Cough with sputum in a 2 month old child. Causes of wet cough in children and methods of treating it. The dangers of hot inhalation treatment

A wet cough in children is a protective reaction of the body to the presence in the bronchi and lungs mucus, phlegm or pus. Doctors consider this symptom much preferable to dry.

But due to poorly developed, incompletely formed respiratory muscles, children often cannot cope with a wet cough on their own, without medical care. About how to treat a wet cough in a child, we will tell you in the article.

Characteristics of the disease

In medicine, a wet cough is also called productive.

It helps remove foreign mucus from the respiratory tract, which irritates cough receptors.

This kind of cough is not independent disease . This is a symptom characteristic of respiratory diseases.

It is a spasmodic sharp exhalation, accompanied by a reflex contraction of the corresponding respiratory muscles. In case wet cough this process ends with the release of a mucous substance (sputum).


The main cause of a wet cough is accumulation of foreign mucus in the respiratory tract. It can form as a result of:

  1. Diseases caused by viruses (ARVI or) and bacteria.
  2. to environmental irritants.
  3. Poor air condition.
  4. A common runny nose (in this case, mucus flows down the back wall nasopharynx, irritating cough receptors).
  5. Unbalanced nutrition combined with improper drinking regime, since the formation of mucus in the body is promoted by whole milk, bakery products and low consumption of clean water.

Also, a wet cough may appear as a result of cardiac pathology. vascular system, which is closely related to respiratory function.

What diseases can be accompanied?

Large amount of mucous substance formed in the lungs and bronchi during the following diseases:

  • ARVI and influenza;
  • pleurisy and;
  • and tracheitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pathologies of the heart muscle.

Accurate diagnosis A disease that causes cough with sputum production can only be diagnosed by a pediatrician after a general examination and the necessary studies.

Associated symptoms

A wet cough in viral and infectious diseases is usually accompanied by febrile conditions and elevated temperature.

If they last longer than three days, then this is considered dangerous symptom, in which it is necessary to call a doctor.

Also parents should be alert following signs for wet cough:

If a wet cough is accompanied by at least one of the listed symptoms, then this is a serious reason to consult a pediatrician for help.

With and without fever

Majority infectious diseases, affecting the respiratory tract, are accompanied by an increase in temperature. A wet cough usually develops two to three days after the onset of illness, continuing after the temperature normalizes.

If a wet cough is accompanied by an elevated temperature for more than three days, then this most likely indicates a complicated course of the disease - pneumonia, etc. In this case, the sputum takes on a light brown color.

Wet cough without temperature rise typical for:

  • bronchial asthma and allergic reactions(sputum here can be transparent and thick);
  • heart failure and gastrointestinal pathologies (slight separation of white or clear mucus);
  • chronic bronchitis or tracheitis (profuse discharge of foamy or transparent substance).

Tuberculosis most often accompanied not only by a wet cough, but also by a stable temperature between 37 and 38 degrees, rising in the evening.

The main sign that parents of a child with a wet cough should watch for is his general health.

Lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite and causeless whims are considered serious reasons for concern. When a cough leads to recovery, the baby strives to move, is active and can eat.

Why is it dangerous?

In children, the muscles responsible for the cough reflex are not fully formed. For this reason, the child may Can't cope with coughing up all the phlegm.

As a result, congestion is likely to develop in the lungs and bronchi. This can serve as a prerequisite for pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy and other complications.

A wet cough in children must be treated by first identifying the cause of its occurrence.


The main task of the pediatrician when examining a child with a wet cough is exclusion of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, oncology etc. For this, the doctor:

After analyzing the primary results, the doctor may refer you to fluorography or fluoroscopy, and also ask for a sputum test. When diagnosing the causes of a wet cough, it is standard to take a cardiogram to exclude pathologies of the heart muscle.

In the absence infectious causes wet cough The pediatrician refers the patient to an allergist or gastroenterologist.


When treating diseases in children that are accompanied by a wet cough, it is necessary to avoid dehydration, signs of which are rare urination (less than once every three hours) and a dry tongue.

To do this, children need to be offered water, compote, juice and other drinks, Not causing allergies , with a temperature of 36-37 degrees, that is, close to body temperature.


All medications, prescribed for cough, are divided into:

  • cough suppressants that suppress the cough reflex;
  • expectorants - for maximum removal of mucous substance from the respiratory system.

For wet coughs, cough suppressants are usually not prescribed because they will lead to stagnation of sputum in the respiratory tract.

Expectorants drugs, in turn, are divided into:

  • resorptive, promoting the production of sputum by the bronchi and lungs;
  • reflex, strengthening the cough reflex;
  • mucolytics, thinning sputum, facilitating its removal.

In most cases, children are prescribed drugs with mucolytic influence.


In the first month of life, a wet cough can be treated only in hospital settings, since the muscles of the respiratory system cannot cope with a large volume of sputum.

In this case, the baby can be connected to an oxygen machine and prescribed intramuscular injections antibiotic (ceftriaxone).

To avoid dehydration, the baby is given a saline drip.

Up to two years

At this age, the safest and most effective mucolytic drug is "Gedelix" based on ivy extract. It is given orally, diluted in water, according to the instructions.

Ointment can also relieve the baby's condition "Eucalyptus" from Dr. Theis. Rub the ointment on the breasts, the area between the shoulder blades, calves and feet.

From 2 to 6 years

For this period of a baby’s life, the choice of medications to thin sputum is somewhat larger:

  • syrup "Doctor MOM" and an ointment of the same name based on 11 healing components;
  • medicine with licorice root, which can be ordered at production department pharmacies;
  • "Bronchicum C" in the form of syrup;
  • "Linkas" and other products based on herbal ingredients.

From 6 to 12

Most Popular the following drugs:

  • mucaltin with marshmallow extract in the form of tablets, which are diluted in a tablespoon of water before use;
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Lazolvil";
  • “Ospan.”

All these remedies not only thin the mucus, but also relieve bronchospasm.

From 12 to 18

At this age, the respiratory muscles are fully formed. Therefore, drugs may include substances of a resorptive nature, increasing mucus production:

  • Acetylcysteine;
  • "Bronchipret";
  • "Solutan";
  • "Bronchosan";
  • "Bronchofit" and others.

It should be remembered that when treating a wet cough at any age, you should not take cough and expectorant medications at the same time, as this may lead to mucus stagnation.


For children, inhalations are in the best possible way treatment. They can be done using:

  • ultrasonic nebulizer (compression is not suitable due to large size and loud noise during operation);
  • "Romashka" apparatus or steam bath.

When using a nebulizer, all drugs are diluted with saline solution, which you buy at the pharmacy or make yourself by dissolving 2 g of ordinary salt in 250 ml of water. In a nebulizer for the treatment of wet cough The following remedies are recommended:

  • fluimucil;
  • alkaline mineral waters;
  • mucaltin;
  • propolis.

Steam inhalations carried out using:

  • eucalyptus and calendula with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • chamomile and lavender with a softening effect;
  • propolis, which is a natural antibiotic.

All inhalations can be carried out only in the absence elevated temperature, starting from two years.

Are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are prescribed for infections of bacterial origin, as well as for complications with the development of inflammatory processes.

Only a doctor can prescribe these drugs after determining the type of bacteria or the nature of the inflammation.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can not only be useless, but also worsen health conditions child, disrupting the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk remedies

Treatment with non-traditional methods for wet cough can be combined with medications or replace them.

To facilitate the passage of sputum, children are given:

  1. Aloe juice, diluted with water (50 ml of water - 10 ml of juice) twice a day, 10 ml.
  2. Warm fresh juice grapes- at night, 50 ml.
  3. Pine buds, brewed in milk. Brew like tea. Give the child 100-150 ml to drink during the day.
  4. Traditional hot milk with soda, honey or oil.

Children over five years old can be given mustard plasters or jars.

For any disease, it is difficult to persuade a child to take medicine. Therefore, in the evening you can do the following:

  1. Place a bag on your chest hot salt for 10 min.
  2. At this time, heat in a water bath badger fat.
  3. Rub the warm product over the chest and the area between the shoulder blades.

After the first use, the baby will feel significant relief.

Should you see a doctor?

When a child develops a wet cough, especially for the first time, you should definitely visit the pediatrician, as the causes of this symptom may not only be of a cold nature.

Timely identification of the cause of a wet cough guarantees a quick and complete cure.

The cause of a wet cough is the accumulation of mucus in the baby's respiratory organs. To prevent this, it is necessary to boost the child’s immunity by organizing healthy image life with proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air and physical activity.

Treatment of a wet cough in a child using drainage massage in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

The appearance of a strong wet cough in a child is defensive reaction body, which often occurs as a result of damage to the respiratory organs by various pathologies. This can be caused by the accumulation of foreign particles in the respiratory tract, and in this condition the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

The main difference between a wet cough is that it is accompanied by the appearance of specific mucus, that is, sputum. IN childhood the process of removing such mucus is much more complicated than in adults, so it is important for parents to know how to treat a cough with phlegm in a child.

A wet cough is considered more beneficial for the child’s body, as it helps remove mucus from the lungs, respiratory tract, etc. In such a situation, during the process of coughing, mucus may come out into the large quantities, and side sounds such as wheezing may occur.

The causes of such cough in children are varied and depend on the age of the patient. In infants, this phenomenon can occur if the baby chokes on milk during feeding. In addition, in young children with sputum, it can occur as a result of frequent accumulation of mucus in the.

The most common cause of wet cough in children is considered to be diseases infectious nature that provoke severe inflammation upper respiratory tract.

Most often, cough occurs with the following pathologies:

  • pneumonia in remission
  • progression of bronchial asthma
  • development of an allergic reaction
  • diagnosing obstructive bronchitis
  • lung abscess

With such pathologies, it is usually observed for 3-4 days, which gradually turns into wet. This process is accompanied by a decrease in the child’s body and an improvement in his overall well-being.

A healthy child can cough up to 15 times a day, and most often this happens in the morning, when the respiratory organs are freed from microparticles accumulated in them.

The following manifestations of the child’s body should cause particular concern to parents:

  • The child’s cough began suddenly and does not stop for a long time
  • wet cough accompanied by shortness of breath
  • The cough is accompanied by an increase in the body, and it does not decrease in 24 hours
  • there are specks of blood in the sputum
  • cough is accompanied by wheezing in the child
  • baby complains about painful sensations in the chest area
  • sputum turns green
  • the child coughs heavily at night and cannot stop
  • a wet cough lasts for several weeks or even months

With such signals from the body, a wet cough most likely signals pathologies of the respiratory system and the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

Symptoms and types of sputum

The nature of the appearance of a wet cough is usually determined by the nature of its sputum:

  • bronchitis and tracheitis are usually characterized by the appearance large quantities sputum
  • pneumonia causes a rusty tint
  • progression of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract leads to the formation of watery sputum
  • in case of bronchial asthma, glassy sputum of viscous consistency is observed
  • tuberculosis and heart failure cause sputum mixed with blood
  • Lung abscess and bronchiectasis are accompanied by the release of purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor

Among the symptoms that should definitely worry parents, experts highlight:

  • accompanied by intense wheezing and whistling
  • sputum appears yellow-green in color and mixed with blood
  • The child's cough lasts for several weeks and does not stop
  • with such symptoms, the child must be shown to a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and select an effective treatment

Drug treatment

Cough treatment - syrups: types

The process of sputum discharge in children is more complex process than in adults. This is explained by the fact that sputum in childhood has a more viscous consistency, and the respiratory muscles are still poorly developed.

In addition, the presence of sputum in the bronchi of a child can lead to the development of various diseases, since this can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and delay the recovery process. It is for this reason that when dealing with a wet cough in children, the main emphasis is on facilitating the passage of accumulated mucus.

Drug therapy involves the use of:

  • mucolytic drugs that cause the formation of the required amount of sputum
  • expectorants, which help thin mucus that has a sticky consistency

More often drug treatment wet cough in children is carried out using herbal preparations, among which the most effective are:

  • Pectusin
  • Solutan
  • Breast training

Herbal medicines should be taken as prescribed by a specialist and after reading the attached instructions. This is due to the fact that during treatment with their help, an allergic reaction may develop.

Useful video - Bronchitis in a child.

  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Synthetic drugs expectorant effects are considered effective, since their use can significantly reduce the viscosity of even too thick mucus, which is formed during pneumonia and cystic fibrosis.

It is important to understand that any medications for the treatment of wet cough should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

A complete contraindication is the use of antitussives, since they have a suppressive effect on. In addition, they cause sputum sedimentation, which can further complicate the course of the disease.At the recovery stage, when the child can cough independently and productively, you can stop.

Prescribing antibacterial drugs

Many parents believe that they are a “magic pill” that can cure their child of any illness. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the use antibacterial drugs when treating cough may not always give a positive result.

Such drugs turn out to be completely useless in the treatment of diseases of viral origin or when a cough occurs due to mechanical damage throat. It is for this reason that before prescribing medications and especially antibiotics, it is important to find out the cause of the cough.

Most often, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form
  • tuberculosis
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy
  • tracheitis
  • bacterial diseases

When certain pathologies progress in the child’s body, which are accompanied by the appearance of a wet cough, it is necessary to prescribe not a broad spectrum of action, but a narrow focus.Self-prescription of such medications is not allowed, and this can only be done by a specialist after examining the child.

Most often, treatment with antibiotics is combined with taking antihistamines, and after its completion the child is given an appointment prophylactic agents against dysbacteriosis.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor conducts a test for sputum and the absence of allergic reactions to medications.

Treatment of wet cough various diseases can be done using:

  • Augmentina
  • Lazolvana

When taking antibacterial drugs, the following rules must be observed:

  • The course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days.
  • It is important to take the medicine at the same time.
  • Usually they give a positive result within 2-3 days after starting to take it, and if it is absent, the drug must be replaced.
  • Accept antibacterial agents it is necessary for the time prescribed by the specialist, even if a positive effect is obtained after 2-3 days.

If it is not possible to conduct a sputum test, the child is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine - tips and recipes

Many mothers prefer to treat wet cough in children using traditional methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven over many years and generations.

You can achieve quick and positive results using the following recipes:

  • Grind the figs well on a grater and pour 10 grams of the resulting mass into 300 ml of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture on low heat and let stand for 10 minutes. After this, cool the prepared product to room temperature, strain and give the child 80-100 ml several times a day after meals. For greater effectiveness in treating wet cough, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the drink.
  • Grate the black radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of it. In a 1:1 ratio, mix the resulting juice with boiled milk room temperature. After this, into the cooked medicine It is recommended to add 5 ml of any honey. Give your child 10 ml of this drink after each meal.

The following medicinal solutions give good results:

  • prepare a drink from milk and birch sap in a ratio of 1:2, then add a little flour to it
  • before bedtime you can give 200 ml boiled water with the addition of a few drops of iodine tincture
  • treatment of bronchitis can be carried out using a mixture prepared from equal proportions of onion juice and honey

For speedy recovery child and eliminating attacks of wet cough, it is recommended to combine traditional methods treatment with drug therapy.

In order for the healing process to proceed faster, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • It is important to keep the room clean and with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees. The accumulation of large amounts of dust has an impact negative impact for lung ventilation, therefore it is recommended to remove all dust accumulations from the children's room and carry out daily wet cleaning.
  • Maintain the necessary humidity in the room, that is, ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • Drinking plenty of fluid helps change the viscosity of sputum, so it is necessary to ensure that the child is hydrated.
  • Don't give up daily walks in the fresh air.

One of the most common methods of coughing is considered to be the following:

  • daisies
  • coltsfoot
  • baking soda

You can use various types that help increase blood circulation and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.If there are no contraindications, mustard wrap can be done, but this is best done through a thin cloth.

Treatment of cough in childhood is a difficult and responsible process, so it is best for parents to refuse various experiments. Only a specialist should deal with the elimination of pathology, which will avoid the development of many complications.

A child's cough with sputum is a serious cause for concern for any mother, especially when it comes to an infant. The newborn’s immune system is not strong enough, so new parents should be extremely attentive to the treatment of diseases whose symptoms include mucus formation and coughing.

And even after completion infancy It is much more difficult for a baby, compared to adult family members, to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi. This is explained by the fact that internal organs The baby is not yet fully developed.

Today there are many known ways to relieve a child of a wet cough with sputum. These are numerous techniques of folk and traditional medicine, which can be used in combination.

However, before moving on to treatment, you should understand the reasons for the appearance of sputum.

Causes of excess mucus

There are three most common childhood diseases, accompanied by: abundant appearance mucus.


Pneumonia, also called pneumonia, is a disease caused by microorganisms that attack the lungs. The inflammatory process can occur in one or two lungs at once. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the appearance is untreated or untreated bronchitis.

Bronchial asthma

This disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the respiratory system, which causes an increase in bronchial reactivity. In children, asthma is diagnosed quite often. One of the requirements for monitoring the baby’s condition is the timely disposal of the resulting sputum.


Bronchitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the bronchi. It can be called one of the most common diseases associated with the respiratory system of children.

And the main symptom of chronic and acute childhood bronchitis is precisely copious sputum.

How to help your baby remove mucus: folk remedies

If a child coughs and produces a lot of mucus, the parent should know how to behave correctly. Remember, under no circumstances should you be forced to cough up accumulated mucus.

The mother should try to distract the child, which can be done with a sugar cube with two drops of mint infusion or mint candy. The action of mint will muffle the cough and also make breathing easier.

It often happens that the sputum formed in the bronchi or lungs thickens. This makes it difficult to cough it up. Having noticed that the child cannot cough, parents should help thin the mucus to speed up its elimination.

Honey with onions or radishes

The most effective product used in folk medicine to remove mucus is honey, which can be mixed with nut mixture or cranberry juice.

Eating honey with the addition of radish or onion juice is also good for thinning phlegm. To get juice, you need to grate the radish (onion) on a fine grater and squeeze the resulting pulp through thick gauze.

Milk with figs

An excellent “grandmother’s” remedy is hot milk with the addition of grated figs. The resulting composition must be given to the child twice a day, a glass.

To improve your baby's well-being before bed, you can offer him to drink a glass of water with two drops of iodine.

Milk with garlic

Cow's (natural) milk also helps to deal with phlegm faster. You can drink it at pure form, without additives, but heated. Mashed garlic significantly increases the effectiveness of warm milk.

For one liter of milk, you need to grate five cloves of garlic on a fine grater or crush them using a garlic press. The baby should drink the resulting mixture in one day.


Drugs that enter the body through inhalation are also considered effective. The speed of action of inhalation agents is explained by the fact that the drug penetrates precisely at the site of formation of the source of infection.

If the baby is already 2 years old, you can safely use inhalation to combat phlegm.

Features of the procedure

This event requires compliance with certain rules:

  • one of the parents must be nearby during the entire procedure;
  • you can start inhalation only 10 minutes after the water boils, since it must cool down a little;
  • the total duration of inhalation cannot exceed 5 minutes;
  • After the procedure, the baby should not inhale cold air. It is best to provide him with bed rest.

Water with honey

It is not necessary to buy a product for inhalation of a child at a pharmacy; it can be prepared at home. The most common recipe is when water and honey are mixed in a ratio of five to one.

The baby must be seated so that his face is above the bowl with the solution heated to 45 degrees, and covered with a blanket. It is best if the mother does inhalation directly with the child and teaches him to breathe alternately through his mouth and nose.

It is forbidden to heat the product more strongly, as it will be lost. healing properties honey

Alkaline mineral water

If expectoration is very difficult, you can give the child inhalation using alkaline mineral water. Before the therapy session, you need to open the water with mineral water so that the gas comes out.

For a liter of boiled water, take 4 tablespoons of mineral water. A product with a similar composition allows you to quickly get rid of phlegm located not only in the child’s throat, but also in the bronchi and lungs.

Herbal infusions

In addition, modern mothers often use herbal infusions for this purpose. Thus, inhalation with chamomile, concentrated mint infusion, eucalyptus leaves, dry birch leaves, and sage help thin mucus.

These remedies not only facilitate expectoration, but also soothe the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Onion and garlic juices

If a child complains of a sore throat or chest, the parent can inhale with squeezed onion juice or garlic paste. Boiled water is mixed with juice in a ratio of one to 10.

How to speed up the removal of mucus in a baby?

Massage for babies

It is difficult to offer any of the above remedies to children who have not yet turned 1 year old. Therefore, if a wet cough appears in a baby, it is best to speed up the removal of mucus with the help of a special massage.

The procedure will not take much time, it will only take about 10 minutes. Before starting the massage session, the baby must be given medicine, the action of which is aimed at thinning mucus (it must be prescribed by a doctor).

Massaging can be turned into an exciting game; during the process, the mother should talk to the child so that he can be distracted and get the most positive emotions from the massage.

How to do it?

The massage technique is quite simple. The baby should be placed on his stomach and thoroughly rubbed over the entire surface of his back, including his lower back and shoulders. When the skin turns a little red, use the edges of your palms to lightly tap on the ribs.

Gentle pinching will also help. At the end of the session, you need to press on the child’s back with your fists, without touching the spine.

In most cases, immediately after the session, the body rejects mucus, and the child begins to cough it up from the bronchi and throat. When the baby clears his throat, he must be turned onto his back. The breasts are not massaged. It is enough to lightly stroke the baby from the navel to the collarbones, without touching the heart area.

Traditional methods: chamomile tea and compresses

So, to ease expectoration in a child under one year old, you can brew tea from chamomile flowers and make compresses from mustard. To prepare the mixture for the compress, mom will need 1 spoon of honey, flour, vegetable oil, and mustard.

The resulting composition is brought to a boil, cooled to warm state and is placed on a piece of thick gauze, which is placed on the baby’s chest. Mom should be extremely careful; it is forbidden to apply such bandages to the heart area. The procedure is best performed before bedtime.

For heating in the form of compresses, you can also use potatoes that have been boiled in their jackets, or cabbage leaves smeared with honey. It is important to remember that any of the compresses should not touch the area of ​​the chest where the heart is located.

Don't forget about the need to drink plenty of fluids. In case of illness in a baby, rosehip decoctions, as well as all kinds of fruit drinks, will help.

The infant is susceptible to external factors, affecting him. Therefore, the most favorable climate should be created in the room. Air in mandatory must be moisturized. For this purpose, you can place towels soaked in water on the radiators.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of wet cough

Very often, when removing sputum from a child, it is not possible to use only folk remedies. Therefore, if the baby is choking and coughing, the doctor prescribes medication for him.

Cough syrups

To treat a child under two years of age and older, you can use Ambroxol, which is produced in the form of syrup. The liquid consistency makes it easier to take the medicine, because infants do not yet know how to swallow tablets.

Lazolvan, which modern parents use for inhalation, is also considered a popular medicine. Drugs called Bromhexine are also available in the form of syrups.

It is important to remember that treating a child’s cough without first medical consultation it is forbidden. Only a pediatrician can prescribe treatment that will be successful.

When is urgent medical attention required?

The main parental task in treating a wet cough is monitoring the color and consistency of the mucus. And if the sputum begins to come out yellow-green, it means that pathogenic microbes have joined the process.

In this case, the child may develop serious illness with complications, so it must be shown to a doctor immediately. Most pediatricians prescribe antibiotics based on examination results.

After taking the prescribed drug, the baby’s symptoms often disappear after three days, but it is necessary to continue treatment exactly as long as prescribed.

Since cough is only a manifestation respiratory diseases, start treatment from the root cause. To do this, follow your doctor's instructions (if any). Carry out thermal procedures for your baby yourself and do them regularly for 2 weeks, because... The cough can persist for a long time after recovery.

To treat cough, especially in young children, use more heat treatments than medications. The baby's legs and chest especially need warmth. Therefore, the baby should always wear warm woolen socks and a jacket or vest, both during the day and at night (even if the room is warm).

Do not use cough suppressants frequently, as coughing is just a defensive reaction. And with phlegm it removes mucus from the lungs and bronchi and pathogenic bacteria. At severe attack For a cough, give your child burnt sugar lollipops or licorice syrup.

If the baby does not have a fever, then during sleep (when the baby moves least) apply calf muscles and on the top chest mustard plasters (packed in paper), not soaked in water. This way they will keep you warm longer and won’t cause pain to your baby. discomfort. It is also good to take them in the evening before bed.

Alternate mustard plasters with warming compresses - potato or cabbage. For a compress, boil one potato in its skin (until softened). While hot, mash quickly. Add three drops of iodine and a spoonful of any vegetable oil to it. Wrap everything in foil to form a flat rectangle. On the side that will be applied to the chest, poke several holes in the foil. Next (depending on the temperature of the compress), place one or two layers of diaper between the baby’s chest and the foil. Fix it crosswise with a regular diaper and cover the baby with a blanket.

No less effective in treating cough with phlegm is a compress of cabbage leaf smeared with honey. It has a warming and vitaminizing effect, since honey contains almost the entire vitamin and mineral composition. However, after this compress, watch your baby’s skin, since there may be an individual reaction to any beekeeping product. If this appears, immediately abandon this procedure.

To thin and remove sputum, give your child warm milk with or without honey, warm fruit drinks and compotes, to which you can add a little rosehip decoction (let’s drink drinks with rosehip only from a straw to prevent the destruction of the enamel). If a child is over 3 years old, you can give tea with lemon. Any fortified warm drink has a thinning effect on mucus and promotes its removal, which causes a cough reflex. Include sufficiently warm foods in your baby's diet. mashed potatoes with lots of milk. This dish is good for treating cough.

What to do if a child’s cough with phlegm does not subside?

There is nothing worse for parents when their kids get sick. Cough is one of those ailments that is the first to react to a viral disease (flu) and gives a signal that it is time to be treated. This, of course, is good, however, when a child’s cough with sputum prolongs, this can lead to major complications with the lungs and bronchi.

The first alarm bells for parents

Important! If your child coughs (several times) in the morning, then this is normal. After all, even a healthy baby must get rid of microparticles that have settled in his respiratory tract by coughing. In this case, no need to worry!

In medicine, two types of cough are recognized: dry and with sputum. The first is considered unproductive, since it does not free the lungs and bronchi from blockages. A wet cough (with sputum) is productive and is characterized by the production of mucus - sputum.

If a child develops a number of symptoms that indicate a viral disease, immediately consult a doctor.

When to sound the alarm:

Important! No self-medication! The first step in helping your child is a consultation with a pediatrician.

Only a healthcare professional can accurately determine the origin of a baby’s wet cough. After all, there can be many reasons, namely:

  • Viral infections that affect the respiratory tract (ARI and ARVI)
  • Pneumonia (orange-tinged sputum)
  • Bronchitis (watery, profuse discharge)
  • Various allergic reactions and bronchial asthma
  • Tuberculosis (bloody sputum)
  • Lung abscess (purulent sputum with an unpleasant specific odor)
  • Allergic runny nose

The treatment of the baby will depend on the type of sputum produced.

Proper treatment for wet cough

In a child, sputum discharge is much more difficult than in adults. This is due to the fact that they are still weak and their respiratory tract muscles are poorly developed. If you delay going to the doctor, this can lead to inflammatory processes.

A prolonged cough in a child with sputum is best treated with drugs that help clear and thin the sputum.

  • Herbal origin: Doctor IOM, breast tea, as well as regular (but effective!) pectusin
  • Synthetic origin: lazolvan, ACC, ambroxol, bromhexine

Important! Use medications plant origin should be used with caution as they can cause an allergic reaction!

Important! No need to give cough suppressants!

Thinning sputum when coughing in children can be achieved in different ways: giving the child syrups based on various herbs (calendula, sage, coltsfoot, marshmallow and many others), as well as using mucolytic medications.

If sputum is very difficult to remove, then you can combine several drugs after consultation with your pediatrician.

Medicine for cough with phlegm for children is used depending on their age.

For children aged 2-3 years, pediatricians prescribe mucolytics and expectorants.

Children over 5 years old can use steam inhalations based on essential oils, herbs and soda with iodine.

Teenagers can use adult treatment.

Child cough mode

When treating a wet cough, it is necessary to correctly establish the regime and conditions for the child’s stay.

  • In the patient's room, the air temperature should not exceed 20+.
  • The room must be clean. Carry out wet cleaning twice a day, ventilate the room several times.
  • Walk with your child in the fresh air.
  • Give plenty of fluids to drink. This can be tea with lemon, raspberries, dried fruit compote, as well as plain water.
  • Do not let your child lie in bed for a long time. With a wet cough, it should move.

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Treatment of cough with difficult to separate sputum in a child is not a problem today. It can also be eliminated using traditional methods. Everyone knows that Mother Nature is rich in vitamins that help with various diseases. Traditional medicine offers a lot simple ways cope with wet cough.

And finally...

Today we answered important question, what to do if a child cannot cough up sputum?

  • First of all, contact your pediatrician
  • Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor
  • Create conditions for the child under which sputum will be better cleared
  • You can use traditional methods of treatment, but only with the consent of a doctor

A wet cough in children is not so scary. However, its neglect can lead to bad and fatal consequences.

Cough with sputum in a child: treatment and symptoms | How to treat cough with phlegm in children

Children, like most adults, do not like to be treated. Therefore, the task of combating phlegm when coughing in children is significantly more complicated. Parents will have to go through all the circles of local hell in order to cope with the disease. Tips for parents on this topic have been published for you.

Symptoms of developing a cough with sputum in a child

It is optimistically called a “productive” cough. Since with such a cough the result is visible: mucus moves out from the bronchi. The body begins to cope on its own with cleansing of phlegm - this is exactly how the child’s healing process occurs.

Basically, a wet cough accompanies respiratory tract infections during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Sometimes with a runny nose, and also with allergic rhinitis, a wet cough also occurs - this is a reaction to mucus that enters the larynx from the nose. Excess mucus or phlegm can also form with bronchitis and pneumonia. All these diseases require correct and complex treatment. It is necessary to understand that a wet “productive” cough is only a symptom of the disease.

Harmless symptoms of cough in children

The cough reflex is in a natural way getting rid of dust. When a child simply coughs from time to time, this is not at all a reason to actively treat the cough. Any healthy child can normally cough 10-15 times daily, including expectoration. After all, the baby is not tall, and, as you know, below there are many different microparticles and dust that enter the larynx when inhaled. And wherever children go during the day - into the most dusty and remote corners.

Very often cough occurs in infants:

  • then snot and tears during prolonged crying,
  • then the milk will flow in the wrong direction.
  • Teething is often accompanied by a cough with phlegm, namely due to the large amount of saliva that is released.

Therefore, you should never treat something unknown, especially if it doesn’t exist at all.

Dangerous signs of a cough with sputum production in a child

You should be wary only if it is wet children's cough if it is accompanied by other symptoms:

arising suddenly and incessantly;

shortness of breath - the respiratory rate per minute is increased in a child under two months of age - more than 60, from 2 to 12 months - more than 50, in children over 1 year - more than 40;

the temperature does not constantly drop below 38 degrees for three days;

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How can you treat a wet cough in a child?

Before asking the question of how to treat a wet cough in a child, you need to know the nature of the origin of the disease. With many diseases there can be a wet cough, sometimes it is so exhausting that parents no longer know what to do about it. It is necessary to understand not only the methods of its treatment, but also the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of wet cough

  1. A cough occurs as a symptom of ARVI.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, adenoids.
  3. Cough as a manifestation of bronchial asthma.
  4. Hit foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  5. A cough may occur in dry or cold air.
  6. An allergic cough is possible.

Wet cough in a child: symptoms

At prolonged cough the child should be observed and identified additional symptoms. They may be as follows:

  1. High temperature.
  2. Refusal to eat.
  3. Presence of wheezing.
  4. Green discharge when coughing.
  5. The cough arose after the child had been suffering from colds for a long time.
  6. The cough persists for a long time, even after treatment.

If all these signs are present, you should not self-medicate, but should urgently seek medical help.

Treatment of wet cough in children

If the temperature during a wet cough rises to 38.5ºC, you should consult a doctor. If an infant has a wet cough, in any case you need to show him to the pediatrician.

Since cough medicines can have different directions, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. Cough medications can be divided into two groups: antitussives, which suppress cough, and expectorants, which help produce mucus.

For wet coughs it is usually not prescribed expectorant, since sputum has already begun to be released, but to speed up recovery it is still recommended to take it for some time.

But antitussives are not prescribed for wet coughs. This is due to the fact that, thanks to a wet cough, the bronchi are cleansed by expectoration of sputum, and antitussive tablets will only temporarily improve the patient’s condition, while the sputum will remain in the bronchi, unable to come out.

When deciding how to treat a child, you need to take into account the fact that not all medications can be given to children.

It should be noted that many advertised medications do not undergo proper testing. clinical trials, since experiments are usually not performed on children, and therefore the dosage for children, especially under two years of age, is conditional. For this reason, an overdose of the drug may occur.

Medicine for children with wet cough

To cure a cough, you first need to thin the mucus, and only then do everything possible to get it out. For these purposes, expectorants are prescribed. They are divided into two types:

  1. Synthetic: these are Lazolvan, ACC, Solvin, etc.
  2. Plants: Bronchicum, Tusin, Doctor Mom, etc.

Despite the benefits herbal preparations, yet the most effective are synthetic products. Firstly, they rarely cause allergies, and secondly, they are more effective. But inhalations with medicinal herbs are the safest. Eucalyptus and calendula help in particular. Do not forget that sputum is better removed with regular massage of the child's chest and back.

Preparations for wet cough

Drugs for plant components may be safe for a child if he is not allergic to them. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a doctor.

Prospan is made from a plant such as ivy. Ivy contains substances that help remove expectorated mucus. The drug is available in syrups and tablets. The most common side effects include diarrhea, but most often patients tolerate Prospan well.

Herbion is made from plantain and mallow extracts. The effect occurs in a maximum of a week. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, may cause allergic reactions.

Home treatments include the following:

  1. Honey. It promotes rapid coughing, especially with dry cough. It is best to start giving it to children after one year of age. A single dose of honey is 0.5 - 1 teaspoon, the frequency of intake per day can be up to 2-3 times. You can make your own cough syrup for your child. Mix a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice in a water bath. Give your child 1 tsp. up to 3-4 times a day.
  2. Thyme is a natural expectorant for wet coughs. Make your child tea from this plant. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry herb, let it brew, then add a little honey to the broth and let the child drink it warm. But to avoid allergic reactions, you need to consult a doctor.
  3. Garlic. It is a natural antibacterial and also removes mucus. Grate some garlic and give it to your child, mixing it with honey. Add garlic to your dishes.

What else can you do to help a coughing child?

Create a calm environment for your baby. Coughing attacks can be triggered by bright light, physical activity, sharp noise. You shouldn't put your child to bed, but let him rest often and eliminate external irritants.

The room where the sick child is located should be cool and frequently ventilated. Moist, fresh air helps remove mucus. Daily wet cleaning is also necessary: ​​it destroys bacteria, viruses, and allergens that may be in the air. If possible, you can purchase an air purifier.

The next step is to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking should be alkaline, which helps quick recovery. Prepare your child milk with mineral water, lime or lingonberry tea, rosehip infusion. But sour drinks, such as kefir, Orange juice, berry juice, can, on the contrary, irritate the throat mucosa.

During this period, the child needs a dietary diet. Irritating foods are excluded: crackers, spicy foods, hot foods, smoked meats and pickles.

Steam inhalations will also help in treating wet cough. But they are contraindicated for children under 4 years of age, as they can provoke laryngospasm and cause respiratory arrest.

Warming foot baths. Such procedures promote the outflow of blood from the respiratory organs, which reduces swelling of the mucous membrane. But even harmless foot baths may be contraindicated in some cases, so ask your doctor about this again.

Treatment of cough with sputum in infants

A baby's wet cough appears simultaneously with a runny nose. Other symptoms of a cold may also be present: the child sleeps poorly, cannot breathe through his nose, and is constantly capricious. To stop the infection in time, you need to start treatment as early as possible.

Treatment of an infant is complicated by the fact that many medications are not suitable for him. That's why young mothers resort to help traditional medicine. At the first sign of a wet cough, the baby should be regularly monitored by a doctor.

If the baby’s condition begins to deteriorate, then do not wait for the doctor to arrive, but immediately call an ambulance.

For wet coughs, it is best to use external treatment. For example, you can lubricate the chest and back with badger fat. It rarely causes allergic reactions, and at the same time promotes the rapid removal of sputum. You can use badger fat up to 3 times a day, and after a few days you will see that your baby feels better. And if you combine rubbing with fat with light massage back and chest, then recovery will come even faster.

Since the use of medications for infants is not recommended, inhalation may be the most effective for cough. But small child unlikely to sit with an inhaler.

In this case, use essential oils, they can be dropped onto the fabric and placed in the crib with the baby. Essential oils can open nasal breathing and improve bronchial function.

How to remove phlegm from a child

Phlegm in a child's throat

Cough is one of the most common manifestations of a cold in a child. Children are often susceptible to it because their immune system does not yet have sufficient resistance to infection. When a child coughs, the infection that caused the disease is removed from the child’s body, as well as anything unnecessary that could get into his lungs. However, there are situations in which you should take necessary measures for their correction. This applies to cases when the cough drags on and its attacks become an obstacle to the child’s sleep. In this case, complications in the bronchi of the child and his lungs are possible if it is not possible to remove sputum from the lungs and throat in time.

There are dry coughs and coughs with sputum, also called productive.

How to remove mucus from the bronchi of a child

Sputum production is completely normal reaction on inflammatory processes in respiratory organs and it is characteristic of people of all ages. The mucous secretion of the bronchial cavity is an obstacle to various bacteria and viruses when they penetrate the body. The normal state of affairs is the activation of the process of sputum production with the active functioning of the epithelial cilia covering inner surface bronchi. In this case, the mucus is removed and does not stagnate.

Sputum can be removed from the child’s bronchi using milk and garlic. To do this, it is enough to drink milk without any additives, just slightly warmed. When used with milk, mashed garlic in it, the effectiveness of the product increases significantly.

Moreover, it is enough effective means is the use of warming inhalations involving the use of a nebulizer. When used, it is ensured direct introduction drugs into the bronchi. It is best to carry out inhalations when a cough with clear sputum occurs, occurring without an increase in temperature.

How to remove phlegm from a child's lungs

At copious discharge If a child has mucus, parents should understand how they should behave. In no case should you cough up the mucus that appears. You can distract the child's attention with a couple of sugar cubes with drops of mint infusion. You can give your child a lollipop. Mint makes breathing easier and reduces cough. After this, you can begin directly to remove sputum from the lungs.

Honey, used in combination with radish and onions, is best suited for this. To obtain juice, you need to grate the onion and radish, then squeeze them through a thick layer of gauze. The resulting mixture should be added to honey and taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Concentration: 20 grams of mixture per glass of honey.

You can also add grated figs to hot milk. A glass of the product is given to the child three times a day. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of boiled water with a couple of drops of iodine.

How to treat sputum in a child

When treating sputum in a child, you should understand the fact that sputum itself is only a symptom of a cold and it is this that needs to be treated. You should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions; you can only give your child steam inhalation on your own. This should be done for at least a couple of weeks, since often the child’s cough continues even after the disease is eliminated. You must also understand that thermal procedures are preferable to medication treatment. The child's legs and chest need special heat. Therefore, he should be kept warm and well dressed at all times.

In addition, a wet cough is beneficial in eliminating phlegm and should not be specially treated. If he gets very bored, you should not give the child any tablets; they can be replaced by syrups and lollipops.

How to remove phlegm from a child using folk remedies

There are many traditional medicines that can effectively remove sputum from a child. They are more efficient medical supplies and safer than them because they do not cause side effects. We can recommend this option to resolve the situation. Honey in the amount of two tablespoons is mixed with a teaspoon olive oil, half a banana and three drops of aloe juice. In this case, the banana must first be ground through a sieve, after which it is mixed with all the listed components. In this case, honey should be preheated to approximately 40 degrees Celsius. Take one tablespoon three times a day. The taste is very pleasant and suitable for any child.

How to remove phlegm from a child with massage

Massage as a way to eliminate phlegm in a child is indicated in cases where the child does not have high temperature. It doesn’t take much time, ten minutes will be enough. This procedure is most suitable for infants. Before doing this, you need to give the child a means to ease expectoration. It is recommended to structure the massage in the form of a game, then the baby will perceive it better.

The child's entire back is rubbed, from the waist to the shoulders, and his skin should be reddened. Then you need to lightly pinch the skin with your fingers, and then tap the edges of your palm on the child’s back. The massage ends with gentle pats and stroking.

Sputum discharge may begin immediately, so you should try to spit it out. After this, the child’s chest is rubbed and again you have to try to cough up the mucus. As a result, sputum comes out faster.

How to help cough up phlegm

First of all, you should monitor the level of humidity in the child’s room and ventilate it regularly. To improve his breathing, you can hang radiator towels in the room, this helps a lot. If your baby cannot cough on his own, you need to give him more to drink. warm milk, soothing herbal tea with mint and chamomile is also suitable. In addition, regular massage helps.

How to get rid of phlegm in a child with medications

It is not recommended for infants to take medications, but at the same time, some medications can be used by everyone. For example, the drug Ambroxol is indicated for use by children under two years of age. It is available in the form of syrup, so it is recommended for very young children who find it difficult to take pills. Lazolvan is suitable for inhalation; it is also effective in eliminating cough. Bromhexine is also available in syrup form and is a good remedy for coughs with phlegm.

How to remove phlegm from an infant

Means for removing phlegm from infant there are many. We can recommend some of them.

Herbal decoctions help well, in particular those prepared from coltsfoot, thyme, and St. John's wort. When using them, you should carefully study the recommendations issued by the manufacturer. It is also necessary to find out exactly whether the child has individual intolerance similar decoctions.

Compresses prepared from boiled potatoes with the addition of a few drops of iodine, as well as a certain amount of sunflower oil, are effective. They must be wrapped in cloth and applied to the baby's chest. Application duration is no more than two minutes. In this case, the child is covered with a blanket and his chest with a diaper to avoid burns.

You can also put mustard plasters on your child, although not for long and you only need to put them on the chest and calves.>

How to treat and how to stop coughing in a 3-year-old child?

Kids get sick often. Of course, curing a child who cannot say exactly what is bothering him is much more difficult than treating an adult. Cough can occur due to various diseases. And the nature of the cough can be anything. It can be dry, barking, wet or wet. It is worth noting that the cause of cough can be:

  • virus
  • asthma
  • allergy
  • microbes

And in children, as a rule, cough is a consequence of ARVI. A strong dry cough is otherwise called unproductive, and a wet cough is called productive.

Quick relief

Typically, in children 3 years old, cough occurs after inflammation of the nose or throat. The worst thing is that such a cough torments quite often, but there is no sputum discharge. The child feels unwell, that is, he is tormented by coughing attacks, as in daytime, and at night. To alleviate the child's suffering, measures must be taken. What treatment methods are there?

  1. General methods.
  2. Medication.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Additional treatment and prevention.

Everyone knows that a child needs to be provided correct mode and food. The room where the sick child is located should be free of dust, which can aggravate the condition. The baby's diet should contain more vitamins and drink plenty.

Moreover, drinking includes not only water. Of course, you can’t do without it, but it should be included in your diet herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes. These remedies will help speed up the removal of sputum.

The video explains how to treat a cough in a 3-year-old child:

Drug intervention

Taking medications may be necessary. These drugs may be

  • mucolytics
  • expectorants
  • sedatives.

Mucolytics will help improve sputum discharge.

Expectorants will help you cough better. And sedatives will reduce active process development of cough.

If you decide to give your child a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to side effects. They may include dizziness and drowsiness. Because of this, know that it is better to give such drugs at night. Even if the child does not have allergies, carefully study the composition. Now there is a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of dry cough on the pharmaceutical market. Among the medications, it is worth noting the following: Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, Gedelix. Also popular among mothers is Robitussin, which helps block coughs. And Delsim is a suspension that has a fairly long-lasting effect.

Traditional methods

  1. Treatment with pine buds . It is necessary to boil 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. pine buds. The mixture should sit for 1 hour. The product is ready for use: you need to drink 50 g, preferably every hour or two. If you use the product during the day, then the next day you will see significant changes, the cough will become much softer. There are children who cannot tolerate milk, so you can replace it with water in this recipe. And instead of pine buds, you can use spruce shoots.
  2. Badger fat. After 3 years or already at 3 years old, you can give your child badger fat for cough. Until this age, it can only be used externally. Half a teaspoon after meals should be taken in its pure form. The cough goes away quite quickly, this remedy is considered one of the most effective. You can also dissolve fat in warm milk and add honey. In pharmacies you will find badger fat in ampoules. Of course, not everyone has this fat in the house, so you can use goose fat. But you can’t take it internally; you can simply do a massage with it.
  3. Honey and buckwheat cake. How to make honey cake for cough? Take honey, flour in proportions of 1 to 1, mustard powder, vegetable oil and vodka. Mix all these ingredients. Take half the mixture and wrap it in a cloth, then lay it on your back, wrap it in a bandage and put on your pajamas. This product can be left on all night. But if you are afraid of the child’s reaction, then you can leave this remedy for 2 hours the first time. If everything is fine, then it’s okay to leave it on all night.

Auxiliary procedures

Supportive measures most often include inhalations. They can be carried out using special device, which is sold at the pharmacy. But you can do without it by simply letting your baby breathe in the steam, the main thing is not to get burned. You can also place a container of hot liquid by the child’s bed, but you must not move a step away. When the water has cooled, you can pour it out. You can do inhalations using chamomile, sage or regular boiled potatoes. Follow the link to read how to breathe over potatoes for a child. Inhalations help enhance the effect of medications, mucus thins, the airways are cleared, and the baby will begin to cough faster.

Read how to properly rinse your baby's nose.

Here you can find out the composition of Cough Linkas syrup.

Reviews on the use of milk with cough oil:

Treatment of cough with phlegm

A wet cough differs from a dry cough in that sputum is released, which is colorless and odorless in its properties. Very often, the child may not even notice how he swallows it, or simply clears his throat well. Common cause The occurrence of this type of cough is caused by viral infections, but if the cough is prolonged, then this indicates more serious diseases.

The video explains how to cure a cough in a 3-year-old child:

Children 3 years of age are less tolerant of any type of cough than adults. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system of babies is still poorly developed, so phlegm can become clogged in the passages. Make sure that mucus does not accumulate in the bronchi. With prolonged accumulation, bacteria can multiply, which has a detrimental effect on the body. As with dry cough, there are various treatment methods:

  • General treatment. The temperature in the patient's room should be about 20 degrees. When vacuuming, take your baby to another room. Walking in the fresh air is a must, but do not allow your baby to run around and sweat. Lying down all the time is not recommended. In this case, phlegm will become clogged in the respiratory tract.
  • Medication. There are drugs that help thin the mucus, and then it comes out of the respiratory system better. There are a number of drugs that are made on the basis of herbs. These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom (its use for children is described here), Solutan.

But drugs obtained synthetically help no worse: Lazolvan (Lazolvan is also used for laryngitis in children), Bromhexine, ACC. Read the instructions carefully to avoid allergies or severe side effects. As soon as the sputum begins to clear better, stop taking medications.

Folk remedies

  1. Radish. After making a large depression in the radish, place it vertically in a container. Add honey to the hole and place in a dark place for 4 hours, covered thick fabric. The resulting juice with honey should be taken 3-4 times a day.
  2. Lemon- everyone knows what it is good remedy to strengthen the immune system. 5 tbsp. l. honey should be mixed well with the juice of one lemon. Take the product several times a day.
  3. Onion. You need to chop 3 onions well, add ½ cup of honey. The product should sit for 3 hours, after which you need to add 50 ml of water. Leave for another 3 hours. The mixture is ready and should be taken several times a day.

You can find more here folk recipes expectorants.

Auxiliary procedures

Paraffin and ozokerite applications help well in cases of wet cough accompanied by snot. It is good if the inhaler sprays the substance throughout the entire oral cavity without additional procedures. You can also do massage, ultrasound, gymnastics. Massage helps eliminate phlegm faster. Therefore, you need to knead your back and chest; the child will even find this procedure pleasant. Inhalations, as with wet coughs, also need to be used. Remember that in case of a wet cough, under no circumstances should you give antitussive drugs to children with a dry cough.

Features of treatment with and without fever

If the cough is accompanied by fever, antipyretic drugs should be given. Typically, such products are syrups such as Nurofen. If the temperature is not higher than 37, then you can take warm foot baths.

If you have any skin diseases, you should not rub using various ointments. It is also prohibited to do this in case of cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. If the baby weak blood vessels, bleeding from the nose is often observed, then it is better not to do inhalation.

A child whose cough resolves without fever can be given the medications listed above within reasonable limits. Of course, depending on the nature of the cough. Tablets, syrups, ointments should be given in limited quantities. Of course, going outside when the temperature is high is prohibited. This can make the situation even worse. It is also better to refrain from swimming; you can get by with regular rubbing. If there is no temperature, then you can take a shower.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Whatever good parents No matter how you protect your child from illness, a cough may still appear. Any cough is accompanied by illness. The lungs produce large or excessive amounts of mucus, which the body gets rid of by coughing. And the reasons for this may be infectious or allergic reactions, as well as unsatisfactory conditions in which the child lives. For example, the room is too hot and dusty. If the treatment is prescribed incorrectly, for example, you start giving cough medicine to your child, then the mucus will remain and accumulate in the body. And this will lead to pneumonia. For wet coughs, the use of expectorants can also lead to severe cough, the child may cough all night. And the doctor who arrives will tell you that the child has wheezing.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about the treatment of cough in a 3-year-old child:

Komarovsky says that there is no “golden pill” for cough. In order for a child to cough up, it is necessary to ensure that the thick sputum becomes liquid. The cough itself is not curable; you need to be able to alleviate it or increase its effectiveness. To do this, first of all, you need to breathe wet clean air. You can make mucus liquid only by giving the child something to drink. It is worth knowing that no expectorant can compare in effectiveness with drinking plenty of fluids.

It is impossible to determine its nature by the nature of the cough. But if the cough is accompanied by a disorder in the general condition, a fever or runny nose appears, then the underlying cause is an infectious origin. If similar signs no, it's an allergic cough. It is necessary to analyze the general condition of the child and take action or consult a doctor.>

Why does my child’s dry cough persist for a long time? What should I do?

Many parents notice that their child, after treatment for a certain viral disease still continues to cough. This symptom, although not so dangerous, requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the pathology can develop into a more serious disease and cause a number of complications. Why doesn’t the cough go away?

When you have a cough with phlegm, this article will tell you what to do.


There are many factors influencing the formation of a persistent cough. Determining the cause is very important, since without this criterion it is simply impossible to assign effective therapy, and eliminate this unpleasant symptom.

If 1-2-3 weeks do not pass

When the cough bothers the baby for 2 years. weeks, this may indicate the presence of:

  • flu;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Of course, there are other serious pathologies in medicine that result in a prolonged and intense cough. Sometimes a child’s body cannot overcome the underlying illness on its own, so it cannot be done without the help of a doctor.

From this article you can learn how to treat bronchitis and cough in an adult.

Having a cough for 2 weeks may indicate an untreated cold. As a rule, this symptom is accompanied by the discharge of thick sputum. Therapy should be aimed at diluting and removing mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract. But there are cases when a cough lasts for 2 years, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a month doesn't pass

Bacteria such as mycoplasma and pneumocystis can provoke a prolonged cough. Often these microorganisms combine and attack the child’s body with double force. As a result, his body temperature rises, he sweats a lot, and a cough overtakes him at night, preventing him from sleeping.

The cause of a lingering cough for more than 4 weeks may be hidden in the presence of fungi - candida. But this happens very rarely. Infants suffer from this symptom due to cytomegalovirus. The most dangerous and terrible cause of chronic cough is considered to be tuberculosis. But it is also rarely diagnosed in children, because most often young patients are vaccinated against this insidious disease.

The article explains why a dry paroxysmal cough occurs at night and before bedtime.

The video tells what to do if a child’s dry cough does not go away for a long time:

If one of the presented reasons occurs, then this has a very negative impact on the baby’s quality of life. If the examination is incorrect, the child may develop pneumonia.

What to do

Treatment of a persistent cough should be comprehensive. Often medications can be used to combat the disease, traditional treatment, gymnastics, massage. Only the attending physician can draw up a treatment regimen.

When viscous mucus in the nasopharynx causes a cough, it is worth reading this article.

The disease does not go away

If the cough does not go away, the first step is to regulate the cough center, which affects feeling unwell child at night. For these purposes, the baby should be given an antitussive medication, according to the patient’s age. This treatment has a calming effect and brings significant relief to the child. The duration of therapy should be as long as it takes to eliminate all symptoms of the disease.

If a dry cough needs to be eliminated in older children, then for this purpose the pediatrician prescribes lozenges or lozenges.

When you have a sore throat, cough, but no fever, you should read this article to understand what to do.

In addition, they can overcome dry cough alternative ways. With their regular use, it is possible to alleviate the baby’s condition. Popular ones are:

  1. Natural buckwheat honey – take in the amount of a dessert spoon for resorption.
  2. Warm raspberry tea - allows you to eliminate a dry, painful cough for a long time.

If accompanied by sputum

When treating wet cough in children, it is very important to achieve an effect in which sputum discharge is easy. When using medications, you should use mucolytics. Their goal is to produce the required amount of mucus. You should also definitely take expectorant medications, which include Doctor Mom, Pectusin, Solutan.

Herbal medicines must be used with extreme caution, because there is a possibility of developing allergies. Synthetic preparations are more effective and help reduce the viscosity of even very thick sputum.

What to do when a child has a runny nose without a cough or fever can be found in this article.

The use of antitussive medications in the treatment of wet cough is prohibited. Suppressing a cough will only complicate the disease, because the result of treatment will be sputum sedimentation.

The duration of drug treatment depends on how quickly the recovery phase begins. As a rule, this is the period when the baby can cough on his own during active movements.

In infants, sputum discharge occurs much more actively if you rub the chest and back with gentle massaging movements. With such an external effect on the lungs and bronchi, it is possible to achieve rapid clearance of mucus in children during allergies.

Doesn't work for babies

During treatment of infants, the room in which it is located should be well humidified. For these purposes, it is worth using wet towels, which should be placed on batteries. Achieve required level humidity can be achieved using a special device. Its work is aimed at fixing and creating the desired humidity in the room.

How to treat a dry cough in an adult and what medications to use, you can learn from the article.

The medication used to treat cough in children should help thin the mucus and allow it to come out. All medications used must have an expectorant effect and the ability to reduce the thickness of sputum in the bronchi. If the baby's cough is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, then it is worth using medications based on natural ingredients: plantain, honey, marshmallow, essential oils. Gedelix and Prospan are considered the best drugs in this matter.

How to cure a teething cough can be found in the article.

The video explains what to do if a baby’s cough does not go away:

If it doesn't go away after a cold

When treating post-infectious cough, it is worth using plant-based extracts. Also, inhalations, warming, compresses and therapeutic exercises. Such medicines have an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect. In addition, it is possible to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

This article shows how to treat asthmatic cough.

Warming compresses based on lard, badger fat, ointments with a warming effect, which contain essential oils. It is worth treating the chest or foot area with the selected composition, wrap it in wax paper and put on warm socks

After pneumonia

If there is a prolonged cough after pneumonia, then treatment should be aimed at relieving or completely eliminating the cough. This can only be done in the case of a painful, dry cough, which negatively affects the child’s immunity.

You can find out what to do when a child has a dry whistling cough by reading the article.

Therapy includes the following medications:

  • antitussives– stop the cough reflex;
  • expectorants– reduce the thickness of sputum and remove it from the respiratory tract;
  • mucolytic– facilitate the release of sputum, diluting it.

All of the treatment methods presented are considered very effective in eliminating a persistent cough in a child. But, despite this, they are allowed to be used only after coordinating all actions with a doctor. Remember that you will be able to achieve maximum effect only if you eliminate the cause of the cough.>

The appearance of a strong wet cough in a child is a protective reaction of the body, which often occurs as a result of damage to the respiratory organs by various pathologies. The appearance of such a cough can be provoked by the accumulation of foreign particles in the respiratory tract, and in this condition the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

The main difference between a wet cough is that it is accompanied by the appearance of specific mucus, that is, sputum. In childhood, the process of removing such mucus is much more difficult than in adults, so it is important for parents to know how to treat a cough with phlegm in a child.

Causes of cough with phlegm

Possible causes of the disease in children

A wet cough is considered more beneficial for the child’s body, as it helps remove mucus from the lungs, respiratory tract and bronchi. In such a situation, during the process of coughing, mucus may come out in large quantities, and side sounds such as wheezing may occur.

The causes of such cough in children are varied and depend on the age of the patient. In infants, this phenomenon can occur if the baby chokes on milk during feeding. In addition, in young children, cough with phlegm can occur as a result of frequent accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

The most common cause of wet cough in children is considered to be infectious diseases that provoke severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Most often, cough occurs with the following pathologies:

  • pneumonia in remission
  • progression of bronchial asthma
  • development of an allergic reaction
  • diagnosing obstructive bronchitis
  • lung abscess

With such pathologies, a dry cough is usually observed for 3-4 days, which gradually turns into a wet one. This process is accompanied by a decrease in the child’s body temperature and an improvement in his overall well-being.

A healthy child can cough up to 15 times a day, and most often this happens in the morning, when the respiratory organs are freed from microparticles accumulated in them.

The following manifestations of the child’s body should cause particular concern to parents:

  • The child’s cough began suddenly and does not stop for a long time
  • wet cough accompanied by shortness of breath
  • cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and it does not decrease within 24 hours
  • there are specks of blood in the sputum
  • cough is accompanied by wheezing in the child
  • baby complains of pain in the chest area
  • sputum turns green
  • the child coughs heavily at night and cannot stop
  • a wet cough lasts for several weeks or even months

With such signals from the body, a wet cough most likely signals pathologies of the respiratory system and the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

Symptoms and types of sputum

Signs of pathology

The nature of the appearance of a wet cough is usually determined by the nature of its sputum:

  • bronchitis and tracheitis are usually characterized by the appearance of large amounts of sputum
  • pneumonia causes rust-colored sputum to form
  • progression of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract leads to the formation of watery sputum
  • in case of bronchial asthma, glassy sputum of viscous consistency is observed
  • tuberculosis and heart failure cause sputum mixed with blood
  • Lung abscess and bronchiectasis are accompanied by the release of purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor

Among the symptoms that should definitely worry parents, experts highlight:

  • cough accompanied by intense wheezing and whistling
  • sputum appears yellow-green in color and mixed with blood
  • The child's cough lasts for several weeks and does not stop
  • with such symptoms, the child must be shown to a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and select an effective treatment

Drug treatment

Cough treatment - syrups: types

The process of sputum discharge in children is more complex than in adults. This is explained by the fact that sputum in childhood has a more viscous consistency, and the respiratory muscles are still poorly developed.

In addition, the presence of sputum in the bronchi of a child can lead to the development various complications, since this can provoke the proliferation of pathogens and delay the healing process. It is for this reason that when treating wet cough in children, the main emphasis is on facilitating the passage of accumulated mucus.

Drug therapy involves the use of:

  • mucolytic drugs that cause the formation of the required amount of sputum
  • expectorants, which help thin mucus that has a sticky consistency

Most often, medicinal treatment of wet cough in children is carried out using herbal preparations, among which the most effective are:

  • Pectusin
  • Doctor Mom
  • Solutan
  • Breast training

Herbal medicines should be taken as prescribed by a specialist and after reading the attached instructions. This is due to the fact that during treatment with their help, an allergic reaction may develop.

Useful video - Bronchitis in a child.

  • Lazolvan
  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Synthetic expectorants are considered effective because their use can significantly reduce the viscosity of even too thick mucus, which is formed during pneumonia and cystic fibrosis.

It is important to understand that any medications for the treatment of wet cough should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

The use of antitussives is a complete contraindication, since they have a suppressive effect on cough. In addition, they cause sputum sedimentation, which can further complicate the course of the disease. At the recovery stage, when the child can cough independently and productively, drug treatment can be stopped.

Prescribing antibacterial drugs

Antibiotic for wet cough: application features and types

Many parents believe that antibiotics are a “magic pill” that can cure their child of any disease. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of cough may not always give a positive result.

Such remedies turn out to be completely useless in the treatment of diseases of viral origin or when a cough occurs due to mechanical damage to the throat. It is for this reason that before prescribing medications and especially antibiotics, it is important to find out the cause of the cough.

Most often, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form
  • tuberculosis
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy
  • tracheitis
  • bacterial diseases

When certain pathologies progress in the child’s body, which are accompanied by the appearance of a wet cough, the prescription of antibiotics not of a broad spectrum of action, but of a narrow focus, is required. Self-prescription of such medications is not allowed, and this can only be done by a specialist after examining the child.

Most often, treatment with antibiotics is combined with taking antihistamines, and after its completion, the child is prescribed preventive medications against dysbacteriosis.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor conducts a test for sputum and the absence of allergic reactions to medications.

Treatment of wet cough for various diseases can be carried out using:

  • Augmentina
  • Bioparoxa
  • Sumameda
  • Macropena
  • Lazolvana

When taking antibacterial drugs, the following rules must be observed:

  • The course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days.
  • It is important to take the medicine at the same time.
  • Typically, antibiotics give a positive result within 2-3 days after starting to take it, and if it is not available, the drug must be replaced.
  • It is necessary to take antibacterial agents for the time prescribed by the specialist, even if a positive effect is obtained after 2-3 days.

If it is not possible to conduct a sputum test, the child is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine - tips and recipes

Many mothers prefer to treat wet cough in children using traditional methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven over many years and generations.

You can achieve quick and positive results using the following recipes:

  • Grind the figs well on a grater and pour 10 grams of the resulting mass into 300 ml of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture on low heat and let stand for 10 minutes. After this, cool the prepared product to room temperature, strain and give the child 80-100 ml several times a day after meals. For greater effectiveness in treating wet cough, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the drink.
  • Grate the black radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of it. In a 1:1 ratio, mix the resulting juice with boiled milk at room temperature. After this, it is recommended to add 5 ml of any honey to the prepared medicine. Give your child 10 ml of this drink after each meal.

The following medicinal solutions give good results:

  • prepare a drink from milk and birch sap in a ratio of 1:2, then add a little flour to it
  • before going to bed, you can give 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of a few drops of iodine tincture
  • treatment of bronchitis can be carried out using a mixture prepared from equal proportions of onion juice and honey

For a speedy recovery of the child and elimination of attacks of wet cough, it is recommended to combine traditional methods of treatment with drug therapy.

Other cough treatments

In order for the healing process to proceed faster, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • It is important to keep the room clean and with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees. The accumulation of large amounts of dust has a negative impact on lung ventilation, so it is recommended to remove all dust accumulations from the children's room and carry out daily wet cleaning.
  • Maintain the necessary humidity in the room, that is, ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • Drinking plenty of fluid helps change the viscosity of sputum, so it is necessary to ensure that the child is hydrated.
  • Don't give up daily walks in the fresh air.

One of the most common methods of treating cough is inhalation, which uses solutions:

  • daisies
  • coltsfoot
  • thyme
  • baking soda

You can use various types of compresses that help increase blood circulation and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. If there are no contraindications, mustard wrap can be done, but this is best done through a thin cloth.

Treatment of cough in childhood is a difficult and responsible process, so it is best for parents to refuse various experiments. Only a specialist should deal with the elimination of pathology, which will avoid the development of many complications.

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Where does a wet cough come from?

This condition is based on the cough reflex. Irritation of bronchial receptors by sputum triggers a complex mechanism.

Receptors transmit impulses to medulla oblongata, where is respiratory centerintercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract → a sharp opening of the glottis occurs → forced exhalation → removal of mucous and other contents from the bronchi and lungs.

Under what conditions is a wet cough observed in a child?

  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • allergies (bronchial asthma, bronchitis);
  • pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • abscesses and bronchiectasis of the lung;
  • congenital diseases (cystic fibrosis, Kartegener's disease);
  • tuberculosis.

The glands in the bronchial mucosa, during inflammation and in interaction with other irritants, work in an enhanced mode.

The rheological properties of bronchial secretions are disrupted. It becomes thick, which affects mucociliary clearance - the removal of mucous contents by the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. Fluid stagnation contributes to the formation of inflammatory foci.

According to the nature of sputum you can determine the cause of the cough:

  • purulent → abscess or bronchiectasis in the lung;
  • bloody → tuberculosis or cardiovascular failure;
  • viscous → bronchial asthma;
  • watery → viral infection;
  • rusty color → pneumococcal pneumonia.

Possible causes of wet cough in an infant

Cough in so early age always scares parents. But often there is no reason to panic.

  1. In infants, coughing occurs due to insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach. The contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and partially aspirated (inhaled), causing a cough. This condition is called gastroesophageal reflux.
  2. A wet, infrequent cough is observed in infants during teething due to excessive salivation.
  3. A cough occurs with strong crying with copious discharge from the nose.
  4. When choking on milk during feeding.

All these conditions do not pose a danger to the child and go away on their own. Therefore, it is believed that a wet cough in a baby without fever up to 15 times a day is the norm.

When and what should be treated?

Cough is a symptom of a particular disease.

Requires immediate treatment if:

  • dyspnea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • high temperature;
  • sudden bouts of coughing;
  • wheezing;
  • change in color of sputum, presence of blood streaks.

If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Only a doctor can assess the child’s condition and diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Etiotropic therapy

Aimed at eliminating the cause of wet cough.

  • at colds, as well as for inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs are prescribed antivirals and antibiotics;
  • bronchial asthma is treated with bronchodilators and hormones;
  • allergies require antihistamines;
  • Tuberculosis is cured with specific antibacterial therapy.

How to cure a cough itself?

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Helps reduce intoxication, dilutes viscous secretions in the bronchi.

It is necessary to constantly offer the child water. Warm, drinking plenty of fluids may consist of fruit drinks, compotes, herbal tea.

Breastfed babies should be put to the breast more often.

  1. Mucolytics. They liquefy the mucous contents of the bronchi and promote their removal to the outside. These drugs increase the amount of secretion, so they are chosen for a wet, unproductive cough. These include drugs containing the following active substances: acetylcysteine, ambroxol, carbocisteine, trypsin, chymotrypsin. The last two are proteolytic enzymes and are used in cystic fibrosis. Let's describe the first three components:
    • acetylcysteine(ACC, Fluimucil, Acestad) breaks mucopolysaccharide bonds and promotes the discharge of bronchial secretions. Not prescribed for children, or for bronchial obstruction. Duration of admission is no more than 10 days. Suppresses the effect of antibiotics, so take them with an interval of at least 2 hours between them;
    • carbocysteine(Fluditek, Mukosol). The principle of action is similar to acetylcysteine, but, unlike it, does not cause bronchospasm and can be used in infants;
    • ambroxol(Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Flavomed) thins the viscous secretion, activates the action ciliated epithelium, stimulates the production of surfactant. Interacts well with other drugs. It is the best remedy for babies from the first weeks of life.
  1. Expectorants. Divided into:
  • reflex (based on plant raw materials);
  • resorptive (synthetic drugs).

Reflex irritate the gastric mucosa and the vomiting center, which is why increased salivation and increased secretion of bronchial fluid. Most popular drugs: Mucaltin, licorice root, breast collection, Gerbion, Gedelix, Alteyka.

It is dangerous to prescribe herbal remedies before 5 years of age due to the frequent broncho-obstructive syndrome that develops while taking them. Possible allergies must be taken into account.

Resorptive drugs (sodium bicarbonate, potassium iodide and others) also thin out thick secretions by increasing the volume of fluid in the bronchi. Not used in pediatric practice.

  1. Combination drugs. They contain several substances that have different actions.
  • Ascoril (mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant effects). Very good drug, prescribed from 2 years of age;
  • Bronholitin (antitussive, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator). It is not recommended to use for wet cough.

It must be remembered that if you have a wet cough, you should not use antitussive drugs. This will not help cure the child, but will only contribute to even greater stagnation of phlegm in the bronchi and lungs, the so-called “swamping syndrome.”

  1. Other drugs.
  • Erespal contains active substance- fenspiride. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, relieves bronchial obstruction. From 2 years;
  • Sinupret based medicinal herbs. It has expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. From 2 years old.


For cough treatment use:

  • inhalation:
    • steam with eucalyptus, sage or chamomile;
    • via nebulizer with saline solution, Lazolvan, Berodual or Pulmicort;
  • medicinal electrophoresis with absorbable drugs;
  • SMT on the chest to improve drainage;
  • UHF therapy (in the subacute phase for pneumonia).

Massage and gymnastics

These procedures are necessary in the treatment of wet cough, especially in newborns and children under one year old.

  • Coughing with phlegm in an infant often leads to pneumonia. At this age, the child is not able to get rid of exudate in the lungs by coughing. To do this, the baby is placed in a special drainage position so that the butt is higher and the head is lower. In this position, lightly pat the back from the lower back to the neck, alternate vibration with stroking and rubbing;
  • an older child is also given drainage massage chest, supplementing it with special breathing exercises.

After drinking a course of expectorants and other cough medications, the child will continue to cough for some time.

There is no need to feed him with syrups and tablets if his overall health has already improved. The cough will go away yourself, you just need to move actively.

The task of parents is to create conditions for a speedy recovery:

  • it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room and ventilate more often;
  • do wet cleaning regularly;
  • strengthen the immune system by hardening and moderate physical activity;
  • The child must eat properly and regularly spend time in the fresh air.

If your baby has a cough, there is no need to self-medicate. Seek help from your doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe the right drug.

This condition is based on the cough reflex. Irritation of bronchial receptors by sputum triggers a complex mechanism.

The receptors transmit the impulse to the medulla oblongata, where the respiratory center is located → the intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract → a sharp opening of the glottis occurs → forced exhalation → removal of mucous and other contents from the bronchi and lungs.

Under what conditions is a wet cough observed in a child?

  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • allergies (bronchial asthma, bronchitis);
  • pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • abscesses and bronchiectasis of the lung;
  • congenital diseases (cystic fibrosis, Kartegener's disease);
  • tuberculosis.

The glands in the bronchial mucosa, during inflammation and in interaction with other irritants, work in an enhanced mode.

The rheological properties of bronchial secretions are disrupted. It becomes thick, which affects mucociliary clearance - the removal of mucous contents by the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. Fluid stagnation contributes to the formation of inflammatory foci.

According to the nature of sputum you can determine the cause of the cough:

  • purulent → abscess or bronchiectasis in the lung;
  • bloody → tuberculosis or cardiovascular failure;
  • viscous → bronchial asthma;
  • watery → viral infection;
  • rusty color → pneumococcal pneumonia.

Possible causes of wet cough in an infant

Coughing at such an early age always frightens parents. But often there is no reason to panic.

  1. In infants, coughing occurs due to insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach. The contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and partially aspirated (inhaled), causing a cough. This condition is called gastroesophageal reflux.
  2. A wet, infrequent cough is observed in infants due to excessive salivation.
  3. A cough occurs with strong crying with copious discharge from the nose.
  4. When choking on milk during feeding.

All these conditions do not pose a danger to the child and go away on their own. Therefore, it is believed that a wet cough in a baby without fever up to 15 times a day is the norm.

Cough is a symptom of a particular disease.

Requires immediate treatment if:

  • dyspnea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sudden bouts of coughing;
  • wheezing;
  • change in color of sputum, presence of blood streaks.

If one or more of the above symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor. Only a doctor can assess the child’s condition, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Etiotropic therapy

Aimed at eliminating the cause of wet cough.

  • for colds, as well as for inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, antiviral agents and antibiotics are prescribed;
  • bronchial asthma is treated with bronchodilators and hormones;
  • allergies require antihistamines;
  • Tuberculosis is cured with specific antibacterial therapy.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Helps reduce intoxication, dilutes viscous secretions in the bronchi.

It is necessary to constantly offer the child water. Warm, abundant drinks can consist of fruit drinks, compotes, and herbal tea.

Breastfed babies should be put to the breast more often.

  1. Mucolytics. They liquefy the mucous contents of the bronchi and promote their removal to the outside. These drugs increase the amount of secretion, so they are chosen for a wet, unproductive cough. These include drugs containing the following active substances: acetylcysteine, ambroxol, carbocisteine, trypsin, chymotrypsin. The last two are proteolytic enzymes and are used in cystic fibrosis. Let's describe the first three components:
    • acetylcysteine(ACC, Fluimucil, Acestad) breaks mucopolysaccharide bonds and promotes the discharge of bronchial secretions. Not prescribed for children, or for bronchial obstruction. Duration of admission is no more than 10 days. Suppresses the effect of antibiotics, so take them with an interval of at least 2 hours between them;
    • carbocysteine(Fluditek, Mukosol). The principle of action is similar to acetylcysteine, but, unlike it, does not cause bronchospasm and can be used in infants;
    • ambroxol(Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Flavomed) liquefies viscous secretions, activates the action of the ciliated epithelium, and stimulates the production of surfactant. Interacts well with other drugs. It is the best remedy for babies from the first weeks of life.
  1. Expectorants. Divided into:
  • reflex (based on plant raw materials);
  • resorptive (synthetic drugs).

Reflex irritate the gastric mucosa and the vomiting center, so there is increased salivation and increased secretion of bronchial fluid. The most popular drugs: Mucaltin, licorice root, breast mixture, Herbion, Gedelix, Alteyka.

It is dangerous to prescribe herbal remedies before 5 years of age due to the frequent broncho-obstructive syndrome that develops while taking them. Possible allergies must be taken into account.

Resorptive drugs (sodium bicarbonate, potassium iodide and others) also thin out thick secretions by increasing the volume of fluid in the bronchi. Not used in pediatric practice.

  1. Combination drugs. They contain several substances that have different actions.
  • Ascoril (mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant effects). A very good drug, prescribed from 2 years of age;
  • Bronholitin (antitussive, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator). It is not recommended to use for wet cough.

It must be remembered that if you have a wet cough, you should not use antitussive drugs. This will not help cure the child, but will only contribute to even greater stagnation of phlegm in the bronchi and lungs, the so-called “swamping syndrome.”

  1. Other drugs.
  • Erespal contains the active substance - fenspiride. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, relieves bronchial obstruction. From 2 years;
  • Sinupret based on medicinal herbs. It has expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. From 2 years old.


For cough treatment use:

  • inhalation:
    • steam with eucalyptus, sage or chamomile;
    • through a nebulizer with saline solution, Lazolvan, Berodual or Pulmicort;
  • medicinal electrophoresis with absorbable drugs;
  • SMT on the chest to improve drainage;
  • UHF therapy (in the subacute phase for pneumonia).

Massage and gymnastics

These procedures are necessary in the treatment of wet cough, especially in newborns and children under one year old.

  • Coughing with phlegm in an infant often leads to pneumonia. At this age, the child is not able to get rid of exudate in the lungs by coughing. To do this, the baby is placed in a special drainage position so that the butt is higher and the head is lower. In this position, lightly pat the back from the lower back to the neck, alternate vibration with stroking and rubbing;
  • An older child is also given a chest drainage massage, supplemented with special breathing exercises.

After drinking a course of expectorants and other cough medications, the child will continue to cough for some time.

There is no need to feed him with syrups and tablets if his overall health has already improved. The cough will go away on its own, you just need to move actively.

The task of parents is to create conditions for a speedy recovery:

  • it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room and ventilate more often;
  • do wet cleaning regularly;
  • strengthen the immune system by hardening and moderate physical activity;
  • The child must eat properly and regularly spend time in the fresh air.

If your baby has a cough, there is no need to self-medicate. Seek help from your doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe the right drug.