not bring a feeling of vigor and strength, you should pay attention to the reasons from the second group.

TO possible violations health conditions that negatively affect the quality of long-term rest include:

  • various night sleep disorders (snoring, apnea);
  • diseases in acute and chronic form(acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, anemia, depression, impaired metabolism);
  • post-traumatic and postoperative conditions;
  • damage to the corresponding parts and structures of the brain responsible for sleep.

Prolonged sleep in girls and women, feeling constant drowsiness may be caused by pregnancy.

Usually this symptom associated with ongoing changes hormonal levels and colossal restructuring of the entire body, and accompanies the first half of the gestational period.

Another reason for long but ineffective sleep may be the prior mastery of techniques. polyphasic sleep. An important condition with such practices, there is strict adherence to the regime - departure to Morpheus must occur at the same time. The slightest violation or shift in the schedule can lead to the body compensating for the consequences of prolonged lack of sleep at the first opportunity and at the right opportunity.

Those who resort to lucid dreaming there may also not be enough long rest to restore the energy spent during the day. Constant control of the body does not allow you to fully relax and rest, which also affects the feeling of “brokenness” and fatigue after getting up.

“Are you getting enough sleep? Where do I sleep?" - this dialogue from the network is known to everyone. At least once, each of us has had the desire to answer the question about the sufficiency of sleep in exactly this way. Leading somnologists established interesting fact: Each person is unique in the amount of night rest they need.

That is, recommendations to sleep for 7 hours or more may be inappropriate for someone who can fully recover and get enough sleep in 5 hours. Likewise, the standard seven hours of sleep can lead to persistent chronic sleep deprivation in people who need about 9 hours of sleep to get enough sleep.

Therefore, when wondering how to get enough sleep and get maximum strength from sleep, you should focus on your needs and feelings.

To summarize, we note that prolonged sleep can be useful as a measure to combat chronic fatigue.

But such rest practiced on a regular basis may cease to bring the desired effect.

And instead of feeling cheerful, you will only feel tired, as if you haven’t slept at all. Only by listening to your own body and following the above recommendations can you regain that same healing, healthy sleep.

Mikhail Agaltsov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Comprehensive Risk Reduction non-communicable diseases FSBI "State Research Center preventive medicine"Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

U modern man there is almost no time left for sleep. Moreover, not only the duration, but also the quality of sleep suffers: many complain that they wake up exhausted and tired. How and how much sleep do you need to wake up refreshed? Why don't we get enough sleep, and what are the consequences? Ask your question to a sleep specialist.

Damantych I sleep 9 hours a day, but I still feel like I’m not getting enough sleep. How can I check if my sleep is normal?

You can check the “normality” of your sleep using a sleep study - polysomnography. This study provides information about the presence or absence of sleep diseases, and also records the structure of sleep: the alternation and correspondence of stages and phases of sleep.

Inna How much sleep does a pregnant woman need in all trimesters? Higher than normal? After all, I always want to sleep.

A pregnant woman's need for sleep may increase, especially during pregnancy. last trimesters. If there is such a need, it is recommended to rest during the day for one to two hours, preferably at the same time, so as not to disturb your bedtime in the evening.

The main criterion for adequate sleep is cheerfulness in the morning.

Lyudmila Hello! Please teach me how to fall asleep quickly. I read somewhere that the most “physiological” pose for good night- on your back, and sleeping on your stomach is harmful. There is often a feeling that you are not sleeping at all, but are in some kind of state of drowsiness, and in the morning you feel completely exhausted. Thank you.

Margarita Good afternoon! I would like to know why in the morning I feel the need to wake up for a long time? If the alarm clock suddenly wakes me up and I immediately get up, then in the morning my head starts to hurt and the feeling of exhaustion does not go away all day. If I wake up slowly over an hour, finish my dreams, fall asleep and wake up several times, then I feel good afterwards. What is this connected with?

This may be due to the nature of your biological rhythms, tuned to certain time awakening. If your alarm clock wakes you up, it may be slightly ahead of your biological wake-up time. You need to move it a little more early time. Try going to bed an hour earlier.

Margarita Hello! I have a problem with uncontrollable falling asleep. When I was in school and college, I could fall asleep in class, and even a sharp wake-up call from the teacher had no effect - I simply couldn’t open my eyes and continued to fall asleep, “falling asleep.” Now 3 years have passed since graduating from university, the problem persists - I can fall asleep at a meeting, during a conference, even just watching a movie, but when they wake me up, I don’t wake up - I open one eye, and immediately fall back to sleep. I try to fight falling asleep - I bite my lip or pinch my hand, eat sour candies, but I can still fall asleep, even without really wanting it. What is this connected with? And how to wake yourself up?

Uncontrollable falling asleep may be a manifestation of a disease such as narcolepsy. Clinical picture The disease you describe is very similar to this disease. You will need to undergo a polysomnography (sleep study) and meet with a sleep specialist - a somnologist.

Maria Regardless of what time I go to bed (at 22.00 or at 01.00), I always wake up at the same time, at 6.00. I am 27 years old. Is this a sleep disorder?

Most likely not, it's yours natural norm. In this situation, we can recommend that you go to bed so that there is no sleep deficit, that is, so that the average sleep time allows you to get enough sleep.

Valentina why do I fall asleep in the evening, and almost every night I wake up at 3 o’clock and then cannot fall asleep until 6-7 o’clock.

In your question you provide too little data on sleep disorders. Maybe, we're talking about O . You may have jet lag, meaning you go to bed and wake up earlier than most other people. In any case, to receive adequate help, you should consult a doctor.

Semyon How does epilepsy affect the quality of sleep? (not during seizures). Treatment was prescribed - carbamazepine 100 mg. in the morning 300 mg. In the evening. Is it possible to do anything against daytime sleepiness?

If epileptic seizures are not associated with sleep, then sleep is usually not disturbed. The more serious problem is side effect drugs that treat epilepsy. As a rule, excessive daytime sleepiness is associated with the action of antiepileptic drugs, which worsen sleep structure.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor and, if possible, adjust the dose or try to find a replacement.

Katya I don’t get enough sleep, because during the night or even during a short nap during the day I always have dreams, and sometimes their number is very large. When I wake up, it seems that there was no rest at all, there is a clear picture in my head and the awareness of almost everything that dreamed. Is it possible to somehow reduce the number of dreams and what generally affects them?

Anna I constantly have dreams at night, there are many of them, they are rapid. I almost always dream in the morning. As a result, I don't get enough sleep at all. I don't feel like I've had a rest. How to overcome dreams? How to get quality sleep? Dreams typically reflect various daytime experiences. So that dreams do not interfere with sleep

, you need to reduce the level of daytime stress, be sure to exercise during the day or exercise, and especially before bed.

Polina Is it possible to train your body to sleep 5 hours a day? Is this hazardous to health?

It is better not to “accustom” your body to such sleep restrictions, otherwise you will develop chronic lack of sleep. It reduces brain functions associated with attention, learning, and concentration.

Long-term lack of sleep can lead to chronic diseases, including. Darya Before going to bed, I always either run or just walk, I sleep on average 7-9 hours every day, and sometimes more, but in the morning I can absolutely never get up at 7! Why is this happening? And another question: I can sleep all the time. I mean, I wake up at 11 am on Sunday, for example, and even if I feel that I’ve already slept, I can sleep again and again... and again, almost until next day

. This is fine? Christina No matter how much I sleep at night, I always want to sleep during the day. What should I do?

It can be assumed that difficulty waking up is due to a discrepancy between your biological clock and the time you spend sleeping. The fact that these periods do not coincide may be indirectly indicated by the fact that you experience an excessive need for sleep on weekends. Gerbor is very light sleep

, I don’t get enough sleep, my heart rate increases at night(

In your situation, the cause may be daytime stress that does not “release” you at night. You need to consult a neurologist and possibly a somnologist. Daria Hello! What can you say about earplugs, are they harmful? I use long time

It is not entirely clear why you should use earplugs while sleeping, unless there is a noisy device working nearby. Eye mask used when it is necessary to sleep during the day in bright light or not to wake up in the early hours due to the same light (for example, on an airplane when).

In an ordinary bedroom, thick curtains will suffice to block out light.

Olga I am 56 years old. I have a disorder cerebral circulation. AND Lately I don't sleep well. In the evening I fall asleep watching TV. I go into the bedroom and sleep vanishes. Some nights I sleep well. And the next one I don’t sleep at all, I toss and turn, I’m nervous. I get up, take some sedative drops, and in the morning I can fall asleep. I want to ask you. Is it possible to use sleeping pills in such cases?

In your situation, the use of sleeping pills for a short course (no more than three to four weeks) may be justified. However, do not forget that when long-term use Sleeping pills may become addictive.

Try moving your bedtime one to two hours later, don't let yourself fall asleep early during the day, try get tired physically.

Olga Hello! Please tell me how you can get enough sleep if you have a busy work schedule (night shifts, sometimes it happens that you have to work 4 hours on shift, 4 hours off, and so on for several days)? When I'm not on duty, I go to bed at about 11 p.m. (I can't do it earlier, there's Small child, I don’t want to deprive him of his attention and I can’t), I get up for work at 5.45, I don’t get much sleep (I really love my job and I’m not going to change).

The general recommendations are as follows. It is necessary to alternate night and day work, say, two weeks at night and two weeks during the day. After a night shift, it is recommended not to go to bed immediately, but to do some work until 12-13 o’clock, and only then fall asleep.

Of course, such a rhythm of alternating sleep and wakefulness, as you described, is harmful and can lead to chronic disorders sleep. In addition, you need to sleep more at night (more than seven hours), since you are adding a nighttime deficit to the state of chronic sleep deficiency.

Mister87 Hello, my wife gets up for work at 5-30 and I wake up with her, I don’t need it so early, I somehow doze off, get up at 6-30, go to bed at 23-30. The question is, is it harmful to go back to sleep for an hour after waking up and is there any point in this?

The main criterion for good sleep is a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength for daytime activities. It is usually not recommended to get enough sleep after first waking up. To avoid sleep deficiency in your situation, you need to go to bed earlier.

Natalya Hello, a few days ago my husband had a strange sensation at night, he was even scared: he woke up due to a sudden sweet taste in his mouth, water flowed from his nose, and for a few seconds the feeling in his legs disappeared. What could this be, please answer? Thanks in advance for your answer!

Unfortunately, correspondence consultations cannot always help to understand the situation. Therefore, I recommend visiting specialists: a neurologist and a somnologist (sleep expert). They can determine how dangerous the symptoms you list are for your husband's health.

Alexey Slobodchikov I sleep eight hours a day, but my sleep is not sound. It feels like I’m sleeping and hearing everything, as a result in the morning it’s like a broken trough, what should I do?

To have a sound sleep, you must adhere to. If within four to five weeks of daily implementation of these rules the depth of sleep is not restored, it is better to consult a specialist. This can rule out possible sleep disorders.

Irina Hello! I go to bed at 9-10 pm, get up for work at 7 am, but it’s as if some wound-up mechanism inside wakes me up at 4.30-5.00 am. And at 7 I can no longer get out of bed - I want to sleep. And so it turns out that until the middle of the day I feel not rested? Maybe I should go to bed earlier? Does spending a long time at the computer affect my sleep, since I work on it all day?

If you go to bed at nine in the evening and get up at 4:30 - 5:00 in the morning, then perhaps your body has had enough sleep and does not want to sleep anymore. You slept for about eight hours.
No need to go to bed again. Get up, do some exercise, take some cold and hot shower and get things done. If you want to wake up right before work, then you should not go to bed earlier, but rather later.

Sleep can be affected not by sitting at the computer itself, but by staying in one fixed position for a long time. To avoid long-term, it is necessary interrupt work periodic: walk, do light warm-up exercises.

Tanya suffers from insomnia for 2-3 nights, then I can sleep for 2 days. This is fine?

Oleg How to “get off” sleeping pills, which I had to resort to 10 years ago, when the second stress got to me... I tried everything... Some semblance of sleep happens without taking pills after 3-6 nights, when I use oligopeptide (OL #4) for more than a month. But there must be an ideal noise and temperature environment, and even earplugs in the ears. And no irritants in life that provoke any kind of stress, either emotional or physical. All this can somehow be created for only a certain period! And no one will allow me to sleep with my (and not chemical) precious sleep until 12 noon for the rest of my life. “My life” excludes some of the above conditions and that’s it... I have to return to chemistry again cursed.49l.No bad habits.Kept only good ones...What smart things can you recommend?

To stop taking sleeping pills and restore sleep, a lot of work is needed aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to stress, as well as restoring the correct sleep stereotypes. It is usually carried out by psychotherapists.

You may need a combination at first drug therapy And behavioral therapy with a gradual reduction in the dose of drugs. Good help When it comes to drug withdrawal, it is the use of bright light therapy.

Letoxs Hello! Please tell me what to do - even 12 hours of sleep is not enough for me (((Thanks for the answer.

It is necessary to consult a sleep specialist to rule out sleep diseases that can lead to such a high need for sleep.

Christina No matter how much I sleep at night, I always want to sleep during the day. What should I do?

You need not just sleep, but get enough sleep. To check what is preventing you from doing this, you may need a sleep study - polysomnography.

Vera Hello, I am 31 years old. I have 2 small children (2.5 years and 8 months) who constantly want to sleep, during the day they are all broken, I can’t wait for the evening to go to bed, but when I go to bed, sleep fades and some kind of activity appears. I go to bed between 1.00-2.00 earlier and it’s impossible. In short, I go to bed when I’m already falling asleep, otherwise I can’t sleep. I also have been bothered by tinnitus for quite a long time since about the end of pregnancy, they said that it would go away after giving birth, but it didn’t. It also interferes with falling asleep.

These hours of sleep will be your natural frame, that is, internal biological clock . In the future, you need to stick to exactly this time for falling asleep and waking up.

Alexey Hello. How much sleep does a teenager need?

Teenagers between 14 and 17 years old need at least eight to nine hours of sleep. It should be noted that, as a rule, at this age children study intensively, so adequate sleep is necessary to restore the body and be ready for the best.

Eugenia Very often, after a hard day of work, I can’t fall asleep. I want to sleep, but I can’t. I thought maybe it was because I didn’t eat enough, but I started eating more, but the result was the same - I couldn’t sleep. I started going for walks in the evenings, that’s all. I still fall asleep quite poorly. This is very strange. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and in general, I’m too young for insomnia. What to do? thank you in advance.

In your case, perhaps the cause is stress and impossibility. Anything will do healthy ways relaxation: fitness, auto-training. You may need to consult a psychotherapist to resolve the issue. the right strategy behavior to protect against stress.

Also, you need to practice. You have already started doing some of them (walking in the evenings). Master the rest.

Olga Hello! Why do I wake up several times during the night? I can’t say that something worries me greatly, especially since I fall asleep normally, but I wake up very often, and therefore it’s not very comfortable, although I’m not broken. I feel that I need at least 6 hours of sleep to continue working, but they are enough for 12 hours of wakefulness, then I need to take a nap again, otherwise it’s hard. What is the reason for this, how to improve the situation?

There are many reasons for waking up during the night. It may be broken comfortable sleep conditions: noise or stuffiness in the room, uncomfortable bed, etc. The effects of stress and various diseases accompanied by sleep disturbances.

To accurately determine the cause, you need to conduct a sleep study - polysomnography - and consult a doctor.

Alina I sleep 9 hours a day and don’t get enough sleep, what should I do?

Perhaps the first step might be to comply sleep hygiene(). If this does not help, you need to consult a specialist for advice.

Irina My daughter suffered from stress, the consequences of VSD with panic attacks. She was treated with antidepressants by a psychotherapist. It helped, but I didn't sleep well. Wakes up in the middle of the night, has difficulty getting up in the morning, and has troublesome dreams. Maybe she didn’t finish her treatment?

One of the criteria for getting rid of the effects of stress is full recovery sleep. Your daughter should continue treatment to ensure her sleep is fully restored. Otherwise, chronic may develop.

Anastasia Hello. They advise you to go to bed no later than 22:00, then the body will regain its strength, but somehow it doesn’t help me, I go to bed before 22:00, but in the morning I can’t wake up, I want to sleep even more, and sometimes if I go to bed at 01 am, I can get up early in the morning, cheerful and in high spirits, is this normal?

It's likely that your natural body clock is set to be naturally sleepy later, so it's more appropriate for you to late time going to bed.

However, do not forget that you should not deprive yourself of enough sleep to avoid sleep deficiency. Therefore, it is necessary, if possible, to calculate the characteristics of your biological clock and plan your daily routine based on this knowledge.

Maxim Help... for 2.5 weeks deep dream I only have until 2-3 o’clock, then I wake up and can’t sleep. I go to bed at 10:00 pm no later than 10:30 pm, take glycine and melaxen and still don’t get enough sleep.

To help you, we need to understand what causes you to wake up so early. To do this, you need to consult a specialist. While you can use them, in some cases they help solve the problem.

Anton I go to bed at one or two in the morning and get up at six in the morning. For quite some time now. What does this mean for me in the future? (it seems to me that there is already a chronic lack of sleep)

If this situation continues in the future, chronic diseases may develop. Probably, even now you feel unwell, because it leads to mood disorders, a decrease in various brain functions (memory, concentration, reaction).

In addition, if you drive a car in this condition, you pose a danger not only to yourself, but also to others, as the likelihood of an accident while driving increases.

Why a person sleeps a lot and does not get enough sleep depends on various factors. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition nervous system, physical exercise during the day. When overtired, insomnia or prolonged sleep appears. In addition, people do not fully rest due to poor circulation, hormonal imbalance, and other pathologies.

Why does a person sleep a lot and not get enough sleep?

Sleeping 12 hours is a sign serious condition Central nervous system, in this case the person sleeps for a long time and does not get enough sleep. There are several provoking factors:

  1. Violation of the regime. You should go to bed no later than 23.00. With the onset of darkness, the hormone melatonin begins to be produced, which regulates sleep and wakefulness. Its active production occurs until 24.00. If this time period is missed, the hormonal disbalance.
  2. Nervous. A condition where people sleep for more than 12 hours may be associated with an unfavorable psycho-emotional environment. From strong voltage Initially, insomnia occurs, and then drowsiness. In some cases you just need to get a good sleep, because nerve cells are restored only during a dream, in others from a long rest psychological condition It's only getting worse. To get rid of this you need special treatment.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases. Sleep problems are often associated with diseases gastrointestinal tract. When digestion is disrupted, dreams become anxious and nightmares occur. Confirms problems with the gastrointestinal tract bad smell from the mouth, coating on the tongue, sour or bitter taste, drowsiness, lethargy. A person does not get enough sleep, even if he sleeps longer than usual.
  4. Dust mites. Most of them accumulate in feather pillows, mattresses, and blankets. If they are not washed or dry cleaned for a long time, resting in such a bed becomes hazardous to health. After long sleep in the morning it is felt headache, fatigue, symptoms occur allergic reaction– itching on the skin, lacrimation, coughing, sneezing, rhinitis.

The reasons why you can’t get a good night’s sleep are divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, you just need to sleep off, in the second, start therapy.

Learn more about the causes of sleep deprivation

The duration of night rest for an adult is 8 hours, with severe fatigue - 10. A situation where a person sleeps a lot without sleep. obvious reasons, is considered a pathology. The duration of dreams is regulated by the sleep hormone, and with its excess, people sleep a lot, but do not get enough sleep. Also, the cause of drowsiness can be events that excite or exhaust the nervous system.


Among women similar situation occurs shortly before menstruation, as well as during menopause. The reason is natural processes in the body, hormonal changes. Almost the same thing occurs in men after 35 years of age.

Failure is often observed in the spring, when vitamin reserves run out, useful substances, immunity weakens, decreases energy potential. Getting up for work is very difficult, but even with the possibility of a long rest, people still do not get enough sleep.

Excessive physical activity exhausts the body and requires strength to restore energy. Sometimes 8 hours is not enough. When the alarm clock rings, it is difficult to open your eyes, leaving you feeling sleep-deprived.

Stressful situation initially provokes insomnia, but then drowsiness sets in. ABOUT nervous exhaustion indicates a feeling of weakness, anxiety, depression, apathy, tearfulness.

Working in shifts, when you have to stay awake at night and have no more than 4 hours to sleep or rest during the day, disrupts biorhythms and can lead to syndrome chronic fatigue.

To fully recover and start getting enough sleep, you need to follow a normal routine for a week.

Pathological factors

The situation when a person does not get enough sleep is often associated with the presence chronic diseases. They do not always have obvious symptoms; more often they manifest themselves indirectly. Sleep time increases with inflammatory processes, toxicoses. The accumulation of toxic components is caused by many factors - medications, pathogens, viruses, chemical substances, pathological processes.

Possible diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • cystitis;
  • liver fibrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Please pay attention to the presence of other anxiety symptoms, if necessary, visit a specialist.

In addition, the reason long sleep is hypersomnia. The pathology significantly worsens the quality of life, puts awkward situation. A person can fall asleep at any time, anywhere, unexpectedly. The reason lies in the disruption of the central nervous system, requiring qualified treatment.

How to normalize sleep

To get rid of daytime sleepiness, you will have to make some effort. In some cases, it is enough to normalize the regimen, in others it is necessary to undergo complex, long-term therapy.

  1. Do not rest during the day, go to bed early in the evening, but do not sleep much. To recover after a heavy load, 12 hours is enough, no more. But the next day 8 hours will be enough.
  2. There must be a suitable place for a night's rest. Comfortable pillow, washed bed dress, lack of artificial light. For good sleep, choose a position on the right side, for good rest- on the left. To relax the spine and nervous system, fall asleep on your back.
  3. Do not sleep with TV on, eliminate noise. Before vacation, do not use your phone, tablet, or surf the Internet.
  4. To fall asleep faster and relax, it is recommended to take warm bath, drink tea with chamomile. In the morning you should get up no later than 8 o’clock, wash your face cool water, brew a cup of green tea.
  5. Monitor your nutrition and diet throughout the day. Do not overeat in the evening, do not snack at night. A full stomach provokes nightmares and causes drowsiness during the day.

If the condition does not normalize, take special pharmaceutical or folk remedies.


Sometimes when pathological condition The central nervous system is prescribed sedatives. However, strong sedatives should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. Drugs can prolong dreams, but how? by-effect, during the day you feel sleep deprived. Barboval and Valocardin have a similar effect.

If used incorrectly, sedatives must be discontinued and drugs that activate blood circulation are prescribed instead. brain activity. Tinctures based on natural herbs– Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, Ginseng.

Another reason why it is impossible to get enough sleep is when a person takes sleeping pills. To normalize the condition, you should abandon them. To improve blood circulation, stimulate mental activity are appointed special medications. You should consult with specialists regarding their use. Fezam, Piracetam, Aminalon are often prescribed.

To avoid sleep deprivation, you need to adhere to the principles healthy eating, do not overeat in the evening, avoid physical and mental fatigue, and treat diseases in a timely manner.

A good reason for a constant sleepy mood may be psychological factors. If a person wants to escape responsibility, or avoid conflict, forget about painful losses, or simply get away from the reality that is “boring,” very often an unconscious reaction occurs in the form of daytime drowsiness.

Sleep and its role

A person, closing his eyes, switches off and thus protects himself from life’s troubles. This theory is confirmed by the fact that as soon as life shows a person the bright side - success, money, or an interesting activity, debilitating drowsiness immediately disappears. This kind of drowsiness can be observed at boring meetings, in queues, and in train station waiting rooms.

The depth of this form of drowsiness depends on the intensity total number troubles, conflicts and dull everyday life that haunt a person. On the other hand, the lack of desire to resolve these situations increases drowsiness. This is the connection between life situation and attacks of sleep, which a person is often not aware of.

Causes of lack of sleep

However, increased drowsiness can also be a symptom of a number of mental illness. These may be somatoform disorders, minor depression with seasonal affective disorder, dysthymia. Self-medication and unjustified use of benzodiazepine tranquilizers, antiallergic drugs, beta blockers, and blood pressure lowering agents can also provoke unhealthy drowsiness.

If you feel sleepy after a heavy lunch, then the cause of this condition is a rush of blood to the intestines and stomach, and the brain does not receive enough of its dose. At the same time, brain cells function at half capacity, and the person becomes sleepy. The opposite state is severe overexcitation, which causes a rush of blood to the brain, here the person can no longer sleep. This happens due to nervous disorder, or before the intended nervous tension, for example, a wedding, an exam, or the purchase of a long-awaited expensive item. Here, the intense work of brain cells prevents you from falling asleep.

I can't sleep!

Drowsiness often haunts people in winter, when thinner air contains less oxygen, which is not enough for active human activity. Winter vitamin deficiency should also be taken into account due to the reduced possibility of consuming vegetables and fruits. As a result, metabolism slows down and the whole body feels tired. Accordingly, brain activity decreases and the desire to sleep arises. The same thing, by the way, can also happen when there is a lack of oxygen in the room, which happens in winter, when radiators and heaters constantly dry out the air. There is a solution here - frequent ventilation.

Makes you sleepy even when it rains, when Atmosphere pressure decreases, again reducing the oxygen content in the air.

Naturally, the direct reason that I can’t get enough sleep is chronic lack of sleep when a person, for some reason, leaves little time for sleep. The biological clock, which measures daily cycles, causes a person to sleep or at least experience sleepy state after about fifteen hours of wakefulness.

What to do if you often feel sleepy?

If a person regularly violates his sleep pattern, which, however, is purely individual, he is naturally overtaken by chronic drowsiness. You should fall asleep and wake up at the set time, while your health will remain, brain performance will increase, and drowsiness will disappear.

We often want to sleep in transport; this is an echo of our distant childhood, when parents, wanting the baby to fall asleep, tried to rock him to sleep. This is, undoubtedly, a harmful instilled habit that remains in a person until the end of his life. The program laid down in childhood causes increased sleepiness on the train, bus, or car.

Unfortunately, for the future, since the issue here is not the amount of sleep, but the mode. You should force yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time. You should not interrupt drowsiness with tea and coffee. If this condition causes you anxiety, it is better to find the cause and, by changing your lifestyle, overcome it.

neurologist, top blogger of LiveJournal

Up to 45% of people on Earth suffer from insomnia. If you sleep 8 hours, recommended by somnologists, but still feel that you are not getting enough sleep, and morning fatigue is your frequent companion, try to get rid of non-obvious reasons bad sleep. Sometimes this is enough to improve the quality of your night's rest and feel much better during the day.

Reason #1: Overeating or hunger

The rule “Do not eat after six in the evening” has long been recognized by nutritionists as outdated: there are simply no universal laws on how many hours before bedtime to abstain from eating.

Somnologists will advise not to eat 3 hours before bedtime, but also not to go to bed hungry. Supporters of daily 16-hour fasting and fans of the theory of autophagy (it consists in the fact that a hungry body “eats” its diseased cells and thereby reduces the risk of cancer and other ailments) will confidently say that it is enough to limit yourself to lunch and give dinner to the enemy, who has no plans to become a centenarian. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux and pregnant women will confidently tell you that there is nothing worse than a heavy dinner at night, because heartburn and bad dream due to evening excesses guaranteed.

Only empirically you can determine how you feel more comfortable going to bed: whether to drink a glass of milk before bed, refrain from eating in the evening, or have a hearty dinner accompanied by the program “ Good night, kids."

Reason #2: Taking certain medications

Not only caffeine can disrupt normal sleep. There are many other medications that will provide you with insomnia.

These are the antipsychotic sulpiride, tranquilizers mezapam and tofisopam, corticosteroid hormones, nootropics, antidepressants with psychostimulating effect and even some types of antibiotics. The tranquilizer alprazolam can cause frightening dreams. Phenobarbital, which is found in the well-known “heart medicine” Corvalol, acts similarly. Therefore, it is so important to follow the time of taking medications indicated in the instructions and not take medications that have not been recommended by your doctor.

Reason number 3: exercise before bed

For some people, going to the gym in the evening ends with a surge of energy after a workout and... sleepless night. This is due to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system - this structure regulates many processes in the body. When sympathetic system“working at full capacity”, the body perceives this as a signal to wake up and save itself: either attack or run, but certainly not relax under a warm blanket.

If you are worried about morning sleepiness, and in the evening you just can’t fall asleep on time, try moving your workout to the morning. In the early hours, unfortunately, flexibility is much worse than in the evening, which is why many people do not like to go to the gym in the morning. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that physical exercise at dawn they help you wake up even more reliably than your usual half-liter cup of coffee.

Reason #4: “light noise”

These are any sources of light in the evening that confuse your pineal gland: it receives nerve impulses from the retina and is sensitive to the change of day and night. When little light enters the eyes, the production of melatonin, a natural sleep aid, begins to increase. The light of a flashlight that penetrates through loosely drawn curtains, the flickering screen of a smartphone or eBook with backlight - all this can reduce the production of melatonin and provide restless sleep with frequent awakenings.

Try closing the curtains more tightly, turning off the night light, and don’t read from your phone two hours before bed. These simple rules will help make your sleep deeper and more refreshing.

Reason #5: Anxiety and depressive disorders

Unfortunately, anxiety and depression are conditions familiar to more than half of the people who live in major cities. And they are not diagnosed often enough: many suffer for years from obsessive, restless thoughts in the stillness of the night, which prevent them from falling asleep, others cry into their pillows, experiencing an incomprehensible melancholy... Disturbances in the functioning of the neurotransmitter system of the brain cause anxiety, depression, and sometimes both at once. Deficiency of serotonin, dopamine, deficiency gamma-aminobutyric acid, melatonin - all this leads to sleep disturbances, worsening mood, increased anxiety and loss of motivation.

This is why insomnia is a reason to consult a doctor. Taking sleeping pills is not always a solution to the problem. Sometimes, in order to normalize sleep, it is necessary to overcome anxiety, melancholy, and apathy. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or other medications, as well as psychotherapy.

Reason #6: Chronic diseases you don't know about

Thyroid dysfunction diabetes, “silent” stroke – these are a few causes of insomnia that people are often unaware of. Problems with nasal breathing also worsen night sleep. Therefore, visiting a doctor for a wide variety of reasons unexpectedly helps to get rid of insomnia.

Another common cause of morning grogginess and poor sleep quality is sleep apnea. These are respiratory arrests that are caused by structural features respiratory system, overweight and hereditary characteristics. With absence apnea treatment They don’t just poison the lives of the patient’s relatives, because he snores loudly and disturbs the sleep of his family, and at the same time all the neighbors in the area. These short-term pauses in breathing cause changes in the brain, disrupt its functioning, break the sleep structure, and impair memory function. And the saddest thing is that sleep apnea increases the risk of strokes. That's why night snoring– this is a reason to contact an ENT doctor and a neurologist-somnologist.

Reason #7: Heat and low humidity

These are two “enemies” of good sleep, which for some reason have haunted Russian people since childhood. Good grandmothers protect the child from any draft, and therefore airing the room is considered a great sin in caring for the baby.

Maximum warmth, sometimes even unbearable heat, on the contrary, is encouraged in every possible way: the Tashkent branch begins for a baby, as a rule, in the maternity ward, continues in kindergarten, and then thermoregulation is finally formed and the person gets used to living in the stuffiness

True, his sleep is still often disturbed.

Therefore, one of the golden rules of good sleep is to ventilate the room. Using a humidifier is another bonus that improves the condition of mucous membranes and has a positive effect on nasal breathing, which means providing oxygen to the sleeping brain. This is especially true in the cold season, when central heating and heaters make the air very dry.

Reason #8: Deficiency of magnesium, vitamin D or other micronutrients

A sufficient amount of vitamin D ensures the production of melatonin. Anyone get tested for vitamin D middle lane, V best case scenario the lower limit of normal will be found, unless the person being studied is already taking vitamin D as prescribed by a doctor. That is why it makes sense to consider using prophylactic dose– this often helps to unexpectedly solve problems that a person is accustomed to considering unsolvable, for example frequent colds, restless sleep or hair loss.

Relevant for vegetarians and vegans additional dose vitamin B12, because, contrary to the assurances of sweet-voiced marketers, it plant foods is contained in a form that is practically inaccessible for assimilation.

To fanatical supporters healthy image For those who live with intense workouts or smokers, taking magnesium can sometimes help improve their sleep. Diabetics often have a deficiency of this macronutrient.

Before ordering this or that drug, you should consult your doctor. Even the most “harmless” pills have contraindications and can seriously harm your health without a doctor’s prescription.

Shakespeare said that sleep is “the tastiest dish in earthly feasts.” Sometimes it is enough to slightly adjust your lifestyle to make your night's rest complete and filling with strength. And if this fails, consult a doctor: perhaps a specialist will help you regain this “gourmet pleasure”.