Motherwort to calm the nerves, how many drops. Instructions for using motherwort tincture. Composition and organoleptic characteristics

Motherwort is a medicinal plant that is widely used in medicine as a natural sleeping pill, sedative and mood improver. Previously, motherwort tincture or its decoctions were used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract and treat the lungs. Now motherwort is a recognized official medicine that can be purchased in tablets. An alcohol tincture with sedative properties is also popular. Since the plant is medicinal, it is important to know how to drink it correctly.

Composition, release form of motherwort tincture

The herbal tincture is prepared with alcohol diluted with water to 70% concentration. The composition contains 2 types of motherwort - cardiac and five-lobed.

The color of the tincture is greenish, with a brown tint. Since the raw materials used in preparation are natural, a slight sediment at the bottom of the bottle is considered normal. Therefore, before drinking motherwort infused with alcohol, it is better to shake the mixture. The volume of the bottle usually does not exceed 30 ml.

Please note. For convenience, motherwort is also available in tablets.

Medicinal properties of tincture

Motherwort performs several functions in the body at once (reviews of treatment with the plant confirm this):

  1. calms the central nervous system;
  2. relieves spasms;
  3. improves sleep;
  4. normalizes cardiac activity;
  5. lowers arterial blood pressure.

Motherwort is a sedative drug, so it easily calms the nervous system and normalizes the heartbeat.

Has motherwort and others beneficial properties. He deduces excess liquid from the body, eliminates inflammatory processes, strengthens health in general, heals wounds and scratches. In addition, when taking motherwort, the following effects are observed:

  • diaphoretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • astringent;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • expectorant;
  • antipyretic.

Please note. Motherwort performs much more features in the body - not all of them are indicated in the instructions for use for the tincture.

What are the benefits of the plant

The product quickly calms the body as it affects the functioning of the brain. He becomes less susceptible to irritants, and the person becomes calmer.

If you drink the tincture, combining it with other sedatives or sleeping pills, you can achieve a quick and more pronounced positive effect.

When is motherwort tincture indicated?

Among the main conditions when the drug is recommended for use are:

  1. functioning disorders nervous system(insomnia, overexcitement, anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability);
  2. (autonomic abnormalities in cardiac activity, neurotic syndromes, neurocirculatory asthenia, allergies, pregnancy, stress, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system);
  3. illnesses cardiovascular system(spasms in the brain, improper blood circulation, increased blood pressure, insufficient functioning of the heart);
  4. improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (diseases of the pancreas, intestines, stomach, pain, colic, cramps, bloating, lack of appetite, improper digestion);
  5. diseases of the urinary system (edema, renal failure, inflammation of the prostate,);
  6. difficulty breathing (ARVI, bronchitis, influenza);
  7. abnormal metabolism (disturbed hormonal composition blood, increased activity thyroid gland).

Motherwort is prescribed not only as a sedative, but also as a medicine for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and breathing.

You can also take motherwort externally - if the patient has joint pain, there are painful sensations neuralgic in nature, the tincture is used for rubbing. Sometimes motherwort is added to medicinal baths, but they often use an aqueous decoction rather than a tincture.

Advice. Motherwort in alcohol is sometimes used to cleanse scratches and wounds.

In what cases should the tincture not be used?

There are also contraindications in the instructions for use of motherwort tincture. The most significant of them:

  • insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bradycardia;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypotension;
  • in the form of erosion.

Please note. The use of motherwort tincture is not allowed if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Pregnancy, lactation and childhood They are not direct contraindications, but consultation with a specialist is necessary before treatment.

Side effects

Despite the fact that motherwort tincture does not contain synthetic additives, its use can cause the appearance of side symptoms. Most often they occur if:

  1. drug interactions with other drugs;
  2. age up to 12 years;
  3. too frequent and voluminous use;
  4. excessively long course treatment;
  5. lack of weight.

Individual intolerance to motherwort can also cause the development of unwanted symptoms. Symptoms in patients usually include:

  • from the nervous system - loss of strength, drowsiness, lethargy, aching joints, dizziness;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - belching, vomiting, nausea, thirst, dry mouth, heaviness in the abdomen.

Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of swelling, itching, and hives. Treatment is symptomatic, and motherwort is canceled for the duration of therapy, or its dosage is changed.

Therapeutic dosages

According to the instructions, it is permissible to take motherwort tincture no more than 4 times a day, 30-50 drops. The exact required dose of the drug can be determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition. What matters is the symptomatology of the disease, its severity, neglect, and duration.

Since motherwort is natural remedy, usually a fairly long course of treatment is selected - from 2 weeks to a month. After a break, the reception can be repeated.

IN pure form alcohol tincture of motherwort is not accepted - the concentrate must be diluted in water. Usually the mixture is prescribed to drink an hour before meals. Repeated administration is possible only 2-3 hours after eating.

How motherwort interacts with medications

The alcohol tincture, as described in the instructions, can be combined with other sleeping pills, sedatives and sedatives, regardless of their composition and origin. The plant can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their intake. Motherwort extract interacts similarly with painkillers, cardiac glycosides, and medications for high blood pressure.

Advice. During treatment, alcohol should be excluded, and when combining motherwort with other drugs, the nature of the interaction should be taken into account and, based on this, the required dosage should be determined.

Preparation of mixtures of motherwort tincture with other herbs

Often a mixture of tinctures of motherwort, peony, valerian and hawthorn is prepared. Its obvious positive impact on the body. Individually, the components perform the following functions:

  1. motherwort improves sleep and normalizes nervous processes;
  2. peony root fights depression, bad mood, insomnia;
  3. valerian normalizes sleep, eliminates fatigue, heart spasms, calms the body;
  4. hawthorn eliminates, normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, and relieves neurotic manifestations.

In combination, the tinctures mutually enhance each other’s effects. Most often, this treatment is not used only for children.

What are the benefits of preparing mixtures with motherwort?

A medicine prepared from tinctures of hawthorn, marin bark, valerian and motherwort has many positive qualities:

  • has a comprehensive and safe effect on the problems of insomnia, nervousness, and abnormal heart function;
  • each component of the product performs a specific function;
  • the composition is easy to prepare even at home;
  • a medicine mixed with alcohol has a faster effect on the body than a water tincture;
  • The drug is natural, inexpensive, but effective.

Has a mixture and contraindications.

When should you not take a complex tincture?

The contraindications are:

  • reduced concentration of attention when it is necessary to work with precision mechanisms;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age (not recommended for children under 12 years of age);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • dependence on alcoholic beverages.

Advice. Before use, it is important to consult a specialist. It is also advisable to study the instructions for use and contraindications for motherwort tincture and other alcohol extracts.

Tincture recipe

The easiest way is to purchase all four tinctures at the pharmacy (peony, hawthorn, motherwort and valerian) and mix 20 ml of each in a glass container. The medicine should infuse for 3-4 hours. Optionally you can add 15 ml.

Do combination drug you can do it yourself, since ready-made tinctures are freely sold in pharmacies

There are 20 drops of tincture per quarter glass of water. You need to take the product once a day for up to 4 weeks. Gradually, the concentration of the tincture you drink can be increased, bringing it to a teaspoon per 1/4 glass of water.

To make alcohol infusions yourself, you need to purchase dried and crushed peony and valerian roots, hawthorn inflorescences and motherwort leaves. The ratios of dry substances should be equal. One part herbs should be to 5 parts 7% alcohol. The mixture is infused for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place. Drink homemade tincture needed in the same way as a pharmacy.

How to combine herbs

Other combinations of motherwort, hawthorn, peony and valerian tincture are also acceptable - for example, you can mix 2 types of raw materials in a 1:1 ratio. You can drink such motherwort tinctures 3 times a day, 15 drops each, with water. Various mixtures give different effects:

  1. motherwort and hawthorn reduce blood pressure;
  2. tincture of motherwort, peony and valerian (ratio 2:1:2, up to 30 drops per day) calms the central nervous system, relieves tension;
  3. motherwort, valerian, stabilize the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, eliminate spasms;
  4. motherwort, peony, valerian and corvalol (1:1:1:1) improve sleep, relieve stress and nervousness;
  5. tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn and valerian (2:1:2 + 10 drops of Corvalol) in the mixture soothe and relax the body (at the pharmacy such drops can be bought under the name Morozov Drops, but the pharmacy version also contains diphenhydramine).

The cost of such sedatives accessible to everyone.

Motherwort – powerful herbal remedy, which has a hypnotic and sedative effect. The drug can also normalize the activity of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. It is important to take motherwort alcohol tincture according to the instructions (according to reviews when used together with other medications similar action the therapeutic effect is noticeably enhanced), take into account possible contraindications and side effects. Before treatment, it is better to consult a doctor. The product has low price, but significant efficiency.

Motherwort is a perennial or biennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Motherwort grows in meadows, clearings, forest edges, and wastelands - for which it was given this name. Some types of motherwort have medicinal properties.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

Motherwort contains the following substances: quinqueloside, quercitrin, rutin, cosmosin, hyperoside, quercimeritrin. And also tannins, bitter glycosides, iridoids - ayugoside, ayugol, and galiridoside. Nitrogen bases – stachydrine and choline.

Thanks to these compounds and substances, motherwort has a hypotensive, sedative effect, normalizes heart rhythms, fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Motherwort has long been known for its healing properties, it is used not only by folk, but also official medicine. The plant was studied by biologists and doctors, who confirmed the properties of the plant and found that preparations from it are close in their actions to preparations from valerian. There is an opinion that the sedative properties of motherwort are 3 times more effective than those of valerian.

As scientists have established, motherwort has antibacterial, astringent, diuretic, restorative, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, and sedative effects. These actions are necessary to treat a large number of diseases.

Currently pharmaceutical companies They produce tinctures from motherwort herb, which are always accompanied by instructions for use. Alcohol tincture, or tinctures and decoctions prepared at home, are used for neuroses, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, ischemia, thyrotoxicosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, thyrotoxicosis, stomach and gastrointestinal cramps, flatulence, gastrointestinal neuroses, arrhythmia, insomnia, cardiosclerosis, depression , problems with thyroid gland, inflammation of the intestines, problems with menstruation,

Externally, a decoction of motherwort herb is used to treat boils, abrasions, burns, purulent wounds, psoriasis, eczema.

Sometimes decoctions and tinctures from motherwort herb are used in complex treatment, together with other medications, this allows you to achieve optimal results in short terms. But the use of motherwort should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to cause harm to health.

In pharmacies you can buy tablets or alcohol tincture from motherwort. Tablets refer to drugs that have sedative, anticonvulsant, cardiotonic, diuretic effect. But they are contraindicated when acute gastritis and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. Dosages and contraindications are indicated in the instructions for use.

The alcohol tincture is made from 70% alcohol, five-lobed and cardiac species motherwort. It is prescribed for disorders of the central nervous system, depression, neuroses, hypertension, and heart pain. The tincture has a beneficial effect on digestive system, eliminates inflammation in the respiratory organs.

Motherwort for men, women and children

In addition to diseases of the cardiovascular system, motherwort is useful for men suffering from prostatitis and adenoma prostate gland.

For women, motherwort is useful in its ability to stop uterine bleeding. It is prescribed for violations menstrual cycle, to mitigate the effects of PMS and conditions during menopause.

The sedative, diuretic, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant properties of motherwort make it effective medicine during pregnancy. It has fewer contraindications and side effects than valerian, so it is prescribed as a sedative; in addition, the plant makes it easier to tolerate toxicosis and associated nausea, improves blood circulation, and relieves colic and flatulence.

Together with other drugs, it is useful for hypertension, uterine hypertonicity, heart problems and edema. In these cases, motherwort is combined with other medicinal herbs– hawthorn, mint, lemon balm, valerian.

As for motherwort treatment for children, medical opinions differ. The fact is that this plant has a bitter taste, and children are unlikely to want to drink infusions and teas prepared on its basis. For the same reason, motherwort should not be drunk during feeding; it is better to use it for bathing infants.

For children over 12 years of age, preparations from the plant are prescribed for restless sleep, hyperactivity, cardiac dysfunction, VSD, attacks of fear, panic attacks, neurotic states, indigestion.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the crown of the herb along with the leaves and flowers is used. The plant is harvested in dry weather, in mid-summer, during flowering. The side shoots need to be cut off along with the stem 35-40 cm long.

Dry the raw materials by spreading thin layer, under a canopy or in the attic, excluding direct sunlight. Raw materials are considered ready when they become brittle.

Store the grass in plastic or paper bags or fabric bags. Medicinal properties last for 2-3 years.


How to prepare and how to drink motherwort decoction? There are many recipes using this plant, and the technology for preparing preparations from medicinal plant very simple. Traditional healers advise not to boil the herbs and motherwort flowers, but to make infusions or decoctions in a water bath - with this preparation, more is retained in the raw material useful substances.

Recipe 1.

A decoction for neuroses and insomnia. You need to take 15 grams of motherwort herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, and then bring the mixture to a boil. Boil the broth for 5 minutes, then cool and strain. You need to drink 1 tbsp of the decoction prepared according to this recipe. 3 times a day before meals and then at night. If desired, you can use honey.

Recipe 2.

A decoction for flatulence and intestinal pain. 2 tbsp. dry crushed motherwort herb pour 500 ml hot water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, cover and leave for an hour. Strain, drink 100 ml 15-20 minutes before meals. the same decoction is suitable for external use.

Recipe 3.

Decoction for depression and nervous exhaustion. Pour 2 pinches of motherwort flowers into 400 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, let cool and brew for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals and before bed.

Recipe 4.

Motherwort infusion. 1 tbsp. dry, crushed raw materials, pour 200 boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter. For nervous excitability, you need to drink 50 or 100 ml of infusion three times a day before meals. The infusion also has a calming effect on pain in the stomach and intestines caused by a nervous disorder.

Recipe 5.

Motherwort tea. 2 tsp motherwort herb, 2 tsp. chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and drink 60-70 ml during the day before meals.

Recipe 6.

Calming infusion. First, make a collection of 20 grams of motherwort herb, 15 grams of St. John's wort, 10 grams of lemon balm, 10 grams of hawthorn, 5 grams of valerian roots. Then take 2 tsp. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain, drink throughout the day, dividing into equal parts. The product helps calm the nerves, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates pain in the heart, and besides, it good prevention atherosclerosis.

Recipe 7.

Alcohol tincture. 100 grams of raw materials should be filled with 500 ml of medical alcohol with a strength of 70%, left for a week in a dark, cool place, and then strained. At nervous disorders and hypertension, the tincture should be taken 15-30 drops three times a day before meals, washed down with water.

Recipe 8.

Bath decoction. In the morning, pour 2 cups of dry motherwort herb into three liters of hot water, bring to a boil, leave all day, strain in the evening, and pour the decoction into warm bath. The procedure will be useful for both adults and children to calm and improve sleep.


Motherwort should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance, low blood pressure,

ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, bradycardia, gastritis with erosion.

An overdose of motherwort is not allowed; it can cause allergies, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In addition, an overdose may cause bloody diarrhea, aching joints, extreme thirst Therefore, you need to take motherwort preparations under the supervision of a doctor.

It is allowed to combine treatment with motherwort with other drugs, but also under the supervision of doctors. According to scientists, motherwort enhances the effects of sleeping pills and analgesics - these features must be taken into account.

Motherwort has a mild hypnotic effect, inhibits psychomotor reactions, and dulls concentration, so it should not be taken by persons whose work is associated with risk and danger - drivers, pilots, machinists, and operators of complex equipment.

As for the duration of taking motherwort medications, according to traditional healers, treatment should consist of several cycles - 20 days of taking the medicine, 10 days off. You need to conduct three such courses, after which you take a break for 1 month. Throughout treatment, you need to listen to your body, pay attention to how it will react to the medicine, and immediately refuse it if you do not like the reaction.

Motherwort healing tincture– a sedative that can calm the nerves and restore sleep. Even taking into account low prices Because this medicine is greenish-brown in color, you can be sure of its effectiveness. The drug has simple instructions and there are few disadvantages that are compensated by its beneficial properties.

Motherwort tincture has a bitter taste and is obtained as a result of infusion. The herb is placed in 70% ethyl alcohol in a certain proportion (1:5) and aged from several weeks to a month. That is, the composition of the drug is natural, and the origin of the tincture is plant-based. Pharmacy assortment allows you to purchase tinctures in dark glass bottles different volumes(from 15 ml to 50 ml).

Storage of the drug should be entrusted to a cool, dark place out of reach of children. You should not keep motherwort tincture in a room whose temperature is more than 15 C. Before taking motherwort tincture, you should make sure it is fresh. The herbal preparation will be ideal for use for 2 years and cannot be used after the expiration date.


The composition of the dried herb from which the factory-made alcohol tincture or motherwort infusion is made includes the following list of acids, vitamins and microelements:

  • hyperoside;
  • choline;
  • routine;
  • essential oil;
  • provitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • salts (mineral);
  • bitterness and other substances.

IN pharmacy tincture motherwort is always contained correct proportion herbs and alcohol. This is 1 part of flowers and leaves of two types of plants (five-lobed and ordinary) to 5 parts of 70% ethyl alcohol. Such a high ethanol strength was not chosen in vain. Alcohol in such a concentration is aimed at more complete extraction of beneficial substances. Positive reviews from fans of this soothing medicine also indicate that the strength was selected correctly.

How to make a tincture yourself?

Motherwort tincture is a really high-quality preparation, and to make an infusion that will not differ from pharmacy medicine, you will need a minimum of ingredients. A homemade infusion of motherwort can be stored for a long time due to its alcohol base.

Tincture "Home"

It will be appropriate during pregnancy and during the first months after childbirth.


  • 100 g dried herb;
  • 500 g alcohol (70%).


  1. Infuse the mixed ingredients for 14 days in a convenient container.
  2. Shake the future medicine daily.
  3. Strain and pour into a dark glass container.
  4. Take the infusion medicinal motherwort in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

“Bitter” tincture

Reviews for this recipe are positive due to how easy it is to implement.


  • 1 part of dry leaves and flowering tops of the plant;
  • 5 parts alcohol or 70% alcohol.


  1. Pour alcohol over the dried plant.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 30 days in a dark place.
  3. Strain the future tincture.

Healing infusion “Motherwort”

The preparation of this infusion excludes the use of vodka, so the recipe will especially appeal to opponents of alcohol in any form.


  • 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable procurement;
  • 200 ml hot water.


  1. Fill the grass with water.
  2. Heat the future infusion of medicinal motherwort in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Cool aqueous solution to room temperature.
  4. Strain and add as much water as will fill the glass to the brim (200 ml).

Useful properties

Main distinguishing feature medicinal tincture lies in its calming effect. It has a relaxing effect and does not dull consciousness. Reviews of the drug indicate that it can be taken even during pregnancy. This medicine does not have negative influence on a woman’s attention and does not further reduce it.

The main properties of a high-quality motherwort infusion:

  • sedatives;
  • cardiological;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • diuretic.

Based on these positive qualities bitter, but useful tincture, we can highlight the range of diseases that it relieves. A medicine made from this herb is also useful for hypertension and heart neurosis. If the patient’s medical history includes sclerosis of cerebral vessels or angina pectoris, then an infusion of common motherwort will also help him. Heavy smokers also love this drug due to the fact that its mode of action is mild and 100%. Natural medicine helps to cope with neuroses that occur in those who abuse cigarettes.

Instructions for use

Not everyone reads the instructions for the drug and knows for sure how to take motherwort tincture so as not to become a victim side effects. Maximum quantity bitter medicine: 30-50 drops orally. Avoid using the sedative motherwort tincture in combination with sleeping pills and pain medications.

How to drink motherwort tincture correctly? Basic recommendations, regardless of the amount of infusion and the purpose of its use, are as follows:

  1. Dilute with water.
  2. Do not abuse.
  3. Take before meals.

For example, motherwort tincture “Bitter” is diluted with water before use. For 5 - 8 drops, at least a tablespoon of water is provided. This drug is taken 3-4 times a day. This dose is sufficient for proper absorption of the medicinal infusion.

During pregnancy

The first thought of a woman who found out about her pregnancy: “You need to give up alcohol!” Maybe, expectant mother will consider that motherwort tincture is included in the list of harmful drugs during pregnancy, but this is not so.

There are no contraindications to using a few drops of tincture during pregnancy. If you use it as the instructions say, then the composition of the herb will help eliminate stress, the main thing is to prevent an overdose. The use of medication improves performance digestive tract and does not develop toxicosis.

The instructions for the drug make it clear that motherwort is prescribed during pregnancy instead of a sedative. Motherwort tincture is prescribed during pregnancy specifically for calming, relieving colic and gas, and eliminating nausea. The drug is designed to improve blood circulation in case of uterine hypertonicity.

For peace of mind

How much medication will be needed to calm the nerves? The instructions are very simple: drink 40 drops of medicine per day. within three days. This way of relaxing will help normalize a weakened nervous system and alleviate the condition of various heart diseases. The tincture recipe helps well with concussions, as part of complex therapy, but do not forget about contraindications.

For sleep

Despite popular belief, the infusion of common motherwort is not sleeping pills. What is his strength? This medicine helps facilitate the onset of physiological sleep. Unlike other drugs designed to speed up a person's immersion in sleep, motherwort is not addictive and does not cause dependence.

To get rid of heart pain

What percentage of alcohol should be in the medicine for it to help cope with heart pain? The correct answer is only 30%. It is this infusion of healing motherwort that will help cope with heart pain. For this disease, doctors recommend using the medicine before meals, 30 drops. This dosage will be appropriate for rheumatism and vascular atherosclerosis.


Motherwort tincture has some contraindications and cannot be used by those who suffer from:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of bitter tincture;
  • stomach ulcers and duodenal diseases;
  • gastritis.

An overdose is fraught with increased side effects. They can manifest themselves in the form of stool disorders and allergic reactions body. Against the background of excessive relaxation of the nervous system, weakness, dizziness, rapid heartbeat And headache.

In the event that an overdose has occurred, you need to stop using it, rinse your stomach, take 2-3 tablets activated carbon. If the condition does not improve, call an ambulance.

If you want to take motherwort, drops - best option. This clear liquid with faint odor and a slightly bitter taste is sold in any pharmacy. She has practically no absolute contraindications and does not have a negative effect on the body when interacting with other medications.

Pharmacological properties of motherwort drops

Motherwort drops are made from the flowers and leaves of the plant and 70% alcohol.

It is a sedative that has cardiotonic, hypotensive and negative chronotropic effects. That is why motherwort is very often used to normalize sleep (how many drops you need to take depends on the severity of insomnia).

Indications for use of the drug are also:

  • various neurotic or asthenoneurotic disorders;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neuroses;
  • increased excitability or tachycardia in hyperthyroidism;
  • vegetative neuroses of the premenopausal period;
  • initial stage.

How many drops of motherwort do you need to drink for it to manifest itself? therapeutic effect funds? You need to take the drug three times a day, 30-50 drops. The effect will be noticeable only with long-term and systematic course of treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Motherwort in very in rare cases causes side effects. These could be allergic reactions or dyspepsia. If such symptoms occur, the drug should be taken stop immediately. An overdose of motherwort in drops may cause lethargy, severe weakness and decreased performance.

One of the most accessible and convenient to use medicinal cardiac drugs is a tincture of motherwort.

The healing properties of this plant were discovered in ancient times.

Due to its pronounced sedative and regulatory effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, motherwort extract has found wide application in various dosage forms.

However, it is the alcohol tincture, in which all the healing properties are characterized by the greatest effectiveness. organic matter present in maximum concentration.

Even though this drug is available without a prescription, before you start using it, you must study all its basic properties, rules of administration, as well as possible contraindications and side effects.

Release form and composition

An alcoholic tincture of motherwort is available in the form of a dark greenish-brown liquid. The presence of slight sediment is acceptable, so the tincture must be shaken immediately before use.

In most cases, pharmacological companies offer this drug in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 25 and 30 milliliters.

Additionally, each bottle can be packaged in a cardboard box, on which the full text of the instructions for use of the medicine is applied.

The tincture contains the following components:

  • motherwort extract (cordial);
  • motherwort extract;
  • ethanol at a concentration of 70%.

In turn, motherwort extract contains many healing substances, which are indispensable in the treatment of conditions such as angina, hypertension and neurosis. It contains:

  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • natural sugar, which has an astringent effect;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponites.

For all these useful chemicals characterized by a strong sedative effect on the cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems - neurocytes.

Pharmacological action

Due to its composition, this drug plant origin has the following beneficial properties:

  • sedative (sedative);
  • antispasmodic;
  • hypotensive;
  • sleeping pills;
  • cardiotonic.

Motherwort tincture can have a general strengthening, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipyretic and wound-healing effect.


Watch the video on how motherwort affects the body’s condition:

Indications for use

Main indications for use alcohol tincture motherwort are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • neuroses and disorders of the nervous system, accompanied by sleep disturbances, fatigue, irritability and excessive excitability;
  • hypertension V initial stage;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type;
  • insomnia;
  • organ diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • prostate diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • kidney diseases.

Directions for use

In order to achieve reliable therapeutic effect To avoid overdose, motherwort tincture should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions.

The individual dosage in each specific case should be determined by the attending physician based on the symptoms, age and characteristics of the patient’s body.

During a single dose, you can take from 30 to 50 drops of the drug. During the day it is allowed to take the tincture no more than four times.

It is important to remember that this drug cannot be used in its pure form. A certain number of drops of tincture must be diluted boiled water and stir.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect Motherwort tincture should be taken in a course lasting from two to four weeks. In most cases unpleasant symptoms disappear after two weeks of use. If necessary, you can repeat the therapeutic course, taking a month's break.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the instructions, it is acceptable to take an alcoholic tincture of motherwort in combination with other drugs of plant and synthetic origin that have a hypnotic and sedative effect - it should be borne in mind that motherwort can enhance their effect.

There is also evidence that motherwort tincture enhances the effect the following types medicines:

  • antidepressants;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • analgesics.

During a course of therapy using motherwort tincture, it is necessary to completely avoid drinking alcohol. This is due to the fact that the properties of alcohol are potentiated under the influence of the components of the tincture.

Side effects

Despite the fact that in most cases, motherwort tincture is well tolerated by patients, some side effects of the drug are known, which are important to be aware of.

Among them are states of apathy, lethargy and depression, headache, drowsiness, inhibition of reactions, spasmodic pain in the abdominal area.

All these phenomena may be associated with an overdose of the drug or individual intolerance its components.


In case of drug overdose, all of the above side effects are significantly intensified. In addition, the patient may experience heartburn, nausea and belching.

Motherwort tincture belongs to the category of safe medications, but it should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions, observing the dosages prescribed by the attending physician.

Arrhythmia is a violation of cardiac activity, deviations in the rhythm of heart contractions that are different in nature and origin. Find out more about symptoms and treatment:


There are several contraindications to the use of alcohol tincture of motherwort. They include:

During pregnancy

Motherwort tincture, being an alcohol-containing drug, is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the pharmaceutical alcohol tincture of motherwort is 2 years from the date of production. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug after this period.


Motherwort tincture is available in pharmacies without a prescription and is inexpensive. Her average price in Russia is 25-60 rubles, depending on the manufacturing company and the volume of the bottle.

In Ukrainian pharmacies This drug is offered at prices from 2.5 to 5 hryvnia.


Currently, motherwort tincture has several analogues, which are drugs that have a pronounced sedative, cardiotonic and antispasmodic effect.

The most effective are:

  • Medivit Magnesium Heart;
  • Motherwort extract in tablet form;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Lily of the valley-motherwort drops;
  • Cravaleon.

For selection optimal option similar drug It is recommended to consult your doctor.