The three C's that cause swelling. Main causes of swelling

Ecology of consumption. Health: What outwardly distinguishes a person who has had enough sleep from a person after sleepless night?..

What externally distinguishes a person who has had enough sleep from a person after a sleepless night? It is distinguished by a small, barely noticeable, but systemic swelling that blurs the facial features. Such a delay does not pose a serious threat to your health, but does not add freshness and attractiveness to you.

Today we will look three main causes of constant swelling: stress, sweets and salt.

In these three Cs, the measure is very important: for example, swelling will be caused by both excess and lack of salt, the same is true for carbohydrates. I would especially like to emphasize that I am not talking about other causes of swelling: kidney problems, heart failure, anemia, venous insufficiency, low plasma protein, etc.

The three Cs are strongly connected.

Consider these reasons together, since they are usually connected both at the behavioral level (during stress you abuse confectionery products, where there is a lot of sugar and salt), and at the cellular level.

Carbohydrates and sodium are both absorbed by the transporter protein SGLT-1, which has receptors sensitive to both glucose and sodium ions. Transport of both substances into the cell occurs if both receptors are excited simultaneously. The energy that causes the movement of sodium ions and glucose molecules from the outer surface of the membrane inward is the difference in sodium concentrations between the inner and outer surface cells. That is, you will still absorb carbohydrates if you cut out the sodium, but the presence of sodium speeds up absorption.

Unfortunately, not only women in interesting position or elderly people burdened with a whole bunch of chronic diseases. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space is typical for both men and children. There are many causes of edema; you will learn about the most common ones on this page.

What are edema and what is it?

Liquid makes up about 3/5 of the total mass human body. About 70% of it is in cells and 30% is extracellular; Between the cellular and extracellular fluid there is a constant exchange of electrolytes and metabolic products: amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins. Volume, composition and location of liquids components organism are among its physiological constants.

Extracellular fluid is divided into blood plasma, which transports metabolic products to the places of their consumption and excretion, and fluid located in the intercellular spaces. This fluid is a transudate of blood plasma. Through it, metabolic products enter the cells from the blood and are delivered from the cells to the excretory organs.

Excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space leads to the formation of edema.

What is edema? medical point vision? Edema is the swelling of tissue as a result of a pathological increase in the volume of interstitial fluid. Edematous fluid comes from blood plasma and accumulates when there is an increase in the transition of fluid from the vascular bed to the interstitial space or, in some cases, to anatomical cavities.

It is customary to distinguish between general and local edema: the first develop in diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, the second - for diseases of the veins, lymphatic vessels, and allergic inflammation.

Reasons why a person swells

Fluid during general edema is distributed in accordance with the laws of gravity. Edema in patients with heart failure who are in a semi-sitting position appears first on the lower limbs, in the lumbosacral region. If the patient can lie freely in a horizontal position, swelling appears primarily on the face and hands, as is easy to see in children suffering from acute glomerulo-nephritis. The accumulation of fluid in the body is explained by a decrease in its excretion by the kidneys. The formation and distribution of intercellular and tissue fluid may also be disrupted by mechanisms at the capillary level. Dependence of edema formation on altitude venous pressure clearly visible in patients with mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure: their edema occurs primarily in the pulmonary circulation.

Hydrostatic blood pressure in individual organs is not the same. For example, the average blood pressure in the pulmonary capillaries usually does not exceed 10 mmHg. Art., and in the capillaries of the renal glomerulus is approximately 75 mm Hg. Art. Even in separate body, for example in the lower limb, capillary pressure changes depending on the position of the person. This explains the appearance of more or less pronounced swelling of the feet in the evening in people who spend the working day in an upright position. Morning swelling under the eyes is explained by the combined effect of very low interstitial pressure in these areas with a temporary increase in capillary pressure due to prolonged night time in a horizontal position.

The accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space is also observed with a decrease in osmotic pressure blood plasma (below 20 mm Hg). Why does swelling occur in this case? Since this pressure is created mainly by albumin, then reduced content their presence in the blood is often accompanied by the formation of edema. The content of proteins in the blood plasma may decrease either due to a slowdown in the rate of their synthesis or due to an increase in their loss from the body. The rate of synthesis of albumins and globulins is determined functional state liver. The content of proteins in the blood plasma also depends on diet and malabsorption, which often occurs in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, on the loss of protein in the urine, etc.

Most often, the cause of edema is heart disease, which is usually designated as 2nd or 3rd degree. Edema, which is based on kidney damage, is much less common ( nephrotic syndrome) and liver. IN recent years Edema that appears in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in people suffering from insufficient protein content in the diet attracts attention.

It is relatively easy to diagnose only local edema. Clinical methods In most cases, research allows us to identify the cause of their occurrence. The mechanisms of formation of general edema are complex; their diagnosis is based on identifying connections with the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Correct assessment of the underlying mechanism is critical for the selection of therapeutic modalities.

Reasons why general and local swelling occurs

Swelling is enough serious symptom: their appearance may serve as the first sign of the development of a formidable pathology. Therefore, self-medication without identifying the cause that led to the development of edema is completely unacceptable. An examination, consultation with a doctor, and very often treatment of the underlying disease that caused the swelling is necessary.

However, with a competent approach and after assessing all the most important moments modern methods clinical medicine(like centuries-tested folk remedies, if used correctly) can combat swelling very effectively.

Noticeable general edema in an adult means the accumulation of three or more liters of fluid in the body. Why a person swells, most often it is the retention of salt and water by the kidneys. The distribution of edema among tissues may indicate their cause.

Local edema is associated with a specific organ or area of ​​the vascular bed and is easily distinguishable from general (generalized) edema. Isolated edema of the limb is usually associated with venous or lymphatic insufficiency (deep vein thrombosis, primary lymphedema, impaired blood flow due to tumor growth). With paralysis of the lower limb, edema can develop as a result of stagnant processes. Allergic reactions (angioedema) and obstruction of the superior vena cava cause local facial edema. Bilateral lower extremity edema may also have local reasons: a person swells, for example, due to narrowing of the inferior vena cava when it is compressed due to any pathological process or tumors in abdominal cavity.

This is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, and hydrothorax is in pleural cavity. With ascites, fluid accumulates due to increased vascular resistance and hypertension. A decrease in serum albumin and increased intra-abdominal pressure lead to edema of the lower extremities.

Generalized (generalized) edema is swelling of tissue in most or all parts of the body. Bilateral edema of the lower extremities, more pronounced after standing for several hours, and pulmonary edema are usually of cardiac origin.

Swelling in the eye area is usually caused by a pathology in which the normal excretion of sodium from the body is reduced. Ascites and edema of the lower extremities are often observed in liver cirrhosis and chronic heart failure. In the latter case, the decrease cardiac output and blood circulation volume leads to vascular renal spasm, redistribution of blood flow and, as a consequence, to a decrease in blood flow through the kidneys, an increase in venous pressure, and sodium retention.

In nephrotic syndrome, severe loss of albumin through the kidneys reduces normal pressure plasma, promoting the release of fluid into the interstitial space and sodium retention by the kidneys.

For acute or chronic renal failure edema occurs when sodium intake exceeds the kidneys' ability to excrete it due to a marked decrease in filtration. In this case, the causes of edema may be nutritional deficiency, chronic disease liver or nephrotic syndrome.

More rare causes general edema: syndrome of repeated weight gain and edema in women of puberty; dysfunction thyroid gland(hypothyroidism); reception with therapeutic purpose steroids, estrogens and vasodilators; pregnancy; recovery period after fasting.

How to prevent swelling from progressing

Everyone suffering from this pathology is interested in how edema can be prevented. accessible ways. Limiting the amount of sodium you eat can prevent further progression of edema. Bed rest increases favorable tissue response to intake restriction table salt for chronic heart failure. Elastic stockings and the elevated position of swollen limbs help mobilize interstitial fluid.

Thus, in some cases even completely simple measures you can fight edema quite effectively. In addition, there are a large number medicinal herbs and recipes traditional medicine that help cope with this pathological condition.

However, here, at the very beginning, I would like to note the following: edema is a fairly serious symptom, so that its appearance can serve as the first sign of the development of a formidable pathology. Therefore, before dealing with edema, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication without identifying the cause that led to the development of edema is completely unacceptable. An examination, consultation with a doctor, and very often treatment of the underlying disease that caused the swelling is necessary.

However, with a competent approach and after assessing all the most important points, modern methods of clinical medicine (like proven folk remedies for centuries, if they are used correctly) can combat edema very effectively.

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Swelling in the morning of the upper and especially lower eyelids on the face, it is difficult to fasten boots in the evening, and shoes, perfectly dressed in the morning, begin to unbearably squeeze the legs, deep imprints from the elastic of the socks appear on the skin...

The cause of edema can be many diseases. How often do we have to deal with similar phenomena! But these symptoms are not always safe, because these are the first signs of edema syndrome. Edema, especially obvious, is always a manifestation of a disease of an internal organ or blood vessels. They will not go away on their own, and if you do not pay attention to them, they may arise later. serious problems with health.

So where to start? First you need to find out the reason why your legs and/or face began to swell. There are many diseases and conditions that are accompanied by edema, so differential diagnosis must be carried out by a specialist - a doctor.

Main diseases accompanied by edema

  1. Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  2. Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.).
  3. Heart diseases ( ischemic disease heart defects, cardiomyopathies, etc.).
  4. Liver diseases (cirrhosis).
  5. Allergy.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Disorders of lymph outflow, so-called elephantiasis.

Varicose veins

One of the reasons for swelling of the legs is varicose veins lower extremities Varicose veins of the lower extremities are one of the main reasons why legs swell. Most common in women. Normally, veins participate in blood circulation, their walls have some “strength” - tone, due to which blood returns back to the heart against hydrostatic pressure, to a height human size. Valves inside the veins also prevent blood from flowing downwards. With varicose veins, the veins have slightly weaker walls, and under some conditions (for example, long work standing, pregnancy, etc.) cannot withstand pressure and expand, taking on the appearance of “bags”, knots, cords. The return of blood decreases, it stagnates in the veins, and its liquid part escapes into the tissue - swelling occurs. The longer a person spends on his feet, the worse the swelling. They occur mainly on the legs and are accompanied by heaviness and pain in the legs (or one leg). Swelling increases in the evening, goes away or decreases overnight. If varicose veins have existed for some time, the color and moisture of the skin changes, spots may appear, and hair may fall out. Dilated veins are not always visible through the skin. There is damage to deep veins that are not visible.

Varicose veins are dangerous due to the inflammation of a vein with the formation of a blood clot inside it. Blood clots can break off from the vein wall and be carried by the bloodstream into the lungs - there they clog the vessel and it turns out pulmonary infarction. It is better to prevent this and get treatment (or surgery) from an angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) in a timely manner.

Edema due to kidney disease

Of all kidney diseases, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis are the most common.

Pyelonephritis - inflammation renal tissue caused by pathogenic bacteria or mushrooms. It is usually manifested by fever, lower back pain and pain when urinating (dysuria).

Glomerulonephritis is a more serious disease that leads to kidney failure. It also causes lower back pain, malaise, and weakness. There is no dysuria, but a lot of protein, red blood cells (red urine) are found in the urine, and the blood pressure.

Swelling with kidney disease is possible even on the hands Swelling with kidney diseases may first appear on the face, especially the eyelids, and then on the ankles, legs and even higher: arms, stomach. Moreover, they appear in the morning, and by the end of the day they intensify on the legs. The skin is unchanged, warm, maybe a little pale. Their occurrence is associated with the difficulty of sick kidneys excreting salts and water (excess water remains in the body), as well as protein loss through the kidneys (protein normally retains water in the bloodstream, preventing it from leaking through vascular wall in fabric). Quite often, edema is the first symptom of kidney disease, since both pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis can flow latently for several years.

Edema due to heart disease

Arterial hypertension and coronary disease (angina) are the scourge of our time. Their prevalence is enormous. And then there are heart defects, cardiomyopathies... Any disease that damages the heart muscle (myocardium) causes a decrease in the contractility of the heart, weakens it and, after some time, contributes to the appearance of heart failure. Those. A situation arises in which it becomes difficult for the heart to pump the entire volume of blood and part of it remains, so to speak, on the periphery (usually in the lower extremities). Its liquid part seeps into the tissue - swelling appears. Usually, in heart failure, renal function is also impaired (reversibly), they do not excrete excess liquid and salt, which increases swelling.

Edema in heart failure increases over several days and weeks, the skin is usually pale, cool, sometimes with a bluish edema. They are accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, palpitations during exercise, shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure, and there may be pain and interruptions in the functioning of the heart (uneven pulse).

Edema in liver diseases

Liver diseases are characterized by swelling of the abdomen. Liver diseases themselves (hepatitis, hepatosis) do not lead to the appearance of edema. Edema appears at the stage of complications if the disease progresses to. With cirrhosis, water is also retained in the body; in addition, the suffering liver does not produce enough protein, the so-called oncotic pressure of the blood drops, and fluid is not retained in the bloodstream.

The feet, legs, thighs, and abdomen may swell (especially typical!). They are accompanied by yellowness of the skin and eyes, bruises on the skin, weakness, heaviness in the right side, weight loss, and sometimes a significant enlargement of the liver.

Allergic edema

They have a rather characteristic picture and are usually accompanied by redness of the skin, itching and often a rash. In this case, the skin on the face and neck swells; in severe cases, the swelling of the skin spreads to the entire body. Hoarseness, nasal congestion, and lacrimation are also possible. These symptoms occur after contact with an allergen: a certain food product(citrus fruits, fish, etc.), medicine, aerosols, etc.

Endocrine diseases

Dense swelling of myxedema manifests itself in hypothyroidism. First of all, this is a pathology of the thyroid gland with insufficiency of its function - hypothyroidism. He might be of different origins: autoimmune, post-operative, as a result of iodine deficiency in food, etc., but regardless of the cause, the thyroid gland produces little hormones. One of the manifestations of hypothyroidism is dense swelling - myxedema. Myxedema is most noticeable on the face, but it spreads to the entire body. In addition to swelling, there are other symptoms: slowness, drowsiness, memory loss, chilliness, decreased heart rate, decreased body temperature, etc. Thyroid gland can be either increased or decreased.


It is also the cause of edema. In principle, they can appear on any part of the body (face, mammary gland, arm), but most often on the lower extremities (or on one leg). In addition to veins and arteries, the human body has lymphatic vessels, in particular, they carry out the exchange and outflow of fluid from tissues. If this outflow is disrupted, the lymph gradually stagnates more and more, the affected part of the body increases significantly in volume, its contours become deformed, and mobility becomes difficult. The swelling is persistent and does not go away after rest. Early characteristic symptom lymphostasis - the inability to fold the skin over the affected area when the swelling is still small.

Let's sum it up

The conditions listed here are far from full list those diseases that can cause edema. It is important to remember that edema is just a symptom of the ill health of one or another organ, and there is no single recipe for curing them. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid gland, blood vessels are treated differently, and even therapy for the same disease in two different people may vary.

Therefore, if you suddenly have swelling, do not rely on the advice of “experienced” people - go to the clinic, laboratory and take a simple set of tests:

  • general blood test,
  • general urine test,
  • : total protein, urea, creatinine, ALAT, ASAT, bilirubin, blood sugar, cholesterol;
  • Ultrasound internal organs.

Contact a specialist, he will figure it out and prescribe correct treatment. And remember: self-administration medicines may be dangerous. For example, improper use of diuretics for a long time (incorrect dosages, intervals between doses, course duration) sometimes leads to irreversible loss of kidney function. Don't risk your health, contact specialists!

Edema can ruin the appearance of any girl. But in addition to aesthetic shortcomings, it raises concerns for the health of the entire body. Edema itself is the excessive accumulation of fluids in extracellular tissue spaces or organs.

It doesn’t seem so scary: well, we drank a lot of water at night, the kidneys didn’t have time to flush out, it would seem that the matter is fixable. But swelling can be a harbinger of serious diseases such as heart failure or be of an allergic nature. Don't panic ahead of time. You just need to understand the issue and keep it under control, then everything will be fine.

Causes of swelling

Fluid retention and impaired outflow can be caused by disruption of the body’s “excretory” systems. This is one of the most “harmless” factors. Something as banal as constipation can lead not only to swelling, but also to cramps, pain and even dizziness.

Irregularities at work lymphatic system can also provoke fluid retention, and such a failure can also be an organ injury, causing an active flow of blood and lymph to the site of damage. Violation of tissue integrity is invisible or does not cause pain, but in this case the cause of edema is hidden inside the body and requires close attention, as it signals a problem. By the way, cellulite, which is hated by all women, is also a disorder of the lymphatic system that can cause “swelling” on the thighs and abdomen.

Malfunction circulatory system also causes swelling. The causes of edema may be hidden in a disruption of the venous apparatus (a common example is varicose veins) or in a disruption of protein synthesis and the content of electrolytes in the blood ( frequent consequences strict diets).

Just a note. It turned out to be quite a ladies' set. The only good news is that, despite heredity and predisposition, all these processes can be controlled: do not drink a lot of liquid at night, do not go on strict diets that promise a loss of 6 kg in a week, do not wear too high heels and give your feet rest at the first symptoms voltage.

The causes of edema can be more serious if there are disturbances in the functioning of the body. Kidney or heart failure is already dangerous diseases, which can lead to not very pleasant complications. And, although salt abuse is the most common reason edema, if in doubt, it is better to do a cardiogram and ultrasound. Fluid accumulation may be harmless symptom, indicating poor nutrition and a passive lifestyle, or may be a signal from the body about a failure. This is especially true for local swelling: face, eyes, arms, legs, neck. For example, angioedema, the causes of which are hidden in allergies, requires an immediate reaction, otherwise acute form Hospitalization may be required.

Local swelling: causes, treatment

General stagnation of fluid in the body, which can be caused by excess salt or malfunction excretory systems, differs from local edema, when blood or lymph accumulates around an organ, or in a specific area of ​​extracellular tissue space.

Swelling in the legs, the causes of which can be caused by fatigue, heart failure and impaired lymph flow, cause a lot of inconvenience. Often the feet swell in workers in professions who spend a lot of time standing: salespeople, hairdressers, sales representatives. Edema in this case is situational or mechanical in nature, since the circulation of blood and lymph is difficult. Stagnation of fluids in organs can even lead to fatal consequences. The most dangerous is cerebral edema, the causes of which may be hidden in microstrokes and hemorrhages. Pulmonary edema is also dangerous, its causes are associated with pneumonia or severe bruise chest.

Neutralization of swelling is usually not possible without diuretics. Quincke's edema, the causes of which are allergies, is treated antihistamines. At serious illnesses any procedures should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Swelling of the eyelids, the causes of which may be a simple lack of sleep or prolonged crying, can be reduced with the help of compresses made from black tea or a weak decoction of chamomile flowers.

Stagnation of body fluids in soft tissues most often occurs locally. When one of the legs or arms swells, the fact of lymph retention is most noticeable, since the comparison with a healthy limb, as they say, is “impressive.” But in the case when disturbances occur inside an organ, the changes of which are not externally noticeable, there is a high risk of developing adverse consequences.

Swelling of the brain, the causes of which may be inflammation, the development of tumors, injuries, postoperative rehabilitation, is very dangerous to human health. Incorrect treatment can lead to impairment of mental functions and even fatal outcome. Basically, there are cytotoxic, vasogenic and filtration cerebral edema. Important correct diagnosis, because different types fluid accumulations imply various, sometimes contradictory, types of treatment.

Pulmonary edema, the causes of which can be hidden in heart disease, tumors and banal asthma, is also quite dangerous factor. Pulmonary embolism can also be a cause of pulmonary edema. It can also be fatal, even after a well-executed surgical operation, if in pulmonary artery got a blood clot.

Just a note. IN modern conditions Some infections can cause complications, including swelling (for example, skin infections, conjunctivitis, etc.).

Poor lifestyle, lack of nutritional balance, stress and heavy loads- the most common precursors of fluid retention in tissues. Swelling of the face, the causes of which can be infectious, allergic, traumatic or other, most often causes dissatisfaction among girls. Often this problem It is hereditary, but at the same time treatable.

Hormonal imbalances in the bodies of men and women can cause disturbances in lymph flow. For example, swelling of the hands, the causes of which may appear during pregnancy. Consumption by men large quantity beer promotes the ingestion of hop products rich in phytoestrogens into the body. The beer belly, which is so often compared to the belly of pregnant women, is the result of the introduction into the body of a substance similar in structure to female sex hormones. Thus, there is a violation hormonal levels, which often entails swelling.

However, persistent swelling is a reason to consult a doctor, as it can be a symptom of serious illness.

Causes of edema

It is important to be able to distinguish false swelling from true one. False edema is revealed by pressing on it with a finger - no trace remains, and when true quite long time a hole remains.

Most often, false edema occurs with myxidema (lack of thyroid hormones), systemic scleroderma(disease connective tissue) and obesity.

True edema is usually caused by several reasons.

  • Poor outflow of lymph and venous blood.
  • Sedentary image life.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • High permeability of vessel walls.
  • Biochemical changes in the composition of plasma and tissue fluid.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

General swelling called uniform accumulation of fluid throughout the body. Local swelling located only on the diseased area of ​​the body.

What diseases does swelling warn of?

  • Morning loose swelling of the face often warns of problems with the kidneys. The pressure dent remains for a long time.
  • ABOUT bad work the heart says swelling of the legs, lower abdomen and genitals. Sometimes cardiac edema is combined with shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips and fingers, and pronounced swelling of the veins in the neck. Such swelling appears towards the end of the day and disappears in the morning.
  • Hepatic edema is expressed by edema of the anterior abdominal wall and collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites). Often the skin on the abdomen becomes yellowish, itches, and spider veins form on it.
  • Vein diseases are indicated by painful swelling in the legs. They appear during the day and increase in size in the evening.
  • Swelling areas near the joints indicate severe arthritis or rheumatism.
  • Swelling limbs and face may indicate exhaustion of the body caused by alcohol abuse, fasting or diseases of the digestive tract.
  • At the site of a bruise, fracture, or sprain, swelling often forms due to rupture of small blood vessels. And if the swelling on the twisted leg does not cause much concern and gradually subsides on its own, then a traumatic brain injury can cause dangerous swelling brain
  • Swelling caused by lymph congestion can appear anywhere, but most often occurs in the arms and legs. Please note that when pressed, a pit is not formed, and they are easily confused with false edema.
  • Allergic edema is very dangerous due to its rapid appearance. For example, Quincke's edema covers the neck, face and lips, which leads to breathing problems and cessation. It can also be local - it occurs only at the point of contact with the allergen. Frequent accompaniments of such edema are rash and itching.
  • Pregnant women often complain of edema, which occurs due to water-salt imbalance and compression of the lymphatic and blood vessels by the uterus.
  • Pulmonary edema is considered one of the most dangerous swelling of internal organs. If the patient is not provided in time medical care, then he may die from suffocation. Swelling occurs with pneumonia, bronchitis, trauma, severe violations functioning of the cardiovascular system. Remember the signs of pulmonary edema: foaming at the mouth, severe shortness of breath, cough with foaming sputum, heavy wheezing breathing. At the first symptoms, call immediately ambulance! Every second counts!

What to do if you have swelling?

If you find swelling in yourself, do not self-medicate under any circumstances and do not wait for it to go away on its own, but consult a doctor immediately. Edema can be caused by the most for various reasons, put accurate diagnosis and only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Do not forget that swelling can also occur in completely healthy people. Shoes that are too tight, hot weather, too much salty food, high heels, tears - all this can cause slight swelling of the face, arms and legs. You should really worry if the swelling is permanent.

If you are concerned about excessive swelling, try to see your doctor as soon as possible. At our clinic, you will find attentive, experienced specialists who will find out the cause of the problem and help eliminate it.

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