What you need to know about renal colic. Renal colic

Renal colic is a complex of symptoms that develop when the outflow of urine from the kidney is impaired, characterized by severe pain. The accumulation of urine overstretches the urinary tract, strengthens internal pressure, provokes piercing pain.

Renal colic

The international classification ICD-10 designates renal colic with code N23. The phenomenon is provoked by stretching of the renal calyces by accumulated urine, and develops with obstruction of the ureter, the inability to excrete urine.

The fluid pressure in the renal pelvis is from 15 mm of water. Art., increases up to 10 times. Urine penetrates into adipose tissue kidneys, causing inflammation. If the attack progresses favorably, the stones and sand are removed, and the severity of the colic subsides.

An unfavorable option develops if the stone has large sizes, with complete blockage of the ureter with mucus or a blood clot. Without adequate help, it occurs obstructive pyelonephritis- a condition that poses a danger to the patient’s life.


High risk of occurrence renal colic in people with pathologies of the kidney structure, proliferation of tumors in neighboring organs. An attack can be provoked by an adenoma or prostate tumor.

Can cause colic vascular diseases, congestion in the pelvic veins, thrombosis, trauma.

Violation of urine excretion is provoked by:

  • Urolithiasis;
  • Prolapse of the kidney;
  • Spasm of the ureter;
  • Kidney tuberculosis;
  • Tumors;
  • Allergies.

Predisposes to the formation of stones the following indicators urine:

  • increased amount of Ca;
  • increase in uric acid content;
  • the appearance of oxalates;
  • decrease in the concentration of citric acid compounds.

The likelihood of colic increases when treated with thiazide diuretics and glucocorticosteroids. Renal colic is associated with physical overload and large amounts of fluid consumed.
In the video about the causes of renal colic:


An attack can occur at any time, regardless of whether the patient is at rest or moving. The leading symptom of renal colic is dagger piercing pain in the lower back, which occurs sharply against the background wellness, lasts from 15 minutes to 18 hours.

The location of pain depends on the location of the obstruction urinary tract:

  • When the pelvis is blocked, pain is felt in the lower back, radiating to the back under the lower ribs, stomach, rectum;
  • An obstruction in the ureter is accompanied by pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin and genitals;
  • Blockage of the ureter at the mouth is caused by pain in the back and perineum.

Acute pain forces a person to rush around in search of a position in which the cutting sensations stop at least a little. The pain torments the person throughout the attack until help is provided.

In addition, to relieve pain in case of injury right kidney only after the possibility of appendicitis has been ruled out. Self-medication in such a situation can cost your life.

Attacks may follow one after another, which may indicate that the stone has advanced sufficiently large size along the urinary tract. Dull pain sometimes it does not leave a person even after the end of the attack, but it does not prevent the patient from living a normal life, and when proper treatment completely passes.

Phases of colic

How long renal colic lasts depends on the phase of development:

  • acute pain – lasts from 1 to 4 hours;
  • constant pain – can last up to 12 hours;
  • fading of pain - the subsidence of the attack lasts about 3 hours, when the patient, under the influence of painkillers or from exhaustion, falls asleep.

Common signs characteristic of colic in adults and children:

  • unilateral/bilateral back pain;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • frequent urination;
  • decrease in urine volume, its complete absence;
  • nausea;
  • decreased intestinal tone;
  • flatulence;
  • urge to defecate;
  • tachycardia;
  • temperature.

The temperature may remain within subfebrile values ​​(about 37.2 0 C), but when joining bacterial infections Sometimes there is a strong fever, heat, and a feeling of chills.

TO characteristic symptoms renal colic refers to nausea. Nausea cannot be stopped, even if you induce vomiting. Nausea is explained by increasing intoxication of the body, caused by a violation of the outflow of urine, as well as irritation of the renal and solar nerve plexuses, which are interconnected.

Development of renal colic

Colic in children and adults

Children with renal colic are not able to clearly indicate where the pain is felt more strongly. It spreads evenly over the back, lower abdomen, and radiates into the navel. The duration of pain is often limited to 10-15 minutes, the pain does not reach the same intensity as in adults.

A feature of renal colic in women, especially pregnant women, is the similarity of symptoms with signs of rupture of the fallopian tubes. During pregnancy acute attack The tone of the uterus increases, which threatens miscarriage. In men, the pain spreads to the groin, scrotum, intensifying in the penis area.

With prolonged colic, shock develops, manifested by:

  • Then;
  • pressure drop;
  • pale skin;
  • bradycardia.

The attack is resolved copious discharge urine mixed with blood, which appears when small tissues rupture blood vessels renal calyces.


The urologist receives a fairly objective picture already during the examination. There is pain in the lower back when palpating the affected kidney, positive reaction for tapping along the costal arch.

Based on changes in the composition of urine, it is impossible to provide a complete picture of the attack, since with complete blockage of the ureter, urine comes from a healthy kidney.

With renal colic, the following is observed in the urine:

  • appearance of protein - ;
  • increase in leukocytes;
  • appearance of red blood cells.

The presence of stones with uric acid characteristics indicates increased acidity urine (pH less than 5). At a pH above 7, it is assumed that urea breakdown products appear in urine.

Laboratory examination for renal colic includes:

  • blood sampling for general analysis;
  • urine collection for general, biochemical, bacterioscopic examination;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • chromocystoscopy - a study consisting of injecting a dye into a vein, which after 4 minutes should appear at the mouth of the ureter with normal patency;
  • – allows you to identify the nature of violations.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with an attack of appendicitis, stomach ulcer, intestinal obstruction, radiculitis. In men, colic is differentiated from an attack of epididymitis, torsion spermatic cords. In women, symptoms similar to renal colic occur when a cyst on the ovarian stalk is bent, or an ectopic pregnancy.

Hypertension develops in the renal pelvis, the lumen of the blood vessels supplying the kidney decreases, some of its tissues swell, and oxygen access to them ceases.

Causes of renal colic

Diseases in which the movement of urine in the upper lobes urinary tract.
  • Nephroptosis
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Kidney tuberculosis
  • Neoplasm of the kidney.
An attack may develop against the background physical activity, and in a state of complete rest.

Symptoms of renal colic

Signs of renal colic appear abruptly, suddenly.
1. Acute stabbing pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin and upper legs
2. Urination is frequent and painful
3. Reflex vomiting
4. Bloating, increased gas formation.

Gradually the pain intensifies, the patient cannot find a place for himself, grabs his lower back and groans. At first, the source of pain is in the lumbar region, gradually moving down to the groin. The attack is often very long. Either intensifying or decreasing, the pain may not go away for several days. Very characteristic of an attack of renal colic is the movement of pain from the lower back to the genital organs: labia and scrotum, as well as to the upper legs.

Often the pain increases as you move and reaches its maximum at the lowest point. During this period, the urge to urinate and pain in the urethra become more frequent.

At the same time, the patient may feel unpleasant phenomena in the solar plexus area, the urge to vomit, defecate and dizziness.
If colic continues for a long time, then blood pressure increases, but if the patient suffers from pyelonephritis, then body temperature also increases. In some cases, only some of the listed symptoms are observed.
If there are stones in the ureter, pain in the abdomen and intestinal lethargy may occur. With a small stone in lower parts ureter or sand coming out, the urge to urinate is painful and very frequent. The patient has a fever and is disturbed heart rate.

Diagnosis of renal colic

1. Inspection and palpation
2. Patient interview
3. Urinalysis
4. Intravenous urography
5. Chromocystoscopy.

The diagnosis is also made based on the nature and time of pain. So, if an attack developed against the background of kidney stones or hydronephrosis, the time of day does not matter. And if the cause of pain is nephroptosis, then the pain intensifies during daylight hours, but at night the patient feels better if he lies on the painful side of the body.

It is necessary to distinguish renal colic from acute appendicitis, acute inflammation uterine appendages, perforation of ulcers duodenum, stomach, thrombosis of mesenteric vessels.

Help with renal colic

If there is no doubt that the ailments are caused precisely by renal colic, and not by an acute inflammatory process internal organs, the first aids are heat and painkillers.

It is important to be sure of the cause of the pain, since inflammatory processes heat only activates the process and further worsens the patient’s condition.
The use of medications can blur clinical picture and prevent doctors from starting adequate therapy in a timely manner.

If the patient's body temperature is not elevated and urination is possible, apply a hot heating pad to the kidney projection. You can soak in a hot bath. The water should be made as hot as the patient can withstand. This procedure most often quickly relieves pain, tension in the smooth muscles of internal organs, and eliminates spasms. The duration of the procedure is 10 – 20 minutes. It is preferable to do the procedure in the middle of the night. It will be useful to pour a decoction of horsetail into the water.
People should do this procedure very carefully old age, as well as those suffering from vascular diseases and heart diseases.
In some cases, a hot bath can intensify the pain. Then you should stop warming up immediately.

Treatment of renal colic

Treatment of renal colic is carried out in a hospital hospital if:
  • Colic occurs with repeated vomiting, sharp increase temperature, inability to urinate,
  • Medicines do not alleviate the patient's condition,
  • Colic in a patient with one kidney removed.

The main goals of treatment are: alleviating the patient’s condition and normalizing the functioning of the urinary system.

Painkillers and antispasmodics for renal colic are the main first aid drugs.
Only non-narcotic analgesics are used:

  • baralgin in the form of intravenous or intramuscular injections
  • no-spa tablets
  • a mixture of glucose and novocaine with platyphylline, baralgin And but-spy in the form of droppers
  • analgin with pipolfen and platyphylline intramuscularly
  • halidor With pipolfen intramuscularly
  • atropine subcutaneously
  • spazdolzin in the form of candles
  • diclofenac in the form of suppositories or tablets
  • promedol with papaverine, diphenhydramine and but-spy.
Subsequently, after pain relief, medications are prescribed to normalize the functioning of the urinary system:
  • urocaloon
  • litovite
  • spasmocystenal
  • pinabin
  • olimethin
  • avisan.
The patient should drink a lot - from 2.5 to 3 liters per day. It is useful to use kidney extracts and melons.

Diet for renal colic

  • pickles
  • offal, smoked meats, sausages
  • chocolate and cocoa
  • peas, beans, beans
  • strong coffee and tea.
Basic diet:
  • boiled and steamed vegetables
  • vegetable soups
  • boiled cereals
  • salads
  • fruits.
If colic develops against the background kidney stone disease, the diet is selected taking into account the composition of the stones.
So, if the stones are urates, all by-products are prohibited.
If the stones are phosphates, dairy is prohibited, fruits and vegetables are allowed in small quantities, but meat, baked goods and lard can be consumed in the required quantities.
If you have oxalates, you should avoid milk, potatoes, spinach, and salad.

Treatment of renal colic It will be more effective if the patient, having primary knowledge about the symptoms of the disease, reacts in a timely manner to its occurrence. The most characteristic manifestation can be considered the occurrence of a sharp pain in the lumbar region.

Approximately, in terms of its strength and intensity, it can be equated to the pain that occurs during myocardial infarction, a shocking condition caused by various types of injuries.

It is worth noting that people who have had the unfortunate opportunity to personally compare these attacks, almost all agree that an attack of renal colic is more powerful.

Symptoms of renal colic

Pain sensations are multifaceted and can be localized in various places: the abdomen, thighs, genitals. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it still occupies a confident leading position among the lesions.

Many patients, at such a moment, have an irresistible desire to place their palm on the lumbar region; of course, this instinctive movement in no way improves the patient’s condition.

In addition, the occurrence of renal colic can often be caused by frequent urination, and extremely painful. Associated symptom can be considered vomiting, which occurs at the very maximum of pain, and does not bring the desired relief from the condition.

The resulting pain is so strong that the patient has great difficulty waiting for the doctors to arrive. In other words, the pain is so unbearable that the victim makes the decision to call an ambulance almost instantly, a few minutes after the start of the attack.

Causes of the disease

We suggest discussing in more detail why an unbearable attack of pain occurs during of this disease. For this purpose, we need to take a closer look at anatomical structure urinary tract. Initially, urine formed in the kidney enters the renal pelvis.

Further, its route flows through the ureter, which has an extremely narrow size. Getting into the bladder, by means urethra, it leaves the body safely. However, this describes an idealized situation.

The appearance of an obstruction of any kind during the movement of urine through the ureter entails excessive accumulation of urine in the renal pelvis. This fact is a catalyst for stretching the thin outer membrane of the kidney, called the capsule.

There are disturbances in the circulatory process, which ultimately leads to the occurrence of pain attack.

There are two fundamental causes of renal colic:

2. Pyelonephritis

Now I propose to talk in more detail about each. The first disease is inherited and provokes the formation of stones in the body’s tracts through which urine is excreted.

The composition of such a “pebble” may include calcium-like compounds, together with urate, oxalate, and phosphate saline solutions.

Their formation occurs mainly in the renal pelvis.

These compounds have the ability to “move” into a part of the body called the ureter, thereby creating significant difficulties for the normal flow of urine, causing extremely severe pain.

It is worth noting that the degree of pain does not depend at all on the nature of the surface of the stone (smoothness and roughness do not affect it).

This happens due to the fact that inner surface paths conducting urine, has a mucous membrane that does not respond to painful stimuli. The level of pain may change (increase, decrease) depending on how much the lumen of the ureter is blocked by stones.

The most severe pain occurs when the kidney is completely blocked - that is, urine is completely unable to leave the body. The movement of the stone towards the bladder can provoke dagger-like, piercing pain in the lower abdomen.

Despite the fact that the pain is very strong, this downward movement of the stone can still be considered a favorable factor, since it indicates the possible completion of the disease.

For pyelonephritis, similar causes are characteristic causing pain. The main difference can be considered the fact that the obstruction in the ureter is created not by stones, but by clots of mucus.

Help with renal colic

1. Maximum performance efficiency, among therapeutic methods treatment of renal colic has a warming process lumbar region. Often, this process can significantly alleviate the condition in a short time interval (several minutes), reducing, and in some cases completely eliminating pain.

Attention! It is advisable to use warming only if you are 100% sure that renal colic is the main cause of pain. For many diseases abdominal cavity having inflammatory nature, the use of a heating pad is contraindicated.

Another option is when the use of a heating pad is agreed upon with your doctor. Sometimes alternative option is a technique warm bath. It is worth noting the fact that although thermal effect brings significant relief; upon completion, the pain syndrome is prone to rapid resumption.

Thermal treatment of renal colic has a fairly simple mechanism of action. Above, it was noted that pain syndrome arises from unsatisfactory blood supply to the renal capsule. Under the influence of heat, the vessels feeding this capsule expand, which leads to a decrease in pain.

2. The doctor's prescription of drugs that can remove stones from the ureter is also a common treatment method for renal colic. I will not specify the medications in this case; this is the prerogative of the attending physician. I note that their stimulating effect on the ureter significantly contributes to the advancement of the stone to the bladder. All this radically reduces the time of a painful attack.

3. Removing stones, a method not associated with the use of medications, is the consumption of large quantities of warm water, active physical activity. It is worth noting, however, that these techniques may not be useful to everyone, since they can provoke increased pain.

However, the idea that keeping the body in a stationary position will have a beneficial effect on the passage of the stone is also not correct. Moderate, reasonable movement is still necessary, even despite the pain syndrome. Motor activity(running, walking, jumping), push the stone to exit the urinary tract.

In turn, the consumption of warm water in a large volume entails an increase in urine output, which exerts pressure on the stone, accelerating its advancement.

Of course, during the treatment of renal colic, the usual medicines, relieving pain attacks. We think there is no need to remind once again that the use of medications is permissible strictly according to medical prescriptions.

In the event that colic is a consequence of such an ailment as colic, then the complex therapy of this particular disease helps eliminate pain and creates everything necessary conditions, to prevent their recurrence.

Attack of renal colic

The duration of renal colic that occurs varies greatly. Sometimes, pain attacks can end before the arrival of paramedics, that is, in 15-20 minutes. The worst case scenario is the presence of an attack for several days. Complete elimination of such exacerbation is possible only in stationary conditions.

The appearance of symptoms characteristic of renal colic, especially initially, is a serious reason for immediate contact with “ ambulance" Until the doctors arrive, the patient is advised to stay in bed only.

I repeat, using a heating pad for warming up is only permissible if you are completely sure that the cause of the pain is renal colic, otherwise you can only harm the body.

If pain relievers do not bring the expected result, you must go to the clinic and then to the hospital. On the contrary, if the pain subsides a little, then it is permissible to continue treatment until the stone passes in a home atmosphere.

An increase in temperature readings and an increase in the “power” of pain are powerful arguments for calling a doctor again, with further hospitalization.

Urolithiasis, which is personally responsible for the health of the body for the occurrence of renal colic, is a disease that accompanies a person throughout his life.

Considering the above, preventive measure to prevent the formation of stones should be carried out systematically, on a regular basis.

Diet for renal colic

Best to stick dietary nutrition, aimed at reducing in the diet foods that contribute to the excretion of calcium compounds in the urine. Prohibited products include meat of any kind. The best option replacement will be the use of proteins of plant origin.

For example, we can name a whole list of soy-based products. should be moderately limited.

An alternative substitute is seasonings that have a spicy taste, but do not contain a large amount of salt. These include, for example, garlic. Coffee, alcohol, and sweet products are subject to significant restrictions.

The list of products approved for consumption includes vegetables, fruits, and bran bread. In other words, food containing a large amount of fiber.

Sadly, however, people familiar with an attack of renal colic often ignore strict adherence nutritional recommendations from a doctor. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when a person has a predisposition to the formation of stones and regularly suffers from attacks, then you should not neglect the diet; its role increases significantly.

Thick consistency of urine is beneficial for the formation of stones. It is for this reason that it is recommended to increase water consumption in order to “flush” the urinary tract. It is believed that two and a half liters will be a completely sufficient daily volume of water consumed.

However, it should be taken into account that drinking plenty of fluids Contraindicated for people suffering from heart failure.

Finely chopped, peeled onions, amounting to two kilograms, is mixed with the same weight of granulated sugar. After which, it is necessary to simmer the mixture over low heat for two hours, while not forgetting to stir, to avoid burning the onions.

At the end of the process we have approximately two and a half kilograms of onion jam. It should be taken several times a day, for three weeks, before meals, washed down with water.

If severe pain occurs, the dosage must be reduced, but treatment should not be stopped completely, since the pain signal is the body’s reaction to the crushing of kidney stones. After seven days, sand, even small stones, is likely to come out. To prevent the appearance of sand in the kidneys, the course should be repeated every three years.

Concluding the article, we emphasize that renal colic is a disease caused by disturbances in the outflow of urine from the kidney. Treatment of renal colic depending on the criticality of the situation, it can be carried out both at home and while in the hospital.

At home, the disease can be treated only after appropriate consultation with a specialist who, having assessed your condition, will individually select medications and folk remedies for you.

Take an interest in your health in time, goodbye.

Pain negatively affects a person’s condition and worsens the quality of his life. At urolithiasis it can be unbearable, so it is important to know how to treat renal colic at home.

Renal colic is accompanied by severe pain, which is usually noted on one side of the lower back. As a rule, it occurs in the presence of kidney stones. At first, the patient does not feel anything, since fine sand comes out when urinating and does not cause discomfort. Pain occurs when the size of the stones reaches two centimeters or more. In this case, the patient takes painkillers and often harms himself.

Colic is possible in acute cases. Inflammation leads to the accumulation of a number of substances in the kidney, resulting in swelling and compression of the nerve endings. Other reasons include:

  • cysts and tumors;
  • kidney prolapse;
  • tuberculosis;

Absolutely everyone is susceptible to the disease, even children. It is very important to clearly understand what to do for renal colic at home. In addition, it is necessary to determine the cause of the discomfort and eliminate it to prevent recurrent attacks.

As a rule, pain appears unexpectedly, without obvious reasons. The patient feels a spasm that radiates to the groin and abdomen. It does not disappear when changing position. If the stone is at the bottom of the ureter, pain radiates to the urethra and external genitalia. The attack is accompanied by other manifestations:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blood in the urine;
  • painful bowel movements;
  • cloudy urine;
  • digestive disorders;
  • diarrhea.

When colic is caused by nephritis, the patient experiences high fever, chills and fever, weakness and malaise.

Pre-medical measures must be quick and competent.

At the same time, remember that independent actions are possible only in situations where you are confident in the diagnosis. If not, call a specialist immediately.

Emergency measures

What to do if an attack of renal colic begins. First, lay the patient down and wrap him up thoroughly. After this, urination should be normalized and spasms relieved. A heating pad is ideal for this - it is pressed against the perineum. The temperature should be comfortable. The next stage is an injection of an antispasmodic, for example, Spazmalgon or Baralgin. They can be used even without a diagnosis. It is prohibited to use other medications - they can cause intoxication.

Position the patient so that the kidneys are higher bladder. If there is any urge to defecate, you must go to the toilet using a specialized vessel. You need to collect urine in it until the stone comes out. When the medicine starts to work, the urge will appear. Immediately have the patient sit down and apply a warm heating pad to the kidney.

Second stage of assistance

What to do with colic in the kidneys? First aid is provided in stages. After emergency measures, find out about the patient’s well-being - urination returns to normal within a few hours. If there are improvements, you can take a bath, filling it with water whose temperature is not higher than forty degrees - prolonged heating can lead to the development of an abscess. The duration of the procedure is about twenty minutes. Keep ammonia and Corvalol on hand. If you have renal colic, you should not use painkillers, especially if you do not know the diagnosis. In addition, they can distort symptoms.

Six hours after the attack, give the patient Panangin or Asparkam - they have a beneficial effect on the heart, which is subjected to heavy stress. If the pain does not go away, you need to use antispasmodics again - Baralgin or No-shpu. In case of severe pain, it is worth injecting a mixture of Analgin and Pipolfen. The second remedy has sedative properties, so the patient can fall asleep and relax. Upon awakening he will experience extreme thirst, but you can’t drink a lot of liquid. The best option– weak tea with lemon or cranberry juice. At the same time, monitor the process of urination.

How to relieve pain from renal colic

During an attack, antispasmodics, which relieve muscle tone and ensure good patency of the ureters, will help ease the patient’s well-being. The most commonly used myotropic drugs are No-shpa, Papaverine, etc. When severe pain Pain relief is carried out using combination drugs.

The most popular antispasmodic for renal colic is No-shpa. The drug effectively relieves pain and relaxes muscles. The patient is allowed to give four tablets at once, but if emergency assistance the drug is administered intramuscularly. More strong drug- Baralgin. The tablets act slowly, as they go through the entire digestion process, the solution penetrates immediately into the blood and begins to work in a couple of minutes. If you are sure of the diagnosis, you can use Ketorol - it quickly relieves pain.

Any medicine has certain contraindications. Therefore, first find out if the patient is allergic to medications. It is unacceptable to treat colic without a doctor’s recommendation. They are used for emergency assistance to stop an attack. Long-term use medications leads to negative consequences. Pain is a symptom of a pathology that requires careful examination and competent therapy. Therefore, after emergency measures, you should call the doctor or send the patient to the hospital.

If your actions don't bring positive result, the question arises of what to do in case of acute pain caused by a kidney stone. Don’t hesitate - urgently call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can give the patient antispasmodics. Doctor's help is necessary in the following situations:

  • colic affected both kidneys;
  • the patient has only one organ;
  • one of the kidneys is wandering;
  • no improvement within two days;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • localization of pain in the right kidney;
  • constant nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of urine.

When these symptoms appear, only a qualified doctor can save the patient's life. If help is untimely due to blockage of the urinary ducts or renal failure death is inevitable.

Medical assistance

During hospitalization, the doctor’s actions are aimed at quick withdrawal pain attack. The patient must tell what first aid he was treated and what medications were used to relieve pain. Depending on this, a decision is made on further treatment tactics.

Usually the patient is prescribed analgesics or antispasmodics. In case of a prolonged attack, droppers using complex medications or novocaine blockade will help. At the same time, the nurse must monitor the patient’s well-being. After the pain disappears, the doctor finds out the cause of colic and the condition of the urinary tract. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests. If an attack occurs against the background of inflammation, the patient is prescribed an antibiotic. They are taken until stones are removed from the body.

Alternative therapy

One of the options for how to relieve an attack of renal colic at home is. At integrated approach they give good results. Pharmacies offer a variety of diuretic and antiseptic drugs that can help the patient. The specific choice depends on the type of stones:

Among the most effective recipes can be noted:

  1. A warm compress with oat decoction is applied to the kidney area. It expands the ducts and promotes the release of stones.
  2. Infusion of basil, juniper, steelberry root and mint.
  3. Decoction of birch leaves.
  4. An infusion made from sage, chamomile, and centaury reduces pain.

You can buy ready-made drugs plant origin– they are ideal for use at home:

  1. Phytolysin - quickly eliminates pain and relieves an attack.
  2. Cyston – has antibacterial and diuretic properties, dissolves stones.
  3. Cystenal - reduces tone and normalizes the urinary process.

Nutritional Features

  • fried meat;
  • smoked and pickled foods;
  • eggs;
  • bakery;
  • spices;
  • coffee and chocolate.

The patient can eat light broths made from chicken meat, boiled sea ​​fish. It is advisable to use more liquid, cranberry juices are especially useful. It is also recommended to include fermented milk dishes and fruits in the diet.


To prevent the recurrence of colic, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of the disease. Basic preventive measures suggest healthy image life. Should be taken annually ultrasound examination to detect the disease at an early stage.

Renal colic - serious symptom, capable of causing negative consequences. To prevent this, it is important to provide the patient with competent assistance in a timely manner. At home, antispasmodics and alternative medicine recipes are used for this.

The most common kidney disease. Approximately 70-75% of patients in urological hospitals are hospitalized with this diagnosis.

In fact, we are talking about several diseases that have different origins and an unequal path of development, but united by one manifestation - renal colic. We received the first descriptions of this disease from Hippocrates, but until now scientists have not been able to solve the riddle: why are certain particles formed that do not obey the general movement of urine, but immediately grow from a crystal to a clinically significant size?

The answer to this question might have solved this problem, but today we can only note the steady growth of this disease. Moreover, if previously it affected mainly mature people, now it is often diagnosed even in twenty-year-olds.

Acute pain, so characteristic of this disease, is not caused by “scratching” a stone that has begun to move, as many people think. The mechanism of its occurrence is associated with a violation of the outflow of urine as a result of tissue edema and the swollen kidney tissue puts pressure on the fibrous capsule, which has a mass of pain receptors, which causes such a sharp syndrome.

Disturbance of the outflow can be caused by the passage of a stone, small stones (in the form of sand), a blood clot, mucus or pus. The reason may also be tumor process, and even inflammation that occurs in neighboring organs: all this may be a prerequisite for compression of the ureter. And yet the most common reason- this is precisely a blockage of the urinary tract with a stone.

Manifestations of renal colic

Most often, it all starts completely unexpectedly, without any warning symptoms. The pain appears from the back, at first it is not sharp, nagging. However, very soon it begins to grow and gradually moves to the side, and then to the stomach, “sliding” down along the ureter.

The pain can be localized not only in the lower abdomen, it can radiate to the groin or genital area, often radiating to the thigh, lower back and subcostal area. If we talk about the intensity of suffering, it is simply “legendary”: people roll on the floor, almost losing consciousness, on the verge of shock.

No change in body position can reduce the intensity or reduce these painful sensations; often only narcotic drugs can do this. Acute pain in renal colic causes bloating, muscle spasms, and difficulty in bowel movement. A person is ready to even take poison to stop this nightmare!

This is really extreme unpleasant symptom- renal colic. How to relieve pain? Resolving this issue becomes a mandatory and primary task. However, this is not the only manifestation of the disease. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting often occurs, and the temperature can sometimes even be very high.

The face turns pale, sweat appears, consciousness becomes clouded, heart rate changes, and blood pressure rises. Urination is frequent and painful, but may be impaired to the point of complete anuria. Typically, the duration of an attack of colic does not exceed a day, but there are cases when it continues for a long time, with periods of remission and subsequent deterioration of the condition.

Renal colic: how to relieve pain during an attack?

Briefly outline the strategy of action, it will be expressed in three directions:

  1. Application of heat.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. Antispasmodics.

Let's start with the heat. It would seem that a hot bath up to the waist with water at the maximum temperature that the patient can withstand, a heating pad on the lumbar region or mustard plasters - and the issue is resolved. However, it's not that simple. There are a number of factors and they must be taken into account.

For example, you cannot use hot bath with cardiac pathology or high temperature. This method is also excluded in conditions accompanied by impaired consciousness. In addition, there must be firm confidence that this is renal colic, and not peritonitis caused by inflammation of the appendix, or something else that does not allow the use of heat.

If renal colic is definitely established, then a hot sitz bath is a very good remedy for relieving pain. If there are contraindications to a bath, you can use mustard plasters or a heating pad.

The most commonly used painkillers are Analgin or Baralgin. Any drug administered as an injection has a stronger and fast action than tablets.

However, you should not take painkillers for renal colic until examined by a doctor. This can blur the picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Antispasmodics for renal colic are subject to the same requirement. If the diagnosis is beyond doubt, then taking them will help to expand and relax the walls of the ureter, facilitating the passage of urine and thereby improving the patient’s condition. Usually the drug “No-shpa” is well suited for this purpose, and you need to take large dose medications - up to four tablets.

There are times when all these remedies are not able to relieve pain. In this situation, a doctor who has in his arsenal can help narcotic drugs, for example the drug "Promedol". For a person experiencing renal colic, how to relieve pain is the main question, but you still need to start with an accurate diagnosis.

Examinations to clarify the diagnosis

Symptoms of colic may resemble a “hot stomach.” This concept includes a whole group of diseases. In addition to appendicitis, hepatic colic looks similar, it is also necessary to exclude acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

The error may also occur if there is peptic ulcers duodenum or stomach. Some vascular diseases have almost similar symptoms, not to mention women's ailments. Symptoms of renal colic in women have their own specifics, so a special section is devoted to this topic.

Besides " acute abdomen", hernias give a similar picture intervertebral disc, sciatica, shingles or even ordinary intercostal neuralgia. Almost complete coincidence of symptoms occurs with intestinal obstruction.

Many of these diseases require emergency actions. So the task facing a doctor seeing a patient for the first time is not at all an easy one. This is why you should never resist an offer to go to the hospital and have a comprehensive examination done there. For renal colic, this is an absolute, one hundred percent indication.

In this case, an incorrect diagnosis may well cost a life. For example, the ureter could be completely blocked by a stone. This cannot be determined when external inspection, however, it may well lead to necrosis of the kidney, its acute failure. You may need to insert a catheter or have surgery and drainage of the organ. It is unlikely that you will be able to do all this without leaving home.

In a hospital setting, a doctor can order a variety of tests as needed, and also provide the right help with renal colic. However, first of all, they usually do general tests, while clarifying blood biochemistry and, of course, ultrasound and possibly x-rays.

"Female" specificity of renal colic

The symptoms of colic described above are not gender specific, except that sometimes pain in men radiates to the scrotum. For women, pain in the labia area is more common. Otherwise, all this is of a universal nature.

Moreover, the same symptoms of renal colic in women may indicate completely different diseases that men, due to their nature, cannot have. For successful treatment It is extremely important to make a clear differentiation when diagnosing a patient in order to exclude the following causes:

  • rupture of the fallopian tube;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • tubal abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • torsion of the ovarian stalk.

All of these conditions can cause blockage of the ureter and create the typical picture of colic. In this case, warning signs may include:

  • cold sweat;
  • pallor;
  • low blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness.

Renal colic in women that occurs during pregnancy is particularly difficult to treat. This condition in itself does not create conditions for the development of urolithiasis, however, it is during this period that exacerbations of all chronic diseases very often occur.

This is especially true for the kidneys, which are especially actively involved in the process of creating new life and are forced to work with redoubled force. Manifestations of the disease are common, but here is an arsenal of remedies pain syndrome seriously limited.

Firstly, hot baths are excluded, as well as other thermal procedures on the kidney area - this can lead to premature birth. For obvious reasons, narcotic painkillers for renal colic are also not applicable in this case.

At the same time, prolonged intense pain itself can provoke premature onset of labor, so the only the right way out- consult a doctor immediately. In the most extreme case, it is possible to take “No-shpa”, “Papaverine” or “Baralgin”, in the form of injections.

What should you do first in case of renal colic?

Of course, to relieve pain, to save a person from nightmarish torment. This is the first thought that may come to mind, but it is not the best. First aid for renal colic should be provided by a doctor.

Moreover, until his arrival it is advisable to refrain from any attempts home treatment to avoid complications and keep all symptoms in a pronounced form without interfering correct positioning diagnosis.

This is especially important in complicated cases: colic of one remaining kidney, old age, bilateral attack, bad general condition, heart disease, etc. What to do if the doctor is unavailable for some reason? How to relieve renal colic in this case? In principle, the main methods have already been described.

It is only important to add that in cases where there is doubt about true reasons pain, the least dangerous would be the use of antispasmodics, but if there is no doubt, you can use a heating pad, bath, analgesics. Some experts also recommend adding half a tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue.

To stop an attack in a hospital setting, novocaine blockade, acupuncture, electropuncture, and physiotherapy are also used. If all measures do not bring the desired result, urine output will be restored using a catheter. It is also possible to pre-destruct the stone using special equipment.

It is in a hospital setting that it is easier and more logical to go through thorough examination in urology after the attack has been eliminated. In any case, it is necessary to remember the serious danger of self-medication in the presence of such a terrible symptom as renal colic. How to relieve pain, how many and what examinations to do, how to treat - all this should be decided only by a doctor.

Renal colic. ICD-10

To date, this disease has been approved at the level of the Ministry of Health in Russia. This is a step-by-step developed system, according to which assistance is provided to patients with similar symptoms. A system was created based on data International classification diseases of the Tenth revision. It provides all methods for diagnosing and treating diseases. In accordance with the ICD, renal colic has code N23.

How to eat with renal colic

After the pain is relieved, nausea gradually disappears, and the patient returns to the ability to eat. It is important to understand that diet for renal colic is very important for a quick recovery. Only a doctor can give specific recommendations on products, since he knows chemical composition stones. As for the general recommendations, they are as follows:

  • meals are frequent, fractional, portions are small;
  • do not overeat, especially at night;
  • exclude spicy, fried, smoked, canned foods;
  • do not subject food to prolonged heat treatment;
  • It’s better to steam or boil, you can bake.

A diet for renal colic is relevant during illness. As the kidneys recover, the range of products should be expanded, guided by recommendations for a healthy and balanced diet.

This means that, firstly, there should be enough food to meet all the body’s needs, but not too much.

Secondly, food should be varied, with the obligatory inclusion of “live” foods: vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Thirdly, moderation in the consumption of tasty, but not healthy foods.

And finally, the most important thing: provide the body a large number for real clean water without any impurities. Many believe that compliance with this one condition can completely heal the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Help with renal colic is offered to us by numerous traditional healers. Although they, first of all, advise consulting a doctor. But while waiting, you can apply a cabbage leaf to your lower back or drink an infusion of birch buds.

Well established horsetail, and knotweed helps a lot with this illness. For colic, prepare a decoction from a mixture of centaury and sage; it is even better to add chamomile to it. You can drink this drug for a long time, up to two months. But you can not only drink horsetail, but also add it to your bath.

Compresses from hot potatoes or oat broth. In general, there are many recipes. If you add a diet to all this, success is guaranteed. But on one condition: please call a doctor!

Well, if we're really serious, it's unlikely. traditional methods will withstand competition with modern medicine in the treatment of the acute phase of the disease. But now you have been relieved of the pain attack, examined, given nutritional recommendations, and prescribed medications. Now we need to work hard to cleanse our kidneys of unnecessary “junk”, to dissolve and expel everything that should not be there. At this stage the experience traditional medicine simply irreplaceable.

It is the centuries-old refined collections of herbs and medicinal plants They will help you completely say goodbye to the disease, and at the same time restore the disrupted metabolism. The best thing is to find an experienced herbalist and, with patience, carry out the course of treatment to the end, as expected.

And after that, be sure to undergo a re-examination and compare the results. What can you do? In this world, nothing comes to us without difficulty, but health is worth it!

How to prevent renal colic

The formation of stones is often provoked by diseases endocrine glands. Also, an excess of vitamin D in the body or a lack of A contributes to the deposition of salts. Diseases also play an important role in this process. digestive system. Nutrition for renal colic, or rather, the principles of such nutrition, should be applied after recovery in order to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Limitation of human mobility is also a risk factor. A hot climate creates conditions for dehydration and, accordingly, increased urine concentration. Even frequent use mineral water becomes a source of salt introduction into excretory system. Drink clean water daily, and large quantities, but in small portions, can play decisive role in defeating the disease.

Sanatoriums and resorts for urolithiasis

Many people have heard about how well resorts with kidney disease help to recover from kidney disease. mineral water. However, each water only acts on certain type stones. If there are phosphates, you can go where there are acidic mineral waters:

  • Truskavets.
  • Kislovodsk
  • Zheleznovodsk

If urate is found in your urine, it means you need:

  • Borjomi.
  • Zheleznovodsk
  • Truskavets.
  • Essentuki.
  • Pyatigorsk
  • Essentuki.
  • Zheleznovodsk