Chamomile for hair to lighten and rinse. Chamomile - medicinal properties and contraindications Is it possible to drink oatmeal during pregnancy?


Everyone knows that beets are used for cooking delicious dishes, and many people know about its benefits, especially for the liver. The beneficial properties of this vegetable are manifested not only when used fresh, boiled and in the form of juices, but also in decoctions.

To prepare the decoction, it is best to use it in summer cottages and gardens. The fact is that this vegetable is capable of accumulating nitrates, and in large quantities. During its heat treatment, everything harmful substances will be boiled out of the beets and go into the water. This decoction can cause more harm than good. Therefore, when buying beets, you should pay attention to its origin, to where the vegetable was grown.

In doubtful cases, it is necessary to remove part of the top of the root crop - about a quarter - along with the tops, since most of the nitrates accumulate near the leaves. The decoction should be prepared from unpeeled beets - this way more vitamins will get into it, a considerable part of which is contained in the thin skin of the root vegetable, and the benefits will be more noticeable. The vegetable's tail-root and top, from where the tops grow, should be cut off, and then it should be thoroughly washed under running water, using a small brush if necessary. After this, the beets are ready for boiling.

Photo of preparing a decoction of unpeeled beets

Place medium-sized beets prepared for boiling in a saucepan and add 1 liter of water. Having remembered the level of liquid in the dish, add another 2 liters of water. Then place the pan on the stove and heat its contents to a boil. Cook the beets over medium heat. When the water boils to the level of 1 liter, which was marked before cooking, remove the pan from the stove. Then the beets are removed from the broth and allowed to cool until the moment when the vegetable can be picked up without being burned. The root vegetable will cool faster if it is cut into several slices.

The cooled beets are grated and returned to the same broth, which is again brought to a boil. Cook the vegetable for another 20 minutes. Then the pan is removed from the stove, and the resulting mush is filtered. The prepared broth is used for its intended purpose after it has cooled completely.

Beetroot broth has the same beneficial properties as itself fresh vegetable and , and also has a number of additional health effects. It is recommended to drink it no earlier than half an hour before meals. The amount of decoction you drink at one time primarily depends on its strength, as well as the body’s tolerance. You should start with small doses. So, for the first doses it is better to limit yourself to a few tablespoons. Below are the main beneficial properties of the decoction.

In the photo - beet broth

Beetroot decoctions are an excellent diuretic, so they will be beneficial in case of swelling. Improvement will occur already on the first day of taking the drug, and with regular use you can forget about swelling forever. Beetroot decoction is also a good laxative and will help with constipation, even after taking chronic form. Moreover, this drug will not only help empty the intestines, but will also benefit it by normalizing its functioning.

Photo of taking beetroot decoction

Regular use of the decoction will also benefit healthy people:

  • improves protein absorption and is good remedy prevention of atherosclerosis, and also reduces the rate of its development;
  • provides beneficial influence on the human nervous system – helps relieve nervous tension and eliminating insomnia;
  • helps improve the self-cleaning of the body - accelerates and makes the removal of harmful substances, toxins more complete and helps get rid of accumulated toxins.

Beetroot decoction will help very well in the treatment of tonsillitis and other colds, including sore throat. In this case, they should gargle. The benefits of this will be felt by the end of the first day of such procedures. You can also instill the decoction and rinse your nose.

The beneficial properties of the decoction can be used not only for general strengthening and healing the body, but also to restore and improve liver function. Moreover, significant progress in this can be achieved in just 1 day. This is achieved due to the decoction’s powerful cleansing effect on the liver.

To cleanse the liver, you need to prepare a beetroot drink according to the recipe above. After this, the resulting volume of decoction is divided into 4 parts. They should be drunk throughout the day with an interval of 3-4 hours between doses. When cleansing the liver, it is forbidden to consume the entire beetroot broth at once. One-time appointment The entire volume of the drink will not increase the effectiveness of its use, but it can cause significant harm to health, provoking an exacerbation of chronic or the appearance of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to drink the decoction before meals. In addition, on the day of liver cleansing, the diet should consist only of vegetarian dishes and, preferably, products plant origin. As a last resort, for those who “can’t live” without meat, it is allowed to include some boiled lean meat in the menu. However, liver cleansing will be most effective and will bring maximum benefits if you eat only apples on the day of it.

In the photo - beet decoction for cleansing the liver

Also recommended for this medical procedure specially set aside a separate day and devote it all to cleansing the liver. This is due to the fact that after taking the decoction, quite unpleasant and even painful sensations may occur in the abdominal area.

Therefore, during the procedure, it is best to stay at home all day and not create additional stress on the body. After each use of the drug, it is recommended to go to bed, placing a not very hot heating pad on your stomach. The latter will promote greater vasodilation, reduce painful sensations, arising upon exit gallstones, and will speed up the cleansing process.

This version of liver cleansing is considered quite gentle and mild, because accumulated toxins and harmful substances gradually dissolve in the liver vessels and are eliminated from the body naturally along with urine. So if, after taking the decoction, there is a problem with urination frequent urge, then this is a sure sign of liver cleansing. The last part of the drug should be consumed approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. Before you go to bed, you must empty your bladder. In the morning you may experience slight weakness, and sometimes even dizziness. This is quite natural after a liver cleanse procedure. However, everything unpleasant symptoms usually go away within just a few hours.

Photo of liver cleansing with beet broth

Such cleaning with beet broth can be carried out no more than once every six months, since this procedure, despite the enormous benefits it brings to the liver, also gives heavy load at her. Therefore more frequent cleanings can cause harm by undermining the strength of this organ. It is also not recommended to carry out this procedure in the fall - at this time of year the liver is weakened.

The healing properties of beetroot broth are not limited to the healing and cleansing effect on internal organs human body. This drug is no less effective when used for home cosmetology. Regular internal use The decoction will help eliminate pimples and blackheads, as well as improve complexion. But mainly it is used for external use.

Beetroot decoction - excellent remedy to get rid of cracks in the heels. You can use it to wash damaged skin on your legs or make baths out of it. A mask based on a decoction to which is added raw potatoes, grated with a fine mesh grater, and wheat flour, helps relieve any inflammation of the facial skin. The consistency of the prepared mixture should be almost like sour cream. The mask is applied to the face, and a napkin soaked in beetroot broth is placed on top of it. After 10 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water mixed with a small amount of milk.

In the photo - a decoction of beets for cracked heels

If you use the decoction to rinse your hair, it will become more shiny and voluminous. Rubbing it in skin head, you can strengthen your hair. A whitening lotion based on beetroot decoction is also used for the face. This is very effective remedy cleanse the skin and improve its color. To prepare the lotion, just mix the beetroot broth and plain water in equal proportions. It is recommended to wipe your face with the resulting product. Moreover, this should be done only once during the day.

Despite its beneficial properties, beetroot broth can be harmful in some cases. It is contraindicated for people who have the following diseases. All restrictions are imposed only on the internal use of the decoction.

Photo of using beet broth

  • First of all, this drug will harm those who have hypotension - low blood pressure. As described above, one of the properties of beets is to help reduce blood pressure. This can significantly worsen the hypotensive condition.
  • You should also be careful when using the decoction for patients with osteoporosis. Beets significantly impair the body's absorption of calcium and, due to this, will contribute to greater progression of the disease.
  • The drug will also cause harm to those with oxaluria and urolithiasis. The vegetable contains oxalic acid, which will exacerbate these ailments.
  • The decoction is also contraindicated for diarrhea. It was mentioned above that one of its properties is to give the effect of a good laxative. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, it is better to refuse to take the decoction - what harm this will cause is clear.
  • Beetroot medicine may also be harmful to people suffering from diseases such as diabetes mellitus. The vegetable contains a lot of sucrose, especially in some sugar varieties, so diabetics should be careful when consuming beet products.

You will learn about the unique healing properties of this plant, its composition and use. We will also share useful recipes with you.

The most important factor useful herb availability and low price are considered. Horsetail - folk remedy in the fight against overweight. Females actively use different methods losing weight. Taking horsetail is a herbal medicine process.

Herbal weight loss reduces appetite, removes toxins and waste from the body, and returns to normal emotional state person. We all know that excess weight comes from overeating. Often people who are stressed or overexerted try to eat away their bad mood.

Phytotherapy treatment is inexpensive and effective, as you can achieve the desired result in a short period of time. Using herbal remedies will help you lose excess weight.

The list of herbs that are often used for weight loss includes horsetail. It has a strong diuretic effect. Thanks to this, the process of weight loss begins, harmful excess liquid. In this article we will try to consider the methods of application, its characteristics, and qualities.

Characteristics of horsetail

The drug is used for weight loss, reduces appetite, and normalizes a person’s condition. Those who want to lose weight choose this remedy because it is cheap, effective, safe, and less harmless.

Since ancient times, horsetail has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis, arthritis, influenza, hemorrhoids, edema, ulcers, eye disease, and kidney disease. Horsetail is now used for weight loss.

The plant is known to everyone in its own way appearance. Height 40 cm, grows in fields, lawns, near forests. Horsetail primarily lives in cool, temperate climates.

The herb can be used either separately or combined with another drug. Doctors advise to use herbal tea, the effect will be better. The course of treatment lasts 30 days, then you need to pause so as not to harm the body.

Horsetail infusion and decoction are carefully used for weight loss. At high blood pressure It is not recommended to take the drug, and together with the drug prescribed by the attending physician.

Herbal infusion reduces the amount of protein, increases urination, improves metabolic process, relieves swelling, inflammation, reduces weight.

The stem of the plant is straight, ribbed, green. It dies off in the winter and rejuvenates in the spring. It has the shape of a spore-bearing spikelet and reproduces by spores. The product is harvested in the fall, because at this time it contains less toxic substances.

The decoction is prepared simply; to do this, take dry raw materials, add water and boil. Let it brew for 1.5 hours and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Properties of horsetail

Has a strong diuretic effect. It is recommended for use by those who suffer from overweight and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Horsetail accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, flushes out toxins and waste. Uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to dehydration of the body, which will negatively affect the internal organs and the system as a whole.

It is advised to drink 2.5 liters of plain water to get rid of toxins. Horsetail decoction is very harmful for kidney disease; using the remedy, you can greatly harm yourself.

Horsetail herb is used for dropsy, stomach tumors, intestinal disorder. Upper part plants are used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine.

The young stalk is used to prepare omelettes and casseroles. Greens can be fried, boiled, or added to the filling for dough products.

Composition of horsetail

The main components of the raw material are: kaempferol, silicic acid, phenol carbonic acid, tannin, flavonoid, apigenin.

In addition to useful substances, the herb also contains saponin, oils, alkaloids, carotene, iron, vitamin C, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

Healing qualities of horsetail

The culture has antimicrobial, anthelmintic, hemostatic, antiseptic, tonic, diuretic, and astringent effects. It also removes lead from the body. So, let's look at the properties in more detail.

Horsetail is used for:

  • treatment of bladder stones, relieves inflammation;
  • nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis;
  • removing waste from the urinary system;
  • strengthens adrenal function;
  • increases immunity;
  • accelerates water balance;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • heals boils, ulcers;
  • cardiac system disorders;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves swelling and toxins;
  • tuberculosis;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • for colds;
  • for weight loss;
  • against tumor;
  • acts as a vitamin supplement.
Treat diarrhea, rheumatism, dysentery, bronchitis, liver, gout, tonsillitis with infusion and decoction of horsetail. Also jaundice, cough, pyelitis, cystitis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis.

Compresses and herbal lotions are used to treat eczema, lichen, and boils. Increases the body's resistance if you drink tea or take a bath.

Can relieve inflammation oral cavity, stomatitis. Use the prepared infusion for rinsing.

Horsetail juice is drunk when you are sick bladder and kidneys. Prevents baldness, hair loss, and dandruff.

Remember that medicinal herb Not suitable for everyone due to personal intolerance.

Medicinal use of horsetail

Horsetail treats not only serious diseases, but also skin rashes and wounds. Used to rinse the nose and mouth.

Horsetail powder is used to treat animals and is applied to wounds. After this, the affected area quickly heals and goes away.

  • Infusion. You will need grass and boiling water. Fill the drug with water, leave for 60 minutes, strain. You need to take 1 tbsp. three times a day at female disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, bladder disorders. In addition to internal use, the infusion is used externally. They wipe a bedsore, porous skin, a festering wound, or a boil. Relieves inflammation during sore throat, gargle.
  • Decoction. Brew horsetail, boil for half an hour, strain. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day after meals. Use a decoction for pleurisy, inflammation urolithiasis. Apply a compress to a sore joint, ulcer, or eczema.
  • Juice. Extract juice from fresh herbs. You need to take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It is recommended to wash a festering wound or a bleeding wound. The product should be stored in a cool place. Used for nosebleeds, 2 drops are dripped into the nose.
  • For rejuvenation. Pour water over the herb, boil for 20 minutes, and pour the broth into the bathroom. Lie in it for about half an hour, the skin will be smooth and silky. After regular use, the skin will tighten, stretch marks, wrinkles, and cellulite will be smoothed out. On a face with an oily face, problem skin it is necessary to apply a lotion from the infusion.
  • Osteochondrosis. To prepare the potion you will need: strawberry leaves, horsetail, knotweed, barberry, agrimony. Place the entire mixture in a vessel and bring to a boil. Use 100 g. 3 times a day. The treatment lasts a month, then a break is taken, and the course is repeated again. It is very good to stick to the product fasting days, go to gymnastics.
  • For weight loss. Place the horsetail in a vessel with water and heat for a couple of 25 minutes. Cool the broth, remove the herb and you can take it. The infusion should be stored for 2 days. Drink half a glass three times a day 60 minutes before meals.
  • When bleeding. Pour the raw materials into a thermos and fill boiled water. Leave it overnight and then douche in the evening and in the morning. Apply until improvement.
  • During menstruation. Brew the herb in the same way and drink every 2 hours. This will help avoid pain, cramps, and reduce the amount of discharge.
  • With uterine bleeding. Horsetail fresh juice You need to take 1 teaspoon 3 to 6 times a day.
  • For sore throat, stomatitis. Gargle the throat and mouth with the herbal infusion. The drug is poured with boiled, cooled water and infused for 24 hours. Then rinse the mouth and throat.
  • For inflammation of the gums. Boil the horsetail, strain and rinse the gums with the prepared broth.
  • For sweaty feet. Use a foot bath with horsetail added. The level of sweating of the feet decreases.
  • For diarrhea. Dissolve horsetail powder in boiled water. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening.
  • For cardiovascular failure. Use 1 tbsp of horsetail juice. three times a day. Herbal decoction cleanses the blood of cholesterol, enhances cardiac function.
  • For kidney disease. Brew the herb in a teapot and drink throughout the day.
  • Gallstones. The decoction is being prepared as follows: lingonberry leaf, knotweed, bear's ear grass, hernia grass, horsetail. Place the collection in a saucepan with water and boil for 30 minutes. Strain, infuse the broth and drink 25 ml. before meals twice a day. Have another drink after that olive oil 1 tablespoon. Then lie down and place a warm heating pad on the location of the gallbladder. Before use fatty foods do not eat, preferably grapefruit, lemon juice.
  • With pyelonephritis. You can cook and drink the prepared decoction. Pour dry leaves of horsetail and bearberry with water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion. Drink a third of a glass of the decoction half an hour before meals.
  • For atherosclerosis. Take horsetail, yarrow, mistletoe herbs, pour garlic with dill and drink 50 ml. three times a day.
  • For prostate gland. Place a compress from the plant on your stomach. It is advisable to pour the raw material kept over the steam onto linen fabric and wrap it to the body. After this, wrap yourself warmly and rinse for 2 hours.
  • At inguinal hernia and dysentery you need to drink a herbal decoction.
  • When urinating. Horsetail and chamomile are brewed, strained and drunk 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • For kidney stones. Boil the drug over low heat for 15 minutes. Then it cools down, and take half a glass of it on an empty stomach for 2 months. Gradually the pain will subside, harmful sand will be removed from the urinary tract.
  • For neuritis and cystitis. Boil the herb and let it brew. The decoction can be drunk and used as a compress.
  • For varicose ulcers. Use a bath with the prepared decoction. Regular use will bring results.
  • For diabetes. The prepared decoction is consumed 3 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals.
  • At coronary disease hearts. Drink 1 tablespoon of fresh horsetail juice 5 times a day. They also prepare a drink from dry horsetail, hot water. Take half a glass of decoction.
  • For tumors and stomach cancer. Apply a compress to the stomach 2 times a day for 1.5–2 hours. It is effective for atony of the bladder and prostate gland. It is recommended to drink the decoctions in small sips 4 times a day.

Doctors' opinion about horsetail

Nutritionists say that horsetail is an excellent remedy in the fight against extra pounds. In addition, it can heal various diseases. But doctors tell people that self-medication can also be harmful. If you decide to lose weight using horsetail, you need to consult a specialist.

Initial use of treatment may cause kidney failure. Since it has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, along with the infusion taken, you need to drink plain water no more than 2 liters per day. But the nutritionist is skeptical about the product. After all, without the use of physical activity, one dose of horsetail will not bring a noticeable result. You should also adhere to a diet, proper low-calorie nutrition.

Treatment with herbs is prohibited for people who suffer from neurosis or nephritis. The most important thing to remember is that horsetail contains poisonous substance. Excessive use it can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Contraindications to the use of horsetail

The plant has both positive side, and negative. Long time use Horsetail may cause kidney irritation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers are prohibited from consuming horsetail.

If you have chronic disease, then before starting treatment, visit the doctor for an appointment. He will prescribe the dosage, conduct an examination, and monitor you. Do not treat yourself under any circumstances, so as not to cause serious harm to the body. People who suffer from potassium deficiency are not recommended to take horsetail.

You should not drink the infusion together with another drug (lithium, for example) because a side effect from the drug taken may occur.

It should be used with caution if you have diabetes, as the plant lowers blood sugar levels. May cause hypoglycemia.

You will learn about the medicinal properties of horsetail from this video:

Not many people know that oats are considered a very healthy grain, since they can maintain health and cleanse the entire body. Hippocrates invented drinking tea. And what oats have healing properties and it can be used as medicinal product was discovered by a French doctor who lived to be 120 years old. Perhaps it is thanks to this wonderful cereal?

Useful medicinal properties of oats

Along with many grains, oats are distinguished by their beneficial properties. Its use is recommended for inflammatory processes various organs. Oats are especially useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the absorption of carbohydrates due to the content of a special element - magnesium. The substance improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system and also promotes metabolism. This cereal increases immune system, so when initial stages He is the first doctor for hypertension. Preparations containing oats strengthen blood vessels, replenish silicon levels in the body, and take care of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, oats contain various microelements: phosphorus and potassium, which have a positive effect on the heart and kidneys. Due to the fact that oats are distinguished by their beneficial properties, they can cure many diseases without resorting to medications.

Preparation of oat decoction

The grain is suitable not only for porridges: it can be used to make healing drink. Its preparation is very simple and accessible to everyone. So, how to make oat decoction correctly?

It is better to take unrefined grains. They are crushed using a blender or meat grinder. One tablespoon of ground oats is poured into a thermos and a glass of boiling water is poured. The mixture needs to be infused for about 10 hours. The liquid is then filtered and consumed as regular tea. For greater effectiveness, the decoction should be taken one glass at a time. three times per day an hour before meals for a month. This decoction is considered prophylactic to improve the health of the whole body.

For what diseases is oat drink taken?

Oat decoction has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It can be taken as additional treatment many human organs. In addition, this cereal reduces blood sugar levels. Apart from these medicinal properties, it is also beneficial for the following vital systems:

  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Heart and blood vessels.
  • Liver.
  • Kidney.
  • For the flu.

Each separate disease being treated different recipes preparing a decoction. We will tell you further how to do it correctly for each disease.

Useful properties of the decoction

Oats themselves are, of course, considered a medicinal plant, but it is the decoction from it that has many useful properties. After all, grains contain various microelements, vitamins, fats, oils, which, when brewed, turn into a decoction. If you use the drink, the result will be more effective.

Why is the decoction so useful:

  1. Helps fight viruses and strengthens the immune system.
  2. If you use it with onions, then phlegm colds it will be better to leave.
  3. At a temperature it helps reduce fever.
  4. It has cleansing properties, so it is recommended to take it for liver disease.
  5. Reduces blood sugar.
  6. The vitamin contained in the decoction affects the functioning of the nervous system.
  7. The functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive organs improves.
  8. Thanks to the decoction, you can lose extra pounds.
  9. During pregnancy, the decoction affects overall well-being.
  10. The decoction is recommended to be taken for
  11. It is also indispensable for insomnia.

For more noticeable results, the drink should be drunk regularly.

Sick liver: oats will cure

And this is true. Oat decoction fights intoxication in the body. It helps eliminate toxins and free radicals from the body. Therefore, oat decoction is considered an indispensable tool. To cleanse this organ, you should take only high-quality grains, which are best purchased in pharmacies. To make the product more effective, you need to know how to properly make an oat decoction. To prepare the drink, you need to prepare three glasses of washed grain and fill them with three liters of water, after which this composition must be boiled for at least three hours. You can stir it while boiling. After everything is boiled, the broth is squeezed out. It is consumed 150 ml 2-3 times a day, an hour before meals, for one month. For best result This product can be used with the addition of milk.

For therapy to be more effective, you need to adjust your diet throughout the course. Completely eliminate fried and fatty foods. It is better to eat black Before preventive treatment of the liver, you should cleanse the body so that toxic waste does not return. At the same time, one must be aware that when consuming oat decoction, benefits and harms are always interconnected, so if there is more severe forms liver disease, then it is better not to start self-medication.

Contraindications for use

Although all the facts indicate that the body is strengthened when a person consumes oat decoction, medicinal properties And there are also contraindications. The main enemy is the presence of gallstone disease, moreover, if gallbladder was removed, then it is better to exclude oats from your diet. At serious illness liver or high cholesterol It is also better not to use a decoction.

During the appointment medicinal drink you need to stop drinking coffee or strong tea, it is better to replace them with juices and jelly. If the body is weakened, then cleansing the liver should be postponed, since the load on the body will be too great. Pregnant women should take oat decoction after consulting a doctor. Benefit and harm are always nearby, so any manipulations with your body must be agreed upon with a specialist.

Oat decoction for weight loss

As already mentioned, oat decoction can help in the fight against extra pounds. If it is combined with physical activity, then the result will not take long to arrive. The effectiveness of weight loss is explained high content fiber, which contributes to:

  • Normalization of fat metabolism.
  • Reducing sugar levels.
  • Reducing the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Reduced insulin production.

In order for weight loss results to be visible, you need to know how to properly make an oat decoction. The recipe is as follows. One glass of oats is filled with three glasses of water and put on fire. After the water has evaporated (not all), the broth is removed. The drink is taken several times a day before meals, you can add honey to it. To make weight loss more effective when you use oat decoction, the recipe must be complicated by sprouting the grains.

Oat decoction recipes

Remember, the article said that each disease has its own recipe for making a drink.

Even if nothing bothers or hurts, you can use oat decoction for prevention. Medicinal properties and contraindications are always present, so you need to consult a doctor.

Most medications that previously could only be prepared by a pharmacist are now available in finished dosage forms. Factory-made suppositories have long replaced suppositories rolled out by the hand of a pharmacist, and tablets have replaced powders from pharmacy counters. But there are still dosage forms that are not yet subject to industrial production.

Herbal medicine: effectiveness without question

No treatment medicinal herbs modern medicine hard to imagine. The roots of herbal medicine go back to the distant past - historians claim that reliable evidence has been found medicinal use herbs as early as the 6th century BC. Herbal medicine has stood the test of time and has entered the high-tech 21st century with dignity. The effectiveness of herbal treatment has been proven in large clinical studies and there is no doubt.

Herbal medicines that are prepared ex tempore - as needed - have another undeniable advantage. They are completely deprived excipients, preservatives, dyes and flavors. We already eat and drink these not-so-good things every day. useful substances for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so it is important that medications contain only active ingredients, without additional “husk”.

Unlike many other extemporaneous dosage forms, not only a pharmacist, burdened with pharmaceutical education, can boil or infuse a medicine. To become involved in the wisdom of pharmacy, it is enough to be able to read: detailed instructions usually decorates pharmaceutical packaging with medicinal raw materials.

Herbal treatment may be indicated for the most various ailments, and sometimes it is simply irreplaceable. Thus, when coughing, aqueous extracts from medicinal raw materials serve two purposes at once. The first, of course, is the mucolytic or antitussive effect. Legends have already been made and treatises have been written about the effectiveness of using coltsfoot, marshmallow and licorice. By the way, often with bronchitis and tracheitis, synthetic drugs turn out to be completely helpless in comparison with herbal remedies.

The second task, which infusions and decoctions for coughs successfully perform, is the dilution of thick tracheobronchial secretions, provided by regular warm drinks. Remember that both pediatricians and therapists insist on using it for coughing large quantity warm teas, compotes and other drinks. Both warm infusions and decoctions ideally serve this purpose.

Infusions and decoctions work great and various diseases stomach, nervous system, skin diseases and many other ailments.

Infusion? Or a decoction?

Infusion and decoction are different dosage forms, each of which has its own nuances in production. Pharmaceutical subtleties are intended not to complicate the creative task, but to allow the most effective extraction from the plant active ingredients and maintain their activity during heat treatment.

The very word “infusion” suggests that dosage form prepared by infusion. Infusions are prepared, as a rule, from flowers, herbs, leaves, i.e. those plant organs from which extracting active substances is not difficult. The exception is valerian rhizome, which is also infused.

Typically, both infusions and decoctions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10, i.e. For 1 part of medicinal raw material, take 10 parts of water at room temperature. The resulting “semi-finished product” is heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, and then infused at room temperature for 45 minutes. After this, the infusion is filtered, the remainder is squeezed out and the medicine is ready.

Infusions of essential oil plants - rhizomes with valerian roots, mint and sage leaves and chamomile flowers - are prepared under a tightly closed lid to preserve essential oils.

To extract beneficial substances from the bark, roots, rhizomes and fruits, they need to be boiled. To do this, the raw material, filled with water at room temperature, is placed on a boiling water bath and cook for 30 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes. Then the broth is filtered, always squeezing out the dry residue.

The shelf life of the infusion or decoction does not exceed 2 days. We talked about how and earlier.

1. Oak bark, cinquefoil rhizomes, and burnet should not be infused in metal containers due to the likelihood of interaction tannins with metals.

2. The decoction of senna leaves is completely cooled before straining. Due to this, the resinous substances contained in senna, which can cause side effects, do not go into the hood.

3. A decoction of licorice root is prepared with the addition of baking soda at the rate of 1 gram per 10 grams of raw materials. Baking soda helps extract active substances.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few tips. Firstly, you should not buy plant materials from hand: at the market or from the touching old ladies comfortably located at the entrance to the metro. You have no idea where, when or even what exactly the homegrown herbalists collected, how they dried their “harvest” and under what conditions they stored it. This means that extracts from such “medicinal plants” may contain an unpredictable set of active substances.

Even while collecting herbs with my own hands, you risk bringing home not medicinal plant, and its double is like two peas in a pod similar to the original. Therefore, real, high-quality raw materials, standardized and safe, can only be found in pharmacies. This is an axiom.

And secondly, when starting to be treated with herbs, do not stop halfway. Take a full, and not a “half” course of herbal medicine, only then will you be able to fully feel how wisely nature has taken care of us.

Marina Pozdeeva


Many plants are used for cosmetic and health purposes. Chamomile for hair is natural way lighten and heal strands at home. The main advantage of using the flower is its hypoallergenicity and regenerating properties.


Pharmaceutical chamomile is very known remedy in folk medicine. This plant has a number of most useful qualities:

But the most famous quality of a flower is ability to lighten hair and skin. Even if you simply add chamomile extract to the water while washing your face, it will go away. age spots, and freckles will become less noticeable. Due to its hypoallergenicity and completely natural composition, this coloring is suitable for pregnant and lactating girls.

Rinse with decoction

Chamomile decoction is most often used at home for hair - it is easy to brew and can be used at any time. convenient time. To prepare it you need to buy dried flowers of the plant. Pharmacies sell both the product packaged in boxes and in bags. It is believed that it is better to use boxed packaging for personal care.

Preparation of chamomile infusion:

To prepare the remedy, take two tablespoons of flowers per glass of boiling water. Field chamomile is steamed with boiling water, not hot water- this is extremely important, because otherwise the decoction will not obtain the required concentration. Please note that it is not recommended to boil it, because during prolonged exposure to temperature, beneficial compounds are destroyed.


You need to rinse your hair after washing, thereby using the broth as a conditioner.

Photo - Hair rinsing

This recipe can be improved a little traditional methods. Then it will be much easier to dye the strands. For example, add an infusion or solution of another herb to the finished decoction.

Linden is ideal for light porous strands, and nettle or burdock is ideal for dark ones. Their color helps normalize the pH balance and gives softness to the curls. Linden is brewed in proportions of 3:1 to water, infused for 2 hours and combined with chamomile. Other plants are prepared in the same way.

This decoction can also be used to wash your hair. Thanks to the herbs, the water will be soft, perfect for caring for highlighted or bleached hair. You can also add to the decoction burdock oil, or burdock to strengthen the bulbs and accelerate the growth of strands.

Photo - Infusion

Video: recipe for mouthwash with chamomile

Lightening hair with chamomile

To dye your hair with chamomile at home, you need to be patient, but their condition before and after lightening will not only not worsen, but will also become much better.

The easiest way for owners of blond hair is to pour a concentrated decoction (where the proportions are doubled from the original) into a bottle with a spray bottle. It turns out to be peculiar brightening spray. They need to spray their curls every time they leave the house.

Sometimes chamomile decoction for hair is mixed with lemon– it speeds up the lightening process. Under the influence sun rays the curls gradually change their color, and after a month you get the effect of highlighted strands. On the forums it is recommended to start this coloring process in the summer, when the sun is most active.

Photo – Chamomile with lemon

To dark hair get similar effect bleached curls, you need to use chamomile infusion, supplementing it with various ingredients. To cook alcohol tincture you need to pour alcohol into the flowers of the plant. Approximately 200 grams of herb is taken for 0.5 liquid. All components are placed in a dark bottle and placed in a cool place for 2 weeks. Every day you need to shake the container. After 14 days, the tincture is ready for use.

For dark and colored hair you need to mix:

  • Honey – 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice – 3;
  • Infusion – 2.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair (if you want to lighten only the ends, then, accordingly, lubricate only them). The solution is kept for 1 to 3 hours. In some cases, it is even recommended to leave it overnight. This lightening mask is incredibly useful for normal and combination hair, as it promotes long-lasting cleanliness.

Like the extract of its petals, it also has lightening properties for hair. Ether is applied to pure form on the locks, otherwise there will be the effect of an unwashed head before going outside. The action is the same as that of a spray: under the influence of sunlight, acids slightly “blur” the pigment.

Essential oil

Perfectly brightens colorless henna and petals. 150 grams of the plant need to be filled with 300 ml of liquid, add a jar of glycerin (50 grams) and a bag of henna (about the same amount) to the mixture. Leave the clarifier on for at least 2 hours.