What not to eat if you have food poisoning. What can you eat after poisoning: sample diet menu

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At least once in everyone's life, such a nuisance has happened to everyone. Food poisoning is a frequent accompaniment of cheerful feasts. Violation of food storage conditions in a store is also almost always a guarantee of food poisoning. And if the body is also weakened chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, a small amount of a low-quality product is enough to get poisoned.

What can cause food poisoning

The disease can be caused by several sources. They are conventionally divided into:

- Caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, unicellular organisms and products of their functioning.

— Caused by chemicals toxic poisoning. Mainly triggered by salts heavy metals, mercury vapor, alcohol, herbs, mushrooms, pesticides.

At food poisoning The most dangerous for consumption are:

  • Dairy products;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Raw fish;
  • Biscuit confectionery with cream;
  • Home canning, including pickles;
  • Raw meat;
  • Any processed food that is stored improperly under inappropriate conditions.

It is in these products that, if storage conditions are violated, microorganisms that can poison the human body with toxins quickly develop. Any product that has an unknown shelf life, poor quality packaging, non-marketable appearance, bad smell and the strange consistency should be thrown away immediately. Mucus, plaque, and discoloration indicate the rapid development of dangerous microflora, which, after entering the body, can cause food intoxication.

Characteristics of the disease

When dangerous microflora enters the body, toxic products of bacterial activity short time cause a number of symptoms that occur rapidly and quickly deplete the body:

  1. Seething, colic, sharp pains in the stomach;
  2. Nausea, vomiting;
  3. Severe diarrhea;
  4. High temperature And general signs serious intoxication;
  5. Against the background of intoxication and dehydration, blood pressure may decrease or symptoms of central nervous system damage may begin, in the form of hallucinations, hearing and vision impairment.

The reason is that the pathological microflora increases in geometric progression, the number is also growing toxic substances, allocated by it. It is due to the toxins of harmful microorganisms that the body is poisoned.

What can you eat if you have poisoning and diarrhea? During this period you will not have to eat; it is important to prevent dehydration and cause ambulance. Some toxins can only be removed from the body with the help of special means.

At home, you can immediately drink the following composition: a few drops of iodine in a glass of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will help with gastric lavage if you are poisoned by mushrooms.

What can you eat if you are poisoned?

During acute period in addition to treatment, prerequisite is special diet in case of poisoning. What can you eat if you have food poisoning:

First day: During the acute period, fasting is necessary until symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea disappear. Instead of food, it is better to drink infusions or decoctions of rose hips, mineral water. It is better to exclude juices with pulp, sweet soda and nectars from the diet completely. Any food, including protein, that can provoke fermentation is strictly excluded.

Second day: on the second day you can eat homemade, chicken, low-fat broth with crackers. Drinking plenty of fluids is not canceled.

Third day: on the third day, in addition to chicken broth and crackers, you can eat rice boiled in water and dry biscuits in small portions.

Fourth day: on the fourth day you can eat if you have food poisoning fermented milk products, preferably homemade: yogurt, kefir, yogurt. They should not be greasy. In general, during the period of acute intoxication and subsequent rehabilitation after food poisoning, you can only eat low-fat foods. It is allowed to introduce semi-liquid porridges with water into the diet: buckwheat and rice. All this can be eaten if a child is poisoned.

To full recovery you will have to exclude such from your diet food products, How: fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, chocolate, sweets, cheese, milk, bananas, beans, canned food, alcohol, smoked meats, sausage, fresh bread.

Intoxication of the body is completely removed only on the 7th day after poisoning. The first three to four days are considered an acute period, then the body goes on the mend, but still very weak. Therefore, the question of what you can eat if you have food poisoning remains relevant.

What can you eat after poisoning?

After acute symptoms passed, the body still takes a very long time to recover. General weakness, nausea, severe lethargy, heaviness in the stomach, feeling unwell do not increase appetite. But you can’t starve; you need to eat after poisoning and vomiting: the body must recover.

What can an adult eat after food poisoning? General recommendations to any process of eating food during this period:

Frequent, fractional meals in small portions. This will help restore the stomach and body strength faster.

Drink plenty of fluids during this period: weakly brewed teas with lemon, rosehip infusions, mineral water, uzvar, low-fat broths made from light meats. You should not drink coffee or cocoa after an illness; these drinks irritate the gastric mucosa.

You are allowed to eat only liquid or semi-liquid food, this way the stomach will recover faster and the body will not have to waste energy on digesting food.

During this period, it is better to eat food cooked in water or steamed.

After food intoxication, you can eat the following set of foods:

  • Low-fat broth from domestic chicken;
  • For the second course, porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, boiled in water;
  • Light meat: boiled or steamed chicken, rabbit;
  • Steam fish cutlets;
  • Low-fat sour milk, including low-fat cottage cheese in small portions
  • Homemade crackers without any food additives;
  • For vegetables you can eat boiled carrots, for fruits - bananas, baked apple puree;
  • It is better to cook jelly from fruits, without using dyes, using natural gelatin. Watermelon and melon are strictly contraindicated, as they may contain pesticides.

Food after poisoning should be light for a sick stomach, liver and intestines; food fried in animal fat or vegetable oil.

Controversial list of foods you can eat

Honey really should not be eaten after an acute period, it contains a large amount complex carbohydrates and may cause unnecessary fermentation in the stomach. It is not even recommended to add it to tea.

Next unwanted productchicken eggs, which are also not recommended to be eaten after past illness.

Fresh milk and pasta are strictly contraindicated. But you can eat bananas after poisoning, as they contain a lot of potassium, which is washed out during the dehydration process.

Any soups can be eaten after an acute period, but provided that they are boiled in water and have a puree or slimy consistency.

The same thing that an adult can eat in case of food poisoning can be recommended for a child, with the difference that the rehabilitation period for children is greatly delayed.

Doctor's opinion

Food poisoning is an acute process during which the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes severely inflamed. After treatment of the acute period, rehabilitation begins, at this moment the main thing is not to provoke gastritis or an ulcer by eating incorrectly, otherwise the process can become chronic. During this period and after, you need to eat often, in small portions, exclusively light and low-fat foods, so as not to create a burden on the stomach and intestines. Recovery after this serious condition– a long process. Therefore, depending on the severity, you will have to spend about two weeks on the diet.

Food poisoning does not always occur due to our carelessness. It happens that the product looks and tastes appropriate, but after eating it, you realize that you have received a charge of toxins. And yet, preventive measures and precautions play an important role:

  • It is better not to order half-raw meat in a restaurant;
  • Store frozen meat and fish products separately and defrost separately from each other;
  • You should not eat or buy food in markets and from unknown sellers, no matter how tempting it may look. This is especially true for meat, smoked meats and pickles with mushrooms;
  • It is better to immediately throw away anything that raises questions by its appearance and smell;
  • Be sure to wash your hands before eating; vegetables and fruits also need to be processed.
    Check the quality of the packaging.

If you follow these tips, your risk of getting sick is significantly reduced. This tactic reduces the possibility of getting poisoned by eating stale food by 80%.

If you find it difficult to remember what you can eat in the acute and subacute periods, then it is better to make a table, dividing it into two columns. Add permitted products to one of them and prohibited products to the other. These steps will help you stay on track with your diet during and after poisoning.

When can I eat normal food? In case of acute food poisoning, a diet is indicated for a period of 2 weeks to a month.

Competently balanced diet in case of food poisoning, it allows as soon as possible restore the body, prevent further irritation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes. At severe intoxication the treatment menu must be combined with medicines If it’s mild, it’s enough to stick to a gentle diet and rest.

Food poisoning and associated risks

The causes of illness are often:

To avoid poisoning, you need to eat only high-quality foods. When purchasing, it is advisable to pay attention to information about the manufacturer and release date in order to prevent pathology.

General rules of nutrition during intoxication

If the warning measures did not work and you were faced with unpleasant symptoms, a special diet will help you quickly recover from illness. Several recommendations must be followed:

  1. You should not overload your stomach with food on the first day. At this time it is shown drinking plenty of fluids, excreting from the body harmful substances, normalizing electrolyte balance.
  2. Light, easily digestible meals are indicated from the second day therapeutic nutrition. As a rule, we are talking about broths and dietary vegetable purees.
  3. You should not eat meat ingredients immediately after poisoning - they are too heavy for the inflamed gastrointestinal tract and can provoke a new round of the disease.
  4. Porridge is often recommended. But they should be cooked in water.
  5. All products are served warm. Hot or cold food further irritates the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The intake is moderate, the volume of portions is increased gradually. The optimal diet is 6-7 times throughout the day.

In case of poisoning, you can eat starting from the next day, carefully introducing ingredients such as homemade crackers, rice or oat broth, liquid mashed potatoes without adding salt or oil.

Therapeutic diet

After intoxication, you need to focus your efforts on restoring the body. That is why a well-designed menu is recommended, which can reduce the load on the stomach and intestines and help remove toxins from the liver.

You need to take care of more than just what you have.

Along with adjusting the diet, sorbent medications are used, for example, Smecta, Enterosgel, activated carbon or Filtrum-sti.

These drugs perfectly bind and remove harmful substances. But often among side factors disturbance of intestinal microflora. To normalize it, you need to take a course of probiotics.

Goals of a therapeutic diet

Main menu tasks after poisoning:

  1. Avoid further irritation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes.
  2. Eliminate symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Reduce the exacerbation of digestive diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes. By the way, chronic poisoning sometimes indicate initial stage cancer, and acute develops as a result of infection with rotovirus.

If you happen to be poisoned, you need to call a doctor who will provide first aid to the patient and recommend what to eat so as not to worsen your condition.


You can define a series useful qualities dietary nutrition:

  1. Normalization of electrolyte balance.
  2. Restoring the required amount of minerals and vitamins.
  3. Reduction of severe symptoms in acute poisoning.
  4. Elimination of irritation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes.

If you eat healthy dishes, you can avoid the dehydration and exhaustion characteristic of intoxication. Therefore, it will take much less time to recover.

The diet for poisoning is compiled taking into account the condition of the person provoking the disease. For example, alcohol damage, mercury vapor, vinegar, nitrates, chlorine, medication overdose requires specific treatment. Often the patient is taken to the hospital in an unconscious state, the situation is complicated by severe burns to organs. Naturally, in this case you cannot feed yourself. All mineral and vitamin complexes are administered intravenously.

In case of food poisoning, such a picture is rarely observed, for example, if a person wanted to eat mushrooms and accidentally consumed toadstool. More often food intoxication not so accompanied dire consequences and it can be treated at home.

You are allowed to prepare the following dishes:

  1. Vegetable soup, which it is advisable to puree.
  2. Steam meat cutlets and fish meatballs.
  3. Cottage cheese soufflé.
  4. Rice and buckwheat boiled in water.
  5. Baked vegetables, pears or apples.
  6. Protein omelet.
  7. Kissel.

You can feed the patient dry biscuits, preferably drink mineral water with released gas, and weak teas. Eating dairy products is allowed after 5–7 days. The set should contain not only milk, but also kefir, yogurt, and yogurt, which normalize the intestinal microflora.

Restorative products

There are components that have therapeutic effect in case of poisoning. They absorb harmful substances, improve intestinal motility, and are absorbed quickly.

List of useful ingredients:

  1. Water – eliminates toxins, cleanses the digestive tract, maintains electrolyte balance. You can take mineral, for example, Borjomi.
  2. Rice porridge - reduces diarrhea.
  3. Bananas are rich in fiber and vitamins.
  4. Chicken broth - reduces hunger and has an enveloping effect.
  5. Rosehip tea – replenishes the amount necessary for the body ascorbic acid, increases the separation of urine, along with which toxins are released.
  6. Homemade brown bread crackers contain group B and fiber.
  7. Compote made from dried fruits fights diarrhea.

Before using the diet, you should check with your doctor about contraindications. You may not be able to eat certain foods due to chronic illnesses.

Drinks for poisoning

It is necessary to adhere to a strict regime of fluid intake in the body so as not to provoke dehydration. You need to take this component in small portions after each bowel movement. bladder or intestines.

However, you are only allowed to drink the following products:

  1. Water – boiled or mineral water without gas.
  2. Green tea with no sugar.
  3. Decoctions of rose hips, dill, chamomile.
  4. Saline solutions purchased at a pharmacy - Regidron.

If the poisoning is very severe, it is advisable not to eat anything for the first day and pay more attention to fluids, which will help rid the body of harmful substances. It is recommended to drink 200 ml per hour in slow sips at intervals of 15 minutes.

What should you not eat if you are poisoned?

The prohibited list includes a significant number of components:

  1. Canned food - sprats, stewed meat and even homemade jam should not be consumed.
  2. Sweet pastries - various pies and biscuits additionally irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Nuts - peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and others have high nutritional qualities. But if you are poisoned, you should not eat them, as they take a long time to digest and increase damage to the mucous membranes.
  4. Fatty soups and broths. It is better to prefer vegetarian dishes.
  5. Honey – provokes fermentation processes, is allowed no earlier than 4 days.
  6. Citrus fruits - oranges and tangerines, beloved by many, contain too much acid and can further damage the digestive tract.
  7. Fruits - mangoes, pomegranates, grapes, persimmons, plums are not recommended as they contribute to irritation.
  8. Dairy and fermented milk ingredients are useful for recovery, but only from 4–5 days.
  9. Eggs are a heavy, difficult-to-digest product.
  10. Chocolate, cheese, ice cream, juices, pasta, oysters are not allowed.

You can eat ingredients prepared using methods such as baking and boiling. It is advisable to wipe the food, then the effect of the food on the gastrointestinal tract will be gentle.

Treatment menu after poisoning

If an adult has been intoxicated, it is allowed to consume quickly digestible components that do not increase the load on the liver and pancreas. You will have to stick to such a diet for at least 1–1.5 weeks.

Sample menu

What you can eat:

As he recovers, other dishes are gradually added to the menu - spaghetti, egg omelettes, soups, sour milk. At the slightest discomfort, consult a doctor.

Sometimes it is recommended to treat intoxication with watermelon, since the berry provokes urination and promotes the removal of harmful substances. But the load on the digestive organs is quite high and such folk “therapy” can lead to kidney dysfunction.

Diet for severe poisoning

In case of serious damage, you should adhere to the following menu:

  1. The first day - fasting, drinking plenty of fluids.
  2. The second is rice porridge without salt and oil, you need to cook it in water, in the evening chicken broth with rice.
  3. Third - 500 ml H2O in the morning, after 30 minutes boiled buckwheat. Steamed cutlets for lunch, pureed lean meat for dinner. Lightly sweetened compote is also allowed.

Sometimes they doubt: is it possible to eat bananas if you are poisoned? Doctors usually recommend the fruit because it contains a lot of potassium, and the consistency is quite soft and does not harm the stomach.

Menu with folk remedies

Homemade recipes help eliminate symptoms of intoxication and replenish the deficiency of the vitamin-mineral complex:

  1. Ginger tea. Leave for 20 minutes, 1 tsp. crushed root in 200 ml of boiling water. Struggling with bacterial infection, relieves spasms.
  2. Dill decoction. Steam 1 tsp in 200 ml of hot water. raw materials. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Take 30 minutes before eating. Reduces pain and increases urination.
  3. Infusion of flax seeds. Brew a glass of boiling water with 1 tsp. product. Shake periodically for 1/4 hour. Useful for chronic colitis and inflammation.

You can use the product for 3-4 days.

Weekly regimen after poisoning

The table will help you find out what happens as a result of intoxication.

This approach to nutrition will help restore the body.

Vegetarian diet table

Toxicologists are confident that the absence of meat in the diet will help speed up recovery, especially when it comes to food intoxication.

  1. Introduce yesterday's bread from wheat flour. Fresh baked goods are prohibited.
  2. Soups should not be consumed with pasta. Exception - allowed chicken broth from fillet.
  3. You can eat steamed fish cakes.
  4. All types of canned food, cottage cheese, and milk are contraindicated.
  5. The basis of the diet consists of boiled and pureed vegetables, rice or buckwheat porridge.
  6. A few days later it is shown egg omelet, but not fried, but baked.
  7. Jam is harmful, compotes made from blueberries, dogwoods, bird cherry and pears, quince, rose hips, and currants are harmful.

You will have to give up coffee, sauces, cocoa.

Features of children's nutrition after food poisoning

Infants have a hard time tolerating intoxication, but teenagers have an easier time - their developed immunity fights the disease.

Rules for when a baby is affected:

  1. If we are talking about a baby, you should not eat in the first hours after poisoning. Otherwise, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will increase. But it is not recommended to give a lot of liquid. After emptying the stomach, it is enough to give the child 1 tbsp. l. If an attack occurs again, reduce the volume to 1 tsp. And they give it only after 60 minutes.
  2. You can add a little sugar and salt to your drink - 1 tsp per 200 ml. This will help normalize electrolyte balance. Pharmacy solutions are shown.
  3. After 6–10 hours, when the child’s body is cleansed of harmful substances, they drink chamomile or rosehip decoctions and dill infusion.
  4. After elimination acute syndrome poisoning, the baby is given a light soup of pureed vegetables. It is advisable to introduce carrots, as they have a strengthening effect. But you need to cook for a long time, otherwise it will weaken.
  5. Fresh fruits are prohibited; compotes and jelly are prepared.
  6. You can feed it with steamed omelet without milk, diet cottage cheese.
  7. Porridge – buckwheat and rice; other cereals are difficult to digest.
  8. Mashed potatoes, not seasoned with oil, are allowed.
  9. Lean chicken breast is healthy.

A similar diet is followed for 14 days after poisoning.

Women should be careful during pregnancy - intoxication will affect the development of the unborn child. At breastfeeding Harmful substances, components of tablets used to treat the mother, also enter the child’s body. Therefore, you need to be careful about your diet and avoid eating prohibited foods.


To avoid getting sick, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Do not store fresh and already prepared foods together.
  2. Do not eat ingredients that have expired.
  3. Do not neglect hygiene - wash your hands thoroughly before cooking. Vegetables and fruits can be rinsed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. It is advisable to drink only bottled or filtered water.
  5. Do not cut meat, fish or herbal ingredients on one board.

Prevention will significantly reduce the risk of poisoning.

Expert opinion

It does not matter who was intoxicated, a child or old man. You should call a doctor, especially when there is a painful syndrome, the temperature rises - similar symptoms often develop with appendicitis.

If trouble occurs, first aid must be provided. The condition of the victim largely depends on the actions of others. But in any case, you need to take the patient to the hospital, where they will provide proper treatment and advise the optimal diet for a quick recovery.

Vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness and stomach pain are all signs of food poisoning. It usually occurs due to the consumption of low-quality products. But despite the seriousness of the situation, mild degree often successfully treated at home. True, provided that all nutritional recommendations are followed.

How to eat when poisoned

In order to understand why it is so important to make adjustments to your diet, it is enough to look at the problem “from the inside”. During food poisoning, the normal processes of mucus and digestive juices are disrupted in the stomach and intestines. At the same time, peristalsis increases and muscle tone decreases. Toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms irritate the mucous membrane. But not only the intestines, but also the pancreas and liver suffer from their negative effects.

You can minimize their impact on the body by taking certain medicines, for example, sorbents, and be sure to adhere to the basic principles diets for food poisoning. They consist of eliminating foods that take a long time to digest or simply irritate the mucous membranes, and maintaining a drinking regime. The latter allows you to avoid one of the most unpleasant consequences poisoning – dehydration of the body.

General nutrition rules

  • Within 2-3 days after poisoning, it is necessary to unload the intestines as much as possible. Interestingly, some doctors recommend completely abstaining from food in the first hours until the vomiting stops. Others advise eating more often, but not all and in small portions, taking two-hour breaks between each meal. Just to give the body strength.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the method of cooking. Ideally, it should be boiled or steamed. It is better to use it in liquid or semi-liquid form. In the first days, preference should be given to vegetable or chicken broth with breadcrumbs. From fatty, high-calorie dishes and dishes with high content It is better to avoid fiber (grains) during this period, so as not to provoke another stomach upset.
  • You can add new foods to your diet after all symptoms have subsided. The main thing is to do it gradually. These days, porridge, jelly, cooked vegetables or lean meat are recommended. However, it is better to use them according to the principles separate power supply. In other words, eat meat and fish separately from cereals and vice versa. This will allow the body to quickly restore its strength.

Drinking regime

White bread crackers are a source of carbohydrates.

Boiled chicken gizzards– they help well with diarrhea.

Decoctions of dried fruits - they replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals and help restore the gastric mucosa.

Kissel – it relieves diarrhea and enriches the body with useful substances.

Herbs – These are widely used in Chinese medicine. Milk thistle is used for mushroom poisoning, chamomile, ginger and licorice root for poisoning with other products.

What does the body need after poisoning?

  • Vitamin A. The results of studies, however, conducted on rats, showed that “the body experiences a shortage of it during salmonellosis.” Therefore, adding foods containing it to your diet can speed up your recovery.
  • Calcium. It has a similar effect.
  • Alpha lipoic acid – « powerful antioxidant, which

Food poisoning is considered the oldest disease a person who is associated with the mistaken consumption of low-quality food contaminated with poisonous bacterial or non-bacterial microbes. It is characterized by a rapid start, short course, they are not contagious. Almost every adult, at least once in his life, was an unwitting victim food poisoning, the main symptoms of which are nausea, diarrhea and high fever. Most often, the disease occurs in a timely manner measures taken, passes in 1.5 - 3 days, depending on the type of pathogenic bacteria, type and number, concentrated toxins in food, and of course, on protective systems and individual distinctive features sick.

Household poisoning is often caused by undercooked meat or fish semi-finished products, raw eggs, low-quality dairy products. Be careful about the food on your dinner table. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, fry meat well, and monitor the expiration dates of canned food and dairy products.

If the patient's condition is not aggravated by convulsions, difficulty breathing and muscle spasms, the patient just needs to take medications and observe a rest regime. In more serious cases, it is necessary to immediately seek help from medical institutions. Provided in right time medical care can neutralize the effects of poisoning. Regardless of how the victim feels, he is advised to follow a special diet for several days.

In case of poisoning, the period of recovery and restoration of the body directly depends on nutrition.

On the first day, even with moderate severity poisoning, it is better to refrain from eating. But you need to drink very often and little by little to avoid loss of fluid by the body: tea, still mineral water, rosehip decoction. Usually, on the first day, a sick person does not feel hungry, and there is no need to force yourself to eat something. If your appetite shows itself, gnaw on a cracker, moistening it with sweet tea. This will speed up the neutralization of harmful substances.

It is unacceptable to consume juices, chocolate, salty, spicy, fried foods on the first day. Sausages, smoked products, drinks containing gas and alcohol are contraindicated. For a while, forget about milk and dishes made from it, refuse to eat raw vegetables.

The second and subsequent days - you can slowly include light pureed and liquid (semi-liquid) dishes in the diet. During the second day, it is advisable to eat thin, unsweetened and non-dairy rice porridge, crackers, low-fat broth, jelly, and eat lean pureed meat. Also remember to drink moderate amounts of fluid.

Products the use of which it is advisable to temporarily exclude: porridge with barley, barley, millet, corn grits, sausages, fatty fish and meat, smoked products, canned food, coffee drinks, whole milk, sweets, cocoa.

After 7 days, gradually return to your standard diet. And, most importantly, learn to listen to your own body, it will tell you in time what you can eat if you are poisoned.

The main task set for the diet is to reduce the load on the organs of the digestive tract and normalize their functioning. During this time, it is recommended to remove from the diet foods that cause the onset of fermentation and putrefaction processes in the stomach, which are responsible for the production gastric juice and “irritating” to the digestive tract.

Basic nutritional rules to follow in case of poisoning:

  • The gentle regime is maintained for approximately 72 hours until the body is completely restored.
  • The consistency of all dishes is preferably puree or liquid.
  • The menu includes boiled or steamed dishes. At the same time, it is necessary to control their temperature, avoiding strong cooling or excessive heating of the products.
  • Do not overload your stomach under any circumstances; keep the daily volume to a minimum. The number of calories taken per day should not be more than 1000 kcal.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible, including plain water.
  • St. John's wort tea, considered a natural intestinal antibiotic, has healing properties.
  • Eat little but often.
  • Healthy foods: fruit and berry juices, strong decoction rose hips, light broths, decoctions of cereals (buckwheat, rice), boiled pureed lean meat, decoctions of dried fruits, grated carrots, crackers and apple puree.

Is it acceptable to eat fruit if you are poisoned? It is allowed to consume them in small quantities from 3-4 days. At first, bananas and apples will be useful, and save plums, citrus fruits, pears and grapes until your final recovery.

Diet in case of poisoning

It is important to know not only what to eat after poisoning, but also in what mode this should happen.

Doctors advise that in case of poisoning, eat 6 times a day in small portions, without bringing the body to complete saturation. It is advisable to use probiotics to strengthen digestive system, they promote the restoration of beneficial bacteria. In the first 14 days, do not overload your body with amino acids. Remove pea puree from your diet canned mushrooms, pickled and seaweed, fish, limit meat consumption to a minimum.

How to prevent food poisoning

By observing personal hygiene standards and consuming only high-quality products, you simply will not need information about what food is acceptable in case of poisoning. What preventive measures help to avoid such problems?

  1. Wash your hands before and after eating, as well as after contact with pets;
  2. Wash your hands, cutting board, and work surface thoroughly when you finish cutting meat and fish. For flour and other products, try to use a separate set of boards and knives;
  3. Rinse thoroughly hot water vegetables and fruits;
  4. Always fry fish and meat semi-finished products to the end;
  5. Before opening a can of juice, beer or condensed milk, clean the lid with room temperature water and detergent.

Pay attention when buying groceries and preparing food, take care of your health, first of all, yourself. It is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to subsequently spend a huge amount of energy and time on resolving it.

Food poisoning takes a serious toll on digestive tract a person who temporarily loses the ability to fully digest many foods. A diet comes to the rescue after food poisoning, which allows you to restore impaired peristalsis and eliminate discomfort in the stomach.

Dizziness, cramps, nausea, abdominal pain - faithful companions of food poisoning, which after drug treatment pass. However, a quick transition to familiar gastronomic habits immediately after improvement can lead to the return of unpleasant conditions.

Goals of a therapeutic diet

You can get food poisoning due to the consumption of low-quality and expired food, as well as the wrong combination various dishes and lack of personal hygiene. Regardless of the causes of intoxication, a certain diet is designed to help the body in a difficult situation.


  • replenishment of water-salt balance;
  • healing of the mucous membrane and epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • facilitating the absorption of vitamins and lost protein;
  • reduction of painful symptoms.

Selection healthy products Also reduces the likelihood of a gag reflex, which significantly darkens the patient’s condition. Neglecting therapeutic correction of the diet leads to depletion of the body due to dehydration and loss of vitamins, which can be quickly replenished by avoiding harmful foods.

What to drink?

In case of poisoning, you must drink at least 2 liters of clean still water. During 1 approach, it is advisable to drink no more than 250 ml of liquid, which is absorbed in small sips. Recovery is also facilitated by the use of herbal teas, compotes (with the exception of sour drinks) and black tea with the addition of a slice of lemon. After detecting intoxication of the body, it is reasonable to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed, which will be poorly absorbed by the body and interfere with the release of toxins.

On the second day, it is recommended to include liquid dishes, primarily broths ( best option- chicken soup). Eating too rich soups is harmful to a weakened intestine - there is a risk of disorder. Eliminating the manifestations of diarrhea, jelly has an enveloping and astringent ability, which should also be consumed in the presence of the disorder. Water helps relieve dehydration that accompanies poisoning. You can enhance fluid absorption by drinking saline solution(1/2 tablespoon per 1 liter of purified water) or Regidron, Glucosolan.

The use of these drugs is necessary if there is severe vomiting or diarrhea.

Nutrition rules

In addition to giving up prohibited foods, you need to spend more time relaxing at home. The specialist is advised to spend at least one day in bed to activate protective functions adult body and allow yourself to eat properly.

  • eat in small portions;
  • reduce caloric intake;
  • eat 5-6 times a day;
  • exclude fatty and spicy foods;
  • eat pureed or liquid foods.

Cooked dishes should be served warm - slightly warm - because cold and hot food increases irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Having started a diet, the poisoned person also chews the food thoroughly or pre-chops it. Simultaneously with the transition to healthy eating You should use sorbents (black or white activated carbon, Sorbex) to help remove toxins from the body.

The daily calorie intake in case of poisoning should not exceed 1000 kcal.

Authorized Products

Diet for food poisoning involves compliance with strict recommendations, however, there are many products that provide beneficial influence to the affected organs - the liver, gallbladder and intestines. For this reason, foods are selected that are easily digestible and do not require unnecessary strain on the digestive tract.

Restorative products

  • soft crackers without additives (an alternative to bread);
  • vegetables and fruits (boiled);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • biscuits;
  • fish (boiled or steamed);
  • meat puree (ready-made baby food);
  • herbal decoctions (dill, rose hips, St. John's wort).

When preparing porridge, it is worth remembering that Cereal dishes are not prepared with milk, but exclusively on the water. Blueberries have an excellent astringent effect, helping to eliminate diarrhea. You should be extremely vigilant about ready-made juices: it is permissible to consume only non-acidic apple, pomegranate, banana or carrot juice. orange drink increases acidity and provokes an increase in existing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, including citrus fruit stimulates gastritis.

Prohibited products

The therapeutic diet involves exclusion from consumption of any products, causing fermentation in the body. Processed foods are undesirable for consumption, for example, smoked and salted fish, canned food.

What can't you eat?

  • fried meat;
  • bakery products;
  • eggs (in any form);
  • peas, beans, soybeans (any legumes);
  • vegetables and fruits (raw);
  • white cabbage;
  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • mushrooms,
  • cocoa, coffee;
  • lactic acid products.

The above products have an irritating effect, some provoke bloating (legumes), others have a laxative effect (dairy products). Baked goods take too long to be digested by the body, so it increases the load on the damaged intestines (eliminating bread and buns will help you recover faster from poisoning).

Yogurt and kefir, which help restore microflora, can be introduced into the diet no earlier than 5 days after poisoning.

Treatment menu after poisoning

To get out of a state of poisoning and recover quickly, a person just needs to adhere to therapeutic diet 3 days.

Sample menu

  • Day 1. Immediately after the symptoms of intoxication appear, you should drink unsweetened weak tea with crackers. Do not forget that on the first day it is recommended to give up food altogether (only drink), but if you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat oatmeal or rice porridge with water, mashed potatoes or chicken broth. It's good to drink before bed herbal tea with St. John's wort.
  • Day 2. For breakfast, repeat eating rice or oatmeal, it is also permissible to eat buckwheat porridge the next day, which has good nutritional value and a gentle effect on the intestines. Cook a light meal for lunch meat broth from beef, to which it is allowed to add for mass oatmeal. After 1.5 hours it is permissible to eat bananas with applesauce, reinforcing ion exchange and enriching the intestinal microflora beneficial bacteria. At night, use of the broth is repeated.
  • Day 3. On the third day, the gastrointestinal tract gradually returns to normal, so you can increase the load - introduce steamed chicken meatballs into your diet for lunch. Breakfast is also accompanied by porridge, in the afternoon a boiled carrot salad is prepared (useful to combine with blueberries), and for dinner - apple compote, a side dish of rice and lean boiled meat (rabbit).

New products are introduced gradually and not all at once. This method can cause a relapse of the painful condition.

Diet for severe poisoning

  • Day 1. Complete refusal of food, which is accompanied by intake herbal decoctions, clean water and strong black or green tea.
  • Day 2. For breakfast, take rice porridge without additives. At lunchtime and in the evening, prepare a weak chicken broth with a side dish of rice (with a minimum amount of salt and a complete rejection of spices).
  • Day 3. Before breakfast, drink 2 glasses of clean water, and half an hour later eat buckwheat porridge. An adult prepares for lunch steam cutlets, and meat puree is served for dinner.

As for fruits, bananas are introduced at the end of the third day, and the use of slightly sweetened compote is allowed.

Menu with folk remedies

When saving diet menu The use of medicinal aqueous solutions is introduced.

An antispasmodic and antibacterial drink provides invaluable help: strengthens immune system and helps eliminate toxins. Preparation: 1 tsp of ground root vegetable is infused for 20 minutes in boiling water (200 ml).

Dill infusion. Consuming dill in the form of an infusion removes the pain effect of poisoning and increases urination. Large quantity vitamins and minerals that enter the body restore health. Take 30 minutes before meals. Cooking: 1 tsp. dried phytoproducts are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes.

Flaxseed decoction. Removes inflammatory processes and heals chronic colitis. 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and shake periodically for 10-15 minutes. After separating the mucus, the liquid is filtered through gauze.

These infusions should be consumed for 3-4 days until physiological improvements appear; to prevent relapse, you can extend the intake to 6-7 days.

Weekly regimen after poisoning

  • 1 week. For 5-7 days, the consumption of boiled milk, yoghurt and kefir is allowed. It is necessary to observe the measure and start drinking one glass a day, then gradually increase the volume.
  • Week 2. The lungs are being prepared vegetable soups without adding beans, peas and cabbage. It is allowed to add milk and honey to porridge.
  • Week 3. Fried foods and baked goods are introduced with caution, and favorite spices are added to soups. Sweets are allowed.
  • Week 4. The person returns to the usual menu, but if the poisoning was serious and even accompanied by a stay in the hospital, then the lifting of restrictions is postponed for another week.

Additionally, we suggest watching a video about food poisoning


The consequences of food poisoning are unpleasant, but following a therapeutic diet, including the intake of gentle foods and fractional nutrition, helps to quickly reduce the discomfort. Limiting the intake of irritating foods will allow you to immediately move on to self-healing of the body and quickly return to good health.