Monastic herbal collection of Father George. Father George's anti-cancer collection

Since time immemorial, people have been cured of diseases with the help of products of plant and animal origin.

Today, despite the development of medicine and the abundance of all kinds of medicines, many people prefer not traditional medicine.

In some cases, folk remedies turn out to be more effective and safe than pharmaceuticals. This is not surprising. Many generations have tried their recipes. One of these miraculous remedies is the monastery collection of Father George.

From the history of the creation of the product

Father George, archimandrite, church minister and healer lived in a monastery in the mid-20th century and studied medicine with a famous schema-monk.

The archimandrite became interested in a recipe for a collection of 16 herbs, which was invented back in Ancient Rus', and restored it. Many people have tried this remedy.

People came to Father George from all over the country for help. With the help of his collection, the Archimandrite helped thousands of people get rid of serious illnesses and rediscover the joy of life.

The results of treatment with the herbal mixture were so stunning that doctors decided to study this remedy and its effect on the body. Contrary to the opinion of those who believe that tea works only due to self-hypnosis, it has been proven that the effectiveness of the product is many times greater than the effect of placebo.

When to use the herbal mixture of Father George

The herbal collection of Father George has shown its effectiveness in the fight against the following ailments:

  • Headaches;
  • Pneumonia (lung inflammation)
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the spine and joints;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Gynecological diseases, in particular fibroids and infertility;
  • Cystitis and other diseases genitourinary system;
  • Chronic diseases respiratory tract;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Insomnia, anxiety, depression;
  • Poisoning;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Herpes and other skin rashes.

Tea made from 16 herbs is also used as a prophylactic. It boosts immunity and improves well-being. The collection is used as maintenance therapy for oncology.

How does the herbal tea work?

The composition of Father George's collection is unique in that it contains effective components that complement and enhance each other's effects.

The tea consists of 16 herbs:

  1. Nettle. Contains a lot of vitamins C and A. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolism and work digestive system, cleanses the body of intoxication, increases hemoglobin.
  2. Sage. A good natural antibiotic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps cope with many diseases. For dry coughs, it helps to liquefy and remove mucus.
  3. Immortelle . Diuretic, analgesic and expectorant. Normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. In oncology, it softens the effect of chemotherapy.
  4. Rose hip. Improves heart function. Contains large number Vitamin C, which is why it is used for colds.
  5. Series. Improves blood composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, slows down the growth of tumors in cancer.
  6. Bearberry. Contains antioxidants and is used for treatment inflammatory diseases kidneys and liver, helps improve the condition of cystitis. Improves physical endurance. Yarrow. Has proven itself well in depressive disorders. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes blood pressure.
  7. Thyme . An indispensable tool for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has a pleasant taste.
  8. Sagebrush. Works especially well in tandem with immortelle. Has antimicrobial and analgesic properties
  9. Chamomile– has a calming effect, relieves inflammation. It also works as an antihistamine.
  10. Buckthorn– improves performance thyroid gland, since it contains iodine. Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus.
  11. Motherwort– has sedative properties, used to treat kidney diseases.
  12. Cat's paw . Suppresses the growth of tumors, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and vascular walls.
  13. Birch buds . Contains many vitamins, restores protective forces body, helps in the fight against cancer.
  14. Linden flowers. Improves metabolism, relieves coughing, and is used for diabetes.
  15. Marsh dry grass . Normalizes high blood pressure, helps fight acne, prevents the growth of cancer cells
  16. Yarrow . A universal remedy used for diseases of the throat, gall bladder and stomach.

All the herbs that make up the tea can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, do it yourself healing agent it is forbidden. The exact recipe and proportions are kept secret.

The effect of Father George's herbal collection

The herbal collection of Father George has cumulative effects. This is typical for most homeopathic remedies. Therefore, results the very next day after taking it are not worth it. Significant improvement occurs within a week.

In patients taking tea from 16 herbs, blood pressure, pain disappears, well-being improves and immunity increases.

Tea has a cleansing effect and removes toxins. Significantly improved performance internal organs: liver, kidneys, heart. The collection is useful during physical and mental stress.

How to take Father George's collection

A collection of 16 herbs is a great alternative to a cup of coffee in the morning. It is recommended to drink 150 ml of tea 3-4 times a day per day. To obtain the effect, the collection must be prepared correctly.

There are two cooking recipes.

  • In the first option, 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left for about half an hour under the lid, and then drunk.
  • The second version of the recipe is more complex. 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 2 liters of water. The composition is kept on low heat for three hours. During this time, part of the volume should evaporate.

The course of tea treatment is 21-30 days, after which you should take a break. It is better to drink the product before meals.

The collection has no contraindications. Only pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who have been diagnosed with allergic reactions for one of the tea components.

Benefits of Father George's medicinal collection

The collection is considered one of the best folk remedies for treatment and restoration of the body.

He has earned the trust of millions of people thanks to a number of advantages:

  • Consists of natural ingredients, is absolutely safe and has no side effects.
  • Eco-friendly, herbs for tea are collected by hand in the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus.
  • Possesses universal action– treats many diseases, supplies the body with vitamins, improves psychological state.
  • It is recommended by representatives of traditional medicine. Clinical trials have shown its effectiveness.

Here you will learn how to restore health with the help of the monastery collection of Father George for 1 course of use. We'll tell you how to prevent impending dangerous diseases, normalize the functioning of the whole body. We will show you what tea contains and how it affects the body. Read about the results of use, write your reviews.

Recipe from the rector of the Holy Spiritual Monastery, Archimandrite George

It’s impossible to convey how scary it was to wait for the results of the examination, but it all worked out, although the problem with acute pain was never resolved. That’s how I suffered until the doctor advised me to try the collection. In response to my questions about what it is, he quite professionally explained that the product is completely natural and “native”, in the sense that it is made from our local herbs. But it's better to do everything in order.

Now in the Monastery Assembly of Father George there are healing herbs, which were used in Ancient Rus', but then as a result of wars and coups, the recipe was forgotten. We remembered him when we were looking for a universal way to treat serious diseases. So the recipe was resurrected only at the end of the 20th century.

Contains 16 beneficial herbs.

Safe and beneficial for the body.

Cure from diseases by Mother Nature herself.

Proven effect on the body:

  • your condition will improve with any disease;
  • in 99% of cases it is possible to avoid operations;
  • The monastic collection of Father George cleanses the blood, increases immunity;
  • infections, tumors and viruses die because they are not able to live in such an environment;
  • as a result, all are activated enzyme systems(The gastrointestinal tract begins to work like a clock);
  • the functioning of the liver and biliary organs is restored;
  • blood pressure and heart rate stabilize;
  • the entire body is cleansed cellular level;
  • blood vessels are cleansed, salts are removed, cholesterol is reduced;
  • normalizes general health, new forces appear (due to the fact that mitochondria produce energy in new young cells);
  • even decreases negative impact pharmaceutical drugs on chemical basis(even if you continue to take pills and medications, the danger from their influence is reduced tenfold);
  • the body is saturated with useful microelements.

Herbal composition

In fact, the effect of herbs is antitumor. The recipe is ancient, but recently restored, made by Father George, from the Holy Spiritual Monastery. The collection relieved pain symptoms so well that people came from afar to get it. The action and results are very fast, relief came literally on the second day. This made me happy; finally I could walk straight, and not bend over in pain.

Having brewed a mixture of 16 herbs and drinking this decoction three times a day, I noticed that I had more energy, my head didn’t hurt, I immediately lost 5 kg, but I forgot about gastritis, how... nightmare. My doctor noted such improvements that I was even a little sorry that I had not learned about herbs earlier.

In this paper eco-bag you will receive the monastery collection of Father George.

The tea tastes good because the monastery collection of Father George 16 useful herbs. We can talk a lot about them, here are just some of their properties:

  1. Nettle cleanses and relieves inflammation;
  2. Sage plays the role of a herbal antibiotic, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels;
  3. Immortelle promotes the production of bile, lowers cholesterol, kills tumors, reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy;
  4. Rosehip improves immunity, saturates the body with nutrients;
  5. The sequence stimulates the glands, cleanses the blood;
  6. Bearberry as an antioxidant, does not allow cells to mutate, stops the development of tumors;
  7. Yarrow has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores;
  8. Wormwood kills infection, microbes, enhances the work of other herbs;
  9. Thyme is a strong antiseptic, removes inflammation;
  10. Birch buds increase the body's resistance to disease;
  11. Buckthorn restores the functioning of the hormonal system;
  12. Linden flowers influence the creation of good blood, improve metabolism;
  13. Marsh grass normalizes blood pressure, removes weakness, cleanses the kidneys;
  14. Motherwort calms the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure;
  15. Chamomile improves immunity, removes allergies;
  16. Dried flowers relieve spasms in blood vessels and muscles, and normalize the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Admission rules

  1. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of herbs, 200-250 ml in a cup;
  2. Infuse the monastery collection of Father George for 3-5 minutes;
  3. You can drink 3-4 times a day, regardless of food, but for at least 1-3 months to consolidate the result.

You should feel improvements already in the first days of taking it. And then your health and well-being will only improve.

What diseases are treated

The monastery where tea is harvested is known for many thousands of kilometers. Treatment with him complex diseases has become simple.

Monastic collection according to the recipe of Father George from 16 useful plants can cure chronic and severe diseases.
  • Liver diseases (hemangioma, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis);
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Problems of the genitourinary system in men and women;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • Metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Cancerous tumors;
  • Poor eyesight;
  • Varicose veins.
  • Cough, sore throat, thyroid disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infertility;
  • Diseases: lungs, joints, back;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Anomalies of the circulatory system.
  • Viral and infectious diseases;
  • Headaches, weakness, loss of strength, physical exhaustion, stress, depression, phobias;
  • Departures, intoxication;
  • Sudden weight loss or gain;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poor immune function.

The collection also helps to quickly recover from any illness and surgery.

Where to buy

The main disadvantage is that it cannot be bought at the pharmacy. But I searched the Internet, and I was lucky, I found the official website. I ordered it, they sent it to me, and that’s how my recovery began. I didn’t regret it for a second because before it took many times more for treatment.

At the time of writing the review, the price was 1980 rubles. But the manufacturer sometimes runs promotions, check.

It’s very easy to place an order: leave a request and a manager will call you in 10-15 minutes. After the delivery has been confirmed, the parcel will be sent by mail or courier, according to your choice. You will pay upon receipt, in cash.

The study, which involved more than 1,000 people, surprised even doctors. By the end of the month, absolutely all patients showed significant improvements. Even in severe cases of diabetes and hypertension, there have been advances in treatment, and some have become completely healthy.

Thanks to the monastery collection of Father George, the herbs from the composition have a beneficial effect on everyone, so they will help you too. It's a matter of time, everyone various diseases and time for complete cure may vary. One person will need 2-3 months, but 1 month may be enough for you.

“The Monastic Collection of Father George” is one of the most successful creations of the Russian Roots company. The restorative collection activates the body's defenses. Sold as herbal tea, the herbal mixture includes thyme, rose hips, linden, sage, nettle, string, yarrow, and immortelle. These herbs normalize blood circulation and tissue metabolism and have a mild sedative effect. The herbal mixture is recommended to drink not only as a prophylactic, but also for chronic diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and nervous system.

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For support immune system Hundreds of techniques have been developed and this technique is only one of them, which is the most proven. We invite you to consider and compare the recommendations of the two famous doctors. One of them is highly paid popular Silicon Valley therapist David Agus. The second is the brilliant cardiac surgeon N. Amosov, who performed more than 40 thousand operations during his life. We give you the right to draw your own conclusions.

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Tips from David Agus

  • Breakfast should be a mandatory meal. Coffee - no more than 2 cups per day and only natural. The diet should include foods that have undergone minimal heat treatment - meat, not sausage, fruits, not juice, vegetables, not salads made from them.
  • A smile, even for no reason, promotes the release of endorphins - hormones that reduce pain and improve mood. Positivity prolongs life.
  • For good health, 15 minutes of exercise every morning will be enough.
  • A few aspirin tablets over the course of a week reduces the risk of getting cancer by half and saves you from heart attack and stroke.
  • Don't accept food additives and multivitamins.
  • Avoid exposure to x-rays.
  • Wear only comfortable shoes. Potentially dangerous footwear includes: stiletto heels, flat sandals, soft sneakers, and UGG boots.

Tips from Nikolai Amosov

  • Medicine is not omnipotent. It can cure the disease, but you will have to earn your future health yourself. How? It's not easy. Constant loads, patience with heat, cold, fatigue. An hour of training and 3 km of daily walking will keep your acquired immunity in good shape.
  • Try to keep your fat intake to a minimum. Make it a rule to eat at least 300-500 grams daily raw vegetables or fruit.
  • If you experience an adrenaline rush (panic, anxiety, fear), focus on your breathing and try to relax your muscles. And at the first opportunity that comes your way, move. Physical activity will burn off excess adrenaline, which causes spasms of blood vessels.
  • Select antihypertensive drugs (blowing blood pressure). It could be like herbal teas, and pills - it all depends on the state of health and the overall picture.
  • Avoid bad doctors and try to find yourself a good one.

Just a century and a half ago, people were treated exclusively with natural substances of plant and animal origin. Later, opiates, ether, aspirin and insulin, and antibiotics appeared. They didn’t forget about herbal medicine - it was simply relegated to the background. Later, when the admiration for new super-effective drugs subsided, negative aspects drug therapy- addiction and side effects. Herbal medicine is free of these disadvantages, but one should not think that herbs can be drunk uncontrollably: accurate diagnosis, treatment regimen, dosage, contraindications - in naturopathy, as in official medicine, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations, otherwise what you considered to be good can turn out to be harmful. For those who do not want to get into trouble, advice - buy the Monastery Collection of Father George only on the official website. Since the manufacturer works directly without intermediaries, the package of the original collection “From Father George” of 16 herbs will cost you much less than its analogues.

Father George for many years was governor monastery. Miracle recipe The monastic collection of Father George and recommendations for its use were passed down from generation to generation to other herbalists.

The longer the collection is stored, the less benefit it brings. Essential oils evaporate and decompose ascorbic acid, there are fewer vitamins, in the collection it can develop fungal microflora. Each herb has its own expiration date. For example, buckthorn and rosehip can be stored for up to 5 years, and sage, rich in essential oils, becomes as useless as straw after a couple of years. “Father George's Collection” contains only fresh medicinal raw materials collected during the flowering phase, when the concentration of biologically active substances (BAS) in plants is maximum, so the body is cleansed as efficiently as possible.

The more classes of biologically active substances a plant raw material has, the higher its value.“Russian Roots” claims that “Father George’s Collection” helps against all diseases. There is confirmation of this: tannins, essential oils, flavonoid compounds, coumarins, organic acids, bitterness, alkaloids... Almost all groups are represented in herbal tea chemical compounds, used in herbal medicine, which can even cure cancer.

Where are the herbs collected? Many companies selling medicinal fees, do not indicate where the raw materials were procured. Many, but not the producers of tea “Monastic Collection of Father George”. Farming IP Limareva, located in the north Rostov region, is one of the few places where industry has not reached. Herbs collected in the meadows near the village of Karginskaya increase the body’s immunity, and do not poison it with nitrates and radionuclides. Modern clinical trials have confirmed the exceptional naturalness and safety of the product’s composition.

Composition of “Father George’s Monastery Tea”

Salvia officinalis. Tinctures of the sacred herb, which is what sage was called in the Roman Empire (2nd century AD), were used to treat diseases of the liver, intestines, female infertility. Later, in the Middle Ages, this herb was used by alchemists to obtain philosopher's stone, she was attributed magical properties, it was believed that sage tea prolongs life by decades. In Latin, sage is translated as Salvia, which means “to save,” and this is completely true. Tannins, essential oils, organic acids, alkaloids - the rich chemical composition allows you to use a decoction of sage leaves to strengthen hair, improve cell regeneration, relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, revitalize brain activity, reducing sweating.

Stinging nettle. This queen of wastelands - great friend humanity. According to legend, it drives away evil spirits and insects and is used as a powerful love spell. Nettle is put into borscht, shampoo is made from it, and a dye is made from its pigment. But its main advantage is its numerous healing properties. Nettle extract treats thrombophlebitis, strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism, restores strength after serious illnesses, used for the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Cleanse with nettle decoction oily skin face, strengthen hair roots.

Rose hip. Back in the 16th and 17th centuries, entire expeditions were sent to the Orenburg steppes to collect the fruits of this thorny bush. The berries were stored in the Apothecary Prikaz and issued to the nobility with the special permission of the king.

A decoction of this healthy berries prescribe:

  • To increase resistance infectious diseases. 100 grams of rose hip pulp contains a monthly dose of vitamin C.
  • For conjunctivitis, stomatitis, seizures, gastritis. High content B vitamins protect mucous membranes from drying out, improve vision, and strengthen hair.
  • For healing wounds, burns, frostbite. Tannins, vitamins PP and K accelerate protein coagulation and the formation of a protective film on the wound surface.
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Rosehip is a plant with a choleretic effect: it enhances the secretion of bile, has an antimicrobial effect, and relieves painful spasms.

Immortelle. This plant has many names: tsmin, dried flower, cat's paws, unfading. A powerful body amulet, a means for finding treasures, a guardian of peace for the dead - this plant is shrouded in a veil of legends. But the mystical side of the issue does not interest us, let's talk about practical application immortelle. A decoction of cumin flower baskets is drunk for cholecystitis, hepatitis, and cholelithiasis. Flavones and phenolic acids, which this plant is so rich in, enhance the formation of bile, reduce bilirubin, increase the content bile acids. Immortelle removes toxins from the liver, lowers cholesterol levels, and has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Immortelle is also included in the preparations that are drunk for vegetative-vascular dystonia - a disease of modern youth.

Bearberry or bear's ears. Any woman who has ever had inflammation knows about this herb. bladder- cystitis. Arbutin and methylarbutin (glycosides), which are part of bear ears, have a strong antibacterial effect, flavonoids increase the volume of urine excreted, tannins have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Because of its diuretic and antiseptic effect, bearberry decoctions are so beneficial for the kidneys and bladder.

Yarrow. It rests on a tall, up to a meter, stem white hat from many small inflorescences, so, rather, this plant can be called “milliflora”. If you set a goal and count the number of seeds that one such plant can produce in its life, the figure will be impressive - up to 25 thousand. Moreover, yarrow reproduces not only by seeds, but also by shoots of a long creeping rhizome. This herb enjoys well-deserved respect among the people - for the sixth century, yarrow tincture has been used to treat wounds and stop bleeding from intestinal, gastric or uterine bleeding. Gargle with decoctions sore throat, give enemas for hemorrhoids. Compresses made from crushed yarrow are used to treat abscesses and mosquito bites, bruises and sprains. Herbalists claim that the extract of this plant can stop the growth of malignant tumors.

Chamomile. There is no plant more popular in the vastness of our country than chamomile. But for all its fame, this natural antiseptic is often confused with its false twins: odorless chamomile, field navel and canine chamomile. Real pharmaceutical chamomile is easily recognized by its rich pleasant smell, because concentration chamomile oil in plant baskets reaches 1%. The flower is also rich in useful microelements, bitterness, mucus, gum, apigenin, caprylic and salicylic acid. Decoctions and infusions are used for hernia of the spine, for sore throats (rinsing), vaginitis (douching), and dermatoses. Chamomile tea calms nerves, relieves headaches, reduces swelling of the mucous walls gastrointestinal tract, is used as an antipyretic and immune-strengthening agent.
Thyme (thyme). If you hang a cloth bag with thyme in the room, the thymol contained in the essential oil of the plant will cleanse the air of microorganisms and chemical impurities. Thyme extract restores ciliated epithelium bronchi, thins mucus and accelerates its elimination. Thyme - natural stimulant, which is drunk for stress and depression, migraines and neurasthenia. Infusion from this aromatic herb, when combined with alcohol, causes persistent gag reflex. This property is used in folk medicine for the treatment of people with alcohol addiction.

Buckthorn (bark). If you drink a decoction of the dry bark of this plant, then after about 10 hours you will urgently have to look for a place to retire. Oxymethylanthraquinones and buckthorn anthraglycosides cause mild laxative effect, remove salts uric acid and sand, minimize swelling. And if you add plants to the cleansing effect protein diet, then your chances of losing excess weight increase dramatically.

A series.“Scrofulous” herb was prescribed to people with skin diseases - dermatoses, seborrhea, boils. Preparations based on the sequence cleanse blood vessels and stabilize metabolic processes. The series will protect against hypertension and also activate the production of the adrenal hormone (hydrocortisone), which suppresses allergic reactions.

Recipe for allergies (for children). 1/3 teaspoon of chopped string per glass of water. Bring to a boil. Cool, strain. The broth should be straw-colored, not dark. Drink 3 times a day, 30 ml.

The instructions for the Monastic Collection of Father George provide the composition, method of use and contraindications; we will give several useful recommendations.

How to properly brew and drink a medicinal mixture of 16 herbs from Father George:

If you drink Father George's collection for the first time, then to prevent allergies in the first days of taking it, brew yourself a half dose. In the absence of itching, rash, dry skin, allergic rhinitis You can safely proceed to the appointment according to the usual regimen.

You can brew a healing drink in any container, but it is best to do this in a clay or porcelain teapot. You cannot cover it with a lid - the herbs need free access to oxygen. The composition of the collection is balanced, so adding anything other than sugar or honey to tea is not recommended.

When to drink herbal tea? Eat general rule: preparations for organs above the waist - the heart, lungs, throat, nervous system - are drunk before meals, for the gastrointestinal tract - during meals, but what if the decoction is intended for reproductive system or joints, it is better to drink them after meals. But what to do, since the herbs that are part of Father George’s collection are considered to be general restoratives? It's simple: brew a tablespoon of raw material in 0.2 liters of boiling water and drink half a glass 4 times throughout the day (before or after meals - it doesn’t matter).

There is good news for budget-conscious people. While the boiling water turns light yellow, extraction continues. Therefore, after the first drain, the collection can be brewed again. If healing qualities tea will suffer in this case, but only slightly.

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The tea must be drunk every day for three weeks, after which one week is a fasting week. If any negative reactions of the body occur (diarrhea, bloating, nausea), stop taking it.

If you brewed Father George’s collection immediately for the day, then find a cool (not higher than 20°C) and dark place for it. It is best to store tea in a ceramic or glass container, but if you prefer a thermos, the lid does not need to be closed tightly.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute kidney diseases;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, acute gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • under 12 years of age;
  • allergies to one or more components of tea.

Olga Smirnova (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

The age of total chemicalization has had a negative impact on people's health. There are many attacks on the human body various viruses, often turn into diseases that are not subject to treatment recognized in the medical community. But what to do in similar situation? How to strengthen and heal both body and spirit? What is the Monastery Collection of Father George? Does he really have the power attributed to him? Let's try to figure this out step by step.

Buy medicinal collection can be found on the official website:


The monastery tea of ​​Father George is a storehouse of the healing power of Nature, shaped in the form medicinal tea the famous herbalist of Kuban, Archimandrite George. Taking as a basis the medicinal and healer knowledge that has come down from the times of Ancient Rus', the abbot of the Holy Spiritual Monastery of Timashevsky developed his own formula based on healing power plants.

The composition of the medicinal collection includes sixteen herbs with a diverse spectrum of action, collected in an ecologically clean area near the monastery.

Complementary to each other, plants are a real “healing bomb” that defeats various ailments. Invaluable benefits, provided by the collection is based on the presence of simple, but carefully selected components.

Since ancient times, it has been considered an indispensable aid in the fight against cholesterol. Antioxidants, which the plant abounds in, not only improve quality characteristics blood, but also have a choleretic effect.

Natural "periodic table". The abundance of microelements such as chromium, manganese and magnesium allows the plant to successfully fight heart and gastrointestinal diseases. The undeniable antibiotic properties determine the use of sage as an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent.

A simple herb, mistaken by many for a weed, can treat both sore throats and laryngitis, as well as more serious damage to the respiratory tract and lungs - tuberculosis and pneumonia. Young beauties resorted to the help of yarrow when skin diseases, because it affects both the external side of the disease and the inside, normalizes metabolism and restores the intestinal microflora. Thanks to this property, the plant has earned the title of assistant for gastritis and cholelithiasis in the kidneys.

Marsh dry grass

I know firsthand to everyone who has had to deal with this terrible diagnosis like cancer. Drying grass helps prevent growth and stop existing ones cancer cells. The anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties of the plant have helped to gain it love and recognition among people suffering from inflammation of joint tissues.

It has no analogues in the plant kingdom in terms of the presence of flavonoids and antioxidants in its structure. Indispensable in the fight against liver diseases and bladder inflammation, especially cystitis.

Linden flowers

It has long been used in the treatment of coughs of various etymologies. Perfectly suitable as first aid for bronchitis and whooping cough. Once in the human body, linden flowers activate the production of insulin, which is necessary for diabetes.


Widely used in herbal medicine due to the huge amount of phosphorus and iodine in its chemical composition. This combination is necessary to cure thyroid diseases, maintain general hormonal levels and gastrointestinal balance.

It is used everywhere both externally and internally. When taken orally, it improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, improves the composition and quality of blood circulation, slows down the growth of tumors, which allows its use in auxiliary anticancer therapy.

It is actively used as a sedative and to treat pain caused by psychosomatic disorders and neuralgia. It has proven itself to be an excellent fighter against renal colic.

Indispensable as an immunomodulator. A record holder among plants for vitamin C content, it has an antimicrobial effect. Recommended for hepatitis and herpes of various etymologies.

Actively used both externally and internally. It starts the process of tissue regeneration, is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent.

It has an antitumor effect and is used to prevent cancer. It has an excellent effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, has antispasmodic properties, helps strengthen vascular walls, prevents thrombus formation. Used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

This component is an indispensable immunomodulatory agent. Quite actively used in maintenance and rehabilitation therapy.

Particularly effective in tandem with immortelle. In herbal medicine it is used as a pain reliever. Shoots great pain syndrome in the back, indispensable in complex treatment hernias various departments spine.

Recognized as one of the best means to cleanse the blood. Indicated for anemia, as it increases hemoglobin levels. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has long been used to improve the quality of hair and skin.

Prevents the growth of tumors and is actively used in the treatment of mastopathy. Daily use of thyme-based tea is useful for stabilizing hormonal levels and improving general condition body.

Collection of 16 herbs unique recipe monk George - truly unique product according to its composition. A wide spectrum of action, providing a gentle effect on the body at the cellular level, helps relieve not only the symptoms of diseases, but also cure the disease itself.

Find out the current cost of the product on the website:

Indications and contraindications for use

Father George's tea has gained respect among both patients and doctors. Herbal components act on the root of the problem, providing not only a targeted effect, but also normalizing the functioning of the entire body. Therapists and naturopaths identify a number of diseases for which the use of the collection is especially effective:

  1. Diabetes mellitus.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis, arthrosis, hernias, osteochondrosis.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. Clinical experiences proved the invaluable contribution of the Monastery collection to the treatment of female infertility.
  4. Bleeding of various etymologies.
  5. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Gallbladder diseases.
  7. Upper respiratory tract lesions.
  8. Neuroses, neuralgia, psychosomatic pain, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  10. Heart failure.
  11. Hormonal imbalances and menopause.
  12. Avitaminosis.

Despite its healing properties, the product has a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Age up to 12 years.
  5. Acute allergic reactions.

Based on the results clinical trials, drinking tea has no side effects on the body caused by the influence of components in the composition due to an overdose.

Truth or scam

The unique impact healing tea on the human body, has generated a lot of controversy around the drug. It is impossible to draw conclusions about the “reality” or “far-fetchedness” of miraculous properties without trying the effect of the product on yourself. However, based on reviews posted on many thematic forums, we can leave a general picture of the effect of the collection on the body. Based on patient opinions and results clinical trials, it is important to note that:

  • has a beneficial effect on digestive processes;
  • regulates insulin levels;
  • relieves pain;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • improves the condition of skin and hair;
  • is an “ambulance” in the fight against illnesses;
  • improves the composition and quality of blood, which is clearly visible from a general blood test;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections.

The healing collection does not require “lawyers” in the face of those who testify to its deception. Thousands of grateful patients vying with each other to describe the unsurpassed properties of herbal tea, reinforcing their enthusiastic impressions with the results of tests and other examinations.

Find out more information about medicine You can use photos and videos posted on the official website:

How to use Monastic herbal tea

  1. To begin with, it is worth considering that this tea is distributed in fermentation, which requires additional splitting. This phenomenon is due to the desire to convey to the consumer as many whole vitamin elements and essential oils. Therefore, before brewing tea, the plants must be further crushed.
  2. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over the herbs based on the formula: 1 tablespoon of the product per 500 ml of liquid.
  3. It is highly not recommended to “cook” the healing mixture. Following original recipe, herbs are prescribed to be prepared by infusing for 30 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to choose glass or earthenware as a container, and do not cover it with a lid during the cooking process. The infusion must react with oxygen. If we're talking about about the transparent container, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  5. After the tea has steeped, pour it into a thermos or simply dilute it hot water before the appointment.
  6. It is recommended to store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. Please note that it is recommended to store an open package of fermented herbs for no more than 2.5 months.

Dosage and frequency of use?

To achieve greatest effect, tea is recommended to be consumed in courses according to the prescribed dose. Depending on the severity and severity of the disease, treatment can last from a month to three, in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. A break of 2 months is recommended between courses!

Remember, Father George advised combining plant therapy with healing the soul and thoughts through Communion, Fasting and intense Prayer!

Is it possible to prepare the collection yourself?

Based on the availability of herbal components, many people ask the question: “Is it possible to make the Monastic Collection of Father George at home?” With a strong desire, nothing is impossible, but herbal practitioners, like doctors of traditional therapy, do not recommend doing this. After all, the components included in the composition are collected in an ecologically clean area, which is important for achieving the desired effect. Strict proportional consistency is also observed during the manufacturing process. A deviation from the original recipe even by a gram can change the properties of the drug. And why such difficulties, because it’s easier to order a finished product through the official website.

You can complete your purchase in a few clicks by filling out the order form or simply contacting the managers by phone.

A pleasant surprise for customers will be promotions and bonus offers, presented in abundance in the online store of the official supplier.

Delivery is carried out not only within Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also throughout Russia.

How much does Father George's Monastery Tea cost?

The price may vary depending on ongoing promotions, but on average it will be 990 rubles.

Please note that this herbal tea not sold through pharmacies! You can order this medicinal mixture exclusively in the official online store!

- 200 gr. rose hips (fruit)

- 200 gr. bearberry

- 200 gr. successions

— 150 gr. wormwood

- 100 gr. dried flowers (possibly without)

- 100 gr. buckthorn bark

- 100 gr. bogweed

- 100 gr. motherwort

Note: The dried flower plant is also known as cat's paw.

Grind the herbs (this can be done using a coffee grinder), mix, divide the mixture into 24 equal parts, take 1 of these 24 parts and divide into 4 more parts. Place this one part in an enamel pan, pour in 2.5 liters. boiling water, leave for 3 hours over low heat (95º) without boiling. The broth should evaporate to a smaller volume and become concentrated. It needs to be strained and cooled, stored in the refrigerator. Drink warm three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l., preferably (at least in the morning and evening) always at the same time.

At malignant tumors drink the decoction for exactly 70 days, then take a 15-day break. During such breaks, you can undergo examinations - donate blood for the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin. The blood formula should improve significantly. After the break, the course should be repeated. For advanced stages of cancer, drink the decoction for at least a year. To cleanse the blood and prevent cancer, the course is 30 days; such courses should be carried out at least twice a year.

Please note: some people at the beginning of treatment may herbal decoction experiencing exacerbations chronic diseases. Such exacerbations occur due to the fact that the immune system, suppressed by the disease, begins to “come to life”, the body begins to cleanse itself of harmful substances. In case of such an exacerbation, the dose of the decoction should be reduced to 1 tsp. twice a day and take until the period of exacerbation passes (usually several days), and then you should switch to the initial dose - three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

This infusion must be prepared exactly according to this scheme, otherwise its effectiveness will be less. The decoction should be stored in the refrigerator until it runs out. It can be stored in a good refrigerator for a long time.

I would also like to add that while treating cancer with a decoction of 16 herbs from Father George, it is advisable to also take tinctures of propolis and eleutherococcus.

Propolis tincture is prepared in this way: 100 gr. Finely chop propolis, pour 1 liter. medical alcohol (96%), seal well, leave for 2 weeks, shaking from time to time.

In the morning you need to take 1 tbsp. l. decoction (warm) + 60 drops of propolis tincture. After 20 minutes - 2 tbsp. l. water + 40 drops Eleutherococcus tinctures. After 40 min. eat.

Based on materials from the publication “Heal by Faith”, Recipes of Father George for various diseases.

The site wishes you good health!

Father George's collection of 16 herbs is made in the village. Solen, one of the farmsteads of the Holy Spiritual Monastery. The farmstead is located in the Krasnodar region, next to the unique biosphere reserve Nikitino. Herbs are collected by hand in ecologically clean places in the Caucasus mountains and dried under natural conditions. The rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery was Schema-Archimandrite George, a great herbalist and prayer book. This old man cured many people, including cancer in last stage. Father went to the Lord, but to this day people do not stop using his monastery recipes for many diseases and receive complete healing. They also make monastery tea there, which you need to drink all your life without a norm, like tea. Father said that this tea practically does not get sick from all ailments; those who constantly drink this tea practically do not get sick.

I have colon cancer with metastases to the liver. Do you recommend your collection for my case?

Galina, the information on the site cannot replace the recommendations of a personal physician. We cannot comment on specific clinical situations. It is best to consult your doctor about the possibility of using the collection.

please tell me what “60 drops of propolis” means. In your prescription for the antitumor preparation it is written: in the morning you need to take 1 tablespoon of infusion + 60 drops of propolis (drink warm). I can’t figure out what form 60 drops of propolis are... alcohol tincture is clear, 1 tablespoon, water extract is also clear, but it is not indicated here.... be so kind as to explain, please.
I'm going to start drinking because... The doctors at the oncology center had already given up on me, and today I came across this recipe quite by accident.

Svetlana, if it is possible to prepare a propolis tincture (the recipe is listed above), then it is better to prepare it. In the morning, add 60 drops of propolis tincture to 1 tbsp. spoon of warm decoction prepared from the specified herbal collection. If it is not possible to prepare a propolis tincture yourself, or while it is infusing, you can use a tincture purchased at a pharmacy. God bless you!

Hello, Svetlana. If it is possible to prepare or obtain hemlock tincture, then this is also a very effective remedy. My mother was treated with this tincture and lived more than 4 years since the doctors abandoned it. This tincture also helps reduce pain. It’s on the website here, but you just need to collect the grass knowledgeable person, since the plant itself is poisonous. I wish you recovery with all my heart!

Thanks to everyone for the tips...))) I started drinking tea, and on the very first day it became clear that alcohol tinctures None of them suit me at all, especially on an empty stomach, it immediately turns everything inside out... so I had to give up both propolis and eleutherococcus. Just tea for now. So what should I do? And I don’t suffer much from pain, because the injections help so far, I would be healed….

I read the monastery newspaper, and there are many rules and prayers listed there, and then the reception of this collection. Cancer is a spiritual disease; the soul must be treated before the body. Imagine that our soul is beds with useful garden crops. And weeds grow in the garden - these are our sins against God. You cut off the top and the grass grows. If you tear it up by the roots and throw it on the sidewalk to dry out, it will die. So our soul is polluted by sins. I wash my body, but I don’t cleanse my soul. And it keeps getting blacker and blacker... And cancer is a Spiritual disease, so a person becomes physically ill. First, the Soul becomes sick with sins, and the sins materialize, then the body hurts. What to do? You must constantly confess, cleanse your soul at Confession in Orthodox Church, and then go to Communion. Holy Blood and Flesh heals both soul and body! We must constantly go to Unction, and in general do it not once a year, but constantly! Then you need to correct your life, not repeat what you confessed, not get dirty again in the stinking slurry of sin, but cleanse yourself, cleanse yourself, cleanse yourself! And the Anti-Cancer Prayer Rule is very strong, a prayer petition to various saints, the Mother of God, God for the forgiveness of sins committed voluntary and involuntary, a prayer for healing. But just weed will not help you heal if you live against His Holy Will.

Tatiana, what kind of blackness of the soul are you talking about? My child, aged 1.5 years, was diagnosed with cancer and, believe me, a brighter soul is hard to find! From birth, we take the child to communion and we, parents, also do not have such sins for which such a test could be sent!

Nadezhda in her response mixes fiction with the truth.

Good evening! please tell me where I can buy this tea in Soleny?

I would like to know to what volume an infusion of 2.5 liters should evaporate when preparing it.

I would also like to know to what volume the infusion will evaporate.

Svetlana, monastery collections made in the village of Solenom are sold in the Church of the Holy Nativity of the Virgin Mary, at the address Krasnodar region, Mostovskaya village, Pervomaiskaya street, 135, t. 8-928-88-19-335.
Under the nickname monk Irinarch. provocateur

Tell me, on low heat or in a steam bath? They just write on fire everywhere, but they tell me that only in the bathhouse. Thank you.

Over low heat, without boiling.

Father Gergius, giving this recipe, instructed: do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol and take this collection for at least 9 months, and divide the entire collection of herbs in half and donate it to a person who needs it.

Is it possible to order collection by mail?

Very good article, the proportions of the monastery collection of 16 herbs are indicated correctly, only when the newspaper “Heal by Faith” was published, Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava) personally corrected the application not 1 hour before meals, but 15 minutes. before meals.

Schema-Archimandrite Georgy (Sava) reposed in the Lord in 2011 and was buried in the village. Nekrasovo, Krasnodar region.

It is better to buy monastery collections from us in the Church of the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God in the village of Mostovskaya, which are made in the village of Solenoe, by the spiritual children of Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava) from hand-picked herbs. We send fees by Russian Post.

How can I order this collection online?

In our Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, You can place an order by calling 8928-88-19-335 or writing an email [email protected]. Website:, here in the Church Shop section you will find a list of our monastery products with descriptions and prices.

OLGA, I came to your “bench”! Honestly? Tough! The price list under the term DONATIONS just killed me! Where is the world heading? “a list of our monastery products”... Do you hear yourself? I always wonder, do we have REAL believers in our monasteries, or only former homeless people who do not want to work in life, and cunning grabbers?

And another question, “Sorokoust in 7 Temples or Monasteries at the same time - 1500 rubles for 1 name.” Who sets your prices for this, and according to what parameters? In terms of effectiveness? Laughter through tears, unfortunately, your “activity” does not cause anything else! Making money from people's troubles and misfortunes! I hope there are still sensible people who don’t buy into you, and who understand that the most powerful and EFFECTIVE prayer is prayer from OUR OWN MOUTH, and from a pure soul, and not for 1500!

Reply for Tasha.
When Amphilochius Pochaevsky visited psychiatric hospital, he asked for the Cross, the Gospel and Epiphany water to cure everyone. This was the great Father of Orthodoxy, even he could not help the suffering only with prayer from his OWN MOUTH. And Sorokoust is 40 Liturgies and at each one a piece is taken out for the one asking and washed in the Chalice with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, what great mercy and help is given to us from the Lord. And if in several monasteries... This helps a lot of people.
Regarding the cost, any work must be paid, the hardest work is prayer, try to pray for someone for a real week and you will understand everything.
Priests, monks, clerics ordinary people who feed their families. Traditionally, in monasteries they ate from their own hands, and the surplus was sold or exchanged for everything necessary. What crime is this?
At the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary there is an Orthodox school “Favor”, which also needs to be supported financially.
Regarding the insults addressed to us, I can say that our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world with the most highly moral commandments and was sinless, but they spat at him, insulted him and eventually killed him. The Lord endured and we, too, are not offended by you and love the image of God in you. Lord give you understanding.
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Anyone who has anything to do with Orthodoxy sees from whom everything comes.
Use it natural products from our church shop, you will have good physical health, take communion, pray privately and in the Temple, order your services, do alms, and you will also be spiritually healthy.
There is no physical health without spiritual health.

I have peritoneal carcinoma, the primary lesion has not been identified. Ascites. Would you recommend this fee or not with my diagnosis. Thanks in advance.

Has anyone received this fee? Who did it help and how? I started drinking it, but after 5 days my blood pressure dropped significantly, I had to take a break, after a while I started drinking it again, but the same thing happened again. I have colon cancer and am undergoing chemotherapy.

If you bought a collection of 16 herbs from us at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you should have been told that the collection cannot be used during chemotherapy.

Hello Olga. My sister has lung cancer early stage. Squamous non-keratinizing. They don't give her chemotherapy; she has asthma. Is this collection suitable for her?

Good day everyone! The treatment, including the collection of Father George, is well described in the books of Evgeniy Lebedev; you will learn in detail about diets and treatment regimens for many types of cancer. One of them is called “Let’s cure cancer”; there are two more; when you type on the Internet, their names will come up too.
God help you!

Hello, I purchased this collection in the city of Tmmashevsk in a church store, but I did not clarify whether it can be taken for ovarian cancer? Thank you.

Hello, Natalya and Oksana! We cannot answer questions regarding treatment on this site, because... it is public and your questions are very personal. Call the church 89288819335 or write to [email protected] We are very grateful to the creators of the site for the information posted. You help so many people.