What vitamins are needed for the body's energy. Medicines, vitamins, herbs that increase performance. Vitamins that give a person vigor and energy


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Modern man is constantly exposed negative influence external factors. Haste, lack of sleep, stress - all this has a detrimental effect on a person’s condition, causing him weakness and apathy. In such situations, you should not give up. Gently just accept. But which ones are the best? Let's try to figure it out together.

Vitamins for energy and vigor from iHerb

Worthy analogues to domestic vitamin complexes are dietary supplements, which are presented on the iHerb website. Here you can find vitamins for energy and vitality at affordable and favorable prices(even including delivery).

Often, the culprits of the fact that our body cannot independently resist the harmful effects of external factors are ourselves, or rather, our lifestyle. Pay attention to how you eat. Do you think what you eat provides great benefits to your body? Of course not.

Various buns, sandwiches, fast foods, coffee and teas do not bring any benefit to the body. Even if you eat fruits and vegetables every day, they still cannot cover all the harm from the above foods.

But the best vitamins for energy are found in food. They are absorbed 100% and support the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole. And for this to really be the case, you need to eat right, and even better, periodically support it.

If we talk about some individual vitamins that add vigor and energy to us, we can highlight the following: vitamins B1, B8 and vitamin C.

Vitamin B1, or, as it is also called, thiamine, has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. It is responsible for clear thinking, memory and concentration. Thiamine helps fight mood swings and gives a person a lot of strength.

This vitamin is especially needed by people who use their brain convolutions during work. When it is deficient, they experience lethargy and increased irritability, which greatly prevents them from working normally.

There are several ways to replenish vitamin B1 reserves in the body - take daily vitamin complexes or eat the following foods:

  • rose hip;
  • cabbage;
  • unrefined cereals;
  • pork liver;
  • milk;
  • Ryazhenka.

Our body primarily requires vitamin B8 for the normal absorption of protein. However, it also performs another important function - it normalizes blood glucose levels, which has a direct effect on the functioning of the brain. As with vitamin B1, vitamin B8 deficiency leads to worsening mood, decreased concentration and memory.

To replenish the reserves of this substance in the body, you need to eat cauliflower, mushrooms, beef liver, milk, egg yolks and brown rice every day.

Vitamin C - everyone knows about its properties. First of all, this vitamin promotes, as a result of which it can itself resist the negative influence of external factors. However, this is not the only property of this vitamin.

Vitamin C interacts with other amino acids, after which it penetrates nerve cells and provokes the release of norepinephrine, which is responsible for mood and vigor. What foods contain this vitamin? There are actually a lot of them. And that's not only citrus fruit, but also cabbage, potatoes, various berries, greens and tomatoes.

If you eat the foods described above every day (not all of them, of course, but at least some of them), then you can help your body resist stress and lack of sleep. You will always be in a great mood and feel a surge of strength.

B vitamins in tablets for increased energy

Sometimes to replenish supplies essential vitamins in the body with the help regular products nutrition becomes impossible. In such cases, it is necessary to take medications containing B vitamins.

The thing is that these vitamins are combined with other components that improve their absorption. If you decide to give your preference medicines, then you need to carefully study the instructions before purchasing them. In order to give energy and vigor to your body, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 are required.

Vitamin complexes that give vigor

Today on pharmaceutical market there are many pharmacy vitamins, which are primarily aimed at improving a person’s mood, increasing his performance and concentration.

These include:

  • Alphabet Energy;
  • Doppel Hertz Energotonic;
  • Vitrum Energy;

Alphabet Energy helps increase energy due to the presence of thiamine and folic acid. This product also contains natural extracts that improve mental activity person. This remedy is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet.

Dopel Hertz Energotonic is prescribed for people who constantly experience mental and physical overload. This complex drug, giving vigor and energy for the whole day. This remedy is used one teaspoon three times a day.

Vitrus Energy helps fight chronic fatigue and allows the body to cope with intense physical stress. This remedy is used 1 tablet before breakfast.

Dynamisan is another complex drug that contains all known vitamins and minerals. Helps increase stamina, mental concentration and attention. In addition, the components included in this drug have a beneficial effect on immune system allowing the body to cope with stress on its own.

Dynamisan also helps rapid recovery body in postoperative period. This remedy is taken 1 tablet per morning time. This drug should not be taken in the evening, as it may negatively affect the quality of sleep.

Vitamins for energy and vigor for every day should only be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot take them on your own, as there is a risk of hypervitaminosis, which can also negatively affect a person’s well-being and health.

IN modern conditions life, every person, regardless of age and gender identity, is exposed to constant stress, which negatively affects overall health. Very often we ignore the rules healthy eating, we move little, we hardly go to fresh air and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

The result of this is not long in coming and in the end we begin to feel bad. And here it’s not even a matter of disruption of processes in our body, but a lack of essential vitamins. In professional language, this condition is called vitamin deficiency. And to prevent it, it is necessary to take vitamins in a timely manner for energy and vigor.

Every average inhabitant of our planet experiences a state of powerlessness and lethargy. First of all, this is due to the rhythm of life and sleep disturbance. Many residents of megacities suffer from chronic lack of sleep. Due to inadequate sleep, it gets confused biological rhythm body, and it can already respond adequately to external factors.

Another reason for impotence and lethargy is insufficient intake of vitamins and biological compounds into the body. We are used to having everything we need minerals And we get vitamins in the proper quantities from food. However, we forget that on store shelves today you can hardly find products that contain them at all.

If we analyze semi-finished products consumed modern people into food, you may be surprised to find that almost all of them consist of GMOs and other elements that can hardly be called healthy. This is why most modern residents big cities suffer from vitamin deficiencies varying degrees. And there is only one way out of this situation - to take dietary supplements and vitamin complexes containing all the necessary macro and microelements, as well as biological compounds, without which the system human body cannot function normally.

What are the most energy-rich vitamins?

The most “energy-rich” vitamins are B compounds and vitamin C:

  • Thiamine– stimulates the production of energy from cells, slows down the aging process of brain cells, restores nervous system;
  • Biotin– promotes better absorption protein, which allows the body to provide necessary supply energy. In addition, biotin interacts with insulin, thereby regulating blood glucose levels;
  • Vitamin B8– regulates energy potential, and also normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Increases blood flow, resulting in blood flowing faster to cells;
  • Vitamin C– when entering the body in the proper amount this vitamin helps strengthen immunity, increases energy potential.

All of these vitamins are contained not only in vitamin-mineral complexes, but also in food products that are present in daily diet every person.

Energy Products

To always feel cheerful and provide your body with enough energy, you just need to regularly eat certain foods. Their enormous advantage is not only optimal composition macro and microelements, but also low calorie content. These include:

  • Oatmeal– this porridge is considered universal. It not only saturates the body, but is also the main source of energy and vigor. Prepare it at least several times a week for breakfast and symptoms of vitamin deficiency such as lethargy and impotence will become a thing of the past;
  • Strawberry- this is incredible delicious berry contains large number vitamin C and iron, due to which even in small quantities, but with regular use, saturates cells with energy, preventing fatigue and impotence;
  • Dried fruits– dried apricots, raisins, dates, dried apples and pears, especially in combination, are considered irreplaceable sources of micro and macroelements, as well as other biological compounds that fill the body with energy;
  • Bananas- today this exotic fruit accessible to every person. In addition to their incomparable taste, bananas quickly restore the body’s energy reserves and restore lost strength.

Besides listed products, various nuts help quickly restore your energy supply.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of vitamins for energy from different manufacturers, but the best of them are the vitamin and mineral complexes Alphabet and Supradin.

Vitamins Alphabet Energy is a unique vitamin and mineral complex, the regular use of which allows you not only to quickly restore lost energy, but also to charge the body for the whole day. Even with strong and intense loads, when taking the Alphabet, fatigue and impotence do not appear. A person feels a surge of strength and vigor, but only in the morning and afternoon hours.

The vitamin-mineral complex includes B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, D, PP, H, K, as well as potassium, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc and other mineral micro and macroelements. All vitamins and minerals are grouped in such a way that when they enter the body, they enhance each other’s effects. Each tablet contains only those components that have the maximum effect.

Vitamins Supradin Pure Energy– this complex includes twenty components necessary to maintain energy throughout the day. In addition to the main components - macro and microelements, vitamins, Supradin includes excipients, which promote better absorption of nutrients.

Vitamins for vigor and performance

Natural vitamins for vitality and performance are B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin H (biotin). With a lack of these biological compounds, a person often begins to experience causeless fatigue, lethargy, irritability and drowsiness. People with magnesium deficiency will have the same symptoms. To receive everything necessary substances V the right quantity it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists proper nutrition. IN winter time you need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, preferably in fresh. It is also a good idea to take vitamin and mineral complexes, but only on a regular basis.

Tablets for energy and vigor

The most affordable pills for energy and vigor are “ascorbic acid”, which is familiar to everyone since childhood. Large sweet tablets, when ingested, break down into components, after which ascorbic acid, which is contained in large quantities, begins to be actively absorbed into the blood, stimulating the production of energy from cells.

Reception ascorbic acid in sufficient quantities will strengthen the immune system and avoid the appearance of signs of fatigue.

Prices for vitamins and tablets

The cost of vitamins for energy and vitality varies. The price depends on the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the blister, the composition of the vitamin and mineral complex and other factors. The minimum cost of vitamins is approximately 250 rubles; there is no maximum price limit for vitamins and pills for vigor.

On modern man constantly influence unfavorable factors environment. Stress, improper routine, lack of sleep, poor quality nutrition have a detrimental effect on the body, causing weakness, malaise, bad mood. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to take special vitamins for energy and vigor. They can be obtained from food or purchased at a pharmacy.

Vitamins to boost energy and restore strength

The main reason for the body's inability to function well and counteract negative factors external environment– wrong way of life. Especially great harm capable of inflicting food. Quick snacks, convenience foods, sandwiches, baked goods, coffee and carbonated drinks not only interfere normal operation systems and organs, slowly destroy them, but also block the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

It's fresh and natural food contains vitamins for vitality and energy in optimal concentration and easily digestible form. Therefore, it is very important for every person to eat a good and balanced diet, practice cleansing diets more often, and take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. The most necessary microelements for maintaining activity, mental and physical strength are:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • biotin (B7);
  • inositol (B8);
  • retinol (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • calciferol (D).

Benefits of vitamins

Thiamine (B1)

The nervous system desperately needs this substance. Vitamin B1 improves brain performance, prevents early aging of its cells, restores memory and consciousness, so it is especially important for older people and mental workers. With a lack of a microelement, mood swings often occur, concentration is impaired, a person becomes whiny, irritable, weak, and drowsy.

Biotin (B7)

This vitamin regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, that is, it participates in the formation of energy. But its main function is glucose metabolism. With a biotin deficiency, brain cells and nerve endings do not receive enough sugar and experience hunger. A person’s mood and character change dramatically: he becomes angry, aggressive, irritable, apathetic, and absent-minded.

Inositol (B8)

This microelement controls the process of digestion of proteins and the release of energy from them. It also regulates the level of glucose in the blood, which is necessary to nourish the brain.

Retinol (A)

This vitamin is the strongest antioxidant. It supports immunity, improves functioning digestive tract and respiratory organs, helps maintain visual acuity and prevents the development of age-related eye diseases. Retinol is especially necessary for women: it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, stimulates the production of secretions by the mammary glands, activates regenerative and metabolic processes in cells.

Ascorbic acid (C)

This trace element has powerful antioxidant properties. Once in the body, it binds to amino acids and participates in the synthesis of norepinephrine in the adrenal glands, the hormone of activity and energy. With an abundance of ascorbic acid, a person feels cheerful, experiences inspiration and emotional uplift.

Calciferol (D)

This vitamin is also called the hormone of happiness. It controls the flow of minerals into bone tissue, prevents the development of rickets, participates in the formation of cells, makes muscles strong, and helps injuries heal faster. Calciferol is especially important for girls: thanks to its effects, the skin retains youth and beauty for a long time. Deficiency of the substance is observed quite often in different segments of the population, accompanied by problems with skin And internal organs, decreased vitality.

Natural Sources of Vitamins for Energy

Representatives of the fair sex suffer especially greatly from a lack of strength and energy. Shortage useful elements They are most noticeable in the winter and spring seasons. At this time, it is recommended to take in addition to food pharmaceutical drugs. What are the best vitamins to take to restore the body after the winter cold? Microelements C, A and D are essential for girls. They help restore mental and physical strength, restore vigor and great mood, rejuvenate and tone, improve blood circulation in organs.

For men, substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental abilities, relieve powerlessness, apathy, depression and other consequences stressful situations. These include B1, B7, B8 and other vitamins from group B. But it is still better if the body receives vitamins for energy and vitality not of synthetic, but of natural origin. Therefore, it is important to know which foods contain them in sufficient quantities. Below is a table that gives a list of foods rich in these microelements.

thiamine (B1)

milk, fermented baked milk, egg, beans, pork, nuts, potatoes, cabbage, bran, rose hips, green buckwheat

biotin (B7)

milk, beef liver, mushrooms, egg yolk, nuts, soy, tomato, cauliflower, unpolished rice

inositol (B8)

sesame oil, peas, lentils, soy, beef, caviar, leafy greens, turnips, grapefruit

retinol (A)

fish oil, caviar, chicken liver, milk, cream, egg yolk, carrots, sea buckthorn, tomato, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach

ascorbic acid (C)

lemon, orange, tomato, sweet pepper, rosehip, dill, spinach, sea buckthorn, cabbage, black currant, green onion

calciferol (D)

mackerel, herring, cod liver, caviar, veal, butter, mushrooms, egg, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream

Vitamins for energy in tablets

Currently, pharmacies offer a huge range of drugs and biologically active additives to restore vigor and energy for people of different ages and health status. They must be consumed if natural sources nutrients for some reason not available. The most popular are the following vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • Doppel Herz Energotonic;
  • Dynamisan.
  1. Alphabet Energy. The drug is intended to replenish strength during hard work and active recreation. Thanks to its effects, performance and brain activity improve, and the body gets into shape faster after a hard and eventful day.
  2. Supradin. A complex of vitamins and minerals is recommended for the prevention of nutritional deficiencies during strict diets, high mental and physical activity, after chemotherapy and antibiotics. It also strengthens the immune system after infectious diseases.
  3. Vitrum Energy. Excellent product against overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous exhaustion. The drug returns vitality, performance, vigor and activity, fights the effects of stress.
  4. Gerimaks Energy. The vitamin-mineral complex is designed to restore the body after severe and long-term illnesses. It also helps improve concentration and memory, and relax after intense physical or mental work.
  5. Doppel Herz Energy Tonic. A solution of vitamins and other nutrients is recommended to be taken during rehabilitation after surgical operations and long-term illnesses, mental and emotional disorders, nervous and physical overload. It helps increase activity, improve brain activity, mindfulness and health with strict diets and poor nutrition.
  6. Dynamisan. The drug helps the body resist stress and negative environmental factors. It also eliminates the effects of nervous and physical exhaustion, stimulates brain function, increases energy and endurance.

When consuming vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, do not forget to follow the rules of administration and dosage. To prevent an overdose, you should carefully read the instructions.

Vitamins for energy and vigor contribute increasing performance in men and women, forming good mood.

You just need to know what vitamins to drink, in what concentrations and combinations.

Chronic fatigue is the scourge of our time. A person experiences weakness and loss of strength, despite being well rested. Moreover, a man who has just gotten out of bed after a long and deep sleep, feels overwhelmed and depressed.

Chronic fatigue is a reluctance to live actively, because in every action a person has to force himself to move, think and even desire.

The term " chronic fatigue"surprisingly accurately describes this state. Such fatigue cannot be cured simply by rest, since it is generated by deep-seated disorders physiological processes.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. As a rule, they act in a complex that includes:

  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • lack of normal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • sleep disturbance in the form of difficulty falling asleep, frequent or early waking up;
  • lack of normal eating habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mineral deficiency.

The last two reasons can increase the manifestation of ordinary fatigue and the consequences nervous overstrain. The opposite situation is also possible - when eliminating the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, all other factors can weaken their effect.

There are examples of complete healing of this modern disease with the correct selection of vitamin and mineral complexes. Properly selected vitamins can not only improve well-being, but also return a person to his former self. active image life.

What vitamins are needed for energy and vigor?

What are the best vitamins to use for energy and vigor, for lifting and recovery? vitality adults?

From the entire set of natural catalysts of physiological processes the most significant in energy metabolism are:

  • Ascorbic acid (C).
  • This is the most universal remedy to improve a person’s energy state. Ascorbic acid stimulates the immune system and the synthesis of norepinephrine, improves the condition nerve cells. It is norepinephrine that increases tone and improves mood. The efficiency of ascorbic acid absorption increases with sufficient amounts of magnesium and calcium.

  • Thiamine (B1).
  • This is a kind of energy drink that increases creativity, activates thinking, slows down the rate of cell aging. All these properties are based on the fact that thiamine activates energy release at the cellular level.

  • Biotin (H).
  • With its help, the body quickly absorbs proteins, which provides a supply of not only building material the body, but also its energy. In addition, vitamin H stimulates the production of pancreatic hormones, which normalizes metabolism, especially carbohydrates. Biotin takes part in the synthesis of glucokinase. This increases the activity of glucose metabolism and also normalizes blood sugar levels. As a result, the body releases the optimal amount of energy, which helps maintain vitality.

  • Inositol (B8).
    IN healthy body synthesized from glucose and concentrated in the central nervous system. Inositol affects liver function and prevents the formation of fatty tissue in and around this organ. It ensures the normal movement of glucose and the biosynthesis of glycogen, which is involved in the regulation of metabolism. Inositol has pronounced antioxidant properties. It forms the body's energy potential, reduces cholesterol levels, and activates blood flow.

This is important!
When using these vitamins, it should be remembered that their synthesis, absorption and functioning are highly dependent on the presence of certain minerals in the body. Special attention needs to be addressed food products and vitamin and mineral complexes containing magnesium, iron and calcium.

What foods help increase the amount of energy in the body?

Vitamins for vitality stimulate performance, increase activity and mood.

How to increase their number in the body? There are three ways - to promote synthesis in the body (for some vitamins), drink special drugs, eat foods with maximum content necessary substances.

When choosing food that relieves fatigue and improves performance, people often base it on its energy value. The more calories, the more energy a person has. This position can hardly be called constructive, although under heavy physical, emotional and mental stress, calories are always in demand.

In order for a person to satisfy his body’s needs not only for calories, but also for vitamins, it is necessary to combine fresh fruits and berries with foods containing the optimal amount of easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To do this, it is recommended to use different options the following products:

  • Berries black currant, containing a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. In addition, each berry contains the most necessary minerals: potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Schisandra chinensis berries are natural biostimulants. They contain lignans and microelements such as selenium, potassium, magnesium, iodine.
  • Schisandra is very rich in vitamins C, PP, A, E, B1. However, the most valuable substance Schisandrin is believed to be present in these berries. It excites the nervous system and stimulates the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs. When using lemongrass in large quantities rises blood pressure. With moderate consumption, you can avoid hypertension, but gain vigor and increased performance.
  • Nuts, especially oily ones. These include cedar and walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. They contain not only necessary vitamins and microelements, but also proteins and fats plant origin. Nuts, ground with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and then doused with honey, are a food with a very high content proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Bananas. Many people are skeptical about the benefits of this fruit. However, it is valued for its large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins (C, E, B4, beta-carotene).
  • Hercules and oatmeal porridge. Nowadays, oatmeal is undeservedly forgotten. But in vain, because these are oats crushed almost into flour. Oatmeal porridge is a pleasant and easily digestible dish that is highly nutritious.

Vitamin complexes to combat fatigue and weakness

The pharmaceutical industry offers consumers a large selection of dietary supplements, containing biostimulants, vitamins and minerals. Let's give examples of some of them.

  • Vitrus Energy.
    These vitamins for energy and vitality contained in effervescent tablets, are more suitable for girls and boys, they raise tone and give a good mood due to natural biostimulants. The use of Vitrum energy in adulthood can lead to hypertension. This doesn't mean that this drug You shouldn’t drink at the age of 50 or more, you just need to take into account the occurrence negative consequences. Vitrum-energy contains: vitamins B2, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic and succinic acid, taurine, caffeine and inositol.
  • Alphabet Energy.
    This includes the usual range of vitamins and minerals, but increased quantities. Some components are presented in daily doses, some significantly exceed these figures. This drug is recommended for those who have suffered serious illness and is in the rehabilitation stage, and was also forced to starve for a long time and eat poorly.
  • Duovit Energy.
    This is a dietary supplement that contains vitamins - E, D, A, C, all group B, minerals - selenium, zinc, iron, chromium, copper, iodine. The energetic essence of this complex is also manifested in the presence of the most famous biostimulant - ginseng.
  • Vitrum Energy. It consists of vitamins: C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, biotin, folic acid, as well as minerals: boron, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium. This complex also contains ginseng as a special energy booster.

Vitamins for men and women - is there a difference?

To ensure the body's energy, representatives of both sexes need to consume the same vitamins.

The only difference is that at a certain period of their life, a man or woman must use certain vitamins in increased concentrations.

You need to know this!
Men, since they usually have a large body weight, have to consume vitamins in higher concentrations. This is due to greater load on the psyche and body when performing certain functions.