How to eat sea buckthorn berries. Chemistry and medicinal properties. Main dosage forms of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a waste-free fruit. Jam, juice, drinks are made from it, and tinctures are made.

In addition, the fruit has beneficial properties.

Oil is made from the juice of the berries, and the leaves are used for cosmetics and treatment.

Useful elements and their role

The fruit is rich in vitamin B. It is necessary for the normal functioning of:

Vitamin C contained in sea buckthorn helps fight colds and normalizes the functioning of bone tissue.

Vitamin P in combination with other beneficial elements improves capillary vessels.

Vitamin K is important for hemorrhoids, metabolic processes in the body, normalizing the functioning of the kidneys.

Vitamin E in the composition is considered an active immunomodulator.

Berries are good for recovery men's health. The tocopherol contained in them is necessary to restore potency.

Sea buckthorn or its derivatives are often prescribed for prostatitis.

Berries contain a lot of potassium, which is needed for normal operation heart muscle, capillaries, brain cells, kidneys.

The fruit is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. These useful elements important for metabolic reactions, transmission of signals from nerve endings, and production of hormones.

Eating the fruit helps reduce cholesterol, cleanse the intestines, and restore microflora.

The berry is good for blood vessels, thanks to fatty acids. In addition, sea buckthorn contains sucrose, glucose and fructose.

Properties of juice

The fruits show effectiveness under the following points:

Sea buckthorn oil can heal wounds and cracks. It is effective in the treatment of bedsores and frostbite.

To help with such wounds, the affected area should first be treated with an antiseptic and dried.

Then add a drop of oil, cover with a clean cloth and bandage. Change the bandage twice a day.

Sea buckthorn oil is also used to restore mucous membranes.

An oiled swab can be used to treat the throat area and back walls pharynx, nose. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Squeezing the fruit is effective for gums and cracks in the anal area.

Berry juice is recommended by ophthalmologists for:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the retina;
  • disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels;
  • night blindness.

Fruit juice has a positive effect on blood composition. With regular consumption, the amount of protein increases. Hemoglobin returns to normal.

From what diseases

Sea buckthorn oil taken internally will eliminate pain and prevent the development of scurvy.

Over time, a person will forget about the pain of a stomach ulcer if he takes a small spoon of the oil twice a day.

A drop in each nostril and symptoms chronic rhinitis will leave.

The oil is also effective for those who torment others with their snoring.

The oil relieves painful spasms in auricle. Especially effective after being stunned.

For a sore throat, a small spoonful of oil diluted in water can reverse the disease.

If a person begins to notice problems with vision, he needs to start consuming sea buckthorn.

The healing power of leaves

Until now, leaves of the fruit are added to animal feed, which makes their fur shiny and not matted.

Leaves support metabolic processes in skin. This helps improve the quality of the animal's skin.

Sea buckthorn leaves are used for diarrhea and bleeding. They strengthen blood vessels, improve blood clotting and intestinal function.

A medicine called “Hiporamin” is produced from the leaves of the berry, which is taken during colds.

Brewed as tea, sea buckthorn shoots normalize gums and promote their healing when bleeding.

To support and alleviate joint pain, you need to pour 200 grams of boiling water over the dried and crushed leaves and let it brew for a few minutes. Drink the dosage per day.

Application in cosmetology

Berry oil is used by massage therapists because it penetrates the pores and stimulates necessary processes. As a result, peeling goes away.

When using masks made from sea buckthorn oil, wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes elastic. The oil eliminates freckles and pigmentation.

It is useful to use a squeeze for brittle nails, poor condition hair.

With systematic massage at the roots of the hair, the hair becomes manageable, soft and shiny.

Also, when using it, you can significantly reduce the amount of hair lost.

In addition to skin and hair, the oil copes with acne.

To do this, you need to steam the area with acne and apply a compress soaked in sea buckthorn oil.

Use for prevention

Sea buckthorn shoots are used in medicine.

This is due a large number tannins that are used in the drug Giporamin.

It is effective against certain types of virus.

This medicine based on sea buckthorn, like the berry itself, is actively used for treatment and as a preventive measures against infections of various origins.

The beneficial substances in sea buckthorn allow it to be used to normalize and consolidate results during periods of insomnia and abnormalities in the nervous system.

Sea buckthorn tinctures treat and maintain the body’s condition in one, satisfactory direction when diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, psoriasis, sciatica.

Especially for women

Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat female diseases. It's about about cervicitis, endometritis, colpitis, erosion.

To soothe the vaginal mucosa, you need to soak a tampon in fetal oil and wet the affected area.

Leave it inside for a few minutes. The therapeutic course lasts up to 14 days. This fact depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.

Harm and contraindications

The effect of the berry is enormous. But do not forget that every “miracle” has reverse side. Sea buckthorn harms the body.

Especially if you use it randomly. There are prohibitions on using sea buckthorn raw and after processing.

Side effects

IN in rare cases allergies appear in the form of small rash on back side hands. When used topically, a burning sensation may occur.

When using berries in pure form there is a bitterness in the mouth.

Berries and plants heal, but can also cripple the body.

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor and take tests for sensitivity to pathogens. Each berry and plant brings not only benefits.

Watch the video about the benefits of using sea buckthorn in folk medicine.

The unique sea buckthorn berry has many healing properties and is used in the treatment of diseases. The fruits of the plant, leaves, and oil from its seeds are useful. In Tibet, the berry is called a miracle for its rich composition, content of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids - there are more than 190 components in total. Thanks to this, sea buckthorn is indispensable for the body.

Why sea buckthorn is useful

Due to unique composition The benefits of sea buckthorn for the body are invaluable. Can be found in berries fatty acids(omega-3, 6, 7, 9), vitamins B, PP, E, C, A, and the plant bark contains the joy hormone serotonin. Sea buckthorn juice, leaves contain pectins, proteins, tannins, sugars, phytoncides. Due to the large amount of ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant, the berry is used to combat viral infections, blood diseases. Vitamin C clots blood, reduces vascular permeability, increases bile secretion, restores function thyroid gland.

Most people know that sea buckthorn - the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are beyond doubt - contains the vitamins thiamine and riboflavin, which give the fruits a bright orange color. They normalize work nervous system, slow down aging, relieve stress, tension, treat depression. The berry is used to reduce fatigue, treat vitamin deficiency, and anemia. Sea buckthorn fruits are included in medications aimed at improving vision and treating sinusitis and pharyngitis.

The pulp from the fruit has wound-healing properties, treats burns, gets rid of pigment spots externally, and when taken orally with honey it forms a cough medicine. The fruits and leaves in the form of tea are used to treat gout, rheumatism, and the seeds are used as a laxative. The most valuable product considered a cholesterol-lowering oil used for radiation sickness, oncology. You can prepare it in this way:

  • squeeze the berries;
  • dry the cake;
  • pour juice over the berries in a ratio of 1:1.5;
  • in 3 weeks healing potion will be ready.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for men?

Reproductive system you need sea buckthorn, its beneficial properties and contraindications for men are useful for everyone to know. Due to the tocopherols it contains, the berry maintains and restores the health of the genital organs and glands. Berries restore male potency. At the same time they serve effective immunomodulator human body. Due to the potassium content, sea buckthorn fruits are beneficial for the heart, brain, kidneys, and liver. Magnesium contained in the berry is involved in metabolic reactions and contracts muscles.

Calcium from the plant is involved in the formation of hormones, and phosphorus and iron regulate the functioning of all organs and cells. The berry lowers cholesterol, gently cleanses the intestines, preventing the formation of cracks, restores microflora and peristalsis due to pectins and water-soluble fiber. The plant is also useful for alcohol poisoning– it removes toxins while being gentle on the liver.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn for women?

The benefits of sea buckthorn for women are invaluable: the substances it contains are applicable in cosmetology, and the berry itself is safe and valuable. It improves skin tone and elasticity, helps cope with the problems of aging, wrinkles, dullness, smoothes out sagging areas and fine lines. The berry helps with dry skin, peeling, heals wounds, dermatitis, acne, and lichen. Oil and infusion of leaves and branches are considered effective and medicinal in folk medicine.

During pregnancy

Due to its immunomodulatory properties, sea buckthorn is valuable for pregnant women, as it increases the body’s overall resistance to infections. During pregnancy, it is useful to take berries to produce antibodies, enhance cell growth, and stabilize their membranes. For problems with the mucous membranes of the genital organs or inflammation, use medicinal oil sea ​​buckthorn, after consulting with your doctor about contraindications.

When breastfeeding

Sea buckthorn is very useful for breastfeeding, because it is rich in vitamins and active elements, restores body tone, supports the health of all organs and systems. If a woman is breastfeeding, then cracks may form on her nipples - sea buckthorn oil will cope with this perfectly, but not harmful for a child, but effectively heals wounds. The product has no obvious contraindications.

Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn in the treatment of various diseases

Doctors have long known healing properties sea ​​buckthorn, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • infections of the upper respiratory tract– flu, sore throat;
  • acute pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • burns, corneal defects;
  • ulcer, gastritis - with caution, because there are contraindications and harm is possible;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bedsores, burns, frostbite;
  • gynecological problems;
  • inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, periodontitis;
  • cracks in the intestines;
  • diathesis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • joint diseases.

" Trees

Sea buckthorn is used in alternative medicine during treatment various diseases. To prepare raw materials, healers use berries and young leaves of the plant.

Taking medicine in the form of syrups, infusions, teas and decoctions.

Sea buckthorn is one of the most healthy berries For human body. Its fruits contain vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins C and A, B;
  • vitamin E, K;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • beta carotene.

Sea buckthorn fruits are used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative and multivitamin agent.

Daily intake of fresh sea buckthorn berries significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the heart muscles and vessel walls, and prevents internal hemorrhages. The use of fresh berries will be beneficial for liver and kidney diseases.

Sea buckthorn is indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus and thromboembolism. It not only lowers blood sugar levels, but also removes cholesterol from the body, prevents the formation of blood clots, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Sea buckthorn contains a lot of beta-carotene, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, thyroid and sex glands.

Vitamin E, which is part of the fruit, helps a woman maintain youth, improves embryo nutrition and helps maintain pregnancy.

In addition, the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn are used by cosmetologists. Berry juice is included in many creams, lotions and shampoos.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you about the composition and benefits of sea buckthorn for humans:

What does sea buckthorn treat and what does it help with?

With the help of sea buckthorn you can improve your health and cure a number of diseases. Sea buckthorn is indicated for the following diseases:

  • housing and communal services disorder;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gynecology;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • cataract;
  • eyelid burn;
  • erosion;
  • bedsores;
  • frostbite;
  • stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • proctitis;
  • anal fissures with hemorrhoids;
  • sinusitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension.

Besides, sea ​​buckthorn oil promotes the healing of burns and purulent wounds.

Sea buckthorn decoction helps cope with the first manifestations of the flu, reduces weight, restores stool during diarrhea, and alleviates the patient’s condition with sore throat.

How to prepare sea buckthorn berry oil: Wash and dry freshly picked sea buckthorn berries in the room, squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting raw material into a glass bottle and seal tightly. Leave in the dark for about a day.

When the oil rises on the surface of the vessel, it is carefully poured into a separate dark glass container. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator.

The video will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil at home:

Recipe for peptic ulcers: the course of treatment lasts for a month. The oil is taken no more than three times a day on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon. You can eat after 30 minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil to restore vision: the course of treatment lasts no more than three weeks. Oil is consumed at a dose of 5 mg up to 7 times a day.

How to deal with gynecological diseases: the course lasts two months, after which they take a break for two months. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Before the procedures, it is necessary to douche with tincture of bergenia or boron uterus.

For the procedure, prepare a cotton swab, which is well soaked in oil and inserted into the vagina. The duration of one procedure is 12 hours.

Sea buckthorn at malignant tumors female genital area: When malignant tumors are detected in women, douching is done using sea buckthorn oil.

Procedures shown before and after irradiation:

  • sea ​​buckthorn fruit oil – 50 g;
  • calendula juice – 4 tbsp. l;
  • aloe juice – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Kalanchoe juice – 25 ml;
  • knotweed viviparous juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all components thoroughly. Carry out the procedure while lying down.

Sea buckthorn infusion for flu:

Rinse the berries and pour vodka, leave for about a day. Strain the finished tincture and use internally for adults and children. Children - 15 ml three times a day, adults - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

The tincture can be used for rubbing, leaving overnight. Even a very severe cough can be cured in this way.

The tincture leaves marks on clothes and linen that are difficult to remove.

Recipe for making sea buckthorn tincture:

Sea buckthorn for hemorrhoids: sea ​​buckthorn oil helps remove bumps and promotes healing of cracks anus. For cooking medicinal ointment you will need:

  • bee honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tsp.

The components are mixed and the resulting ointment is applied to sore spot. You can administer the ointment internally by smearing potato candles with it.

How to cook tonic to boost immunity:

  • sea ​​buckthorn juice – 100 ml;
  • cow's milk – 100 ml;
  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients and drink the drink 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

In addition, sea buckthorn is useful for women with painful menstruation and hormonal imbalances in the body. Fresh fruits are ground with granulated sugar and eaten before the start of “critical” days.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

Sea buckthorn fruits are medicinal, therefore, like all medicines, they also have contraindications.

Without consulting a doctor you should not take sea buckthorn berries and juice, so as not to cause harm to health, in case of the following diseases:

  • exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • acute pancreatitis.

Besides, sea ​​buckthorn oil and juice can cause allergies, so allergy sufferers need to eat them very carefully.

What are the benefits of leaves: how to use raw materials for a woman, man, child?

Sea buckthorn leaves contain a lot useful substances and vitamins:

  • coumarin;
  • triterpene acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • serotonin;
  • folic acid.

In alternative medicine, decoctions of sea buckthorn leaves can be used for oncological diseases to alleviate the patient's suffering. And also for various poisonings.

Decoction of leaves normalizes sleep, helps cope with depression, and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Tea with sea buckthorn leaves helps enhance the effect medicines for certain heart diseases, pneumonia, diabetes and sore throat.

In addition, sea buckthorn leaf tea helps well with inflammatory processes V oral cavity : stomatitis and periodontitis.

Doctors recommend drinking teas and decoctions for women while pregnant, nursing mothers, and children over 3 years old. Acceptable daily dose for children – no more than 100 ml. Inhalation with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves is indicated for children aged 1 year and older.

Besides, infusion of sea buckthorn leaves is used in cosmetology as a means to combat dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.

When should you not use decoctions and teas?

Decoctions and teas made from leaves have virtually no contraindications. However individual intolerance and allergies may become an obstacle to treatment.

Alcohol-based tinctures of sea buckthorn leaves are contraindicated children, nursing mothers and women during pregnancy.

How to collect and procure raw materials?

Sea buckthorn leaves are rarely found on sale, so you will have to procure raw materials yourself:

  1. Leaves should be collected at the end of May or beginning of June.
  2. Collection should be carried out in dry but not hot weather.
  3. Leaves should be plucked from branches separately or together with the shoot.

Dry the leaves in the shade for several days, constantly turning over. The finished high-quality raw materials are not dark in appearance and crumble easily.

How to make medicinal tea

Medicinal decoctions of sea buckthorn leaves are prepared from freshly harvested or dried raw materials. They are used internally, make compresses, and are used for rinsing the mouth and douching.

Recipe for rheumatism: 25 gr. Pour a glass of boiling water over dry raw materials, bring to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool and drink half a glass no more than twice a day.

Tincture for anemia: 1 tbsp. l. pour a cup of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the finished infusion. Use the medicine as tea.

Leaf compress: warm compress helps cope with joint pain due to rheumatism.

It is prepared from 50 gr. dry raw materials. The leaves are flooded hot water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, moisten gauze with it and apply to sore joints.

Broth for bronchitis: for bronchitis in children and adults, it is useful to breathe over a hot decoction of sea buckthorn leaves. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

For cooking healing decoction 25 gr. The leaves are crushed and poured with a cup of boiling water. Boil the broth for 15 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.


Hello everyone! Today I’ll tell you about the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and its contraindications.

Small sea buckthorn bushes, whose branches are strewn with bright berries, are now growing everywhere.

For many centuries, the small orange-red berries have been used for body care and healing. They are made from different products: butter, juice, cream, sweets and even liqueur.

Even Genghis Khan knew the benefits of sea buckthorn. The Mongols used it to treat riders and care for horses. Mention therapeutic effect plants in the sources of Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine indicates its wide distribution already in ancient times.

Since shrubs grow well on high altitude and marginal land, they are also planted to counteract soil erosion and restore landscapes.

In Europe, vitamin-rich sea buckthorn products were a scarce commodity after World War II. Now they are sold everywhere. The main suppliers are China and Russia.

Useful properties Sea buckthorn is given by the contents it contains:

  • vitamins B, C, E, F and P,
  • provitamin A,
  • minerals,
  • flavonoids and
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Thanks to this composition, sea buckthorn is indicated for kidney stones, such as. I invite you to read an article on this topic if you are interested. Follow the link.

It is credited with anticancer, antiallergic, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Fleshy berries supply the body with 10 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. 1 g of fruit contains up to 12 mg of this vitamin.

Pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents during puberty, smokers and people who abuse alcohol are recommended to consume 2-3 tbsp daily. l. sea ​​buckthorn to meet the high need for vitamin C.

  • — protein: from 1.4 to 2.8%;
  • fatty oil: from 5.0 to 8.5%;
  • — carbohydrates: 7.64%;
  • — minerals: 0.45%;
  • — rutin: from 0.07 to 0.1%.

Sea buckthorn treatment

What does sea buckthorn exhibit? medicinal properties for which it is so often used?

Sea buckthorn is taken orally for:

  • lack of vitamins and
  • general weakness,
  • state of exhaustion and
  • lack of appetite.

She - reliable means against colds and fever, sore throat and tonsillitis.

Do not eat raw berries; they are small and have a pit. Basically, they are used to make jams, juice, infusions, decoctions, purees and syrups. And each of them is useful in its own way.

Sea buckthorn juice is rich in vitamins E (tocopherol), A (beauty vitamin), B, K and C ( ascorbic acid). To ensure that the juice retains all the properties of fresh sea buckthorn, the berries are processed very carefully.

Freshly squeezed juice also contains minerals, fruit oils and trace elements and is considered very useful product for the whole family. It is very sour, so it is most often combined with other foods.

It can be added to many cottage cheese dishes, fruit salads, baked goods or into strawberry or orange jam. Sea buckthorn juice You can replace, for example, part of the liquid or serve it with a cheese pie. Tasty and healthy.

For colds and high temperature juice is also added to tea.


If juice is a product that helps maintain overall health, then oil from the pulp or seeds has healing and pain-relieving properties.

Sea buckthorn oil kills bacteria, regulates metabolism and, in certain cases, is used as an antitoxic agent. Use it only externally.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with:

Additionally, it has been seen to help regulate excess production gastric juice and binds toxins in the intestines.

Its beneficial effect on the skin is especially emphasized.

The oil perfectly heals wounds. If, for example, a child has had his ears pierced and the holes are festering, then you can simply apply earrings with it. The oil gets into the wound, and it heals, but does not heal.

Minor scratches and cuts also heal quickly. Just keep in mind: if this greasy product gets on your clothes, it will leave orange stains.

Recently it was discovered that the oil can absorb sunlight and at the same time protects age spots from darkening. That's why this oil is used.

Since it promotes skin regeneration, it helps with bedsores, sunburn and after radiation therapy.

Care products

In addition to oil, there are also sea buckthorn creams with polyunsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic, linoleic and linolenic.

To prepare some creams, sea buckthorn oil is combined with both. Please visit the relevant links for more information.

Harmful radicals neutralize vitamin E and carotenoids. They also protect the skin from premature aging. Such creams bring especially great benefits to tired skin.

Sea buckthorn is a healing autumn berry. Sea buckthorn fruits, its leaves and even branches contain whole bouquet vitamins and microelements necessary for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

What are the benefits of sea buckthorn?
Sea buckthorn fruits contain about 3.5% sugar and many organic acids (malic, tartaric, oxalic). And even more vitamins - C, B1, B2, folic acid, PP, K, P and E, carotene and carotenoids, as well as many flavonoids (especially rutin), iron, boron, manganese. There are tannins, fatty acids (oleic, linoleic) and phytoncides, nitrogen-containing compounds. Sea buckthorn has many beneficial properties, and it is also delicious.

How to use sea buckthorn?
Sea buckthorn fruits can be consumed in fresh or prepare vitamin-rich juices, syrups, compotes, jelly, marshmallows, marmalade, jellies, jams, liqueurs, wines, tinctures, liqueurs from them. Sea buckthorn berries are well preserved frozen.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

  • Benefits of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil has bactericidal properties, heals wounds, damage to mucous membranes and skin, and soothes pain. This red-orange oil with a characteristic taste and smell contains carotene and carotenoids (110 mg%), vitamin E (110 mg%), vitamin F, which regulates metabolism in the skin, sterols, minerals and trace elements (iron, copper, silver, silicon, manganese, cobalt, nickel, vanadium, etc.), as well as glycerides of oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acid. Sea buckthorn oil is used externally and internally. It improves lipid metabolism and increases protein content in the liver; stimulates regenerative processes in damaged tissues(including liver cells after alcohol intoxication).

In acute and chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis, you need to lubricate the mucous membrane with a cotton swab moistened sea ​​buckthorn oil, or do oil inhalations daily for 15 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures.

To prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations with sea buckthorn oil are recommended.

  • Benefits of sea buckthorn berries

Sea buckthorn fruits are a natural multivitamin concentrate that can be stored frozen until spring. If there is a lack of vitamins and anemia, use an infusion of sea buckthorn berries.

Sea buckthorn is useful for normalizing the activity of the human nervous system. The fruits of sea buckthorn and the bark of its branches contain serotonin, which plays a role in important role in the functioning of the nervous system.

For frostbite, burns, pustular diseases It is recommended to apply fresh sea buckthorn berries to the affected areas of the skin.

  • Benefits of sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn juice is an excellent antitussive remedy. It should be consumed for this purpose with honey.

At low acidity gastric juice; for atonic constipation, fresh fruits and sea buckthorn juice are recommended.

Sea buckthorn contains large number vitamin B, so it is widely used to increase potency. Sea buckthorn is useful not only for people over 40 years old, but also for those young men who have difficulties with potency. Juice, fresh berries, oil in salads will help solve this problem.

  • The benefits of decoction, infusion and tea from sea buckthorn

A decoction of sea buckthorn seeds is an excellent laxative.

A decoction of sea buckthorn berries is used in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. At stomach diseases drink a decoction of sea buckthorn berries: 3 tablespoons of berries pour into 0.5 l hot water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat and filter; drink 2-3 glasses of tea a day.

In the treatment of disorders gastrointestinal tract For diarrhea, use a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves and branches. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials into 1 glass cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Drink at one time, and if necessary, repeat the treatment.

For scurvy, people used to use sea buckthorn tea: 5 g of dry sea buckthorn leaves were brewed with 1 glass of boiling water. And even now such tea is used to prevent infectious diseases.

During colds, drink vitamin tea from sea buckthorn leaves. The usefulness is officially recognized - they are produced antiviral drug- Hyporamine (indicated for influenza A and B, parainfluenza, sore throat, ARVI, herpes, etc.). For preparation, leaves and young non-lignified (green) leafy shoots of sea buckthorn are harvested in September-October. Dry by spreading thin layer on paper, cloth at a temperature of +40 °C. Pour 250 ml of boiling water into one level tablespoon of crushed leaves or shoots, cook in a water bath for 5 minutes, strain. Drink hot 3 times a day, but be careful not to get burned. Brew a fresh portion each time.

The fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn remove excess uric and oxalic acid from the body. In folk medicine, in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, as well as diabetes, an infusion of sea buckthorn leaves is used (10 g per 1 glass of boiling water).

During treatment skin diseases Baths with an infusion of sea buckthorn branches and leaves have a beneficial effect.

Sea buckthorn contraindications

Sometimes individual intolerance to sea buckthorn and preparations made from it occurs. In addition, there are contraindications:

Sea buckthorn oil should not be taken if acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and all other diseases of the pancreas, as well as with a tendency to loose stools. The fruits themselves are also contraindicated acute diseases pancreas, gallbladder, liver, for disorders gastrointestinal tract.

Sea buckthorn oil is often prescribed for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, but the fruits themselves and the juice from them are contraindicated in such cases, as they contain many organic acids that increase the secretion of gastric juice. Sea buckthorn is also contraindicated for hyperacid gastritis.

Fresh fruits and sea buckthorn juice increase the acidity of urine and are therefore contraindicated for patients with urolithiasis.