Is it possible to take Vitamin E and Selenium at the same time? New generation selenium preparations: indications for use and natural analogues

Among all the minerals involved in the functioning of the body, there are several of the most important. In addition to calcium and iron, it is selenium and zinc. They are very necessary for normal functioning all organs and systems. Zinc, selenium, vitamins and other microelements are included in many preparations. But it is not advisable to take them without consulting a doctor, since an overdose of these substances can be no less dangerous than a deficiency.

The role of zinc in the body

Zinc is actively involved in many biological processes. Its role is great in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the synthesis of nucleic acids. This microelement is concentrated in almost all organs. But zinc is quickly eliminated from the body when exposed to various unfavorable factors. Therefore, a daily intake of 10 mg is necessary.

Zinc is part of many enzymes and hormones and is involved in the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. It is necessary to maintain visual acuity and improve memory. It stimulates brain function, participates in tissue regeneration processes, and stimulates sexual functions in men. With the help of zinc, the body quickly gets rid of toxins and wastes, and digestive system is activated, which promotes better absorption nutrients.

The role of selenium

This is one of the most important microelements for human body. It is present in almost all tissues and regulates the functioning of many organs. It is considered a longevity vitamin because it is strong antioxidant. Selenium prevents the formation of free radicals and increases protective forces body. Without this microelement, vitamin E is poorly absorbed.

A sufficient amount of selenium in the body helps slow down aging and reduce the risk of vascular damage. This micronutrient can be used to prevent strokes, heart attacks, arthritis and even cancerous tumors. Selenium protects the pancreas and liver from damage. It is able to remove many toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

The need for selenium in men with an active sexual life is very high. This trace element is used in the production of male semen and helps maintain sexual activity. Therefore, selenium is often used in the treatment of infertility in men. It also participates in the production of many enzymes and hormones.

Lack of zinc and selenium

Not everyone knows why doctors prescribe vitamins, selenium and zinc. But the lack of these microelements has a negative impact on health. Often malaise, weakness and deterioration of hair condition are associated with this. Men need 70 mcg of selenium and 11 mg of zinc, women need 55 mcg of selenium and 8 mg of zinc every day. Children also need this mineral for normal height and development. But the problem is that there is often a lack of these microelements. They come from food, but are not found in all products. And if you follow a diet or are selective in food, you may not have enough of them.

With a lack of vitamins, zinc, selenium and other microelements, symptoms of hypovitaminosis are observed. This can manifest itself in weakness, depression, dermatitis, deterioration of vision and hair condition. Hair begins to fall out, skin becomes dry. A person feels nervousness, irritability, and chronic fatigue appears.

When should you take these vitamins?

Now these microelements have become popular, especially among women. Those who know why the body needs vitamins selenium and zinc use them to improve hair condition and slow down aging. Such multivitamin preparations are recommended to be taken if the immune system is weakened, if there is liver disease or thyroid gland, with increased physical or mental stress. They have the following properties:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • improve hair condition, preventing hair loss and protecting against dandruff;
  • normalize the functioning of the male genital organs and can be used to treat infertility.

Various vitamins with selenium and zinc are important for women in preventing hair loss and premature skin aging. These microelements are responsible for hair thickness, skin elasticity and nail strength.

Types of drugs

There are various medicines and dietary supplements containing vitamins, zinc, selenium and other trace elements. Choose yourself the right remedy difficult, so it is better to consult a doctor. Among the large number of drugs, there are narrowly targeted products containing one or more components, as well as multivitamins and dietary supplements, which, in addition to vitamins, contain plant extracts.

Preparations containing only one trace element are used according to doctor’s indications when a deficiency is detected. For example, to replenish the amount of selenium, the drugs “Selenium Active”, “Complivit Selenium” can be taken, and if there is a lack of zinc, “Zincteral”, “Cimed” or “Zinc Gluconate” can be taken.

But complex vitamins with zinc and selenium are most often used. The names of such drugs may not indicate their contents, so it is necessary to study the composition. There are several of the most effective means, replenishing the lack of these microelements.

  • "Confimilk" with vitamins C, E and A, which enhance the effect of selenium.
  • "Antiox +" contains zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid and vitamin E.
  • "Selzinc Plus" provides the body required quantity selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E and C.
  • “Complivit Selenium” is a complex of vitamins and minerals to which selenium is additionally added.

"Selzinc Plus"

The main active components of this drug are zinc and selenium. In addition, it contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is recommended to take this remedy after serious infectious and inflammatory diseases, with pathologies of the digestive system or while following a diet.

This complex of vitamins is also prescribed in cases where a person especially needs vitamins and minerals. These are increased physical and mental stress, stress. It is recommended to take the drug for alcoholism, reduced immunity, and sexual problems in men. This product not only replenishes the deficiency of selenium and zinc, but also has an antioxidant effect, improving overall health and eliminating chronic fatigue.

"Selenium with zinc"

If you are deficient in these minerals, you can also purchase this multivitamin. In addition to selenium and zinc, it contains ascorbic acid, inulin and excipients. This drug is classified as a dietary supplement. But doctors often recommend taking it to adults and adolescents to compensate for the lack of these microelements.

The drug "Selenium with zinc" strengthens the immune system, improves metabolic processes and digestion. It is used to improve memory and mental activity, with chronic fatigue syndrome or attention problems.

Multivitamin "Arnebia"

This drug is also intended to prevent deficiency of essential microelements. It contains selenium, zinc and ascorbic acid. The drug is available in the form effervescent tablets, so many people like it. Women often buy Arnebia multivitamins when various problems hair and scalp. After all, their regular use improves the condition of the hair.

Vitamin complex "Blagomax"

This preparation contains all the microelements necessary for normal life. Each tablet provides daily requirement in zinc, selenium, other minerals, vitamins A, E, C and B6.

In addition, you can also purchase the Blagomax vitamin complex with rutin. This drug actively affects the immune system, therefore it is most often used as an antioxidant and to protect against colds.

"Complivit Selenium"

This complex multivitamin remedy is used for vitamin deficiencies, to strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolic processes. The drug contains all B vitamins, as well as E, C and PP. In addition, it contains zinc, selenium, manganese and copper. It is effective in supporting immunity, improving blood circulation and increasing performance.

After they were opened positive properties selenium, its ability to prevent aging and development cardiovascular diseases, this microelement began to be included in many vitamin complexes. Issued and individual drugs containing only selenium. Scientists have found that a lack of this microelement not only reduces performance, but also increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The most popular complex for replenishing its deficiency has become lately"Selen Forte", produced by the company "Evalar".

What are the benefits of selenium?

Scientists have found that this microelement is part of special protein molecules involved in many biochemical processes in the body. Selenium performs the following functions:

  • reduces body intoxication, removes toxins and harmful products exchange;
  • protects cells from free radicals;
  • participates in the synthesis of certain hormones and nucleic acids;
  • supports immunity;
  • does not allow diseases of the thyroid gland, lungs, bladder and intestines;
  • supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • regulates cholesterol levels.

But the main thing is the antioxidant properties of selenium. Its ability to protect cells from free radicals can prolong a person's youth.

Types of preparations with selenium

Various vitamin products may contain this trace element in organic or inorganic form. It is believed that selenium compounds with organic molecules and amino acids are safer for the body and are better absorbed. A low-quality vitamin (dietary supplement) containing inorganic selenium salts can cause poisoning. This microelement is often included in vitamin and mineral complexes.

The most popular drugs today are from the Evalar company. The use of modern unique technologies makes it possible to produce a vitamin (dietary supplement) with Se, which is safe for health and significantly improves well-being. In addition to preparations containing simply selenium, products are produced where its properties are enhanced by combination with vitamins E or C. Additionally, such products may include yeast, extract grape seeds, lecithin, fish oil and other healthy components.

Indications for use of Se preparations

Man for normal operation The body should receive at least 50 mcg of this microelement per day from food. It will not only protect against development various diseases, strengthen the immune system and preserve youth. Selenium Forte is useful for the following health conditions:

"Selenium Forte" with vitamin C

IN modern society the human body suffers greatly from lack of necessary vitamins and minerals. Unfavorable external factors, bad habits, poor nutrition contribute to cell damage. To prevent this, a person is forced to take synthetic drugs that supply substances to the body. Selenium Forte with Vitamin C is now considered the best. They combine well because they complement and enhance each other’s effects. This drug prolongs a person’s youth, strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and even cancer diseases, improves performance cardiovascular system. This “Selenium Forte” is especially useful for men, as it normalizes the functioning of their genital organs.

Se + vitamin E

The combination of these two elements makes the drug even more effective. They both have antioxidant properties that are joint use are only getting stronger. Selenium strengthens the immune system and slows down aging. And vitamin E is considered a source of youth and beauty. It protects the skin from adverse external influences, improves its condition, eliminates dryness. In addition, vitamin E helps the body absorb selenium. The combination of these components is very effective and significantly improves health. Therefore, the drug "Selenium Forte with vitamin E" is indicated in the following cases:

Instructions for use of such drugs

Although Selenium Forte is considered biologically active additive, you should consult your doctor before using it. It is possible that the malaise is caused not only by a lack of vitamins and minerals, but by other health problems, and more serious treatment. If the doctor recommends taking such drugs, treatment usually continues for a month. You need to take 1 tablet per day with meals, preferably with breakfast.

  • It should not be taken by children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with individual intolerance.

It is noted that in some cases it is possible allergic reactions after taking the drug. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary, despite the fact that this product is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Vitamins with selenium for women are a lifeline for the normal functioning of the entire body while maintaining beauty, good spirits and prolonging youth. Selenium has protective properties for cells. Free radicals entering the body are a real threat to living cells.

What are the benefits of selenium for the body?

The element exhibits antitumor activity:

Selenium is necessary for the body to protect against fever, hepatitis, herpes, and viral diseases. Cardiologists note the effect of selenium to protect the cardiovascular system, including from sudden, coronary, fatal outcome.

Thanks to selenium, thyroxine (thyroid hormone) is actively formed; a lack of this hormone leads to an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The element is responsible for cell growth pancreas, responsible for insulin production.

The effect of selenium has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes microflora, promotes normal bile formation, improving liver function.

What is the daily dose of selenium for the body?

Selenium is essential and important component for the body In order for it to perform its functions, its quantity must be replenished daily. This can be done not only with vitamins, but also with regular products.

Important to know: Selenium is not a vitamin, but a mineral; it is present in mineral and vitamin-mineral complexes.

How to choose the right vitamin complex with selenium

Before you buy mineral complex, you need to know what to look for. It is best to give preference to a complex with vitamins C, A, E. These components enhance the effect of selenium.

The form of the drug plays a role important role : vitamins with selenium are found in dietary supplements and dosage form. Women should consider that the effectiveness medicines– higher, and dietary supplements are food additives, so the effect is not guaranteed. At the same time, for the production and registration of drugs, it is necessary to conduct research, additives do not need this, which indicates their safety.

When purchasing a complex, you should choose the form of release of the product according to your individual preference: tablet, gel, capsule, powder, candy.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the permitted dosage, it is written on the packaging, and the percentage of required intake rates is also indicated there.

Therefore, funds are distributed into several groups:

  • Medical– contains more than 100% of the required norm, recommended for women with a serious deficiency of the element, treatment takes place within 7-14 days.
  • Supportive– the selenium norm is up to 100%; to eliminate selenium deficiency, you should take vitamins for 60 days.
  • Preventive– the norm of the element does not exceed 45%, it is recommended to be taken together with products containing selenium.

Review of effective vitamin complexes with selenium

On pharmaceutical market Several preparations containing the element in question are presented. They all contain different amounts of selenium, which does not always correspond to the daily requirement. The following is an overview of the most popular and effective means.

Complivit Selenium

The drug is recommended as an additional vitamin and mineral source with selenium. Its components are compatible with each other thanks to specially developed technology. The ensemble under consideration contains daily norm Selena.

Vitamins with selenium for women – Complivit

It is recommended to take the complex dietary supplement as a biologically active compound to the main diet. The product contains the most important sources B vitamins, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, nicotinamide, minerals: zinc, selenium (70 mg), manganese, copper.

The supplement can be taken as prescribed by a doctor daily, once, before meals. The course of therapy is 30 days. Likely side effects: allergies, gastrointestinal disorders. Approximate price for the drug – 225-238 rubles.

Selenium Forte from Evalar

Dietary supplement Ingredients of the drug: vitamins E, C, grape seed extract (selenium 70 mg), zinc, soy lecithin, wax product, beta-carotene, fish oil, yeast.

The supplement is recommended for use in case of selenium deficiency, useful acids omega-3, vitamins, minerals. Available in tablets of 0.24 g.

Be careful: These vitamins with selenium are prohibited for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, and nursing mothers.

AlfaVit classic

The complex of vitamins and minerals in question contains daily dose required substances (in three tablets). Each tablet is taken at different times, which is due to the versatile support of the body throughout the day.

  • Calcium D3– prevents the development of osteoporosis, strengthens teeth, bones, hair, nails, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases plasma coagulability.
  • Antioxidant+– selenium (70 mg) with vitamins strengthens immune system, protect from harmful effects substances found in the environment.
  • Iron+– prevention of anemia, setting up plasma production.

The medicine of 3 pieces is taken one type once a day, at least 5 hours must pass between doses of each tablet, the course of therapy is 30 days. The price of the drug is 245 rubles.


Effective combination remedy to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals. Allowed to be taken by adults and children from 5 years of age. The course is prescribed by a specialist. The tablets are taken with meals.

Included components:

  • vitamin cocktail: D, B, A, E, C;
  • copper sulfate;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • nicotinamide;
  • manganese;
  • pantothenate;
  • zinc;
  • folic acid;
  • chromium;
  • selenium (50 mg).

Important to remember: When taking Multi-Tabs, you should not take additional multivitamins or mineral compounds, this can lead to oversaturation, which is unacceptable for the body.

The price of the drug is from 400 to 920 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.


A storehouse of minerals and vitamins, it is recommended for use when a deficiency of necessary components for the body is detected. The product, rich in valuable elements, contains useful components, including selenium (30 mg).

The fortified mineral ensemble is taken with the permission of a doctor. The recommended dose is 1 tablet once a day for a month. Admission is carried out during meals.

The price of the drug is 450-550 rubles.


Thanks to the combination of substances necessary for the full functioning of the body, the drug has a beneficial effect on all human biochemical processes.

The composition of Dynamizan includes: group of vitamins B, calcium pantothenate, ginseng extracts, selenium (25 mg), tocopherol acetate, magnesium, glutamine, calcium, nicotinamide, zinc, retinol, arginine, ascorbic acid, phosphorus, copper, iodine, sodium molybdate.

After a course of therapy, people improve their mental and physical activity, endurance, performance, concentration, attentiveness. The body is able to cope with stress, weakness, age-related changes. Doctors recommend taking Dynamizan during dietary and vegetarian meals.

The drug is available in tablets. Recommended for adults and children over 13 years of age. The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor individually, usually 1 tablet once a day. The product is not chewed, but washed down a large number liquids. The price of the drug in pharmacies ranges from 410 to 470 rubles.

Vitamins with selenium for women are necessary support for the body, this is especially important for ladies during menopause.

You cannot choose a drug yourself - a doctor, based on general condition and test results, makes a decision to take an additional complex in each case separately.

Useful video about vitamins with selenium for women:

Selenium is a mineral and trace element of youth. Vitamins for the body:

Selenium is extremely important element for the human body. It improves immunity, acts as one of the main antioxidants, protecting the human body from the action of free radicals, reduces inflammation, and also plays a key role in maintaining metabolism.

According to recent studies, selenium has an antiviral effect on the body and is important for men and women reproductive system, reduces the risk of developing cancer, autoimmune and thyroid diseases.

Found in the human body large number vitamins and microelements, as well as other nutrients, to one degree or another, responsible for its vital functions. Among others, we can highlight selenium. This mineral, if taken in the wrong dosage, can be extremely dangerous to health, but at the same time, if consumed correctly, its benefits will be very, very great.

So, in order. Selenium was once considered a toxic trace element, but then people found that this fact affects the amount of its consumption. Selenium deficiency can lead to infertility, premature aging and some other serious diseases.

The male body, according to modern scientists, requires slightly more of this trace element than the female body. This increased need is explained by the effect of selenium on the activity of the male reproductive system and a man’s sexual activity. Deficiency of the substance stops male sexual activity. Medical statistics confirm the direct relationship between selenium deficiency and sudden death among male infants. It is possible to replenish microelement reserves if you regularly eat foods that contain it.

The benefits of selenium for the human body

Selenium is found in many foods. It is also available in the form of dietary supplements. Selenium is integral part more than two dozen selenoproteins that play decisive role in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and also protects against oxidative processes and infections.

The main functions of selenium in the human body include:

  • stimulation of immunity;
    participation in protein synthesis;
    prevention of tumor formation;
    assistance in the formation of red blood cells;
    inhibition of aging processes;
    activation of vitamin E;
    neutralization and removal of foreign substances from the body;
    stimulation of reproductive function;
    normalization of functioning nervous system;
    main role in stopping the progress of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    participation of enzymes and hormones;
    stimulation metabolic processes;
    maintaining healthy condition horny surfaces.

Selenium is concentrated to a greater extent in human nails, hair, pancreas, heart, lungs, liver, bone marrow and kidneys. The microelement is able to protect our body from the threat of penetration of bacteria and viruses, as well as other negative influences, thereby protecting the human immune system.

It is also a sure obstacle to the formation of free radicals that destroy body cells. Among other things, this microelement controls the vital activity of absolutely all cells of the body and prevents diseases. endocrine system, heart and blood vessels, as well as various inflammations.

Products containing selenium

Selenium exists in two forms: inorganic (selenate or selenite) and organic (selenomethionine or selenocysteine). Both forms can be good sources Selena.

Inorganic is found in the soil. Selenites and selenates that accumulate in plants are converted into organic form during the synthesis process.

The human diet must contain foods rich in selenium in order to fully supply all body systems with this substance. In this regard, it is imperative that every person is aware of the list of such food products.

It is important that the food consumed contains as little sugar as possible, then the absorption and preservation of selenium will occur as efficiently as possible. To achieve maximum benefits, you need to limit your intake of sweets and avoid cakes, pastries and sweetened sodas. Having freed your diet from foods that negatively affect the absorption of selenium, it is important to focus on the consumption of vitamin E, as it helps the microelement effectively penetrate into cells.

Among plants, selenium is found in tomatoes and garlic, in porcini mushrooms and champignons, in olive oil, in Brazil nuts, coconut and pistachios, in corn, oat and buckwheat, in wheat bran, brewer's yeast and sea ​​salt. This valuable microelement can be found not only in plant foods, but in chicken eggs, some types of fish and some other seafood, as well as in the liver and kidneys of animals.

The leaders of the list can be safely declared garlic and Brazil nut. Eating 10-20 grams of one or the other every day will meet your daily requirement of selenium.

Unfortunately, this microelement is not able to be independently synthesized in our body, so it is replenished only by intake from the outside. By the way, the extent to which a particular product will be saturated with selenium depends on its content in the soil where the plant was grown.

Selenium deficiency

Selenium deficiency causes biochemical changes in the body that can lead to certain diseases. Especially associated with any situation. For example, selenium deficiency in combination with infection can lead to cardiomyopathy or the so-called Keshan disease. Although the exact cause of this disease has not been named to this day, many associate it with selenium deficiency.

A deficiency of this microelement in the human body is most often observed under the following circumstances:

  • harmful working conditions;
    age over 90 years;
    application of some medicines;
    selenium deficiency in the soil;
    diseases of the digestive system.

A constant deficiency of selenium in the body can lead to such consequences as:

  • hypothyroidism;
    malfunction of the thyroid gland;
    endemic goiter;
    malfunctions of the reproductive system;
    decreased immunity;
    diseases of the skin, nails and hair;
    frequent inflammatory processes;
    liver diseases;
    inhibition of growth and development in childhood;
    lung diseases;

Harm of selenium to the body

Oversaturation of the body with selenium should also not be allowed, because this is fraught with very serious consequences, in particular, severe poisoning. In most cases, overdose occurs as a result of irrational use. food additives, enriched with this microelement.

The main symptoms of overdose include the following:

  • nausea, vomiting;
    lack of stability in the psycho-emotional state;
    increased fragility nails and hair;
    skin erythema;
    constant smell of garlic from the mouth and skin;
    disruptions in liver function.

It must be remembered that in order to avoid adverse consequences Before starting to take medications with selenium, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding should consume more vitamins and minerals. Therefore, these values ​​are averaged. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor and get accurate recommendations.

Children aged:

from 0 to 6 months – 15 micrograms per day;

from 7 months to a year – 20 micrograms per day;

from 1 year to 3 years – 20 micrograms per day;

from 4 to 8 years – 30 micrograms per day;

from 9 to 13 years – 40 micrograms per day.

Teens and adults:

Men 14 years and older – 55 micrograms per day;

Women 14 years and older – 55 micrograms per day;

Pregnant women - 60 micrograms per day;

Breastfeeding women - 70 micrograms per day.

The best way to get required quantity Selena is correct balanced diet, which includes various products.

Why our body needs selenium, watch the video

The importance of selenium for the body

Selenium, like the Moon, after which it is named, has two sides of the coin - one light - positive for the body, the other dark - negative. The fact is that it, as a substance, is a strong poison that can cause fatal poisoning. But, in microscopic doses, it is necessary for all organs and systems like strongest antioxidant and a necessary factor for the normal functioning of the immune and hormonal systems. Its benefits to the body are as follows:

  • It is part of certain proteins, hormones and enzymes involved in the life support processes of the body;
  • Helps improve immunity;
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • It is a powerful defense against the degeneration of cellular structures into malignant neoplasms;
  • Increases the efficiency of metabolic processes;
  • Regulates reproductive function, since it is part of sperm;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Maintains the stability of the functioning of the NS;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • Protects the body from the action of toxic minerals - arsenic, lead, cadmium, thallium, mercury.

But the main importance of selenium is its powerful antioxidant mission, which is to fight free radicals. It neutralizes them, thereby preventing their destructive effect on cells, thereby slowing down the aging process of cells and body generally.

One more most important function Selena - his positive influence on reproductive function. This microelement “monitors” the integrity of nucleic acids - the main units of storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information. Se deficiency makes it impossible to reproduce, grow and develop new body.

Risk group for selenium deficiency

Se deficiency in the majority of people is insignificant. But, there are certain categories of people for whom a deficiency of this microelement is quite likely. This group includes:

  • Elderly people (over 90 years old);
  • People with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • People taking statins contraception, and laxatives;
  • Vegetarians and people following a low-calorie diet;
  • Smokers;
  • Population living on selenium-poor soils.

What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

The body's need for Se is insignificant and amounts to 1 μg per 1 kg of weight. And if there is a deficiency, then the main reasons may be two factors. The main cause of Se deficiency is its low content in food products, mainly in grains and vegetables. This, in turn, is due to the depletion of soils in this mineral. Thus, food products with low content this is vital important microelement. Another cause of Se deficiency in the body is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and intoxication with heavy metals and arsenic. The overwhelming majority of selenium is concentrated in the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, and male testes. People with selenium deficiency may develop the following symptoms:

  • A sharp drop in performance (both physical and mental);
  • Decreased immunity, accompanied by frequent colds and inflammatory diseases;
  • Slow tissue regeneration after injury;
  • Development of liver diseases (necrosis);
  • Visual impairment;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

Selenium deficiency can lead to syndrome chronic fatigue, muscle pain, increased cholesterol levels in the blood. If selenium fasting lasts for a long time, then more serious consequences may appear: development malignant neoplasms, coronary disease heart, myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Products containing selenium

The human body needs a daily supply of this microelement. To replenish it, you need to include it in your diet. following products power supply:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • Meat and offal;
  • Mushrooms (white);
  • Whole grain cereals;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Almond;
  • Garlic;
  • Olive oil;
  • Legumes;
  • Pistachios, cashews;
  • Dairy products.

It is important that Se contained in products does not undergo heat treatment,

so its amount upon exposure high temperatures, is reduced by 2 times.

Signs of excess selenium

The toxic dose of Se for humans is 5 mg. This is enough for signs of selenium intoxication to appear:

  • Psycho-emotional imbalance;
  • Garlic odor from skin and mouth;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Brittle nails and hair loss;
  • Runny nose;
  • Pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

Preparations with selenium

Selenium deficiency can be compensated for using selenium-containing preparations. Taking such drugs will prevent many diseases, and primarily cancer. Preparations containing Se can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Mineral Se. An example of such drugs is Neoselen;
  • Yeast Se, in the form of dietary supplements. They contain about 30% organic selenium and are better absorbed;
  • Selenium organic, artificial – “Selenium-Active”;
  • Organic natural selenium-methionine in the form of fruit and berry syrups.

All four groups of drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, after undergoing the necessary examination.