How to prepare figs with cough milk: prepare a sweet mixture for adults and children. Figs with milk for cough - pharmacy in the kitchen

Cure cough without medical supplies sometimes it can be quite difficult, especially if the symptom appeared a long time ago and managed to gain strength. Tablets most often have big list contraindications and are not recommended for people with unhealthy stomachs or for pediatric therapy. Meanwhile, helping the body cope with a cough is sometimes simply necessary in order to save the patient from the risk of developing complications.

Figs with milk will help relieve cough

In order not to injure the body, which is already weakened by the disease, by taking pills, you can start drinking figs with milk for cough - very useful remedy, which will strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and help with expectoration of stagnant mucus. It is completely natural and suitable for treating patients of all ages.

Benefits of figs

The fruits of the date tree have many names - from the common fig to the fig. They have been used as a medicinal ingredient for a very long time. The cultivation of this plant began in ancient Arabia. It was loved by many not only for its taste, but also for medicinal qualities. A huge number of preparations are made from the fruits of the tree from the most various diseases- cardiac, nervous, affecting the genitourinary system.

Once in the body, figs have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;

Eating figs may cause excessive sweating

  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant.

Figs are rich in useful substances, including vitamins A and B, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and many others. The fruit consists of more than a third of sugar, and therefore has a bright sweet taste - medicines based on it are very pleasant, they are highly valued and willingly taken by children.

Attention! Figs cannot be used to treat coughs for people suffering from diabetes mellitus- taking such a drug provokes insulin shock, and therefore it would be better to replace it with alternative therapy (inhalations, decoctions, compresses, etc.).

Although figs ripen in a subtropical climate, they can be easily found in any grocery store. It is sold fresh or dried - in both cases, all the ingredients inside the fruit are preserved. useful substances. Largely due to this property, figs at one time began to be actively cultivated, and now can be used as effective remedy for cough.

How figs treat cough

Figs and milk for coughs are a simple and tasty remedy. This fruit is ideal for relieving symptoms infectious diseases. It not only acts directly on respiratory system, but also helps strengthen the body’s immune forces while fighting the disease. Since this is a natural medicine, it is easily absorbed and practically does not cause allergic reactions. Milk, in turn, additionally softens the throat and removes swelling.

Figs are used to treat cough due to the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Figs help ease the process of expectoration

The most important thing when treating a cough is to ensure productive expectoration. The symptom most often develops as a result of stagnation of mucus in inner surface respiratory tract, which even the most severe attacks. Figs, getting into the throat, soften the mucus, and during the absorption process they begin to act on lower sections- bronchi.

Figs have a pronounced antiseptic property. When consumed orally, the beneficial substances it contains are quickly absorbed by the walls of the stomach and intestines, enter the bloodstream and reduce inflammation in any part of the body, including the throat.

Sweating is also important during illness. Due to it, toxins are also removed along with the liquid, which are released as pathogens spread through the tissues of the respiratory tract. They poison the body and cause severe inflammation, elevated temperature and other unpleasant consequences.

Classic recipe for figs with milk

To cope with the symptoms of the disease without the use of drugs, you can use figs with cough milk, a simple recipe for which does not require serious material expenditure or special equipment.

To prepare figs with milk, you will need 2-3 fruits (fresh or dried), as well as 300-350 ml of milk. Can also be used more, depending on the desired quantity ready-made product. However, you should be guided by the following proportions - 1 fruit accounts for 100 ml cow's milk. The latter should be as fat as possible, preferably 3.2%.

The process of preparing the mixture is described as follows:

  • Rinse the figs thoroughly under cool running water. Any dirt left on the fruit can carry an infection. Some pathogens can survive even after many hours of boiling, so you should not neglect hygiene.

It’s easy to prepare figs with milk, just follow the instructions

  • Prepare a suitable enamel pan and pour milk into it. After this, place the container on medium heat and add the figs. After boiling, the liquid should be covered with a lid and the burner power should be reduced to minimum.
  • The figs in the milk must be completely boiled, so the process takes an average of one and a half to two hours. This is necessary for the fruit to release all its healing substances.

When the liquid becomes thicker and acquires a brownish tint, this will mean that the product is ready. It is removed from the heat and left for some time in a cool place to cool. However, you should not bring the mixture to a cold state; it should be consumed warm during the day - a third of a glass is enough. The boiled fruits can be mashed with a small spoon to form a paste and can also be used for treatment. The course of treatment is 20 days, every day you will have to prepare a fresh portion.

Figs with milk are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Figs with honey and milk

Figs with cough milk can be prepared a little differently - this recipe also involves adding honey as an effective antiseptic ingredient. This remedy has a deeper effect, affecting not only the throat area, but also the bronchi.

To prepare you will need a blender. You need to load about 8-10 date fruits into it and chop them thoroughly. The resulting mass should not contain individual inclusions and be completely homogeneous. Before use, add a little honey to it. You should drink the product 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day, washed down with boiled warm milk.

Fig cough syrup

For people suffering from lactose intolerance, you can cook figs for cough without using milk. The resulting preparation will look like a sweet syrup - great option for young patients. This product will not cause allergic reactions, having a similar effect medicinal effect. To start treatment, you just need to prepare the ingredients and familiarize yourself with how to prepare such a medicine.

Figs can also be used to make delicious syrup cough

Cough figs in the form of syrup - recipe:

  1. Date tree fruits in the amount of 10-12 pieces are sent to a small saucepan, into which 1.5 cups of cold water have previously been poured.
  2. The liquid is boiled at medium heat for 20-30 minutes, then another glass of water and the same amount of granulated sugar are added and continue to cook, stirring, until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooking, add to the product lemon juice and ginger, stir and leave for a while so that the liquid cools and does not burn the throat when consumed.

This product also contains lemon juice and ginger.

This mixture will help with wet cough or non-productive forms. It is worth noting that when starting the course, it must be continued for at least a month, even if the cough has already completely disappeared. You need to take it as in previous recipe, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Treatment during pregnancy

For representatives of the fair sex expecting the birth of a child, there are no contraindications for using all of the above recipes during treatment inflammatory diseases throat and bronchi, in which a cough is observed. Figs will be very useful and will provide the body with many necessary for proper development fruit substance, and will help quickly get rid of the symptom.

Milk with figs, taken by a mother for cough, is absolutely safe for unborn children, however, before starting the course, you should still consult a therapist to check for allergies.

Pregnant women are not prohibited from taking figs for cough


Figs (both with and without milk) are natural medicine, which almost completely eliminates its rejection by the body. However, there are a number of restrictions on the use of this drug.

The fruits of the date tree with milk are not suitable for treating cough with: individual intolerance components of the product, diabetes mellitus and stomach disorders (due to the laxative properties of figs).

In the following video you will find a recipe on how to prepare figs with cough milk:

Traditional medicine offers many various recipes preparations useful decoctions, capable of relieving cough, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. Since only recently medicine has reached certain heights in the treatment of diseases, previously people were forced to cope with diseases on their own. Figs with milk is one of the popular recipes, which helps in the treatment of various respiratory diseases and symptoms.

Utility of this drink lies in the naturalness of the components to which patients should not be allergic. The website advises trying this recipe if a person has a cough, sore throat or other ailments that will allow fewer pills drink and drop drops.

The benefits of figs and ginger are as follows:

  1. It eliminates dry and wet cough, acting on it as an expectorant.
  2. Strengthens the immune system.
  3. Helps in treating colds.
  4. Restores the body's strength.

It should also be noted that folk remedies, including figs with milk, are suitable for pregnant women, who may also get sick, but have a limited list of drugs for use.

Vitamin composition of figs

Figs resemble the house ficus in their branched shrub. There are about 400 species of it in the world. Mainly it vitamin composition is the entire complex of B vitamins, where B1, B2 and B6 predominate.

  1. Iron.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Oxalic and ascorbic acids.
  4. Magnesium.
  5. Proteins and fats.
  6. Phosphorus.
  7. Potassium (figs are second only to nuts in terms of the content of this element).

Fresh berries contain 24% glucose and fructose, which have a pleasant sweetness that is transferred to the healing drink when prepared. If you use dried fruits, then the content of these substances reaches 50%.

Also different energy value product in fresh and dried form. Fresh fruits provide 49 kcal per 100 g, while dried berries give 214 kcal. Better to use fruits dark colors, since they contain more useful elements than in light fruits.

It is very important to do right choice berries at the time of purchase. The fruits should be inspected for cracks, damage and dents. Figs must be firm and whole to be healing properties didn't mix with environment and did not lose their components.

What are the benefits of figs?

Figs are useful fruit, which is used for various purposes, not only to relieve a cough or runny nose. What are the benefits of figs?

  • The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 components affects cardiac activity. People who have problems with blood supply, heart failure, blood clots or clogged blood vessels should always have figs in their medicine cabinet, which are used in various medicinal mixtures.
  • Large quantity gland allows figs to become useful to women during pregnancy or menstrual cycle when maintaining the balance of this component in the body becomes very important. You should consume figs for 3 days to eliminate anemia.
  • Figs have a laxative effect, which is good for intestinal disorders.
  • Figs, with their vitamin B6, promote the production of serotonin and the elimination of large amounts of cholesterol.
  • Figs are useful for diseases of the spleen and liver.
  • Figs should be used after past diseases because it contributes rapid recovery physical and mental strength, which is very important for every working person.
  • To eliminate dysentery, cough and colitis, you can use not only the fruits, but also the leaves.

To keep figs longer, they are dried. Before further use, it is necessary to fill the fruits with water and leave them in the container for the whole night. This water can then be used in medicinal recipes(it’s better not to pour it out), because it contains a lot useful components figs

Dried figs promote rapid sweating. It also lifts your mood and restores energy. Upon purchase dried fruits you need to choose light yellow berries.

Unripe fig fruits and leaves can also be used. They are used mainly in cosmetology to eliminate fungal diseases.

Recipe for medicine with milk

Figs can be used for a variety of purposes. His most important recipe is a milk-based product. It is used to treat cough for any respiratory diseases. It can be used by both adults and children.

For preparation you need 3.2% milk so that the usefulness of the drink is obvious. For 1 whole medium fruit (both fresh and dried) you will need 1.5 liters of milk. Next we stick to the following recipe:

  1. The milk is heated to room temperature.
  2. The fruits are washed under running water.
  3. The figs are thrown into the milk and brought to a boil.
  4. Reduce the heat to low, cover the container with a lid and boil for another 30 minutes.
  5. Then remove from the heat, cover with a warm towel and keep it there until the drink has cooled completely. At this time, the figs will saturate the milk with their beneficial components.
  6. Pour the drink into glass containers.

The result will be 1 glass healing drink, since the amount of milk will decrease by three times. This should be taken into account when preparing. If you need more drink, then increase the volume of figs and milk.

You can prepare other recipes from figs:

  • Laxative balls. Raisins, figs 100 g each, maybe nutmeg and ground ginger half a teaspoon. Everything is mixed and a sausage is formed, which is then cut into 1 cm pieces. Store the sausage in the refrigerator under a tight lid. Use 1-3 pieces.
  • Cough syrup: for 8 figs, 250 g of water. Pour boiling water over the figs and then simmer for another 20 minutes. We remove the fruits from the water, bringing its volume to required quantity by adding more water. Add sugar to taste. When the sugar dissolves, add 1 tsp ground ginger. and juice of half a lemon. After cooking, pour the mixture into a glass container. Take 3-4 dess. for adults. l. or 1-2 dess. l. children.
  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried figs are poured with a glass of boiling water, then boiled for 10 minutes on fire. After preparation, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. It is taken to eliminate colds by pre-heating over a fire.

Rules for storing and taking the decoction

Store the fig decoction in a dark place in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Sometimes it is necessary to store the broth in the refrigerator. It must be heated before use.

The daily intake of the drink is 1 glass. Therefore, you should not prepare it for more than 500 g, since it should be stored for no more than 2 days. For children daily norm is half a glass. Ideally cook healthy drink It is necessary every day, because every day the milk thickens and loses its taste.

Take a warm decoction either before bedtime 1 time, or three times a day before meals.

Figs with milk or other ingredients give their beneficial effect on the body. This fruit is very useful for pregnant women who should limit their intake of medications. However, people with stomach problems and diabetes should be careful. The drink also has an adverse effect on the body after eating, as it provokes gas formation and bloating.

If you have been fighting a cough for a long time with the help of cups, mustard plasters, compresses, ointments and other medicines, but do not feel the positive dynamics of the disease, turn to one reliable and even very pleasant traditional medicine - a decoction of figs with milk.

What are the benefits of figs??

Dried or dried figs are a highly nutritious product that has rich healing capabilities and can replenish the reserves of strength in the body of a sick person. It has excellent expectorant and antipyretic properties, which determine its ability to treat colds.

Doctors are surprised chemical composition fig fruits - they contain water, sugar in the form of glucose and fructose, in very small quantities sucrose, proteins, pectins, fiber, organic acids, vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and trace elements in large quantities - iron, sodium, potassium and others.

Figs with milk for cough

A decoction of figs with milk is a real miracle cure for cough. It is used for both adults and children. Kids love this medicine for its good taste and take each portion with great pleasure.

The recipe for preparing the product is simple. Any fig will do, both dried and fresh. The fruits must be washed well. Then they are placed in warm milk at the rate of 1 medium fruit per 1.5 glasses of milk.

Bring the milk and figs to a boil over low heat and simmer for about half an hour in a saucepan with the lid closed. Approximately 1/3 of the milk should evaporate and you will be left with 1 cup of product.

Then the pan needs to be wrapped in towels so that the figs can steam and give up their beneficial properties. When the product has cooled, give it another 2 hours to reach the maximum concentration of nutrients.

Figs with milk for other diseases

Fig decoction with milk - good medicine with inflammation of the respiratory tract. For sore throats and inflammation of the gums, you can gargle with it.

Figs also help with fever. To reduce it, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of dry figs with 1 glass of milk.

In addition to treating colds, fig fruits have a good effect on the stomach and kidneys, they are an excellent diuretic. Great content potassium makes fig decoctions effective means for cardiovascular diseases.

Figs are everyone's favorite valuable product nutrition, so you can use its decoction for a long time without fear of any side effects.

Unfortunately, even if you carefully monitor your own health, it is almost impossible to avoid various colds, which most often occur in the spring or autumn. At the first sign of illness, they use medicines, but we should not forget that such compositions are primarily chemical compounds, uncontrolled reception which may cause side effects. Therefore, you should not risk your health in vain, trying to find a universal medicine for colds without a doctor’s prescription, especially since there are a huge variety of folk remedies that successfully fight the disease in initial stage development.

Some remedies are not only effective from a medicinal point of view, but also taste very pleasant, which will undoubtedly delight young children, for example, figs with cough milk. As shown numerous reviews, it is this recipe, which has excellent expectorant properties, that helps get rid of not only an annoying cough, but also strengthens immune system person.

Before you start looking at recipes for colds, it would be useful to understand how figs are beneficial.

The fig fruit of the tree is the well-known fig. Healthy fruit has several names, for example, fig, wineberry or fig. It is fig decoction that will help get rid of coughs for both adults and children, without the use of antibiotics.

The fig tree has a huge amount of both microelements and vitamins, so the fruits are used not only to treat colds, but also to destroy pathogenic viruses that penetrate the body from the outside and, as we noted earlier, to boost immunity.


Preparations miraculous decoction It won’t take much time, and you can prepare the product using several recipes:

  1. Classic way. The decoction is prepared in the following sequence:
  • you should prepare 0.5 liters of whole milk with high fat content, you can use both goat and cow milk;
  • milk is poured into a container with a non-stick bottom and placed on the smallest burner to boil;
  • 5-6 figs, well washed in advance and dried with a paper towel to prevent the milk from curdling, are added to the base;
  • Cook the product under a closed lid for about half an hour.

The decoction is filtered after 4-5 hours. It is recommended to drink warm milk at night, and consume the fruits throughout the day.

  1. To preserve the beneficial properties of figs as much as possible, you can not add the fruits to boiling milk, but simply steam them dried figs in the amount of 5-6 pieces in hot milk, then grate and add to pre-boiled milk. It is best to use natural honey as a sweetener. A kind of cocktail is taken 4-5 times a day, 200 ml, until the cough completely disappears. According to traditional healers, If healing composition drink warm for 7-10 days, regardless of whether there are symptoms of a cold or not, the immune system will certainly become stronger.
  2. The next method differs from the previous ones in its execution technique. The ingredients are taken in the same quantities, but the fruits are placed in cold milk for infusion for about 40-45 minutes. Next, bring the milk to a boil over low heat along with the figs and immediately remove from the heat. The product should be filtered after 4-5 hours, milk should be taken warm, 3-4 glasses a day, fruits should be consumed as desired.

Any of the above recipes will help cure even too prolonged coughing attacks, since active ingredients Fig trees have a beneficial effect on both the bronchi and the inflammatory mucous surface of the nasopharynx.

During pregnancy, the composition in question can be used if the woman has not previously had an allergy to either milk or the vitamin fig fruit. Before using the composition, it is best to obtain the approval of the attending physician, since any woman in such interesting position, must especially carefully monitor the state of their own health, because otherwise the baby will not be able to fully grow and develop in the womb.

Children are allowed to take fig decoction from the age of 6, after consultation and approval of a doctor. For the first dose, it is enough to give the child 25-30 ml of the drug and check how it adjusts. children's body for a miracle cure. If there are no changes, for example redness skin, will not appear, the warm decoction can be given to children 2-3 times throughout the day, taking into account how severe the coughing attacks are.

Unfortunately, this miraculous composition also has contraindications, since the fig broth turns out to be quite sweet. Unwinding should not be used folk recipe if the doctor has previously diagnosed the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout.

You should use figs with milk to treat cough with extreme caution if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components.

Modern medicines contain various chemicals, which, one way or another, can suppress the immune system, so more and more people are resorting to folk medicine. Undoubtedly, folk remedies cannot become a panacea, but they are quite capable of complementing the therapy prescribed by the doctor and speeding up the recovery process. This is most relevant in cases when it comes to children. After all, it is the children's body that is most susceptible to attacks viral infections and colds accompanied by painful cough. Figs with cough milk are one of the most effective folk ways combating inflammatory processes occurring in the lungs.

Indications for use

A drink made from milk and figs is considered the safest possible remedy and is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of diseases accompanied by coughing attacks.

These include:

  • various forms of bronchitis;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections, sore throat;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough caused by an allergic reaction of the body;
  • hoarseness or loss of voice as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Most effective this remedy It will appear in cases where the child has a dry cough, viscous, thick sputum, and there are difficulties with expectoration. It has positive impact to the top respiratory tract, helps ease the breathing process during sinus congestion.

The healing properties of this fruit were even recognized official medicine. Besides effective fight with a cough, it will also be beneficial for certain pathologies of the heart, sharp changes blood pressure, kidney and stomach diseases, anemia and blood clots. Having calming properties, figs can normalize work nervous system, restore sleep mode.

Fig drink is not used as the main or only method of treating the disease. He is auxiliary and is used in conjunction with the doctor’s prescriptions.

Prolonged cough that does not go away for more than a week, accompanied by weakness or elevated temperature body, requires immediate medical attention.


Despite all its benefits, the milk-fig drink, like any other remedy, has some contraindications. Among them:

It also has some laxative effect.

Contraindications include intolerance to lactose contained in milk. In this case, it is recommended to use sugar syrup.

Impact on the child's body

During cooking of fig fruits, beneficial microelements and substances from them are released into a liquid medium, and due to this they are absorbed by the body much better and faster. The milk fat in the decoction gently envelops the walls of the larynx and the child’s mucous membrane, restoring damaged areas. Large quantity tannins in the drink helps relieve inflammatory processes, and acids remove accumulated toxins. Among positive qualities fruit has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, it helps normalize lung function.

Eating fig-milk mixture fills the child’s body minerals And essential vitamins, strengthening his immunity, giving strength and vigor.

The advantages of such a remedy include the fact that the child will easily agree to drink such a decoction, because it is characterized not only pleasant smell, but also taste. This medicine is presented to the child in an unusual, interesting bowl or other container, in the form of a dessert, or simply decorated with a straw.

How to properly cook figs with milk

Preparing figs with cough milk is quite simple; it does not require special effort and large time costs. There are several of the most popular and effective options preparations: from fresh fruits, from dried fruits and with the addition of ginger.

  1. Fresh fruit recipe. In the recipe, preference is given to varieties of figs that have a purple tint, since they contain the most high concentration essential oil and various organic acids. IN warm water You should wash 2-3 fruits and remove the waxy coating from them. Then place the fruit on a paper towel, remove the stems and cut into several pieces. Bring a glass of milk to a boil, then add the chopped fruit. Close the pan tightly with a lid and shake several times. After the broth has infused for a couple of hours, strain thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Dried fruit recipe. This method is considered the most effective and preferred. It is necessary to bring 1-1.5 glasses of milk to a boil, add 3 dried fruits, previously cut into several parts. As soon as the mixture boils again, reduce the heat to low and cook for 30 minutes with the lid closed. Then wrap the pan in a towel for an hour to allow the mixture to infuse. The strained broth should have a homogeneous mass. At proper preparation the drink will have a beige tint, pleasant aroma and sweet taste. The presence of cloudy liquid or white grains in it indicates a violation of the preparation technology and is not recommended for consumption.
  3. Recipe with added ginger. This recipe will allow you to do everything as quickly as possible, since it does not involve the process of cooking fruit.
    Mix chopped figs with a glass of hot milk and let stand for a while until the fruits soften. Then grate them and a small piece of ginger on a fine grater and add to the milk. The cocktail prepared in this way will be in a great way treatment of cough in a child, and will also be useful in preventing colds.
  4. Recipe without milk. If the body is lactose intolerant or if the child categorically refuses to drink milk, there is another recipe option.

Pour a dozen dried fruits with 1-1.5 glasses of water and cook for 30 minutes. Then add another 1 glass of water and the same amount of sugar, cook until the sugar dissolves. When the mixture becomes thick, remove it from the heat and add 30-40 grams of lemon juice.

Features of application

A medicinal decoction made from milk and figs should be stored in a container with an airtight lid in a cool place. If, as it cools, the consistency becomes denser and thicker, this means that the cooking technology has not been violated. If you have a cough caused by any of the above diseases, warm up the drink before drinking:

  • for sore throat or laryngitis - warm to room temperature;
  • at acute form cough - drink the mixture hot.

There are no strict restrictions on taking the milk-fig drink, but it is still necessary to take into account that drinking it after meals can lead to increased gas formation and bloating. Therefore, it is safer to drink this mixture before meals.

Dosage for children preschool age It is recommended to consult with your doctor. Children over 7 years old can be given half a glass at a time no more than 3 times a day - before breakfast, at lunch and at night. The recommendation is related to the child's likelihood of developing allergic reaction to the constituent components. Nevertheless, fig fruits do not cause harm to the body even with long-term consumption.

The doctor selects a course of treatment with this drink based on individual characteristics body and the severity of the disease in the child. As a rule, it ranges from 10 to 30 days, and treatment for a month leads to full recovery child and strengthening his immunity.

A mixture of figs and milk has long proven to be safe remedy against various forms cough in children and adults. This is confirmed by reviews from those who have tried the medicine on themselves and by official medicine. However, we should not forget that traditional methods Treatments should be used exclusively in conjunction with a doctor’s recommendations. Self-medication and the desire to limit the child’s use pharmaceutical drugs due to their chemical components, they may not only not be beneficial, but also aggravate the condition. Therefore, before taking medicines, even such safe ones as figs with milk, you should first consult with a specialist.