The smell of the woman's sweat became unpleasant for some reason. Unpleasant sweat odor is a symptom of excessive sweating

Sweating is normal physiological function the body of every person, which has great value to cool the body during elevated temperature, stress, physical activity and emotional tension.

Moreover, it regulates sweating metabolic processes in the body, and also maintains optimal water-salt balance, participates in thermoregulation and removes dangerous toxins and substances from the body. It is worth noting that in hot weather and during severe physical stress, sweat is the only means that protects the body from overheating.

Types and structure of sweat glands

The glands are located in the middle layer of the skin, called the dermis. The ducts of the sweat glands come to the surface of the body and secrete a secretion - sweat. It is water based, but also contains a lot of salt and various products metabolism. Many may think that the sweat glands have the same structure and are absolutely identical, but this is far from the case.

Approximately 75% of sweat glands regulate body temperature, that is, when water evaporates, the upper layers of the skin cool, which is why they say that sweat protects the body from overheating. The activity of such glands is controlled by the autonomous nervous system, and it works even in an unconscious state, while controlling vital important functions body.

The other 25% of the glands, along with sweat, secrete special substances - pheromones. They are responsible for the sexuality of women and men, and arouse sympathy and attraction in each other. The activity of the glands is controlled by hormones.

It must be said that the location of sweat glands throughout the body is uneven. They are found in abundance in the armpits, forehead, palms, and feet. But those that secrete pheromones are located between the buttocks, around the mammary glands, a little around the eyes and behind the ears.

Causes of sweating

High emotionality. If a person is nervous, angry or experiencing strong fear he begins to sweat profusely. In this case, the cause can be determined without conducting an examination. However, such emotional sweating is limited to the feet, palms and face; sweating is less common in the armpits and chest area. If the whole body is covered with sweat, then physical reasons need to be considered.

Temperature is enough common cause profuse sweating. It is worth noting that whatever the cause of fever - pneumonia, cancer, influenza or various other infections, people sweat throughout the day and regardless of environment.

Hormonal imbalance is also the cause of profuse sweating. It is worth noting that in people who suffer from this disease, the body can instantly turn from dry to wet. Quite often, such fluctuations can be observed in women in menopause, since during the day they can feel repeatedly approaching waves of sweating.

What medications and foods can cause excessive sweating?

First of all, you need to note such a drink as coffee. Many people today abuse this drink, not realizing how dangerous and harmful it is to the body. From medicines It is worth highlighting morphine, analgin with diphenhydramine and other antispasmodics.

Causes of unpleasant sweat odor

Sweat is odorless only if a person does not abuse garlic, coffee, alcohol and spices. The smell appears only after sweat comes into contact with the surface of the skin. This happens because sweat softens the keratin that is present in the top layer of skin. In this state, it serves as an excellent breeding ground for reproduction. various bacteria. An unpleasant odor is a consequence of the decomposition of waste products of microorganisms.

Only specialists found the cause of sweat and unpleasant odor, set cosmetic companies began to look for all possible ways to neutralize it. Initially, deodorants appeared that had a strong odor that interrupted the “aroma” of sweat. Subsequently, antibacterial components began to be used in cosmetics.

Modern cosmetics can cope with the smell of sweat

But when using such products, the protective layer of the skin suffers, and bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor become resistant. Today there is only one effective remedy, which can fight unpleasant odors is an antiperspirant.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat?

Of course, there are no medications that can rid a person of the unpleasant odor of sweat once and for all. However, you can independently support the body and organism in healthy condition, which will undoubtedly affect the amount of sweat produced and its smell. So, a few tips:

    It is necessary to limit the use of hot seasonings, for example, garlic, pepper. These products can overload the body, causing substances to be released in sweat and create an unpleasant odor.

    It should be noted that those bacteria that live on the surface of the body can be sources of very faint odor. But some of them, altered by antibiotics, can cause a strong unpleasant odor. Also for education strong odor is affected by humidity and a large amount of sugar in the human body, that is, the higher the humidity in the room, the stronger the smell.

    Some hormones promote the growth of bacteria, which in turn increases the unpleasant “aroma.”

    It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene, take a shower often and change things in a timely manner.

Following good personal hygiene will help get rid of sweat odor

    When taking water procedures, you should use soaps and various other body cleansers without medicinal additives.

    Observe whether the formation of odor is associated with eating certain foods, for example, garlic, onions.

    If a person has problems with the intestines, then mandatory the disease needs to be cured. Because the bacteria that live in the intestines produce toxins, which are subsequently excreted in sweat. As a preventive measure, you need to consume lactic acid bacteria on an empty stomach.

    When choosing clothes, give preference to things made from natural fabrics. They tend to absorb moisture well.

    During the day you need to drink a certain amount of water, at least 200 g for every 30 cm of height.

Folk remedies against profuse sweating

There are many ways that can combat sweating:

    If your feet sweat a lot, you need to sprinkle them with starch.

    You can also sprinkle your feet in areas of excessive sweating with a mixture of talc and starch.

    To prepare the hand solution, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt and one glass hot water, mix everything thoroughly and wash your hands 2 times a day.

    1 tablespoon of sage leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. After preparing the solution, you need to let it sit for 20 minutes, then strain. Take 30 milliliters 3 times a day an hour after meals. This recipe recommended for women during menopause.

    For your hands, you can make a tincture of 4 tablespoons of chopped oats and 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the resulting solution for an hour and make baths.

    Oak bark must be ground into powder and sifted through a sieve. The resulting powder should be poured into socks and worn at night. Change the powder daily.

    To prepare the tincture you need to take 200 g of straw and 50 g of oak bark. Pour everything into 1 bucket of water and bring to a boil. Afterwards, leave for 30 minutes. Use the prepared solution for foot baths; the procedure should continue for 1 month for 20 minutes.

Teymurov's paste for the smell of sweat

In the event that you do not want or do not have time to prepare recipes from traditional medicine, then you can buy Teymurov’s paste at the pharmacy. It has been the most popular and effective means, which helps to get rid of unpleasant sweating in the shortest possible time.

The paste should be used no more than 1-2 times a week; moreover, the product should be applied only after taking water procedures. It is worth noting that Teymurov’s paste can be used for the armpits and feet. Almost immediately after applying it, a slight smell of sweat appears, but after 30 minutes it all evaporates and will not bother you for 4-7 days.

The paste should be applied in a thick layer and left on the surface of the skin for about 30 minutes. After which, rinse thoroughly with water without using detergents. The armpits can be lubricated with ordinary baby cream to avoid irritation.

Medical problem solving

If you can’t get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat on your own, then the best solution There will be an appeal to a cosmetologist. Today there are several very effective methods:


Today there are a number medical supplies, which can significantly reduce sweating and neutralize unpleasant odors. However, the data medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist; moreover, they can only be used under the supervision of a physician.

- Botox injections. If sweating is profuse and has a strong and unpleasant odor, the cosmetologist may suggest using Botox injections as treatment, which block the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the armpits.

Deodorant or antiperspirant – which is better?

Today modern cosmetology offers a huge amount various means, which in one way or another block the unpleasant odor of sweat. On store shelves and pharmacies you can see a wide variety of similar products - these are roll-on deodorants, gels, antiperspirants and aerosols various types etc. But how to choose the right cosmetic product so that it not only has pleasant aroma, but also helped combat the problem of unpleasant odor.

Many people think that antiperspirant and deodorant are two different things. identical means, which are identical in their properties. This is wrong.

First of all, deodorant has a disinfecting effect on armpits, that is, it destroys harmful bacteria which contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor. However, you need to be very careful in choosing and using, since the alcohol included in such products can cause irritation.

What to choose is up to you. However, it must be remembered that excessive blockage of the sweat ducts and strong decline sweating, especially on a hot day, can lead to heatstroke. However, achieving such an effect is, of course, very difficult, since an antiperspirant can only reduce sweating, and not completely neutralize it by closing all the ducts. If you do not wish to use cosmetics, then use traditional medicines to reduce the unpleasant odor of sweat.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. Droplets of moisture provide thermoregulation of the body, remove toxic substances. If there is a strong unpleasant odor of sweat in the armpits, it is considered to be untidiness. However, the expert opinion of endocrinologist, specialist in preventive medicine, Katya Young, a sharp change in the aroma coming from the body during sweating is associated with a number of diseases, and not only - it can also be stress, age-related changes, fluctuations in sexual activity, dietary habits and much more.

The development of bacterial flora in areas of sweating provokes the appearance of an unpleasant body odor.

Why does it stink afterwards?

Increased sweating, the manifestation of a strong odor appears in everyone, even with constant showering. The causes of odor are different, but they are united by one problem. Provokes the process of sweating:

  • completeness;
  • spices;
  • excitement.

Sweat secretion in a healthy person

U healthy people Two types of glands are responsible for sweating: apocrine and eccrine. Sweat glands are closely connected to nerve endings. Load, emotional experiences, temperature contribute to their irritation. The first are located in the groin, under the armpits and react to emotional state viscous sweat.

A healthy person does not smell his own aroma. Only after 30-50 minutes an unpleasantly pungent odor of sweat is felt - the result of bacteria attaching to the armpits. The eccrine glands react with colorless, watery, odorless sweat. It is secreted on the skin of the entire body, moisturizes it and acts as a thermostat.

Each person's scent is different

A person's scent is as individual as fingerprints.

The smell is individual, just like fingerprints. For example, a baby and milk are two inseparable concepts; there is not even a hint of foreign odor. In adults, the apocrine glands actively work, and the individuality of the aroma is determined specific features metabolism. The microflora of a man and a woman is significantly different, and accordingly, the released aroma will be different. The aroma of women is distinguished by a sour smell (smells of dampness), while in men it is heavier, sharper and more unpleasant. Representatives of the stronger sex sweat more chemical composition the perspiration released varies, which means the body odor will be bitter and distinct.

Possible causes of unpleasant odor

The appearance of armpit odor is a delicate problem. It brings not only inconvenience, but also indicates ongoing changes in the body. An unpleasant reaction can be after taking medications (for example, the body saturated with penicillin gives a “horse” aroma), a symptom of an illness, or the result of stress.

The pungent odor of sweat is a companion to disease

Different smells of sweat indicate different diseases.

If your armpits sweat, you feel bitter, smelly sweat, this may be a consequence of the disease. Disruption of the metabolic process as a result of illness leads to deviations in the chemical composition of the fluid secreted by the body. With the advent of new microflora, the body aroma changes. It is important to determine what diseases are indicated by increased sweating with a changed aroma:

  • The skin smells of chlorine, a strange sour aroma has appeared, giving off acetone - the situation indicates problems with the liver.
  • Diseases genitourinary system(kidneys) is accompanied by a pungent odor of sweat, similar to cat spirit, sometimes the body smells of bleach.
  • Tuberculosis is accompanied by a strange vinegar smell.
  • Diabetes brings sweet taste to the aroma. A sweet smell is also present in diphtheria.
  • If there is a metabolic disorder, the body smells bad: sulfur or mice. ABOUT congenital disease metabolism also says mousey aroma (phenylketonuria).
  • The development of a fungal infection gives a mouse stench. The fungus often settles on the feet. If you do not pay attention in time to the fact that they smell strongly of mice or sulfur, the problem can last for a long time.
  • Stomach diseases are accompanied by a specific smell of sulfur.
  • It smells like rot and earwax - this could indicate oncology.
  • The body carries urine - a symptom of kidney disease. A disease with an unpleasant odor is called uridrosis. Uridrosis is accompanied by thick sweat. Due to the excessive release of urea through perspiration, it not only smells, but also becomes the cause of various dermatological complications. You can get rid of the smell from uridrosis only by eliminating the main problem.

This is not the entire list of unpleasant odors. The patient's sweat smells like old age, mice, rubber, yeast. It's hard to believe that such odors come from the body.

Microflora disorders and disruption of the hormonal system

Hormonal system may provoke a change in the smell of sweat.

If you feel increased sweating, you should check your hormonal levels. Most often, adults are subject to such deviations, but also children, especially in adolescence, hormonal changes are not left aside. Climax, sexual development, violation in endocrine system- situations that adversely affect the chemical composition of evaporation. In people with similar problem Not only your armpits, but your whole body begins to sweat.

Everyone knows that the human body contains a large number of microorganisms. Each organ (intestines, vagina, skin) has its own microflora. Any deviations from the norm in the microflora lead not only to disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also make severe pungent odor sweat. For example, a vaginal disease provokes the sensation of a yeast aroma in groin area, and during menstruation it may smell like fish.

The development of pathogenic microflora leads to an imbalance of fungi and bacteria. When the balance is disturbed, you feel the aroma of fish, sour milk or a room washed with bleach under your arms. Sweating has increased, the number of bacteria on the skin is greatly increasing, it can smell like chlorine, mice, and sometimes rubber.

Stress sweating

A person sweats not only under the influence of temperature, physical stress, and also in stressful situations. Stress occurs at every step and takes over suddenly. The body instantly reacts to excitement, joy, fear - perspiration is released. The process of stress sweating involves the eccrine and apocrine glands together.

An instant burst of cold sweat is fertile ground for an increase in the number of bacteria; as a result, the aroma has changed and an unpleasant odor of sweat appears. This reaction is not affected by air temperature and is extremely difficult to control. Fluid appears throughout the body, but the main concentration of moisture is on the palms, soles and armpits.

What to do to treat unpleasant odor of sweat?

Elimination of unpleasant odor is possible only with complex treatment.

Eliminating a strong aroma or making it less noticeable is only possible with comprehensive solution problems. It is important to determine the cause, and based on the result, connect to treatment special drugs, review the food consumed and monitor hygiene procedures.

Diet adjustments

The sweat stinks, but you are confident in your health - you must radically change your diet. The main products that influence the smell are spices, hot foods, and sometimes overuse coffee. Excluding dishes from the menu that include the ingredients described above will improve the situation.

Sometimes not enough carbohydrates in the menu changes the aroma of perspiration. Through the oxidation of carbohydrates, the body receives the necessary energy. With them insufficient quantities Fat is burned, but the smell has changed. He became strange, heavy and very strong. Fat oxidation causes perspiration to stink. ammonia, rot, sometimes burnt rubber.

Adjusting food without consequences will eliminate symptoms unpleasant problem. Only with uridrosis, it will not be possible to correct the situation with products.

Personal hygiene

Complex treatment will not help without simple hygiene procedures.

None of the remedies complex treatment hyperhidrosis is ineffective without normal hygiene procedures. In many cases, a simple shower can solve the problem. unpleasant aroma when you sweat (even with uridrosis). Regular use of the shower twice a day (morning and evening) with aromatic products, is a mandatory procedure for all people.

During the hot season, the body should be carefully cared for. It is necessary to change clothes after physical activity. If your feet stink, use special creams and aerosols. If you are far from home (train, bus) and do not have access to water, use wet wipes.

Modern youth began to carefully monitor the hair areas of the body. Sweat is retained in the hairs, which acts as a basis for the proliferation of microbes, as a result of which the bad aroma increases. The surest solution, approved by dermatologists, is to shave them.


Deodorants and antiperspirants help eliminate odor and reduce sweating.

Use of deodorants, antiperspirants, etc. disinfectants takes the leading second position in the fight against unpleasant aroma. Deodorants contain substances that have disinfectant and bactericidal properties. Blocking the growth of bacteria and eliminating the smelly aroma is the task of the product, which it does an excellent job of. Effective time ranges from several hours to days. It all depends on the composition and form of release: spray, pencil, ointment.

Deodorant does not affect the process of sweat secretion, which cannot be said about antiperspirant. The zinc, aluminum, and triclosan included in the composition directly affect the apocrine glands and reduce the secretion of perspiration. The disadvantage of such means is oppression beneficial microflora, clogged pores and aggressive effects on the skin. Abuse can lead to the onset of various endocrine complications.

A useful alternative to antiperspirants are natural substances, chitosan, allaton, which are part of products that temporarily block the proliferation of microbes. They create a protective film, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and do an excellent job of eliminating stinky aroma.

Ecology of health and beauty: You should know that the smell of fresh sweat plays an important role in love. The aroma from smooth, washed armpits...

In the armpits, around the nipples, navel and genitals there are special sweat glands, the so-called "smell glands". They emit an aroma that is captured on a subconscious level - body odor.

If a person Bad mood, then this smell is unpleasant (performs a defensive, repellent function inherited from animals), if it is good, the opposite is true.

You should know that the smell of fresh sweat plays an important role in love. The aroma from smooth, washed armpits is a strong aphrodisiac for a partner. This applies to healthy, thriving young men and women.

By the special “smell of love”, men and women, on a subconscious level, recognize and choose representatives of the opposite sex who have good health, good immunity, everything is fine with hormonal levels, who is ready to take responsibility for the birth and upbringing of a new generation.

This is how nature works. The secretion secreted by these glands mixes with sweat, and then many people say that I like the sweat of “my man”, “the sweat of my woman”.

Sweating regulates metabolism, maintains water-salt balance, removes toxic products dangerous to the body, and participates in thermoregulation. During heavy muscular work and in hot weather, sweat becomes the only means that protects our body from overheating.

There are a huge number of sweat glands on our body - up to 3 million. Thanks to them, we do not breathe with our tongues hanging out, like dogs, and we do not wet the surface of the body with saliva, like cats.

In the formation of human odors, in addition to the scent glands, an important role is played by skin like an organ excretory system person. In performing this function, the leaders are sweat and sebaceous glands.

Depending on the age of a person, his state of health, the sweat glands, in addition to specific aromatic compounds, secrete on average 98% of water, 1% dissolved in it table salt and 1% - metabolic products (urea, uric acid, ammonia), toxins and waste from the blood. And the percentage of these substances and secretions of the smell glands in young and healthy people differs from the secretions of old and sick (slagged) people, we can both notice and smell this.

The sebaceous glands secrete from 100 to 300 g of sebum during the week. It contains cholesterol, proteins, fatty acids, salts, as well as toxins and wastes entering sebaceous gland from blood. These secretions are an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria.

That is why, in advanced stages of slagging and failure to maintain internal and external hygiene of the body, an unpleasant odor constantly emanates from the surface of the human body.

In an effort to get rid of it, a person visits the shower several times a day and tries new and new deodorants.

However, a few hours after the next shower, the smell is felt again. Then antiperspirants come into play - these are those that block sweating for 24 or 48, or even worse, for 72 hours.

Can you imagine?.. The body really wants to get rid of what it doesn’t need, and decided to shed “it” through the skin (the skin is also called the third kidney). But the “smart” owner or mistress decided otherwise and walled up the sweat glands (for 24-72 hours).

And the body is forced to determine a place for the unremoved dirt... inside itself. And it “makes a trash can-warehouse” in the tissues of the nearest non-vital organ. For example: dirt not removed from under the arms will find a place and will be preserved “until better times” - in a woman's breast.

A striking example of non-vital organs and tissues for our body would be joints- where salt deposits are deposited, and women's reproductive system (neoplasms in which malignant processes can develop). It is these organs that first begin to suffer in people with incipient health problems.

The smell of sweat and body, as well as the smell of urine, corresponds to the smell and condition of the internal fluids of our body - blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, etc. And those, in turn, depend on the condition of the intestines, its cleanliness, and the substances entering the blood and lymph from the intestines. Thus the circle is closed and we come to the topic: " General ecology our body."

The intensity of sweating and the smell of sweat depend on the slagging of body tissues, the cleanliness of the intestines, and the ability of the kidneys and liver to neutralize and remove toxins.

Each of us has our own smell of sweat, which with age and under the influence various factors may change. But only minor changes are considered a variant of the norm.

If the sweat acquires a strong, pungent aroma, and people around you even begin to notice it, then you should be wary. This problem may be a symptom of a serious illness.

What is sweat made of?

98% of sweat consists of ordinary water, and the remaining 2% includes the following substances:

  • salt;
  • amino acids;
  • cholesterol;
  • hormonal substances;
  • fatty acids.

Our sense of smell is practically unable to detect the presence of these substances in small quantities. The unpleasant odor of moisture released by the skin appears when it comes into contact with bacteria. Sometimes the secretion secreted changes if you use too many spices and spices, hot and fatty foods.

The chemical composition of sweat is very different in women and men. In men, the smell of natural moisture is more pungent, in women it is more sour. It may change with age, but if there are sudden changes, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Simple reasons

  1. A very common reason for changes in the smell of sweat is poor nutrition. When consumed junk food Together with sweat, toxins accumulate and are eliminated. They are what gives the smell its sharpness. According to research, herbs and spices, onions, garlic and foods with the strongest effect on the smell of sweat increased content caffeine
  2. The second (albeit quite harmless) reason is non-compliance with hygiene rules. Each person has their own degree of sweating, and the level of physical activity and environmental conditions also differ. Some people have to wash themselves every day, and more than once. For others, taking a shower once every couple of days is enough.
  3. But main reason lies in the bacteria that are on the surface of the skin. Their highest concentration is on the feet, under the arms and in the groin area. If you notice a strong aroma, you should rinse more thoroughly. problem areas cool water using soap.
  4. Appearance strong smell may also cause changes in hormonal level. For example, after childbirth, pregnancy, menstruation, and even the process of puberty can change the aroma of natural skin secretions. During these processes, serious hormonal changes in the body occur.
  5. Psychological stress and stress can not only greatly increase sweating, but also affect the secretion. Excitement, fear, tension and even severe positive emotions activate the functions of the sweat glands.
  6. Some medications (especially sedatives), penicillins and drugs to combat glaucoma and cancer can also have a negative effect.

These are not all, but the most common reasons for changes in the smell of sweat. But there are others, for example, lack of vitamin D and other vital important elements. Usually this becomes sharply unpleasant, but the smell of discharge from other areas of the skin may also change. In this case, it acquires an acidic tint.

Odors as a cause of deviations

The smell of sweat can reveal dysfunctions of the body, including:

  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • mental disorders;
  • disruption of the sweat glands.

Foot odor can become unpleasant due to insufficient personal hygiene, development fungal disease or circulatory problems. Excessive sweating during sleep may indicate the presence of infectious disease or hormonal imbalance.

How to identify a disease by smell?

In ancient times, doctors only needed to sniff the patient carefully to make a diagnosis. And their experience can still help us:

  • the smell of acetone appears in case of liver failure, serious poisoning or the development of cancer;
  • a putrid, sour aroma in the chest area indicates mastopathy;
  • the aroma of sulfur or fish may indicate problems with metabolism or gastrointestinal diseases;
  • a sour smell of sweat may indicate diabetes, tuberculosis or other diseases of the internal organs;
  • smell rotten egg in the groin area raises suspicion cancer reproductive or urinary systems;
  • a sweet and sickening aroma is a sign of diphtheria;
  • the smell of cat urine appears when renal failure and infections urinary system(in this case, the sweat glands take over part of the functions of the excretory system).

How to deal with the smell of sweat?

What to do to get rid of an unpleasant odor? Start by checking your health. If you identify any disease, then after the course of treatment the smell of sweat will disappear.

Try to instill in yourself the following healthy habits:

  1. wear natural clothes, especially in the summer;
  2. wear breathable, quality shoes that fit properly;
  3. make changes to your diet by giving up hot spices and alcohol, too fatty and heavy foods;
  4. stop smoking;
  5. engage in physical activity: athletes sweat much less in the heat;
  6. When choosing medications, consider possible side effect– “excessive sweating”;
  7. Check out our materials from the “” section and follow the recommendations!

A change in the aroma of discharge is not only an unpleasant phenomenon for the person himself (and others), but also an important symptom that may indicate serious illness or pathology. Don't ignore this problem or try to hide it with talcum powder or cosmetics. Be sure to seek help from a specialist.

If you do this on time, treatment will not only relieve you of the problem, but will also prevent the development of a more severe form of a particular disease. In addition, you will improve general condition body, you will become more energetic and happy man, who is no longer bothered by health problems.

A person is designed in such a way that on the surface of his body there is a huge number of special skin glands through which sweat comes out. Most people don't mind sweating too much. But for some it becomes real problem, preventing them from fully working and resting.

Sweat itself is 98% water. The remaining 2% consists of salts, fatty acids, amino acids, cholesterol and hormones. These components are not volatile, so it is almost impossible for humans to smell them. In this regard, ordinary sweat does not have an unpleasant odor, and therefore does not cause any serious trouble to a person.

The smell of sweat itself is individual and is not prone to serious changes. Certain changes can be observed in a person with age or with excess Not proper nutrition(for example, when using large quantity spicy or fatty foods, spices).

Things are completely different if sweat has sour smell. As a rule, discharge occurs due to the presence of certain bacteria or diseases in the human body.


There are many reasons why sourness appears. Most often it is a progressive disease in the human body. Therefore, if an unpleasant odor appears, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, it is the doctor who, based on the smell and other symptoms, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis through testing.

So, the most common reasons why a sour sweat smell appears are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diphtheria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • problems with the adrenal glands and kidney failure.


There are a number of symptoms, if detected, a person is advised to immediately consult a doctor. These include:

  • sudden increase in the amount of sweat produced;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • appearance or change in the smell of sweat.

When specified symptoms It is worth making an appointment with a doctor, during which it will be determined real problem increased sweating and the accompanying odor.

The treatment prescribed by a specialist will most likely be accompanied by the use of medical antiperspirants (which are sold in pharmacies) to mask the unpleasant odor. Your doctor may also prescribe the use of aluminum chloride.

Every disease has its own smell

It may seem that your sweat always has the same unpleasant odor. However, this is not true. Experienced doctors know and easily determine which disease corresponds to a particular sour smell of sweat.

  1. Putrid and at the same time sweetish smell sweat indicates the presence of a fungal or bacterial infection of human tissue (for example, diphtheria). As a rule, this “aroma” is accompanied by redness and various rashes on the skin.
  2. A very unpleasant smell of boiled cabbage or sheep's wool indicates that the owner of the specified “aroma” suffers from kidney or liver disease, has serious problems with the adrenal glands.
  3. Kidney failure is characterized by sweating, which has a pronounced ammonia odor. This is due to the fact that when kidney function is disrupted, a fairly large amount of nitrogenous substances begins to be released through sweat. Sweat in this case leaves white marks on clothes.
  4. With a disease such as diabetes, the patient experiences sweating, the smell of which is similar to the smell of rotting apples. The smell of sweat in this case rapidly intensifies, which is associated with the activity of bacteria.
  5. The disgusting, pronounced sour smell of sweat is nothing more than one of the most important symptoms of tuberculosis. An important sign availability of this disease is profuse sweating at night, which leads to an unpleasant “aroma” of the body through certain time after a person wakes up.
  6. Disruption of the digestive system is accompanied by the presence of the smell of hydrogen sulfide. But there will certainly be an unpleasant fishy tint.

Every woman's worst dream

A woman's body physiologically produces less sweat compared to men. In this regard, if a sufficient level of hygiene is observed, the sour smell of sweat in women is a rather rare phenomenon.

This is also due to the fact that the microflora of women’s skin contains fewer bacteria that produce compounds that have an unpleasant odor.

In addition to the diseases described above, which are most often accompanied by increased sweating, there are other factors that influence the sour smell of sweat in women. The reasons for this “misfortune” may be the following:

  • Emotional stress. Whenever stressful situations the body secretes adrenaline, which significantly increases the activity of the sweat glands.
  • Hyperhidrosis is an unreasonable increase in sweating in various areas of the skin, which occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  • A change in the nature of the skin or, more simply, an increase in body weight. Yes, for obesity skin becomes more favorable for the growth of bacteria that cause putrefactive decomposition of sweat.

  • Change hormonal levels, which may be associated, for example, with long-term use hormonal drugs.
  • Changing the nature of nutrition. Increased sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, can occur due to the consumption of large amounts of spices, spicy and fatty foods.

Do children sweat?

The child begins to function normally by the end of the first month of life. Moreover, in response to the heat, the baby’s body secretes sweat, which normally has absolutely no odor.

However, sometimes you can smell a sour smell in your baby's sweat. Many parents do not pay attention to this “bell”. However, the occurrence of an unpleasant odor during sweating is a signal to immediately consult a doctor.

Sour sweat smell small child may indicate the development of diseases such as rickets and disorders of the nervous system.

Thus, you should not “turn a blind eye” to the child’s profuse sweating, accompanied by a corresponding “aroma,” and attribute this to his excessive mobility or heavy weight. If an unpleasant odor appears, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatrician, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

All men sweat...

It is generally accepted that men everyday life experience great physical activity. In this regard, they must sweat more intensely. Moreover, if for almost all representatives of the fair sex the problem of excessive sweating and the corresponding “aroma” is serious, then for many men the smell of sweat is not a problem at all. There are also those who do not even consider it necessary to “mask” it with deodorants.

At the same time, the sour smell of sweat in men, as well as in women and children, in most cases indicates the development of a certain disease in the body.

An unpleasant odor may accompany a man suffering from liver disease (often associated with a lack of choline), kidney disease, fungal or viral infection, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and even mental illness.

Why does sour sweat smell in men? The reasons for this may be the most banal. Thus, such an odor may be a consequence of the use of certain medications, for example, penicillin, glaucoma medications and cancer medications. Often an unpleasant “smell” also accompanies those representatives of the stronger sex who like to “hit the bottle.”

Fighting unpleasant odor

Excessive sweating can be reduced only by contacting specialists and establishing the cause of this ailment. But you can “mask” the unpleasant odor yourself.

The main method of combating odor resulting from profuse sweating, are:

  • wearing clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • compliance with hygiene rules (daily water procedures, use of clean linen);
  • the use of deodorants (in order not to increase the smell of sweat, deodorants must be applied to clean skin);
  • exclusion from the diet of spicy and fatty foods, spices, and drinks containing caffeine.

To sum it up

So, what does the sour smell of sweat mean? In most cases, it signals the emergence and development of a disease or infection in the human body. That is why it is extremely important to contact a specialist in a timely manner with such a problem.

Also, do not delay going to the doctor for those people who have experienced excessive sweating and the accompanying unpleasant odor suddenly and for no reason.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor will in most cases be accompanied by the use of special deodorizing agents.

And in order to prevent the occurrence of such an “illness”, you should wear clothes made from natural fabrics, follow the regime and rules of proper nutrition, and, of course, take care of your health.