Nutrition for a 4 month old Scottish kitten. How to choose a diet for a Scottish Fold kitten

How to feed a Scottish cat correctly? The diet of an adult Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cat per day is 200-250 grams of food. Portions must be calculated individually: the daily dose is 3-5% of the animal’s weight. Translated into energy terms, a cat's diet has a value of 335 kilojoules. This is an average figure, because cats are different different levels activity. So, kittens, pregnant and lactating cats, as well as cats during the breeding period need 10% of their weight. For castrated, overweight, elderly and inactive cats, 2-3% is enough.


We figured out how much a cat should eat. Now let's figure out what and how to feed a Scottish and British breed at home. If in the case of ready-made food you need to follow the instructions, then natural nutrition you will have to balance it yourself.

Let us immediately note that cat nutrition is a very young science: it is only about 15-20 years old. Therefore, there are many unexplored issues in this topic, and even enlightened people (breeders, veterinarians and zoologists) can argue among themselves with foam at the mouth about what should be added to the cat’s diet and what should not be added, and in general about what it is like. - proper feeding. However, there are basics, which we will talk about in this article. We will not say everything that can be said, but we will give guidelines.

An excursion into the physiology of cats

The main mistake of many owners is that they believe that the human and cat organisms are very similar. In fact, humans are omnivores, while cats are obligate (“obligate”) carnivores. This means that her diet consists mainly of animal products. The stomach and short intestines of cats (2.1 meters long) easily digest proteins and fats of animal origin, but they hardly need carbohydrates.

To quickly break down proteins and destroy bacteria, a pH of 1-2 is maintained in the stomach of cats, that is, the environment is much more acidic than in the stomach of omnivores. Proteins of animal origin are considered complete for cats (containing all the necessary amino acids), and proteins of plant origin are considered incomplete. Animal proteins are found in meat and dairy products, as well as eggs. A cat's protein requirement is 40-60% daily ration.

Fats in a cat's diet are an important component: the recommended fat content is on average 15% of the daily diet, the minimum acceptable threshold is 5%, the maximum acceptable threshold is 20%. Cats, unlike humans, do not have cholesterol problems and do not suffer from heart disease due to increased level animal fats in food. They need fats to obtain energy and supply fatty acids to the body (in particular, Omega-3 and Omega-6). A lack of animal fats in the diet leads to a huge number of health problems. But vegetable fats are almost useless for cats in terms of absorption of nutrients. However, they can be added drop by drop to food.

As for carbohydrates, it is worth knowing: cat saliva does not contain the amylase enzyme necessary for their digestion. And there are no enzymes at all: food passes through the oral cavity very quickly and is swallowed. In order for the carbohydrates that enter the body to be broken down, the pancreas has to work. They are broken down into small intestine to glucose and other monosaccharides. If there are too many carbohydrates in the diet, then the pancreas is forced to work to the limit. But this does not mean that if you put 50% carbohydrates in your food today, your cat will get sick tomorrow. The cat's body has high compensatory capabilities and an unbalanced diet leads to consequences only if the cat sits on such a diet for a long time.

It should be noted that some breeds react less critically to an imbalance of substances in the diet, others more so. So, for example, a purebred Briton (with no Scots in his family) belongs to the first group of animals, and Scots, who often have problems with the absorption of microelements, belong to the second group.

Although a cat’s body can almost completely do without carbohydrates (it can get energy from fats and proteins), in a home-based diet you need to provide your pet with a small amount of them. First of all, this is necessary for easy energy production (rice and potatoes are good - it’s permissible to add a pinch to a meat portion) and the formation of stool (cellulose from vegetables and bran helps remove hair and toxins from the body and creates a feeling of satiety). Also, carbohydrate products (greens, brewer's yeast, cabbage (you can give a pinch of grated cabbage if the cat does not have gas from it) contain prebiotics that help growth beneficial microflora intestines.

An experiment was conducted in which the tailed animals were asked to choose any of the proposed products. On average, cats chose the following ratio: proteins - 52%, fats - 36%, carbohydrates - 12%. That is, the cat fat indicator recommended by scientists has been slightly overdone, but it is worth considering that the numbers are averaged and are given as a rough guide.

Thus, a cat's physiology requires a diet consisting almost entirely of animal proteins and fats. For those who will counter-argument that cats have been living with humans for a long time and should already have evolved to suit their type of diet, here is the opinion of zoologists: the physiology of domestic cats has changed little since domestication and is not very different from the physiology of their wild counterparts.

Natural and ready-made food

While you don’t know what Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cats eat, as well as British cats, we will say a few words about the two types of food. You should choose one of them that is closer to your lifestyle and strictly adhere to it.

First type - natural food. But this is not food from the master's table. This is separately prepared food for the cat from certain types of meat, vegetables and dairy. Products are served without salt and spices, which are prohibited for cats. Natural nutrition must be balanced so that it contains all the necessary substances. And when natural, it is advisable for cats to take courses of vitamins: this guarantees that all the microelements they need will enter the body, even if the owner has not compiled the diet correctly. Although, if everything is done correctly, and useful organic additives are offered to food, then synthetic vitamins the need disappears. Moreover, they are absorbed worse than natural ones.

What else can you feed your Scottish cat? The second type of nutrition involves the use ready-made feed- in canned food, bags and dry pads. High quality food is made in factories from similar products that we use at home. But the food is adapted for long-term storage, so it cannot be called flawless: long-term storage involves the addition of preservatives and not entirely beneficial substances. In addition, many feed manufacturers, in an effort to save money, use products of dubious quality.

EXPERT COMMENT: Yulia Prishchepa, presenter of the YouTube channel about cats “Athena-TV”

What to choose - natural food or ready-made food?

Natural food is most suitable for a cat, but you need to clearly know what can be given and what absolutely cannot be given. Also, with a natural feeding scheme, it is difficult to balance foods. For example, you need to know that if you feed a cat only raw meat, this can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, if you are a busy person or have many cats, a ready-made balanced food will suit you. If you have 1-2 cats and have time to learn the intricacies dietary nutrition, you can choose natural.

Scottish cat menu

Below is a menu of natural food, which is preferable. Let's list the foods that an adult cat's diet should consist of.

Meat (obligatory and main product)

Low-fat varieties of meat are suitable for Scottish and British cats, because... The pancreas cannot cope with excess fat, resulting in pancreatitis. Lean meats include chicken, rabbit, quail, horse meat, turkey, and some parts of beef. The ideal meat for cats is poultry and rabbit. You shouldn't give pork.

Breeders also recommend chicken. At the same time, the MURKOTIKI website, after consulting with nutritionists, does not recommend chicken that you are not sure about. According to doctors advising the site, chicken, especially broilers, contains many hormones that are fed to poultry in factories and even in households. Plus other harmful substances. Therefore, it is better to prefer turkey meat to chicken as a more environmentally friendly product. If you have access to environmentally friendly chicken, then you can and should use it.

Meat is given raw (preferred option) or boiled, but in no case fried or smoked. Should I feed the Scottish or british cat raw meat, each owner decides for himself. On the one hand, cooking kills many beneficial substances. On the other hand, raw meat sometimes contains worms, which do not always die during the obligatory three-day freezing in the refrigerator before serving to the cat. Feeding without freezing, that is, fresh meat, is prohibited.

It is worth noting that meat grown on an industrial scale most often does not contain worms. According to experts, animals in factories are prevented and fed special food, so the risk of infection is minimized. But if you give your cat hunting or farm meat, there is a possibility of infection. Not every farmer regularly prevents their animals, and they sometimes eat food that may be contaminated. Of course, this does not apply to all farms.

It is advisable to place the meat in a bowl in the form of pieces and large pieces so that the animal strengthens its chewing apparatus.

Bones are also regularly added to the diet. They are useful because cats use them to brush their teeth, and also because in the process of eating meat from a bone, or just a large piece of meat, the tailed cats develop their jaw muscles. In addition, bones contain useful substances. For this reason, an adult cat does not need to be constantly given minced meat or small pieces of meat, because... this will lead to muscle atrophy. In addition, adult cats love meat in tangible pieces more. "MURKOTIKI" has prepared information on how to feed cats meat with bones, because... This important question: Failure to follow the rules can lead to the death of the animal!

Cats on a natural diet usually go to the toilet once a day or once every 2 or even 3 days - these are normal options. But you need to monitor the stool: if the cat is prone to constipation, up to 5-10% vegetables and (or) bran are added to the meat (some add porridge, but this is wrong). A cat's complete digestive cycle takes 24 hours.

If for any reason it is necessary to reduce meat consumption (for example, due to a number of diseases), vegetables can be poured with jellied meat or meat broth at some meals so that they acquire a pleasant smell for the cat, and less meat can be added. However, in case of any disease, the cat should not be completely confined. vegetarian diet or a diet dominated by vegetables and cereals.

As daily nutrition for cats, mixes are recommended: pieces of meat, offal, oatmeal, raw vegetables(carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.), greens, raw quail eggs. This mixture is prepared in advance, then frozen in the freezer in separate portioned bags, after which it is defrosted as needed, brought to room temperature and served to the pet. The meat in this mixture is raw.

Mixes are an alternative to monofeeding, when food is not mixed in one meal different types meat. Instead, they are served at different meals. This should not be confused with constantly feeding one type of meat: this is not considered a balanced diet.According to veterinarians, both mixes and monofeeding have a right to exist. The advantages of monofeeding are a happy pet, rapaciously devouring whole pieces of meat, as well as the confidence that gastrointestinal tract will not be confused by incorrectly selected ingredients (for example, a cat may be allergic to one of the ingredients in the mix). The advantages of the mixes are that the cat receives all the necessary nutrients in every meal and there is no need to draw up and keep a nutritional schedule in mind.

Porridges are not a recommended food for carnivores, because... They are practically not absorbed and even interfere with the absorption of nutrients from other foods. With frequent consumption of grains (porridge), cats are at risk of diabetes, urolithiasis, problems thyroid gland. It is better to prefer bran to porridge.

Cats and fish are an established stereotype that has become the basis of more than one commercial. But, in fact, fish should not be a frequent guest on the cat’s table: once a week - no more. In case of excess fish food Kidney problems may develop, and the cat will also begin to prefer only fish products, neglecting healthier foods.

It is important to choose the right type of fish. It should not be overly oily. And it is worth considering that many types of fish (carp, pike, bream, whitefish, smelt, minnow, chub, catfish, gukuchan, ide, herring, herring, capelin, sardinella, smelt, crucian carp, perch, tench, burbot, chebak, sprat , sprat, anchovy, sorog, bream, Argentina) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1. You can eat such fish, but not often. But you should not feed fish from the cod family, because develops from it iron deficiency anemia and depigmentation of fur. Good for cats salmon fish(salmon, pink salmon, trout), as well as hake, catfish, mackerel, sawfish, tuna, etc.

Seafood (as a treat)

Many cats happily eat squid, shrimp, mussels and rapana. Such food is not particularly easy for the cat’s body to digest, so it should not be the rule, but an exception in the form of a treat: once or twice a month is enough.

Low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, unleavened cheese, whey, cottage cheese) are good for the health of cats: they contain a lot of protein, calcium and vitamins, and also help good digestion. It is undesirable to consume fatty dairy products, such as sour cream, in large quantities, because... this can negatively affect pancreatic health.

Let's talk separately about milk. It is not advisable to give it to adult cats. From about 3 months they develop lactose intolerance. If you want to please your pet, because... he loves this product, buy special milk or cream for cats. Read.

Eggs (a must)

Chicken yolk, as well as quail yolk and white, should be a mandatory element of the Scottish cat’s diet approximately once a week. Chicken yolk should be given raw (if you are sure of its purity) or boiled; the protein is thrown away, because It's not good for cats. But a quail egg can be given whole and raw.

Raw eggs are an excellent source of vitamins (in particular, vitamins A, D, E and group B), as well as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and other trace elements.

Vegetables are also good for your pet: they contain fiber, which helps avoid constipation, and vitamins. Particularly important in vegetables are B vitamins, which cats become deficient in very easily, since they do not accumulate excess of this vitamin, but excrete it daily. That is, B vitamins should be supplied in sufficient quantities every day. Veterinary expert Maria Dorosh recommends including vegetables in your cat’s diet, although this is not necessary.

Vegetables can be served raw or cooked. It is necessary to take into account that vitamins are destroyed during cooking, therefore, from the point of view of saturating the body with vitamins, it is better not to cook vegetables. But the starch of boiled vegetables is better absorbed, so cooking is recommended for cats who have problems digesting food: for them, boiled vegetables are a gentler option. Once your digestion returns to normal, you can switch to raw and lightly cooked vegetables. To make them easier to digest, they are added in small pinches and first grated.

Particularly useful are carrots (it is better to boil), beets (you need to boil, but this product can cause diarrhea and vomiting), cucumbers (give raw), zucchini (can be boiled and given raw), pumpkin, broccoli (lightly cooked), white cabbage(on the one hand, it is not recommended because it causes flatulence, on the other hand, it is an excellent prebiotic, so you can periodically add a pinch of shredded cabbage).

Most often, cats refuse to eat vegetables separately, so you can mix them with meat and pour over meat broth to add flavor.

Cats benefit from parsley, dill, lettuce and other green foods. Sometimes cats eat them without anything. Sometimes they play with them and eat them as prey. Sometimes they are preferred instead of grass on the windowsill. Experiment.

You can add bran and meal (buckwheat, flaxseed, etc.) to the main diet. A pinch with food helps intestinal motility.

Dried kelp cleanses the body of toxins, helps to go to the toilet and enriches it with iodine. It is enough to periodically add a pinch to food.

Vegetable oils (hemp, sesame, sea buckthorn, olive, pumpkin, but not sunflower) deliver vitamins to the body and help digestion. But we repeat, they are practically not digestible, so it is better to prefer animal fats. However, many owners note positive changes in the coat when adding vegetable oils to the diet.

An important food additive is fish oil (it contains essential nutrients for the cat’s body). fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6). You can purchase it as a supplement. Just keep in mind that fish oil quickly loses its properties after contact with air. beneficial properties, so it’s better to buy it in capsule form and open one at a time before adding it to your food.

Attention, life hack! It happens that you have run out of frozen meat, but you haven’t had time to prepare new meat. Then you can buy deep-frozen meat at the supermarket, defrost it and serve it to your cat.

Prohibited Products

And now about what is absolutely forbidden.

Sweet It is not allowed in any quantity. If your cat asks for sweets, it means that he is interested in something else in the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize sweet taste. Don't buy into your cat's requests, because he can quickly develop diabetes.
Salty We don’t add salt to our food at all. We also don’t serve salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause kidney problems in cats and bladder, to which the Scots are already prone.
Spicy Kittens are not allowed any spices at all. They upset digestion.
Onion-garlic Garlic and onions can cause serious digestive problems.
Chocolate Even if your chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still under no circumstances allowed for a cat: for an animal it is poison.
Coffee Just like chocolate, coffee is poison. If your cat asks you for coffee, he may be attracted to the milk you add to the drink.
Milk Cats are supposed to eat fermented milk, but whole milk, which contains lactose, causes gas and indigestion. Owners often don’t notice this, but in fact the animals don’t feel well after drinking milk. If you have a strong desire to feed your cat milk, pay attention to goat or special substitute milk for cats.
Marinades Cats are not allowed pickled food. This applies to any conservation.
Smoked Just remember that it is poison.
Bold Fatty and fried foods, no matter whether it is meat or not, are not allowed. The pancreas cannot withstand such nutrition.
Pork Cats should not eat pork, except that very rarely a small piece of the lean part is allowed. The fact is that pork is stuffed with hormones and itself is too fatty.
Canned food Any canned product is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even for humans, not to mention the cat’s digestive and urinary system, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
Citrus As a rule, cats themselves cannot stand lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. But there are also exceptions. The fact is that citrus fruits contain harsh essential oils, which hit hard on the cats’ keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them can cause indigestion.
Fruits The digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so they can cause stomach upset. But there are cats who love fruit. If nothing bad happens to them after this, you can periodically allow them to eat this.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are too heavy and not healthy food for cats.
Potato Potatoes are pure starch, which is difficult to digest and is not absorbed by cats.
Beans Peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are prohibited because... These are too heavy foods, plus they cause fermentation.
Flour All flour products, including bread, are harmful to cats and have no nutritional value. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Do not under any circumstances repeat what is shown in the video. Mistress's sake funny video fed the cat sweet ice cream.

About gluten intolerance in cats

Some people and cats suffer from gluten intolerance - gluten from wheat, rye, oats (sprouted oat grass does not count) and barley. For some, gluten can cause diarrhea, for others - constipation, for others - inflammation of the intestinal walls, and others. unpleasant symptoms. It is not easy to make a diagnosis, because... diagnostic methods ineffective. It’s difficult for people to give up gluten, because everyone loves baking, but for cats it’s very easy.

The MURKOTIKI website recommends that cat breeders make allowances for the possibility of gluten intolerance in their pets and do not initially accustom them to products containing it. In particular we're talking about about wheat, because it contains more gluten. That is, no bread or pasta in the diet. In addition, it is harmful even to cats that do not have gluten intolerance.

If you are using ready-made factory feeds, please note: manufacturers have already come up with gluten-free lines. Such foods are marked “no grain”, “gluten free”, “grain-free”, “does not contain gluten” and the like. Such a line of feed is available, for example, from Farmina ND, 1st Choice, Acana, Orijen, Trainer. This is a super premium and holistic food.

In the case of natural nutrition, everything is much simpler: do not add porridge from wheat, rye, oats and barley, as well as bread, to the meat. Actually, this is not recommended in any case.

Diet of a stud cat

At the stud cat important function- transmit high-quality genetic material to future generations. Therefore, such a cat needs high-quality, abundant nutrition, rich in proteins and vitamin E, which increases fertility.

Also, food should include plenty additional microelements and carbohydrates, which provide quick energy necessary for building up sexual appetite and its implementation.

Diet for aging cats

Aging cats have their own diet. As a rule, its features are associated with the fact that from 8-12 years of age (each in its own way) the animal’s overall activity decreases - and fewer calories are required. Typically, aging cats spend 60-65 kilocalories per 1 kg of body weight per day, so the diet should be reduced taking into account energy costs.

Proper food for an aging cat should be easy to chew and digest, but rich in microelements, especially taurine, since its deficiency leads to the development of cardiomyopathy, to which, for example, Scottish cats are already prone.

If your cat has problems with teeth and gums, you need to serve ground or even liquid food.

Often, by old age, cats already have some chronic diseases- the diet needs to be adjusted taking them into account.

But when a cat becomes inactive and its sexual function has faded, food often becomes the only entertainment. That's why aging cats love to eat, although they need to do it in limited quantities. What is the way out of the situation? How not to deprive an animal of the last joy in life? Firstly, at this time it is advisable to switch the cat from eating twice a day to eating in fractional portions, for example, 3 times a day. You can add more vegetables to your food, because... their volume is larger, but their calorie content is lower. But this is only in case of insatiable appetite.

And give the cat more affection, because... often older tailed animals like to eat more often also because they receive attention at this time. Let your cat associate acts of affection with more than just food.

If your cat, despite its age, is healthy, active and playful, then no dietary restrictions are required.

Diet of sick cats

Sick and injured cats need special nutrition, which depends on the type of pathology.If you have a fatty liver, you need to provide your cat with fractional meals in small portions, otherwise the disease will worsen. And if an animal has heart failure, it is recommended to switch it to a salt-free diet (that is, not only do not add salt to foods, but also select foods that initially contain less salt: for example, give up fish).

But first, you should consult with a veterinarian, who will recommend a specific diet in your case, because sometimes an animal suffers from two diseases at once and you need to correctly combine diets.

Feeding neutered cats and female cats

Castrated animals often suffer from the fact that they move less, and since they also lose interest in sexual hunting, the only joy in life remains food. They also disrupt the production of hormones that affect the feeling of satiety. Such animals cannot be overfed, otherwise they will become obese. But depriving them of joy is also not good, so you need to find a middle ground: you can feed a castrated cat and a sterilized cat 2-3 times a day, but in smaller portions.

The animal can also be switched to low-calorie food. If this is a natural diet, add more vegetables and cereals to the meat so that the volume of fiber filling the stomach is greater. If you feed your cat with ready-made products from a factory, select special food for sterilized animals.

Also, the diet of castrated and sterilized animals should contain practically no fish, because... its use increases the risk of urolithiasis, to which you are already prone Scottish cats, and even more so castrated.

In conclusion

That's the topic natural feeding cats don't end there. We have given only guidelines that will help to increase knowledge further, including with the help of our articles in the “Nutrition” section. We advise you to introduce new foods into your cat’s diet gradually and see how he reacts to them. Some cats love potatoes very much and tolerate them well, while others have problems with them. Some animals treat kidneys very well, while others are embarrassed by the smell of urine - they don’t even approach such offal. And someone is allergic to chicken. So everything is individual.

If you have read this long article to the end, it means that you will succeed and are able to absorb large number information for the sake of your cat. But don’t be alarmed by the fact that balancing your diet is difficult. We have good news for you: it doesn’t matter if you can’t properly balance your diet in the first weeks - cats’ bodies are for the most part strong and can adapt to any conditions, and therefore an imbalance of substances will not immediately cause health problems. It takes months to accumulate them. By that time, you will have time to obtain the necessary knowledge and, through trial and error, arrive at the best option. Periodically visit the “Nutrition” section and find out new information.

This article was checked and approved by expert felinologist, owner of the Scottish cattery Kristal Rose*RU Elena Shabaeva. The nursery is registered with WCF. To ask a question to an expert or get acquainted with additional information about him go to his personal page on the website of Scottish and British cats "Murkotiki". ⇒

What to feed your Scottish fold kitten

Feed the Scottish fold cat You can use both natural products and ready-made mixtures.

As a rule, pet breeders provide recommendations regarding proper feeding, but some Scottish owners prefer to create their own diet for their cats. Arises controversial issue: What food does the cat prefer?

Setting up a feeding area

Be sure to purchase a special cup so that it is comfortable for your pet. Try to set up the feeding area so that the cat can freely approach the food bowl up to twenty to thirty times a day. If you decide to offer to your Scottish Fold natural food, then try to change the contents of the cup at least four times a day. If you chose dry food, then you don’t have to change the contents of the cup, but only add food as the food disappears from the bowl.

Feeding with natural products

1. Meat and offal

Be sure to add beef to your diet. Never serve pork. You can pre-freeze the meat for about three to four days, and then serve it raw or slightly cooked. Kittens under four months are strictly prohibited from giving whole pieces of meat. Can be finely chopped or served as minced meat. If you serve chicken or turkey, boil it first to avoid salmonella contamination. Three times a week, offer your pet boiled or frozen chicken or beef offal: lung, tripe, kidneys, heart. Liver can be given to cats only once a week in boiled form.

2. Fish

Choose marine and lean fish. The Scottish Fold cat loves food in abundance, especially if there is fish in the bowl. However, do not overdo it, too much is also harmful. Serve the fish only boiled, first freeing it from the bones. It is strictly forbidden for cats under one year of age to put freshwater or raw fish in their bowl, because urolithiasis may develop over time.

3. Milk

Milk can be given to Scots Folds only for up to three months, because after this period the body does not absorb the product well. Before serving milk, be sure to boil it. It will be better if you replace it with sour cream or low-fat kefir. You can't give cream either, because it is too harmful to your pet's liver.

4. Porridge

It is recommended to offer porridge to your Scottish Fold several times a week. You can prepare rice, oatmeal or millet porridge by first boiling them in water or milk. If you cook with water, it is better to add meat broth or boiled meat pieces and vegetables in the form of puree to the porridge. You can also add it to porridge not often. egg yolk. However, if you buy eggs in a store, it is recommended to boil them first.

5. Vitamin supplements

If you decide to feed your Scots natural products, it is recommended to include it in the diet. However, before taking vitamins, consult your veterinarian - he will help you choose the optimal vitamin complex based on the age and diet of your pet.

Only properly selected food will allow your pet to fully develop and mature at all stages of its life. Take care of yours pet- he will reward you with his affection and love.

what food should I feed my Scottish Fold kitten?

If you simply don’t have time to prepare food for your kitten, then you can use specialized food.

Pro Plan Nutrisavour Junior

Wet food that fully meets your needs fluffy pet. Great for daily nutrition.

Food from Purina fully takes into account all the needs of the baby's growing body and will certainly appeal to the little hunter. The food contains meat products highest quality, in particular, dietary turkey meat.

The food includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the kitten needs for the full development of vision and brain.

In addition, canned food contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. Perfectly selected, it promotes the development of the animal’s skeletal system, and also helps to gain weight. Pro Plan Nutrisavour Junior belongs to the wet food category and therefore contains a sufficient amount of liquid.

Another plus in the food collection is the variety of flavors, which allows you to pamper your little furry picky dog.

Brit Premium Cat Kitten

It's dry food for Scottish fold kittens from a Czech manufacturer.

The food tastes like chicken. The composition of the food includes everything necessary for the full development of a kitten:

  • nutrients;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

It is worth noting that Brit Premium Cat Kitten contains selenium, a mineral that strengthens the animal’s immune system, as well as vitamin B7, which slows down the aging process.

Happy Cat Supreme Fit & Well Junior

Happy Cat Supreme Fit & Well Junior is a dry food designed for feeding kittens aged 5 weeks to one year.

Thanks to a perfectly selected component composition, it provides all the needs of a growing cat’s body.

The food includes poultry, rabbit and salmon. Of course, the crunchy pads contain what your kitten needs. vegetable fats, as well as a small amount of herbs useful for it.

Vitakraft VitaLife Indoor

Another dry food option designed for kittens aged 2 months to a year. Perfect for kittens leading a “home” lifestyle. The composition of the food is completely balanced and meets all the needs of the kitten’s growing body.

The basis of nutrition is beef and chicken. Additionally, the manufacturer enriched the food with Yucca extract, which helps reduce the smell of excrement. Inulin, also present in Vitakraft VitaLife Indoor, improves the digestion process.

Leonardo® Cat Food

The line of “premium” food from the German manufacturer is represented by dry food (crackers), canned food (meat in jelly) and wet food (pates).

It is noteworthy that the product composition does not contain preservatives, soy, flavors, artificial colors or additives. In addition, it includes substances unique to cat food, such as tocopherol and grape seed flour (excellent natural antioxidants) and an immunoprotector represented by a yeast complex. The recommended daily portion contains the daily amount of all the substances a kitten needs.

Thanks to the perfectly selected ingredients and flavor composition, Leonardo® Cat Food is very popular with animals.

1st Choice Kitten

Dry food for kittens from a Canadian manufacturer with chicken flavor. Designed for kittens aged two months to one year. The nutritional formula includes the amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals the animal needs.

The use of food facilitates the transition of a kitten from feeding with mother's milk to solid food, since the size and shape of the granules is completely adapted to small kittens.

ProSeries Holistic Kitten

Great for digestive system kitten Does not provide negative influence on urinary system animal. Also promotes the removal of swallowed hairballs.

The food is different high content protein (34%) and fat (20%). It is easily digestible and meets all the nutritional requirements for kittens.


Feed from Russian manufacturer with rice and chicken meat. The food recipe includes a special complex composed of brewer's yeast and egg powder. That is why all kittens, without exception, like the food.

The formula contains the optimal amount of phosphorus, calcium, vitamins and other substances that ensure the full development of the kitten. The food is perfectly digestible.

Now you know what food to feed a Scottish fold kitten. There are a huge number of manufacturers, and therefore the choice of feed is almost inexhaustible. And if your mustachioed-striped one doesn’t like pillows with filling, then there is always tender meat in jelly or aromatic pates.

When furry family members appear in the house, they give adults and small family members a lot of joy and love, but you need to immediately think about what to feed your Scottish kitten.

A Scottish Fold kitten should not be separated from its mother until two months of age, and already an 8-10 week old kitten is quite ready to feed on its own. Very young kittens are fed 7–8 times throughout the day.

Veterinarians advise diluting complementary foods for babies a little a large number fluids than the manufacturers recommend. This will help avoid constipation.

How much food to give (per day):

  • 1 week – 30 ml per 100 g of kitten’s weight;
  • 2 weeks – 35 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 3 weeks – 40 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 4 weeks and subsequent - 48 - 53 ml per 100 g of kitten weight.

Recipe for cat milk replacer mixture No. 1:

  • 20% condensed milk without sugar (1 part water to 5 parts condensed milk);
  • 1 teaspoon of bone meal (per 1 liter of milk);
  • stir until lumps disappear;
  • strain and cool to 36 – 38° C.

Recipe for a formula substitute for a newborn kitten No. 2:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • a drop of vitamin (trivita or tetravit).

Recipe for mixture for weakened kittens No. 3:

  • 100 ml milk (3.2%);
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20 ml glucose 5%.

Make sure your kitten's daily diet includes:

  • glycerophosphate;
  • calcium gluconate;
  • phytin;
  • white chalk;
  • 2 - 3 drops of fish oil;
  • crushed eggshells in a coffee grinder.

From 1.5 to 2 months, the kitten should be fed 6 times a day every 3 hours.

What to feed at 2 months and beyond?

After one and a half months, portions are gradually increased, but the number of feedings is reduced to 4–5 times. At the age of 4 - 5 months, feeding should be done 4 times a day, at 6 - 7 months - 3 times a day, and after 12 - 14 months, a Scottish cat should be fed twice a day.

At home, you can also use the continuous feeding method for Scottish Fold kittens: in this case, the food is not removed from the bowl and the kitten can approach it whenever it wants. The food needs to be changed as often as possible, depending on what you feed your lop-eared kitten.

For example, dry food can be constantly present in the bowl, while canned food and natural food can be changed 4 times a day.

It is important not only to feed and water your Scottish Fold kitten correctly. Water should be in a separate container (metal or plastic). If you decide to purchase a plastic bowl, buy it in a specialized store to avoid getting a fake: poor quality plastic may contain harmful substances.

Change the water 2 times a day and make sure that no pieces of food get into it.

What to feed a Scottish kitten?

Natural nutrition

Remember: not all foods that people eat can be fed to cats, much less kittens. Moreover, under natural food should not be understood as leftover food from the owners.

You will need to prepare your kitten's food daily using the following ingredients:

  1. Lean meat is the most important product in the diet of fold-eared kittens. This product should be given to kittens daily, after boiling or scalding with boiling water. It will be enough to give the kitten 30–40 grams of beef every other day, and you can alternate boiled meat with raw frozen meat (it must first be frozen for 3–5 days). Raw meat can be given to a kitten only if you are sure of its high quality.
  2. Poultry meat(chicken, turkey) can only be given well-cooked to avoid salmonellosis infection. The breast must be chopped before serving. And legs can be given to kittens from 4 months.
  3. Beef or chicken by-products (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, tripe) can only be given frozen or boiled. Boiled liver is beneficial for lop-eared kittens, as it is rich in vitamins and microelements. It should be offered to your lop-eared pet once a week.
  4. It is a myth that cats need to be given fish. In reality, fish is not such a healthy product for the cat's body. Fish can only be given to cats that are low-fat, preferably of marine origin. Before feeding the Scotsman, the fish must be boiled, freed from bones. Raw or freshwater fish It is not recommended to offer to kittens. You should not overuse fish; give it no more than twice a week. Constant consumption of fish (especially raw fish) can provoke the development of urolithiasis in a kitten.
  5. Milk and dairy products Allowed for kittens only up to 3 months of age, as then the milk begins to cause intestinal upset. Before serving, milk must be boiled. Offer fermented milk products to your pet 1 – 3 times a week (kefir, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese). The kitten's body best absorbs cottage cheese and kefir (from baby food). But you should not overfeed with cottage cheese: its excess increases the stiffness of the animal’s coat and causes the ears to rise. And since soft fur and drooping ears are the main characteristics of the Scottish kitten breed, such metamorphoses are unlikely to please you.
  6. Egg yolk or whole quail eggs. If the eggs were purchased at the store, it is better to boil them. Raw egg yolk should be given to kittens no more than once a week, and boiled chicken yolk should be mixed into the kitten’s porridge twice a week.
  7. Vegetables(except potatoes) are introduced into the diet until three times per week. Fresh and boiled vegetables are very beneficial for kittens. Before use, they are grated on a fine grater. Boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, green beans) grind into puree and mix with meat. Boiled or steamed pumpkin is added to food to prevent worms.
  8. Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal can be cooked 3 – 5 times a week with water or milk. You can add vegetable side dishes. If you cook cereals in water, add meat, fish, meat broth or grated boiled vegetables to them.
  9. Since the kitten’s body does not always absorb everything useful elements contained in the products, the kitten should be given vitamin and mineral supplements. It is necessary to add special vitamin complexes to the food of a fold-eared kitten, which do not contain iron. You should take a responsible approach to the selection of vitamins, since an incorrectly selected vitamin complex can cause problems associated with the liver and kidneys. That's why before you give your kitten vitamins, he needs to have tests done.

Feeding with prepared food

For a Scottish Fold kitten, it is better to choose premium ready-made food, since only they can saturate the growing body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

In addition, this method of feeding will help save your time without worrying that the cat’s body will not receive all the necessary nutrients. You don’t have to worry that the kitten won’t have enough calcium to grow, but beautiful wool– sulfur or zinc.

All these microelements are contained in Elite and Premium class feeds. You shouldn’t skimp on your pet’s food if you value its health.

The composition of food for kittens of each age differs significantly. For a fold-eared kitten up to three months, canned mousse is most suitable: thanks to the delicate consistency of the mousse, it is very convenient for the kitten to eat it.

You should not feed small kittens with food for adult animals, since the granules of adult dry food are larger than those in baby food. Kitten food is not suitable for a pregnant or lactating cat.

When the kitten grows a little, gradually mix dry food into the canned food, which is useful because the cat chews it and the risk of dental disease is reduced. There is no need to add vitamins to ready-made feeds, since there are enough of them in the feeds.

Mixed nutrition

Choosing for a kitten mixed nutrition, remember that the basis of your pet’s nutrition should be ready-made food. Natural products should be given as bait 1 – 2 times a day. With this type of feeding, the cat should receive vitamins every day - just like with a natural type of nutrition.

What food is best to feed?

Avoid cheap (massively advertised) food - this can negatively affect the kitten's health, since such food contains very little real meat, only ground bones, skin and other waste, flavored with synthetic additives.

Vitamin supplements in such feeds are very poorly balanced - their use can lead to the development of urolithiasis. This is why literally after 2–3 months of feeding cheap food the kitten begins to get sick.

Well-known manufacturers of premium feed:

  • Hills;
  • Nutro Choice;
  • Iams;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Eagle Pack;
  • Nutra Gold;
  • Purina Pro Plan.

If you cannot afford high-quality food, it is better to feed your pet natural food.

Remember: even very healthy products can damage the cat’s health and disrupt metabolism, but a good attitude, quality nutrition and care can make a Scottish Fold kitten healthy and cheerful.

Appearance in the house little kitten- this is not only joy for all household members, but also a great responsibility for a small defenseless creature. When looking at a fluffy baby, several questions arise at once: what can you feed a kitten at 1.5 months? What should you give a mustachioed baby?

Usually kittens at the age of 1.5-2 months already eat on their own. After 2 months they are separated from the cat and given to other owners. Therefore, before taking a pet into your home, ask the former owners what they fed it. New home, a foreign environment - all this is stress for the baby. It will be good if he receives the usual menu for the first 7 days.

Kitten food

To form a healthy body it is necessary proper nutrition. It is important to know that new foods should be introduced gradually, depending on age.

Kittens up to one month old should be given liquid food. Experts advise using baby food for babies.

Never give your baby whole, undiluted cow's milk! Full fat milk It is difficult to digest, constipation may occur, and for some kittens it is contraindicated. 10% cream will replace mother's milk.

IN one month old You can slowly start giving kefir and cottage cheese, but in small quantities, thus moving from liquid to more solid food.

What foods can be given at one and a half months?

Food for a 1.5-month-old kitten is already much more varied than for a month. Meat is gradually introduced. It is advisable to start feeding the young predator low-fat varieties meat: chicken, beef.

All solid food must be processed in a meat grinder, because it is still difficult for the kitten to bite off a piece and chew it. Professionals advise giving kittens meat purees designed for infants; they are made from natural products.

The yolk of a chicken or quail egg is rich in vitamin E and is very beneficial for animals. But you shouldn't give them protein unless the kittens have diarrhea.

Feeding for a 1.5 month old kitten should be moderate, without overeating, so that the baby does not subsequently become obese. You shouldn’t overfeed it either: a lack of vitamins and exhaustion of the body can negatively affect the further development of the animal.

Features of feeding a British kitten

All purebred animals have weak immunity and are categorically unsuitable for many of the things that barn cats can eat without any consequences. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to what to feed british kitten at 1.5 months.

British kittens should start feeding from three weeks of age, without being separated from their mother. The longer she breastfeeds, the better and stronger the baby’s immunity.

If at the beginning of complementary feeding a mustachioed pet does not strive to eat other food, it means that he has enough mother’s milk. You can try giving new food after a few days.

So when introducing a new product for the first time? Let's try to answer this question.

It is advisable to start with milk for kittens. Introduce cottage cheese without fruit additives, 10% cream, kefir, and baby milk porridge into your diet.

You can give the yolk, boiled or raw, mixed with sour cream or kefir

Don't forget that pet- is also a predator, and he needs to eat meat. At one and a half months, you need to gradually start giving him beef meat, twisted in a meat grinder or scraped (necessarily - frozen in the freezer or scalded with boiling water).

Complementary foods are given from 3 to 6 times a day. It depends on how often the cat feeds her kittens. This is how babies gradually give up natural breastfeeding.

Scottish breed

The best option is if the kitten eats up to 2 months mother's milk until it gets stronger. Otherwise, he will have weak immunity, poor resistance to disease and difficulties in further development. At 1.5-2 months, complementary foods are gradually introduced. At this age, the baby eats 6 times a day.

What to feed a 1.5 month old Scottish kitten? Let's try to figure it out. It is better to start complementary feeding with milk porridges for babies. A young predator needs to eat meat every day, so it must be included in the diet. Experts advise starting with meat puree for infants. For lop-eared people Scottish breeds Meat is the staple food and should be given daily. Do not forget that it cannot be given raw - only scalded, boiled, twisted in a meat grinder and without bones. Raw egg yolk is given once a week

Nutritious porridges for Scottish kittens - buckwheat and rice. You can add chicken and beef. Cute furry animals will really like this menu.

It is useful to give beef or chicken liver once a week.

Vegetables and fruits: pros and cons

WITH early age It is necessary to teach kittens to eat vegetables, boiled and raw. When a kitten chews whole apple, a head of cabbage, raw carrots, this way he cleans his teeth from plaque. Boiled pumpkin is given for prevention against worms. Experts advise giving grated carrots with the addition of vegetable or animal fat, it is rich in vitamin A, which is very beneficial for pets.

Boiled potatoes are given in small quantities.

You can't give onions.

Healthy Supplements

For the healthy development of the body of mustachioed babies, they need to consume eggshells crushed in a coffee grinder every day.

Sprouted wheat and oats are rich in vitamin B and C and are very beneficial for furry babies.

It is advisable to have a bowl of white chalk near the plate of food.

Don’t forget that there should also be a container of drinking water near the bowl of food.

Dry food for kittens

In any pet store it is not a problem to buy expensive as well as cheap dry food. So what is better to feed a 1.5 month old kitten: dry or natural food? Opinions on this matter are divided.

Some experts believe that dry food is undesirable for babies aged 1.5 months. The baby's stomach will not be able to digest it. If in the future preference is given to dry food, it should be introduced to it no earlier than 3 months.

Others claim that there is a high-quality dry food specially designed for small kittens that contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. But before using it, it must be soaked in warm water. Do not soak large amounts of feed; Leftovers should be refrigerated or thrown away. The soaked food is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day.

And yet, what to feed a kitten for 1.5 months, dry or natural food, you will have to decide on your own. Experts advise not to buy cheap food, but to use premium food purchased in specialized stores, so as not to harm the baby.

Prohibited foods for kittens

Pay attention to foods that should absolutely be excluded from your baby’s diet. This applies to any purebred or non-pedigreed cats (with the exception of castrated and sterilized cats, there are special instructions for them).

What should you not feed a 1.5 month old kitten? We present to your attention a list of products:

  • Harmful for all cat breeds.
  • It is dangerous to give pork to cats - this meat is too fatty and difficult to digest. In addition, it contains a lot of bacteria harmful to the cat family.
  • You should not give food from the table to small kittens, it contains spices and a large amount of salt.
  • Under no circumstances should you give your children salty, smoked foods or sausages.
  • You should not give bird or fish bones.
  • Onions are very toxic for cats.
  • Low-grade dry food, canned food - all this is very junk food for kittens and adult cats.
  • Dry and wet food for dogs does not meet the needs of the cat's body.
  • Sweets and baked goods are prohibited.
  • Kittens should not be given mixed food - combining natural food and dry food.

It is necessary to give the baby something to drink, even if he is still breastfeeding. Be sure to change the water every day.

Do not feed your kitten as soon as you wake up. Cats have a good memory. The pet can immediately understand that it will receive food as soon as the owner wakes up, and in the future it will wake him up in the morning.

Decide on a feeding area where the cat will have a bowl of food and water so that it is comfortable and easily accessible for both the pet and the owners.

Do not feed the cat from your table so that it does not get into the habit of disturbing its owners while eating.

Any creature, after it has eaten, needs rest, time to digest the food. This is especially true for kids. You should not immediately start playing with the kitten after eating, hugging it, squeezing it, so as not to harm the baby.


To summarize, we can say that small furry creatures, like small children, require attention and affection. Complete nutrition good care, the love and affection of their owners is what is necessary for the healthy development of the baby.

Those who decided to get purebred cat, often give preference to a breed such as the Scottish Fold. These animals are distinguished by a calm and friendly disposition, and also do not require special care, which cannot be said about the capricious “Persians” or the fastidious sphinxes. However, even the highly adaptable Scottish Fold cat can develop serious health problems if you feed it food from your table. Under no circumstances should you do this, even if you really feel sorry for your pet begging for a piece of cutlet or a slice. smoked sausage. It’s better to show integrity from the very beginning and wean your baby from the habit of eating at the same table with you, than to subsequently spend money on veterinary clinic, trying to restore lost health to your pet.

Scottish fold cats feel equally good eating dry food and natural products. Therefore, there is no fundamental difference in which menu option to choose for your pet. In the first case, you save your own time and effort, since there is no need to separately prepare food for the cat. In addition, dry food is quite well balanced, so you do not have to use vitamins and mineral supplements to provide your animal with good nutrition. However, in this case it is necessary to ensure that the cat always has fresh water in the feeder, which should be changed several times a day.

Nutritional rules for Scottish Folds

However, some breeders are convinced that there is nothing more useful for a Scottish Fold cat than natural products. There is some truth in this, since you can always control the quality of your food and be sure that it does not contain harmful substances. But in this case, it should be remembered that all food must be fresh and selected in accordance with the age of the animal. So, milk can only be given to kittens under 3 months of age while their body still easily absorbs this product. During the same period, children should be taught to fresh meat, giving preference to lean beef or chicken. Before use, meat should be divided into small portions and placed in the freezer for at least 3 days. The pieces are then defrosted naturally and given to the pet. In this case, you can be sure that dangerous microbes will not enter the kitten’s body, and 90% harmful additives, which are often added to feed for poultry and large cattle, will come out of the meat along with the melt water.

On the contrary, it is not recommended to freeze fish, but fresh she represents real threat for Scottish fold cat. Therefore, it should be boiled or steamed. Despite the fact that your pet loves fish dishes, you should include them in your diet no more than 2-3 times a week. In order to diversify your pet’s menu, you can prepare various porridges for him, adding a little milk, fish oil or butter to them.

Special attention should be paid to offal products such as liver, kidneys, heart and tripe.. For normal development for an animal, they must be present in its diet at least once a week. True, tripe must be boiled and the water must be changed several times to remove toxins from the food. Then they should be cooled and cut into small pieces. In no case should you add salt or spices to such dishes, which are strictly contraindicated for cats. For the same reason, sausages, cheeses, smoked meats and pates, to which your pet may be very partial, should be excluded from the Scottish Fold menu.

Scottish fold cats love fresh vegetables, in which they should not be limited. Animals themselves determine when their body needs a slice of cucumber and when it should nibble on a piece of potato. The same goes for bread, which your pet may require depending on his mood, or boiled eggs, which contain much-needed protein for the animal.

Some cats enjoy eating fresh fruit and can even enjoy jam. However, in this case, you need to be vigilant, since sweets are strictly contraindicated for your pet. He is also prohibited from giving him citrus fruits, avocados and pineapples, raisins and dried apricots.. Anything should be excluded from the Scottish Fold cat's diet. fried foods, baked goods and pickles, as well as any soups and meat broths, which the animal’s body assimilates with great difficulty. At the same time, from the first months of life, it is recommended to accustom the Scottish Fold cat to fermented milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and kefir. In small quantities (up to 2-3 spoons per week) they should be present in your pet’s diet, helping him replenish the balance important microelements in the body. However, if a cat refuses dairy products, they can always be replaced mineral supplements and vitamins.