Orange essential oil - properties and uses for beauty and health! Essential orange oil for home hair care


What is orange and orange oil?

What is orange essential oil, the properties and uses of this oil, and how is orange oil beneficial for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods treatment, in particular treatment with essential oils. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Orange - evergreen fruit tree genus citrus of the rutaceae family. Not found in the wild. On vigorous rootstocks it reaches a height of 12 m, on dwarf rootstocks 4-6 m. The leaves are leathery, oval, with a pointed tip. The flowers are bisexual, white, fragrant, solitary or in inflorescences. The fruit is a multi-locular berry; depending on the variety, they vary greatly in size, shape and color of the peel (from light yellow to reddish-orange). The pulp is juicy, sweet or sweet and sour. During the growing season, the orange, depending on climatic conditions there may be 2-3 periods of growth, each of which is replaced by a period of rest. At favorable conditions can live and bear fruit for more than 75 years.

The birthplace of orange trees is the East - China and India. In European countries, orange essential oil is medicinal purposes began to be used only at the end of the 17th century. In those days it was a rather rare and expensive product. Bitter orange was the first to reach Europe. It was spread by the Arabs from Persia through North Africa. The juice of its fruits was described by Avicenna, who used it as medicine. In the 16th century, the Portuguese first began to import fruits and seedlings of orange trees from China by sea.

Today, orange trees are grown in many countries around the world: America (California), the Mediterranean, Mexico, India, Egypt, etc.

The peel of the fruit contains up to 2% essential oil, used in the perfumery and confectionery industries.


Externally, orange essential oil looks like a yellow-orange liquid that has a sweet, fruity aroma. This oil is one of the most inexpensive and accessible essential oils today.

Essential oil is obtained from fresh orange peel by cold pressing and steam distillation from the peel.

In many countries, especially in America and Brazil, the production of essential oils is combined with the production orange juice. However, orange essential oil is not of very high quality.

The oil from Spanish and Guinean oranges is considered to be the best in terms of quality.

The leaves of the orange tree are used to obtain petitgrain oil, and the flowers are used to obtain neroli oil.

You need to know that orange oil is subject to very rapid oxidation. For this reason, antioxidant substances are usually added to it.

Essential oil can be obtained from both sweet and bitter oranges. This oil is found in fruits, flowers, and leaves, but the largest amount is found in the peel of the sweet orange. These two varieties differ in their composition and proportions. active substances contained in the oil. Bitter orange oil has a more subtle aroma.

Orange oil is one of the most sought after essential oils. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. In addition, in the process of processing the components of the orange tree, almost everything goes into use. Thus, a special composition is produced from the leaves of the orange tree, which is called neroli essential oil, and from the petals of orange flowers - aromatic petitgrain oil.

If the peel of a sweet or bitter orange is used, the composition, color and ratio of active substances immediately changes. Bitter orange oil has a more subtle aroma than sweet orange oil.

What components does orange essential oil retain after pressing? Analysis of its components showed that it contains approximately 95% of a substance called limonene, 0.2% linalool, 0.2% a-terpineol, 0.1% decylaldehyde. The part of orange essential oil that does not evaporate contains a special substance - auroptene.


Orange essential oil has quite a wide range of uses. Most often it is used for skin care.

It is suitable for all skin types. It normalizes its oiliness, makes the skin more elastic and smooth, helps in the fight against wrinkles, and removes muscle tension. Also has bleaching properties, promotes lightening age spots. Removes toxins from the skin, softens rough skin, so it is great for treating calluses.

This oil removes headache, relieves muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, menstrual pain.

In addition, it improves immunity and is good antiseptic, which can be used for colds, flu and upper respiratory tract infections.

Orange essential oil has a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract: normalizes the functioning of the stomach, promotes the removal of toxins, increases appetite. Has a diuretic and choleretic properties. Useful for preventing the formation of stones in gallbladder. Helps with poisoning and constipation.

This oil is also used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. cardiovascular system. It increases blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure. Helps cleanse the blood and reduce cholesterol levels. The oil is also useful for obesity and edema.

Orange essential oil improves mood and can not only soothe, but also tone. Relieves fatigue. Helps get rid of insomnia and anxiety.

It has a beneficial effect on human bioenergy. Orange oil helps you relax, relieves stress and depression. It also helps in the treatment of diseases caused by stress.

In addition, orange essential oil:

  • Improves intestinal motility, helps reduce putrefactive processes in it, reduces absorption harmful substances, soothes the stomach. Recommended for chronic constipation, hypacidal gastritis, lack of appetite.
  • Has a choleretic effect.
  • Cleanses the blood and lowers blood pressure.
  • Different increased content provitamin A
  • It has an antiseptic and hemostatic effect for stomatitis and gum diseases.
  • Reduces or completely eliminates smooth muscle spasms internal organs, therefore used when chronic bronchitis, muscle cramps, convulsions.
  • Activates the processes of excretion of toxins from the body.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Improves visual acuity.
  • Used for insomnia, depression, stress, nervous tension, states of fear, as it has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Helps create a good mood.
  • Recommended for the care of dry, chapped and cracked skin. Increases skin elasticity, stimulates local blood circulation. Used for cellulite.


  • For massage: 7-10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil.
  • For internal use: 2-3 drops per glass of vegetable or fruit juice an hour before meals.
  • For baths: 5 drops.
  • For applications: 1:1.
  • For rinsing: 1 drop per 1 glass of water.
  • For cold compresses: 7-8 drops.
  • To enrich cosmetics: 5-6 drops per 10 ml of base.


You should not apply orange oil to your skin in sunny weather. This is explained by the fact that orange oil is phototoxic - it accumulates sunlight and may cause burns.

It is important to remember that owners sensitive skin orange essential oil for long-term use in large dosages can lead to irritation and increased photosensitivity.

You need to know that when taken orally, orange essential oil can increase the feeling of hunger. It should be used with caution by those who are allergic to citrus fruits.

Before using this oil, you must perform a simple sensitivity test. A drop of oil should be applied to inner surface forearms, rub a little and observe the area of ​​application for 15 minutes. If itching, burning, severe redness or swelling appears, this means an allergy. In this case, it should not be used.

Orange essential oil in cosmetology:

Orange oil has positive impact on dry skin, has a tonic effect. It stimulates the regeneration of dry skin, moisturizes it and increases blood circulation, and is indicated for aging skin. Great for problem skin, because it cleanses and tightens pores, helps get rid of acne scars. Orange essential oil also stimulates lymph flow, reduces swelling and tumors.

This oil is useful for getting rid of cellulite. Orange essential oil is also used to care for the oral cavity. The oil fights inflammation and bleeding gums, treats stomatitis, and helps with periodontal disease.

In addition, it alleviates the condition of eczema, psoriasis and other types of dermatitis. Relieves herpes on the lips.

IN cosmetic industry Orange essential oil is found in lotions, creams, bath additives, and deodorants. In perfumery it is the basis for perfumes and colognes.

For the face:

Orange oil is used for the face with almost any skin type - from oily and problematic to dry and aging. This oil helps to significantly improve the quality and appearance skin, get rid of wrinkles, dead cells, formations and other imperfections.

It is an excellent natural cleanser that effectively tones the skin, brightens it and helps remove freckles and various age spots. In addition, this oil has the property of stimulating blood circulation, thereby stimulating blood flow to the facial skin and improving complexion. The regenerating properties of this wonderful natural product help quickly remove old dead cells and significantly rejuvenate the skin, which makes the use of orange oil for the face especially useful for those women who have fading and aging skin.

For hair:

Orange oil has beneficial effect on lifeless and weakened hair, restores its elasticity and natural shine. It has proven itself well as effective remedy to moisturize hair and eliminate dandruff. Moreover, it helps fight excessive hair loss.

The simplest thing you can do when using this hair oil at home is to enrich any factory-made hair oils with it. cosmetics(shampoos, conditioners, rinses, masks). For 10 grams of base product you will need 3-4 drops orange oil– apply your usual product to your palm, drop some oil into it, then mix and apply to your hair.

Another option for using essential oil is for aromatic brushing. You just need to put a couple of drops of orange oil on your comb and comb your hair. This procedure will gradually make your hair more elastic and it will stop breaking, plus your hair will exude the sweet aroma of orange.

There is hardly a person who is unfamiliar with the ringing and cheerful aroma of the sunniest fruit - sweet orange. Its tantalizing freshness can give a feeling of celebration even on the gloomiest day. But bright taste and rich aroma are not all the advantages of sweet orange.

These miracle fruits that came to us from the ancients oriental tales, have truly miraculous properties, so they can become a real find for those who strive to be healthy and look good.

All the beneficial qualities of orange citrus are contained in the essential oil extracted from its peel. Despite the fact that today oranges are grown in many countries, the oil of the Spanish and Hawaiian varieties is of the greatest value.

The properties and uses of sweet orange oil are very extensive. It is used at home, added to masks, used in cellulite wraps and aromatherapy. Sweet orange oil is used in cosmetology, perfume and pharmaceutical industries, and is often found in the composition of creams, ointments and medicines.

Orange oil pairs well with the scents of cinnamon, honey, vanilla, clove, jasmine, incense, nutmeg, eucalyptus and many others. By mixing ether with other oils, you can enhance the healing or cosmetic effect.

ABOUT useful qualities You could write a whole treatise on this oil - it’s so multifunctional. Here are just a few of its wonderful properties:

  • helps improve immunity;
  • removes bile from the body;
  • protects against infections entering the body;
  • promotes wound healing and stops bleeding;
  • calms and tones;
  • softens and moisturizes;
  • fights cellulite;
  • prevents inflammatory processes;
  • helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a rejuvenating effect; - is an antiseptic.

For the soul Orange is considered one of the best antidepressants created by nature. This is why sweet orange essential oil is often recommended for people suffering from depression. emotional stress and unreasonable fears.

Its warm and soft aroma contributes sharp increase the level of endorphins in the blood and, as a result, reduces mental arousal, relieves anxiety and sadness, calms, gives strength and energy, and increases performance.

Relax and tone up after have a hard day a bath with 5 drops of orange elixir will help a lot, and in order to good mood was always “at hand”, it is recommended to carry an aroma medallion.

In addition, orange oil is the strongest and can enhance sexual desire. Therefore, an aromatic lamp with the addition of 3 drops of essence will be a wonderful addition to a romantic evening for two.

For health

The properties and applications of the oil are very diverse; it is also actively used for medicinal purposes. Since ether has antiseptic and antipyretic properties, it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases.

For inhalation, add 2 drops of oil to a glass of water and inhale the resulting solution for several minutes.

Rinsing with a solution with the addition of orange oil is effective for sore throat, as well as stomatitis and toothache. For spasms and joint pain, the extract is added to any vegetable oil and rub the sore area. And lotions with added essence can cope with skin diseases.

Sweet orange essential oil is also taken internally. It accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, copes with constipation, and is also capable of removing waste and toxins from the body, which is why it is often used in the treatment of poisoning.

Also, consuming orange extract prevents the deposition of stones in the gastrointestinal tract.

For cellulite

Sweet orange essential oil for cellulite can definitely be called the main assistant in the fight against the eternal women's problem- “orange peel”. It is an indispensable component of various creams and gels for cellulite.

And all because it improves blood circulation, which tones the skin, makes it taut and elastic. In addition, it promotes the breakdown of fats in cells and accelerates excretory processes. They are very popular.

Recipe: the wrapping mass is made at the rate of 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply the warm mixture to the problem area, wrap in cling film and leave for an hour. The result appears after a course of such wraps, which usually lasts 8-10 sessions.

Massage with the addition of orange oil (5 drops per 10 grams of base) is also good help in the struggle for a beautiful body. It stimulates blood circulation, fights cellulite and enhances metabolic processes in tissues.

And have a healing effect on the skin. In order to get maximum effect, it is recommended to alternate procedures.

For face

The beneficial properties of orange oil for the face are not limited to its effect solely on the fifth point. It is suitable for caring for all types of facial skin: fights acne and enlarged pores, restores elasticity to fading sagging skin, improves color and restores a healthy appearance.

Thanks to high content useful microelements and antioxidants, collagen production is stimulated, due to which skin cells are renewed faster. It is good to add essential oil (3 drops per 10 grams of base) to homemade creams or masks.

The following composition will be universal for all skin types: mix 1 teaspoon of any base oil with 5 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the mixture to your face for half an hour, then rinse off warm water.

For hair

Sweet orange essential oil is used for hair care. Its regular use helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, hair becomes manageable and elastic, and a delicate citrus aroma will be a pleasant bonus to its healthy and blooming appearance.

Add 2-3 drops of orange oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair, and after just a few such procedures you will notice the result.

Another way to use sweet orange oil for hair is through homemade masks.

Recipe: beat 1 yolk and combine with 2 tbsp. spoons and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 3-4 drops of orange extract to the resulting mixture. Apply the heated mixture over the entire length of your hair and wrap your head in a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Aroma combing will also be beneficial for all hair types. Simply spread a few drops of the product onto a wooden comb and comb your hair in different directions for a few minutes.

When choosing an essential oil, there is no need to strive for cheapness, because a low price in this case is proof of the low quality of the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers often sell flavored vegetable oils under the guise of essential oils. In order not to run into a fake, buy oil only from trusted sellers.

If you purchased oil, but doubt its authenticity, there is a simple test: drop the product on a regular paper napkin. Pure ether will evaporate in a few minutes, leaving no greasy residue. If a yellow mark remains on the paper after drying, it means that they sold you diluted oil.

Chemicals will leave a colorless greasy stain. When choosing an essential oil, be careful and careful: a synthesized fake will not only not bring the expected effect, but can also cause severe harm to the skin.

Sweet orange oil contraindications

As you know, citrus fruits are strong allergen Therefore, allergy sufferers should use the oil with great caution. In any case, before the first use on the skin, it is recommended to undergo an individual tolerance test.

Just drip the product onto a sensitive area of ​​skin, such as the crook of your elbow, and wait a couple of hours. If everything is in order, use it without fear.

It is important to know that sweet orange oil, like other essential oils, is not recommended for use by pregnant women and people suffering from increased blood pressure. In addition, to avoid sunburn, do not apply oil to your face before going out into the sun.

A holiday for soul and body - this is how this wonderful essential oil can be described in a nutshell. Orange sweet application will be found in many situations, so a bottle of this miracle essence will be appropriate in any home medicine cabinet.

Sweet orange appeared in Europe in the 16th century. But, despite the numerous beneficial properties of this fruit, its oil began to be used for medicinal purposes only with late XVII century.

In the production of sweet orange essential oil (EO), mainly fresh peel () is used. The finished product is a viscous yellow-orange liquid with pleasant smell, close to the aroma of ripe fruits.

Today, sweet orange essential oil is widely used for internal and external use (most often added to dry skin care products). It is included in bath salts and foams, deodorants, creams, colognes, and perfumes.

As food additives oil is used in the confectionery industry, in production alcoholic drinks: liqueurs, alcohol tinctures, vodka, etc.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of sweet orange oil are amazing in their diversity, here are just a few of them:

  • increasing immunity;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • blood purification;
  • antispasmodic and choleretic effect;
  • removal of toxins;
  • regulation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
  • improved vision;
  • elimination inflammatory processes and bleeding gums;
  • antiseptic properties (for flu, colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract);
  • pain relief for neuralgia and headaches;
  • relief of muscle, joint, and menstrual pain;
  • beneficial effects on bioenergy (relieving fatigue, depression, increasing efficiency, restoring the aura after stress and illness).

Very useful as a remedy for insomnia or nervous agitation aromatic baths with this essential oil, which has a calming effect.

Don't forget about cosmetic properties. Orange oil evens out complexion, has a whitening effect, activates cell renewal, gives elasticity to the skin and strengthens hair.

Also this good remedy against cellulite, obesity and edema.

Application and dosage

For aroma lamps: 4 drops per room of 5 square meters. m.

For bath: add 4 drops with emulsifier. Any base oil (jojoba, coconut, olive, flaxseed, etc.), as well as milk or saline solution, can act as an emulsifier.

For inhalation: dilute 2 drops with emulsifier in a glass of water.

For gum and oral care:

  • for applications – mixed with vegetable oil (proportion 1:1);
  • for daily rinsing – a drop per glass of water.

Sweet orange essential oil can also be enriched in creams, tonics, face masks and shampoos (5 drops per 10 g of base) or used internally (add 1 drop twice a day to tea or juice).

Homemade cosmetics recipes

Face mask

K 10 ml almond oil add 1 drop each of orange, chamomile, lavender and sandalwood. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin with a cotton swab for 25 minutes, after which the excess can be removed with a damp cloth.

This mask helps eliminate flaking and dry skin.

Hair mask

20 ml olive oil+ 2 drops orange EO + 4 drops geranium EO. The mixture is applied for half an hour to clean hair, then washed off with shampoo.

The mask works great against dandruff.

Anti-cellulite massage mixture

To 3 tbsp. l. natural honey, add 2 drops each of orange, juniper, lemon and lavender oils. After thoroughly stirring the resulting mixture, apply it with patting movements to problem areas.

If you do this massage every other day for 2 weeks, combining it with other methods of combating cellulite, the “orange peel” will become significantly smaller, and with a long course, it will disappear completely.

Sweet orange essential oil is inexpensive, so everyone can appreciate its beneficial properties.

Security measures

  • allergies to citrus fruits,
  • individual intolerance,
  • hypotension,
  • cholelithiasis (only with a doctor’s permission).

In sunny weather, this essential oil (EO) should be used with great caution, as it has accumulating properties and can cause skin burns. Although a short-term burning sensation and slight tingling when applying oil to the skin or while taking a bath is normal.

Let's learn about all the secrets of essential orange oil: composition, beneficial properties, methods of use.

Essential oil obtained from the zest of everyone’s favorite “fruit of the sun” is one of the most available funds aromatherapy. It has a divine sweetish-fruity aroma, rich in airy summer notes, which has a very beneficial effect on the psychological and emotional mood. Fighting depression is not its only beneficial property; orange oil is widely used in cosmetology, folk medicine, perfumery, cooking and, of course, aromatherapy.

Composition and features

The oil is extracted from the fresh peel of Guinea and Spanish oranges using the hydrodistillation method. The product is a fluid liquid substance, which, thanks to the pigments and dyes found in the orange peel, has a rich, yellow-orange color.

This product is obtained from different varieties orange - bitter and sweet. They differ slightly in aroma and composition. Bitter fruits have a more subtle and refined smell.

The oil contains antioxidants, which allows it not to oxidize and be stored for a long time. In general, it contains about 500 different components.

Among them:

  • aldehydes;
  • esters;
  • alcohols;
  • terpenes;
  • limonene and many others. etc.

The product goes perfectly with lavender. Complementary aromas are pine and citrus, rose, juniper, cinnamon, chamomile, and incense oils.

Useful properties

The properties of orange oil are simply limitless, here are just some of their huge number:

  • anti-cellulite effect on the skin;
  • strengthening blood circulation, normalizing blood pressure, purifying the blood;
  • improvement of stomach function, intestinal motility, removal of toxins;
  • increased appetite;
  • choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism (important when fighting excess weight);
  • withdrawal nervous tension, calming effect on stress and depression;
  • improving complexion, cleansing the skin, eliminating age spots, narrowing pores, providing a rejuvenating effect;
  • relieving tension in eye muscles, improved vision;
  • stimulation immune defense body;
  • increased attention;
  • relieving fatigue and increasing performance;
  • antispasmodic and analgesic properties for migraines, joint pain;
  • promoting tissue restoration;
  • protection against infections due to the high content of vitamin C, etc.

Applications and areas of use

The benefits of orange essential oil are invaluable. It is used in the production of medicines, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, for various cosmetic procedures, For internal use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The main thing is to choose a natural, high-quality product, since a synthetic fake cannot be compared with it.

Emotional sphere
First of all, it is worth noting its ability to have a warming effect with psychological point vision. The soft, refined aroma perfectly improves your mood and psychological state the person as a whole, relieves fatigue, feelings of anxiety and restlessness, and helps cope with insomnia. For such problems, you should use baths with aroma oil (4 drops per bath) or aroma lamp. The product can be used to scent a child’s room, which will provide the baby with a restful, healthy sleep.

Therapeutic effect
In the medical field, oil is used for treatment colds And various kinds infections. Inhalation helps a lot: 200 ml of water + a couple of drops of oil, inhaling steam for five minutes.

For skin diseases, special lotions are used that can significantly improve the patient’s condition. To do this, you need to mix orange essential oil with a vegetable base in equal doses. For stomatitis or periodontal disease, it is recommended to rinse oral cavity using a solution of water and a few drops of oil.

The drug is taken orally when food poisoning, constipation. Its excellent cleansing properties have been revealed, promoting the removal of toxins from the body. Thanks to its diuretic effect, the oil reduces swelling. It can lower blood pressure and keep cholesterol levels normal. To take internally, one drop of oil is added to a glass of tea or juice (no more than two drops per day). In any case, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

An indispensable assistant in everyday life
Interestingly, the oil is also successfully used in everyday life. It neutralizes perfectly unpleasant odors in the house, disinfects the air, purifying it of harmful substances and thereby improving well-being and increasing performance. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary aroma lamp. You just need to install it in the problem room and add five drops of oil to the water in the device.

Orange oil is widely used in cosmetology. Here it is designed to solve three main problems that are so common among women today: the fight against cellulite, problems with skin and hair. Let's look at them in more detail.

Secrets of beautiful skin
Orange essential oil – best helper in skin care, known for its restorative and protective properties.

What the skin can get when using the product:

  • healthy appearance;
  • even color;
  • excellent cleansing;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • removal of age spots and freckles;
  • normalization of fat content;
  • excellent tone;
  • elasticity and resilience.

The oil can delay the aging process, rejuvenating the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and evening out its texture.

The use of the product will be great solution for those with dry skin with areas of roughness and flaking. It will have softening and moisturizing properties.

The oil can be used in pure or diluted form. It can be used to enrich tonics and creams (at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 10 g of cream).

Effective fight against cellulite
Orange oil is a real enemy for cellulite. To combat this problem, experts recommend massage of problem areas, as well as rubbing them with mixtures. They are prepared from ten drops of essential oil and ½ tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Plus, this procedure increases skin elasticity and makes it elastic. To ensure that the mixture is well absorbed, it is advisable to carry out the procedure on a steamed body.

Orange oil for hair
Orange oil performs several essential functions for healthy hair:

  • eliminates dandruff;
  • moisturizes the scalp;
  • strengthens the hair structure.

It can be used simply by applying it to a comb (it is better if it is made of natural wood), or adding a few drops to shampoo or balm. No less effective special masks for hair. For example, 20 ml jojoba + 2 drops orange + 4 drops eucalyptus. The mixture is applied to clean hair for half an hour.


Orange oil, however, like other essential oils, has a number of contraindications:

  1. First of all, it is definitely not suitable for those who are allergic to citrus fruits or low blood pressure. In addition, use is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to its individual components.
  2. It is not recommended to use orange essential oil during pregnancy.
  3. When used on the skin, you must first conduct an individual sensitivity test.
  4. Due to the presence of phototoxic properties in the product, it is highly not recommended to apply it to the skin before going outside in hot sunny weather.

At proper storage and consumption, orange tree oil will become a real treasure beneficial properties and will help in solving many pressing problems.

We recommend: high-quality orange essential oil in the IHerb online store. Get $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.

Orange oil is obtained by distillation or cold pressing from the peels of two types of oranges - Chinese sweet and bitter oranges, or bitter oranges. Bitter orange has a more subtle aroma, which is why I found wide application in perfumery. Bitter orange is a supplier for two more types of ester - neroli is obtained from orange flowers, and petitgrain is obtained from its leaves.

Neroli is an essential oil of bitter orange flowers, one of the most valuable and expensive oils. The high cost is associated with the production method - to obtain 1 kg. 850 kg of oil needs to be processed. fresh, hand-picked flowers. Flower pickers work according to special rules - they collect flowers in thick fabric, early in the morning, on a warm and sunny day.

Sweet orange oil is the most common oil on sale, but in general bitter orange has similar properties.

Essential oil is produced in the USA, Morocco, Brazil and the Mediterranean. It has a pleasant citrus aroma and yellow-orange color. Despite the fact that, due to the simplicity and low cost of production, it is extremely rarely counterfeited, it does not hurt to know what properties allow you to recognize a quality product:

  • real ether should be packaged in a dark glass bottle;
  • When it gets on a napkin or sheet of paper, the real ether oil will evaporate without leaving a greasy residue.

Some companies from the USA and Brazil combine the production of essential oil and orange juice - the pulp does not get into the raw material for essential oil. in the best possible way affects its quality.

How to make your own orange oil:

Orange essential oil contains:

  • D-limonene (90%) - natural flavor, powerful antioxidant, disinfectant and skin lightening agent;
  • phytoncides - thanks to them, it has excellent antiseptic properties;
  • vitamin A - activates metabolic processes, rejuvenates skin cells, helps smooth out wrinkles, improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • B vitamins - improve memory, activate metabolism, are responsible for the production of serotonin, which ensures good mood, appetite and sound sleep.

Pros and cons


  • wide range of applications (medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy and even cooking)
  • accessibility and low price in comparison with other essential oils, which is explained by the low cost of production;
  • suitable for all skin types;
  • pleasant, non-irritating smell.


  • not recommended for use if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to citrus fruits;
  • as with other esters, it is important to strictly follow the dosage, otherwise you may get burned;
  • when taken orally, be prepared for an increase in appetite.

Main properties:

  • moisturizes, tones and cleanses the skin;
  • stimulates lymph flow, reduces tumors and swelling;
  • eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
  • improves the condition of hair and nails, promotes the growth of new cells and prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • fights bleeding and inflammation of gums, stomatitis;
  • increases immunity;
  • relieves fatigue, improves mood, helps to relax.

Properties of orange:

Application in cosmetology

For acne.

Like everyone else citrus oils, orange is an excellent fighter against skin inflammation, blackheads and enlarged pores, pimples, as well as scars and blemishes left behind.

Don't use oil pure form- dilute it with base oil (jojoba oil, grape seeds, wheat germ, etc.). For severe skin lesions, you can apply pure oil directly to inflamed pimples using a cotton swab, avoiding contact with the skin to avoid getting burned.

Recipe No. 1. At 20-30 gr. base dissolve 5-7 drops of orange. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and apply to the skin several times a day. You can enhance the properties of orange oil by mixing it with any of the following: tea tree, lavender, rosemary, lemon, mint, bergamot, cloves or eucalyptus, but not exceeding a total concentration of 7 drops, otherwise you risk getting a burn. Knowing the main characteristics of esters, you can add new properties to the mixture - for example, by mixing orange, rose and ylang-ylang, you will get a remedy for wrinkles.

Recipe No. 2. Antiseptic mask with white clay. Mix lemon juice with white clay and 3-5 drops. orange oil, apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Experimenting with clay different types, You can create masks for different types skin: a mask with yellow clay is suitable for oily skin, with green clay - for problem skin, with red clay - for dry and sensitive skin, with pink clay - for mature and aging skin and against wrinkles.

For dry skin. Orange oil for the face is a godsend! Its properties are such that with regular use, dry skin softens, complexion improves, and due to stimulation of collagen production, the growth of wrinkles stops.

Recipe No. 1. Oil mask. To the mixture of jojoba, walnut and avocado (10 ml each), add orange, rose and geranium (2 drops each). Apply to face, leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipe No. 2. Banana mask. To make a mask, mash the pulp of a medium banana, add 5 drops of orange essential oil and immediately apply to your face. This mask is good for mature skin - it helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

For hair loss.
Using orange oil for hair will in any case have a positive effect on its condition - dandruff is guaranteed to disappear, hair will exude a delicate citrus aroma, and if you have problems with hair loss, orange oil for hair can be a real salvation.

Recipe No. 1."Orange Combing" Orange essential oil for hair can be used in the simplest way. Apply it to a comb (preferably a wide-toothed comb) and comb your hair as usual, without missing a single strand.

Recipe No. 2. Orange oil for hair with burdock oil. Mix 3 tbsp. burdock oil with pine, orange, and chamomile esters (2 drops each). Apply to hair, leave for 30-40 minutes. (no longer so as not to get burned), then rinse your hair regular shampoo. Make a mask once a week for two months.

From stretch marks. Thanks to its properties to penetrate deep into the skin, relieve puffiness and promote the production of new cells, orange ether, if it does not eliminate stretch marks completely, will definitely make them almost invisible and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks - you just need to be patient and persistent.

Recipe No. 1. Massage mixture from stretch marks. K 100 ml. Jojoba oil add 10 drops each of orange, rosemary, lemon and jasmine, as well as 20 drops of lavender. Stir the mixture, place in a closed container and place in a dark place for a day. Massage with this mixture for stretch marks several times a week for 3 months. This mixture can also be used for wrapping.

Recipe No. 2. Orange scrub for stretch marks. Pour boiling water over 100 g of finely ground coffee until thick gruel, let it brew for 15 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. olive oil and 8 drops of orange and stir. Rub the stretch mark scrub into your skin several times a week for 10 minutes. Contrast shower When rinsing off the scrub, it will enhance the effect against stretch marks.

For cellulite. Anti-cellulite oil - a proven recipe that received great reviews as a result of use at home, but do not forget that the fight must be waged on all fronts, therefore proper nutrition And physical activity- required!

Application of cellulite oil:

Recipe No. 1.
Anti-cellulite wrap. Mix 2 tbsp. honey and 5 drops of orange oil, apply to the skin and massage for 5 minutes, then wrap in cling film and a warm blanket on top and lie down for 20 minutes. Do not exceed the prescribed wrapping time, otherwise you risk getting burned!

Recipe No. 2. Anti-cellulite bath. Mix 5 drops of orange oil with a handful sea ​​salt and dissolve the mixture in a bathtub with warm water. Do not heat the water above 40% - in hot water essential oils lose their properties. The bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. After a while, a “tingling” sensation will begin in the problem areas- this means the mixture has begun to act.

For better effect alternate anti-cellulite baths and wraps to avoid getting burned.

Do not add orange ether to purchased cosmetics - the interaction of natural and chemical components can negatively affect your skin!

For nails. Orange oil for nails can be used in different ways- baths, compresses, rubbing. They strengthen the nail plate, prevent nail splitting, whiten, eliminate brittle nails, and remove fungus.

Recipe No. 1. Baths to strengthen nails. Mix 2-3 drops of orange with a teaspoon of base or emulsifier (honey, salt, milk), dilute with warm water and soak your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe No. 2. The easiest way to strengthen nails is to rub a mixture of base and 2-3 drops of orange into nail plate and the skin near the nails until completely absorbed.

Emotional impact

  • powerful antidepressant;
  • an aphrodisiac, conducive to communication and enhances charm;
  • balances emotions;
  • increases performance;

Experience the effects of fragrant orange on state of mind You will be able to specifically inhale air into scented room, and during all cosmetic and medical procedures at home using it.


You can use the properties of compatibility (complementarity) with other esters when preparing mixtures for aroma lamps and aromatic baths.

The esters of both sweet and bitter orange combine well with the esters of cypress, jasmine, cinnamon, coriander, frankincense, lavender, nutmeg, juniper, geranium, rosewood, rose, as well as with related oils - neroli and petitgrain.


Application for aroma lamp: 3-5 drops.

  • Bath Application: 5 drops per 2 tbsp. emulsifier (sea salt, milk, honey);
  • Application for massage: 5-7 drops per 20-30 g. vehicle(in recipes with base oil, clay, etc.);
  • Application in sauna and bath: Apply 5-7 drops to doors and walls;
  • Application for inhalation: 1-3 drops per 1 liter. water (for sore throat, bronchitis and viral diseases)
  • Application for rinsing: 1 drop per glass of water (for the prevention of periodontal disease and stomatitis)
  • Application for preparing drinks: 3 drops per glass of juice (to improve digestion and stimulate metabolism)
  • Application for preparing cream for cakes: 4 drops per 1 kg. cream (natural flavor)
The antiseptic properties of orange can be used in another way - add a few drops to water for washing floors. We guarantee that the delightful sunny aroma and joy of “natural” cleaning will soon displace all chemical products from your home.


1. Before use, you need to do a test for individual intolerance- mix 1 drop of orange oil with half a teaspoon of base and apply to the elbow. If after 12 hours there are no changes on the skin, you can safely use it. If you pinch, you can get burned.

2. Contraindications for the use of orange ether are pregnancy, epilepsy, hypotension, photosensitivity.

3. Do not apply to skin before going out into the sun, otherwise you risk getting burned.

Orange essential oil at home.

Orange oil, which has all the properties of store-bought oil, is not at all difficult to make at home - for this you will need the peel of several oranges and any vegetable oil.

1. Rinse orange peels with boiling water.

2. Finely chop and mash the crusts well.

3. Pour them into a jar and crush them again to release the liquid.

4. Pour in vegetable oil so that it completely covers the crusts.

5. Leave for 3 days in a dark place (if you used dry crusts, extend the period to 1-2 weeks)

6. Pour into a saucepan and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes.

7. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze out the crusts - there are still vitamins in them.

8. Done! Pour into bottles and store in a dark place.