Poor digestion of food in an adult causes treatment. What to do if your stomach does not digest food well

For the reason modern image in life, many people do not pay due attention to the right balanced diet. This factor provokes various pathologies digestive system. Also, such ailments are caused by constant stress, long-term use medicines.

The main signs of poor digestion are the following: constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating after eating, excessive gas, heartburn. How to eliminate the symptoms of such a pathology and normalize digestive process?

Considered a common disorder gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of which directly depends on the cause of the ailment. If disruptions in the digestive process are observed, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist to find out the root cause of this condition and determine a course of therapy. Poor digestion leads to the fact that vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements are not absorbed properly. Adequate timely treatment will help correct the current situation.

Disturbances in the digestion of food are observed with increased acidity gastric juice. In this case, the symptoms are supplemented by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, pain syndrome. To avoid complications that result from hypersecretion of gastric juice (the development of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases), it is necessary to take timely measures.

In most cases, the cause of slow digestion is poor diet. Also acts as a provocateur of this pathology sedentary lifestyle life. Long-term use antibiotics and other drugs cause intestinal dysbiosis and other pathologies that complicate the process of assimilation of food by the body.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor carefully examines the aspects that have negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid disruptions in the process of digesting food, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Fight excess weight.
  • Eliminate consumption of alcohol and soda.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • News active image life.
  • Eat a light, regular and balanced diet.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Reduce your intake of anti-inflammatory drugs medications.

Meals should be taken regularly and at the same time.

There should be at least 5-6 meals a day. Eat small portions. To avoid stress, reduce your consumption of fried, fatty foods, which can significantly lengthen the digestion process.

Alcoholic drinks inhibit gastric emptying. Cigarette smoke greatly inhibits production hydrochloric acid in the stomach, making it difficult to digest even light foods.

Medicines and junk food

Gastrointestinal disorders caused by certain medications and food products. The following groups are recognized as the most difficult to digest foods:

If a person has intolerance to milk protein or lactose, then clinical picture when consuming products containing it, it appears as follows: diarrhea, bloating, pain. This symptomatology manifests itself against a background of nausea, dizziness, and difficulty defecating. By decision similar problem becomes a replacement of this product almond, soy or rice milk.

Starchy products

Some people have problems digesting cakes, pizza, regular bread and other baked goods. In some cases, the cause is yeast intolerance. Products that are a source of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index can cause slow digestion. Mainly rice and pasta.

Digesting meat is a long process. Especially if we're talking about about lamb, pork. This is due to the fact that meat contains a large amount of fat, which complicates the process of digestion and absorption.

Tomatoes, cabbage

Most vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which helps fast digestion and emptying of the gastric cavity. However, some vegetables cause excessive gas, which makes digestion difficult. These products include: turnips, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. Some people have an intolerance to tomatoes, resulting in hives, swelling and nausea.

Garlic and onion

Despite the useful and medicinal properties These root vegetables help reduce the tone of the lower esophageal valve. For this reason, garlic and onions are not recommended for use in cases of dyspeptic syndrome and reflux.

As for medications, long-term or uncontrolled reception certain drugs lead to disorder digestive function. Like side effect possible with long-term therapy the following medications:

  • Alendronates – they are used in the treatment of osteoporosis. In some cases, they provoke diarrhea, nausea, pain syndrome in the abdominal area, development peptic ulcer esophagus;
  • Potassium salts - used in the treatment of hypertension blood pressure, as well as dehydration. An increased dosage provokes nausea, ulcers and intestinal upset;
  • Digitalis – indicated for the treatment of pathologies cardiovascular system. Provokes vomiting and nausea, disrupts appetite;
  • Antibiotics - capable of stimulating fermentation processes in the intestinal cavity, causing bloating and dysbacteriosis, as they disrupt healthy microflora;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example Aspirin, provoke various disruptions in the digestive system, as they significantly reduce protective function mucous membrane.

Hormonal changes that occur against the background can interfere with normal digestion menstrual cycle. Such violations are caused by the fact that due to an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen arises excessive intestinal motility. The result is difficult digestion food products, constipation or diarrhea.

Difficulties with digestion are also observed in the first weeks of pregnancy. In the second trimester, symptoms may intensify, since as the fetus grows, the pressure of the uterus on the gastrointestinal tract increases.

Features of therapy

Treatment of such ailments is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Before taking medications, you should determine the real reason pathological condition. Based on the provoking factors, as well as the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes suitable therapy.

The best effect in normalizing the digestive process is provided by proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. It is important to eat regularly, chew food thoroughly, move more and avoid stressful situations. Great solution problems - herbal medicine, which helps to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The following medications are prescribed for treatment: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin, Festal and others. These drugs are excellent for treating such disorders of the digestive system.

If you are concerned about difficulty digesting food, consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pathology and begin proper therapy. Do not self-medicate. Otherwise, there is a risk of advanced pathology or improper treatment.

Poor nutrition, non-compliance with the diet and eating snacks and fast foods lead to disruption of the digestive tract. This condition is characterized by unpleasant symptoms and is called dyspepsia or atony. There are several types of pathology that are equally found in adults and children.

The stomach is considered one of the peculiar organs. It is involved in the process of digesting food. The volume of the organ in a non-working state does not exceed 500 milliliters. healthy person. After eating food, its capacity increases to 2-4 liters.

Products enter it through the oral cavity and esophagus. At the very beginning they are exposed to saliva, and then gastric juice, as a result of which they break down into proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The stomach has walls that are protected from the effects of hydrochloric acid with mucus. The ingested food is digested in the chamber from 15 minutes to two hours. The whole process depends on the composition, calorie content of the products, as well as the type of heat treatment.

Causes leading to inhibition of the stomach

The breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates takes some time. Many patients are interested in the question of how long the products last. If we talk about fats, it takes at least 6 hours to digest them. Protein compounds are processed in about 2 hours. Carbohydrates are the easiest to digest. They can take from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours to digest.

But some people encounter this problem when the stomach does not digest food. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • eating dry food, regularly consuming fast foods, processed foods and chips;
  • regular stressful situations and depression;
  • eating at night;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • intolerance to certain types of foods.

If the stomach does not digest food in women during pregnancy, then the cause may be hormonal disorder. This problem is especially acute in the first trimester. This process leads not only to disruption of the functionality of the digestive tract, but also to the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain, constipation, and nausea.

Why is it not digested? Doctors identify provoking factors as:

  • violations metabolic processes in the body;
  • insufficient production of gastric juice, enzymes and hydrochloric acid;
  • infectious disease of the stomach;
  • availability concomitant diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers.

Atony gastric organ occurs against the background of deterioration of muscle tone. This phenomenon leads to insufficient movement of food and its retention in the stomach. At long stay eating there is excessive pressure on the gastric walls. Thus, the food bolus hardens even more, and it becomes even more difficult to pass through the intestinal tract.

Symptoms indicating gastric atony

When the stomach does not digest food well, a person will experience significant discomfort.

It is accompanied by:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn and belching of air or sour contents;
  • painful sensations during prolonged fasting;
  • pain syndrome in the epigastric region, which is not associated with food intake;
  • loss of appetite.

If a person cannot understand why the stomach does not digest food, then it is worth seeking help from a doctor. He will conduct an examination, identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is also necessary to review your diet and follow some tips.

  1. If your stomach does not accept food, then you should completely avoid unhealthy and fatty foods. It is better to focus on liquefied and slimy dishes that will cover inner surface stomach and create a protective film.
  2. You should eat small portions several times a day. Doctors recommend dividing meals into 5-6 times. And the serving size should not be more than 300 grams.
  3. You should not eat before going to bed. The last meal should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. At night, when a person sleeps, the digestion of food worsens, which leads to the processes of fermentation and rotting.
  4. Must be observed drinking regime. You should drink water 30-40 minutes before meals. This enhances the process of separation of gastric juice, dilutes it and prepares the body.
  5. The food temperature should be optimal. You should not eat food that is too hot or cold.
  6. Worth doing twice a week fast days. Meat and fish products, sweets and flour products. This will allow the body to rest a little.

If not observed, then you need to adhere to separate power supply. This process will help not only improve the functioning of the gastric cavity, but also identify the product that is not suitable for the body.

Types of dyspeptic condition

Food can be poorly digested when bacterial agents enter the body. Against this background, it is customary to distinguish several types of dyspeptic disorder in the form of:

  • salmonellosis. This disease is characterized by an increase in temperature, frustration, weakness of the body and vomiting;
  • dysentery. With this pathology, damage to the large intestine is observed. Accompanied by diarrhea. IN stool there are blood impurities;
  • intoxication. Develops as a result of poisoning chemicals, food products or infection.

Dyspeptic disorder can also occur with a lack of digestive enzymes. It is divided into gastrogenic, hepatogenic, pancreatogenic, enterogenic.

There are other types of the disease in the form of:

  • alimentary. Develops with an incorrect lifestyle;
  • putrid. Occurs when eating large quantities of stale fish;
  • fat. Appears when excessive consumption fats;
  • fermentation Develops due to the abuse of gas-forming foods in the form of legumes, bakery products, sweets, kvass and beer.

If you have difficulty digesting food, you should visit a doctor. It costs nothing to take on your own. If the stomach and intestines do not work, and there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Therapeutic measures

What to do if you have difficulty digesting food, only a doctor can tell you based on individual characteristics and symptoms that appear.

First of all, the doctor prescribes various medications.

  1. Enzymes. Helps improve stomach functionality. Do not allow products to linger in digestive tract, thereby preventing rotting processes.
  2. Painkillers. Used when the patient experiences painful sensations. Removes spasms. This group of drugs includes Drotaverin, Spazmalgon, No-shpu.
  3. Antihistamines. Help reduce increased acidity, eliminate swelling from tissues. Patients may be prescribed Clemaxin or Ranitidine.

If a child’s food is poorly digested, then it is necessary to understand why this is happening and seek help from a doctor. Treatment in such cases involves taking more gentle means.

Good help and traditional methods. They can be taken by adults and children different ages, pregnant women.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. Based on celery. An infusion of celery root can help a lot. To prepare the drink, you need to grate it on a fine grater until it turns into a powder. Pour in a liter boiled water and let it brew for about 8 hours. Then it is filtered and taken 2 spoons up to three times a day. If you don't have the root on hand, you can use celery seeds.
  2. Based on dill. Dill water helps not only adults, but also infants. This plant contains many useful components. This improves digestion, eliminates constipation and bloating, and has a diuretic effect. To prepare the medicine, take a spoonful of dill seeds and pour a mug of boiled water into it. It is enough to let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take up to 3-4 times a day. What is noteworthy is that this remedy can be taken for a long time.
  3. Based on honey and aloe. To normalize metabolic processes, you can use the following recipe. For preparation you will need several aloe leaves. They are cut into small pieces, and then the juice is squeezed out using gauze. Mixed with honey and red wine. Use ready-made product It is recommended to take one spoon 3 times a day.

Duration treatment course ranges from 14 to 30 days. The course can be repeated after 1-2 months.

To avoid causing unpleasant symptoms, you need to adhere to some dietary rules.

  1. Avoid fatty, fried, hot and spicy foods. Salt consumption is limited.
  2. The ban includes alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fast foods, various snacks, semi-finished products, and chips. These products contain large amounts of fat.
  3. You need to eat at the same time.
  4. You should learn to combine products. You cannot eat fish and wash it down with milk, or eat meat at the same time as apples. Products must be combined so that they can be digested in one time.

Helps normalize stomach function physical exercise, sports, walks fresh air. If you do not follow the recommendations, the condition will worsen even more and you will no longer be able to do without medication.

If the stomach does not accept food and this is accompanied by vomiting, the cause is mild digestive disorders due to poisoning or serious illnesses gastrointestinal organs. In adults and children, there are differences in the functioning of the stomach and possible various reasons symptoms.

Causes in adults

Food poisoning and improper nutrition are the main causes of dyspepsia, when the body does not accept a number of foods, based on the characteristics of each person’s body. Another factor is disruption of the digestive system as a result of hormonal imbalance, observed in pregnant women. After overeating before bed, similar symptoms may occur the next morning.

Vomiting after eating leads to:

  • decreased metabolism;
  • gastritis;
  • bacterial damage to the gastric mucosa;
  • alcohol or food poisoning;
  • excessive increase in the level of gastric juice.

Dyspepsia is caused by intestinal infections the following type:

  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • intoxication.

Symptoms arise due to a lack of a number of enzymes for the digestive process, of the following types:

  • gastrogenic;
  • pancreatogenic;
  • enterogenous.

Reasons for a child

When a child’s stomach stops functioning, he stops digesting food and provokes vomiting, it is important to determine the cause. Lead to this various factors, ranging from eating disorders to disturbances in the production of enzymes. Common causes of these symptoms:

  • acute gastritis;
  • metabolic problems;
  • bacterial pathologies of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • decreased level of gastric juice production.

Treatment in a child

The exact cause of dyspepsia can only be determined by a doctor through hardware diagnostics and laboratory tests. If symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. Based on the results, a course of treatment is prescribed. When it is not possible to see a doctor, give the child 3-4 sips of boiled water every 5 minutes to prevent dehydration. It is prohibited to give a large volume of water due to the occurrence of a gag reflex and the stomach’s self-removal of liquid.

A child should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. At the same time, after stopping the functioning of the digestive system, it is forbidden to feed the baby at first in order to prevent vomiting. It is prohibited to give medications on your own due to the weakness of the child’s body.

Used folk recipes in the form of oregano infusion. To create the remedy, pour 10 g of herb into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Give the child 15 ml 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of cinnamon is used to restore the functioning of the stomach. Pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 250 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, cool and give the baby 50-75 ml before meals.

If you experience pain, it is prohibited to delay visiting the hospital for more than 8 hours!

Treatment in adults

To eliminate the cause of stomach failure, doctors prescribe medications. To eliminate vomiting and pain, use sorbents:

  • Enterosgel – take 1 sachet of solution 1-2 hours before meals, washed down with water 3 times a day, for a course of 3-5 days;
  • Maalox – drink the contents of 1-2 sachets 1-1.5 hours after meals, the course of treatment is no more than 2-3 months;
  • Smecta - dilute the contents of 1 sachet in 100 ml of water and drink 30 minutes before meals 3-6 times a day, for a course of 3-7 days;
  • Almagel - take 1-3 orally measuring spoons suspensions 3-4 times a day, for a course of 14 days.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice:

  • Gaviscon - drink 10-20 ml 3-4 times a day, for a course of 7 days;
  • Gastracid - take 1-2 tablets 1 hour after meals 4 times a day, duration of use is 15-20 days.

To restore the digestive process, enzyme preparations are taken:

  • Linex - take 2 capsules 3 times a day, the course of treatment is individually determined by the doctor;
  • Pancreatin - during meals, 2-4 tablets 3-6 times a day, lasting from 1 dose to 1-2 days.

Folk remedies

Can be used to restore stomach function in adults using recipes traditional medicine, but with the permission of the attending physician:

  • Fennel – 1 g of berries pour into 300 ml hot water and boil for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink 2-3 sips throughout the day.
  • Dill - pour 1 teaspoon of grains into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take 30 ml of decoction after meals.
  • Cumin – grind the ingredient, mix with 300 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take 100 ml per day.
  • Mix the leaves of mint, chamomile, and sage, pour into 250 ml of boiling water, stir and leave for a quarter of an hour. Take 3 times a day before meals.


To ensure the correct functioning of the digestive system and prevent the stomach from rejecting food, factors that negatively affect its functioning are eliminated. This requires:

  • balance the diet;
  • reduce the number of stressful situations;
  • avoid overeating, snacking on the move, eating at night;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine.

A variety of advanced pathologies of the digestive system lead to the stomach not digesting food. This disorder is called dyspepsia. With it, food entering the digestive organ is not processed and not fully absorbed. As a result, the patient’s condition worsens and they begin to worry unpleasant symptoms in the form of heaviness, nausea and pain. In order for the treatment of the problem to be effective, it is important to identify and, if possible, eliminate negative factors.

Causes of pathology

Often, digestive problems bother people who do not monitor their diet and eat frequently. junk food who are accustomed to overeating. In this case, food in the stomach and intestines cannot be completely digested, and often comes out unprocessed. Fermentation processes occur in the body, and stomach indigestion becomes a constant problem.

In addition, an adult often retains food in the stomach for the following reasons:

  • disruption of the normal production of gastric juice;
  • gastritis, in which the production of enzymes is disrupted due to mucosal atrophy;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine and hormonal disruptions;
  • stress - common reason the fact that the stomach does not accept full food.

To cure such a problem, it is important to understand what factor triggered its development. To do this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist who will properly treat indigestion of food.

Types of disease

There are many reasons for not digesting and not assimilating food.

There are 2 types of dyspepsia:

  • Organic. Food is poorly digested due to the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Functional. Occurs as a result of impaired functionality of the stomach and intestines under the influence of negative factors, for example, overeating, abuse of heavy foods.

Considering the etiology of the development of pathology, there is the following classification:

  • Infectious dyspepsia. Occurs as a result of infection entering the body, causing diseases such as:
    • salmonellosis;
    • dysentery;
    • ARVI.
  • Dyspepsia associated with impaired production of digestive enzymes. There are such varieties:
    • gastrogenic;
    • hepatogenic;
    • pancreatogenic;
    • enterogenous.
  • Separately, nutritional dyspepsia is distinguished, which, in turn, is divided into the following forms:
    • . Occurs in people who are accustomed to consuming large quantities meat that is digested slowly and because of this begins to rot in the digestive organs.
    • Fat. It appears in adults who are accustomed to eating fatty foods.
    • . It affects men and women who abuse carbohydrate-containing foods.

What symptoms are you worried about?

On initial stage development, dyspepsia is not pronounced, characteristic features. Sometimes a person is bothered by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, mild nausea, however, this condition quickly passes, and the patient becomes better. As the disease progresses, the digestibility and absorption of food is significantly impaired. An adult notices that food takes a long time to digest, and the stomach does not accept or process some foods at all. Poor digestion affects general health sick. Due to intoxication, he constantly feels nauseous, sometimes vomits, and stools are disturbed. Diarrhea can last for several days, and it is clear that there are pieces of undigested food in the stool.

The patient's condition worsens, and he refuses food.

Bad job stomach is often the cause of the development of such symptoms:

  • bloating, flatulence;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness;
  • belching with a bad odor;
  • heartburn, abdominal pain;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss.

Due to the fact that heavy food lingers in the stomach for a long time, the process of rotting develops. Therefore, at the progressive stage of dyspepsia, the patient is often bothered by attacks of vomiting. A person also refuses to eat certain foods, for example, meat, carbohydrates. With such a violation, delaying a visit to the doctor and doing anything at your own discretion is dangerous.


If symptoms progress and there is a clear deterioration in stomach function, you must make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It is this doctor who treats diseases associated with the digestive system. After initial examination, palpation, history taking, the doctor will give directions for clinical tests blood and urine, which will show the general picture of a person’s health status, and will also make it possible to identify hidden inflammatory processes. The doctor will also advise you to do a stool test, in which, if indigestion occurs, residues will be visible. undigested food. Instrumental techniques will help confirm the diagnosis:

  • radiography with contrast;
  • electrogastroenterography;
  • Ultrasound of the stomach and abdominal organs;
  • MRI or CT.

What to do?

Nutrition rules

Proper and light food.

First of all, the patient is prescribed a gentle diet that helps normalize motor skills and the functioning of the digestive organs. Already on the 3-4th day of following the rules dietary nutrition the patient goes away accompanying symptoms, the condition is gradually normalizing. Food is cooked only by steaming or boiling. To normalize intestinal motility, you need a lot of fiber; vegetables and fruits contain it in sufficient quantities. The following herbal products are useful for dyspepsia:

  • carrots and beets;
  • green apples;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • jacket potatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet pepper

It is useful to consume vegetarian soups daily, adding herbs to them, for example, dill, parsley, cilantro. In order for food to be properly digested, ready meals you can add a little vegetable or butter. To normalize the secretion of gastric juice, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks.

Attitude to food different people noticeably different. For some, this is simply a way to replenish lost energy resources, while for others it is pleasure and enjoyment. But one thing remains common: few people know what happens to food after it enters the human body.

Meanwhile, the issues of digestion and assimilation of food are very important if you want to have good health. Knowing the laws according to which our body is structured, you can adjust your diet and make it more balanced and literate. After all, the faster food is digested, the more efficiently the digestive system works and the metabolism improves.

We tell you what you need to know about food digestion and absorption useful substances and the time that the body needs to digest certain foods.

How does metabolism work?

First, we need to define such an important process as food digestion. What is this? Essentially, it is a set of mechanical and biochemical processes in the body that convert food consumed by a person into substances that can be absorbed.

First, food enters the human stomach. This is the initial process that ensures further absorption of substances. Then the food goes to small intestine, where it is exposed to various food enzymes. So, it is at this stage that carbohydrates are converted into glucose, lipids are broken down into fatty acids and monoglycerides, and proteins are converted into amino acids. All these substances enter the blood, absorbed through the intestinal walls.

Digestion and subsequent absorption of food is complex process, which meanwhile does not last for hours. In addition, not all substances are actually absorbed by the human body. This needs to be known and taken into account.

What does food digestion depend on?

Doubts that digesting food is complex and complex process, there are none left. What does it depend on? There are certain factors that can either speed up or slow down the digestion of food. You definitely need to know them if you care about your health.

Thus, the digestion of food largely depends on the processing of food and the method of its preparation. Thus, the digestion time of fried and boiled food increases by 1.5 hours compared to raw food. This is due to the fact that the original structure of the product is modified and some important enzymes are destroyed. This is why preference should be given raw foods, if possible, eat them without heat treatment.

In addition, temperature affects the digestion of food. Cold food, for example, is digested much faster. In this regard, between hot and warm soup, it is preferable to choose the second option.

The food mixing factor is also important. The fact is that each product has its own absorption time. And there are also foods that are not digested at all. If you mix products with at different times digestion and consume them at one meal, the time of their digestion will noticeably change.

Absorption of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are broken down in the body by digestive enzymes. Amylase from the salivary and pancreatic glands is key to this process.

Another important term when we talk about carbohydrate absorption is hydrolysis. This is the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose absorbed by the body. This process directly depends on the glycemic index of a particular product. Let's explain: if glycemic index glucose is 100%, this means that the human body will absorb it 100%, respectively.

Even with equal caloric content of foods, their glycemic index may differ from each other. Consequently, the concentration of glucose that enters the blood during the breakdown of such food will be different.

As a rule, the lower the glycemic index of a product, the healthier it is. It contains fewer calories and provides the body with more energy. long term. Thus, at complex carbohydrates, which include grains, legumes, and a number of vegetables, have an advantage over simple ones (confectionery and flour products, sweet fruits, fast food, fried foods).

Let's look at examples. 100 grams of fried potatoes and lentils contain 400 kilocalories. Their glycemic index is 95 and 30, respectively. After digestion of these products, 380 kilocalories enter the blood in the form of glucose ( fried potatoes) and 120 kilocalories (lentils). The difference is quite significant.

Absorption of fats

It is difficult to overestimate the role of fats in the human diet. They must be present, because they are a valuable source of energy. They have higher th calorie content compared to proteins and carbohydrates. Cro Moreover, fats are directly related to the intake and absorption of vitamins A, D, E and a number of others, since they are their solvents.

Many fats are also a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely important for the full growth and development of the body and for strengthening the immune systemA. Along with fats, a person also receives a complex of biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism.

How are fats digested in the human body? IN oral cavity they do not undergo any changes, since there are no enzymes in human saliva that break down fats. In the stomach of an adult, fats also do not undergo significant changes, since there is no special conditions for this. Thus, the breakdown of fats in humans occurs in upper sections small intestine.

The average daily optimal fat intake for an adult is 60–100 grams. Most fats in food (up to 90%) belong to the category of neutral fats, that is, triglycerides. The remaining fats are phospholipids, cholesterol esters and fat-soluble vitamins.

Healthy fats, which include meat, fish, avocado, olive oil, nuts, are used by the body almost immediately after consumption. But trans fats, which are considered unhealthy foods (fast food, fried foods, sweets), are stored in fat reserves.

Protein absorption

Protein is very important substance for human health. It must be present in the diet. As a rule, it is recommended to eat proteins for lunch and dinner, combining them with fiber. However, they are also good for breakfast. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies by scientists, during which it was found that eggs are a valuable source of protein - this ideal option for a tasty, satisfying and healthy breakfast.

Protein absorption is affected various factors. The most important of these are the origin and composition of the protein. Proteins can be plant or animal. Animals include meat, poultry, fish and a number of other products. Basically, these products are absorbed by the body 100%. What can't be said about squirrels? plant origin. Some numbers: lentils are absorbed by the body by 52%, chickpeas by 70%, and wheat by 36%.