My nose is running like water, what should I do? Water flows from the nose: the nasal flood is not endless

Often adults and children experience such a symptom as water from the nose. At the same time, constant discharge causes some discomfort, forcing you to constantly blow your nose. This symptom can accompany many diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Running nose

Water from the nose is very thin mucus. As a rule, this symptom develops as a reaction to infectious microflora that has entered the nasopharynx, and also as a symptom of diseases associated with hypothermia.

Causes and symptoms

There are many reasons for this symptom - from simple hypothermia, but in this case, after warming up, the body stops intensively secreting such mucus, to infectious components, when the body tries to rid the sinuses of the presence of the pathogen in this way. At the same time, such a sign is given by quite a lot of diseases of both the nasal passages and sinuses, and the pharynx.

Viral infection

At viral infection characteristic feature nasal discharge remains with a clear, mucous consistency. In parallel, inflammation necessarily develops, which can affect not only the tissues of the structures of the nose, but also the throat. Symptoms may include:

  • Temperature;
  • Chills;
  • Sore throat;
  • Headache;
  • General feeling of weakness;
  • Loss of appetite.

Viral infections include: adenoviruses, parainfluenza, herpes, and so on.


The allergy is manifested by clear nasal discharge, as well as:

  • lacrimation;
  • Sneezing;
  • Headache;
  • Cough;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Nasal congestion.

Allergic reactions of this type usually develop when an allergen irritant is inhaled. Thus, the body tries to cleanse the mucous membrane of its presence. Symptoms occur with hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, and inhalation of an irritant.

It is worth understanding that if tissue swelling begins to manifest itself intensively in the area of ​​the eyes and face and causes attacks of suffocation and difficulty breathing, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, since such symptoms often end in anaphylactic shock.

What causes a runny nose due to allergies:

Bacterial infection

At bacterial infection A runny nose in the form of water appears only in the first stage of the disease, which usually does not last long - about 1 day. Then the discharge becomes purulent in nature due to the fact that excessively multiplied bacteria, dead leukocytes and waste products of the pathogen begin to enter the mucus. Associated symptoms are:

  • Weakness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Smell of pus;
  • Severe pain in the affected area;
  • The mucus becomes thick due to pus.


Sinusitis is usually the result of untreated rhinitis. From accompanying symptoms appear:

  • Increase in temperature;
  • Purulent nasal discharge;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Soreness in areas near the sinuses (especially when pressed).

With this disease it is necessary long time observe bed rest.


The most common cause of watery mucus coming from a child's nose is a cold. This is one of the first stages. Without treatment, the symptom worsens and within two days the disease worsens. The snot gradually acquires a thick consistency yellow. At the same time, fever, a feeling of fatigue, and loss of appetite develop.


Rhinitis is considered one of the most dangerous diseases from a number of acute respiratory infections. In addition to water leaking from the nose, the following may also occur:

  • Increase in temperature;
  • Dry nose;
  • Weakness.

Symptoms of rhinitis


Sinusitis is considered one of the last phases sinusitis. It manifests itself quite intensely and takes a long time to heal. It often becomes chronic. The symptoms are as follows:

  • General weakness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Discharge from the nose acquires a thick, greenish-gray consistency;
  • Pain in the areas around the sinuses appears;
  • Migraines;
  • Pungent smell of pus.

In this case, treatment is usually prescribed, since sinusitis can cause serious complications life-threatening.


Treatment for such a symptom should begin from the very first minutes. This will prevent the disease from developing to its full potential. It is important to distinguish pathology.

If you cannot determine it yourself, then it is better to consult an ENT doctor who will identify the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

What to do if your nose is running:


Without drug treatment recovery will not come, as practice has shown. People who rely only on traditional medicine, the vast majority received chronic forms of pathologies. Therefore, a range of drugs is used to relieve symptoms.


Vasoconstrictor drugs are designed to provide symptomatic treatment, which relieves swelling, nasal congestion, and also reduces secretion.

But patients often suffer harm from their use, since strict adherence to the instructions is necessary. Such drugs include:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Rhinorus;
  • Sialor-rino;
  • Vibrocil.

Vasoconstrictor drugs allow you to restore nasal breathing, but must be used the prescribed number of times in a dosage appropriate for age and only for 5-7 days. Otherwise it may develop vasomotor rhinitis. Active component andrenomimetics such as oxymetazoline are used.


Moisturizers include preparations that are used to irrigate the nasal cavity. They help relieve nasal dryness, rinse the nasal passages, soften and remove crusts without any problems. Such drugs include:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Physiometer;
  • Marimer.

These drugs are usually based on sea ​​water, specially purified for hygienic use.


Antiviral drugs are designed to strengthen local immunity. They usually have no effect on the viruses themselves, but only help the body fight pathogens. Representatives:

  • Nazoferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Interferon.

What these drugs have in common is active substance interferon.


Antibiotics are used only for bacterial microflora. Used when available purulent discharge, which are characterized by difficult passage from the passages and sinuses. Main representatives:

  • Polydex;
  • Sofradex;
  • Garazon;
  • Protargol.

In the latter case, it is not a full-fledged antibiotic, but rather an antibacterial antiseptic with silver in its composition.

Traditional recipes and herbal medicine

At watery discharge from the nose you can try the following recipes:

  • You can insert a mixture of geranium oil and vegetable oil into the nasal passages in the form of a turunda for 15 minutes;
  • Done hot before bed mustard bath for feet;
  • Drink tea based on black currant and raspberry leaves;
  • Accept cranberry juice in large quantities;
  • Place diluted solution in your nose Kalanchoe juice. It causes massive sneezing, but at the same time gives an excellent healing effect.

Folk remedies complete cure will not give, but will perfectly reduce the intensity of symptoms and will be an excellent help in general therapy. But people with allergies should not use them.


Washing can be done using the following means:

  • Rinse the nasal passages with a medium-consistency decoction of chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula or St. John's wort;
  • Rinse your nose with a weak solution of salt, soda and iodine. For the same purposes, saline solution from a pharmacy is used;
  • Use moisturizers based on sea water.


Used in treatment following methods physiotherapeutic treatment:

  • Paraffin treatment;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Inhalations.

Why your nose runs in the cold, watch our video:

Why is the symptom dangerous?

The symptom is dangerous because at first it is difficult to recognize what kind of pathology is beginning to develop. In this case, precious time for treatment is often lost and the disease begins to develop intensively.

If therapy continues in the wrong direction, the disease progresses to chronic stage and provokes many complications.

Prevention and prognosis

Prevention is:

  • Timely treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza and other respiratory pathologies;
  • Hardening and strengthening the body;

There are no signs of a runny nose, so why does water flow from the nose, especially after physical exertion and when bending over? Without identifying the source of the discharge, get rid of unpleasant symptom impossible. Therefore, if your nose runs periodically or constantly clear liquid, you shouldn’t wait until everything “goes away on its own.” Especially when they appeared additional symptoms: weakness and malaise.

Causes of the unpleasant symptom

The main reason why water flows from the nose is the condition before the disease. The body fights the introduction of pathogenic flora into the upper respiratory tract, tries to expel it, actively producing liquid to wash it away pathogenic microorganisms from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

If you help the body by rinsing the nasal cavity, the disease will recede or be mild.

Upon respiratory contact with an allergen, an allergic reaction occurs, in which the body also produces liquid discharge to speed up the elimination of the substance that is dangerous to itself.

If you have recently been ill colds, and water continues to be discharged from the nose, it can be assumed that some complication has occurred. More mild complication Sinusitis is considered to be an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses and its mucous membranes.

If water flows from the nose during sudden bending, elevated physical activity, temperature changes - for example, when you come in from the street in winter warm room- all this can be attributed to natural reaction body. Within an hour or 2, this runny nose goes away on its own.

Why does this phenomenon occur?

The inner surface of the nasal mucosa is penetrated by blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, and is covered with protective mucus. This mucus is constantly removed by ciliated epithelium - small cilia located throughout the nasal cavity.

During physical activity, more air is inhaled, microbes and bacteria stick to the mucous membrane in increased quantities, and the body strives to get rid of them faster.

They narrow in the cold blood vessels, the movement of the cilia slows down, the mucous membrane dries out. As soon as you find yourself in a warm room, the body tries to normalize breathing - to moisturize the mucous membranes, remove bacteria and viruses that entered the respiratory tract during their malfunction. So it turns out that the nose seems to “freeze” - everything accumulated in the cold “melts” in the literal sense.

If water constantly flows from the nose, and recently serious injury, you need to visit a neurosurgeon.

This condition may be a symptom of liquorrhea - a violation of the integrity of the anterior cranial fossa. One of its symptoms is the release of brain fluid from the nasal passages.

For colds and viral diseases, after 2-3 days a runny nose with liquid discharge occurs active phase illness - discharge thickens.

Treatment of a runny nose: rinsing the nose with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents, vasoconstrictor drops, immunomodulatory drugs.


More dangerous complication– sinusitis, purulent-inflammatory disease.

During it, the maxillary sinus also becomes inflamed, but the thick purulent contents cannot come out due to swelling, and the liquid discharge slowly drains away, especially when bending over.

It is impossible to cope with this problem on your own; you need to contact an ENT specialist.

The disease sometimes requires a prescription antibacterial therapy and, sometimes, surgery.

Additional symptoms of sinusitis:

  • headaches when bending the head forward;
  • sensation;
  • inability to take a full breath;
  • temperature rise.

Multi-colored nasal discharge

The color of the water in the nose can be used to judge the state of the body. A change in the color of the liquid indicates inflammatory processes.

When yellow water flows from the nose, you should definitely contact an ENT specialist. Most likely, this is a symptom of sinusitis or even frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus.

As the condition worsens, the yellow liquid changes to brown - this indicates the appearance of bloody discharge. Because of severe inflammation the capillaries of the nasal mucosa burst, the blood mixes with the liquid discharge and flows out of the nose in the form of ichor.

Blood from the nose can be released not only after injuries.

This is observed when pressure increases when blood vessels are close to the surface of the mucosa. Any irritation - and minor injuries to blood vessels - cause bleeding, albeit small in scale - and therefore, ichor begins to discharge from the nose.

Even allergies are not a harmless condition! When the body fights an allergen, immunity decreases, and this favors the introduction of pathogenic flora or the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Not treated on time infectious diseases become chronic and undermine health, exacerbating under favorable factors.

Liquid discharge from the nose causes inconvenience; its unexpected appearance forces you to change your usual schedule, canceling meetings and other events.

Yellow water from the nose

Nasal discharge is produced by the mucous membrane in response to irritants.: allergens, dust, viruses, bacteria. Their color, consistency and associated symptoms help to identify the cause of the malaise.

Causes of yellow water from the nose

  1. Allergies and respiratory disease - the most common culprits of excess moisture in the nose. Allergic rhinitis accompanied by itching of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes.
  2. A viral infection adds fever and burning sensation in the nasopharynx to heavy nasal discharge. A few days after the onset of the disease, the liquid acquires a viscous consistency and yellow color.
Photo 1: Yellow liquid flowing from the nose is not an independent illness, but one of the symptoms of the disease. Source: flickr (

Diseases and problems of the body

A dangerous condition is considered when yellow liquid flows from the nose, a headache, pain is felt on the sides of the bridge of the nose, radiating to the roots upper teeth and eye sockets, the feeling of fullness increases when bending over. This speaks of inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus, when pus is mixed with nasal mucus.

If the contents of the sinuses come out freely when you blow your nose, there is nothing to worry about. And when there is no outflow, headache is growing, urgent need is medical care . There are eloquent signs of sinusitis and sinusitis.

The acute condition of sinusitis is supplemented high temperature, pain on palpation in projection maxillary sinuses.

Chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is manifested by permanent rhinitis, swelling of the nasopharynx, forcing one to breathe through the mouth, painful sensations around the eyes.

Sinusitis is characterized by less intense pain and no fever. The condition is alleviated by the ability to free the sinus cavity from mucopurulent secretions with unpleasant smell. Accompanying symptoms: headache, swelling of the nasopharynx.

The presence of a cyst in the maxillary sinus. Benign formation- cyst - manifested by periodic nasal congestion, chronic discharge yellow liquid. A growth appears due to advanced rhinitis and pathologies of the sinus structure.

Important! If the cold ends with yellow snot, strength is restored, the temperature does not rise, the headache subsides, there is no pathology, the patient does not need to worry.

Yellow sticky water from nose

If the nasal discharge appears watery in appearance, but when it dries, it has a starchy surface. It is enough to look at a handkerchief to determine that this discharge is different from ordinary snot. This is what cerebrospinal fluid looks like - nasal fluid, which often appears after traumatic brain injuries, after surgery to remove polyps, pathologies of the skull and spine. This fluid usually comes out of one nostril and contains sugar, so it feels sticky. The disease can be determined using CT or radiography.

What measures need to be taken

Photo 2: Rinsing the nose with a solution of salt, soda, or decoction will speed up recovery. medicinal herbs. Source: flickr (sallah).

Sinusitis and sinusitis are treated with rinsing and antibiotics.. Often, it is necessary to free the maxillary sinuses from purulent contents through painful surgical procedures.

For nasal liquorrhea, surgical or conservative treatment is prescribed.

Homeopathic treatment for yellow water from nose

Homeopathy affects every symptom and the entire body as a whole.: drugs relieve inflammation, swelling, strengthen local mucosal immunity, general body resistance, suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria.


Anti-inflammatory drug, effective for sinusitis, purulent sinusitis, yellow, thick snot, headache, fever.

Treats sinusitis and sinusitis in advanced cases. Patients suffer from swelling and irritation of the nasal mucosa, constant allocation yellowish fluid, headaches.

Sinusitis in the acute phase: the appearance of yellow snot is accompanied by an increase in temperature, excruciating pain in the maxillary sinuses, and headache.

A universal anti-inflammatory drug. It relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and reduces temperature.

A runny nose is very unpleasant phenomenon. A similar symptom can be observed in children and adults. In this case, it is not the nasal flow itself that needs to be eliminated, but its cause. However, many people often take an unconventional approach to eliminating this trouble. This article will tell you why an adult’s snot flows like a stream. You will learn further what to do in this situation. In addition, the causes of the symptom and how to eliminate it will be described.

Appearance of a runny nose

If snot flows like a stream, what should you do? First of all, you need to establish the cause of the runny nose. Surely only a doctor can do this. Contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will tell you ways to deal with your problem and, if necessary, select suitable drug. A runny nose can be viral or bacterial, allergic or fungal. Often snot appears due to physiological reasons. In each of these situations, one must select individual approach to solving the problem. At misuse Taking medications can only make the condition worse.

Rinse your nose

Let's say you don't know what to do when an adult's snot flows like a stream. One of the first actions should be rinsing the mucous membrane. To do this, you can use special formulations sold in pharmacies. For example, “Rinostop”, “Aqualor”, “Dolphin” and others. Regular saline solution will also work. If it is not possible to purchase the medications described, you can prepare a saline solution yourself. To do this, cool the liter boiled water and dilute a teaspoon of salt in it. Rinsing your nasal passages will help you eliminate pathogens from the mucous membranes. Also saline solutions pull out excess liquid from tissues, relieving swelling. The preparations help soften the crusts and make them easier to remove.

Emergency assistance

If snot flows like a stream from an adult, what should you do? Regardless of the cause of a runny nose, emergency remedy can be used vasoconstrictors. They will help you in especially important situations when you need to be in feeling great. These medications include medications based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline: “Naphthyzin”, “Tizin”, “Snoop”, “Nazivin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Otrivin” and many others. Their use should not last more than three days.

More long-term use allowed with the drug "Vibrocil". His active substance is phenylephrine. The duration of use of the medication is up to one week. All medications come in the form of drops or sprays. The consumer himself chooses what is convenient for him.

Viral disease and cold

Often we are completely at a loss if snot flows like a stream. What to do? In an adult, the cause of the symptom may be viral disease. In this case, the body usually copes with the problem on its own. But with reduced immunity, he needs help.

In every pharmacy you can purchase medications that boost immunity and fight the virus. These are medicines with trade name“Derinat”, “Grippferon”, “Genferon”, “Nazoferon” and others. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. On the first day of illness, repeated administration of drugs is usually recommended. Medicines have an antiviral effect, protecting mucous membranes respiratory tract from further proliferation of pathogenic microflora. They also contribute natural production interferon and increasing the body's resistance.

Bacterial pathology

What to do if an adult has snot running like a stream? A runny nose can also be caused by bacterial pathology. In this case, mucous discharge usually has a yellowish or greenish color. This disease must be treated. Otherwise, it can become chronic or develop into sinusitis, otitis media and other complications.

There are antibacterial agents For local application(drops and sprays). These are “Polydexa”, “Isofra”, “Dioxidin”, “Miramistin” and others. All these medications are used for at least five days. In some cases, your doctor may recommend using medications for up to two weeks. Even if you feel better already on the second day of treatment, do not stop using the medications. Otherwise, this will lead to the development of resistance of microorganisms to this type of antibiotic.


It is very unpleasant if snot and tears flow in a stream. What to do if none of the above methods help? Most likely, in this situation you are dealing with allergies. The cause of its manifestation may be flowering plants, animals, household chemicals and so on. Appropriate tests will help determine what exactly causes an endless runny nose.

There are several ways to treat an allergic reaction. Most often patients are prescribed antihistamines For oral administration. These are the drugs Zyrtec, Cetrin, Loratadine and many others. Topical medications can also be used: Tafen, Avamys, Nasonex, and so on.

Drug-induced rhinitis

This disease is common cause the fact that snot flows like a stream from an adult. What to do in this case? You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and get recommendations that suit you. Treat drug-induced rhinitis Can in different ways. In each case we select individual drugs and an individual scheme for their use. Remember that prolonged drug-induced rhinitis can lead to irreversible consequences. Especially when it is caused by improper or excessive use of vasoconstrictors. In this case it will be necessary surgery, which has its consequences. Continuing to use vasoconstrictor drugs is not a solution to the situation.

Pay attention to the surrounding conditions

It also happens that for another reason an adult’s snot flows like a stream. What to do then? You need to pay attention to the conditions that surround you. A runny nose may be a result of dry air. This happens especially often in winter time with strong heating. You can humidify the air in your home or office using special devices- humidifiers. If there is no such device, then just hang it up wet towels around the room. Within a few hours you will feel much better.

Let's sum it up

You now know the main reasons why a person may develop a profuse runny nose. Please note that doctors do not advise self-medication. Find out what exactly caused it copious discharge mucus from the nasal passages, only diagnosis will help. If the snot does not go away for a long time and greatly impairs the quality of your life, seek help from an otolaryngologist. Easy breathing to you!

Yellow colored water coming from the nose is not normal. This condition subject to compulsory treatment, which is accompanied by a search for the cause and its elimination.

Interesting! Liquid of any color discharged from the nose is a symptom that signals the presence of a disease that can manifest itself at any time!


Nasal discharge clear water may well be a physiological norm for the body if a person has been under the influence for a long time low temperatures or actively engaged in physical exercise.

Also transparent discharge from the nose can be observed during development allergic reaction, accompanied by lacrimation, and when infected with ARVI. In the first case, you need to contact an allergist who will help identify the allergen and give recommendations regarding the prevention of allergies. In the second case, when proper treatment Nasal discharge goes away on its own.

It’s another matter if the discharge of yellow liquid from the nose is accompanied by headaches, especially when tilting the head or turning it in a direction. different sides. This is already a symptom of more serious diseases and a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

The reasons why yellow water flows from the nasal passages may be as follows:

  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Development of maxillary sinus cysts.

All of the diseases listed above are not so terrible, but they become dangerous in the form of complications. This is why it is important to get treatment in a timely manner.


If yellow discharge flows from the nasal passages, then the most obvious reason is similar phenomenon– development of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a process called inflammatory in nature which affects paranasal sinuses nose Sinusitis can develop in acute or chronic form, and symptoms will vary depending on the form, which makes diagnosis easier.

Acute sinusitis is accompanied by:

  • Paroxysmal changes in temperature;
  • The appearance of headaches in response to head movements, especially bending;
  • The appearance of pain in response to pressure on the infraorbital areas;
  • The appearance of copious mucous discharge and yellow color.

Chronic sinusitis has slightly different symptoms:

  • Difficulty with nasal breathing;
  • The development of rhinitis, which is permanent or worsening;

Main difference acute sinusitis from chronic is that the pain in the orbital area in the second case is not so severe. However, both in acute and in chronic sinusitis fluid flows from the nasal passages yellowish color.


Sinusitis is another reason why yellow water may be leaking from the nose. Sinusitis develops in response to bacterial, fungal or viral infection. The fluid released from the nasal passages is not only yellow in color, but also has an unpleasant odor.

There are a number of symptoms that help suspect the development of sinusitis:

  • Development pain both at rest and if the sinus area is pressed or the head is tilted - this is explained by the movement of pus inside the sinuses;
  • Increasing pain in the head;
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing mainly on one side only;
  • Complaints of loss of smell or decreased ability to distinguish odors;
  • The water that flows from the nasal passages is not only yellow, but also purulent in nature;
  • The cough is dry at night and usually less pronounced during the day;
  • Redness skin from the side of the affected sinus;
  • Temperature surges.

Maxillary sinus cyst

A common reason why yellow water flows from the nasal passages is a sinus cyst. A cyst is a neoplasm that is benign and filled with fluid. Most often, the cyst is not accompanied by any complaints from patients, but is discovered completely by accident. Sometimes people may complain about:

  • difficult nasal breathing associated with congestion; this phenomenon is temporary, but relapses are frequent;
  • when the head is tilted, a yellowish discharge flows from the nose on one side;
  • headaches or pain when pressing on the sinus area.

Maxillary sinus cyst

In the case of a maxillary sinus cyst, the yellowish fluid that flows from the nose is a secretion that accumulates in the cyst.

It is worth keeping in mind that a change in liquid color from yellow to brown speaks of any injury that led to a violation of the integrity of the cyst. If the injury is serious, then the excretion may be mixed with blood clots or veins. Rupture of a maxillary sinus cyst is a direct indication for hospitalization of a person in a hospital and treatment there.

Important! If you can remember and tell at a doctor’s appointment what diseases you have recently had, whether your face was injured in lately, and also describe in detail the nature of nasal discharge, then this information will greatly facilitate the diagnosis and allow you to select the most effective therapy and start treatment faster.

If liquid with a yellow tint flows from the nasal passages, this indicates the development of diseases that neglected form dangerous due to their consequences.

Since it is impossible to independently determine the cause at home, if you have nasal discharge of any nature, you are advised to seek help from a doctor.