Why does a cat vomit water? A cat is vomiting, what to do at home: what to give for vomiting, the presence of blood or white foam in the vomit. About the causes of cat nausea

This article discusses only some of the situations that may occur in practice. More details and good advice can only be obtained when the animal is examined by a veterinarian.

Why does a cat often regurgitate food and a cat burps every day after eating, what to do, advice from a veterinarian

Such symptoms indicate an accumulation of hairballs in the pet’s stomach. They have filled space in the stomach and cannot be eliminated naturally, so the cat may not show the desire to eat, and if she does eat, she often regurgitates the food back in an attempt to remove the hairballs. Usually, ointments and foods are purchased that specialize in such problems.

Frequent regurgitation of food after eating may be a symptom of a viral disease. With such symptoms, it is better not to hesitate and contact a veterinarian.

The cat burps from human food in the morning and evening, what can you do to help?

In this case, you need to gradually change your pet's diet. He is vomiting due to poor quality or junk food. The cat should not eat fried or fatty foods. This is the main problem of cat owners; they feed food that they themselves eat, and this is prohibited.

Why does a cat often spit up dry food?

Changing the food may solve this problem. Perhaps the cat has an allergic predisposition to certain components of dry food.

How to treat a cat vomiting hair and food at home

The cat needs to be combed more often and buy special food to remove hair from the stomach.

Why does a cat burp bloody foam, what could it be and how to treat it, diagnosis

Vomiting foam with blood indicates a malfunction of the kidneys or liver, and it is also possible stomach bleeding. This symptom is associated with many diseases: gastritis, tumor, ulcer, renal failure. Foaming with blood is a critical symptom that requires a quick examination by a veterinarian, who will also diagnose accurate diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis it will be indicated correct treatment.

Why does the kitten burp and not eat anything?

1. The kitten gradually dies from dehydration.
2. Worms, which often become main reason similar situations, should be expelled.
3. Urgently put on a drip for dehydration.
4. Feed correctly.

Why does a cat burp after deworming pills and first aid in such a situation?

There are two options:
1. Poor quality or burnt drug
2. Change active component and intolerance to a specific drug.

Vomiting after the drug does not indicate worms as such. The diagnosis must be made by a veterinarian and only he can prescribe the drug. What to do after such vomiting? Change the drug and consult a veterinarian.

Why does a cat often spit up breast milk?

Most likely, this is not milk, but foam, which indicates serious illness animal. Quickly to the veterinary hospital!

Why does a cat burp from raw meat?

Because the stomach can't cope with tough muscle fibers. Change the meat. Good for a cat chicken breast(from raw meat).

Why does a cat burp worm larvae and often burp while lying down?

— Your cat is infected with worms;
— There are so many helminths in the animal’s body that they cannot fit in the intestines and begin to come out.

Having a cat in the house is a big responsibility. Need her ongoing care. Whenever various diseases she may need your help. It often happens that a cat constantly vomits. Let's consider the reasons for this manifestation and ways to eliminate them.

Causes of nausea or vomiting in cats

Vomiting in a cat may not always be caused by the presence of any disease. If she has no other signs of illness and nausea occurs no more than 2 times a week, then she is out of danger. This way her intestines are cleansed.

Cats vomit for the following reasons::

  1. Undigested food. If the animal has been starving for some time, then after a heavy meal, nausea is observed. Often cats vomit after dry food if they do not wash it down with water. This process can also occur as a result of switching to another food.
  2. Accumulation of hair inside the intestines.
  3. Grass eaten by an animal. It irritates the intestinal walls and, as a result, the cat vomits.

There are cases when vomiting causes an animal to become ill. The following symptoms may indicate this::

  • Poor health of the pet.
  • Nausea occurs frequently.
  • Transparent or yellowish vomiting, when bile comes out instead of food.
  • Decreased appetite.

The presence of these signs may indicate the development of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs responsible for digesting food.

How to help a cat?

What to do if your cat vomits often? Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis, ordering a series of studies. These include collection of tests, x-rays and ultrasound. They will help answer the question: “Why does a cat often vomit?” Based on reasons and accompanying symptoms the veterinarian will prescribe treatment.

Vomiting can cause your pet to become dehydrated. The worst outcome in this case is the death of the animal. To prevent this, the veterinarian prescribes IVs and antiemetic medications. Treatment is often carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Restrict your pet's food intake for several days. Since the cat often vomits after eating.
  • Soldering the animal with Regidron solution or water with a small amount of salt.
  • If nausea is too constant, then antiemetic drugs are prescribed. This is Torecan, Phenothiazine or Paspertine.
  • If your pet is poisoned, then with constant vomiting he is prescribed activated charcoal and glucose-based droppers and ascorbic acid.
  • If infections or severe mucosal defects occur, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed.

If vomiting is the result of disturbances in digestive tract or poisoning, then the course of treatment and rehabilitation period requires a specific diet. In this case, the food should be soft.

The animal is fed in small portions several times a day, and meat feed is gradually introduced into its diet.

If there are no signs of illness, you can help your pet yourself. If he is constantly vomiting hairballs, give him special paste. It is designed to remove hair from the intestines and is sold in any pet store. If the cause of vomiting is inappropriate food, then try changing the food.

Prevention of diseases associated with vomiting.

When a pet vomits, you need to pay attention to accompanying symptoms such a state. If you feel that you cannot cope with the signs of nausea on your own and it is the result of an illness, your pet may benefit from the services of a veterinarian. To exclude this possibility, you need to take a responsible approach to the nutrition and vaccination of the animal.

To measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases that cause constant vomiting, also include periodic feeding courses to animals anthelmintic drugs and keeping cat accessories clean.

The pet also needs to be brushed constantly. If you are going to take your pet on a trip, do not feed it before the trip.

Take care of your pet! For timely detection If your cat has any diseases, bring it to the veterinarian for examination once a year. By following the prevention tips, you will reduce your cat's risk of illness to a minimum.

“Even the smallest feline is perfection.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Cats are man's old friends. Affectionate and wayward, naked and fluffy, purring pets bring a lot of pleasure and joy in communication. And how much worry purrs bring to their loving owners when they are sick, and especially when they vomit.

Owners panic – what happened to their pet? Why does a cat vomit? What to do - rush to the vet or use home remedies?

What is the gag reflex

In purring cats, vomiting occurs frequently - this is a manifestation normal operation feline gastrointestinal tract. But sometimes gag reflex becomes a symptom of a serious illness.

Vomiting is a spontaneous action of the body. A special center located in the animal’s brain gives the command to eject the contents of the intestines. When a cat feels bad, it vomits - its body protects itself by removing poisons, toxins, excess food and foreign bodies that have entered the stomach.

But gagging is the tip of a huge iceberg. The brain center gives orders and is activated for other reasons (illness, strengthening intracranial pressure, gastrointestinal pathologies). Sometimes the cat vomits in the car - when the cat shakes violently, it vestibular apparatus fails to cope and sends a danger signal to the brain. The result is vomiting.

Cat vomiting is a universal and multifaceted symptom. The owner of a furry cat needs to know everything about this reflex in order to figure out in time what is happening to the pet and respond competently.

Causes of cat vomiting

Most often, a cat vomits fur. Cats regularly clean themselves by licking their fur. Gradually, a voluminous hairball accumulates in the animal’s stomach, which causes vomiting (in this case, a tight lump is noticeable in the vomit).

This type of vomiting is part of a pet’s normal life and occurs every month. In some cases, the hairball becomes too large and leads to gastrointestinal problems (this happens in long-haired cats).

To avoid such complications, it is recommended to give pets special drugs(pastes) that help the animal get rid of eaten hair.

TO aids This includes weed. Be sure to grow homemade grass for your favorite purrs! What other reasons cause the gag reflex?

Medical intervention

Attentive owners know very well where the local veterinary clinic is located and regularly visit it with their pet. A medical examination is necessary for the purr, but many medical interventions There are certain consequences to a cat's life. One of these consequences is vomiting.

After the operation. Any surgery medical treatment directed at an animal requires anesthesia. Each cat is individual and responds differently to the use of sedatives.

The anesthesia administered to animals is different from the anesthesia used for humans. Fluffies are given drugs that suppress sensitivity. During operations, the eyes of cats remain open.

No qualified veterinarian can determine how a cat will recover from anesthesia. Some purrs come to their senses within an hour after operations and begin to behave. active life, while others leave for a long time, painfully, with nausea and profuse vomiting.

The main thing you need from the owner is not to be scared. To understand that everything is in order with your beloved domestic troublemaker, shine a flashlight into his eyes. Hold your eyelids so that the cat does not instinctively close his eyes. When exposed to light, a cat's pupils (even those in an unconscious state) dilate.

If the pupils do not react, you should sound the alarm and take your pet back to the clinic. In other cases, provide rest to the purr recovering from anesthesia. At this time, cats' heart rate slows down and blood circulation decreases. What to do:

  • Cover the animal with a warm terry towel.
  • Massage your furry's paws to improve blood circulation.
  • If the cat leaves after sterilization, do not place it on chairs, sofas, or good beds (or lay waterproof diapers for animals under it). After castration, cats spontaneously pass smelly urine - this is the remains of hormones.
  • When the cat wakes up, take it in your arms and warm it with your own warmth.

Vomiting after anesthesia is common. The cat may vomit bile (if the animal does not eat before the operation). Do not force water/feed a weakened animal. Kotofey himself will decide when to eat. In difficult times, your pet only needs peace of mind, warm conditions and the care of a loving person.

Vaccination. The purr needs to be regularly vaccinated against dangerous diseases. Modern veterinarians use drugs top quality, not causing dangerous consequences in animals. But complications are possible. After vaccination, cats begin to vomit for a number of the following reasons:

  1. Kotofey was vaccinated during an illness.
  2. There is an allergy to a component of the vaccine.

Slight vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, and lack of interest in food are observed in a vaccinated pet in the first 2-3 days after vaccination. This is fine. But if vomiting continues for a long time, and other symptoms get worse - hurry to the vet!

Such consequences are evidence hidden diseases, which became more active after vaccination.

Vomiting due to natural causes

Pregnancy. A pregnant cat almost always feels sick and vomits. When the cat future mommy waiting for replenishment, her uterus is significantly enlarged. The growing organ compresses and displaces the internal parts of the body.

The constricted stomach reacts with nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy, a real hormonal riot occurs in the cat's body, which also affects the state of well-being.

After giving birth, the cat vomits due to eating placenta (if the purr ate too much of it). At this time, the animal also experiences diarrhea. Such symptoms disappear after 1-2 days. Otherwise, you should seek help from a doctor.

Representatives of the cat family have a curious use of the gag reflex - feeding newborn kittens. A nursing mother cat, feeding her babies with semi-digested food, accustoms the little ones to eating the main food of predators - meat.

Continuation of the family. Every animal strives to procreate. These urges are inherent in nature at the genetic level. Your pet periodically goes into heat. Puberty comes at different times.

The earliest heat (at the age of 3-4 months) occurs in Abyssinian and oriental breeds. But a Sphynx cat first encounters the call of nature at 6-7 months.

But regardless of the onset of estrus, the female should be born at the age of 10-11 months. Fluffies come into heat 2-3 times a year (the British and Scottish breeds are less likely to torment the owner with the whims of behavior during this period).

During estrus (especially in the estrus stage), the animal may vomit. Estrus is an immediate estrus, during this period the animal changes dramatically hormonal background. A violent surge of hormones causes gag reflexes. Vomiting during estrus is rare and stops after mating.

From overeating. TO normal phenomena refers to vomiting undigested food. Some purrs are gluttonous – don’t overfeed them! Fluffy gluttons come out with excess food after eating after 20-30 minutes. “Vomitive food” is vomited into undigested pieces covered with a thin film.

Purr vomits if a curious cat swallows a thread, chews the remains of a newspaper, paper, chews and swallows parts of toys. Cats are curious creatures and taste everything. This reflex goes away after an hour, and the animal again becomes active and alert.

Keep an eye on the fluffy so that the cat doesn’t eat the bones or feast on it dangerous products(medicines, pesticides). And then the owner will encounter vomiting consequences much less often.

Vomiting due to illness

The gag reflex accompanies many feline diseases. How to understand that your pet is overtaken by a disease and dangerous nausea? Associated signs and symptoms tell the story of a disease. What ailments cause vomiting?

Viral infections. Viruses provoke severe diseases in domestic fluffies, leading to fatal outcome. The sources of fatal diseases are sick animals and potentially dangerous virus-carrying animals (they excrete microbes in excrement, urine, saliva).

The most dangerous viral diseases in cats are rabies, herpes, calicivirus and coronavirus infections. Aujeszky's disease, feline immunodeficiency and panleukopenia.

Contributes to the spread of diseases cohabitation healthy animals with sick ones, participation in exhibitions (with large crowding of animals). The cat gets sick from poor nutrition, long trips and during independent walks on the street.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • A sick animal does not eat anything.
  • Purr sneezes and coughs heavily.
  • Profuse vomiting with blood clots begins.
  • Profuse salivation. The cat is choking on saliva.
  • A sick cat is lethargic, she does not play, she lies all the time.

Gastrointestinal diseases. For stomach diseases in mustachioed pets, it is noted wide range signs. With gastrointestinal pathology, the animal constantly feels sick and vomits profusely. A sick pet loses weight despite having a normal appetite.

You can understand that a cat has lost weight by feeling the spine - when it loses weight, it stands out in all anatomical features.

Vomiting in gastrointestinal diseases is a constant symptom. Blood, bile, food debris, and hairballs are found in the vomit. Some animals stop eating completely and don't drink anything, while others eat constantly.

The sick animal vomits heavily. Another extreme also occurs – constipation. The unfortunate pet cannot go to the toilet for several days. This occurs due to large clumps of hair and foreign objects entering the stomach (they clog the organ). This phenomenon leads to the development intestinal obstruction and death of the animal.

In purring cats, there are two phases of the disease: chronic and acute. More often, owners are faced with chronic infestation. All cats are susceptible to the disease, even indoor cats that do not walk. You can determine how infected your beloved pet is with worms by the presence of the following signs:

  • Deterioration of coat condition.
  • Alternation severe diarrhea and constipation.
  • Poor health (lethargy, reluctance to run and play).
  • Appetite – absence or excessive increase in appetite with simultaneous weight loss.
  • Itching anus. The animal, trying to scratch an itchy place, “rides” its butt and rubs against objects.
  • Profuse vomiting (especially in the morning). The vomit may contain worms.

Cats have to take prescribed medications (for diarrhea, for illnesses). Just like people, purrs can react inappropriately to taking a pill. Vomiting occurs most often:

  • After antibiotics. The strongest drugs prescribed to cats for a number of dangerous diseases. Uncontrolled use of these drugs causes severe complications in the animal, leading to death.
  • From Metronidazole. Antibiotic with a mild effect. The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea, cystitis, gangrene, and after difficult childbirth.
  • From Duphalac. A laxative intended to relieve constipation in animals. If the cat does not accept Duphalac, veterinarians prescribe similar remedy- Lactusan.
  • After anthelmintic. Typically, such drugs do not cause or provoke nausea and vomiting. The animal may be vomited if the medicine is counterfeit or the cat has clogged its stomach the day before foreign objects(ate a flower, wool, gnawed on a toy, slippers). The dewormer has an irritating function; if it enters the stomach filled with foreign objects, the drug provokes vomiting.

Often, owners of furry cats notice that their pets feel nauseous from dry food. This happens when the cat is very hungry and tries to quickly fill its belly with food. Dry food enters the stomach unchewed, in lumps. It quickly swells in the gastrointestinal tract, and the cat rejects excess food.

Sometimes it happens that dry feeding is not suitable for a cat (manufacturers add a lot of chemicals to it). Problems begin for your pet after taking cheap feed such as Whiskas, loose food and expired food.

What food doesn't cause nausea? Any food can cause a gag reflex, even the famous Royal Canin or Chicken Formula. Be sure to alternate dry food with natural food. Make sure you always have the feeder with you clean water. Change the type of food regularly.

The animal should be transferred to another feeding correctly and smoothly. Over the course of 2 weeks, add the new food to the usual one in small portions and monitor the cat’s well-being. The animal reacts to a change in diet with digestive problems.

To avoid vomiting, add probiotics (drugs that stabilize intestinal microflora). Such remedies include Smecta and chamomile decoction.

Vomit color

The color of vomit tells a lot to an attentive and intelligent owner. pet. To preliminarily determine the problem that is tormenting the purr, pay attention to the color and composition of the vomit:

Vomit Cause
White foam Vomiting on an empty (hungry) stomach. Nausea with white foam is normal. Pets get so sick in the morning, when the bowls are empty, and hunger takes its toll. No pathology
Transparent slime Mucus in the vomit indicates the presence helminthic infestation or chronic gastritis, viral disease. In case of illness, mucus is also present in the animal’s feces.
Gray mass The gray mass indicates that the cat is not suitable for food or switching to new look feeding occurs too suddenly
Green liquid Vomit acquires a green color when intestinal filling is mixed with its contents. Green vomit indicates problems with the liver, gallbladder and intestinal obstruction. More often the animal vomits at night
Red liquid Is your cat vomiting blood? Pay attention to the brightness of the color: pink, scarlet vomit or dark, the color of coffee grounds. If your pet vomits pink liquid or scarlet-colored vomit, there are wounds and damage to the esophagus, mouth, and pharynx
Black liquid Vomit brown liquid with an almost black color indicates an admixture hydrochloric acid in vomit. This is a sign of gastritis, a tumor, or foreign objects entering the stomach
Yellow liquid Bile has a yellow color. Normally, it should not be in the stomach. Presence of bile in vomit gastric juice speaks of liver problems and gallbladder malfunctions
Vomiting fountain Unstoppable sudden vomiting called "phantom". Vomit is ejected over a long distance. Nausea of ​​this type signals a complete blockage of the stomach. The causes of the phantom are tumors, increased ICP, brain diseases, encephalitis and thrombosis
Vomit with feces Vomiting of feces is rare. This dangerous signal indicating that the cat has peritonitis or serious intestinal injury

How to help an animal

Before vomiting, the cat experiences increased nausea. The animal moves restlessly, chaotically, not finding a place for itself. The pet meows pitifully and licks its lips. Just before vomiting, increased salivation is observed.

After 10-15 minutes, the purr begins to cough, stretching its muzzle forward and tilting it. Breathing is frequent and deep. At this time, contractions occur in the stomach and vomiting begins.

If nausea persists, owners should limit their furry cat's food intake. You should not force water an animal.

Vomiting is a dangerous phenomenon; in severe cases, it leads to dehydration and death. The following symptoms indicate that your cat is dehydrated:

  • Gums become sticky.
  • Increased viscosity of saliva.
  • The eyes are sunken and hollow.

Try lifting an area of ​​the animal's hairless skin and immediately releasing it. When dehydrated, the skin area slowly returns to its original shape. The owner of the purring dog should know what to do and how to provide first aid to the cat (if a visit to the veterinarian is postponed).

You should show your pet to your doctor when vomiting occurs too often (more than 3-4 times a day), accompanied by high temperature and the depressed state of the pet.


To prevent dehydration of the cat, give the fluffy a solution of Regidron. Regidron can be replaced with salted water (a teaspoon of salt per 8 liters of water). At severe vomiting Give your pet Enterosgel or Atoxil (regidron is not effective for severe vomiting).

When your pet stubbornly refuses to drink and is very weak, you will have to arm yourself with a syringe and give the cat injections of Ringer’s solution every day. Helps intramuscular injection Tserukala or No-shpy. At frequent vomiting Treatment is carried out with antiemetics:

  • Bismuth preparations.
  • The medicine Torekan, Phenothiazine and Paspertin helps.

If the cause of vomiting is poisoning, the cat should be given water activated carbon– an excellent adsorbent. Single dose drug: one carbon tablet per 10 kg of pet's weight. The product is dissolved with water and injected into the animal’s mouth using a syringe (without a needle).

At severe conditions Purring is given a course of drips with the addition of glucose and ascorbic acid. These methods cleanse the body and relieve the cat of intoxication. If your pet is poisoned, you must put it on a special diet:

  1. The food is soft and puree-like.
  2. Feeding in fractional small portions.
  3. As soon as the animal improves, the cat is gradually transferred to meat food.

If vomiting does not go away within 2 days, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian immediately! At severe lesions The doctor prescribes a blockade of the purring tract with antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Folk remedies

The famous rice water also copes with its task in treating furry pets. In the fight against vomiting, herbal decoctions (chamomile or flaxseed) become indispensable assistants.

Herbal decoctions are given 2-5 times daily, 1.5-2 tablespoons. If the purrs overweight– the dose is doubled.

At home, when your pet begins to get better, give your fluffy soft boiled meat. But switch from a therapeutic diet to a permanent diet delicately, gradually adding familiar foods to the menu.


It is easier to prevent every disease than to waste time, nerves and money on treatment. To avoid an unpleasant “vomiting” situation, follow the following preventive rules:

  • Vaccinate your pet against viral diseases annually.
  • Choose high-quality food for your purr, balanced in minerals and vitamins.
  • Every three months, worm your fluffy - give the cat anthelmintics.
  • Pass annually preventive examination at the veterinarian.
  • Regularly thoroughly comb your furry friend, freeing the animal from excess hair.
  • Grow grass - by eating grass, animals cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and heal the body.
  • Keep cat toys, accessories and household items (beds, nail polishes, houses, bedding) clean.
  • Buy cat toys made from quality materials - without toxic substances in the composition. Mice, jumpers, and balls must be solid and durable.
  • Do not leave small objects lying on the floor - a curious pet will definitely swallow them.
  • Keep threads, needles, buttons, bobbins away from cat eyes in inaccessible places.
  • Make sure your pet doesn’t get close to the trash can, New Year’s tinsel, indoor flowers and plants.
  • Don't feed your cat before traveling.

Knowing the causes of vomiting, being able to distinguish dangerous situations threatening the life and health of a beloved furry, a competent owner will always come to the aid of a purring pet. And “vomiting” situations will rarely affect the purr.

Hello to the cat!

Nature has taken care of all living organisms on earth and cats are no exception. She gave animals a gag reflex as a defensive reaction from external factors and impacts. What does it mean if a cat vomits? yellow liquid? There can be many reasons for this process, let's take a closer look.

Yellow foam and vomiting - what does it mean?

The gag reflex is a special defense mechanism of the animal, which is a simultaneous contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Sharp jump intra-abdominal pressure provokes the release of gastric contents outward through oral cavity. The cat is vomiting yellow liquid. This may be due to disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and stomach, pathologies of the gallbladder and its ducts, diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Interesting! In the cat breed, the gag reflex, as an instinct of self-preservation, is much more developed than in other pets - dogs, birds, rodents, and so on. Therefore, cat breeders are faced with this life problem quite often and should be well versed in this topic!

The cat has yellow vomit - causes

In most cases, it is bile that colors a cat's vomit. yellow. The admixture of bile appears brightly yellow and a specific smell, these signs are difficult to confuse with something else. The causes of cat vomiting lie in diseases of the liver and choleretic tract.

A similar gag reflex can occur after eating stale or low-quality food, as the load on the liver increases significantly.

The cat vomits very often fatty foods power supply, which is also associated with overload internal organs– liver and gall bladder. Antibiotics have a depressant effect on the liver and can cause a gag reflex with bile. Overdose of any medicines may cause yellow vomit with foam or mucus.

What you should pay attention to when an animal is vomiting:

  • circumstances and time of the first vomiting;
  • frequency of urges, volume of vomit;
  • consistency, composition and amount of vomit per day;
  • does the cat still have an appetite?
  • Is there any desire left to drink?
  • the presence of other symptoms and their nature;
  • duration of the gag reflex relative to the first vomiting;
  • does your pet have chronic diseases?
  • Has the cat been vaccinated and dewormed?

Green and yellow vomit indicates something has entered the stomach. large number bile, and intestinal contents are also present. If your pet eats grass, the vomit will be colored green. Yellow vomit with mucus indicates erosive changes in the mucous membranes of different parts of the animal’s digestive system.

Vomiting foam and bile - possible diseases

The cat vomited yellow liquid! Repeated yellow vomit with food and foam indicates the presence of inflammatory process in any part of the animal's digestive system. The stomach cannot cope with the volume of food entering it, spasms begin with the release of vomit. For staging correct diagnosis better contact veterinary clinic, because there are a lot of diseases associated with the digestive system - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, duodenitis, colitis and so on.

Attention! The cat is vomiting white foam, the provoking factor in this case is hunger. After all white foam- this is the result of the chemical interaction of protective mucus from the walls of a hungry stomach and oxygen from the surrounding air.

Yellow vomit with foam and blood may occur due to internal bleeding in the intestines, stomach or esophagus of an animal. With a tumor or ulcerative formations in the vomit, along with foam, bloody streaks will be present. If the shade is scarlet and uniform, this means that blood is secreted into the upper section Gastrointestinal tract – pet’s mouth, larynx or esophagus. Bleeding is dangerous and does not go away on its own - it is absolutely necessary ambulance veterinarian specialist!

First aid for an animal

Pet owners should know how to induce vomiting if their pet has swallowed foreign body or ate something you shouldn't. One of the most gentle ways is saline solution based on one tablespoon of salt per glass warm water. The cat should be given this liquid until the urge to vomit appears. It is forbidden to induce a gag reflex when sharp objects enter the animal’s throat, which can cause injury inside the body.

In any case, the right solution for repeated vomiting and foaming is an immediate visit to the doctor!

Please note when visiting a veterinary clinic! The cat vomited yellow liquid. To begin with, a competent veterinarian will collect an anamnesis, that is, draw up a complete picture of the causes and symptoms that led to this result. Next, the doctor will prescribe necessary tests and tests, may apply endoscopy, radiography or ultrasound examination to find out the root cause of what led to complications and deterioration in the cat’s well-being. Only a comprehensive analysis of the situation will make it possible to find out the nature of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for a kitten’s vomiting.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to take absorbent drugs that absorb and remove toxic and toxic substances from the animal's body. During exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers, the cat vomits yellow liquid with foam. In this case, certain therapeutic diets that do not allow coarse, artificial and fatty foods, as well as medications that relieve pain and inflammation.

If it is determined that the cause of vomiting and foaming lies in the progression of helminths, then treatment will require deworming drugs and further regular anthelmintic prophylaxis.

In especially severe cases, when yellow vomiting with foam and bile is caused by infections, you need to give the cat IVs with special medicinal solutions and compositions. Be careful! Every day without appropriate treatment can become critical and lead to the death of your beloved animal!

Vomiting of any kind, foamy or transparent, with other impurities and inclusions is always a negative sign regarding the cat’s health. That is why the owner’s primary task is to determine the relationship between the vomiting process and the pathologies or physiological circumstances of the pet’s life. You should know that the correctness and timeliness of the owner’s reaction to the cat’s illness directly determines its further fate and life!

Diagnosing cat diseases is not easy, because not a single pet can explain in human terms what is hurting him. Symptoms can be ambiguous, but if your cat has vomited, there is no doubt that her health is not in order. It remains to find out why the cat is vomiting and how to treat vomiting in cats - and this is the most difficult thing. Because there are several causes of vomiting in cats, and each of them can affect your pet. And before treating vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to find out the nature of the disease. Or, to your relief, make sure that the animal is healthy and simply cleanses the stomach.

Even if you discover that your cat’s vomiting is caused by a harmless phenomenon: a lump own wool or banal overeating, do not forget to observe his behavior. And just in case, remember how to properly treat vomiting in cats at home, and under what circumstances it is time to stop self-medication and contact a veterinarian. You can hope that natural mechanisms will help your four-legged friend recover on his own, but you must be there to help him in time and cure the cat’s vomiting, or rather, the reason that caused it.

How to treat and cure vomiting in a cat at home?
The sooner your cat is in the veterinarian's office, the more likely it is that the vomiting will be treated quickly and without consequences. But until you see a doctor, you can alleviate your pet’s suffering at home. First aid for a cat vomiting consists of the following simple measures:

  1. Stop feeding your cat and make sure he doesn't steal food from the table. However, he most likely will not show interest in food himself.
  2. If the cat’s condition returns to normal within 24 hours, the urge to vomit goes away and appetite appears, start feeding him small portions of soft food, and observe his behavior in between meals.
  3. Leave water for your cat to drink in the public domain - vomiting dehydrates the body and the animal will want to drink. Except for those cases when drinking also provokes belching, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.
  4. In case of poisoning chemicals like acidic or alkaline nature, household chemicals or other toxic liquids, make the cat swallow 1-2 teaspoons of enterosgel, atoxil or other absorbent and try to get to the clinic before the next burp.
  5. If your cat has swallowed a hard and/or sharp object and is experiencing stomach pain and nausea, pour 1-2 tablespoons into his esophagus. Vaseline oil and show it to a veterinarian surgeon as quickly as possible.
Do not try to prescribe or give anti-vomiting medications to your cat yourself - this can only be done by a qualified doctor. Human medicines are absolutely not suitable for animals and will not only not help, but will also worsen the situation. If the animal feels very unwell and cannot tolerate transportation to the clinic, it would be wise to call a veterinarian at home.

How is vomiting in cats treated?
When contacting a veterinarian, be prepared to answer all his questions about the cat’s behavior and nutrition, try to remember in detail what and when the pet ate at the last meal, when the vomiting began, with what frequency and how many times the cat vomited, what the vomit looked like and was the vomiting accompanied by others? painful symptoms. Be sure to tell us what the cat was sick with before and whether he has chronic diseases when and what vaccinations he received. The doctor needs all this to collect anamnesis and make a correct diagnosis. The following procedures may also be required for diagnosis and treatment:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • X-ray, incl. contrasting;
  • blood test;
  • laparotomy (an incision in the peritoneum to access the internal organs).
If vomiting is profuse and prolonged, then it is very likely that the doctor will prescribe an injection saline solution or Ringer's solution to protect against dehydration. To reduce acidity and restore pH balance in the stomach, Famotidine is often prescribed. Don’t be surprised if you have to give a No-Shpa injection or put on an IV - all this is available and allowed only by a doctor in a clinic, but not by you at home.

In some in rare cases Before treating vomiting in a cat, it must be provoked to cleanse the stomach of a foreign and/or toxic substance. This can be done in the same way that people use: press on the root of the tongue. Another option is to force the cat to drink a lot of water or aqueous solution table salt, but not hydrogen peroxide, which causes burns to the mucous membranes in cats, although this method can often be found among folk recipes from vomiting in cats. After your cat has recovered, continue to monitor his habits and eating behavior. Only with such a careful approach can you cure vomiting in a cat and prevent it from recurring.