Intracranial pressure - symptoms and treatment in adults. How to deal with increased intracranial pressure? How to find out cranial pressure

Nature has taken excellent care of the safety of the human brain. She enclosed him in a hard skull case to prevent possible injury. In addition, brain tissue is always in suspension, constantly washed by cerebrospinal fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid. It plays the role of a kind of shock-absorbing pillow, and also protects the brain from shock. But not only that. Liquor carries oxygen to brain cells, nutrients. And then it removes waste products through the venous outflow.

Liquor continuously circulates, washing the spinal cord and brain. In a healthy person, it is completely renewed up to seven times a day. Its constant volume, as a rule, reaches 1 liter. Cerebrospinal fluid originates from the arterial plexuses, taking away their nutrition for the “gray” matter, and leaves through the venous pathways, taking with it waste waste.

If suddenly for some reason the venous outflow is disrupted, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid becomes difficult. It begins to accumulate and puts pressure on soft fabrics brain, eventually leading to their deformation and atrophy. This condition causes severe headaches. They usually occur in the early morning or at night, when the overall blood flow in the body is slow and stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid forms more easily.

In addition, the value of intracranial pressure is influenced by the density of brain tissue, which largely depends on the inflow arterial blood and venous outflow. ICP also depends on the presence of intracellular and osmotic pressure extracellular fluid.

Signs and symptoms of intracranial pressure

Many of us tend not to give of great importance mild malaise, manifested by minor headaches, short-term and mild, blurred vision. But all these signs are characteristic of fluctuations in intracranial pressure and may indicate severe structural damage to the brain.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

How does increased ICP feel? In most cases, severe stale head syndrome occurs, bursting, pressing pain appears. This type of headache appears as a result of irritation of receptors in the dura mater of the brain and intracranial vessels. The pressure comes from the inside onto the eyeballs and ears. The feeling is like when an airplane lands.

The patient also experiences constant fatigue and is in a state of increased nervousness. Literally everything irritates him: bright lights, loud sounds, people around him. Nausea appears, accompanied by vomiting. But at the same time gag reflex does not bring the patient the expected relief. Visual impairment and hearing impairment occur.

Intracranial increase in pressure - dangerous phenomenon and can cause a lot of harm human health. It requires attention and help good specialists in the field of neuroscience.

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Reduced intracranial pressure

If the cerebrospinal fluid level drops, the ICP decreases. Primary intracranial hypotension is a fairly rare phenomenon. Most often, the disease occurs due to loss of cerebrospinal fluid as a result of therapeutic and diagnostic interventions. This condition can also be caused by an overdose of dehydrating medications, as well as arterial hypotension.

Most characteristic symptom is . It decreases when the jugular veins are pressed or when lying down with the head down. Painful sensations are accompanied by dizziness, attacks of nausea, and tachycardia. The patient is pale skin, arterial hypotension, lethargy, lethargy. At sharp decline ICP can manifest as disturbances of consciousness, from mild forms to coma.

Decreased intracranial pressure due to a lack of cerebrospinal fluid can lead to brain injury. After all, cerebrospinal fluid plays the role of a kind of shock-absorbing cushion, protecting the “gray matter” from unwanted shocks. Consequently, intracranial hypotension increases the risk of damage to the blood vessels of the head with further hemorrhage in the brain, as well as displacement of brain tissue or damage to its structure.

Thus, normal level ICP is an indispensable condition active brain activity.

This pathology does not occur very often. But no one is safe from it age category. Men are much less susceptible to it than women and children.

Provoking factors include:

Sometimes ICP surges are a physiological norm. But this can only be judged after a number of necessary diagnostic measures have been carried out.

How is intracranial pressure measured?

Arterial pressure should be distinguished from intracranial pressure. In the first case, it is enough to use a tonometer, mechanical or electronic, and you can do this yourself. ICP is measured using medical personnel in the hospital. This procedure is quite traumatic, and it is allowed mainly in seriously ill patients in order to timely prevent a threat to their life.

There are several ways to measure intracranial pressure in the neurological rehabilitation department:

  1. Subdural method. Used rarely and in particularly severe cases. Special tool a small hole is made in bone tissue skulls A subdural sensor is placed there, with which measurements are taken.
  2. Epidural method. An epidural sensor is placed in the burr hole between the skull and the meninges.
  3. Through an intraventricular catheter. This is the most modern and reliable way determination of ICP. A catheter is inserted into the cranial cavity through an opening, which is capable of reaching lateral ventricle brain Thanks to it, it is possible not only to measure intracranial pressure, but also to pump out excess cerebrospinal fluid.

ICP can be approximately determined using MRI or electroencephalography, when indicators of bioelectrical activity of the brain are assessed. Their fluctuations may indicate ICP disorders. In addition, an ophthalmologist, with a thorough analysis of the fundus, can also detect intracranial hypertension.

It is not possible to determine the level of pressure at home. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your condition, and if characteristic features consult a doctor.

How to reduce intracranial pressure

Can be used to eliminate symptoms of increased intracranial pressure different methods. The tactics and treatment regimen are determined by the attending physician. This may include:

  • conservative therapy . As a rule, diuretics and a diet with low content salt;
  • surgical correction . If drug treatment is ineffective, excess cerebrospinal fluid is removed using a catheter or a structural tumor is removed;
  • folk remedies. It is recommended to take renal, diuretic teas, which improve the outflow of fluid from the body, soothing and vasodilating teas, which allow you to relieve vascular spasm and improve cerebral circulation;
  • alternative ways treatment: massage, special gymnastic exercises. Such methods are effective only with pressure caused by obstructed venous outflow due to compression of the veins by spasmed neck muscles or processes of the cervical vertebrae.

If the change in ICP is situational in nature, it is natural and cannot be treated. Such pressure surges are observed after some types of physical activity, due to weather changes and other reasons.

Treatment of intracranial hypertension: methods and means

When suffering from headaches, many of us are accustomed to using painkillers exclusively. At the same time, forgetting that without eliminating the root cause of pain, it is impossible to get rid of them forever. The direction of treatment will directly depend on what disease is the root cause of the painful symptoms.

Both conservative and surgical treatment, as well as knowledge and experience traditional medicine. In any case, it is necessary to reduce blood pressure only under the supervision of a specialist. The main principle is the simultaneous treatment of the underlying disease and reduction of ICP in various ways and means. In addition to medications, the patient is prescribed diet therapy, correct drinking regime, lifestyle changes.

The following methods of treating the disease are used:

  • diuretics (Veroshpiron, Mannitol, Furosemide, Diacarb, etc.) are removed from the body excess liquid, normalize the content of cerebrospinal fluid and improve its absorption;
  • venotonic drugs that regulate venous outflow (Phlebodia, Troxivasin, Eufilin, etc.);
  • all preparations containing caffeine tone the veins and promote outflow venous blood;
  • preparations containing potassium (Asparkam) improve electrolyte balance and tissue metabolism, resulting in improved brain nutrition. Prescribed for cerebral edema caused by traumatic brain injury or stroke;
  • corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) are taken for brain tumors and meningitis. Neutralizes swelling caused by intoxication or allergies;
  • myotropic antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Caventon, Cinnarizine, etc.) eliminate spasm of cerebral vessels, thereby improving blood flow and nutrition of the brain;
  • antibacterial agents used for neuroinfections;
  • (Nootropil, Pantogam, Ginkgo biloba, etc.) significantly improve brain function, positively affecting mental processes and memory mechanisms;
  • sedatives neutralize the effects of stress, act as a vasodilator, relieve irritability, improve sleep quality, mental activity;
  • vitamin complexes prescribed to improve metabolism, general strengthening body;
  • homeopathic remedies(Notta, Neurohel);
  • surgical method used in cases where a brain tumor has formed and puts pressure on surrounding intracranial structures. In case of hydrocephalus, excess cerebrospinal fluid is drained through intracranial penetration using a silicone catheter;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis with aminophylline (introduction of aminophylline into collar area improves brain nutrition and normalizes lymph absorption), magnet on the collar area ( magnetic fields normalize blood pressure, relieve swelling), massage, physical therapy, acupuncture (relieves vascular spasm, improves metabolism and work nervous system), circular shower (stimulates work vascular system, improves metabolism);
  • traditional treatment applies only if ICP has increased due to overweight, constant stress, disorders of venous outflow or osteochondrosis cervicothoracic region spine.

Some of these techniques make it easier symptomatic manifestations intracranial hypertension, the rest eliminate its root cause. If the disease is not treated, it will become chronic form and can lead to serious complications such as stroke.

Relieving symptoms of intracranial pressure at home

Running will help normalize blood pressure. Results will appear faster if accompanied by correct breathing. Gymnastic exercises, visiting the pool, daily hiking, any other increase in activity during the day.

Need to get rid of excess weight, if there is one. This will help normalize blood pressure. Diet should be adhered to healthy principles: use less salt and more fresh salt natural food: vegetables, herbs, fruits. It would be useful to include daily diet ginger, which will strengthen blood vessels, normalize cerebral circulation, and increase immunity.

To avoid surges in ICP at night, you should place a thin and fairly dense pillow under your head. Thanks to this cervical arteries will not be pinched during sleep, and blood circulation in the brain will not be disrupted. In addition, at home for removing ICP symptoms use a heating pad in the lumbar region, do self-massage of the head and collar area.

It is necessary to stop smoking. Nicotine causes vascular spasms and disrupts liquor dynamics. Reduce alcohol consumption as it can cause swelling of the brain. Avoid overheating in a bath or under hot sun rays. Limit your time spent watching TV and computers to one hour a day. Maintain a daily routine and alternate between mental and physical activity. Carry out regularly sanatorium treatment, specializing in diseases of the circulatory system.

Intracranial pressure: treatment with folk remedies

Due to the fact that constant pressure is placed on the brain, serious disturbances in its functions occur. A person’s intellectual capabilities, energy level, and quality of life decrease. Therefore, it is necessary with various means and ways to normalize ICP levels, including using traditional medicine methods.

The most reliable folk remedies for the treatment of intracranial hypertension are considered to be a mixture of honey and lemon juice with water, infusions of rose hips, plantain, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, alcohol tincture of clover. They consume kidney teas, stimulating the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as herbal decoctions with a mild diuretic effect ( horsetail, knotweed and others).

Effective prophylactic serves peppermint oil, taken in the amount of 10 drops per glass of water twice a day after meals. It effectively affects the condition of blood vessels and maintains their tone.

With increased ICP, mustard baths help well. One or two tablespoons of mustard powder are diluted in a bowl with warm water and immerse your feet there for 10-20 minutes. Such simple procedure will reduce the filling of the blood vessels of the brain and will help reduce intracranial pressure.

For self-massage of the head, take pollen, mixed with honey (2:1). The mixture is kept in a dark place for three days, and only after that it is suitable for consumption. You should gradually rub the prepared product into your head, back neck. Then wrap everything in a towel, and repeat this daily for a month.

Mixture alcohol tinctures will improve blood circulation in the brain tissue and help reduce cranial pressure. It is necessary to mix the following tinctures medicinal plants:

  • eucalyptus (1/4 part);
  • mint (1/4 part);
  • valerian (1 part);
  • motherwort (1 part);
  • hawthorn (1 part).

The mixture is placed in a darkened glass container, a little clove is added and left to infuse. After two weeks, start taking 25 drops in a tablespoon of water three times a day. The prepared remedy eliminates venous spasm and improves the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Unconventional methods will help to remove for some time painful sensations caused by intracranial hypertension, but will not eliminate the underlying disease. Therefore, you should not resort to self-medication. Folk remedies are only a component complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Tablets for intracranial pressure

Among medications Diacarb is the most popular. This drug is prescribed for disorders of the outflow of cerebral fluid and intracranial hypertension. The medicine reduces the formation of cerebrospinal fluid and successfully treats liquorodynamic disorders.

Use only after consultation with a specialist. Due to the fact that Diacarb oxidizes the blood, it long-term use undesirable. The drug is usually taken in small intermittent courses.

Diacarb promotes enhanced removal of potassium salts from the body. Therefore, in order to neutralize the side effect, the doctor prescribes Asparkam at the same time. This medicine provides fast delivery potassium and magnesium into cells, removal of bicarbonate, increasing blood acidity levels.

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Diacarb and Asparkam are the most good combination, which helps to reduce the volume of fluid in the body without complications, as well as intracranial pressure.


Intracranial pressure is the pressure inside the human skull. For example, in the ventricles of the brain, sinuses of the dura mater meninges, subarachnoid and epidural space. At the moment of intracranial pressure in any of the above parts of the skull, an accumulation or lack of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs, which is provoked by a violation of its circulation. This liquid is always under a certain pressure and is systematically updated due to circulation from one to another area. As a rule, the update process lasts a week, but sometimes there are violations. If cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in one place, then intracranial pressure increases, cerebrospinal fluid decreases - the pressure decreases.

Causes and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is an accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid, which gradually puts pressure on the brain. This disease is not “independent”, but a symptom of other ailments, such as:

  • Meningitis and encephalitis;
  • Congenital anomalies;
  • Bruises, injuries, concussions (even from the past or due to congenital injury);
  • Poisoning (drug and alcohol);
  • Hypoxia;
  • Hematomas and intracranial hemorrhages;
  • Intracranial processes (tumors of the brain or its membrane);
  • There is a disturbance in the blood supply in the vessels of the brain.
Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure are:
  1. Increased sweating;
  2. Nausea and vomiting;
  3. Headaches, especially severe in the morning;
  4. “Bruises” under the eyes (by stretching the skin, you can see small bruises);
  5. Rapid heartbeat;
  6. Blurred vision, throbbing pain, double vision.

Please note that during weather changes and atmospheric pressure manifestations of these symptoms are possible.

Causes and symptoms of low intracranial pressure

The leakage of cerebrospinal fluid leads to a decrease in intracranial pressure. The reasons for this may be: narrowing of the cerebral artery, tumor diseases. Also, a decrease in pressure can occur after a head injury, with prolonged narrowing of blood vessels, brain tumors, and when taking diuretics for a long time.

Symptoms of this phenomenon:

  • Irritability;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Headaches, especially worse when sitting.

Signs and symptoms of intracranial pressure in children

Parents of newborn babies should be wary of frequent regurgitation, regardless of food intake, and obvious movement disorders eyeballs. Long-term “swelling” of the fontanelle and an increased gap between its sutures are related to external signs illness. In its normal state, the fontanel should be slightly sunken.

It is recommended to measure your child's head circumference monthly. Disproportional or big head, its rapid growth, convex forehead - the first symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. The baby's restless behavior also indicates this disease: a sick child often screams “on the same note” monotonously and monotonously for several hours in a row. If the correct diagnosis is not made in time, the child’s development will begin to lag significantly behind his peers (later holding his head up, crawling, sitting).

In older children, increased intracranial pressure will cause severe headaches, seizures, fatigue, strabismus, nausea and vomiting. The child may complain of double vision, pain behind the eye sockets, and bright flashes before the eyes. Children also experience irritability, refusal to play, tearfulness, apathy, drowsiness, etc.

Diagnosis of intracranial pressure

Guided only by symptoms, as well as upon examination by a neurologist, it is impossible to understand whether there is intracranial pressure. For correct diagnosis should go diagnostic procedures. Modern medicine determines intracranial pressure by indirect and direct methods.

Direct method for diagnosing intracranial pressure

Procedures within the direct method are quite complex and are carried out only when it is impossible to establish intracranial hypertension in any other way, since during such manipulations a needle is inserted into a ventricle of the brain or into a canal spinal cord. TO direct method applies spinal tap and puncture of the ventricles of the brain.

Indirect method for diagnosing intracranial pressure

Most often, the diagnosis of low or increased intracranial pressure is established based on indirect methods:
  1. Visit to an ophthalmologist. Intracranial pressure interferes with the flow of blood from the eyes, resulting in disc edema. optic nerve and the retinal veins dilate.
  2. Ultrasound of the brain, which determines the width of the ventricles of the brain. Most often, this procedure is performed on children whose fontanel is still open.
  3. CT ( computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). If necessary, before the procedure, inject into the bloodstream contrast agent. These manipulations will reveal changes that increase intracranial pressure - an enlarged cerebral ventricle, thinning of brain tissue, etc.
  4. EEG (electroencephalography) determines the functioning of the brain. If abnormalities in brain function are detected, we can talk about increased intracranial pressure.

Treatment of intracranial pressure

Before starting treatment, the main diseases that caused increased intracranial pressure should be identified and treated, since the pressure itself is treated secondary.
  • Choose the dose and regimen of fluid intake;
  • Take diuretics;
  • Drink teas and herbs that have a diuretic effect;
  • Perform therapeutic exercises to help normalize blood pressure, but without heavy physical exertion;
  • Stick to a diet that limits salt and fatty foods;
  • Avoid saunas and steam baths;
  • Sleep on high pillows;
  • Swimming, which helps reduce ICP;
  • Systematically massage the “collar” area;
  • Avoid air travel;
  • Eat foods containing potassium - green vegetables, citrus fruits, dried apricots, potatoes;
  • Do not change the climate and time zones dramatically.
Low intracranial pressure should be treated with fluid stimulation (CSF) by normalizing the water-electrolyte balance. In case of non-receipt positive results it is necessary to close the hole through which part of the cerebrospinal fluid is pumped out. This is done through surgery.

Watch a video about the types of intracranial pressure:

And finally, remember that the most accurate method for measuring intracranial pressure is to insert a catheter into the lateral ventricle of the brain, to the place where cerebrospinal fluid. Another method is a subdural screw, which measures the pressure in the subdural space.

Many patients ask how to measure intracranial pressure at home. It is necessary to understand that this diagnostic event considered impossible. Blood pressure can only be determined in a hospital using special devices. The most reliable and valuable medical point vision is to measure intracranial pressure in dynamics. Therefore, preference is given to monitoring systems.

If you experience causeless dizziness, drowsiness, increased sweating, headache and blurred vision, the patient is advised to check his intracranial pressure.

You should not agree to an untested research method that may be recommended for the purpose of monetary gain. Diagnosis should only be carried out in a hospital setting. In addition, we should not forget that not all methods of measuring intracranial pressure are safe.

Invasive measurement methods

ICP, or intracranial pressure, is an indicator that characterizes the force with which cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid surrounding the brain) presses on tissue. If, after measuring ICP, a deviation from the norm was detected, then it will be necessary to find out the reason that provoked such changes. Intracranial pressure can increase significantly dangerous reasons(hematomas, tumors, etc.).

There are 3 invasive methods for measuring pressure:

  1. Subdural. Complex procedure, which involves drilling a burr hole in the skull. The measurement is carried out using a special subdural screw, which is inserted into this hole and removed after measuring the pressure. This method It is rarely used, as it is quite dangerous, but it cannot be avoided if ICP is greatly increased. The sudebural method also makes it possible to pump out excess cerebrospinal fluid, which helps reduce blood pressure.
  2. Epidural. This method similar to the previous one, but, unlike it, a special sensor is inserted into the burr hole. With its help, ICP is measured. During the epidural method, it is impossible to reduce the formation inside the skull high blood pressure.
  3. Intraventricular. A burr hole is made in the area where the lateral ventricle is located, through which all the necessary data is obtained using a catheter. The intraventricular method makes it possible to immediately pump out cerebrospinal fluid during diagnosis, if necessary.

Invasive measurement methods are dangerous for the patient. If the manipulation is performed incorrectly, the patient may experience serious complications. Therefore, craniotomy to measure intracranial pressure is prescribed to patients with serious injuries head, with cerebral edema and other things that pose a threat to life.

In order to determine ICP without violating the integrity of the cranium, there are indirect methods impact. In this area, science has not achieved even greater success, so not all methods known to medicine are reliable.

Before checking intracranial pressure for abnormalities using a non-invasive method, the patient will have to undergo a series of tests. The combination of their results will make it possible to determine the ICP indicator.

  1. Calculation of pressure based on the value of blood flow velocity in the basal veins, in the straight sinus and in the jugular veins compressed for a certain time.
  2. Otoacoustic method. Offset based eardrum. This method makes it possible to measure ICP not only in adults, but also in small children.
  3. Fundus examination. The principle of the method is to diagnose dilated and tortuous vessels, as well as swelling of the optic discs. This technique is considered one of the most accurate among non-invasive methods.
  4. Neuroimaging (computer and magnetic resonance imaging). Such methods are referred to as auxiliary methods diagnostics, since they do not give accurate results. The method is based on the study of a number of data from which the residual diagnosis is made. The following are taken into account: the presence of edema of the brain, changes in the ventricles of the brain, the size of brain tissue at the edge of the ventricles, thrombosis of the venous sinuses, hemorrhage, the presence of cysts, tumors, etc.
  5. Spinal tap. This diagnostic method is considered the most accurate. To carry it out, the patient will need to stay in the hospital. Pressure is measured using a special pressure gauge and a needle, which is inserted into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.

The method by which ICP will be measured is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

If the patient has been prescribed to find out the intracranial pressure by examining the fundus, he should contact an ophthalmologist. Don't be afraid to pass this examination. It is completely painless and safe for the patient.

In order to see the fundus of the eye, the doctor instills a special medicine into the eyes that dilates the pupils. It is recommended to come to the examination accompanied by one of your family members or close people who will help you get home after the procedure. The point is that under the influence medicinal substance, which dilates the pupils, the patient temporarily loses the ability to see.

The examination can be carried out using an ophthalmoscope or personally by a doctor (manually).

Recognize high blood pressure possible by the following criteria:

  • tortuosity and dilatation of the fundus vessels;
  • change in fabric color;
  • changing the outline and color of the disc.

After detecting such deviations from the norm, the ophthalmologist redirects the patient to another specialist - a neurologist. Next, a number of auxiliary diagnostic measures are carried out.

If ICP is elevated, it is necessary to determine the cause that provoked it. Based on this data, treatment will be selected.

Determination of ICP in children

Measuring intracranial pressure in children is painless and safe for health. Ultrasound is used as diagnostics. The peculiarity of such a study is that it is quite accurate, but it can only be carried out for up to 10 years. The fact is that scanning is carried out through the fontanel. By about 10 years of age, it is completely overgrown, and it becomes impossible to measure intracranial pressure through it.

For older children, in order to measure ICP and identify the pathology that provoked its increase, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. The doctor monitors how the vessels are filled with blood, the condition of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathways, etc.

Due to the fact that the MRI device is noisy and during the diagnostic process it is necessary to place the child’s head in the device’s channel, many children panic, which makes this research method difficult. To get the most accurate results, you need to remain calm and still.

An echoencephalograph is an ultrasound device that makes it possible to take a number of readings, including pulsation of the blood vessels of the brain. The principle of the study is the amplitude of the vibration of the sound signal. Based on these data, the child’s intracranial pressure is assessed.

Intracranial pressure in adults is a condition characterized by too high pressure of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. In its normal state, the brain blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid function stably and create a kind of balance. If any of these components increases in size, this leads to infringement of the others, since the size of the skull remains the same. As a result, intracranial pressure increases.

The main causes and signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults

The appearance of intracranial pressure in adulthood can be influenced by a variety of factors. These include:

  1. Violation metabolic processes which are accompanied by poor absorption of fluid into the blood.
  2. Excessive amount of fluid in the human body, which leads to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid.
  3. Vascular spasm that prevents normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.
  4. Hypoxia of the brain.
  5. Meningitis.
  6. Hydrocephalus.
  7. Overweight
  8. Vitamin A overdose.
  9. Impaired blood flow.
  10. Severe poisoning.
  11. Brain tumor.

Fibrillary astrocytoma of the brain is a serious disease. More information about this disease can be found at this link:.

Video highlighting the signs and treatments of intracranial pressure:

bulging and tension of the fontanel, divergence of the sutures between the bones of the skull.

Convulsions are possible if they persist for a long time pathological process- mental impairment, blindness, paralysis.

It must be remembered that separately, each of the listed symptoms does not indicate an increase in ICP.

Attention! If a child really has increased intracranial pressure, then he needs urgent hospitalization, because we're talking about about a threat to life!

Are not symptoms of increased intracranial pressure:

  • dilated ventricles, interhemispheric fissure and other parts of the cerebrospinal fluid system on a neurosonogram (NSG) or tomograms
  • sleep and behavior disorders
  • hyperactivity, attention deficit, bad habits
  • mental, speech and motor development disorders, poor academic performance
  • “marble” skin pattern, including on the head
  • nosebleeds
  • “finger impressions” on a skull x-ray
  • tremor (shaking) of the chin
  • tiptoe walking

Diagnosis of intracranial pressure

It is possible to objectively assess the state of intracranial pressure only during an operation with opening of the skull or (less reliably) during lumbar puncture. All other studies provide indirect information that can form a certain picture only with competent interpretation by a doctor.

Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain, subarachnoid spaces, interhemispheric fissure is often detected in healthy people and without clinical picture doesn't say anything.

Neurosonography (CT, MRI) does not make a diagnosis and does not prescribe treatment.

The most accessible initial diagnostic method for suspected increased HF pressure is examination of the fundus. Additional Methods examinations are designed to clarify the nature of brain damage.

Imaging methods (neurosonography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) are not directly related to the determination of pressure, although they can help clarify the cause of the disease, assess the prognosis and suggest a course of action.

The use of echoencephaloscopy (EchoES, or EchoEG - echoencephalography) “to determine ICP” is a common misconception in the post-Soviet space. It is fundamentally impossible to assess pressure using echoes. This ancient method is used only for quick and extremely approximate search large volumetric intracranial formations (tumors, hematomas, etc.). EchoES data may be useful in machine 03 or reception department when determining first aid methods and choosing a place of hospitalization.

It is also impossible to assess ICP using electroencephalography (EEG), rheoencephalography (REG).

Just in case, it is worth mentioning the “diagnosis” according to Voll, Nakatani and similar charlatan methods - these procedures have nothing to do with diagnosing anything and serve only to take money.

Treatment of intracranial pressure

Treatment of conditions accompanied by increased intracranial pressure depends on the causes of their occurrence. Thus, for hydrocephalus, operations are performed in which excess cerebrospinal fluid is drained from the cranial cavity, if a tumor is present, it is removed, and for bacterial neuroinfections, antibiotics are administered. Also used symptomatically drug treatment, aimed at reducing ICP, however this is usually a temporary measure for an acute situation.

The common practice of “treating” any disease with diuretics (diacarb, triampur) is incorrect. In most cases, treatment is aimed at a non-existent diagnosis. Subject to availability real readings treatment should be carried out in a hospital under strict supervision. The desire for “drug treatment of intracranial hypertension” can lead to loss of time and the development for this reason of irreversible changes in the body (hydrocephalus, blindness, intellectual impairment). On the other hand, treating a healthy patient risks “only” side effects used drugs.

To confirm this, one can cite the world-famous manual Child Neurology (J. Menkes, H. Sarnat, 2005)


As a rule, drug treatment for hydrocephalus is ineffective, because in most cases, hydrocephalus is the result of impaired absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, and medicines this process is practically unregulated. Majority existing drugs, proven to reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid, with the exception of acetazolamide and furosemide, are poorly tolerated in effective dosages. These drugs in appropriate doses (100 mg/kg/day of acetazolamide and 1 mg/kg/day of furosemide) reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid - acetazolamide due to inhibition of carbonic anhydrase, furosemide due to inhibition of the transport of chlorine ions. Each of these drugs can reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid by 50%; the effect of their combination is higher. A decrease in cerebrospinal fluid production by 1/3 leads to a decrease in intracranial pressure by only 1.5 mm of water column, which limits clinical application these medications. Today they are used as a temporary measure before surgery.

There is no cure for any condition with increased intracranial pressure:

  • « vascular drugs"(cavinton, cinnarizine, sermion, nicotinic acid, etc.)
  • « nootropic drugs"(nootropil, piracetam, pantogam, encephabol, picamilon, etc.)
  • homeopathy
  • herbs
  • vitamins
  • massage
  • acupuncture

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