Constant body temperature 35.5. Low body temperature in various diseases

Everyone knows that an increase in body temperature is a sign of ill health. However, too low a temperature (hypothermia), especially when observed for a long time, may also indicate the presence of diseases. This condition is dangerous because, unlike fever, it does not cause serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. Sometimes chills and a feeling of coldness in the extremities are added. Many people with such symptoms do not go to the doctor at all, considering them to be a consequence of accumulated fatigue. Nevertheless medical intervention necessary here.

Reduced body temperature is less than 35.8 °C. Establish the factors that caused it, without thorough examination it can be difficult, but most often this state caused by reasons that we will tell you about.

Lack of hemoglobin, which develops due to iron deficiency in the body, often causes a decrease in body temperature and the appearance of accompanying symptoms(fatigue, loss of vitality and appetite, decreased mental activity, etc.). If these phenomena occur regularly, you need to contact your physician and ask to prescribe a blood test.


The cause of internal bleeding may be damage or increased permeability of the vascular walls due to injury, tumor growth, metabolic disorders, etc. Chronic process has no active external manifestations, and blood loss is reflected only in general health. One of the symptoms is a decrease in body temperature. This dangerous condition requiring immediate medical attention.


Sharp fluctuations hormonal levels may provoke the development of hypothermia. During a pregnancy that proceeds without pathologies, the temperature returns to normal level as the woman’s body adapts to the new state.


Sometimes a decrease in body temperature occurs periodically and is accompanied by such phenomena as headache, dizziness, nausea, intolerance to bright light or loud sounds. This set of symptoms is characteristic of vascular dystonia. Unpleasant sensations appear against the background of a sudden short-term dilation of blood vessels.


In people with diabetes, the mechanism of glucose oxidation, the main source of energy, is disrupted. At the beginning pathological process they have observed constant thirst, increased urination, a feeling of numbness in the extremities, weight gain and temperature fluctuations (including its frequent or persistent decrease).


Pathology of the adrenal glands

A decrease in body temperature is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, which causes a deficiency of cortisol, aldosterone and androgenic hormones. The condition is also manifested by hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing and frequent changes mood (temper, irritability).


The center responsible for maintaining constant temperature in the body, located in the hypothalamus. A neoplasm (malignant or benign) that arises in this zone disrupts the regulation of heat exchange processes. Patients suffering similar tumors, along with headaches and dizziness, they often complain of chills and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.


The immediate cause of asthenia is oxygen deficiency in tissues human body. At the same time, the processes of oxidation and energy production by the body slow down. People with asthenic syndrome experience shortness of breath, pallor skin, disturbances of balance and vision (“floaters” before the eyes), apathy.


Hypothermia often occurs in patients suffering from dermatitis, psoriasis, or severe skin lesions (for example, ichthyosis).

You woke up early in the morning and felt that something was wrong with your body: your hands and feet are cold, you feel some kind of malaise, weakness, lack of strength, lethargy, drowsiness...

The first thought that flashed through my head: “Just don’t get sick, because there’s a period of reports at work ahead, and in general there’s sorely not enough time, and even more so to just lie on the couch and swallow pills!”

As luck would have it, the thermometer disappeared somewhere... You remembered that six months ago you put it in a distant closet. We still have to find him and measure his body temperature.

Strange, but instead of the expected 36.6 degrees, the scale clearly shows a temperature of 35.5 degrees. Maybe a mistake? However, upon repeated measurement, the reduced temperature is obvious.

It is too early to judge which body temperature is “better” for a person - increased or decreased, without thoroughly understanding this. So, let's finally find out what the causes of low human body temperature are.

To begin with, let's determine that low temperature body temperature is 36 or 35.5 and even lower degrees. What are the first signs of low temperature?

  • Firstly, this is a weakness;
  • Secondly, this is drowsiness;
  • Thirdly, this is a general malaise;
  • Fourth, this is irritability;
  • Fifthly, this is an inhibition of thought processes.

Now let's figure it out why is body temperature low??

The first cause of low body temperature may be ordinary fatigue. It is possible that you are devoting too much time and effort to your labor activity, you work overtime, often stay after work, and it’s simply unforgivable that you haven’t been on vacation for a long time. Periodic lack of sleep, constant worries, stressful situations, excessive mental and even physical activity do not pass without a trace for your body, and it thus begins to “signal” you about it. In this case, tinctures of valerian and motherwort will come to your aid, which you can take before bed.

The second reason for a decrease in body temperature may be a loss of strength, a lack of iron in your body, that is, anemia. In order to check this, you need to immediately do general analysis blood and check the hemoglobin level. IN spring period When the body begins to suffer from a lack of sufficient vitamins, a diagnosis such as iron deficiency anemia is not surprising. So you shouldn’t be afraid of this right away, you just need to do everything in time for this necessary measures, of course, after consulting your doctor first.

The third reason Low body temperature may disrupt your body's immune system. It is possible that you have recently suffered from a fairly serious illness, and your body has weakened, having devoted a lot of energy to fighting this disease. Or maybe you were on some kind of diet and fasted, thus trying to bring your body into better shape, but at the same time incorrectly calculated the number of kilocalories? Know that in this case it is necessary to urgently start taking vitamins and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

The fourth reason a decrease in body temperature may also be a lack of vitamin C in your body. So, quickly go to the store for fresh oranges and tangerines, from eating which you will not only have great benefits for your body, but will also quickly rise great mood for the whole day, which is important. Also get into the habit of drinking tea with lemon, but do not forget that vitamin C is destroyed at high temperatures.

The fifth reason for low body temperature may be: bad habit as self-medication. It’s no secret that we all sometimes like to “play doctor,” especially when we’re just too lazy to get to the hospital; we can “identify” one symptom in ourselves certain disease and immediately “prescribe” his treatment. Thus, an excessive amount may enter the body medicines, which can result in intoxication of the body. Such actions are extremely wrong, since jokes with medications, and especially with their doses, are usually fraught with danger. Take care of your own health - never self-medicate.

The sixth reason a decrease in body temperature may aggravate any chronic diseases. If you have any, then try to always “keep your finger on the pulse” and monitor the condition of your body. At the first symptoms, do not delay a visit to your doctor for too long.

The seventh reason decreased body temperature may be hypothyroidism. For those who hear about this medical term for the first time, we clarify that this means a decrease in activity thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is not a disease, it is a condition of the body that is caused by prolonged insufficient content thyroid hormones. Since this gland performs important role in the life of the human body, then we need to take this problem seriously, but without panic. It is also necessary to see a doctor.

Eighth reason A decrease in body temperature may cause problems with the adrenal glands. If you suffer from adrenal damage, you must definitely take into account the fact that you need to consume a sufficient amount of water daily, and, unless there are any contraindications, in no case limit yourself to drinking plenty of fluids, especially in spring and summer. If possible, in the fall, try to eat as many melons and watermelons as possible, which cleanse our body, thereby healing it.

The cause of low body temperature in women may be “ interesting situation" This may be accompanied by attacks of nausea, debilitating headaches, lack of appetite, and coldness may also often be felt in the legs and arms. Despite the fact that in this case the decrease in temperature is quite understandable, due attention should still be paid to this, since this can cause fainting in expectant mother. A pregnant woman should take doubly care of her health, because first of all, the life and health of her unborn baby depends on her.

If you notice that your child shows indifference to food, has become apathetic and lethargic, then first of all measure his temperature; perhaps this is a low body temperature in the child.

A child has a low temperature - what to do?

If your child has a low temperature, then call a pediatrician; under no circumstances do any rubbing before this, since in this case such actions can only harm your child.

Just hold your baby in your arms and warm him with all your warmth until the pediatrician arrives.

Low body temperature in a child - causes

It often happens that a person’s body temperature decreases as a result of hypothermia; this happens mainly in the cold season. Remember that you need to urgently call for this person ambulance. If the person is conscious, then before the ambulance arrives, you can give him warm (not hot!) sweet tea. Under no circumstances should such a person be placed in hot bath, this can be fatal.

There are cases of disturbances in human physical and behavioral thermoregulation, in which the body loses heat and, accordingly, its temperature decreases.

Any of the above reasons is a sufficient reason to go to the hospital and medical assistance normalize body temperature.

You may be shown:

  • physiotherapy,
  • balneotherapy - treatment using mineral waters, spa treatment.

Nowadays, when the environment around us leaves much to be desired, the percentage of air pollution is too high, we must be especially careful about our health. Besides, help your body yourself.

Our list is long, but nevertheless very important; using the above methods you will activate protective properties your body.

What to do if you have low body temperature? How can you increase it? So…

Method One. You should lie down in a warm bed. Don't forget to wrap yourself in several blankets.

Method Two. Since heat flows to the body through the legs, use a heating pad or filled hot water bottles.

Method Three. Hot foot baths are effective. It is advisable that when placing your feet in the basin, your calves should be placed in the water. Can be added to a bowl to warm up essential oils. For example, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, fir.

Method Four. It is recommended to drink delicious hot tea with honey. If desired, honey can be replaced with raspberry jam or St. John's wort tincture. It is in this way that you can easily and quickly increase the temperature of the human body.

Method Five. Very strange, but effective. To increase human degrees, it is recommended to take a pencil and pull out the lead. And then the stylus should be broken, crumbled and drunk. It helps raise the temperature, albeit for a few hours.

Method Six. You can rub your armpits, for example, with salt or black pepper.

Method Seven. Do a couple of things physical exercise. They will put a strain on the body and easily increase your heart rate. Therefore, the body will warm up.

Method Eight. Very good effect on the body positive emotions. So laugh loudly and cheerfully. And also try to create a light and joyful environment around you and get ready for recovery.

Note: if you are unable to increase your body temperature in the next two to three days, you should consult a specialist doctor.

  • shelled walnuts,
  • dried apricots,
  • raisin,
  • prunes (pitted),

Grind the above ingredients in a blender, except honey. Then pour the resulting mass with honey, mix everything thoroughly. Special instructions As for the parts, all the components are not here, take everything from a 1:1 ratio. By taking just one teaspoon of this sweet treat once a day in the morning, you will not only improve your vitality, but also get things working gastrointestinal tract. And to boost our immunity, grandma always gave us currant tea, which is not only rich in vitamin C, but also has a unique taste.

Take care of your health, because this is the second most important value after life, given to a person from birth. Health to you and your loved ones!

A sign of the disease is not only a body temperature above 37 degrees, but also below 35.8. Should be in mandatory pay attention to such indicators on the thermometer and do everything possible to eliminate such pathology. So, body temperature is 35.8 - what does this mean? Let's take a closer look at the reasons for the appearance of this mark on the thermometer. We wrote in detail about why low body temperature occurs.

What is hypothermia?

A person’s body temperature is considered normal within 36–37 degrees. Ideal indicator– 36.6 Co. Small deviations in one direction or another are not terrible. They depend on what a person is doing and in what conditions he is at the moment.

A decrease in a patient's temperature below 35.8 is called hypothermia. This is not such a harmless phenomenon. Behind this symptom are hidden serious illnesses requiring treatment. This is how dysfunction of organs and systems in the human body, metabolism and brain activity usually manifests itself.

Symptoms of the condition

A person’s body temperature below 35.8 degrees is accompanied by the following body conditions:

  • severe chills
  • freezing,
  • loss of strength,
  • fatigue,
  • dizziness,
  • feeling unwell
  • confusion,
  • pallor,
  • severe drowsiness,
  • low blood pressure,
  • irritation.

Such symptoms arise as a result of a slowdown in blood flow, strong dilation of blood vessels, and changes in the course of processes in the brain. This negatively affects not only mental activity a person and the functioning of the heart, but the nervous system also suffers. Hallucinations may occur.

Causes of hypothermia body temperature 35.8

What this means can be figured out by finding out its cause, because... it could be:

  1. the influence of certain factors, having eliminated which the indicators on the thermometer return to normal;
  2. the course of a disease of a specific organ in the body.

In the first case we're talking about about random causes affecting a person in a short period of time. Body temperature may drop due to:

  • nervous fatigue,
  • taking specific medications
  • hypothermia,
  • insomnia,
  • strong feeling of hunger,
  • long-term diet,
  • exhaustion,
  • intoxication with alcohol or drugs.

If any of the above actually caused hypothermia, then short terms the temperature situation returns to normal if the exposure ceases negative factor on the body. When this does not help, then hyperthermia is one of the symptoms of the disease, which is identified after examination in the hospital.

Loss of strength

Bad mental activity, lack of appetite and decreased body temperature hint that it is worth checking your hemoglobin level by taking a blood test. To do this, you need to go to your local physician and get a referral to the laboratory. Iron deficiency anemia– one of the reasons for temperatures below 35.8.


Low body temperature suggests that the body contains internal bleeding. And they, in turn, arise against the background of trauma, tumor growth, and metabolic disorders. This alarming symptom Doctors are able to identify it after examining the patient’s body.


Problems with blood vessels affect a person’s body temperature. Sudden short-term dilation of blood vessels indicates the development of vascular dystonia, which is manifested by dizziness, headache, nausea, irritation when exposed to bright light and loud sound, as well as low performance temperature.

Hormonal disorders

Fluctuations in hormonal levels also lead to a decrease in body temperature to below 35.8 C. Therefore, during pregnancy this normal phenomenon until the woman’s body gets used to the new state.


If body temperature often drops to 35.8, what does this mean? diabetes mellitus- an endocrinologist can confirm. This is accompanied by constant thirst, frequent urination, numbness of the limbs, weight gain.

Thyroid disorders

Hypothermia occurs due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Problems are obvious when a person’s vitality drops, he becomes lethargic without any enthusiasm.

Adrenal problems

Body temperature decreases due to disruption of the adrenal glands. There is a lack of androgenic hormones, as well as cortisol and aldosterone. A person becomes characterized by frequent irritation, mood swings, tachycardia, arrhythmia, loss of appetite, and impaired swallowing function.


Benign or malignant tumors hypothalamus, the main temperature regulator in the human body, causes persistent hyperthermia. Along with this, chills, freezing extremities, headaches and dizziness occur.


Poor balance, the appearance of spots before the eyes, shortness of breath, blurred vision, pale skin, as well as a drop in temperature below 35.8 degrees indicate the development of asthenic syndrome, which develops due to a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

Dermatological diseases

Skin diseases also cause hypothermia. Its appearance is affected by psoriasis or more severe forms skin diseases.


A person's body temperature decreases during ARVI. In the first stages of the disease it lasts high temperature, and somewhere on the 3-4th day it may fall below 35.8 degrees. This occurs against the background of depletion of the body's strength, affected viral infection. That is, this condition indicates a decline in immunity. Read about the temperature during ARVI.

Causes of childhood hypothermia

If a child’s body temperature drops to 35.8, what does this mean? For many parents, this condition can cause panic. However, everything has its reasons, and most often they are indirect, disappearing after a while.

For example, this can happen after taking antipyretic medications due to weakening of the body after past illness. This manifestation is especially typical for young children, since the maintenance mechanism temperature regime they have not yet formed.

Low temperature body in a child sometimes indicates an overdose of use vasoconstrictor drugs in the form of drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion. Therefore, before using the medicine, you need to familiarize yourself with its contraindications.

Rarely, hypothermia in a child is a consequence viral disease. He is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, fatigue. At an older age, a decrease in body temperature in children may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland and the development of diabetes mellitus.

Useful video

Body temperature– this is a dynamic value that, within normal limits, can fluctuate during the day, changing by several degrees. IN morning time days, when the body just wakes up, the body temperature is significantly reduced and approximately equal to 35.5 degrees. During the day, the values ​​increase, and in the evening, due to fatigue and decreased activity, the values ​​tend to decrease again. Based on this, it can be noted that the temperature, which is not considered as pathological phenomenon, ranges from 35 to 37 degrees.

The term low temperature– this is the value of the thermometer readings 0.5-1.5 degrees lower accepted norm in the current situation, but not less than 35 degrees.

Low temperature or hypothermia– this is a drop in temperature below the limit of 35 degrees.

Symptoms of hypothermia

When it comes to symptoms, it should be noted that a change in thermoregulation values ​​is a sign of the presence of some kind of disorder in the body. Low temperature in medical practice is considered not as an independent illness, but as a symptom that describes specific phenomenon. However, if you consider low temperature in isolation from other biological processes occurring in the human body, then you can identify a number of criteria that suggest a decrease in body temperature.

Quite often, along with hypothermia, the following is observed:

  • headache;
  • circulatory disorders and, as a consequence, arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of dizziness;
  • numbness in fingers and toes;
  • chills;
  • feeling cold;
  • trembling throughout the body, accompanied by weakness and loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting, but these symptoms do not always occur.

In addition to everything described above, the main criteria that characterize low temperature as a pathological phenomenon should be indicated. First of all, the temperature should drop below 35 degrees and remain static throughout the day. If the situation remains unchanged for several days, it can be argued that there is a serious disruption in the functioning of the body.

Main causes of low body temperature

There can be a lot of causes of hypothermia, and therefore they are divided into a decrease in temperature due to exacerbation of chronic or development acute illness, as well as as a result of local organismal changes. About diseases as the cause of the development of a pathological process we'll talk in the next paragraph, first of all, we will reveal the essence of less complex reasons, causing the development of the described problem.

  1. Wrong lifestyle, including daily routine and diet, is the main reason for the decrease in body temperature below 35 degrees. In situations when the body is resting insufficient quantity time, while constantly facing physical and mental overload, the internal energy reserve is exhausted. In this case, low temperature is the least that can arise as a result of working without proper rest.
  2. Lack of vitamins. According to statistics, 80 percent of all cases of long-term hypothermia, both in adults and children, are associated with improper diet and nutrition. If the body does not get all of it with food essential vitamins, acids and other components, then significant loss may begin energy potential, characterized by the impossibility biological systems warm the body to normal levels.
  3. Severe stress. In fact, all the diseases that people suffer from are the result of suffering from neuropsychic tension and stress. It is stress that forces the body to function differently, accelerating biological processes and directing all available resources to maintain a state of rest, blocking irritating factors. Low temperature in this situation is a fairly common occurrence and means that the body is very weakened.
  4. Pregnancy. Temperature during pregnancy tends to rise or fall from time to time and depending on the situation. There is nothing particularly terrible about this, but only as long as the indicators do not go beyond the permissible limits. In such a situation, risks arise both for the health of the mother and for the unborn baby. To prevent everything undesirable consequences It is necessary to monitor your own condition extremely carefully throughout pregnancy. Sometimes hypothermia during pregnancy can be evidence early toxicosis or be a sign of fatigue. More are possible serious reasons the phenomenon being described, for example a violation endocrine system. Often a specific reaction of the body is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, which can go away on their own without additional influences.
  5. Medicines lower the temperature. Some medications can have an effect on the body negative impact, inhibiting the activity of systems, as well as disrupting the natural processes of thermoregulation. There are common cases in which the body temperature dropped below normal after taking antibiotics. This happens mainly due to individual characteristics the body and its reaction to a particular drug. Similar phenomenon similar to the allergic process, in which immune system because of genetic disorder blocks safe elements, recognizing them as a threat. To minimize the risks of hypothermia, you should take all pharmacological agents only after a doctor's prescription.

Possible diseases at temperatures below 36 degrees

If no obvious signs strong decline There is no body temperature, then this is a serious reason to think about your own health. In such a situation, most likely, there is the presence of some chronic illness who is in a state of relapse. Therefore, it is necessary to go through the full medical examination by contacting a specialist for a diagnosis. The situation described may be a profile large quantity specialists, including a neurologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or immunologist.

  • Oncological diseases. As part of the description of hypothermia as a result of the progression of the disease process, it should be noted that the lion's share of all cases is occupied by oncological diseases. It is the growth of a tumor, such as the brain, that can lead to functional disorders central nervous system, which will cause a change in the thermoregulation process. Quite often there is a decrease in temperature due to pathologies of the endocrine system, anorexia, poisoning, and HIV.
  • Flu. Temperatures can fluctuate greatly with the flu, as the immune system strives to create a disease that is as unfavorable as possible for infection. With this disease, auxiliary symptoms often occur in the form of a runny nose and sore throat. In the described situation, the manifestations of the disease cannot be ignored; it is necessary to immediately begin adequate to the situation therapy.
  • Cold. Despite the fact that a completely natural state for a cold is a temperature above 37 degrees, which is designed to destroy the source of the disease, hypothermia also occurs. This can happen in some cases, for example, if a cold arises from an existing, untreated disease. In this case, the fragile body will send all remaining resources to fight the source of inflammation, which under certain circumstances can deplete the immune system. It is for this reason that symptoms such as chills, sweating and cough most often appear against a background of low temperature. Considering such a phenomenon as acute respiratory disease, it should be noted that with this disease local intoxication of the body occurs. Often, toxins penetrate the brain and affect the hypothalamus, which is responsible for thermoregulation. As a result, the body reacts to the virus in a similar way, temporarily reducing the temperature to a minimum. In this case, you need to very carefully monitor the dynamics of the disease, being under constant medical supervision.
  • Arterial hypotension. Reduced blood pressure by more than 20 percent of normal is quite common in combination with low body temperature. This happens due to the fact that blood flow slows down significantly, as a result of which cellular respiration and biochemical processes within the body begin to proceed more slowly. The whole point is that the body goes into an energy-saving mode, saving energy. Often a similar process is observed in people in hot weather, as a result of which blood vessels expand, therefore, their area increases, which is one of the tools for reducing body temperature naturally.

Is it dangerous?

A low temperature is only dangerous when it crosses the 35 degree mark on the thermometer. In this case, the phenomenon is already regarded as pathological, and additional measures are required to normalize the readings. In most cases, in order to restore the temperature you need to start eating right and healthy image life, enough rest and sleep.

What to do at low temperatures

Low temperature is a polyetiological condition, so before taking any measures you need to consult a doctor and make sure that this is not a pathological phenomenon accompanying the disease. You can eliminate the decrease in temperature using the following methods:

  1. take a few days off. The problem is caused by overwork and a busy schedule, and proper rest is important for recovery;
  2. regular consumption of liver, red meat, fresh juices, spices (cinnamon, cloves and peppers). Fatty chicken broths, peanuts and chocolate help cope with low temperatures;
  3. adherence to diet;
  4. in case of hypothermia, emphasis should be placed on hot drinks in large volumes, taking a bath and resting under a warm blanket;
  5. the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating drugs to combat the problem (Pantocrine, Normoxan, vitamin E);
  6. reception recommended herbal decoctions from St. John's wort, mint, echinacea, lemon balm.

How to increase the temperature at home

For moderate and mild hypothermia, when the temperature does not cross the lower limit of 31 degrees, medications are not required. There are ways to urgently raise the temperature, but they do not eliminate the problem, but only temporarily relieve it:

  1. lubricate the nostrils with domestic stationery glue;
  2. eat a couple of tablespoons of instant coffee in dry form;
  3. rub your armpits with garlic or salt;
  4. eat the stylus a simple pencil and wash it down with water;
  5. a few drops of iodine are dripped onto a spoon with sugar or a piece of bread and eaten;
  6. activate blood circulation through exercise;
  7. procedures are used to increase body heat:

A person’s temperature indicators change under the influence of various facts; their deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. If there is a low body temperature, the reasons may be associated with certain diseases, overwork, or hypothermia.

Diseases that cause hypothermia

The ideal temperature for a person is 36.6 degrees, but they can change even in healthy people throughout the day. In the morning the values ​​are always slightly lower; in the evening they can rise. Therefore, the range of 35.8–37.0 degrees is considered normal. Hypothermia means a prolonged decrease in temperature to 35.0 degrees or below. Pathology occurs when various diseases, accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

What diseases are accompanied by hypothermia:

  • hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus;
  • AIDS;
  • the body has malignant tumors, radiation sickness;
  • anemia, low hemoglobin, severe blood loss, sepsis;
  • depressive states;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • dysfunctions of the brain, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • acute disorder cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction;
  • severe poisoning.

The reason for the sharp drop in temperature values ​​to 35.2–35.5 degrees may be loading dose antipyretic drugs for colds, flu, uncontrolled reception sedatives, barbiturates, antidepressants, poisoning with toxic and toxic substances. Hypothermia is often diagnosed after surgical interventions, for severe burns. In women, the indicators are affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Important! A decrease in body temperature often occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin C - this substance is not synthesized in the body, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its reserves.

Other causes of low temperature

All people are different, so a long-term decrease in temperature below 35.8 degrees is not always a pathology.

Why does the temperature drop:

  • old age - in older people the temperature is often lower than normal, which is associated with certain processes in the body;
  • physiological characteristics - a temperature of 35.6–35.8 degrees occurs in people with chronically low blood pressure, while no particular deterioration in well-being is observed;
  • asthenic physique - in such people metabolic processes proceed slowly, so the temperature may be below 36 degrees;
  • pregnancy, menopause - if a woman feels normal, medical intervention is not required.

A temporary decrease in temperature values ​​occurs during hypothermia, long-term stress, overwork, chronic lack of sleep, shock, after fasting or extreme diets, against the background alcohol intoxication. The causes of hypothermia in young children and adults are identical. After 10 years of age, a child often develops a low temperature, which is associated with the onset of puberty and significant changes in the body.

Important! Hypothermia – normal condition for a premature baby. In children in the first days of life, reduced levels do not pose a threat to health, but require monitoring due to imperfect thermoregulation.


If hypothermia develops suddenly, characteristic features that are difficult to ignore. Most often they are a consequence of the underlying disease, pathological condition.

How does hypothermia manifest?

  • frequent and prolonged attacks of dizziness, fainting;
  • the person gets very cold and gets chills;
  • the skin becomes pale, sweating increases, and the sweat is cold;
  • certain parts of the body become numb, tremble, and there is a sensation of crawling goosebumps;
  • nausea.

At low temperatures, a person constantly feels weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, speech slows down, the patient becomes lethargic, and sometimes anxiety appears, unreasonable fear. In children, when the readings drop below 35.8 degrees, lethargy, moodiness, tearfulness are observed, appetite worsens, and the child does not want to participate in active games.

Important! Hypothermia is a consequence of prolonged dehydration. Sometimes it is enough to start drinking at least 2 liters clean water per day to normalize the indicators.

What to do at home

Almost everything medicines to increase the temperature they are used only in a hospital setting, since they have many contraindications. If the dosage is not followed, serious complications may occur.

What you can do at home:

  • drink a decoction or tincture of ginseng, echinacea, St. John's wort;
  • Strong black, sweet tea with cinnamon helps a lot;
  • tea with ginger has a warming effect;
  • If you are hypothermic, you need to quickly change into clothes warm clothes made from natural fabrics, place a hot heating pad on your feet, wrap yourself well, drink something hot, do not warm yourself with alcoholic beverages;
  • improves condition quickly contrast shower– the method is not suitable for people with high blood pressure;
  • get some sleep;
  • make it warm foot bath with mustard powder;
  • if the reason for the decrease in temperature is stress, you can drink tea with mint, lemon balm, or take tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, and valerian.

In case of hypothermia, rubbing with alcohol or vinegar should not be used, especially for children.

If the temperature is constantly below 35.8 degrees, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. The list of necessary examinations includes general, biochemical analysis blood, HIV test, ECG, ultrasound, CT scan of the brain, assessment of thyroid function, chest x-ray.

Important! Tea with raspberries and honey is not suitable for raising the temperature - such drinks only temporarily increase indicators, but due to a strong diaphoretic and diuretic effect through short time values ​​are rapidly decreasing.

When to call an ambulance

The lowest temperature you can try to raise yourself at home is 34.5–35 degrees. If the condition does not improve within an hour, confusion and loss of consciousness are observed, it is necessary to call an ambulance. With a further decrease in indicators, coma may occur and death is possible.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • a sharp and significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • impairment of vision, hearing;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, tarry stool.

Important! Depressed breathing, impaired functioning of all internal systems and organs, a slowdown in the main processes that occur in the body, fainting - all this is a consequence of a prolonged drop in temperature below 35 degrees.

Body temperature is a variable indicator. Many people live with low levels throughout their lives without experiencing much discomfort. But if hypothermia is accompanied by deterioration in health, weakness, fainting, and other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a thorough comprehensive examination.