How to use celery for weight loss. Benefits of root celery, contraindications and methods of use How to use leaf celery for food

Celery has a strong aroma and a bittersweet, spicy taste. It used to be considered primarily a vegetable, but is now also used as a seasoning. There are three types - root, petiole and leaf.

Root celery is grown for its thick, round roots that resemble the shape of a large apple, but its leaves are also edible. The snow-white pulp of the root vegetable has pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of parsley. In addition to essential oil and vitamins, the root of the plant contains substances that have anticancer activity. The root vegetable is eaten raw, put in salads and okroshka, cutlets are made from it, added to any meat and vegetable soups. Before use, celery root should be washed well under running water and sharp knife peel off the skin. To prevent the product from darkening during chopping, it is periodically sprayed lemon juice or keep it in salt water (otherwise it will look unsightly in the salad). You can cook something like this dietary dish: celery with sour milk. Grate the peeled root on a fine grater and immediately, before it darkens, mix it with sour milk. Add some crushed walnuts, a couple of sprigs of parsley and a little crushed garlic. Tasty, healthy and no chemicals!

If you are going to boil or stew celery, keep in mind that the more it is chopped, the more flavor it will release. To preserve the vitamins in celery root, it should be immersed in boiling water and cooked in a tightly closed container.

The petiole variety is also called salad variety. It is distinguished by overgrown fleshy stems 3-4 cm thick and the absence of root crops.

The petioles are eaten raw or stewed with meat or vegetables, and they can also be salted and pickled. Tender and juicy celery stalks are an excellent addition to any salads; they go well with apples or seafood, and are also suitable for preparing vegetable stews.

Dried celery is used to make sauces and mayonnaise. He gives good taste side dishes, sprinkled on egg dishes, grilled poultry and meat, and included in spicy dry mixtures.

Leaf celery is grown for its lush greenery; it looks like parsley, but is more spicy. The leaves are used fresh, dried or pickled. Celery adds exquisite tartness to dishes made from beans, eggplant, cabbage, carrots, beets and potatoes. Greens are often used for pickling and pickling cucumbers, squash, zucchini, mushrooms...

Erotic root

The beneficial properties of celery are incalculable. Let's name at least some of them. Celery turns out to be able to slow down the aging process. The unique set of proteins, vitamins, acids and minerals it contains ensures the stability of the body's cells. Celery greens are used for healing nervous disorders resulting from overwork. The essential oil found in its roots and stems stimulates the secretion gastric juice. It is included in the menu of patients diabetes mellitus. And in ancient times, celery juice diluted with water or vinegar was used as an antiemetic.

And since ancient times, celery has been included in the collection of recipes “Erotic Cuisine of the World.” “The fragrant celery root is hidden enormous strength, / Which adds ardor to young men and burns the loins of old men with fire.” There was even a tradition of serving celery dishes to the newlyweds at the wedding ceremony. Modern nutritionists confirm that systematic use of celery root, especially fresh, pureed with apples, increases potency.

Calories with a minus sign

Celery contains a lot of water, large number fiber, and in terms of calorie content - only 18 kcal per 100 g. Celery diet is recommended for overweight, allergies, inflammation, colds, diseases thyroid gland and genitourinary system. It lasts 2 weeks, its basis is soup. To prepare it you will need 3 liters of water, a bunch of celery, the same amount of cabbage as for regular cabbage soup, 6 medium-sized onions, 2 tomatoes and bell pepper with spices. Boil the soup for 15 minutes. For two weeks, eat it in unlimited quantities, combining it with fruits, vegetables, lean chicken and beef.

But before you go on a celery diet, be sure to consult your doctor, as it is contraindicated for those who have ulcers, gastritis and other health problems!


Stewed celery with vegetables

Peel the celery roots and stalks, wash and cut into pieces, grate the carrots into strips, onions lightly fry. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop coarsely. Place celery, onions, carrots, tomatoes in a pan, add salt, pepper, a little meat broth. Simmer for about an hour.

Expert opinion

Tamara Rendyuk, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Moscow medical academy them. I. M. Sechenova:

Healing properties first of all from raw celery. Celery salads and juices – excellent remedy to maintain wellness(cleanses the body of toxins). It is also useful for hypertension, obesity, and bladder diseases. Celery renders beneficial effect on digestion, has a diuretic, mild laxative properties, increases physical and mental performance, has a positive effect on neuroses, has a beneficial effect on metabolism and hematopoietic processes. IN folk medicine used for rheumatism, kidney diseases (against the formation of stones), bladder diseases, gout. Celery is one of the main seasonings successfully used in diets in salt-free dishes, as it contains large amounts of sodium and potassium.

One of the most beneficial vegetable crops for the body is celery. The product contains many useful substances and has a small amount of calories, so it is widely used in dietary nutrition. The benefits received by the body depend on the form in which the vegetable is consumed. In this article we'll talk about how to properly cook and eat celery.

Features of the plant

Celery is a fairly common vegetable crop that grows in almost every country in the world. In total there are about twenty varieties of the plant. The most common types of vegetables are petiole and root. Leaf celery is also common and is primarily used in cooking for salads.

Celery can reach a height of one meter. This crop loves moisture and is highly resistant to frost. The stems and roots of the plant are most valued. Celery has a bright aroma and is similar in taste to parsley, only spicier.

In cooking and folk medicine, celery seeds are also used, which contain healthy oils. The vegetable is also used to make seasonings, such as celery salt.

Composition and calorie content

All types of celery are different high content useful microelements. For example, vitamin A is found in every part of the plant, be it the root, stem or leaves. Also contains B vitamins, amino acids, ascorbic acid, fiber, tocopherol and a large amount of minerals.

The plant contains few calories: 100 grams of fresh product contains 12 kcal. We can say that the calorie content of celery is close to zero, since the body spends energy on digesting such food in approximately the same quantity as it received it. Therefore, the vegetable is widely used in dietary nutrition.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of celery are due to its composition. Vitamin A promotes fat burning and also improves metabolism in the body. This item effective in the fight against skin diseases and stimulates wound healing.

Every separate element of B vitamins performs its function in the body, but in their totality positive impact turns out to be more effective. These substances are responsible for strengthening the nervous system, normalizing blood sugar and improving functioning gastrointestinal tract.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that celery is beneficial for men, as it increases potency. The plant also has a diuretic effect and promotes excretion excess liquid and toxins from the body. Celery promotes better digestion and absorption of heavier foods, so it is recommended to serve it with meat.


In certain cases, celery can be harmful to the body, as it is not suitable for consumption. of this product there are some contraindications. It is not recommended to consume vegetables during pregnancy, especially during later, as it can provoke uterine contractions, which will cause premature birth.

You should not use the plant during breastfeeding , since it contains a large amount of essential oils, which will negatively affect the baby’s health. People with gastrointestinal diseases should take the product with caution, especially if it is accompanied increased acidity gastric juice. The plant stimulates its production, which can only complicate the patient’s condition. For the same reason, the product should be discarded if there are kidney stones. In addition, celery helps cleanse the kidneys, so its use may cause unwanted kidney movement.

The vegetable activates all vital processes in the body. For example, using a product in large quantities promotes vasodilation. For this reason, the plant should be used by people who suffer from varicose veins veins, must be done with extreme caution. Daily norm in this case should not exceed 60 grams.

Can it be eaten raw?

Stem celery is eaten both raw and after heat treatment. Fresh vegetables are superior in nutritional content to processed products. The root can also be eaten raw. First, the root crop is washed and peeled.

Celery root, like potatoes, changes color when exposed to air., therefore, after the vegetable is peeled, it must be sprinkled with lemon juice or kept in water with salt. The leafy vegetable is mainly consumed in fresh. Most often, this type of celery is used as an addition to salads and other dishes.

How to cook it correctly?

The vegetable is widely used in cooking and is included in many dishes. You can use it to prepare both cold appetizers and hot dishes. Celery dishes are usually low in calories and are often used in dietary nutrition.


Celery is not only used as an additional ingredient, but also independent dishes are prepared from it. The puree from this vegetable is very tender, aromatic and healthy. Due to its low calorie content, this dish is preferable to mashed potatoes.

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • 1 kilogram of celery root;
  • 200 milliliters of cream with 20% fat content;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic.

First of all, you need to start processing the celery root. The vegetable must be washed and peeled. The product is cut into medium cubes and placed in a pan. Celery must be filled with water and brought to a boil.

Cook the vegetable for about 30 minutes at low boil. After the root has become soft, the water must be drained. Cream and peeled garlic are added to the celery, after which all products are pureed using a blender.

Pickled vegetable

Celery can be used to make delicious cold snack by marinating method. The vegetable can be prepared for the winter or for one-time use. Moreover, you can pickle both the stems and roots of celery.

To prepare a stem vegetable you will need the following components:

  • celery stalks in the amount of 12 pieces;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • a small spoon of red hot ground pepper;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 peas of allspice;
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt;
  • 2 fresh lemons;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Celery must be washed, cleared of fibers and cut into small pieces no more than three centimeters thick. You also need to wash and chop the parsley. The garlic is peeled and cut into thin slices.

Place allspice, parsley and garlic in an enamel bowl. Next, celery is placed in the container and red hot ground pepper is sprinkled on top. Pour three liters of water into another pan, bring to a boil and add granulated sugar, salt and the juice of two lemons.

Pour the hot solution over the celery. Then the vegetable must be placed under a press. To do this, cover the contents of the pan with a flat plate so that it lies on the celery and not on the sides of the container. You need to put a weight on the plate. This could be a jar of water.

Celery must be pickled under pressure in the refrigerator. The dish will be ready in three days, after which it can be eaten. To preserve celery for longer long term, it is placed in sterilized glass jars, but after it has been completely marinated.

An equally tasty appetizer would be pickled celery root.

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

  • celery root in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • 8 peas of allspice black pepper;
  • 8 buds of fragrant cloves;
  • 400 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 2 teaspoons citric acid.

The roots must be washed, peeled and cut into small cubes no larger than one centimeter. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, add salt and citric acid and place on the stove. When the liquid boils, add celery to it and cook at low boil for three minutes.

After the root has been boiled, it must be drained in a colander and washed cold water. To prepare the marinade, you need to boil 1.5 liters of water and add vinegar, peppercorns and cloves to it. The root must be distributed into glass jars that are pre-sterilized. Marinade is also added to the jars, after which the lids can be screwed on.

Cream soup

As a first course, you can make cream soup with croutons from celery.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 6 stalks of celery;
  • 300 milliliters of cream with 20% fat content;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a large spoon of lemon juice;
  • wheat bread or sliced ​​loaf;
  • a large spoon of melted butter;
  • half a small spoon of salt;
  • black ground pepper to taste.

Celery must be washed under warm water, remove dense fibers and cut. The vegetable is fried in butter until soft. Potatoes must be boiled in salted water. To reduce cooking time, each root vegetable can be cut into four parts.

After the vegetables are ready, they must be combined and chopped to a smooth consistency using a blender. Pour cream into the resulting mixture, and also add salt and ground black pepper. The soup must be brought to a boil, stirring regularly.

This cream soup is served with croutons and lemon juice. There are several ways to make croutons. The easiest option is to cut the bread into small cubes and dry it on the stove in a frying pan without oil. You can also brush pieces of bread with beaten egg on both sides, place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and place in a preheated oven to dry.


Celery casserole can be served either as a side dish for meat products or as an independent dish. This dish will be excellent option delicious and healthy dinner.

To prepare the casserole you will need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg celery root;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh carrots;
  • 400 milliliters of cream with 20% fat;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • coarse breadcrumbs.

Carrots and celery root must be washed and peeled. The vegetable is cut into thin slices. It is desirable that the thickness of the pieces does not exceed two millimeters. It is most convenient to do this cutting using a special grater.

The garlic must be chopped and added to the chopped vegetables. Products need to be seasoned with salt, pepper and water vegetable oil. Olive oil works best in this case. Place vegetables in a baking dish in layers, pouring cream on top.

When the products are laid out, sprinkle the casserole with millet breadcrumbs on top. The dish is prepared in the oven at 160 degrees for an hour. After the main time allotted for preparing the casserole has expired, it is recommended to increase the temperature in the oven by forty degrees. This is necessary so that the surface of the vegetables has a nice crispy crust.


Celery goes well with other vegetables, so it is often used to prepare light dietary salads.

To prepare spicy fresh dish The following components will be required:

  • 300 grams of stem celery;
  • 500 grams of cherry tomatoes;
  • half a red bell pepper;
  • one small hot green pepper;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

All vegetables must be washed and cut. Cherry tomatoes are divided into two equal parts, and celery is cut into pieces one centimeter thick. The pepper is cleared of seeds and cut into small cubes.

Garlic is finely chopped and added to other ingredients. The dressing for the dish is a mixture olive oil and juice of half a lemon. It is recommended to salt the salad immediately before serving.

Celery goes well not only with vegetables, but also with meat, fruits and cheese.

For cooking hearty salad With meat products The following components will be required:

  • one celery root;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • firm green sweet and sour apple;
  • 40 grams of walnuts;
  • parsley;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise for dressing.

Root celery must be washed, peeled and chopped using a coarse grater. The apple must be peeled, cored and chopped into thin strips. Walnuts crushed using a blender or a regular knife. Chicken breast cut into small pieces.

The chopped products are mixed with each other. Finely chopped parsley, salt, pepper and mayonnaise are added to the main ingredients. The salad can be made lighter if you replace the mayonnaise with a dressing of natural white yogurt with lemon juice.


A smoothie is a drink that can be prepared from vegetables, fruits and herbs. This cocktail is very beneficial for the body and is recommended to be drunk daily. Celery smoothies are often consumed during diets, as the drink reduces hunger and promotes fat burning.

In addition to celery, this drink may include other vegetables and fruits. One of the easiest options for making a smoothie is a celery smoothie with apples. To prepare it, you need to peel and cut into small pieces two green apples, two stalks of celery and two kiwis. The products must be placed in a mixing container, add half a glass clean water and blend with a blender until smooth.

How to select and store?

So that the plant brings maximum benefit body, it is important that it is fresh and unspoiled. To do this, you need to be especially careful when choosing celery. In stores you can most often find stem celery.

When choosing this type of plant, you can use the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and integrity of the stems. There should be no presence on the surface dark spots and rot. The color of the fresh vegetable is quite bright, light green.
  • On stalk celery As a rule, there are leaves on top, which should be fragrant and shiny.
  • Fresh vegetables should be firm and dense to the touch. Soft stems indicate that the product is already for a long time is in storage.

The freshness of the product is indicated by some other things, which, unfortunately, can only be checked after purchasing the celery. If you break off one stem of a fresh vegetable, you will hear a loud crunch. There is practically no fiber on the surface of the young vegetable, and the consistency of the stems is soft and contains a lot of juice.

As for storage, it is advisable to eat leaf celery as quickly as possible or make it into a seasoning, pickle or pickle it. As for root and stem vegetables, they can be stored fresh for quite a long time.

Root celery can be kept at room temperature, but no more than four days. The root can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four weeks, but must first be wrapped in cling film. The product can also be kept in sand in a cool, dark place. Then the vegetable will remain fresh for six months.

Since celery has many contraindications, it is best to eat it in combination with other vegetables.

Even more celery recipes are waiting for you in the next video.

It’s not for nothing that they say that we are made up of what we eat. Nutrition based on natural products and compliance with certain dietary standards can not only improve our quality of life, but also cure many diseases. One of the most beneficial foods for our health, which nutritionists like to recommend for consumption, is celery.

A lot of advice has been written on how to eat celery. This plant is found in many diets and is recommended for consumption by leading nutritionists around the world. The entire celery is edible, from roots to stems. Since ancient times it has been noticed that it prolongs youth and enhances sexual desire. The plant is used in diets that help Celery cleanse the body well, it removes waste and toxins, increases mental activity and general tone of the body. At daily use eating celery strengthens immune system and reduces the risk of various infectious diseases. People who know how to eat celery get sick less and feel great during the changing seasons - after all, it is at this time that it is easiest to get sick.

Eating celery is beneficial for people with high blood pressure blood pressure. The substances it contains strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, soothe nervous system and help you cope with stress more easily. One of the common reasons feeling unwell is insomnia. A person who does not sleep well feels tired and constantly irritated. His entire nervous system is in constant voltage. Celery also helps improve sleep. The roots of this plant are especially useful for strengthening the nervous system. Celery improves digestion and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps fight putrefactive processes in the intestines and prevents excessive gas production.

How to eat celery correctly?

It is best to eat celery raw, as in this case it retains all its medicinal properties. For variety, you can also eat soup to which celery is added, but in this case useful elements there will be less left in it. Freshly squeezed juice is very useful and should be taken in small quantities or added to other juices.

Nutritionists tell us how to eat celery: it can be eaten boiled, decoctions are made from its dried roots and leaves, and celery juice is drunk when dieting. The plant is added to meat dishes, fresh celery is used in salads, and can be used as a side dish.

How to eat celery in diets that promote weight loss? Diets based on this help to lose extra pounds. How to eat celery can be seen using the example of one of the common salad recipes using celery. It includes grated turnips, carrots and celery, all dressed with vegetable oil. Eating this salad daily will help you lose weight.

Today, not a single diet, with rare exceptions, is complete without celery. This green vegetable has a huge amount of useful substances that normalize the functioning of the body and help in the treatment of a number of diseases. Let's figure out what's good about celery and how best to use it in your diet.

Chemical composition of celery

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the vegetable contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. So, it contains:

  • 83.3% vitamin A, which provides reproductive function, normal development body, healthy skin;

  • 90% B-carotene, which has antioxidant properties;
  • 42.2% vitamin C, which helps the body recover, absorb iron, improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • 17.2% potassium, which is involved in regulating the acid, water, electrolyte balance of the body;
  • 12.5% ​​magnesium, which is involved in metabolism, nucleic acid and protein synthesis;
  • 15.4% sodium, which ensures the transport of glucose, water, and transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Celery also contains fatty and essential oils, chlorogenic and oxalic acids. And this is far from full list beneficial substances that form the usefulness of celery.

    Did you know? To the territory Russian Federation The plant came into use during the reign of Catherine II. At first it was grown as ornamental plant, then its medicinal properties were discovered and only many years later it was recognized as a cultivated vegetable.

    Calorie content of celery

    100 grams of product contains approximately 12–13 kcal. His energy value expressed in the following formula: 28% proteins, 7% fats, 65% carbohydrates.

    • Proteins: 0.9 g (~4 kcal)
    • Fat:0.1 g (~1 kcal)
    • Carbohydrates: 2.1 g (~8 kcal)

    Useful properties of celery

    Now let's figure out how celery is beneficial for the body. The greens of the plant are used for various diseases intestines. It copes well with dysbacteriosis, inhibits fermentation processes, regulates water-salt metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels. It has been noticed that regular consumption of the green part of the plant helps calm the nervous system, relieves depressed mood and overwork. Freshly squeezed celery juice is used in the diet. It perfectly cleanses the body, while saturating it with valuable minerals, vitamins and other microelements.

    Did you know? Celery is a plant from the Apiaceae family that lives for approximately two years. It is considered a vegetable crop, which today has several dozen varieties. It grows in almost all countries of the world.

    The properties of this plant have been studied for a long time. Celery was recommended for consumption by the ancient Greeks. But already in our times androgens - male sex hormones - were discovered in it. Therefore, with regular consumption of the vegetable, sperm quality improves in men. In addition, the benefits of celery for men include the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, since the plant has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Men are recommended to consume it raw, when it is possible to preserve its properties as much as possible, but it is also acceptable as an ingredient in dishes.

    Since celery is high in fiber, it is good for both sexes as an excellent remedy in the fight against extra pounds, waste and toxins. There is even special diet based on celery, since it is a low-calorie product.

    Celery is useful for women during menopause and painful menstruation. In such cases, it is recommended to use a water infusion of seeds. For example, women over 35 years old are recommended to drink a course of celery seed infusion four times a year, so that later menopause goes unnoticed. The same drink can be used during painful menstruation - drink only the infusion of seeds. The fact is that the roots and stems of celery in this case are dangerous for women. They contain apiol, which stimulates contractions of the inner layer of the uterus, and also, in principle, has vasodilator effect. Therefore, menstruation may increase.

    Did you know?The most valuable parts of celery are its root and stems. The seeds are often used as a seasoning in cooking, but they also have beneficial properties. Sometimes their oil is used in perfumery and pharmaceuticals. Celery salt is extracted from the root, which is rich in organic sodium.

    But in general, celery has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, and also rejuvenates the body, improving the condition of hair and nails.

    Use in folk medicine

    The most valuable is still considered celery root, which has three main therapeutic effects:

    • treats genitourinary system due to diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
    • improves digestion;
    • cleanses the blood and has an antiallergic effect.

    Therefore, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas is impaired, appetite is reduced, and flatulence is observed. To do this, it is recommended to pour 3-4 g of crushed plant root into a liter of water and leave it for at least eight hours. Strain the resulting product and apply a tablespoon three times a day.

    For inflammation duodenum It is recommended to use root juice; in this form, celery is useful for the stomach for any inflammatory processes. The juice is extracted from the roots of the plant. This can be done until mid-winter, since the beneficial properties are not preserved with longer storage. For treatment, take two tablespoons of juice half an hour before meals three times a day. Closer to spring, for this purpose, you can prepare an infusion of dried celery roots. To do this, pour two tablespoons of powder into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The infusion is taken in 50 ml doses according to the same scheme.

    Its use is effective for rheumatism and gout. In this case, you can use not only the root, but also the leaves of the plant in the same proportions with water, but they must be infused for at least four hours. From this infusion you can make compresses and rubs, which will not only reduce rheumatic pain, but also cure various kinds eczema.

    Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, celery should be used as food for urethritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, and pyelonephritis. It is also recommended to drink a decoction of celery seeds prepared as follows: 2 tsp of seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for at least half an hour. The cooled and strained broth is taken in 2 tbsp. l twice a day.

    This remedy also helps dissolve stones in bladder. In addition, you can drink celery teas, which are not only an excellent diuretic, but also dissolve salts in the body and treat colds and have a calming effect. To do this you need two full tablespoons of chopped dried herb celery pour 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. It is advisable to drink no more than two glasses of this tea per day.

    An ointment made from the leaves and stems of the plant cures purulent wounds, ulcers, rash, urticaria, lichen and others skin diseases. To prepare it, you need to mince fresh herbs along with the petioles, and mix the resulting pulp with an equal part of melted butter.

    Celery in cooking

    The intense aroma and special taste of the plant cannot but attract culinary experts. It is actively used in the manufacture various dishes most often as a seasoning that has a slightly bitter taste.

    Important! The celery that is sold in our region is the so-called scented celery. It got its name for the spicy, pungent aroma that comes from both the stem and the root. Also distinguished are petiole, leaf, and root celery.

    All parts of the plant are used in cooking. They are added to dishes made from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, and meat. The root is used in the preparation of soups, salads, egg dishes, and sauces. But best of all taste qualities celery is combined with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, and beans.

    Preparation and storage of celery raw materials

    For harvesting, it is important to choose healthy and fresh vegetable. It should have strong leaves, a bright green color, a slight shine and an intensely pleasant smell. The leaves and roots should feel strong to the touch and not have any damage. At the same time, the size of celery does not affect its beneficial properties.

    When fresh, the vegetable can be stored from three to a maximum of seven days, provided it is kept in the refrigerator. It is recommended to wrap the root crop in foil or paper, and store the green part in water or well-moistened and wrapped in a plastic bag.

    If you need long-term storage of root celery in winter, it is important to properly harvest it first. To do this, the leaves of the root crop are cut off, leaving a few petioles, the root is dipped in clay, dried and laid out on shelves in the cellar. You can also pour sand into boxes in the basement and “plant” the harvested crop in it so that the petioles remain on top. Or you can put the celery in boxes, cover it with 2-3 cm of sand and leave it in a cramped place with an air temperature of 0...+1°C.

    The easiest way to store celery is in dried form. The greens should be washed and hung to dry in a dry, dark place. Drying takes about a month. Then the tops should be ground into powder and stored in a sealed container or canvas bags in a dark place.

    For the winter, chopped celery leaves can be frozen, however, in this case the plant loses a lot of its beneficial properties. For freezing, only green branches are selected, which, after washing and cutting, are stored in plastic containers in the freezer.

    Alternatively, chopped greens can be mixed with salt at the rate of 200–250 g of salt per kilogram of tops, put the resulting mixture in jars and wait until the juice appears on the surface. Then the jars can be put away in a cool place. When using it to prepare dishes, keep in mind that you do not need to add salt to them.

    Another way to store celery is pickling. To do this, a kilogram of celery root is peeled, cut into cubes and dipped into a pre-prepared boiling mixture: a liter of water mixed with 3 g of citric acid and a tablespoon of salt. After boiling the cubes for a couple of minutes, they are taken out, cooled and placed in glass jars. Prepare the marinade in advance: for 4 glasses of water, 3-4 buds of cloves, the same number of black peppercorns, a glass of vinegar. After boiling it, pour into the jars and sterilize for 20 minutes. This way you get a savory appetizer or side dish for mushroom, meat, and potato dishes.

Celery is natural lightweight product, which contains virtually no calories. It is delicious both raw and cooked, with a variety of toppings and dressings, and most importantly, it is very nutritious. Read our article and you will learn about in various ways cooking celery.


Preparing celery

    Buy fresh celery. You can find celery at markets and most grocery stores, or you can grow it yourself in the garden.

    • The best place to find fresh celery is from local farmers. Celery can also be found in packaged form, but such a vegetable can be grown somewhere far away, sprayed with unknown things and contain a lot of pesticides.
    • Buy celery stalks whole. Make sure the stem is light green, firm and free of blemishes. A whitish, soft or cracked stem is considered already wilted, so you may want to look for a fresher product.
    • For a quick snack, you can purchase a bag of pre-chopped celery. Again, pre-chopped and packaged stems may not be very fresh, but if you're in a hurry, this is a great option.
  1. Store celery in the refrigerator until ready to use. You can store celery in the bottom drawer, tightly packed in a bag, or in a regular bowl/jar, dipping only the ends of the stalk in water to keep it fresh longer.

    Cut the stem into pieces. When purchasing a whole fresh stalk of celery, cut off the top leaves and discard their debris.

    • Cut the celery into 7-10 cm strips if you plan to season it with sauce or seasoning.
    • If you are cooking with celery or adding it to a salad, you should cut it into bite-sized pieces or smaller.
  2. Dip celery into yogurt or cream cheese.

    • Greek or regular yogurt pairs well with celery flavor, but feel free to experiment with other flavors.
    • Regular cream cheese will pair perfectly with celery, but you can also use cheese with herbs and other additives.
  3. Try dipping celery in cheese sauce. Fondue, nachos or any processed cheese will do. You can also find prepared cheese sauce at most grocery stores, but try making your own fondue.

  4. Dip celery into soup. Creamy soups like clam chowder, potato and onion soup, or even celery soup work best for this.

    • Celery can be used as a low-calorie substitute for saltine crackers or oyster crackers. Celery does not absorb soup like crackers, but you will be able to scoop soup due to its fluted shape.
    • Scoop the soup using 7-10cm strips of celery or crumble it directly into the bowl.