Why does sweat under the arms of men stink? Why does sweat become stinky and smell strong?

Any of us has encountered or constantly lives with the problem when Armpits sweat a lot and stink. Why is this happening? The reason is! What to do at home so that the natural processes of the body, designed to make our existence comfortable, do not poison our lives.

Sweating is a real challenge, how to deal with it and get rid of it?

Video: To prevent your armpits from smelling: folk remedies for sweat

You try not to wear light-colored clothes for fear that wet circles under your arms will attract the attention of others. In a delicate situation, with a far-fetched smile, you try to make all sorts of self-critical jokes, but in fact, in your lifetime, you are ready to erect a monument to someone who will help you get rid of this problem. So, what to do if your armpits sweat a lot? Search radical ways or make do with traditional home remedies?

To prevent armpits from smelling, rub them after a shower. freshly cut apple slice. Helps even during intense physical activity

Use homemade solution hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 teaspoon of peroxide to a glass of water. Soak a rag in the resulting solution and wipe the surface of the armpits. This way you will destroy the bacteria that forms in your armpits.

The simplest and affordable way- this is the use baby soap. Take morning and evening cold and hot shower: Douse the armpit area alternately with cold and hot water. After water procedures Wipe your armpits with baby soap slightly moistened with water.

Regular baking soda can solve all problems with unpleasant odor. Can be cooked soda solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass boiled water, or you can simply powder the armpit area with dry soda. Unfortunately, this method of maintaining personal hygiene has one significant drawback - the action time: it lasts for three to four hours.

If you mix it with corn starch and add a few drops essential oil tea tree or lavender, you will get a natural homemade antiperspirant deodorant.

Not much to take a large number of regular baking soda, mix it with lemon juice and wipe your armpits with this mixture every day. This mixture gives very good effect, it is especially effective in the summer.

You need to take a simple one raw potatoes and rub potato slices under your armpits. Or you can grate the potatoes on a fine grater and add potato chips thin layer on the armpits, wait a little and then wash off. After drying it will be efficient use deodorant.

The following helps very well against armpit sweat: mixture: 3 tbsp. spoons of vanilla extract must be mixed with 100 ml of water and add 1 teaspoon of alcohol. This ready-made mixture should be placed in a spray bottle and sprayed all over the body; you can also quickly go over your clothes.

Wipe your armpits several times a day chamomile infusion or tinctures of horsetail, birch buds, leaves walnut . Brew 2 tbsp in half a liter of water. spoons oak bark, cool slightly and add juice lemon. Wipe with this product armpits 2-3 times a day

Pasta Lassara And Teymurov pasta contain talc, zinc, boric acid. They have an antiseptic effect and slightly dry the skin.

Cream « Formagel"Use for sweating feet, hands, armpits. They smear it on clean skin, leave for half an hour and then wash off. The procedure is carried out over 3 days. The effect of the cream lasts 10 days. Then the course can be repeated.

5 recipes to get rid of the smell of sweat in your armpits

Again I want to touch on a topic that interests everyone... how to remove the smell of sweat at home using folk recipes. There are many recipes... the most effective ones are:

  1. Rubbing the armpits with hydrogen peroxide (3%).
  2. Baking soda or baking soda solution.
  3. Raw potatoes.
  4. Infusion of oak bark.
  5. Baking soda mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

But even the most effective recipes Unfortunately, they have a short-term effect. These products help remove odor for 3-4 hours. If you use talc, it lasts for 7-8 hours, but only with daily use. These products are not medicinal. If your sweat has an unpleasant odor, it is better to contact a specialist.

Baking soda – 1 part,
Starch (potato or corn) - 1 part,
Essential oil (any) – 5 drops per teaspoon of talc.


Mix soda and starch. Add essential oil to the composition. Learn talc. Apply it morning and evening. Talc can be used for a long time.

Unpleasant armpit sweat is a common problem that affects mostly women. What causes the strong smell of sweat in the armpits, and how to deal with the smell of sweat in this area are questions that experts have been trying to solve for centuries. The causes of the odor have already been investigated by experienced medical professionals.

As a rule, it actively fights excessive sweating predominantly female. After all, for the weak half of humanity, issues of beauty and hygiene are the main ones. The desire to be beautiful and smell nice is inherent in women at the genetic level. And bad smelling armpits cause them great discomfort.

To get rid of the smell of sweat, you must first find out the cause of this aroma. Otherwise, all efforts in the fight against hyperhidrosis will be in vain.

What are sweat glands for?

The cause of sweaty armpits is the sweat glands, which are female body there are several million. Such a large number of sweat glands is necessary for proper and timely thermoregulation. human body. Such glands are divided into eccrine and apocrine. Screens are placed throughout skin surface, apocrine - only in the groin and under the arms. Apocrine glands have secretory functions, the secretion of which includes isovaleric acid. It is this substance that is the cause strong smell.

The decay products of secretory cells, during the decomposition process, combine with the waste products of various bacteria that live on the skin and are the natural microflora of every person. It is the reunion of these two components that gives the complex a peculiar smell that cannot be called pleasant.

Female hormones take an active part in the process of sweating in the body. IN female body Bacteria called saprophytes, which are found in sweat, feel great. They have a peculiar smell with “sourness”. This is the smell that is inherent in women’s armpits and is the norm of the natural functioning of the body.

When sweat odor is an abnormality

But if present Strong smell sweat, or for example, instead of a weak sourness, it smells like mice, this is already a deviation from the norm, and the cause of the smell of sweat under the arms may be illness.

The main reasons for bad amber are mainly endocrine abnormalities, disorders metabolic processes, organ failure.

A bad smell can be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. Malignant neoplasms influence the intensification and change in the smell of sweat.
  2. Severe liver disease also causes a distinct odor that resembles acetone.
  3. At renal failure And various violations at work genitourinary system, the smell of sweat will give off urine. This is due to the fact that the body, when the kidneys are not working properly, tries to remove fluid through the sweat glands.
  4. Diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis will also affect the change in the smell of sweat, in which notes of vinegar will be felt.
  5. Even the presence of mastopathy can increase the unpleasant odor of armpits.
  6. With diphtheria, the smell of the armpits will take on a sweet tint.
  7. A fishy or hydrogen sulfide smell indicates metabolic disorders and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, a strong and unpleasant odor may indicate illness. of cardio-vascular system, respiratory system, thyroid gland.

Natural causes of excessive sweating

There are a number of situations in which sweating may increase, but this is also normal:

  1. Reinforced physical exercise. During intense physical labor or sports, the body expends a lot of energy, and in order to cool down in time, all sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  2. At high temperature environment, or in a roast stuffy room, the human body begins to overheat, and to prevent this, excess moisture is utilized through the sweat glands.
  3. Stressful situations. When a person is worried, worried, the body experiences stress, hormones work in increased mode, thermoregulation also increases, and the person breaks into a “sweat.” Women are especially susceptible to such emotional swings; as emotional beings, they often react violently to different life situations. The smell of sweat in such cases has bitter notes. This natural reaction body to stress. In this case, women need to learn to control themselves, using sedatives. medical supplies. After all, women are capable of worrying about sweating due to excitement. And it turns out to be a vicious circle: they worry so as not to sweat, and they sweat because they worry.
  4. Transitional age. Teenagers also sweat a lot. This is due to hormonal changes and should not cause unnecessary worries and worries.

Also the reason unpleasant odor there may be insufficiency hygiene procedures. Especially in the hot season, when the body is forced to sweat frequently, due attention should be paid to the hygiene of your body.

One of the common causes of hyperhidrosis is tight and synthetic clothing. Synthetics do not allow the body to breathe normally, as a result of which sweating increases and takes on an unpleasant odor.

How to deal with excessive sweating of the armpits

On the modern cosmetic market there are many products that fight sweat and armpit odor. These are all kinds of deodorants, antiperspirants, complex deodorants-antiperspirants.

Note. It is advisable to use all cosmetic products if armpit sweating is natural. If it is caused by disease, it is necessary to eliminate the disease - the cause of the unpleasant odor.

If you simply use various remedies for armpit sweating, but do not treat the disease, you can only worsen the situation.

At the slightest suspicion of any disease, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialists.

If sweating is natural, in order to remove odors under the arms of women, you can find a suitable cosmetic product.

If the smell is not strong and sweating is not particularly profuse, you can limit yourself to using regular deodorant. This is the most harmless remedy for sweat. It can be used several times a day. A deodorant poses a danger only if individual intolerance any component in the composition of the product.

If sweating is more profuse, you can use an antiperspirant. It, unlike deodorant, does not simply mask the odor, but prevents its appearance by preventing the sweat glands from actively producing sweat. But there is still debate about the harmlessness of such a remedy. There are experts who claim that such a remedy is unsafe, causes problems with the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and even causes breast cancer. Another category of specialists argue that these are all unproven facts, and that antiperspirants are by harmless means. Consumers have to decide individually who is right and who is wrong. The fact remains undeniable that such a remedy is effective against sweat and its smell.

There are also complex antiperspirant deodorants that combine the functions of both a deodorant and an antiperspirant. They also contain aluminum, just like antiperspirants. A substance that cannot be called natural and safe.

There are anti-sweat cosmetics that contain alcohol; they should not be used immediately after depilation or another method of hair removal. Alcohol irritates the delicate skin of the armpits, so women prone to allergic reactions The use of such alcohol-containing products is not recommended.

These products are also available without alcohol. There are deodorants and antiperspirants that contain essential oils and extracts from various useful plants, for example, aloe juice.

When choosing such cosmetics, you must read the instructions and composition to select best option who will not do any harm and will take tender care of sensitive skin armpits.

Thermoregulation of the human body is carried out through sweating.

This process is considered natural and should not be accompanied by unnatural odors, much less cause any discomfort.

However, there is absolutely no healthy people, and from time to time everyone is faced with the unpleasant odor of sweat.

The smell of sweat from under the arms is especially annoying, with which you have to constantly fight and look for effective ways to get rid of it.

The smell of sweat under the arms: reasons

The sweat produced is actually water with salt, and even with increased sweating caused by high temperature environment or excitement, may not have a specific odor. Therefore, freshly excreted sweat cannot release any odors.

The appearance of unpleasant odors is most often associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules. There are quite a lot of different sweat glands in the armpit area. Therefore, in such places there is an increased accumulation of sweat. At the same time, bacteria located on the skin begin to multiply rapidly and produce a stench.

WITH similar problem This is more common for people who experience excessive sweating. The smell of sweat in their armpits can be observed even in the cold season.

Such deviations are not associated with cooling the body. There are internal violations behind this problem. Pathological causes hyperhidrosis, as in medical practice called excessive sweating, are quite varied.

Although it regulates sweating sympathetic division nervous system, disruptions can occur when:

Diseases infectious nature;

Kidney diseases;

Exchange disorders;

Damage to the nervous system and brain;

Hormonal imbalance;

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;

Gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, increased sweating is closely related to changes in the human body that occur under the influence of:




Poor nutrition;

Taking certain medications;

Bad habits;

Nervous overstrain.

The appearance of a specific odor of sweat in the armpit area is observed when hormonal disorders, menstruation, increased sexuality. The smell of sweat can also be affected by certain foods and spices you eat.

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor: medications

Most often, people use deodorants or antiperspirants to get rid of armpit odor. It should be borne in mind that deodorants can only mask the odors of sweat, but do not solve the problem of sweating. In turn, antiperspirants block sweating due to the healing components they contain. Therefore, it is necessary to use antiperspirants immediately after hygiene procedures.

In addition to cosmetics, there are many medicines, allowing you to solve the problem of sweat odor under the arms.

The most common ones include:

1. Formidon, which is available in the form of a solution containing formaldehyde. You need to wipe your armpits with this solution. The product can create a thin film, dry the skin and reduce sweat production.

2. Pasta Teymurova. Refers to dermatological products that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the drug is able to refresh and cool skin. The paste contains salicylic and boric acid. Due to the content of glycerin, zinc oxide, talc, and formaldehyde, the drug is able to relieve irritation and eliminate diaper rash that can be caused by excessive sweating.

3. Powder Galmanin. Refers to powdered products. The drug contains zinc oxide, as well as salicylic acid. The powder has an antiseptic effect and dries out the skin.

4. Deodorant Dry Dry. It has a long, prolonged action. Able to dry out skin and tighten pores. The uniqueness of the deodorant is that one application per week is enough. At the same time, the work of the sweat glands is not disrupted.

Almost all well-known cosmetic lines have deodorants, shower gels and antiperspirants that help fight the unnatural odor of sweat.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms: folk remedies

Every patient who is faced with the problem of hyperhidrosis is looking for effective ways to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms. They can help him with this available funds And folk recipes.

Tea mushroom

To combat sweat and odor, using a strong infusion of kombucha is effective. This product has an antiseptic effect, which helps reduce sweat production by narrowing the pores. This solution should be used to wipe the armpit area. The procedure must be done after hygienic treatment of these areas.

Oak bark

A decoction prepared from oak bark has astringent and tannins. You can wipe the skin under your arms with this product several times throughout the day. To prepare healing decoction, you need to boil five spoons of raw material in half a liter of water for half an hour. The finished decoction must be left for at least 2 hours, after which it must be strained and used as intended.


To prepare the chamomile setting, you need to take one and a half spoons of flowers, which are infused in boiling water (2 cups) until completely cooled. After straining, you must add to the finished tincture baking soda(1 l.) and use to wipe the armpits. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The effect is explained by the antiseptic effect of chamomile, as well as the narrowing of pores, which is provided by soda.

Apple vinegar

You can get rid of the foul odor of sweat using a solution apple cider vinegar. Preparing the apple potion is quite simple. It is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of raw apples into a liter of water. After an evening hygienic shower, apply a vinegar solution with a cotton swab to the armpit area, which has been thoroughly wiped dry. You must wait for the product under your arms to dry completely before going to bed.

Strong tea

Drinking tea helps reduce sweating. It is necessary to prepare a brew from tea leaves and let it brew for up to 20 minutes. Wipe the skin of the armpits with this tea leaves up to three times a day.

Baking soda

You can use regular baking soda to make a fairly effective deodorant that will help mask unpleasant odors. To do this, add soda (1 tsp) to boiling water (200 ml). After the solution has cooled, you can add any essential oil to it. Apply garden deodorant to the armpits three times a day. Treatment is carried out for a month.


Lemon has antibacterial effect. It is able to destroy bacteria that have settled under the arms. To eliminate a specific odor, wipe the armpits fresh juice lemon Can be mixed lemon juice soda. It is necessary to use such a remedy to combat the smell of sweat until it completely disappears. Apply the juice to clean and dry armpits. After such procedures, the skin may become lighter. This is a natural reaction as lemon juice has a bleaching effect. Over time, the color will return.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat under your arms: what clothes are best to wear?

Any clothing that is not able to allow air to pass through and absorb sweat promotes the active growth of bacteria. Therefore, if you have problems associated with the unpleasant odor of sweat, it is better to avoid wearing any clothing made from synthetic fabrics. Ideal option for people who have problems with sweating, there will be clothes made from natural cotton fabrics.

In addition, it is better not to wear tight blouses, T-shirts and blouses. On such clothes, with increased sweating, unsightly wet spots form, which leave yellowish marks when dry.

And remember to maintain good hygiene. No deodorant can eliminate the unpleasant specific smell of sweat emanating from stale clothes. Therefore, try to change clothes daily and do not re-wear them without washing or special treatment.

Sweating is a normal process healthy body. If we're talking about Regarding normal sweating, there should not be a lot of it and, moreover, it should not have a strong smell. But if excessive sweating occurs, accompanied by marks on clothes and an unpleasant odor, this becomes a problem.

Agree, it’s very unpleasant if people “smell” near you - they’re just on guard. But it’s even more depressing when the smell of sweat from your armpits is heard from yourself... A sweaty person is synonymous with untidiness. How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms, especially if things are going well with personal hygiene, is a hot topic for many.

For those who suffer from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), getting rid of the problem is especially important. The foul smell of sweat under the arms is created by pathogenic bacteria that multiply in a humid environment. If the amount of sweat and its “aroma” begin to bother you, you need to identify the cause, especially if there was no strong smell before.

The main reasons for the unpleasant odor of sweat from the armpit area:

  1. Endocrine disorders (most often – malfunction of the thyroid gland).
  2. Overweight.
  3. Excessive physical activity.
  4. Stress and frequent nervous tension.
  5. Eating excess amounts of spicy, fried, smoked foods, alcohol and coffee.
  6. Low pressure.
  7. Serious disorders of the body.
  8. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

If reasons increased sweating wear medical nature, you need to see a doctor and get examined, the main thing is not to self-medicate.

In order not to develop complexes, you need to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. Try to eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat at home using folk remedies. If not completely, then at least partially they will remove the smell under the arms when ordinary deodorants are no longer able to help.

Folk remedies

  1. Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp per glass of water).
  2. A mixture of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and radish.
  3. Baking soda (1 tsp per glass of water).
  4. Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  5. Lemon juice.
  6. Radish.
  7. Tea tree essential oil (dilute a couple of drops with water).

Before doing the procedure, make sure that the armpit area is washed clean with soap and water.

Advice. Replace roll-on deodorant with a spray. If long time using the roll-on product - as if in a vicious circle - you will again and again apply to your armpits what you are trying to get rid of. Microbes accumulate in the “ball”, causing the same foul odor. Use products that do not come into contact with the skin during application. The chances that there will be less unpleasant sweat odor are much higher.

Herbal infusions from your home medicine cabinet

To get rid of armpit sweat, you will need the following medicinal herbs:

  1. Chamomile flowers.
  2. Sage.
  3. Melissa.
  4. Oak bark.
  5. Calendulas.
  6. Tea mushroom.

Preparing herbal infusions is very simple. Pour boiling water over dried flowers, wait until the mixture infuses and cools. Strain and wipe problem areas several times a day. You can add baking soda to the chamomile decoction (one spoon will be enough), and lemon juice to the oak bark infusion.

Medicinal herbs tighten pores and reduce sweat production. They are natural antiseptics, so they do an excellent job of destroying various types bacteria and fungi. As you remember, herbs are very effective for colds (caused by white-causing bacteria) and inflammation in various locations.

Pharmacy drugs

There is an opinion that manipulation of folk remedies does not help for long. But I want to get rid of the smelly sweat under my arms forever! Exist effective drugs, are designed to combat increased sweating.

  • Dry-Dry deodorant

Influencing work sebaceous glands, it reduces excessive sweating, tightens pores and prevents unpleasant odors. The drug should be used no more than once a week. You will sweat less often.

  • Pasta Teymurova

Antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, deodorizing agent that dries the skin and is used specifically for increased sweating and skin rash. The product helps to get rid of not only sweating of the armpits and feet, but also to remove the fetid, unpleasant odor that accompanies these processes.

Important! Before starting to use any drug, carefully read the instructions! It's best to consult your doctor.


Nutrition directly affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which regulate the amount of sweat.

Getting rid of sweat is not a quick process; it won’t happen in one go, so you will need effort and patience. Eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Why? Fatty food helps increase cholesterol levels in the blood and can even change the composition of the blood. All this directly affects increased sweat production. From salty and smoked dishes the body produces moisture, so it is better to give preference fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, salads. To reduce excess sweating and get rid of armpit odor, replace black tea with herbal tea and coffee with cold, still water.

  1. If you sweat excessively, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool, cashmere).
  2. Use arm pads.
  3. Give preference only to proven dermatological hypoallergenic drugs or make deodorants yourself.
  4. If you are not sweating in the right place and it is important to quickly remove traces of sweat (for example, before an important meeting), wipe the armpit area with a damp sanitary napkin, and then with a slice of lemon.
  5. It is also recommended to use baby powder.

If folk remedies do not help, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Because the incomprehensible smell itself is already a “bell” through which your body informs you about some problems in its functioning. In any case, we wish you to cope with the problem of sweating as quickly as possible and gain self-confidence! And, of course, it just smells nice!

Sweating is a natural process. But such physiological process brings a lot of trouble - smell, wet marks and yellow spots on clothes. Nobody likes it when someone else smells of sweat, and if you yourself smell from your armpits, this leads to discomfort, uncertainty and stiffness of movement.

But, thanks to this process, the body cools down. There are several areas of increased sweating, and the armpits are no exception. That's what we'll talk about.

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. But why does armpit odor occur and not a single deodorant helps? Odor occurs as a result of reproduction pathogenic bacteria who like to settle where it is warm and humid. And if there is also hair in the armpits, then their reproduction occurs much faster.

If nervous system Constantly exposed to stress, anxiety, mood swings, this also serves as an impetus for sweating.

Sweating can also be caused by drinking plenty of fluids , especially coffee or tea, eating garlic, curry seasoning, spicy food, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, wearing too warm clothes.

Sweating under the arms may be a symptom of the disease internal organs, for example, tuberculosis, endocrine system, as well as the appearance of malignant and benign formations. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

Women suffer from sweating due to violation hormonal levels. Most often this occurs in adolescence or middle age, during pregnancy and lactation.

For people who suffer diabetes mellitus, this condition is typical. Sweat can cover not only some part, but the entire body at once in one second.

Poor nutrition, low blood pressure, overweight And bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol) are also an impetus for heavy sweating.

What does sweat smell like and why?.

  • If your sweat smells like urine, you have a kidney problem.
  • Reminds me of the smell of rotten apples - diabetes mellitus.
  • A smell reminiscent of vinegar is a problem with the lungs.

Sweat pads.

Such pads are attached to the skin or clothing and perfectly absorb sweat. They suit everyone, are invisible and leave no marks. They can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

Norma dry.

This special remedy comes in the form of a spray or gel. It is made with herbs, so it is hypoallergenic. It should be applied once a day. The course of treatment is twenty days. Norma dry also exists in the form of a medicine. It should be taken orally, one teaspoon before meals.

Proper nutrition.

To get rid of the unpleasant odor from the armpits, you need to follow a strict diet, eat more vegetables and fruits. You should give up flour, fatty and sweet foods. These products affect the composition of the blood, resulting in an unpleasant odor of sweat.


From excessive sweating You can get rid of it with special injections that are given in the armpits. This injection suppresses sweat gland activity but may have Negative influence to your health. Most often the heart suffers. Before carrying out this procedure, you should think about the consequences.

Teymur's paste.

It is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It is used for excessive sweating. Perfectly dries the skin and removes unpleasant odor. Before use, you should test the product to find out if you are allergic to it. If there is damage to the skin, then you should wait to use it.


Formidron - excellent remedy from sweat for both women and men. It has an antibacterial and deodorizing effect. Formidron should be used to treat the armpit area before bed. After twenty minutes, armpits should be washed cool water, dry and apply baby powder.

And also try replacing roll-on deodorant with a spray. Why is this necessary? In roll-on deodorant bacteria accumulate due to constant contact with skin. Because of this, an unpleasant odor may form.

Traditional recipes for fighting sweat

Oak bark.

To prepare the decoction, you need to purchase oak bark, take five tablespoons of oak bark, and brew with two glasses of boiling water. This decoction should be steeped for half an hour and left to steep for another two hours. The decoction is ready for use. To do this, you need to wet a cotton pad with this decoction and wipe your armpits twice a day for two weeks.


Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or vodka and wipe the problem areas. This folk way will relieve you of the smell for a long time.

Tea mushroom.

Kombucha does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion, which you need to lubricate clean and dry armpits. To prepare the infusion you need tea mushroom soak in liquid whole month. After this, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Magic infusion.

Mix walnut kernels and horsetail, add ten parts of vodka. Apply twice a day: morning and evening.

Tomato juice.

When taking a bath, add two glasses to the water tomato juice, lie in this water for fifteen minutes. This product effectively removes odor.

Orange oil.

This oil is excellent at fighting bacteria that cause strong sweat odor. They need to wipe the problem areas and there will be no smell left.

Strong tea.

Strong tea reduces sweating. You need to brew the tea and leave for twenty minutes, then wipe the problem areas with this tea three times a day.

Apple vinegar.

To prepare the solution, do the following: dilute three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water. After bathing, you need to dry your armpits, moisten a cotton pad in this solution and wipe the armpits, wait for complete drying.

Anti-dandruff shampoo.

Anti-dandruff shampoo contains an antibacterial substance. If you wash your armpits with it, the smell from under your arms will disappear.


Brew one and a half tablespoons of chamomile with two glasses of boiling water, let cool and strain. Add a dessert spoon of soda to the resulting infusion. This solution should be used to wipe problem areas twice a day.

Essential oil.

Tea tree and rosemary oil are the strongest bactericidal agent, so it copes well with unpleasant odors. They need to lubricate clean armpits.


Peppermint is great for strong odor sweat. Pour two tablespoons of mint with half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the solution in a thermos for twelve hours. Lubricate the armpits with this solution twice a day for a month, after a week the result will be noticeable.


Raw potatoes help with unpleasant odors. You need to grate it and rub the resulting juice onto the problem areas. Wait until completely dry and wipe your armpits with a damp towel. This remedy for underarm sweat odor is better than any deodorant.

Baking soda.

Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of essential oil to a boiling glass of water. You should wipe your armpits with the resulting product three times a day for one month. There is another recipe: mix soda and cornstarch in equal proportions, add ten drops of tea tree. The resulting mixture can be used instead of deodorant.


Lemon juice works well to combat sweat odor. They need to lubricate problem areas. You can mix lemon juice with a small amount of soda. Before applying, armpits should be washed and dried.


To prepare the product, you need to mix radish juice with glycerin in equal proportions. The resulting mixture must be rubbed in twice a day.

If folk remedies do not help, then you need to contact a specialist. Most likely you have health problems and profuse sweat, and its smell warn you about this.

How to eliminate odor through proper nutrition

To cope with hyperhidrosis, you need to adhere to proper nutrition:

Preventing Excessive Sweating.

  • Carry out water procedures regularly.
  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • Apply deodorant.
  • Try not to be nervous, not to worry.
  • Exercise.
  • Stick to proper nutrition.
  • Wear special underarm pads.

If your child's armpits smell

This problem is common among children. There are many reasons for sweating:

  • It's too hot in the room.
  • The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted.
  • Illness of a child with increased body temperature.
  • Frequent emotional state.
  • Vitamin D deficiency.
  • Taking medications.
  • Sweat glands do not work well.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes

When a person sweats often, this unpleasant odor becomes embedded in clothes and is difficult to get rid of. Not even one Eau de Toilette cannot help in this situation.

But how deal with this smell?

So you have learned about all the ways and methods of dealing with sweat and the smell from it. Choose any of the above and start fighting profuse sweating. Good luck!