How to cure a severe cough in a child. Features of therapy for treating a baby. What should I do if my child has a bad cough?

So, you only need to fight a “dry” cough, in which almost no sputum is produced. It usually torments children suffering from laryngitis and tracheitis. In these cases, it is advisable to use Codeine, Glaucine and other drugs that suppress. You can also use so-called folk remedies - steam inhalation, hot milk with honey, etc.

For acute respiratory diseases The cough usually starts out as "dry" but soon becomes "wet". As mentioned above, in such cases it is better not to suppress it so that the phlegm is removed from the body. But if the cough lasts too long and the sputum is bad, mucolytic drugs are usually prescribed, that is, thinning drugs: Bromhexine, Ambroxol and the like. But they should not be used for too long, otherwise the cough may only get worse. You can also use products that improve sputum separation. These are, for example, “Mukaltin”, “Pectusin”, “Likarin” and others, they all contain extracts of various plants.

If the cough is caused by bronchitis or asthma, all of the above remedies will not help. Doctors prescribe antispasmodics, for example, "Salbutamol". Also, if you have bronchitis, you should not rub or apply cups to the chest or back, or take antibiotics. After all, they are usually caused by viruses, and on them similar drugs don't work. It is better to use hot baths with water at 39 degrees C to increase blood flow (but only if there is no elevated temperature). For cases caused by pneumonia, on the contrary, you cannot do without antibiotics.

Under no circumstances should you select remedies yourself. First of all, you need to find out the reason that caused this cough. And only a doctor can do this. He will also appoint the correct scheme treatment.

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  • a child coughs what to do in 2019

Children's illnesses have always caused a lot of trouble for parents and the children themselves. Whooping cough is especially dangerous in the first years of a child’s life. If you do not see a doctor on time, complications may occur and even death. IN modern world There are vaccinations against a, which significantly reduce the statistics of children getting this disease. It is worth noting that vaccinations are still important, despite the refusal of many mothers to vaccinate.

This disease is airborne - by drip, and penetrates the child’s blood, causing severe cough. It is caused by the whooping cough bacillus, which enters the child's respiratory tract. Whooping cough in children appears after the first week of illness. From the first days the disease begins with a slight runny nose and cough. That is, it is very similar to a cold. After a little treatment, the parent confidently sends the child to kindergarten with a slight cough. This is where all the fun begins. The child’s cough intensifies and has a paroxysmal character. The child has seizures, to the point of vomiting.

In such a situation, urgently contact a doctor, who will find out the nature of the disease using special tests. But, if a child begins to cough from the first week of illness, do not rush to draw conclusions. Just in the first week, a cough is considered normal. The duration of the disease is from four weeks to two months. In children under two years of age, whooping cough depletes the body and can even lead to pneumonia. The youngest children under one year old mandatory Hospitalization is recommended, since their immunity is still quite weak, and the child needs constant monitoring by doctors. During illness, it is worth limiting the child from communicating with other children.

“Doctor, we don’t know what to do with the cough - we treat and treat, but it doesn’t go away.” “An emergency room? Can I have a doctor at home? The child is coughing a lot and can’t sleep.” Pediatricians hear such complaints almost more often than everyone else. What is a cough, how to deal with it and is it necessary?

First of all, cough - defensive reaction body. With its help, it pushes out from the respiratory tract what the body does not need at all - from a relatively large foreign body to fine dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is lined with a special ciliated epithelium, which, with the help of mucus, drives everything foreign out, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

Coughing - a paroxysmal contraction of muscles - helps to complete this process. If there were no cough, any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia. So, a cough is necessary. But which one? Of course, the one that is accompanied by sputum production. Doctors call it productive, everyone else calls it wet.

Other types of cough - dry, barking, annoying, paroxysmal, which occurs with whooping cough - are not useful, they greatly tire the patient, interfere with his sleep, can lead to vomiting, are accompanied by muscle pain and ultimately increase respiratory failure.

That's how many unpleasant things can happen from this, in general, necessary and harmless symptom. A cough needs to be approached differently depending on its nature. All cough remedies can be divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - drugs that thin sputum, expectorants - which increase coughing, and sedatives - which reduce the activity of the cough center. In addition, some drugs have combined action- both mucolytic and expectorant.

In the treatment of cough, not only chemical drugs are used, but also a significant amount of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic remedies. In addition, to combat its different varieties, numerous physical procedures are used - from physiotherapeutic procedures, to various distractions (cupping, mustard plasters, rubbing) and, finally, chest massage, which is of particular importance in children early age who have difficulty coughing, or in patients with drug allergies.

There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough remedies. The task is always the same - to ensure that the cough turns from dry to wet and the child coughs up phlegm well. Let's look at specific situations.

Whooping cough

With this childhood infection, cough occurs due to the fact that the pertussis bacillus directly irritates the cough center. It multiplies in the nervous system. A person with whooping cough can cough from anything - loud noises, bright lights, anxiety.

The cough with whooping cough is very characteristic - it begins with a loud whistling inhalation, lasts in paroxysms for several minutes, the child simply starts coughing. At the same time, he often sticks out his tongue so that his frenulum tears. With a whooping cough from terrible tension, hemorrhages can occur in the sclera of the eyes and the skin of the chest. In young children, attacks of whooping cough (repetitions) may be accompanied by respiratory arrest.

Leaving aside the prevention and treatment of whooping cough, I will only say that drugs that thin sputum and increase its secretion (mucolytics and expectorants) are absolutely useless here. Only sedative drugs are appropriate here. nervous system and relieving cough. By the way, this “whooping cough” character of the cough persists in patients for some time after recovery from this infection (up to 1 year) and with all common colds.

"Barking" cough with so-called false croup

“False croup”, or laryngotracheitis, accompanied by narrowing (stenosis) of the upper respiratory tract, is a rather dangerous condition and requires immediate hospitalization. You can leave a child at home only if the situation is repeated frequently and the parents are fully proficient in helping such a child. However, in the latter case, he must be under the close supervision of a doctor.

The essence of the disease is swelling of the subglottic space and a decrease in the clearance for air passage. This is usually accompanied by swelling of the laryngeal mucosa and very viscous sputum. These conditions can arise from two main reasons - acute respiratory infection and allergies. For viral croup characterized by a gradual increase in events, preceding fever, and increasing cough. Allergy occurs suddenly, with large swelling and as a result sharp narrowing larynx, but it goes away just as quickly with the right help.

I repeat: in these conditions, calling an emergency or ambulance doctor is mandatory! But how can you help yourself? The child urgently needs to be “soaked”. To do this, give him large dose any mucolytic agent (if it is a mixture, it must be warm!). Start giving him plenty of water. Open a window or vent and ventilate the room! Let me in the bath hot water, take the child in your arms and enter the bath with him for 10-15 minutes.

Do not fuss, do not shout, do not scare the child - if you are worried respiratory failure may intensify. If for one reason or another you stay at home, don’t go to bed - get your child drunk warm water, give mucolytics and expectorants and other drugs prescribed by the doctor, give him steam inhalation a couple of times.

Cough with obstructive bronchitis

With obstructive bronchitis - as well as with bronchial asthma - cough occurs as constantly as shortness of breath. The essence of this condition, which occurs most often in allergic children, is that the sputum formed in the bronchi is very viscous, and the child cannot cough it up. The bronchi spasm around this viscous mucus, and exhalation is especially affected.

Unlike “false croup,” where inhalation is difficult and prolonged, here it is exhalation that becomes especially difficult. And here, as with false croup, the use of various mucolytics - agents that dilute sputum - is very important. And only when the cough becomes wet enough is it useful to use expectorants.

It is imperative to give the child something to drink - give him at least twice a day, or even more often a simple massage - beating and kneading. To do this, 10-15 minutes after giving the drug that thins the sputum, put the child on your lap, head down, and begin to give him a tapping massage with the tips of your closed fingers on the chest, periodically rubbing it with your palm and pressing from top to bottom, so that the sternum is pressed in inside. Ask your child to cough or press the handle of a spoon onto the root of the tongue. Don't be afraid of vomiting - this will liquefy the mucus.

Massage is especially important for children with allergies, for whom the use of many medications is contraindicated. The use of mustard plasters is also contraindicated for such children. Be sure to consistently give your child plenty of fluids. If the condition does not improve, shortness of breath increases - do not hesitate to call a doctor!

Cough with ordinary tracheitis and bronchitis

Most often it begins as dry, unproductive. There is no sputum. The main task is to first achieve its appearance. In the first days, use mucolytic drugs or mixed-action drugs, then expectorants. If the cough has become productive, the child coughs up phlegm well, all medications can be discontinued and proceed to chest massage. Do not forget to give your child plenty of warm solutions (fruit drinks, teas, juices). If not high temperature, you can use distractions from the first days (hot foot bath, mustard plasters, rubbing). All this, increasing blood flow to the respiratory organs, increases the appearance of sputum.

Cough with viral pharyngitis

If only the most upper sections respiratory tract - pharynx very often there is an annoying frequent dry cough accompanied by sneezing. This cough does not carry any functional load and is very exhausting for the patient. Help here may include inhalations with herbs, oils, soda inhalations, giving cough sedatives at night.

Long, persistent cough

That's enough complex problem. How to approach her? If your child coughs for a long time, he needs to be examined - show him to an otorhinolaryngologist, check the Mantoux reaction, consult a pulmonologist and phthisiatrician. It is necessary to know its long-term temperature reaction, take clinical analysis blood.

The reasons can be very different, even quite exotic. Yes, when helminthic infestation(ascariasis) there is a stage of passage of roundworm larvae through the lungs, which causes a prolonged severe cough in the spring and autumn. But most often prolonged cough depends on the unsatisfactory condition of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, on its allergization, chronic inflammation. Then the child may constantly produce mucus, and he will try to cough it up. These conditions must be treated by specialists.

Often a child has a cough for 3-4 weeks after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection. This cough is aggravated by the parents themselves, giving the child cough mixtures, which, having a mucolytic and expectorant effect, themselves provoke this cough. So, if you have achieved a wet cough and good expectoration in the child, which usually takes 4-5 days, stop giving these remedies, switch to massage and warm drinks. The cough will go away myself.

Article provided by the magazine "Our Baby"


Yesterday the child returned as a lady with a dry cough. I started giving him the proven remedy Prospan syrup. Soon the dry cough will turn into a wet one and it will become easier to clear the phlegm.

09.02.2017 14:19:20, Marinka_tangerine

We have been using Prospan syrup for coughs for a long time. Many doctors praise him, and so do mothers. It quickly transforms a dry cough into a wet form. My children really like its taste, and I like the result.

Thank you for the useful and interesting article.
The cough does not go away for a long time even in case of pneumonia. Unfortunately, doctors cannot always recognize it after listening to the patient. Sometimes it is necessary to do fluorography to understand what is the reason for a cough that does not go away for a long time: [link-1]

04/04/2016 19:11:57, Olga888

I'm in home medicine cabinet I always take Gedelix - it is a herbal expectorant. Helps from the first day of its use, affects both dry and wet cough, it is allowed for children from birth. It helps quite quickly and is not addictive.

03/24/2016 23:55:58, Angelina's Mom

At bronchial cough The pediatrician prescribed Prospan syrup to drink to remove phlegm. My overall health also improved; it turned out to be antimicrobial. The child liked the taste and drank it with pleasure. We were cured quite quickly and, most importantly, without consequences.

you need to gargle, put on socks with mustard, well, if everything is completely neglected, antibiotics of course

Having two children, I constantly deal with coughing. I went through a lot of medications, considering that my son has allergies. And then one day the pediatrician prescribed Prospan. It contains natural herbs, so it is practically natural. The cough goes away very quickly and the child sleeps peacefully at night after the first use.

11/19/2015 16:09:05, Magomedova

oh, cough! How we don’t love it! We thought for a long time about what to do, but in the end, with the help of syrup and Tylaxin, we cured it. Don't forget to gargle with salt and soda

We need to strengthen our immunity, friends! The doctors advised me to take Tylaxin

Comment on the article "What to do with a cough? Treating a child's cough"

talking about a child? barking cough this is very similar to large inhalations in such cases, no, they haven’t tested it, but the cough doesn’t happen so often, he has a sore throat and this cough in turn. cough A loud, barking cough appears, at first dry and unproductive due to irritation...


The pediatrician prescribed nebulizer inhalations for my son for a barking cough. He is allergic, so I asked for something harmless. As a result, Prospan drops worked for us. The cough began to change after a couple of days, and it was cured.

Last year, for example, we discovered a terrible allergy to birch, alder, hazel, the child came home from the garden at the end of April with frequent heavy breathing and a cough with swelling, it turned out to be obstructive bronchitis, the birch tree was blooming at that time. We went to the ambulance with a seizure, were discharged for May, things got worse, we were treated again throughout May, this year we tracked the beginning of flowering on the website ( and stopped going outside. You need to exclude connections with respiratory allergens.

A cough from lazolvan can’t go away, it’s better to look at what it does. Children cannot cough up the amount of sputum that you have. The child has had a cough for 4 weeks. Now he coughs rarely, very wetly, but very strongly. On the advice of doctors. Cough like whooping cough.


Girls, thank you all, the night went peacefully, I even slept, even though on the carpet, the floor is not very comfortable :), we have a small children's room, so there is sleeping place only on the floor :) Today the child is better, the cough is much less frequent, but it’s still dry, we breathe in saline solution and ventilate it. My mistake was that on Saturday I took the children out for half an hour; it was chilly, but apparently fresh air is not always useful, I guess.

Antihistamines and an ambulance, they will relieve a coughing attack. That’s how we ended up in the hospital with false croup 1st degree. There was terrible green snot and there was no pace either.

Sputum accumulates and the child coughs it up in the morning. A morning cough may be due to snot that runs down the back wall of the throat. It seems to me that you no longer need inhalations with Lazolvan, since your cough is wet and the child clears his throat.


And the doctor told me that you can’t rub it at night, you have to do all the warming up during the day. That's why the child coughs in the morning. Warming up improves sputum discharge; the child needs to move, and you put him to sleep. Sputum accumulates and the child coughs it up in the morning. I always warm up during the day. And they are good for coughs herbal teas. Well, don’t forget about vitamins. I give my friends vetoron during illnesses, and even then. It strengthens the immune system.

Stodal helped me well. And it seems to be herbal, not chemical.

Dry, hoarse cough, croupy, barking; we can hear the sound of sputum, which the child cannot cough up. A feeling that a lot of phlegm has accumulated in the chest, but nothing or very little is coughed up. A child has a cough: what medications will help?


Yulechka, we all suffer from the same crap. First Anton with pneumonia, then my husband, now Aliska, me and my mother with obstructive bronchitis, but if Alisa and mom immediately started drinking, then I still feed Marusya and don’t drink yet, and I’m not happy at all. I’ll watch for another day and drink. Feeling like your lungs will fly out of your mouth: dry cough to the point of vomiting, nothing helps, head hurts, sternum hurts(((
Walks around Moscow viral pneumonia. Very fast and atypical. There are a lot of patients. Families, right. Some people are lucky and end up with bronchitis, others are less lucky. The therapist told me that if everyone had a culture taken, the statistics would be official. According to them, it is mycoplasma pneumonia, but who knows.
Don't joke and don't drag your feet. Take a photo!

Unfortunately, self-medication is more likely to cause harm. Fluorography is required. I had one myself in May acute bronchitis, that I couldn’t breathe (((the emergency doctor even diagnosed me with bronchial asthma out of fright (((So don’t delay, but go to the clinic and rule it out first severe forms pulmonary diseases.

A peculiar type of dry cough is a barking cough, which occurs when the larynx is inflamed - laryngitis. In fact, why is this cough dry? It's very simple: if a child does not clear his throat, what to do with a cough? We treat a child's cough.


And even better than any medicine: plenty of fluids, as much fresh air as possible, and the child’s bedroom should be cool and humid, and of course, clean! Good luck, don't get sick!

Thanks to everyone for the advice. We got a compression inhaler from a friend and we’ve done inhalation with Lazolvan twice already - it seems to be better.

A child’s cough is a real test for the baby and his parents. Many people, faced with this problem, begin to think about what to do if their child has a severe cough.

To help the baby, parents should seek help from a competent doctor, since only he can determine the type of disease that caused the unpleasant and painful symptom.

Important! It is worth remembering that a cough is only a symptom of a disease, which means it is necessary to find the root cause of the disease.

In this case, a cough can develop into serious and dangerous diseases for the baby’s health. How before parents turn to doctors for help, the more likely it is that the cough will not leave any consequences.

Why does the child cough?

When the baby starts to get sick, parents want to know why the child has a strong cough at night, what to do similar situation to alleviate his condition. Typically, a severe cough can be caused by viral infection, common colds, sore throat, pneumonia and many other serious illnesses.

In each specific case, the cough is accompanied by additional symptoms, which parents should pay close attention to. Subsequently, this will help to establish as accurately as possible the source of the painful symptom, because of which every night becomes a real test for the whole family.

A cough in a newborn baby may indicate serious changes in the body, which are provoked by diseases such as:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

It is worth noting that cough in infants in some cases is a reflex and normal. This is due to the fact that young children are not able to get rid of accumulated mucus on their own. As a result, the body tries to free the nasal cavity and throat from it with the help of a reflex cough. In this case, the child may cough up to 20 times per day.

Moreover, a severe cough can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body to an allergen. This very often happens during the period of first complementary feeding, when in addition to breast milk, fruit and vegetable purees and milk porridges are introduced into the baby’s diet. Therefore, the first complementary foods should be introduced according to all the rules, which some parents neglect. Packages of cereals and purees always have instructions for use, which should be carefully studied. If the label says that on the first day the child can only be given 1 teaspoon of puree, then this recommendation should be strictly followed.

Why does my cough get worse during sleep?

Adults often wonder why a child has a strong dry cough, what to do and how to help the child in this situation. If a child has a severe dry cough, then this is a good reason to contact a pediatrician, as he may indicate the infectious nature of the unpleasant symptom. Attacks of night cough require mandatory consultation with a competent doctor and close attention parents. Such a cough exhausts the small body and prevents the child from sleeping.

Probably, many parents have noticed that if a child can cough only a few times during the day, then at night the cough may not stop at all. This is due to the fact that mucus and sputum in the nasopharynx can only be absorbed in an upright position. When a child goes to bed, there is a copious accumulation of mucus, which causes a severe night cough. During sleep, blood circulation and lung function slow down.

Almost all diseases of the nose and lungs worsen in winter period when the risk of hypothermia increases. Therefore, parents should dress their child warmly, but at the same time prevent the child from overheating. It will be much better if I harden the baby from the first days of his life. Hardening has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs and respiratory tract and strengthens the immune system. Thanks to this, the child will get sick extremely rarely or will never know what it is like. night cough and sleepless nights.

Attention! Parents must understand that self-medication in relation to young children is fraught with serious consequences and complications, so you should not trust folk methods and rely on your own experience.

Cough at night: effective first aid

If your child starts coughing a lot at night, then you can ease his suffering. Many people want to know how to relieve a very severe cough in a child, what to do to stop the attack. Today there are a number effective ways reduce cough at night, the list of which includes:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • reducing the air temperature in the room;
  • installing a humidifier in the child’s room;
  • frequent changes in the position of the baby.

Most medications, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures, are contraindicated for children under 6 months of age. So, you can’t do baby steam inhalations, rubbing the chest, taking antihistamines. If the cough is caused by an allergy, then it is necessary to quickly determine what exactly the child is reacting to. Only eliminating the allergen will help your newborn baby fall into a restful sleep.

When your baby has a coughing attack at night, drinking plenty of fluids will help ease his condition. The liquid softens a hard cough and helps remove mucus from the bronchi. You can give it to your baby warm water, chamomile decoction, milk. Children over 6 months old can be given herbal teas, breast milk, and broth.

Infants can drink 1 teaspoon of herbal tea 2-3 times a day, and children over 4 years old can drink 1 tablespoon of decoction 3 times a day. Before you start giving your child any decoctions and teas, you should consult your local pediatrician, since the child may have an allergic reaction to some components of the drink.

When a child’s cough reflex begins, mothers try to get as much information as possible about what causes the child’s severe cough. one year old child what to do and how to behave. If your baby coughs a lot at night, then the first thing you need to do is wake him up and get him to his feet. In an upright position, the cough usually stops. After this, you need to ventilate the room and increase the humidity level in it. If you don't have a humidifier, you can use one in winter. in a simple way: can be hung on batteries wet towels, things.

After airing and moistening the room, the child should be placed in the bath. The steam in the room will help soften the mucus in the bronchi and lungs, making it easier to release. If a child’s cough starts at night, then he should not be given any medications. Better do it simple steps, given above, and go to the doctor in the morning.

How to treat cough in children?

When a child begins to cough during sleep, many parents begin to panic. After all, not every parent knows what can cause a child’s severe night cough, what to do and what to do to alleviate it. Children under 6 years of age are treated for cough with medications that suppress the cough reflex. But these drugs are used only in the most difficult situations when the cough is not associated with inflammatory processes in the lungs.

It is worth remembering that medications can be given to children only after consultation with a doctor. In no case should you resort to cough suppressants without a prescription, as this can have a bad effect on the baby’s health.

For example, whooping cough affects not the lungs, but the brain. Such drugs block cough receptors, so the child feels relief and does not suffer from coughing. Moreover, medications that block coughs may be prescribed when unpleasant symptom called external factors. The fumes, smoke or accumulation of dust along with the air enter the lungs, causing the body to try to get rid of foreign substances through coughing.

If you want to know what to do if your child is coughing a lot wet cough, then the first thing you need to do is visit a pediatrician. Only he can pick effective treatment, which will help completely eliminate the disease and the symptoms caused by it. Expectorants are used to thin mucus and expel it quickly. Taking these medications helps increase sputum, so the child can cough fully.

Expectorants for young children are available in syrups, which makes them easier to take. Don't panic if your child coughs even more after taking them. This is due to the fact that the medicine dilutes sputum, leading to its increase. The body tries to free itself from it with the help of a reflex cough. When all the mucus has left the lungs, the child will stop coughing.

Important! How faster lungs and the bronchi will be freed from mucus, thereby less likely that complications will arise.

You can purchase expectorant medications for children at any nearby pharmacy. On display cases you can see dozens or even hundreds of syrups that thin phlegm. In addition, expectorants can be presented in the form herbal teas, herbal collections from which you can prepare a decoction. But taking any drug must be agreed with your doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Especially when it comes to the health of a child.

Drinking plenty of fluids is no less effective than expectorant medications on phlegm. However, this method of treating cough does not cause allergic reactions, overdoses and side effects. In any case, at the first manifestations of cough, you should contact your local pediatrician, since only he will be able to diagnose accurate diagnosis and select the most effective and safe drugs.

Night coughs in children are not uncommon. It may appear after a cold or as independent symptom. A child’s severe, painful dry cough prevents him from fully sleeping and restoring strength. If a child coughs heavily at night, chokes on saliva, attacks intensify, fever rises, breathing is difficult, and treatment does not help, you should urgently consult a doctor. Hospitalization may be required.

A dry cough at night may indicate the development of a disease or simply indicate “heavy” air in the bedroom - this situation obliges to consult with your doctor

Causes of cough at night in children

A child's cough at night is protective reflex(see also: ). Sometimes healthy people They also cough. This normal reaction, freeing the mucous membrane from irritants - dust and microbes.

If small child coughs at night and in the evenings, but not during the day, this indicates a malfunction in the body. You need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The level of “wetness” of a cough during sleep depends on what pathogen caused it. It can be dry or wet.

During the day, the baby does not suffer from a cough, but at night and when falling asleep, in a lying position, coughing occurs. severe attacks that are not easy to stop. Why does a child suffer from a dry cough at night? The whole point is that in supine position mucus accumulates in respiratory tract and blocks them. The body is trying to get rid of it, to cough up. A dry cough, unlike a wet one, is unproductive; it does not contribute to the discharge of sputum. Based on duration, it can be divided into 3 types:

  1. acute, lasting 2-4 weeks;
  2. post-infectious, lasting 3-8 weeks;
  3. chronic - more than 8 weeks.

What causes a cough that appears in the evenings and at night:

  • ARVI, colds. Dry night cough is typical for initial stage diseases.
  • Laryngitis. It is characterized by a barking cough and inflammation of the larynx.
  • Pharyngitis. It causes constant soreness and tingling in the throat.
  • Asthma. IN mild form it can cause this condition at night and in the morning.
  • Spicy or chronic bronchitis. At acute form dry cough gradually gives way to wet cough.
  • Allergic reaction. It can be triggered in a child at night and in the evening by dust, plants or pets.
  • Whooping cough. This rare disease, because all children are vaccinated against it, but it cannot be completely excluded.
  • Stomach reflux. The baby experiences a sensation similar to heartburn; acid from the stomach enters the oral cavity and causes the desire to cough.
  • Pathology cardiovascular system. The cough is accompanied by shortness of breath and increased fatigue.
  • Chronic cough after treatment of bronchitis or whooping cough. Intrusive, persistent attacks, worsening during sleep. After whooping cough, it can last up to six months.
  • Exacerbation chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. Mucus constantly accumulates in the nasopharynx and makes you want to cough up.

It is strictly prohibited to independently diagnose a night cough, much less prescribe treatment; The child must be examined by a specialist!

The child sometimes coughs at night quite harmless reasons, which are easy to fix:

  • Mucus from the nasopharynx entering the mouth. This happens when a baby's baby teeth are cutting. This physiological process and it does not require any treatment.
  • Foreign body. It may partially block the airways.
  • Cold or dry air in the bedroom. It irritates the mucous membrane and provokes coughing.
  • Chemicals. May cause irritation to the baby. It could be disinfectants, hairsprays, mosquito repellents, air fresheners.

Dry cough throughout the night

If a small child coughs all night long, this condition has an extremely negative impact on his general health. He cannot fully rest and gain strength. A paroxysmal, painful night or evening cough that occurs in a horizontal position should be treated by a specialist. This course is typical for many diseases, and it is impossible to make an unambiguous diagnosis based on one symptom.

The cough is severe with attacks to the point of vomiting, and the child is choking on saliva

If your temperature also rises, you should call an ambulance medical care and hospitalize the baby, since when the disease starts, loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest occur. Cough with whooping cough is very specific, so a qualified specialist will determine the disease by ear.

Cough that gets worse in the morning

A prolonged cough in the morning indicates heart failure or gastric reflux. This condition cannot be ignored.

If a cough in a lying position intensifies significantly in the morning, this is a formidable symptom, also characteristic of bronchial asthma. The baby coughs violently, almost suffocates, but the sputum does not come out. The sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis.

How to cure a child's cough during sleep?

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If a child coughs in his sleep, he must be treated and the disease should not be left to chance. Assign medicines and only a doctor can perform the procedure depending on the diagnosis. Children, especially those under one year old, are very sensitive to all diseases, and some procedures can harm them, so it is very important not to self-medicate.

The child’s bedroom must always be humidified and ventilated

If your baby coughs in his sleep, this condition can be relieved or alleviated in simple ways:

  1. The air must be clean and sufficiently humidified. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room, if possible, use a humidifier or simply place a bowl of water next to it. The same effect will happen if you hang wet towels on the radiator.
  2. Observe drinking regime- The baby should drink a lot. It's better if it is plain water no additives. Older children will benefit from a decoction of rose hips and other herbs that will support the immune system and help remove toxins from the body. An old proven moisturizer sore throat– hot milk with a piece of butter.
  3. Rinse your child's nose before going to bed. This will help moisturize the mucous membrane and remove mucus. If necessary, you can use nasal drops if the cause of the cough is excessive mucus production.


  • To relieve symptoms, the baby is given medications to suppress the cough reflex. As a rule, these are Sedotussin, Sinekod, Butamirat, Bronholitin, Levopront and others. There are children's medications for plant based(Mukaltin, Bronchostop, Alteyka), but when choosing such a medicine, one should take into account that they can cause allergic reactions.
  • If a severe cough is caused by an allergy, then you need to remove all possible allergens from the room and give the child antihistamine(more details in the article:). Fenistil is most often prescribed in drops. It happens that a dry cough is caused by an allergy to antipyretic medications. Then you should stop taking it.
  • Treatment for gastric reflux will be prescribed by a gastroenterologist. He will write out special drugs and make up your diet.
  • For ARVI and colds without fever, warming ointments will help: Badger, Doctor Mom, Vicks. They will ease breathing and warm inflamed organs. This procedure can be performed on children aged 2-3 years.
  • A prolonged cough with fever caused by ARVI or bronchitis is treated with antibiotics (Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin, Azithromycin). Well proven homeopathic medicines with herbal extracts (Pectolvan ivy, Gedelix, Prospan, Doctor Mom, Travisil).


Inhalations are recognized as very effective means with a dry cough. However, they can only be done when normal temperature bodies. For some diseases, inhalations are also contraindicated (allergy, laryngitis).

Inhalations with saline and mineral water(Borjomi, Essentuki No. 17) is done before bed to moisturize the mucous membrane. Therapeutic effect provide inhalation with a solution of sea or table salt, soda or mixture medicine(for example, Berodual) and saline solution. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the solution. Inhalation is useful folk method- with boiled potatoes.

You can relieve a coughing attack at night using inhalations

For young children, it is better to carry out inhalations using a special device. However, if you don't have one, it is quite possible to use a kettle or saucepan. Hot solution placed in a bowl, the child bends over it, and is covered with a towel on top. The inhalation procedure lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. You need to carefully monitor your baby so that he does not get burns.

If hot inhalation cannot be carried out, the attack can be stopped using special device for cold inhalations - nebulizer. The mucous membranes will quickly become moisturized and the cough will calm down.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also widely used. Most effective medicinal herbs have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antimicrobial effect: licorice root, plantain, primrose, thyme, thyme and others.

Also traditional medicine recommends sucking buckwheat honey, but not more than one teaspoon per dose. This recipe is only suitable for babies over 1 year old. Popular breast training, which are sold in pharmacies: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Warm tea with raspberries, rose hip decoction and hot milk with ¼ teaspoon of soda help well.

Raspberry tea is not a panacea, but it is excellent remedy cough

For older babies, you can do it on your back and chest compresses made from mustard, boiled potatoes, fat, alcohol solution and honey. All ingredients are mixed, placed in a clean bag, then in a diaper. The resulting compress is left for at least an hour.

Prevention and diet

For dry night cough, a diet is indicated. It necessarily includes foods and dishes that stimulate the immune system and dilate the bronchi:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • oatmeal;
  • raw radish salad;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • fruits: grapes, persimmons, bananas, oranges, tangerines;
  • fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries.

When coughing, a balanced and fortified diet is recommended

To prevent your baby from developing a debilitating dry cough at night, you need to:

  • maintain hygiene in the children's room, regularly carry out wet cleaning, remove all allergens;
  • frequently ventilate the room;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • pay attention to any changes in the baby’s health status and begin treatment for colds in a timely manner;
  • support the child’s immunity;
  • maintain a daily routine, go to bed at the same time;
  • provide good nutrition and taking vitamins.

A severe cough in a child is a sign of a weakened body or the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract.

Ignoring the urge to cough leads to complications: shortness of breath, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and other problems. The task of parents is to take timely measures, about which we'll talk in the article.


Very strong frequent cough in a child with fever - a clear sign diseases. This is an acute respiratory infection, a sore throat. In any case, before taking action, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

If it bothers you at night

The causes of a child’s severe, incessant cough at night are determined depending on the child’s age. If a newborn coughs, it is possible that mucus from the nose got into the throat during sleep. Also, the option of being in mother's milk allergens, if the reflexes began after feeding. This is not a harbinger of disease. During the day, the baby will clear his throat and the urge will go away, and it is advisable to give the mother breast milk to a special laboratory to check its composition. Also, wheezing in a child at night is a sign that the small body is fighting an infection.

Why do I have a constant cough in the morning?

The reason for a child’s severe cough in the morning is that the sick child lay in a horizontal position all night.

If the baby’s body is struggling with any disease, mucus accumulates during sleep and is not able to come out. Upon awakening small body trying to get rid of large quantity sputum, and this is achieved with great difficulty.


A constant strong cough in a child with bronchitis or any other disease, leading to vomiting, is a reflex.

There are vomiting receptors at the base of the tongue and in the pharynx. During strong urges, the walls of the pharynx become irritated, which causes erroneous initiation of vomiting. The body receives a false signal to reject food from the stomach. At the same time, the baby does not feel either nausea or chills. Vomiting is also observed in gastrointestinal diseases and whooping cough.


When the urge to cough is accompanied by a rough barking sound, this is a sign of laryngitis. Along with this, the child feels pain in the chest, suffocates and wheezes.

No temperature

A very severe cough in a one-year-old child without fever is a sign of allergies, blockage of the respiratory tract, inhalation of a toxic substance or ingestion of a foreign body. In such cases, the baby’s skin changes color, headaches appear, and cases of loss of consciousness become more frequent.

How to treat expectorant cough?

Every parent should know how to remove and treat a strong expectorant. The cough reflex is not a disease, but its cause. Therefore, suppressing the urges is not enough; you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance.

How can I help quickly?

Before relieving a child of a cough and trying to quickly help him, you need to make sure that the urge does not pose any danger - for example, it has been detected common cold. In this case, it is enough to provide the baby with warm drinking plenty of fluids, put ½ teaspoon of honey under the tongue twice a day, give vitamins that restore immunity. It is advisable to limit the child from contact with people for several days: no kindergarten or clubs until complete recovery.

To prevent your baby from getting sick, do not forget about prevention. You need to make sure that he eats properly, drinks enough water (100 ml per 1 kg of weight per day) and does not get hypothermic.

Regular intake of vitamins – natural and tablets – is important (in the latter case, consultation with a doctor is required). To immunity healthy body strengthened, you need to accustom your baby to sports, regular hygiene and hardening.

What else can I do to stop?

Complete elimination of severe cough in children depends on how and with what to treat the child (with what intensity!). Ideally, therapy should be comprehensive: using medications, massage, preventive measures and, of course, positive emotions.

How to relieve a child’s severe cough with back massage:

  1. Place the patient on his stomach.
  2. For 10 minutes, lightly tap the baby’s back with the costal side of your palms in the “shoulders-to-belt” direction.
  3. Every 2 minutes the patient should be helped to cough.

Young parents are advised to trust a massage therapist. To massage children at home in order to relieve them of a severe cough, you need special training. Many medical centers conduct training courses for young parents, the program of which includes therapeutic massage.

Are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics for severe coughs in children are prescribed by a pediatrician. Antibiotics are useless for viral diseases. This type of medicine is appropriate if the cause of coughing is a bacterial attack on the body.

Common antibiotics prescribed to children: Ampiox, Loraxone, Cefpirom, Sumamed, Klabax, Ofloxacin. Children are prescribed antibiotics in the form of syrups and suspensions.

What medications should I give to relieve dry spells?

Folk remedies are the first thing adults resort to when treating children. If they do not help, parents are lost because they do not know how to relieve and stop a child’s severe cough.

What can you give your child if he has a severe cough?

  • Butamirat;
  • Codterpin;
  • Glycodin.
The listed drugs, as a rule, do not imply long-term therapy, because can lead to stagnation bronchial secretion and progression of the infectious process.

How to make it easier for a baby?

Causes of severe cough infant do not always relate to diseases. A severe cough in a baby is caused by dry nasal mucosa - a regular cough will help with this. saline solution in the form of drops.

To ease the urge to cough in a baby, you can add liquid honey to strained breast milk. Also, do not forget to regularly humidify the air in the children's room and often take your baby for walks. fresh air(but not in cold weather!).

Features of treatment in adults

The course of treatment in an adult is accompanied by taking medications. An adult treats a lingering dry cough with tablets, sprays, syrups, and antibiotic injections.

Regarding folk remedies, then an adult is allowed to apply hot salt to his chest, wrapped in paper and thick layer towels You can’t experiment like this with babies, because you could inadvertently burn their thin, sensitive skin.

Adults drink more often herbal infusions, while kids resist this treatment method due to bad taste drink

Useful video

For information on treating a child’s cough using a nebulizer, watch the following video:


  1. Relieving a cough attack at night is carried out with antitussive drugs.
  2. Morning attacks should not be stopped forcibly. The child must cough up what has accumulated in the respiratory tract during the night.
  3. Cough treatment involves integrated approach. Only a doctor can tell you what to do and how to help your child if he has a severe cough. The course of medication and other aspects related to the patient’s health are agreed upon with him.
  4. The information contained in the article is provided for informational purposes only.