It burns below the navel. What to do if you have pain in the navel area? What diseases can there be if there is severe pain near the navel, how to determine the cause of abdominal pain

Gastroenterologists warn that you should not neglect a visit to the doctor even with mild pain. It often indicates the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney problems, the incubation period of dangerous intestinal infections. Timely contacting a hospital will allow you to begin treatment immediately and avoid severe complications. In some cases, this helps save a person's life.

The most likely causes of pain

The most likely cause of pain around the navel is evolving process in the small intestine. A decrease in the functional activity of its middle part provokes a violation of the absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances, which negatively affects human health. The cause of discomfort can be diseases of the organs located in the immediate vicinity of the navel:

Considering that for everyone internal organs Since numerous diseases are characteristic, it is not possible to independently determine the pathology. But an experienced diagnostician, based on such a rather specific symptom, will suggest the most probable reasons pain syndrome. These include:

  • acute forms of narrowing of the lumen of the middle section of the small intestine;
  • circulatory disorders in the mesenteric vessels that supply blood to the jejunum, acute and chronic forms;
  • inflammatory processes in the middle section of the small intestine;
  • congenital or acquired umbilical hernia, characterized by the appearance of pain as a result of stress or strangulation;
  • enzyme deficiency, causing digestive disorders in the small intestine;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the intestine;
  • enterocolitis, usually accompanied by painful spasms;
  • viral or bacterial intestinal infections;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which causes pathological changes in intestinal motor activity of functional etiology.

Each of the above diseases is characterized by its own clinical picture, which includes pain in the navel area. When contacting a doctor, it is necessary to tell about all the recent changes in the functioning of the body. This will speed up the diagnosis and allow you to quickly draw up a therapeutic regimen.

Characteristic features of painful sensations

As a rule, at the initial stage of diagnosis, the gastroenterologist asks the patient to describe the pain that bothers him. The localization of discomfort is of great importance, but their nature is also very informative. And in combination with other symptoms, it helps the doctor prescribe certain laboratory and instrumental studies. What are the characteristic features of pain:

  • aching. They resemble pain that occurs with strong pressure and are signs of enteritis of bacterial or viral etiology;
  • cutting. Acute pain, intensifying even with light pressure - dangerous symptom inflammation of the cecum, or appendicitis;
  • pulling. Cramping pain is characteristic of intestinal volvulus;
  • strong. If, when pressing on the navel area, a compaction is felt, then this may be a formed umbilical hernia;
  • extensive. With pain spreading from the navel throughout the abdomen and accompanied by hyperthermia, suspicion falls on the formation of diverticula (bag-like protrusions) in the intestines.

During the examination, the gastroenterologist asks the patient about the frequency of discomfort. Their severity and dependence on food intake also matters.

Advice: “If pain occurs frequently, do not delay a visit to a gastroenterologist, since malabsorption and deficiency useful compounds leads to a decrease in the functional activity of all human life systems.”

Diseases of the small intestine

Intestinal obstruction is a dangerous condition that, in the absence of medical intervention, often becomes the cause fatal outcome. The lumen of the small intestine may narrow as a result of the following factors:

  • mechanical - gallstones, malignant and benign tumors, helminthic infestations;
  • compressive - formation of adhesions, intestinal volvulus.

The symptoms are dominated by cramping abdominal pain in the navel area, the intensity of which gradually increases and then gradually decreases. People suffer from bouts of vomiting with little relief and from the inability to have a bowel movement. After a short period of time negative symptoms disappear, and the person’s well-being sharply deteriorates:

  • blood pressure drops;
  • severe fatigue develops;
  • heart rhythm is upset.

The patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgery. Surgical intervention is often required when mesenteric vessels are blocked by blood clots from the systemic circulation or when they are compressed by neoplasms of various origins.

The narrowing of the arteries in the intestines is accompanied by painful and cramping pain in the navel, which decreases with changes in body position. A pain syndrome develops of such intensity that it cannot be stopped even with narcotic drugs. injectable drugs. The person becomes sticky and cold sweat, attacks of vomiting and diarrhea. During the day, the death of the nerve receptors of the small intestine occurs.

Circulatory disorders in the intestines

Chronic intestinal ischemia results from nonspecific aortoarteritis or cerebral atherosclerosis. The pain syndrome is characterized by the spread of cramping discomfort from the navel to the epigastric region approximately half an hour after eating. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is recommended one-time appointment nitroglycerin. In the absence drug therapy The pathology progresses rapidly, and the following symptoms of circulatory disorders develop:

  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • excessive gas formation - bloating, a feeling of fullness, constipation, followed by frequent diarrhea.

The disease responds well to treatment with pharmacological drugs at the initial stage of its course. Therefore, even with mild pain in the navel area, you must immediately make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

Enzyme deficiency

Painful sensations occur in the umbilical region due to enzyme-deficiency enteropathies. These diseases develop as a result of insufficient production digestive enzymes. The pathology is of congenital or acquired origin and causes defective parietal digestion. Symptoms of enzyme-deficiency enteropathies manifest themselves in intolerance specific product nutrition.

The danger of these diseases lies in the lack of timely diagnosis in children who begin to lag behind in mental and physical development. The following symptoms are characteristic of enteropathies:

  • increased gas formation;
  • diarrhea, in which feces containing parts of undigested food are excreted;
  • nausea leading to bouts of vomiting.

Cutting pain in the navel area can only be eliminated along with its cause. Patients are recommended for complex treatment of enteropathy - exclusion from the diet of foods that provoke the development of pathologies, and taking enzymatic preparations.

Oncological diseases

If once pain arises it already becomes a habitual companion of a person, then this signals a severe chronic pathological process. The appearance of rapid fatigue, digestive and peristalsis disorders, sudden rises in temperature are signs of malignant tumors of various localizations. Oncological disease of the middle section of the small intestine is a rarely diagnosed pathology. Its main symptoms are:

  • severe cramping pain in the umbilical region;
  • nausea and belching;
  • heartburn, rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea.

Characteristic signs of formed cancerous tumors include the release of tarry feces and rapidly developing iron deficiency anemia. Therapy for the disease consists of immediate surgery and subsequent chemotherapy.

Irritable bowel syndrome

With the development of this functional disease, gastrointestinal motility is impaired, digestion is upset, and pain occurs near the navel, reminiscent of contractions. The disease is more common in women and occurs as a result of neurological disorders and poor nutrition. Periumbilical discomfort is accompanied by chronic constipation or diarrhea with the release of mucous fecal matter. Pathology manifests itself cyclically:

  • in the first half of the day a person suffers from paroxysmal cutting pains;
  • in the afternoon there is heartburn, belching, seething and rumbling in the stomach.

From the navel area, painful sensations flow to the right side and epigastric area. As a rule, after dinner, pathological symptoms do not bother a person, and in the morning everything starts all over again. The disease significantly reduces a person’s quality of life, and therefore requires treatment with strict adherence to all medical recommendations.

Other bowel diseases

Rarely occurring pain in the navel area, the causes of which are banal overeating or eating heavy food, signals pathological processes occurring in the body. The human intestine performs many functions - absorbs nutrients and biologically active substances, digests foods, and forms a microbiological barrier. It is not surprising that under certain loads this most important organ of the digestive system fails.

The disease is characterized by multiple causes developments leading to the formation of necrotic and ulcerative lesions on the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The main symptoms of the pathology include:

  • the appearance of abdominal pain;
  • detection of blood impurities in loose stools.

If the underlying disease (intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction) occurs with complications, then the severity of pain increases and hyperthermia appears. In the chronic course of the pathological process, body temperature does not rise above subfebrile values. The patient suffers from false urge to defecate and bloating. When examining a patient, differential diagnosis must be carried out using endoscopic and radiological methods.

Crohn's disease

This is the second name for granulomatous enteritis, which can affect various departments intestines, especially often ileum. The pathology is expressed in the inflammatory process that occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to a response disorder immune system for concomitant intestinal infections. Developed intoxication provokes the appearance of the following symptoms in a person:

  • hyperthermia;
  • bouts of vomiting, lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • seething and rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain in the navel area.

Dangerous complications of Crohn's disease include intestinal perforation, toxic megacolon, and fistulas in the bladder. The pathology is difficult to treat and requires constant use of pharmacological drugs.


Pain around the navel can occur after viral or bacterial infectious agents enter the human body. This causes the development inflammatory process V mesenteric lymph nodes. Pathology manifests itself under the negative influence of such microorganisms:

The disease is characterized by severe paroxysmal pain near the navel, accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication of the body. To relieve inflammation and destroy infectious pathogens, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and broad-spectrum antibiotics are used.

Recommendation: “Pain in the navel area is especially dangerous in young children. Their immunity has not yet been fully formed, and the permeability of blood vessels is quite high. All this contributes to the rapid progression of pathologies. If a child complains of pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.”

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Pain in the navel area and below in men

Any pain is an alarm signal from an organ in which malfunction or inflammation occurs to the human brain. And then, with a painful syndrome, the brain tells the body that an inflammatory process is underway, so that the body begins to fight the infection, bacteria or virus.

But now, when the environment is bad, and thousands of bacteria and viruses are in the air, the body cannot always cope with the disease on its own. A person needs to continue to work, exist in society, pay attention to family and children, and do household chores. He simply has no time to be sick. Men often have to do heavy work physical work associated with heavy lifting.

An unpleasant situation such as pain in the navel or below, spreading throughout the lower abdomen or radiating to the side, can make life quite difficult. Pain may be a symptom of a dangerous disease that the patient was unaware of. for a long time. The sooner the course of treatment begins, the better for the person. Sometimes surgery or emergency medication is required. So, why do men experience pain in the abdomen and navel?

Causes of pain in the navel area and below in men

Any disease can have several stages of development. At the very first, initial stage, the disease is usually asymptomatic.

Many men do not pay attention to slight pain in the lower abdomen, attributing everything to poor quality food in the canteen or overwork at work.

But the sooner a doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes a course of treatment, the better for the patient.

If there is a cramping sharp pain, this indicates problems in the intestinal area. The cause of such painful sensations can be the following pathologies and diseases: Crohn's disease, adhesions, ulcerative colitis, malignant tumors.

Belly button pain due to Crohn's disease

This disease is chronic. It is not always the intestines that are affected; the inflammatory process can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the birth cavity to the anus. But most often it is the intestines that are affected by the inflammatory process, in particular the large intestine or the final section of the small intestine. When the disease first affects a person, it proceeds without visible symptoms, but when it passes into chronic form pain symptoms begin.

Anyone can get Crohn's disease age categories people, both men and women, even babies. But most often the disease affects men aged about 40 years.

Experts are conducting a lot of research in the field of this disease, but the exact cause of its occurrence has not yet been clarified. The disease is believed to be caused by viruses or bacteria and is also hereditary. If a father suffers from pain in the navel and is diagnosed with Crohn's disease, then his son will suffer from the same disease in 70% of cases.

When an inflammatory process begins in the intestines, a man complains that his stomach hurts, and sometimes there is weight loss due to severe diarrhea and fever, there is a sharp pain below the navel.

There is still no clear opinion on the prescription of this or that treatment among doctors. But their opinions agree on one thing. To treat Crohn's disease, patients are prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory and pain medications to relieve the acute symptoms of the disease. Corticosteroids are prescribed to treat and prevent the disease.

Doctors try to ensure that the patient does not have to operate, but if he seeks help too late or has serious complications in the form of bleeding, obstruction or perforation of the intestine, then he is prescribed urgent surgery.

After treatment medicines pain in the navel may return after a year or a year and a half, but if the operation was performed and no complications arose, then the patient will no longer be bothered by abdominal pain due to Crohn's disease.

Adhesive processes

Pain in the navel and below the navel in representatives of the stronger sex can be caused by the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. If a man had an abdominal injury or underwent surgery on internal organs, then all this can lead to the formation of an adhesive process. The intestines cannot function normally, which is why pulling sensations appear and the stomach hurts. If treatment is not started, bloating appears. The intestines are not completely emptied of feces, and constipation appears. In rare cases, nausea and vomiting may occur - these are symptoms of intoxication of the body.

There are two forms of adhesive disease:

  • With sharp pain lower abdomen;
  • with attacks of acute intestinal obstruction.

The adhesive process in the body is characterized the following symptoms: pain below the navel, disruption of the passage of gases from the body, resulting in bloating, nausea and vomiting.

Self-medication and treatment with folk remedies are contraindicated for men, because it can only worsen the situation. Traditional medicine recipes are aimed at reducing and eliminating pain, and not at treating the problem itself, due to which adhesions form. The sick man is prescribed painkillers and physical therapy.

If there is a sharp, acute pain in the lower abdomen, a rise in body temperature, intestinal obstruction, vomiting, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Adhesive disease is a serious pathology of the body that can be fatal.

To prevent the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, the patient after surgery should be prescribed physiotherapy to soften the scars and postoperative sutures. The sooner after surgery the patient undergoes treatment, the lower the likelihood of adhesions forming in the future.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Abdominal pain may be caused by ulcerative colitis. In men, this disease occurs 2 times more often than in the fair sex. People at risk are most often residents of megacities with poor ecology aged 20 to 45 years, but there are exceptions: ulcerative colitis affects rural residents living in ecologically clean areas of the globe.

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are the appearance of blood from the anus and loose stools. Bowel movements occur up to 7 times per day. The inflammatory process is accompanied by dull pain in the area below the navel.

Sometimes during bowel movements there are no feces; instead, blood with mucus and purulent formations are released from the anus.

Corticosteroids form the mainstay of treatment for ulcerative colitis. A patient with complications and a severe disease is hospitalized. Assign special diet. If the patient is in a very serious condition, then he is fed through a tube.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease. It causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The occurrence of chronic inflammation in men and women remains unclear. Doctors are trying to find the causes of ulcerative colitis. But if the disease is detected, it must be urgently treated to achieve remission. Severe forms diseases are life-threatening and can be fatal.

Other causes of pain in the navel area

In addition to inflammation of the intestines and parts of the gastrointestinal tract, other unpleasant diseases can lead to abdominal pain in men. If the navel is sore, pain occurs in the groin or when urinating, this may be a sign of inflammation. genitourinary system.

The pain is caused by inflammation of the testicles or prostatitis. The man does not pay attention to the pain of urination, but notices only aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Kidney disease can cause abdominal pain. The formation of kidney stones is not always reflected by pain in the lumbar region; sometimes pain is felt in the lower abdomen.

Men who experience prolonged nagging pain in the abdomen should immediately seek help from specialists such as a urologist to rule out diseases of the reproductive system and kidneys, a gastroenterologist to identify inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, and a therapist who will monitor for the general condition of the patient.

Pain below the navel is debilitating and forces you to give up your daily lifestyle. A man is constrained in his movements and is forced to give up certain types of work or recreation.

The cause of pain below the navel may be caused by ordinary overexertion during hard work or may contain signals of a life-threatening disease. It is better not to put off the examination, but to begin treatment for painful ailments as soon as possible.

Symptoms of the disease - pain below the navel

Pain and its causes by category:

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain below the navel

What diseases cause pain below the navel:

Which doctors should you contact if there is pain below the navel:

Are you experiencing pain below your belly button? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with Doctor Eurolab is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. You can also call a doctor at home. The Eurolab clinic is open for you around the clock.

The telephone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+3 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on its personal page.

If you have previously performed any tests, be sure to take their results to a consultation with your doctor. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have pain below your belly button? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People do not pay enough attention to the symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you simply need to be examined by a doctor several times a year in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read tips on caring for yourself. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on the forum. Also register on the Eurolab medical portal to stay updated latest news and information updates on the website, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

Dull pain in the abdomen below the navel

There are cases when the stomach hurts below the navel in women. In fact, this may indicate a serious illness, so thinking “it will go away or it won’t go away” is inappropriate here and you need to urgently find out the cause of these “unpleasant” sensations.

Diagnosis of the disease

Pain just below the navel is a very insidious thing. After all, they can be a sign of completely different diseases. In addition, very often doctors cannot make a quick and accurate diagnosis without conducting a series of studies.

Sometimes patients themselves interfere with the diagnosis, because... in order to relieve pain, they begin to “stuff themselves” with various painkillers, which distort the real picture. Therefore, as soon as you notice any such changes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of pain below the navel

If a woman complains that her lower abdomen hurts, but this pain is cutting in nature and is accompanied by bloating, then this may be urinary retention. This process does not relate to the disease, but is only a symptom, but in any case you need to undergo research.

  1. The abdomen may also hurt in the case of a strangulated hernia. As a rule, the pain is in the area where the protrusion directly occurred, as well as around this place. Very often doctors cannot determine strangulated hernia, because do not examine those places on the anterior peritoneum where a hernia can “settle”.
  2. The navel and its bottom may hurt during menstrual cycle. Such pain occurs when the follicles rupture and the eggs are released. The pain is sharp and pulling. For some women they go away quickly, while others suffer from them for two or three days.
  3. If, for example, such a syndrome is observed in the middle of the cycle and there is slight spotting, then you need to consult a specialist, since this may indicate an inflammatory process.
  4. Small/large intestinal obstruction can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. At first, the pain is sharp and cutting, but as the obstruction develops, it becomes permanent, dull and compressive.
  5. Acute pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by this kind of pain. In this case, as a rule, the affected kidney hurts very much. Basically, the patient's temperature rises and he shudders. In this case, you need to go to the hospital, take a urine test and undergo pyelography.
  6. Painful sensations below the navel may appear in the case of acute salpingitis (acute adnexitis, inflammatory process of the pelvic organs). The pain is evenly felt in the lower abdomen, and the temperature may rise.
  7. Diverticulum perforation sigmoid colon also causes pain below the navel, which is similar to pain during an exacerbation of appendicitis. But in this case, pain is observed in the entire lower abdomen.


As for treating such pain at home, this is strictly prohibited.

  1. Firstly, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, having done the necessary research.
  2. Secondly, you can treat a completely different disease, which, as a rule, will later “come out sideways”. Therefore, as soon as you notice pain below the navel, do not sit at home, but urgently go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

Abdominal pain below the navel

The reasons why the stomach hurts below the navel are quite numerous. Soreness under the belly button is a fairly common symptom that indicates existing health problems. The cause of abdominal pain below the navel in most cases is inflammation of the small intestine.

Poor functioning of the jejunum is accompanied by a state of malabsorption and this has a very negative impact on overall well-being. That is why prolonged pain below the umbilical area and around is a symptom that requires urgent medical advice.

Most often the reasons pathological condition the following diseases occur:

  • lack of jejunal patency;
  • circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels;
  • jeunitis - an inflammatory process in the jejunum;
  • umbilical hernia – pain develops as a result of its strangulation;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Diseases with pain syndrome

For each pathology, in addition to pain in umbilical region, certain symptoms are characteristic.

Jejunal obstruction

Lack of jejunal patency is one of the most severe conditions. If medical care is not provided, it can cause death. A blockage of the intestinal lumen can be caused by a stone, a tumor, a lump of worms, or squeezing it from the outside, for example, by adhesions.

Jejunal obstruction most often develops as a result of intussusception.

In a child, pathology can be provoked by intussusception - penetration of an intestinal loop into the neighboring intestine. A symptom of the pathology is increasing cramping pain in the middle of the abdomen. Uncontrollable vomiting, which also includes intestinal contents, brings relief only for a short period of time. There is also stool retention and passing of gas.

Then the pain goes away, but general health the patient is rapidly deteriorating. There is a drop in blood pressure and a violation heart rate– tachycardia develops. Lack of medical care leads to death.

Exacerbation of chronic jeunitis

Chronic jejunitis is a long-term inflammation of the jejunum. The pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • development of spastic pains affecting the middle of the abdomen (caused by spasms of the intestinal wall);
  • flatulence;
  • inflammatory process in lymph nodes mesentery - pain in this case is determined below/to the right of the navel and in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

The disease is characterized by severe diarrhea that occurs after eating. If the condition worsens, the risk of developing gangliolitis is high. With such an outcome, the nature of the pain changes: it transforms from spastic to burning.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in the middle. Pathology refers to functional diseases Gastrointestinal tract and is quite common, diagnosed in men and women. Moreover, among female representatives it occurs 2 times more often.

Irritable bowel syndrome is much more common in women than in men

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include:

  • impaired intestinal motility - diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • cramping pain above/below the navel.

Pathological symptoms particularly bother the patient in the first half of the day. Cutting pains, localized just below the navel, form immediately after breakfast and end with diarrhea. The person feels relieved. During the day, heartburn and belching appear. The pain persists, but in the evening and throughout the night all the heavy sensations recede.

Violation of the blood vessels of the mesentery

The cause of the condition is blockage of the mesenteric vessels by blood clots. Most often it forms in people with diagnosed heart and vascular diseases. The pathology is characterized by severe cramping pain localized in the navel area. Some reduction in pain occurs when a person takes a knee-elbow position.

The pain is practically uncontrollable even with the administration of morphine derivatives. During an attack, the patient experiences cold, sticky sweat, increased blood pressure and severe tachycardia. Later, vomiting and diarrhea join the symptoms.

After six to twelve hours, the pain subsides, which is explained by the death of the nerve receptors of the intestine. Blood appears in vomit and feces. If left untreated, the patient develops peritonitis, and in the worst case, death.

Enzyme deficiency

Enzyme deficiency (enzyme deficiency enteropathy) develops as a result of insufficient production of certain types of enzymes. The condition can be either congenital or acquired, leading to disruption of the processes of parietal digestion.

One type of enzyme deficiency is gluten intolerance.

Clinically, the pathology is accompanied by intolerance to certain types of foods. The most common diagnosis is gluten intolerance. Signs of the condition include: pain near the navel, gas formation, diarrhea with light-colored feces containing pieces of undigested food.

To prevent the development of pathological symptoms, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet all foods to which a person is intolerant. IN mandatory The patient is prescribed enzyme preparations.

Abdominal pain below the navel in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, localized below the umbilical zone, indicates the presence of certain problems. It is not always possible to establish the exact cause, since due to the vagueness of the symptoms, the woman is unable to identify the location of the pain with maximum accuracy.

Among the main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in women, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Infringement umbilical hernia. The pathology is accompanied by sharp cramping pain. At external inspection an oblong seal is fixed.
  • Intestinal obstruction. In this case, cutting pain occurs in the abdomen, provoked by muscle spasms.
  • Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon. The disease is diagnosed by the characteristic protrusion of the navel. Diverticula can form in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. The formations are always accompanied by pain, which is often felt on the left. In addition to these signs, the patient's body temperature may increase significantly.
  • Appendicitis. If sudden pain appears below the navel - when it is the lower abdomen that hurts - shifting to the right side, the development of appendicitis can be suspected. Typically, as the condition worsens, the pain intensifies. When you press on the area where the appendix is ​​located, severe pain is felt. An increase in body temperature may occur.
  • Cancerous tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The pathology is accompanied by a characteristic pain syndrome: the pain occurs in short-term contractions.

Other gastrointestinal pathologies can also cause pain in the abdomen below the navel. These are: gastritis, increased acidity gastric juice, Crohn's disease, volvulus, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Pain in the umbilical region may indicate a strangulated hernia

Abdominal pain in the navel area may be a sign of the development of enzyme deficiency. Incompletely digested food causes fermentation processes, which leads to severe irritation mucosa of the small intestine. An additional sign of pathology may be the development of flatulence after eating a large amount of sweets or legumes.

A sharp pain in the center of the abdomen in the navel area is most often intestinal colic. Its development can be caused by eating foods with high content fiber, as well as strong coffee and chocolate. In some cases, it is accompanied by general weakness and chills.

Soreness near the umbilical space on the left is a sign of helminthic infestation. Sometimes the condition is accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • deterioration in general health.

Causes of abdominal pain below the navel in men

Any cramping pain that develops in the lower abdomen in men almost always indicates a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common causes are: Crohn's disease, the presence of adhesions, ulcerative colitis, tumors of malignant origin. It is worth noting that all of the listed gastrointestinal pathologies can be diagnosed in women.

Crohn's disease

The disease occurs in a chronic format. Any part of the gastrointestinal tract can be involved in the pathological process, but most often the large intestine and the final section of the small intestine are affected. The exact reasons why Crohn's disease develops. It is generally accepted that viruses and bacteria become provoking factors. Transmission of the disease gene by inheritance cannot be ruled out.

Crohn's disease can be diagnosed in patients of all ages: teenage girls, girls and boys, and adults. But the pathology is especially common in men aged 40 years. Symptoms of Crohn's disease include: sharp pain in the abdomen below the navel, weight loss due to diarrhea, and fever.

Treatment of pathology comes down to the elimination and alleviation of pathological symptoms. The patient is prescribed corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Without treatment, a man may experience:

  • internal bleeding;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall.

In this case, the patient is prescribed urgent surgery.

Adhesive disease

Abdominal pain below the navel in men can develop due to adhesions formed in the abdominal cavity. The functioning of the intestines is disrupted, which can result in unpleasant sensations, even painful ones. It is customary to distinguish two types of adhesive pathology: with severe pain in the lower abdomen, with the periodic development of intestinal obstruction.

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of adhesions:

  • soreness below the navel;
  • problems with passing gases;
  • bloating;
  • nausea, periodically ending with vomiting.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

If a man has pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be ulcerative colitis. The disease is diagnosed in men 2 times more often than in women.

The disease occurs much more often in men than in women

Typical signs of the development of ulcerative colitis are:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • anal bleeding;
  • dull pain felt below the umbilical area;
  • discharge of pus from the anus during bowel movements.

Possible causes of pain in a child

Abdominal pain near the navel or below is not uncommon for a child. There are quite a few causes of the pathological condition, ranging from ordinary constipation to severe gastrointestinal lesions.

Possible causes of abdominal pain below the umbilical zone in a child may be:

  • Foodborne toxic infections or poisoning. The disease begins with the development of soreness around the umbilical region. Then the pain spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen. Additional symptoms also develop - nausea, ending with vomiting, diarrhea, increase in general body temperature (sometimes to significant levels).
  • Intestinal infection. The development of pathology is caused by dirty hands, insufficiently washed vegetables and fruits, consumption of unboiled and untreated water, as well as by airborne droplets. At the very beginning, an intestinal infection resembles in its course food poisoning– the child complains of pain in the umbilical area. But unlike poisoning, his body temperature rises very high, he experiences uncontrollable vomiting and severe diarrhea. Abdominal pain occurs constantly, which practically does not subside. Pathological symptoms can persist for up to 10 days.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of the cecum in childhood begins with vomiting and difficulty defecating. A little later, the child begins to complain of abdominal pain appearing below the navel.
  • Worm infestation. If pain develops in the navel area, the presence of a helminthic infection cannot be ruled out. The child may be infected with roundworms, lamblia, etc.
  • Gastritis. The cause of pain may be exacerbation of gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa has an acute onset, but is not accompanied by severe pain. Accompanying signs of gastritis include pain in the stomach, nausea, belching and heartburn.
  • Cholecystitis. Acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can also cause abdominal pain. Symptoms of the disease include increased gas production, bloating, increased body temperature and a darker color of urine.
  • umbilical hernia strangulation and intestinal colic. In both cases, the child experiences severe pain.

Abdominal pain in a child requires the closest attention

What can you do if you develop abdominal pain below the navel? As a rule, doctors recommend calling the duty team. Taking any pain-relieving medications is prohibited, as this may blur the current symptoms and complicate the diagnosis.

Belly button pain can occur in both infants and adults. Pain in the abdominal area often knocks a person out of balance, depriving him of rest day and night.

Determining the source of a painful manifestation is not always a simple task due to the vagueness of the symptoms, when the patient himself cannot accurately describe the picture of pain. Moreover, taking painkillers complicates the diagnosis. The presence of severe, debilitating pain is a reason to seek emergency medical help.

Causes of pain in the navel

Similar discomforts indicate the presence of a serious illness or characterize several problems at once. Before identifying the cause of pain in the navel, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the patient and analyze the expressed symptoms.

Pain syndrome may be caused by unsuccessful piercing of the umbilical area. And it doesn’t matter at all if the decoration has been removed a long time ago.

During pregnancy, especially if a woman is carrying twins or has polyhydramnios, there is a strong stretching of the abdominal wall. This provokes unwanted pain.

Observing the nature of the appearance and development of pain, identifying accompanying symptoms helps the doctor diagnose the disease.

Belly button pain in men

Clinical symptoms of rectal diseases are always multifaceted and often expressed rather vaguely. In the initial stages, the disease is most often asymptomatic, after which it develops weak signs. Along with intestinal discomfort - bloating, changes in stool, and discomfort in the navel area.

For example, cramping pain in the navel in men may mean limited narrowing of the intestine as a result of the following pathologies:

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis with the formation of scar structures;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • adhesions;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Megacolon or Fawali-Hirschsprung disease occurs more often in boys. The disease is associated with expansion of the colon, which leads to stagnation of feces. Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane causes bloating, constipation, and pain in the center of the abdomen. Due to the overcrowding of the intestines, pressing on the diaphragm, the heart and lungs rise upward. Therefore, the clinical picture is complemented by respiratory and cardiac dysfunction.

Chronic prostatitis has been attributed to more than a hundred various symptoms, among which pain in the umbilical zone is noted. Of course for of this disease Other symptoms are also typical: problems with urination, sexual dysfunction, hormonal disorders.

Pain in the navel in women

The manifestation of pain in the navel in women is associated with genitourinary disorders. Diseases that cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • cystitis is an inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • endometriosis – growth of the inner layer of the uterus outward;
  • uterine fibroid – benign tumor process;
  • cancerous lesions of the ovaries or uterus;
  • irritable bowel syndrome - impaired blood supply;
  • umbilical hernia.

Endometriosis is most often a congenital disease. With the onset of menstruation, hormone-dependent cells divide and spread to neighboring tissues.

Pain in the navel characterizes inflammation of the pelvic organs as a result of bacterial damage or the development of tumors. If alarming symptoms appear, do not delay visiting your doctor to avoid serious consequences– infertility or death.

Pain in the navel in a child

A child, either due to his small age, cannot tell what and how he hurts, or cannot accurately describe what is happening to him. This is why it is very difficult for doctors to determine the source of the pathology.

Newborns often experience colic, gas, and intestinal blockages, which go away on their own when they reach six months. Complementary feeding may not be suitable for the baby, or the mother may need to monitor her diet more carefully if the baby is breastfed.

After six months, babies may develop gastroenteritis, which is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite and deterioration in general condition.

Pain in the navel in a child older than one year occurs after illnesses caused by viruses. Pain and vomiting may indicate the presence of an inguinal hernia.

Pain in the navel area of ​​preschoolers is caused by constipation, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, and food poisoning.

IN elementary school and in adolescents, unpleasant sensations in the navel appear when:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • viral lesions;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • constipation;
  • formation of the menstrual cycle in girls.

Such a rare disease as abdominal migraine occurs in 1-4% of children. Main symptom illness - paroxysmal pain in the abdominal area of ​​a diffuse nature or concentrated in the navel. Attacks lasting from several hours to several days are characterized by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence. Discomfort occurs on its own or with a headache. For the right medical report examination by a neurologist is necessary. The disease worsens at least twice a year, the rest of the period passes as usual.

Navel pain during pregnancy

The daily increase in the volume of the tummy causes stretching of the muscles and skin, which explains the pain in the navel during pregnancy. During embryo development, the umbilical cord connects to the porta hepatis. After birth, the vessels of the umbilical cord are connected to form the liver ligament, which also explains the cause of pain during pregnancy.

Waiting for a baby can be overshadowed by the formation of an umbilical hernia. Some pregnant women notice the navel turning outward, which goes away on its own after labor.

Severe manifestations of pain in the navel area with nausea, vomiting, constipation, increased gas formation and rapid pulse are symptoms of an umbilical hernia. Appeared abruptly painful lump requires medical intervention.

Pain in the navel may indicate the presence of intestinal infections or an attack acute appendicitis. In pregnant women, the symptoms of the appendix are atypical, since it is displaced due to an enlarged uterus.

Any painful manifestations in the umbilical area should not be ignored expectant mother and a gynecologist.

Symptoms of pain in the navel of a sudden and sharp type are characteristic of appendicitis. The pain syndrome, as a rule, shifts to the right and occurs with nausea, single vomiting, fever and increased heart rate.

Sharp pain combined with bloating and constipation may be a symptom of a strangulated umbilical hernia. The disease is no less dangerous than an attack of appendicitis and requires surgical intervention.

Only incipient diseases may not reveal themselves in any way, so powerful pain attacks are signals of chronic, advanced processes.

Pain in the navel area

Pain in the navel area is disturbing various reasons, which include:

  • diseases of the small intestine of various etiologies;
  • chronic enteritis in the acute stage - pathological changes in the mucous membrane due to previous intestinal infections or giardiasis;
  • appendix - an acute disease of the abdominal cavity requiring surgical intervention;
  • hernia in the navel area;
  • cancer processes near the umbilical zone;
  • diverticulitis - protrusion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine through a layer of muscle;
  • volvulus of the small intestine (obstruction);
  • circulatory problems associated with an aortic aneurysm in the peritoneum;
  • abdominal migraine, more common in children.

Diseases of any organ of the peritoneum can result in unpleasant sensations in the navel. Therefore, if the pain in the navel is unbearable, cutting, call an ambulance.

Pain around the navel

If you notice pain around your navel, the reasons may be the following:

  • intestinal colic – muscle spasms as a result of problems with stool or digestion, the presence of dysbacteriosis;
  • umbilical/intervertebral hernia;
  • advancement of kidney/gallbladder stones is a very severe pain syndrome that often causes loss of consciousness.

A peptic ulcer of the small or large intestine can also cause acute, unbearable sensations. Initially, the pain is localized around the navel; as the disease progresses, the painful area spreads to the entire abdomen.

Pain below the navel

Pain below the navel occurs in the following diseases:

  • strangulated hernia – accompanied by acute pain, skin over the hernia blue;
  • peritonitis (inflammatory process in the peritoneum) – manifested by “dagger” pain;
  • diverticulosis of the colon - characterized by pouch-like branches of the intestinal wall. The pain varies in manifestation and intensity;
  • acute pyelonephritis - symptoms depend on the degree of urinary dysfunction;
  • presence of stones in the bladder;
  • state of urinary retention.

Localization of pain below the umbilical zone may be a sign of appendicitis, diseases of the colon or pelvic organs (depending on the gender of the patient).

Pain below the navel in men

Rectal diseases cause pain below the navel in men.

Pain below the navel on the left

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon or nervous stomach, characterized by pain below the navel on the left.

This pathology is more common in the female half of the population. age group from 20 to 40 years. The disease is based on two mechanisms: psychosocial effects and sensorimotor dysfunction (changes in visceral sensitivity with intestinal motor activity). Based on the predominance of the leading symptom, three types of the disease are distinguished:

  • severe pain and flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation

During the diagnostic process, systematic influences such as diets or medications should be excluded. Irritant products include coffee, gas-inducing drinks and food, and changes in diet during travel.

The pain usually occurs during daylight hours and subsides at night. The sensations vary in nature from a pressing, bursting, dull feeling to severe cramping. The pain syndrome decreases after defecation and release of gas.

Pain below the navel on the right

The right lower quadrant of the abdomen contains the appendix, intestines and ureters. In women, this area contains the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

If the pain below the navel on the right when pressed with a finger does not go away within 12 hours, it is probably appendicitis. Irritation or disease of the intestines, shingles, as well as compression of the nerve endings coming from the spinal column cause such pain.

Pain below the umbilical area on the right can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy.

The cause of pain may be infectious diseases– gonorrhea, chlamydia.

The formation of cysts and tumors in the pelvic organs is accompanied by chronic pain.

Pain under the belly button

In women, pain under the navel is more common gynecological nature. Such discomforts may be associated with diseases bladder, colitis, dysbacteriosis.

Pain near the navel

Pain near the navel indicates an enzyme deficiency. Undigested food causes fermentation and irritation of the small intestinal mucosa. Unpleasant sensations appear after eating legumes and large amounts of sweets. Flatulence is noted.

Sudden, sharp and severe pain in the immediate vicinity of the navel are symptoms of intestinal colic. The reason may be eating foods rich in fiber, drinking strong coffee, and chocolate. The process is often accompanied by chills and a weak state.

Pain near the navel is caused by worms. The doctor will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis based on examination and research results.

Pain near the navel on the left

Pain near the navel on the left is the result of abuse of teas for weight loss or infection helminthic infestations. In parallel, changes in stool are observed.

The manifestation of symptoms with fever, weakness and nausea can be caused by indigestion or poisoning. In order to relieve intoxication, it is recommended to take activated carbon, smecta. You should drink plenty of fluids. Preferably herbal decoctions with an antiseptic astringent effect.

The area from the navel on the left responds with pain due to kidney problems and diseases of the pancreas.

Pain above the navel

A mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary if persistent pain above the navel is noted. The following reasons can cause it:

  • gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or 12p intestines;
  • stomach cancer

The course of gastritis and peptic ulcer is characterized by dull or sharp pain, bursting or aching type. The moment of increased pain is often accompanied by vomiting, which brings temporary relief. Symptoms become more pronounced after taking spicy, sour foods, or coffee-containing drinks. The disease worsens as a result of stress. If vomiting with blood occurs, call a doctor immediately.

Pain just above the navel

Stomach problems - gastritis, ulcers, high acidity lead to pain just above the navel. Prolonged pain in this area indicates diseases of the 12th intestine, pancreas or gall bladder.

Pain near the navel

Pain near the navel is the most unpleasant, foreshadowing a serious illness.

More often manifested in school and adolescence abdominal migraine may occur in adults. Pain diffused or localized in the navel area is characterized by intensity. The disease occurs with severe symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • pale and cold extremities.

Based on their duration, attacks are divided into short (several hours) and long (several days). The painful condition can occur against the background of a migraine or after an attack of headache.

Volvulus of the small intestine causes pain near the umbilical area. The disease begins acutely and is accompanied by unbearable sensations, nausea, vomiting, retention of stool and gas. Vomiting is constant and does not improve the patient's condition.

Pain near the navel on the left

Pain near the navel on the left can be caused by:

  • irritation of the gastric mucosa - aching, sharp pain with nausea, vomiting. Unpleasant symptoms appear after drinking alcohol, a certain type of food, or systematically using aspirin;
  • hernia – pain may radiate to the chest;
  • lesions of the pancreas - localization of pain can also be on the right and in the middle;
  • gallbladder;
  • lung diseases - when inhaling, pain is felt in the abdomen if the irritation has touched the diaphragm.

Those at risk for diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas include heavy smokers, alcohol drinkers, diabetics and drug abusers. steroid hormones and diuretics.

Pain to the right of the navel

Pain to the right of the navel can be caused by:

Appendicitis, dysfunction of the genitourinary system, disorders in the intestines, problems with the right kidney - all these are reasons that cause pain to the right of the navel.

Pain to the left of the navel

Pain to the left of the navel is a manifestation of diseases of the spleen, stomach, intestinal loop, and pancreas.

Located close to the surface of the body, the spleen during the pathological process reacts painfully to even slight pressure. An increase in size of the organ can cause it to rupture from slight pressure. Therefore, the doctor should be extremely careful when palpating, and the patient with infectious mononucleosis should refrain from active sports. A ruptured spleen is accompanied by a bluish discoloration of the skin around the navel.

Pain on the left side is caused by accumulation of gases in the intestines, gastritis, and diaphragmatic hernia.

Intoxication or pancreatic cancer are also fraught with unpleasant symptoms to the left of the navel.

Pain to the left of the navel

Strong, spreading left side chest, kidneys, cardiac zone, lower back, pain to the left of the navel is characteristic of acute pancreatitis.

Pain at the navel level

The abdominal cavity contains lymph nodes that perform a protective function, veins, arteries and vital organs. Irritation of nerve endings occurs during an inflammatory process, swelling or other disorder of the internal organ of the peritoneum.

Pain in the navel when pressed can be caused by the following factors:

  • omphalitis;
  • umbilical fistula.

Omphalitis, or inflammation of the tissue in the umbilical area, is more common in newborns. In adults, the disease is caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and unqualified piercing. Trauma to the navel allows pathogens to penetrate through damaged skin.

The disease occurs with redness, swelling of the navel area with ulcers and purulent-bloody discharge. There are simple, phlegmonous and necrotic forms of the disease. In the last two stages of development, the infection spreads to the vessels and adjacent tissues.

More often, congenital pathology - umbilical fistula - occurs due to abnormal development of the vitelline and urinary processes. The acquired form of the disease is possible as a result of prolonged inflammation of the peritoneal wall.

Pain in the navel when pressed may occur with the development of a hernia or expansion of the umbilical ring.

Pain radiates to the navel

The vermiform appendix of the cecum or appendix can cause trouble at any age due to inflammation. The first manifestations of the disease can easily be confused with gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it is important to be able to independently identify a problem as it develops.

An attack of appendicitis may resemble ordinary poisoning or acute enterocolitis. However, there are symptoms that distinguish inflammation of the appendix from other problems:

  • sharp, aching, often vague pain localized in the navel area indicates an acute course of the disease;
  • mild pain that gets worse when coughing and sneezing;
  • muscle tension in the abdominal area is pronounced;
  • associated symptoms – nausea, vomiting;
  • an increase in temperature is characteristic of a purulent process.

Self-diagnosis using the Shchetkin-Blumberg method: lying on your back (legs straightened), press below the navel, then sharply tear off your arm. If the pain radiates to the navel, groin area or side, then don’t waste time and go to the hospital.

Pain inside the navel

Localization of pain in one place may indicate various diseases. Pain inside the navel is a sign of:

  • acute appendicitis - the attack begins suddenly with acute pain, which covers the entire abdomen, then concentrates in the navel and is localized on the right;
  • enteritis in the chronic stage - aching pain aggravates food intake;
  • diverticulitis (bulging of the intestinal wall) - the appearance of the disease is associated with prolonged constipation. Pain and inflammation occur only during an exacerbation;
  • umbilical hernia – a characteristic protrusion forms in the navel area;
  • volvulus in the small intestine - most often observed in newborn girls;
  • abdominal migraine - an attack of pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, photophobia and pallor.

Types of navel pain

Navel pain varies in nature, intensity and duration. The course of the same disease in patients can occur differently. The picture of the pain syndrome ranges from barely noticeable discomfort to an unbearable condition that makes a person scream. Unpleasant sensations can be vague, blurred, when the patient himself is not able to accurately describe what is happening.

Doctors distinguish psychogenic types of pain, when a person subconsciously provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms or the pain is associated with mental stress, stressful effects. For example, a child who does not want to go to school can cause intestinal colic, nausea and even vomiting.

There are the following types of pain in the navel:

  • visceral – associated with spasms/stretches in the internal organs, which irritates the nerve endings;
  • somatic (peritoneal) - the result of irritation of the peritoneum, when due to pathologies they are irritated spinal nerves, passing in the abdominal region.

Visceral manifestations are characterized by colic in the liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. In intensity, such pain is diffuse, dull in nature and localized in a specific organ, most often in the midline of the abdomen. Transfer of pain is possible to any part of the body.

Somatic pain - constant with tension in the muscles of the peritoneum, acute/cutting in nature, forcing the patient to assume an immobile state.

Sharp pain in the navel

Sudden sharp pain in the navel with increasing intensity may indicate appendicitis. The disease is characterized by a shift of pain to the right, nausea, and vomiting. The pain may ease, but does not go away completely. Symptoms intensify when pressing with a sharp removal of the hand from the stomach, as well as while walking.

A sharp pain syndrome characterizes strangulation of the umbilical hernia. The process is often combined with nausea, bloating, vomiting, and constipation. An oval or round neoplasm is felt in the navel area, which is painful and cannot be reduced. A strangulated hernia, like appendicitis, requires surgical intervention. A reducible hernia is no less painful.

Sharp pain in the navel, radiating to the lower back, with a frequent need to urinate, is a sign of advancing kidney stones. Intestinal colic is characterized by sharpness and suddenness of appearance, especially after overeating, an abundance of fatty foods.

Cutting pain in the navel

A sensation of pain in the navel area may indicate a number of serious illnesses. Cutting pain in the navel - a symptom of acute appendicitis or pancreatitis. In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the pain radiates to the back and can become shingles. Inflammatory processes in the pancreas are often accompanied by bloating and tension in the peritoneal wall. Appendicitis and pancreatitis often occur with nausea and vomiting.

With gastritis, a cutting sensation is noted after eating with a feeling of heaviness, belching and decreased appetite. Symptoms accompanied by diarrhea are characteristic of an acute infectious process.

Cramps often bother patients with cholecystitis. In women, such unpleasant symptoms are found in pathologies of the genital area. Any disturbances in the digestive tract can also cause severe, cutting discomfort.

Acute pain in the navel

Acute pain in the navel indicates a gallbladder problem or intestinal ulcer.

Pain, as if struck by a dagger, describes exacerbations of a stomach/intestinal ulcer, leading to perforation of the ulcer. A life-threatening condition is characterized by the effusion of stomach/intestinal contents into the peritoneal cavity. The patient has to constrain his movements, fixing the position of the body with less pain, limiting respiratory activity. The stomach does not take part in the breathing process; its muscles are tense. The pulse often slows down, the skin becomes pale, and cold sweat appears.

Acute pain in the navel is characteristic of chronic processes– enteritis, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction.

Drawing pain in the navel

The period of pregnancy with intensive growth of the abdomen can occur with unpleasant sensations. A nagging pain in the navel is not necessarily an alarm signal, but a normal process of stretching the abdominal wall.

Painful sensations of a pulling nature in the navel and lower abdomen indicate diseases of the urinary or female genital area.

Pulling-type discomforts indicate problems of the gastrointestinal tract, which include intestinal obstruction and motor dysfunction. Pain in the intestinal area depends on the degree of spasm and pressure from accumulated gases.

Aching pain in the navel

Stretching of the intestinal walls by accumulated gases due to obstruction or flatulence leads to aching pain. Obstruction is caused by tumor diseases, intestinal volvulus, and the appearance of nodes. These ailments are accompanied by a long-lasting pain syndrome.

In chronic enteritis (dystrophy and inflammatory disease of the small intestinal mucosa) occurs It's a dull pain in the navel, not of a sharp nature, accompanied by rumbling, bloating. The disease occurs with dry skin, brittle nails and bleeding gums.

Aching pain is often constant, aggravated by coughing.

Stitching pain in the navel

Stitching pain in the navel occurs in case of exacerbation of chronic duodenitis, intestinal ulcers and 12p intestines.

Duodenitis (inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the 12th intestine) is one of the most common diseases to which men are more susceptible. Chronic duodenitis can be ulcerative and cholecyst-like. In the first case, belching and heartburn are added to the symptoms. There are changes in appetite: either absence or terrible hunger. Sometimes chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and headache occur. The disease can occur with chronic gastritis, enteritis, ulcers and pancreatitis.

Severe pain in the navel area

The development of an umbilical hernia is determined by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stool and gas retention, and rapid pulse. The condition is characterized by severe pain in the navel area.

The clinical picture of small intestinal volvulus occurs against the background of sharp and severe pain. Patients note retention of stool and gases. The first hours may be characterized by cramping pain.

Severe pain syndrome in the navel area is also characteristic of obstruction, inflammation of the sigmoid colon, cancer diseases, attack of appendicitis.

Cramping pain in the navel area

Limited narrowing of the intestine as a result of a number of pathological changes (ulcerative colitis with cicatricial strictures, Crohn's disease, adhesions/tumor processes) is characterized by cramping pain in the navel. Similar painful manifestations also accompany intestinal dyskinesia when the spastic component predominates.

Cramping pain with moments of subsidence common occurrence for colic that develops due to non-compliance with the diet or shaking while driving. The cause of biliary colic may be dyskinesia of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis. Worms, liver abscesses, and cyst rupture can also serve as provocateurs. Intestinal colic- the result of inflammatory processes in the intestines, obstruction, irritable bowel problems and other pathologies.

Throbbing pain in the navel area

Patients with pancreatitis report throbbing pain in the navel, often of the shingles type. The process is accompanied by nausea, vomiting with bile, diarrhea and bloating.

Pulsating, rhythmic pain occurs when the pressure of the hollow organs increases. For example, irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by slow and fast alternating contraction intestinal wall. This condition can cause throbbing pain.

The pulsation also corresponds to purulent, tumor formations of the umbilical zone.

Diagnosis of navel pain

Assessing the patient's general condition and pain is important during examination. It is necessary to identify the intensity and, if possible, localization of pain. Palpation is carried out with the patient lying on his back.

A severe, prolonged painful condition is a reason to consult a doctor. Treatment of pain in the navel is based on medical examination, individually in each specific case. Specialists who should be consulted for navel pain: gastroenterologist and oncologist.

Naturally, there are diseases that require emergency surgical intervention - acute appendicitis, peritonitis, strangulated hernia and others.


Prevention of pain in the navel is, first of all, timely detection, if necessary, treatment of diseases of the internal organs of the peritoneum. To avoid exacerbation of the development of chronic diseases, you should undergo a preventive examination at least once a year. It is known that many serious diseases in the early stages can occur without severe symptoms.

Natural preventive measures include moderate rational nutrition, limiting alcohol consumption, balancing the psycho-emotional state. It is very important not to give in stressful situations, since spasms of internal organs often occur precisely because of emotional stress.

The ability to enjoy and rejoice in life, in harmony with oneself and the world around us, can relieve dire consequences and prevent pain in the navel.

If you have stomach pain in the navel area, then this is alarming symptom. What is this? A signal of chronic diseases or an indicator that urgent hospitalization is necessary?

Or maybe you shouldn’t pay attention to such manifestations at all?

A lot depends on the intensity of the painful sensations and how often they occur. Any, even the most minor, painful sensations are a signal of the need to act.

Where does it hurt and in what area of ​​the abdomen?

Pain near the navel can occur completely various reasons. Sometimes they indicate the presence of serious chronic diseases. First you need to familiarize yourself with the following important points:

  1. Characteristics of painful sensations.
  2. Factors that lead to increased pain.
  3. Intensity of painful sensations.
  4. Location.

It is possible to determine which disease may be accompanied by this symptom only with the help of a specialist. It is impossible to do this at home.

Causes of pain in the navel area

Each disease can be identified by specific symptoms and the intensity of pain.

Drawing pain near the navel occurs in diseases of the genitourinary system, acute or chronic obstruction, due to stretching of the abdominal walls or during pregnancy.

Aching pain can appear with intestinal bloating, chronic enteritis, chronic constipation, as well as the presence of benign tumors.

Diseases of gynecology or urology may also be accompanied by the appearance of aching pain.

Acute pain. Occurs during exacerbation of chronic diseases. For example, with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcer, pancreatitis.

If the pain intensifies, this may indicate the presence of a strangulated umbilical or inguinal hernia.

If increased discomfort occurs when urinating, then the culprit may be cystitis or the advancement of stones in the bile or urinary ducts.

Pain appears when pressing in the navel area:

  • If accompanied by nausea, this indicates the presence of an exacerbation of pancreatitis. The pain in the lower abdomen under the navel on the right increases.
  • Accompanied by flatulence, nausea and diarrhea - this is an umbilical hernia. Visually you can see an increase in the size of the navel. When pressed, the pain intensifies.

Cutting or stabbing pain. Indicates the presence of an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the occurrence of an acute form.

For example, this may indicate the presence of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, and diseases of the genitourinary system.

After eating food. Often this symptom occurs after eating food.

Additionally, belching, a sharp loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness and belching appear. This occurs due to gastritis.

Exactly the same symptoms are observed with irritable bowel syndrome or infectious processes.

Pain appears after a person has lifted weights. They occur due to increased pressure inside the abdominal artery, after childbirth due to stretching of the anterior abdominal artery.

A strangulated abdominal hernia also manifests itself as sharp pain after lifting weights.

Burning pain. It occurs in the presence of malignant or benign tumor organs of the digestive or genitourinary system.

It can appear with exacerbation of appendicitis, volvulus and umbilical hernia.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the navel area?

Painful sensations around the navel are quite common. It is necessary to pay attention to this and, in the presence of acute or serious illnesses, immediately consult a doctor.

In some cases, a person can even pay with his life for his negligence.

Oncology of the small intestine. The most terrible disease. Cancer can develop in the body for a long time without symptoms.

For example, the presence of a malignant tumor cannot be ruled out if there is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, symptoms such as nausea, sharp decline weight, loss of appetite, vomiting, constant bloating.

Intestinal volvulus. This disease always indicates its presence with intense painful sensations. Pain appears on the right side around the navel.

Urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary. At the same time, constipation, intense pain, vomiting, and bloating occur.

The disease progresses very quickly, and no medications provide long-lasting results. If you do not pay attention to your body's signals, you may need urgent surgery.

Acute inflammatory process in the intestines. Pain around the navel, in most cases paroxysmal, indicates the presence of diseases of the small intestine.

Additionally, bloating occurs, which can be eliminated with the help of drugs such as Smecta, Activated carbon, Polypheran.

If the pain is not eliminated in a timely manner, it is possible that it will gradually develop into chronic pain. In this case, painful sensations will appear with some regularity.

For example, this can occur with chronic enteritis or enterocolitis.

Painful sensations in this case do not appear periodically, but constantly near the navel. After eating food, the pain intensifies. It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

Acute appendicitis

Pain in the navel area may indicate the presence of acute appendicitis and the need for urgent surgical intervention.

This disease can attack suddenly. Painful sensations may appear throughout the abdomen.

Due to the inflammatory process occurs sharp increase body temperature, dryness oral cavity and increased heart rate.

Chronic enteritis

Discomfort and pain indicate the presence of chronic enteritis. They have nothing to do with the last time a person ate food.

Due to the inflammatory process, microelements in the body are not absorbed. Additionally, nails become brittle and hair becomes duller.

With this disease there appears increased fatigue, general weakness, gums begin to bleed.


In most cases, the hernia is oblong and can be visually seen. Pain appears after sudden lifting of weights, turning or other muscle overload.

In most cases, this occurs due to a strangulated hernia. In this case, salvation human life must be entrusted to surgeons.

It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if, in addition to pain, nausea, bloating, vomiting and problems with bowel movements occur.

Other variants and diseases

All the most common diseases are listed above. There are also other options.

For example, these could be benign or malignant tumors of the small intestine, problems with nervous system, circulatory disorders in the abdominal area, aortic aneurysm, pre-infarction condition.

Features in adults and children

In young children, pain near the navel is often accompanied by poor circulation in the arms and legs.

These are very dangerous manifestations for the child’s body; they may indicate the presence of a volvulus. If you lose time, it can even lead to death.

In newborns, such symptoms may occur due to the fact that the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract are not formed. Pathology of these organs can also cause pain.

Very often, women experience pain in the navel area. They will be associated with the genitourinary system and reproductive organs.

For example, it could be fibroids, fibroids, uterine cancer, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system or cystitis.

Symptoms such as pain around the navel appear in adults: both men and women. In men, this is associated, in most cases, with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, this could be megacolon, an enlargement of the large intestine.

Discomfort may also occur due to chronic constipation. And they, in turn, become the cause of poisoning with their own gases, that is, intoxication.

Additionally, there is a problem such as disruption of the heart and bronchopulmonary system.

Sometimes abdominal pain is associated with the presence of prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Adults may suffer from pain if there is prolapse of internal organs. This may be prolapse of the kidneys, uterus, or weakening of the intestinal muscles.


A lot depends on the location of the pain. From this you can determine what diseases can cause this uncomfortable condition.

Below the navel. Pain can be caused by diseases such as cystitis, oncological diseases, chronic constipation, fibroids, endometriosis. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are also the cause of this disorder.

Above the navel. This zone contains the stomach, liver, and pancreas. Sometimes pain appears in this area, which is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system. But the most common reason lies in disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it could be gastritis with increased or low acidity, stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. The inflammatory process begins in the stomach area and then affects the health of the organs that are nearby, that is, the pancreas and liver.

During pregnancy

The dream of every woman is that pregnancy proceeds evenly, without any negative manifestations. The problem is that most expectant mothers experience navel pain at different stages.

Sometimes they can be absolutely unsafe for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

  • Umbilical hernia. Even if it was not there before pregnancy, it may appear during the process. If a woman has suspicions and symptoms of this disorder, she should consult a doctor.
  • Weakening of the abdominal wall.
  • The skin becomes stretched and this can cause pain.

It is necessary to pay attention to your condition during pregnancy. It is important to talk about any changes in your well-being.

Pain around the navel and intestinal diseases

One of the reasons for the appearance of these pains is the presence of ulcerative colitis. With this disease, ulcers and necrosis often occur on the intestinal mucosa.

Additionally, symptoms such as blood in the stool. When complications occur, the temperature rises and symptoms of irritable bowel disease appear. There may be a frequent and painful urge to defecate.

Crohn's disease. Enteritis, which can affect any part of the intestine. An inflammatory process that is inherited. The cause is autoimmune diseases.

It occurs additionally along with intoxication of the body. Additionally, symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, sudden loss of appetite and, accordingly, body weight occur.

In particularly advanced cases, the disease may be aggravated by fistulas in the bladder and acute intestinal obstruction.

Mesadenitis. Inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. It occurs in connection with a bacterial or viral process. At the same time, symptoms such as intoxication and abdominal pain occur.

Pain to the right of the navel

This zone contains organs such as the large intestine, right kidney, and appendix. Painful sensations occur with various diseases.

For example, kidney prolapse, pyelonephritis, inflammatory process in the large intestine, gastroduodenitis or acute appendicitis.

It is necessary to go to the hospital to see a specialist so that he can establish a diagnosis and determine treatment.

Pain to the left of the navel

This area contains the omentum, intestinal loops, ureter and intestinal loops. Gastroduodenitis can cause pain on the left side around the navel.

Additionally, frequent constipation and the appearance of mucus in the stool occur. Sometimes droplets of blood appear in the stool, which may occur due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain appears near the navel due to an inflammatory process in the lungs. In this case, you must immediately contact an ambulance.


Very often, when pain occurs in the navel area, it is accompanied by other symptoms. You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • How long does the pain last?
  • Is there additional pain in other places?
  • What is the intensity of the pain?
  • Has the pain changed over time?

It is necessary to take a blood test, do an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as an X-ray examination.

What medications should you take to get rid of pain?

In this case, it is necessary to take medications that can eliminate the pain. But it is advisable to do this after consulting a doctor.

For example, such drugs as Spazmolgon, No-Shpa, Phosphalugel, Papaverine, Almagel, Espumisan will be ideal. But you can take medications only in one case: if they are recommended by your doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

It is best to combine traditional medicine methods with medications. This can be done using rowan fruits, herbal tea, as well as a decoction of gooseberries.

Pain near the navel should not be treated at home. You need to see a doctor. He prescribes the necessary treatment.

As a last resort, you can take an antispasmodic tablet, and then the next day you need to call an ambulance.

Useful video

There are several reasons why men experience navel pain. Almost all of them require urgent medical attention. In this article we will look at which diseases are the most dangerous and how to distinguish them.

Sources of pain around the navel - always small intestine. It has a mesentery - this is a neurovascular bundle that is attached to the intestine. The mesentery is well innervated and therefore can hurt with pathology.

Let's consider special cases when the navel and around it hurt.


This is an inflammation of the small intestine. It happens with many viral and bacterial infections: salmonellosis;

  • enteroinfections;
  • rotavirus;
  • Escherichiosis.

Jeyunit is always accompanied by loose stools with a bad odor.

Diarrhea with jejunitis forms high in the small intestine. Therefore, a person loses a lot of fluid, quickly becomes dehydrated, and experiences weakness.

Pain in the navel with jejunitis is acute, severe, paroxysmal. When intestinal peristalsis begins to work, the pain intensifies. Usually, after another episode of diarrhea, the pain temporarily subsides until the next episode. Treatment of infectious jeunitis is carried out in an infectious diseases hospital.

Eunit is being treated antiviral agents, antibiotics. In case of severe dehydration, a drip with solutions is placed. Recovery is confirmed by stool analysis.

It should not contain bacterial or viral particles.

Mesenteric thrombosis

Strongest, squeezing, constant pain in the navel may indicate mesenteric thrombosis.

The pain will be accompanied by one or two episodes of diarrhea and severe nausea. At the height of pain, vomiting appears, and body temperature may rise.

The causes of mesenteric thrombosis are blockage of the vessel that supplies the intestines with blood. The blood clot blocks the blood flow, the intestines die, and severe pain appears.

Mesenteric thrombosis is very difficult to treat; surgery is necessary to remove the dead part of the intestine.

Umbilical hernia

A bulge in the belly button area, which may be painful, is most often caused by an umbilical hernia. This is the exit of a small part of the intestine through an opening in the peritoneum under the skin. Umbilical hernia is rare in adult men and is usually the prerogative of young children.

Pain in the navel during a hernia is not strong, it may increase with physical activity, when coughing or overeating. This is due to the fact that a larger section of the intestine comes out through the hole under the influence of pressure.

Treatment of umbilical hernia is surgical. The man is being shown planned surgery, small in volume.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Another cause of acute pain in the navel area is irritable bowel syndrome. This diagnosis is made if there are symptoms that bother a person, but there are no anatomical pathologies in the intestines.

How do you know if you have irritable bowel syndrome? Pain in the navel appears 15-30 minutes after eating, it is stronger if the person is excited. A person can be bothered by both constipation and diarrhea. IBS pain disappears or is greatly relieved after passing gas or going to the toilet.

IBS treatment is carried out individually. For constipation, laxatives are needed; for diarrhea, a diet that strengthens the stool is recommended. If a person is subject to stress, but sedatives are prescribed. Definitely recommended correct image life, giving up excessive consumption of sweets.

The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome can only be made if studies show no pathology.

To the right of the navel

Pain to the right of the navel is also caused by changes in the small or large intestine. Pain can indicate acute or chronic pathology.

Depending on the symptoms, the person requires emergency medical attention or observation.

Inflammation of the cecum

Inflammation of the cecum is one of the common causes of navel pain in men, especially on the right side. The cecum is a section of the large intestine that is located in the lower right side of the abdomen. Its inflammation can be caused by infection - Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella.

There is non-infectious inflammation of the cecum - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.

Pain due to damage to the cecum acute, paroxysmal. They are combined with diarrhea. Severe dehydration rarely occurs, since the main fluid enters the body above the site of inflammation.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the cecum is carried out by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. General analysis blood shows signs of inflammation. Colonoscopy, stool examination and culture to determine bacteria are also performed. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, depending on the source of inflammation.

Non-infectious intestinal inflammation - Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis - are treated for life.


The diagnosis of appendicitis is made by a surgeon in the emergency department. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient will be operated on within the next 24 hours.

The inflamed appendix is ​​removed, and after surgery antibiotics are prescribed to prevent peritonitis.


To the right of the navel, pain is accompanied by inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis. Paroxysmal pain is caused by a violation of the diet, namely: overeating fatty, fried foods, and alcohol abuse.

A surgeon can confirm an attack of biliary colic with cholecystitis. Additionally, an ultrasound examination will be required. It will show if there are stones inside the gallbladder that need to be removed.

If cholelithiasis is detected, the bladder will be removed as soon as acute inflammation will subside. To get rid of acute pain due to colic, antispasmodics are prescribed: papaverine, platiphylline, no-shpu.

Cholecystitis is less common in men than in women.

To the left of the navel

Pain that is localized to the left of the navel associated with those parts of the intestine that are located here. This is the descending part of the colon, the sigmoid colon. To the left and above is the duodenum. All these organs, with their pathology, cause pain in the navel area.


Inflammation of the sigmoid is called sigmoiditis. It can be caused by bacteria, most often Shigella or Escherichia. Nonspecific sigmoiditis that is not associated with infections often occurs in men. The reason for them is autoimmune diseases– Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.

With sigmoiditis, a man is bothered by severe pain below the navel on the left, paroxysmal, associated with intestinal spasms. Diarrhea appears, sometimes streaked with blood. Body temperature may rise, severe weakness, and manifestations of intoxication may occur.

To diagnose sigmoiditis, a colonoscopy is performed - endoscopic examination intestines.

Descending colon

If inflammation occurs above the sigmoid colon, then it already affects the descending colon. It is her lesion that causes pain on the left navel. Tumors of the descending colon and polyps are often detected.

When a tumor appears in men, there is no bowel movement for several days, and the abdomen increases in size. The diagnosis is confirmed by colonoscopy and ultrasound examination. Intestinal tumors are always removed along with the affected area.

If there is significant damage to the intestine by the tumor, an operation is performed to remove a section of the intestine abdominal wall– stoma.

Below the navel

Pain below the navel is caused by organs located in this area. This large intestine, its section called the rectum, as well as the bladder.

With inflammation of the final, distal parts of the rectum, pain appears in the abdomen below the navel. It is paroxysmal in nature and intensifies during active intestinal peristalsis.

Pain below the navel in men is associated with inflammation of the rectum caused by an autoimmune disease. Then diarrhea with blood and an increase in blood temperature appear. A change in the blood test must be detected.

Pain under the navel in men is caused by inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. Cystitis itself is rare, usually the entire urinary system, urethritis and pyelonephritis develop.

The man is worried frequent urination, high body temperature and pain below the navel when urinating.

Above the navel

If a man has pain above the navel, it means that the upper sections intestines or stomach. Peptic ulcers, gastritis and enteritis often occur. Consider in more detail the sources of pain in the abdomen above the navel.


Discomfort above the navel, which is combined with a burning sensation, heartburn and nausea, is characteristic of peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. Gastroenterologists treat this pathology. Antisecretory drugs and antacids are prescribed:

  • omeprazole;
  • almagel;
  • Ranitidine.


Inflammation of the small intestine accompanied by spasmodic pain around the navel and above, diarrhea, high temperature. The most common cause of inflammation is infection. A man may suffer from rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, escherichiosis.

For more accurate diagnosis A stool test for bacteria and a stool culture are performed. A blood test determines inflammation. Enteritis is treated with antibiotics, antiviral drugs, intestinal antiseptics.

Enteritis is often considered a simple “indigestion” of the stomach or intestines.


Prevention of pain depends on its cause. If it is infectious colitis, gastroenteritis, or jeunitis, then it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Bacteria are transmitted through dirty hands and insufficiently cleaned utensils. You should:

  • wash your hands before and after eating with soap;
  • do not eat food on the street or in public transport;
  • Avoid suspicious eating places.

It is extremely difficult to prevent autoimmune pathologies such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as appendicitis. These diseases do not have a specific cause that can be prevented.

Watch the following video, it may be very helpful

Conclusion on the topic

Pain in the navel area in men is common in medical practice. Specifically about their reasons only a doctor can tell by conducting a thorough inspection, questioning and additional examinations. A person without medical education can guess about possible sources of pain based on symptoms.

Among the possible diseases there are harmless problems that can be easily eliminated by lifestyle changes, for example, irritable bowel syndrome.

But there are also life-threatening conditions that require emergency surgical intervention.

Pain below the navel may be a sign of a serious illness.

Pain in the abdominal area has always been and is one of the most unpleasant for us. After all, when our stomach hurts, we definitely can’t do anything, not even walk normally.

Often, determining the causes of pain below the navel is very difficult. In certain situations, even a consistent detailed study of the causes of pain is impossible. Often for quality diagnostics and prescribing treatment requires extensive experience of the attending physician, because sometimes the picture of the disease can be incomprehensible and blurred.

Pain below the navel can also spread to the right and left, usually indicating problems in the rectum. Women may also experience infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system.

What diseases cause pain below the navel?

Pain below the belly button can be caused by many reasons. Among other things, such pain can occur due to the downward spread of exudate arising from diseased organs of the peritoneum located above.

A strangulated hernia can also cause pain below the belly button. The place where the hernia protruded and around it is especially painful. Often, doctors cannot identify a strangulated hernia only because they neglect to examine those places on the anterior wall of the peritoneum where hernias can form.

When a sigmoid colon diverticulum perforates, pain occurs that is very similar to pain during an exacerbation of appendicitis. The main difference is that in this case the pain spreads across the lower abdomen.

Pain below the navel may indicate acute salpingitis– inflammation of the pelvic organs and pelvic organs, acute adnexitis. The pain is distributed over the lower abdomen and is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Pain below the navel in the middle of the menstrual cycle is familiar to many women. Pain occurs when the follicles rupture and eggs are released. The pain is sharp at first, occurring more in the side (on the side where ovulation occurred) and then shifting to the lower abdomen below the navel, spreading to the pelvic area. These pains are usually short-lived, but in some women they can last up to two days and are accompanied by general lethargy and pain when walking. In this case, you can take no-shpu. If pain in the middle of the cycle is accompanied by spotting, you need to consult a doctor. These discharges may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, endometritis, myometrial and cervical canal cysts.

Pain below the navel also occurs with obstruction of the small or large intestine. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen or around the navel. At first they are sharp, cutting and sporadic. But as obstruction develops, the pain becomes constant, which is caused by overstretching of the intestine and ischemia of the vessels of the intestinal walls. The pain in the lower abdomen is dull, squeezing.

For diseases of the genitourinary system and urinary tract There is also pain below the navel. Renal colic, caused by the descent of a stone into the ureter, arise in the side, but extend along the ureter to the lower abdomen and even to the thigh. In this case, a urine test determines the presence of bacteria, increased content erythrocytes and leukocytes. Palpation in the area where the kidneys are located is very painful for the patient, which once again confirms the presence of problems. For a more complete picture, pyelography is prescribed, which will reliably establish the diagnosis, even if the stone is not visualized.

Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by extreme pain in the affected kidney. The patient's body temperature rises and chills appear. To confirm the diagnosis, pyelography and urine analysis are prescribed.

Pain below the navel also occurs due to urinary retention. A swelling just below the navel helps diagnose urinary retention. The pain is quite strong and cutting. In case of urinary retention, installation of a catheter and the appointment of appropriate examinations to determine the causes of the disease are indicated.

Which doctors should I contact if there is pain below the navel?
