Dysentery what to do. Tinctures from calamus root. Traditional treatment of dysentery in adults at home

Dysentery, also referred to as shigellosis, is a group of intestinal diseases acute infections, this group itself refers to diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Dysentery, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea and general intoxication, tends to be widespread, which implies the possibility of an epidemic or pandemic when detected.

General description

The infectious disease that we are considering today occurs in combination with damage to the large intestine, and it mainly affects its final section. The causative agent of dysentery is a bacterium of the shigella family, which, in fact, is the basis for defining dysentery as shigellosis.

Based on available data, it can be noted that every year dysentery affects about 120 million people around the world, and most often it is diagnosed in residents of countries with poor sanitary culture, as well as countries with significant population density. This disease can occur at any time of the year, but most often times its activation is summer. The basis for this aggravation is a number of factors, which include drinking water from polluted water bodies, as well as swimming in lakes and rivers. Naturally, important factor The widespread consumption of fruits during this period also becomes widespread, which in frequent cases occurs without first washing them.

Particularly dangerous “sources” for the development of the disease we are considering are workers in water supply and public catering systems if they have this diagnosis. It is through them that it can get into water and food. pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which massive outbreaks of this disease cannot be ruled out in the future.

The duration of the incubation period in a situation with dysentery is, as a rule, about 4 days; transmission of the disease, as you can guess from the information above, occurs mainly through drinking and food. Meanwhile, household infection cannot be ruled out, which occurs through the use of standard household items shared with patients (switches, door handles, dishes, etc.). An exceptional role in the spread of dysentery is assigned to dirty hands, and it is for this reason that strict adherence to the rules related to personal hygiene is extremely important to prevent dysentery (which, in fact, is also defined as a disease of dirty hands).

Features of the course of the disease

In the disease under consideration, two main phases are distinguished, namely the small intestinal phase and the large intestinal phase. The severity of their manifestations is determined by specific variants of the course of dysentery.

At the time of infection, the infection overcomes nonspecific protective factors concentrated in oral cavity, as well as a barrier in the form of stomach acid. Next, they attach to the enterocytes located in the small intestine, followed by the production of cytotoxins and enterotoxins on their part. The death of Shigella, that is, the actual infection that provokes dysentery, leads to the release of endotoxin, the absorption of which (that is, absorption) subsequently develops intoxication syndrome with accompanying symptoms.

The peculiar interaction of Shigella and the colon mucosa occurs in several stages, during which Shigella multiply directly in the intestinal cells. Their release of hemolysin provokes the development of disease-relevant inflammatory process. Cytotoxic enterotoxin, which is secreted by Shigella, provides some support for inflammation.

Today, there is information about various varieties of Shigella, the appearance of which is caused by certain types toxins. In any case, exposure to Shigella in combination with a response from the macroorganism leads to the development of disturbances in intestinal functions, as well as to serous edema and destruction of the mucosa. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the possibility of the formation of erosive formations and ulcers cannot be excluded.

It should also be noted that the course of dysentery is characterized by the addition to this disease of phenomena characteristic of dysbacteriosis, which, in turn, can act both as a disease concomitant with dysentery and as a disease preceding it. As a result, exudative diarrhea with hypermotor dyskinesia subsequently develops.

Forms of dysentery and variants of its course

Based on the clinical features of the disease in question, as well as its duration, the following variants and forms can be determined:

  • Acute dysentery :
    • colitic typical dysentery;
    • atypical dysentery (it, in turn, can be gastroenterocolitic and gastroenteric);
  • Chronic dysentery (V various options course according to the severity of manifestations):
    • continuous chronic dysentery;
    • Chronic recurrent dysentery.

In addition to these types of dysentery, its course can also be characterized by a factor in the form of shigella bacterial excretion, which, in turn, can be subclinical or convalescent.

These variants of the disease depend directly on the number of associated causes, which in particular include the initial condition of the patient, the time frame within which treatment began from the onset of the disease, the nature of therapy, etc.

The specific type of pathogen that provoked dysentery also plays a certain role. For example, if we're talking about about dysentery provoked by Shigella Sonne, its course is usually characterized by mild, or even completely erased atypical form, which, in turn, excludes the possibility of developing destructive changes in the intestines. Also, the disease in this case is characterized by the short duration of its course and the correspondence of the symptoms to the gastroenteritis or gastoenterocolitic variants of the forms.

If we are talking about a disease provoked by Shigella Flexner, then colitis is most often noted here. typical option course, characterized by severe damage to the colon mucosa and no less pronounced accompanying symptoms. By the way, over the past few years, it is this option that has been responsible for cases of subsequent development of severe forms of dysentery with the appearance of a number of complications.

With dysentery provoked by Shigella Grigoriev-Shiga, it is appropriate to talk about the severity of its course, as well as the tendency to such serious conditions as severe dehydration (dehydration), infectious-toxic shock, and sepsis.

Dysentery: symptoms

The duration of the incubation period, if we are talking about acute form disease, is about one to seven days, mainly there is a “golden mean” for this period, at which it is 3-4 days. Let's look at the symptoms of each of the options listed above. acute dysentery.

Colitic (typical) acute dysentery. Its course is usually characterized by moderate severity manifestations. The onset of this variant of the disease is acute, with fever (up to 39°C), headache and chills. Patients also experience a feeling of weakness and apathy. The listed manifestations, as a rule, continue for several days from the moment of illness.

Subsequently, patients with dysentery quickly lose their appetite, which can even lead to complete anorexia. In frequent cases, nausea is observed, sometimes with repeated vomiting. Patients also complain of abdominal pain, which is cramping in nature. Initially, such pain is somewhat diffuse, that is, without a clear localization; later it is concentrated in the area lower sections abdomen (mainly in iliac region, left).

Almost simultaneously with these painful sensations, patients have frequent stools, which initially have a fecal character, with no pathological impurities. Further, feces disappear during bowel movements, the nature of the stool changes - it becomes scanty, and the presence of a significant amount of mucus is noted. Even later, blood streaks can be identified in the stool (in some cases, the appearance of an impurity in the form of pus cannot be ruled out). This nature of the stool defines it as “rectal spit.”

Regarding the frequency of bowel movements (that is, the amount of frequency of bowel movements, bowel movements from feces), then per day it can exceed ten, in some cases determining higher indicators.

The process of defecation itself is accompanied by severe nagging pain that occurs in the rectal area (which is defined by the term “tensemes”). Patients also often experience a false urge to defecate. In general, the frequency of bowel movements depends on the severity of dysentery, although its colitic variant is characterized primarily by a small total volume of excreted feces; this, in turn, excludes the possibility of developing water and electrolyte disorders.

Examination of the patient allows you to determine the coating and dryness of his tongue. Palpation (palpation) of the abdomen indicates the presence of spasm and pain in the colon, especially in its distal section (this is defined as left colitis). In some cases painful sensations expressed on the side of the cecum (which, in turn, determines right colitis).

The disease in this variant of its course is also accompanied by changes in cardiovascular system, which is expressed in the form of tachycardia. There is also a tendency to appear arterial hypotension.

Expressed clinical symptoms, as a rule, begins to fade towards the end of the first week of the disease or at the beginning of the second, however, we can speak of complete recovery (taking into account the repair of the intestinal mucosa) approximately by the third or fourth week.

In case light form during the course of this form of dysentery, the fever is short-lived, with low-grade fever, which in some cases does not change at all. Abdominal pain is defined as moderate. Moderation is also noted in bowel movements, which can occur literally several times throughout the day. Much less often, such a course is accompanied by catarrhal-hemorrhagic changes affecting the colon mucosa.

Regarding severe form, then in this case there is a significant increase in body temperature, signs of intoxication are characterized by the severity of their own manifestations, delirium and fainting are possible. The skin (as well as mucous membranes) is dry, the stool is characterized by the previously noted features of “rectal spitting”, and also resembles “meat slop”; its frequency can fluctuate within 10 times or more per day. Abdominal pain has a sharp nature of manifestation, tensems are painful for the patient. There are also changes in hemodynamics, which manifests itself in the form of sustained tachycardia, as well as arterial hypotension. The possibility of developing toxic shock cannot be ruled out.

Atypical gastroenterocolitic dysentery. In this variant of the course of the disease, the duration of the incubation period is short and amounts to about 8 hours. The beginning is stormy and acute in manifestations. There is an increase in temperature, nausea, as well as vomiting, appear quite early, abdominal pain is cramping and diffuse. Almost simultaneously with the indicated symptoms, the addition of abundant and loose stool, there are no pathological impurities in it. Again, tachycardia and arterial hypertension appear.

This initial period is similar to a food toxic infection, although by the second or third day of the disease the patient’s condition is more similar to enterocolitis. In this case, the total volume of excreted feces is quite scanty; you can notice mucus and sometimes blood streaks in them. The localization of abdominal pain is concentrated within the iliac region on the left, similar to the variant of colitic dysentery.

It is noteworthy that the more gastroenteric syndrome manifests itself, the more pronounced are the manifestations of dehydration (that is, dehydration), which often reaches the second or even third degree. In assessing the overall severity of dysentery, this degree is taken into account without fail.

Atypical gastroenteric dysentery. In this variant, the disease is characterized by an acute onset, as well as rapid development clinical manifestations, which determines its similarity to food toxic infection and salmonellosis, respectively, complicating the accurate diagnosis of the patient’s condition.

Due to the relevance for this state loose stools, as well as repeated vomiting, the possibility of dehydration cannot be ruled out. Symptoms indicating damage to the colon subsequently cease to develop, which is distinctive feature this type of dysentery. Despite its rapid course, in this case the duration of the disease is short-term.

Dysentery in its erased form. This option is quite common among patients today; moreover, diagnosing this option clinically is made with significant difficulties. In this case of the disease, patients may experience discomfort in the abdominal area, as well as pain. of various nature and concentration (often they are noted in the lower abdomen, on the left side).

Diarrhea in this variant of the course manifests itself slightly (about twice a day), the stool is mushy, and pathological impurities are usually absent. The temperature either does not change or corresponds to an increase in subfebrile indicators (reaching no more than 38 degrees).

In general, acute dysentery, according to the duration of its course in one form or another (or rather, depending on common factors of these forms) can last from several days to one month; a small percentage of cases indicates the possibility of a protracted course of this disease.

Actual intestinal dysfunction can persist in a permanent manner for a period of one to three months, which manifests itself in constipation and diarrhea, alternating between each other. Abdominal pain can be diffuse or concentrated in the lower abdomen. Patients also experience loss of appetite, weight loss, and general weakness.

Chronic dysentery: symptoms

ABOUT chronic dysentery It is advisable to speak in the case when the patient’s illness lasts more than three months. Meanwhile, today dysentery rarely exists in this type of course, occurring in continuous or recurrent variants.

Chronic recurrent dysentery. Periods of relapse are characterized by symptoms similar to the acute form of dysentery. Accordingly, the manifestations in this case are reduced to periodic intestinal dysfunction in a pronounced form, as well as pain and cramps in the abdomen. The temperature is subfebrile. As for the moments of the onset of relapses of the disease, their total duration and time intervals from normal condition patient with them, then here we can talk about significant fluctuations possible options, therefore there is no specificity on this matter in a general form for all patients.

Continuous chronic dysentery. Extremely rare option development of the disease. Its main characteristic features are profound changes affecting, accordingly, the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms characteristic of intoxication are either absent or mildly expressed.

Patients have complaints of abdominal pain, as well as daily diarrhea, which appears up to several times a day. The stool is mushy and often has a greenish tint. As for remissions, that is, weakening/disappearance of the manifestations of the disease, they are absent in this variant of its course.

It should be noted that the signs of dysentery in this case are subject to their own gradual progression. Patients lose weight, become irritable, and in addition they develop hypovitaminosis and dysbacteriosis with symptoms corresponding to these conditions.

Considering chronic dysentery in general, as well as the protracted form of this disease, it can be noted that now the features of the appearance and subsequent development are not fully understood.

The issue regarding the role of autoimmune processes in the development of these conditions is currently under discussion. They, in turn, are accompanied various types factors: diseases suffered by patients previously and simultaneously with dysentery (especially here it is important to take into account those in the gastrointestinal tract), disorders at the level of immunological reactions during the acute period of the disease, consumption alcoholic drinks and violation of the prescribed diet, etc.

Dysentery in children: symptoms

In children, the disease we are considering is observed much more often than, accordingly, in adults. In particular, the risk increases possible infection in children's groups preschool institutions, transmission of infection occurs through dirty toys, etc.

As for the symptoms, in general they are not too different from the symptoms of dysentery in adults. Here, abdominal pain also appears, appetite disappears, the child complains of feeling unwell. The temperature also rises and persistent diarrhea appears.

An important point is diarrhea that appears during elevated temperature, especially if it contains blood impurities, and its duration in general is of the order of several days. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor immediately! Before contacting him for diarrhea and fever, it is necessary to give the child as much fluid as possible.

Dysentery in children requires exclusion from society healthy children until the disease is cured. Children who have been in close contact with the patient require appropriate monitoring of their general condition for two to three weeks.


Dysentery can be diagnosed in many ways various methods, however the most common options for this are the following:

  • bacteriological diagnostic method, in which the causative agent of the disease is isolated from the patient’s feces;
  • express methods, which include, for example, immunofluorescence analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (or ELISA), etc.;
  • a method of examining stool, which determines the presence of blood streaks indicating damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • examination of the intestines using special equipment (sigmoidoscopy procedure), during which the presence of signs indicating the presence of an inflammatory process in the final sections of the large intestine is determined.

Treatment of dysentery

The presence of conditions that meet sanitary standards determines the possibility of treating patients at home; hospitalization is required only when severe course diseases, as well as in the case of diagnosing dysentery in elderly people, children under one year old and people with serious concomitant pathological conditions. In addition, hospitalization is carried out in accordance with the availability epidemic indications to her.

Treatment is based on taking medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as on following the diet prescribed by him in this case (No. 4), taking into account the individual tolerance of certain food items in it.

If symptoms appear that may indicate possible dysentery, you should consult an infectious disease specialist.

Dysentery develops as a result of infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria belonging to the genus Shigella. Once inside, the infection affects parts of the lower intestine. Most often the colon is affected.

Pathogens enter the body orally and by contact, through consumption of contaminated water, dirty vegetables or due to contact with a sick person. People infected with the bacteria are contagious to others from the onset of the disease until two weeks after recovery.

The infection enters through the stomach into small intestine, and begin to highlight toxic substances. As a result, the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, toxins enter the bloodstream and cause intoxication of the body. Later, bacteria move into the colon, toxin production increases, and symptoms of poisoning increase.

The main causes of dysentery include the following factors:

  1. Bacteria entering the mouth through unwashed hands and contaminated objects. This happens more often with young children who like to try everything by tooth.
  2. Poorly washed fruit or fresh vegetables before use.
  3. Ingestion of water contaminated with bacteria into the stomach. This happens when swimming in open water or using water from rivers and lakes for drinking.
  4. Contact with a person with dysentery. You can become infected through close contact or while caring for a patient.
  5. Unwashed hands after working with soil or going to the toilet.

The disease can also be caused by large cluster flies Flies carry infectious agents and can contaminate food left open.

Signs of the disease usually begin to appear a couple of days after infection, but symptoms may appear within a period of several hours to 5-6 days.

The following complaints are noted with dysentery:

  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • pressure drop;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting, headache;
  • feeling of weakness and general malaise;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area of ​​an aching or paroxysmal nature;
  • frequent bowel movements with liquid stool containing mucus and blood;
  • decreased urine output due to dehydration.

Bowel movements can occur more than 10 times a day, which causes irritation of the anus. In addition, when you urge, the pain becomes more intense.

Forms of development

Dysentery can develop in three forms of disease severity: mild, moderate and severe.

At the beginning mild stage The following signs of illness are noticeable:

  1. The temperature rises to 38 degrees and is accompanied by migraines, cold sweat, general weakness. Symptoms of fever usually subside within 24 hours.
  2. The urge to defecate becomes more frequent. Fecal masses change consistency and become semi-liquid.
  3. Arises It's a dull pain in the abdominal area, worsening before defecation.

Usually such phenomena disappear after two or three days and after three weeks the patient recovers.

Infection is more pronounced medium degree gravity. The disease develops rapidly. Within a few hours, with this form, the following complaints are noted:

  • The temperature stays at 39 degrees for more than 3 days.
  • headaches appear white coating on the tongue.
  • the skin turns pale.
  • dizziness, a feeling of weakness, and chills are observed.
  • the pain becomes paroxysmal.
  • the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, but is often ineffective.
  • the feces contain mucous impurities with blood streaks.

Unpleasant manifestations persist for about 5 days, and the condition completely normalizes after 5-6 weeks.

The course of severe dysentery is characterized by feverish state with a temperature of about 40 degrees, the appearance of intense pain in the abdominal area, migraine. There are attacks of vomiting and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

The severe form is cured within more than two months, and acute period lasts from 7 to 10 days. A disease lasting more than 3 months is diagnosed as a chronic form of dysentery.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist. After assessing the patient’s complaints and condition, tests are prescribed to detect the infectious agent.

The examination package may include:

  • stool coprogram and bacterial examination;
  • enzyme immunoassay that determines pathogen antigens;
  • clinical blood test;
  • examination of the intestine using an endoscope - sigmoidoscopy.

Based on the test results, dysentery is diagnosed and treatment is prescribed. The disease can cause serious consequences, therefore the disease must be stopped by early stages, preventing the development of a chronic form.

Possible complications

Dysentery is dangerous due to its ability to provoke the development severe complications. So advanced disease may cause the following consequences:

  1. The intestinal microflora is disrupted.
  2. The appearance of hemorrhoids and cracks in anus. During bowel movements, part of the rectum may even fall out.
  3. Under the influence of bacteria, the intestinal walls may be damaged, which leads to bleeding.
  4. As a result of intestinal perforation, intestinal contents enter the abdominal cavity and peritonitis develops.
  5. Through the thinning wall of the intestine, toxins enter the blood, and severe intoxication of the body occurs, which poses a threat to the patient’s life.
  6. Suffering from bacterial toxin poisoning nervous system. Possible development of heart and kidney failure.
  7. Due to prolonged diarrhea the body becomes dehydrated.

Such consequences are especially dangerous for children. Combined with a weakened body, this can lead to death.

Treatment in hospital

Patients with severe symptoms, severe and moderate forms of the disease are hospitalized in a hospital. In a hospital setting, they are provided with strict bed rest(for patients with severe forms) and dietary nutrition. Patients with moderate illness can walk to the toilet. With a mild form, children and patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system are admitted to the hospital.

basis drug therapy is the use of antibacterial drugs. Treatment of patients with moderate forms of dysentery with antibiotics does not exceed 4 days. For patients with severe forms, the course is extended to 5 days.

At the same time, the water balance in the body is replenished. Patients with mild and moderate dysentery are prescribed drinking plenty of fluids. This can be tea, saline solutions or glucose solutions. Severe patients are given intravenous infusion of solutions of hemodez, glucose, and albumin.

Therapy also includes:

  • preparations containing enzymes, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • antispasmodics for relief pain syndrome;
  • vitamin complexes and immunomodulators;
  • enterosorbents

An essential part of treatment is strict adherence diets. Meat, fatty and spicy foods, dishes from fresh fruit and vegetables. Sweet foods, baked goods, carbonated drinks and drinks containing alcohol are also prohibited.

Discharge from the hospital is carried out after 3 days after normalization of symptoms and the absence of infectious agents in the tests.

You can also learn about the symptoms and causes of dysentery from the following video:

Treatment for adults and children at home

If the patient's symptoms and condition do not require hospitalization, then light form Dysentery can be treated at home. Dysentery is an infectious disease, so the use of home remedies should complement those prescribed by a doctor drug treatment rather than replacing it.

You can get rid of diarrhea with saturated solution salt. Pour salt into a glass of water until it stops dissolving. In the morning before meals, drink 1 tbsp. l. Such over-salted liquid. Do not eat anything all day, but you can drink after two hours. Diarrhea will stop after the first use.

For the same purposes, it will be useful to take half a glass of water with starch mixed in it (1 tsp).

In children, bird cherry fruits will help stop diarrhea. 1 tbsp. l. dry and fresh berries leave for half an hour in a glass of boiling water. Give 1 tbsp before meals 5 times a day. l.

Boil about 10 alder cones for half an hour in 200 ml of water. Give the child 1 tbsp of water for 14 days. l. three times a day before meals.

A good remedy for adults would be strong green tea with the addition of big spoon honey You need to drink a glass three times a day for a week.

You can simply chew 0.5 tsp. dry tea, no matter black or green, and wash it down with water. Do this several times a day.

A well-known remedy for diarrhea is congee or boiled rice. It envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, reduces irritation and has a strengthening effect. The decoction can be drunk half a glass several times a day. Rice is also divided into portions and eaten throughout the day. Do not add salt or oil.

Remove the film from the washed chicken stomach and dry until brittle. Grind the films into powder and take a quarter teaspoon three times a day. You can drink it with water.

Add a spoonful of dry plantain to half a liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Drink the entire infusion during the day. Repeat treatment for two weeks. This remedy can be used by both adults and children.

Prognosis and prevention

Timely consultation with a doctor and complex therapy provides complete cure dysentery and reduces the likelihood of the disease progressing to chronic stage. Treatment carried out on early stage infection, protects against complications.

You can prevent infection from entering the body if you adhere to certain preventive measures:

  1. Monitor the purity of the water consumed. Do not use water from open reservoirs for these purposes and do not swim in polluted lakes.
  2. Tap water and homemade milk Be sure to boil.
  3. Eat only washed fruits, herbs, vegetables and do not leave them in open form ready meals.
  4. Eliminate clusters of flies indoors
  5. Wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet or working with soil.
  6. Avoid contact with infected people.

After completing the course of treatment, you should not forget that the likelihood of infecting others will continue for about two weeks after recovery.


Dysentery is unpleasant and dangerous disease and often people expose themselves to the risk of infection by ignoring well-known methods of protecting themselves from infection. Having discovered the first symptoms of the disease, they self-medicate, causing complications, chronic infection and infecting others.

Meanwhile, modern medicine helps to minimize the occurrence dangerous consequences and cure the disease in short term. Even a mild course of the disease should occur with strict adherence to medical recommendations. Any treatment at home must be previously agreed with the doctor.

We bring to your attention a video describing folk remedies for treating dysentery at home:

Dysentery is considered a life-threatening infectious disease that has a detrimental effect on digestive system in general, but especially - on the distal part of the large intestine, destroying its walls. Let's take a closer look at how you can treat dysentery at home with various means.

Dysentery often occurs if simple rules hygiene, for example, a person eats without washing his hands. The disease is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, fever, weakness and malaise.

Calamus root tinctures

Very often used to treat dysentery. The plant has a beneficial effect on the intestines: relieves colic, relieves pain and prevents the formation of gases. And to make a tincture, in addition to calamus root, they also use gentian, elm, lady's slipper.

A teaspoon of dried herbal mixture is brewed with boiling water for half an hour. At first, drink the infusion often - every 30 minutes, after the condition improves - 3-4 times a day.

Another way is to tincture calamus root in alcohol. To prepare it, take 50 grams of the root, purchased at a pharmacy, and fill the entire contents with a half-liter bottle of vodka. Infuses in the dark for about 10 days. Take 5 ml of tincture with water.

Garlic tincture

By following hygiene standards, you can avoid dangerous intestinal infections. When prescribing drug therapy by the attending physician, it is advisable to add therapy to it folk remedies from dysentery, since they can also have a significant role, and they are also less dangerous to health.

Signs of dysentery help doctors make a diagnosis quite accurately based on the results of the initial examination. But even if you are not involved in medicine, you need to know how this disease manifests itself in order to promptly seek help from specialists.

Dysentery is characterized by the fecal-oral route of infection. Pathogens are contained even in small particles of feces of a sick person. Getting into water or food products, they infect them. If they are subsequently eaten healthy person, pathogens enter the stomach. They mostly die in gastric juice, but a small number survive and advance into small intestine. Here Shigella multiply and then move into large intestine. This is how it begins active stage diseases.

How long does it last incubation period dysentery depends on many factors, primarily the type and amount of bacteria that have entered the body. Most often it takes from several hours to 2-4 days.

Forms of dysentery

Like any disease, dysentery can occur in different people differently. The most commonly noted forms are:

  1. Spicy. Explicit and characteristic symptoms appear a few days after infection. Without treatment, this stage can last quite a long time, but with adequate therapy, relief occurs within 5–7 days. Acute dysentery can occur in mild, moderate and severe forms. In the first case, up to 3 cases of bowel movements per day, moderate stomach pain and a slight increase in temperature are noted. In severe cases, repeated diarrhea without feces begins, consisting of only mucus, severe pain and cramps, there may be vomiting, severe dehydration, and high fever.
  2. Chronic. If dysentery lasts more than three months, it is said to be chronic form. As a rule, such patients remain active, the disease is relatively mild, and there are no obvious manifestations. Feces are often not liquid, but pasty or soft. The course can be constant or recurrent, with episodes of improvement and exacerbations.
  3. Asymptomatic. Such forms are observed quite rarely, but they are the most dangerous, because a person can for a long time not knowing what the source of pathogens is. It has no obvious symptoms, and the stool may be normal or slightly softer than usual. Laboratory diagnostics detects the presence of pathogens in human feces, as well as antibodies in the blood. During sigmoidoscopy, signs of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa are detected.
  4. Carriage. Unlike the asymptomatic form, when carrying the disease, the patient himself does not have signs of the disease, even at the level of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. But laboratory diagnostics notes constant selection bacteria in feces.

The most common symptom is typical acute dysentery. Therefore, it is its symptoms that you need to focus on first.

Main symptoms and manifestations of dysentery

Most cases of this disease have similar manifestations. The degree of their severity may vary, but the list itself is as follows:

  1. Diarrhea. First and most typical sign. The stool may be pasty, pasty, or liquid, with an admixture of large quantity mucus, as well as streaks of blood, sometimes pus. The number of bowel movements per day can reach 30. severe forms There is no feces in the stool, only a large amount of mucus.
  2. Stomach ache. On early forms the pain does not have a clear localization, but later it becomes stronger and is concentrated in the lower abdomen. They are cramping in nature, combined with spasms. Often the pain intensifies before defecation and subsides after.
  3. Tenesmus. False urge to defecate is characteristic of this disease.
  4. Fever. It can rise to 37 degrees in mild cases and up to 40 in severe cases.
  5. Intoxication. By multiplying in the intestines, bacteria produce large amounts of toxins that poison the body. This causes weakness, headaches, vomiting, lack of appetite, and sometimes decreased blood pressure. The severity of intoxication depends on general condition body and the severity of the disease.

These are the main signs of the disease. In addition to these, there may be manifestations of dehydration due to large fluid loss.

Without treatment, this condition can become so severe that people suffer internal organs, first of all, the kidneys. Signs of dehydration include dry skin and mucous membranes, dark, rich urine, and infrequent urination. In such cases, immediate rehydration is required. In mild cases, it is enough to drink more fluid; in severe cases, maintenance droppers are required.

Diagnosis of dysentery

In the typical course of dysentery specific diagnostics not required. It is enough for a doctor to conduct a survey and a general examination to determine the disease. First of all, he draws attention to characteristic features(diarrhea, stomach pain, tenesmus). Palpation of the abdomen reveals that sigmoid colon painful, tense, inflamed.

But in chronic and erased forms, it is still necessary to take specific tests for diarrhea. The most commonly used diagnostic methods are:

  1. Stool analysis. The coprogram shows the presence of a large amount of mucus and blood. Bacterial culture is also used, and the presence of Shigella is recorded, as well as their number and type. Often, at the same time, their sensitivity to various antibiotics to choose the most successful one. This is especially important for long term with a poor response to therapy. You should also donate stool if necessary. differential diagnosis dysentery to distinguish dysentery from other intestinal infections such as salmonellosis.
  2. Search for antibodies. When diseases occur, specific immunity is formed. And the test for dysentery often consists of searching for formed antibodies. Its difficulty is that antibodies do not form immediately and disappear only several months after the end of the disease. Therefore, for emergency diagnosis this method is of little value. It is used to confirm asymptomatic forms, carriage and chronic dysentery. As a rule, blood is taken in which PCR methods or ELISA determine the presence of characteristic antibodies.
  3. Study of the intestinal mucosa. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy allow visual examination of the colon mucosa. It is not done often, but only if it is necessary to make sure that there are no other potential causes of the disease, for example, tumors.

Differential diagnosis is also important to distinguish dysentery from other diseases. First of all, exclude salmonellosis, mononucleosis, acute toxic poisoning, cholera, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, helminthosis, as well as a number of other conditions.

In chronic and erased forms of the disease, stool is diagnosed for sensitivity to antibiotics, as well as to distinguish dysentery from other diseases.

If signs of dysentery appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. From how long it will take to receive medical care from the onset of the disease, its duration and severity depend.

If dysentery has been diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. Dysentery is infectious disease, which is characterized by defeat gastrointestinal tract, mainly the large intestine. The cause of this disease is bacteria of the genus Shigella.

Dysentery (disease of dirty hands) is similar in its symptoms to other intestinal infections. However, there are some differences. During development of this disease patients complain of mucus and blood in the stool, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen and fever.

1 Drug treatment

If the temperature rises to 39 degrees, the patient must urgently call a doctor. The patient should be isolated, and after visiting a public toilet, the stool should be thoroughly flushed. If there are acute symptoms dysentery in adults, then the victim should drink plenty of fluids before the ambulance arrives. This will help avoid dehydration. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. You should drink liquid often, but in small portions (no more than 50 ml). Today in pharmacies you can buy very effective remedy Regidron, which fights dehydration. If it is not at hand, then saline solution You can prepare it yourself at home. To prepare healthy liquid in 1 liter hot water you need to dissolve 1 spoon of salt and 2 spoons of sugar. You need to drink this remedy every hour in small sips. Boiled water is also allowed for dysentery, berry jelly, sweet weak tea and compotes. In severe cases of the disease described above, the patient may need intravenous administration liquids.

Under no circumstances should you take antidiarrheal medications on your own. Mild dysentery can be treated at home. In case of a more severe course of the disease, the patient must be taken to an infectious diseases hospital.

Treatment of dysentery in adults primarily involves taking antibacterial agents. In the fight against the unpleasant symptoms described above, tetracycline antibiotics and drugs from the fluoroquinolone group are very popular. Such medications must be taken orally before meals. In severe forms of the disease, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs intravenously. The course of treatment, as a rule, does not last more than 7 days.

To get rid of toxins that appear after the destruction of bacteria, doctors prescribe adsorbents. Smecta and Enterosgel are very popular. Signs of dysentery are also treated with enzyme preparations that are aimed at improving digestion. In such situations, doctors usually prescribe drugs such as Creon and Mezim. As stated above, this disease causes severe pain and spasms. To eliminate these symptoms, patients are prescribed antispasmodics. No-shpa and Papaverine hydrochloride have proven themselves well.

After long-term use Antibacterial and other medications that negatively affect the condition of the intestinal walls, doctors must prescribe medications to normalize the microflora of this organ. To normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to take courses of eubiotics.

2 Diet food

Dysentery should be treated not only medications, but also special dietary nutrition. Therapeutic diet plays important role in the treatment of any gastrointestinal ailments. During the acute period of illness, patients must strictly monitor what they eat and exclude everything from their diet. harmful products and drink plenty of fluids. The diet can only be expanded after the patient feels better.

Basic principles of dietary nutrition:

  1. For the treatment of dysentery, food that is well boiled or cooked in a steamer or oven is suitable. Fried foods should be avoided during treatment.
  1. To prevent rough food from damaging the intestinal walls, it must be thoroughly chopped.
  1. You should drink as much fluid as possible (at least 6 times a day in small portions).
  1. Patients should not eat vegetables containing coarse fiber (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower).
  1. Berries and fruits without peel are useful.
  1. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish can be eaten without fear if you have dysentery.
  1. Dietary food for the above-described disease includes dairy products and dried bread.
  1. Smoked, spicy, fatty, pickled and salty foods were banned.
  1. During treatment, doctors recommend avoiding drinks such as carbonated water, coffee and cocoa.

Doctors advise adhering to the above rules for 30 days after stopping treatment.

If dysentery has been diagnosed, the symptoms will go away in as little time as possible. short time only if all necessary medications are taken and the diet is followed. In this case, it will not only be possible to get rid of the disease much faster, but also reduce the risk of complications.

3 Folk remedies

You can fight the signs of dysentery not only medications, but also with traditional medicine. And this should hardly be surprising, because traditional medicine has a large number useful properties. As practice shows, a positive effect after using home remedies for dysentery appears within a short period of time.

Homemade remedies are extremely popular, the main components of which are medicinal herbs and plants. For cooking useful means Either one type of plant or whole collections can be used.

You can cure the above disease in an adult with the help of burdock leaves. 3 times a day before meals, you need to take 1 spoon of the juice of this plant orally.

The following collection is considered very effective: 10 g of wild rosemary flowers and leaves should be mixed with 25 g of finely chopped marshmallow roots. The resulting mixture must be brewed in 1 liter of boiling water for 60 minutes. The finished mixture must be strained and drunk 1 spoon every 2 hours.

Dry blueberries have excellent anti-dysenteric properties. 100 g of raw material should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, set aside for 60 minutes and strain.

Experts advise boiling blackberries and drinking the resulting liquid as tea. As practice shows, positive results appear the very next day.

How to treat dysentery with oak bark? 50 g of finely chopped oak bark should be poured into 800 ml of cold boiled water and wait at least 8 hours. The finished tincture must be strained and drunk throughout the day in small sips.

The following collection is no less popular: 2 parts of plantain must be mixed with 1 part of cinquefoil and knotweed. 100 g of the resulting mixture should be poured with 2 glasses of hot water, wait 30 minutes and drink 150 ml of healing liquid 4 times a day. It is most beneficial to drink this tincture immediately before meals.

Pour 50 g of crushed burnet root into 1 cup of boiling water, cook over medium heat for 30 minutes and strain. 1 spoon ready medicine must be diluted in ¼ cup clean water and take orally 6 times a day. This medicine will help cope even with acute dysentery.

Blackberry leaves will help with dysentery.

Place 50 g of blackberry twigs and leaves in a bowl with 400 ml of hot water. The resulting consistency should be placed on the fire, cooked for 5 minutes, wrapped in a warm blanket for 40 minutes and strained. You should drink this remedy half a glass 2 times a day.

4 Other Helpful Home Remedies

Many dysentery patients use the following: home remedy: several skins from chicken gizzards must be dried on a clean sheet of paper for 24 hours (you should select sunny place). Dry films should be crushed to a powdery state and taken in small portions 2 times a day. The healing powder should be washed down with water. This tool will help you get rid of even the most severe diarrhea. The rest of the powder should be stored in a box in a cool place.

Few people know, but you can get rid of the disease described above using potato starch. Getting ready remedy quite easy: 50 g of potato starch should be diluted in 0.5 l cool water. The resulting liquid should be drunk in 1 dose. Positive results will appear within a few days.

“How to treat dysentery in children?” - a question that worries parents. Experts advise treating unpleasant symptoms in children with rice water. Porridge, hard-cooked in water without adding salt, very well and quickly helps not only children, but also adults get rid of diarrhea.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms Doctors advise buying alcoholic propolis extract at the pharmacy. In 400 ml warm water you need to dilute 1 small spoon of extract. You should drink at least 3 glasses of this liquid per day. Treatment with alcohol extract of propolis should be carried out for 1 week. This time is quite enough for positive results to make themselves felt.

To speed up the healing process, you should eat a little honey daily. The whole point is that this product promotes the rapid removal of dysentery bacillus from feces. It is thanks to this that recovery occurs much faster.

Replace medicinal tablets maybe the following mixture: 1 egg white must be mixed with 1 glass of cognac and 1 spoon of juice from golden mustache leaves. All ingredients must be mixed with a mixer and taken orally 3 times a day, 1 spoon.

Dysentery is a seasonal disease

CAUTION, dysentery | The best folk recipes| Zdrav TV

The following recipe is no less popular: 50 g of purified birch charcoal powder should be mixed with an equal amount of garlic powder. Every day you need to take ½ g of the resulting consistency orally (3 times a day).

For inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend eating porridge from oatmeal. To prepare this porridge, pour 100 g of flakes into 1 liter of cool water, set aside for 4 hours and simmer over low heat until the mixture thickens. Very tasty and healthy dish ready.

Amebiasis can be treated pomegranate peels. First you need to dry a few pomegranate peels. After this, they must be ground to a powder state. 1 small spoon of powder should be infused in 400 ml of boiling water for 40 minutes. You need to drink at least 2 glasses of healing liquid per day. You need to drink this remedy in small sips throughout the day.

5 Conclusion

Before you begin to treat dysentery for yourself or your child at home, you should consult your doctor. The thing is that home remedies often cause various complications.