Consultation for parents "intestinal infections in summer." Beware of intestinal infections" advice for parents

Infection of a person with intestinal infections occurs when pathogens secreted by the patient or carrier enter the healthy person. Cholera and dysentery can be contracted through water that contains the causative agents of these diseases, so in the prevention of these serious infections vital role plays a good-quality water supply (or drinking boiled water in its absence).

Salmonellosis can be contracted through animal products - livestock or poultry. Since veterinary control is not always able to detect contaminated meat, the most important preventive measure is the separation in the kitchen of dishes and utensils used for processing raw foods and ready-made dishes.

Prevention of intestinal infections requires strict adherence to general hygiene measures in everyday life, when preparing food and while eating. IN summer time All food products should be protected from flies.

Prepared food should be stored in the refrigerator: at low temperatures, even if microbes get into the food, they will not be able to multiply. The disease can also be caused by indiscriminate purchasing of food products that are eaten without heat treatment - from hand, outside markets, where they undergo sanitary control.

First aid for a child with food poisoning is to empty the stomach of everything eaten - in fact, this is what the protective gag reflex. The child needs to rinse his stomach. After each episode of vomiting, the child should be given a sufficiently large volume of water to drink ( infant- 100 ml, for a child 2–7 years old - 400–500 ml), it is better to dissolve in water baking soda(3-4 teaspoons per 1 liter). Other medicines should not be added to the solution, as this will not help the patient, but may cause side effects. It is necessary to put the child to bed, warm him and help him with vomiting. It is advisable to collect the vomit in a sterile (boiled) jar - they may be needed for bacteriological research in order to determine the source of infection.

Since vomiting can lead to dehydration, after it ends, it is important to give the child (in fractional portions) sweet tea or fruit juice. It is important to understand that with any intestinal infection, the child must drink a lot; There is no need to be afraid that he will drink more than necessary.

If the vomiting has stopped, then after 4-6 hours you can offer the child to eat. It is better to give older children light, semi-liquid vomit (soup, porridge).

Stopping vomiting does not mean recovery; after it, diarrhea may develop, which will also require treatment.

A child with any type of diarrhea should be shown to a doctor, who will assess not only the severity of the disease, but also its possible nature, contagiousness, the need for anti-epidemic measures, etc. The doctor decides on hospitalization. Children, especially older ones, with mild forms of the disease can be treated at home. Parents, however, need to clearly know and be able to carry out those therapeutic measures that are carried out during treatment at home, including before the doctor arrives.

It has been proven that most watery diarrhea is caused by viruses, and it is useless to treat them with antibiotics. All over the world for intestinal infections and food poisoning Adsorbent preparations are used. The drug Smecta, recognized in pediatrics, is used in complex therapy diarrhea, regardless of the reason that caused the stool disorder.

In Russia, biological products containing beneficial microflora. They are used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis. For diarrhea, there is no special need for these drugs, since after short illness normal microflora intestines quickly recovers without outside help, especially since Smecta has already taken care of creating favorable conditions to restore normal microflora.

In this case, neither the effectiveness of the drug nor the properties of the food change. It is necessary to keep in mind that the course of taking Smecta is at least 3 days. During this time, bacteria and their toxins will be removed from the body, and the protective mucous barrier of the intestines will be completely restored.

As for diet, there is no reason to completely deprive a child with an intestinal infection of food, as was sometimes practiced before. You just need to reduce the amount of food to 1/2 - 1/3 of the norm and increase the frequency of feedings. Infants should continue to be fed (breast or formula) in the same way as before the illness. With the acute onset of the disease, sometimes you have to skip one feeding because the child is restless and refuses to eat. This is not scary, but the child must be given fluids throughout the illness. Subsequent feedings are carried out by slightly reducing the volume of food and increasing the number of feedings. Children who do not stop feeding lose less weight.

Older children with watery diarrhea should also not take a long break from eating. During the acute period, they should be given lighter, low-fat vegetable dishes, porridge, jelly, from the second or third day boiled meat should be introduced.

However, if a child has a sharply decreased appetite and refuses to eat, there is no need to force feed him.

Currently, the incidence of intestinal infections in Russia remains quite high. Parents themselves must not only make an effort to maintain hygiene standards at home, in the country, or on a hike, but also instill this in the minds of their children.

Be healthy!

This information is for informational purposes only. Remember that you cannot self-medicate! If the first signs of the disease occur, you should consult a doctor!

We invite specialists to consult on this topic. You can send your application form to

First of all, you need to assess the situation and understand WHAT could happen. We remember what the child ate and in what quantity. Where you were, where you swam and with whom you talked, do any of your relatives feel similar symptoms, do your friends get sick? This is the first thing you must understand.

Second: assess the child’s condition at the moment. This will help you decide further actions. Is the child lethargic or active, does he have frequent loose stool- or rare bowel movements, pale or normal skin color, clear or dull eyes... Sometimes a confused mother goes to the forum and asks: what should I give my child for diarrhea? Advice pours in, one better than the other: Linex, Bifilin, coal, Smecta, Mezim-Forte... Mom grabs her head and realizes how bad and inattentive she is to her child. And urgently buys a list beneficial bacteria and enzymes, useless - and even very harmful for diarrhea. And then it turns out that there is nothing to treat, and loose stools do not harm the child special harm: toxins are washed away, the process is underway, everything is fine.

If your child's condition causes you concern: he lies flat and vomits frequently - call a doctor! If the child is less than a year old, call an ambulance!

  • Meat, fish, dairy dishes, broths, especially prepared for dietary nutrition, is an ideal environment for the proliferation of microbes. Therefore, prepare meals for your child no more than 1 day in advance.

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"Beware of intestinal infections" Consultation for parents"

Beware of intestinal infections" Consultation for parents

Summer is a great time for vacations, trips to the sea, hours of play in sandboxes and on the grass... and for intestinal ailments. Bacteria and viruses simply love the heat and multiply in it with great pleasure. Abdominal diseases are the absolute leaders among summer diseases. At home, we leave salads and opened yoghurts in a warm place, turning healthy foods in a bacteria get-together, on the street we eat unwashed bananas, and some mothers offer an unwashed banana to a child who has just played in the sandbox and did not wash his hands... At the dacha we overeat berries and put too many vitamins into the child - remember how many tiny seeds are contained in raspberries , now imagine thousands of bones in a child’s belly after eating a heaping plate. They are like micro-bombs that destroy the balance of microflora in the intestines when overeating. On vacation we have a blast: now we'll eat! What threatens us in the end after lack of washing and thoughtlessness?

Pediatricians share acute intestinal infections into two main groups:

    OKI of bacterial nature:

    caused by obviously pathogenic enterobacteria (dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, yersiniosis, etc.);

    caused by opportunistic microorganisms (Klebsiella, Proteus, Clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.).

    Viral diarrhea (caused by ECHO, Coxsackie viruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, etc.).

I ate two spoons too much, and the mouse’s stomach hurt...

So, unwashed berries or picked up in public places microorganisms turned into bombs and started a war in the intestines.

First of all, you need to assess the situation and understand WHAT could happen. We remember what the child ate and in what quantity. Where you were, where you swam and with whom you talked, do any of your relatives feel similar symptoms, do your friends get sick? This is the first thing you must understand.

Second: assess the child’s current condition. This will help you decide on further actions. Is the child lethargic or active, does he have frequent loose stools or rare stools, his skin color is pale or normal, his eyes are clear or dull... Sometimes a confused mother goes to the forum and asks: what should I give my child for diarrhea? Advice pours in, one better than the other: Linex, Bifilin, coal, Smecta, Mezim-Forte... Mom grabs her head and realizes how bad and inattentive she is to her child. And he urgently purchases a list of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that are useless - and even very harmful for diarrhea. And then it turns out that there is nothing to treat, and loose stools do not cause much harm to the child: toxins are washed off, the process continues, everything is fine.

In many cases, intestinal “breakdowns” that are not accompanied by high fever and extreme dehydration can be cured by two methods: soldering and diet. Some situations require medication intervention and should be under medical supervision. Therefore, we will not analyze them, but will only consider non-drug treatment.

If your child’s condition causes you concern: he lies flat and vomits frequently – call a doctor! If the child is less than a year old, call an ambulance!


Here are a few simple ones, but effective advice, following which will keep your baby healthy.

    When using ready-made dairy products, including those intended specifically for babies, be sure to inspect the packaging for expiration date, integrity and swelling.

    If you forgot to put some product in the refrigerator, you should not then trust your feelings when you smell or taste it: some pathogenic microbes, while multiplying, do not affect the food in any way. taste properties dishes. At the very least, don't give it to your child.

    You should only drink boiled water, because... household cleaning filters are not capable of retaining microorganisms.

    Even on vacation, we must not forget about precautions: do not swallow water when swimming, store food and drinks only in cooler bags, do not drink water from unknown sources, it is advisable to use bottled water and use disposable tableware. Use disposable wet wipes to clean your hands.

    Wash vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs thoroughly! Especially those that could come into contact with the ground, such as strawberries and lettuce.

    Meat, fish, dairy dishes, broths, especially those prepared for dietary nutrition, are an ideal environment for the proliferation of microbes. Therefore, prepare meals for your child no more than 1 day in advance.

    Don't buy food from places unauthorized trade- along the route, at the roadsides, from private individuals, because in these cases, you may purchase products that have expired or were manufactured in violation of sanitary standards and regulations.

    Purchased cut melons (watermelons, melons) can cause great harm to health, since microbes from the surface are easily transferred and multiply in the juicy pulp;

    Do not buy food for future use; if possible, do not store anything for a long time, even in the refrigerator.

    Don't buy expired products.

    At home, you should not accumulate excess food, and existing perishable foods should be stored closed in bags, jars with lids in refrigerators.

    When preparing salads, it is necessary to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits. Salads should be dressed before serving.

    Fight flies, as they are mechanical carriers of acute diseases. intestinal diseases. When they sit on food, they contaminate it with microbes that get on their paws in cesspools and garbage containers.

Intestinal infection in a child - we treat it correctly!

The long-awaited summer season, the long winter holidays, the enchanting and fragrant spring, the mesmerizing autumn with its abundance of colors and whirlwinds of leaf fall can fade in the eyes of a loving mother because her baby is sick. According to statistics, one of the most common diseases in young children is work disorder. digestive tract and intestines due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. Intestinal infection in children is an all-season phenomenon. Adults are also not immune from it, but small children still suffer more often. Why is this happening? Where does this infection even come from? What is its danger? How does the disease affect the baby’s behavior? How to help a child with an intestinal infection? Is it possible to protect yourself from it? Now together we’ll put everything into pieces.

Intestinal infection poses a serious danger to the child's health.

Why and where does an intestinal infection occur in a child?

There are 2 reasons for the occurrence of intestinal infection in people, and both of them are a consequence of the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the body.

In the first case, the disease is caused intestinal viruses. There are about 10 groups of them. The most famous and common among them are enterovirus, adenovirus and rotavirus intestinal infections. It is very difficult for babies to bear rotavirus or as people called him “ stomach flu».

Detecting a viral infection

The first signs of rotavirus can appear within 24 hours after infection, but more often they appear 3-5 days after the virus enters the body. Symptoms of the disease are acute and obvious:

    rises sharply and strongly temperature(up to 38-39 0);

High temperatures are dangerous for babies.

    occurs several times a day (up to 3-6) vomit;

    the general condition of the child is lethargic, apathetic;

    frequent starts watery diarrhea with a pronounced light yellow tint and an unpleasant sour odor;

    redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat occurs.

Enterovirus is more difficult to identify because its symptoms are similar to many other diseases. Along with the manifestations of the disease described when rotavirus occurs, in the case of enterovirus infection the following may be observed:


    seizures And;

    pain in muscles and head;

During illness, children may experience headaches, drowsiness and apathy.

    inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;

    fear of light (photophobia);

    drowsiness and weakness;

    pain in the heart muscle;

    involuntary lacrimation;

    increased heart rate.

Enteroviruses can cause complications on the heart, central nervous system, muscle and skin apparatus of the child.

Symptoms of adenoviral infection most often manifest themselves as a runny nose and conjunctivitis, but loose stools and lack of appetite can be encountered just as often. These symptoms are a consequence of damage to the baby’s small intestine. Their manifestation can be observed within acute stage illness - about 2-3 days. A child is contagious for 10 days after the first symptoms of any type of viral disease appear.

In order for a child to grow up smart and healthy, parents must pay special attention its development. Will help stimulate brain function and creative activity finger games. Finger games will bring pleasure not only to kids, but also to their parents. The main thing is to work with your child every day.

The sooner you introduce your baby to the world of numbers, the easier it will be for him to add and subtract in the future. You can engage in computing operations from the first days of life, read how to do it correctly here.

Differences between viral stomach infection from bacterial

The second causative agent of intestinal infection in young children is bacteria. Bacterial infection is much more commonly known as:

    coli infection;


    salmonellosis and others.

Signs of a bacterial infection are similar to the manifestations of a viral infection - these are the same elevated temperature, but up to 37-38 0 C, vomiting (with viral infections it is always present, and with bacterial infections - in half of the cases), diarrhea (if watery diarrhea is observed with viral infections yellow, sometimes with foam, then with a bacterial infection it necessarily contains inclusions of mucus, has a greenish tint, sometimes small blood clots are found in the stool - with neglected form.

Any intestinal infection is accompanied by loose stools.

The most dangerous things for a baby (especially an infant) are high fever and vomiting. Fever can provoke a violation of internal energy metabolism and convulsions, and vomiting can lead to dehydration.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky in his video school says that the best remedy To determine dehydration in young children at home, use an ordinary disposable baby diaper.

How does infection occur?

There are several ways for viruses and bacteria to enter a child’s body:

    Airborne- harmful microbes enter the cells of the body through the mouth and nasal passages along with air and microscopic droplets of saliva and mucus thrown into space when a sick person sneezes, talks or coughs.

    Contact and household- viruses and bacteria enter the body when people touch each other, animals, or contaminated surfaces and objects (door handles, bathroom accessories, furniture, dishes).

Excessive love for a pet can lead to serious problems.

    Oral-fecal- people become infected through sewage-stained items, objects, and poorly processed products or hands. The infection pattern is as follows:

    If sanitation is not carried out correctly, excrement or vomit may get into the drinking water, and from it - into vegetables, fruits and other products processed with water;

    Together with food, pathogenic flora pathogens enter the body through the mouth and a gastrointestinal infection occurs.

The source of infection can be not only poorly treated water, but also insects that are direct carriers of the infection - flies that feed on the feces of infected animals or people.

    Water- infection occurs directly through water in reservoirs, wells and due to improper hygienic and sanitation treatment at river water treatment plants.

    Food- the source of the spread of intestinal infections can be poorly washed fruits and vegetables, poorly cooked meat or minced meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, jelly, improperly stored sausages and much more.

Most often in a child intestinal infection occurs in summer. This is facilitated by a warm and humid environment. Bacteria and viruses are not afraid low temperatures and survive quite successfully at sub-zero temperatures, but still prefer warmth and moisture. Children who have weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. The main risk group includes children from six months to 3 years old. During this life period, immunity is not yet strong enough, and the level acidic environment in the stomach, which is a direct protector against harmful microorganisms, is much lower in children than in adults.

An epidemic of intestinal infection breaks out every year in summer at seaside resorts.

The sea coast is an ideal environment for the life of microorganisms that harm us, and if we add to this the inability to qualitatively and fully observe sanitary and hygienic measures on vacation, then an acute intestinal infection will definitely want to “make friends” with you.

How to protect yourself?

Is it possible to avoid contracting any type of intestinal infection? Yes, but only if you strictly follow preventive measures. Prevention of intestinal infection comes down to the following points:

    limit your child's visits to places large cluster people;

    frequently wash the hands of the baby and all relatives;

Cleanliness is the key to health.

    keep the child’s personal items clean (pacifier, bottle, spoon, plate, etc.);

    breastfeed the baby. Breast milk does not protect against intestinal infections, but it significantly reduces the possibility of infection;

    monitor the quality and shelf life of food products;

    thoroughly process food thermally;

    instill in your child the norms and rules of nutrition (do not eat food on the go and do not take it from the table without first asking);

    give the child boiled water;

Clean boiled water prevents dehydration of the body.

    isolate the sick family member from other relatives (if infection has occurred).

Treatment methods

What to do if you couldn’t protect yourself from an intestinal infection? First of all, there is no need to self-medicate your child. Incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications, which will take a long and difficult time to fight.

At the first sign of an intestinal infection, call a children's doctor to your home. On your own in medical institution It’s better not to deliver the child because:

    firstly, he may get worse during the trip;

    secondly, by independently transporting a child infected with coli, you may expose others to the risk of infecting others.

In especially difficult cases, call the ambulance.

Intestinal infections in children must be treated comprehensively. The doctor usually prescribes 4 components of treatment:

    Rehydration therapy- combating dehydration during the acute stage of the disease. If there are no signs of dehydration, then preventive measures are taken. For this purpose, the child begins to be dehydrated from the first hours after the onset of the disease. Babies from early infancy to 2 years are allowed to drink from 50 to 100 milliliters of water after each bowel movement, children from 2 to 10 years old - from 100 to 200 milliliters.

    Antibacterial therapy- prescribed mainly for younger children infancy(up to 3 months), however antibiotics can be used in older children with immunodeficiency, hematological diseases or especially severe course diseases.

In difficult cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

    Adjuvant therapy- use of drugs that normalize microflora of the digestive system.

    Diet therapy- consists of following a therapeutic nutrition regimen.

First aid from mom

What can be done before the doctor arrives? If the baby has very frequent vomiting and diarrhea, then you should try to prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated. How can this be done? It is necessary to let the child drink, but not in the usual way - as much as he drinks, he will drink as much, but in small, measured portions.

You need to avoid dehydration at all costs!

You can feed the baby with warm boiled water from a spoon, chamomile decoction, or give him a special Regidron solution. The medicine is available in the form of a packaged powder. Single dose Rehydron should be dissolved in water (necessarily boiled) and the resulting solution should be given to the baby after each loose bowel movement or vomiting at the rate of 10 milliliters per kilogram of body. Before each subsequent drinking, the solution must be shaken. Ready solution store in the refrigerator with temperature conditions no higher than 8 0 C for no more than a day.

The drug "Smecta" is an excellent absorbent, so in case of intestinal infection it is one of the main means of helping a child, and it is also great for the youngest children. Folk remedies, such as pomegranate peels or oak bark, do not use. They, of course, will give a fixing effect, but diarrhea is a manifestation defensive reaction the body to foreign pathogenic pathogens, aimed at their elimination.

Smecta gently and carefully removes toxins from the child’s body and promotes speedy recovery.

Reviews from parents who have encountered an intestinal infection in their children confirm the effectiveness of treatment with the drugs listed above.

Nastasya complains about the difficulty of maintaining water balance during an intestinal infection:

“First, the eldest daughter, 7 years old, was poisoned. She vomited all evening and half the night, and at night diarrhea joined the vomiting, but there was no fever. The doctor arrived. I diagnosed rotavirus (I don’t know, though, how he did it without tests...) 3 days after the problems with the older one started, the younger one vomited for the first time. She is only 4 months old and is only breastfed. The condition of both my girls is terrible: one is lying down and doesn’t want anything at all, and the second is crying almost without a breath and is vomiting, as it seems to me, bile. I called the doctor again. By this time, the youngest had a fever and began to have diarrhea. The doctor arrived in the morning and diagnosed an acute intestinal infection. The doctor insisted on hospitalization for an infection, but I refused. Then he prescribed both girls a course of soldering with Regidron, along with which he prescribed Smecta or Enterosgel. I also prescribed CIP, a complex immune drug, and a strict diet for my eldest daughter. They took medicine through “I don’t want” and “I won’t,” but with jokes it slowly worked out. After 3 days of treatment, the terrible symptoms almost disappeared. The doctor came for patronage and adjusted the diet and other treatment. After 2.5 weeks, both my girls were already healthy, cheerful and active.”

Helping your baby's stomach and intestines

What to give to a child with rotavirus? In each specific case, medications are prescribed by a doctor, but there are generic drugs, which are simply necessary for the baby during illness:

    rectal suppositories "Kipferon"- help support the baby’s immunity during illness. Viferon less effective in this regard;

Kipferon - reliable assistant immunity.

    enzymatic preparation Creon(must be taken before each meal) is necessary to improve the digestion process.

Eating properly when sick

What should be the diet for an intestinal infection? The amount of food consumed by the child should be less than with normal feeding, but fasting during an intestinal infection will not be beneficial. During illness, the child is prescribed special diet, excluding fresh ones from the regular diet:

  • milk and dairy products.

The menu of a breastfed child remains unchanged. The menu of a child eating from a common table looks something like this:

    on the first or second day of illness, you can give your child concentrated rice water and white crackers (not buttery ones) for breakfast;

    for second breakfast the baby can get semolina porridge, cooked in water or vegetable broth and jelly with biscuits;

Semolina porridge with crackers is the entire diet of a convalescent.

    For lunch, it is preferable to cook vegetable puree soup and jelly from pears or dried fruits. Instead of bread, offer your child white, savory crackers;

    the afternoon snack should consist of pureed rice porridge, cooked in water or vegetable broth and a baked sweet apple without peel;

    Offer your baby something sweet for dinner low-fat kefir with white uneatable crackers.

On the third or fourth day (when acute symptoms will almost disappear) you can carefully introduce them into the child’s diet cottage cheese and cream (during the second breakfast and afternoon snack), and leave the rest of the menu items unchanged. You can add it to the menu later boiled egg or steam omelette with milk, porridge with milk diluted with 2/3 water, pureed boiled meat.

Cottage cheese and cream will help restore strength.

After stool normalization, it is allowed to feed the baby with all food groups, but only heat-treated ones. In 2-3 weeks - this is how long the process of complete recovery lasts - the child can go to his usual table.

Nina fully supports diet therapy:

“About 80% of parents experience CI in their child, and I was no exception. At the first signs of the disease, I urgently consulted a doctor, who competently and clearly explained the treatment regimen. I knew more or less about her, but here’s what to treat my sick child to acute period and at the decline of the disease, I really had no idea. Fortunately, the doctor had a special nutrition table, written in the form: breakfast - this, lunch - this and dinner - this. Very good thing. If you find one somewhere, be sure to save it - it will greatly help both children and adults in the fight against CI.”

Diaper rash in infants- a fairly common phenomenon that every second mother encounters. Diaper rash does not pose a serious danger to the baby's life, but it can cause severe discomfort. To make your baby feel comfortable, the main thing is to take action in time.

Plano-valgus foot deformity - today more and more mothers are hearing this diagnosis. What does this mean for the baby? How to avoid foot deformities? Read the answers to these and other questions Here.

A reddened soft spot in a baby signals an internal imbalance in the body.

Is immunity developed?

If a baby gets sick with an intestinal infection for the first time, then after the end of the disease, relative immunity is developed in his body. Relative because it is active only against one pathogen - the one that provoked the disease. However, after a dozen or a couple of decades, infection with the same virus can be repeated because by the time they grow up, the level of antibodies acquired in childhood decreases, but the disease will rage with much less force than the first time.

Main points of the article:

    intestinal infection is a predominantly childhood disease;

    pathogens may be of viral or bacterial origin;

    in order not to get sick, you need to follow a simple set of preventive measures;

    a sick person must be isolated from others, since he is a carrier of infection;

    initial treatment and subsequent correction of therapy is carried out only by a doctor;

Don't self-medicate! Strictly follow all doctor's instructions.

    antibiotics in the fight against coli are used in exceptional cases;

    the main task of parents is to prevent dehydration during illness;

    sorbents and electrolytes are the most effective way to fight a microscopic enemy;

    The diet for CI cannot be ignored.


In the summer, many children (and adults) often experience intestinal disorders caused by infection. Infection with microbes occurs due to the ingestion of contaminated fruits, vegetables, and herbs into the mouth.

How to prevent intestinal disorder, and what measures exist to prevent intestinal infections in children?
All intestinal infections are divided into two large groups: those caused by viruses and those caused by bacteria. It is widely believed that children most often suffer from intestinal infections in the summer. This is not entirely true. 90% of intestinal infections are diseases associated with viruses. For viral infections seasonality is typical. Most often occurs in children rotavirus infection, which peaks in winter and spring.

Bacterial infections include dysentery and salmonellosis. Their heyday is summer, early autumn, and by winter their frequency decreases.
Viral infections are transmitted through the fecal-oral route, through contaminated objects, poor-quality food products, and water. In a family, this is most often an intra-family infection.

An infection that in an adult will cause a one-time loosening of stool, in a child will turn into an intestinal infection with fever, frequent loose stools, dehydration, serious condition which can lead to hospitalization. Unlike adults, who encounter viruses all the time in everyday life, children do not have immunity to these viruses.

But now we will talk about “summer” infections - dysentery, salmonellosis. These infections have a fecal-oral route of transmission. The infection enters the body through contaminated objects and hands, poorly washed fruits and berries.
Or here’s another common picture that can be observed: a mother bought berries at the market and immediately gave it to her child to eat. Even if she washed them with water at the same market, the risk of infection is very high. It is recommended to thoroughly wash not only fruits, but also berries. Don’t be lazy, wash the berries well; not only helminth eggs thrive on them, but also, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

How should you wash berries, such as strawberries?
Place the berries in a colander in one layer. Rinse under water for 5 minutes to remove any earthen deposits from the berries. Unfortunately, such a shower is not dangerous for microbes, so you need to wash the berries using a contrast wash. In the first container, add very hot water, but not boiling water, and the second - almost ice cold. Dip a colander with strawberries into them alternately 2-3 times. You can also wash raspberries and currants.

How to properly wash fruits

All fruits with thick skin should be washed only with laundry soap or by special means for washing fruits. In no case with dishwashing detergents - it is unclear how much chemicals you will eat additionally with fruit. All fruits from a store or market are covered with a layer of wax or powder. Many people's favorite snack on the street - a banana - is treated with a powder that protects it from premature spoilage. So think about what extra ingredient you or your child is getting from snacking on a banana on the street. Fruits with soft skin can be washed using the principle of contrast washing.

How to avoid salmonella infection

Salmonella infection occurs through low-quality food products. Most often through salads, cakes, dairy products, i.e. through everything that can become infected in the summer.
Products must pass heat treatment. If you are not sure that they are fresh, then you should not eat them.

There is another group of diseases - the so-called traveler's diarrhea, or giardiasis.
The topic is especially relevant when parents take their children on foreign tours, where there are a lot of these infections. Parents do not always understand that eating outside the hotel is very dangerous. Travelers' diarrhea in children is accompanied by acute form giardiasis or viral intestinal infection, less often - bacterial infection.

What hygiene rules will help prevent intestinal infections in children?

All these rules are well known:
Don't put anything in your mouth . It is clear that small child explores the world through his mouth. This stage is called the stage of oral exploration of the world. However, the mother must understand the seriousness of the problem. If everything is available to a child, then he will, accordingly, go through everything.

General hygiene in the family . You often see mothers first lick the pacifier themselves and then give it to their child.
Or they try purees, a mixture, and then feed the baby from the same spoon. Or they drink water from the same bottle with the child. It is absolutely forbidden to do this! Each of us has our own flora in our mouth.
Each person must have their own dishes, cup, drinking bottle, and towel.

For older children age groups Be sure to wash your hands after walking, playing with animals, using the toilet, and before eating.

Eating food on the street is unacceptable at any age. There is no reason for a child to eat outside. Strict dietary stereotypes must be formed in the family. Children should not eat when they want and what they want.
You need to eat at home or in a child care facility, but not on the street - this is an absolutely strict rule. If there are no conditions for food, then food should not be provided, no matter how the child asks. It is simply impossible to maintain hygiene any other way.

When communicating with animals, we must not forget about the basic rules: do not sit him at the table, do not kiss him, and be sure to wash your hands after playing with him. The animal itself also needs to be taught discipline: it should not interfere with a person while eating, for which it must be fed before the family goes to lunch (dinner).

Only good quality products should be used. Do not store products longer than the specified period.
Carefully study where, by whom and when the product was produced. You should not cut a rotten apple and give it to a child, since bacteria and viruses penetrate deeply into the product. In other words, there must be real hygienic education. Only then can the problem be solved.
Parents must have a clear understanding that hygiene rules must be observed by all family members.

There should be no double standards. The child sees everything perfectly and will act as his parents do.
No edifying and educational processes addressed only to him will be carried out.
Not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands before eating. Not only the child, but all family members should not eat on the street.
When coming from the street, not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands. Not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands after using the toilet.

We need to start with education. Talk to your child about bacteria that may be on his dirty hands. Look on the Internet what, for example, lamblia looks like. Draw it together. Talk to him about how bad it will be if it gets into his body. After such an imaginative and creative explanation, the child will definitely learn the basics of personal hygiene. Read poems with your child that emphasize hygiene and healthy life.

These are the poems of S. Marshak, Y. Tuvim, known to us from childhood, “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, poems by S. Mikhalkov, etc.
Our entire daily life comes into contact with a huge number of viruses and bacteria. Nature has determined that we will definitely encounter diseases. But this is not a reason to panic and wear rubber gloves, pour bleach over everything and treat it with quartz. You just need to consciously and respectfully treat your family, the people around you, and observe basic hygiene standards.

Consultation for parents"Interoviral infection»

With the onset of summer heat, the season opens enteroviral infections in children. Usually the season for enteroviruses lasts from July to October, so now is the ideal time for them.

These viruses can live on different surfaces for several hours, and even days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment. Enterovirus can be found on the mucous membranes, saliva and sputum of a sick person. Contact with a contaminated surface followed by touching your nose, mouth or eyes is the easiest way to catch it. enterovirus infection.

Enterovirus infection in children it is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact. When sneezing and coughing, the virus flies into the air along with droplets of saliva from an infected child to a healthy one.

The incubation stage lasts from two to ten days and usually does not cause any symptoms. During this period, viruses that have entered the child’s body settle on the mucous membranes and enter the lymphatic system where viruses actively reproduce. The average duration of this stage is five days. Next comes the stage of the disease itself. As a rule, it all starts with a high body temperature, which reaches 38-39 degrees and lasts up to five days. It happens that the temperature rises for several days, then returns to normal for a couple of days and rises again. has a wave-like state. At elevated temperatures, the child is weak and lethargic, he moves little, is whiny and sleeps a lot. Also, the first days of illness may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and headaches. As soon as the temperature returns to normal, the child’s general condition improves and associated problems go away. Another symptom enterovirus infection is exanthema. Exanthema is a rash on the body of a sick person. The rash appears simultaneously and looks like red spots on the head, chest or arms. Sometimes the rash takes the form of blisters; after they disappear, small pigment spots remain, which disappear after a few days. Intensity clinical manifestations completely depends on the child’s immunity, the received portion of the virus and the characteristics of the species infections.

For prevention enteroviral infections Children need to wash their hands frequently, boil water before drinking, avoid crowds of people during an epidemic, and also increase the child’s immunity.

If one child in a family gets sick, then all family members, especially children under 10 years of age, are at risk. Therefore, for prevention enterovirus infection Other family members must provide the sick child with separate dishes and toys. Under no circumstances should you finish eating food for a sick child! All family members are recommended to frequently wash their hands with soap and treat them with alcohol-based antiseptics.

Depending on symptoms, your child may need doctor consultation.

Hospitalization is necessary if meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, or severe combined lesions are suspected. Treatment of mild forms enterovirus infection for children it is carried out at home.

Antiviral drugs that can suppress enteroviruses, does not exist. At the same time, the body is able to cope with this disease on its own. As a rule, the disease goes away within 3-7 days.

Please note that a child with enterovirus infection It is easier to drink cool drinks and eat pureed foods at room temperature.

Valentina Kololeikina
Consultation for parents “Enterovirus infection in children: symptoms, prevention and treatment”

Enterovirus infection in children: symptoms, prevention and treatment.

Enterovirus infection is an acute infectious disease, caused enteroviruses(viruses active in the intestines). Currently, more than 60 types of pathogens are known of this disease. These viruses have a capsule and a core in their structure. The structure of the capsule can vary greatly, which is why so-called serotypes are distinguished (varieties).

After the postponed enterovirus infection stable lifelong immunity is formed. But immunity is formed only to the type of virus that the child has had and does not protect him from other varieties of these viruses. This feature creates difficulties in creating a vaccine to protect against this disease.

Enteroviruses are very resistant to environmental factors, which explains their widespread distribution. They die quite quickly at temperatures above 50°C. However, at a temperature of 37°C the virus can remain viable for 2 months. Viruses can withstand repeated freezing and thawing; they are also resistant to disinfectants(when exposed to concentrated chlorine solutions, viruses begin to die only after three hours).

Enteroviruses can be stored for a long time in tap or river water (more than 2 weeks). But they quickly collapse under the influence ultraviolet irradiation, when drying, boiling.

Enterovirus infection has a pronounced seasonality, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in the summer-autumn period and occur annually.

How is it transmitted? enterovirus infection.

The transmission mechanism can be airborne (when sneezing and coughing with droplets of saliva from a sick child to a healthy one) and fecal-oral if personal hygiene rules are not observed. Most often, infection occurs through water, when eating raw (not boiled) water. Infection is also possible children through toys if children put them in their mouths. Children aged 3 to 10 years are most often affected. U children who are breastfed, the body has immunity received from the mother through breast milk, however, this immunity is not stable even after cessation breastfeeding disappears quickly.

Symptoms of enterovirus infection.

Viruses enter the body through the mouth or upper respiratory tract. Once in the child’s body, the viruses migrate to the lymph nodes, where they settle and begin to multiply. The further development of the disease is associated with many factors, such as virulence (the ability of the virus to resist protective properties organism, tropism (tendency to affect individual tissues and organs) virus and the state of the child’s immunity.

U enteroviral infections There are both similar manifestations and different ones, depending on the species and serotype. Incubation period (the period from the virus entering the child’s body to the appearance of the first clinical signs) for everyone enteroviral infections the same – from 1 to 10 days (usually 2-5 days).

The disease begins acutely - with an increase in body temperature to 38-39 C. The temperature most often lasts 3-5 days, after which it drops to normal numbers. Very often the temperature has a wave-like flow: The temperature lasts for 2-3 days, after which it decreases and remains on the cold side for 2-3 days. normal numbers, then rises again for 1-2 days and returns to normal again completely. When the temperature rises, the child feels weak, drowsy, and may experience headache, nausea, vomiting. With a decrease in body temperature, all these symptoms go away, however, they may return if they increase again. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes, since viruses multiply in them.

Depending on the type of virus, the following clinical symptoms occur: forms:

Epidemic myalgia (damage to muscle tissue);

Defeat nervous system (serous meningitis, encephalitis);

- enteroviral exanthema(skin lesion);

- enteroviral diarrhea(defeat gastrointestinal tract)

Eye lesions ;

ARVI and herpangina

Very often enteroviruses cause ARVI. In this case they have a short incubation period in 1-3 days and proceed relatively easily. Characteristic general symptoms(weakness, headache, fever, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, sometimes nausea and vomiting) without symptoms damage to the nervous system. During outbreaks enteroviral infections in children's groups this form accounts for 50-80% of all cases.

Herpangina is characterized by an acute onset with fever and sore throat. Appears as characteristic rashes on the anterior arches of the palate, tonsils and back wall throats. Small transparent bubbles appear, filled with liquid and surrounded by a red rim. The blisters open within 1-2 days, leaving a red, inflamed area in their place. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. The disease ends within a few days and is only rarely complicated by meningitis. Herpangina is caused by Coxsackie viruses A and B, ECHO viruses 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, and 25, and enterovirus type 71.

Enteroviral(serous) meningitis

The most common manifestation of the lesion enterovirus nervous system is enteroviral(serous) meningitis. Serous meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Sometimes it is complicated by inflammation of the brain substance itself. In this case, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, poliomyelitis, and myelitis occur.

Incubation period at enteroviral serous meningitis is about 1 week. Children under 3-7 years of age who attend preschool institutions are most often affected.

The disease begins with an increase in temperature to 38-40°C, accompanied by severe headaches and muscle pain, repeated vomiting, anxiety, skin rashes, runny nose, diarrhea, photophobia and meningeal problems. symptoms(stiff neck, symptoms Kernig and Budzinsky, as well as bulging fontanel in children early age ).

However, meningeal there may be no symptoms, and meningitis in this case has a gradual course. The main feature enterovirus meningitis is the isolation of the pathogen from the cerebrospinal fluid by spinal puncture (puncture in lumbar region spine for extraction cerebrospinal fluid).

With timely treatment Serous meningitis has a mild course and ends with complete recovery within 7-10 days. Spinal puncture has a beneficial effect, which leads to a decrease in intracerebral pressure and contributes to the rapid improvement of the child’s condition.

At involvement During the inflammatory process of the brain substance, the disease becomes severe and has a high mortality rate. Such people join symptoms, such as impaired coordination of movements, impaired breathing and swallowing, paralysis of the upper and lower limbs, speech disorder. The disease in this case has a lightning-fast course and can progress to the stage of coma and loss of consciousness.

Enteroviral exanthema(specific skin lesion)

On the 2-3rd day of illness against the background of fever and other general symptoms a rash appears in the form of red blisters with clear liquid against an unchanged skin background. on the fingers and toes. Rashes are possible on the mucous membrane of the tongue and oral cavity, quickly turning into small erosions.

The rash lasts 1-2 days and disappears without a trace. Mostly children are affected. The most common pathogens are Kaksaki viruses A and B and enterovirus type 71.

Symptoms of enterovirus type 71 infection.

First phase: fever, vomiting, ulceration of the oral mucosa, rashes on the skin of the hands and feet, herpangina. It begins acutely with an increase in temperature to 38-40°C, which lasts from 3 to 5 days, accompanied by headache, nausea, and vomiting. Abdominal and muscle pain and loose stools are often observed. Sometimes catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough. Usually the disease is mild and ends with recovery.

The second phase – complications from the nervous system systems: observed mainly in young children(1 month – 3 years). Symptoms occur 2-5 days after the onset of the first phase of the disease and include 3 main syndrome: serous meningitis, acute paralysis, loss of consciousness. Newborns and young children are at particular risk. They have enterovirus can cause a sepsis-like form when the virus spreads throughout the body. In such cases infection proceeds with lightning speed, is extremely difficult and ends in the death of a child with severe damage liver and lungs, heart, pancreas and brain.

Enteroviral diarrhea(gastroenteritis)

Acute form with fever and damage to the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, loose stools). It proceeds quite easily and ends with complete recovery.

Eye lesions (hemorrhagic conjunctivitis)

Characterized by such symptoms such as lacrimation, burning, pain in the eyes, swelling and redness, possible hemorrhages; enlargement of the parotid lymph nodes.

The above symptoms are not the only ones, but the most common.

Prevention of intestinal infections in children

Infection with microbes occurs due to the ingestion of contaminated fruits, vegetables, and herbs into the mouth.

How to prevent intestinal upset and what measures are available prevention of intestinal infections in children?

All intestinal infections are divided into two large ones groups: caused by viruses and caused by bacteria. It is widely believed that children most often suffer from intestinal infections in summer. This is not entirely true. 90% intestinal infections are diseases related to viruses. For viral infections seasonality is typical. Most often children rotavirus occurs infection, which peaks in winter and spring.

Infection, which in an adult will cause a one-time loosening of stool, in a child will turn into intestinal infection with fever, frequent loose stools, dehydration, a serious condition that can lead to hospitalization. Unlike adults, who constantly encounter viruses in everyday life, children there is no immunity to these viruses.

What hygiene rules will help in prevention of intestinal infections in children?

All these rules are good known:

Don't put anything in your mouth. It is clear that a small child explores the world through his mouth. This stage is called the stage of oral exploration of the world. However, the mother must understand the seriousness of the problem. If everything is available to a child, then he will, accordingly, go through everything.

General hygiene in the family. You often see mothers first lick the pacifier themselves and then give it to their child.

Or they try purees, a mixture, and then feed the baby from the same spoon. Or they drink water from the same bottle with the child. It is absolutely forbidden to do this! Each of us has our own flora in our mouth.

Each person must have their own dishes, cup, drinking bottle, and towel.

For children Older age groups must wash their hands after walking, playing with animals and using the toilet, as well as before eating.

Eating food on the street is unacceptable at any age. There is no reason for a child to eat outside. Strict dietary stereotypes must be formed in the family. Children should not eat when they want and what they want.

You need to eat at home or in a child care facility, but not on the street - this is an absolutely strict rule. If there are no conditions for food, then food should not be provided, no matter how the child asks. It is simply impossible to maintain hygiene any other way.

When communicating with animals, one should not forget about basic rules: do not sit him at the table, do not kiss him, and be sure to wash your hands after playing with him. The animal itself also needs to be accustomed to discipline: it should not interfere with a person while eating, for which he must be fed before going to dinner (have dinner) family.

Only good quality products should be used. Do not store products longer than the specified period.

There should be no double standards. The child sees everything perfectly and will act as his parents. No edifying and educational processes addressed only to him will be carried out.

Not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands before eating. Not only the child, but all family members should not eat on the street.

When coming from the street, not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands. Not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands after using the toilet.

We need to start with education. Talk to your child about bacteria that may be on his dirty hands. Read poems with your child that emphasize hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

These are the poems known to us from childhood by S. Marshak, Y. Tuvim, "Moidodyr" K. Chukovsky, poems by S. Mikhalkov, etc. Our entire daily life is contact with a huge number of viruses and bacteria. Nature has determined that we will definitely encounter diseases. But this is not a reason to panic and wear rubber gloves, pour bleach over everything and treat it with quartz. You just need to consciously and respectfully treat your family, the people around you, and observe basic hygiene standards.

Enterovirus infection in children: symptoms, prevention and treatment.

Since the beginning of June, outbreaks of enterovirus infection have been recorded in different regions of Russia. The disease primarily affects young children and is complicated by the development of serous meningitis. The infection continues to spread rapidly throughout the country. How to protect your children and what do parents need to know?

Enterovirus infection is an acute infectious disease caused by enteroviruses (viruses active in the intestines). Currently, more than 60 types of pathogens of this disease are known. These viruses have a capsule and a core in their structure. The structure of the capsule can vary greatly, which is why so-called serotypes (varieties) are distinguished.

After an enterovirus infection, persistent lifelong immunity is formed. But immunity is formed only to the type of virus that the child has had and does not protect him from other varieties of these viruses. This feature creates difficulties in creating a vaccine to protect against this disease.

Enteroviruses are very resistant to environmental factors, which explains their widespread distribution. They die quite quickly at temperatures above 50°C. However, at a temperature of 37°C the virus can remain viable for 2 months. Viruses can withstand repeated freezing and thawing, and they are also resistant to the action of disinfectants (when exposed to concentrated chlorine solutions, viruses begin to die only after three hours).

Enteroviruses persist for a long time in tap or river water (more than 2 weeks). But they quickly collapse under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, drying, and boiling.

Enterovirus infection has a pronounced seasonality, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in the summer-autumn period and occur annually.

How does infection occur?

Infection occurs in several ways: water, food, household contact, airborne droplets (from sneezing and coughing) and through the mother’s placenta. Transmission factors include water and vegetables infected with enteroviruses. The virus can also be transmitted through dirty hands, toys and other objects. external environment. Most often, infection occurs through water, by drinking unboiled water or swallowing water from reservoirs.

The incidence of the disease in children is significantly higher than in adults.

IN environment the virus comes from a sick person or from a virus carrier (a person who has no clinical manifestations of the disease, but has the virus in the body). Virus carriage can last up to 5 months and sometimes forms after past illness or in people with stable immunity, in whom the virus, having entered the body, could not cause disease.

Symptoms and complications of enterovirus infection

Symptoms of the disease are very diverse, depending on the type of virus that has entered the body.

Viruses enter the body through the mouth or upper respiratory tract. Next, the viruses enter the lymph nodes, where they settle and begin to multiply. The further development of the disease depends on the properties of the virus and the state of the child’s immunity.

The incubation period of enterovirus infection (i.e., the period from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease) varies from 2 to 35 days, most often 5-7 days. The onset of the disease is acute. Weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes chills appear. The temperature rises to 38-39oC. There is redness of the face and eyes. The cervical, submandibular and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged (viruses multiply in them).

Depending on the type of virus, the following clinical forms occur:

Respiratory diseases, herpangina (sore throat, accompanied by rashes in the mouth, reminiscent of a herpetic rash);

Epidemic myalgia (muscle tissue damage);

Damage to the nervous system (serous meningitis, encephalitis);

Enteroviral exanthema (skin lesions);

Enteroviral diarrhea (damage to the gastrointestinal tract)

Eye lesions (hemorrhagic conjunctivitis);

ARVI and herpangina

Very often, enteroviruses cause ARVI. In this case, they have a short incubation period of 1-3 days and proceed relatively easily. Characterized by general symptoms (weakness, headache, fever, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, sometimes nausea and vomiting) without symptoms of damage to the nervous system. During outbreaks of enterovirus infections in children's groups, this form accounts for 50-80% of all cases.

Herpangina characterized by an acute onset with fever and sore throat. It appears in the form of characteristic rashes on the anterior arches of the palate, tonsils and posterior wall of the pharynx. Small transparent bubbles appear, filled with liquid and surrounded by a red rim. The blisters open within 1-2 days, leaving a red, inflamed area in their place. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are enlarged. The disease ends within a few days and is only rarely complicated by meningitis. Herpangina is caused by Coxsackie viruses A and B, ECHO viruses 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, and 25, and enterovirus type 71.

Enteroviral (serous) meningitis

The most common manifestation of enterovirus damage to the nervous system is enteroviral (serous) meningitis. Serous meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Sometimes it is complicated by inflammation of the brain substance itself. In this case, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, poliomyelitis, and myelitis occur.

Incubation period at enteroviral serous meningitis is about 1 week. Children under 3-7 years of age who attend preschool institutions are most often affected.

The disease begins with an increase in temperature to 38-40 ° C, accompanied by severe headaches and muscle pain, repeated vomiting, anxiety, skin rashes, runny nose, diarrhea, photophobia and meningeal symptoms (stiff neck, Kernig and Budzinski symptoms, as well as bulging fontanelle in young children).

However meningeal symptoms may be absent, and meningitis in this case has a mild course. The main symptom of enteroviral meningitis is the isolation of the pathogen from the cerebrospinal fluid by spinal puncture (a puncture in the lumbar spine to extract cerebrospinal fluid).

At timely treatment Serous meningitis has a mild course and ends with complete recovery within 7-10 days. Spinal puncture has a beneficial effect, which leads to a decrease in intracerebral pressure and contributes to the rapid improvement of the child’s condition.

When brain matter is involved in the inflammatory process, the disease becomes severe and has a high mortality rate. Symptoms such as impaired coordination of movements, impaired breathing and swallowing, paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, and speech impairment are added. The disease in this case has a lightning-fast course and can progress to the stage of coma and loss of consciousness.

Enteroviral exanthema (specific skin lesion)

On the 2-3rd day of illness against the background of fever and other common symptoms a rash appears in the form of red blisters with clear liquid on an unchanged skin background. on the fingers and toes. Rashes are possible on the mucous membrane of the tongue and oral cavity, quickly turning into small erosions.

The rash lasts 1-2 days and disappears without a trace. Mostly children are affected. The most common pathogens are Kaksaki viruses A and B and enterovirus type 71.

Symptoms of infection with enterovirus type 71.

The disease is divided into 2 phases.

First phase: fever, vomiting, ulceration of the oral mucosa, rashes on the skin of the hands and feet, herpangina. It begins acutely with an increase in temperature to 38-40°C, which lasts from 3 to 5 days, accompanied by headache, nausea, and vomiting. Abdominal and muscle pain and loose stools are often observed. Sometimes catarrhal symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, and cough are added. Usually the disease is mild and ends with recovery.

The second phase is complications from the nervous system: observed mainly in young children (1 month – 3 years). Symptoms appear 2-5 days after the onset of the first phase of the disease and include 3 main syndromes: serous meningitis, acute paralysis, loss of consciousness. Newborns and young children are at particular risk. In them, enterovirus can cause a sepsis-like form, when the virus spreads throughout the body. In such cases, the infection proceeds with lightning speed, is extremely severe and ends in the death of the child with severe damage to the liver and lungs, heart, pancreas and brain.

Enteroviral diarrhea (gastroenteritis)

Acute form with fever and damage to the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, loose stools). It proceeds quite easily and ends with complete recovery.

Eye lesions (hemorrhagic conjunctivitis)

Characterized by symptoms such as lacrimation, burning, eye pain, swelling and redness, and possible hemorrhages; enlargement of the parotid lymph nodes.

The above symptoms are not the only ones, but they are the most common.

Examination to establish a diagnosis

Diagnosis Enterovirus infection diagnosed based on clinical manifestations and laboratory research blood, fecal samples, smears of oropharyngeal secretions for herpangina and cerebrospinal fluid analysis.


In most cases, treatment is carried out at home. If the condition worsens, symptoms of damage to the nervous system, heart, liver, or high temperature and severe sore throat, hospitalization is indicated.


The child is shown bed rest for the duration of the period elevated temperature. It is necessary to isolate the child until all clinical manifestations of the disease disappear.


Meals should be light, rich in proteins. Avoid sweets, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, flour products, fatty and fried foods. A sufficient amount of liquid is required: boiled water, mineral water still, compotes, juices, fruit drinks. You need to feed your baby 5-6 times a day in small portions.


  1. Isolation of sick children
  2. Avoid large crowds of people ( shopping centers, markets, public transport)
  3. Frequent, thorough hand washing with antibacterial soap and use of antibacterial wet wipes outside the home
  4. Thoroughly washing or scalding vegetables and fruits before eating
  5. Do not drink tap water without boiling it
  6. Frequent ventilation of the room and wet cleaning with the addition of detergents
  7. Do not swim in bodies of water with standing water
  8. Specific prevention (vaccine) has not been developed.