Birch tar for parasites. Using birch tar to cleanse the body and more

Birch tar has been used for centuries in folk medicine to cure many diseases and cleanse the entire body. There is a lot in resin useful substances, due to this, its medicinal qualities are determined. This substance is also used in cosmetology for the production of shampoos and soaps. With the help of this substance you can thoroughly cleanse the body. Instructions for using birch tar to cleanse the body include: different options performing the procedure, if necessary, it is easy to find exactly the one that suits optimally.

Characteristics of the substance

Birch tar is produced industrial method from bark or, as it is called, birch bark. This substance has an oily consistency, a pronounced specific aroma and quite interesting composition. The resin contains organic acids, phenols, xylene, resins, phytoncides, toluene and many other elements. This oily product is characterized by antiseptic, antimicrobial and regenerating properties.

The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in glass containers of various capacities, which are placed in cardboard packages, each with an annotation.

Since ancient times, birch tar has been used to heal wounds, treat skin diseases and for cosmetic purposes.

When is tar cleaning necessary?

Traditional healers say that birch resin is a universal cure for numerous diseases known to medicine. Due to this substance, everything in the body is normalized metabolic processes, blood circulation improves and general composition blood, improving general condition important internal organs.

Birch tar promotes gentle weight loss, without stress to the body. This is explained by the fact that toxins are released and excretory function is restored.

The body cleansing procedure can only be performed when normal health. During that period of time when there is no exacerbation of any chronic diseases or ARVI.

Instructions for use

To cleanse the entire body, birch tar is taken in long courses that last from 10 to a month. Similar duration due to the intake of an oily substance in very small doses. It is permissible to drink only a few drops of liquid so as not to cause health problems.

Tar is natural component, so it goes well with various biologically active additives and other cleaning agents.
Cleansing the body with birch tar is performed without adjusting the diet or regimen. That this oily liquid is incompatible with some medicines, was not mentioned anywhere. However, given that the substance is characterized by an antiseptic effect, it can be assumed that the effectiveness of some medications may decrease.

It is very important to follow the recommended dosage when cleansing the body. Upon manifestation of at least some unpleasant symptoms the course is stopped.

How to properly use tar to cleanse the body

Drink birch tar to cleanse the body in in kind rarely recommended. Most often, this oily composition is combined with other products that slightly soften bad taste and aroma. There are many recipes for cleansing the body, but the main ones are with milk, bread or drinking water.

With milk

A mixture of birch tar and warm milk is used for different types cleansing the body.

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  • For cleaning respiratory organs from accumulated mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. For this purpose, the substance is taken in a course of 10 days according to a special scheme. On the first day, 50 ml is enough to slightly warmed milk, add 1 drop of the drug, on the second day - two, and then add another drop every day. The course is considered complete when 10 drops are added to the milk. For cleaning to be effective, it is recommended to continue it for up to six months, with a one-week break between ten days of use.
  • To cleanse the urinary system, dissolve 5 to 10 drops of tar in a glass of heated milk and drink up to three times a day for two weeks.
  • Tar is also used with milk to clean blood vessels. Add 10 drops of an oily substance to a third of a glass of slightly heated milk and drink once a day. The duration of the course is one and a half months.

For the cleansing procedure, it is better to take fresh homemade milk. The drug is dripped into it immediately before use. It is not recommended to store milk with tar in it.

With rye bread

Tar, combined with rye bread, has a truly magical cleansing effect. Are excreted from the body toxic substances, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. The skin is cleared of pimples and other rashes, inflammation of the skin is reduced, and even the deep layers of the epidermis are quickly restored.

Cleaning using this method lasts almost a month and is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. First day – a small slice rye bread pour 5 drops of the drug and eat it before bed.
  2. By next days– the volume of tar used is increased by one drop every day until it reaches 10.
  3. Rye bread, flavored with 10 drops of oily liquid, is eaten for two weeks.
  4. After this, they begin to reduce the number of drops every day. The course is considered completed when they reach 5.

Some people gag due to the unpleasant taste. In this case, it is permissible to eat the bread with tar with a spoonful of honey.

Children are strictly prohibited from using tar. For them, this substance can only be used externally.

Tar water

This healing agent used internally for effective cleansing intestines and the entire body as a whole. To cook healing tincture take 8 parts water and 1 part birch tar. The water is first boiled and cooled, then an oily liquid is added to it and stirred thoroughly. After this, place the container in a cool, dark place to infuse for two days. Tar is not soluble in water, but within two days it transfers its useful components to it.

After settling, an oily film can be seen on the surface of the water, which is carefully removed. Drink the healing liquid for 10 days, 2 tablespoons early in the morning or just before bed. The cleansing course is performed in several approaches, but a ten-day break is required between them.

On the first day of treatment, one drop is added to the honey, then another drop is added every day. On the last day of treatment, a person should drink 12 drops of tar.

Contraindications to cleansing the body with tar

There are few restrictions on the procedure, but they are necessary in mandatory consider. You cannot cleanse the body with birch resin in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy at all stages.
  • During the lactation period.
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system.
  • At individual intolerance substances.
  • At skin rashes allergic nature - urticaria, eczema and dermatitis.
  • For oncological diseases.

It is not recommended to take birch tar orally for preschool children. Children who have reached the age of 7 can undergo cleansing procedures using a natural substance, but only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his direct supervision.

Features of the cleansing procedure

When carrying out the procedure of cleansing the body with birch tar, it is worth considering some recommendations:

  • The drug should only be purchased at a pharmacy; it is not recommended to use homemade resin.
  • During the cleansing course, it is advisable to keep a special diary so as not to get confused in the number of drops.
  • A person must constantly monitor his well-being; if, after starting the course, something bothers him, the treatment is stopped.
  • Ready tar water can be stored for several days in a cool place. In other cases, tar is added to products immediately before use.

Some people cannot tolerate the smell and taste of oily liquid. In this case, after drinking tar milk or bread, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.

What doctors say

Many experts do not deny the beneficial effects of birch tar on the human body, but at the same time they recommend using it only externally, as indicated on the packaging of the medicine.

Despite a lot of positive reviews from people who have been helped by this substance with a number of diseases, tar should be used for oral administration with great caution. In small doses this natural remedy can provide therapeutic effect, but if the dosage is exceeded, the person will suffer from nausea, vomiting and headaches. In addition, phenols and resins found in birch tar can cause severe forms poisoning.

Tar is a useful substance that can help with various diseases. However, it is worth remembering that the oily product has quite bad taste and smell, which is why many people who started the body cleansing procedure were never able to complete it. If a person has a tendency to frequent digestive disorders, then it is better not to take risks and use a different cleaning method.

Both folk and traditional medicine offer many options for anthelmintic therapy. Medications, as a rule, have an extensive list of contraindications, side effects, and they don’t always help. Traditional recipes are safer, have a gentler effect on the body and are more effective.

Birch tar - production, use, properties

Birch tar is a dark and viscous substance with a specific odor. The principle of obtaining the drug has not changed much since ancient times, except that technical progress allowed us to expand the methodology to industrial scale. At the moment, as for many years ago, the product is obtained through the process of dry distillation of birch bark - the top layer of birch bark.

The product helps eliminate negative consequences chemotherapy and drug treatment oncology, improve metabolism and cardiovascular function, digestive systems and other organs. IN therapeutic purposes used as pure remedy, and the product in the composition various ointments, creams, detergents and other products.

The list of indications for the use of birch tar includes the following pathologies and inflammatory processes:

Treatment with birch tar received positive reviews patients - people who have tried the product on themselves speak about the effectiveness and mild effect of the natural drug.

The effectiveness and safety of use are explained by the method of obtaining the product, which involves preserving maximum quantity useful substances, and the rich composition of birch tar.

The anthelmintic effect is achieved due to the presence of phenols, aromatic carbohydrates, which, by the way, are especially active positive impact against ascariasis, and resins in the product. In general, birch tar contains more than ten thousand useful elements.

Besides, healing properties not only is the product of birch bark distillation different, but also birch buds, bark or young leaves. So, even birch itself is a real storehouse of useful substances.

  • weight loss occurs;
  • violations of the digestive system are eliminated;
  • inflammatory processes subside;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora and peristalsis occurs;
  • natural processes of cleansing the body are activated;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

The product is equally effective against all types of helminths. Birch tar acts mildly, and application natural product absolutely safe for health.

Honey and birch tar

How to take birch tar with honey against helminths? On the first day of therapy, you need to take one drop of tar dissolved in a teaspoon of honey. On the next day, the dose is increased to two drops of birch tar, on the third day - accordingly, to three. The maximum permissible ratio: eight drops of birch tar per one teaspoon of liquid honey.

It is advisable to carry out cleaning annually better in spring or autumn.

Tar water

Traditional recipes also advise taking tar water for worms. It is enough to dilute birch tar in water at room temperature in a ratio of one part to eight, mix with a wooden spoon and leave to infuse for two days, covered with film. Afterwards, the mixture must be carefully poured into another container and then stored in the refrigerator.

IN medicinal purposes You should take one tablespoon of this water before bed. The course of treatment is ten days, then you should take a break for the same period of time and continue taking the drug for another ten days. Therapy should be repeated annually.

Tar with applesauce

The medicine is being prepared as follows: one large apple should be grated on a fine grater, adding 5-10 drops of birch tar. True, you can start with a smaller amount of the drug. The resulting product must be taken daily for two to three weeks. To get the maximum effect, you should not miss a single day of use. You can take the medicine with milk.

Birch tar with milk

You can even take tar orally to treat helminthiasis simply with milk. On the first day of therapy you need to drink only one drop of the product per half glass warm milk. On each subsequent day the number natural remedy increases by one drop.

Treatment lasts ten days, after which a ten-day break is required. Next, therapy is resumed immediately with ten drops of a natural remedy in half a glass of milk. The composition should be consumed on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

Tar and rye bread

A combination of birch tar and rye bread will help cleanse the body of parasites, as well as remove waste and toxins. It is enough to apply one drop on a small piece of rye bread and consume it, increasing the dose of birch tar by one drop every day, in the morning on an empty stomach. After ten days, you must gradually begin to reduce the dosage to the initial one. IN general course treatment will be twenty days.

Birch tar

The course is 12 days, drink at night before bed without snacking or drinking anything.

So we start with 1 drop of birch tar per 1 teaspoon of honey and so on every day, the amount of honey does not increase, but there is 1 drop more tar, that is

First day - 1 drop of tar per 1 spoon of honey,
-second day - 2 drops of tar per 1 spoon of honey,
-third day - 3 drops of tar per 1 teaspoon of honey...
and so on up to 8 drops (it turns out that for the last 5 days you should drink 8 drops per teaspoon of honey), if it’s too disgusting, you can immediately snack on the same melted honey, a maximum of half a spoon! You can't miss more than one day. Advice: pour 1 teaspoon of honey immediately into a tablespoon so that the tar will not fit!

ATTENTION - cleaning must be carried out once a year, every year in spring or autumn.

P.S. You can drink tar with honey or milk, dripping it onto a piece of bread or onto a piece of apple.

Drink this “cocktail” 3 days a week. Then take a break for 4 days and drink again for three days. Before breakfast, lunch and at 9 pm. It is advisable not to have dinner and give up meat and milk these days. There are fruits and vegetables. And so on for three weeks in a row. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a month.
Be healthy!

Bulletin "Healthy Lifestyle" No. 23 2014

Birch tar production
Birch tar is an oily, dark, viscous liquid with pungent odor. This is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. Tar is translated as “burnt” “or burned.”

The ancient craft is still relevant today; the principle of obtaining tar has remained virtually unchanged. Craftsmen filled special containers-sleeves with a narrow hole for drainage of resin with birch bark and heated them with a torch. The birch bark steamed, melted and released tar.

Modern tar production involves iron boilers into which bark is compacted. Hermetically sealed containers are heated, distillation takes 10-11 hours. From 75 kilograms of birch bark, 22.5 kilograms of pure tar are obtained.

In ancient times, tar was indispensable in almost all spheres of life. Leather shoes and armor were lubricated with tar so that they would not get wet in the rain, would be soft and would not dry out. Traditional medicine placed birch tar in first place, and its use was very wide. Traditional healers Tar was prescribed as an anthelmintic, healed wounds of animals and people, and was recommended as an antitumor drug. Nowadays, the use of tar has been significantly reduced, but pharmacologists use it as a component in the manufacture of medicines.
Treatment with birch tar. What does birch tar treat?

Tar is obtained as a result of the decomposition of bitulin, which contains benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, and organic acids.

With atherosclerosis, these components will become unusually useful. There is a wonderful method of treatment with birch tar. Half a teaspoon of birch tar is stirred in a glass of homemade warm milk. Take 45 days, one glass 3 rubles. a day an hour before meals. One month break. You need to take 3 or 4 of these courses per year.

Tar cures sore throat, gangrene, bronchial asthma, when used, there is a decrease in hair loss, eliminated fungal diseases skin. The use of birch tar for long-term non-healing tropical ulcers, scrofula, inflammatory diseases rectum, erosive proctitis, erosions and ulcerations of the rectal mucosa has a positive effect. Observed quick recovery suffering from itchy skin, skin ulcers, rashes. Women diagnosed with - postpartum mastitis. Easy to treat microbial eczema, tumors, smallpox, bedsores, psoriasis.

During treatment skin diseases such as scabies, scaly lichen, dandruff, erysipelas, leprosy, lichen versicolor, athlete's foot, pure tar in combination with medications has an invaluable effect, improving the quality of treatment.

Application of birch tar
Purified tar is used in oncology; it neutralizes the negative effects of chemotherapy and drug treatment. It is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells in ovarian cysts, mastopathy, fibroids, adenomas, is prophylactic preventing transition benign neoplasms into malignant forms.

Birch tar with milk
Birch tar with milk effective remedy with tuberculosis and the clinical form of tuberculosis, characterized by the presence of a round formation in the lung, emphysema and all kinds of infections in the body. Take on an empty stomach according to the following scheme, diluted in 50 ml of warm milk:

1st week - 1 drop;

2nd week - 2 drops;

3rd week - 3 drops and so on for up to 10 days, each time adding a drop of tar. Take a seven-day break and repeat the course again, the entire period will take six months.

Cleaning from pinworms and roundworms will be very effective if you mix one teaspoon of liquid honey with birch tar and take this mixture before bed. The course is twelve procedures. Every day the number of drops increases by one and is brought to eight.

For prevention, it is advisable to carry out a course of treatment annually.

Birch tar for hair
Itching and irritation of the surface of the scalp when dandruff appears is relieved with the help of birch tar. This phenomenon is not pleasant, it adds oiliness to the hair and hair loss. The use of a natural natural product will soothe irritated skin and normalize work sebaceous glands. By cleansing the scalp of the keratinized layer of cells, tar activates their respiration, and the cells are saturated with oxygen. At the same time, blood flow increases and regeneration processes accelerate.

You can use an excellent remedy as a preventative against dandruff: dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar in 2 tablespoons castor oil. Add 100 grams of alcohol. Rub the mixture into the scalp using massage movements. After 2-3 hours, wash off.

Birch tar for acne
A natural, environmentally friendly product can be used to treat acne skin. For oily facial skin and frequent acne breakouts, tar soap with a high concentration of birch tar will help, which will relieve irritation and inflammation, cleanse and make the skin soft and velvety. Tar can also be used for cooking various means cleansing problematic skin:

· Treat your skin with lotion daily:

50 grams of 95% alcohol, 5 grams of tar, a few drops of salicylic alcohol.

· Honey and tar are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The prepared mask is applied to the skin thin layer. Wash off with water at room temperature.

How to take birch tar internally?
Birch tar, when taken orally, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves metabolism in the body. It is useful to take tar water in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon two hours before meals and in the evening before bed. This is an excellent remedy against fever, purulent cough, and dropsy. Used to treat internal diseases, birch tar cleanses the blood, liver, intestines, and pancreas of waste and toxins. Over time, patients experience improvement in performance gastrointestinal tract, stomach and duodenal ulcers heal.

How to drink birch tar?
Tar water helps to cure many ailments. It can be easily prepared according to a recipe known from ancient times: 4 liters of cold spring water, 500 g of tar, mix thoroughly in a vessel, which must then be tightly closed and left for two days to allow the tar to settle. Carefully skim off the foam and drain clear liquid. Store in an airtight container.

Adults take 100 g in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals. Also for some infectious diseases You can take birch tar diluted in warm milk.

Birch tar recipe
At home, you can prepare ointment from birch tar. Tar, mutton or pork fat mixed in equal quantities, used to treat wounds and skin diseases; An ointment made from pure birch tar and petroleum jelly, in a ratio of 1:10, treats ulcers, pyoderma, and infected wounds.

Birch tar for children
Young children often suffer from unpleasant allergic disease- diathesis. Birch tar can cope with these problems. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the affected areas butter or baby cream with the addition of a few drops of birch tar.

Birch tar contraindications
Pure birch tar and tar preparations can cause allergic skin irritations, including the development of dermatitis. The use of birch tar as a remedy is possible only after medical consultation. It is not recommended to use tar during exacerbation of chronic skin diseases. At acute eczema, dermatitis, exudative psoriasis, folliculitis, it should be used with extreme caution.

Applying birch tar to large areas of skin over a long period of time can cause kidney toxicity. Weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and convulsions may occur.

After applying tar, patients experience a burning sensation, but the itching disappears. If the burning stops after 10-15 minutes, then treatment can be continued. Before starting to use birch tar, you need to check tolerance on a small area of ​​skin and test your urine.

At the pharmacy you can find many cheap and natural preparations, the use of which people found dozens, or even hundreds of years ago. Medicines obtained from natural raw materials are in no way inferior to synthetic medicines in terms of effectiveness, and sometimes surpass them many times. And since the issues of effective cleansing of the body are now gaining relevance due to the increasing deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet, it is worth mentioning one remedy - birch tar.

This drug has been used in a wide variety of ways for hundreds of years. Nowadays, birch tar purchased at a pharmacy is often used in traditional medicine both externally and internally. medicine, one of the purposes of which is to cleanse the body of toxins, waste and pathogens.

What other ones are there? beneficial properties birch tar and how to use it so as not to harm yourself? Now we'll find out.

Medical birch tar is a dark, almost black liquid, thick and oily, with a sharp, specific odor. It is obtained by dry distillation of birch bark. Due to the impact on birch bark high temperature in conditions complete absence When air enters, it is destroyed, accompanied by the release of wood components in the form of a resinous dark brown liquid. The next step is fractional distillation of this liquid. As a result, medical birch tar (low-boiling fraction) and tar for technical needs (high-boiling fraction) are obtained.

Birch tar consists of resins, cresols, phenolic compounds, toluene, benzene, xylene, salicylic acid, phytoncides, organic acids, guaiacol (it is this substance that determines the disinfecting and anti-putrefactive effect of birch tar).

Where is birch tar used?

Tar soap and tar shampoo act as cosmetics (to solve skin and hair problems) and veterinary products. They are often used to save pets from fleas and ringworm.

Birch tar has been used to cleanse the body of more than one generation of people for many centuries.

Industry also cannot do without tar - it is used as a cheap lubricant for wooden railway sleepers, leather goods and shoes, and wooden building materials.

Experienced gardeners use birch tar to control plant pests.

What are the indications for using birch tar for medicinal purposes?

Treatment with birch tar must be carried out carefully, after consulting with a specialist. After all, the elements included in its composition are pure form are aggressive substances. For example, premises are disinfected with phenol. And if it comes into contact with the skin, individual components of tar can cause chemical burn. We are, of course, talking about isolated concentrated chemicals. As part of birch tar, they are present in minimal therapeutic doses, comprehensively stimulating the activity of systems and organs through reflex irritation of nerve endings and skin receptors. And the internal use of birch tar is mainly aimed at eliminating microbes and bacteria.

When is the use of birch tar indicated (internally):

  • infection of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • oncological diseases;
  • genitourinary diseases (cystitis, urethritis);
  • gastrointestinal diseases caused by inflammatory processes;
  • digestive disorders;
  • viral infectious lesions of the upper respiratory tract(tuberculosis, asthma);
  • diseases caused by disruptions in metabolic processes (gout, urolithiasis);
  • colds infectious nature(sore throat, otitis media, bronchitis).

When should birch tar be used externally? For treatment:

Birch tar is also used externally to solve the problem of increased hair loss.

Recipes with birch tar from traditional healers

From fibrocystic mastopathy: during the first three days of treatment, consume half a glass of warm milk with three drops of birch tar dissolved in it (3 times a day). On the fourth, fifth and sixth days, increase the number of tar drops to five, and on days 7-10 – to seven drops. After a ten-day break, repeat the course, but in the reverse order (starting with seven drops of birch tar). If necessary, treatment should be resumed after at least a month.

For atherosclerosis: ½ tsp. dissolve birch tar in a glass (250 ml) of milk. Drink before meals three times a day. Course – 45 days.

For tuberculosis and intermittent fever. This anti-tuberculosis remedy has long been used: about 8 ml of birch tar was mixed with licorice root until a thick mass was formed. Pills were prepared from this mixture (approximately 120 pieces), which were taken 3 times a day, 2 pieces each. Fever was treated in a similar way, only instead of licorice they ground quinine bark with tar. The resulting pills were consumed in an amount of 5 pieces. 3 times a day.

How additional remedy treatment of lung cancer: in the first 10 days of the course, take 50 ml of milk with diluted 1 tsp. birch tar. On days 11-20, increase the amount of tar to 2 tsp. On days 21-30, the dosage of tar will be 3 tsp. Rest for 10 days and repeat the treatment again. After this, a month's break will be required, after which the course will resume.

For burns: combine one part each of sulfur and birch tar, and then add 10 parts Vaseline or 5 parts fish oil.

For mycoses and eczema: apply birch tar directly to the affected skin areas.

For psoriasis: add a mixture of 75 ml of birch tar, 100 ml of clean water and 75 ml of soap alcohol to the bath water. Take a bath for no longer than half an hour. You can also prepare an ointment for psoriasis. To do this, take equal quantities carrot juice and powdered dry celandine, and then mixed with four parts of birch tar. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, you can apply the ointment to painful areas.

To eliminate dandruff: combine 3 parts burdock oil with one part tar, dissolve in 1 tbsp. vodka. Rub into the scalp and leave the mask for several hours. It is effective and simple to rub pure tar into your hair and scalp every other day.

For respiratory diseases: inhalation of tar vapors will help. To do this, simply pour birch tar onto a hot surface.

For furunculosis and abscesses: combine equal amounts of protein, cream and birch tar.

For acne: mask of 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. olive oil and 2 tsp. birch tar.

At the same time, remember that before you try to get rid of acne, psoriasis, eczema or furunculosis on your own using products based on birch tar, it is better to first visit a doctor, because such diseases can be much more serious problems with the body (metabolic failures, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.).

Folk recipes for cleansing the body using birch tar

Alternative medicine uses tar as a base for cleansing preparations that relieve bad cholesterol, uric acid, salts heavy metals, waste, metabolic products, toxins, poisons, worms, etc. This happens due to an increase in the filtering abilities of the kidneys and activation of intestinal motility. At the same time, fat breakdown processes are accelerated, intestinal microflora is improved and the balance of uric acid in the body is optimized, and the functioning of the pancreas and liver is normalized.

Classical medicine does not recognize these methods, strongly advising the use of birch tar exclusively for external purposes, and the clinical effect of taking birch tar internally has not yet been studied. At the same time, many people who used the cleansing tips correctly experienced significant improvements in their bodies.

In any case, whether or not to cleanse the body with birch tar is everyone’s personal choice. It is better, of course, to discuss the mechanism for carrying out such cleaning with those who have repeatedly used similar methods, because the procedure itself is not completely harmless and safe.

Cleansing procedures using birch tar

  • Cleansing with tar water

Pour water and birch tar (ratio 8:1) into a glass jar, stir with a wooden spoon and let sit for a day or two. After an oily, undissolved liquid appears on the surface, which must be carefully removed, you can begin treatment.

The procedure goes like this: for 10 days on an empty stomach you need to drink 1-2 tbsp. l. the resulting tar water. This will help normalize metabolic processes, strengthen cardiovascular system. Tar water also has a diuretic effect.

  • Cleansing with tar milk

Drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. milk with a drop of birch bark tar.

  • Cleansing with tar bread

On the first day at night, eat a small piece of bread (preferably black), on which you need to drop one drop of birch tar. You should not drink or eat bread.

In the following days (from the second to the seventh) you need to gradually increase the number of tar drops to ten.

On days 8-18, the number of tar drops per piece of bread is 10.

From days 19 to 24, the number of drops decreases and gradually reaches five.

The course is over. Repeat if desired, but at least after six months.

Remember that the maximum permissible number of drops of tar from birch bark is no more than 10, and you need to start cleansing with a maximum of one drop!

  • Cleansing with tar honey

In this case, proceed according to the above scheme, only instead of a piece of bread, you need to drip the tar into a spoonful of honey.

It is not recommended to use birch bark tar both externally and internally during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of:

  • intolerance to the components present in birch tar, allergies to them;
  • chronic kidney diseases, especially during their exacerbation;
  • high cancer risk;
  • eczema in the acute stage.

Remember that tar therapy is far from the most safe remedy Moreover, such treatment will not be able to completely restore health and get rid of any ailments. And although this natural remedy has a small number of contraindications and rarely causes side effects(pressure surges, nausea), before starting such self-medication or self-purification, consultation with a specialist in this field is required!

Tar treatment: reviews

Caution never hurts, as evidenced by the reviews of tar therapy below. Moreover, some of them are far from the most enthusiastic. Although there are, of course, more people for whom tar treatment helped solve existing problems.

I decided to “clean myself” with birch tar. I was able to endure only one procedure - I dribbled it on bread and tried to eat it. Feels like I drank a liter of gasoline. I brushed my teeth several times but it didn’t help. The smell was in my mouth and throughout the apartment. That's it.

I wanted to try to strengthen my immune system. I decided on birch tar. I selected the most suitable course, but at the end of 24 days I did not notice any changes, either positive or negative.

Tar helped me get rid of psoriasis. I am repeating the course for the fourth time. I drink it mixed with milk. The result is that there are much fewer spots on the body. Let's see what happens next. Most likely, the main thing here is to determine the dosage that is right for you. Then there will be no harm, and you can be treated.

I love tar products - creams, shampoos, soaps. Now I’m mastering homemade masks with tar. By the way, I really like the smell of it (although at home they didn’t support me)! And after 6 days of use, there was less irritation on the skin and acne began to go away. In general, the tar helped me. Now I want to try drinking it.

I make soap from tar myself. As for the smell, at first I opened all the doors, the balcony and the windows in the apartment, but then I got used to it, and the smell of soap weakens over time and becomes quite pleasant. Or you need to slightly reduce the tar concentration.

I used tar to treat acne. After many unsuccessful courses of treatment, she turned to traditional medicine. I learned about the possibility of treatment with tar. At first I took a drop per spoon of milk on an empty stomach, gradually increased the dose and reached twenty drops. After this, I began to reduce the dosage of tar one drop per day. It took me three courses and my skin is still smooth and clear!

An attempt to cleanse the body with tar ended disastrously for me. Having eaten bread with 5 drops of tar in the evening, the next morning I felt terrible - nausea, drowsiness, weakness. But I still decided to continue the course. When I reached 10 drops, it got even worse and I had to call an ambulance. The pressure jumped significantly. My diagnosis was hypertensive crisis. I almost had a stroke. In general, I strongly do not recommend engaging in such self-medication - I have experienced its consequences myself.

A little video about this drug

What is tar

Birch tar looks like a dark oily liquid with a sharp, not very pleasant smell. As in ancient times, this substance is obtained by distilling birch bark: artisans filled narrow containers with birch bark, heated it and collected the resinous liquid that flowed out. Modern production of tar is more thoughtful - in industrial workshops, birch bark is placed in huge sealed vats, heated for 10 hours and the resin is collected. More than 30% of tar comes out of the raw material.

In ancient times, this substance was used everywhere - its use as a lubricant for wheels, armor, tools, shoes, and also treated wounds and. Today, its use has decreased significantly, but tar continues to be used in traditional and folk medicine, externally and internally.

Tar contains almost 10 thousand healing ingredients, including: phenol, benzene, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, valuable acids. But at the same time, the substance also contains a certain amount of carcinogens that arise during the process of pyrolysis (distillation). It is these carcinogens that can harm health, especially if you use tar in its pure form, without taking into account contraindications. Cleaning does not solve the problem, because along with the toxic substances, the beneficial substances will also leave.

Where is it used?

The antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant qualities of birch resin have found application in medicine. The substance has a unique effect:

In dermatology, birch tar is widely used for acne, mycoses (fungus), scabies, seborrhea, scaly and versicolor. In cosmetology, it is prescribed as a remedy for dandruff, hair loss, skin irritation and inflammation, and acne.

Birch tar has a high therapeutic effect for diseases such as: bronchial asthma, ovarian cysts, smallpox, burns, frostbite, metabolic disorders, otitis media, gangrene, atherosclerosis. The substance is often included in medicinal and caring products, for example, in Vishnevsky ointment. and shampoos are time-tested remedies for dandruff.

Is tar useful?

Tar is a natural substance, so the harm from it is minimal, but the benefits are enormous.

  1. Accelerates wound healing, trophic ulcers, restores skin with eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, burns. Reviews show the effectiveness of the product for bedsores.
  2. Increases blood circulation at the site of application. And this is beneficial for the skin, muscles, joints, cartilage tissue. Influx of oxygen and nutrients accelerates metabolism and metabolic processes, due to which wounds heal faster, skin rejuvenates, and hair becomes stronger. Reviews about tar masks Excellent: the product dries out pimples, tightens pores, and cleanses clogged pores well.
  3. Birch tar is an insecticide and antiseptic. Helps remove inflammation, disinfects, draws out pus, relieves swelling.
  4. Widely used for oily skin and hair, it has a mild drying effect, as evidenced by numerous reviews.
  5. When taken orally, it helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, stimulates metabolic processes, improves digestion, and accelerates the healing of ulcers on the mucous membrane in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Oral administration is indicated for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Tar thins mucus, fights viruses, and eliminates inflammation.

In ancient times, tar in its pure form was used against scurvy and smallpox, and was even given to small children as an immunomodulator. In addition, the substance softens calluses and corns, is used in treatment, and is occasionally used in dentistry as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Harm of tar

With all the benefits of the substance and its natural origin, high content carcinogenic compounds formed during the production process can still cause harm to the body.

Like anyone, even natural medicine, tar has clear contraindications for use.

  1. Damage to the skin can be caused if you overuse the pure substance, not mixed with other components (except for the treatment of nail fungus). Undiluted birch tar dries skin and hair, therefore not recommended for sensitive and dry skin. It can accelerate aging and cause dryness and flaking of the epidermis.
  2. Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Penetrating to the fetus and into breast milk, may harm the child's health. For the same reason, it is not recommended for use externally by children under 3 years of age, and internally by children under 12 years of age.
  3. The substance should not be used if you are allergic to the components or have an individual intolerance.
  4. For kidney diseases, tar products, especially those taken orally, should be used after consultation with your doctor.
  5. Undoubted harm will be caused to health when excessive consumption product inside, as well as when applied incorrectly to the skin or hair.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the harm of carcinogens from birch tar, since the product is not purified. This must be taken into account: do not increase the exposure time when used externally, do not exceed the dosage when taken orally, conduct an allergy test upon first use, and be sure to consult a doctor when treating children. Obvious contraindications for use are itching, burning, rash at the site of application.

External treatment with tar

When used externally, this unique healing substance has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • increases blood flow;
  • restores tissue;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • destroys bacteria, including fungal spores.

Therefore, the benefits of treatment with birch tar are obvious for the following diseases: treatment of nail and skin fungus, acne, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, haemorrhoids.

Instructions for external use.

  1. The substance is used in its pure form. Nails are lubricated with birch tar twice a day, combining this therapy with classic fungicidal ointments or drops. This method against nail fungus is the most common, as evidenced by numerous reviews.
  2. A bath is used for skin fungus: grated laundry soap mixed in equal proportions with birch tar (50 g each), add to hot water, keep your feet or hands in it for 20 minutes twice a day. This fungal remedy is used before full recovery and for all types of mycoses (nail fungus) as an adjuvant therapy.
  3. The benefits of the substance have been proven in the treatment of dermatoses: pure birch tar is diluted in half with ointment or baby cream, applied pointwise to inflamed areas skin 2 times a day. This product has a drying effect.
  4. For oily skin use washes with tar soap, which is in the line of many cosmetic companies. In order not to harm the skin (not to dry it out), it is enough to wash your face with it 2-3 times a week. Reviews suggest that using such cosmetics daily is not always beneficial.
  5. Tar soap is also suitable for the treatment of pediculosis. Benefit: treats hair with care during the treatment process, but effectively eliminates “uninvited guests” on the head. Instructions: wash your hair 4 times with soap and birch tar, then apply ghee to your hair and comb out the nits. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  6. For corns and calluses, pure tar is applied pointwise to the problem area, covered with a bandage, and left on overnight. In the morning, the callus is cleaned and treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Birch tar for acne is used in the form of spot cauterization of inflammation, 2 - 3 times a day until a crust forms.

Harm during external use can only be caused if birch tar is used on sensitive, dry, irritation-prone skin or in the presence of allergies (these are the main contraindications for use).

Rules for oral administration

Ingestion refers to the use of tar water, but not pure tar. It’s easy to prepare even at home: dilute tar in a ratio of 8: 1 in clean water, insist for 2 days. Then remove the formed film, carefully so as not to raise the sediment, drain the liquid. The color of tar water should resemble white wine. It is recommended to store the mixture in the cold.

Birch bark tar in this form is used as follows:

  • for bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma or tuberculosis, drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of water during the day for 2 weeks;
  • As a diuretic, tar water is used orally in 40 ml doses for 10 days;
  • for inflammatory diseases of the mouth or throat, rinse with water, preheating it to 37 degrees, 3 - 4 times a day.

For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, prepare a mixture: birch tar (0.5 tsp) is mixed with 200 ml of warm milk and drunk three times a day, one hour before meals. The course is 1.5 months. Up to 4 such courses can be conducted per year.