Are peanuts good for your health? Why we love peanuts: the benefits and harms of our favorite nuts

The benefits of peanuts were known back in Ancient Greece. The Greeks gave the strawberry nut the name "spider" because the shell was shaped like a spider's cocoon.

Peanuts are an annual plant belonging to the legume family. It is grown in Southern countries where the climate is hot and humid. Ripe fruits are removed from the ground, heat-treated, and then sent to stores.

The homeland of peanuts is South America. In Peru, the nut was used as a sacrifice and placed with mummies to aid in the afterlife.

Peanut kernels are eaten fresh or roasted, used in cooking and confectionery. Edible oil is made from it pleasant taste and aroma.

The beneficial properties of peanuts help improve health.

How do peanuts grow?

Peanuts are a legume and grow underground, unlike other nuts such as walnuts and almonds, which grow on trees.

Composition and calorie content of peanuts

Peanut seeds are high in fat, protein, amino acids and vitamin E.

Calorie content of peanuts – 567 kcal/100 g.

Peanuts - source nutrients and energy. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

For the heart and blood vessels

People who eat peanuts more than 2 times a week reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Research shows that peanuts have beneficial effects on arterial health.

For the nerves

According to forecasts, in 2050, Alzheimer's disease will affect one in four people on the planet, along with obesity and diabetes. So far, treatment has not brought results, so it is important early diagnosis and prevention. A tablespoon of peanut butter can confirm the diagnosis in the early stages. During the experiment, they tried to determine the ability to detect the smell of peanuts in 24 patients with mild impairments. On early stage Alzheimer's disease people were able to hear this smell.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Eating peanut butter or peanuts with breakfast helped obese women reduce their appetite and eat less food throughout the day.

For skin and hair

Peanut oil protects normal to dry skin from acne and also treats dandruff.

For immunity

Peanuts help eliminate free radicals, causing cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Harm and contraindications of peanuts

Peanuts are one of the strongest allergenic products With dangerous consequences. Food allergies affect 1 in 50 children. Many people believe that food allergies only cause an upset stomach or a skin rash. However, for the majority of the population food allergies can become fatal. Currently, 16 proteins present in peanuts are officially recognized as allergens.

Many store-bought peanut products contain sugar, so diabetics should avoid them from their diet.

Excessive consumption of peanuts can impair the functioning of the digestive tract.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming peanuts.

How to choose peanuts

When choosing raw peanuts, pay attention to the flavor. If there is a smell of dampness or fungus, refuse to purchase as the product will not be beneficial.

You should not buy roasted or salted nuts, because they will not bring much benefit.

Peanuts recently found themselves at the center of a gene scandal. It is better to check where and by whom it was produced so as not to buy peanut seeds that are hazardous to health. Check the packaging or quality certificate for the presence of genetically modified products, harmful additives and expiration date.

How to store peanuts

Store peanuts in a cool, dry place away from light. To extend shelf life, dry the nuts in their husks on a baking sheet at low temperature.

Peanut butter or other peanut products should not be consumed after the expiration date. Make sure that the storage conditions are observed - there is no danger for them in the refrigerator.

Methods for frying peanuts

Roasted peanuts are useful for indigestion. Heat treatment of nuts helps the body absorb beneficial enzymes and vitamins.

There are several traditional ways how to properly roast a nut.

In a frying pan

Pour the peeled nuts into a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown, preferably without oil. Add salt if desired.

The benefits and harms of peanuts, or as they are also called - “ groundnut”, began to be actively studied at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that this product began to be grown in industrial scale. Despite the name, this crop has nothing to do with nuts, it belongs to the legume family and is a grass.

The fruit is rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals. The usefulness of the product is directly related to the amount consumed. The conditions in which the grass grew also play a significant role.

Table 1. What are the health benefits of peanuts?

Arachidic acidConsidering the benefits of “nuts”, we should note the essential fatty acid. It is involved in the construction of cell membranes and is necessary for normal operation Central nervous system, suppresses inflammatory processes, etc.
Stearic acidAmong the benefits of peanuts for the body are: positive influence on the epidermis, muscle cells; slowing down the aging process, etc.
Oleic acidThe benefits of peanuts for the human body are expressed in a beneficial effect on metabolism, immune system, blood vessels and heart
SquirrelsThe beneficial properties of peanuts are due to the presence of nonessential amino acids
GlobulinsServe as the basis for blood plasma
B vitaminsThe bean skin contains a record amount. Noting the benefits of vitamins, they highlight their participation in all metabolic processes, the need for immune and circulatory system, importance for body growth
Vitamin EProtects cell membranes from harmful influence oxidative processes, serves as an antioxidant

It is better to check with a specialist whether peanuts are beneficial for a particular person. For some categories of people, the inclusion of this bean in the diet is undesirable.

Beneficial properties for the female body

Representatives of the fair sex, as a rule, benefit from eating “peanuts”. The benefits of peanuts for women are enormous, only in some cases consumption can be harmful.

The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps maintain long-term smoothness and freshness. The benefits of peanuts for women also include a strengthening effect on the immune system.

In addition, the fruits are rich in folic acid, which is necessary during pregnancy. This is not all that peanuts are good for a woman’s body.

How does it affect men?

Beans are quite suitable as a snack and for the stronger sex. The benefit for men lies in the beneficial effect of the product on nervous system: It helps to calm down and cope with stress. In addition, peanuts benefit men in fighting inflammation that can cause harm. prostate gland. Fatty acids in the composition not only suppress inflammatory process, but also stimulate tissue regeneration. What else is the product useful for men:

  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves digestion;
  • has a positive effect on memory.

It is better to fry peanuts in a dry frying pan or in the oven.

Which nut is better - raw or roasted?

Of course, the product that has undergone heat treatment has the best taste. However, is it useful? roasted peanuts or one should not sacrifice valuable properties for the sake of organoleptic properties, we will consider further.

Table 2. Is fried food harmful or healthy?

CharacteristicMore details
AssimilationRoasted peanuts will bring more benefits to the gastrointestinal tract, as they are better absorbed, unlike the raw product, which can be harmful. Alternatively, the beans can be soaked for a day before consumption.
Polysaturated acids, vitaminsThe main benefits of raw peanuts are polysaturated acids and vitamins, which, unfortunately, are destroyed in fried beans
PolyphenolsThe fried product contains significantly more beneficial polyphenols, and they reduce the harm caused by free radicals
FiberRoasted peanuts contain less fiber, which means they will be less beneficial
Calorie contentThe benefits of fried beans for obese people are not so obvious due to their high calorie content

When answering the question about which product is healthier - raw or roasted, you should give victory to natural peanuts. It is less digestible, does not have such a piquant taste, but contains a significant amount of fatty acids, vitamins, etc. However, the beneficial properties of fried beans allow us to recommend them for moderate consumption.

How much should you eat?

“Peanuts” are a high-calorie and difficult-to-digest product. In order not to step over the fine line between the benefits and harm of peanuts, you should know how many peanuts you need to eat without consequences for the body.

The daily norm is only 20-30 grams.

Can I use it while breastfeeding?

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

During the gestation period, you need to carefully choose food. During pregnancy, consumption of beans is allowed in reasonable quantities. However, with the same caveat - peanut beans can cause allergies.

According to reviews, most women benefit from groundnuts; only a few complained about minor harm for the body (digestion).

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to eat beans? It is better to check with the doctor who is monitoring the condition of the expectant mother.


Table 3. Consumption restrictions

ContraindicationsMore details
Individual intoleranceThe benefits and harms to human health also depend on sensitivity to the product. In the US, beans were stopped being given to children in school canteens due to high probability anaphylactic shock even from not large quantity
ObesityDespite the beneficial properties of high-calorie beans and their beneficial influence on metabolism, excess weight is a contraindication for consumption.
Arthrosis/arthritisAlso included in the list of restrictions
Acute gastrointestinal diseasesIn small quantities, peanuts benefit the gastrointestinal tract, but acute forms pathologies “nut” harms the body. Eating can lead to dyspeptic disorders

To people suffering chronic diseases It is advisable to consult a doctor about the benefits and harms of eating the fruit.

How is it harmful?

To minimize negative consequences You should only consume high-quality peanuts. Whether a “nut” is harmful is significantly influenced by its shelf life. After the expiration date, the fruits may become moldy and rancid. What else is harmful about the product:

  • leads to weight gain;
  • may cause allergies;
  • can provoke dyspeptic disorders.

Considering the benefits and harms of groundnuts, it is worth noting its ability to lead to obesity. To avoid this, you should not eat the product every day and exceed daily norm. Another factor why beans can be harmful is their ability to provoke allergies. TO dangerous complications include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. In some cases, consumption leads to nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, etc.

Energy value bean nut amazes. 100 grams contain 550 kcal.

Beans grow in warm regions, with plenty of sunlight and moisture. The plant is widespread in the USA, India, and the Philippines. The fruits are also actively grown in some territories of Transcaucasia, as well as in Central Asia.

It is best to purchase the product raw, then soak and dry. Roasted salted “nut” will do much less good than harm. If the main thing is the taste, and not the beneficial effect, then the fruits are carefully dried in a frying pan, not allowing the shells to burn.


  1. The benefits and harms of peanuts for the human body is a controversial topic.
  2. For some, consuming beans is an excellent way to get vitamins, acids, and minerals. Others should refrain from eating the fruit.
  3. The main rule for including a product in the diet without consequences is moderation.

Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds... We can talk about the benefits of all these nuts for a very long time. They improve brain function and nourish our body. healthy fats, replenish energy and strength.

In fact, peanuts are not a nut at all! It belongs to the legume family, growing in countries with warm and humid climates. So let's figure out together what are the benefits and harms of peanuts?

Today, this product grows very successfully in China, India, Africa and South America.

A little chemistry

By chemical composition Groundnuts are very similar to beans and peas. This once again confirms that peanuts are legumes.

So, peanuts are very nutritious, and all thanks to the fats they contain (50 grams of fat per 100 grams of product). A quarter, or more precisely 26 grams of the total weight are proteins, and carbohydrates account for only 10 grams. The fibrous portion is just over 8 grams. Water – 8 grams and ash substances – 3 grams.

These nuts include 8 non-essential and 12 essential amino acids, most of which are able to replenish our body’s daily requirement.

Despite their high calorie content, studies have proven that peanuts do not contain cholesterol, so they are harmless to our blood vessels.

Beneficial for the body

Peanuts are considered quite nutritious and healthy, as well as high in calories.

And it’s true, 100 grams of this product contains a quarter of our daily calorie intake (551 kcal).

What is useful for us in peanuts:

  1. Unsaturated acids (linoleic and arachidonic) prevent the formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Vitamins D, E and PP prevent the formation of cancer cells.
  3. Minerals, namely phosphorus, sodium, zinc, selenium, manganese and copper, are involved in huge quantities chemical reactions our body.
  4. Potassium, which this nut is rich in, has a beneficial effect on the normalization of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Peanuts contain a considerable amount of antioxidants that protect body cells from negative impact radicals.
  6. The trace elements that this groundnut is rich in are beneficial for the blood, as well as blood vessels.
  7. Folic acid promotes cell growth and renewal. This substance is also very effective for men. The acid promotes the formation of healthy sperm.
  8. Thanks to polyphenols, this product helps fight cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.
  9. For men who need to gain muscle mass, this nut will help like no other. And all thanks to the proteins that this product contains in abundance. Peanut butter will be more helpful for these purposes, because it absorbs all the nutritional value.
  10. For women who take care of their appearance, peanuts will help fight aging thanks to their enzymes.
  11. Peanut oil is very useful for hemophilia, helping to increase blood clotting.

Which peanuts do you prefer, roasted or raw?

Agree that most people simply love roasted, lightly salted peanuts. But have you ever wondered how useful it is?

There is no doubt that roasted nuts have virtually no nutritional value. Is it a raw matter that is not subjected to a single heat treatment, does not contain flavorings or dyes.

Now that you already know that roasted peanuts are not nutritious and do not benefit our body, you will do right choice, standing in front of a store counter with colorful bags of thermally processed nuts!

Do not harm your body, eat peanuts correctly!

Like many medicines If abused, this nut can harm our health:

  1. Considering the high calorie content, regular consumption of more than 10 peanuts can lead to weight gain, which means that for women who are watching their figure, an excess of this product will lead to extra centimeters on the butt and hips, which is then very difficult to get rid of.
  2. The same applies to fiber - in small quantities it is useful, but if you exceed permissible level, then this can cause an exacerbation of gastric ulcers and gastritis.
  3. To people who suffer diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to introduce this product into your diet in small quantities.
  4. High protein content can cause allergic reactions, for example, irritation, tumors, and in the most dangerous cases - anaphylactic shock.
  5. Don't forget about individual intolerance peanuts Such people should completely exclude it from their diet.
  6. If this nut is stored incorrectly, it will form toxic substances, which can cause severe allergies.
  7. For child's body It is recommended to consume no more than 8 nuts per day.

That's it negative aspects this groundnut.

Peanut oil and its properties

As mentioned above, peanut butter is a source of protein, making it great for male athletes.

It is also known that by consuming peanut butter daily (of course within the permitted limits), you can prevent diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, fatty liver and biliary dyskinesia.

Among other things, peanut butter will become effective medicine for disease prevention gastrointestinal tract.

Possessing so much useful substances, unrefined peanut oil can protect your heart from diseases such as hypertension, ischemic disease, heart attack, stroke.

Well, in the end, peanut oil is very widely used in cooking. Many people like to consume it simply by spreading it on bread.

To prepare this delicacy we will need:

  • Peanuts – 200 grams;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Refined sunflower oil– 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 2 grams.


  1. Dry the nuts in the oven until golden brown.
  2. We clear them of husks.
  3. Place the peanuts in a blender and grind into crumbs.
  4. Add vegetable oil and continue beating until smooth (at this stage it is difficult to achieve homogeneity, you can leave small crumbs).
  5. Then add salt and powdered sugar and continue beating until it becomes a thick paste (the sweetness of the product can be adjusted according to your taste preferences).
  6. Transfer the finished peanut butter into a glass container and place it in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Let's sum it up

Briefly about the above:

  1. Peanuts are undoubtedly a healthy product, but do not forget about the proportions.
  2. For men who are keen on sports, peanut butter will help gain muscle mass.
  3. Roasted peanuts lose their nutritional and nutritional value, therefore, it is good for your health to eat raw nuts that have not undergone heat treatment.
  4. This groundnut is very high in calories, so it is not recommended for women on a diet to abuse it.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the benefits and harms of peanuts are individual for each person. Therefore, use it wisely in your diet, and it will only benefit your body!

Peanut is a nut loved by many, which is also called groundnut. It is eaten fried and used in cosmetology, medicine, dietetics and cooking. Product includes weight beneficial amino acids, enzymes, fiber, vitamins. The benefits of groundnuts are obvious, but not everyone can eat them.

What does peanut contain?

Chemical formula useful product includes many different ingredients:

  1. Ascorbic acid improves the functioning of brain neurons, improves mood, memory, protects against viral flora, eliminates sleep disorders and normalizes hormonal background.
  2. Vitamin B5 improves metabolic processes, enhances the functioning of nerve fibers, relieves migraine attacks, headaches, nervous tension and bouts of aggressiveness.
  3. Vitamin B2 enhances visual acuity, protects the retina from overload, and prevents cholesterol plaques from depositing on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Magnesium strengthens skeletal system, helps get rid of obesity, removes waste and toxins, improves all metabolic processes.
  5. Plant fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system, enhances fat metabolism, helps calcium to be absorbed faster in the gastrointestinal tract, and protects against senile insanity.
  6. Vitamin E (another name is tocopherol) improves blood microcirculation, stimulates the production of healthy red blood cells, relieves slagging and improves the production of sex hormones. Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  7. Vitamin B1 strengthens healthy cells and regulates their production. Protects tissues from free radicals, and the brain from lack of oxygen and nutrients.
  8. Vitamin B6 helps amino acids to be absorbed faster, protects liver cells, normalizes protein metabolism. Promotes recruitment muscle mass, relieves internal organs for obesity – liver, heart muscle, lungs.
  9. Vitamin PP is directly involved in the removal of salts and excess liquid, removes alkali residues, breaks down complex carbohydrates, improves mood and gives additional energy.
  10. Vitamin B9 protects cells from oxygen starvation, normalizes the cleansing abilities of the liver and kidneys, protects against the formation of stones. Useful during pregnancy.
  11. Choline slows down the natural aging process, creates protection for cellular structures, accelerates the growth of healthy tissue, and increases the supply of active oxygen and other beneficial substances.

When drying and roasting nuts, almost all healthy ingredients are saved. The finished product can be stored for up to a year and is protected from mold. Fresh peanuts are lower in calories than dried peanuts, but taste qualities the latter is better.

Groundnuts will become nutritious and healthy snack, which relieves physical overload after hard work. The amino acids from this product restore strength, relieve sleep disorders and apathy.

A useful product strengthens the heart, normalizes systolic and diastolic pressure, and also:

  • cleanses and regulates the urinary system;
  • supports normal concentration blood plasma glucose;
  • prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • contain a lot of vegetable protein and protein necessary when following a vegetarian diet;
  • normalizes the outflow of bile, breaks up kidney stones, gently removes excess intercellular fluid;
  • prevents liver and gallbladder diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used in home cosmetology, smoothing facial wrinkles, strengthening hair;
  • enhances expectoration during bronchitis or pneumonia, cleanses the respiratory system from tobacco smoke and carcinogens;
  • increases physical and mental performance, relieves chronic fatigue.

Scientists from America have found that peanuts, like high-quality red wine, cleanse and strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase the supply of oxygen, protect against strokes and heart attacks, atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Peanut therapy is widely used in Britain to treat haemophilia. Roasted or raw nuts quickly stop minor bleeding by increasing blood clotting.

At acute intoxication Peanuts improve the body's condition due to the content of antioxidants and polyphenols. They protect tissues from free radicals and toxins, cleanses the spleen, kidneys and liver of them. When signs nervous exhaustion and insomnia, peanuts help as effectively as many sedatives.

It includes protein and vitamins. B, increasing stress resistance, concentration and improving energy exchange. They also regulate wakefulness and sleep patterns, eliminate anxiety and tearfulness.

Peanut derivatives

Everyone knows the sweet treat - peanut butter. It is made from roasted, shelled nuts. Vegetable oil, sugar and salt are used as additives. A low-quality product includes GMOs and stabilizers so that the nut butter has long term storage and did not spread.

Peanut butter is very high-calorie product(600 kcal per 100 grams). It is added to hot dishes, added to sauces or simply spread on toast.

No less popular product- peanut halva. It retains all the beneficial properties of the primary product. Halva is sometimes made only from groundnuts or also combines sunflower seeds. This product does not contain vegetable oil or salt.

Roasted ground nuts are combined with molasses, natural honey or sugar syrup. This is a healthy dessert that should not be overused to avoid serious obesity.

obtained from peanuts healthy oil. It is made by cold pressing. The product is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine, as it contains beneficial fatty acids, phosphorus and vitamin E. Peanut oil was first used in cooking in the East.

Benefits of peanuts for men

For representatives strong half Peanuts are indispensable for humanity because they normalize hormonal levels. Peanut paste, butter, and halva contain selenium, which enhances testosterone production. Thanks to potassium, vascular tone improves, the heart muscle strengthens, and the structure of muscle tissue improves.

Peanuts are useful for men after 45-50 years of age, as they relieve congestion and inflammation in the prostate. You should not abuse the product so as not to develop diabetes or obesity. You can eat no more than 20-30 grams of nuts per day.

It improves erection, helps get rid of infertility and prostate adenoma. Zinc, manganese, vitamin B1 and B9 stabilize the production of sex hormones and relieve infections and many genitourinary pathologies.

Peanuts are rich in iron, which prevents anemia in women different ages, especially for those who suffer heavy menstruation. The nut enhances the production of hemoglobin and relieves fatigue. It is indispensable during menopause, as it stabilizes the production of estrogen. With this product, women can more easily tolerate swelling, discomfort, and mood swings.

Natural peanut butter It is recommended to introduce it into the diet when profuse hair loss hair and deterioration of its condition, increased fragility nails, premature aging skin. Such positive properties are caused by the inclusion of manganese and biotin.

Some gynecologists advise their patients who are expecting a baby to include peanuts. Groundnuts enrich the body with polyphenols, promote fluid removal, strengthen the nervous system and heart muscle.

When immune strength decreases, it is useful to drink peanut milk or tincture made from the husk. Pickled peanuts cope well with gastritis, hypertension, peptic ulcer. Soothing tea made from peanut leaves stabilizes sleep, blood pressure, relieves nervousness, and relieves migraines and dizziness.

A decoction of raw peanuts prevents many ENT pathologies, alleviates bronchitis, and relieves inflammation from a reddened throat.

Delicious peanut products are fortified with calcium, essential for normal height bones and cartilage in children and adolescents. They also include phosphorus, which together with calcium strengthens musculoskeletal system, spine, joints, prevents their deformation, improves posture.

Children under 12 years of age should not exceed a daily dosage of 8-10 grams of peanuts. It is important to ensure that nut products do not cause allergies.

Harm from eating peanuts

Although the product has a lot useful properties, he has and negative qualities for human health. It should not be used if you are seriously obese. Dried and raw fruits are high in calories and can increase the level of dangerous cholesterol.

Sometimes peanuts cause severe allergic rash, swelling of the limbs and face, soreness, tearing, frequent sneezing. This is evidence that the body does not tolerate such a product and should be discarded. You need to start taking peanut products gradually, in small portions.

Initially, you are allowed to eat 5 grams of peanuts per day, gradually increasing the volume if the body does not show negative reactions. You should avoid the nut if you are prone to swelling. The nut contains sodium, the excess of which increases the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues.

Peanuts for weight loss

Not many people know that with the help of a very high-calorie nut you can lose excess fat. It is used in small portions dietary nutrition, as it activates metabolic processes and replenishes the deficiency mineral salts and vitamins. Nutritionists allow a handful of nuts to be eaten as a snack.

The product satisfies hunger well and for a long time, but you should not exceed the daily allowance of 30 grams. Groundnuts are quite fatty. It is better to combine it with low-calorie main courses, add it to vegetable-based salads, and eat it with unsweetened dried fruits.

How to choose and store groundnuts at home

Peanuts can be purchased raw, roasted, shelled, or in shells. For cooking, choose a purified product. It must not smell unpleasant, have traces of fungus or mold, or be dark in color. These are signs that the grains are spoiled.

The nut shell should be heavy, dense and dry, without stains. It is better to choose whole nuts rather than crushed nuts. Careless sellers add spoiled product to the latter.

Before cooking, the product is washed in running water and dried in the oven or in a frying pan. The nuts are placed in an airtight glass container and stored on the refrigerator shelf or in a cool, dark place. Well-prepared and peeled peanuts can be stored for up to 9-12 months. They should not be bitter - this is an indicator of product spoilage.

Peanuts have the second name “groundnut”, but they belong to the legume family. The fruits of the plant are nuts that have yellowish color. On top they are covered with thin skin of a pink or reddish hue. The nuts are found in pods that are shaped like beans or beans.

Peanuts are considered the birthplace of South America. From there it was brought to Asia, Africa, and only then did it end up in North America. Currently, the plant is grown with great success in China and India. Due to their nutritional value, peanuts were in great demand during the Second World War.

The product gained great popularity in the USA. In particular, in this country, peanuts are widely used in food industry(as a raw material for oil production). In addition, it is included in the feeding rations of farm animals. In Russia, groundnuts have found use in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Let's look at the health benefits and harms of peanuts.

Composition and calorie content of peanuts

Raw peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, are very nutritious product. This is due to the presence of a large amount of fat in the composition - up to 50%. The product contains up to 10% carbohydrates and up to 35% protein (protein). Peanuts contain 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids; they are rich in arachidonic and linolenic unsaturated compounds. fatty acids.

Groundnuts contain vitamins B, PP, E, A, D, folic acid, nicotinic acid, as well as valuable macro- and microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese). There is no cholesterol in peanuts, so the product will not harm blood vessels. Nuts contain polyphenols - these are substances with properties similar to antioxidants.

The calorie content of raw peanuts is 550 kcal/100 g, fried peanuts are 626 kcal/100 g.

What are the benefits of peanuts?

  1. The amino acids contained in peanuts regulate blood cholesterol levels and help better absorption calcium. These substances take part in the processes of tissue regeneration, the production of enzymes and hormones. Due to the high protein content, eating peanuts helps increase muscle mass, so the product can be included in the diet of athletes.
  2. Folic acid, which is part of peanuts, promotes cell renewal and normalizes liver function. Nicotinic acid promotes membrane restoration nerve cells, which is a good prevention of the development of age-related cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Since groundnuts contain a lot of vitamin E, consuming this product helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  3. Peanuts contain an optimal amount of magnesium, which contributes to the production of sufficient energy and improves excretion processes toxic substances. Magnesium, calcium and fluoride strengthen bones. Manganese normalizes fat metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain activity.
  4. The benefits of raw peanuts for the brain are invaluable. Regular consumption of groundnuts helps improve attention and memory. The product is simply necessary for neuroses, depression, and severe exhaustion. To keep the body and, in particular, the nervous system in good shape, it is enough to consume only 20 nuts per day. The person will be less nervous and tired.
  5. Eating peanuts helps compensate for the lack of tryptophan in the body. This substance is “responsible” for good sleep. In addition, tryptophan promotes the production of serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”), which improves mood. Since groundnuts are very nutritious, they are useful for people who have suffered from serious illnesses. Peanuts will help you restore your health faster.
  6. It is very useful to eat groundnuts for blood diseases. The product reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages, relieves many serious illnesses(for example, hemophilia), helps increase blood clotting. Peanuts are rich in iron, so they are useful for low hemoglobin.
  7. The product has an effect on the body choleretic effect. The fiber contained in peanuts helps eliminate gastrointestinal problems. Peanuts contain a lot of methionine, which regulates fat accumulation in the liver and takes part in the processes of adrenaline synthesis.
  8. Polyphenols (antioxidants) are good remedy prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. They slow down the aging process of the body. Roasted nuts contain these substances in more than in raw ones.
  9. If you constantly use the product, it will improve performance genitourinary system. Groundnuts are useful for maintaining sexual function. It enhances the production process of male and female hormones. To increase potency, it is enough for men to consume several nuts a day. In addition, peanuts contain biotin, which helps prevent baldness. Women are recommended to include this product in their diet to improve their appearance; eating peanuts helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

Peanuts in folk medicine

Peanut milk is useful for ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and liver problems (in remission). To prepare it, you need to grind the nuts, and then mix the resulting “flour” with boiled water.

To strengthen the immune system, you can make a tincture from peanut skins. Lightly fry the nuts in a little oil, cool, and then peel. Pour in 4 tsp. peel with 1 glass of vodka and place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take the prepared tincture daily, 7-10 drops, with milk.

For illnesses respiratory tract A decoction of raw peanuts with skins is useful. This remedy will help get rid of phlegm. If a child has a dry cough that does not go away, you need to give him boiled rice with roasted peanuts several times a day.

What's the best way to eat peanuts?

Many people wonder which peanuts are healthier - roasted or raw? For it to be useful, it is better to purchase raw product. Roasted nuts with salt, sold in colorful bags, contain preservatives, flavorings and other chemicals.

If there are no digestive problems, peanuts should not be subjected to heat treatment. Product in pure form contains enzymes that promote normal digestion of food and maximum absorption of nutrients. Raw peanuts can be made into nut butter for a nutritious breakfast. To do this, grind it using a blender and mix with vegetable oil, adding salt and powdered sugar to taste. The resulting mass can be spread on bread.

For some, raw peanuts cause stomach upset, and the skin can cause allergies. In these cases, it is better to eat only dried and peeled nuts. Peanuts are lightly fried in a frying pan (without oil) or dried in the oven. After this, the skin is easily removed. This treatment improves the taste of the product. Roasted peanuts stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be consumed to increase appetite. American scientists have concluded that boiled peanuts are the healthiest. In boiled nuts, the amount of antioxidants increases 4 times.

If you regularly eat a handful of nuts over a long period of time, mental and physical performance and activity will noticeably improve. cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. To lose weight, you can use this advice. Eat 5-10 peanuts daily, alternating with low-fat foods. The product will reduce appetite, which promotes weight loss. To increase potency, men need to eat 1 tablespoon of peanuts mixed with honey 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Since groundnuts contain a lot of fat, people with diabetes need to consume them in small quantities. Because of high content protein product is not suitable for patients with arthrosis, arthritis and gout. It is recommended to give children no more than 7-8 nuts per day. If you have an individual intolerance, you should exclude peanuts from your diet.

Harm of raw peanuts

Raw peanuts are harmful to the body excessive consumption. Since the product is very high in calories, its excess in the diet can cause weight gain. Eating too many peanuts increases the risk of exacerbating gastrointestinal diseases.

Peanuts are included in the list of products - allergens with high activity. Even a few nuts are enough to cause angioedema. In addition, severe allergies can be caused by toxic substances - aflatoxins, which are formed in peanuts if stored improperly. After eating nuts, pay attention to your body's reaction. Allergies may occur the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • severe pain in the stomach
  • rash,
  • redness and itching of the skin.

In severe cases, suffocation (swelling of the upper respiratory tract) and anaphylactic shock develop.

Peanuts slow down the rate of blood circulation in the body, making the blood thicker. This negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. The product should not be used by patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, people with increased amount platelets in the blood. Doctors do not recommend including groundnuts in the menu for women during pregnancy and lactation, since the product can negatively affect the fetus and newborn, causing allergies.

It is recommended to store peanuts in a hermetically sealed container, placing it in the refrigerator. In this case, it remains fresh for 9 months. The nuts must be whole, otherwise toxic mold may appear on them. You cannot eat such a product, it will cause poisoning.

So, the benefits and harms of raw peanuts for the body are unequal. Useful qualities groundnuts are invaluable for health if consumed in moderation.

Super food for the heart. Peanuts. In the program “Live Healthy!”