Highest content of vitamin C. Where is the most vitamin C - the ten most important foods

In creating powerful defenses for the body, vitamin C plays one of the most important roles, stimulating the strengthening of the immune system. But this is not its only advantage, because it is also an effective antioxidant. Thanks to these properties, it helps to quickly restore strength after excessive loads, and also cleanses the body of accumulated free radicals.

Why does vitamin deficiency occur?

A decrease in vitamin C levels can be influenced by various unfavorable factors. These include exposure to ultraviolet radiation ( sun rays), and smoking. By the way, nicotine is an antagonist of this element. This means that with each puff you lose a certain amount ascorbic acid in the body. Conversely, by consuming vitamin C more often, you reduce the craving for cigarettes and the level of accumulated nicotine in the body. The lack of this element leads to frequent colds and also provokes various ailments. To prevent similar situations, you need to know which foods contain vitamin C and start consuming them regularly.

Before we begin to study this issue, let's define daily requirement ascorbic acid for people of different ages. Per day for children it ranges from 30 to 80 mg, and for adults - from 50 to 130 mg. Of course, during periods of heavy stress, pregnancy, epidemic situations and infectious diseases, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol, these values ​​increase depending on the situation.

The search for an answer to the question of which foods contain vitamin C begins with rose hips. In this case, he is the record holder. For a more detailed look, let's take a look at the table below. She shows us which foods contain vitamin C, in mg, per 100 grams.

It should be noted that with a cold, the vitamin norm increases to 2000 mg per day, when playing sports to 500-600 mg, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding- up to 200-250 mg per day daily.

Signs of Deficiency

If you doubt whether your body needs ascorbic acid or not, pay attention to the list of signs indicating its lack:

  • Slow tissue healing from bruises and wounds.
  • Easy bruising.
  • Hair loss, sometimes teeth loss.
  • Increased irritability, swelling.

Be sure to remember the values ​​from the previous table. When you know which foods contain vitamin C, you can improve your health and prevent possible complications.

In addition, there are other substances and elements that are no less important for the body. For the purpose of familiarization, you can select the information yourself, from which you can see how much is contained in the Table - this is the most convenient format for studying, so it is easier to use it. You can supplement it yourself, relying on special publications.

Now you know which foods contain vitamin C, which means you don’t have to worry about your health! We wish you good luck!

C - ascorbic acid, known to everyone since childhood. Having first discovered the powder in 1927, the Hungarian scientist Szent-Gyorgyi gave it the name hexuronic acid. But already in 1932 it was proven that the substance helps prevent and cure scurvy. That's when vitamin C received its new name - ascorbic acid (from the ancient Greek ἀ - non- and Latin scorbutus - scurvy).

Physical properties of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is not synthesized in the human body, although animals (with the exception of guinea pigs and monkeys) and plants are able to produce it themselves. As a result of this injustice, we are forced to replenish our food supplies or take medications.

Vitamin C is a transparent powder, however, in this it differs little from other vitamins. It has high solubility in alcohol and water, but is practically insoluble in fatty acids.

Ascorbic acid has sour taste- the same one from childhood. In dry form it can be stored for quite a long time, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures it decomposes. Therefore, store vitamin C in dark glass packaging in a cool place.

The role of ascorbic acid in the body

Understanding why the body needs ascorbic acid is not easy. The functions of vitamin C are varied:

  1. Boosts the immune system, helping to cope with diseases - colds, asthma, eczema.
  2. Helps prevent cancer of the colon, endometrium, and esophagus.
  3. Prevents deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Helps remove toxins from the body.
  5. Takes part in the processes of absorption of vitamins A, E, B1, B2.
  6. Promotes the production of stress hormones, which help the body cope with stressful situations.
  7. Helps normalize the penetration of capillary walls.
  8. Regulates blood clotting.
  • Drying - ascorbic acid practically does not decompose when dried. Since moisture evaporates, the weight of the fruit after drying decreases, and the concentration of vitamin per unit weight increases. The disadvantage of drying is that dried fruits are 4-7 times more caloric than fresh fruits. If you tend to be overweight, avoid eating dried fruit at night. But in the morning they will be just right.
  • Freezing - rapid cooling to -18 °C kills microorganisms, preserving almost all the vitamins in the fruit and without increasing calorie content. The disadvantage of freezing is that you need a large freezer. Please note that fruit cannot be re-frozen. When re-frozen, all beneficial substances are lost.
  • Sugaring - used for berries. Raspberries and strawberries are not boiled, but sprinkled with sugar. Vitamins are preserved, and there is no need for a freezer. Candied berries are stored in the cellar or refrigerator in jars under nylon lids. Minus - great content sugar, but the delicacy turns out very tasty.
  • Cooking - from 10 to 30% ascorbic acid is retained in jam. However, this is the most popular method of preparing fruit. Despite the decrease in vitamins, jam can certainly protect against scurvy.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a very important nutrient and a powerful natural antioxidant. The main function of any antioxidant is to enhance immunity by neutralizing harmful free oxygen radicals. In addition, it strengthens bones, synthesizes collagen and some neurotransmitters, metabolizes protein, helps fight cancer and improves iron absorption. But here's the rub...

Unfortunately, the human body cannot produce vitamin C. That's why you need to eat different products to give your body the recommended daily norm, which is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. You don't have to just eat citrus fruits to do this, as there are plenty of other foods rich in vitamin C. Read on to get to know them all.

But first, let me tell you some facts about vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is a small carbohydrate molecule. It was discovered in 1920 by Albert von Szent Gyorgyi, who discovered that vitamin C could treat scurvy caused by long absence in the diet of vegetables and fruits. That is why the vitamin that treats scurvy was called C or ascorbic acid, where “ascorbic” means “from scurvy.” It is present in many foods and is important for both animals and plants. But it is not synthesized in humans, primates, guinea pigs, birds, fish and some bats. This is due to the fact that one of the genes encoding the enzyme ( L-gluconolactone oxidase), necessary for the production of vitamin C, is involved in a pseudogene. Therefore, people need to eat fruits and vegetables to protect themselves from various diseases.

Fortunately, scurvy is extremely rare today. But why is vitamin C intake so important?

Why is vitamin C important?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an electron donor. After donating an electron to the recipient molecule, it becomes ascorbate, which is an essential cofactor for various enzymatic reactions in the body. With a lack of vitamin C, the usual reactions are disrupted, which ultimately weakens the immune system, bone tissue, leads to infections, skin problems, slow healing wounds, joint pain, depression, fatigue, inflammatory processes, bleeding gums, scurvy and anemia. From here it becomes clear why vitamin C in foods is important for maintaining the health of the body and the strength of the immune system.

Below are 39 vitamin C-rich foods that should be in your diet.

Foods containing large amounts of vitamin C

1. Rosehip

Rosehip is the fruit of a wild rose, which is most often used to make jam, jellies, syrups, herbal teas, wine, marmalade and even soup. It is the richest source of vitamin C—a 100-gram serving contains 426 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

You can make rosehip tea, soup, jam and crackers. Or you can add it to ice cream or cakes.

2. Green chili

We didn't expect it! Green chilies are considered one of the best sources of vitamin C. They contain more vitamin than limes, oranges and lemons. 100 grams of chili contain 242 mg of vitamin, and one chili contains as much as 109 mg. This is great news for those who love this vegetable.

How to include it in your diet?

You can add crushed green chilies to your salad to give it a little kick. You can add it to stews, curries or marinate, or dry it and use it as a seasoning. Remember, if you cannot tolerate the heat of peppers or suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, or have recently had intestinal surgery, avoid hot herbs or spices, including green chilies.

3. Guava

Ripe and aromatic guava is one of the richest sources vitamin C among fruits. 100 grams of guava contain 228.3 mg of vitamin C, and one guava contains about 126 mg. If you eat one fruit every day, then you won't have to worry about your daily dose. of this vitamin. Here's how you can use this fruit in your diet.

How to include it in your diet?

Naturally, like any other fruit, guava can be eaten raw. You can also make a salad from slices of guava, cucumber, beets, carrots and apples. You can also make freshly squeezed juice with a pinch Himalayan salt and a few drops lemon juice. ABOUT delicious jelly guava can be spread on bread.

4. Yellow bell pepper

Yellow sweet pepper considered the richest source of vitamin C among vegetables - 183 mg per 100 grams of pepper, and one large yellow pepper contains 341 mg of vitamin C. You need to eat peppers to strengthen your immune system and add color to your dishes. Here's what you can cook with sweet yellow peppers.

How to include it in your diet?

Add paprika slices to salads, pizza, and sandwiches. You can add frozen crushed peppers when preparing pasta or Asian and Mexican dishes. You can also stuff the peppers with chopped mushrooms or any other vegetable of your choice and bake in the oven to get a tasty and healthy dish.

5. Parsley

This unpretentious herb contains the most large number vitamin C: 133 mg per 100 grams. 1 tbsp. parsley contains 5 mg of vitamin C. It adds taste and aroma to dishes, and also strengthens the immune system. Therefore, with today Start using parsley in your regular dishes. Here are a few options on how you can do this.

Where to add?

Add chopped parsley to savory pies or pizza. Sprinkle it on your salad or add it to your morning veggie smoothie. Garnish a vegetable or meat stew with these green leaves or add it to a marinade to add a fresh flavor to meat or fish.

6. Red bell pepper

This bright red vegetable is rich in vitamin C. Did you know that a 100-gram serving of red pepper contains 128 mg of vitamin C, and 1 medium-sized pepper contains as much as 152 grams? Red pepper tastes very pleasant, and any dish decorated with it will look visually beautiful.

Where can I add it?

Pepper slices can be added to salads, Asian and Mexican dishes, or to decorate a sandwich. It goes well with chicken and fish stews. Add it to your morning vegetable smoothie for an extra boost of vitamin C.

7. Kale

Kale is considered one of the healthiest leaf vegetables. It contains 120 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, and a bowl of shredded kale contains 80.4 mg. This is even more than the same serving of spinach, which contains only 8.4 mg.

What can you cook from it?

You can add kale leaves to your morning smoothie, salad or stew. You can wrap mushrooms or shrimp with vegetables in leaves. Instead of salad, you can add cabbage leaves to sandwiches or pizza to make the food even healthier.

8. Kiwi

Kiwi or chinese gooseberry- it's delicious tropical fruit with a lot of vitamin C - 100 grams of kiwi contains 92.2 mg, and one 1 medium-sized kiwi contains 70.5 mg. The taste of kiwi is sweetish and sour, and the texture is soft and tender. Kiwi also contains vitamin A, fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

How to include it in your diet?

Add kiwi to your morning smoothie or juice it. It can be eaten in the morning or snacked in the evening. You can also make a cleansing drink with kiwi, cucumber and mint. If you are losing weight or cleansing your body of toxins, then add kiwi to your fruit salad and eat it for lunch.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli can be found on almost all lists healthy products. And this list is no exception! That's because 100 grams of this healthy cruciferous vegetable contains 89.2 mg of vitamin C. There are many options for preparing and using broccoli. Here are a few of them.

How to include it in your diet?

You can make a super healthy broccoli smoothie for breakfast in the morning or sauté it with other vegetables. Can be baked with sweet potatoes, fish or chicken, or added to pasta.

10. Brussels sprouts

This little green vegetable is rich in not only fiber and protein, but also vitamin C. 100 grams of Brussels sprouts contains 85 mg of this vitamin, and one cup contains 74.8 mg. It also contains vitamin A, K, folic acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

What can you cook?

You can make Brussels sprouts casserole. Boil or bake or add avocado and bacon to your breakfast. You can add it to homemade soup or pizza.

11. Carnation

Cloves are used mainly as a spice in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Malagasy. It adds flavor and breathes life into a dish. Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects and are good for wisdom teeth pain. It also contains vitamin C - 100 grams of cloves contain 80.8 mg of this vitamin, and 1 tsp. clove powder - 1.6 mg. Don't know how you can use it in cooking? Here are some options.

How to include it in your diet?

Spice up your curry with cloves or add flavor to rice dishes. You can simply chew cloves as a natural mouth freshener. Or add half a teaspoon of clove powder to your morning smoothie or juice.

12. White pigweed

Quinoa, also known as pigweed or simply pigweed, can grow anywhere in wildlife or even in flower pot in the garden. This super healthy leafy vegetable can be purchased from the market or your local supermarket. Here's how you can use it.

How to introduce it into your diet?

Fry an egg with quinoa for breakfast. Add it to your smoothie in the morning or juice in the evening, prepare delicious salad with apples, beets, quinoa, tomatoes and olive oil. You can fry it with vegetables or add it to boiled chicken breast.

13. Lychee

One of the richest sources of vitamin C among fruits. Sweet and juicy lychee is not only delicious, but super healthy fruit. 1 lychee contains 6.8 mg of vitamin C, and 100 grams of this fruit contains 71.5 mg. They also contain potassium and healthy fats.

How to include lychees in your diet?

You can simply eat it raw or squeeze the juice. You can add it to your fruit cocktail or in a cleansing drink, finely chopped first, also in a fruit salad or even in a pie.

14. Young mustard leaves

Young mustard leaves contain a significant amount of vitamin C. 100 grams of these leaves contain 70 mg of ascorbic acid, and one glass of crushed mustard leaves contains 39.2 mg. They are also high in fiber, vitamin A and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium and have no cholesterol at all. Mustard leaves have been proven to strengthen general condition health. Here are some ideas on how to introduce them into your diet.

Where can I add it?

You can fry the leaves and add them to your vegetable or chicken broth, chickpea salad, cheese sauce or pasta.

15. Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi or German turnip is a vegetable that can be eaten either raw or cooked. Kohlrabi tastes similar to broccoli and Brussels sprouts and is high in fiber and vitamin C. One bowl of kohlrabi contains 83.7 mg of vitamin C, and 100 grams contains 62 mg. It contains a lot of vitamin A, phosphorus and calcium.

How to include it in your diet?

You can add kohlrabi to salads, soups, stews, bakes, pancakes or chips.

16. Papaya

Papaya is also a good source of vitamin C - 100 grams of fruit contains 61.8 mg of ascorbic acid, and one small fruit contains 93.9 mg. It is high in vitamin A, folic acid, fiber, calcium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.

How to include it in your diet?

You can make Thai papaya salad or sweet chutney. Fresh fruit can be added to chicken or vegetable stew or make sweet and sour seasoning.

17. Strawberry

Strawberries don't need any introduction. Everyone likes her. Another reason why strawberries should be part of any person's diet is that 100 grams of this berry contains 58.8 mg of ascorbic acid. 1 large berry contains 10.6 mg of vitamin C. It also contains protein and fiber.

How to use in your diet?

The berry can be eaten raw, added to cereal for breakfast, made into smoothies, jam or jelly, dipped in chocolate, or decorated with a pie or cupcake.

18. Oranges

Oranges are a very popular fruit with a lot of vitamin C - 100 grams of oranges contain 53.2 mg of ascorbic acid, and 1 large orange has as much as 97.9 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

You can eat the fruit plain or squeeze the juice. You can also add juice to pies or make jam, jelly, syrup, etc. Make a fruit salad with orange to enjoy the citrus flavor of this vibrant fruit.

19. Lemon and lime

Lemons and limes are citrus fruits, so they contain large amounts of ascorbic acid - 100 grams of lemon and lime contain 53 and 29.1 mg of vitamin C, respectively. They are low in calories and have no cholesterol.

How to include it in your diet?

Mix the juice of 1/4 lemon or half a lime with two glasses of water and drink in the morning to detoxify. Add lemon or lime juice to your morning vegetable or fruit smoothie. Make salad dressing or lemonade, or add lemon zest to a pie, cupcake, or cookie.

20. Clementine

Clementine is a hybrid of an orange and a tangerine. It is juicy and fleshy and rich in vitamin C - 100 grams of fruit contain 48.8 mg of ascorbic acid, and one clementine fruit contains 19.5 mg. It also contains vitamin A, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and fiber.

What can you cook from it?

Clementines can be eaten plain or squeezed into juice, which can be added to your morning vegetable smoothie, pie, muffin, stew, brownies or chocolate fondue. You can make a fruit salad with clementine.

21. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is bright yellow in color and has a sweet taste. One cup of pineapples contains 78.9 mg of vitamin C, and 100 grams of the fruit contains 47.8 mg of this vitamin. In addition, it contains vitamin A, calcium, potassium and fiber.

What can you make from pineapples?

Dice the pineapple, drizzle it with lime juice and sprinkle with a pinch of Himalayan salt for a citrusy pineapple salad. You can add pineapple juice to stews or meat marinades. For a Hawaiian-style pizza, add pineapple slices to your favorite ingredients.

22. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, containing 46.4 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. It also contains protein, calcium, vitamin K, potassium and phosphorus. Here's what you can cook with cauliflower.

How to include it in your diet?

Cauliflower can be fried, baked or grilled. It can be added to vegetable or fish stews or made into casseroles.

23. Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage or pak choy is a leafy vegetable that tastes similar to lettuce and looks like cabbage. 100 grams of Chinese cabbage contains 45 mg of vitamin C, and one bowl contains 31.5 mg and only 9 calories. It is considered an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, K, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. If you don't know how to use it in your diet, read below.

How to include it in your diet?

Chinese cabbage can be used to make salad, borscht or sandwiches. You can wrap any filling you like in cabbage leaves or marinate it.

24. Watercress

Watercress is a nutritious aquatic plant that is considered the very first leaf vegetable. It is very healthy and rich in vitamin C. 100 grams of the plant contains 43 mg of ascorbic acid, and one bowl of finely chopped vegetable leaves contains 14.6 mg. It is also high in vitamin A, K, calcium and potassium and has no cholesterol. Here's how you can use it in cooking.

How to include it in your diet?

You can prepare a vegetable cocktail, soup, gravy, or throw a few sprigs into a salad, or use watercress as a side dish.

25. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and saturates cells with fluid. 100 grams of this fruit contain 36.7 mg of vitamin C, and 30 grams contain 10.3 mg of ascorbic acid. It also contains vitamin A and potassium. Here's what you can make from this fruit.

How to include it in your diet?

You can eat cantaloupe raw, just peel the skin first. Grind in a blender and eat for breakfast. You can prepare a fruit salad, add a little lime juice and a pinch of black pepper and salt.

26. Cabbage

Cabbage is rich in various useful elements, including ascorbic acid. 100 grams of cabbage contain 36.6 mg of vitamin C, that is, half of the permissible waste dose. Cabbage helps fight cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Red cabbage also contains a lot of useful substances. 100 grams of this cabbage contain 57 mg of vitamin C, as well as vitamin A, fiber and only 31 calories.

What can you cook?

Cabbage can be used to make salad, soup and stew. You can make cabbage curry or stew rice with cabbage.

27. Collard greens

Kale is somewhat similar to spinach and contains a large amount of various beneficial substances, including vitamin C. 30 grams of kale contain 9.9 mg of ascorbic acid, and 100 grams - 35.5 mg. Cabbage leaves contain vitamin A, K, fiber, calcium and potassium.

What can you cook?

Pour boiling water over the leaves and add to your salad, or cook mushroom or chicken soup, stew. You can wrap any filling you like in cabbage leaves. Collard greens can also be cooked with white beans, shrimp and tofu, or added to pasta.

28. Grapefruit

Everyone knows that grapefruits help you lose weight. Did you know that this fruit also helps strengthen the immune system? This is because 100 grams of grapefruit contains 31.2 mg of vitamin C, and half the fruit contains 38.4 mg. They also contain vitamin A, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and fiber.

What can you cook with grapefruit?

Eat half a fruit for breakfast. Drink freshly squeezed juice, or add it to stews or marinate meat. You can make a grapefruit salad or add a few pieces to tuna or baked chicken salad.

29. Swiss chard

Swiss chard has red stems and dark green leaves. They contain a lot of nutrients, so it should be in your diet. One leaf contains 14.4 mg, and 100 grams - 30 mg of vitamin C. Swiss chard contains vitamin A, K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, fiber and not a gram of cholesterol.

How to include it in your diet?

Pour boiling water over the leaves or fry them in a little oil and add to the salad. Swiss chard can be added chopped into a stew or soup, made into a cheese sandwich, or added to a vegetable pie, or wrapped in shrimp.

30. Spinach

According to one fairy tale hero, spinach will make anyone stronger, and it's true. It contains protein, vitamin A, fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as ascorbic acid. 100 grams of spinach contains 28.1 mg of vitamin C, and one bunch contains 95.5 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

Spinach can be blanched and sauteed and added to dishes with other vegetables, mushrooms, chicken, fish, eggs and tofu. You can make a smoothie with spinach or add it to chicken soup to make the broth even healthier. Spinach can be added to vegetable pies and omelettes.

31. Gooseberry

Gooseberry bushes grow mainly in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Africa and European countries. Gooseberries are light green in color and have a sour taste. In Ayurveda, gooseberries are considered very beneficial. And most of the benefits of gooseberries for human health are due to the presence of vitamin C. 100 grams of gooseberries contain 27.7 mg of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.

How to include it in your diet?

You can eat the berries raw and add them to your morning smoothie. You can dry them in the sun and eat them along with other dried fruits every day; gooseberry juice is also useful. You can also pickle gooseberries or make jam.

32. Mango

Mango is very tasty, but not everyone can treat themselves to this fruit, as it contains a lot of calories. But don’t forget that it contains a lot of fiber, minerals and, of course, vitamin C. One mango contains 57.3 mg of vitamin C, and 100 grams of fruit - 27.2 mg. That is why it is recommended to eat mango every other day to get all the benefits of this fruit.

What can you cook?

Eat the fruit raw or drink freshly squeezed mango juice, smoothie or shake. Add mango slices or cubes to your ice cream or yogurt. Garnish your pie with mango slices or make a fruit salad.

33. Raspberries and blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are rich in a variety of nutrients: folic acid, fiber and vitamin C. 100 grams of raspberries contain 26.2 mg of ascorbic acid, and 100 grams of blackberries - 21 mg. They improve memory, protect the body from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. These berries are great option snack. They are delicious and will be a worthy decoration for any dessert. The antioxidants in berries help reduce cholesterol and oxidative stress.

What can you cook?

Eat the berries plain or add them to your yogurt or ice cream. Add them to pies, morning smoothies or make jam.

34. Potatoes

Potatoes are easy to store and cook and are inexpensive. In addition to vitamin C, potatoes contain carotenoids, flavonoids and fiber. About 19.7 mg of vitamin C is contained in 100 grams of raw potatoes.

What can you cook?

Potatoes can be baked, boiled, preferably in their skins, to get more vitamin C.

35. Peas

Fresh green peas- This good source plant protein, 100 grams of which contain 14.2 mg of vitamin C. An excellent source of iron and other nutrients, peas reduce the risk of cancer, depression, cholesterol and macular degeneration.

How to include it in your diet?

Peas can be added to stews mashed potatoes, curry, soup, salad and quinoa.

36. Tomatoes

Bright red tomatoes are also a source of vitamin C. Sun-dried tomatoes contain even more ascorbic acid. 100 grams of tomatoes contain 12.7 mg of vitamin C, and 100 grams of dried tomatoes contain 39.2 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

Tomatoes can be added to sandwiches, salads, and curries. You can drink tomato juice in the morning or after training to improve skin condition and lose weight.

37. Turnip

This root vegetable, oddly enough, is also rich in vitamin C and essential amino acids. Turnips contain calcium, phosphorus and potassium, and 100 grams of the vegetable contains 11.6 mg of vitamin C. It contains complex carbohydrates and fiber, which makes it even healthier.

What can you cook?

It can be added to stews, salads, soups, pastas and casseroles.

38. Apricots

Apricots improve appearance skin because they contain fiber, vitamin A, potassium, protein and vitamin C, which promotes collagen production. Moreover, 100 grams of apricots contain 10 mg of ascorbic acid and only 48 calories.

How to include it in your diet?

Fruits can be eaten plain or dried. Add chopped apricots to juices, smoothies, salads and desserts.

39. Cherry

This sweet and sour fruit very juicy and tasty. 100 grams of cherries contain 7 mg of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, protein and potassium.

How to include it in your diet?

Cherries can be eaten in fresh or dip the fruits in caramel. You can add chopped cherries to fruit salad or decorate your cake with them. Dried cherries can be added to homemade cakes or fruit cocktails.

So now you know which foods contain vitamin C. They should definitely be in your diet. Now let me explain the best way to cook and eat them.

  • This vitamin is a very sensitive nutrient that reacts to air, water and high temperature. Best to eat rich in vitamins With raw food. The content of vitamin C in foods during cooking and cooking is reduced by 25%.
  • Defrosting and freezing food long period time also leads to loss of vitamin C.
  • Cooking vegetables for 20-30 minutes leads to the loss of half of vitamin C.
  • Repeated heating or canning reduces the vitamin content by 2/3.

Facts and myths about vitamin C

Vitamin C has many benefits for human health, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article. Many of us use it to fight colds and coughs. But scientists believe a lot more research needs to be done to prove this. Vitamin C strengthens immune system and reduces the frequency colds, however, there is also no direct evidence of this fact.

Another question is how much vitamin C should you take per day? Below you will find a table with the recommended daily intake of this vitamin.

This table will tell you how much vitamin C you should consume daily.

When you start consuming vitamin C on a regular basis, you will experience the following benefits.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Helps fight cancer.
  • Promotes collagen synthesis.
  • Strengthens bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Protects against atherosclerosis, inhibits oxidation LDL cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves lipid profile.
  • Helps heal wounds.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Essential for health oral cavity and prevents tooth loss.
  • Useful for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Helps manage or prevent obesity by targeting the root of the problem.

Now you know all the facts about ascorbic acid, what foods contain vitamin C, how to consume them and in what quantity. Try taking the recommended daily amount of this vitamin and you will see a difference within a few days. Improve the health and appearance of your skin. You will feel a surge of energy. Lead healthy image life and eat foods with vitamin C. And take care of yourself!

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can rightfully be called driving force human body- so much important functions he fulfills. The deficiency even has a negative impact on your mood. In order to ensure daily dosage(from 75 to 130 mg), it is important to have an idea of ​​which foods contain vitamin C in the right amount.

A big plus is the fact that berries and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid do not need to be imported from abroad - most of them grow in almost all regions of Russia, and they can be prepared for future use over the summer.

Barbados acerola cherry

100 g of these exotic berries contains the most vitamin C - up to 2500 mg, and according to some data, up to 3300 mg. But it is practically never found on sale fresh, more often as part of pharmaceutical preparations.

Rose hip

Rose hips are the leaders among available products in terms of the amount of vitamin C - about 1250 mg per 100 g. To replenish daily dose enough 15 dried berries. To preserve all the vitamin in the fruits, you do not need to boil them or leave them for longer than 12 hours.

Sweet pepper (bell pepper)

100 g of red fruits contain about 250 mg of vitamin C, with the main concentration in the area of ​​the stalk, which is usually cut out. This vegetable contains a small amount of enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid, so a significant part of it is retained even after heat treatment.

black currant

A small handful of black currant berries is enough to provide the body with vitamin C for a day (200 mg per 100 g of fruit). Fragrant healthy tea can be brewed from twigs and leaves (they contain more “ascorbic acid” than fruits).

Sea ​​buckthorn

The fruits of this tree are called “golden berries” and not only for their color. Sea buckthorn has a mass healing properties, and the vitamin C content in it is not inferior to black currants. So as not to destroy valuable substances, this berry can be:

  • dry;
  • freeze;
  • squeeze the juice and pasteurize it (it cannot be sterilized);
  • sprinkle with sugar and store in the refrigerator.


In terms of the amount of vitamin C, parsley is in the top ten - 150 mg per 100 g of leaves. Greatest effect for the body is achieved if the greens are fresh, but cut and stored in the freezer have the same composition. Summer frozen parsley contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than winter greenhouse parsley.

Hot pepper (chili)

The vegetable is aggressive, but it contains a lot of vitamin C - 144.6 mg per 100 g. It is used both in folk medicine, and as a seasoning for dishes.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are excellent dietary product, rich useful substances and fibers. 100 g of small heads of cabbage contain 120 mg of ascorbic acid.


This herb It is actively used as a seasoning, as well as in salads. A 100 gram bunch of greens contains 100 mg of vitamin C. Dill will not lose beneficial properties, aroma and taste neither frozen nor dried.


The taste of the shoots of this plant resembles garlic, so they are often used in various preparations. But the main value of wild garlic is in its composition: together with vitamin C (100 mg per 100 g), the stems contain a lot necessary for a person microelements.


Sweet juicy fruits are pleasant and tasty to eat, which simplifies the task of providing children with ascorbic acid. Contrary to the opinion established since Soviet times that citrus fruits are the fruits containing the most vitamin C, this group is not at all in first place.

Rich in ascorbic acid (approximate content per 100 g):

  1. “Chinese gooseberry”, also known as kiwi. In yellow fruits there is up to 182 mg, in green fruits – up to 80 mg.
  2. Guava (guava) contains 125 mg.
  3. Papaya – 94 mg.
  4. Oranges contain up to 74 mg.
  5. In lemons and tangerines up to 40 mg.

The problem with overseas fruits is delivery and storage. They are removed unripe and treated with fungicides, otherwise presentation gets lost very quickly.

Over six months of storage, the amount of vitamin C in any fruit is reduced by half, even if they are grown and collected according to all the rules. Moreover, regardless of what warehouse conditions are created.

PreparationBenefits and features of receptionDosage
Kiddy PharmatonAn active complex of vitamins and minerals, which is prescribed to increase protective properties body and elimination of hypovitaminosis. One of the ingredients of the drug is lysine (an amino acid that promotes bone formation).15 ml per day.
Alphabet SchoolboyAll vitamins and minerals are divided into categories based on compatibility and absorption. Nourishes the body essential vitamins and minerals. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives in the composition. Recommended for children who have high mental and physical stress.Take 3 chewable tablets different colors. The order doesn't matter.
JungleContains 10 vitamins. The manufacturer decided to please children and made the drug in the form of animals. Prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections and viral diseases.1 tablet 2 times a day.
Multi-Tabs JuniorThe supplement contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. The product has a raspberry or fruit flavor, and there are no artificial colors or preservatives. Contains iodine, so it is used during serious exercise.Once every 24 hours – 1 tablet.
Pikovit Forte 7+Contains 10 vitamins and 6 microelements. The tablets have a pronounced tangerine taste. Please note that the product contains high dose B vitamins. There is no sugar.You should take 1 tablet per day.
VitaMishkiThe supplement is a chewable stick containing 13 vitamins and 2 minerals. Prescribed to improve memory and attention. Does not contain synthetic substances.1 record per day
Vitrum JuniorThe complex consists of chewable tablets, which have a fruity taste. Excellent for strengthening the body's resistance during the cold season, improves vision, and normalizes the body's condition during high intellectual and physical stress.Tablet per day
CentrumContains 18 ingredients that are great for children school age cope with increased loads. Used for iron and calcium deficiency. The tablets contain no sugar or dyes.1 tablet per day
Children's formulaThe supplement contains 14 vitamins and 14 minerals. Great solution for children who have recently started school, as the drug improves performance and reduces drowsiness.1 tablet in the morning and at lunch

How to store ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, no matter what products contain, tends to be destroyed upon contact with oxygen, so leave them cut into for a long time not worth it. The same applies to lettuce leaves and greens.

Vitamin C belongs to water-soluble vitamins. In fact, several forms of this substance are combined under this general name - ascorbigen, isoascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, calcium ascorbate, etc.

In the old days, during long journeys, with a lack of vitamin C in the diet, people developed a disease called scurvy, and translated into Latin as “sorrow.” The name “ascorbic acid” comes precisely from this word, which means “anti-scurvy.”

Vitamin C is highly soluble in water, alcohol solutions, is inactivated in alkaline and neutral environments, quite stable in slightly acidic environments. In general, it is a very unstable substance that is quickly destroyed by elevated temperature, in contact with metals. Prolonged soaking of products leads to the transfer of most of the ascorbic acid into water, and after 2-3 months of storage fresh vegetables and fruits, half of the vitamin they contain is destroyed.

Foods contain the most vitamin C plant origin– fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs. They can contain it in oxidized, free and bound forms. IN bound state ascorbic acid is absorbed much less well, and in its oxidized form its activity is the same as in its free form.

  • Brussels sprouts – 120;
  • Sweet green pepper – 150;
  • Ground tomatoes – 100;
  • Orange – 60;
  • Fresh rose hips – 470;
  • Black currant – 200;
  • Horseradish – 55;
  • Cranberry – 15;
  • Sea buckthorn – 200;
  • Spinach – 55;
  • Parsley greens – 150;
  • Sauerkraut – 30;
  • Garden strawberries – 60;
  • White cabbage – 45;
  • Antonovka apples – 30;
  • Lemon – 40;
  • Mandarin – 38;
  • Parsley root – 35;
  • Fresh chanterelles – 34;
  • Rutabaga – 30;
  • Cherry – 15;
  • Gooseberries – 30;
  • Radish – 29;
  • Full-fat kefir – 0.7;
  • Fresh green peas – 25;
  • Raspberries – 25;
  • Radish – 25;
  • Quince – 23;
  • Potatoes – 20;
  • Bean pods – 20;
  • Lingonberry – 15;
  • Salad –15;
  • Apricots – 10;
  • Bananas – 10;
  • Onions – 10;
  • Watermelon – 7.

Heat treatment destroys up to 90% of vitamin C in foods. During long-term transportation of fruits and vegetables from their place of growth, the vitamin C content in them also decreases. This does not happen if the food is quickly frozen before transportation. To preserve ascorbic acid in them for as long as possible, you should store them in a cool and dark place.

Vitamin C intake standards

Requirement for ascorbic acid in different periods life is different, it is higher in living conditions in the Far North during pregnancy and breastfeeding, under stress and physical activity, if you have bad habits.

Children in the first six months of life require 30 mg/day of ascorbic acid, from 6 to 12 months – 35 mg/day, from 1 to 3 years – 40 mg/day, from 4 to 10 years – 45 mg/day.

Boys from 11 to 14 years old need 50 mg of ascorbic acid per day, men under 50 years old 60 mg/day, over 50 years old - 70 mg/day.

For girls aged 11-14 years, 50 mg/day of ascorbic acid is enough, for women under 60 years old, 60 mg/day; during pregnancy, the need increases to 100 mg/day, during lactation up to 120 mg/day.

The role of ascorbic acid in the body

The role of vitamin C in the body is difficult to overestimate; it is involved in many important processes body:

  • Takes part in the formation of collagen - the main component of connective tissue;
  • Makes walls blood vessels stronger;
  • Increases immune defense;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Participates in the synthesis of adrenaline, in the metabolism of folic acid;
  • Protects the body from oxygen free radicals;
  • Reduces harmful effects excess sugar;
  • Improves tissue regeneration;
  • Increases resistance to stress;
  • Stimulates transformation ferrous iron into trivalent, which is better absorbed by the body.

Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

In case of hypovitaminosis, the body's resistance to infectious diseases, the appearance of the skin and hair deteriorates - the skin becomes excessively dry, flabby, wrinkles appear, pinpoint hemorrhages in the area hair follicles, hair falls out easily and becomes dull.

Vitamin C deficiency can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased bleeding of gums, hemorrhages in subcutaneous tissue(“bruises”);
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Apathy, irritability, fatigue;
  • Poor healing of wounds and cuts;
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Hypovitaminosis predisposes to obesity.

Signs of excess vitamin C

Ingestion large doses ascorbic acid causes its overdose, which manifests itself in worsening neuromuscular transmission, and hence increased fatigue. Coordination of movements and their consistency with visual analyzer. Malfunctions of the pancreas and liver occur, which provokes digestive disorders. Excess ascorbic acid acidifies the urine and can cause precipitation of urates and oxalates.

Use of vitamin C for medicinal purposes

Ascorbic acid is used in treatment regimens allergic diseases, ARVI and colds, herpes, obesity, depression, increased anxiety, hyperactivity syndrome, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, anemia, alcoholism and others.

It is known that a lack of vitamin C provokes the development cancer diseases. The vitamin is taken to increase physical and emotional stability. Its doses are individual depending on age and disease. For prevention, adults take 50-100 mg of ascorbic acid after meals once a day. Treatment dose the average dose is 50-100 mg 3-5 times a day. Preparations based on ascorbic acid for oral administration and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration have been created.

Contraindications to vitamin C