Pollen: how and how much to drink. Bee pollen use, how to take, beneficial properties, harm, contraindications

If we go back in history, at the end of the 20th century humanity learned to collect pollen without the participation of bees. Previously, only those collected by bees from plant flowers were sold. This was a kind of breakthrough, since flower pollen decreased in price, it became available to all segments of the population and everyone could experience its healing properties.

You can always purchase high-quality bee pollen in Ukraine from Us, at the family apiary "Vesely Hornet" by phone:


But there are also pitfalls here that most people are still unaware of.

Advantages of bee pollen over flower pollen:

  1. When consumed, you receive a processed product salivary glands bees, which are also used to feed future generations - young bees. That is, the bees also invest the “strength” of their vitamins and microelements into the product itself. Just imagine, the larva develops 190 times in 3 days!!! So I probably want to go buy it and find out already . But everything has its time.
  2. Also, not everything is suitable due to the fact that it contains pollen allergens, well, where would we be without them. But here, too, bee pollen has an advantage. In a bee product, during collection and processing by the salivary glands of bees, all pollen allergens are dissolved by bees and the product becomes available to everyone. Although, of course, there are nuances here, since there is a very small part of people who are allergic to bee pollen. Therefore, in this case you should refrain from consuming this product.
  3. Another disadvantage of flower pollen is that most of it is packaged in gelatin capsules for consumption - and this method of consumption already contradicts the correct intake of pollen. But we will talk about how correctly below.

Ways to take bee pollen

We offer all our clients to take bee pollen in 2 options:
  • V in kind – pollen is collected, dried using technology and packaged in special bags for subsequent sale. People use it in dry form.
  • Bee pollen drenched in May or acacia honey. You buy a ready-made mixture and start using it.

After much research and communication with leading apitherapists in Ukraine and Russia, we came to the conclusion that the second option is more healing and beneficial properties in the bee product are preserved 50% longer, which is very important, since bee pollen loses 20-25% of its healing properties, after 9 months 30-40%, after a year 60-70%, and after a year and a half it becomes simply a high-calorie protein product.

But by preserving bee pollen, we achieve a longer shelf life.

And now we finally move on to the long-awaited question of how to take bee pollen.

How to take bee pollen. Dosage

All apitherapists have different opinions on this matter and range from 5 g. up to 32 g per day. The data varies greatly and it is not clear who to believe. We went the opposite way and started taking 5 grams. per day and monitor the well-being of volunteer patients. Taking 5 g. no special effect was found, and through our research we came to the conclusion that for an adult a healthy portion is considered daily dose– 12-15 gr.

To help you get your bearings:

  • teaspoon = 5 g; with a slide = 8 gr.;
  • dessert spoon = 10 g; with a slide – 15 g;
  • tablespoon = 15 g; with a slide – 24 gr.

You need to take bee pollen 2 times a day:

  1. In the morning, half an hour before meals, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the healing product in the mouth until completely dissolved. Do not swallow it under any circumstances, otherwise the entire healing effect will pass by.
  2. In the evening before 18.00, half an hour before meals, take another 1 teaspoon.
The course of treatment is 1 month.
  1. Take 1 course in October to support immunity
  2. 2nd course in January for the prevention of ARVI and Influenza
  3. 3rd course in early April, since it is during this period that the body lacks vitamins and is weakened.

Therapeutic daily dose of bee pollen for children

  • From 3 to 5 years – 4 g.
  • From 6 to 12 years – 8 g.
  • From 13 years and older – 12 g.
We recommend that children consume pollen, but we advise you to first consult with your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of bee pollen

When bee pollen is abused to achieve a quick effect, an overdose occurs, which does not benefit the body, but causes harm. There may be problems with the liver and blood, so be careful and careful when consuming it, because bee pollen is primarily a medicine, not a sweet delicacy.

You can order bee pollen and other moth beekeeping products by calling:


That's all we have for you. We hope that we have answered your question: " How to take bee pollen". Use our achievements and get better. And if you need bee pollen, you can always order it from the manufacturer - the family apiary “Vesely Hornet"

Pollen, or pollen, as it is popularly called, is another beekeeping product that has found its place in human life. The little workers work hard to create each individual granule to feed their offspring with pollen. And beekeepers extract the resulting pollen because they know that it has amazing medicinal properties. How to take bee pollen correctly is further in the article.

You can purchase pollen directly from our apiary "Sviy honey".

Interesting fact: Do not confuse the intake of flower pollen with bee pollen. The first is a dust-like substance that is formed in flower buds, while the second is a product subsequently processed by little workers. How to take pollen in its natural form? It's almost unreal. But bees collect pollen on their paws and impregnate it with a special enzyme. As a result, we get multi-colored miniature granules, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Article on the topic: Bee pollen: effective help from Nature

We are sure that you have already heard about the beneficial properties of bee pollen if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to take it. We will talk about this later in the article.


To understand how to properly take pollen, you first need to decide on precise dosage. It all depends on your age and health status.

For children

Consumption of pollen involves the following doses:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - ½ teaspoon once a day
  • children from 8 to 12 years old - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day

Article on the topic: TOP 5 most useful bee products for children

Please note that pollen consumption is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that the product is a potential allergen. And your child will still be too young to inform you in time about any symptoms of individual intolerance.

For adults

For preventive purposes, adults only need to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. If you plan to use a natural product to treat any disease, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor. He, at his discretion, can change the dosages described above.

There is no difference between how to take bee pollen for men and women. The only exception is if a representative of the stronger sex is undergoing treatment for any disease of the reproductive system (prostatitis, impotence, infertility, etc.). Often, doctors recommend taking 1 tablespoon of pollen per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Article on the topic: Bee products against male problems

Elderly people

According to reviews about how older people should take bee pollen, there is no need to make any special changes in the preventive dosage. Daily norm natural product- about 15 grams, which is equal to 1 tablespoon.

Many people advise not to split this dose into several doses, but to use it once a day - preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. However, such a rule does not have any significant advantages.

Article on the topic:

A clear answer to the question “How should women take bee pollen during pregnancy?” No. Some argue that the standard prophylactic dose(1 teaspoon 2 times a day) will help the full development of the fetus and have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother.

Others believe that it is necessary to increase the norm to 1 tablespoon per day, since the body of a pregnant woman requires more vitamins and minerals. Therefore, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor.


Is it permissible to use pollen for people suffering from diabetes mellitus? Doctors disagree on the correct answer. But they are united in one thing: the pollen cannot be present in your daily diet nutrition. It can be used strictly as directed by the attending physician, and also in strictly defined doses.

Article on the topic: Can you eat honey if you have diabetes?

The use of bee pollen by diabetics should be limited to 1 teaspoon per day. It is recommended to eat it in the first half of the day - either immediately before breakfast, or in between meals.

Rules for using pollen

The use of bee (flower) pollen is associated with certain rules. Only by strictly observing each of them will you be able to achieve effective therapeutic effects:

  • The pollen should not be swallowed immediately. First, you need to chew it thoroughly and mix it thoroughly with saliva. Thus, you will be able to literally get the most out of the beneficial properties of the product.
  • It is not recommended to eat pollen, nor to drink water. Between taking medication and next step You need to take a break from eating for at least 40 minutes.
  • The daily intake (15-20 grams) is recommended to be divided into 2-3 doses. The first should take place in the morning and on an empty stomach, and the last - no later than 19:00, because... the product has an invigorating effect, which may threaten you with insomnia if taken later.
  • preventive course of bee product use - 1 month. It is recommended to carry out it 3 times a year - in late autumn, winter and early spring - when the lack of vitamins is especially acute in the human body.
  • Between courses of treatment you should definitely take a break. Its duration is at least 4 weeks.

How should children who refuse to take bee pollen take it? In this case, it is permissible to break one of the rules - not to eat the pollen. If necessary, you can add a natural product to porridge or other dish intended for your baby. Pollen has a slight sweetish taste, so it will not spoil your child’s favorite treat.

How to take flower pollen in granules will tell you the instructions, which are necessarily attached to each pharmaceutical preparation.

Folk recipes

Just like taking bee pollen in its pure form, it can be taken mixed with other ingredients. In some cases, this will enhance the therapeutic effect and speed up the treatment process. The specific method of using pollen depends on the expected result.

With honey. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and blended with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Acacia honey is best suited for this purpose. There is no difference between taking pollen with and without honey. Follow the same dosages and the same rules. It is believed that such a recipe will significantly enhance the beneficial properties of pollen.

Article on the topic: Pollen with honey: doubly beneficial!

WITH herbal decoction . It is enough to drink pollen with a glass of infusion immediately after swallowing. The specific type of herbs should be chosen depending on the “weak” place in the body. For example, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, the following will be especially relevant: chamomile, mint, linden, lemon balm, calendula, yarrow, dandelion. And for problems with the gastrointestinal tract: plantain leaves, cudweed, St. John's wort, centaury, cumin.

Articles on the topic:

Bee pollen for the cardiovascular system

Beekeeping products against gastritis and ulcers

With nuts and dried fruits . This recipe- this is the most correct answer to the question of how to take bee pollen to strengthen the immune system. Mix 50 grams of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, and peeled walnuts. Add 2 tablespoons of pollen and honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

With olive oil . Mix 1 dessert spoon of pollen and oil. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with fresh apple juice. This recipe will help normalize work gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite, speed up metabolism, get rid of constipation.

With banana and milk . Based on these ingredients, you can prepare a tasty and healthy tonic cocktail. For 200 ml of milk you will need ⅔ banana and 1 teaspoon of pollen. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey. Whisk until smooth and drink twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 40 minutes before dinner.

With flax seeds . 100 grams of seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and the same amount of pollen must be added. Some sources recommend using an additional 50 grams of golden root and angelica root. According to reviews on how to take bee pollen, this recipe has a positive effect on brain function: improves blood circulation and memory, relieves migraines, and also prevents vascular sclerosis.

With royal jelly . Combine all the ingredients together: 20 grams of pollen (2 heaped teaspoons), 2 grams of native royal jelly (about 8-10 royal jelly) and 0.5 liters of honey. Mix thoroughly until smooth. How to use pollen with honey and milk: ½ teaspoon 3 times a day. This tool will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system: improve concentration and sleep, relieve stress.

Article on the topic: What is royal jelly?


Bee pollen can bring both benefit and harm - if it is taken by those for whom it is contraindicated or if the permissible dosage is exceeded.

Firstly, treatment is contraindicated for those who suffer individual intolerance bee products. Therefore, before starting use, we recommend that you undergo an appropriate examination.

In addition, the product has the following contraindications for use:

  • chronic failure or other liver diseases
  • decreased level of blood clotting
  • hypervitaminosis
  • increased excitability of the nervous system
  • oncological diseases

Please note that in the latter case, pollen may be medicine. But before use, we recommend that you consult your doctor.


Wikipedia: Bee pollen

Video "Bee pollen for treatment and prevention"

Bee products are widely used in nutrition, medicine, cosmetology, and pharmaceuticals. Many people don't know everything about bee pollen. Meanwhile, this is a unique and natural substance containing amino acids, vitamins, microelements, enzymes, antioxidants, and hormones.

Many people are interested in the benefits of pollen and how to use it? Pollen is used to maintain immunity, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, rejuvenation and longevity. It treats nervousness and insomnia, prevents heart attacks and strokes, and normalizes hormonal background and helps you lose weight. Accept natural medicine You need no more than one spoon, preferably in the first half of the day.

What is pollen, how is it collected by bees and received by humans?

When collecting nectar from flowers, they also carry pollen on their bodies. Pollen grains are male reproductive cells. The process of pollination with the help of insects is an essential part of plant reproduction and is provided for by nature. The finest powder sticks to the bee's legs and abdomen. To prevent pollen from flying around, bees rake it with their paws, forming lumps. The resulting lumps are attached to the hind legs of the insect. In this form, the bees carry the product of nature into the hive.

Some of the pollen is preserved in honey - this is beebread. The other part, bee pollen, is processed by bee enzymes and becomes food for the larvae, which represent the future population. The bulk of the product is harvested in the spring. Beekeepers know all the valuable properties of bee pollen and know how to obtain it. They install special pollen collectors at the entrance to the bee hive. Pollen is stored dry in glass or polymer containers.

Chemical composition of the product

The color, taste and aroma of pollen depend on the type of plant from which the bee collected it. Each type has certain taste characteristics and different shades. Any bee pollen has beneficial properties and uses. The process of collecting it is labor-intensive and lengthy. To collect just 10 grams of a pure natural product, a bee will have to make about 600 flights from the hive.

Bee pollen is a natural concentrate of biologically active compounds that have great benefits for human health.

Chemical composition of bee pollen:

  1. Protein. It makes up 30-40% of the total mass; due to its high protein component, the product is easily and quickly absorbed in the body.
  2. Carbohydrates. Includes simple saccharides - glucose and fructose, which give it a sweetish taste and are a source of energy.
  3. Amino acids. Contains 8 valuable amino acids - lysine, leucine, valine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine.
  4. Vitamins. The composition contains an extensive list of vitamins - A, D, E, C, K, P, H, F, group B and others.
  5. Minerals. These are potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, chromium, selenium, sodium and others.
  6. Unsaturated fatty acids. Among them are linoleic, palmitic, and oleic.

Medicinal properties of bee pollen

Knowing how pollen is useful and how to use it, you can do without medications, successfully treat many diseases, and prevent them. It contains a lot of useful and valuable components, preserved by insects in a natural way. The substance is used to restore strength during nervous and physical exhaustion. Recommended for use during the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses and injuries, and surgical interventions.

Pollen absorbs medicinal properties the plant from which the bees collect it. For blood circulation, pollen from buckwheat, hawthorn, chestnut is useful, for immunity - from eucalyptus, willow, for nerves - from poppy and acacia.

All properties of bee pollen:

  • antioxidant – helps remove free radicals from the body;
  • immunomodulatory – actively participates in the formation of protective antibodies;
  • tonic - it has a beneficial effect on nerve fibers, improves the passage of impulses through them;
  • anti-inflammatory – suppresses inflammatory processes in the initial and advanced stages;
  • antibacterial – reduces the activity and reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  • hormone-forming – plays a significant role in the synthesis of hormones;
  • hematopoietic - becomes involved in the formation of blood elements, helps improve its composition, and is used to prevent anemia.

Benefits of pollen for children

With regular consumption of pollen, children experience an activation of natural defense mechanisms. As a result, the immune system becomes stronger, the incidence of respiratory and viral infections. A high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and other valuable components ensures the child’s full growth and healthy development. Knowing how to take bee pollen for children, you can restore sleep and appetite, normalize mental and physical activity, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

Benefits of pollen for women

The benefits of bee pollen for women are manifested in the ability to regulate hormonal levels, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. The product is actively used in dietary nutrition, as it helps improve digestion and lose weight. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, it reduces negative influence stress on the body, eliminates insomnia and normalizes sleep. The cleansing properties of pollen and its ability to remove waste and toxins are known.

Benefits of pollen for men

Pollen is unique natural product, useful for men of any age. With high physical activity, it promotes rapid recovery strength and gain muscle mass. It has a positive effect on potency, eliminates inflammatory processes and congestion in the genitourinary area. Antioxidants reduce the destructive effects of stress on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Pollen is absorbed best if consumed in the morning before breakfast. Several granules are placed in the mouth, which gradually dissolve under the influence of saliva.

What does bee pollen treat in men:

  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • sexual impotence;
  • infertility.

How to take bee pollen

There are several options for how to take bee pollen correctly. This beekeeping product is sold in the form of granules (concentrated form). They are dissolved by drinking warm water or milk. Another method of consumption is honey paste, in which mass fraction pollen makes up 30-40%. Bee pollen is included in many dietary supplements. Bee pollen tincture is sold in pharmacies, and you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take half a liter of high-quality vodka and 100 grams of bee pollen. The tincture takes 2 weeks to prepare.

For each age, a certain dose of pollen is provided. Young children should be given no more than ¼ teaspoon per day. Schoolchildren are allowed to increase the dose to ½ teaspoon. Adults can consume 1 teaspoon per day. The single dose rate can be increased only on the individual recommendation of a specialist.

Several folk recipes:

  1. To combat viruses and infections, pollen is mixed with honey in equal parts. The medicine is taken one teaspoon before meals, slowly dissolving in the mouth. The same recipe is suitable for treating respiratory organs and asthma.
  2. To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the honey-pollen mixture is diluted in a glass of warm water. The liquid is drunk several sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is a month.
  3. Bee pollen in gynecology is used topically and internally. Solutions for douching are prepared from it, medicinal tampons. They are effective for inflammatory processes, thrush, erosion, and dryness.
  4. WITH for preventive purposes Bee pollen is taken once a year. It is enough for adults to eat a whole teaspoon of granules per day, for children less (depending on age). The preventive course lasts a month.
  5. In combination with honey, bee pollen reduces blood pressure and improves memory, and relieves headaches. With regular use, it increases the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces important indicators - cholesterol and blood sugar.

Contraindications and restrictions

The benefits and harms of bee pollen depend on how to take the product. When the first signs of an allergy appear, you should completely stop using it. An allergic reaction is indicated by itching, rash, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, and coughing. It is not advisable to give any bee products to children under one year of age. Women should take them with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Bee pollen is prohibited in case of diabetes.

Having studied everything about bee pollen, you can treat yourself and maintain your health with the unique gifts of nature. If the dosages and timing of treatment are observed, they act gently but effectively, and have virtually no contraindications.

How to take bee pollen - video

Bee pollen is unique product, in the absence of oxygen, processes take place in this mass that bind the components into a mass with unusual properties.

What kind of pollen is this?

The collected pollen, together with certain secretions, under the influence of special enzymes, bacteria and fungi and in the absence of air / oxygen, the concentration of lactic acid in this mass increases. The mixture turns into a solid substance called bee pollen or bee bread. The product has healing effects - traditional medicine knows about them and has been used in various types therapy. But before taking bee pollen in different forms, you should familiarize yourself with its properties in order to choose suitable application for a specific health problem or prevention.

What does this pollen mean for human health? This depends on the composition, which varies within certain limits, depending on what region it is from and what plants the bees collect raw materials from. Also important microelement composition soil on which flowering plants grow. The composition of the bee pollen in question contains a surprisingly large number of biologically active substances: at least ten amino acids that our body cannot produce on its own; almost 50 enzymes; dozens of hydrocarbons not found in others food products; a large number of microelements; hormones; heteroauxin is a biologically active substance that stimulates tissue regeneration and growth.

Benefits and intake of pollen

Bee pollen is an excellent product for prevention and treatment. Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, coronary heart disease; helps with hypertension, especially if the disease is at an early stage; good for treating anemia. At long-term use medication helps restore normal functions liver, pancreas and intestinal tract. Optimizes digestion and relieves constipation. Good for diabetes.

Its action has a good effect on metabolism and is a tool for its regulation in obesity and against atherosclerosis. Improves reproductive functions female and male bodies. Increases the speed of regenerative processes in the body after various diseases; It has no equal in releasing the body from toxins and metabolic waste, and it is no coincidence that it is recommended in the treatment of gout.

If we decide to use bee pollen preventatively, we should know that it is an excellent antioxidant. Supports the immune and nervous system, improves the tone of blood vessels; slows down tissue aging in older people, and can even reverse this process, which is conventionally called “rejuvenation”.

Bee pollen for children

For normal development and the functioning of a growing organism, it is necessary to regularly replenish reserves important components. Bee pollen helps with this; it is even considered an alternative to animal proteins and even has higher protein levels.

For children who are often sick, it is important to use this product to strengthen the immune system. “Bee bread” is able to normalize the number of red and white blood cells in the blood.

And for children with allergies, pollen is also useful. It is suitable for any age, but the dosage depends on it. The dose determined for age is taken 20-25 minutes before meals; Can be chewed or sucked, no need to always prepare a solution.

When dosing pollen, you should consult your pediatrician. The general recommendation is to avoid the product for up to one year. Children aged 1-6 years can take doses that are four times lower than the adult standard. For older people, at the age of 6 years, the dose is halved.

For the respiratory tract, colds, coughs

Taking bee pollen has a beneficial effect and stimulates the healing processes of colds and flu with inflammation of the mucous membranes respiratory tract. Used for inflammation of the lining of the mouth and nose, angina, tonsillitis, laryngitis; helps cleanse the system and makes breathing easier. In such cases, it is best to find pollen that is not removed from the comb cells. The idea is to break 5-7 cells and chew the piece with wax. This operation is performed three times a day before meals.

Pollen is taken as a supplement for colds. She supports immune system and cleanses mucous membranes respiratory system. It is best to take 1/3 of a small spoon three times a day and suck until completely dissolved. You can make a mixture of one part pollen and two pieces of honey and take one teaspoon of the mixture - again three times a day before meals.

For weight loss, diet

Bee pollen may also be beneficial in a weight loss program. Excess weight is easier to melt if a reasonable diet is combined with pollen. Certainly, physical activity is also important. In this case, the effect is based on the product's ability to optimize metabolic processes.

For obesity, as well as for atherosclerosis and menopausal disorders, pollen is useful, in particular, for the ability to normalize metabolism and prevent an increase in cholesterol levels.

The French diet for weight loss with bee pollen involves starting the day with a glass of warm water and a spoon of bee pollen. Of course, the diet menu limits some foods, such as sweets, fried and oily foods. It is recommended and reduced by 20-30% of portions at each meal. Preferred Products: lean meat, vegetables, grapefruit, skim milk and cheese. Unlike other diets, pollen does not cause fatigue, since the unique product provides the body with all the components necessary for vital processes - amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, enzymes.

Bee Pollen Recipes

Traditional medicine recommends a number of proven recipes with bee pollen; preparing doses is not difficult and the product can be easily obtained at the beekeeping market or in stores and stands healthy foods. It is important to be patient and consistent in implementing a certain regimen and follow the doses that the apitherapist recommends.

Bee pollen with honey

Is it possible to mix bee pollen with honey? Every specialist will tell you that it is not only possible, it is even advisable if honey is not contraindicated! Pollen and honey are usually mixed in a 1:2 ratio, i.e. one piece of pollen and two pieces of honey. As we already mentioned, to strengthen the immune system and colds, this mixture can be taken three times a day, a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

The combination of pollen and honey is also beneficial for anemia. To do this, we mix 50 g of pollen and 200 g of honey; add 200 ml of warm boiled water and stir until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. We leave this healing drink for 48 hours. Then drink 100 ml three times a day, an hour before meals.

With royal jelly

The combination of bee pollen and royal jelly stimulates and strengthens the immune system. We can prepare a mixture of one gram of royal jelly, 15 grams of bee pollen and 2/3 cups of pure honey. The mixture is stored in a dark glass jar in the refrigerator. Just one teaspoon is taken daily for a month.

Pollen with yogurt

To support the immune system, we can also make the following bee pollen in yogurt mixture:

Mix a tablespoon of bee pollen and honey in a glass of yogurt. Add 30-40 drops of cleansing tincture. This mixture is a 24-hour dose: we eat a spoonful throughout the day.

The combination of pollen and yogurt also helps against cellulite, here's how to do it:

We mix a small spoonful of pollen in a glass of yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight; In the morning we have breakfast with the mixture. We immediately prepare the same dose for the evening - we eat half an hour before the last meal of the day. A significant reduction in cellulite can be expected in two months if we maintain this regimen on a regular basis.

How is pollen used? Dosage, consumption

We will reiterate that our bee pollen is very light and completely absorbed by our body. It is usually recommended to simply take the appropriate dose and chew and suck it until it completely melts in your mouth. It is filled with monosaccharides, hormone-like components, all amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, including important omega-3 and 6; carotenoids, vitamins K, E, D, B, P, C, micro- and macroelements - K, Mg, P, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, I, Co; enzymes and organic acids.

What doses do we take? We will immediately note that in treatment or preventive programs with bee pollen, we can count on success if they are carried out correctly. And of course, this also includes exact daily doses. It is best to consult a specialist. However, different health problems require differential pollen dosing.

If you start taking this product, try only 1-2 grains at first and check if you have any allergy symptoms. This also applies to use of the product in children over three years of age. Acceptable - the dose can be increased to reach 1/3 of a small teaspoon taken.

Benefits for the skin

Bee pollen is one of the most valuable additives in many cosmetic products. Its use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, not only in case of ingestion, but also in cosmetic masks. Bee pollen can be consumed regularly 1-2 times a week; you will feel the results quickly! Thanks to this component, the skin becomes velvety soft and light, strong and elastic. Functions sebaceous glands are also regulated.

Do not forget the ability of pollen to accelerate regenerative processes in the skin - this allows you to prepare ointments, various skin problems and injuries heal faster and without a trace. She copes well with burns, purulent wounds, frostbite and bedsores.

For cellulite

Taking bee pollen improves the condition of small blood vessels; optimizes blood and lymph circulation, promotes the release of excess fluids. These changes and improved metabolism reduce the formation of cellulite in problem areas. Against cellulite, it is recommended to take 2 to 4 g of bee pollen daily, divided into 2-3 doses before meals. You can also use the drink for weight loss; we remember his preparation:

Mix 180 g of copper and 800 ml of water at room temperature; the honey needs to be dissolved, then we will add 50 g of pollen. The mixture is left at room temperature; After about 48 hours it begins to ferment. Then we put it in the refrigerator and use it as follows: We drink half a glass before meals three times a day.

Taking bee pollen with yogurt has a great effect - one cup in the morning and evening (see recipe above!).

Anti-acne, face masks

Bee pollen also helps with skin problems including acne. By taking a spoonful of honey with 1/3 of a small spoonful of pollen - in the morning on an empty stomach, we balance the metabolism and encourage the body to release toxins and waste. At the same time, prepare the following face mask, especially for acne:

Mix a teaspoon of powdered bee pollen and a spoonful of honey. Apply to washed face, making sure not to get into eyes. We wait about 15 minutes and wash with warm water. This mask is done 1-2 times a week. It is necessary to maintain the described care for about a month, and the results will become visible. It is claimed that new pimples do not appear once the nasty rash has cleared up. According to experts, a face mask with bee pollen works and rejuvenates. You can try this recipe to nourish your skin and fight wrinkles:

Mix a spoonful of bee pollen and the same amount of salt-free cottage cheese, two spoons of honey and one raw yolk of a fresh egg. Apply the mask to washed and dried face and décolleté. We wait about 25 minutes and wash with warm water. The mask stimulates regenerative processes in the skin; removes fine wrinkles, moisturizes and restores elasticity.

The positive effects of pollen in this case depend on its high antioxidant content; namely, the composition of the product is important factor in stimulating the natural process of creating your own collagen. And, as we know, it is collagen that provides skin elasticity. Pollen is also rich in vitamins A and E, which are invaluable in maintaining glowing, healthy and rejuvenated skin.


Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect Pollen has long been proven, and many healing programs are based on it. Internal reception and local application help with various eczemas and skin inflammations. However, for proper use, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Against inflammation, use a mask with a spoonful of honey and pollen with ½ teaspoon of grated fine propolis - keep for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

For immunity against viruses

Due to its high content of vitamins and antimicrobial components, bee pollen is effective for strengthening the immune system and quickly treating infections of all types; Helps kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. It acts as a natural antibiotic and allows you to quickly overcome infections and inflammatory processes.

Anti-staphylococcus and fungi: Bee pollen contains components that act as an antimicrobial agent and separate the body from pathogens such as staphylococci and fungi. This effect can occur both indoors and outdoors - for example, in face or hair masks. The effect is mainly due to the action of lactic acid as a component of pollen. In fact, all bee products have this effect - honey, propolis.

For hair. Hair loss

The action of the main components of bee pollen makes it a good tool for hair: eliminates dandruff, promotes growth, treats the scalp and hair follicles. Promotes good-looking hair - shine and softness without dryness.

  • Regeneration: a crushed tablespoon of pollen is dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Apply to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair and rinse off after ten minutes.
  • Humidification: Mix 25 g of pollen with 50 ml of olive oil and 45 ml of liquid honey. For mixing ingredients olive oil should warm up slightly. As soon as it cools down, we apply it to the entire length of the hair and massage the scalp. Wash off after 20-25 minutes.
  • For growth: Prepare a mixture of 25 g of pollen, 40 ml of fresh milk and one raw egg yolk. Apply and wrap with paper and cloth. After an hour, wash it off.
  • Against hair loss: we need 50 g of honey and burdock oil, yolk, 25 g of pollen and 70 ml of nettle decoction (pour a handful of nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water, squeeze out after 15 minutes). We apply to the scalp, massage a little and lightly rub the hair several times. Wrap with stretch film and cloth, wait about an hour; rinse thoroughly with warm water.

For muscles and in the gym

Fitness and bodybuilders value bee mass as a product that charges the body with vitamins, amino acids, macro and microelements and helps improve energy balance. Particularly high is the high protein content of a specific biological value. Pollen improves endurance and promotes muscle growth.

Pollen is qualified in these environments as a super food, which in small quantities gives the body extremely useful components. The protein ingredient of the product energizes the body, neutralizes fatigue and gives a boost to maintain physical and mental properties. The presence of 22 amino acids, enzymes and hormones in pollen balances metabolic processes in the body and creates conditions for the harmonious flow of all life processes.

Bee pollen can be considered a unique multivitamin complex. If you maintain a regular diet and consume pollen, you will not need the famous synthetic vitamin pills.

As a biostimulant

Organic hormones, acids: unsaturated fatty acids, organic, made from the amines in pollen, make it a great stimulant for our vital important processes. The body reacts relatively quickly to this natural regulator, which adds special harmony to the process. On the one hand, it activates and promotes the release of toxins and harmful components from excess fluids and waste. In this sense, we can qualify bee pollen as a natural biostimulant that optimizes the functions of all organs and systems and encourages them to work in the best possible way for our health.

For the digestive system and internal organs

Bee pollen plays a special role in the treatment of organs from the gastrointestinal tract and for healing digestive system. It is multifactorial, useful for prevention and maintenance of chronic processes.

Against gastritis

Taking bee pollen acts as an anti-inflammatory agent on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. This makes it a suitable tool for gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis. Optimizes the effects of medications that may be prescribed in such cases. High content The enzyme optimizes digestion processes and facilitates systemic functions. We should not overlook the antimicrobial effects of pollen - in cases where gastritis or other problems are the result of attacks of pathogenic microorganisms.

Antioxidant for diabetes

Pollen is an excellent antioxidant and improves the body's defense against stress and the most serious illnesses. For example, it is very useful against hypertension, especially in early stages disease or as prophylactic. In this case, it is recommended to chew or suck a small teaspoon of the product two or three times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts from two to three weeks. Another option is to mix equal parts honey or a piece of pollen into two pieces of honey and take a small spoonful of the mixture before meals. It should be noted that the same product is also beneficial for hypotension but should be taken after meals.

Bee pollen is especially beneficial for diabetics as it balances blood sugar levels while at the same time improving energy balance and supplementing vitamin and mineral needs. In diabetes mellitus of the first and second types, pollen helps normal functioning pancreas. To obtain the necessary insulin, protein synthesis and normal pancreatic metabolism are necessary. This is what pollen does: it helps with lipid enzymes, amino acids and vitamins in its composition.

For the liver

The standard bee pollen recommendations also apply to liver problems. If the disease of this important organ occurs due to long-term consumption of strong drugs, pollen successfully helps restore the organ itself and the entire body. Better and more complete functioning of specific liver cells is achieved, especially with such serious illnesses, such as necrosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.

For the kidneys

Regular consumption of natural bee pollen protects the kidneys from the accumulation of sand and stones, from inflammatory processes. We know that pollen accelerates the release of toxins and waste products, and this plays a special role in maintaining healthy kidneys. It also helps relieve uric acid overdoses in gout patients.

For hemoglobin in anemia

With bee pollen, the blood composition can be optimized due to the presence of a large percentage of biologically active substances, vitamins and microelements. In anemia, pollen is mandatory component treatment: it heals due to the fact that iron enters the body in the form of easily absorbed organic compounds. It is also successfully used to prevent anemia in the autumn-winter period, when the body is weakened.

For the intestines: against colitis and constipation

Thanks to the microelements, proteins and vitamins they contain, pollen helps with problematic conditions of the intestinal tract. Helps restore the intestinal mucosa and beneficial microflora after infections and long-term therapy antibiotics. This is also useful when chronic constipation; restores normal intestinal motility.

For the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's)

Thyroid disorders, including the autoimmune one known as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, can be treated with bee products under medical supervision. There is information about successful therapy with propolis, and parallel consumption of bee pollen is also recommended. We take no more than 7-8 g per day with a single dose of an average of 2 grams. Should not be consumed more at a time, because the body begins to perceive it as food. The granules are chewed or dissolved, naturally, half an hour before meals.

For the soul

The most important therapeutic effect consumption of bee pollen is a general increase and stabilization of the tone, acting for the whole organism. With pollen we stabilize the immune system and we charge it with physical strength, and this certainly affects mental balance. Painful psychological and emotional stress goes away.

Against allergies

Using pollen against allergic reactions such as sneezing, swelling and rashes is something completely individual. For each individual case, an individual dose should be recommended by a good specialist. Most often, an antiallergic course in children includes three daily doses of half a gram. At the same time, we must not forget that before taking it, we must first check whether the patient is allergic to the pollen itself. However, it should be noted that, unlike other bee products, pollen very rarely causes hypersensitivity reactions.

Against fears and panic attacks

The product is useful for strengthening the nervous system, especially if a person’s life is connected with large mental and emotional stress. This situation is associated with large losses of energy from the nervous system. Experiences that lead to stress are in many cases also associated with subsequent anxiety disorders and panic attacks. It is better to periodically carry out prophylaxis with pollen as an opportunity to balance and charge the nervous system, the body will be more adapted to the effects external environment and these critical conditions can be avoided. If this mental illness is already a problem, bee pollen can be included as an adjunct to holistic treatment.

Pollen usually has positive influence on the human body; The presence of B vitamins, iodine, zinc and magnesium makes bee pollen an excellent natural antidepressant.

Against addiction

Bee pollen can treat addictions. Using a wonderful product optimizes the brain and nervous activity and allows you to successfully manage various impulses. This property of pollen also supports the product's effectiveness in weight loss programs as it helps control appetite.

For the heart, atherosclerosis

One of the main therapeutic effects bee pollen is cardiovascular in orientation. Helps in various diagnoses, including coronary heart disease. Taking bee pollen normalizes heart rate, improves the ability and quality of lipid metabolism, which also correlates with other important issue- prevention of atherosclerosis. All these effects are associated with the rich potassium content of pollen. Potassium is one of the elements that is difficult to find in enough food, and bee pollen can easily cope with this task. Potassium deficiency has a negative impact not only on heart function, but also on metabolism and the release of toxins. The latter is very important for the prevention of various diseases that cause the retention of toxins in the body.

For men. For the prostate. Aphrodisiac

Bee pollen restores the functions of the male reproductive system. For this to happen, you need to take the product for one month - regularly, every day. It has a good effect on poor potency, prostate adenoma, and infertility. It is also claimed that regular consumption of the product makes it unnecessary to take Viagra. Pollen is actually a natural aphrodisiac that does not cause stress or tension, but what side effects Some Viagra users complain.

However, it is important to note that this effect can only be expected using high-quality natural, unprocessed pollen taken literally from the honeycomb. To overcome any problems associated with a weakened libido or an enlarged prostate, men over 40 years of age are recommended to take 12-15 g of pollen.

For prostate adenoma, local therapy with rectal suppositories (suppositories) or use with ointment containing propolis is added to internal consumption.

Regular consumption of pollen improves urinary tract in men. The motility and number of sperm in the observed volunteers increase fivefold. Problems of too early ejaculation are solved.

Pollen for women

A balanced content of biologically active components helps you cope with stress and age more easily. female body. The iron in pollen helps keep your blood pumping, which is important during each monthly cycle. You can also take pollen during pregnancy; in addition, it can successfully replace synthetic vitamin E, which is recommended by all gynecologists. For period problems or during pregnancy, ladies can take 14 to 21 mg of pollen per day, divided into three doses before meals.

  • During menopause. Pollen successfully changes and harmonizes hormonal levels, which is important for cycle problems or the menopause stage. With bee pollen, some unpleasant symptoms problems associated with cycle disorders, premenstrual syndrome, pass more easily.
  • In infertility. Treatment of infertility in both sexes promises to be more effective, since complexes of drugs and food additives contained in bee pollen. The high content of vitamin E in it is an important condition for successful conception, correct formation embryo and healthy pregnancy with the normal birth of a healthy child.
  • For polycystic ovaries and fibroids. Standard use of bee pollen is not recommended for female reproductive system problems such as fibroids or polycystic ovaries. In each case, it is assessed whether this is acceptable taking into account the causes of pathologies, individual reactions of the body, and general health. Women with such problems should consult a specialist to evaluate whether the pollen could help or harm them.

For eyes, macular degeneration

Ophthalmologists tend to recommend bee pollen as an addition to combination therapy for visual problems such as macular degeneration or glaucoma. This is based on the fact that the composition of substances useful for optimizing blood circulation in small blood vessels, improves nutrition of cells in the eyes. In addition, pollen is recommended prophylactically for people whose eyes are subject to heavy strain, when driving for a long time or from behind a computer.

In pharmacies (where to buy)? Types, price

Where to buy bee pollen? The only answer is that the best thing to do is to get the product from a licensed beekeeper. Only in this case can we rely on an authentic product. Of course, pollen can be obtained from pharmacies, from beekeepers to traditional bee product fairs.

Beekeepers can tell you how they collect pollen from their hives every day, dry it with a lamp, and collect it in glass bottles or jars in the dark. For own use they store pollen mixed with honey 1:1 or 1:2.

Bee pollen in capsule or tablet form can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. It’s a matter of preference and financial capabilities when choosing an option.

On the Internet, bee pollen sells for 200 rubles. for 100 g, 1220 rub. for 1 kg. in the Medoveya store, but the quality can be questioned. In the Altai Health store, 100 grams already costs 360 rubles, and we also cannot vouch for the quality.

Side effects and harm, allergies, contraindications

Apart from the many positive qualities of bee pollen, we should also point out some side effects and contraindications. We will immediately note that bee pollen should be started with very small doses because, although rare, the product can cause allergic reactions, and in addition, not every body is able to cope with the countless positive effects of bee pollen for one reason or another. It is best to consult a specialist before starting treatment or prevention!

Here are the diagnoses and groups of patients for whom bee pollen is contraindicated or not recommended:

  • Patients at the third and fourth stage cancer; admission is permitted after individual consultation with a specialist;
  • Uterine fibroids - and in this case the specialist must decide on possible benefits or adverse effects of a particular patient;
  • Autoimmune diseases - a special analysis is required to determine the acceptability of this therapy; there is a risk, for example, in the case of Graves' disease, since pollen stimulates the immune system, and the disease is associated with overactivity of the immune system;
  • Insomnia, increased excitability - in such conditions, pollen should not be taken in the evening;
  • Individual intolerance: we repeat once again the warning about possible allergic reactions. If such symptoms occur at the initial dose of minimal doses, no further investigation should be undertaken. There are cases where consuming pollen has a negative effect on the liver, even if hepatitis develops - so it should not be overlooked to consult a doctor before taking pollen.

Those patients who are being treated strong medications, are also at risk - they are not recommended to add bee pollen to them.

Composition and nutritional information

The composition of bee pollen has already been discussed, and everyone recognizes its unusually high value. In practice, bees put the collected pollen into a complex multi-stage fermentation and produce a new product, nutritional value which is three times higher than that of non-ferrous feedstock. During processing, pollen includes 106 types of fungi, 82 types of yeast, 39 types of bacteria. The end result is an extremely valuable biologically active product.

The nutritional value of bee pollen is determined by the available proteins, all replaceable and essential amino acids, full complex all vitamins, fats, microorganisms important for digestion, antioxidants, flavonoids, hormones. 100 g of pollen contains up to 80 g of dry matter: about 32-36 g of protein, up to 39 g of carbohydrates - mainly glucose and fructose; 20 g fat, from one to 5.5 g microelements. This pollen is the main food for larvae and young bees, which is why it is called bee bread.

How to get bee pollen? Drying, storage

Experienced beekeepers know how much of the collected pollen they can remove and dry, and what they can leave to preserve in the hives to feed the bee colony. There are special collection devices and methods - through special traps in which pollen is collected in small containers, removed and dried without direct sunlight - in a special mode with moderate temperature. Dried pollen is stored in the dark in glass containers. Canned foods are extracted and stored in the refrigerator, usually mixed with liquid honey.

Which I wrote about a little earlier, but there are still some significant differences...

Treatment with pollen and allergies

If beebread is processed pollen, preserved by bees for long-term storage, then just pollen- almost entirely a product of fields and forests, only collected and transported by bees to their destination. Well, slightly modified during the delivery process.

But the latter is even beneficial for us, as consumers of bee products, because in our unhealthy age, pollen, in addition to its benefits, can also bring terrible harm to allergy sufferers. No one has yet canceled hay fever and hay fever.

So, thanks to , the pollen that they bring no longer has such a devastating effect (bee enzymes have a destructive effect on allergens) than that which is simply carried by the wind. This means that bee pollen can be used in treatment with caution.

For example, a person has a severe allergy to ragweed. During the period of exacerbation (August, September) it is added allergic reaction for sunflower and products made from it. And even during that period, there was no allergy to sunflower. Therefore, you can try treatment with bee pollen in small doses, but for greater safety, use it in a non-acute period...

What is pollen?

Pollen is an analogy of male reproductive cells in plants seeking to fertilize female cells in a flower. And, naturally, these cells contain a huge amount useful substances, which should be enough yes for a long time flower for development and growth. Amino acids, vitamins, microelements... Which successfully help us humans when we begin to use pollen in the treatment of various diseases.

Flower pollen is produced in large quantities on flowers. It has a size from 7 to 150 microns, consists of protoplasm and two nuclei, and has a double shell of fiber.

The color, size, and shape of flower pollen are different for all plants. If you examine honey under a microscope, you can determine from which plant the nectar was collected by the presence of pollen in it.

Coloring, medicinal and nutritional value honey also depends on pollen.

Pollen may be white, then it's an acacia, orange or light yellow- then this is buckwheat, greenish or golden- sunflower, if apple or willow - yellow, pear - red, alfalfa or linden – soft green, dandelion - bright yellow, sweet clover – dirty yellow, clover or maple – chocolate or brown, cherry - pale cream.

The color of pollen depends on plant pigments - carotenoids and flavonoids.

The grains of pollen are sticky and uneven, so they easily stick to the bee’s body and are carried to the next flowering plants, pollinating them. Therefore, the yield of vegetable and fruit crops due to insects can increase by 200 and even 1000%.

Pollen composition

Pollen grain contains all the substances necessary for life - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements, amino acids, hormones, enzymes.

In 1946, Academician N. Tsitsin conducted a study and found that the majority of long-lived beekeepers, who daily consumed pollen in addition to honey.

Flower pollen has a very high biological value. It contains from 7 to 30% proteins (amino acids albumin), 25-48% carbohydrates, 10% fats. 30 gr. flower pollen is the daily human need for amino acids. The carotene content in pollen is 20 times higher than in carrots.

Pollen contains essential amino acids for humans such as tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, and valine.

Of the 22 essential amino acids for humans, 20 are found in pollen. The content of amino acids depends on the type of pollen, as well as the content of vitamins on the time of collection, region, and type of plant.

Beneficial properties of bee pollen

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prolongs life;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system;
  • V rehabilitation period promotes quick recovery, weight restoration;
  • weakened children gain weight and accelerate growth;
  • strengthens the nervous system, fewer vegetative shifts are observed;
  • improves blood counts, especially affects the amount of hemoglobin;
  • stimulates tissue growth and regeneration (damage, burns, injuries, inflammatory diseases);
  • restores the neutralizing function of the liver;
  • increases mental and physical performance.

And this is not all the medicinal properties of bee pollen...

You can say more differently about the healing effect of pollen if you know from which plants it is collected...

, willow,- diaphoretic, calming effect (flu,), improving the condition of capillaries.

Thyme- antiseptic, expectorant (bronchitis, tracheitis).

- strengthening vascular wall(, thrombophlebitis), improves blood circulation, helps improve the functioning of the prostate gland and liver.

Buckwheat- antiarrhythmic (arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina).

Rosehip, cherry- diuretic (cystitis, pyelonephritis, cardiac edema), destroying pebbles.

Citrus- tonic, promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, anthelmintic (helminthic infestations, pancreatitis).

Eucalyptus- antimicrobial, antipyretic (infectious diseases).

Dandelion- diuretic and laxative.

Rape- promoting tissue regeneration.

Sage- normalizes the menstrual cycle, promotes good digestion.

Knapweed- a diuretic that dissolves salts in joints.

Unproven medicinal properties of bee pollen

  • Helps with hangover syndrome;
  • neutralizes nitrates;
  • is an antitumor agent;
  • potentiates the effect of medications;
  • reduces the harm of radioactivity in the environment.

How to take bee pollen, dosages

Most often used pollen with honey(this way it is better absorbed), diluted in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, but it can also be consumed separately.

In the latter case there are some subtleties. In order for bee pollen to be most easily absorbed, it is soaked in cooled water for two hours before use. boiled water, shaking occasionally.

Before taking pollen, drink half a glass clean water. If this is not possible, then before swallowing the pollen should be moistened generously with saliva and held in the mouth for 2-3 minutes.

On average, consume 2-3 teaspoons of pollen per day. Take on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before meals, and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract after meals for a month. Sometimes courses last up to six months. But it seems to me that it is better to take a month’s course, then take a break and take something else. And then repeat. This way the effect will be better.

Due to its tonic effect, pollen is not recommended.

Bee pollen - how to store for later use

It is advisable to store pollen in a tightly sealed container, away from moisture and air. Can be in the refrigerator. Storage for more than a year is not advisable, since by this time more than half of the healing properties are lost.

Bee pollen for weight loss, calorie content

The calorie content of bee pollen is 340 kcal per 100 g of product. Naturally, pollen is not taken in such doses, so taking, for example, two teaspoons will bring only 40 kcal.

The benefits of bee pollen for weight loss are that it speeds up metabolism, regulates appetite, and even with a strict diet, it will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, many essential substances for promoting health.

The benefits and harms of bee pollen

So, to summarize, benefits of bee pollen?

  • Toning, strengthening, stimulating protective forces a natural dietary supplement for the body with virtually no contraindications;
  • accelerates metabolism, protects against colds and acute respiratory viral infections, and in case of illness, seriously reduces the duration and severity of the disease;
  • a stabilizing effect on the nervous system, protecting against stress and;
  • extremely useful for diseases of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, helps in the restoration of cartilage and bones;
  • adapts a woman’s body during the onset of pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, evens out mood, relieves depression;
  • pollen improves blood composition and promotes hematopoiesis;
  • strengthens vascular walls;
  • improves digestion, stimulates protective function liver cells, removes excess cholesterol;
  • slows down the aging process.

In addition to the benefits, bee pollen can also cause harm, but this is only if it is used ineptly.

Pollen is absolutely contraindicated in case of multiple (multiple) allergies to bee products.

Use with caution in case of diabetes mellitus and bleeding disorders (tendency to bleeding).