What to feed chinchillas at home. What can you feed a rodent at home? Food is tough and juicy

A small, fluffy animal can win the heart of every person. Moreover, the sellers persuade the future owner by telling how unpretentious, omnivorous, and affectionate the chinchilla is. What is there cannot be taken away. This is a charming creature, sweet and gentle. However, you need to think about what to feed your chinchilla long before you bring the fluffy one home.

For this animal, food is the most important pleasure in life. He is ready to give anything for food. But you can’t feed him everything. However, looking at how much energy this creature has, the owner himself is ready to switch to chinchilla food.

Some dietary features

When talking about what to feed your chinchilla, you need to remember that there are a number of rules that must be followed. First of all, the bowl should always contain a grain mixture or ready-made food for these rodents in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons. If your pet scatters food and chooses only individual seeds, then you should reduce the portions. Do not forget that there should always be fresh water in the bowl, as well as soft hay.

per week ordinary chinchilla eats 100 g of hay and drinks 100 g of water. This is a large and agile animal, whose needs are appropriate. If you are wondering what to feed your chinchilla, immediately make it your responsibility to prepare a sufficient amount of fragrant hay. The chinchilla loves to steal it. Prepare some twigs near the cage and start cleaning. Surely the animal will not resist the temptation to steal a twig from the common pile and, running to the side, sit down to gnaw on it.

Treats for your pet

When talking about what you can feed your chinchilla besides food, you must also talk about various tasty additives to the diet. As always, a little bit of good stuff. But these animals have a surprisingly well-developed sense of proportion. They themselves will not eat more than they are supposed to. Chinchillas love ripe bananas; it is also useful to treat your pets with corn and flax seeds. In the summer, you can bring your pet plantain, nettle and dandelion leaves every day.

Dried fruits are very good for dessert. It could be an apple, carrot or pear (pre-dried). Once or twice a week you can give one raisin. Chinchilla is a vegetarian, remember this when choosing a treat. The entire diet consists only of natural products.

Daily routine and feeding regimen

When talking about what to feed a chinchilla, it is necessary to remember the periods of its maximum activity. This is a nocturnal animal, so when evening comes, you can put a bowl of food in the cage. This will solve two problems at once: as soon as the animal sees that the bowl is already in the cage, it will run to the place itself, and no additional effort will be required. However, it is rare to see a chinchilla greedily attack food. Usually she will eat one grain and run to jump around the cage, then return to the cup and again in a circle.

Don't forget that for wellness A stable diet is important for chinchillas. If you want to introduce new food into it, then this process should take at least a week. It is necessary to keep a mineral and salt stone in the cage at all times. The animal will gnaw on them as needed. Now we will take a closer look at what to feed a chinchilla at home.

Food is rough and juicy

This is the main source of microelements and vitamins. Juicy feeds include fresh herbs and tree branches, vegetables and fruits. Organic matter, important for your pet's growth and development, will be a great addition. In the autumn, the chinchilla will happily gobble up root vegetables, this could be carrots, celery, parsley. Apples are very useful fruits for these rodents, and dried fruits are prunes, apples, rose hips, and barberries. It is very good if you have the opportunity to collect meadow herbs, this can be alfalfa, garden lettuce, spinach, chicory and raspberry. It is better not to give other plants, since the reaction is very difficult to predict. You should not give any cabbage; any variety of it causes bloating.

In order for furry animals to grind their teeth and at the same time feast on delicacies, it is better to use twigs of apple and pear trees, willow and acacia, birch and oak. It is these foods that help provide the body tannins and biologically active compounds that improve metabolism.

Food is dry and rough

Speaking about what to feed a chinchilla at home, it should be noted that it will need hay in any case, no matter how balanced the diet looks. It is best if you prepare it yourself. To do this, you will have to spend quite a bit of time getting out into nature, walking through meadows and cutting tender grass. Upon returning home, it should be laid out in the shade and dried well. Hay good quality has green And pleasant aroma. Brown, damp, moldy hay cannot even be used for bedding. The animal can taste it on the tooth.

If you can’t collect hay, you can order it in the village or buy it at a pet store. Your pet will be very happy with this addition to his diet.

Nutrient mixtures

They are sold in every pet store. When talking about what you can feed your chinchilla, these foods can be put at the forefront. It is in store packages that contain a balanced mixture necessary for the full functioning and development of the animal’s body. At the same time, pay attention to the composition - the richer and more varied it is, the better. But it is not recommended to use any one type of grain.

The mixture should contain 20% proteins and 5% fats. Feed must be enriched with vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is very convenient to buy mixtures that are prepared in production - it is much easier to take into account all the characteristics of your pet’s body than to feed a chinchilla at home various products and hope that the result will be a balanced diet. The granulated grain mixture is very convenient to serve - the animal will not choose one of the varieties of seeds that it likes most, but will eat the whole thing.

If the nutritional formula is not available at the pet store

This may happen, but don't panic - your pet won't go hungry. Now we will look at what you can feed your chinchilla at home. You will need to make your own mixture, which will contain 20% oats, 20% wheat, 10% buckwheat, 10% barley, 7% peas, 55% crushed corn, 8% flax seed, wheat bran- 10%, dried nettle or alfalfa. In addition, the mixture must be enriched with special vitamin preparations. This can be Poltamix L or Poltamix F. Additionally, the mixture is enriched with ground calcium and methonine. The result is an excellent nutritional mixture.

However, there is one difficulty: unlike nutritional granules, in which all the components are thoroughly mixed, here each grain is separated from the other. Your pet does not know that its diet should be balanced, which means it will choose only what it likes. As a result, the chinchilla will quickly shake out the grains it likes from the feeder and beg for food again. This upsets the necessary balance.

What not to give to furry animals

Not everything that you have in your kitchen will suit your animal. Let's talk in more detail about what you can and cannot feed your chinchilla. First of all, you need to exclude all baked goods. Please note that the animals are very fast and can sneak into the kitchen and steal cookies or candy. Chinchillas should not be given white cabbage, cauliflower, red beets, persimmons, and peppers. These products cause intestinal diseases and disorders. There are poisonous herbs that should not be allowed into your pet's cage. These are bindweed and buttercup, spurge and crow's eye, sweet clover, lily of the valley, henbane and much more. Don't forget that excess fresh vegetables and fruits can harm the chinchilla's delicate digestive system. It is better to give dried fruits in small quantities.

Let's sum it up

Chinchilla is a funny and cute animal with its own character and preferences. However, you need to carefully monitor its diet, this is the only way your pet can live a long and happy life. Do not give your furry anything from your table, especially spicy, salty, baked and sweet. This is a pure vegetarian, and therefore you need to feed it exclusively natural products. If your pet suddenly gets poisoned, gets sick and refuses to eat, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The basis of the diet of chinchillas as herbivores is food plant origin. In nature, these rodents feed on herbaceous, cereal and legume plants, seeds, fruits, twigs, moss, and roots. That is, where in large quantities contains cellulose. Therefore, your pet’s diet must certainly include hay and twigs.

Hay is the most important component of a chinchilla's diet. Most experts believe that there should always be hay in the cage of these rodents so that the animals can eat as much of it as they want. It is rich in fiber, which is so necessary for animals.

Properly harvested high-quality hay smells pleasant, without sticks, debris and other impurities. Wet and moldy food is not suitable for animals.

In specialized stores you can find various types of hay (from legumes, meadow, forest, etc.). You can prepare it yourself.

The best hay is made from leguminous grasses (clover, alfalfa, vetch). It contains vitamins and minerals (phosphorus and calcium) necessary for animals. In addition, it is very nutritious and contains a sufficient amount of digestible protein. Leguminous grasses need to be mowed in the budding phase or at the beginning of flowering.




The best time for mowing cereals is the heading phase. Cereal hay (meadow fescue, timothy, cocksfoot, meadow grass) is somewhat inferior to legume hay (it contains less protein and minerals).

Forb hay is very nutritious if it contains legumes and cereals, as well as bird buckwheat, salsify, etc. Before flowering, herbs are especially rich in vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the hay should consist of forbs, mowed before the first flowering of the grass. Late-cut grasses have low nutritional value.

Ready-made feed

Today, in any specialized store you can purchase ready-made food for furry pets. They come in two types: regular and granular. Granulated food is more economical, but chinchillas often prefer whole food, in which all components are contained in natural form. Animals often choose individual “goodies” from them, but the rest has to be thrown away. When feeding granulate, the diet turns out to be more balanced, since the animals, willy-nilly, have to eat everything. The granules, as a rule, contain all the vitamins and minerals the animal needs, including calcium. 1-2 tablespoons of this food per day will be enough for the animal.

From time to time, you can feed rodents with ready-made rabbit food. In principle, feeding chinchillas is not much different from feeding rabbits. Same in summer green grass, vegetables with tops, plant seeds, fruits. In the cold season - hay, tree branches (birch, apple, linden, pear, hazelnut, willows, willows), dried fruits (apples, raisins, dried apricots, nuts). Dried fruits are offered to the animal, pitted and finely chopped. The fruits of barberry, rose hips and hawthorn are very useful. They are given one berry 1-2 times a week.

Green food, vegetables and fruits

The warm season makes it possible to significantly expand the chinchilla menu. In spring, the first greens are given very carefully, starting with portions of 1-2 well-dried dandelion leaves per day. To prevent the animal from having a bloated tummy, the stems of legumes and clover are always used dry or withered. You should not feed your chinchilla only green food, forgetting about hay. This may lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

Here are the characteristics of some plants that will be useful to include in a chinchilla’s diet:

  • salad is a storehouse of vitamins and mineral salts. You can give your pet 1-2 leaves per day;
  • spinach – rich in easily digestible iron, contains sodium and lime. Spinach is believed to increase fertility in rodents. You can give 3-4 leaves per day;
  • chicory - contains a lot of phosphorus, which growing organisms especially need. The cleansing plant acts on the stomach, regulates liver function, and increases appetite;
  • Strawberry leaves – have a diuretic effect, help with diarrhea. Can be given for indigestion;
  • celery – contains vitamins A, B, C. Very useful for nursing females, 2 leaves 2 times a week;
  • wormwood – increases appetite, strengthens nervous system. The pet is given several branches a week.

In addition, the animals happily eat plantain leaves, yarrow, burdock, young nettles, horse sorrel, and dandelion.

From vegetables and fruits you can give carrots, pumpkin, squash, apples, pears, sweet pepper, bananas, grapes, figs, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc. Fresh cabbage leaves It is not recommended to give to chinchillas.

Grain food in a chinchilla's diet

The following grain foods can be given to chinchillas:

  • oats – contains proteins, fats, vitamins B1, B2, B6, K, carotene. For indigestion, the mucous substances contained in the decoction and oatmeal. Typically, oats are used as the base for a grain mixture;
  • barley is a valuable grain product; contains vitamins A, D, E, PP, B vitamins, as well as calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, etc. 6% consists of fiber necessary for animals. It is given to adults and preferably in ground form;
  • buckwheat – valuable dietary product. Rich in amino acids, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, PP, P) and microelements. How complex carbohydrate, buckwheat gives a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • corn is rich in protein, but it is worse in composition than oat protein. It must be given carefully; in excessive quantities it can cause bloating;
  • wheat – contains enough proteins and carbohydrates and little fat. Animals can also be offered wheat bran mixed with grain;
  • millet - red varieties containing large amounts of carotene are especially useful. However, chinchillas don't like it too much.

You should not constantly give one type of grain feed; it is better to feed chinchillas a grain mixture ( various types grains, legumes, seeds).

You can offer your pets porridge (oatmeal, corn, rice, millet). Young fish grow well on porridge (they digest it better than whole grain).

Sprouted grain is also very useful for rodents, especially during the breeding season. Usually barley, oats, and wheat are sprouted.

Animals eat the seeds with great pleasure. They contain essential fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the skin and fur of animals. However, due to high content It is not recommended to give them too much fat. The share of sunflower seeds should not exceed 20% of the total grain feed. They are only given raw.

Legumes. Beans, lentils, peas, soybeans contain more protein than in all grain products. They should be included in the chinchilla's diet, but not pure form, and as part of a grain mixture. The share of legumes should be 10-15%. They are given in ground form.

Nuts are a very nutritious food. Chinchillas love them. But you can give them very little and no more than twice a week, otherwise digestive upset will not be avoided. Of course, the nuts must be raw.

Treats for chinchillas

Fresh vegetables and fruits are a delicacy, and they should not replace the main food. The intestines of chinchillas are designed in such a way that they are contraindicated succulent food in large quantities. The main thing is not to feed your pet treats. A piece of fresh apple or pumpkin, a slice of tangerine, a couple of grapes a week - this is enough to pamper your ward. Once a week you can give 1-2 raisins and a special supplement with vitamins.

The animals love pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. pumpkin seeds They are used not only as a treat, but also as a preventive measure against worms. Pine nuts contain a lot of fat, so giving them is not recommended. You can offer your pet dry tea leaves or rose petals.

Chinchillas have a sweet tooth and love treats very much and do not know when to stop eating them. When given treats in an irregular manner, animals may refuse the main food. And eating only “delicacies” will lead to metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

You can diversify the treat for the animal each time: on the first day, give a nut, on the second day - dried apricots, hawthorn fruit or chokeberry, on the third - a piece of apple or melon.

After feeding any new type of treat, you need to monitor the reaction of your pet’s body. If the animal feels well and does not suffer from diarrhea or constipation, then this food is not contraindicated for it. It happens that after eating fresh vegetables and fruits, a rodent experiences indigestion. This means you need to give up succulent food.

Can't act as treats in any way roasted sunflower seeds and nuts, citruses, cabbage and potatoes, meat, eggs, mushrooms, chips and confectionery! Firstly, all this can cause allergies (including hair loss). Secondly, it can lead to intestinal problems. Thirdly, it contributes to the animal’s obesity, which can be very dangerous for it.


The water in a chinchilla's drinking bowl should always be fresh without any signs of flowering. It is better to give spring water, but not boiled, since it no longer contains those beneficial microelements that the body needs. Many breeders and hobbyists use bottled water from companies such as Shishkin Les, Nestlé and others. And, of course, the water should be still.

Daily diet

A chinchilla's diet should consist of:

  • 20-25 g of ready-made feed or from the same amount of concentrated feed (grain feed, legumes, oilseeds, bran, cake);
  • 20-30 g of hay;
  • 4-6 g of green food;
  • 4-6 g of additional food (tree branches);
  • 2-4 g treats;
  • 10-25 g of water.

Chinchillas love precision, so they should be fed at the same time every day (the maximum error can be 1-2 hours).

What should you not feed chinchillas?

Rodents should not be given:

  • food from the human table with salt, spices, sugar, animal products, fats, etc.;
  • pastries, bread;
  • fried nuts, grains, seeds;
  • rye grain;
  • spoiled products.

And finally, we note that for the animal’s well-being important has a stable diet. There is no need to change the food that your pet is used to very often. It is better to transition your pet to new food gradually, over 1-2 weeks. Don't forget, the chinchilla is a delicate animal. And above all, this concerns feeding. Stomach fluffy pet very sensitive to dietary disturbances. Errors in feeding can lead to serious problems with chinchilla health.

IN lately People are increasingly choosing exotic animals as pets. Among rodents, cute and fluffy chinchillas. Before purchasing an animal and bringing it into your home, it is important to get as much information as possible about it, and most importantly, find out in detail what a chinchilla eats at home, so as not to harm its health with improper nutrition.

Description of the animal

Chinchillas belong to the genus of rodents of the chinchilla family. By external signs The animals look like squirrels, mice, and rabbits at the same time. The homeland of chinchillas is South America, however, now they are practically never found in the wild, and they are bred artificially in nurseries as pets and on fur farms to obtain valuable skins.

Adults grow up to 25-35 centimeters (excluding tails), while females are always larger than males. Basic distinctive feature is dense, thick and soft fur.

The small muzzle of the animal is topped with rather large ears, which it needs to orient itself in space. dark time days, since chinchillas are animals that lead night look life.

Chinchillas have a friendly character, but if the animal is offended, it will respond with a bite or scratch. Chinchillas raised as pets are loyal to their owner, happy to be handled, and amenable to training. You can train your pet chinchilla to return to its cage on command, and no complicated care is required.

Chinchillas are naturally pack animals, so they constantly need company. If you provide the animal proper care and nutrition, it will live up to 10 years.

Worth knowing! The cost of chinchillas is quite affordable, and ranges from 1500-3000 rubles, depending on the quality of the fur and color. The most expensive are beige and white chinchillas, the cheapest are dark gray. Males are always cheaper than females, since more of them are born.

Natural diet

IN natural conditions chinchilla habitats eat any plant foods. Which can be found:

  • cereals and legumes;
  • tree bark;
  • cacti;
  • shoots and shrubs;
  • herbs;
  • succulents;
  • nuts and fruits.

Worth knowing! Chinchillas live in the same area as chinchilla rats - animals that dig holes and store supplies, so they often steal the food they get from the rats.

IN natural environment chinchillas eat a large number greenery and succulents to obtain required liquid, drink dew and eat plants from astringent properties. Therefore, they rarely suffer from digestive problems.

Eating at home

Food for domestic chinchilla should be balanced and varied, in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the chinchilla’s menu does not include products that are harmful and dangerous to its health. In addition to food, the animal’s diet and the dishes from which it eats are of considerable importance.

Feeding schedule and dishes

Considering that chinchillas are small animals, they need very little food, up to 30 grams per day of ready-made food and hay. Moreover, each animal has its own daily norm and she may well be satisfied with less food. Feeding chinchillas is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Due to the small serving size, it is difficult to maintain the balance of vitamins and microelements necessary for a chinchilla, so most often it is fed with ready-made food.
  2. To determine the exact serving size, you should watch the animal, counting the amount of food it eats.
  3. In addition to food, the animal’s cage must always contain an unlimited amount of hay, the uneaten remainder of which it uses as bedding.
  4. The animal should be given food once a day, taking into account its natural regime (chinchillas are nocturnal animals, so you should give them food in the evening at about 18-22 hours).
  5. The food left over from the previous day should not be used for feeding, and next time the animal should be given a smaller portion.
  6. Minimum daily dosage food for chinchilla 12 grams.

There are two types of chinchilla feeders:

  • hanging;
  • floor

When choosing hanging dishes, it is important to ensure that they are securely fixed to the wall of the cage.

Worth knowing! Floor bowls should be located at the bottom of the cage, as if placed on a shelf the animal can knock them over. The weight of the food container must be large enough, otherwise the chinchilla will use it as a toy and chase it around the entire cage.

Dishes for chinchillas can be made from:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • metal

The main disadvantage of floor-standing bowls is high probability debris and animal excrement getting into the bottom. In addition to the bowl, do not forget about the need for a sippy cup with water for the chinchilla.

Authorized Products

Considering that the chinchilla is a herbivore, the basis of its diet will be herbs, vegetables and fruits, in summer time You can give the animal fresh greens, and in winter replace them with hay.

An animal at home should receive a varied diet:

  • rough food;
  • juicy products;
  • grain mixtures.

For a complete and balanced diet, chinchillas should be given ready-made pelleted food.

The rough dry food that a chinchilla needs daily is hay. This type of food important component diet of the animal and saturates its body with fiber, essential vitamins and microelements.

Worth knowing! Chinchillas' teeth grow constantly and they need hard food to wear them down; in addition to hay, you can give the animals twigs.

You should ensure that the hay is absolutely dry and of high quality, has pleasant smell and was cleared of sticks and debris. This food can be purchased at a pet store, or you can prepare it yourself.

When harvesting yourself, you should mow various herbs:

  • alfalfa;
  • clover;
  • dandelions;
  • cereal stems;
  • meadow grasses;
  • moth plants.

Important! Every day, a chinchilla needs at least 60-70 grams of hay.

  • dried apples;
  • dried apricots and raisins;
  • calamus root (no more than 1 cm per week to prevent spasms);
  • carrots (to improve fur and cardiac system);
  • nuts (can only be given raw and in small quantities);
  • legumes;
  • seeds;
  • a small piece of beet;
  • clover and dandelion leaves.
  • barberry and rose hip berries (one berry per week to strengthen the immune system);
  • viburnum (promotes normal digestion. You can give up to 2 berries per week);
  • corn (a couple of grains a day to improve well-being, due to the large amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium contained in the product);
  • plantain (a couple of leaves per quarter to regulate the gastrointestinal tract).
  • medicinal herbs (nettle, chamomile, oregano, calendula, parsley, mint in small quantities);
  • branches and young shoots (mulberry, clear willow, apple tree, birch are allowed).

Worth knowing! Before serving to chinchillas, all independently collected fruits, branches and herbs should be thoroughly washed and, if necessary, chopped.

The best food for chinchillas - rating

At home, the easiest way to feed chinchillas is with ready-made dry granulated food. For an adult chinchilla, a pack weighing 400 grams per month is enough. This food contains vegetables, cereals and herbs in the ratio necessary for the normal development of the animal. In addition, such feed mixtures hard enough to allow animals to wear down their teeth.

Important! You should constantly feed your chinchilla food from one manufacturer, and when changing the finished mixture, introduce it into the diet gradually, adding it to the usual food. At frequent changes diet may cause digestive disorders.

Before purchasing food for your pet chinchilla, you should study the composition of the purchased mixture and check it for the presence of components harmful to the animal (preservatives and artificial flavors).

The most popular and highest quality foods for chinchillas are:

  1. Vitakraft (vitakraft). The granulated food contains grains, fiber, vegetable oils, insulin and malt (prebiotics for stable digestion).
  2. Beaphar care (bifar kea). The food contains a high-quality cereal mixture of wheat, barley and oats, alfalfa, legumes, echinacea extract (to improve immunity, dried vegetables (in small quantities).
  3. Jr farm (Jair farm). The mixture consists of corn grains, oats, wheat and a herbal mixture (mint, thyme, lovage). Additional component The food is yucca extract, the use of which significantly reduces the odor of chinchilla secretions.
  4. Versele laga chinchilla nature (versel laj). The food composition is dominated by whole grains and dried peas. Necessary for grinding teeth. The food is additionally enriched with vitamins, microelements and plant extracts necessary for animals, is completely natural and helps to improve the animal’s immunity.
  5. Little one (little van). Popular among breeders and quite cheap food, consisting of granulated grain and grass components, corn flakes and carob fruits.
  6. Berkel (Berkel). Balanced food for chinchillas with legumes and cereal crops, bran, alfalfa and flaxseed.
  7. Animals. Granulated feed from a domestic manufacturer made from grass meal, cereal seeds, alfalfa and brewer's yeast. Additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Important! Chinchillas can be given only high-quality certified food, refusing to purchase loose food of dubious origin.

Purchased food should be poured from the original packaging into an airtight container to ensure its freshness and safety.

Additional vitamins

In some cases, chinchillas require extra vitamins and minerals:

  • if the animal eats independently prepared food and there are doubts about the correctness of its diet;
  • with weakened immunity and after illnesses;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • at an early age.

Vitamins for chinchillas are:

  1. Tableted.
  2. Powdery.
  3. Liquid.

The easiest way to give it to a chinchilla liquid vitamins, which can be added to water or food. The tablets need to be crushed, but the animal may refuse to eat the powder.

Worth knowing! Chinchillas feel a lack of certain microelements in their body, so mineral and salt stones should always hang in their cage, which the animal will gnaw on as needed.

Majority ready-made feed for chinchillas already contain vitamins in their composition, they can be recognized by such components as:

  • pumpkin;
  • nettle;
  • carrot;
  • rose hip;
  • rowan

Occasionally, you can add dry yeast (no more than 2-5 grams) to your chinchilla’s food to compensate for the deficiency of protein and vitamin B.

At proper nutrition And balanced diet Chinchillas do not require additional vitamin supplementation.

Nutrition of a pregnant female

During the period of bearing offspring, no special changes are required in the female’s diet. Veterinarians recommend increasing the amount of protein in food during this period.

During pregnancy, chinchillas begin to eat and drink more. However, the amount of food the animals receive should be controlled in order to avoid the animal becoming obese.

You can supplement the female’s diet with the following products:

  1. Sprouted grain to normalize reproductive function.
  2. Specialized food of animal origin (contains the necessary protein).
  3. Calcium ( developing fetus takes this element from the mother's body, causing its deficiency).
  4. Apples.
  5. Pergoy.
  6. Alfalfa, strawberry leaves, calendula flowers, oatmeal (have a positive effect on upcoming lactation).

The following herbs should not be given to a pregnant chinchilla:

  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • lemon balm.

Worth knowing! The pregnancy of chinchillas lasts 110-118 days, and babies are born with with open eyes and teeth.

Newborn chinchillas feed on their mother's milk for the first two months after birth. During lactation, a nursing mother should receive nutritious and healthy nutrition.

If the time of year allows, fresh greens should be included in the diet of a nursing female:

  • dandelions;
  • nettle;
  • burdock and plantain leaves;
  • fresh carrots;
  • apples.

IN winter period fresh herbs are replaced with sprouted oats.

Important! During pregnancy and feeding the offspring, there should always be a sufficient amount of water in the chinchilla's cage.

Chinchillas are very cute and funny animals. At proper feeding they will live in the house for quite a long time, delighting the owner in gratitude for the proper care.

Chinchillas belong to the rodent family. These cute and funny animals are becoming increasingly popular among pet lovers. A small animal can add variety to dull everyday life.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

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What to feed a chinchilla at home?

Today anyone can raise chinchillas at home. These cute little gray animals are actually very friendly, welcoming and beautiful. Children are especially delighted with chinchillas, because pets quickly get used to their new environment and become tame. These rodents are known for their unusually soft and thick silver-gray fur.

If you become the owner of this cute pet, then you definitely need to find out how many times a day and what kind of food you can feed the animal. Chinchillas themselves do not require much care or much of your time. The main thing is to make sure that they have necessary conditions for survival in a specific room, always fresh water and food. Animals need a spacious cage; it is best to place it in a darkened corner of the apartment, where it is always cool.

As soon as you buy a chinchilla, ask the seller to provide it with food for the first time. It would be very correct not to suddenly switch the animal to another food. It may be that changing the diet will have a bad effect on the pet’s health, and sometimes it can end in the death of the baby.

In addition to food, chinchillas eat a lot of different foods. It could be:

  • hay;
  • dried fruits;
  • herbs.

There is no specific treat that all rodents of this genus adore. What your chinchilla is delighted with may not please your neighbor's pet at all. Therefore, the longer this little bundle of joy lives with you, you will be able to independently determine what the animal likes to eat the most and what it swallows with great difficulty.

In any case, food should be clean, washed, without additives or impurities! Pay attention to the expiration dates of dry food; a spoiled product can have a bad effect on your health. pet.

Remember that stomach upset can be caused by a change in diet. If you have previously fed your chinchilla hay, you should not immediately switch it to fresh herbs.

So that the animal constantly feels healthy, full of energy, leads active image life, you must make sure that daily diet all meals were included necessary elements, vitamins and minerals. For example, cellulose, vegetable fiber, as well as various dietary fiber. In addition to concentrated grain feed, be sure to have oilseed seeds in the house. The process of feeding the animal itself deserves your attention, because if you give food incorrectly, the chinchilla will begin to get sick and weaken. You need to know the various nuances of nutrition in advance, so that when the pet moves into your home, you already know all the features of its existence.

Chinchillas themselves do not overeat. In their natural habitat, these animals are completely herbivorous. They eat any part of the plant. And at home, they can get used to ready-made dry food without any problems. But it will be great if you have the opportunity to feed the animal with greens from your garden.

The most popular and beneficial foods for these rodents are grain foods (oats and corn). Oats are not capable of harm at all, but only promote fruitful work digestive system. Corn should be introduced into the diet carefully, crumbled into small pieces, and soaked in water before serving, because it is already a fairly solid food. It is best to simply include it in various mixtures.

Surely, you have heard and met the British chinchilla or Persian. This beautiful breeds animals that are often kept at home. But feeding these chinchillas should also be approached very responsibly. Try not to give dry and natural food, this is a big trauma for digestive tract. Cats of these breeds boast thick, soft and very beautiful wool. But the color may change depending on the food consumed. For animals you need to buy ready-made food only premium and super premium class.

What can and cannot be fed to a chinchilla? (List of products)

On average, an adult chinchilla needs 25-30 g of combined food per day. And there should always be a lot of hay. But it is always recommended to take into account individual characteristics your pet.

It is best to fill the feeder with a certain amount of food once a day, and the animal will decide what and when to eat. Fill the feeder in the late afternoon; if the food disappears in the morning, then think about a little feeding.

You must know exactly what you should not feed these animals. Because their health, coat condition and lifespan depend on nutrition.

So, what can you safely give to chinchillas? First of all, these are succulent foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, tree branches):

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • celery;
  • berries;
  • pears;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • melons;
  • dried fruits;
  • clover, carrot tops, dandelion.

Everything should be finely chopped and clean! If you cut branches or collect grass, do it away from highways, factories, and roads. Wash and dry the plants thoroughly.

Don't give your chinchillas treats too often. Several times a week, one treat, then another.

We consider hay to be dry and roughage; it is an essential component of nutrition. Hay is rich in various beneficial microelements, helps digest food and promotes good absorption body. If possible, use forb hay.

You are mistaken if you think that an animal can eat any herbs. Not at all, there is a certain list of prohibited foods that are poisonous and can kill your pet. Remember the prohibited names: fern, rush, horsetail, cornflower, dope.

You can buy nutritional mixtures in granules at pet stores. These are seeds, cereals, bread and legumes.

Grains are also very healthy and nutritious (wheat, oats, barley, corn), but avoid purchasing rye forever.

If you want your pet to always feel good and live happily ever after, then under no circumstances should you give him following products:

  • food from the human table (salted, fried);
  • mushrooms;
  • roasted nuts and seeds;
  • meat;
  • sweet buns, bread, confectionery;
  • potatoes, cabbage, eggs;
  • products that have expired;
  • milk and fermented milk products.

Keep an eye on your chinchilla, pay attention if she falls in love junk food, animals do not think about what is good for them and what is not. For this they have owners.

Now let's talk about how to feed chinchillas after giving birth. During this period, the animal is weakened, tired, and exhausted. During pregnancy and immediately after birth, rodents may need large amounts of clean food. drinking water. Therefore, always make sure that the drinking bowl is full. A chinchilla that has given birth should be fed in the same way as during pregnancy. You can buy ready-made vitamin supplements; your diet should always have enough hay, protein, calcium, sprouted grains, and some apples.

Baby chinchillas sometimes have to be fed with a syringe. In general, babies are born with sharp teeth, but they require mother's milk already in the first hours of life. It happens that the female produces milk only after a few days, or it is present in insufficient quantities. You can notice that babies are malnourished by their behavior. They will constantly attack their mother, thereby causing her irritation and aggression.

If necessary, newborn chinchillas can be fed with milk powder, which is diluted in special proportions (read on the packaging). Often used baby food"Agusha" from the first days of life. Feed every two to three hours. It is convenient to feed babies with a pipette, half a pipette at one meal. Give a couple of drops of Espumisan as a top dressing, because digestive system chinchillas are very gentle, and the drops will prevent stomach upset. After about two months, chinchillas can be gradually transferred to full-fledged adult food.

May your pets always be well-fed, healthy, happy with life, and may they certainly delight you with their presence.

If you decide to have a pet and the choice falls on a chinchilla, then in addition to the cage and other household items, it is important to pay attention to the animal’s food. It is prohibited to feed anything that you eat yourself to an animal..

It is important not to forget: the stomach of a furry creature is different from a human one. It is designed to absorb useful substances from the meager variety of wild food provisions. The health and life expectancy of your pet depends on proper nutrition.

In the wild, the animal gets to eat whatever it finds. Its diet in the wild includes plants from the legume and cereal families.

The animal enjoys eating shoots, shrubs, tree bark and cacti. Such a fluffy baby will not refuse to eat greens, nuts and fruits.

How to feed at home?

The main rule: do not forget that chinchilla is a small animal and eats very little. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance in her food. essential vitamins and substances. How many times a day should you give food? It's worth feeding such an animal no more than once a day, preferably during waking hours. This rodent is a nocturnal animal. This is important to consider when feeding. Between 18:00 and 20:00 it’s a good idea to fill your pet’s bowl with food.

For an adult animal, 20-30 g of granulated food is enough. Observation will help determine the amount of feed: if before next appointment the bowl is not empty, it’s worth reducing a couple of grams. Each pet is individual and will need a different amount of food to feel full. Don't forget to fill a separate feeder with hay. The animal eats the amount it needs, and uses the rest as bedding. It is important to replenish the drinking bowl with fresh water daily. Don't neglect treats and supplements.

What is possible: list

The most suitable food for chinchillas is considered to be dry granular food. A 400-gram pack for an adult animal is enough for a month. After opening the package, you should pour its contents into a container that is hermetically sealed. This way the provisions will better retain their properties. This food is useful because it is similar to the food a rodent eats in nature and contains grains, herbs and vegetables. The positive side of this drug is its hardness. With its help, the animal grinds down its teeth, which are constantly growing.

It is important to purchase food from one manufacturer. If the food is changed regularly, the animal is not immune from digestive disorders.

It is important to place hay in your pet's cage. For convenience, they use a special sennitsa, which is easy to find in a pet store. The amount of dried herb should not exceed one gram of granulate. You can prepare such bait yourself, but it is better to use the services of a pet store. The fact is that most herbs are not suitable for chinchilla consumption. The animal can become poisoned and get a digestive tract disorder.

Not a single rodent will refuse to eat complementary food, which is worth buying in a pet store in the form of granules. Supplementary food differs from support food in color and softness. Granular supplements fortified minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

Complementary foods help strengthen immune system and the heart of your fur baby, as well as improve blood circulation. However, it is not difficult to collect additional food yourself. It will require cereals, roots, berries and leaves. It is important to add all components exclusively in dried form.

What they like to eat: treats

Just like a human, a chinchilla will enjoy a treat. Don’t think that goodies are harmful, because they also have benefits. It’s easy to prepare a supplement that is beneficial for your pet’s body yourself.. It will benefit:

  • corn. It is rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium. A few grains a day will have a positive effect on the animal’s well-being;
  • viburnum. Two berries a week and the chinchilla’s digestion will improve;
  • calamus root. Helps prevent cramps. One centimeter of root per week will have a beneficial effect;
  • carrot. The condition of the fur and heart will be improved by one circle of fruit. Treats should be given no more than three times a week;
  • rose hip. He will contribute general strengthening pet's body. Dosage - 4 pieces per month;
  • plantain. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, but you just need to feed the chinchilla two leaves per decade.

Your pet will also like lingonberries and cranberries, hawthorn and currants, apples, blueberries and chokeberry . It is worth feeding the rodent with herbal delicacies: alfalfa and parsley, sorrel and mint, chamomile and nettle, calendula and oregano. As for trees, it is better to use willow and apple trees, ash, mulberry and birch, aspen and elm for treats. Oak and pear are contraindicated. These plants have a strengthening property, and the animal does not go to the toilet quickly.

Vitamins and their benefits for pets

Vitamin complexes are not only intended for young, sick, lactating, pregnant and weakened animals. The intake of vitamins in food will protect your pet from possible ailments. These supplements are sold in pet stores and come in liquid, powder or solid form.

Tablets and powders are extremely difficult to feed to a fluffy dog. That's why It is better to choose fortified complementary foods in liquid form. So it can be easily mixed into water and the rodent’s diet will be significantly enriched.

Make sure that there are always salt and mineral stones in the chinchilla's cage. They will have a beneficial effect on the animal’s body and will help it take care of its constantly growing teeth.

Dry yeast can replenish protein reserves. They will also help enrich the chinchilla’s body with B vitamins. It is important to add them to the food a little at a time.

Menu of a pregnant female

The diet of an animal expecting cubs does not differ significantly from the diet of others. Veterinarians insist on increasing the protein content in food. If the female begins to drink and eat much more, then this is normal. After all, another thing is forming and developing inside it. living creature who also needs to eat. Main: It is forbidden to overfeed the expectant mother, otherwise obesity and health problems cannot be avoided. Also, the animal’s menu should be supplemented:

  • sprouted grain. Reproductive function will return to normal due to the vitamin E content in complementary foods;
  • food of animal origin. You'll have to go to the pet store to get it;
  • calcium Once a day, a quarter of a tablet will help to the expectant mother replenish the supply of this microelement, since the baby “takes” it from the female;
  • apple Every day, 3 weeks before giving birth, it is worth introducing an eighth of the fruit into the diet of a pregnant animal;
  • beebread. A couple of balls a day will have a beneficial effect on the health of both;
  • alfalfa and strawberry leaves, flax seeds and rose hips, calendula flowers and oatmeal. They will bring the rodent's lactation to the required state.

It is important to exclude mint, thyme and lemon balm from the diet of a pregnant female..

What's not allowed?

The fluffy rodent has sensitive digestion. Therefore, it is forbidden to give him the following foods:

These products will not bring any benefit to your pet. They are saturated with fat and extremely high in calories. So the food mentioned will not have a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the pet, and will even cause obesity. Even if the chinchilla likes such products, giving them is strictly prohibited.

Diet example

A person will not like to eat the same food every day. Not everyone can eat buckwheat for a week, for example. So why subject your pet to the same torment? A chinchilla needs a complete and varied diet. It will not only be tasty for the animal, but also healthy. Don't forget that The pet is fed once a day in the evening when the animal is awake.

On the first day, you should give your pet 15 g of granules. 5 g of rose hips and the same amount of a mixture of corn and sunflower seeds will help supplement the required daily amount of food.

The second day is 20 g of granulated food and 10 g of dried apple.

The diet for the next day consists of 10 g of food in granules, 1/2 kernel walnut and 10 g of mixture oatmeal and flax seeds.

There are a lot of menu variations. Use approved ingredients and pleasantly surprise your pet every day.

Useful video

A balanced diet is the key to chinchilla health. It also depends on appearance fur, and the life expectancy of the animal. Don't neglect this part of caring for your pet.