What is the normal temperature of the human body. What you need to know about body temperature. Daily temperature fluctuations

Winter has begun, and with it colds and flu. When you're trying to figure out whether you have the flu or a cold, it's often important to know if and what kind of fever you have.

But what is a fever? This is important to know due to the increased frequency of enteroviral infections. When can our temperature be considered abnormal? When is it really a fever?

What's happened normal temperature?

From kindergarten age we know for sure that normal temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius. Therefore, most people believe that 38.5 degrees is already a fever. But when does a rise in temperature become a fever? In the process of increasing from the norm to 38 degrees or after overcoming this milestone?

First we need to find out what normal temperature is. 36.6 °C is a frequently quoted value that is not entirely correct initially. If we measured the body temperature of 100 healthy people, we would find that most of them would not have a temperature of 36.6. A 1992 study of 148 adults found that body temperature in healthy people can range from 35.5 to 38.2, averaging about 36.8 degrees Celsius. Normal rectal temperature is usually slightly higher.

The study also found that the most low performance body temperatures were recorded in the morning - around 6 am, and peak temperatures were usually recorded in the evening - around 6 pm.

How high a temperature should be considered a fever?

From these studies, it is clear that morning temperatures greater than 37.2ºC (98.9ºF) or daytime temperatures greater than 37.7ºC (99.9ºF) are above average, but as you can see in Figure 1, there are many variations of normal that differ from person to person, so even normal healthy people can sometimes have a temperature just below 38.3. And sometimes a completely sick person will have a lower temperature for some time. For this reason, it is important to measure your body temperature several times throughout the day. Typically, a person’s temperature varies within about 1ºC during the day, but when sick, the temperature can fluctuate over a much larger range.

Standard medical definition fever sounds something like this: “This is a temperature of 38.3 or higher.” But it's obvious that this definition should be used as a rough guide. When we say that someone has a fever, we really mean that that person's body temperature is higher than normal. But the normal indicator also depends on the time of day, the characteristics of the body and the lifestyle of the particular person whose temperature we measure.

Why is it so important for us to know whether someone has a fever or not? This knowledge can be the key to understanding whether that particular person is sick or not, and it is also important because too high a temperature can be very dangerous for the body.

What causes fever?

Fever can have several causes. The vast majority of fevers are caused by infections, but sometimes high temperatures occur for other reasons.

  • So, most often an increase in temperature is caused by infections - viral and bacterial.
  • Impaired heat transfer and/or dehydration may also be accompanied by fever.
  • Malignant tumors very often give a constant increase in body temperature.
  • Sometimes taking antibiotics and certain other drugs can cause fever.
  • Vaccination can also cause a fever - some people develop a mild fever within a day or several after the shot.
  • Chronic inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, often accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  • Burns cause high fever.
  • Damage to the hypothalamus is very rare, but may be accompanied by fever.

Why does fever occur?

The best answer to this question is in at the moment is that we don't really know why this happens. We know how this happens, but we don't quite understand why. Some experts believe that fever is part of the body's defense mechanism against infection, since viruses and bacteria cannot function and reproduce if a person's body is too hot. This seems logical since many enzymes work best within a narrow temperature range. And enzymes are important for many cellular functions on which viruses and bacteria depend, their reproduction and metabolism.

If this were the case, then it would be logical to expect that when a person takes measures to lower their body temperature, they will be sick longer and more severely. But, fortunately, this does not happen. Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen does not appear to increase or worsen the course or outcome of most diseases.

It is currently unclear whether fever is an adaptation of the body to fight infection or is simply necessary side effect, which occurs when our immune system “goes to battle an infection,” similar to how our body heats up when we run or perform other activities. physical work. If this is the case, then heating serves no purpose and may even be harmful. It's simple natural result the process by which our muscles burn fuel and work.

Sometimes I hear a patient say, “This doesn't make any sense. I feel hot when I have a normal temperature" or "I feel cold, but now I have a fever." This sounds strange, but it's actually exactly what you can expect if you understand exactly what's going on.

Let's say that the body is trying to increase its temperature. How is this achieved? Much like you raise the temperature if you're trying to warm up your home, you can increase the temperature your furnace produces, or you can close your windows and insulate them better to keep the heat in.

The same thing happens in your body. The only difference is that the body has to convince you of this, even if it cannot talk to you. The body communicates with you in the only way it can: it makes you feel cold or hot. This is achieved by changing the "internal thermostat" in a special gland called the hypothalamus. When you feel cold, you naturally do things to warm yourself up and also involuntarily begin to shiver. When you shiver, your muscles contract and relax, energetically releasing heat (similar to stirring burning fuel in a stove). You can also wear a sweatshirt or crawl under a blanket (the same as improving your home's insulation or closing your windows to keep the heat in). Therefore, in response to the feeling of cold, you generate more heat and do everything possible to retain it. After some time, the temperature starts to rise and you already have a fever. You are still freezing, but your temperature is 38.3!

When it comes time to lower your body temperature, you feel hot. You stop shivering, remove all layers of clothing, and maybe drink something cold. After some time after such actions, the temperature will drop. You are hot, you are sweating, but your temperature is normal.

Temperature fluctuations like this can happen several times during the day when you're sick, especially if you take ibuprofen or paracetamol to reduce your fever. But in most cases, elevated temperature changes according to the same cycle that is characteristic of the body in healthy condition.

Body temperature is usually lower in the morning and rises in the evening. Sometimes people think that the illness has gone away because their body temperature is normal in the morning, but later they are disappointed when the fever returns in the evening. These fluctuations are not at all a sign that something serious is happening with your health. This is a normal picture with any illness that causes fever. As the illness passes, the temperature will become less and less every evening, until eventually the fever disappears completely, that is, there will be no fever even at night.

What is a person's normal temperature?

Here we will talk to you about human body temperature. This biomarker determines the body’s ability to thermoregulate, produce and exchange heat with the environment.

Normal human temperature ranges from 35.90 C to 37.20 C, indicating good condition health and functioning of the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus. Temperature fluctuations above or below this range are a cause for serious concern.

What is the role of temperature in the physiology of functioning human body? Its types, dependence on certain factors, and what it should be.

The reasons for its fluctuations, and to what extent this is possible for the safe existence of the human body, will be discussed later.

Stay with us, Read, it will be interesting!

The concept of temperature and its relationship with physiology

Body temperature is an objective complex indicator thermal state person.

It can be measured with a thermometer:

  • Under the arm;
  • In the anal area;
  • In the vagina;
  • In the ear.

Moreover, its readings fluctuate depending on:

  • Circadian rhythm;
  • Level physical activity person;
  • Age;
  • Environmental influences;
  • Entry into the body harmful microbes, poisons, toxins;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Genetic features;
  • Health conditions;
  • Presence of diseases of the endocrine system or oncology.

Focusing your attention on normal temperature, we want to tell you what the technology for determining it should be.

Have you decided to find out its normal value for yourself?

Then from these values ​​you need to determine the arithmetic mean by adding up all the indicators and dividing their sum by the number of measurements. The resulting value will give you the answer to your question.

At the physiological level, receptors control body temperature in humans nerve cells hypothalamus and hormones thyroid gland, which determine the intensity of metabolism in the body.

Its increase often indicates symptoms of the development of a disease accompanied by inflammatory processes.

Temperature and its types

WITH early childhood Every person knows what his normal temperature should be, it is 36, 60 C. However, sometimes it can be:

  • Low, less than 350 C;
  • Low-grade fever ranging from 37 to 380 C;
  • Febrile from 38 to 390 C;
  • Pyretic from 39 to 410 C;
  • Hyperpyretic body temperature over 410C.

According to such indicators, they characterize certain human health conditions, which we will consider in more detail below.


This condition characterizes a decrease in body temperature relative to normal by as much as 1.50 C, which can cause disruption of the body’s vital processes.

With a reading on the thermometer of 29.50 C, a person’s consciousness may fail, and already a reading of 26.50 C is fatal for him.

The causes of hypothermia are associated with:

  • Dysfunction of the thermoregulatory centers of the brain;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Paralysis;
  • Paresis;
  • Exhaustive diets;
  • Dehydration;
  • Overwork;
  • Dietary disorders;
  • Hormonal imbalances.


This condition is characterized by increased body temperature. At the same time, its subfebrile value does not pose a threat to the body, but already indicates serious disruptions in its functioning.

Hyperemia can be caused by:

  • Hard physical labor.
  • Visiting a sauna or hot bath.
  • Viruses or colds.
  • Spicy or hot food.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • Tuberculosis or early stage cancer.

A fibril state usually indicates the presence of inflammatory processes when the immune system fights viruses and microbes.

A pyretic state, above 390 C, indicates acute inflammatory processes that can cause convulsions and are treated with antipyretic drugs.

In this case, the person feels:

  • Loss of strength;
  • Headaches;
  • Body aches;
  • Chills;
  • Fever;
  • Sweating;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Decreased appetite.

A thermometer mark above 40.30 in a person poses a direct threat to life, and already at 420 irreversible processes occur in the brain tissues with complete destruction protein component of the whole muscle tissue body, which causes death.

How to help children in unexpected situations

Today the publishing house "Eksmo" released a series of books by the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky for moms and dads. One of them “39 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help a child with an increase in body temperature". Here, adults can find all sorts of answers to parents’ burning questions about how to deal with diseases in their children at home.

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Be healthy! Take care of yourself!

See you again! Goodbye!

One of the key indicators that reflects the relationship between the formation of heat due to metabolic processes in the body and its release from the surface of the skin, through the lungs or excreted decay products. In order to correctly evaluate the information obtained, many factors should be taken into account - when, to whom, in what way and under what conditions the measurement was made. Considering the totality of the facts obtained, we can answer the question of whether a temperature of 37 °C is considered normal or not.

How to use a thermometer correctly

In order to obtain the most reliable information, you should consider some features:

  • A tool used for diagnostics. The most plausible information is obtained from measurements with mercury devices. Infrared and digital assistants, widely advertised to consumers, have large measurement errors or are unjustifiably high cost. If the obtained values ​​fluctuate around 37 °C, this is a normal temperature for most practical cases.
  • Where did they put the thermometer? Mercury meters can be used to obtain temperature readings from the armpit, orally, or from the rectum. Each of these methods has its own diagnostic plugin. For example, with the axillary method, the typical range is between 36.3 and 36.9 °C. If the thermometer was in the patient’s mouth, then the resulting temperature of 37 °C is normal, as it corresponds to the standard values ​​of 36.8-37.3 °C. For rectal method The classic range is 37.3-37.7 °C.

  • When, to whom and under what conditions it was measured. It is reliably known that in the evening hours the readings on the thermometer can increase by 1 °C within normal limits. The same situation can occur after intense physical activity, visiting a bath, sauna, and immediately after eating. And when choosing the right or left armpit, the difference in the data obtained can reach 0.3 °C. Due to physiological characteristics of development, children may experience a rise in temperature that is not associated with diseases: after crying or due to overheating due to too warm clothes.

How not to take your temperature

We are so accustomed to this procedure that we do it automatically. However, it is worth asking yourself a question when you see the obtained values ​​of 37 °C: is this a normal temperature, is there a measurement error here?

It is important to remember that all manipulations are performed with a person in calm state. If the baby just ran, jumped or did other active actions, then before you put the thermometer in your bosom, you should switch it to quiet entertainment and wait at least half an hour. The same rule applies if a person has just eaten food, water procedures or came from a walk.

Mercury thermometers require some skill to use. But the main problem for parents is the need to keep the child calm for 8 minutes, which is required for a qualitative assessment of the child’s well-being. If you measure less, you get unreliable values.

Don't rely only on your own tactile sensations. IN lately among the children of different ages Cases of white fever are common. They are cold to the touch, but when fixed with instruments they look shocking high values. This effect occurs due to vascular spasms, which must be eliminated in as soon as possible.

What pathologies may be hidden behind a slight increase in temperature?

Correctly diagnosing the cause of low-grade fever in a person - not an easy task for doctors of various profiles and qualifications. A slight increase in mercury may indicate large quantities deviations in the normal functioning of various human organs and systems:

For such situations, an increase in a person’s temperature to 37 ° C is normal phenomenon? Of course not.

Why does the baby have 37 on the thermometer?

In the absence of noticeable signs of disease progression of various etiologies and visible deviations in the analysis results, do not panic if your child’s thermometer shows a value of 37.2 °C. For peace of mind, you should check the values ​​over time: if the increase was a one-time increase, then there is nothing to worry about. Temperature 37 °C in a child - normal reaction body to attack external environment. If knowledge is observed frequently during long period time, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since inflammatory processes can develop in the human body.

Overheating is a common cause of fever in infants

What if the child is one month old and has a temperature of 37? Is this normal or not? In the first month of the baby's life, he is under close attention parents, doctors and caring relatives. Overprotection manifests itself in excessive wrapping inappropriate for the weather, poor ventilation due to possible drafts. And since the thermoregulation function of infants is imperfect, it is quite natural for the numbers to increase. To correct the situation, it is enough to remove excess clothing and cool the room by ventilation in the absence of a child in it.

And we have teeth!

Another possible reason for temperature deviation from the norm in children of the first years of life is teething. In this case, a temperature of 37 is normal. Children cope with teething differently. For some it’s easy and relaxed, while for others you’ll have to be patient a little. Often, the growth of teeth in young children is accompanied by increased salivation, which indirectly can help parents understand the ongoing changes in their child’s condition.

Asymptomatic causes of fever

There are several conditions of the human body that may be accompanied by a slight increase in the values ​​on the thermometer:

  • Weakening immune system and, as a result, the acceleration of metabolic processes to combat various toxins manifests itself in the form of an increase in degrees.
  • Upcoming motherhood. The body of the expectant mother can respond to the changes occurring by increasing the thermometer values, so a temperature of 37 °C during pregnancy is normal.

  • Violation of thermoregulatory function in the brain due to depressive state.
  • Overheating of the body due to long stay exposure to the sun or wearing inappropriate clothing for the season, which very often happens in infants.

When to sound the alarm

Today, experts admit that for some people, exceeding the values ​​on the thermometer is the norm, provided there are no other symptoms and normal tests. But there are situations when a slight deviation from the norm is a reason to contact a specialist and conduct a series of studies.

Firstly, if the child has a fever for more than 3 days and this fact is accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, pale skin and others.

Secondly, if the increase is repeated during the course viral infection. Most often, this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

Thirdly, stable values ​​of 37 °C are regularly recorded for two weeks, provided that the thermometer is in good condition and the measurement rules are followed.

Fourthly, it is worth closely monitoring the dynamics of measurements if a child is injured, especially carefully monitoring indicators for head impacts.

Thus, the readings on the thermometer must be considered together with general condition person and the events preceding the measurement. In general, a single mild increase in temperature without any accompanying symptoms does not require intervention from health care workers.

Thermoregulation is rightfully considered one of the the most important features human body.

Body temperature is maintained by the body's forces for required level, and is responsible for its ability to generate heat and exchange with the environment.

Throughout the day, body temperature may vary, but only slightly.

This process is related to the metabolic rate, for example, in the morning it is lower, and in the evening it rises by about a degree.

It is worth finding out what is the normal body temperature of an adult, and what types are there? How to measure body temperature correctly armpit, in the mouth?

What does normal mean?

So, what temperature is considered normal? It is widely accepted that the temperature of the human body is exactly 36.6 degrees. A slight deviation in one direction or the other is allowed.

Based on the human condition, surrounding climatic conditions and time of day, as well as other parameters, body temperature can be from 35.5 to 37.4 degrees. It is worth noting that the average temperature regime women are higher, unlike men - by 0.5 degrees.

In the armpit, the body temperature should be 36.3-36.9, in the mouth - 36.8-37.3, in the rectum 37.3-37.7, and this is a normal temperature.

An interesting point is that the average body temperature may differ depending on nationality. For example, the Japanese average value is 36 degrees, while the Australians have 37.

Throughout the day, a person's body temperature can fluctuate by about one degree. The most low temperature body happens in morning time, and the highest in the evening.

In females, body temperature may fluctuate depending on menstrual cycle. There are people for whom a temperature of 38 is normal and is not a symptom of the development of the disease.

Every organ in human body also has its own temperature. And what temperature is normal?

The norm is different for everyone. The internal organ liver is 39 degrees, the kidneys and stomach should be 1 less.

How to measure temperature correctly?

To correctly measure the temperature in the armpit, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Make sure that the armpit is dry.
  2. Take a thermometer, wipe it with a dry cloth, you can bring it down to 35.
  3. Place it in the armpit so that the tip filled with mercury is in close contact with the body.
  4. Keep for at least 10 minutes.
  5. You can evaluate the result.

How to correctly measure the temperature in the mouth:

  • Before measuring the temperature in your mouth, you need to spend about five minutes at rest.
  • If you have dentures in your mouth, remove them.
  • If the thermometer is an ordinary one, wipe it dry and place it under the tongue on either side.
  • Close your mouth and wait 4 minutes.

Normal temperature healthy person the temperature in the mouth should be 37.3 degrees. It is worth noting that measuring the temperature in the mouth an ordinary thermometer must be done with extreme caution.

What temperature is there?

Human temperature is divided into the following types:

  • Subfebrile.
  • Febrile.
  • Pyretic.
  • Hyperthermia.

Low-grade temperature – 37 -37.5 degrees. Such a temperature in a person may be normal and not cause danger, but it may also indicate pathological processes, occurring in the body. Therefore, it is very important to find out why a person’s temperature has risen:

  1. Overheating in the sun, strong physical activity.
  2. Hot water procedures - sauna, bathhouse.
  3. Viral or cold disease.
  4. Hot and spicy food.
  5. Chronic illnesses.

Severe illnesses also lead to a prolonged temperature of 37, threatening for life. Oncological diseases (a tumor can affect an organ such as the stomach) and tuberculosis in the early stages of development are characterized by a slight increase in temperature.

In some situations, this body temperature is normal for a healthy person, and there is no need to bring it down. But to make sure where the norm is and where there are deviations from it, you need to consult a doctor.

A febrile temperature of 37.6 always signals that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. Normal temperature rises to such a level to combat pathogenic microorganisms, creating for them not favorable conditions. So shoot her down medications shouldn't.

You can simply drink more warm liquid to reduce the concentration of toxins and prevent dehydration.

Pyretic temperature - more than 39, indicates acute course inflammatory process. If the mercury column shows this value, doctors advise starting to take antipyretic medications.

If a person’s temperature is 39 degrees, convulsions are possible, so people who have concomitant illnesses need to be more careful.

The most common causes of this temperature are microorganisms and viruses that penetrate the body. Also, this body temperature is possible in case of severe burns or injuries.

Hyperthermia - temperature (40.3), makes you sound the alarm and immediately call ambulance, it is important to know before the ambulance arrives. At 42 degrees, an organ such as the brain can be irreversibly damaged, the central nervous system is depressed, and blood pressure drops.

If you do nothing, everyone internal organ is damaged, resulting in coma and the risk of death.

Which temperature is considered low and which is considered low? It's simple, there are situations when the mercury column shows less than 35 degrees, here you need to start worrying.

After all, at a temperature of 32 the patient will feel stunned, at 29.5 there is loss of consciousness, and at 26.5 there will be death.

The reasons for low temperature are:

  • For hypothyroidism; due to alcoholic drinks (an organ such as the brain stops functioning, the thermoregulation center is affected)
  • Malfunction of the central nervous system, brain damage (trauma, tumor).
  • Paralysis, as a result of which body weight decreases and heat loss occurs.
  • Strict diets, constant hunger - all this leads to the fact that the body has little energy to produce heat, and every organ in the body “suffers”.
  • Hypothermia. Prolonged exposure of a person to low temperature conditions, as a result of which own strength The body can no longer cope with the function of thermoregulation.
  • Dehydration, as a result of which the body lacks fluid, which leads to a decrease in metabolism.

A moderate decrease in temperature (35.3) occurs:

  1. Normal overwork, or serious physical exertion, chronic lack of sleep.
  2. Wrong diet or diet.
  3. Hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, thyroid disease, menopause).
  4. Violated carbohydrate metabolism against the background of liver disease.

There are a number of methods by which you can increase your body temperature. As a rule, they do not imply any medications, except if the decrease is caused by severe illness.

To increase the temperature at home, you can place a heating pad under your feet. hot water, change into more warm clothes. Hot tea with honey or decoctions with medicinal herbs(St. John's wort, ginseng).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that everyone has their own norm for body temperature. If one person feels great with a temperature of 37, and there are no inflammatory processes in the body, this does not mean that the situation with another person will be exactly the same.

It all depends on individual characteristics body, so if you have the slightest doubt, you should visit a doctor. Elena Malysheva will popularly tell you what to do with the temperature in the video in that article.

Body temperature- one of the main physiological constants of the body, providing optimal level the course of biological processes. Slightly decreased or increased body temperature - how to treat it? How to treat high or low temperature and is it necessary to do it at all?

How to measure body temperature correctly

To find out the exact temperature, you need to measure rectal temperature. In this case, the measurement error is the lowest. When a patient already has a fever, measurements taken elsewhere will be very different from the actual temperature.

The usual normal body temperature is not very easy to determine. Significant individual variations may occur throughout the day. On average, the temperature fluctuates between 36 and 37.5 degrees. If a person is physically active, he is warm; in the evening the temperature is usually slightly higher than in the morning.

What is the best thermometer to measure body temperature?

The old glass mercury thermometers that remain in most households are already obsolete. In addition, they are quite dangerous in the hands of a child.

Today there are modern temperature meters: digital, or contact, and infrared. While a digital thermometer can be placed in the mouth, rectum or armpit, infrared temperature measuring devices are placed in the ear or forehead.

Digital thermometer (also electronic contact thermometer): Temperature can be read digitally. These models are very reliable, especially when used rectally, as mentioned above. If this is not possible, temperature readings will be relatively accurate if the thermometer is placed in the mouth.
Ear thermometer: Using infrared rays, the temperature is measured in seconds by eardrum. However, this thermometer is not suitable for newborns with otitis media. But if your child is uncomfortable taking rectal temperature, an ear thermometer is a good alternative. At the pharmacy you can ask for a thermometer appropriate for the child’s age.
Forehead thermometer: The temperature of the forehead is also measured using infrared rays. But with such measurements, small deviations are often inevitable.

Normal body temperature

We all know that normal body temperature is 36.6 C. In fact, this indicator is for the same person in different periods life changes. For example, a thermometer gives different numbers throughout the month even with full health. This is typical mainly for girls. Their body temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and returns to normal with the onset of menstruation. But fluctuations in body temperature can occur within one day.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and in the evening it usually rises by 0.5 C.

The following may contribute to a slightly elevated body temperature:

  • stress;
  • physical activity;
  • taking a bath;
  • drinking hot (as well as strong) drinks;
  • staying on the beach;
  • clothes that are too warm;
  • emotional outburst.

And there are also people for whom the normal body temperature is not 36.6, but 37 C or even slightly higher. As a rule, this applies to boys and girls of asthenic body type, who, in addition to an elegant physique, also have a vulnerable mental organization.

Fever- not uncommon, especially in children. According to statistics, it is typical for everyone fourth child aged 10 to 15 years. Typically, such children are somewhat withdrawn and slow, apathetic or, conversely, anxious and irritable. But in adults this phenomenon is not unique.

However, you shouldn’t blame everything on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, if normal temperature body was always normal and suddenly became suddenly elevated over a long period of time and in different times days is a cause for concern.

Causes of elevated body temperature

The cause of increased body temperature may be inflammation or infection. But sometimes the thermometer readings remain above normal even after recovery. Moreover, elevated body temperature can last for several months. This is how post-viral asthenia syndrome often manifests itself. Doctors in this case use the term “temperature tail”.

Caused by the consequences of an infection, a slightly elevated body temperature is not accompanied by changes in tests and goes away on its own. However, here lies the danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when an elevated temperature indicates that the disease, which has subsided for a while, has begun to develop anew. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out whether the leukocytes are normal. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump and jump and eventually “come to its senses.”

Another common cause of elevated body temperature is experienced stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. In this case, elevated temperature is accompanied by symptoms such as feeling unwell, shortness of breath and dizziness. Well, if in the foreseeable past you have not suffered from stress or infectious diseases, and your body temperature is elevated, then it is better to get examined. After all, the cause of a prolonged increase in body temperature can be dangerous diseases.

With elevated body temperature, the first thing you need to do is exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious illnesses. First you need to contact a therapist who will draw up individual plan examinations. As a rule, if there is an organic cause for elevated body temperature, there are other characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in different areas bodies;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating

When palpated, an enlarged spleen or lymph nodes may be detected. Typically, finding out the causes of elevated temperature begins with the following examinations:

Then, if necessary, more is prescribed detailed studies– for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin and especially when sharp decline body weight requires consultation with an oncologist.

If examinations show that there are no organic reasons for elevated body temperature, no, it’s too early to relax, since there is still cause for concern.

Where does the elevated temperature come from, even if there are no organic causes?

It appears not at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it transfers it poorly environment. Violation of the thermoregulation system on physical level can be explained by a spasm of superficial vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower limbs. Also, in the body of people with elevated body temperature, disruptions in endocrine system(causes may include dysfunction of the adrenal cortex and metabolism).

Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of the syndrome vegetative-vascular dystonia and even gave it a name - thermoneurosis.

And although this is not a disease in pure form, because no organic changes occur, but still not the norm. After all, prolonged elevated temperature is stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. Neurologists at elevated temperatures in such cases recommend:

  • massage; acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels);
  • psychotherapy.

Greenhouse conditions do not help, but rather hinder getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, for those who suffer from this disorder, it is better to stop taking care of themselves, and start to harden and strengthen the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need:

  • correct daily routine;
  • regular, plentiful meals fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • taking vitamins;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • physical training;
  • hardening.

Diseases with high body temperature

The normal value of body temperature is maintained by two groups of processes: heat production and heat transfer. The thermometer will show more high numbers upon activation of heat production:

Or if heat transfer deteriorates:


If, in addition to a high temperature, you are bothered by a cough, shortness of breath even at rest and/or you cough brown sputum- consult a doctor immediately! You may have a lung infection such as pneumonia.

Pneumonia can be quite severe, especially in older people and people in poor health. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis, he may prescribe fever reducers and antibiotics. In addition, the specialist will refer you for an x-ray chest. Sometimes there is a need for inpatient treatment.

Acute bronchitis

If you are coughing up grayish-yellow mucus and/or having difficulty breathing, you may have acute bronchitis(infectious respiratory tract disease). Drink as much fluid as possible and try to reduce your fever. You can also use cough suppressant medications. If you experience shortness of breath or do not feel better after 48 hours, be sure to consult a doctor.


  • headache;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat.

It is very likely that you have something in common viral disease, for example, the flu. Observe bed rest and take aspirin or paracetamol to reduce your fever and make you feel better. If you develop shortness of breath or do not feel better after 48 hours, contact your doctor.


If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • pain when tilting the head forward;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • fear of bright light;
  • drowsiness or confusion.

Consult your doctor. These symptoms may be caused by meningitis (inflammation meninges), caused by microbes or viruses entering the brain.

You will probably be hospitalized to clarify the diagnosis using a lumbar puncture. If you have bacterial meningitis, you will be given antibiotics, most likely intravenously. If you have meningitis of viral origin, no special treatment will not be required, but you will be prescribed painkillers and the necessary solutions will be administered intravenously. Recovery usually occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Acute infection of the kidneys or bladder

If you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • lower back pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pink or cloudy urine.

The cause of these symptoms may be an acute infection of the kidneys or bladder.

Consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will examine you, give you a urine test, and probably prescribe antibiotics. He will also refer you to special X-ray examination kidneys to determine the cause of the disease. Further treatment depends on the results of the examination.

Staying under the hot sun or in a stuffy room

Staying under the hot sun or stuffy room may lead to an increase in body temperature. In most of these cases, the elevated temperature returns to normal value after about an hour in a cool room. But call a doctor right away if your temperature continues to rise.

High fever associated with postpartum infection

Postpartum infection, although a rare disease these days, can cause fever after the birth of a child. This usually occurs when the uterus and/or vagina becomes infected after childbirth. If you experience pain and redness of the mammary gland, then it may be infected. If your doctor suspects you have a postpartum infection, he or she will send a sample of your vaginal discharge for testing. Treatment includes a course of antibiotics.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

If, in addition to a high temperature, you feel pain in the lower abdomen and/or you have had heavy or unpleasant smell vaginal discharge. Inflammation fallopian tubes(sometimes referred to as salpingitis) - possible reason these symptoms. The doctor will perform a vaginal examination and collect discharge for analysis. If the test results confirm the diagnosis, you will most likely be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Fever may be a symptom of the following diseases

How to bring down the temperature

What temperature should I lower?

This issue has long been quite acute among doctors.

Both opinions have a place to be, because an increase in temperature can be caused various factors: it could be external manifestation disorders of the nervous system, in this case taking antipyretic drugs may not be effective.

The temperature may rise slightly during the working day (overexertion, jar of Hearts), if no symptoms colds However, no, you can’t shoot it down.

Should I bring down a low temperature if it lasts for several days?

It is quite possible that this is a sign of neurosis or traumatic brain injury, a hormonal disorder in the body. In this case, you first need to establish the cause; there is no point in deliberately lowering the temperature.

What medicines can be used to reduce the temperature?

In the human understanding, medicine is a kind of magic pill that must be taken urgently. Undoubtedly, if the temperature has really risen quite strongly and the patient is feeling unwell, you need to take action and give syrup or a tablet.

But before you bring down the temperature with pharmaceutical drugs, try to do it with “natural” techniques. First, give the patient hot tea or compote. This will give the body required quantity moisture. After a while, offer the drink again, but with raspberries. Raspberries promote increased sweating, which helps heat transfer.

  • Provide cool air in the room.
  • If possible, try not to wrap the patient up too much.
  • Rubbing with alcohol will quickly help bring down a very high temperature.

How to bring down the temperature if nothing helps?

Paracetamol suppositories work very well. It is through the intestinal walls that the medicine is absorbed instantly. If you don’t have candles on hand, you can prepare an enema. To do this, dissolve in warm water crushed antipyretic tablets and administer them to the patient.

Reduced body temperature

Often, many people complain about an unreasonable drop in temperature, while their hands and feet get cold, and there is general apathy and lethargy. Low body temperature occurs for a number of reasons:

  • low hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • decreased immunity;
  • recent illness;
  • loss of strength.

If you visited a doctor, took tests, and low temperature body remains, then in order to increase body temperature, try changing your lifestyle - go in for sports, follow the principles healthy eating, take more vitamins.

Causes of decreased body temperature

  • decreased thyroid function;
  • adrenal gland damage;
  • violation normal functioning the body after a chronic illness;
  • overwork;
  • use of a large number of drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins C and much more.

Reduced body temperature - (i.e. body temperature below 36°C) is sometimes observed in healthy people in the morning, but even at this time it usually does not fall below 35.6°C.

A morning temperature drop to 35.6 - 35.9°C is often observed with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with some diseases of the brain, exhaustion as a result of fasting, sometimes with chronic bronchitis, and also after significant blood loss.

A reduced body temperature inevitably occurs during freezing (after the end of the stage of adaptive warming of the body due to chills) down to 20 ° C and below, when metabolic processes practically stop and death occurs.

A less pronounced, non-life-threatening, decrease in body temperature is sometimes achieved through artificial cooling of the body (artificial hypothermia) in order to reduce the metabolic rate and the body’s need for oxygen, in particular during long periods of time. surgical operations using artificial blood circulation machines.

The first signs of low body temperature

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of thought processes.

If a child has a low body temperature, he or she must be shown to a doctor.

If at low body temperature a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, is alert and efficient, examinations did not reveal any pathology, and the temperature throughout life remains lower than usual for a healthy person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

How to increase body temperature

There are life situations, in which a person needs to artificially increase body temperature. In this context, there are countless methodologies for achieving the desired indicators, both the most effective and those that are unstable.

First of all, it is recommended as the safest way to increase the temperature, implementation physical exercise for endurance, and you can determine the list of exercises yourself, the main point in this process is achieving high fatigue.
Also to safe ways increases in body temperature can be attributed to staying in a very hot bath, though with small growth rates - up to 2 degrees.
A general physical method derived from the laws of thermodynamics - placing the body in any space where the temperature is higher than the temperature of the body itself.
One of the simplest, but enough effective ways reach desired result - rub your armpits with salt.
They work almost as well iodine ingredients- for example, a small amount of unrefined sugar along with 4-5 drops of iodine on the tongue, or diluting a larger amount of iodine in a glass of water, adding about 6 tablespoons of unrefined sugar. An increase in body temperature is ensured in these ways.
It is also quite effective graphite consumption in small quantities.
More exotic ways to increase temperature include: placing the cut onion under the armpits for 10-15 minutes.

Fever in a small child

If a child, especially a small one, has a fever, some parents get scared and don’t know what to do. The appearance of a high temperature signals an emerging disease. In the most critical moments, you should immediately call an ambulance; in other cases, you can cope with the temperature yourself.

What should not be done if a child has a high temperature?

What needs to be done?

Questions and answers on the topic "Body temperature"

Question:Can the temperature be 37.2-37.3 in the evening and 35.2 in the morning with oncology?

Answer: Such temperature surges are possible, but not only with oncology.

Question:Tell me, is low body temperature normal? In my life, my temperature is 35.4 - 35.6 (I feel good). Fever occurred only a few times in childhood during serious illnesses, now (28 years old) I endure all diseases not just without a fever, but on the contrary with a low one, right now, for example, I have laryngitis, the temperature stays at 34.8! Stable. (I feel slightly weak). What is the reason for this?

Answer: Low body temperature is not the norm! Check your thyroid function to see if there is any decrease in function.

Question:How to correctly measure a child's temperature?

Answer: Experts recommend measuring the baby’s temperature at rest, or even better, when the baby is sleeping. The baby should be picked up or placed on his side if he is sleeping. Place the thermometer on the side opposite the mother. Placing the thermometer involves placing it completely between the child’s arm and body, as if hiding it from the armpit to the elbow. For children over 4-5 years old, it is permissible to place the thermometer, like adults, perpendicular to the plane of the shoulder.

Question:How many days can you lower your temperature? What to do if the temperature rises again and again?

Answer: In cases where you do not know what exactly is causing your or your child's fever, be sure to consult a doctor if you (or your child) do not feel better within 1 day of getting sick, or if you develop some signs described at the beginning of the article. As we said above, in similar situations, it is much more important to identify the cause of the disease and begin treatment aimed at eliminating it than to bring down the temperature. If you know what causes the temperature and it is not dangerous, you can bring down the temperature (and associated symptoms) for several days.

Question:Which medicine for fever should I choose?

Answer: To reduce high fever in children, you can use either Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) or Ibuprofen. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen), Ibuprofen, or Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can be used to reduce high fever in adults.

Question:Hello! I am 25 years old, my temperature has been 36.9 - 37.2 for more than half a year. It doesn't create any problems for me! I just don’t know if it’s possible to do heavy sports (barbell) at this temperature? During training it only makes you feel hot, but that’s normal! Tell me please!

Answer: Hello. In a healthy person, body temperature can rise to 37.5C; this is not dangerous. You can exercise if you otherwise have no health problems.

Question:Hello! For four months now the temperature has been 37.5 - 37.7. But only in a standing position, that is, if you lie down, the temperature will return to normal. Doctors say this is a “disorder of internal thermoregulation.” I ask how to treat - they shrug their shoulders. I no longer know what to do or what to think. Help please. Tell me something. Which doctor should I go to next?

Answer: Hello. Violation of thermoregulation is a variant of the norm; it does not need to be treated.

Question:Please tell me how many minutes it takes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer?

Answer: Hello! Body temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer for 7-10 minutes, while the armpit should firmly fix the device so that the result is as reliable as possible. In addition to mercury, there are also electronic contact thermometers. They measure temperature faster, usually within 30-60 seconds. however, many instruments are subject to inaccuracy. Most convenient option for young children - non-contact thermometers that measure body temperature the moment you hold it over the forehead.

Question:Hello, we are 5 months old, our daughter’s temperature has been 37-37.3 since birth, 2 weeks ago we had a general blood test and a general urine test, the pediatrician said that the indicators are normal. But the temperature is constantly above 37. We also now have swollen upper gums, the lower 2 incisors have already erupted. Should I do it or postpone it? what to do with this body temperature? Should I take any additional tests? Until 5 months there was a medical examination for neurology, now the neurologist has authorized the vaccination.

Answer: Hello! Often in children, such a temperature is considered normal, especially if no pathologies are detected in the blood and urine. Regarding vaccinations: I recommend that you consult with an immunologist in person, he will give permission for vaccination or draw up an individual schedule according to which you will vaccinate your baby. I strongly recommend applying Viferon gel to the child’s nose before visiting the doctor; there is a lot of viral infection now, the child must be protected.

Answer: Hello! You have treatment for giardiasis, so you can treat and then control this moment repeated analyzes. The child’s body temperature does not drop critically, so I don’t see any reason to worry yet. You can take a general blood test and see the changes.

Question:A week ago our temperature rose to 37.2. They called a doctor, examined him, said that his throat was red and hard breathing and the upper teeth are cutting, she diagnosed “tracheitis”, prescribed the antibiotic Lecoclar, and cough syrup Ambraxol. We took tests. The tests are more or less normal, only the leukocytes are low 3.6. The rest is normal. We started treatment, the temperature subsided for three days, then rose again to 37.2. They took me to the doctor. She said that her throat was normal and her breathing was clear. That most likely these are teeth. Can this temperature be maintained during teething? What should I do?

Answer: Hello! The teeth themselves cannot cause fever. They can cause a temporary decrease in immunity and, as a result, infection with viruses or bacteria. Therefore, when body temperature rises, a high-quality examination by a doctor plus basic tests is recommended - general analysis blood and general urine analysis (whether they contain inflammatory changes, responsible for increasing body temperature). You say that all tests are normal, except for a decrease in leukocytes (may be due to a viral infection). I recommend you start antiviral treatment, for example, effective and safe drug Viferon. However, before using it, you must consult your pediatrician in person.