Laxative suppositories for constipation. Glycerin suppositories: price, instructions. The use of glycerin suppositories for constipation in infants

In the first year of babies' lives, most of them suffer from constipation (constipation). In this case, feces stagnate in the rectum, their exit becomes more difficult, the child tenses and groans, and bowel movements do not occur. In this case, glycerin suppositories are used for newborns.

Constipation in infants can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Low motor activity of the baby.
  • Started prematurely birth process, complications in the mother of the child during pregnancy, which cause disruption of the intestinal flora.
  • Insufficient body weight of the baby.


Signs indicating stool retention in children:

  • moodiness and crying;
  • during bowel movements, the baby behaves restlessly and screams;
  • feces are hard, or look like peas, or the first part of them looks like a gag, followed by mush;
  • partial bowel movement;
  • stool is regularly delayed for 1-2 days;
  • restless sleep;
  • no gas formation;
  • refusal to eat;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • tucking your knees to your chest.

Only if several symptoms are present can you be confident in the diagnosis.

Description of glycerin suppositories and cost

Glycerin suppositories for newborns are indicated if the baby is diagnosed with constipation. Available as translucent or colorless rectal suppositories, having laxative properties and facilitating withdrawal feces.

They have a torpedo shape and a smooth, oily structure, uniform in appearance along the cut line, with a slight characteristic odor. The drug for children is contained in individual sealed slots, which are usually arranged in groups of 10 pieces. in cardboard packaging.

The cost in Russian pharmacies for suppositories with glycerin is:

Company name

Dosage, gr.

Average price, rub.

Nizhpharm No. 101,24 150
Farmina0,75 200-220
Antibiotic SA1,4 180-190
"Glycelax"0,75 110

How to choose glycerin suppositories for infants

The drug should be selected taking into account the following recommendations:

  • When buying a drug in a pharmacy chain, you need to pay attention to the dosage;
  • suppositories for adults are also used for infants, but this brings some inconvenience when using them;
  • the best option is to introduce suppositories specially made for infants;
  • When choosing a medication, you should remember that it contains additional components that affect the quality of constipation removal and the cost of the product.


Glycerin suppositories for children consist of the following components:

  • stearic acid (promotes the formation of a delicate structure of the drug);
  • glycerol (a simple trihydric alcohol of viscous consistency, hygroscopic, almost odorless, has a neutral chemical effect) is the main active element;
  • sodium carbonate (or baking soda);
  • purified water;
  • macrogol (has laxative properties);

The composition of the medication differs in that it can quickly melt under the influence of body temperature. The remainder of the product comes out together with feces during bowel movements.


The drug has the following properties:

  • laxative;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • stimulates intestinal activity;
  • safe for the baby;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • relieves irritation.

Effect of glycerin suppositories

Glycerin suppositories for newborns have the following effects:

  • perfectly soften the skin;
  • envelop and gently lubricate the intestinal mucous membranes;
  • Sodium stearate absorbs moisture well, which helps soften stool and easily remove it from the rectum;
  • do not change the intestinal microflora;
  • do not cause disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • does not have any effect on internal organs.

Benefits of use for children

The medication has its advantages:


Disadvantages of using suppositories:

  • The action of the medication is based on eliminating the symptoms of constipation, but it does not eliminate main reason pathologies;
  • with prolonged use, the intestinal nerve receptors lose sensitivity, and further use of the drug does not have a positive result;
  • it is difficult to establish an overdose, because the baby cannot say when he is experiencing painful sensations or discomfort;
  • If the prescribed dosage of the drug is not observed, constipation can turn into diarrhea, which is difficult to treat.


Glycerin suppositories for newborns are not advisable for use by babies with the following problems:

  • inflammation, hemorrhoids and intestinal fissures, accompanied by bleeding;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdomen of unknown origin;
  • neoplasms of the rectum;
  • appendicitis and obstruction;
  • kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance to active ingredients;

Side effects of suppositories

Side effects when using suppositories with glycerin are minimal and are as follows:

  • at frequent use the drug may disrupt the process of natural bowel movement, there is a risk of getting used to doing bowel movements in this way;
  • sometimes such therapy can lead to intestinal obstruction, diarrhea and enterocolitis;
  • V in rare cases the baby has discomfort and itching.


When using rectal suppositories for children, precautions should be taken:

From what age can it be used?

Glycerin suppositories for newborns can be used by babies over 3 months old. In some cases, the medications discussed are prescribed to children of younger age, but the decision to take the drug is made only by a qualified pediatrician.


The dose of medication for infants is 0.75 g, which is given 1 r. at 3 pm. If the pharmacy chain only managed to purchase a drug for children under 7 years of age (dosage 1.5 g), then before administering the suppository it is cut into two halves (lengthwise), after which you need to smooth the pointed cut with your fingers so as not to injure the newborn’s anus.

When a candle for adults is available, it is divided into 4 parts. Children's suppositories with glycerin have a lower concentration compared to adults. More often than 1 r. Suppositories are not given to babies per day. If the medication does not give any effect, the drug is administered again, but not earlier than after 12 hours.

Instructions for use

Step-by-step method of use:

How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to work for newborns?

It is advisable to use rectal suppositories with glycerin in the morning or early afternoon. They are administered after 20 minutes. after eating. Their shell is made of instant raw materials, which instantly dissolves in the anus. Glycerin agent affects each baby differently.

If the stool is not completely solid and passes through the rectum, then defecation after the performed manipulation occurs 20-30 minutes later. If the suppository does not come out and the baby cannot defecate, you need to contact a specialist, since the cause of constipation varies.

How often can candles be used for newborns?

The product is not intended for permanent use and does not eliminate the cause of constipation. You should use glycerin suppositories only when necessary. per day. If no result is observed, re-introducing the drug is allowed no earlier than after 12 hours.

Doctors advise administering rectal suppositories for no more than 7 days. in a row, preferably 1 rub. in 3 days, so as not to disable the natural metabolic processes occurring in the body. At excessive consumption The medication poses a risk of disrupting normal bowel movements, which can cause diarrhea and intestinal obstruction.

The duration of therapy depends on how quickly you can cope with this problem.

You should not use glycerin suppositories before each bowel movement. It is advisable to resort to them only when necessary, but not for preventive purposes.

Interaction with other drugs

Repeated clinical studies not identified negative consequences when using glycerin suppositories with other medicines. In this case, there are practically no grounds for incompatibility: the drug has a narrowly targeted effect, does not enter the blood, and therefore does not conflict with substances in the body.

The duration of the procedure is minimal. One of the warnings from doctors is not to use any oils before inserting a suppository. This can cause a disruption in the pattern of influence on the walls of the rectum and inhibit their work.

Glycerin suppositories must be used correctly, only in this case the therapy will bring the desired result and be safe for newborns. Only a pediatrician can choose the correct dosage and explain how to use the drug, because self-medication can harm the child’s health and cause diarrhea.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about glycerin suppositories for newborns

Glycerin suppositories for children:

What is better to use, glycerin suppositories or an enema:

In this article:

Young mothers should ensure that their newborn babies do not have constipation. This is dangerous for their health, because toxins accumulate in their small bodies. Various means are used to solve this problem. Many doctors recommend glycerin suppositories for newborns. This medical product often used in pediatric practice, as it has a number of advantages.


It is important to remember safety precautions when using glycerin suppositories. It is imperative to monitor the dosage of the drug. If you increase the prescribed dose even slightly, the child will feel strong burning sensation. The trouble is that he won’t be able to talk about it, but will scream and squirm. Inexperienced mothers may regard this as difficulty in bowel movements, and put another candle, which will worsen the situation.

In rare cases, such phenomena are possible with frequent and uncontrolled use of candles, such as intestinal obstruction and enterocolitis. Young parents should take their baby’s problem seriously in order to properly help him and not harm him.

Analogues of the drug

Sometimes by various reasons It is not possible to purchase glycerin suppositories for infants. In this case, analogues of the drug come to the rescue. A common analogue is the drug Mirolax. Unlike suppositories with glycerin, Mirolax is administered as a microenema, gently cleanses the intestines and promotes the excretion of feces. How quickly does this drug work? A medicated enema produces a bowel movement within 10–15 minutes. Less often this time reaches the mark of half an hour.

The drug Portalac is considered an analogue of glycerin suppositories. It is taken orally and produces a laxative effect. This drug can be used from birth at the indicated dosage. The dose is most often selected by the doctor individually, depending on the condition of the baby and the method of feeding.

When dealing with constipation in newborn babies, it is important to remember that bowel movements do not cure, but help remove the symptoms of fecal retention in the intestines. Glycerin suppositories are the most harmless remedy for difficulties with defecation, since the active substance is not absorbed into the intestinal walls. But this drug must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid side effects from its use.

Useful video on how to light a candle for a baby

Many men, women and children constantly suffer from difficult bowel movements. The reason for this may be poor nutrition, stress, pregnancy or some other factors. Most people, due to the sensitivity of the problem, do not go to doctors, but when long delay stool intoxication of the body occurs, which is very dangerous, especially for a child. At home, glycerin suppositories help alleviate the condition - effective suppositories for rectal use.

What are Glycerin suppositories?

Slow and insufficient bowel movements increase pressure in the rectum and abdominal cavity. Accumulated stool interferes with normal blood flow in the lower intestine, which over time leads to hemorrhoids. For this reason, it is important to take timely measures to eliminate constipation. Patients try to deal with the problem on their own using oral medications: decoctions, infusions, but such methods do not give quick results. Doctors advise using suppositories with glycerin, which are inserted into the anus and quickly give the desired effect.


Glycerin suppositories physically look like torpedo-shaped medications with a solid consistency for rectal use. They have a white, slightly cloudy tint and are odorless. At temperatures of 34 °C and above, candles melt quickly. Active substance The drug is glycerol. Auxiliary ingredients include stearic acid and sodium carbonate. The weight of suppositories for adults is 2.11 g. Suppositories with glycerin for children weigh about 1.24 g. The drug is produced in 10 pieces per primary packaging(blister) which is in cardboard box with instructions.

Pharmacological action

Glycerin suppositories help soften stool. After insertion into the rectum, the suppository quickly begins to melt. Glycerol, softening, envelops and softens stagnant feces, after which emptying occurs without painful sensations and injuries. Additionally, glycerin lubricates the rectum, causing an irritating effect on it. Intestinal motility is reflexively stimulated, which is important in the further fight against constipation.

Indications for use

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anorectal stenosis;
  • constipation lasting more than two days;
  • to prevent defecation retention (especially during pregnancy);
  • for easy emptying after surgery.

Instructions for use of Glycerin suppositories

Reviews from doctors claim that suppositories with glycerin are the safest laxative. Active ingredient has no effect on the body harmful effects, therefore the medicine is allowed to be used by both pregnant women and people old age, and newborn babies. Glycerin suppositories are not recommended to be used regularly, but only in case of urgent need, otherwise the intestines will cease to function properly. If you have persistent constipation, you should consult your doctor to eliminate the cause.

For adults

Rectal suppositories are intended exclusively for insertion into the anus. It is better to use a laxative medication after eating, 15-20 minutes later. For adult patients and children over 7 years of age, the recommended dose is 1 suppository (2.11 g), administered once within 24 hours. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning after breakfast, and then take a horizontal position and wait for the medicine to take effect.

For children

A child under 7 years of age may also suffer from constipation. The main causes of stool obstruction are: sedentary image life of a preschooler, nervous tension and poor nutrition. Constipation can also be caused by diseases: thyroid gland (iodine deficiency), anemia (iron deficiency), food allergies(food aversion) and others. If the pediatrician has not prescribed an individual dosage, then suppositories with glycerin should be administered once in a children's dose of 1.24 before emptying. Indication for use is the absence of stool in a child for 3 days.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

While expecting a baby (from the first trimester), a woman often experiences constipation. The cause of the problem in expectant mothers is an increase in progesterone, a hormone that reduces the muscle tone of the rectum. This leads to difficulty passing food through the intestines. The uterus, rapidly increasing in size, also puts pressure on the intestines, aggravating the situation. However, pregnant women should be careful when taking any laxatives due to the risk of miscarriage. Suppositories with glycerin can only be used with the permission of a gynecologist.

Suppositories with glycerin after childbirth

The use of glycerin suppositories is the most safe option getting rid of postpartum constipation for a young mother. Studies have shown that the medication does not affect the composition mother's milk, therefore, during its use, you can not interrupt the baby’s feeding. Although glycerin helps induce natural bowel movement, it cannot be used for a long time - the drug is addictive. The dosage for young mothers does not differ from the usual adult one - 1 piece / day.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns

When babies are transferred to artificial nutrition, then difficult emptying is a normal process. The situation is due to the fact that peristalsis in the bewitched has not yet begun to function normally. Glycerin suppository for infants this problem is successfully solved, but only as a emergency assistance. For babies, a children's dosage is provided - 1.24 grams/day. If suppositories with glycerin for newborns are not available in the pharmacy, then you can use suppositories for adults, you just need to cut them in half.

How often can you bet

According to the instructions for use, rectal suppositories with a laxative effect can be administered no more than once a day. Since the drug is addictive, regular use may lead to sluggish peristalsis intestines, regardless of age, whether old man or baby. This situation will only aggravate the problem of stool retention, after which it will be very difficult for the patient to restore intestinal patency.

How to put

If you have symptoms of constipation, the suppository should be freed from its packaging, then carefully and as deeply as possible inserted into the anus. After performing these actions, you should not walk, stand or sit. After inserting the suppository into the anus, the person should lie on his stomach and wait for the drug to take effect. To administer a suppository to a baby, you need to lay him on his back, bend his legs to his tummy, then insert a candle into the anus and hold it in this position for a couple of minutes. To insert a candle you do not need to use additional water or oil - it is painless.

How long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work?

Doctors say the drug affects people differently. On average, glycerol is absorbed into the intestines and softens stool in 15-20 minutes. Complete emptying usually occurs within half an hour. Some patients have to wait up to 40-60 minutes - the process is individual for everyone. The advantages of suppositories with glycerin include the fact that repeated urges to go to the toilet occur extremely rarely. For this reason, using the medication in the morning, you don’t have to worry that this action will take you by surprise at work or in transport.

In what cases will this drug not help?

In therapeutic practice, it is customary to divide fecal obstruction into two types: proctogenic and cologenic. In the first option, constipation is provoked by weak peristalsis when stool gets stuck in the anorectal area. In this case, a laxative will help. If emptying does not occur due to mechanical obstacles - tumors, spasms or scars, then feces are retained at the top of the rectum. Such situations require different treatment, and glycerin suppositories will be useless.

Drug interactions

When administered simultaneously rectal suppositories with others medicines, no negative interactions were identified. According to medical data, suppositories with glycerin are compatible with any medications. This is explained by the fact that the components of the drug do not enter into chemical reactions and do not penetrate the bloodstream. The use of candles does not affect reactions and driving vehicles.

Side effects

Although suppositories with glycerin are considered safe drug, overdose leads to adverse reactions. The patient may experience frequent loose bowel movements or signs of irritable bowel disease. Glycerin also provokes a decrease intraocular pressure at individual intolerance. Sometimes after administration the patient observes a burning sensation in the rectum, which quickly passes. If itching and irritation of the skin around the anus does not stop for a long time, then to soothe the mucous membrane, it is recommended to introduce 15 ml of warm water into the anus. vegetable oil.


Suppositories with glycerin have their own contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for use in the presence of the following diseases:

Every young mother makes sure that her baby does not have constipation. With colic, the child is very restless. Moreover, this phenomenon is dangerous to health. IN children's body toxins systematically accumulate. This problem can be solved using different means. But most modern doctors There is a consensus that it is advisable to use glycerin suppositories. This remedy is widely used in pediatric practice, because it has a whole list of advantages.

In childhood, glycerin suppositories help overcome constipation. The main thing is to consider how to use them correctly.

Instructions for use: how to insert, dosage

It is important to figure out how to insert suppositories into a baby with constipation. The instructions state that the drug is used for children from three months. If there is a need to use this medicine earlier, you should first consult with your pediatrician.

The dosage of the drug determines age group patients. So, for adults, the medicine is released in suppositories, each of which contains 1.5 g active substance. The children's form of the drug has half the dosage.

In order not to harm the small organism, you should know how to correctly place glycerin suppositories for newborns. The first step is to find out what the dosage of the drug is. If there is only 1.5 grams of active ingredient, then the candle is cut in half. Therefore, it is important to know whether it is generally permissible to use such suppositories for infants. In some cases, half the child dose is prescribed. Only a qualified pediatrician can clarify the dosage.

The use of glycerin suppositories is permissible only in compliance with the rules. Initially, you need to wash your hands and take a suppository. Using a sterile knife, cut it lengthwise into two or four parts - this depends on the recommendations of the attending physician. Then the baby’s bottom is lubricated with baby cream, the baby is placed on his side, and his legs are bent at the knees. Next, the upper buttock is lifted and a piece of suppository is inserted directly into the anus. Then you need to close your buttocks and hold them in this position for several minutes. Then the candle will begin to work. If you let go earlier, the child may simply push out the suppository.

How often can glycerin suppositories be used for newborns?

Doctors prescribe the drug based on the baby’s condition. If a child constantly cries and twitches his legs, then he needs to get rid of accumulated feces.

Glycerin suppositories are considered effective, but how often and how exactly to use them should be decided by the doctor. You should not use them if the baby has tumors in the anus or rectum, or if there are cracks.

The drug should not be used uncontrollably or too often. The maximum course of treatment is seven days. Dosage - one suppository during the day. This drug will facilitate the removal of feces. But it will not cure constipation and will not restore intestinal flora.

How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to work?

Of course, after such manipulation, parents wonder what the duration of action of glycerin suppositories is. These suppositories begin to irritate the walls children's intestines approximately 15 minutes after administration. Therefore, within half an hour the child defecates.

Children's glycerin suppositories are in an efficient way eliminate constipation in your baby. To achieve the desired result, it is important to use suppositories in correct dosage. The effect of the drug is focused on lubricating the walls of the rectum. They succumb to irritation, resulting in spontaneous defecation. The advantage of these suppositories is that they are not absorbed in the intestines. Suppositories act only externally and do not affect internal organs.

Therefore, knowing how to correctly insert suppositories into a newborn, you can save the baby from pain when douching or other unpleasant procedures. Glycerin suppositories are practically painless. The introduction of a suppository is effective and safe for infants with rational use according to the doctor's recommendations.

Especially for -Nikolay Arsentiev

The digestive system of a newborn has a number of physiological characteristics. Therefore, in the first year of life, a child may experience a number of problems associated with bowel movements.

During this period of life, a newborn baby can often experience constipation; when constipation appears, the child begins to cry and twitch his legs.

To make it easier alarming symptoms parents and doctors resort to using suppositories with glycerin. They gently eliminate the problem of constipation and help normalize the act of defecation.

Causes of constipation in babies

Normal bowel movements in infants up to three months of age should occur up to 4 times a day, and in children one year of age, bowel movements occur twice a day. If the process is delayed by 2 days, this is usually called constipation.

There are many reasons why stool disorder occurs:

Effect of suppositories with glycerin

The mechanism of constipation in a newborn is based on a violation of the density of stool. Unlike children in breastfeeding, in newborns with artificial feeding, feces acquire a dense consistency. This interferes with their smooth removal from the body.

- This perfect assistant in this position. Their main component is glycerin. It envelops and gently lubricates the mucous walls of the intestines. This leads to easy and painless emptying.

Besides this, additional components, included in the composition of glycerin suppositories (stearic acid, sodium carbonate) draw in moisture, which helps to liquefy feces and facilitates their removal from the body.

Pharmacological action of suppositories with glycerin

The intestinal mucosa has many nerve receptors. Glycerin acts on them, irritating their endings, as a result of which intestinal motility increases.

This leads to his release and accelerated withdrawal feces from the body. Under its influence, they soften, and the act of defecation is painless and becomes regular.

The big advantage of glycerin suppositories is that they do not change intestinal microflora, and do not cause disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract.

The body does not get used to them. Therefore, glycerin suppositories can be considered a universal antispasmodic.

But we should not forget that by eliminating constipation, they do not eliminate the cause of its origin.

Method of use and dosage of glycerin suppositories

There are a number of rules that must be strictly followed when placing glycerin suppositories for a newborn.

Let's look at all the rules in step-by-step instructions:

Dosage regimen:

  • Usual dose for a newborn baby and children under 3 years of age, is half a suppository per day, and it can be divided into two times.
  • For older children(up to 7 years) one 1.24 g suppository is prescribed. in the morning.
  • For adults and children(over 7 years old) it is recommended to use 2.11 g candles. once a day, no more than 1 piece.

Due to the fact that the relief effect can occur 10-15 minutes after using glycerin suppositories, they should be used only in the morning.

Indications for the use of suppositories with glycerin

Glycerin suppositories are used in case of emergency; they cannot be used every day, under any circumstances. Since they do not eliminate the cause of constipation, they are a symptomatic form of treatment.

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Contraindications for glycerin suppositories

Despite the fact that glycerin suppositories have received wide application in resolving this sensitive issue, there are a number of limitations in their use that make their use impossible.

Let's look at them in detail:

Side effects of glycerin suppositories

When using glycerin suppositories, basically no side effects. They are well tolerated in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

In rare cases, a slight burning sensation may occur and some discomfort in the area of ​​insertion of the suppository. This leads to excessive irritability in the child, which is accompanied by whims and crying.

If the expected effect is not achieved with a single dose, the next dose should not be administered immediately. To do this, you need to wait until the next day.

And in order to alleviate the child’s suffering, it is necessary to use another method to eliminate constipation (give a microenema, massage with a thermometer).

The use of glycerin suppositories in newborns

In early childhood (up to 3 months), the use of glycerin-based suppositories is not recommended. But after consultation with a pediatrician, they are often prescribed. Since they do not have toxic properties and generally do not cause side effects.

The admissibility of their use is justified by the fact that they act only locally, this prevents them from entering the general bloodstream. And the residual half-life products of their components are excreted along with feces.

It is very important in early childhood to follow the rules for administering glycerin suppositories; in addition to observing the dosage, the suppository should be administered to a newborn carefully; to do this, the suppository is moistened in water and the corners and nicks on the suppository are removed with a slight movement of the finger. This prevents the anus from being damaged.

Before giving a rectal glycerin suppository to a child, you need to make sure that the problem with bowel movements is caused by a problem with the stomach or intestines. Because attacks of a child’s whims can be caused not only by constipation.

In the event that the setting of candles is carried out uncontrollably, long time this can lead to the development of serious pathologies in which the baby will not be able to empty the intestinal contents on his own.

Features of application

Rectal suppositories with glycerin are best used in the first half of the day or in the morning. This is done after a 20-minute interval from the moment of eating.

Bowel movement after such manipulation occurs within 15-30 minutes. If this does not happen, then a repeat dose is inserted into the anus after 12-15 hours.

It is very important to follow the dosage, because suppositories can be produced for both adults and children.

In case of an overdose of this drug, the baby cannot say that his tummy hurts or he feels any discomfort.

He may experience the following symptoms:

  • Intestinal upset (sometimes severe diarrhea).
  • In some cases, intestinal obstruction occurs.
  • Allergic skin rashes may appear.

Children over four years of age can be given suppositories with glycerin. But at this age, in order to avoid constipation, it is necessary to follow the child’s nutritional standards.

Maintaining a proper, highly fortified diet and adequate fluid intake homemade food will prevent the occurrence of constipation.

And the use of glycerin suppositories will lose its relevance.

When treating constipation in early childhood, it is very important to pay attention to the baby’s nutrition.

Before visiting a pharmacy to buy suppositories for constipation, you need to check:

  • Are the foods chosen correctly for the first complementary feeding?(it must be varied, the presence of vegetables and fermented milk products, kefir or yogurt).
  • View (in cases of artificial feeding) the composition of the ingredients of the mixture. Prebiotics are often added to its preparation; they help normalize intestinal function.

Are glycerin suppositories harmful or not?

Like any medication, if used too often(even if it has minimal side effects) can lead to negative reactions from the body.

Its ingredients may develop a sense of addiction, which affects their effectiveness.

If the cause of constipation is not clearly established(there is a type of cologenic constipation, their significant difference from ordinary ones is the location of the fecal stone above the level of the rectum), then therapy with glycerin suppositories may not bring positive dynamics.

Also, a positive effect will not be observed if stool retention is caused by scars or tumors.

Rules for storing suppositories with glycerin

This medication is best preserved in a dry and cool place. In the event that little patient lives in an apartment, it can be stored in the refrigerator, and if in your own home, then you can use the semi-basement for storing it. The temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

It is important that they do not fall into the hands of more children.

The shelf life of glycerin suppositories does not exceed 2 years.

The drug is sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription.

Main advantages and disadvantages

These rectal suppositories have a number of advantages compared to other drugs of this pharmacological group.

The advantages of this dosage form include:

  • Achieving results quickly.
  • Low price.
  • Application does not require special skills or knowledge.
  • Has selective local action, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream.
  • Can be used at any children's age.

The disadvantages of this tool include the following disadvantages:

  • The action of the drug is based on eliminating the symptoms of constipation, it does not treat or eliminate the underlying cause of the pathological process.
  • At long-term use nerve endings of the intestine lose sensitivity, as a result of which further use of the drug does not have a positive effect.
  • Overdose is difficult to establish, since the child cannot talk about his discomfort and unpleasant sensations.
  • If the prescribed dosage of the drug is not followed constipation can develop into diarrhea, which is difficult to treat.

How to choose glycerin suppositories for infants?

  • Purchasing glycerin suppositories in a pharmacy chain or online store, you need to pay attention to the dosage, since they come in two types, for adults and for children. Suppositories for adults can also be used in children's and infancy, but this will cause certain inconveniences when using them.
  • It is best to use rectal suppositories for infants Glycelax, they are released pharmaceutical company Mosfarm, or suppositories with glycerin from the company Nizhpharm. Their price can range from 100 to 150 rubles.
  • When choosing this medication necessary Remember that there are additional ingredients that are included in rectal suppositories; they can not only affect the gentle removal of constipation, but also the price of this medicine.

Price in pharmacy

Glycerin based suppositories are a publicly available drug, have a low price:

  • Glycerin suppositories 1.24 g. 10 Nizhpharm company 130-140 rub.
  • Suppositories with glycerin 0.75 g. 5 Farmina company 200-230 rubles.
  • Glycerin suppositories No. 12 Antibiotic SA 180-190 rubles.
  • Glycerin based suppositories. Manufacturer Poland Farmina 1.5 gr. No. 5 70-100 rub.


This dosage form has many analogues and substitutes, but their use is possible only after consultation with a pediatrician.

According to its action and chemical composition The most popular medicines are:

  • Norgalax. Available in the form of a tube containing gel-like contents, it is very easily inserted into the lumen of the rectum using a cannula. Used for therapy long-term constipation. The disadvantage is the presence of many contraindications, including childhood up to 15 years.
  • Microlax. Similar in action to glycerin suppositories. But unlike them, its main component is sodium citrate. Prescribed in all cases of constipation. Has very few contraindications and side effects. Prescribed in infancy.
  • Duphalac. Its composition is based on the use of two chemical compounds— Lactulose and purified water. Available in different dosage forms, which makes it easier to use. In infants it is used by adding to breast milk. Its action begins after 4-10 hours after a single application. It has few contraindications and side effects.
  • Prelax. It is used only for oral administration in the treatment of constipation, the etiology of which is hemorrhoids. The main advantage of this drug is its wide range appointments. It is used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children of any age. In infancy, it is prescribed half a teaspoon, added to milk.
  • Normolakt. The product is intended for oral use. Used to relieve constipation during pregnancy and lactation. Can be used in the youngest patients, during breastfeeding, a single use of 2.5 ml of the medicine is prescribed, which is added to the milk. Well tolerated by patients, overdose and side effects are observed extremely rarely.

Glycerin-based suppositories are widely used in the treatment of constipation in newborns. However, they cannot be used as a panacea for these pathological conditions. Moreover, they are unable to eliminate the cause that underlies this pathology.

A pediatrician will always help you choose the right dose and explain how to use the drug. Self-prescription of this medication can greatly harm the baby’s health and cause diarrhea, which will require special treatment to eliminate.