Melissa essential oil – properties, use in cosmetology and folk medicine. The wonderful properties of lemon balm essential oil

Melissa is one of the oldest medicinal plants, which is widespread and has a wide range of uses, a pleasant aroma with citrus notes. This grass is also famous for its attractiveness to bees and is a good honey plant.

Considering the long history of the plant, it has many folk names: lemon balm, honey balm, swarmer, bee balm. Despite its popularity, the resulting essential oil is not cheap and is often falsified. Finding a 100% natural product is very lucky.

The method of extracting lemon balm essential oil is by steam distillation. The entire plant (leaves, stems, inflorescences) is used for processing, with the exception of the root system. Visually, the oil is similar to others and there is always a risk of confusing it with lemon and other fresh ones with bitter undertones.

How to distinguish a counterfeit?

Natural oil is not often found in sales. To extract 100 g of essential oil, 100 kg of leaves are processed. The aroma of the extracted concentrate is vague, reminiscent of a citrus smell, which is what unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of. IN best case scenario adulterated with other oils. Through the collection of lemon balm, not the best parts of lemongrass and lemon oils are steamed. The resulting distillate contains 5% lemon balm oil - and this is not the worst counterfeit option. A significant proportion of lemon balm oil is sold in combination with vegetable oil, which is not of the best quality. valuable substance also only 5%. Ersatz is prepared from the dry collection; the properties of this substance cannot be compared with natural essential oil.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the name. It must be written in Latin "Melissa Officinalis", the additional words "citratum" and "indicum" are not allowed. The instructions must indicate the method of production and the raw materials from which the useful substance is made.

Chemical components of lemon balm essential oil

The structure of the oil is rich and unique. It contains over 200 inclusions, including:

  • Monoterpenes (nerol, citral, geraniol).
  • Rosmarinic acid.
  • Caffeic acid.
  • Chlorogenic acid.
  • Carnophyllene.
  • Phytol.

Valuable properties of lemon balm oil

Even distant ancestors used lemon balm oil in folk medicine. Oh him magical actions recorded information in ancient Roman and Greek writings. Using the concentrate, they were cured of inflammation, indigestion, cramps, and restored vision. The ether is distinguished by its natural strength and naturalness. It is appreciated even by people who are skeptical of traditional medicine.

The basic property of the oil is tuned to improve the body’s immune forces, as a result of which it becomes resistant to viral attack. It cures colds and flu well. Is effective means from lichen, disease digestive system, respiratory tract. Its action is also aimed at solving psycho-emotional problems.

Melissa oil is distinguished by its unique ability to improve mood. Remove from a state of melancholy and depression. Eliminates obsessive thoughts. It can bring you to your senses in a shock situation, with panic attacks. Helps cope with hysteria. Therapeutic extract can relieve headaches, tinnitus, and cure seizures.

The effects of oil on cardiovascular system. Recommended for pain in the chest, with tachycardia and arrhythmia. This is a treasure trove therapeutic possibilities for hypertensive patients. It leads to normal condition high blood pressure, outputs excess liquid from the body.

Traditional healers highlight the following properties of the oil:

  • Adaptogenic.
  • Sedative.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antidepressant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antiemetic.
  • Antiviral.
  • Appetite stimulant.
  • Antiallergic.

Etherol is also used to treat dermatological diseases. He is able to cure from:

  • eczema;
  • fungus;
  • herpes;
  • depriving;
  • furunculosis;
  • cuts;
  • bruises;

Melissa oil is also popularly considered to be feminine oil, as it has a special effect on female body. Relieves symptoms premenstrual syndrome, are establishing monthly cycle, stops bleeding, adjusts the functioning of the ovaries. It is a strong analgesic for any pain. It wouldn’t hurt to have a bottle of healing concentrate in a woman’s purse or car glove compartment.

The effect of essential oil was noticed after application to insect bites. Itching, swelling, burning and redness disappear.

Melissa oil combines harmoniously and complements nutmeg oil, ether of rosewood, fennel, jasmine, geranium, bergamot.

Use in cosmetology

The oil cannot be called highly used in this area. Rather, it has healing properties for the skin. It is applicable for furunculosis, problems with work sebaceous glands, acne, eczema. The ability to restore lip color is valuable. Can eliminate dandruff and oily hair shine, and also give healthy looking curls.


Despite such an extensive list unique properties, there is a group of people who are prohibited from using this oil.

  1. It is prohibited to take during pregnancy, regardless of the period.
  2. People whose scope of action is related to the use vocal cords, you should refrain from using it. Melissa can affect the timbre of the voice, cause soreness, hoarseness, and laryngitis.

IN pure form, it can only be used locally on herpes or abscesses due to its aggressive action; the oil is not used undiluted for applications and wiping the skin of the face.

Dosage and home treatments

The common belief is that lemon balm is calming. nervous system, dispels anxiety and relieves stress, confirmed by the positive effect of taking it medical supplies, which include lemon balm.

Important! Application period in medicinal purposes should not exceed 2 weeks, after which they take a long break. Excessive use may cause sleepy state and fatigue.

  1. Aroma bath and aromatherapy to normalize the nervous system. Add lemon balm oil (5-10 drops) to a bath of water at a comfortable temperature. At the moment when therapy is needed, but there is no time to soak in the warm composition, use an aroma lamp with 3-5 (per 15 sq. m.) drops of essential oil.
  2. Massage. It would be ideal to do a relaxing massage using essential oil (5 drops) and carrier oil (15 ml). By calming frayed nerves, the oil improves the smooth functioning of the heart. It is able to dilate blood vessels, restore heart rhythm, nourishes tissues, and supplies them with oxygen. Normalizes breathing and high blood pressure. Remember that the tingling sensation characteristic of lemon balm essential oil after application to the skin should not bother you for more than two minutes. Otherwise, the drug must be discontinued.
  3. Dry inhalations for heart function and health problems. The inhaled odors of lemon balm affect the body at the physiological level. It has a good effect on pulse dynamics, restores vision and blood pressure.
  4. Internal use (flatulence, colic, digestive organs, problems with gallbladder). Honey (3 tablespoons) is combined with lemon balm oil (5 drops). The mixture is taken half a teaspoon, twice a day. During periods of changing seasons, with frequent cases of colds and epidemics, the room is saturated with the smell of lemon balm. It is similar in effectiveness to garlic and has immunomodulating abilities. If illness occurs, there are ways to relieve symptoms.
  5. Inhalations for colds. Honey (1 spoon) is mixed with lemon balm concentrate (3 drops), diluted in well-heated water. Breathe this composition for about 20 minutes.
  6. For headaches. Rub the whiskey with lemon balm ether, after combining it with the base. It is important to remember about the overly aggressive effect of oil on the body, so monitor your condition during therapy.
  7. For menstrual disorders. Apply massage using lemon balm oils (2 ml), rose oil(4 ml), geranium (6 ml), almond oil(40 ml).
  8. With PMS. The aroma lamp is filled with a concentrate of oils: lemon balm (2 drops), geranium (4 drops), jasmine (4 drops).
  9. From oily hair. Take the usual cream (for children), add concentrate (4 drops), add bergamot and grapefruit esters.
  10. Do-it-yourself rejuvenating mask. Olive oil (1 teaspoon), egg yolks(from two eggs), honey (10 ml), lemon juice (5 ml), lemon balm essential oil (5 drops). All ingredients are mixed. Distribute evenly over the skin of the face, avoiding contact with the eyes.
  11. Caring for greasy hair. In the recipe, pharmaceutical clay is taken as the main substance, lemon balm and macadamia oil are added (5 drops each). Rub into the roots and wrap. Wash off after 15 minutes with running water.
  12. Tonic in ice cubes. Mix honey (1 spoon) with oil (2 drops), dilute in a glass warm water. Freeze in an ice container. Apply twice a day. Invigorates, gives turgor to the skin of the face, refreshes the tone.
  13. Head massage. Take lemon balm, lemon, fir and cedar oil, they make a composition based on burdock. Used for active rubbing into the head, normalizes the secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands.
  1. To saturate the room with the smell, use 2 drops.
  2. Add 3 drops of essential oil to aroma baths. After administration (5 days), the dose is increased to 5 drops. Essential oil stir with milk, honey or soda.
  3. The duration of inhalation is 5 minutes and it is carried out cold.
  4. For 10 grams of base oil (macadamia, wheat germ) - 2 drops of lemon balm, used for rubbing.
  5. Add oil (10 drops) to 100 ml of water. Used for fast healing wound
  6. For massage, use a base (15 g) mixed with a concentrate (4 drops).
  7. At inflammatory pathologies gums, and also to make breath fresh, lemon balm oil (2 drops), tea tree(1 drop) should be mixed with water and rinsed in the mouth.
  8. Essential oil is taken internally drop by drop with sweet jam and honey. It is recommended to do this 15 minutes after eating, washed down with yogurt, tea, kefir.
  9. Add to tea - lemon balm oil (4 drops) is added to 50 g of tea leaves.
  10. The simplest way to use lemon balm essential oil is to enrich your usual cosmetics(creams, shampoos. Balms, tonics).

Oil aging period provided proper storage reaches 5 years.

Video: properties and uses of lemon balm essential oil

Cosmetology, to combat insects, as a perfume. Used as a remedy external influence, it is recommended to take it orally and add it to food. The product is actively used for weight loss and for.


The oil has, namely:

  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • analgesic, antipyretic effects;
  • stabilization of the heart and stomach;
  • improvement of skin and hair condition.

This is not full list. It can help get rid of many diseases, annoying insects, give pleasant aroma body, attractive taste and smell of food.

Be vigilant! It is better to buy the herb at a pharmacy or prepare the raw materials yourself. Having bought a plant on the market or in transit, it is impossible to be sure that the raw materials were harvested in accordance with the required rules.

How to cook

Ideally, lemon balm oil is obtained using the steam distillation method. It cannot be done at home, but to obtain it you can use the following method:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of dried lemon balm herb, 2 cups of absolutely any vegetable oil. Prepare a clean, dry jar with a lid.
  2. Melissa and vegetable oil combine, place in a container, and cover with a lid.
  3. Infuse this product for 2 weeks in a warm place, shaking the container periodically.
  4. After the intended period, drain the vegetable oil and squeeze out the raw materials thoroughly.

You will get lemon balm essential oil.

It is not necessary to use only dried grass- Fresh lemon balm leaves are very suitable for making essential oil.

Application in cosmetology

Application in cosmetology is in demand. It is used for masks, creams, added to shampoos, rinses, and used for relaxing procedures and wraps. Herbal essential oil, not contained in a cosmetic product, is added to enhance the effect of cosmetics and is used for body care.

For hair

Using oil, you can add shine to your hair, get rid of dandruff and hair loss, and fight multiple problems oily or dry scalp. It must be mixed into shampoo, conditioner, masks, gels.

If dandruff appears, you should use it as follows:

  • moisten hair and scalp with water;
  • Apply your usual shampoo to your palms;
  • add 3-4 drops of lemon balm essential oil to the shampoo;
  • wash your hair and dry without using a hairdryer.

After a couple of procedures, the effect is clearly visible, after a few weeks there were no problems with dandruff.

Be careful! You can't think that more lemon balm oil will bring the effect faster. Overdose can cause burns.

For skin

Essential oil is usually used not only for the scalp, but for the care of the skin of the face and the whole body. It helps fight inflammatory diseases and slows down the aging process. The product from the plant returns the skin to a beautiful, healthy appearance, making it smooth as silk.

For facial skin

To make your face more attractive, you need to use lemon balm oil. It must be added to all used cosmetics, steam baths and masks. This application will rid your facial skin of all possible problems, will make her younger.

Steam bath for oily skin.

  1. Take exactly one drop each of essential oils of lemon balm, bergamot and 2 drops of grapefruit oil.
  2. Dissolve the oils in a liter of water.
  3. Boil everything, hold your head above the water, covered with a towel for 15 minutes.
  4. Apply cream for oily skin.

Slimming product

For weight loss purposes, you can take: additional remedy one drop per cup of green tea. For external use, you can add it to special creams, use it in the sauna, make body wraps, and use it during massage. You should not use the weight loss product internally for more than 3 weeks in a row. The interval between doses should be 3 months.

For lips

The effectiveness of lip care oil has long been proven. It has the ability to brighten lip color and heal cracks and wounds.

To get rid of cracked lips you need to:

  • take any lip balm;
  • very carefully add 5 drops of lemon balm essential oil;
  • leave for a while so that the oil is well absorbed;
  • Use the balm for its intended purpose if necessary.

Attention! After completing the treatment process, you should not abuse this product, because it can dry out the skin of your lips.

During pregnancy with a cold

Melissa is useful, but for internal use exclusively in the form of . During pregnancy, the oil should not be taken orally. If colds occur, it can be used as an additional means for rubbing, and if the doctor allows, inhalations can be done with the addition of one drop of oil.

From female diseases

The product has indications for oral use in cases of... It normalizes menstrual cycle, helps in the fight against bleeding, amenorrhea. You can add it drop by drop to tea or food, but this is done exclusively as prescribed by a gynecologist.

Essential oil of this medicinal plant- this is practically a panacea for all diseases, but you need to know when and how to use it. If everything is correct, beauty paired with health will become the companions of every person. This excellent remedy in all respects.

Where else is the product used?

For acne

Acne affects not only teenagers, but also adults. Melissa oil will help you cope with the problem quickly and effectively.

To forget what acne is forever, you need to:

  • take any acne cream you have at home;
  • add lemon balm oil in a ratio of 1:1 - 1 gram of cream 1 drop of lemon balm oil;
  • Use according to the directions that come with the cream in the form of a recipe.

Attention! Use creams prescribed by a dermatologist. Ask your doctor if you can combine the product with lemon balm oil.

From mosquitoes

To forget about mosquito bites, get rid of itching and redness, you need to add a small number of drops of the product to any body care product. Insects cannot stand its smell. If a mosquito bites, apply a drop of oil to the reddened area; there will be no trace left of the bite.

For herpes

Lemon balm oil helps with all types of symptoms. To quickly get rid of the problem, you need to put a drop of the product on the wound. It will dry the wound and prevent the herpes virus from spreading further. Can be used if genital herpes occurs.

For cellulite

In two weeks, the product copes with the most advanced stage of cellulite. To obtain the effect, use a herbal balm, which is additionally diluted with essential oil and rubbed into problem areas. Also, the fight against cellulite is carried out with the help of massage and wraps using this product.

From ticks


If it is abused or exceeds the permissible proportions for one purpose or another, a person runs the risk of getting a burn. You need to be especially careful about this if we're talking about about internal use.

To avoid such consequences, it is always and undoubtedly necessary to adhere to the rules of use and not change the ratio of components in the products used at your discretion.

Melissa is often called lemon balm, and for good reason, since mint is its closest relative. However, lemon balm is distinguished by its incomparable aroma: a mixture of lemon, morning dew and coolness. Even in BC times, healers were able to obtain precious essential oil, which was used to treat many ailments. This plant, amazing in its value, still brings benefits to people today.

Naturally, this essential oil herb grows well in the southern regions: from Central Asia and the Caucasus to the Mediterranean part of Europe. Melissa is also grown as a medicinal and spicy raw material in special farms in North America, in the Balkans and here in Crimea.

Characteristics and composition

Melissa aroma oil has a very rich composition, which contains a number valuable components:

  • esters - monoterpenes citral, geraniol and others that determine pleasant smell plants;
  • rosmarinic, caffeic and other acids;
  • flavonoids with antioxidant activity;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, beta-carotene and mineral trace elements manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum and others.

Real lemon balm essential oil has wide range applications:

  • has an analgesic effect;
  • stimulates the production of interferons, which helps fight colds and viral infections;
  • has bactericidal and wound-healing properties;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs and organs of the cardiovascular system and others.

Melissa essential oil is wonderful combines:

  • with the same citrus and fresh scents of mint, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon;
  • with floral aromas of jasmine, lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose;
  • with woody notes of eucalyptus, cedar, juniper, rosewood.

How to cook at home

Essential oil is obtained by processing fresh leaves and upper stems with inflorescences by water vapor. At home, it is difficult to obtain enough oil in this way, so at home it is better to use the following method:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry lemon balm into a glass of any vegetable oil;
  2. Close the container with a lid and leave for two weeks in a dark and warm place;
  3. Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and store at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees.

Since the finished pure product is obtained in small quantities, it is rarely found on the market and is expensive. The oil is often mixed with more accessible and cheaper ones, and even more often simply counterfeited. This is not surprising, since externally it does not have unique distinctive properties: light yellow, slightly greenish in color, liquid, flowing and well absorbed.

Aromatherapy properties

Melissa oil is a real elixir of life in spiritual sense. Its aroma belongs to the optimistic, lifts the mood, gives vigor during fatigue, relieves from fears and obsessive bad thoughts. The aroma of this plant will allow concentrate during responsible work during the day, and two drops of elixir in the aroma lamp will help you relax and fall asleep in the evening.

Melissa also has a beneficial effect on the human bioenergy field. Its smell is called the aroma of Mercury. It is responsible for a sense of self-confidence and development mental abilities, attracts good luck, happiness and success.

Melissa extract allows you to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, for this purpose it can be worn in aroma pendants. It will protect from feeling unwell on long trips, and simply during weather changes.

Medicinal properties

  • Melissa extract is recommended for use during epidemics of colds. to boost immunity. It is enough to spray essential oil mixed with water into the air at home, or aromatize it using a special lamp. During a cold or flu, lemon balm will improve general health and speed up recovery.
  • Warm inhalations will help with it for cough and asthma: three drops of oil should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, pour this mixture into hot water, cover with a scarf and inhale the vapors for ten minutes.
  • Can be taken for problems with the heart and blood vessels(tachycardia, high blood pressure, phlebitis and varicose veins veins) and diseases of the digestive system (flatulence, poor digestion, colic, improper functioning of the gallbladder). Five drops of essential elixir are added to three tablespoons of honey, syrup or jam and take this mixture twice a day, half a teaspoon.
  • Also using lemon balm oil normalizes painful and irregular menstruation, during menopause, helps with lubricants. Just one drop on your temples will relieve headaches.
  • The use of lemon balm as antiseptic. A solution of thirty drops in half a glass of water can be used to wash wounds and bites of pets. Oil lotions will help get rid of ulcers on the oral mucosa, and rinsing aqueous solution with lemon balm aroma oil will freshen your breath and soothe sore gums.
  • Spot application of lemon balm extract to lesions herpes stops further development and appearance of blisters.
  • Therapeutic massages with lemon balm oil have anti-cellulite properties. For massage, aroma oil is mixed with base oil (for example, peach) in proportions 1:2 or 1:3.
Before using lemon balm oil for medicinal purposes, you should additionally consult with your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

At home, lemon balm aroma oil is used for lip, skin and hair care. It is most suitable for those prone to oily skin and hair.

  • This is a great tool For female lips . It heals cracks, enriches delicate skin with moisture and vitamins, especially during the cold season. Lips become brighter and smoother. It is enough to add two or three drops to the balm or make a mask: mix a tablespoon of carrier oil and five drops of lemon balm oil, apply to your lips every day.
  • Melissa oil can also be used enrich creams for the face. It has lifting effect For adult skin, nourishes dry skin and eliminates fatness and porosity problem skin. You just need to add five to eight drops to a small jar of cream (about 20 ml in volume).
  • A few drops of lemon balm extract in shampoos may help. get rid of dandruff at home.
  • Masks with lemon balm oil are also good. For oily hair : add five to seven drops of base oil and the same amount of lemon balm oil to cosmetic clay. Apply only to the roots and leave for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Can improve body condition lemon balm baths. Five drops of aroma oil are first dissolved in an emulsifier (cream or milk, flower honey, sea salt solution), and then poured into the bath. Take such a bath no longer than twenty minutes and no more than twice a week.
This aroma oil also has excellent deodorant properties and regulates sweating.

Properties and uses of ether

Use in cooking

The basic principle of using lemon balm oil in preparing culinary masterpieces is to use moderation!

Just a couple of drops of oil in vegetable salads, in meat or fish dishes they will add piquancy and freshness, and also improve digestive health process.

Melissa oil can also be used flavor cocktails, lemonades, tea and homemade cakes.

Other uses

It is good at repelling unwanted blood suckers. insects. You can prepare a mixture: 50 ml of carrier oil, 30 drops of lemon balm oil, and the same number of drops of geranium and lavender oils. Apply this elixir to the skin, avoiding the face.

Itchy mosquito bites can be lubricated with the following mixture: two drops of lemon balm oil, three drops of lavender oil and one drop of wintergreen oil. Avoid scratching.


Melissa oil is contraindicated in pregnant women and may cause a sore throat.

Before using essential oil, you need to do a small tolerance test: apply a small amount to the skin of your wrist. Individual intolerance will cause severe redness and burning.

Aroma oil should not be used for more than two weeks continuously.

Overdose causes drowsiness.


Melissa essential oil is stored in small dark glass bottles in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is up to five years.

How to choose?

Unfortunately, in aromatherapy there are no mandatory standards by which it would be possible to clearly separate a quality product from a counterfeit one.

In Russia, almost any oily substance can be called essential oil.

Cheap synthetic products will not have the desired therapeutic effect. Typically, it is a mixture of available solvents and flavorings. Unfortunately, such compounds are often found in pharmacies. Co-distillates are also often sold on the shelves: products of steam distillation of waste lemon and lemongrass oils through lemon balm. The concentration of lemon balm oil in such solutions is no more than five percent.

It is best to buy natural aroma oils from trusted organizations that specialize in such production.

Signs of high-quality aroma oil:

  • the packaging should only say “100% natural essential oil”, “100% Essential Oil”, “Pure and Natural Oil”, other wordings are used for fakes;
  • the bottle must indicate the name of the plant in Latin (Melissa officinalis), source of raw materials, manufacturer, expiration date;
  • a quality product has the necessary quality certificates and a chromatogram containing detailed organoleptic composition valuable product;
  • price. Melissa essential oil is rare and expensive; the price for one ml of pure product can start at $50.

Melissa - a small plant with carved, slightly silvery leaves - is familiar even to people far from biology. It has not only a unique, fresh lemon aroma, but also an impressive list of beneficial properties that make it an indispensable assistant in a variety of situations. They are fully transmitted to the essential oil that is obtained from this herb. But here's the paradox. Despite the widespread use of lemon balm, its oil is considered one of the most expensive, and obtaining a quality product can be quite difficult. This is due to the fact that during processing only 0.01% of the oil of the total weight of the raw material can be obtained. That is why you can so often find counterfeits of this almost magical remedy.

Properties of lemon balm oil

Melissa oil is a viscous, clear liquid, painted light yellow. Its aroma is quite indistinct, but against the background of not very strong lemon notes you can detect fresh, as they are also called, morning tones and a cool base. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on real lemon balm oil, it can be used in a variety of areas.

  • First of all, the positive effect of lemon balm oil on the nervous system is widely noted. Using it, you can cope with depression, increased anxiety, increase the body's resistance to stress. In addition, this remedy is successfully used in the fight against insomnia, hysteria, and neuroses. It also helps with dizziness and fainting.
  • Melissa oil can improve performance and enhance brain activity.
  • It also has anti-inflammatory properties. More in Ancient Rome lemon balm was used to treat not only colds, but also diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Melissa oil is used for cardiac pathologies. It relieves heart and respiratory spasms, calms and evens out the rhythm, and helps cope with shortness of breath.
  • Melissa is deservedly considered a female plant, and its oil helps relieve pain in the first days of menstruation, relieves PMS, and helps with inflammatory diseases gynecological sphere.
  • This remedy has an anticonvulsant effect, so its aroma is not contraindicated for people suffering from epilepsy.
  • Melissa oil has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Its use will help stop bleeding, including uterine bleeding, and speed up wound healing.
  • Using lemon balm ether you can reduce the temperature.
  • At colds its oil helps to liquefy and remove mucus from the bronchi.
  • Using it, you can reduce allergic reactions, in particular to insect bites.
  • Melissa oil is not only an excellent cosmetic product, but is also used to treat various skin infections.

Melissa essential oil has many unique properties

To ensure that you are purchasing real lemon balm oil, be sure to carefully study the label, paying attention to the Latin inscriptions. Thus, a natural product must bear the inscription “Melissa officinalis”. The presence of the terms “citratum” or “indicum” in the annotation will mean that this product is a derivative of lemon or lemongrass oil with only a small addition of lemon balm.

In pursuit of beauty

Melissa has always been famous for its ability to have a positive effect on the skin, so it is not surprising that cosmetologists have made the oil of this plant one of their assistants in the struggle for perfection. It is used to care healthy skin and in situations where correction is necessary.

For facial skin

Like other esters, lemon balm oil does an excellent job of caring for facial skin. With proper use of this product, it quickly becomes smooth and healthy color, gets rid of peeling and fine wrinkles, acne disappears. As a rule, lemon balm oil is recommended for those whose skin is prone to oiliness and inflammation. Due to the drying effect, the intensity of the sebaceous glands is reduced, causing the oiliness of the skin to decrease and the pores to shrink. In addition, lemon balm oil is perfect for aging or sagging skin. Thanks to high concentration active substances, it will improve its nutrition, restore elasticity and smoothness. But those with dry skin are advised to use it only as part of cosmetic products intended for this type.

We enrich care products

Like almost all essential oils, the product obtained from lemon balm leaves is not recommended for use in its pure form. But he makes the finished product simply magical. As a rule, add 1 drop per 5 ml of finished cream. means.

In order to further enrich your cosmetic creams, add 7-10 drops per 15 ml of finished cream. prepared butter mix. For it you will need:

  • 10 ml of any base oil (it can be almond, coconut or regular olive);
  • 1 drop lemon balm oil;
  • 1 drop grapefruit oil;
  • 3 drops bergamot oils.

Ice prepared with the addition of lemon balm oil can be considered a universal remedy for all skin types. For this, 6 drops. This product is mixed with 1 tsp. honey or cream and dissolve the resulting composition in a glass of water. It is poured into molds and frozen.

You can also refresh oily skin using a self-prepared spray. To do this, a glass of distilled water is mixed with 7 drops. oils and place the resulting solution in an empty can of skin spray. This product retains its properties throughout the day, just shake it before use.

Melissa oil can easily cope with increased oiliness and inflammation of the skin

Steam baths

Steam baths with the addition of lemon balm ether will help soothe irritated skin. To prepare them you will need:

  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • 1 drop lemon balm oil;
  • 1 drop bergamot oils;
  • 2 drops grapefruit oil.

Pour boiling water into a wide bowl, let it cool for 2-3 minutes, sit over the container and cover your head with a large towel. After this, add to the water required quantity essential oils. The procedure should not last more than 5–7 minutes.

From enlarged pores

If you need to act on enlarged pores, then the following composition can be used for a steam bath:

  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • 1 drop juniper oils;
  • 1 drop lemon oil;
  • 1 drop cajuput oils;
  • 1 drop marjoram oils.

You can narrow enlarged pores on your face using this mask:

  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  • 1 tsp. grape seed oils;
  • 1 tsp. cosmetic clay;
  • 1 tsp. spirulina powder.

All components are mixed. Add 3 drops to 5 ml of the resulting mixture. air and for 5 min. Apply the mixture to problem areas. Wash off the mask warm water.

For lips

With the help of lemon balm oil, you can restore color and elasticity to flaky and lost pigmentation lips. To do this, just add 3 drops to 5 ml of any ready-made lip balm. means. After the enriched balm has stood for several hours, it can be used. This method is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period.

If more serious measures are required, then you can prepare a mixture based on 2 tbsp. l. peach oil and add 5 drops to it. lemon balm oil This product should be applied 3-4 times a day.

Using lemon balm ether you can restore the color and beauty of chapped, flaky lip skin.

For the body

Melissa oil will be useful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the whole body. For preparation, add 5 drops to a bath with warm water - it should not exceed 38 0 C. lemon balm oil dissolved in any emulsifier (it can be a solution of sea salt or the most common table salt, honey or cream). To support tired skin, you can add 2 drops to lemon balm oil. neroli and rosewood oils. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise lethargy and drowsiness may occur.

If the skin of the body is very sensitive, then it is recommended to use no more than 4 drops for preparing a bath. oils If you exceed this dosage, you can get quite a severe burn.

For luxurious hair

Melissa oil will be no less useful in hair care. It is especially recommended for those whose hair gets greasy quickly. In this case, add 1-2 drops to a portion of your shampoo prepared for washing. lemon balm oil After just one and a half months of such procedures, the hair will become more manageable and stronger and will remain fresh for much longer. By the way, the same method will help get rid of dandruff.

  • You can add lemon balm oil not only to shampoos, but also to other care products. For example, to enhance the effect of the conditioner, you can add 5-8 drops to it. lemon balm ether.
  • You can prepare a mask based on the finished conditioner for oily hair. To do this, in 1 tbsp. l. ready-made product add 1 tsp. macadamia oil and 7 drops. lemon balm oil mixed with a tablespoon of cosmetic clay. After mixing, the mixture is applied to the scalp, separating the hair with partings. A film and a heated towel are placed on top. After 10–15 minutes have passed, the mask is washed off.
  • Another mask for oily hair can be prepared from a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, juice of two tangerines and 8 drops. lemon balm oil The ingredients are mixed and left for 30 minutes. Apply along the entire length of the hair. Wash off this mask with shampoo.

We treat diseases

Melissa oil is not only an excellent cosmetic product, but also a centuries-tested medicine that can be used in the fight against many diseases. At the same time, it is used not only as an element of aromatherapy, but also taken orally, and also used as compresses, lotions and applications. In addition, lemon balm oil can be added to massage oils.

For headaches

  • Will help with headaches warm baths with the addition of lemon balm oil (5-7 drops), dissolved in 3-4 tbsp. l. cream. In addition to the analgesic effect, the procedure will help you relax and relieve nervous tension and will reduce blood pressure. The duration of such a bath should not exceed 30 minutes.
  • If you can't lie in the bath, you can do foot baths. In this case, the dose of oil can be increased to 10–12 drops. for 10 liters of water.
  • For migraines, lemon balm oil is applied to the temples, as well as those areas of the head where the pain is most intense. It can also be rubbed into the skin of the back of the head and neck, gradually moving down to the shoulders.

You cannot use pure essential oil for rubbing - in this case you can get burned. To prepare the mixture 4 drops. oils can be added to a ready-made lotion, or use any base oil (almond, coconut, olive, sesame).

  • So-called cold inhalations also have a good effect on headaches. To carry them out, light the aroma lamp for 1–2 hours and add 6 drops to it. lemon balm oil. You can also use a special aroma pendant for them.
  • To reduce headache you can make a compress. To do this on wet towel drip 3 drops. oil and apply it to the forehead.

Adding lemon balm oil to your bath can relieve headaches, calm you down, and improve your mood.

For herpes

You can cope with the herpes virus by applying a drop of lemon balm oil mixed with the same amount of any other base oil directly to the blister. It is important to start treatment as early as possible. As a rule, in this case, other bubbles simply do not appear.

A compress with this remedy can also be used for genital herpes. In addition, to increase the body's resistance, lemon balm oil is recommended to be taken orally, dissolving up to 4 drops. in 1 tsp. honey and then stirring it in warm water.

Melissa oil should not be taken internally on an empty stomach, but in order for it to be absorbed as much as possible, it is recommended to drink it with tea, juices, yoghurts or other fermented milk products.

For dermatitis, acne

Melissa oil is also used in the treatment of dermatological pathologies. At the same time, it is added to creams and used to prepare oil mixtures for compresses and applications. Basic basis when treating furunculosis, dermatitis or eczema, it is best to do fixed oils(cocoa, mango, coconut). But they are not suitable for fighting acne. In this case, it is better to take rosehip, almond or peach oil.

Natural lemon balm oil can cope with many diseases

Since lemon balm oil, like other essential oils, is a very concentrated mixture of various biologically active substances and chemical compounds, then it is important to observe the necessary proportions when preparing oil mixtures, as well as when adding it to ready-made products.

Table: amount of lemon balm oil for various procedures


There are contraindications and restrictions for the use of lemon balm oil.

  1. It is not advisable to use it during pregnancy.
  2. It is not recommended to carry out procedures with this remedy for those whose activities involve the need to talk or sing a lot. This is due to the fact that side effect when using ether, a sore throat or even the development of tracheitis or laryngitis may occur.
  3. Use with caution at low blood pressure.
  4. It can be used in its pure form only for spot treatment after insect bites.
  5. After a 2-week course, you must definitely take a break, and its duration should be at least a month.
  6. Before using the product, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction to it.

Melissa or lemon balm- a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, and people call its aroma morning - it is so fresh and cool. Melissa grows in many regions of the planet: Asia and America, North Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East, and even south coast Crimea; In Russia, many summer residents and gardeners have also learned to grow lemon balm on their plots. Melissa is considered a good honey plant - bees love it, and it blooms from July to September, and smells of fresh lemon.

Properties of lemon balm oil

Medicinal properties lemon balm has a lot, and most of all it is known for its ability to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain: it has a stimulating and calming effect, relieves convulsions and dizziness, and eliminates tinnitus. In addition, it has antispasmodic, analgesic, diaphoretic, mild laxative, antiviral, bactericidal, choleretic, carminative, expectorant, antipyretic, wound-healing effects; improves the functioning of the stomach and heart. Among the people, its preparations have long been used for painful periods, anemia, insomnia, neuralgia, asthma, shortness of breath, poor digestion, colds, etc.

Melissa essential oil also has a bright lemon smell - it is obtained by steam distillation from all its parts, but more often from fresh leaves, flowers and stems.

The amount of oil obtained is very small - only 0.01%, and it is very expensive, so lemon balm oil mixed with lemon oil is more often found on sale, usually used in aromatherapy, but pure oil is said to “give birth to dreams.”

Like all essential oils, lemon balm oil has a rich and complex composition, which we will not give in detail. It contains many esters, monoterpenes, terpene aldehydes and other substances with high biological activity. For example, geraniol, a rose-smelling terpenoid, and its related monoterpene, myrcene, largely determine the pleasant smell of this oil, as well as the plant itself.

Uses of lemon balm oil

Melissa oil for lips

The wound-healing properties of lemon balm oil improve the condition of the lips, eliminate crusts and cracks; V winter time you need to add lemon balm oil to your cream or lip balm - this will protect them from the effects of frost and wind. If your lips have lost their brightness and freshness, and their red border has turned pale, you should apply a mixture of any base oil (10 ml) with lemon balm essential oil (5 drops) to them daily.

Melissa oil for skin

In addition to oily skin, lemon balm oil is excellent for aging, aging and sagging skin, as lemon balm contains many biologically active substances that make the skin tighten and smooth out wrinkles. Dry skin also becomes noticeably better after using lemon balm oil: it moisturizes and nourishes it with oxygen, and removes irritation and flaking.

Steam baths are very helpful for oily and porous skin. For example, 1 drop of lemon balm and bergamot oil, and 2 drops of grapefruit oil per 1 liter of water; or - lemon balm, cajuput, juniper, lemon, marjoram oil - 1 drop each.

Cosmetic products are enriched with lemon balm oil - 5-8 drops per 15 ml; use oil mixtures: for 10 ml of base oil, 1-3 drops of essential oils - for example, lemon balm - 1 drop, grapefruit - 2 drops, bergamot - 3 drops - this mixture is suitable for oily skin.

Effective mask for oily skin with enlarged pores: mix equally wheat germ oil, grape seeds, cosmetic clay and spirulina powder, add 3 drops of lemon balm oil to 5 ml of the mixture, and apply to the face, trying to apply more to areas with enlarged pores. thick layer. Keep for 5 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Cosmetic ice with lemon balm oil tones and revitalizes skin of any type. You need to mix 2 drops of oil with cosmetic cream or honey, then dilute it in a glass of water, pour into molds and freeze. Use morning and evening to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Melissa oil for hair

For oily hair and dandruff, you should add a few drops of lemon balm oil to your shampoo. If you wash your hair with this composition for 1.5 months, your hair will stop becoming greasy and will become healthy and strong.

With lemon balm oil you can make masks for oily hair and massage the scalp: this will reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and the hair will stop sticking together. The result can be obtained faster if you mix lemon balm oil with oils of fir, cedar, lavender, sage, thyme, lemon, etc.; It is good to use burdock as a base oil.

Good masks are obtained on the basis of a balm for oily hair: add 5-7 ml of macadamia oil and 5-7 drops of lemon balm oil mixed with cosmetic clay, mix everything thoroughly and apply it part by part to the scalp. Cover the head with a film and a heated thick towel, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

You can add 8-10 drops of lemon balm oil to the conditioner for oily hair.

Melissa oil baths

Body baths not only improve the condition of the skin, but also relieve general tension. Add lemon balm oil (5 drops) to warm (37-38°C) bath water, dissolving it in<>a href="" title=" sea salt"морской соли, сливках или мёде . Ванну можно принимать не более 20 минут и насухо вытереться полотенцем. При !} sensitive skin 3-4 drops of oil are enough, otherwise you can get serious burns.

For tired skin, add lemon balm and neroli oils to the bath - 2 drops each, and rosewood oil - 3 drops.

Melissa oil is not used for individual intolerance, during pregnancy; You cannot use it continuously for more than 2 weeks. It is not recommended for people whose work involves using their voice (singers, announcers, etc.), as it can cause a sore throat. If the dose is exceeded, lethargy and drowsiness are possible.

Author: Gataulina Galina
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