Spotted lichen in humans. Signs and treatment of lichen in humans

  1. Carry out wet cleaning daily with the addition of alaminol, followed by replacing the rags.
  2. After cleaning, treat surfaces with disinfectant solutions and antifungal sprays.
  3. Take out carpets, fluffy toys, blankets and sofa cushions during illness.
  4. Cover upholstered furniture with disposable diapers.
  5. Boil and wash the patient’s bedding and clothes separately from the rest of the family’s belongings with the addition of 1% chloramine or ammonium sulfate.
  6. Dry clean cotton-feather pillows and mattresses twice a month.
  7. Change washcloths every two days.
  8. Provide separate towels and bedding for each family member.

For any type of lichen, you will have to reconsider your usual way of life.

  1. Take short-term water procedures in the shower once a day (at the height of the illness, it is not recommended to wash for about three days).
  2. Use gel tar soap and shampoos with selenium for bathing.
  3. Do not rub the affected areas so as not to spread the plaques throughout the body.
  4. Use your own towel and linen.
  5. Keep personal items (comb, cosmetics, creams) separately.
  6. After each drying of the body, boil and iron the towel.
  7. Have a separate basket for dirty things.
  8. Wear underwear made of delicate natural fiber.
  9. Family members should regularly wash themselves with antifungal agents and disinfect bedding.

Ringworm is a whole group of diseases that are characterized by the appearance of a rash on the skin in the form of nodules, blisters with liquid, small scales, crusts or spots.

It must be remembered that not all types of lichen are contagious. Some of them are hereditary or autoimmune diseases, and even with prolonged and close contact they are not transmitted.

Types of lichen in humans

The most contagious and quickly spreading is ringworm., so it needs to be treated as quickly as possible, and the patient must be isolated for this period. Most serious illness from this group is psoriasis. It is often inherited and significantly worsens the quality of life of patients. Also a lot discomfort can cause herpes zoster, because its appearance is accompanied by severe pain.

Other types of disease are not so dangerous, correct image life and following all the doctor’s recommendations will help you get rid of them forever.

Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)

The disease develops gradually, with the following symptoms appearing:

  • 2 weeks before the onset of the disease, half of the patients develop a spot on the skin up to 4 cm in size, flaking over the entire surface. It is called maternal;
  • At the initial stage before the rash appears, the patient complains of general malaise, a slight increase in temperature, pain in the joints and, in some cases, an increase in cervical lymph nodes;
  • Then a rash appears, which initially appears as pinpoint pink spots, increasing to the size of a 10-kopeck coin and sensation-inducing skin tightness. It is located along the lines of skin tension directed perpendicular to the axis of muscle contraction;
  • The spots may be oval or round. Most often located on the torso. In more in rare cases– on the limbs or genitals;
  • After 2–3 days, the color of the spots changes to brown, and along the periphery they rise and become covered with scales;
  • After a few more days, the scales peel off, and the edges around the edges become pink. The spot takes on the appearance of a medallion.

Most often, pityriasis rosea does not require specific treatment, you just need to limit water treatments and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If the spots cause itching, prescribe antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine.

If necessary, can be assigned antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Valavir, and stimulants immune system and vitamins.

Photo pityriasis rosea:

Shingles (herpes zoster)

The following drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • Antifungal drugs for external and internal use: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Orungal, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin;
  • External agents: iodine, sulfur-salicylic ointment, zinc-salicylic paste;
  • Antifungal shampoos: Nizoral, Dermazol.

Photo ringworm:

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

The following symptoms are typical:

  • The appearance of spots of pink, brown and yellow. They are not symmetrical and over time can merge into large lesions with jagged edges;
  • The color of the spots may change depending on the exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation: winter time they are brown, and become light in summer;
  • There is subtle peeling on the surface of the spots;
  • Localization location versicolor is the back and chest. In rare cases, it may appear on the neck, abdomen, shoulders or scalp. And in inverted form pityriasis versicolor spots are located in the folds of the skin;
  • The disease is prone to relapse and, despite treatment, can last for years.

In the follicular form of the disease, pustules and papules up to 2 mm appear against the background of inflamed skin. The disease is accompanied by enough severe itching.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is a long process. During this period, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Antifungal drugs for external use: Clotrimazole, Dermazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Lamisil;
  • Antifungal drugs for internal use: Terbinafine, Dermazol, Sporagal. They are prescribed in the case of the follicular form of the disease or if the disease covers large areas of the skin and progresses;
  • Disinfecting solutions: iodine, salicylic alcohol, boric alcohol.

Photo of pityriasis versicolor:

Lichen planus

The disease affects only the skin, but also mucous membranes. Ringworm can be located on the forearms, thighs, legs, armpits, groin and manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Small nodules with a shiny surface appear on the skin, the color of which can be brown, red or bluish. In the center of some of them there is a notch resembling a navel;
  • The nodules can merge into plaques, forming a peculiar pattern on the skin, similar to a mesh. This can be seen if you lubricate the skin with vegetable oil;
  • The patient feels severe itching. The disease lasts up to 4 weeks, and subsequently may recur;
  • Almost half of the patients have damage to the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth. In this case, the whitish nodules are grouped. IN oral cavity they are located in the area where the teeth meet;
  • In 15% of patients, the disease affects the nails. At the same time nail plates become cloudy, crumble, and longitudinal stripes appear on their surface.

In the absence of bright severe symptoms the disease does not require treatment and disappears on its own. If it is accompanied by severe itching, then antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadine. It is also necessary to take immunostimulants and vitamins.

During red lichen planus it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and if the rash is located in the mouth, special attention pay attention to nutrition.

Photo of lichen planus:

Ringworm (eczema)

Weeping lichen is most often called true eczema, which has the following symptoms:

  • The rash is located symmetrically (for example, on both hands);
  • Areas of redness and swelling with unclear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • Subsequently, these areas become covered with nodules and blisters filled with liquid;
  • After some time, the bubbles open, releasing the contents, and erosions form in this place (wetting period);
  • Then the contents dry out, forming bloody or serous crusts.
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching, especially after contact with water or in the evening.

To treat the disease use:

  • Corticosteroid hormones: Lorinden, Hyoxysone, Hydrocortisone;
  • Antihistamines: Pipolfen, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine;
  • Sensitizing therapy: solutions of Neohemodez, Reosorbilact, Sodium Thiosulfate;
  • B vitamins.

Photo of eczema:

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

Squamous lichen can be located on the torso, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, on the scalp, on the palms, and on the face.

Typical psoriasis causes the following symptoms:

  • A specific rash appears on the skin, which is flaky, rounded bumps of pinkish-red color that rise above the surface;
  • If you scrape, the whitish-gray scales crumble, revealing a shiny, wet, red surface underneath. If you scrape it too, pinpoint bleeding occurs;
  • The tubercles grow and form plaques up to several centimeters in diameter, then merge into solid areas with uneven edges;
  • Most often, they begin to dissolve from the middle, forming a garland on the skin. And in the place where the rash disappeared, an area with disturbed pigmentation forms;
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching.

At exudative form psoriasis rashes are bright and swollen. Crusts form on their surface yellowish color. If the disease affects the palms and feet, the skin in this area turns red, becomes rough, covered with crusts and cracks, scales and psoriatic plaques.

With any form of psoriasis, the nails can be affected; in this case, the plates thicken and become cloudy.

Psoriasis is chronic disease, which is very difficult to get rid of. Exacerbations occur most often in winter period. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive; in this case, drugs from different groups are used:

  • Hormonal ointments: Mometasone, Betamethasone, Lorinden;
  • Ointments based on tar: Kolposedin;
  • Ointments based on solid oil: Antipsor.
  • Non-hormonal agents that activate natural protective processes in the body.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used, spa treatment, proper nutrition, hardening.

Photo of psoriasis:

IMPORTANT! Before you begin treatment for shingles at home, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure that you have correctly diagnosed the disease. A specialist will help make sure that the disease is caused by a fungus and not a virus, which must be combated in other ways.

Symptoms appear over a period of time for a long time after interaction with the patient. On the body, signs of lichen can be observed after 4-10 days, under the hair - after 10-14 days.

It is important to know what signs indicate the appearance of a fungus:

  • rash in the form of circles or rings. The skin in these areas may be drier than the surrounding tissue, may be flaky, but may be slightly moist;
  • Growths appear between the toes. The skin of the foot thickens and peels;
  • redness, rash in the groin, accompanied by itching;
  • plaques round shape having a clear border with healthy skin;
  • cracks appear on the palms and between the fingers;
  • peeling red spots on the face;
  • yellowness and increased fragility nails

Very often, lichen appears in more than one place. Therefore, if you see a rash in one area, you need to check your entire body in search of lesions.

The greatest danger of infecting others is when ringworm lasts for 48 hours. You should not come into contact with the skin of people around you, at least for this time.

Treatment with sulfur ointment

Using a 10% ointment can relieve minor skin blemishes, pimples and wounds.

Use sulfur ointment should last from 7 to 10 days, applying daily to skin lesions. It should be applied twice a day. When using it, you should remember that sulfur leaves a light yellow coating and a specific odor, so you should not use it before leaving the house.

Most often, all manifestations of lichen disappear without a trace. If more than two weeks have passed and the spots on the skin do not go away, the help of a specialist is needed.

Creams in the fight against lichen

Most often, you can get rid of lichen with over-the-counter medications. They successfully fight the fungus, preventing it from spreading throughout the body. Today there are many creams on sale that are easy to use, inexpensive, but very effective.

IMPORTANT! The parallel use of fungal ointments and steroid creams will quickly get rid of itching, inflammation and redness.

Ringworm creams
Ketoconazole Used to treat infections with yeast-like fungi that cause pityriasis rosea, onychomycosis, dermatophytosis, cutaneous leishmaniasis etc. Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, liver disease during exacerbation. Apply daily for two weeks
Econazole Used for fungus of the scalp and skin. Rub in when applying. Lesions on the feet, hands and torso are lubricated daily; treatment of lichen versicolor requires twice-daily use. The course can take from 3 to 6 weeks
Clotrimazole Antifungal agent wide range. Used when affected by various types of fungi. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply 2-4 times a day to affected areas. The course lasts from 21 days. After the symptoms disappear, it is recommended to use it for another 2 weeks.
Apply to dry and clean skin
Terbinafine Used for onychomycosis, mycoses, fungal infections of the skin, lichen versicolor. Cannot be used by children. Apply to cleaned and dry lesions twice a day. The course lasts 7-14 days
Miconazole Antifungal, antibacterial agent. Used for fungal infections. Allowed for pregnant women. Apply to clean skin and rub in. Use twice a day. Course from 2 to 6 weeks

Ringworm in children

Most antifungal, antiviral, and steroid-containing drugs are prohibited for use in children. The skin of babies can be treated with riodoxol ointment, sulfur-based preparations, salicylic acid, tar, iodine.

The child is treated with ointment with sulfur for about 5 days. It is important to remember that sulfur is quite toxic; it can damage mucous membranes or cause allergies. Cannot be used by children under 2 years of age.

The sooner you start treatment for deprivation, the faster you can get rid of it and the less consequences there will be. If left untreated, cracks in the skin may appear. Secondary infection can lead to scars and spots.


Even dermatologists often recommend using this remedy to get rid of lichen. Active ingredients Zindolas are glycerin and zinc oxide. In addition to them, the mash contains alcohol, starch, medical talc, and purified water. This product heals and disinfects. This is an antiallergic, analgesic drug with an antiseptic effect.

Apply the solution with a cotton swab or swab three times a day. Shake the bottle with the drug thoroughly before use.

Chatterbox can have unpleasant consequences:

  • skin may itch;
  • a rash may appear;
  • redness occurs;
  • causes hyperemia.

Cannot be used this remedy at high sensitivity to its components.

IMPORTANT! The product can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.


If lichen is found on early stage, it is easy to cure it with ordinary iodine.

Iodine - effective remedy for the treatment of lichen

“Populists” know several methods of using it in the fight against lichen. The following are considered the most popular:

  1. The lesions are lubricated with a monochloride solution of iodine. The course of treatment looks like this: the skin is treated and washed with green soap for three days. The crusts are removed without damaging the skin. They are treated with iodine. You can repeat the course only after 5 days.
  2. Alternating iodine with brilliant green. Lubricate the skin four times a day, the final one should be before bedtime. The funds are alternated according to two different schemes:
  • One day the skin is treated with iodine, the second with brilliant green. Continue this way for 10 days;
  • alternate these solutions one day. In one day there should be at least three applications of brilliant green and three of iodine. There should be at least an hour between procedures. Before each application, rinse skin lesions well.


This plant is used to treat many diseases. One of them is scaly lichen. Its treatment requires taking baths with herbs. You can use a specific bouquet medicinal plants: celandine, oregano, knotweed. Blue cyanosis and chicory roots are also added here. A good addition are hawthorn fruits. In order to make a decoction, you need to take 50 grams of each ingredient and add 2 liters of water. Then the collection is boiled for 10 minutes, left for 30 minutes, and added to the bath. To reduce the manifestations of scaly lichen, the water temperature should be about 25 degrees.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to drink 20% celandine tincture at lunchtime and in the evening. To do this, ten drops are diluted in thirty ml of water. This treatment should last 30 days.

Having made an ointment from an equal amount of celandine juice and lard, get rid of various types of lichen. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities. Foci of infection are treated twice a day for 60-90 days. It is best to apply the product after bathing, on steamed skin.


This remedy is recommended not only traditional healers, but also representatives traditional medicine. This is the most effective natural antiseptic: it not only disinfects the skin, but also heals it. Tar promotes rapid renewal of skin cells. A tar compress is made as follows:

  1. Tar and butter. Tar is mixed with an equal amount butter, rub into the skin, cover with a cloth. This mixture has a very specific smell, so it is best to apply the compress before going to bed.
  2. Tar with ash. Until now, specialists have not been able to cure psoriasis. However good results To relieve its manifestations, ointments with tar are shown. Research shows that this substance stops the synthesis of defective DNA. To treat scaly lichen, you need a mixture of tar and ash from a burnt birch log. Proportion: 3 parts tar and 1 part ash. Apply the mixture to areas affected by psoriasis.
  3. Tar and fish oil. To make a compress for psoriasis, you need to mix tar with fish oil, apply to gauze, attach to skin with psoriasis. After 30 minutes, remove the gauze. Such applications must be repeated daily for at least 10 days. If the skin turns red or becomes moist upon contact with the product, it needs to be treated zinc paste. This can be done two hours after removing the compress.

Tar is an effective natural antiseptic

Before applying birch tar, consultation with a dermatologist is required, since this product contains carcinogens.

Traditional methods of getting rid of lichen

Traditional medicine is quite effective, but many patients prefer to use natural remedies. For those who prefer to be treated folk remedies, there is a huge selection of different recipes.

Apple cider vinegar with garlic

You should take 500 ml apple cider vinegar, add four large cloves of garlic, crushed with a crusher. The resulting mixture must be soaked in a compress of soft fabric, lay it to the hearths. This compress is made every night, secured with a bandage for convenience. This compress can be done every evening until the symptoms disappear.


Ordinary raw egg very effective in the fight against lichen. You need to break one piece and use the contents for your needs. A thin film is found under the shell: there is liquid between it and the shell. It is used to lubricate rashes. Even a single use brings noticeable changes. It is optimal to lubricate the lesions once or twice a day for at least seven days.

Ashes of the newspaper

This method requires the use of newspaper, folded and secured so that it does not straighten out. This lump must be placed in a plate and lit. After complete combustion, a brownish liquid can be found at the bottom of the plate. It is necessary to treat the lesions with a still warm substance. Repeat such manipulations daily. After 3 days the improvement will be obvious. Continue until the lesions disappear.


First you need to make medicinal composition. A very small piece of rubber is enough for this. Burn it, add vegetable oil to the resulting substance in the same amount. The composition is used to lubricate areas of lichen. The spots lighten, dry out and may disappear after a single application. However, the procedure should be repeated within three days.


For lichen, raisins are an excellent healer. Rub the lesions with seedless berries and healthy skin around. In this product large number fungi that are killers ringworm infections. Harm to the human body it is not applied. Raisins often treat lichen faster than medications.

Propolis with alcohol

This remedy works great against various types depriving, even with aggressive spores of the ringworm.

To prepare the medicine, you need 200 ml of alcohol, add 50 g of propolis to it. This substance is infused for a week. After seven days, the tincture is applied to the lichen. It is necessary to treat the skin 1-2 times a day for 5 days. If there is no improvement, then the liquid is being used incorrectly. In most cases, after two to three applications, the spots fade and peeling decreases.

Solid oil

Ordinary grease is used to lubricate the areas of lichen. The wounds heal almost before our eyes. However, you cannot treat all areas at once; you need to lubricate them one by one.

Use the product every day before bed until the symptoms of lichen disappear completely.


This recipe uses three ingredients in next quantity: 50 g pork fat, 50 g bone marrow, 3 g salicylic acid. The components are thoroughly mixed and melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin and wrap it with film. After three hours, remove from the skin with soap. Repeat this procedure weekly until complete healing.


Calendula tincture - a remedy for fighting lichen

Mix calendula tincture with castor oil in equal proportions. Apply to skin by rubbing. The procedure must be repeated once daily. Use three times a week.

Herbs in the fight against lichen

Good results are shown by the use of plants that have a healing and antiseptic effect.


50 g of plant leaves are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled under a lid for up to 40 minutes. Make a bath or foot/hand bath with this decoction. The nut kills fungus and fights irritation and itching. Repeat every two days until all lesions are healed.

Warty birch

30 g of plant buds are poured with a liter of vodka and infused. Use in the form of compresses or lotions daily for seven days.

White mustard

Compresses made from vodka and white mustard are an effective remedy for combating lichen.

The seeds are poured with water and allowed to brew. Grind to a paste. Apply to skin in the evening. If possible, repeat the procedure in the morning. Continue the course for 5-10 days, depending on the result.


2 tablespoons of herbs 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave to cool. After this, filter. Can be used in the form of lotions or baths daily for up to a week.

Original methods

Sometimes they can save you from deprivation completely unusual ways treatment.


They wet their finger with saliva and “stick” grains of salt on it. Apply to the affected areas. The results are noticeable after the first use. You can do this as often as the opportunity arises.


Very old way: foci of inflammation are lubricated with moisture from the windows. To do this, you need to bring the dishes with hot water, allowing the steam to settle on the glass. After 3 days of daily use, the rashes disappear.


It is necessary to set fire to a splinter of resinous pine. After this, it is extinguished by directing the smoke to the foci of infection. These manipulations are performed three times a day for 10 days.

Video - How to treat lichen at home


Compliance simple rules will avoid infection or speed up the healing of existing lesions.

  1. It is necessary to use a personal comb, clothing, and a hat. You cannot give your things to others.
  2. Once the rash appears, you should not scratch it - this increases the risk of the fungus spreading throughout the body.
  3. Change and wash clothes frequently, bedding and patient towels.
  4. During illness, wear clothes made from natural materials; underwear should be loose. Change at least once a day.
  5. Ringworm is a skin disease caused by fungi and viruses. Signs of lichen in humans are: irritation and peeling of the skin, as well as changes in its color.

    Most often, goblin appears due to viruses, but no less common causes are genetic predisposition And allergic reactions on medicines.

    People between the ages of 30 and 70 are most vulnerable to the appearance of lichen on the skin. Children and adolescents get lichen much less frequently.

    Types of lichen

    By lichen we mean extensive range diseases that take various forms. Types of lichen differ in the location of the rash (limbs and other parts of the body), shape (crusts, scaly spots, blisters with liquid) and color.

    What does classic lichen look like in humans? This is a red rash on the body, bordered by small blisters. Subsequently, they dry out and actively flaky crusts form on them.

    Some types of lichen are not transmitted by contact, since they are autoimmune and hereditary diseases. There are also lichens that do not require medical intervention, because they go away on their own over time. However, there is also a special dangerous varieties lichens, transmitted to humans including through household objects.

    This table clearly demonstrates the most common types of lichen with names and characteristic features, thanks to which you can easily determine the degree of the disease:

    ViewCause of the diseaseWho is most susceptible to the disease?Contagiousness
    Pityriasis roseaAllergy, herpes virusMostly women from 10 to 40 years oldTransmitted by airborne droplets
    Older peopleSometimes transmitted to children
    RingwormFungi of the genus Microsporum and TrichophytonChildren from 4 to 15 years old
    Fungus of the genus PityrosporumChildren over 10 years oldNot contagious
    Lichen planusToxic-allergic, viral and neurogenic reactionWomen 50-60 years oldNot contagious
    RingwormDisorders of the endocrine, digestive and nervous systemsNot contagious
    Squamosal lichenViolation of biochemical processesPeople with a hereditary predispositionNot contagious
    Lichen nodosumFungus of the genus BasidiomycetesWomen with straight hairTransmitted through household contact

    Treatment for pityriasis rosea:


    This type of disease manifests itself in people the following signs :

    • Initial stage The disease causes severe pain in the ribs.
    • A person begins to suffer from itching, chills, and fever.
    • After a few days, a rash forms on the body, which subsequently turns into blisters with liquid.
    • Over the course of a week, the bubbles become more and more numerous, then they begin to retract and crust over.
    • Scars appear at the sites where the blisters appear.

    Treatment for herpes zoster:

    The illness and treatment usually last from two to four weeks. If spots and blisters appear on the face, the person must be immediately hospitalized.

    If ringworm appears on the body:

    • severe progressive itching occurs.
    • Spots appear on the skin, around which blisters and crusts form pink color.
    • Nails become cloudy and thickened, and may crumble and become jagged.

    Treatment of ringworm

    Ringworm is a skin disease that appears as a result of a viral or fungal infection epidermis. The source of this disease most often becomes animals, through contact with which a person becomes infected. The disease can also be transmitted from another person, develop against the background of reduced immunity or allergies, or be transmitted through contact with contaminated soil.

    Signs of lichen differ depending on the type of disease, the presence of predisposing factors in a person, anatomical features, predisposition. Most types of this disease are characterized by the same symptoms:

    • the appearance of irregularly shaped spots on the skin,
    • peeling and itching in this area,
    • pain and burning,
    • local temperature rise,
    • enlarged lymph nodes.

    Strong immunity is the best defense against lichen. Even with direct contact with a sick person healthy person, most likely, will not become infected.

    Depending on exactly what the affected area of ​​skin looks like and what symptoms accompany the appearance of spots, there are different types of this disease.

    The main trouble with any type of lichen is unaesthetic appearance, discomfort, deterioration of well-being and decreased performance. In addition, the affected areas of the skin are very susceptible to other infections and can become a source of infection with bacterial and fungal diseases, which lead to dangerous complications.

    Lichen usually attacks a person during a period of reduced immunity. Their appearance can be triggered by an exacerbation of a chronic disease, a cold, allergies, etc. Any atypical skin rash that does not go away within 1-2 days must be shown to a doctor. The sooner you begin to treat lichen, the more success you will achieve in this endeavor.

    Ringworm (trichophytosis)

    This is the most common form of lichen in humans. It is transmitted by contact from a sick person or animal to another person. A predisposing factor is non-compliance with hygiene rules. There are several forms of such lichen, each of which has its own characteristics and symptoms. The most severe is suppurative-infiltrative, when the affected area swells, becomes very dense and secretes pus. Plaques appear on any part of the body, including the nails, palms, and feet. Most often localized on the neck, face, forearms and shoulders.


    • pink spots appear on the hairy or smooth parts of the body, nails;
    • spots have clear contours with a pronounced ridge along the edges;
    • the lesion is accompanied by itching;
    • enlarged lymph nodes in the deep form;
    • the hair in this place breaks and falls out, the skin becomes covered with plaque and pustules.

    If treatment is not performed, the affected area gradually increases. Incorrect treatment in women against the background of dysfunction thyroid gland leads to chronic form diseases. To treat this form it is prescribed antifungal ointments, cauterization with iodine solution, taking griseofulvin. Vitamin therapy is also required to strengthen the immune system.

    Pink lichen of Zhiber (Roseola exfoliating)

    Characterized by a high allergic component. Presumably occurs as a reaction to viral infection- the result of herpes activity, but can develop as a result severe stress, against the background of hypovitaminosis, colds and become a complication after allergies. The degree of contagiousness of this pathology is low, so there is no need for quarantine if pityriasis rosea is detected.


    • it all starts with a few pinkish maternal plaques measuring 4-5 cm,
    • within a week, many pinkish “daughters” appear on the back, chest, and limbs,
    • lichen is especially pronounced on the sides, back, thighs,
    • characteristic peeling appears in the center of the plaque,
    • the formation of spots is accompanied by itching,
    • a slight increase in temperature is possible,
    • the rash lasts 2-3 weeks, after which it subsides.

    Pityriasis rosea without active treatment goes away on its own within 1.5-2 months. But some therapeutic measures will speed up recovery and alleviate the patient's condition. The patient is advised to exclude allergens from the diet, not take a bath (wash in the shower), limit physical activity. To relieve the severity of symptoms, antihistamines and immunostimulants are prescribed. For complications, treatment involves taking antibiotics.

    Pityriasis (multi-colored)

    Easily recognized by the characteristic light spots on the yellow-brown skin. Appears due to exposure to a pathogenic fungus and is classified as non-contagious. At the same time skin lesion The fungus settles in the stratum corneum of the skin, where it actively multiplies. This leads to sustainable inflammatory reactions, which causes the cells of the upper layer of skin to die en masse. This is why characteristic flaky spots appear.


    • light spots on the skin of various shapes,
    • localized mainly in the upper part of the body,
    • rarely the disease affects the face,
    • peeling of the skin at the site of the lesion,
    • moderate or mild itching,
    • Hair loss in the area where the spots appear is possible, but this lichen does not appear on the scalp.

    There is a simple test to check for pityriasis versicolor - if the spot is smeared with an iodine solution, the substance will be absorbed very quickly, and the area of ​​​​the skin itself will become dark in color. This disease is not dangerous and can go away spontaneously in a few weeks without leaving any marks on the skin. But in some cases, the disease can last for years if measures are not taken to eliminate it.

    Prescribed for treatment antifungal agents, which are applied directly to the skin. It is also necessary to smear the affected areas with keratolytics - they accelerate the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. Taking tablet forms of keratolytics and antifungal medications is prescribed only in case of complications or if the initial course was ineffective.

    Red flat

    It is classified as chronic and in the vast majority of cases appears in women. The exact reasons for the appearance of this variety have not been identified. Presumably this is the result hormonal imbalance and problems in the functioning of the immune system. Appears not only on open areas of the skin, but also on mucous membranes and nails. The elbows are most often affected, inner surface hips, lower back, groin.

    Make an appointment with a mycologist


    • bright rash of crimson or red color,
    • asymmetrical form of rashes,
    • itching and peeling,
    • the appearance of merging nodules that are lighter in color compared to the lichen spot,
    • the nail plate is destroyed, grooves appear,
    • Wickham's grid - crossed lines appear on the surface of large plaques.

    There are several forms of lichen planus - atrophic, hypertrophic, ulcerative, etc. Treatment is prescribed after diagnosis, which helps to determine the type of lesion. Most often used integrated approach, which involves taking medications to normalize tissue trophism, reduce immunity, and reduce itching. External ointments that accelerate the healing of plaques and antihistamines are prescribed. If the disease is accompanied general deterioration health condition, then it is necessary to take corticosteroids, synthetic interferons, sedatives, and vascular medications.


    One of the most insidious varieties of lichen, because at first it manifests itself atypically. A patient consults a doctor with complaints about severe pain in the abdomen, due to which one can suspect either appendicitis or inflammation of the gallbladder. However characteristic features these diseases do not exist. The cause of pain is stimulation of the saphenous nerve. Soon the patient's skin becomes covered with a rash of tiny little blisters. Such a lesion can develop on any part of the skin, but always where the nerve is located. Most often, pathology appears along the intercostal nerves, but often occurs on the face, shoulder, and neck. The most unpleasant and dangerous option- in the region trigeminal nerve near the eye.


    • slight discomfort and pain in the area of ​​the future rash,
    • a slight increase in temperature, which is often accompanied by headache, gastrointestinal disturbances, urinary retention,
    • after 3-4 days, rashes appear in the form of rounded pink spots or small bubbles with clear liquid inside,
    • at week 3, crusts form at the site of the rash, which gradually peel off and fall off, leaving pigmented marks in their place.

    There are several forms of shingles. Classic - the most common in symptoms and nature of the course is very similar to chicken pox. Severe ocular and ear shape. The most dangerous is meningoencephalitic, as it is very poorly tolerated and has a high mortality rate. Treatment in most cases involves taking antiviral drugs, which reduce pain, speed up recovery and alleviate the patient’s condition. For the same purpose, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

    Shingles rashes should not be smeared with iodine or brilliant green - this will slow down recovery and worsen symptoms.

    Most often, the peak of this disease occurs in the summer and is typical for the southern regions of the country. This is the result of an infectious skin lesion, which does not pose a particular health hazard. Develops against the background of reduced immunity, hyperhidrosis, dysfunction endocrine system, chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Most often it appears in the chest, abdomen, sides and back. Feature tubular lichen - prolonged exposure to the open sun can both aggravate the course of the disease and completely relieve it.


    • asymmetrical light spots up to 1 cm in size appear,
    • gradually the rashes increase and merge, occupying a large area,
    • spot color - yellow, pink or light brown,
    • there is no itching,
    • peeling appears only on tanned skin, and if the sick person has spent some time in the sun.

    It is not difficult to get rid of this form of lichen: standard antifungal drugs are prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to zealously observe the rules of hygiene - change clothes and underwear daily, wash everything and iron it thoroughly, do not wear synthetics. It is necessary to shower regularly, which is especially important for those suffering from increased sweating. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin therapy is prescribed and it is recommended to establish a sleep schedule. You should also protect yourself from stress and increased physical activity.

    Scaly (psoriasis)

    Most often it appears on the elbows, knees and other joints, as well as on exposed skin. It may appear on the scalp, nails, feet, and on the folds of the arms and legs. The disease is non-contagious and cannot be transmitted from one person to another. IN to the same degree typical for men and women of any age. This chronic disease, which from time to time appears in conditions favorable to it - against the background of severe stress, emotional shock, hormonal imbalance, and reduced immunity. Thin, dry skin, as well as oily skin, are most prone to this pathology. skin with increased sweating.


    • redness various forms and sizes on open areas of the skin,
    • specific formations with liquid inside,
    • itching and discomfort in the affected area,
    • cracking of the wound, bleeding.

    Drug therapy begins with external application non-hormonal drugs: salicylic, naphthalan or. Appropriate creams will help eliminate psoriatic plaques. Some patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures designed to improve tissue trophism, establish metabolic processes. Since the disease develops against a background of reduced immunity, medications are prescribed to maintain it.