Possible causes of eye swelling in dogs. Eye swelling in dogs: causes and what to do

The causes of eye swelling are of different nature. In any case, you should immediately pay attention to problems with the mucous membranes, since swelling or swelling often indicates an eye infection. You shouldn’t rule out simple blockage, which can be eliminated by washing and simple treatment afterwards.

If your pet's eye is swollen, other symptoms and concerns appear that do not disappear for more than a day, you need to consult a doctor to rule out dangerous diagnoses.

Swollen eyes and watery eyes

These signs often indicate allergies, especially seasonal ones. The owner notices that under certain conditions or at some time of the year, there is swelling, perhaps sneezing, and a rash appears on the body.

In this case, a diagnosis of allergic conditions is needed. First, allergens (vegetables and fruits, new foods) are excluded from the diet and isolated from dust, pollen, and synthetics. Allergy tests will help determine the causative agent.
To relieve swelling and tearfulness, use:

  • Suprastin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Claritin.
  • Or other antihistamines. The drugs only relieve symptoms, but do not achieve remission.

The dog has a swollen eye: inflammation of the conjunctiva

Not an independent disease, but a symptom. Caused by a cold, eye infection, or injury to the cornea. Accompanied by purulent discharge and (or) tearfulness. Act in different situations follows differently.


While walking or playing, dust, small debris and stones could get into the pet's eye. Small objects come out with a tear, but if for a long time The pet is restless and tries to scratch its eye, you need to examine it yourself.

  • It is important to put a special collar and muzzle on your head: the inspection will be unpleasant.
  • Before doing this, wash your hands and put on gloves.
  • If foreign body small in size and easily accessible, carefully remove it or wash it clean water room temperature.
  • For prevention, apply tetracycline ointment or rinse the eye with special antibacterial drops.

If the object is large or stationary in the eye, then immediately contact a specialist. Since the organ is mobile, the body can injure the cornea with a sharp edge or cause an infection.

Conjunctivitis and its types

The mucous membrane of the eye turns red and secretes pus - this is a bacterial form of the disease. First you need to remove the pus with a solution of furatsilin: 1 tablet. per glass of water. Ciprofloxacin, Ciprovet or Tobramycin (antibiotics) are dripped into the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day, and tetracycline ointment is applied in the morning and evening. Additionally stimulate the immune system.

Other forms of conjunctivitis - catarrhal, dry eye, follicular - are treated differently. Catarrhal appears due to eye injuries, follicular - inflammation of the follicles, often a chronic form. Dry cornea appears due to pathologies in the structure of the organ, so the cornea is not moisturized as it should be.

Eye infection

It is called blepharitis. If a dog has swollen eyes and eyelids (lower and upper at the same time), then most likely there is an infection. Signs:

  • swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • pain;
  • frequent blinking - blepharospasms;
  • purulent or mucous discharge;
  • crusts or scales on the eyelids.

Treatment includes warm compresses for 5-15 minutes, removal of purulent discharge and antibacterial ointments. If the disease does not subside, prescribe immune support. Sometimes blepharitis - congenital disease due to pathology of the eyelids or due to the genetic predisposition of the breed. Then a doctor's consultation is indicated; surgical intervention may be required.

The upper eyelid is swollen - reasons

This symptom causes stye. This is a harmless disease that occurs against a background of reduced immunity. Warming with a special lamp and medications to stimulate the immune system are prescribed. Usually treatment does not take more than 2-3 weeks. It happens that the lower eyelid is swollen: stye appears there too.

The swelling is also caused by another reason - inversion of the eyelids. This is a pathology of the eye structure, in which the eyelashes grow inward and injure the cornea. Requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Other causes of edema

In the warm season, swelling appears as local reaction to insect bites. Then the area is treated with an antiseptic and the pet is monitored to avoid allergies. Usually in adult dogs it goes away on its own and is painful for a while.

A more dangerous tumor is the eyelid, which increases in size. This may indicate oncology. Shown additional research. Veterinarians note that morning swelling in the morning, which subsides during the day, may indicate heart or kidney disease.

A dog's eye consists of an eyeball, then covered by the upper and lower eyelids with eyelashes. The eyelids and the front of the eye are covered with a mucous membrane - the conjunctiva (which forms a fold - the third eyelid). Tear fluid accumulates in the inner corner of the eye and flows through pinholes into the nasal cavity along the lacrimal duct. When blocked (due to inflammation or physiological characteristics), the tear flows onto the front surface of the dog’s muzzle, forming dark “paths”.

In dogs, unlike in humans, it is difficult to determine diseases associated with visual impairment (myopia and farsightedness). Most often, inflammatory diseases of the eye membranes (conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis) are observed in dogs. IN modern conditions clinics it became possible to diagnose and treat diseases of the eyeball - cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, etc.

The following symptoms may indicate eye disease. - unnatural discharge. In dogs, especially small breeds, excessive lacrimation is often observed. Watery eyes may be caused by constriction tear ducts, then noted in some breeds (Pekingese, pug and others). This cannot be considered as such. disease, but how physiological feature If, with increased lacrimation, there is no inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, the tears are transparent and clean and do not bother the dog. Cloudy, opaque, copious discharge

Inflamed tissue around the eye indicates inflammation or irritation of the mucous membranes by a foreign object. Inflamed conjunctiva - red, swollen, with purulent discharge visible on its surface - these are signs of conjunctivitis. If the dog's eyelids are squinted, the eye is watery, and the conjunctiva is red - most likely, a foreign body has entered the eye

White spots, depressions or cloudiness on the surface of the eye are signs of eye disease. With keratitis, a “smoky” coating forms on the surface of the cornea; with glaucoma, the cornea becomes blue-gray and opaque

Vision loss is not always noticeable in dogs, especially if vision weakens gradually. Dogs compensate well for the lack of vision with other senses, especially smell, especially since their vision is not as acute as that of humans. Some dogs, for example, greyhounds, tolerate vision loss worse because they are guided not by smell, but by vision. Vision loss is caused by chronic

chelic keratitis, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment and other diseases

Photophobia is increased sensitivity eyes to light (daylight or artificial). Accompanied by involuntary closing of the eyelids (squinting), lacrimation, and sometimes the dog rubs its eyes with its paw. Photophobia is a sign of diseases of the cornea, conjunctiva and others. The same symptoms can be observed when dust or debris gets into the eye.

Eye diseases are divided into infectious, non-infectious and congenital. Infectious diseases are often complications of severe viral or bacterial infections, but can also occur primarily. Non-communicable diseases- mechanical injuries, neoplasms (for example, adenoma of the third eyelid), inversions and inversions of the eyelids, trichiasis (improper growth of eyelashes) Some anomalies in the development of the eyes and eyelids are congenital in dogs, for example, inversion of the eyelids in Shar-Peis. Some birth defects can be corrected surgically.

The eye is a very “delicate” organ that can be easily injured if improperly washed and administered medications. Although the dog suits most medicines, intended for people, it is recommended to use them carefully, preferably after consultation with a veterinarian.

Upon appointment medicinal substances directly into the eye, it is also recommended to remember that for one administration one drop of the medicine is enough, and a smaller part of this drop penetrates into the eye. For chronic diseases, drops are instilled from 2 to 6 times a day, and for acute diseases - from 8 to 10. The eyelids protect the eye from mechanical damage. The eyeball is a kind of lens that

raya captures and converts light signals. It consists of three layers: on the outside it is limited by a transparent cornea, through which the iris (usually brown in dogs) and the dark pupil are visible. Through the transparent cornea and pupil, light penetrates into the eye, onto the retina. The main “organ” of vision is the retina, which is formed nerve cells, forming optic nerve, connecting to the centers of the brain. The lacrimal gland is located above the eyeball. Its ducts open in the conjunctiva and wash it all the time. Eye ointments provide therapeutic effect within 30 min. therefore, they are also recommended to be used several times a day.

Inflammation usually begins at the edges of the eyelids, at the base of the eyelashes. The edges of the eyelids swell, ulcers and crusts of dried pus form on them. At long term diseases, the skin of the eyelids becomes coarser and thickens, hair and eyelashes may fall out, and eversion or inversion of the eyelids may occur.

To treat blepharitis, it is necessary to remove the crusts, soften them with oil and cauterize the ulcers with a 1% solution of brilliant green or a 2% solution of silver nitrate. Good effect gives the use of ointments: 1% liniment of synthomycin, sulfacyl sodium, boron-zinc. Assigned according to displays symptomatic treatment

(painkillers), for chronic blepharitis - intravenous injections novocaine or calcium chloride.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the connective membrane surrounding the eye. This disease often occurs in dogs and manifests itself in a variety of forms and types. Conjunctivitis is characterized by swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, discharge from the eyes. Infectious conjunctivitis develops when the protective properties of the membrane decrease, this happens not only with severe infectious diseases (for example, plague), but also with diseases internal organs or metabolic disorders. Conjunctivitis is often caused by mechanical injuries, irritants or foreign objects. There are several types of conjunctivitis: according to the course - acute and chronic, according to the nature of the discharge - catarrhal and purulent.

For acute conjunctivitis general condition A sick dog is often depressed and has an elevated body temperature (fever). The eyelids are squinted, the dog avoids bright light. With catarrhal conjunctivitis, discharge gray, thick and viscous, when purulent - thick, gray-yellow or greenish. Pus accumulates along the edges of the eyelids, forming crusts. Acute conjunctivitis may last several days and end with recovery, or it may become chronic. The most common is follicular chronic conjunctivitis - prolonged inflammation causes damage to the lymphatic follicles on inner surface third century (the surface of the eyelid becomes like a ripe raspberry). The disease can last for years. The outer surface of the conjunctiva is reddened and a small amount of purulent exudate is released. During exacerbations, it is accompanied by squinting of the eyelids and photophobia.

For diagnosing pathogens of infectious conjunctivitis, it is useful to use microbiological examination. Determining the type of bacteria that caused the disease will help to correctly prescribe an antibiotic.

Treatment primarily depends on the severity of the process and the type of conjunctivitis. It is necessary to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment as early as possible so that the disease does not become chronic. For all types of diseases, the eyes are washed antiseptic solutions, exudate is removed as it accumulates (5-6 times a day if necessary). Medicinal drops and ointments are prescribed: 0.25% solution of levomycetin, kanamycin, Sofrodex oletethrine, erythromycin eye ointments. Ophthalmic films containing kanamycin, neomycin or sulfapyridazine are convenient to use and effective.

In chronic diseases, to reduce swelling of the conjunctiva, drugs containing dexamethasone or hydrocortisone (Oftan, dexamethasone emulsion, hydrocortisone ointment) are used. In some cases, subconjunctival novocaine blockades are indicated. For chronic conjunctivitis, additional therapy is necessary, which is aimed at increasing protective forces body: FiBS preparation for injection (1 ml, subcutaneously, once a day for 3–4 weeks), injections of aloe extract, etc. Follicular conjunctivitis treated by cauterizing the follicles with lapis followed by washing the eyes saline solution.

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea that causes clouding. The surface of the cornea becomes cloudy (“smoky”) and opaque. In dogs, keratitis is most often observed as a complication of chronic blepharitis and conjunctivitis, with inversion or eversion of the eyelids. Prolonged inflammation causes irritation and damage to the cornea, it loses its protective properties and becomes open to infection.

Most light form. - superficial keratitis, in which clouding of the cornea occurs quickly, sometimes even within a few hours, and can disappear in one day if the cause is eliminated. The disease is accompanied by moderate lacrimation, the dog squints the eye and avoids bright light if the keratitis is complicated by another disease or a foreign body has entered the eye.

Superficial keratitis, complicated by conjunctivitis or with prolonged traumatic exposure (with entropion of the eyelids, trichiasis), can develop into purulent inflammation. The cornea becomes rough, swollen, whitish-yellow, and prominent purulent exudate. The vessels of the eyeball are enlarged. The dog is worried, rubs its eye with its paw, and may have a fever and photophobia. With purulent keratitis, significant damage to the cornea is observed, which can result in the formation of an ulcer. Purulent keratitis can also develop into pigmentary keratitis, in which the cornea overgrows with pigment cells and becomes opaque.

When treating keratitis, the cause of inflammation is first eliminated. The eyes are washed with antiseptic solutions (chamomile or parsley decoction, furatsilin solution, rivanol). For superficial keratitis it is prescribed eye drops with chloramphenicol, dexamethasone ophthalmic emulsion, vitamin drops. If not purulent inflammation, good result give injections vitreous(1 ml, s.c., 1 time per day, 2–3 weeks), FiBS drug. For corneal injuries not complicated by infection, healing ointments (Solcoseryl eye jelly) are prescribed.

For purulent keratitis, drops, ointments or eye films with antibiotics are prescribed in combination with a subconjunctival block.

Another form of keratitis - “dry” keratitis, is observed with insufficient secretion of tear fluid, which leads to overdrying and damage to the cornea. This may be a consequence of lacrimal gland disease. Treatment consists of frequent injections of “artificial” tears to prevent the cornea from drying out and eliminate the causes of the disease.

Glaucoma is chronic disease, in which the pressure inside the eyeball constantly or periodically increases. Excessive pressure destroys tissue inside the eye (particularly the retina and optic nerve), leading to complete or partial loss of vision. This may happen suddenly or gradually. Glaucoma is a serious disease that requires consultation with a veterinarian.

There are three main types of glaucoma - congenital (or primary) and secondary. Primary glaucoma associated with congenital circulatory disorders of the eye. Secondary glaucoma develops as a complication of inflammation of the cornea, iris, lens displacement and trauma.

For glaucoma eyeball compacted, increased in size, cloudy cornea, gray-blue color, pupil irregular shape. The eye hurts and waters, intraocular pressure is increased (up to 70 mm Hg).

Treatment primarily involves eliminating primary disease. To reduce intraocular pressure eye drops are used: 1% solution of pilocarpine (or eye films with pilocarpine), physostigmine. Diacarb (0.5–1 tablet once a day) and painkillers (aspirin, no-spa) are prescribed internally. If drug treatment ineffective, operation displayed.

Cataract is clouding of the lens. The lens is located inside the eye (behind the pupil); it is a kind of lens that projects the image onto the retina. The disease leads to complete or partial loss of vision.

Cataracts in dogs can be congenital, age-related (senile) and swelling (toxic). Senile and congenital cataract progress slowly and may take several years to develop. Currently, it is believed that cataracts or a predisposition to them are inherited.

When the cataract matures, the cloudy lens is removed, allowing partial restoration of vision. Developed and widely used abroad contact lenses for animals. As a medicinal treatment, special drops are prescribed: vicein, katachrome, vitamins, but medicinal treatment is ineffective.

Intumescent cataract - acute illness, in which swelling of the lens tissue occurs. Intraocular pressure is sharp

increases, trophism of intraocular tissues is disrupted. Atrophy develops optic nerve, which leads to vision loss. Under the influence high pressure The membrane of the eyeball may rupture and the eye will die. Most effective method treatment of swelling cataracts - microsurgery (removal of the lens).

Inversions and inversions of the eyelids - with scar healing of wounds or ulcers, impaired muscle tone, the skin of the eyelids can tighten so that the eyelid is not completely adjacent to the eyeball. The edge of the eyelid is turned inward (inversion) or turned outward (inversion). This position of the eyelids may be congenital defect. During inversion, the eyelids rub against the cornea of ​​the eye, irritating it. The cornea becomes damaged and keratitis may develop and an ulcer may form. Eversion of the eyelids sometimes occurs in dogs with loose skin (“raw”). A drooping eyelid does not protect the eye enough, and it becomes sensitive to irritation.

These defects can be corrected surgery. If the disease is congenital, the operation is performed on puppies at the age of 2–3 months.

Adenoma of the third eyelid is an enlargement of the lacrimal gland, which is located with inside third century. The reason may be inflammatory disease or neoplasm. Conservative treatment often ineffective. If the third eyelid is greatly enlarged, it is recommended to remove it. This operation in calm dogs can be performed under local anesthesia(a few drops of dicaine are instilled into the eye).

Ear diseases in dogs

A dog's ear consists of three parts: outer, middle and inner. The outer ear is the pinna, the shape of which depends on the breed of the dog and is highly variable. The auricle and middle ear are connected by the auditory canal, which is closed at the end by the eardrum. The middle ear is located in bone cavity skulls Its cavity is limited eardrums, between which there are interconnected bones that transmit sounds from the middle ear to the inner ear. The inner ear is the main part of the hearing organ and the organ of balance. Here are the nerve endings that convert the sound signal and transmit it to the centers of the brain.

There are diseases (otitis) of external, middle and inner ear. Chronic otitis media is difficult to treat and, as a rule, spreads over time to all parts of the hearing organ. These diseases are dangerous because inner ear directly related to the brain, which may also be involved in the pathological process, and there is a possibility of hearing loss. Celebrate increased amount sulfur, bad smell from the ear. At long-term illness the skin of the ear canal and pinna becomes rough and thickened and may block the ear canal.

Inflammation of the outer ear is best treated in acute stage process. First of all, carefully and carefully clean the external auditory canal. To clean the ear, it is better to use herbal or Vaseline oil and not irritating liquids. In case of heavy discharge, powder the ear canal with special powders or powders (the powders usually contain antibiotics, for example, tricillin, xeroform or iodoform, anesthesin, boric acid). If there is almost no discharge, you can apply ointments (synthomycin liniment mixed with nystatin ointment). In order to select the appropriate antibiotic, you can do a bacteriological analysis of the microflora of the ear. Therefore, the owner needs to monitor the condition of his dog’s ears, especially if the dog’s ears are drooping: such ears are more susceptible to infectious diseases.

Ear diseases are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

Abnormal ear discharge or excess wax buildup - Dogs have a buildup of wax, a thick mass of yellow or brown. Normal sulfur has a weak specific odor. A plaque of wax forms in the auricle or on the walls of the ear canal. Excessive wax - clumps or thick crusts covering the outer ear. If the wax changes color or consistency, it is considered abnormal discharge

Unpleasant odor from the ear - usually occurs with inflammation. Often an unpleasant odor is associated with pathological discharge, but sometimes no discharge is observed - “dry” otitis media. "Dry" otitis - allergic disease

Scabs or crusts on the surface of the outer ear - occur when there is abnormal, excessive discharge or disease of the skin of the auricle

Swelling in the ear area and pain, the dog tries to scratch or rub the ear, shakes its head, tilts its head to the side. This is a sign of an ear hematoma. Hematoma is a “pocket” between the skin and cartilage of the ear, filled with blood. In addition, such symptoms can be observed with insect bites.

Hearing loss - may occur due to injury, past infection, certain medications, loud noise, or just old age. In some cases, deafness or the tendency to develop deafness is a birth defect. Deafness can be treatable if it is caused by an infection or tumor.

The inflamed ear is painful, the dog tries to scratch it and shakes its head. The inside is often red and swollen. At the beginning of the disease, liquid exudate is released abundantly, then it thickens. The disease must be treated urgently before the dog develops complications.

At chronic course symptoms may not be as severe. Inflammation of the brain (meningitis) often leads to the death of a dog.

For treatment, the same drugs are used as for inflammation of the external ear, and they are prescribed complex therapy: injections of antibiotics (intramuscular or intravenous), prednisolone, analgin. You can use pus-retracting compresses and bandages with ointments (Vishnevsky ointment helps well with purulent inflammation).

Hematoma of the auricle. In case of ear injury small vessels, passing under the skin on the surface of the cartilage, burst and blood fills the space between the skin and cartilage. The hematoma is painful, it greatly bothers the dog, which tries to scratch the ear and further injures it. Novo-cain blockade is also recommended trigeminal nerve(0.5% solution of novocaine, 1 ml of gentamicin, 0.5 ml of prednisone, 1 injection per day, in each ear, 5-7 days in a row).

For treatment chronic otitis apply warming compresses (with camphor or boric alcohol) and physical therapy. During the treatment of otitis media, especially chronic forms, it is recommended to appoint. part hypoallergenic diet.

Inflammation of the middle ear - often occurs as a complication of purulent inflammation of the outer ear, especially if it is treated incorrectly or too late. Inflammation of the middle ear can be asymptomatic. However, in dogs there is a passage through the middle ear. facial nerve, innervating the muscles of the muzzle. Therefore, inflammation of the middle ear can cause inflammation of the nerve and lead to paralysis facial muscles(the dog’s lips droop, eyelids become motionless, etc.). At purulent otitis The dog’s general condition often worsens: the body temperature is elevated, the dog is depressed, whines and tries to rub its ear with its paw. When palpated, the base of the ear is very painful. Vomiting often occurs. The dog may become deaf sore ear. Inflammation can spread to the inner ear and brain. It is necessary to open the hematoma surgically, remove the blood and stitch the skin so that the hematoma does not recur. In some cases, it is enough to pump out the accumulated blood several times with a sterile syringe and apply a tight bandage, after which self-healing is observed. The ear cartilage, however, will be deformed. However, as a rule, treatment of a hematoma is a rather lengthy process. Sometimes several operations are required before the hematoma stops forming. In some cases, the introduction of liquid medical gelatin into the hematoma cavity (after pumping out the blood) helps.

Eczema of the auricle is the so-called “dry” otitis media, in which no discharge is observed. The skin of the external auditory canal peels and flakes off, and weeping ulcers form. The cause is usually a food allergy. Therefore, for treatment, they are primarily prescribed special diet.

In addition to diet, antiallergic drugs (suprastin, prednisolone), intravenous injections of novocaine or sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride are indicated. Drugs are prescribed internally that cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism, for example, polyphepan (1 teaspoon on an empty stomach 1 time a day, 5–7 days), Karsil tablets (1 tablet 2 times a day after meals, 3 weeks ), “Essentiale Forte” (1 capsule 1 time a day). The skin of the external auditory canal is lubricated with ointments “Lorinden”, “Flucinar”, prednisolone, sulfur and other emollients.

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You can try to determine the reason why your dog’s eyes are watery at home. Emergencies that require immediate medical attention include injury or any other eye condition that could result in severe pain, loss of vision, or loss of the entire eyeball.

Discharge from the eye area

Any discharge from the eyes is the leading symptom of diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus, but can also occur with diseases of the internal media of the eye.

The dog's eyes begin to water or fester due to excessive secretion of tear fluid and the release of inflammatory products (mucopurulent discharge from the eyes). In chronic cases, it comes to the formation of a “path” with brown-red coloring of light hair, hair gluing, crust formation, development of dermatitis and hair loss.

Why do some dog breeds have excessively watery eyes?

Some dogs' eyes become watery harmless reasons. In brachycephalics, long-haired dogs and dogs with too large palpebral fissure (with excessively stretchable folded skin in the head area), discharge from the eyes is considered normal and does not require special treatment except for daily preventative cleaning. These are breeds such as:

  • bloodhound
  • Saint Bernard
  • Shar Pei
  • cocker
  • bullmastiff
  • bulldogs
  • chow chow
  • basset
  • majority ornamental breeds dogs, etc.

How to examine a dog's eyes?

Ocular lesions are often the result of systemic disease away from the visual organs. Data on breed, age, living conditions, former and existing diseases, as well as medications previously or still used may have important when making a diagnosis. As a rule, at the appointment the doctor asks the owner all the details.

When your dog's eyes are watery, the first thing you can do at home is to examine the animal in a calm atmosphere. Small dogs are placed or seated on a stable table, large dogs are placed on the floor. The palpebral fissure should be held open using any free hand, if possible without force or pressure on the eyeball. In this way, you can determine the nature of the discharge from the eyes (mucous or purulent), notice a foreign body, redness, swelling, etc.

Coercive measures: muzzle for aggressive dogs may interfere, a loop made of wide braid that holds the mouth closed is much more convenient.

The main causes of lacrimation in dogs

Eye discharge in dogs can occur as a result of ocular or systemic diseases.

Eye diseases

Most eye diseases can be diagnosed in specialized clinics, which have equipment for examining the organ of vision.

Main causes and symptoms
What to do?
Neonatal conjunctivitis in puppies

Inflammation develops under a closed palpebral fissure (period after birth) or as a result of various intrauterine infections.


  • The puppy's closed eye swells and waters (discharge in the inner corner of the eye).
  • Manual or surgical opening of the palpebral fissure,
  • washing out exudate,
  • eye ointments containing antibiotics.
Eversion of the eyelids Turning the edge of the eyelid outward:
  • congenital/hereditary – in dogs with a large palpebral fissure and excess, easily removable skin in the head area;
  • paralytic – paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • cicatricial – when a scar forms after injury or surgery


  • incomplete closure of eyelids,
  • discharge from the eyes,
  • conjunctivitis.
  • Treatment is carried out only by surgery.
Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids)

The disease develops with trauma, local infection, allergies, demodicosis, systemic diseases, chronic keratoconjunctivitis.


  • edema,
  • redness,
  • hair loss,
  • scale formation,
  • eyes itch
  • eyelash loss.
Treatment is symptomatic.
  • Clean crusted erosions with chamomile infusion and dry, then lubricate zinc ointment(so that the ointment does not get into your eyes!).
  • At allergic form– antihistamines.
  • For infection, systemic antibiotics.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva is one of the most common lesions of the eye area; however, they rarely appear as an independent disease.

Reason acute conjunctivitis may become contact allergy(dust, pollen, etc.), trauma, exacerbation of chronic conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids.

Chronic conjunctivitis occurs when viral infections(adenovirus, canine distemper), too large palpebral fissure, keratitis, blepharitis.


  • discharge from the eyes (watery, mucous, purulent)
  • the dog squints its eyes,
  • blinking,
  • friction of eyelids,
  • redness,
  • swelling of the conjunctiva.
  • Treatment of the primary disease.
  • Broad spectrum antibiotics.
  • Mechanical removal of nematodes (helminths).
  • Protective collar against self-injury.

The disease occurs due to the lack or absence of tear fluid production.

Often is hereditary disease in West Highland White Terriers, the cause of the pathology is a disorder of sex hormone metabolism, as well as specific secondary causes: plague, use of atropine, anesthesia, trauma.


  • blinking,
  • eye rubbing,
  • dry crusts along the edges of the eyelids,
  • blepharitis,
  • mucopurulent discharge from the eyes,
  • viscous mucus in the conjunctival folds,
  • redness of the conjunctiva,
  • edema.
  • Thorough rinsing of the conjunctival and corneal area is the most important procedure before each local application of drugs, first every 2 hours!
  • Initially only one is used eye ointment with antibiotics.


Represents emergency situation, the misinterpretation of which is the most common cause rapid onset of blindness. Treatment is prescribed veterinarian- ophthalmologist, fully convinced of the diagnosis. Symptoms:

  • The leading symptom is a wide pupil and a red eye due to increased intraocular pressure, slightly watery;
  • photophobia;
  • eye rubbing;
  • redness of mucous membranes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • later the eyeball enlarges.

Ocular manifestations of systemic diseases

If there are no visible changes in the organ of vision, then only a veterinarian can determine the exact reason why the dog’s eyes are watery and prescribe how to treat the disease. Most likely, this will require additional research, for example, a blood test, eye rinsing, etc. Possible reasons:

Age-related eye diseases

Most dog owners respond promptly to visible eye changes associated with the aging process.

The incidence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca increases significantly with age in some breeds (primarily small dogs such as terriers and long-haired dachshunds). Typical sign– dullness of the cornea as a result of a lack of tear fluid with mucopurulent discharge in the eyelash area and chronic conjunctivitis.

What should be in a dog's eye first aid kit?

Sodium Chloride solution 0.9% (Physiological solution)

The solution is used for preventive cleaning, as well as for washing the eyes. It is considered the most gentle solution, because... its composition is similar to that of tear fluid.

The cost of the drug ranges from 30 to 50 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.

Chamomile flowers

For convenience, it is better to purchase it in the form of filter bags. 1 sachet brewed in a glass hot water. In 15 minutes ready solution(after cooling) can be used to wipe or wash the eyes when they are red, purulent discharge, itching, minor swelling.

1 box costs about 60 rubles.

Eye drops “Diamond eyes”

Sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Special eye drops for animals that relieve swelling and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In some cases, drops can be applied to a cotton swab and treated with eyes.

The average cost of the drug is 140 rubles.

Tetracycline eye ointment

A tube costs about 50 rubles.


Tablets that can be given to dogs once a day for discharge from the eyes due to an allergic reaction (whether contact or food allergies). ¼ tablet is designed for 10 kg of live weight of the animal. However, it should be remembered that this drug will not solve the problem - you must definitely exclude the product that could cause the allergy.

The cost of 1 package is from 80 rubles.

Sometimes a dog owner may notice that the dog's eye is suddenly swollen. This can happen for several different reasons.

Causes of a tumor on a dog's eye

A very common cause is a suddenly swollen eye. It can be caused by an unusual or simply new food product or food for the dog. Allergies also occur as a result of insect bites. Another fairly common cause is conjunctivitis.

With it, in addition to the tumor, the dog’s eyes turn red and discharge appears, and the conjunctiva itself enlarges. Conjunctivitis can occur as a cold reaction, or due to dirt or dust, fur or midges getting into the eye, as well as as a result of the dog staying in bright sunlight for a long time.

This condition also occurs due to a lack of vitamins or. Dogs also have a disease called keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye. Its causes are mechanical effects on the eye (a twig or grass), various infections and worms. It is not uncommon for keratitis and conjunctivitis to appear simultaneously.

Less common is a problem such as trichiasis, when eyelashes grow “inward” and injure the eyes. These eyelashes need to be removed surgically. Also in dogs there is a disease such as prolapse of the Harder gland or, quite rarely, adenoma of the third eyelid.

What to do if your dog has a swollen eye: treatment

If there is a suspicion that the reason sudden appearance there was a tumor on the dog's eye allergic reaction, for prevention you can give her an antihistamine:

  • suprastin,
  • diazolin,
  • Claritin, etc.

Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to rub your eye. You can also use antihistamine drops, diluting them a little with water. Since there are so many causes of eye swelling, it is not easy to simply guess which one led to such a reaction. Therefore, it is better not to diagnose the problem yourself, but to consult a veterinarian for an optimal diagnosis.

This will help prevent possible consequences in the form serious illnesses eye. And for some diseases, such as prolapse of the Harder gland, surgical intervention is necessary.

If an urgent visit to the veterinarian is not possible, tetracycline ointment can be placed behind the eyelid to alleviate the animal's condition. Before doing this, the eye can be rinsed with cool water. boiled water. Until the diagnosis is determined, it is better not to bathe the dog, and if it tries to scratch its eye, you need to put a special collar on it.

Inflammation of a dog's eyes is a clear sign that the pet is sick. Unfortunately, not all pet owners immediately notice that their dog’s eye is swollen and take action. necessary treatment. Therefore, as soon as you, while examining your animal, notice changes in the eye area, you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic.

Dangerous symptoms

The main symptoms of eye diseases in dogs that require qualified assistance specialist include:

  • Copious amount. The discharge may vary in color and consistency. Constant intense lacrimation may be a sign of acquired or congenital disorder tear ducts. If the color of the discharge is green or white, this means that bacteria are multiplying in the tear, which can cause pathologies.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids. The mucous membrane of the eyelids turns red as a result of systemic infectious disease or may be a sign of conjunctivitis. As a rule, redness is accompanied by copious discharge from the eyes.
  • Ocular discomfort. This symptom is expressed in itching in the eye area, squinting of the eyelids and protrusion of the animal’s third eyelid due to keratitis, corneal trauma and other diseases. If you do not pay attention to this in time and do not treat the disease, then this eye disease in dogs can provoke progression of the disease and loss of vision.

If you notice any of the above symptoms of eye disease in your dog, you should immediately take him to an experienced veterinarian. They'll put it there accurate diagnosis, will prescribe a course of treatment and carry out the necessary procedures.

Main signs of kerato-conjunctivitis

These signs include:

  • Dullness and dullness of the eyes;
  • Frequent blinking;
  • Itching, irritation of the eye and attempts by the dog to rub its eyes with its paws;
  • Thick green discharge;
  • Severe redness of the eyes;
  • Significant deterioration of visual perception;
  • Persistent eye infections or frequent education ulcers on the cornea.

The greatest problem is for Chihuahuas, since over time a dog of this breed can completely lose vision.

Eye ailments

If your dog has redness, itching, strange discharge, the eye hurts, tears are constantly flowing, which means your pet has developed eye disease. Of course, every owner will want to make things easier four-legged friend and remove unpleasant symptoms, however, in no case should you resort to self-treatment. The fact is that this may complicate the diagnosis of systemic diseases that threaten complete loss vision and even death.

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