Zinc deficiency (dietary zinc deficiency). Zinc deficiency: symptoms How to compensate for the lack of zinc in the body

Zinc is an essential trace element that provides normal functioning human body. It is found in absolutely all human fluids and tissues. Considering the small reserve reserves and the fact that zinc is excreted from the body along with waste products through excretory system, a constant supply of this microelement is necessary with food, or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes. After all, with a lack of zinc normal operation human organs and systems is not possible.

The role of zinc in the human body

Zinc is one of the essential components cellular tissues and enzymes, and its deficiency leads to disruption of many functions of the human body:

  • immune disorders are observed;
  • hematopoietic functions are impaired;
  • the rate of tissue regeneration decreases;
  • protein production suffers;
  • the rate of cell division decreases;
  • failures occur during the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system;
  • fats are produced in insufficient quantities;
  • the exchange of nucleic acids occurs with disturbances;
  • the time to neutralize toxic substances increases;
  • the structure is disrupted bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • the birth process may have complications;
  • It is possible that some hormones may have an incorrect effect on the body.

And that's not all possible pathologies occurring due to zinc deficiency. For the normal functioning of all human organs and systems, approximately fifteen milligrams of zinc daily is sufficient.

Please note: In pregnant women, breastfeeding women, athletes, and vegetarians, this need is slightly increased.

Causes of zinc deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. For digestive diseases, in which zinc supplied with food is not fully absorbed or is not absorbed at all (sprue).
  2. As a result surgical interventions, with short bowel syndrome, with anastomosis between the ileum and jejunum(jejunoileal).
  3. When a person gets carried away, a large amount of phytate comes with vegetables, which binds zinc molecules and prevents this important microelement from being absorbed into the body.
  4. TO similar situation lead overuse alcohol, fasting, oncological diseases, age-related changes metabolism.
  5. Severe, extensive burns and various injuries can also cause zinc deficiency.

The list of causes of zinc deficiency in the body also includes frequent, general fatigue of the body or mental stress. The risk zone includes lovers of salty and sweet foods, and coffee lovers. Taking certain medications - from the group of corticosteroids, hormonal drugs - can also provoke a low level of the microelement in question in the body. contraception, diuretics, and calcium. As a rule, in combination with a lack of zinc, the body experiences a deficiency of other microelements, which leads to very serious consequences.

Symptoms and diagnosis of zinc deficiency

It is quite difficult to diagnose zinc deficiency, since as a result this violation suffer various organs, fabrics and systems. Symptoms of the condition in question include:

Treatment for zinc deficiency in the body

Treatment for zinc deficiency is as follows: using medicinal methods, and with the help special diet. Foods such as red meat, organ meats, eggs and seafood contain large amounts of cysteine ​​and histidine. These amino acids activate the processes of zinc absorption by the human body. It is also recommended to eat legumes, nuts, mushrooms, sesame, pumpkin seeds. Hard cheeses, bran, sprouted grains, soybeans, and brown rice are very useful.

In products plant origin In addition to zinc, it contains phytic acid, which forms insoluble compounds with it, but during the process of yeast fermentation, phytins are completely removed.

Please note:When grinding cereals, almost all the zinc present in them is lost. Therefore, only baked goods made from whole grains and preferably with the addition are suitable for the diet.

There is not much zinc in food, so treatment with diet alone without medications will clearly not be enough.

Zinc-containing therapy is usually prescribed: Zinquetral, Zincite, zinc picolinate, zinc sulfate and many others. When treating skin lesions, zinc-ichthyol, zinc-naphthalan ointments (pastes), and other agents are recommended local application containing zinc. Drops based on zinc sulfate are used for the eyes.

Please note:During the entire treatment period, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited and it is highly recommended to limit coffee consumption.

To prevent the occurrence of zinc deficiency in the body, it is necessary to establish good nutrition with the use of foods containing zinc. It is also periodically necessary to take a course of vitamin-mineral complexes (Multitabs, Duovit). But before you carry out any preventive measures, it is worth visiting a doctor and determining the level of zinc in the body - the intake of this trace element in large quantities will also have a negative effect on health.

Zinc is included in all liquids and tissues human body, he does a lot important functions, affecting the normal functioning of organs and systems, but the body is not able to produce it on its own.

Every day this element is lost by the body along with biological secretions and dead skin particles. If zinc reserves are not regularly replenished, a condition such as zinc deficiency may occur, manifested by mass unpleasant symptoms and threatening dangerous complications.

Why is zinc needed and how does it affect the body?

This mineral is one of the components cell membranes and receptors, without it the production of proteins, hormones and blood cells is disrupted. This item, for the most part, is found in bone tissue, but is also present in the skin, organs of vision and the genitourinary system.

With a lack of zinc, normal cell division and growth, as well as the functioning of most body systems, are impossible.

Zinc performs vital role in the following processes:

  • Formation and breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • Production, secretion and elimination of insulin breakdown products. Zinc prevents the destruction of cellular structures of the pancreas, is involved in metabolic processes thyroid and thymus, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and testes.
  • Regulates the activity of antibodies, blood cells and hormones, which helps protect the body from disease and accelerate tissue regeneration after wounds. In addition, zinc helps cleanse the body of toxins by removing carbon dioxide.
  • Zinc provides normal condition bones, teeth and skin.
  • Effect on body cells. Zinc plays a special role in the synthesis of cells and acids. That is why it is so important for the restoration of damaged tissue.
  • Effect on the nervous system. This element is required for correct transmission nerve impulses from the brain to organs and systems. According to one version, Alzheimer's disease develops against the background of acute zinc deficiency.
  • Effect on organs. Zinc helps in the functioning of the liver, organs of vision, smell and taste. Thanks to it, synthesis is ensured hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as metabolic processes in which fatty acids. Zinc has a huge effect on blood pressure, heart rate, work sebaceous glands and the process of muscle contraction.

Zinc is extremely important for men's health , since it improves the functioning of the prostate gland and other organs of the reproductive system, promotes the production of testosterone and makes sperm more active.

According to research, if a man has enough zinc-containing foods in his diet, he is more likely to develop diseases prostate gland is almost zero.

This effect of zinc is due to its effect on an enzyme that negatively affects hormonal levels.

Zinc deficiency can lead to destruction of the gonads, as a result of which it often develops infertility. It is especially important to maintain a normal level of this element in the body of boys, even while in the womb.

And even the pregnant woman herself needs zinc to maintain hormonal balance. Zinc deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of all sorts of complications, including premature termination of pregnancy.

Causes of zinc deficiency: why there is a deficiency of this mineral

Zinc deficiency can also occur when there is an excess amount of certain trace elements that interfere with the normal absorption and absorption of this mineral in the body. These elements include: mercury, lead, calcium, copper, iron, cadmium.

Symptoms and signs of zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency can be very various symptoms. Trying to identify the problem on your own and solve it on your own is strictly not recommended, since some signs of a lack of this element correspond to the symptoms of such dangerous diseases such as cancer, liver cirrhosis, heart pathologies.

The main symptoms of zinc deficiency are:

  • Skin problems: poor healing of wounds after injury, drying out of the skin, susceptibility to frequent skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, ulcers, acne and others.
  • Hair problems: dullness, hair loss, poor growth, excess dandruff. In some cases, even localized baldness occurs.
  • Brittleness of nails. They peel off, white spots appear on them, and the nails break even with a light blow.
  • Impaired taste, smell, vision, tendency to inflammatory diseases eye. With an acute zinc deficiency, some foods that you previously liked begin to seem disgusting. Sometimes ulcers appear in the mouth.
  • Nervous system problems: hand tremors, slurred speech, poor concentration, increased nervousness, constant drowsiness or, conversely, hyperactivity, depressed mood.
  • Increased blood sugar, leading to diabetes.
  • Premature birth.
  • Anemia
  • Decreased immunity, susceptibility to frequent viral and infectious diseases.

If you notice such symptoms that are not caused by other factors, you must definitely visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Treatment: how to replenish zinc in the body

The main method of treating zinc deficiency is a special diet, which involves the inclusion of foods with increased content this element, as well as excluding from the menu dishes that interfere with the normal absorption of the mineral in the body.

  • red meat
  • egg yolks
  • pumpkin seeds
  • bran
  • legumes
  • cashew nuts
  • lentils
  • rye flour
  • seafood
  • mushrooms
  • sunflower seeds
  • pistachios
  • oatmeal
  • chicken liver
  • brown rice
  • yogurt
  • sesame
  • pine nuts
  • whole wheat grains
  • wholemeal pasta
  • fried turkey.

In this case, the intake of the following products into the body should be minimized:

If diet therapy does not lead to positive results and the zinc balance in the body has not been restored, the doctor may prescribe drug treatment. In this case, zinc preparations are used: Stress formula, Zincteral, zinc picolinate, Centuri, zinc sulfate . While taking these medications, you must avoid alcoholic beverages and avoid coffee.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 8 minutes


Zinc takes part in most vital important processes: promotes bone growth; activates the work of leukocytes, which accelerates wound healing; participates in metabolism; improves the absorption of vitamin E, which is one of the most strong antioxidants; promotes healthy liver function.

Without this element it is difficult to imagine a complete and healthy work human organs and systems. In this article we will look at the causes of zinc deficiency and ways to replenish it.

Lack of zinc in the body - causes and symptoms

The main causes of zinc deficiency are:

  • Diseases thyroid gland and liver.
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • The enemy of zinc is selenium, so you need to monitor normal level content of this element in the body.
  • A substance such as phytin, which is found in most unprocessed foods, also interferes with the beneficial absorption of zinc.
  • Zinc is also capricious in relation to calcium - excessive consumption of calcium-rich foods and medications can reduce the absorption of zinc by almost half.
  • Tea and coffee drinkers should be careful, as these drinks activate the leaching of zinc.
  • Birth control pills have the same effect.
  • A natural decline in zinc levels occurs with age, so older people experience zinc deficiency to a greater or lesser extent.

Zinc deficiency manifests itself various symptoms, which are easily confused with signs of many serious illnesses, therefore, only a doctor can make a diagnosis in this case. However, based on some signs, preliminary conclusions can be drawn about zinc deficiency in the body.

Symptoms experienced by people suffering from zinc deficiency:

  • Excessive dry skin, frequent skin diseases, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, acne.
  • Long-healing cuts.
  • Dryness and hair loss, dandruff.
  • Weakness and brittleness of nails. Nail plates peel off and white dots appear on them.
  • The senses begin to distort reality.
  • The taste of foods that you previously liked becomes unpleasant.
  • Eye diseases often occur.
  • There are problems nervous system– depression and irritability, drowsiness, nervousness and hand tremors appear. Sometimes the symptoms are completely opposite and manifest as hyperactivity of the nervous system.
  • There is an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Getting worse general condition immune system, resulting in infectious diseases become constant companions of the body.

How to replenish zinc deficiency - foods and drinks that will help

The daily dose of zinc depends on age and is:

  • Infants up to 6 months – 2 mg.
  • Babies from 6 months to 1 year – 3 mg.
  • Children from 1 year to 3 years – 3 mg.
  • Children 4-8 years old – 4 mg.
  • Adolescents 9-13 years old – 8 mg.
  • Boys 14-18 years old – 11 mg.
  • Girls 14-18 years old – 9 mg.
  • Men over 19 years old – 11 mg.
  • Women over 19 years old – 8 mg.
  • Pregnant women – up to 15 mg.
  • Athletes – up to 20-30 mg.

The first and main step towards replenishing zinc deficiency should be a diet containing a maximum of zinc-rich foods. Also important is constant monitoring of the amount of calcium and selenium-rich foods in the diet, avoiding alcohol, and limiting the consumption of tea and coffee.

Foods and drinks that will help replenish zinc deficiency:

Product Zn content per 100 g of product (in mg, approximate)*
Animal food
Beef liver 4-8
Chicken hearts 6-7
Pork liver 5-6
Ostrich meat 3-4
Plant food
Wheat bran 7-16
Pumpkin seeds 7-8
Cocoa powder 6-7
Pine nuts 6-7
Sunflower seeds 5-6
Lentils 3
Oatmeal 3

*According to USDA - United States Department of Agriculture.

Zinc is also found in freshly squeezed juices - pumpkin, tomato, pear, grapefruit and others.

What substances promote the absorption of zinc?

Absorption of zinc is impossible without sufficient amounts of vitamins A and B6 in the diet. Besides, from animal food zinc is absorbed better than from plant foods. This is explained by the presence in plant foods phytic acid - the same substance that interferes with the absorption of zinc, as well as calcium and magnesium.

Lack of zinc in children during growth

A lack of zinc during the growth period of children leads to their irritability and tearfulness; children often develop dermatitis, and wounds and abrasions do not heal well. Under the influence of zinc deficiency, children lose appetite, growth slows down, and they practically do not gain weight.

A lack of zinc in a child can also be detected by an unexpected habit of licking iron objects.

You can compensate for the lack of zinc in children with the help of balanced diet or taking vitamins. These could be vitamins like restorative action, and special preparations containing zinc. However, in any case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Zinc deficiency in pregnant women

Statistics say that 70% of pregnant women are deficient in three or more vital minerals. The most dangerous, along with iron and calcium, is a lack of zinc. Zinc deficiency expectant mother greatly increases the risk of developing hydrocele in the fetus, birth defects hearts, cleft lip and other pathologies. It is important to know that zinc is directly involved in the formation of the skeleton, growth and development of embryonic cells.

Women with zinc deficiency most often experience complications during childbirth - weakening contractile activity, open slowly birth canal, ruptures and serious bleeding occur, and the likelihood of infection is high.

However, in an effort to compensate for the deficiency of the element, it is important not to overdo it, since excess zinc in the body is also fraught with consequences. It is worth knowing that it is almost impossible to get poisoned by the amount of zinc coming through food. But with irrational use of drugs containing zinc, the risk of poisoning is very high. Excess zinc is manifested by nausea and vomiting, extreme thirst, a sweetish taste in the mouth and shortness of breath. Immunity also decreases, erosion of the gastric mucosa occurs, chest pain, cough, and chills appear.


To determine zinc deficiency, you should consult a doctor who will suggest you take a specific blood serum test.

A naturopath or nutritionist may suggest holding liquid zinc in your mouth. Depending on the taste you feel, the specialist will be able to conclude whether you are experiencing a deficiency of the element.

Vitamins and microelements are one of the components of the human body, in particular – cells internal organs and fabrics. But the problem is that every day useful elements are washed out along with urine, feces, then, discharge from the genitals, individual particles of the epidermis. As a result of this irreversible process, the body may experience acute shortage in useful microelements. In this case, it is necessary to replenish reserves from food. For example, zinc deficiency can lead to serious and quite severe consequences.

The importance of zinc in the human body

Zinc is building element cell membranes, as well as enzymes of the human body. Thanks to zinc, a person undergoes active cell division of internal organs, the formation of blood components - red blood cells, hemoglobin, as well as a number of hormones - testosterone, folliculin and insulin. Zinc is responsible for the full functioning of the human immune system and metabolism. At alcohol poisoning zinc helps reduce the impact of toxic toxins on human internal organs (including the brain).

Takes an active part in processes such as:

  • Protein synthesis;
  • Metabolic processes;
  • Restoration and healing of damaged tissues and internal organs;
  • Eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • Responsible for the composition and integrity of bone tissue and teeth in particular;
  • Stimulates the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Promotes fast and natural course labor activity.

To ensure proper functioning of the human body, approximately 15 mg of zinc should be supplied to it every day from food. This amount can be increased significantly in professional athletes, during pregnancy and lactation, and in vegetarians.

Causes of zinc deficiency in the body

We list the main symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body:

  • Damage to soft tissues and internal organs during chemical, thermal burns, poisoning, road accidents, impacts;
  • Diets, fasting;
  • Vegetarianism (complete refusal of meat and preference in the diet of vegetables and fruits);
  • Long-term treatment hormonal drugs(including the use of contraception), corticosteroids, as well as drugs that stimulate urine output;
  • Chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract(, stomach ulcer);
  • Recovery period after major surgical operations;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Malignant liver tumor;
  • Increased pathological sweating;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day;
  • Disruption of the central nervous system;
  • Advanced age.

As a rule, in all of the above conditions, there is not only a clear deficiency of zinc in the body, but also a number of other disorders in the body.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

Symptoms of zinc deficiency depend to a large extent on the underlying disease that the patient has. Among the common characteristic symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Absence or significant deterioration in the recovery and healing of scratches, skin injuries, cuts;
  • Allergic rash on the extremities;
  • Hair loss, even baldness;
  • Brittle nails;
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis, cataracts, clouding);
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Lack of sensitivity to tastes and smells;
  • Disruption of the central nervous system (impaired coordination, loss of concentration, nervousness, irritability);
  • Decreased mental activity;
  • Women have problems with labor, bleeding during childbirth;
  • Impairment of physical and mental development children;
  • Infertility – both male and female;
  • Chronic infectious lesions of internal organs.

The mechanism of action of zinc on the body

The highest concentration of zinc is found in human bone mass - approximately 65%. In a newborn, zinc is concentrated in the liver - 30%. Zinc, which enters the human body from food, is initially absorbed in 12 duodenum. From the food we consume, we can absorb only 20% of zinc (provided that in daily diet per person will be meat, dairy products, eggs, assorted nuts, as well as seafood).

A large amount of zinc is excreted in feces - approximately 10 mg of the required amount daily ration in 15 mg grams; 0.6 mg of zinc is lost in urine, 2 mg in sweat, and breast milk(in women) – from 2 mg or more.

Active biological role of zinc

Zinc takes an active part in the formation of human bone tissue, in the growth, division, reproduction of cells, in the restoration of damaged tissue, in the production of germ cells, as well as in the work brain activity. That is why doctors strongly recommend that a pregnant woman take complex vitamins to ensure her new nascent body required quantity zinc

Zinc takes an active part in all metabolic processes that occur in the body. In addition, zinc is a constituent element of the human genetic code.

T lymphocytes, which are produced by the immune system to protect against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and infections, function by providing them with zinc. Zinc deficiency, accordingly, leads to a weakened immune system.

Treatment of zinc deficiency

You can compensate for zinc deficiency in the body through food and medicines. Large amounts of zinc are found in oysters, shrimp, liver, beef, dairy products (particularly cheese), nuts, mushrooms, and raspberries.

Zinc is contained in all pharmaceutical vitamin complexes and biological additives.

For treatment physiological conditions characterized by zinc deficiency, use drugs in the form of Zincteral, zinc sulfate, folic acid, Centrum.

Zinc deficiency, in fact, is an epidemic that most people are not even aware of. Zinc deficiency is a global problem. According to WHO, it affects 31% of the world's population.

We live in soap bubble» fortified and fortified foods sold freely on store shelves, and we don’t think about the scale of this global problem that millions of people face every day. However, we often don't realize that just eating a nutrient-rich food doesn't mean our bodies are fully absorbing it. And everyone can be at risk. Even those who live in developed, industrialized countries are not protected from zinc deficiency!

Lack of zinc (nutritive zinc deficiency) in the body ranks fifth in the list of risk factors. causing diseases. In underdeveloped countries it is observed high level mortality due to the association of zinc deficiency with diarrhea and pneumonia, especially in children.

Lack of zinc in the body is such a serious and global problem, responsible for 176,000 deaths from diarrhea, 406,000 deaths from pneumonia and 207,000 deaths from malaria reported in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Asia.

Every person, from young to old, needs a daily intake of zinc in order to simply live, it is not for nothing that it is called a vital trace element. Its role is so great that even plants and animals need zinc to survive! It is present in every cell, bone, every organ and fluid in our body. There is especially a lot of it in prostate gland and sperm in men.

Zinc dosage

Although heavy Zinc deficiency is extremely rare, with the Linus Pauling Institute estimating about 2 billion people suffer from zinc deficiency moderate severity , which can affect almost every aspect of a person’s life.

The recommended daily intake of zinc is:

* Adequate intake

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consciously increase their zinc intake, since a lack of zinc in a woman's body can adversely affect the development of the fetus or infant.

How to replenish zinc deficiency in the body

The numbers above are recommended for daily zinc intake. To treat zinc deficiency, I recommend taking 30 mg of this trace element per day for 3 months. In addition, you need to take supplements with copper throughout this entire period. If you take zinc supplements for more than 3 months, then you may develop copper deficiency.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

Unfortunately, Millions of people suffer from zinc deficiency and don't even know it. Fortunately, if you know some of the key signs of zinc deficiency, you can deal with the problem at the very beginning of its development. The 7 most common symptoms of zinc deficiency that everyone should know about are::

1. Poor functioning of the nervous system

Zinc is essential for the growth and neuropsychological development of children. Low level zinc has been linked to attention disorders and lack of motor activity in infants, which persist throughout adult life. In one study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Even 50% of the recommended daily intake of zinc has been found to significantly improve alertness. The study also found that zinc is better absorbed when in balance with other essential nutrients found in whole foods.

2. Weak immunity

Zinc is also extremely important for maintaining the functioning of the immune system. In particular, it is vital for:

  • T cell growth and differentiation into white blood cells, which are needed to ward off disease.
  • Apoptosis (“programmed cell death”), during which they die dangerous viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.
  • Gene transcription, the first stage of gene expression.
  • Protection of cell membranes.

Zinc is also the main structural component for many hormonal receptors and proteins, which have a positive effect on mood and immune function.

3. Diarrhea

Persistent diarrhea is considered a fairly serious problem, arising in some cases due to zinc deficiency, as it leads to a decrease in the immune response to various infections. Almost 2 million children in developing countries suffer from persistent severe diarrhea every year. They become extremely susceptible to colic and bacterial infections. In such cases, zinc supplements only help children older than 6 months. Therefore, be sure to consult your pediatrician before using them.

4. Food and environmental allergies

Chronic stress leads to adrenal fatigue syndrome and can also cause calcium, zinc and magnesium deficiencies. All this leads to an increase in histamine levels. Zinc is a major factor in how the body stores histamine. His deficit allows more the amount of histamine is released into the surrounding tissue fluids. This is important for two reasons:

  • Excess histamine in the body causes allergy symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, hives).
  • Increased level histamine increases a person’s susceptibility to various allergens.

5. Thinning hair

A lack of zinc in the body in men, coupled with adrenal fatigue syndrome, is often associated with problems with the thyroid gland. Many patients with such a bunch of problems complain of thinning hair and alopecia. According to one study, thyroid hormones are necessary for the absorption of zinc. Therefore, when treating hypothyroidism with thyroxine, you must also take zinc supplements to solve the problem of hair loss or thinning.

6. Leaky Gut Syndrome

This disease can cause a variety of health problems, including: malabsorption nutrients, skin diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases and thyroid problems. Zinc can cope with this disease, so supplements with it are prescribed for problems with intestinal permeability and for patients with Crohn's disease.

7. Acne and rashes

Leaky gut syndrome also affects the skin, so it is possible that acne and facial rashes are also associated with insufficient zinc.

Risk factors for developing zinc deficiency

Maybe you are at risk?

People with the following health conditions are most at risk of developing zinc deficiency:

  • Alcoholism: Long and overconsumption alcohol leads to a decrease in zinc absorption, which significantly increases the risk of developing a deficiency of this important microelement.
  • Diabetes: Most doctors agree that diabetics should be careful when taking supplements or foods with high content zinc, because high doses of zinc can critically lower blood sugar levels.
  • Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis patients are also at risk of zinc deficiency, so zinc supplementation may be helpful.
  • HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)/AIDS: The weakened immunity of these patients requires constant intake of multivitamin complexes, including those containing zinc.
  • Intestinal malabsorption syndrome: People with malabsorption are susceptible high risk development of zinc deficiency.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: In patients rheumatoid arthritis Less zinc is usually absorbed, so supplementation may be necessary.

According to scientists from the Linus Pauling Institute, the following groups of people can also be considered at risk:

  • Premature and low birth weight infants.
  • Infants who are on breastfeeding, or children receiving insufficient quantity zinc with food.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  • Patients receiving intravenous nutrition.
  • People who eat little (anorexia or bulimia)
  • People with severe and constant diarrhea
  • People with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • People with chronic renal failure.
  • People with sickle cell disease
  • Reception tetracycline and quinolone antibiotics, as well as bisphosphonates, may reduce the absorption of both zinc and the drug taken, reducing the effectiveness of the drug.
  • People aged 65 years and older.
  • Vegetarians: Recommended daily norm zinc for vegetarians should be 50% higher usual dose to compensate for the deficit. Their diet includes mainly legumes and grains, which contain phytic acid. This, in turn, reduces the absorption of zinc by the body.

Foods High in Zinc

If you want to quickly restore the zinc deficiency in your body to the required level, then try natural zinc supplements. These supplements contain zinc in the form of acetate, gluconate, or sulfate. The percentage of zinc content in them depends on the form. According to research National Institute health care, scientists did not find a significant difference between various forms additives neither in absorption, nor in tolerability, nor in bioavailability. Therefore, I would recommend regularly eating the following 10 foods high in zinc to replenish your zinc stores:

  1. Pumpkin seeds–1/2 cup: 8.4 mg (57% DV)
  2. Beef– 113 g: 5.2 mg (32% of DV)
  3. Lamb– 113 g: 5.2 mg (32% of DV)
  4. Cashew–1/2 cup: 3.8 mg (25% DV)
  5. Chickpeas (garbanzo) 1 cup boiled: 2.5 mg (17% of DV)
  6. Mushrooms–1 cup boiled: 1.9 mg (13% DV)
  7. Chicken–113 g: 1.6 mg (12% DV)
  8. Kefir or Yogurt– 1 glass: 1.4 mg (10% of DV)
  9. Spinach–1 cup cooked: 1.4 mg (9% DV)
  10. Cocoa powder– 1 tbsp: 0.4 mg (2% of DV)

Side effects

Most doctors agree that taking zinc high doses NOT SAFE for long periods of time. In this case, zinc is not replenished, but its overdose, and the consequences can be different and unpredictable. Symptoms in women and men usually include cough, fatigue, fever, abdominal pain and a number of other health problems. Some sources even claim that:

Taking more than 100 mg of zinc daily or taking supplements for 10 years or more may double your risk of developing prostate cancer. There is also an assumption that the reception large quantity multivitamins along with zinc supplements increases the likelihood of death in prostate cancer patients!

Regular intake of 450 mg or more of zinc affects iron levels in the blood. Here are a few more basic recommendations to properly compensate for the lack of zinc in a woman’s body:

  • Pregnant women over 18 years of age should reduce daily zinc intake to 40 mg.
  • Pregnant women under 18 years of age should reduce zinc dose to 34 mg per day.
  • Breastfeeding women over 18 years of age should reduce the zinc intake to 40 mg per day.
  • Breastfeeding women under 18 years of age should reduce zinc intake to 34 g per day.