How to treat the femoral nerve. Treatment of femoral nerve neuropathy

Some people know what neuritis is femoral nerve, the symptoms and treatment of which are quite versatile. Neuritis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammatory processes on peripheral nerves. As a result nerve tissue begins to change structurally. Because of this, nerve damage can lead to problems with movement, sharp decline sensitivity of certain areas, and in more severe cases even paralysis occurs.

People often confuse concepts such as neuralgia and neuritis. The difference between neuralgia is that neuritis is a term for a disease with inflammatory processes, and neuralgia is a definition for painful sensations, which arise in the nerve trunk and its branches. Neuralgia can be caused by various blows, injuries, bruises and other mechanical damage, but not by tissue inflammation.

Femoral nerve neuritis may occur in people who suffer from intervertebral hernia. In such a situation, the hernia gradually begins to put pressure on the nerve roots. The same phenomenon can be caused by inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. The reason may be tumors, growths and other forms of neoplasms in the pelvic area. Particularly dangerous are abscesses of the tuberculosis type, which spread in the muscles of the lower back and iliac region.

Symptoms of neuritis of the femoral nerve

Femoral neuritis can present with a variety of symptoms. First of all, the patient will feel discomfort in the hip area, which will gradually develop into severe pain.

In addition, pain can appear not only on the front inside thigh, but also in the lower leg area. In addition, at the level of the middle third of the fold of the inguinal zone, severe pain will also be felt during palpation. This is due to the fact that the affected nerve exits in this area.

The patient may complain of Matskevich and Wasserman syndrome, which is characterized by signs of tension. Problems with movements will begin, as there will be restrictions on motor activity with flexion at the hip and extension at the shin.

You won't be able to rotate your hip the way you used to. Sometimes the knee reflex may fall out. In more severe cases, the quadriceps muscles may atrophy.

Treatment of neuritis of the femoral nerve

Therapy for neuritis is prescribed by a neurologist. When treating hip neuritis, the patient must take medications that contain vitamin B. You will need medicines which improve blood circulation. In addition to them, medications are needed that have the properties of improving the conductivity of nerve fibers. The doctor prescribes biological stimulants.

If the disease was caused by various viral or bacteriological infections, then the patient is prescribed drugs that belong to the group of antibiotics. These drugs help with bacteriological infections. If the disease is caused by viral agents, then antiviral agents are prescribed.

The patient must take interferon and gamma globulins. When nerve ischemia develops, the doctor prescribes drugs that can expand blood vessels. To eliminate severe attacks painful sensations, it is recommended to use analgesics, which will be selected by the doctor.

To treat neuritis of various nerves, the doctor prescribes therapeutic exercises.

It is very effective. This was proven by various experiments, because patients with nerve damage recovered. Doctors recommend doing special exercises every day. At first it will be quite painful to make any movement, but gradually the pain will decrease and the limb will develop. In addition, massage sessions will be very useful.

When the disease worsens, the limb that is injured should be at rest. It is forbidden to move. During this period, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, dehydration agents and vitamin B. 2 weeks after the onset of an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed anticholinesterase drugs.

Treatment of neuritis should be not only systematic, but also comprehensive. Not only medications and special exercises can have a positive effect. It is imperative to use physiotherapeutic procedures. In order to eliminate pain and speed up the recovery of nerve tissue, UHF, electrophoresis, ultrasound and pulsed current are prescribed. If the patient’s rehabilitation is slow, then he is prescribed procedures with paraffin, mud baths, massage, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and inductophoresis. When the patient enters the stage of remission, he needs to take radon and sulfide baths. It is very beneficial to undergo acupuncture treatments.

It is believed that what younger man who suffers from neuritis, the faster he will recover and the shorter the rehabilitation period. Moreover, this applies to both a disease that was caused by an infection and neuritis that developed after an injury.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine also has remedies that can help treat neuritis of the femoral joint. The remedies can help eliminate pain in the damaged area. In addition, they can relieve inflammation.

For example, you can apply a special cake made from vinegar and clay to the affected area. To do this, the clay needs to be kneaded and ground. Instead, you can use chintz. Then add a little vinegar to it. It is best to use apple juice. After this, a cake is kneaded, which is later used in the treatment of neuritis.

In addition, you can make a pillow from natural fabric. Cotton fabric is best. Then elderberry or chamomile inflorescences are sewn into it. Now the pillow is ready. When pain begins, it needs to be fixed with a bandage near the place that hurts. You can also apply horseradish leaves to these areas. Before doing this, they need to be thoroughly washed and kneaded with your hands so that the plant juice begins to release. Suitable for treatment various decoctions and tinctures that can be rubbed into sore spot or just make lotions. For example, decoctions of raspberries, lingonberries, pine and Ivan tea will be very effective.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of femoral nerve neuritis, you must adhere to the rules of the diet.

Firstly, nutrition must be balanced. Food products should be varied. They must include large number vitamins, minerals and other microelements that are required for normal functioning the whole body. Secondly, meals should be fractional. It is best to eat in small portions, but 5 times a day. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

In addition, in case of any illness, it is necessary to go to the hospital on time and take the medications prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, once the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, you cannot stop taking the medications. You need to complete the full course of treatment regardless of the disease.

You should also not forget about timely vaccination against various diseases infectious nature. Be sure to keep your entire body clean. It is especially important to brush your teeth and oral cavity to prevent infections from developing. Hardening will be very beneficial for the human body. Must be adhered to healthy image life. It is recommended to do exercises daily, as well as engage in any sports activities 2-3 times a week. And of course, you need to protect yourself from any injuries.

If you follow all these rules, the risk of developing femoral nerve neuritis will be significantly reduced.

The femoral nerve, which runs in the pelvic area and lower limbs, responsible for flexion individual parts legs Nerve fibers also innervate the muscles in the lumbar region. With neuropathy of the femoral nerve, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the affected area due to a decrease in the conductivity of nerve impulses. At the same time, the muscle functions of the lower extremities are partially preserved. The treatment regimen for the disease is selected taking into account the characteristics of the provoking factor.

Anatomy of the femoral nerve

Understanding the anatomy of the femoral nerve can help determine the causes of pain and other symptoms associated with neuropathy. The nerve of the human thigh originates in the area where the spinal roots are located, which, when connected to each other, form a single trunk. The maximum number of fibers that make up the femoral nerve are located in the cavity formed by the iliacus and psoas muscles.

It then exits the pelvis and passes through the fibrocystic tunnel in the groin area. From here, its fibers stretch along the front of the thigh (the nerve does not pass along the back of the thigh) and change direction to the medial (median). The nerve enters Gunther's canal, formed in the muscles, and enters the knee joint. In this area, like the groin, it lies close to the surface of the skin, so when these areas are injured, the vessels and nerves of the thigh are easily damaged.

At the end, its fibers extend to the edge of the lower leg and foot, reaching thumb legs.

The branches of the femoral nerve are responsible for innervation various parts lower extremities. In this regard, the symptoms characteristic of neuropathy are localized in those areas in which the pathological process occurs.

The femoral nerve, which runs in the pelvic area, innervates the iliacus and psoas muscles, which perform the following functions:

  • hip flexion and supination;
  • lumbar flexion, which allows a person to bend their torso forward.

The nerves located just below the groin area provide:

  • knee flexion and extension;
  • sensitivity of the skin on the front and inner (partial) surfaces of the thigh.

The branches passing below are responsible for the sensitivity of the skin in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg (on the front and middle parts), and the anterior surface of the patella.

Causes of neuropathy

Problems with the innervation of the thigh arise due to two factors: compression (pinching) of nerve fibers and mechanical damage. The first option is diagnosed more often. Compression of the femoral nerve, which appears as a result of muscle spasm or hemorrhages in the pelvic area, is caused by the following factors:

  • mechanical damage to the specified area;
  • lymphomas and sarcomas;
  • hematomas localized in the retroperitoneal space (near the lower back);
  • aneurysm of the iliac or femoral artery;
  • bursitis, abscesses affecting the iliacus and lumbar muscles;
  • surgical intervention for pathologies of the kidneys and ureter (neuropathy of the left thigh develops).

Violation of the innervation of the anterior surface of the thigh is observed under the influence of the following factors:

  • leg hold long time V incorrect position, which causes the inguinal ligament to compress the nerve;
  • hernia;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • femoral artery aneurysm;
  • surgical intervention during which tissue of the hip joint is excised;
  • insertion of a catheter into the femoral artery.

Neuropathy in the lower legs is mainly associated with knee injuries (surgery, mechanical impact). Bursitis and deformation of local bones also lead to similar disorders.

Neuropathy in the foot area is most often due to idiopathic (unidentified) causes. IN in rare cases lead to such violations varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis or frequent injuries knee


Neuropathy develops gradually. The first symptoms of pinched femoral nerve (neuropathy) occur when there is constant weakness in the lower limb and impaired flexion function.

As it progresses pathological process arises pain syndrome, localized along the course of the nerve and often radiating to the groin area. The intensity of pain increases in supine position or while moving.

During palpation of the area in which the femoral nerve exits the pelvis, the patient experiences severe pain burning character. Due to a violation of innervation, the skin on the lower extremities ceases to sense tactile and temperature influences.

One of the symptoms of damage to the femoral nerve and resulting neuropathy is lameness. Its occurrence is due to a decrease in sensitivity in the lower limb.

Damage to the femoral nerve is characterized by dysfunction of the iliacus and psoas muscles. However, the hip joint with neuropathy continues to flex. This is explained by the fact that these muscles are also innervated by other neurons.

Except specified symptoms Paresis of the quadriceps femoris muscle, which provides flexion and extension of the knee joint, is diagnosed. Because of this, the patient loses the ability to squat normally, climb or descend stairs.

With further development of the pathological process, the muscles gradually atrophy. Moreover, the likelihood of such an outcome directly depends on the localization of compression and the degree of pinching of nerve fibers.

Diagnosis of hip neuropathy

Damage to the femoral nerve requires careful diagnosis. It is important to establish the causes of compression and the localization of the pathological process. In case of such violations, an X-ray of the spine is performed, with the help of which the degree of damage to the specified structure is established. However, this method is not very informative, since with osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine, compression occurs in advanced cases.

Therefore, radiography is usually complemented by EMG. Using this procedure, it is possible to determine the speed of impulses passing through the problematic nerve fibers.

IN recent years If femoral nerve neuropathy is suspected, ultrasound is often used to assess the integrity of the nerve fibers, as well as identify degenerative processes, tumors, scars, adhesions, swelling and other pathological changes that cause compression. To assess the degree of mobility of the femoral nerve ultrasound diagnostics is carried out dynamically (the patient moves his legs).

To differentiate neuropathy from other disorders (for example, diseases that are localized in the retroperitoneal space), CT and MRI are prescribed.

How to treat the disease?

With neuritis of the femoral joint, symptoms and treatment are determined both by the localization of the pathological process and by the characteristics of the causative factor.

In severe cases, when compression is caused by the development of tumors or other neoplasms, surgical intervention is used.

Surgeries are also indicated for severe sprains or tears. muscle fibers.

In case of pinching of the femoral nerve of a less pronounced nature, drug therapy is used, which eliminates pain and restores fiber conductivity. This treatment is complemented by methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Drug therapy

The treatment regimen for femoral nerve neuritis is selected based on the cause of the development of this pathology. If the compression is localized in the knee joint or groin area, apply local anesthetics such as "Lidocaine" or "Novocaine". Drugs in this group relieve pain. Together with anesthetics, they resort to blocking the femoral nerve with glucocorticosteroids (Diprospan, Hydrocortisone). These medications suppress the inflammatory process.

In case of muscle paresis, drug treatment of neuropathy of the outer thigh is carried out using Neostigmine or Ipidacrine. Drugs in this group are prescribed for oral administration. Medicines improve the conduction of nerve signals to the affected muscles.

In other cases, the following are used as part of drug therapy:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Voltaren). Suppress the inflammatory process and eliminate tissue swelling.
  2. Vasoactive drugs (“Aminophylline”, “Pentoxifylline”). Restores the functions of damaged nerve fibers, improves metabolic processes in the problem area. Together with vasoactive agents, vitamins B1 and B6 and thioctic acid are prescribed.
  3. Muscle relaxants (“Mydocalm”). Eliminate muscle spasm, thereby relieving pain.
  4. Anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Topiramate). Suppresses cramps and relaxes muscles.
  5. Antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline). Used for chronic pain caused by neurogenic lesions.

Type medicinal product and the dosage of the drug should be selected by the attending physician. A number of these medications cause severe complications.

Therapeutic exercise

When the thigh nerve is pinched, exercise therapy is used in combination with drug therapy. Exercises to restore the functions of the lower extremities should be performed only after the symptoms have been relieved and the causes of the disease have been eliminated.

Treatment of femoral neuralgia various methods Exercise therapy depends on the symptoms of the disease.

Type of exercise, degree physical activity and the order of completing tasks is also determined by the attending physician, based on the characteristics of a particular case. With the help of gymnastics you can achieve the following results:

  • accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • restore the functions of damaged nerve fibers;
  • enhance blood microcirculation in the problem area, thereby reducing the intensity inflammatory process;
  • prevent the occurrence of joint stiffness, scars and adhesions;
  • strengthen muscles and ligaments.

Regular exercise therapy helps rapid recovery patient's ability to work. If intense pain occurs during exercise, you must stop exercising.

Traditional medicine

The attending physician must determine what to do if a nerve is pinched in the thigh. This also applies to cases where drug therapy is carried out traditional medicine.

To relieve other symptoms and alleviate the condition in the treatment of femoral neuralgia, the following are used:

  1. Clove, fir, pine, chamomile and lavender oils. These remedies help relax muscles. Oils are recommended for use during massage problem area, which promotes rapid penetration medicinal substances into the affected tissues.
  2. Burdock root decoction. To prepare the product you will need 1 tbsp. plants. The root must be brewed in 250 ml of boiling water and left for two hours. The prepared product in an amount of 50 ml should be drunk 2-3 times a day after meals.

A variety of compresses help suppress pain in the thigh.

The use of such drugs must be agreed with a doctor, since in some cases heating causes serious complications. With spastic paresis good results achieved by acupuncture.


Without adequate and timely treatment of femoral nerve damage, the following complications arise:

  1. Intense pain in the lower extremities. Constant discomfort provokes changes in mental state patient. If the leg often hurts, the patient becomes aggressive and irritable.
  2. Spread of inflammation to other structures. If the thigh nerve is pinched without timely identification of symptoms and prescription proper treatment, the plexuses in the lumbar region and above are affected.
  3. Paralysis. This complication occurs when the inflammatory process spreads to the nerve fibers in the lumbar region.

Because of frequent pain decreases in the groin area sexual desire, both in men and women. The same symptom interferes normal sleep. In advanced cases, atrophy of the muscle fibers of the legs develops due to weak innervation.


  • walk for at least 30 minutes every day;
  • avoid injuries, stress and physical strain;
  • watch your posture;
  • promptly stop inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • follow the principles of proper nutrition.

It is quite difficult to prevent inflammation of the femoral nerve, since the disease develops against the background of the influence of many factors. In this case, the effect of treatment will be maximum if therapy is started at initial stage development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, if your leg is pinched in the thigh, it is important to promptly seek help from a doctor.

The femoral nerve (n. femoralis) is formed from the fibers of the dorsal branches of the anterior primary division LII -LIV spinal nerves, sometimes LI. Beginning at level LI, it is first located behind the psoas major muscle, then emerges from under its outer edge. Next, the nerve is located in the groove (groove) between the iliacus and psoas major muscles. Here it is covered on top by the fascia iliaca. The fascial layers located above the femoral nerve are divided into four plates: iliac, preiliac, transverse and peritoneal. Between these plates there can be up to three bags containing a small amount of connective and adipose tissue. Since the femoral nerve is located in a close and fixed space between the pelvic bones and the iliac fascia, in this place it can easily be compressed during hemorrhage, forming a hematoma. The nerve leaves the pelvic cavity, passing through the osteofibrous tunnel formed by the inguinal ligament (in front), the branches of the pubic bone and the ilium. Under the ligament, the nerve passes through the muscle lacuna. Upon exiting the thigh, the nerve is located under the sheets of fascia lata, covering the iliacus and pectineus muscles. Here it is located in the femoral triangle, bounded at the top by the inguinal ligament, outside by the sartorius and inside by the long adductor muscles. On the lateral side of the femoral triangle, the deep layer of the fascia lata of the thigh passes into the iliac fascia covering the m. iliopsoas. Medial to the nerve is femoral artery. At this level, the femoral nerve may also be compressed by the hematoma.

Above the inguinal ligament, branches extend from the femoral nerve to the iliacus, psoas major and minor muscles. These muscles flex the hip hip joint, rotating it outward; with a fixed hip, flex the lumbar part spinal column, tilting your torso forward.

Tests to determine the strength of these muscles:

  1. in a supine position, the examinee raises the straightened lower limb upward; the examiner resists this movement by resting his palm on the middle of the thigh area;
  2. while sitting on a mortar, the subject bends the lower limb at the hip joint; the examiner prevents this movement by providing resistance at the level of the lower third of the thigh;
  3. from a position lying on his back (on a hard surface), the examinee is asked to sit up without assistance upper limbs with lower limbs fixed to the bed.

Below the inguinal ligament or distally, the femoral nerve divides into motor and sensory branches. Of these, the first supply the pectineus, sartorius and quadriceps muscles, the second supply the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia in the region of the lower two-thirds of the anterior and anterior inner surface of the thigh, the anterior inner surface of the leg, and sometimes the inner edge of the foot at the medial malleolus.

The pectineus muscle (m. pectineus) flexes, adducts and rotates the thigh outward.

The sartorius muscle (m. sartorius) flexes the lower limb at the hip and knee joints, rotating the thigh outward.

Test to determine the strength of the sartorius muscle: the examinee, in a supine position, is asked to moderately bend the lower limb at the knee and hip joints and rotate the thigh outward; the examiner resists this movement and palpates the contracted muscle. A similar test can be performed with the subject sitting on a chair.

The quadriceps femoris muscle flexes the thigh at the hip joint and extends the lower leg at the knee joint.

Quadriceps strength test:

  1. in a position lying on a splint, the lower limb bends at the hip and knee joints, the examinee is asked to straighten the lower limb; the examiner resists this movement and examines the contracted muscle;
  2. sitting on a chair, the examinee extends his lower limb at the knee joint; the examiner resists this movement and palpates the contracted muscle.

The presence of wasting of this muscle can be determined by measuring the thigh circumference at strictly symmetrical levels (usually 20 cm above top edge patella

The femoral nerve is affected by trauma (including traumatic and spontaneous hematomas along its course, for example, with hemophilia, treatment with anticoagulants, etc.), inguinal lymphadenitis, appendicular abscess, etc.

The clinical picture of damage to the femoral nerve in the groove between the iliacus and psoas muscles or in the femoral triangle is almost identical. Initially there is pain in groin area. This pain radiates to lumbar region and on the thigh. The intensity of the pain increases quite quickly to severe and constant.

The hip joint is usually held in a position of flexion and external rotation. Patients take a characteristic position in bed. They often lie on the affected side, with the lumbar region spine, hip and knee joints - flexion contracture in the hip joint. Extension of the hip joint increases pain, but other movements are possible if the lower limb remains in a flexed position.

When hemorrhage at the level of the iliacus muscle, paralysis of the muscles supplied by the femoral nerve occurs, but this does not always happen. When a hematoma forms, only the femoral nerve is usually affected. In very rare cases, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve may be additionally involved. Damage to the femoral nerve, as a rule, is manifested by severe paresis of the hip flexors and extensors of the leg, loss of the knee reflex. Standing, walking, running and especially climbing stairs are difficult. Patients try to compensate for the loss of function of the quadriceps muscle by contracting the muscle that strains the fascia lata of the thigh. Walking on a flat surface is possible, but the gait becomes peculiar; the lower limb is excessively extended at the knee joint, as a result of which the lower leg is thrown excessively forward and the entire sole of the foot rests on the floor. Patients avoid bending the lower limb at the knee joint, since they cannot straighten it. The patella is not fixed; it can be passively moved in different directions.

For the neuralgic variant of damage to the femoral nerve, the Wasserman symptom is characteristic: the patient lies on his stomach; The examiner lifts the straightened limb upward, and pain appears along the front surface of the thigh and in the groin area. The same will happen when the knee joint is bent (Matskevich's symptom). The pain also intensifies in a standing position when bending the torso back. Sensory disturbances are localized in the lower two-thirds of the anterior and anterior inner surface of the thigh, the anterior inner surface of the leg, and the inner edge of the foot. Vasomotor and trophic disorders may occur.

Neuropathy of the femoral nerve (in ICD-10: G56-G57) is manifested by inflammation or damage to it, which leads to impairment impulse conduction. This disease is most often caused by compression of the nerve trunk. Next, we will find out what are the causes of the development of femoral nerve neuropathy, and, in addition, we will find out what symptoms accompany this disease, and how it is currently treated. In addition, let's talk about such a disease as compression-ischemic neuropathy.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The development of neuropathy of the femoral nerve affects anatomical formations with a superficial location, as well as those that pass through narrow bone, ligamentous and muscle channels. The femoral nerve is also related to these anatomical formations. Part of it is between lumbar muscles, and then it lies under the inguinal ligament. This location makes it often susceptible to pathological processes. The causes of femoral nerve neuropathy are:

  • Injuries to the lower back muscles along with spasms can cause compression of the femoral nerve.
  • Compression is also exerted by abscesses, hematomas and tumors of the retroperitoneal space.
  • Neuropathy of the left femoral nerve can develop when damaged during surgery on the left kidney. Injuries to the right femoral nerve occur during appendectomy.
  • Nerve compression occurs in women with prolonged lithotomy during labor.
  • Due to metabolic disorders at diabetes mellitus.
  • Against the background of long-term alcohol intoxication.

How does compression-ischemic neuropathy of the femoral nerve manifest itself? More on this later.

The main symptoms of the pathology

Due to damage to the femoral nerve, people experience following symptoms:

  • Weakness in the leg may gradually increase, which at the same time seems to stop obeying the person and gives way.
  • The occurrence of pain in the groin with its spread to the inner and anterior surface of the thigh.
  • Impaired pain and temperature sensitivity of the anterior internal surface of the leg.
  • Impaired flexion of the leg at the knee. In this case, running and walking may be difficult, and, in addition, it is very difficult to climb and descend stairs.
  • Gait disturbance.

Symptoms of femoral nerve neuropathy should not go unnoticed.

As part of a neurological examination, specialists look for signs of nerve damage. In this case, attention is drawn to pain in the inguinal ligament area, muscle atrophy, decreased and suppressed reflexes.

The causes and symptoms of femoral nerve neuropathy are interrelated.

Carrying out diagnostics

The diagnosis of femoral nerve neuropathy is usually based on complaints, and, in addition, on the medical history and neurological status of the patient. To clarify the extent of the lesion, electroneuromyography is performed, which is a study of the nerve impulse. This technique allows you to determine the type of damage and makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of therapy. Differential diagnosis neuropathies are carried out with stroke, Raynaud's syndrome and multiple sclerosis.

Features of treatment

Treatment of femoral nerve neuropathy is determined by the reasons that caused it. In the event that the disease appears due to compression by a hematoma or tumor, then without surgical intervention is not possible, since it is necessary to eliminate compression. Against the background or alcoholic type, therapy for the underlying disease is necessary.

To the main medicinal methods Treatment options for neuropathy include the following:

  • Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, in this case, drugs in the form of Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Xefocam and so on are used. They relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation.
  • The use of a complex of vitamins from group “B” in order to restore myelin sheaths. What else is used to treat femoral nerve neuropathy?
  • The use of means to improve impulse conductivity. Proserin and Neuromidin are suitable for these purposes.
  • Medicines to improve the circulatory system are Trental and Pentoxifylline.
  • The use of antioxidants and antihypoxants in the form of “Berlition”, “Espa-lipon” and “Tiogamma”.


In the treatment complex good effect perform various physiotherapeutic procedures. They are selected by the doctor depending on the stage of the pathological process, taking into account possible contraindications for a particular patient. Recovery, as a rule, is facilitated by electrophoresis with Dibazol and Eufillin, and electroanalgesia is also performed along with magnetotherapy, laser treatment, ultrasound and electrical myostimulation.

Other methods

At the stage of rehabilitation therapy in the treatment of femoral nerve neuropathy, they are ideal physical therapy, acupuncture and massage. When conservative treatment does not bring any effect, doctors, as a rule, resort to neurosurgical help. Usually surgery is prescribed when traumatic injuries. In such cases, the sooner the operation is performed, the more favorable the prognosis for restoring the functionality of the limb.

For compression-ischemic neuropathy of the femoral nerve, massage and gymnastics also have important.

Benefits of massage

Conducting a special acupressure helps relieve pain and corrects disorders of the motor system. For femoral nerve neuropathy, massages are very effective in helping to recover as part of a comprehensive treatment.

It is also possible to perform cupping massage, which is equally effective in helping with neuropathy. Thanks to this method, blood circulation is activated, and, in addition, cell saturation is stimulated nutrients and active oxygen, which improves the functioning of nerve fibers.


Physical education also plays an important role in the treatment of femoral nerve neuropathy. As part of the gymnastics course, the following exercises can be used (performed in a lying position):

  • You need to alternately bend your legs at the knee joints, sliding your heels along the floor. At the same time knee joints must be fully extended. Perform the exercise eight to ten times.
  • First you need to turn your legs towards the inner thighs, then return to starting position, then turn your feet apart. Repeat the exercise eight times.
  • Then take the starting position, hands on the belt. Next, spread your legs to the sides and slide your heels along the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise eight times.
  • Lying on your stomach, clasp your fingers behind your back. Then raise your head and shoulders and hold them in this state for two seconds, then return to the starting position. Under no circumstances should you bend over sharply while performing this exercise. Repeat six times.
  • Lie on your stomach, keep your hands clasped on your buttocks. Raise your straightened legs one by one. Perform the exercise six times.
  • Lie on your stomach again. Raise the upper part of the body, making 2-3 swimming movements with your hands (spread them to the sides). Repeat the exercise six times.
  • As part of the final exercise, lie on your healthy side and support your head with your arm bent at the elbow. Then lift the sore limb upward. When a person lowers his leg, he should relax his muscles. Repeat the exercise eight times.

Many people are interested in how to treat compression-ischemic neuropathy of the femoral nerve?

Compression-ischemic neuropathy

This disease is also called differently tunnel syndrome. This phenomenon is one of the most commonly observed variations among diseases peripheral nerves. Such pathologies occur very often, in 45% of patients whose professional activity directly related to prolonged stress separate groups muscles.

IN human body There are areas of excessive vulnerability of peripheral nerves that pass through special tunnels formed by bones, ligaments, muscles and fascia. In the background pathological change in the tissues that form the walls of the tunnel, irritation of the nerves and their compression are formed.

Compression-ischemic neuropathy and its causes

The causes of compression syndrome include the following factors:

  • Exposure to professional or everyday stress on the muscles, that is, against the background of chronic microtrauma.
  • The presence of traumatic damage to soft tissues and bones.
  • The presence of anomalies in the structure of tissues.
  • Presence systemic diseases in the form of endocrinopathy and polyarthritis of a rheumatic nature, which may be accompanied by morphological changes.

IN early period diseases correct diagnosis The development of a tunnel lesion is very rarely diagnosed. For many, the chart may include neuropathy of the femoral-genital nerve. It branches and forms the femoral and inguinal branches.


As a rule, clinical picture This syndrome consists of the following manifestations:

  • The presence of paresthesia, that is, frequent tingling, and, in addition, a feeling of crawling in the area of ​​innervation of the diseased nerve. Often, the phenomenon of paresthesia occurs at night, which is directly related to the development of venous stagnation in the distal regions of the limb during sleep. In turn, venous congestion contributes to impaired blood circulation in the area of ​​the tunnel nerve lesion.
  • The presence of spontaneous pain, which is also typical for the development of a tunnel lesion. In medical practice there is a wide range of nature and intensity pain, ranging from mild dull ache in the tunnel area to acute manifestations that do not allow even a small range of movements in the joints adjacent to the tunnel. Irradiation of pain in the area of ​​innervation of the nerve is also characteristic.
  • The vast majority of patients exhibit a sensitivity disorder in the form of areas of hypoesthesia (that is, reduced sensitivity) and hypalgesia (reduced pain sensitivity) in the area of ​​innervation of the corresponding nerve. Much less frequently, areas of hyperalgesia and hyperpathy may be observed. The occurrence of sensory disorder late stage The disease is explained by the slow increase in tissue pressure in the tunnel area. In the event that acute lesion nerve occurs due to compression by the structures that form the tunnel, then sensitivity disorder develops relatively quickly due to motor disorders.

How to prevent compression-ischemic neuropathy of the femoral nerve?

Carrying out prevention

To prevent neuropathy, people should not drink alcohol in the first place. In addition, it is necessary to take protective medications when working with toxic substances. In addition, it is very useful to eat fresh products as part of the prevention of such diseases; when purchasing, you need to check the expiration date with the date of manufacture in order not to be poisoned later.

It is very important to adhere to the dosage of medications during treatment for a particular disease, but it is best not to take them unless absolutely necessary. It is necessary to promptly treat sinusitis, flu, sinusitis and other infections. Such ailments should never be tolerated on your feet.

Every person should take part in swimming, dancing, running or fitness. This is very useful, since almost any exercise significantly improves blood circulation. It is equally important to avoid injuries and burns. It is very useful to regularly perform foot baths for fifteen minutes. Among other things, you should only wear comfortable shoes and not wear heels higher than five centimeters.

We looked at the symptoms and treatment of femoral nerve neuropathy.

How to treat femoral neuralgia at home

Neuralgia of the femoral nerve. Symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

● Some readers seek help for femoral neuralgia. They complain of severe burning pain in their thighs, as if irons had been placed on them.

Sometimes only one point hurts, as if a splinter had stuck there. It is especially difficult at night. No ointments or antipyretics help them anymore.

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Symptoms and causes of the disease

● Neuralgia of the femoral nerve, or femoral neuralgia, as well as, is manifested by paroxysmal excruciating pain along the nerve.

The disease most often occurs in middle-aged patients, and this is why serious illness men are three times more likely to be affected than women.

The feeling of pain is aggravated when the patient is in a supine position with his legs extended, as well as when walking and moving to an upright position.

● Unbearable burning pain, radiating to the thigh, causes slight compression with the fingers in the area where the nerve exits. Quite often, neuralgia of the femoral nerve manifests itself in the form of intermittent claudication: impaired sensitivity (paresthesia) and pain occur only when walking.

The main cause of the disease is compression (compression) of the femoral external cutaneous nerve under the inguinal fold.

● This phenomenon can occur in individuals with peculiarities of the anatomical location and course of the femoral nerve, when the nerve is bent in the area of ​​the iliac crest, where it is covered only by the inguinal ligament and thin layer muscles.

● Nerve entrapment also occurs due to injury to surrounding tissues with subsequent formation of scars, proliferation of fibrous or adipose tissue, and the presence of venous stagnation in the pelvic organs during pregnancy.

● People with excess body weight () should avoid wearing tight underwear to avoid compression of the inguinal ligament.

Conservative treatment

● With the appearance of the first threatening symptoms, the attending physician prescribes comprehensive medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. Vodka solutions are used, as well as any ointments used by athletes for rubbing.

The therapeutic effect of massage is enhanced by the use of essential oils that penetrate deep into the skin.

● Marjoram and rosemary oil, they also eliminate swelling and inflammation.

"Attention! The use of rosemary during pregnancy is prohibited. hypersensitivity skin and tendency to cramps"

● Warms well and relieves muscle spasms cinnamon oil , A lavender relaxes and relieves inflammation and swelling. Other essential oils that are also suitable: clove, lemon, cypress, juniper, pine and chamomile.

Avoid hypothermia of the lower extremities after warming procedures - massage, compresses, rubbing, use of warming ointments ( Finalgon, Fastum gel, Nicoflex etc.).

● For your information, analgin helps very little with neurological pain. To relieve pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed non-steroidal drugsbrufen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, reopirin, ketonal, ketanov, nurofen, diclofenac, voltaren etc.

The therapeutic effect of such a procedure occurs immediately after it is performed. Considering specific reason occurrence of neuralgia of the femoral nerve, treatment methods are used that improve metabolism, calm the central nervous system– mud, hydrogen sulfide, radon baths and acupuncture.

Physical therapy is of no small importance in the treatment of the disease.

1st exercise. Bend your legs alternately at the knee joints, sliding your heels along the mat. At the same time, fully extend your knee joints. Perform 8-10 times.

2nd exercise. First, turn your legs inward, then return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

3rd exercise. Starting position – hands on the belt. Spread your legs to the sides, sliding your heels along the floor, and return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

4th exercise. Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the symphysis pubis, clasp your fingers. Raise your head and shoulders, holding them in this state for two seconds. Return to starting position. You can’t bend over sharply! Repeat 6 times.

5th exercise. Lie on your stomach, keep your hands clasped on your buttocks, and alternately lift your straightened legs. Perform 6 times.

6th exercise. Lying on your stomach, raise your upper body and make several swimming movements with your arms, spreading them to the sides. Repeat 6 times.

7th (final) exercise. Lie on your healthy side, place your head on your arm, bent at the elbow. Elevate the affected limb. As you lower your leg, relax your muscles. Repeat 8 times.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of femoral neuralgia

● Infuse a tablespoon of crushed young roots in a glass of boiling water for two hours, then filter. Treat for two weeks in a row - 50 ml three times a day after meals.

● Mix 3-4 drops essential oil(any of the above) with 10 ml vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, corn, etc.).

First, lubricate the sore areas of the body with this mixture, then stroke them gently for several minutes and rub thoroughly. Plunge into the muscle with relaxed fingers and apply firm pressure, but there should be no pain. Massage for seven days.

● Mix four parts unsalted lard(preferably interior) with one part of dry herb. Rub the ointment into sore spots.

● Take two sheets white cabbage, lather them black laundry soap, sprinkle generously baking soda and apply to the affected area, tie a woolen scarf on top.

● You need to mix one yolk until you get a creamy mass chicken egg, one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and turpentine. Rub the resulting ointment onto the sore spot. After the procedure, wrap yourself warmly.

● Grate 200 g and . Mix the resulting mass with one tablespoon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table vinegar (preferably apple).

Leave for one week, then make compresses at night every day on the area of ​​the ilium on the side of the diseased femoral nerve.

● Grind and mix 30 g of horsetail grass, 20 g of grass and flowers, 15 g of viburnum flowers. Boil two tablespoons of the mixture in half a liter of water for five minutes, leave for two hours and then filter.

Drink the decoction warm, 150 ml before meals three times a day.

Treat yourself, friends, stay healthy and God bless you!