How to quickly increase platelets in the blood? How to increase platelet levels in the blood: effective methods of correction Is it possible to increase platelet levels on your own?

No one can feel completely protected from minor household injuries. After all, it is impossible to avoid abrasions, cuts and scratches. And a tiny wound may not heal for a long time and bleed.

This is the first signal that you need to see a doctor for tests. Most likely, the patient has a blood clotting disorder. And only serious laboratory and instrumental research will reveal pathological changes in the human body and prevent significant blood loss with minor injury.

If the tests are positive: after confirming low coagulation - thrombocytopenia, the attending physician will suggest drug therapy to increase the level of platelets in the blood at home.

Various techniques can be used traditional treatment in the form of a collection of herbs and products that quickly increase platelets in the blood. It is important to completely review your diet and daily routine. This does not mean that you need to immediately go on a strict diet. But in principle, this has not harmed anyone yet.

Decreased platelet levels in blood plasma

What foods can increase the number of platelets in the blood?

The dietary menu is a fundamental component of the normalization of blood cells in plasma. To quickly raise this level, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle, right down to your diet. You need to eat foods that can raise your platelet count to a high level.

The answer to the question of how to quickly increase platelets in the blood with the help of products is simple. To increase the level of blood cells in the blood, it is recommended:

  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • pomegranate, melon and banana;
  • from cereals: buckwheat and rice;
  • legumes: beans and beans;
  • eggs;
  • beet;
  • flax oil;
  • all types of sea fish;
  • hazelnut;
  • green tea and more.

Junk foods interfere with the production of blood cells, lowering the platelet count.

Diet menu is a guarantee of normalization of blood cells in the blood plasma

What foods are best to exclude from the diet so that platelets do not drop even lower? After all, they reduce the concentration of blood cells in the body:

  • orange, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits;
  • onions and garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • chocolates and other products containing chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • raspberry;
  • blueberry;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is worth noting that to increase the low value of blood cells using folk methods, you can act purely on early stages. Later it is irrational.

Medicines that increase platelet levels in the blood

Popular medications for increasing low platelets are:

  • Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are hormone-based medications that increase platelet levels in the blood. This therapy allows you to restore the concentration of blood cells in the plasma after long-term chemotherapy by stimulating the functioning of the bone marrow.
  • Etamsylate or Dicinone is used as additional remedy treatment. This drug cannot raise platelets in the blood, but it improves the ability to clot.

  • Sodecor – collection medicinal herbs to increase platelets in the blood. Recommended for low blood cell levels at home, but with mandatory consultation with a specialist.
  • Vikasol is a medicine that involves complex preventive treatment bleeding.
  • Derinat – synthetic drug based on salmon nucleic acids.
  • Thrombopoietin is a powerful pharmaceutical drug that promotes the production of blood cells.

To prevent a sharply increasing number of cancer cells, chemotherapy is used. This method will stop the rise in the level of pathological cells. But at the same time it will be observed reduced quantity platelets. How to raise platelets in this case? This requires long-term and serious drug therapy, up to injections. And if it is still not possible to increase the level of platelets in the blood to the required level, resort to blood transfusion.

Important! Be careful! You should not look for the answer to the question of how to increase the level of platelets in the blood on your own, attribute drugs to yourself and use them. Medicines to improve blood clotting and quickly raise blood cells in the blood should be prescribed by a specialist after instrumental studies and analyses. There must be indications for the use of the drug, otherwise it will not be possible to increase platelets. And it is possible that the problem will get worse.


If there are not enough vitamins with food intake, then it may be necessary to purchase multivitamin complexes. You can purchase ascorutin, which contains vitamins C and P. The latter reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries and strengthen the walls blood vessels. And thanks ascorbic acid iron is rapidly absorbed.

Read also: – traditional medicine preparations and recipes

How to increase platelets in blood plasma using folk remedies?

You can increase the level of blood cells in the body by folk remedies. Popular ones include:

  • nettle, the juice of which is mixed with milk in a one to one ratio. The course of treatment involves a seven-day period with use three times a day. After this, give the body a rest and stop taking the product for a week.

Nettle juice and infusion will raise platelets in the blood
  • infusions of the following herbs have performed well: yarrow, nettle, strawberry, rose hips and verbena. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over any of the herbs and leave to brew for a while. The resulting composition is enough for a week's course of treatment. You can use the infusion for at least a whole year until the level of platelets in the blood rises to the desired level

Pay special attention to the instructions. It necessarily describes contraindications and recommendations for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  • Beetroot juice will help correct the situation with low platelets. To do this, grate the beets and let the juice brew. If desired, add a little sugar for taste. Drink beet juice on an empty stomach for two weeks. If blood cells have not increased, repeat the course of treatment after a month.
  • pay attention to the sesame seeds. You can eat it on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time. And adding to the salad, you will not only improve it taste qualities, but you will also make it more useful.

How to increase platelets in the blood quickly and effectively during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman needs to constantly monitor her blood counts. Therefore, she is often sent for a blood clotting test. All because increased level platelet count in this case is not as bad as low. This indicator in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, and in the last - the inability to stop heavy bleeding.

The main cause of low platelet volume in pregnant women is considered to be early gestosis. It involves the removal of fluid from the blood after the placental substance has been produced.

Diagnosis of this pathological condition possible by external signs:

  • severe swelling of a woman;
  • kidneys may hurt;
  • increased blood pressure, which was uncharacteristic for the expectant mother;
  • seizures of eclampsia, which without specialized medical care can cause death due to cerebral hemorrhage.

In order not to lead to extreme methods And severe consequences low level blood cells, pregnant women should adhere to the following rules:

  1. After the first signs of the disease appear, you should not delay examination by your doctor. Timely detection root causes of pathology will eliminate the problem with small losses.
  2. It is important to completely avoid pharmaceutical drugs that can adversely affect plasma platelet volume.
  3. Pay special attention to your diet. It's best to go to diet menu, filled with fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and protein foods.
  4. Therapeutic treatment may be needed. But exclusively with vitamins B12 and corticosteroid hormone-based drugs.
  5. Pregnant women are prescribed folic acid as prescribed by a doctor.
  6. If indicated, it may be necessary to inject interferon.
  7. If the situation has worsened too much and previous treatment methods do not bring results, last hope There will be a platelet transfusion.

Important! A dangerously low concentration of blood cells in the blood of pregnant women can only be detected after analysis. After which the nature of the therapy, its seriousness and necessity will be determined.

  1. Remove from diet fatty foods. Add fresh fruit, berries and vegetables.
  2. When choosing products in the supermarket, exclude those that contain flavoring additives.
  3. Minimize the consumption of blood thinning products: raspberries, olive oil, ginger and others.
  4. Avoid using alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.
  5. Try to drink less coffee and caffeinated products.
  6. Recommended products with high content vitamin K. They help normalize coagulation and have an anti-inflammatory effect. These are spinach, broccoli, seaweed, liver and eggs.
  7. Thanks to the introduction of omega-3 fats into the diet, strengthening occurs immune system, an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. Foods high in this substance include: all types of fish, seaweed, flax oil, walnut and eggs. This will reduce the risk of heart pathologies and normalize general composition blood plasma. Use omega-3 fats in the form pharmaceutical drug not worth it. Liquefaction may occur, and this is fraught with consequences for thrombocytopenia.

If treatment methods for thrombocytopenia have not brought results, it is necessary surgery which involves removing the spleen. Practice shows that this forced measure comes after a year of useless treatment and several exacerbations. In this case, the effectiveness of recovery occurs in 50-80 percent of cases.

Preventive measures

  • Normalize drinking regime. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. It doesn't matter whether it's warm or cold.
  • Proper rest is an important component of treatment. An adult should not sleep less than seven hours. And if there is a low blood cell volume, this time increases to nine hours.

Full sleep and rest will keep the body in good shape
  • Moderate is required physical activity, which will intensify over time. Cardio training – good opportunity get in shape for any cardiovascular diseases. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor and not to overdo it, so as not to provoke bleeding. It's difficult to stop him.
  • IN preventive measures take a vitamin C complex special attention to vitamin K. It is responsible for the ability of blood to clot normally.
  • Don't forget about foods high in omega-3 and other fatty acids.

If you lead healthy image life and eating right, you can avoid many health problems and their further aggravation.

Platelets are colorless blood cells, without a nucleus, and have a spherical shape. They are formed in bone marrow. Their function is to initially occlude the vessel to prevent blood loss.

The normal amount in adults is 180-320 * 10 9 / l. When platelet levels are low, thrombocytopenia occurs and requires treatment. It is possible to increase platelets in the blood different methods: nutrition, vitamins, medicines, folk recipes. The fastest result will be achieved if all methods are used simultaneously.

In this article you will learn how and how to increase platelets in the blood.

Increasing platelets through nutrition

Let's look at how to raise the level of platelets in the blood through nutrition and diet. Reduced level blood platelets can lead to serious consequences: A bleeding disorder reduces the body's defenses. In case of minor deviations from the norm, food will help stabilize the blood formula.

At the same time daily diet should consist of foods that increase platelet count. It is unacceptable to include in the menu those foods that help thin the blood, reducing coagulation and the level of blood cells.

With the help of a nutritionist, a diet is prepared that is rich in minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Benefits come from foods that improve bone marrow function.

Anticoagulant products that are not included in the diet:

  • Garlic;
  • Ginger;
  • Spices;
  • Fatty fish;
  • Chinese black mushrooms;
  • Olive oil.

The mechanism of action of the substances in these products slows down the formation of blood clots and affects the viscosity and viscosity of the blood, like acetylsalicylic acid.

Foods that increase platelets in the blood:

Eating these foods will help reduce the formation of bruises, bruises, and also reduce the likelihood of spontaneous bleeding, for example, from the nose or gums.

Now you know which foods increase platelets in the blood.


If platelets are produced in smaller quantities than the body needs, the deficiency can be compensated for by the intake of vitamins.

Vitamin B12– often a lack of blood platelets is associated with this vitamin. To replenish it, you need to eat cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk, yeast bread, meat.

Folic acid– found in spinach, parsley, dill, legumes. Also rich folic acid cabbage, pumpkin, turnips, beets, all types of nuts.

Iron– found in the liver of animals and fish, apples, bell peppers, buckwheat, and pomegranates.

Vitamin K– helps increase platelets. Contained in carrots, tomatoes, green peas, potatoes, cauliflower.

B vitamins– contain all grains, rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat. It is useful to replenish B vitamins by eating porridges made from these cereals, as well as black grain bread.

Besides, universal remedy to support health are vitamin complexes, which contain daily norm all elements and minerals.


Now let's study how to increase the level of platelets in the blood with the help of drugs and how to do it quickly. Drugs are used to increase platelet levels when the cause of the decrease is known. The prescription of drugs and their dosage will depend on this.

Hormonal drugs that improve bone marrow function can quickly raise levels:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Treatment is considered effective if bleeding has stopped. On the 5th-6th day of taking the drug, a blood test is monitored: if the indicators return to normal, the dosage of the drug is reduced.

Hemostatic drugs are prescribed to increase platelets in the blood:

  • Sodium ethamsylate;
  • Vikasol;
  • Dicynone.

These drugs increase blood clotting, but do not affect the formation of platelet cells.

You will be interested in:

Has a beneficial effect on platelet count natural preparation Sodecor, which is made from plant materials.

In addition, to increase the level, the following are prescribed:

  • Derinat;
  • Thrombopoietin.

These powerful medications significantly stimulate cell production in the bone marrow.

If the decrease in the indicator is caused by chemotherapy, then treatment with drugs is longer, and in some cases platelet transfusion is recommended.

Folk remedies

Let's look at how to increase the number of platelets in the blood using folk remedies. Good effect gives the use of nettle. It can be used in several ways:

  • Nettle juice in an amount of 5 ml is diluted in 100 ml of milk or cream, taken before meals 3 times a day for a week, then after a week's break the course can be repeated;
  • Nettle leaves are brewed as tea and drunk in small portions throughout the day.

Application beet juice also helps to raise platelet count. For this raw root vegetable grate, add a tablespoon of sugar, stir and leave to steep for 12 hours, or you can leave overnight. After this, a tablespoon of juice is taken from the pulp, which should be drunk on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

In addition, for thrombocytopenia the following drugs are used:

  • Verbena infusion – pour a small amount of herb into 200 ml hot water, leave for 1 hour, drink in small sips all day. Drink no more than 1 glass per day. Duration of treatment is about a month;
  • Sesame oil – take a tablespoon 4 times a day. The oil is also used to prevent platelet reduction;
  • Chokeberry – increases blood viscosity. The berries can be eaten raw, or they can be brewed in a thermos and then drunk as tea.

When a person has to surgery, products for normal hematopoiesis help reduce recovery period, traditional methods are preventive measures in this case.

Ways to increase platelet levels during pregnancy

A decrease in platelets during pregnancy is physiological process. Acceptable level blood cells are considered to be reduced to 140*10 9 /l. If the blood test shows more pronounced thrombocytopenia, this can cause increased blood loss during childbirth, as well as internal hemorrhages in the fetus.

The appearance of bruises on the body, bleeding gums, and bleeding that does not stop for a long time due to cuts require treatment.

A decrease during pregnancy can be:

  • If the production of blood cells in the bone marrow is impaired;
  • With the rapid destruction of healthy cells.

To identify pathology, the pregnant woman is referred to a hematologist. It is possible to restore platelets on your own by normalizing your diet, which should include a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Change your lifestyle

To make your life more organized, you need to acquire useful habits. It is known that general condition the body has a positive effect on the processes occurring inside us. List of changes that may be paramount:

Every person is capable of creating his own good habits, and also follow them throughout life. Such behavior will fill life with meaning, bring pleasure, and give complete satisfaction.

Now you know how to increase platelets in the blood at home with the help of drugs, diet and folk remedies.

Platelets are colorless, small bodies that large quantities circulate in the blood. They are responsible for such a necessary thing for humans as blood clotting. The norm is 180-320 thousand. If this volume is exceeded, then blood clots may form in the vessels, and here it is not far from a heart attack with a stroke. If there is a lack of platelets, then a person can get thrombocytopathy, thrombocytopenia and a bunch more unpleasant diseases. The platelet count can be affected not only congenital pathology platelets, but also food or medications consumed. You need to monitor the state of platelets in your body, otherwise this is fraught with bruises that appear for no reason, hematomas, and large blood loss. To the number unpleasant consequences also include the inadmissibility of pulling out teeth and performing various operations, limiting exposure to the sun, etc.

If you are faced with this problem, then you are probably wondering how to increase platelets in the blood? Unfortunately, not every hematologist specialist will be able to give you useful advice in this situation, therefore, it is best to independently monitor your health, and especially your diet.

How to increase platelet levels? First of all, you need to regularly eat foods high in iron. Foods that contain iron will also protect you from anemia and other problems. These are liver, pomegranate, hazelnuts, bananas, buckwheat porridge, peas, melons, beef, etc.

Secondly, it is important to limit yourself in consuming blood thinning products. These include, for example, ginger, citrus fruits, chocolate, blueberries, raspberries, olive oil and dried nettle leaves.

Thirdly, it is necessary to include in your diet foods that thicken the blood, increase the platelet content in the blood and accelerate its clotting. For these purposes, fish, sugar, bananas, buckwheat, carbonated drinks, alcohol, nuts, beets, rice, fresh leaves nettle, parsley, dill and green tea.

And fourthly, you will have to say goodbye to anticoagulant medications (such as acetylsalicylic acid- well-known aspirin), with ointments containing heparin, as well as with ointments and gels that provide a decongestant effect or help quickly get rid of bruises.

But it is not enough to follow a diet and limit yourself to the use of a number of medications; it is important to find out the reason for such a deviation in the composition of the blood! It's one thing if you have congenital disease- then you just have to follow a diet, protecting yourself from slow blood clotting, since it is impossible to completely get rid of the congenital abnormality. However, if the disease is acquired, then there is a chance to normalize the number of platelets in the blood once and for all. The causes of an acquired lack of platelets in the blood can be infection, pregnancy, thoughtless consumption medicines or homeopathic remedies for colds and other “seasonal” diseases. It is important to understand that platelets are produced in the bone marrow, so the reason for their decrease may be much more serious than it seems at first glance.

Therefore, if you suddenly notice that your wound is not healing for a long time, bruises appear not only from blows, but also just like that - run to the doctor. Remember that only a doctor can carry out necessary research and appoint effective treatment! Self-medication is absolutely useless here, because the consequences of insufficient attention to this seemingly minor sore can be very serious.

Low platelets in the blood - an indicator of the presence of a disease, which is characterized by subcutaneous hemorrhages and bruising. This pathology is called thrombocytopenia.

The development of the disease is due to two factors: platelet formation does not occur in the right quantity, or their excessive destruction occurs.

Blood cells called platelets are responsible for ensuring normal blood clotting. This function is extremely important for the body because it helps prevent bleeding, significant blood loss due to damage to the surface of a blood vessel.

When the integrity of the vessel wall is compromised and hemorrhage occurs, sticky blood platelets (platelets) restore the tightness, “clogging” the damage.

The acceptable level of platelets is in a wide range, from 150 thousand at the lower limit to 380 thousand per 1 μl. blood. Going down the 100 thousand/1 µl mark, the likelihood of various occurrences increases significantly.

The disease thrombocytopenia accompanies many pathologies of the circulatory system.

Causes of thrombocytopenia

  • hepatitis
  • tuberculosis
  • colds
  • flu
  • mononucleosis
  • oncological diseases
  • herpes and complications caused by it
  • poor blood clotting
  • fungal infections
  • lack of folic acid in the body
  • bad habits (addiction to alcohol)
  • radiation sickness

How does it manifest?

The symptomatic picture, with a moderate course of the disease, does not differ in bright, obvious signs. However for severe form, the following negative manifestations are characteristic:

  • numerous, heavy bleeding from the nose
  • when receiving a wound, regardless of size, blood loss is significant
  • bruises appear on the body
  • possible bleeding from the oral mucosa, bleeding gums


Here is a list of measures that are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • visit to the office hematologist
  • taking blood tests (general, biochemical)
  • identification of factors influencing blood clotting
  • detection of autoantibodies to platelets
  • trephine biopsy of bone marrow
  • aspiration biopsy

How is thrombocytopenia treated?

The use of glucocorticoid drugs, including prednisolone, helps to increase the level of platelets in the blood. Reasons for use:

  • there are signs of increased hemorrhagic syndrome
  • rash on skin, oral mucosa
  • hemorrhages in the conjunctiva were noted
  • stated critically low rate platelet count, less than 30,000 in 1 μl

It is worth noting that taking this hormonal drug, which belongs to the steroid class, causes negative consequences for the body. List of side effects:

  • rapidly
  • the body “leaves” potassium and magnesium - extremely important microelements
  • the gastric mucosa experiences a massive negative impact

However, despite the above, therapy autoimmune thrombocytopenia Taking prednisolone is considered a fundamental method of treating such a blood disease. The effectiveness of the treatment process is evident after the first days of treatment.

Initially, the negative consequences disappear (bleeding of the mucous membranes is minimized), and then an increase in platelet levels is noted.

When the level of 100 thousand per 1 μl is exceeded, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced.

Sometimes, a one-time course of hormonal therapy is enough to normalize the condition.

Often, an attempt to stop taking hormones, or an inadequate dose reduction, are catalysts for a relapse.

The problem is exacerbating again, “requiring” a return to high doses drug. For every tenth patient, treatment with glucocorticosteroids does not bring the desired results.

Although the bleeding can be controlled, thrombocytopenia still remains unconquered.

Long-term remissions, after treatment with hormonal drugs, are recorded in 25% of those suffering from this pathology.

After several months (3-4), in the absence of positive changes after the use of glucocorticoids, or the presence serious complications who were provoked by taking the drug are considering the possibility of splenectomy. The procedure for removing the spleen, in the vast majority of patients (more than 70%), radically improves the situation. Persistent improvements are recorded, and a steady increase in platelet levels is noted.

We will definitely mention another method of combating thrombocytopenia. In case of unsatisfactory results after the operation (ineffective removal of the spleen), cytostatic immunosuppressive therapy is resorted to. As immunosuppressants, preference is given to the following drugs: vincristine, cyclophosphamide. The treatment is long-term, the course duration is 3-5 months.

Cytostatic therapy involves individual approach, the choice is the most effective drugs. In this situation, it is not possible to predict the effectiveness of an immunosuppressant in advance. There are no clear evaluation criteria.

This form of treatment is considered as an extreme, exceptional measure to counteract thrombocytopenia. Use is appropriate when the effectiveness of splenectomy is low.

Sometimes, before the courses hormone therapy, hematologists prescribe a plasmapheresis procedure. From the blood taken from the patient, the liquid part - plasma, which contains toxic components - is isolated and removed.

Prevention of thrombocytopenia

  • rectal examinations
  • intramuscular injections
  • enemas

Drugs that reduce platelet function are prohibited. These include:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • aspirin, its derivatives

Use toothbrushes with soft hardness. Avoid using straight razors and dental floss.

IN nutritious diet, increase the share of products: pomegranate, apricot, beets - which have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

If you receive an injury accompanied by loss of blood, even minor, for people suffering from thrombocytopenia, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor, if possible a hematologist.

Traditional treatment

There are folk recipes increasing platelet levels. However, they, without exception, should be considered as a secondary, auxiliary measure against this pathology. Do not forget that quality medical care will only be provided by professional medical professionals.

Primarily, the recipe, thanks to which, my nephew’s platelet count, almost doubled from a critically low level in four days (from 50 thousand to 85 thousand). Partial stabilization of the level made it possible to exclude the use of hormones.

For the recipe we need the following components:

  • large plantain leaf, peppermint, chamomile color (pharmaceutical), taken 20 grams.
  • herbs St. John's wort and yarrow - 10 gr.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, pour boiling water (700 ml), leave for half an hour, and then filter.

For the first three days we take 50 ml hourly, and then 100 ml, a quarter of an hour before meals. A one-time course is ten days, repeating after a week's break. After two full courses, we managed to raise platelets to 100 thousand/µl.

It is permissible to adjust the amount of peppermint down to 10 grams, since the child may categorically refuse to take the resulting infusion due to the excessively bitter taste.

Surely many people know that platelets are a structural component of blood, which are small red plates. They are produced in red bone marrow cells.

Platelet function

What role do these red blood cells play in our body? First of all, they prevent our blood from being too thick. People who have excessive liquid blood, suffer from frequent bleeding from the nose and bruises on the body. Platelets also provide protection to the walls of our blood vessels from various types of damage. In addition, the above disc-shaped plates are responsible for blood clotting and the formation of blood clots.

Platelet rate

U healthy person normal level platelets range from 150 to 400 thousand per microliter of blood.

Platelet deficiency

U huge number People often experience a lack of red blood cells in the body.

This pathology is called thrombocytopenia. It is often noted during menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the risk of a deficiency of plank-shaped plates in the red fluid is also very high. That is why every woman who is “in a position” should know how to increase platelets in the blood.

Persons suffering from such a disease as iron deficiency anemia also often experience a lack of the above blood element. Those who have liver pain and those who have health problems " thyroid gland, information on how to increase platelets in the blood will also be useful, since they are in insufficient quantities in their body

The first sign of red cell deficiency is the appearance of hematomas in various areas bodies. Infectious diseases can also trigger the problem in question.

The question of how to increase platelets in the blood should be asked by those whose gums constantly bleed, as well as those who often have nosebleeds.

Don't know how to increase platelets in the blood? First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. It should be as balanced and complete as possible. It is necessary to exclude pickled foods from the diet; you should refrain from spices and alcoholic beverages.

Foods such as: bell pepper, potatoes, parsley, carrots, spinach, citrus fruits, rose hips. The above vegetables contain vitamins A and C in abundance, which replenish the deficiency of red blood cells in the body. It is also recommended to eat more peanuts, almonds, lingonberries, and grape leaves.

Alternative medicine

Supporters alternative medicine can offer a whole arsenal of solutions to the problem of how to increase platelets using folk remedies. Let's look at the most common of them.

You can use it very simple recipe: one teaspoon is poured into 50 ml of milk, and the resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. It should be taken three times a day before meals.

Those who want to know how to increase platelets using folk remedies can use another method: mix dandelion and thorn flowers, and then brew 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in 0.4 liters of boiling water. After 4 hours, the broth will be ready, and all you have to do is strain it. The prepared medicine should be taken four times a day, 100 ml. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. However, during this period you should stop using meat products and eggs.

In case uterine bleeding it is optimal to use a decoction based on shepherd's purse. The recipe is as follows: 1 tablespoon of herb is brewed in 1 glass of water directly in a thermos. The decoction is infused for 8 hours. You need to take this medicine three times a day, approximately 80 ml.

It is also recommended to use an infusion against bleeding gums, but based on viburnum bark at a rate of 3-4 tablespoons. spoons of mixture per 1 glass of water. The composition should be prepared in a water bath for half an hour. You should rinse your mouth with this product periodically.


Of course official medicine also did not remain aloof from the problem of how to normalize the level of platelets in the blood.

However, it must be emphasized that medications that could quickly and effectively solve the above problem have not yet been developed. But as for drugs that promote the synthesis of other blood components - leukocytes and erythrocytes, they have been invented for several years now.

However, medication can still help the body produce platelets. Let's look at some drugs in more detail.

First of all, it is necessary to note such a product as “Etamzilat”, which is available both in tablets and in injections. However, it is known more as a preventive spectrum drug. It helps improve blood clotting properties and makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, although not by increasing the concentration of platelets in the blood.

Another medicine that should be mentioned is Derinat. In its production, nucleic acids contained in salmon are used. Derinat can be administered intramuscularly.

However, it should be noted that the above drug does not help all patients.

If you have “low” platelets, you can use this hormonal drug, like Dexamethasone, which is recommended to be taken as soon as the patient is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

One way or another, every person should monitor the concentration of blood cells in the body. In order to prevent deviations from the norm, you should adhere to a certain diet, sleep at least eight hours, not overexert yourself physically and mentally, and, of course, regularly visit a therapist.